The Signal, 1899-5-11, Page 2he Signal .
. lu A Sssoxi.H11111 h).
7MR8I)AY, MAY 11. 1899.
Mir It4•halyd Clartwrlglit did not
take thrm or four hours to arty his
env uprtan Ute but he spoke
vers much to the pnin� iSelling with
VW paints that find been raised by
the ex -Minister (A F h alr•e. tine of
UIWW wine that, nVtwttllptanding the
prrformuee of 25 per cent. In favor
of imparrq from Britain. the imports
froom Vie United Mater cgntknue to
be very largor. and that large quan-
titles ,A fru gue.ta come from the
c•oAuclt,ry \vhicll Maintains a high tar-
tff against Canadian proitucta Kir
orae to the enormrur amount of Am-
ar bate free.goodlr coming Into taanada,
whylag titan U the Goovernment pro-
posed to tax them there would rise
.tom A howl of pr9'0M$ from LiN utulw
facolout ss of Catusda. Theme goods,
j4oeoo,eoo la Ai -k- �hsaleA -$L-=II--
0-60 of rettlert' effects. 04.000.000 0(
•Coln and bullion. $3.000,000 of graln In
transit. and a aerfea of goods which
tt wad to our convenience to Imlpurt
frosty tine United States, embracing
abort $":=-5,000 of hides for the use
sf our maltufaotnrers, $1.000,000
worth of drags for tine same purpose;
raw rubber,rapg shelfMr arthcies, $I,'
7_5,000! raw wool. $383,000; froalta
500,000 ; raw f u -nL $225.000 ; :¢w
flax. $ 25,()00; asticks for unit of
t1sher6% $'225,000 ; twine for the tat.
mere. $400,000; anlmnla far this Ith-
piruvemmt d ter stout, 0400,000:
.bout $_OO.wo worth til raga, 04-
225,000 vtots �a cotton wools. 06.-
225,0(10 of anthraclte uonl. and about
$5110,(100 Worth of varknMs Eaptaln to
be used 'lin uwafactlor•Ies. fie naked
1t the Oppundtlon desired to tax any
d tllese c omiuu(Ytimt
.With regard to the general tariff.
aid the ateace of any changes la it
title year, Sir Richard�.Cartwrithi
spoke aft follmove:
Ntrsvt I tip tot watt to weary the
Hods•; I ail out believe, that after
' -lw h a, of h ar 'was d-llver(d by my
- heli. friend, the .Flnaoce,kllnlster, It is
more particuh'ariv to¢•al WTZIt Ceetarm,
as it appeared'to me, grave mlr-etate-
ments and blun(l•rx into which the
bon.- member for York' (Mr. . Foster)
fad fallen. I repent Lbar 4 am.pre-
fiarel to allow data prove that, mervloe
or wrv(m, And it Is thelouly way to.
judge, we are administering the, coun-
try at l'ae cost than these hon. gentles
meto opposite were dAng five years
ago; n,)th relatively and aboolutely,
certainly relatively, when you take
into aoa.ant til^ incieamed population
. the muntry now contains. I lmy that
. we 'have very ecxs`derably reduced
the bard,rs of the people. 1 say that
we will be able, I hope and trues$, to
reduce the inrdens Alit snore In time
for I for One am entirely In accoM
with the Finance Minster,'that even 1f
there be inequalitkA even U there ile.
thlnp ar that shnulalie redressed. jn the
tarUt, It ls not expedient, it is dot wise.
to disturb the tariff frequently from
time to time. Better endure some
little ipconvenience Us" put the
wbgle business community In a fere
meat without very great cause for
disturbing them. i pointed to the
fact that sRere- has been a gt'est
srowth of population 'Within the
s„-..-.•:last-.hew pears, and that there Is
every reason t6 believe that that
. growth will continue. There tem
every reason to believe that we
shall attract many immigrantshere;
there is every rennon to believe we
will keep the Brent bulk of our own
people Ih this country. and there Ir
proof postive that, there ,has been
a great leerease ln' wealth of
Canada. I believe that that win
- - IW-W-14__fLi-.tLeSl�
trot, and ssltbougin I would the
last man to use that as an. excuse
for unnecessary extravagauce or
unnereseary expenditure, I do say
that 1t is a justification for a ilb-
eral dealing with the argent wants
of the country. Although we may
not have moved quite nm foam an we
would desire In all relrpectm, al-
, ' though we may not have been able
• to do everything we desire to have
done, yet I do say, and the people
of Canada as a whole will agree with
me, that' liver since Canada was
confederated down to the present
hour do the people of. Canada .Qu the
I ' Government as a whole eCand higher
and more demervedly so, tban they
do at this present day and hour."
Mr. Joseph Chamberlain states in
I a Parliamentary paper that the
t- Government of OreAt Britain has
always considered that the eonstrue-
Mon of a Pacific cable im of far
greater Importance to Australasia
;, Abd Canada than to the United
i -
Kingdom, and tint the British tiov-
1, ernment would not Ile dlm►omed to'
recommend that Parliament vote is
'" mold of the project, ir,ht for the ds,
sire to afford support and assist.
ante by the Motherland to the
great self-governing colonies In a
project, the muccess of which cannot
fall to promote Imperial unity. Foe
this reason the 0overnment can-
Siderw that the reeipdmsibillty of con-
-.., etructing and ttpnratfirR the cable
Should be borne by Canada and the
Abxtraianian Coloniem, t w.v taking the j
profita, and the United Kingdom
giving an annual subsidy not ex-
ceeding 020,000 for a period hot ex.
needing t,'0 years, the extra �rtoddy
- being 5 1Rtihnt Of the mhortsgd Of re-
ceipts below expenses, and provided,
that the mllbmaMy bm payable only
after Canada And the Australasian
colonies abnll harp eompleted the
cable And Werntp(l It torr traffic,
and only while the cnhls shall nr'�
main open. Other prolxluns of the
pmpo"I ngreompnt npcPmpitntp that
priority he given tet imperial Gov.
wrument melanges at clip -half the
Commercial rates, arta imperial Ap-
pxovnl of the t•on"tructlon and oper-
mition of the cable.
Thprp mpPma to have been a shop-
prehpnnlnn all nrrnlnl. Cnnndinnn hark
very little 1/mP fnr n rable to An"-'
trails, felt they thought they were
ok>fng a gond, turn for the Mother
Country, wllo*P commmrclal eelntlom
veldt .tt1J1 ralia are exte ve, by offer.
low to help pay for murh n cable. Novi
h tarns nut that Britain fople a very
ag ild Interport M the enterprlme, and
wemrkl not touroh It with a Lien kart
I>'>ls mxPPpt tO pleas, Canada and Aus-
M Tile sltnatlnn being thus px-
the bmPt thing we Canadianor
Me M to keep our money In oar
Tam DOXI11 M 1.17D1a1.
