The Signal, 1899-7-13, Page 6:sir-54•A.r.". A DAUGHTER OF CAIN — tee. --- A Novel of the Pressert Day. -- , ,Cecile mulled at her plemaintied there not sntMetu wheal you eau ' but there was a wistful look. not- wild laeteadf' the yoang wile asked. take her husband'. ti e withstanding. lu her fathomless eyes. I band aannd el laelatr to it. • Sbe timid not own even to him how "I wish 1 did nos need to go. too; vividly lielea leingiey'r . malicious but It serves me right for my oare- /rasis bad Impraued her ever .tnoe lesgroas." be answered, .galling. "1 .10 they lied begun to talk of returning not know of anytime whim 1 can rend to AaR1ca, acid ate she turned to --everybody Is busy oa hoard and t take bet child, who len then waked. should not know whom to Irttae. I s� breathed an eareart prayer must have the bill recelpted. too. you . .kat all eve might tr kept from her know." tr'eseuree. FStlll Ceclle clung to him ; it did not Little Margaret Montgomery. or wean ar 11 she could let him go. " Dalry," re they fondly called her. "DO .tut worry. me darling. I will fast opened her marry lyes W this return *111 all poslble despatch. word oe the burden 01 beautiful and I .hoard not like to go hums Lake lieu,.*. where, 1n the shadow. leaving a bill like the unpaid." cr► glorious old Mont Blanc. and be- He beat down to her. ostensibly to swath lovely Alptm akin.. they rest- wrap the shawl, which wet tailing ed for sereere l eureka. from heir shoulders. mere closely when °erne was strung enough abort her. but really to touch her they went from here to Parka for anxeoue brow resseurigly with his haw amid ihm s nioalli'?11a Zhlilr6 is iAstiart Iowa--Lite-.arlt>ae- another week. and thence to Liver watched eta retreating fora. L�ere poet, where they were to take the co*, to teethe mind with.* vlvldnese steamer for home. that was startltog the memory of At Liverpool .bey were wtexpect- that terrible day h had Adriatic - oily detained for three or fourtat which had No nearly earlyvoweldays, as the vowel wt which they wrecked them-sonearlyblotted them Inial lateaded to mil had met with out of etestenme. an eminent during ber last return Wu* It rime bird of teemen weld. �voyage. mad mold hot be repaired tiering to her of till Clark future •sth >- _ .. _._. 1`l _' _ ..awaifdt'A .e +cdM 113. - 'Met s - They..___ nbms, dor 0� tori* t toll. of the Rand tiering this 4* - twine* that were to test km en: lay. la a hotel not far from the pier duress,. her faith and love 10 the from which the steamer sailed, and utmost? they welt not ut all sorry for their CHAPTER VI. detention. ss it gave them an opportunity to revisit I Shall Never See Him Again. some places of interest over Cecile took up nue of her maga- whecb they had beet obliged to hurry sines alter her husband left her 4111,1 during their previous sojourn there. tried to read. A good nuns had been obtained But she could not fix her alien for baby Daisy, a young, strong. eon upon anything her mime fo!lowrd seek her fortune," and who was de- Howard anxlou.ly, and there was a sired to " emigrate to America to feeling ,of unreel and foreboding In seer fortune," and who was de- her heart that something might ac- llghted to hare the oare of a bre- cur to detain him beyond the hour ly child ; so Howard and bit wife appointed for selling. telt perfectly free to go -arid Dome 'flow foolish I ant," she murmur - as they oboe., ed again ; "there are two hours. He Cecile had now fully recovered her will be aa auxlou. as 1 to get back. strength and ureal health -indeed, and of course will ass all possible de- tw._was .ren stow beautiful than rpatck: betties tits captain aald when ale had left home. there would be ample time, and It Is Perfect bappine se removal from woeae than folly for me to be so nor - rel sorrowful asociations, and her v'm• about it."' year of windy and sight-seeing had Site lay beck in her chair and look - (Was much for her. ed out over the waters of the river, - She had grown et least two 'aches noting the different kindle of vee- ,-.. ,, , , , 1R.4jgAE... and .lab elr_ �jt r: 7 . 1 • .3,011.. ,t1R -porton, ss n, a dignity. and eel g e're o nags or many muse wltieh enhanced, tenfold. her other .'tae Roasting on the breeze. charmer. 