The Signal, 1899-2-23, Page 2The Signal B ec0I mow WYERY THURSDAY MORNING HY D. II/.GILLiCeDDT. Terms of Nkeelt}at.a s rogMce . l0 advan1 5 s months, Y! onthsMear 1 (0 Advertising Rates s rLUf•l fand Eontthlenr acasual eddvert4em•npear al.„; peate oLoequsat keerr,uuouRterensur•d 17 • asaparell Beale. Dodoes. card. of sin ease and ender, 0 per . -ertl.r,geuta •f Lost. round. Strayed. 811 noma Vacant 590411004 Wanted and Bust rtmDinares Vacant, not saeeedng a Uses s.pir.Q, 11 per month • Holmes on Ste and F+rens on lisle, 004 10 ex- ' -- MedIIlnes t1 fur ant month, Ma. pee sabe.- peest mouth Larger stets in propDrtiea. Any special ratios the object of whet" is to presnaSwpscuslart !coedit of ..y Individual br pY,P to be Wrstdered as Mvertisement v ••oordagly. L▪ ocal melees la .onpardi type roe ant per woad, o settee less than Me. notices In ordinary reading type two per word. No noWs far ler than sa. Ellyn. for churches an nd other religious Stam Institutions. had rate MMtathrf who 1.111 q e Tea livor bo.a.. a. eeg.larl) by mall, will p•lntl•g es of tee feat 1e a. early • Mite as p.eslble. Whoa a change of address 1. dsslred, both w W sad the new eddrer should be given. Pablisber's Bales. J. C. Le Towel, of Ooderlch, bas been sy gei1aat•d Local Travelling Agent for the Towb- alp. of Gaderieb. Colborn•, Aehaeld and W •- wen.ed Local postmasters over the district are also ��otapsuAwlwad to receive subscriptions to Tan All esiniaa0SaIIona nest be addressed -�---_ .! LLJCUDLY, ihi•$h•t10111 foe Guderlcb, O.1. • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1809. TSAR ovum. GRAND TIQ1XK ialLw&Y. ARUM Muted 11.00 am. eauu pm. .m Mail and lti.i am 1 1 yteeda� .a.... ie 1411 nd rapeIN - 10.so p.m. -*3,. Wel eel Ltpress..._ rrdtsasru 1 16 •oe I sed ssapress t so P''• - .d SR p.m. DENTISTRY. i 1CHOLBON, L. D. & e g, Crwwim IISJTT&L teepee (�.s, add linand BAMe Werk a ▪ tag. eere lopsi d l sLa D: ��DtNTAL moth bur all Meatal derailed. PwesrvaWs et the natural teeth a spprrlaity ogles: Cer. Wad is. aid tlgarecep0alrs,. Retread es Wad at • M. TURNBULL, D D ft, LDS. -DENTAL er •Surgeon. (Lately *associated with Dr. • os. ef Mold end celain. Mel teeth mounted)on roll or aluminum kaam, medal attalutie deem to the preservstles of N atural meth. Orwin Mel.sa's oat rido•ks . NIEDIOAL. �HUNTER-PHYsIC1AN, SURGEON. he Oiee: Drees euoet, the res,ier e =*emitted by Dr. YeL.a. Night cells residence Telef,one R. I.MOAL AND CONTMTAICIINO. Qtllirr HZATB ON-ARRI1fTKR be1LIC1 sans ter, lieu) 1'111 - C•.,adu.Bl�,k •f Osmmres Chambers, the Square, Ood,ench ria -1) E. CAMPION, QC. -BARRISTER SOLiCI ggarr, Notary, ey, le. 001... over Mealeal Hae c • M• O. JOHN14tON-BARBi*TER, IIOLICI- lor, Commissioner, te. Mosey o, los.. Others. Cor..B.WIwn end tit Andrew'. streets. O oderich, Out. 604 vpfJ HAYS-BARRIST•JI. SOLICITOR, AA*he. OSoe: North st., Mixt door SW. :; 11. *See. Private Funds to Lend at lowest rates of interest soft ()ARROW PROUDroOT, BARRISTERS, OA Attorneys Solicitors, he., (aderlch. .1 T. 0•rrow Q.C.. W. Proudfoot CAMSRON, HOLT & HOLMES, BARRIS- tan, Solicitors la Chancery, .e., Dederick M. 0. Gmeroa. Q. C., P. Holt Dudley Holmes. JG. WARD, OONVEYAIMER, he., AND • oommlmlooer for taking and receiving reeagnlsasees of 1a11. affidavits or affirmations, MapaslUota or solemn declarations In or coo - In{ an) actloo suit r pro-eding In w 11ggbb (Josef of Juan.., cls Conrt d Appeal fer 0.1rlo, or In my County or Dlvlstw Court. Alt transactions earefnily sad promptly ea. mad. Residence and P. 0. address -Duma.. yea, Out. 1Mfl/ ea LOAlle AND INBDSANCM. MONSY TG LOAk-viers PER CENT Moneyte loan, private fund; elm fiat O bi farms not or ell. Helene and lois M crest or for W. E. N LEWIS, Barrister, sol - C/EAGER, CONVEYANCING AND lilt • serene. once. opposite Martin'. betel, Ooderiob. MONZT TO LEND ON 0ORTOAGE AT f1Pa cent. Note. discounted. C. SEA - Mee: Opposite Martin's Hotel, Gods. J. T. NATTEL IR -FS, LITZ AND ACCT. F. deet Interline. Agent; at lowest rads. Ores: Ger. lotbSI and Squre. Goderieh. 