The Signal, 1899-3-23, Page 88 '1l M.l.rt-IS, I . More New Goods Are tJere- and more oonsteady coming; to hand. Every woman appreciates the satisfaction of making a first choice in new goods. ----New Spring y_ _ -New t:salinds.-,,...--... New Sprig Jackets. -New Gloves. -New press Ends, - New `Ones' Furnishings. teed: -to -wear Skirts. The greatest /boom gives by oar Skirts. They aro well meas, velvet booed. lined wetb boat rustle tutees, out to bong and as nloay. We bave the new flared skirts of serge ..d lustre. trimmed with two rows satin rlbbon. Great rano, Only $2.50. THE NEW DRESS GOODS. Every worthy sere, even proper stye of dross material for spttoi is bete. Bedford Cords is all the lending shades for suite et. 500. (.vert Cloths is taws-, Treys A blues. A tad Clotho to bra `\\ browses and greats. Rob heavy blank waved enema. A special has tatty Dress Goods only Zea MEN'S FURNISHINGS BARGAINS. Extra special der Ware sateen shirks regular. boo , for 39c. NEW MILLINERY. We are making great pts par.trons for the Spring Millinery. A new and sty- lish stock of Sailors, Chit dren's Millinery, etc. (kir Opening w11r1111 li WSW weeks. ad prepared der Easter. NEW PRINTS A sprmal Igoe, fat colors, et 6c Corsets and Underwear. Boys' black M6irt, cul y 33c. Es r• .penial assta tine csineetf bosom Mona, roan ler $1.00, for 50c. New short Corsets, 75s tad 41.00. New Fine Malta Underwear. 1ii4b6 (awes, 76a. 41 sed $1.b0. Wbite Shirt., 50c. 75e and 41 00. Dnware, 25o, boo and 757. (:ore's Coves. 18o, 25o, 357 and 50o. Ladies' and Children's Vests. -NEW SPRING HATS, FSDORASIeme STIFFS. ..-- -Ntf W SIRING SUITS sad OVER- COATS. -NEW and 1'RE1'1Y FRILLED RIB. IONS, very ext.smvs1y used for Waist and Skirt Trimmings, all the new sada, fro., 1Co. 150. • yerd. -LADIES' nod GENTS' WATERPROOF CLOAKS. --NNW fi•ed18. Yilki.ilrcitlland moan. • -100.. BAZAR GLOVE FITTING PAT- TERNS, only 10o., equal to any 26o. p.tcero.7 iu ht, m style, and eomomy of neatened. Good honest value fur evory dollar Spent in our store, and more of it than is likely 44o be had outsi.Iit this store. CASH AND ONE PRICE. SMITH BROS. & CO AREN ITA A >og DELIGHTFUL CIGAR That Maks E N Ont whotf7es it vi.Aart nv , C1 MON,TREAL. CARLOW. SATr'RI,AY, Mar. 18th. Harry Townley has been suffering from . wary sere .,. lately. Jae Fowler has been engaged by W.1, Femme for tits yammer Pear Blatt and family ere renewing se nskaMe se around the Hill. He think• ear winter very unlike the out west. The Carlow Literary end Debate, Sootety fully sustained la reputation Friday last by pre .Wag to Chair ssd10eoe • program teat in evOTT petiool•r was up so the high . asdard thy have over striven to attain a pars, oleso, 'leveeing program that re paired rod talent for the rendition thereof TM ooetating sides were ..bamploned by U. Rarkwell and .1. Glen. the former being . warded twelve maks mors than he oppose. est. The decision was just,bat so near • tan we should like to try them again. W Sadder►, of (lode/rich. ad 1). E. Moore, of Auburn, were iodise. and by their renew' A. Watber•Id, of Auburn, acted es akt anti be them. Friday evening next a oo0 vuesst.ee ler members only will be tis, order of the swing The ladies havlov stored to bring light refreshment", a soy a! Mme, s.11veroed by Impromptu speeches. ie exploded. DUNGANNON. arms.- The loeal annoy In Duaaae• on Pr T e e ossa. Y a the onloe of J. G. WARD, Y., eon moo &o. who will realer or lar en mime advertising and los wart, and 1. authorised to give receipts for ameaem paid for the same !`t A. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF LUCK - 4...71e deeew. will start Dammam oat 1K and ad Ideas of each month. All modern meth• int extracting and 'Thine. and mating arty teat►. Oeloe. next door to Medd's tailor Hours. 