'Hun. Mr. }lekilog e flaaaelnJ /h►tle
tises�,"'070 a to-ti.e iiw�-a( Cum.
19.011% TLurr,b►y, shows avaclutivel�
that Cannole, Is in a good condltknn
under Liberal! rub- Ahbuough the tax-
a14(u ou many ings.rrtrd commodities
is ltmwer UWt tide rates Ie\tiol by the
precallug lknerusonmt, the period of
dettcits hMp burn bin ught to as end.
For tine fkaal year that encbQ June
30tli, 1898, there sew a surp:v of *I,.
722,712. For Ute flstsJ year that will
end Juuw 3OU1, 1899-twu moontlam
h�ootr-there is as aft nomted su�rpius
of j*,6110,000. This Ir arrived at by
taking Ute receipts and the expeadf-
Wres tip to April 30th of this year,
Asti adding to taloa the figures for the
last two meruthn of the previus ti-
cal year. The revenue for J898 99,
Uium calculated, WILD be $46,63'2,898.
awl tine expandltem" $42,026,028.
The buidget speer•h Ja disappointing
IY tlleyylL�, not mulhoe pfy rat
1tEftLioaY of UXXttlod"fVe are (folate
aware that the Finance Minister will
fmd no diffloulty In disposing of his
su'rplut CB61AUll ac•ouunt--expealt-
Wre (on permanent pubYe works -b,
like Une poor, alwuys with us; and
UAW* L a pubib debt •ef three liaA-
dne,p ra0liona cr so to be Pallet off.
We know, too, tha,1, these is in many
minds a preferonce for permanence+ to
tine tat4ff, tint] u prejudice against
what is called tariff tinkering, on
the ground that frequent changes tend
to unsettle buadntew. But it must be
admitted that tote shirt and collar
men Inside out a very good
ow to - favor of a redue-
ffioe at file - dotter aeon their
raw malsr(pX sst6pa etoth ; and there
is no reason to fai/ that a trot In the
canna dattLs woNd Baume t►w closing
of a single�Caaa4tain factory, or have
any appreciable ether upon the rev-
enre of the country. 8o with tt1.' to-
bacon duties, which Mr. Fielding
frankly admitted are ao high that
tiny Incite smlMglirng, to prevent, or
even to resrtrict, which diemands the
utmost vigilance (s1 the part of the
customs and Inland revenue depart-
ments. Before the enlargement of the
Italy craze et In, it was Lite cuawm
of the British Chancellor of the Ex-
rhedlner to promptly d.ep ose of every
surplus by rducirg taxation, and It
was a laudable comtini, for money lit
-. QX&Mi4gauoe-
When mea fwd about a Government
mrplmi,-they are prompt to help the
Government devise ways to mpeud the
money, our friends at Ottawa may
expect 4;o•rweive plenty of application
Aad lois d advice in reference to har-
boM new _posLoffices, railway sub-
s`diew, sic., jut• as loug as that $4,-
6W,000 t• kept danghng in sight. If
not prepared to deal with separate
items of tiro tariff, it would have been
a \cry good plan to increase the Brit -
W1 preference from 25 percent. to
831-3 per cent., making the cat one-
third Instead of one-quarter.
The Finance Minister, while keeping
within the Innes of caution, suggested
that the receipts from the, Yukon
migki� torn out to ire mutt. larger than
has been . anticipated, and he also
noticed the fact that fihe successful
Immigration policy of %he Government
would, by Increasing the number of
prodaoen sad tazpaymrs. reduce the
=.,, idual burdens of the Canadian
people, Nor did he forget that depres-
elan follows .prosperity."and that the
present boom cannot Ile expected to
last forever, for he told the people
who are asking for appropriations fur
public works In their several localitiem
that economy should begin at home.
Every patty In:aoowtlon accuses the
party -ta office of the crime of. et+
tic . But to howl agalgat the extra•.
vagance of a Government, awl la the
next breath urge the same Govern-
ment to spend more money, is an
Ineonmistency that cannot be exc•ume,1.
.tem Mr. Fielding said :
It is very easy for men to advocate
economy In classes of expense In which
they feed they have no partTatar
Interest, but It Is not so easy for men
to favor economy iP the case of public
works In their own locality, or public
works In Willett they feel Interested.,
A large number of the gentlemen who
rine to speak against tills Government
in the matter of expense and call for
economy are among the first to came
before the Government and ask that
eve eater upon large and expensive
public works. As a curious example
of the method of treating this gue@-
tion, I cote that only a few days ago
the eh organ of the Conservative
party contained an article comment-
ing out thermtimatem, which i have just
Iak1 on the table of the House. and
deaigned to "haw that we are spend -
Ing far toxo much. But In the ver
same oolumn there appeared a sea
Ing nrticle complaining that we
had not provided half a million (kol-
fars for Tbronto harbor, and Inti-
mating that we ahall be expected
to do no In the supplementary oa-
tlmate*. I hate, no doubt that Tor-
onto harbor ought to harp a liberal
grant, and If the object of that' ex-
penmp In half as good as has been
prpmentel by this newspaper, I shall
be glad to amlet my hon. friend (Mr.
Tarte) In doing what M right for
Toronto harbor. 1 think, however,
that we shall have to ask motor of
"mfr (bnmervative friend@ to recognize
the• fact that economy -like charity
-mhhuhd Iwgin at home. if a gen-
Vemna of the (ionnervative party,
whather be Is in the House Cr out
rDf It, locking Ahmad, sees the need
of some prnrticuler public work In
his own 111"trlCt or Pountry, or some
great *rhpmp In which he reale In-
tprtested, and if he Is nota` tri Ask
I the (iovernment tin provide rmrmuwy
far that scheme, then we moat oak
him to be breandminded enongh to
remember that there are like public
works and nrhemex in other Parts
of the country, and if he expecta
thpaw things to hm done for the do.
