The Signal, 1899-7-13, Page 7RIOT AT LONDON.
Street Car Strike Results in a
Free Fight.
The Forest CIty's Oeod Name Badly Sanlrched by a Mob -Company of the
Royal Casedlen Regiment fled to be Called Out on Saturday Night -
too ales Called Upon From Windsor, (lalt, Woodstock and Uuelph ---
Several Cars Wrecked-- --Non-Union tlen and Officers of the Law le-
ItnioNe41144MlitTrostong, ab - --'
London, Ont., July 9. -The street
railway strike, which tar the peat sew
days appeared to have reached s
gaiseoeh'u stage, *named a startling
pyre yeesterdey afterssonn. Early in
the day it was rumored that the ooen-
psay'e Due -union .Itaspioy..s were go-
b* ea - .eawe..mute
the lemon given being that the men.
aride somL*& iI working for $3 a ;day.
mire earning oc.7 halt that. only get -
thee halt • day's wast dally. Mr. Carr,
Munger Of the oampsa7, when tq-
mphatloally denied an
knowledge u( any di••atiitaotiva
aflame his sou-ualoa iI*$oyees, or of
aay intention to take dM the oars.
about Y doiock, however. a crowd
d 400 or 600 poop:. gathered •t the
career d1. Dundee and Lyli streets
to await cierSapaosats. Twelve of the
city polies City Detectives ?fickle and
eider a0i • number of the Street
naiteri'a special detectives
crena epieg sad tar a time
order pre about '2.10 p.m tee
ease se then reached the Downer d
Lyle tad Dendaa streets, were switch-
ed alt sed-ne into Ifhe barn, each
r' /rear
Wee loudly cheered es it. turned
the eerier ; peri at �later. • few minutes
o ears which just
Gose into the hers Were bre asilent
again, thewee a messent
M.•••"'i mpreem-frekelaat. ..o1 emt es
tarsen, --trestle sad
C'aduotar FLtmlasiooa. who was In
charge of the (Mt oar to moms out.
put hie hared to Me reap posed. as
to draw a revolver. The setkin did not
esape the notbo of the crowd, and
tmmectatety a number of atones were
thrown at the ear. It a nerd test a
woman threw the Omit stone. One of
the ether cars followed almost tmm*dl-
atet7, and 1t also had a number of win-
dnce broken by stones. The men In
charge of No. 54. wishes went in first.
retuned to take the car out awn and
It remained In the bels. Both of tate
other cars tarred Net on Dunne
sasses and Pemba at the loop, came
west again. As tong peeved through
the crowd they reeeled1 a volley of
✓ eps and Mom and most of the win-
dows were =seabed. Three other cars.
which had come eastward on Dundee
street, were similarly treated Two al
tbem. on Marntst, each carried moms
lady pammme.a a *aide from groans
and blame they were not molested.
After that no mon care were run in
the east end during tk. afternoon. The
e•at-end cars were kept loving around
the Rldoet OM. 1s the man -
time 1.M Mead ed �w beet
ersl Obotwaad ate I! etrwet
from Lyle 40 Addable
One of the sompany'P special de
tectivae MOW 9.11. had • narrow
escapes Hs was 'funding near the
ear tarn. whet Coe of the by$tand•
ete leered at kion. Hull grabbed the
ma., by the &rm and ordered the
prier. to armee Use A number 1(t
people went to the man's rescue, and
Hell drew his revolver. This lnoen.ed
the crowd. and bet for the timely.
intervention of DetWetive Elakte and
Police Sergeant Adams Hull would
probably have been roughly headiest;
ea It was he war seraek wilt Moose
several tia•a sad reesivsd a saver*
grab In CM Mad.
AL about 8.10 May Wheat and
('DW of Pollee Williams arrived at
the corner of Deedas and Lyle streets
The Mayor's arrival wasrraMmd
with groan and Marra. *tan ng up
in the buggy, be attempted to 0Pesk
to the crowd. lie was greatly mgt.
tate'. and It war everal minute.
before be meoeeded In getting a
hearing. He mid he had been elect-
ed to do. his d,1.T and be would do
It. They were doing oarm to the
cares of the strikers. "These men
shall have $.lana, aad I will help you
to get It for them." he said. I
Imve always borne your friend." Cries
of "No. you haven't,' Jost at elec-
tion time," "Yoe have been henget
by the nompany." "How •boat your
Mock in the new Motels railway?"
,.Yoe haven't dole year duty." eon -
tinselly laterrnpeed tate speaker.