9 a.m. to 6 o.m. TUR.niy, Mar. 210 ' Ue'OR,1 1. Madrurti. The muumuus' IO1e of West Wawaneeb will moat in the slopitt nova place as Friday, the 24th .f March COFYALcNcIlrn.-We .n pleased to kaow o { Mks flan Wbyard is slowly reoovee. from boa recent glees ; also that R. Cisdemmieg a slmoss recovered and will shortly be able to go armed as formerly. Te. WRATHSR --The month of March, M- .41190, will its remembered le very may for it keg time. Sea it rremmeoeed it hes •Else the bill se to obangesble weather. Up • be date we leave had samples of wloter, tering, sessear and autumn weather • ER77aTAt,Mtrirr. - The enlertainmrne Zrsea hold here es Friday evening la at. sbe play. " Cinderella," was praot- eed elan. en,Md.ring the unfavorable weather Mat eveolmg, fairly well attended. We los hove It was . s000.w finenotally, there frog amid Marty dollars mildetw& mem evorew.-it pays farmers le keep • MA WHO =tank. nk. Tisa. Ander-ma .n d Derblese tans `of Aidaeld, and John N; leen, et Wee Watanabe, all of whom s. e ,__k_t sad idatrinoa farmers, rearm'v Blepesse M barsso rased from rho mel' haws leageelleistallise (Jrovs.blr. 0.k. sl, -- vasa }rises- Aie1>taeet.-A• T. S. Ihtrsin was refers flag lases es Wede day of laid weak is. bet s remb6ed ta • *sew drif t, and the gad else sMp teem him forward at of the are i• wash be ser riding ea to the heed .nail ilj. enge sed Inters to his nese and as 61 • bin abssb. However, we are pleased to dabs seal lee wands were apt serlea., sad Mee be b rM.vr6se se wail as ma es ex - i peen& le sew s erase 4011, swami, !who kaa been en an extended veil here n• awing former 'snl.a+saaoes, returned homeward on Wsda.day of Int week, via Luckoow Mies Celia Pentland re- turned home last week .iter haying been for about two weeks 'needing the spring mil- . hairy 'denials .t Loudon.... Meer.. Cum- berland and Glover took in the hockey mon test hetweeo W ioghem and Luoknow .t Listowel, on Wsdnedev. the 15th Inst. Wlmgham team was victorious. INTsaMENT.--The remains of the Tete Mrs. Mary Ferguson. the beloved wits of .lams. Fsrgosoo, oouoeaio■ 7. West We- wanosh, were interred in Dsog.aeoa ceme- tery oe Tnead•y of last w. "k. Ther. woo, 000■ldering the inclemency of the weather, a large .wrtege of sorrowing relatives and friends and ■yympathiriog as ualotecoes ie attendance i)eoseasd's age wee misty years and nine moths. Rev. B. L Hinton coo- -looted the otralsise. The doomed ler, to mourn her departure a sorrowing husband and • family of sons sod daughters and also • number of other relatives, who have the ■ sawn sympathy of the residents In this n eighborhood. SALT FORD. T!•maoAY, Marob 21. Mrs. Gorge 'Venison, is visiting ber parade at Reliant. Owing to the very slippery 000ditioo of the road.. only a few of our people were ale to Maud •Irvine servta on Sunday. O'Connell liros..re rushing busineea over here. Already they ban sold an immense quantity of the :r superior brick, and the order, oom0s .0 tan scarcely be filled. Robins were teen in this vicinity all week. Hope the Nevin oold weather won't drive them book te • ,rmer climates. (:rows have been with :Ls for over two months, and the great cowing going on to the babes around bre Indiana that new batches will be ready to devour ,ear note, peas, what, ote., when summer Domes. Now to a thence tor our .port man to make free urn of pow- der and shot. Don't delay to notify than o1 your amity. These pests should be got rid of, and the farmer would hall yon with icy and oommetaorste your visit by erecting dead crows hi -tis bold and along the high- way. Oeme at ono. HoEwss's altbloek is ag.io at work afar wesetee_M1•• net Ws whiter, The mea aro all wearing ■mUR, whiob predicts a nominee sertng and summer of prosperity, and also an improvement in the salt induct - try. Mr. MoKeas, sr , we •ems OSA to vee, is beak again atter making