11 was a lovely Slay, almost ai Everywhere they went the hand- perfect as that when they had some, disNaguiehed looking .American started for their wall d:owu the Ad - Attracted attention and respect. and Attic, ami rite Mnduhlorsd vWbly ns Howard Montgomery was exceeding- the• tlxxtglnt Intrtufni Itself upon her ly proud of hie lovely. act-owlet/0)41d mind again. wife. Indeed, he was more deeply R by n• " that experience haunt In love with. her than he head meso nowt" ale saki, with estrange been before their marriage. and dread. and tension at her heart, come his sister hare seen them to. her m the look of anxiety deepened in tether, she woukd have thought any her eyes. �la`r_-result was likely to occur "1 am getting Imaginative, nee '7•r'� than wthat rhe had prophe- rte' unreasonable , there can he no algid -tint "he would tire of her." limit bility of a storm to -day, wktlt The Germnaha was at length sane a alas ahs, and a this tall. nady -to ell, and on n bright. per- bretrete' How hoed and delicate river; the feet day in July. our friend., went *11* t as It sweep. th thenleI an board and settled themvelvew will not think of anything uIn me- cowfortably for the homeward Illy. ant -it M tortabh and weak In me. y- Hine comfortably. Howard hue or- ate. both Ilg3tt-hearted and psoas, enuged everything lur we , I believe *ntbllmtIng Yhs home'e(wwi tg with 1 .act ..ctualer getting .•ruwsy tilting all the delight which all limit- bete. Item thoughtful :or in, com- atnent wanderers experience wbe* tore -hem good he ts to me." tbekr Rices are set toward their nat- .Her gore hese, .urmounted by tie lee shores. dainty seas -hood of delicate blue, lay After their travelling appurten- nark won Its pillow of rich crimson, altoe.r had been disposed of In their ber round. fair cheek and perfectly .tate-roonw, beby Daly -who was moldrd chin saemlng more delicately sweetie sleeping -deposited in is fair and beautiful by contrast; her berth, and nurse letting by to watch blue eyes looked oft upon the fiver her. Howard took hid wife at fleck with a dreamy gale. while a Mille, to find a comfortable place for their tender and food, played about ber red chiles, where they might watch lips as she recalled her ha.band'. &- ether arrivals. and the steamer as cothon to her every peed. Me lett her moorings, lie found a Gradually the bins of 'Cheeky seemed • moor, shady spot, heneath a bridge to dlesolre Into t1e dell gray of the of the upper deck, settled Cecile waters -dull gray into blue; the mur- tn her chair. platted a footstool mitring of many mime the treading for her feet, and then tossing some of busy fest, sounded farther and magazines into her lap, asked if she farther away ; the golden beetles was "comfortable." drop .d ; the critieon lips parted just "I am always that -you never allow enough to mbow tip; of white teeth roti me to be any other way but comfort- tenth, and ficede Montgomery slept. able," she answered, nulling after- She had been broken sot her rest the tionately up into his face, night previous. bat the loud not been Hia glowing eyes told her that .if cewnecions or any weariness or languor they had been beyond observation she *eked left there by herself, with the would have received. something more sunlit water eparklLng around her, than a verbal return for her wheel and the cool, delicious air playing appreciation of his attention. about her, and anitly fannies leer He stood beside her, not feeling in- with Its drow.y wire.. ' .lined just then to et, and taking Site and Howard. with their friend oil his hat, drew forth his haadker- who dad just arrived from New York, chief to wipe the perspiration from had attended the theatre the previous hs forehead. evening, and upon their return tittle As he did sow paper that had been 7flet Daisy had taken it Into her smell, in the same pocket dropped ■1 his willful bead to give an extra enter - feet. tatnment of two hours' duration i so He stooped to pick it up, and a that more than one of tie "wee sena' blank look instantly settled upon his bare" of the morning lead struck be - fate. fore the anxlom young father and "What is it r. Cecile aaked, observ- mother had been able to close their lag it. epee In slumber. It is the bill for the rags and A gentleman, standing upon the shawls that i bought for you and lrt•!dge above, looked down upon the sane, yesterday," he said in dismay. unconscious wife am she. lay there In •'I bave forgotten to settle it." her quiet repose, and thought be had "Oh, Howard I how did it happen i never seen lap perfect a Piuturw in all It is not like you to forget anything Itis life was that fair face outfitted like that," Oee le said, ruefully agalnnt the rich, waalin hue of the pie " I know it," he returned with n Icor; the golden hair deleting gently troubled sir ; but i had just paid about her white forehead like Miter - our passge money and found that I Ing swhheama, the lovely tinted cheek. had not quite enough with me to set- the parted coral holt and the small. .