Ma• M that nosIn e the to nen bon
Min had asked for or °Maahood keper-
*! n to carry firearms. Be con-
qo y. b7 Urging tarso: to go hoses
Ald. Parnell and Joseph T. lark'
ahem nen dpfp e's. a crowd, sed *aged
the crowd
to break amp again asked
the dChief urged
IgM to read the riot act. Aid. Par.
11•41 objected to the Chid'* pro-
posal as an unnecessary prOv0oatlort
Elder R. C. Evans wets Millie for by
the crowd and gave gems 1100'6
coeel. 'I;e Mala Smaii
the crowd dwindled done and smith
Neese! for an boor until IM Mew
Pen7 ordered the rare to be taken
to the barn.
The second dint nrtwanfe started
sb4 k 0 p 111 la true Net end. TIM
ob▪ ey elnd *sereind ears entered the'
amtalunreoieebd. When e deed
was slealong needy every window In
atdled with stone, slid
hien" which began to fly In eloedl.
The fourth dialed 0 siailar fat
When the sixth ear Care along the
motorman left hie poet, and as the
retell to the barn had been Word
1.b ear paw on to the loop 61 lite
hut Immo* dwhin t
as badlyWrecked, aoate-
41°. °tartti n a flee Midst the .amsM-
:N Wet' The ear wad finally got
Kbars about Ain ovine* thin
The pul1be kept the
e ne11 0*r ter ernes In the anon
• wen No. 56, *blob atm ran Ilse
MS Noss& *Me/ormabade
a R had his
d� two
e threw of his _rlbe breh-
�Iln aorA Mb w(-•
*MIYmt1a. Ar. Drake
bs h ►la n'e , 1lMgteet Y naw a0
▪ Met
reffe�_ ender
a tweet
»• e. etng a s' mad them
• madam The the able �
or FlatMiele
`ea eat se*
climbed on the roof and held the trol-
ley pole until the car reached the
bent. Both' men were loudly chewed.
Car No. 8U /topped on Dundas street
between Lyle and Adelaide. The win-
dows were broken. and tike crew de-
serted the car. Clow on cams No. 82.
at such speed that the motorman lost
control of the brakes afis care lied
BAD 14u. IRI, *nashllfariTM feadeF, Ate -
her the ve*ttbttle of No. 80 and shat-
tering every window. No. 64 nearly
shard the acme fate. Three Oars.
coupled together, wen reit 1a by P. C.
Harry Hammon and Sergeant Ma-
guire and reached the barns 11( safety.
All the cars in the east mid bets
how out of the way. the dlsturbetno
oeaaed for the timo. Tire actual vio-
lence was done by a entail proportion
of the crowd. the emit majority be-
o-teg Pend re apm1otnts, several of whom
were 1111 by flying stone. Tbe anti -
entity of the unruly element was di-
rected again the cars and their
crews, but the police were let alone.
The blemoosts mode no arrest«. but
were busy taking names.
Abagt 8 dolook a rumor anted that
e vent cats had been lett attending m
Dnodas street near Richsssad
beim bstimerted by the uhi-union mot-
ormen and ooudrttrtar.. The crowd.
which mon welled to immeaae propor-
tions, thereupon atarted west down
Dundee tweet, and oe reaching the
rai' d. the .temeom'i�"gtheeting ban
ats*eathinuous far =verb bongs. At
0,00 Mayor Wilson arrived and urged
the armed to het the care elms. His
weeds, however, had no effect, end be
soon afterward proeeeded to read the
riot sot amid the jeers d the mob.
T. C. Hunaestoa, a farmer union roe
tomes and Detective Nickis took two
of the wrecked urs along the crowd-
ed streets to the bares. Steers were
dimmed upon thence but. they were
ed badly hurt- The armed around the
four remaining cam steadily increas-
ed, and the pdioe were hustled when
11.30they S
at onar Judge Eliot issued • e
to make arresta-
gniaitioa to Col. $obese, D. 0. C., for
the militia. A detachment of 32 men
from Na 1 Ooenpaa, R. C. R. I.,
WoLseisy barracks, with Cot. Buchan
in command, arrived •t the corner of
Dundas and Richmond streets about
12.30. Before that time the orowd had
Uwimdlad down,and theatooe-thr•owieg
bad ■Int st ceased. Between 311 and
800 persons, costly boys and young
tees, remained on themes. when the
soldiers apppp.eeasred. The police/nes lined
wttth batons drawn and promptly
the etreeta The oars were then
takes to the barns witboat moaeta-
tion. Ilse militia remained *boat the
barns for an hear, when all was quiet.