a thorough he- vestlgaMon of elle salt block. of MIohlgan, whloh as others have already aid, are re■ a no greater dvaeare than his own. We hop. Mr. Holleran will not let the great ex- position of Paris peas without plata, before the yes of all nations his display of all the grades of salt msnfutared hero. It would she elbow be great advantage our proem/Ma tallille and h. I.dcwe■. DUNLOP. .. fa the aura of a few weeks nor pre - greedy. fanner. W. F. 1 oasis, near here, will pat ap • windmill on his mammoth hare. He ha .lady got the Mmbcr. re. ,laird an the ironed. This wall le the •onrtb windmill in our sada. tdaady hereafter w111 he the only day Ne triad its. Ace abeee hors wlt.iat work:Mg. Aloe Melwnd bee lately removed from , h e NO* and rested the beer sed property v}+" r d ties. Q % M. . v...e. •,e .i Frnra Moose. Tway -A sett-k.eww TSL \SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. farmer la ear itis tteigkb.khesd ditty severed ...large ruralp pq wean ..rift and ea the Nt.lde pas • a..SI.g of mNare to keep tee frons away dinging the whiter and remev.d the dila veatllalor.. Tke pit ✓ es seer he Mai las book add. • tee days ago ba west then to bring up a lead of :urines fur his .took. Whoa be mom nomad so epee it 6.. win .trailed by the lad mewing .f a oat •ed us op sI.g the pit with the .pado sed ase poem raided eel and made uhf to the woods. This is • fant. James Young, of tole plea, with he faintly w111 this spring gm to lire on their faro .t the I:.b Roy, formerly John Ed- ward's. Thy will ettlll wad the old home- stead omestead hoe this year. 1e hat been said that our local arahlteut Is w b. uoa.ulted .bent walIdi.R • new house then serb►p•. Maws Stirling, from near Porter'. HUI. media brief view here last week. Stave lase here he hes entered the 1. sdlot.' forms and rata his father's fa,. , the latter - Rob'. Stirling -having retired from farm- ing gad ie now raiding in Chalon. BLUEVALL. Tosapav, Mar. 21.t. Mies Mabel Orr, of Pordwtab, visited the Meese Molest this week. Bert Begley loaves tbls week for the Nattiness'. Good luck, Bert. Don't forget the fear aotMoody la the Forester,' hall e. Friday eyswiog, Marob 24th Yam, fat and Caress, AU lomat talent. Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Bosman, two of our e s, wfined villagers, have removed to Wiwi. ham. They will a gamily mead in this oo•nmuoity, speolally as the Methodist ohuroh, of which they were esteemed mem• bets. UNBORN. e• Tbm1t ay, Mead 21.1. On Monday night of Wt week there wee a ameba& dance at llnladview farm. Our townsman, H. MacManu■, attended tee Assizes in Goderich as g juryman and struck luck in having nothing to do, The work of the Court was light told hew sot called ten to sit Oc a came. Mr. and Mn. Wm. C. Stewart lett for Galcehurjb Dakota, Wednesday morning of last week. James Chisholm went with them as fares Clinton, where he went W attend a wile. There was s sawing bee at Geo. Fulfonl's Friday afternoon of summer store -wood. Ten fiand" were prear L Richard Foley and Wm. Fulford were the champion pair with the long saw. A rag bee was beta at Mrs. Jamie Chis- holm', on Thursda afternoof last week and was attended bon y sixteen of the gentler sex -principally the married ladies of the oommunity. Their task was made pleasant by social chat, and after tea, they being all of the Liberal persuasion no debating could be had on the puliti.x of the dayy, but eeve entertained- by tging:•il4E"t 1 coda l night brought the gathering to a close. fhi Friday evening the Society of Christ- ian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church holds a buniues. meeting to the Sunday school room, to open at 8 1..n. sharp. A full attembutee of the members is req On Sunday epu -ial euvelopee for donations to sal the schemes of the Presbyterian church will be