74 401.011. DOINGS OF THE WEEK ITEMS Of INTEREST FROM AROUND THE WORLD Premed. Paseteated sad Preserved In Pithy Peragreplu for tne Perusal all Pr.etltal root,. - r.rwe•1. Polities& sad Treatable. fWWTICS 4'ANADIAN_ 1'1. nominations f0* the he• Bruns- wick prorluulai el.oIlons Kok pima on tlaturday. TH■ LABOR WORLD. •+ The 'tabbies" of London, 7,000 In number, are on .t:It• because tie pollee oowmlrnlonen prohibited adupt/ este standing oo the S 1s4, IBj and Bond .area The 0B4 are are bit bard. ''.:r:i. TNR WEATSIt. Cblo•go had 82 degree.''j ► Tbur.day ue.Cittiug, the cold.. a DSO 157e. Washington bad a temperature of 7 below aero on Tbursday. Th. Potomac River Is frozen over. POLITIC$ -IMPERIAL. A Dublin despatch says the resigna- tion John Millon from the leadership of the Natlonallse party In the House of Commons has streogihe.ed Irish unit). lite resignation Is likely to be followed by tbe partial retirement of Jobe Red- mond, the Parnelllts. TM favorite candidate for leader 1s Thomas Sexton. MARINE MATTERS. the steamer Aoadlan, ashore oft Louisburg, C.B., has broken up. owing to the nosey weather. )IONET TO LEND -A LARGE AMOUNT aMa of Private rands for Investment at lowest mem es fret aI•5s Mortgages. Apply to e• BOW b PROUDIOOT. R• R�FFEnERAn URAReal LeddM1�dgAonret Only first-classcompanies represented. Money M lend on stral ht ken, 0 the lowest rata of 10tareat g in any way tomtit the borrower. 951e.,,f eb. 8ati door from Square, Wert street, eod.ft tont( NZW MACHINE $ROP$. NEW MACHII! SHOPS -ALL RINDS OP Repair Work done et Reasonable Prisma framing Implements for sale. Machinery. new sad second-hand bought and sold. Engine. and Rollie 1QrIale.ia ,4taed • Bates, old wagger; o roe Vcurand J. BAZTt1;RMD1ICIMAY. T7atalpr "rite - 1 ADCTIOR!ZRiNO. 'GUIDR Y , Alt oA UCTI O. N E ER AIM _...roe rs m i, O'l.�H15 OiWs Wes Ma G. es abraded to l0 100017. 10 17 The Memo Wenn, caught In the tem In Lake MI 'legate U believed to ban SMM d New Jersey, with • oaptld of been wrecked. The crew, 1t is bored, $14,000,000 preblred *toe It and $15,000, - wen taken off by the steamer Naomi. 000 oommon stock, for tb. ooneolldatloO The vessel was valued at 535,000. of the manufactories of varnish. CRIMi AND CRIMINALS. A oonelgnment of cattle valued at 870,000 wee shipped by a Toronto Orin on Thursday to Great Britain, together with bacon at 419,000, sham at $1,000 sod wheat at $9,001. Flour wortb $7,000 was forwarded to Newfoundland and 57,000 worth of agricultural Implo- manta Germany. . PUaZLT PERSONAL. OWN et J. R. Mc£waa wee 1o1a117 de- M•oyad by Ire on Thursday .tterso... TM Mees and eenlente were lasered fes 44,110, wblob w111 °early sayer the lace. J. f. Simpson, /ewer, Chatham, 0.1.. Ise. bL entire grocery ,took and /part of betiding by dee on Tber.day. The family rtaided over the store. and barely imaged with their lives. The tbees.er- .Ise a elbaered many 16 Grew retro at the Uwe. Lose about $6.000. The grocery ,ton of Mrs. Ur1IDa, Lon- don. Ont., was almost completely dm Weelyed by the at noon Thursday. Mrs. Riles had 8110 lb mosey in • drawer upstairs, which wan alio consumed. Ti damage to the building 1s 8400, and on stook 4200, partly covered by insurance. Al Albany, N. Y., Saturday night a r0,000 are occurred. at wblob one life wap probably lost and • mild blue: of banding. gutted The Hudson River Bermes" Company, employing 180 girls, ase Antbony b (0.lbill, manufacturers of w.ttresor, loo $40 000 F: K Mack glp8 to ora oef the bulldlgge and a be - TDBI'earl.hed 1u the a•mo. TIB lit steles, WORLD. Ottawa bus a new (armory. James W. Wool. goer Into the tumhermen's supply business on • large wait and will employ 76 hands. A Midland mass meeting ba. approved .t granting, by way of bouus. the nam et 450,000 to the Canada Iron Fernery' Company John McGowan of A.m. has bad pans prepared for a large hummed oll and oil este mill, whleb be intends building at Abogue, on the Unnd River A rubber oumpany, composed of the leading rubber men In England, has Mau organised, MOD • eepltel .took of 413,000,000; beadquarten, Manchester. Tbe UatS.d Saw Vanish t.omnaar le being organised under tbe laws sit e1. Burglar -sane worklog Galt that, night.