vplopmpnt of the country, In his
own pnrtleular district, hp moat he
prpintrrd to have the same things
done In other dl*trlrta, and, If speer
nary, In other Province*. The eritio's
In Parliament And out warn condemn
nur expenses as too lavish and then
tall Open t@ to Spend money frpply
nn gree$ Pntwrprimet. Much as fast
ilaes;--Tarttbr palvlAs, railways, can
nth, harbor Improrementa mind pub -
Ile works Mall kinds, emin hardly ex
Wt to make such PLO Impr•wml(on
Upon the fair-minded people of ('an
I enrol Cne-Vu w311 rw"" f trona this
&l d irelerml after the vilest
1'*fM+e of Wake to AnU be
us and tis Date Of of mAa�ht will
dime d I1 is eflwehtOd OI
Io010IRT AND Ii"MAL 1wz-
. liar. 1•\Altafr's � speech In eritl-
That's Why it is Hard to
ckml of the budget wen made udder
The United states Post Offies Ile -
tile most advenfage Amp otrcum-
partmeut dkl a clever stroke of busl-
stanoes, foes', Instead of having to res
noses cow fly. It printed, at a
ply lmnediatehy after the ceauoluskal
Cost of about $ 28, 50,(100 sets of
of time Flnance Miahrter's Addrew Y
newghaper and periodical stampee
Is custoslary, Mr, Faster was allow-
and pleasd them on sale in the
ed frust Tuesday till Thursday to
large cities AL $5 a bet, realising a
get randy, lie blames tole (Jovern-
net pruft of 0.."49,975, bes"Iem Kind
Went for apsoddDg too much money,
(telling the hearty of philatelic cranks. l
and Ise oppress for oomparlHon Ills
are that you will never he married.
own estimates of 1895-96, when he
One of these days -dud progress in
wad a great shave eoono-
such mf tha le rapid In role age
preps a
my In pThat teas for si gmmout loleo-
� lrwwf' TTAft"buinble wllL mKi,IWtW
%fon. That line of was
then woe betide thoumandr of foolish
by Siertt
efteottally led to bay lite ItiChaed
Investors In the Stater anti Canada.
Cartwright, ho said :
The schemers may come out all right,
Mr. Foster's main statement ls
but somebody must pay for the
this: "We spent In over last your at
"water" In tM stook.
office $87,000,000, while yyou demand
$41,500,000, azul I think ou will
Toronto World has had a
Im,bnbly require more, therefore you
happy Inspiration. It has discov
are ab u irlably extravagant." I
Bred that If it simply deducts from
sQwmbA-" wlWt'-ay met-lrtesri *", i'�I-
naxwe Minister enlarged upotl 00
the total Imports un Willett the aver-
other evening that the accounts for
aloe rate of duty Im computed $6,
1898 were tooted U arty ae"OuIltswere
9(14,180, the value of free corn, the
ever cooked, The ' were not hottest ao-
relic will appear to Ire• vonvielerably
counts, they were not creditable to
the ex -Finance Minister or to the
-1*P"'"' Of esa� ; anti if the World
(iovernmant of which be wale member.
I *0 a4eama that the $::2,157,788
How dkt the luta. genLbuiatt cutdown
f dsgy was collected DIl hurt one-third
088.'.50,000 Ia
Inde ezto
i this total 1 rts. the be'
1895 W 0 17,01111,000 tel 1896 1 81r,
V1 00,0
, rate will
the views he tout were,
multiplied by three. ,,wl tills pro
mutative mutarltikl, precisely the
CM Is so interesting.
Maine• as if Ire load turned
.. -----I'
Oft every lighthouse keeper In the St.
The shooting of an Indian ou the
Law-r"um. and after the people cif
then $10,000,000 from \vrlrkq
Nt. PPewls ueservaticrr by Colonel Shrr
lie has
ole had thea cluin1e(d credit fa econo-
wood, of the Dnm"on 1',,lice, it L,• be
toy fox hmving Haved $4,300,000 in
regretted, even though Jake Ice, the
tie Cost of Iightitouwn' tWllst Ile did
T*tlm, was a bad IuJian. The evl-
was to lay his handle on the militlamea
d Carmda and refuse to allow them
(1l�tM at, tote InQnlest m:.c nlnke IL air
to drill In 1896. What was the re alt
hear that the lives of til(. ecxustables
of that 7 It lu►ppetled, owing to the
wyrw Irl danger, though that Idea L
Illness of my Ion. friend the Minister
of Militia anti Defence (Mr. Borden),
npL borne ant by the account alueatly
that I admhlietersd that department
P$Wuuhed. While strut (AmeAlouoeto
for several moatee, and I found In
the Inwr O( the land should he reetivred
1897 that tile whole militia of Call-
hF!.'tfie-T_. the Ind:aldl "ll(mhl bugiven
a:i:t had been redumt to n state Of
disorganizatlm, and might as well
„O exctlpte for w (1 List Lleir
o(o Asygac hat
have beers disbanded, because, ae
I are deemed ttup
everybodty knew, In the great ma-
t lives, of white men.
Jorlty of carat', if yon deprive the
baled oarlotr, per too, $4 to $4.30;
rural battalklons of tis opportunity of
Irllx,r leaders In the United Staten
being bro ught together anti drilled for
have been very slow to recognise
a period of tvTo or three weeks, whlctt
battcr,mctl:um tubs, 90 to lOc: butter,
was the result ter tis• bon. gpntlem;ln'e
the e\II to the workin men threat•
im)oeedHog, you render all the rest
erred by the Trust system. The Labor
M the militia experiment absolutely
Ctamm73sioner of Massachusetts bas
carless. It might as well have been
thrown foto the sea. What was ills
c%pmpule,l that the lig curporatlotlr
Other expedient? He iruAsted In cut-
fify leen wages than the individual
ting down the public works of the
0 p103'ere. sad .,are less In touch
country to a point that It was tm-
p > spy - tbC rep t'
w th. the who _war U
The working girl, the salaried girl,
rntglp:zi t; !19,x, , rte
volm e
w'er'e rlecesary to many Imprxtant
import n
public woxka, so that grievous Injury
t*t �lnate 'are wanting in. Lite In -
was done to these works all over the
dWIdewl initiative wiliell it essential
camtry. - '
1104mom. The dam.• conclusion
Tile taxprtyera tin not apprePute
N made by Students of economy
economy d boat kind -a sort of death-
long before him. Trusts are not the
bed repentance -and Uiey well an-
workingman's frieilds.
derwtend that, If the Torry party had
otebled a majority In the elections
ItapPears that Briti,h invpstOTenre
of 1896, the explendttures at the pre-
strhing to bring utp,ut nmalgamu-
sent time would be on a truly Top.
tipns Of capital In cert•tln linea of
pertain scale, millions being burled In
hlduitry, but owing to the tree
every directkrn where there might be
trade eVstem of the country they are
a cllance to mraket political capital.