-1t. the bill, ea I told the clerk of percent tutees clasp 4 alcove the Lied* whom I had pvEhamad the, erecters,of her iasis se shawl.to send the hill to the retie, of the lie belt been paring back and forth hotel and I would pay it there, 1 d _- nom the upper leek r -r 'Mull an relayed it lad evanieg, and intended hour ; he seemed to he alone among) to go at nate and make it all right, that bey, surging crowd, which he bat mel Jacobson, he had just ar- Htwdied with a elnrewd , searching gaze rived on the Britannia, from New as he paned and repassed. York, and bowels so interested is ire had seen Howard Moatgomery talking over homer matters with bet are hte young wife when they had that it slipped my mind; then you Wirt corn. up from their state -trove; • kae.w we all went to the theatre ; h•• bed remarked Its thoughtful *t- end to -day, with ail the bntetle and tomtItm for her; hoar lel had lingered coat el,n, of course- it has not oc- over his work of arreglug her thaw'. curr l to me." - and pillow, as if the little service was "What ran you do about ill" Cecile n Qdlght to tile, He had seen How - asked, anxiously. • nrd's perplexity over tate paper he lead Howard looked at bit watch. dropped, atthoolth he meld net hear "There a,a two koars*teatimeet twefore one word of thole conversation, and the *teatime mils: ' he MK medlte- Coolie's evident anxiety at his dncle f evelyel ran smelly go end .settle it upon some point; he had noted the fid kali all hoar; the MM*,p 1e only a light hat tender carat' that he had ataapasa.dew et.P, irMa the hueel whir. we dripped wpm her brow as he left her In eo nn shorro end hid hart had term BuwaM ! mete you not mend? graesely soma with ihmiews to a • any dI should happen." Ce . the ar • handse, loving eouple. "What conl7l htppftffww,, char 7 The '$mus bride and groom on their Moral. is not ten minutes' tette from wvddirrk ease a, b1 th0�let to hh' If ; belts, 1 intra ten go and rl*'e In "info ire kms • Solt, dbe acrid of and halt an hour ; bat eo make mere 1 for she Jp wonderfully beautiful ; and will we the vignette" ar-walt,, Y tact often that a Octroi, He turned ahruptly, and left her es are rice wee matched (lbs act gfexl Jamb." '1A *weed "Watitifa, *Ml 5k 41e Fsty 8191 ltd vow* cess Lha 411"4 as If fmm thee weld, while the da Wale,tttteey he glanced be- � law at thhee fair remit wife; aryl naw neon suddenly to have lost hell 1t Hutt he waw alto waw t{eedlrlrng, M toollsh t term." site morotared, txwtkt not forbear to Nigger a moment w ImpatlWtly. "Of comers Howard ad esarty h1*`elrM upper her delicate would ('ID. neo_ reek, and I Aann-Thee r trysok laidOr reds in tMen to en t etc �d t , sat A 'onlyan 1 appreoIatlon R the et -a ange oinking. at t baa el •; wltnort bet0,w cowing evil. pre...antlhhd.nt art Wartho wear, week Mit, be fenced himself Howard .'mks raMireed. looking " atlsi much refiemd. ° . Amps; her breathless' Are ant 'kine iireplete tore there '*111 be beard; Pientio1 time, dear?' in mild, "se i The fragrant tweets aro not nervednerved*111 ^.• a tentage Mid go jabs as That 14* epee her charmed hart. Quickly *1 as i eta '1week yea 1 amt neat] am t! TM t « *qr Wena a • I db to She tile ter &MU M. bat, ever A t roma la perfect mast,'. Pte rlaf'ted as the world died on air 1* a.i jt'slealesalV wmsuluus that be waitte tt . sof„ f7, ae 11 .lobs1ea Mand gr . Ire Metae Uagel4r[ look below and then WSdrsI ••era7. Caulk. wale .c .&rs, of • prattle tbnimetan wase ah* •OMOtfe : was that whleb ber to a1rRre. Site ash top wiilsl7. every egese uu the alert 4 a moaeent. her blue eyes wide with surprise, her cheeks fleshing rlvkily, her hands clasped with a auddan fear. Tae Britaaala bad use oft from her mourlap. aid was etovhag slow- ly dawn the Mersey, beta -where was her husband? It with out, for au fastest. how- ever. that this feeling M dismay hewed. A emUe curved her ripe lips, a tender,1egb1 leaped Into her ells- ' How absurd of tole to be iu startled!" abs shoe» He bar returned. of corneae ead finding nie asleep. would oot disturb me." But abe oast aside her wrap.. arose from her obalr. and made her way down to her stats -room, where Martha. the nurse. sat with baby tthin1W. hes drat lap. Whe wase. mad t-1khr Le Jhae...la-iiM..a•ri. clsl. babyfled moaner imaginable. emcee. face lighted. and the smil- ed, like the food mother that .he was. at the pretty might. elhe bent down and Matted the waft. clubby little handle. which appear- ed to be keeping up a boxing match with some Invisible foe. and tender- ly toying for a moment with the ipeeeaa,,vi g'M•'tider-iestee,vseeeeeset around the small head. Thea ehe irked : " Martha, hale you seen Mr. Hoed gomery t" No, madam. I thought be was above with you," the girl answered. Instantly the smile faded from Cecile's lips. the light from her eyes. the color from' her cheeks. Surely, U her husband had return- ed. end found her Bleeping. hes next thought would hare been for ole cited. and he would bare come at once to their stateroom. 