+, so far wltbout [serpentine' suocess. The Paris Petrie says a vessel bee been sent to Devil's Llaod to brlog Copt Dreyfus horns. liaised $1 end W billa are bel • s "shovel" In Ottawa. (Ice forgery was paved for $10 and another for $30 in that olty, and 115 detectives are at work 11Ji LROAiLYCMRL1iSg. Orand Trunk Railway a7etam earnings, Feb. 1 to 7, 1&99, 4444,913; do., thee, $896,786; Incr.•se, 449,128. At Pickering on Friday a bead -on oolliston between twc freight trains. one of wbloh was • double header, 011 011100d sit Hires engine and several ren were reduced to kitdints Roc 1. Conductor Kelly of the Little York train was seri ott.ly Injured. No one else was hurt Teri AGRICULTURAL WORLD. the Department of Agriculture Das publtsb.d • bulletin on fruit pulp. A careful investigation hay been made by the department dnrlug the past your and the fruit men •-• expected to benefit by 1t and M Mhlp M Britain large quantities of the trnit pulp tram which iam le made. Tbe bulletin 0000ladee that there might be • good opening for blact our - rants, green gases, apricots and mtnw- berry pulp. Rosberry pulp brought as big It as LAO M E60 per ton last yenr. ■UICIDR$. Henry P. Rhoda, attorney. Denver. Col., has lust died tee the result of wounds laniard by himself Mn Olga Layman.. a young and Sandmen., Rus Man widow, said to bate been his Sano.., killed ber son and herself at the made place •en Wedne.dsy. The triple tragedy is tbougbt to be the result of • lovers' quarrel. Mrs i_evrdnlus and her busband, who died a year ago. were Siberian exiles pardoned by the Czar. 'teat Were of blgh blrsb. Rhodes was e Kentboklan. OAICALTIIC7, Mrs Daniel O'Meara of London. Ott, was seemly burned In her home on Saturday- Her clothes eaught from the seal stove. Her oonditlon Is critical from the fact %bas she is pa10 70 years of age •KNOT GRNRRAf. APCI'IOMESR ig Iond deude,. Onb•rtch Ont Hay- berexpel-Dees In �0. suedes. he la In • m1 to Mecham Mtldertlm ?el emmmtminne m - M Orders lilt at Buaum's hotel, osent bymall tnhis address.(nderleh P 0.. arefully attended to. J . ,HM KIWI, County AAaieetUlooe r. 11M 8 TONIOSIAL ARTIST. TONSORIALsi arms on premises. 1 5 and *eery other requirement amesl to. and nose hot pee eLe4n's nor Mook, e•z- t 6eler M IMARRIAaa LIORXSMa. NER�INY. NAPPY GIRIS Mr. Ottowell of Goodwood, 051., has just received $40 for two old 12d st•mpa, Canadian, black. Lee 11II. will eater upon the ninetieth year et bis age on M,.reh 2, and the 22nd el 11e supreme po•tlfioste Feb. 20. Kahl de la Warr, of the DunlopQ, Tire Company, hes agreed to eorrendlr the 410,000 received from Boody, line som- pn7 promoter. James Reid'e son, Jobe, of Kingston, will be di.cberged from the (Jolted Stalin army oo .00000.{ .1 IIIDeas. Re Is now at Manila. Henry Dunham, sob-oolleetor el els- Mme at (ampbellford, 11as been dismissed for farming oat h1. canoe. William J. Mather has been •ppoloted 1e 11s plana Thomas Avery, the deputy oolleogr M otestoml at Pert Huron, Mfob., Whit fordbly deported • Canadian named Moiled iron Pert Lambton, One, 1B September last, has been dismissed. Andree's brother dor net 1.11.,. 