Ilet able to corner production effect-
9tr Ricilatd ail® Mr. Fouler and the
Ively as Is done In the United States,
outer members of the Opposition to
wh,rp protection inviter combine"
come down to details and tell the
people Willett of the Liberal expetdt•
tions to bleed the cunsumer. The New
turns they object to, instead of con-
l.o� Journal of C'ommPrce, in dirctlrM
fining their criticismb to a general
Ing the movement, mays:
denunr6atAon of extravagance. There
The case differs widely from what
br a proper wny to oppose an expert-
hay been realized In a like direction
In this country. Ho far there is nut
dilture, namely by divldh* the House
one instance of a combination em -
upon 1t, Wer RlrliaXd amid:
bracing approximut,ly all tha firms
In the fortyow and a hall m.Rioor
or corporation% in a given industry,
rived for by Mr. Fielding were In-
which with u% Is Lila rule. If we may
cludedl a number of services for which
ju0go from the tone of the Englkh
there was no ceirrapijuding charge
ares+• the boli attempt in this coun-
whateveer in ism. TLB addition mom
try to place our whole Itdugtrlalmys-
Of $3,800,000 ons mu de up of 0814:
fpm under a series of hard and fast
000 for Yukon charges, which would
morlopolkes has Nerved am a vQsrufng
not involve one dollar of burden on
to Britt h Industrialists t) r2itrain
t2le people Of Caloundn; about a million
th:e natural ten leary tow-nrdi large
for the Dp%xL stent of Rrtilwa?s fox
capitate from running Ino a mere
the extension Of the I. C. 11- tb Moo-
reckleis speculative craze, Yo tar,
trealeand the ealargelment of Lite can-
ale, wIlIeli would Involve , no additional
thk movement hats made• mmpara.
burden to the le, and an addu-
lively limited progr+w, and it due, not
Neem Ilkely to gn much farther until
to nal Land of 41 .000. Tilen there
war tate biter+esrt oat the experts-olu a
tint PIp,•rlment ha 4 b( en telae 1 .try
lbrarrree(1 b tine late (lovernment,
about $3� 000' Dedatdtn9
ItN resultx. .At n very lit>vial emti-
mate, th- r:organizatdonq effe•t'•d up
tiuere rmAineA to be accounted for
to date do not exceed 5 per cent. of
about $700,000 for Whlrh the (tov-
the mann IIsUc ca ltallastlons ore
er nollit was rempoasdble, This was
In m United stated
fox Immigration (0183,000 Increase),
------- --
agrilulture, murtly Colditorage ser•
Estimated aarpltss Ase I��.
v (Increase $113,000); Infill saber•
,110+1, largely for the M•arittme Pro-
Cbml1 now, to the ca`rieot fiscal
villrns (Incrmbe, 0150,000) : mollitta (In•
year, of which but two months have
n"in"e $132,000), mostly due to the
Action of the ISrper4hl autborltkm In
to eiapr.ea I wish to lay bef(xw yon. Mr.
dPmanAtag tine establishment dr a
BPmaker, what my expeactatlols are ax
garrtwm at Enc uiomalt ; government of
to revenue and expenditure. Up to the
Ube Northwest Tirrltorfes (In-
30th of April of the present year car
emeemp, 40.000), and adeitgonal sal-
nrl0aa 40,000. If tale Oppostticu
r'celprts were $:37,232,70:1.46, txing
Uioaght that rill orf diesm ramri ought
$;,()77,160.81 mor• than we received
during the same period lama year.
not to vo� lot them denounce
r tilt aid rote agnhnst
}.�'�p April 30th to the 30th of June
1 ao
last "year We received $8,899,698.18,
antd U to theso two bums we add the
- - _� _- - -
prohabte proportionate increase of $1 -
(1(10,000 between the 80tH of April
Mr. T. D. Craig (East Durham) dip-
and the 30th of Jane we Arrive at an
enieming the question ,elf rerlpr(xdty,
cstimaterd ret'enu • for dile current
paid the Government ham been nito-
year of $46,632,398.04. On the other
gether too liberal In the matter of
hand, Up to the 80th of April, 1894),
giving the' United :(Latex free Corn,
wee expended 027,973,817.04, or $2:
binder twine, barb wire And other
493,.',03.14 more.' than for a atinliar
articled. They had nothing left to of-
pprhd last year. If to thews wp add
fer when th-y went to the United
tlhr amount ut expenditurg� In twepa
State% for reciprocity, ax no Amerl-
the 80th of April and the a if June
can mtatopmaa could go to him elect-
Isla year, namely, $13,352,181.80; ar:d
orm and justify a mmourm of recipro-
too' probable prhportdofmts Incr'pns) of
city, betaine he would not he' able
$700,009 thin year mersisi between
to scrow that he had obtained nay•
thin and the end of the year, I esthrmte
thing In return. The theory Of to b-
that oar ezpendlturw for the year
Ing heart% was very good, but with
end;ng June 30th, 1899, will Ie #12,-
natiom It I% rather far fetChert ; they
026,0 A:84, An i have just owthnntcd
could touch the heart+ of Individuals.
the rerenae at *4(1,682,39R.64. y(Au
brut nations are like Corporations,
will ase, Mr. Speaker, that fnr the cor-
they have no mnulm to hi touched.
rent floral year T nntlelpnte, n eur-
What an old-fa.hionel Innocent Mr.
Plxm of rreriptm over Pxp •r:ditumri of In
Craig coapt bre! The i lb,ral" dM not
rsqind numho,rs tt4,6(w1,OlX).-Hon. W. R.
put Corn, bindor twine. anti barbed
lfteling'm Rar�pt sr,inech.
— —
wire On the free lint for the heneflt
affect or Protection.
of the United RtAt . but for the
Tile hart- gpn'hiPmna irbated, right or
benefit of til, Canadian farmers wh-)
wirnq, tflat the Pxh"t,nlz OuTf M pm-
w•anted to buy thOge rnmm,Nlttlen at
ter,Ure, There M An Play way to test
the lowe"t pomslbh price. Mr, Craig
w'liether a tarMf by firfietpetire or not.
H An Englishmen and he Ought to
defter it pl-rt1Ng1ve tnr'ff, U It tie a
know that the notion of keeping on
0�nulne proOn•tbe teallff,-tllrport,-
In order to htve wimething to
Tian* Intra the r(mintry which Imposes
thrWw..oU ilia raslp,W".
�!�� �w01 �� ant tL,mile ha gyp.,
�Y�. t.1b
waq thredvhpil out Uu the OIA Country
t tk le t Llblel)InQ1
long, long Aga. in 1843, Air Robert
ley tariff for Gee yelr wh6rh haw
Peel, referring to eommer•lal treaties
Just P>�, be wonhl find that mn a re
then In cowrcp of negotlatlOn, salA:
ts'W orf It the limiterta.Was of till
, States
"Wm have ressnad many mirtald:
from ImmMlate reduction In the hope
`)Mt warf. rwk*,Pt iron
lhAom I60 0760,0 to anm.•
that wow Ion` we may attaln Inrmas-
Ad facilities for oar ex pdorN in return.