'She turned quickly and left the Orme. threading her way swiftly along the passage. up the stairway, to the deck once more. • With a stoking heart. she search- ed the. lower deck thoroughly ; then mounting to the -mor rho paced Its entire length, her cheeky whiten- ing with a terrible jeer -as she look- ed Vt rein for that faaNlar. Idolized form of her lu ebe.nd. A sensation of desolation began to steal over her ; everywhere her quick anxious glaaoe encountered crowde bf people, aria all Weft etreagers ; these was not a face there that she led ever neon before. With trembling limbs and faiter- Ieg nem. she made her way .Town Into the ealoos, where she cootln- ued her quest. with the same result. Howard wan nowhere to be seen. Down Into the dining -room. where the .rewards were laying the table for dinner, she crept. looking like some beautiful .obit. her white face gleaming like chiseled marble. her ascre eyes growing wild and full of terror. "Madam M seer; die is faint from ire motion of the boat." a eteware said. approaching her; and startled by her ghostly looks. No. i am not k," rhe answered. with colorless quivering lip. ; " but I am looking for my husband. I- I fear he hes hero left behind." Her fear given expression to, seem- ed more appalling thea ever. .tow could .be bear the ten or eleven days .tat must follow. aid not know her husband's fate The sorpo me would be Intolerable. " where can I fiord the captain t" she asked. leaning against the Nide of the weasel for support, for she wee very went and trembling with nervousnes. , The captain le probably In the wheel -home," the steward answer- ed. handing a look of eompes.ton upon her white, beautiful face. and ale turas' to retrace her steps to the deck. lint ber strength began to fail her she reeled. tad would hare fallen. but the kind-hearted steward .red her. He aeiated her up the stain. and Met ea they ranched the top they encountered the gentleman who had Mood upon the twklge looking down upon Cecile while she slept. He, too, thought she meet be af- fortedl by the motion of the boat ; that white hex sorely muse be en Lndlcattkm of that dread disease of the merges-.enetiokness. He lifted bis hat courthouse. " Can 1 he of any aeet.tance 7 Madam M rick ; allow me to help you to your chair." he aid, In peculiar- ly rich, mellow times , Cecile stook her bead ; ehe war never troubled with what the French call mal de mer, except in the roughh• est of weather. and then but nightly; bat she war -oh ! no sick at heart. " Madam M not 111; she fears her h4gbend has been left behind," the leeward explained.. TIN stranger's ' face expressed' dis- may for a moment ; then he rase' : " Impasetble ! ile, of courts, knew the hour of .ailing. and he would al- low nothing to prevent hid heing on board lo mason. The steamer Is very la rge ; he most be here some- where. i think. If madam wlfl al- low the i will moist in looking for OsoUe wee a trifle cJa.r 1 by this sympatby'end offer of aid. fihe taw at once that he war a gentleman, earl else instinctively treated him. It was barely possible. after all. that Howard had returned. and might even now be in some part of the motel examining the macbluery or some other object et Ieterext ; but It was not like him -he was over watebful for her comfort. he Idol - hued hie child, and It was very strange If he had returned and not gone to either of them. However, It wee a ray of hope to whirl she could Oleg for a little while. and she seised 1t eagerly. " My hi*b ji4 mem obliged to ashore after we came aboard." the explained. " He left me sitting la my chair. where I went t0 sleep, had when i awoke I was badly frightened to find that the steamer had tutted." " It is natural that you shone ferrel somewhat alarmed under the pir- nnmstancas," the stranger returned " but I sham cling to the opinion that IM le hero pdewhere. How - ver." heelrsar wing a cd from Psi pocket bikdfag It to her, "If Foy will 1st tilr.erve as an Intmdar Won. and le Inn 10 net an yomr ..genet, we will look for Mm to rt11 seemed at the name soma the card. misery ; "Miter Mg - myself as Mau, lir Ideal accept your fully. ole I tida•mpe eatirs w every mass oa bard, and as yes 111011 me f wait feeling about as wrotilbad as It L puelble for airy ops to lt/." fibs toot the arm he offered. and begetter they treat over the .towel, lbs Meta of Naples seas bread kw