51 bones found in Slberla were those WI Prof. Andres and his companions. He says the locality Is cultivated &al that ander such elecumstanoes it Ie Inoredlble that they should ban lain %ben • year and • half wltbout dleso,ery. TN0 DEAD. James Seared, s pioneer of East Whitby, died on Thursday, aged 90. Sam Kennedy was found frozen le death In a coal tilted at St. Louts, Mo., es Thursday. Ezekiel ('udney, wbo bad his skull $r.otar.d while getting into kits w5gtm at Fort Dalhousie • few days ago, died o. Tburad•y motning Ralph Severance, son of Dwight Sever- s.e, • wealthy farmer, was found treses to death on Thursday morning one m115 south of Phelps Junction, New York State. The chief °M sand boatswain of the stoner Martll°, from New Yort for Holl, were killed on the voyage over, owing to the rough weather, and the s,,aln and second officer were injured. The steamer tort her boat. end ventlla- Mr. and was otherwise damaged. rola Miff or WAR. Tbe Soprewe Military Coact of Spain bas derided Mat Admiral Ca' and Commandant Emilllo ilex de Moran of the Crlst08•1 t'oloo, shall be tried by sours martial for the disaster In Sant! ago Bay. General Eagan le to be placed on the retired 11.t of the U.S. army ID • few dad on his own application, after 10 years' service, and Cal. Jobe F. Weston 1s to be nominated to tbe Senate as Coni - Middy General of SaMlaS.oee. By bb retirement General Fagan will for- feit 41,876 from the annual pay to which be would bays been entitled for the next six )ears ander the sentence of suspen- sion. SICLA•llFIRD. William J. MnHarn, a eters hn the London, Ont., patotfioe, le under arrest, *barged with stealing money lettere. Two gold brinks, worth $6,000, had reached vaneo0,r from the Dorothy Morton mine at Pblillp'e Arm, B.C. An English company owns the mine. Eighteen magnificent specimens of wild Canadian trout have been added to the New York Aquarium. They are the gift of H. J. Hemmer of SL John's. and were ought several woke ago In Lake !d ward, 100 miles north et clashes,. A000rdtng to Mr. Comm**, M.P.P., as effort will be made M Indues 1,000 of the Hoiden Doukhobor* wbo are eoming over In tbe .prtng to settle in the valley of the K•minl.tiqufa and Wbits 71.1 Riven. The Ontario Government 1s w111 - Ing M build Metter hate •ud roads for the ImmlgT$nte and the country I5 well timbered. There will be a chance for those without money to earn some by working ea the Ontario b Rainy Meer *m Tway. TM■ FIRE 000('OVID. Later developments of tbe Manitoba Rotel fin show that the total nose will be is the Rif khOrbeod of 8700,000. The village of For..tport, In Udea Ct.Doty, N.Y.. was destroyed by are 1hnrsdty warning. Tet15R.ph and teM- phone offline burned. Al Dille Oat., the large trams fedi- Often Become Languid From No AppareaLeeisuse. 11. BI•.d 1. • Vital Kl.m.at I1 Meet ns Rapt Pure, Klein ane 0.d-0.17 Is Title war Cab Tower stria ANa1.' Par- fet 10•rlth. D1.1ea• 1s sed Lltw A former roaster o f Ely workhouse has just been admitted as • pauper inmate es the Institution over which he formerly presided. Such an Incident ts, we believe, without precedent In poor law adminiat e Don, although Dickens antictpated it is "Oliver Twist," to the fate which he pro- vided rovided for Kr. Bumble Try It. -111 would be &gross iujustloe to confound that standard healingagent- 1Dr. Thomas' £electric 011 with te ordin- ary unguents, lotions and salves They ere oftentimes Inflammatory and astring- out. The Oil 1e, on the 000trery, emin- ently cooling and soothing when applied externally to relieve pain and powerfully remedial when swallowed_ In the early days of her womanhood every girl -no matte, what her station In life-.hould be bright, solve, cheerful and bepp); her step should be light, her eye bright and her cheeks rosy with the glow of health. Bur the moo is the unfor- tunate oonditlon of thousands of young girls throughout the Dominion. Tin y drag along, always tired, never hungry, breath lees and with • palpitating heart .tor slight exercise, so that merely to go up stairs is exhausting. 