1 in t
lea $6wleir it* In ter+ tariff
a' yow tater Lille DhtRl"y t+►rif11
At the pomp tirrmp, I nm bound to
Unof"r crow tmirMf the frrrta nr 'ill 1
kinds have [novseOswt, largely to 1897,
pay that It Ip fnr our Intwrpott to btf
cheap, whether Other Potntrlps
ars Still M*p fn 1ROA. TllAt in the
hay rheap or no. If we find thst our
mxamplp Ip nOt fnllnwai, It find
trap te*t of A pmrter•'ttrp tariff, and
b that tact hp rrha �1 ciao by wfllirlg
flat tilt
that crLhPr nations In%taa(i of rednc
Firiywe phu-ld judge nn be.
twaeen Ule rAnaderven tarot And the
Ing the duties on our manafantarea
.Amerleaa te,rtft. Lt 40", __w ____
report k) the Impollsy Of /wplpAalAg
will erxnpwaP tiie teartffe they will per,
them, tht" Ought nnt, Ih my npiniOn,
that (dere kn not A Porntenti"e tariff,
tt) Operate An a dimorOaragempnt tri nm
bit Ulat to IG mi'lin pMtrt It ls n
to art nn thorn. prinriplps whleh wP
�� 1foag this 14%nellird Of a true t•i
believe to be mound. if the Rrasilinnp
Rorinb 0AM. �r RAAhnsi I (ltrt.
eb(xm& to pay an aruflelally hl h
on W %, t
prlrw (ox rnttnn Anti woollen clntfa
that In no reason why we mhould pay
TIIP Now' Fre Aar,w, the. Mgan Of
$I high price for Nagar and rnffvoa•'
the Flylnw Rnlp,rw, pmbllorhed by O. i.
Free Imports Into this muntry
NACRAy, the 1Pndhr Of the Meal pn►-
trrich Canadian px�kMR. and we ran
afford to be lodlffprant
OAT At Wlndw,r, will he sappssered for
whether they
torch Yanksm hearts or not.
rllwxert, If lfwgls%ftle Bartlett
has his way.
w .
y� �- A y>:.aa.� ted :; r
til "' -tea o
1Vtarket e^ its
R pn
That's Why it is Hard to
The Week.
Snare Husbands.
oryln aad Preoduee at Terseste.
Toronto, May 6.-FloatQaWrle
pateata( to Lwow, $8.60 to $8.70;
stra�tit rollertlt $8.10 to $81:0 ; How
It Is a rad thing to may, and oap.'o-
garhan potion $8.90 to 44 ; Metal -
tole ��' w to $8170.
tally at this platoon, but the chauogs
are that you will never he married.
u Wh elld went; red an�f 931 e, w
If you acre already r ail, Lou are north an wept o. 1 Itpbt( It rQ
aoi IueluamA�•fn tll4 P`=,
ldut�RIQ*A-i$'_cweo ou;Ic ai
you are the average young wom'lll of
77c. Prices rlondaall.
(.tato-White oats quoted at 811-2c
New York, only a little better -looking
to age Wert.
than the orlivary (its you all are) ; a
Rye-tftWted at Sic.
little brighter (as you all are), and a
Barley -Quoted a$ 40 to 48c went.
whole world more attractive (as, oI
Baukwh ate -Flan ; 4he w)rth and
Spa wart.
course, you err) -why, thea, tills
Bran -City mills sell bran at $14.50
mento you.
Mort girls are out glvea or token In
� add aborts at $15.50, Ill oar lots, f. o.
D Torcatta
Marriage. Lt is a bold saying, but a
I Corn -Canadian, 86c went, and Am -
true one, fur it is based upon statim-
erlean 40 to 42c on track here.
ties, upon figurer which never lie.
i*af-,Haid at 6ic west, to ser Iota
Some ill dhq,ured persons have been
figuring It out -they must have had
tt Lawrenw laaekets.
a lot to do! -and I have wen their
Toronto, May (I.-BecinfAm of farm
figures. There is no getting away
from them.'
I twuhime, were falrly 1urgv W -•day. 450
buslic-6 of grail), 10 lstlr of hay and
Jn shocking afaregard for the old
s-'"-tltai empl)ty at butter, eRs,
saw that "there cln't be too much of
poultry ani vegrtrrbl.ea
a gout thing," there are too many
Whaat eteatdy, 1W bushels of white
marriageable Kirk. More than enough
said at 71 1-Y.c ; red, 50 bushels at
to go around. More yougg women
71 1-3c; guise, 1W bushels at 65 -
than young men. Then, mind the
young men pre not Mohammedans and
flay steady ; timothy at $9 to 011
cannot lawfully practlee polygamy,
pox tool and $7 to $8 for clover or
and, wile% is more, since you
mixed hay.
wouldn't allow them if tbpy could, it
Dresssf Hoge--Dellverleel light, p rictom
follows ar the night the day that
unchangwl, tit $5.40 to $5.55 per
Home cf you are destined to be left
by the wayside. What b•ouiuee of
Butter plentiful, at 14c to 17c per
that other wise old saw:
lb- the latter pr!ce being for choice
There never was a goose so gray,
dally to special em'cumers.
But some old gander came that way,
Egga plentiful, at 1Fe to Lac per
And took her fbr him mate.
1 ,z•. tit+ bulk going at 12 1-2c.
Ob.,olete and n, Ion eriru like esu
r'lring chkkoam, -0ne pair of Ulere
many of his fellows
atW at $1. List year's ohbokelir ,odd
Them troutld a -,mo sta"Iclans bare
at 7:,c to 90i iter pair.
Turkeys, primes firm at 12c k) 1'c
di,cove,red that the numerical pre.
leer Ib.
fern cc re of WumPn over men def•
fres aecordlntg w Iceallty. lite that
Farm Produce Whelemale at Toronto
It general, no far as this city 1* con.
Toronto, May &-Hmy, boated car-
Cerued, it k in the proportion of
bion, per ton, $7.50 to $8.50; straw,
about 110 to 100. Ten girl* too many!
baled oarlotr, per too, $4 to $4.30;
Of every ten glrlt you know at leamt
potatoes, carlots, per beg, 75c to
cue k destined to old maidenhood.