This morning OW. Holmes. D. 0.
irlegraphed for oompe.nles of eoldlere
from (:alt, Ouelph, Woodstock and
Windsor, In all about :'00 men. who
are expected to arrive in the city
early tomorrow morning. The city
to -day was perfectly quiet.
Those injured by ealeelles thrown by
the mob Included the foliowtng motor-
men and conductor B Riney. struck
three tamee, now broken. ribs frac-
tured and reale cut. 0. Senithee's, cot
over left eye. Wyley. shoulder
tmruaeri Sauer. left elbow Injured.
Crittle. side bruised. Also the follow•
lag pollee officers: Detective Flynn,
facie cut and braised ; Detective
Sp etnell, .mors scalp wound.; Detec-
tive Egoton, cut on the back of the
!testi . Deteottn McLoughlin, head eat;
P C. Downs, face wound.
The total number of oars damaged
war seventeen. 9eteral costly plate-
glass windows In stores near the some
o: the rioting were broken.
How the freebie Ooirmenosd-Was it
Planned Beforehand?
Loudon. Ont.. July 9.-Vosterday
was a day that will he Wag remem-
bered In London, when the strike of
the electric raltway employees reached
a climax In a riot that had to fir
quelled by troops eine Thursday an
organized attempt to work up a strike
among the present employee/ of the
company has been going on among
thr Ankara. and thia morning two
of the leaders, John Toot and Charles
Wrlghtman, went around the fac-
tori.r to warn strikers arab sympa-
thizers to esemble at noon In Gon-
dol' East.
The were maimed at the corner 01
Adelaide aad Dundee streets a thou-
sand 'tots at 1 o'clock, and booted
and. Wooed every car that came
along. Ore of the oolmpi.y's em-
C7ees, JohDalai M ION Se have
John an endierithi~ With the
striker". 1004 set a ah>Iele pas-
a0eger, a motorgesl celledMedal-
moue. and a Tr'eato private detec-
tive named MoLegklln. was received
with a ,hall of Mmes sad Rieke. Tho
Brash of breaking glAss and stain
tsl'bng wood sparred the mob on to
farther •reearea. and when the de-
tective. with drawn revolver aad
AMO& - 111gg110CAltf ; at, , the., oar., .. he
was felbd to the earth with n atone.
*mother aotorman caned Wrigley
received serfioaI Warier about the
bead and had three ribs broken from
the o0dsieght d the mob. He he
sow la 1.M1thotrpital with Mewed
Seperintenolent Carr. who had re-
ceived wind el bas projeeted. ries a
clay or two befom trot word to
Mayor Wagon, and the Mayor drove
rapidly to the .years et the disturb-
ance. arriving afloat 0.110 o'clock. He
exexhorted the crowd tobe(* quiet
1,per�a�, d
the. - Aid - Atndl was tsali4� .poo
he baa lora 4. s heme% ho
he waa tame ptltatlflg; *std, m
expended sympalky with then. he
urged tines .1e bleak hp. Finding
pleading sod eztertetlon of no
aril. the Layer departed.
r1'k4 crowd *tort 1. h 01
Math 0 **clock.**clock.ek. wheel
then a
autos. Brompload them to Mom'
eggetlinieS mikes. Tel mire bulli,
to *170 i ns
, at the bar, thrn
e aa-
fsc r*4 tttan4Wwt tilts t i.*M INT
more MIM 'tapped Ih tt1. When ss
"kr eking
mads to mew* ort a
at eking NOW lb. woederor10M
Oomt 8.30H s rot 11at n-
nnswS aiara•beg p.opertlaoa and me-
.erwl DIlq kavtng been 1pjtllq,
11./7er DIAL
dravo+ty'the at>ft/Irad
aaggain urged thome
crowd to go bo
27rey rtoeived his advice with bred*
and cat walla. Ilse pluckily held Ms
pia*, however, and when he found
his warning of no avail, he read We
rot act. The mob were impressed,
tart not intimidated, and stayed
where they were. The Mayor. hav-
ind performed his duty, left and sent
a requisition to Lieut. -COI- actress,
D. 0. C., at the berraoks to turn
out the company of the Royal Cana-
dian Regiment to aid 11M civil pow-
er. lie had previously warned him he
telephone to hold Mined? le read
and by 10 o'clock Col. Buchan had
his men lined up In order and ready
to be marched off. Stashed (ace
peeped from windows ea the tramp.
tramp of the troops came ecttotng
airing Oxford street and Col. Buch-
an's sharp word of command wbeelal
them on to eeibmund and down to
wards the scene of the riot. Ttw
rum, were steady, and marched In
ominous quiet. Aa they proceeded
towards bund*" Ant
f k .pQo&
k*gi- �fOw.A1 them t crowd
on the sidewalk, who saw them go
by In silence. People who did not
wlds to be {resent at a fracas which
might result fatally began be-
taking thesnaelves to their homes,
and the mob who were gathered on.