11 • doctor is o D - suited he tells them thud they are anemic -the plain English for which s they bays too little blood -and unless a powerful blood enrieblng, are.'-reator'tng tonic such as Dr. Williams' Pink P111. for Pale Peo- ple is taken to restore health. decline and an early grave la only too likely to follow. The benefits which follow the use of Dr. Williams' Pink PU1a In cases of this kind is amply illustrated by the following testl• monlal from Nice Id• Bookman, of Marks- •ille, Ont. Miss Bookman says: "It gives me much pleasure to acknowledge the benefit I have derived from the use of 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills. My health was completely broken down; I became m weak I could .e. -1y walk across • room. I was very pale, had no appetite and gradually lost yeah until I was merely • skeleton. 1 was subject to palpitation of the heart, dizziness and violent head/sales. 1 wan under treatment from two doctors, but neither seemed to benefit me and I went on 1n this way for •bout seven months. Having seen Dr. Willlatns' Pink P111. recommended 1 determined to try them. Brion 1 finished the second box 1 began to Improve and by the time I had used eight boxes I was as well as ever 1 had been and had gained 'LI pounds in .weight I am grateful for what Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have done for me and freely give this testimony in the hops that It may benefit some other girt suffering as. 1 was." More pale .red-4oe4Nes attics have been made bright, a tine and strong by Dr. Williams' Plnjt Pills than by any other means. Mothers should see that their daughters entering womanhood sire streserthened used 1av10oesJstl ,py Alit , are, of th great blood ,making IODIC. Bc1d by all dealers or sent post paid at Ito cents s box or six boxes for 8::.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Go., Brook- ville, Ont. A tearful 5.?empty. "Prof. Stiffer always discourses en the evils of gluttony before dinner." "Why?" "Betauas after dinner he 1s not able to dlsoonrse." third's Ultima( Cares Baru, etc. Isvo I. Wonderful. Willy -I say, auntie, what did Uncle Bob marry von for? Aunt --Why. for lose, of darnel Willy (m.diatively)-Hemi Lon will make • man do &&most anything, won't 1t, auntie.? A new back for 50 cent.. Miler's Kidney Pills and PIarlt.T. An K1.a Game. "It's all foolfshner to alk about any- one getting the wont of 1t in the matri- monial game." declared the big man with • silk hat and a loud snit of clothes. "How's that?" "Marriage M always • (15 " Have You Ever Tried to buy • pair of /•!tors for your wife ►a it department acne/ Met your wife is the r mitsurnnt where you wen trod g the pretty typewriter te • lunch? St en the horse you have bet your last cent on left •t the • est? Stepped on the [mains* end of • tack while waltaing the baby to sleep at 3a 711 ? 1 rtod 10 save 111,15 1n • 1a• her shop by gvttlug • shave with your three -itch culler en? Stopped off • moving trolley ear back wards, or tried to connect prematurely with one en slippery pavement? Taken off your hat to a lady acquaint and la a preliminary cantor on • bicycle? Had • liMpound lady repose gratefully on your pet corn In • crowded street tor? Rumtuaged all through your clothes, loot your temper, 1, :d diagramed yourself ID a vain endeavor to feud the 01151110( tion ticket that was resting peon!u,ly 111 yuur hatband all the time? A Diplomatist "1 say, Jimmie, dyer ma beat yer when yer got 1n last nighty" "No; you bet she didn't." "My, you got off easy " "Yee; you ere she was afraid I'd yell so Mid Pd imam the baby." Corea elude Intolerable pnln. Hone way's Corn Cure remove* the tr.o.I- Try It, and w whet an amount of pet, i• saved. (tette 'r fac.i.fir f/ f�� •a�Z red, ift - la lila e:�MA:4_i 444/ LAVE, 11.1:7*R OF MAOMIAnt LI- • .rasa, OSMertnh. Ont MY 17 •w _ T - .._.�_.__. _ 4rN1T M Wore• loom- i don't know what's Me m•tesp Wise •V /venae; ft doesn't heat the hoose nameIg' lone.