Bite ; butter, choice, tubs, 12 to 13e ;
It be not aJtraym profitable w peek
battcr,mctl:um tubs, 90 to lOc: butter,
the caugey and reamons for things, but
chdry,lbt rolhe, 12 to 13c; butter, croum-
II thli eases there are some pretty ob-
sly, Ib. rolfs, 17o to lbe; o+� choice,
viouv phot imaena upon which to fas-
new IaLI, 12c ; huney, per Ib., 3e to
tell the r. �pou*ibllity for the and
7c; )rigs, (Imped, carlots, $5.10 to
fact.+. The chief of them doubtless In
the appearance of women In walks of
• Aritlpbtiarketa
life furmerly left to the mon.
The working girl, the salaried girl,
Liverpool, May 6.-1 p. m.-Clurlag
the rlrl wain+ ea rnwr. the , i1 tor.. —A
-Cotton. riot. fair demand : nriras
44.omestle mervanti-lipun their alread
tired lhouldere rests that burden fo
this new order. It is enttmated that
of all women In New York -who work
for their own and 'Ahers' living, abou
one-third are domestic servants. Th
great majority are In the army who
go alp and down town, morning and
evening, ghoul tar to shoulder with the
It ham been diaoovered that of all
these classes of femknlne wage eadn-
ere the proportion of marriages uu.
der t,1 years of age ls highest among
the lower -that Is, lees skilled-
gruter of factory girls. The better
paled factory girls, talloreeses, do-
mPatic servants, . dressmakers and
miliiners, shop asslstants, elerke and
elementary teachers, constitute, for
the purposes of thin conehleration,
another group. Their work is in a
measure skilled, 'and thPy do not re-
gard themselves sx persons to. be
pilled. Dremn&kers anti chop am-
mieUurts accept wages wllicll would
not owe enough to support them If
they had not friends to help them,
and they endure hard work, long
hoorm and close rooms because they
bellete tltat they ire only filling up
a brief tnterral before marriage, and
the better off their may be
the leas (b they care for anything
more Llan packet money wages.
These girds, It has been found, are
constantly Coming in contact with
the rich, and have ever before thelr
eyes the luxury art! comfort of
those who have money without
working for It. They are taught
to think much about drew and per -
NU 111171I PAnueO, And are exposed
to t'•mptatkn4 never offered to the
less Attractive factory girls. They
)ave naturally a higher standard of
living, tereir parents cannot be re.
Ileal upon to help them after the
first few years, aril, falling mar-
rlsge, the future looks Intensely
dreary to them.
A 'hard group in Included in what
may he called the "upper middle cilta11."
Those wonwm are not emplayed en pro-
during commodities which they can
measure the T:'IuO n( tlhelr Perrkrx by
market price, Their work ls for per-
sooe who make no pecuniary profit
by o MI4O9lnq them. but the rlenlret to
be usefully employed Is no stung bi
educated wo nsion, And their opportgnl-
ties of being Profitably employed lin
the ecamximle ee- np4 of the wont "pro-
fitabw,) Are Air few, that ttwy will
give their servicers for a year to
PeOpio as well off ase themselves In
return far a mumaof money barely muf-
flcternt to tato them arotmd foe a
month or to irex+y. Ulem imripoled with
gloves, lace, hnta and Other necessary
trincia. Anal while to this class 1t
recruit to be ccmwirlered Ignoble to
mtlinllate for good pay, stra«gely
e nsoUgh It M not ccrmtldf—MA disgrace-
ful to wlthehold It TPUchers arm
kindly exhorted to torch for lo,o of
their work, but no appeal Is made to
parents to pay remunerative fees be-
Camm� they lave their childron to be
TM expOctatl(xh that marriage
will iq h few yordrs niter a girl loenvten
00111001 solve all dlfficaltils and pro -
video fox her," oris writer obuPrvem, '•I,
at tM rout of till the confusion.
Fatlsww win know timeY can make.rt0
provision for their datghteirw, Innkeno
attinhpt to train them for rottl!y Inic-
r.'ttive emp,oy mmR,ixeOauspe their think
Ute Wooly will hs thrown Away it
their damirtere, Worry; they Ipt
them work full tine for half fir lays
than Ion If the onset orf IntiImI�,� (wt of
A m4otnkpe klitfinw, OI veli[ h em.
Iioyarw get all tion benefit. The girls
n many crises ar(vfvt. tors, saltrim0 un
der tree saran tmrrrrM6'Rl, In Others !c-
�ar�ats" they •ire ae-A oetrmrg etron Ig I tc
�lt4d.-dui WImww an atter., ATweT}pL-
tO l"Itmovsell then&. TLow whC only
tAb, tip rodploye snt nm A stopgap on.
flydea� stnl When bitte thp,,y find
UTAt there k rlO yivlej)ect nT rpla�mr,
they bmlm)mv posdtively Inefflciont.
Tf100ma Who have roped facts from the,
Grief rtmin threw their whole% hfnrt Into
their work, hat tlr,pvyy are hentlly
Arrtle.lppwt to t.Tr1r PTfortw tRi-
waevd P-WTsw by tine M.1 pny Wlhk•h
ii HIP "tit, (A the thfA�ItIP"Nop'll
Ass toil M Motor, arwfnd t,IWM
ft Only Ulf' Mn"cia Of tips• gLrkw
rceekl rwrtllse UTAt at least on, iltill
or tLlana wlil never Fie canrrie,f And
tLAA. Of oke Cohn a rant, septi rust
01104y"smvrrnd earn after isavFng
P41 that term me nor tsysas M Porn.
d5 ttnw wlllch to tlipm will he roar.
rlPd mrdp,rstr•�o,nt any orf there cony have
err fl- - tort only thpmallau all
heir n esti MK a uaears As well Ln frM
nal, the tangle would aces Its Oura-
n,llwi"-Aivrw Yaf l'l"Midl.
annCw lija Ntdsv Awttl sy mrrrntntt
We1r, soetlesM Of Rw. '111Oe@� w nti-
fan D, fota0srl_y p11wk,r of Rt.
y fair, 3 15-16d; good middling, 8
r 19 -MIA; middling, 3 133'_'d; low
t middling, 8 7.3'Sd; good ordinary, 3
1-3211 ; ordintry, 2 '27.8'=d. The sales
t of the day were 10,000 baler. (A
e which 500 were for speeulaUou And
export and included 8.x100 Amprl
card. Receipts 8,000 bales, larludln``
1,300 American. futures opened
and closed steady, with a moderate
Liverpwl--'lase-Wheat, spot firm,
No. " red. western, winter, 5s 11Itd ;
No. 1 red Northern, Duluth. 6s 8d ;
No. 1 Cal. stocke exhausted. Corn,
spot firm ; American mixed. pew. Bs
51-4d; do., old, Ss 6lid; futures.
steady, May Sm 5 1-4d ; July, 8s 5%d ;
Sept.; 3s 61-4d. Flour. `Jt. Louis
fancy winter, firm, 7s 6d. Hopi, at
London (Pacific coast). firm t3 boa
to f4 15s. Peas, Canadian, 5s 6I(d.