collected. The pastor spoke a sew urgent wonls to his hearers to onto tribute on Sunday to these funds, which are somewhat in arrears. we •f Um VssOUdrrsy--Job. Ilebeoala, n1 Ss Mary's. ..4 Ube Metros..., of 1)e• . - we V .tlssdesee sl, the tasm.l. We ease rewired the followers sew from Rev. Malcolm Wul)Uttvny : " Ytsdly par• nut sloe threark 6he oolumce of your tetra d to loader my hears -Wit shacks to the tray dear triads .the, ease spars from the borne *role, a kindly mlamtered e• my dear tatbw in hle las illam. A6 tee, etylmg hour myself and brother wan far distal, is Person. but surely sear is Velars sad sym• pstby. My owe Iaabllity to be bone then arose from the late tees ea ea ping Nortb at this .nevem of the year Irma this warm, sunny uhlm., would .arms.ly imperil health ace life. Pe. ones has wore. Bl..sed thourhl' God sere mak.. mistakes. H1s Italy wilt ae doss ffte I hope ro pia.Jon • brief sruole louhlog the life sad mtI.wy of my sola/.d father. 1. deep arrow, M. M.'Gtu.tvaay. Beuevola, Ala., Mar. 15, 1899. AN Karr WAw.Nllaa Ptoses, Goes. - The following from The Blyth Standard re - ten to the brother of Mrs. R. D. Cameron, of this town. T'6. declassed wee a promin- ent Liberal of Ewe Waw.nah . Another old and enuoh r tooted maser of this sae hbornood paved away on Moad.y sr.- aiog .boat seem o'clock in the parse of James McGowan, of Est Wawacosh, D. ceased for s number of years past was a great sufferer from rb.eaatl m cad ter tise oast few weeks he wee unable to tees. N. boas, ss Miens was bit "offering. Finally death relieved him .1 all paw. Deceased wins native of EsgieMig township, Halloo oou.ty, and removed In 1866 to the farm upon idiots he died. Shortly after his ar- rival is Eat Wawanwb be built . sawmill upon the bank of the creek that ran threayb his farm and for may years adducted • snoomful lumber i,ato... H. married Miss Moieree, of K«Is..tat, who arrives him, together with three seen. Ohs son. are Rob - .rt, of Peorte, Ill.; Jas,etiod Me Moody la- minae, Oswego, and John at home. De- ceased was for may seata s. preaslnent member of St. Andrew's ohuroh, Blyth. The funeral took piece on Wedoseday aft•noos to the Union cemetery, and the list sed rites over oov who wee beloved for bra storied rood obuwtar were witnessed by may life -bag friends sad soyueintaooe.. FUNERAL or R, SHANNON, BRANTFORD.- The tollowaeg is from The Brantford Courier of the 1316 last The fuNeral of tn. late Robert Shannon took plans this afternoon at 2.30 from his late rseldeow, owner Queen end Chatham streets, to Greenwood cemetery and was attended by • era and represutatave gaiheriog of sympa6hend triads. A short serrios win first held at the house with relatives, and after a public newton. The Rev. R. M. Hamilton sad Rev. Yeah Nobel oaielated. The pall. bearers were : W. B. W.od, R Henry, A. Moffat, F. H. Leonard, Chas. Carroll, J, MoOcary. A large cumber of beautiful floral tributes testified to the esteem ie whluh deposited was held. Thin iooluded : dfafoam,..hMe bead" ; *Row, "Father -4 anchor, Dr. Sbanooe sod Dr, Reg. Shame., brother and ..phew ; walb, sister. ; °rove, Mrv. Bukervdl., 1.Wft ; heat, Mr.. D-. Coobrsse ; wrath, Mr. and Mrs. R, Henry ; anchor, Mr.. Sh.0000's Bible ohm ; plaster of Iile., Mr. and Mn. Ford sod o.r..tion.. Mr. and fare R. J. Smith ; o'neter of rem, Mr. and Mrs. Moffat ; cluster of row and aro•tlooa. Mr. and Mrr. C. Dusan ; cluster 1111.., Mr. .ad Mrs. E. B. Crompton ; oluater roses, Mr. and Mr.. Mood ; cluster rotes, Mr. ace Mrs U Neil• Exeter ; cluster roe, Mr. and Mr.. M. J. Kest, Lood,,m ; flower., Rev Mr. Hamilte.. Dr. Shannon. of Goderich, one of the best known medical men of Huron county, • brother of tie d. - classed, and Mr. and Mrs R Box, of St. Marys, were panni at the last sad rem ea t)BITCARY. Long -Colborne township