• -I ray It doss. D draws OWNS slnedesebi of wf meaty emsy week' A Cameo* to Got twee. "A Kentucky man reoently married the granddaughter of a woman who once re- tuned him." "Gracious, what • vengeance be will be ills to wreak!" "I don't nes where the vengeance U be come 1n." "Why he will be able to address the man who had once reteee4 bis M 'greed - mother.' " How's This! W oiler One Hundred Dollars Reward for any7 rued Catarrh &let cannot cared by 0.11'. ('tarrh C,r,'. !. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop., Toledo, 0. W., the g•,ders.gned, have known !. J. Chaney for the tut 1.5 Tears, and believe bins p.rfeCUy boeyrpb1• to ell Dustmen tran..et o•a and anise l able M tarry out my obligate. made by then firm. mew i Tonal, W ',Weed* Druggl , Teledo,0. WALOuo, 4.150 u h M•avu. olimitir.Drag Mats. Toledo, 0. Hall'. Catarrh Oar 1. taken internally, set- ae etlag directly ems the blood and mucous Sur feces or the system. Price He. per bottle Sold by all Ilrugglgla Teethe .a&.1. fres 7.t'• Idea. Bea Captain -Now, Pat, what world you do if you were left on • barren rock In the middle of the ocean Pat -I'd pull out me teeth an' lin on their roots. Miller's Worm Powders make the children healthy 11..04. 1.1.0 ..1 1)-050.017. Chinese maps represent the Flowery Kingdom as occupying nine -tenths of the world. A few colored spots of minute proportion denote the existence of Eng land, France. Romain. America, etc. Health for the children. Miller's Worm Powders. Cultivate Kindness. Kindneo le nary than andalubty, K linters thou*htluh.ava and bears .•ulturt'. Many Christian people are brusU' end *even without thought that they com- mit wrong. but they have retied to cul - ate the moat beautiful grace et tonti- nes". leu not monist to be unkind, for to- Mee one seeks to be kited he has Gillen short of duty. Ito one cin be as good as he should be without striving to cul Ovate 110Ahnem of spirit. "l'h,nty .-,Rereth long and is bed." r koir as .liaarme prejudice and hate and strike's., cctinttence. overcomes evil with good. Lindner. makes the gloomy wJlc,owect- ens briefer thou,btn, .tren•rbena the faint anti leads the sinful from path. of airs. Of all thing• in life which we may rsret, kindness 1• ooe that esus.'• no repentance, bat in regrouped there i.. -no bitter pang than rememhranee of kind things we might or ebould have mild, but left unsaid, with de d• uurlono; Wordsworth nays That beet portiou of a sod mane Ilte. His Stale, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and f love. A writer In the Arena dell/tree that 500,000 men now do rhe work, with the aid of machinery, which needed 16,000,000 persons 80 do a few Tears ago. NOTHING LIKE IT. Dodd's Kidney Pills' Cures Ara Simply Marvellous. 1n all department's of kfe, churtil and Movie, l ndneo in a luhrbent which mikes the hardre.t talk easy end the tiniest burden light. They Are Carefully Prepared -P111. st ranch t themselves las the , o which dissipate cannot be expected to have much effect upuu the :ntestinen, and to overcome c,r.- tiveness the medicate admlulstertd moat influence the action of thew canals. Par- melee'. Vegetable Pills are so made, un- der the supervision of experts. that the nIbatanee In them Intended to oOnte on the, intestloes are retarded In action until they par through the stomach to the bowels Female Road of New Csrw Every Dar A11 Are s.ql..-- Dela'. Kidney rote Cared ear. C. S. Griggs, of 1111••••• Otos, .1 ■right'. D1eeaes. HAMILTON, Feb. 13.-"I never knew any- thing like the way these testimonials to the efficacy of Lodd's Kidney Pills, In Kidney Digresses, appear In the news- papers," raid &citizen • couple of evenings ago, as he laid down his paper afar having read one of the testimonials. "How 1s that?" queried his Mend. "Well, no matter whet paper yon take up yeti find In It the narrative of • Cure of Kidney Disease by Dodd'. Kidney Pills. And, mind yon, every time it U • new case that is talked about. They don't harp on the one cad all the time, so, if they are all true, Dodd's Kidney P111. mud be cur- ing people by thouund.?" 