Richmond street near the corner of
Dundee grow item demonstrative.
"11a1t1 game the order 4e
corder of Richmond and Dundas
e treeta and the tutu of the rifles
teethed all together on the pave
meet. The crowd way massed in a
semi -circular form on the right side
of Wades street a little ap Rich-
mond. and watched the movementse
of the troops with uneasiness. Mayor
Wilson consulted with Ciel. Holmes,
who was present as district offloor
emumandktg, with Col. Buchan In
command oat the company, and the
mob became almost silent. A aquad
of police charged them, and they
scattered with amazing rapidity.
booting as tbeywent. Where a
thousand men 1 been massed a
moment bstore In tbreate,ing atti-
tude. there were left a few scurry -
log form*. aid the street was clear.
On the left corner of Dundas street
two cars were ataedi to with every
wladoy , swathed in. and the motor-
men were engaged In clearing away
the broken 'glass and bits of smash-
ed wood.
For slmost an hour- the barrack
company stool at ease on the me
• hep the' Mayor sralrefa dee that
all further trouble waa over for the
night. The men moved off up Rich-
mond =re= behind the cars, which
ran slowly. with a squad of police-
men *bead to clear the tracks of
possible obstructions, in human form
of dberii** A crowd of several
bandretl followed on the sldewalki,
and an occasional Jeer or threat was
hurled at ter seoortlog party. The
carr were safely run Into the car
berme 0a Lyle street. and the sol-
diers were halted to protect the
movement. When the operatlou
was over Chief Williams 'stepped for-
ward towards the groops of men
who were whispering together on
the corner and held up his hand.
"I want every man here to quietly
go borne to his bed," be Dried, and
with a few partiog sallies the crowd
dieperwed quietly. The soldiers were
marobsd back to their quarters, and
the theta. 'bamoe was over for the nigbt.
MagistrateFerkris away from the
city. aad it Inv {Mayor Wilson In
the awkward pcsi o of dealing wtth
any rioters that may be held by the
officers at the law. He will act as
Megiatrate to -marrow morning, and
announced toriour correspondent laal
night that he intended to put his foot
down firmly, and make an example
of any diatwibsrs of the peaoe who
miget be brought bsbwe him.
To -day an intense quiet reigns
•veryw-bere. In the very atmosphere
neon' there is a feeling of tenabo,
and one mimes upon the streets the
usual large Sunday atternom crowds
Remarks on the strike are surprising-
ly few, except in official qusr'tera,
and tbe:ir guarded nature Indicates
Mst moot people prefer not to be
mined up in the affair. At 12 o'clock
to -day torr companies of the militia
went ordered out from hie 21st Essex
Fusiliers, hied Oxford Rifles, Bibb
Batt. and 30th Wellington Rifles.
Alarming rumors have reached the
ears of the diktats, add from authen-
tic information teoslved they have
lees led to believe that very serbots
trouble may to expected to -morrow.
The strikers era lying low, and are
said to bs pampering fora grand blow
to-morroov night, which they
hops will settle the affair.
Wkst teem the intended
move will take It is Impossible
to *tate, bat the gravest fears are ex-
pressed that even more extreme meas-
ures than heretofore are contemplated.
Lteut.-col. Holmes, D. 0. C.. mut
out telegram to Lieut -Col. Gulllott, of
Wbeleor,; L1eat.Col. Acheson, of Galt;
Lieut. -Col. White, of Guelph. and
Lieut..('ol. Hegler. of Ingersoll, in
comard of the 21st. 29th, 80th and
22nd Battalions. rtspe0Uvely, ord
lametals' a rtals' sambsr of men and offi-
cers from mob battalion to report to-
morrow at earliest opportunity in Lon -
dos. to aid the oleic power. They were
signed 'Col. Holmes." and ordered to be
Art*11ed as follows : 214 Essex Fuel -
Item and 22nd Battalion Oxford Rifles.
one captain ore subaltern. four cor-
porals, one bugler and thirty privates
each ; 29th and 80th Battalions. one
subaltern. two sergeant*, two oorpor-
at and twenty privates each, with a
*ntW,or►al0utersent from the 29t1s.