into erect plaegirelefleee It wkises- mein .te be -stale owing! was 1 y idea easy mus would got "So W amt hear." Osell• said. 1g ea epalr, when. fur the fifth time, they had traversed both decks. fwd her eyes ached and ber brain grew thssy with ktokhhg tato every fake they menuutered. would have male to me -be never would have left me 4 such IMP plane, all We dare ; rumethlag has happened to bel ....some semideleni he never would hams mimed the Mouser otherwLs. What sham I do T' Her face 'WOO like chalk, her epee trembled. and abs wee ready to sink 1rcuu eiuhas,taloo and nevous fear. " 1 will tats you to your ohutr. mud then I will me the captain," her companion remarked. looking very grow blamer vias Lbw, felt that the luau wbu had punted so tenderly from her se recently would tett hive allowed her to meter tide suspense ou his ac - went he woukl have come to ber before this. heal he been ou the yes. •--•l1Pr *S ber lierit metre peace vwrs0. she had dart seen Mr husband, put her into She chair, and arranged her pil- low and wrap1I, and then went in tw•arch Of aha captain In a for words he related Lecee's trouble, and the captain remembered da? m Auguste. whim the great erup- the fact of Howse' it colleen to him to .hast of Nueoles took showers natKn'tola 1f there wouidese tenni to go ()('Lute aaMrfeil *Mt vein doomed ashoie •ni:d trentact his bualacww ; and Ct • then elitowrr. d 14 then more ittO R'so htA....mtetl 1Q'.' find that he wan .till miming. Ile tenanted 4quirMe and another met more v *moue *waren : tart It >o ud.dkwe to utak Mat It wax an fruitier. as the others, bad peen More then an hour had elapsed alum tbe venial ailed and If he had bsem among the pastsengers Ire mart have made his apasarance before this. Dr. liore= relu:•tstly weut bort to (*elle :uthe evil tidirtp "Mrs Moa' emery," he treed to My cheerfully, "1-lsar we shall 1* obliged to forego tate pilaruree of your Time baud's coegma7 en thea voyage; doubtless aMNihhng unforeseen de. tatted tela Meier than be wee aware of. But tt probably be only 'eves or eight degOlgeore we shall anise la New York. *Imre you will denlh*hea fb:d a caleopram awaiting los ea- pialrtitgitaMhe of his anfCrtaaai's delay!' Yaw maoirnd land him," Mee said. lu a straltrd, teamsters' voice. and the kook that MM' emit upon htm haunted hIn, for mttte1Y$ affwrward-it was so nook and corner searched. but--" "Seenetlting Iters Italgrened to Mal - lame dreadful aeeldent-I shall never sae him stain!" Cecile moaned, and tell beak is her chair white and still, like some fait flower w.th the lite rod - deity crushed out of it. (To be. Continued.) ts1a1AD SAi1D Lasmo Tla•1S AGO. tsatsple leakages M e.esa Male laou.k far AagLea:;'' Sufferers from ladigestion ars ad- vised to set stale bread ; the staler the batter. tha7' are told. There is in Gregory h.4Mhrter, M. D.. flan ertkhclra, (sal.," Mw resod. She liked the name. it had a ertmng, regale sound, and looking Into the noble fade, she felt lighter of heart, in spite of her forebodings. 1i1. meaner. ton, wee reaa.nring Ithotted ennfldencs. and due felt that elm flood commit hfr.elf to him wlthsrnht a fear. 'Runk you, Dr. Msrtbner.'iMelte aoswervd, her Moe kids( a trifles of for anybody. It we. baked ms day la August, A. D. 79, is one of the eurtogs ovens still to be mesa at Potgpali. More tbaa eighteen oestarles, therefore, ppasve .tared mase 4 was drawn "a11 bot" tared Lsop the onn. So it may oi - is to liar bread la the world. Yet may ase it la a glans Daae on the upper floor of the museum. There art several loaves of It, one still bearing the imprimis of the baker'. .sae. 1n shape end mise the ;assemble the small outtage loaves of England, but not in appearance, fur they are as blaok as charcoal, which. in fact. they closely resemble. This was not tbelr ori iaal Dolor, but they have hennascarbonised, and if eaten would prob- ably remind tem of obarooal biscuits. Whoa new they may have weighed about a couple of pounds. each and were most likely raised with loaves, as is must of the brad in oriental countries at the present thee. The alar Idles thatI was ' �.myes7►ire .fell � +awe, tAr,.JL city+ the breed wadltM1Mg else la the place would )tare beim utterly de str)ycd. Pompeii was really barkd omdsr a*Msand flee easderst, called by the Italians, Isp11N. On that dreadlui DALLEY'S FAMILY Oa LIVER PILLS do not pain orindmi alightal t. Pries 10 "o,nts. New York". PzpauMve aleetteme The cost of the ballots required by the cuter. of New York city at a gen- eral election be $23.000. The realest M the election bebths toots up over $75,- 000. The Inspectors and clerks con nearly $200.000. AdverthSng nearly $40.000. Other extremes make the ag- gregate about 9400,000. or nearly eighty cents for every one of the. half - million voted, cast. In the greater New York. The suffrage Is free. but the wtax - yore foot the hill.