Beef, dull ; extra India mus, 60r ;
prince mess, 55s. Pork, doll, prime
loess Western, 45s. Hams. short
cut, 14 to 16 pounds, dull, 37s. Brion,
Cumberland cut, 2S to 80 pounds.
Posy, 302 ; abort ribs, 18 to GO
pounds, dull, 8(w; long clear mlddlpe.
light, 30 to 33 pournlr. dull. 29e old ;
long clear middles, heavy, 35. to 40
pounds, dull, •'9s ; short clear backs.
16 to 18 pounds, 18A ; clear helper, Ito lilfrtrctr UPOD Oana lian Trace With
14 to 16 pounds. dull, 30*. 8houi nrttaln.
derv, square, 12 to 14 pounds, easyr,
23s. Lard, dull, prime Western, In And now, Paid lAlr i ichard. I dralre
phre". "6a 9d; American, refined, In W turn fur a few moments to tlw
"8 pound palls, "6m 9d. Cheese, Amer. tariff, And Iter( I may take the
loan finest white, firm, 5t, 6d; IibPvty of (4finlrlw tine piosltlon lhold
American finest colored, steady. ails ;
ordinary' new, 500. Butter, finest myself o•1 that wubject. I have tart
U. S., mmisa_�l'._.�d�� 1?pte—k.!.,-.94d I do not pretend now,
prime, elEir; Ready. tin $d Asp- that tide present tariff M perfect (or
tralian In 3.ondon, steady, 24s. Cot- that it k a final tariff, but I Pay that
ton *red oil, Hull refined, May-Ang ., ase mmp.ire l with the tariff It wlyrr-
etPa(ly, 15s 3d. Tlurpentlne splr. me•lrl It Im ail Immense Improvement.
Its, steady, 85" 9d. Itomin. common, Beefcrre procee■ding to a conrkleratioa
steady, 4n. Petroleum, refined, 6d. of the facts, let me point out two
Linseed oil, is@ 6d. glaring nbsurilitiem, The Icon. gpia-
Bri detrvet's on Trade tli+man IMr. Fattier) who spoke Inst
Caurullan trado Is good, seasonable devoted a grouter part of his speech
rsviportlolr,. Toronto reports dry it) rrome, that the preferential tariff
gaols travellers sending In good or- Riven to };nglnttl wow a sMm deaf
(lets, with demand from the north- m(,dr-ry. HH ripen to his place, Ile,
West particularly wood. Advicew from all ex-Finnnee M)nleter, and teles
the Ontario wheat crop are rather title Honmm• that It is a sham that
unfavorable. Increased activity and fta Ehgl'eh manufacturer J. allowr,l
immigration to the northwest areex- to ImIA)rt goods Intel thin country and
pencil to improve earnityP of rail- lay $3, w11fA1. the manufacturoerw trues
oonela ht that erection. }letter wed- every other country are comporCed to
tiler law wtimnlutal demand in the Pay $4. Than, air, he swurnM, nx
Maritime Provinces Salmon here me) many mor", to jridge the
Ing Inas began on Uh" PActfic Court P"efcrentlal tariff by Lire returns to
Tho rather b ackward meason In mil. date•. M my boo. friend allowed
finery has matertalizol at Morntreal. A9'r111 and again, Lila prehmagUal tar-
ardl this trade haw been active title !fr did not rm'nctienlly come Into ef-
wcek, while otkrer lintel, are rattler feet until A»g>ylt Int last We ;ire
quiet. Local navigation has oporieot, not In pmemq shon of tier returns. yet
but (xran she during the dkebate (*I the address i
fox a w•tec# Or ten dAYlel noA k ie�r ioard n number orf these grutlemen
Iowa In the Dominion Awgfegate $27, (leclaring the prrwrerintial tariff too be
81:3,062 last week, An locramr, of :1.3 4 failure, because it had not shown
peer cent. over the-prevlon11 weeek anfl any treat results In 1897 tx Ishii.
of nearly 13 per cent. over tlfe corrol mi y. airr. at 1897 std oo not in
npnndirig week last year. Canadine d,,ly half LM preofeuaooe wow
failures number 27. Against:t0 the pre- o eexi.Wnc" with Asgast lot, when
wppir ye" 22 In tM cer'rawpx1a6 09 the whole "i per cent. came Into ef-
Ih9(; a year awe, 31 In 1897, 26 in fact. kir Richard cottranted the tori
1F96 olid 86 In 1895. Pratiorn of the Natlon•tl Policy with
that of the Llberotl tariff In relation
to "(to with Britain. In 1978 we im-
ported from Great Britain $82,1814,
000 worth of (Iutiahlp goods, on which
the dut�yy Was $6.1A5 (XK1, and la 1888 ,
SM).AJfl,OW worth. un which the duty
wav 0R,97L,000, Ant that In 1878 the
Liberate charged 21-2 per Pent lew
than the Con,srrat(ves charrggeedff on
a nu11!loa dollars leer worth of ggnfor.xIn
In IRNA. The resent tM th. preferPn
tiAl tariff was thin : that on the
dutiable gc»dw, Ilam spirits and wino,
whlrh we Impxxtpd from Eng land Ia
181)8 air prominent tariff barely aver
nfte; 22 1 3 rpipr vpnt., An againit _H
per cent., Iv filch wa* Nvled to 1888.
and as Against the 19 per cast„ wki,•h
wav levied ander his own tariff In
1R7R. Fie did not may that we lied
got .town In the matter of BrltiO
Pw"14 abeolately to A revenue tariff. -
tut we had come excemdingly Clone I"
It, and he i coke no peorst of office
wh"n he Inumntpd that the tariff let
rxh sect by us In JR98 On thove Britd•h
go,d% was In Its actual r"sults almost
Identical with that which he wanVd
to propops In 1876 hlm�elf. Thi Pf
feet of the preterontlal tariff had been
to tompPl the AmsrlPau msonfactur
Ors, Aad to mi pertain wxfeat our own
mansfactur"r*, to lower their
Jin. Canada •ad w-46d"s - aw
profuse Of the Amro icamr.-Or RkM-
Ardi (`nrtwrigbre t4pmpcIN.
ttwf s 1(ajrAO.--It wyt the Shank Of
h Berlin. 'Good evsnlng.
Heil Offkar," aatd Me otafsen.
YAM* awful me," was the, jppopai sn'8
Answer. 1rift eerwesbar I was lat
los?" asileld the a+tonlshed Ntissn.