lest an old and esteemed resident oa Tbandet• of last %eek in the death of William Long,, wbn paned sway in his 75th year. Deceased was horn 10 Tyrone, Ireland, and Dame to Ganeds at maturity. He tint settled io the neighborhood of Toronto and afterward bar 11 smiling. He 0610 spoat six years in Caaforoia and Cariboo, KC., and lacer paid . ssooed visit to tee Pacidc wait, where he stayed for • year. Returning, he settled io Colborne forty flys year* ago, ushere be re- gained mita hie death. His wld0w, Wil- liam a etre and Mar • dsught.r, survive. His funeral win held oa Satrzday to Mait- land cemetery. Ti*tLATE MRS. EMERSON -Tie death of H Margaret Kincaid. reliotot the late Thomas Emerson, occurred on Sunday evening last. The d.os.■.d before 000110g to Goderioh about eighteen mouths aro had been a rat dent of Clinton and neighborhood for over twenty-five years. Ste 6.d been an fnvelid for t6.1o.a period of seventeen years, bet reached the age of saveity-three. Sbs leaves two children, Deborah and George F., both of town. Her husband died in 188.3 The funeral on Tuesday afternoon was private. The remains were Interred in Maitland oermitery. Rev, Mark Turnbull oonduoling the service. John Rriokeedso and Mrs. Thos. Hfggtn, of Clinton, were hero to attend the funeral. Death int Mrs. SMITH - OD Sunday even Ing Mrs. Sarah Fox Smith died .t her home on Elgin insole, aged sixty•tbne years. The fatal Rhea oommenoed ave weeks previous with en sttaok of the grip. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, the intermeneb•ing made in Maitland ceme- tery. Rev. J. A. Anderson, pastor of Knox "hued, of which deceased wee a member, oondooted the services and the Dell -barer. were A. Moll, Allen, C. A. Nairn, Wm. Sharman, jr., Robt Motssn, John Butler and James Reid. The deceased bad bac a resident of Godsriob for • oomp•ratively short time, having ooms bore from Toronto about two yaw ago She bad formerly bac for many years • resident of St. Mary.. She was the widow of the late James Fox Smith, and left three obll- dons : Noble, Georv. and Sadie, who have the sympathy of die oommanity in their. e Hhotoon. THE LATI ARCHIBAld MACGILLIVRAY.- Another of the good old Moak hes been ended home On Friday morning, Marob 10111, the death of Archibald McGillivray mew. red at 61s home on Palmerston et, al the age of seventy• five year.. He bad bad an at - took of the grip, which brought on hart trouble, end atter befog confined to bed for two weeks be passed away. 'the funeral took place on Hedy afternoon, the 13th inst., to %eased oeneary, and was large- ly attoadd. Res. Jas. A. Anderson oon. dooted the service as the hones and Rev, Jas. Hamilton al the grave. The pall -bearers were Jas. Raohiac. er., I). Stoddart, .r., Jae. Stewart, W m. 8x11, Alex. Sanders and A. Saabs. Deceased had bvd a Woof ose- lo•ss end was widely and greatly esteemed er hie qualities of heed and heart. He was born is Port Gine,ow. Soothed, bee wan itrought up in Moll He wag o•arerted 1s. the 01d Country and jeind the bree Church et Sootl•nd. He ams to Canada what • young man and settled le Vatgban term ship, near Toronto, Lair he moved to Breve enmity, where he took op a farm. For several year@ he held meetings then, pre•ohlcg the Gospel ,o the Gallo tarns, until about twenty eiebt years ago. Hs was appointed by the Presbytery to wdeot • Giulio mlrlo. In Gd.rlob. The Giallo eharob en Nelson et. was the gems of his labors for may years. The serve es 1a this old edifice ware glue. up gem0 yew age. and Moos tone Hr. 1eeltllllyr%, ass. deem e,..'lece la l e Name. of his pespl. Ry the Highland people, who loved to bac him prated the ward el Gd Ie their naive tongue, and who held him 1e rat repeat and' Mein, Mr MaoOIWvray .111 be es. portant *dead. Dee.e.ed ser t'doe mar- ried. is hie bol fared, were We daegh- lore .ad fear sea A amebae who died in Wear" : Mrs. N owl, who did shoot alley yeam ago is Mtehh.n ; Neil, e.6. dl.d I. Gederioh fittest years age : Malabo. who is a edema' of the Prembvserien church se Ilesevola, Alabama ; John, who died .1 Manna" two yearn age while Ie charge of Mel dile obreh• 10 tat olty, aid Drawl& erne to a Presbyterao nikeiesary in Petean, Oldie. Re ••orad wife aid two yeses OIVFN UP TO DIt Was Mr E N. Stowellbot Dodi'. Kidney Palk. Cared Him. Brookville, fan. 77.