-Leelee's Weer I was oared of Bronchitis and Asth- mit by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Mrs. A. Livingstone/ Lot 5, P. E. I. I was carerd of a esvere attack tri Rheumatism try MINARD'S LI\I MENT. John Mader. Mahone Bay. I wee enrol of a severely eprahned leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Jodie& Wynacht. Bridgewater. Might Hees Bels Words. " Eh. Tonal, and loo are ye t" wee." . -"That's gold. "No sae gold, either. i mnrrlt a brad wife." "'That's bed." " No este hod, either. She had a wham sheep." ' That's no tad." " Ay, but they had the rote' " Tbwt's bad.' "NO ease had. tether. I melt them sad hook' a hoose." That's gold." " No me good either. The hoose was burnt. ' "nate bad.'. " No sae bad either." "Boon that t" She arse In It."-I'ick Me Up. I1 your ChM 10 pale, peevish n.x1 does twit the 'e, a dose of Miller'. Worm Powders d c'naslottally will cure. Slow Greek Babies Were Quieted. Those who believe that feeling bot- tles for babies' are the remelt of mere ern civilization are out of date. The Greek nurses n.4 t0 carry with them a sponge full of honey In a .mall pot to Mop the children from crying, end in the Retch moment are two Oreek vitae, dating from 700 B. C., which are much like folding, Dottie, n.ed by the Romans m.hmega.ntly. • Bars Chases To reiterate a calm, hopeful .pint Ile. In the use of Putnam's Pithnlest@ Corn Extractor., It never failw. it maknrt no ecce repots on the fleet. anti M therefore painless. It rellevta promptly. Toe Lino^ Farmer (with tette and two .411- dren)-Bow much her tickets her Lh9 young mast Railway Ticket Seller -Between five and twelve, half fare. Femme -limb darn 1t. Mand, we'll hey tow welt till to.Motrer; 11'1* hadt- pset twelve now. hlflllmrie CMnpound Iton Fills. telly 27. eerie, for 50 Inane. Ry the time a mat has saved up egoagk money to have s palm and a brumes carpet ie his parlor bL daughter has me the "employ" ager end he is Cot allowed to tit tiere.--Atnit Leon blobs. She-Iierweember bras', that silence is golden. He (reafall)--I believe you're right *bunt tbet, my dear, and I w1tl f had geld outegb to bey et. It would be nee it stout girls nould make themselves wasp -winded with - net mtaking themselves wasp-temp- med. *ttru rtkng thin age Is nay all iara vertlaamene a toeld do was So�tind oIaunt pr'e10 a dspplh In phloem �Otkat edsesttbki ..skews s tU. he leek were peeervcd and my now be seen in the same room M the meveum. There are vankee, Mads of wain, frett, vegetables. even pieces of meat. Molt In tee sg le a dish of walnuts. ems crashed ready for eat- ing, others triton- Though carbon- *Q.lthe all the other eatables. they have Jw00rred their characteristic v►rtaktal and Dass, Then are fly too, and pears. the farmer Lather shriveled, am one wva'd expect after all thea* years, the Mi- ter certainly no longer '.juicy." But perhaps the mart interesting relic la the roam 4 a boteyconib. every Dell of which eau be distinctly made out. It M so well preserved that 1t Is hard to realize teeth the comb iit no longer wax nor the honey honey. - A pleas of the comb seems to have been cut out, and ooe can imagine N ome young I'ompellan having betted himself to It and siting down to eat its when he had to jump up and fly tee tele tit.. Cue came* hetpwonders. dug what became of the pleoe-whe- ther the poem fellow took It with him and ate It es he ran or whether he left it on Iris plate, Intending to return for tt when the eruption was over.--Loodo n Mail. MUSH ARMY ELACYINa Alwan*,a da, indefinite paled.leap for as Bunch of Old Proverbs. S*splclon has a key that fltsevery lock. Don't pall the house down .•cause the chimney smokes. If you give me a knife, give use a fork, too. Glue me a drink, but drench me not. A ihoie In the purse, and the rap - board the worse. The fuller the hand, the harder to bold, feecri a the dog, but beware rehire MO. Heap oa the coats, and put oat the fire. In come, the fiddler and out goes the money. The shorter the w11 the longer the word. Saw df any branch but that you are sitting on. If you break your bowl you lose your broth. Every bell meet ring In its own If you shoot time bird you scare the whole flock. Beware of pride, says the pea- cock. You meet shut your tees of the dust blows in your fate. Yiaard'. Liniment i, the bet Watering Milk: in Naples The milkmen od Naples have a way of carrying concealed In their waist- coats bladders full of water. From these