Tbey ere to report In marching ord'r.
and will be quartered at the bar-
raotn. They will be formed into rice
battalion ender command of Lieut.-
ieut:(1.M. Law -retro Bnebase and will be dis-
puted about the city In the most ad -
es ticipp
Anticipating further trout*, tomor-
row, Mayor WtIsnn seat a requisition
to Lfent.-Col. Holmes for the force
mimed All the convent.* ordered out
will arrive In the city In the morning.
with the .mention of that from the
a artlict '01011 Mit a row,o' , :t)0 r
disposal the authorities do not look
forward to any very merlons trouble.
and at the mens it will be momentary.
The a(ty w111 in all probability he
pat no&, military taw for two week*.
TR11116 To Wat*OE A. 3 la TRAIN.
Per Doing so • Port krt. Mas 3.1'.
Years In Peatttactlary.
Ileffab, N. Y.. July 8.-Jwsteph Pen-
dent, a leiter, of Fort Erie, Ont.,
waa put alto Grand Trunk train near
Fort Erie Tbwudsy of entoo0. To get
even -with the beltway toss, Pu --
rams piled Weveruj this on the Warts
near -thin curve, and fled teem too that
any tram that etryrk them would
w.rely be dnralkd. The obetreetio n
woe 4t0101ered past 1a time 40 pretest
a train earry*gteemerd from the
ranee test&L at Fart Erie to the elty
i�'e*tesse wai arrested three hour*
later, wont yr+rterday wee tete' before
a Malrietrwte am/ M**0fl r•d to two
yearu In the rme.,...t.iar'y.
.Terlge Wheitwn. WI • ,1'lInvil a:.
the Invegigetlra into the
awlse of the port offer ht Kinge-
iJ IW ED 1 iar
Lost His We at Windermere,
Iukoka Lakes,
While Out Fishing About 11 o'Olook
Thla Morning.
The Aociesit Barred hear ]tinatoi
Sanrord'e Owl* 1s1•na Whither He
Went for • Vaeitlon Bat • abort
Time Ano -Hamilton Deprived of an
Honorable Oltlaen•
Windermere. Ont.,Juli 10. -Wills niob-
ium writ 1rwOdthin siotmlfeg
OOmpamy + young laay visitor:
vee *pet. Two young gtrla near by
heard their ealt for help. When they
arrly*4 they maupged to save the
young lady. Seeing the th*tator's bc.dy,
whk:h could early be reacted with au
oar, they managed, to get It to shore,
but were unabhe to resuscitate hint.
They then crossed tho bay to dr.
Baker's Island for help. Mr. Baker !m-
nxdlately sent to Windermere for med-
ical aid. Dr. Cotton, of Toronto, tett
at once for the Senator's place. but
when he reached there 1t was too late
to render any asistance.
Hr. Samford was a native of the
United States. leaving been born in
New York city In the year 1840.
When he was quite a young boy.
howeter, lila parents died, and he
was brought to Hamilton by his
uncle. the late Mr. Edward Jackson.
after wham Jackson street was
named. At the age of 15 he return-
ed to hew tack and entered the
publishing firm of Farmer. Bruce k
('o.. where 1.w apeut six years. He was
then offered a partnership In the
latwww , batt the .death....¢ 4dla-stere
1or member of the (Arm presented the
carr tug out of that plan. and Mr.
tia4ord returned to Hamilton.
Mr. Sanford soon afterwards
started in the foundry *blame In
London. 11. nmglf d there but a
abort time. and then went Into the
wool business In this clty• This.
too, he followed bat n short time.
and at the age of 22, In 1842, be
went into the clothing mauufactur•
Lig business with Mr. A- McInnes.
This was the beennleg of his won-
derful success. The business grew
steadily. until it became the largest
employing concern In the city and
once of the largest in Canada. its
growth has been continuous and at
the present time the firm is eugaged
In extens,ns that w111 add lmart 50
per cent. to its capacity.
Mr. Sanford has been 1'resid.nt of
the Hamilton Board of Trade. V,e-
f'trrnld 1(t of the Hamilton Provident
& Loan Company. a member of the
Board of Regents of Victoria Unlveer-