-V. hen en eminent physician notate" • .wk man that hie ease' hopelees and that be must die, he is, it may be taken for granted, to a pretty bed %.y. That was the position of Mr Ei N Stow - •11, of this coy, not Int, ago. 0. hid sat. fired all the agonies of Bright's Neese for several ye•re. The ablest physicians had rronousod hie Dace hopeless, mod he bad began to "se hr hoose in order," when • friend urged him to try Dodd'. Kidney Pills. Ome box pat new Ida is him, saves boxes cared him. Now els (\leads hardly know him for the same man. Soon cm more for Ddd'. Kidney Ma Easter silks at Kobtnsoo's, On the .peeing of the Domielon Perlia - moat last Thursday six new members were introduced in lbs House et Common. -all Ltberae with the ezoeptioa of L G Mc- Carthy, of North Siston.. The ant mem. bee Introduced wa Robert Holmes, West Huron's member, hie sponsors beinr Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Hen. Wm. Paterson. Rev. A. D. McDonald, 1). D., of Seafordd, at the meeting of the Huron Presbytery last week, tabled the resignation of hi. pastoral .barge. Ily appointment of the Presbytery, Rey. Jr. A. Aodenoo will preach there next Sabbath sod Mite his congregation to appear for their intense before the Pres- trylery oa the 28th inst. Dr. McDonald will take Mr. Aader.on'. work 1a Koos church next Sabbetb. A So17AL EVENT. -Goo of the planation ..oral .vena of the season was the pretirei- aive euchre party gives in tbeJubilee MM. rooms one evening last week. The prizes were won by Mime. Bnyley (of Ingersoll), Nicholson and Comp.igae, and Will Cattle, J. Nairn and Noble Smith. After • dainty sapper denote, was enjoyed till 2 A M During the evening macs "'peerless of thanks to the members of the Mob for the use of their pretty room', and to Mn. Rhyne", Mims G. Polley and Mia B. WUki.- soa tor their untlrlag •/ora to M1tti M• party a eesoe.esfsl one, were heard, COUNTY CURRENCY. Morrie Robert Shoetrees'. • mal highly esteemed resident of the Alb eetsoembia, pored away to his reward early m lute - day, 28th alt., &god sixty eight years Bromfield : W. Foote, of Baomookburn, a000mpeuid by his wosio, Mr. Anderson, jr.. of Hills Gra, left here last week for the mines of gold, en , the Klondike. Brasfield Mrs. Thomas, sr., sownapan- lel by bee daughter, Mrs. Lortord, and baby boy, have left for Manitoba after 'pending an onjoy.ble time among triaeds here. Enter : A anion .hew w111 M 5.141 here next fall by the Smith Heron Agriosltanl So0oty gad the Stephen and Uptowns Breach Teeters. Moadav and Tdeday, September 18th •ad 19th, are the dam decided upon Zerfo1 a Wednesday afternoon, rho jus, Met., a lariats explosion took ple.e i• M gree.' .tore here In nonnccf ids. wife the Arm'e seaweed gin machine. Tee M. pot ser bawd ave or six miles awe The handbag was badly wreaked and ped web strew. about 1. great nodules. Whams •.w.:..,. le helidln., aimed e. d sad serer fee read were broad and she Treat ed Well's gess., berms lb. road, wits lead in by the aea- end•a. /Fortunately, no use wee Miura. asespl J. D Mercer, w b. bad he taw herbed ase his hair swrohl The dosage to tbe heading is 000sid.rabls Clew.: Meaty 1)ewrw, o1 the Godes limo 'Stanley, wee III teem the •bliss day. He had sot boas 1. town for several yawn. He looked LAS hale sod hearty as ever. and was peredgelorlyAsitghted veld d. mean la West Huroo. Chasms : The lral .xourelea 10 the Narth- west took plea oe Tuesday •1 last week. Amuas the pawners from Clinton won: - J, Shopperd and wit. gad Mies Ida Cottle, Dti rg_ lidl•bergb N. 104•Isei"'KLHtieg him and family and Arthur es..,bo Qo •.