bladder. India rubber tubing vtrcttches down their arms, and by simplypretesting their sides while they are drawing the milk they are able to agotrt water from the bladder Into the jug or ban elmaltadeonely with the milk. So It Is quite a common plan for a woman who s getting her jug filled with milk to hold the milkman's erste while he milks hie oow or goat. Until the stranger has the rea- son explained to him, he thinks It very odd to we women crouching down by the milkman, keeping a tight hold on to each of hs wrists. A dose of Mhler', Worm Powders oecasloeW ly w111 keep the c h l Idem healthy - Wad to Dina Sloss. The solitary eater le alma a tempt- er' to take ton large mouthful* and swaeow them too quickly, andelther eat too mucb Ir too tittle.. Eating's only one part of fending, and with- out digestion Is not only useless, hot Injurious. Thom who eat 1a company hare to devote -es certain amount of time in talking and attending 10 each oth- er's wants. This make* the period between the mouthfuls longer and levee more time for digestion. Then, .gain, conversation at meal utero usually takes a cheerful turn, and tone of both body and mind le rated, the heart and nervosa .ye ten act better, the flaw of depertive juleps Is atlmnlated, and a larger amount of eetoal noart.bment tt ob- trdl tain from a smaller quantity of • NUM lime soden' 60 Dry Enerstsas Te the Nefdl waist pa tom! aiaaL.sa.A�a me melee until A.s. 1 tt U mo X71. ivaask+s.�eh.r"lt•s emit •ehe. M nt► sit 7Dstrrenbing era Sena Is OOMPL11170s111 „Idaeiria* Daily Seth Algh iN►tlt .e.,.e for el.selluetnh gage hand 1g baud with beauty, not het •hiettli sale of fads mid l We hearthof the whole WWI the otruulatloa ague an like sup - velem . The bra bate Melee' ly. with rUm use of filet brushes and such tdlet aids ase Mad to 1ta- pove and easiere the osrvuub velem and ve vigor to all functions. will be • neelerary gruuu4wurk for hedig CleaanrMes of the =Wett snout an t!proper d food by the b .bur the tonic of a "uoq bath roaches much farther than the skin. aY the flesh le purltJed by the prones, end hemmer smooth gad flra as wax. Aromatic bathe wkbh are begun write hot wallet and graduated to tepid and cold. an very env tug. Perfumed tate tete are acid the eaetlggl,M, ate of which situel .in the water of the barb ewes It a delleiots and refreshing oda. Somepass aa *Oboe of ammoula added to a gallon of water will be towed helpful When the sponge bath or taaseaiot doss eat agree with aha aywM.. the bassi* with Motion. i a teed hebstfi*fa The hair mitten. icofais and flesh bruit answer thu par'pchta of the mt4u1% wetbod of Mar - ars tack the wbfset or an &ijedtbn to manipulation of strange betide The sponge bath should never be he. bat should be begun with triad water, ending with a cool tone. not culd If there Is danger of taking cold the brisk rub with dl - luted alcohol will prevent It. The dry bath. when these aro serious objec- tions,* wain, eaealblats of dry rubbled7�� tanne. !xttbh:' Veer - whichl 'le toilet water, steer which 1R bone with Turkish towel - bet Thou tole are alts pzofeeirional bath.. the RolMaa bath, Turkish bath, vapor bath, miawsl water or andphur bath, all good Is their way and of value am health centre.* Any Or might be clasped under the head of the beauty bath. Dearness Owen be Oared By local settatop/ as they comsat reach the e portion of theear. Thee, oat, one d way to cure deat- e�d*5, thteatime at by lof oll byonal an gas d tie ________e Taw wbss taw til` r bel3gsad 11111k'• roe- brine olfbring sooty prI...4. s wilt. sed when It el M the result, and mottos can be tido' Ma - tate restored to He u*rniat *esdeion, hearths will he destroyed former; stns cases out of ten ase amused by Catarrh, which M nothing bat an .pirtaated coottltutttlt.f. aa.nllelltlrr. rlaoaa. We will gin mai >!<andrad Dollar* for anycameDeatMaimed by catarrh) M fesMaimed) that cannot be eared by Hall's Catarrh Cdr. Seed for cir- culars, free. - F. J. MOW • has, Toledo. O. Field by draggbls, 790. Bail's Family Pills are to beet. Wearleoss Verbosity. This is ham the British Schoolmis- tress: One of the greatest, and I think tbe commonest, of faults of lady teach- ers u that of talking too much. Let me give my experience of this morn- ing. I beard the head mistimes mod three eminent teachers giving Scrip- ture haloes. For forty minutes those poor children had to wt and Mand (several of them oe the desks) while the teachers poured 'out floods of words, 'las facts, the lesson} were simple, tad were evidently *1111 known to the children ; but the were serv- ed asp again sod again with the same socemp.ai neat of words. I spoke to the mistress