Toa that i!� a f ate/, ayet
wb@a ahs R sed (�M11
A @elstre of at gglied al has bow
(rads at Lae�rh -- M. IL
Tie trajMS at the pep
sma-tlN wNh
faesmara Imvg'
wLart--b (IMII An wttk „t
UP"W Nhl S oft our Ual
0009 bob mom�el � I1 �t ez, *1 y f'
and a cart _oar JaPmrars h
i>a so a.utnr.000 LlsMlelr iu eI.
veers ppee�eesra� d Norte 'l'1 r"' ra
In Unrted Y ywll •a y
prC�s� lttgdota. !•:verywh
to De sealr�t tscrops coo lays
waAes"10- olio -t yya continue far.
Luo cold. Nice veils ll$her and
doge mute" gxttl to the wtnter cepa
Axa Y sealYrgs ; Uw Inttrr ht►f�
titer -militmnem faigi mvtgK� �,, Hums
taae Ute agrbuitutal dtuation will
Irate rherchtltlg to be desired. idle
txuUnve to tatty fr'tpn hand to muut�
apd even folk of strutting top port of
Ute time. Were It tort fou our rtuak
being o alMJI a amaktrrable Acott,,
would Have W be rrqq��iiastte�
Germany --The Ptv`ilan c(fi(•lal rat
pos�f, fur mild-Aprt1 gives Wm c(xdd6
tion vii who" a full averages.; �s
abient as Avo�fp (Jur H►lmbua
rorrespaedmili rrrltma that Lire sem,
Uner ►bas bM taloa ate dry• dad (areal.
raeresdhavv�e Mae termed to flame, eprppg
Ba�tem std HolI&ad�rClpOp ,arse'■ V
tavoreat _, Wile t. Aic@
►as heed dere tr p U whratr
arto-SarAa lila McHfssa- "a at pr -
ranging from 2:s Bd to 258 ikt tar
April -May shipment,, ftp to 27m till -2d
for fbN•r samples.
Aartrla-Hungary-The weather of
tit• past week ham been quite furor.
able, and tie oeuvre everywhere are
quite satisfactory. Latest (,(ficial
trot) bialktlls for both Platte of the
Empire have iikewls-i been favorable.
It @ to --Crop reports continue ,lulls
favorable, but Cde s, curretgrolwi•ent@
may that rale woad be benafklal Is
their d'etrk•t, tine weather ha,ity
been fine and warm. The moremeut of
wheat from the Interior to the ixrrts
cuntinttrs quite mmall, As holders In the
Ulterlor Are very unwilling, to a reept
current prkcs Holders at parts ha re
\ery aDwillingly been compelld to
hquldtte their stocks, with margins
On the wrong still. A R*WWr telegram
addrd that navigation on the Neva.
Iced nr.n,•trd.
Tarkry-In.F.orcpe--Crop reports are
tot a) encs araging as a few days ago,
rein tetnngg greatly nue0d d.
Roamanln - I atrwt ad'vk ms relMKt
favorable weather, std the crop can.
ditlrrs are mtwt sathdactory: Very
little grain Is being sen$ to the IM,rta'
Bulgaria -Tse autumn crops fill,@
ifPfwrall.y ert(xd tine winter very well;
the abiundant rale and the warm,
sanny btym of the last month linve
also exprehmd a -rPry favorable Inrla
race u•ton the newly -sown nq rlrig
CTat1A With Dreamt conditions IA—
Austritlasla-Tete •(Ratlatles for Vic.
torta show that till- yield Of wlwat
was !19,-0'1,000 buphels. This Is near• '
ly 80. r cent. more than the Iarg@ ,
crmtlh of 1F.)1. Tile &fflcolty is to ,Wr.
the, wheat out of the firceducetw band%
whet flare raw met their arr+glf.Mrt.m
nuirrments, and airs drterminrd ,'to
hold the balance of their crop. -
Whd•lgnmcar Im now mentioned as a
likely wheat grrwpr, the anti betrtg
suitable And thhpe land cheap.
NOTP2. 1_�„
Basinccs failures are down to their
lowimrt level, numbering only 164 this
week, agahrt 184 in the sane week a
year ag,, 240 In 1898, 228 In 1897, 267
in 1896 a rd 224 I n 11895,
Fqr trip Dominion of Canada the
bank' �claranow were u follow@:
Montrral, +(18,880,'46. Increase 37.1
per cent.: Toroutq 011,015,292, lneroass
30.2 per cents: innl 1►1,748. ,.-A
Increase 2.8 per ceat.; Halifax, $1,500,,
700, Increase 11.1 per caulk; Hamlltoa,
0819,675, increase 7.1 per osntl; et.
John, $448,1377, dk-crease 27.6 per cent.;
Vamxosvd+, W2;074 ; Victoria. $740:
255. -
The flirt of the 189'.) Clip Of wool ham
ben rcceh-td in Torontr), It was an-
vvnshfd wool, however, and wan taken
front the higher closer d sheep; which
bto cd-ira do not care to WAslt text they
shOand Puffer same Injurlcin mveltN
frrnn the neoM;Ary expxnure. The wool
slid at R ter R F -2c. A year ng r no-
Wtialsd Wild At Ile. Thin, however. In
wnmtxd wool• a though the Indication
is tlLtt it will AIRO he corin)dernbly lop.
low the Opening prkr for washed
fl.ern elf Inert year. A yens ago buyp"
were Paying frim 16 td, 17r, and some
of• them Moir, for washed flaims, sad
a W" m—y of them Are still hoM-
irg till, Wool that e(wt them iRE., hat
asp slnoO the near npprinch of thn new
clip to the market m(nte anxlnts to dis-
lwft Of tlhelr property, feeling that
when the 18911 rllp bregma to �, om
the market the a fort will be to beer
two-^ for mtrx•ka AIrwAQy In ha tel
foPn1 o1^slters think t11O market for
tb'w w^ann'n elip will Open about 1&e
to 14c. They ham their viewer On this
p,rlecp that they mold Rpt fnr top vent
PAM In til+ United ALAtoo mar
7l, ry4 "" 1 W n
'' I asisr1 Int+n'wrtag ' to w
rone luted from toe ror"ta M Its own
mere prrtrinri/n On time outlook for
whiter Wllea%. It gtvea serve sown m
iR9T,29,A10,000, of wpmlc•h 2.R7R.0o0
stores helve bmert ptGesaplbe� q Item-
hrg 01,4,12,000 (�eeh1ssg averngw
mmxltt ,,n, 1(tty lot 7617.
tivw yield, 8¢8 480 prrxlp�p
e yi d Mi 1898 2 Mpg,.
The LlIverprxhf fief Trade Netra�
April ::S1,F1. hap it".,ltda!1Owing libont