- pens, .ad dime rlervis. of Uedettah time ship, 10 8tutaluse. rlr]tat Rodent tilt it la "The Si pal." • t THE WEEKLY MAttite T RE PORT Urpa.rc.f. Mar. tis. inane pull Wheat 0 16 to 06.1 Fleur, family. per cwt.... r 10 to 1 10 Ilona, .Saint, per ewe 1 60 w 160 Brea, t) tae.. ... 11 00 Coli 00 Shards • ton 16 8W toll 00 oaurelap, per eat 1 00 to 1 00 Syr. per bush o to to 060 Buckwheat. sot blit 0 60 to 0 60 O.ta•here .. 018030SPeas. IP bra --;: 003 6.110 Barter. per bupk ,;..... 0 6s to 030 lu sas awns. inner. bM 316M0N News were Ib........,^.. 0 10 to 0 ll ramt s Aash aspaseea, ileat 00 w 1 76 60 to 7 00 1 i Pel•00m0b LU•mbEtaw . 160 M 0 00 I3 ■.ed 3 10 b Cm3 ..... Liam. pet la.. .... :. '. a I,jta l0 Lnasi, per lA r '3 08 to 1t Linseed Beef, fore e.aemt,...... 6 CO to 00 Dressed Beal. farad 0 u0 to 60 You may eat . e `------ sleep well. You may not sleep at all. You may overdo it. if you wish to repose comfortably and put in the time to advantage you should use one of our air pillows. With the pillow use our Iron Pills and White Clover and Celery Tea. Take them as directed and use our other guaran- teed remedies and you are sure to sleep well. It's handy to know be- forehand that in case of Nickname in the night, or out -of the regular hours, there is a drug store that is sandy to nerve ' you nij'it or day, and that the prescriptions are dis- pensed by a competent and reliable person all the time.0 Our store is that kind of drug store. and that's no lie. Ask your doctor. He knows. That's the kind of atten- tion prescription work demands, and yours will get it, too, if yon take it to J. WILSON, PRE.sooP7'ION DRU(; $'PORE. Terms cash. No credit. Telephone 45. Dairy Tinware 1._ Woraell's is the place to get all kinds of strong, hang made Dairy and Kitchen Tinware, Our own make of Pans, Pails, Strainers and Milk -Cans, Also Savestroughing and General Re- pairing at WORSELL' 8 THE TINSMITH, GODERICH, - ONT. BARGAINS IN toves Having bought out the inter- est of my partner, Mr. Robinson, T have decided to sell off the bal- ance of stock of Stoves .t great- ly reduced rates. Now is the time for BARGAllrg. Tinware, Coal Oil, Lamps, oto., etc., at equally low rates. I do Plumbing, Heating and Theimithing at the lowest prices. Call and get names of some of 'the percha•ere of my Stoves for reeer'enee H. C. FILSINCER, Oor. Square and WestaL Millinery Novelties for '99. _The latest and boat in shapes --and shades, The two shades are Mulberry and Cry1p°. ltla values in feathers, and feathers will be in vogue this season. We do not hold a millinery opening, but are prepared to furnish the latest. and beet in millinery at all seasons of the year. _ -• ice• deldrei--Arohe ..a Peed -are.. hl*- Apprentices wanted hos• to mem him. A bream sada Iib t1fAOlfatOn gtrest The time we commemorate. Our . . 4th Oreat A nn 1 versa Sale WILL BEGIN THIS WEEK. And continue till the 20th, when our Millinery Opening will be announced. • lthe prions during this sae an based epos a margin entirely Geo small to be continued longer than 10 day.. It will be a sale of great opportunities, . momentous and memorable sale, so real in ita money -making chances as to stamp it beyond doubt the greatest iSargain Sale ever held in Ooderioh. 111.1 - why you should do business withlo t. _ 25 REASONS 1. Case new Flannelette, 32 -in. wide, to be sold at.. ...... 4e. - 2. 68 -in. Cream Dressed Table Linen, regular 65c., Bale peles..45o. yd 3. .1 Me Factory Cotton. thele price. .. 3o. 4. , 1 one White Cotton, sale prioe 5a yd 40n Printed Blouses, sale pries__. 