OR the point, and she told me that her vicar only a few 'lees be- fore had expremed himself in similar terms, and had regretted that it tock the teachers so long to say so little. IVR No 28 1899 . Perhaps you have made up your mind to take It is oily a step from the cradl* to the grave DALLET'e SYRUP of H0EZZ041(D AND ELECUPANE will arrest that step if need in time Ohtaamsn Work Like Machine. A reeent traoellcr in Chinn ha. .e me - thing to ay 0f John Chinaman that may well fill the hearth of all Amer- icans with envy. He regtarku that John never aeras to get tired or nervous. Ifs can write all day, weave, beat gold, carve Ivory, do Infinitely tedious jobs for ever tad ever, and experience no more weariness. and Irritation than if he were a machine. This quality appears in early lite. There are no r'sstless, naughty bs In China. They are all appallingly good, and will phos away In school without recess or play of any- kind. Sport or playms to l,im to much wane of labor.teeHe can seep any- where --sate deafening uproar, on the ground or In any position. Miller's Worm Powders are the best laxative meacine for children ; as elm ase sugar. ' Seawall/ 1a•agk- "I gave that pow man 11 a lee dayt ago and told him to Come an,nnd and let me know how be got along." "Oh, thtt was goel of you! He was your bread cast upon the water,." "1 suppose he was. Anylrrw, he tame bark 'soaked.' " Ninald's Wheat area Le9fippe chocolate to menataeteaed from the finer ketch of cacao .,sir„ with the addition of arrowroot. sugar and vanlllp, flavoring. It le relied into a pate on Mt plates and cast In Mule in rho shape of tucks or cakes. this summer. Then look for this picture on the wrapper, a man with a big fish on his back. .. Do not let anyone talk to you ofsomething ee lust ss d. When you want cod liver oil and the hypo - phosphites you want the 1/Cry bat. I Vu will liael =WIN tm'Ty Dna' plate, Scutt's Emulsion. There Is no other emul- sion like it; none other does the same work ; and no other has the same record of cures. toil Druggl■ta, - ase t,. ..a j1 i1AS0a* Mete. Mea is Omper Micas with Hair of a , Pamela, kite, th. d41r4ts amrroundlug the �1r1'a Oi tlrmw•11, Cube, ('WIi 4*4* iliac *lase 11e oreto • base • Ourtooa s.; ht i. to Ire fie « with l air that elk 'itis 1. udx, as might be 1 a 1$aliktuable lab bat the gram setup m,odaord by the mrn'I su*'1'0. .ss. P1.. crud. dm•, it ord'r to seems• a mor► Mrketable .r - tick. ie regad la esotsoam furnaces. and 1e 1N /Paas straw emanation from the esstled'copper that effects Ole chemical > binge in the hair of the miners. and terse tits as green as gran Iaw.+dlgaLaoa•hem proved thatt4 lungs from the furnaces cantata certain quantity of arsenical matter, and the canine the startling change although the texture and growth d th" hair suft�_gttejtirt,u -iii was Poland in the dieter:- tilt so _ k1 a remedy as inenr. No remety la e�*r nock each prompt relief Jipr toothaetw ars raisin anti rheumatism. Its ache k, cramps ar11e. Mc.. Is simply mar venous. A Disputed nus. Dr. Bland -Yon will par.k.0 nee, I hope. for sending my .111, but a fact la I am In want of the money Demon 8mrothe-()h. that'. all leg�hI By the way, I've got a eels b!Il against you. Doctor Bland -A tell against m••' Deacon Smooth*. Yee : you 1.0.! me 1 must abstain from all Intox, int.. 1 but 1 fled you owe roe 110. of the drinks 1 have been come. ,-1 to ,keine .9. your advise. Ijnard'e Wisest the bet Salt R..tw German Servant' Rasm If a servant In Germany falls Mit be{ mi.treae is not .N.wat te 44* charge her, but must pay 47 tents a dry for her hospital expellee wee se. M perfectly well. The wages of gels vary from 92.40 to 117.80 a montk with board. C .Mltki'. (trip Powders ewe. Mr. Henpeck -1e my wife going ort. Eliza? Elisa -Yea, sir. Mr. Henpeck - bo you happen to know whether 1'■ going out with her t '.You my she it a htWnea. woman. What Museum Is she Inters eted i*'' 'Oh. everybody's.' ASK YOUR GROCER FOR note° alt*LTB DSUI*. AM STITOTI 1Y4 TWA MID OO/l/SI. *bele I• mskt sa 1a1, Y_ *11.1 .17 tr w twits r (kit= 'aaeed cave �t tar r.r- tr,-Cs■. HOBBB HARDWARE 00., LOatDO$. BINDERr'r.d. 'e°wear,esi. TWINE. Det,41.1133 AHK .1011 QVOTAT1ona FITS�` �w0- : 1's.. for treaty ash fee Ws by J. A. mem OM ew , Maltreat. Q 0 ea Serf to a eeere !EDDY'S eitiliellialMECAMIIMOKILOCAEW01 ••••• 14 TELEGRAPH NATCHES FIRST b, 1851. FOREMOST fiat 180g oethoortiovelwaroemeo The MOST of the MST l iATCMIA 6 for the Least Money. COUNT TIM M FOR YOURRRLP Alin 81111: 4 LONOWN20.140001010/ J. J. VI PON D & CO •i Fruit and Produce Oommission Merchants, C• respeollaa., 3e11ef�, Adresse' Made as Cassel ______• MONTREAL.