25c. 6. $1.00 Wrappers, Bale price tOc 7.. 7c. and 8c. Print, sale price ..... 5e. yd S. 1 case Linen Threat) and beet quality 6 -cord Spool Cotton, stopped in transit at London station and bought by ua. Sale price 4 spools for 10c. 9. Ladies' Black Hosiery ' - jk. pr 10. Black Sateen, sale price 11. Beet Quality Zip Binding - 12. Rustle Lining 13. Linen Toweling, sale price j;,},gk ltil'o Dwell 1.44nna,rsgular.2.5c., sale ., . Colored Sateen, regular 10c., sale price .ib yd Ladies' Spring Capes. sale price ' 4.... gait Price 200 Straw and Felt .Shapes, Ladies' and Ohildren i. choice.. 5c. ea All -wool Sch. and Pink Flannel Tic yd Roller Towelling . r 3e yd Men's Collars (Comet) " - - 5o. box • •es.••.rsao-e...e'..aa•••10t.' yd 3e. yd ,6*. yd bc.yd 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Blouse Silks, sale price 1 came Ribbons, wale price Needles, regular 5c., sale price 19e yd Half Price 2 for 5c Best quality Twilled Skirt Linings, regular 10c., anniversary sale price .. 6e. yd 25. 500 Remnants and Dress Lengths in Dae floods --Prints, American Challiee, fine imported Lawns, Organdies and Muelina, all at Half Prioe for Ten Dsye Many of the above lines are leo than cost of production. a ' B. SMITII, C. W. ANDREWS, •) Manager. - ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR M"LEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. • Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. Sotho's_lligNight 1 COAL AIO_ WOOD: 11 arch 25 (CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We .re .till .t the tams old .i.nd, Nein Street, where we have horn .applying our oo.tomer. for • number of years. We bow the fed that suite you. Orders left with our delivery riga r at Worsen'. Move and tin stop and at tem oast will receive prompt attention. All coal weighted on market .mss, unless world today. otherwise ordered. We run several Dns\ in oow.sotlo.. CANTAUE 1 FUEL CO., JOHN 8. PLATT, Mame, Phone 44. Yee?-tt -AT- VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE The Greatest Scotch Comedian in the FUNNY FRAME and his FUN MAKERS Personnel of hi. Great Company: Florence Hayward, Brilliant Sootti■h No - pram). Annette H. Gray, Distinguished Contralto. Walter Haigh, the Celehwated Scotch Vin. linut. David C. Mather, Champion Piper amid I htnoer. John MacKenzie, (Campion Ifighland and Characteristic Dancer. Walter Gray, Eminent Tera/w. .Tames Booth, Pianist and Musical Con. doctor. W. F. Frame, The Man l ou Know. No OaUtering in the QgOenseei isew pea wittier MAIM • wish owes. tinhwe yp cheery .e•A .0 blga.m.•t mar os Latin=anolutr ; W tie. ism ena esba. a• te bar ham. 1b •r K•bd •ss. ib. mer •t re.r Inlmg,ha6 Its. ?.a sent ant two bean of le andante [am ; 0.4 6604'. mint we all went, tkr. day. The se.tesan `lar. Tr.... to Mo most 1Meamamt at •••■.utas heattl•h oomls re sonata sad (tornados/ha a_eMos.Mdsr (barber t -To that •osis... Be 00AR0 000812 10 ashisso.^ i iOila, T. _ r *A& B1t i k ma res% ereseseb il.lesmt dreurbe' menthol 1/akamt a the set rarwtiv dleremi y of the ape traten marl.. membrane -- thaw to !kit vary beim, henbane paine mad setae with a e ireU trioosMAM t arlth sal ;es m ski Mr ghee tlsm. esmaYb'a ho, semegm, all d' ise FOR BAIT mu mil. HOME WOpllek FON FAMIUR 01e:117:: dsW ere idoll.e w Ilene, s p mitor rr the hes l ens es IM time p wort emus a Wettest inti•latl ,.... . e. Oe-srse.11sell 1•ai4bn. te.. • ,raga». OODIIIRXOB -.'sea-. Jib. BMW BOILER WORE. A. S. OHRYSTAL, /eN0NM.. Arfl g • Me1B,r - . _\..fern a et r mess et 8OIL83IO. ' Busks s a rem, Mose Ow _Dego lb- _ OrAktia. lhlklewr- b how aim d Web.,aPlies NIl Gleie vips g 751., {Oka Wives. vnoloweek Wessue sad lir ^-- Clusee.MJ r mod se Lwin. ille18.. Wed We* eel ■ e :7e. s ser ow e1 fieselessj ethane Oble . „ tti O. ON W. WeLiers.