'Don't you think the eesttmontais are true?' questioned Ms Mend. "Oh, yes, I know they are. Now here's a ease that i've Investigated: "Mt. C. B. Grimm. • carpenter, who lives at 151 Queen Street South, Hamilton. esyr he was told sight years age that ho had Bright's Disease. He couldn't get any re lief, let .lone • cure, till he tried 1)edd'. Kidney Pills. no used three bossed that remedy and was nompltely eared 111 them." "I don't know how many Hamilton pea - pie have been pond of Kidney Inseam by Dodd's Kidney P111., but the nowbmr most be enspmsue, for hardly • weak passes that I deal see a tesIlmoelal tines one of oar oifleMil in the p 1p•a" "Dodd's Kidlp Pills are a gram$ sed/ stn. -the only *Mney Our. nolo W C...-Rottem.d 01.1,.. VIM owner of cane-btttnmed stabs which require renovating should provide herself with • ball of strong twine and some varnish, and she can manage to do the work very creditably to herself In the following way: .Cut away the old cane, take • large darning needle, thread it, maks • knot .t the end and loop the Mtr, r.`ir� through the holes backward and forws.M, ctwawlse from side to side, right and left, filling every hole; then working back again, weaving as you would for cloth. Then Sind& tete chairs -end place them ankle to dry. Make small cushions of cretonne or any other meterl•1 you have and tie them on the seat, with ribbons to anatcb. Illeard's ldal*eat far sale evernNre. T. 0...g eke rletar.. Tree in hanging pictures the grated difficulty is experienced in getting the ,crew to fasten securely into the plaster Here 1. • simple o medy which many pro- fessional rofessional plct .re hangers follow In the course of • day's work: The hole made by the screw le enlarge d and the edges of the plaster are thoroughly moistened with water. Than the spec. (s filled with plaster of Paris IPS the screw pressed tato the soft plaster. When the plaster become. hardened the strew will be found to hold very firmly. My ner,ouSnees has 1dt me entirely as • ,cult of taking Miller'. Compound Iron Pills. 0111 Marra Losearthod. The foundations of an ancient English church have been unearthed at Waverly Abbey, near Farnham, Surrey, as well as the remains of the monks' dormitories. the kitchens and the diaripllnary cells. neve r•1 old oaken coffins were discovered In • perfect sate of preservation, smong them that of William Mandult, 111rd baron of Hanslape and king's ob•mberl►lo, who was buried In 1194. Miller's Worm Powders the medicine for children. A Suitable Floral Emblem. Then Is one flower, mays • writer in a London paper, which has apparently been overlooked by Americans in their search for • suitable floral emblem, which, I think, is worthy of their attention. I ref r to that of the tobacco plunt (n10 otlanaj in Its many varieties. 11 Is handsome; the plant is, 1 believe, Indigenous to America and la Imporanee as the solos of the human ramie indisputable. New life fora quarter. Mil1.Ys 0111111- pound •!pound iron Pills. tM Arc you think- ing of buy- ing a new wheel ? 1f s1); be sure and see the BENIION before you purchase. Write for s Catalogue, either English or Freuoh. Gendron Mfg. Co., TORONTO, Out • 71.1 w.71e5 Wank for Her, Blabmore-Admitting that Boobley is henpecked, I'm surprised thud his wife bos/teof 1t. Rahway -i oem the, Indeed? Bl•binore'-Yes-.he'n been frequently heard to say that she made him what he is today. Miller ■ Worm Powders dor sallow skin; old or young. 444444444 '1MQ 'OJ.NoVO. "Oa NOJ..AS miA31 ell mid imp owe lie+ at aeoT pow owe 3.l Faill PIM a•i ei td. •e* 4 immix siiiiiismatm •If••••1•Irmr. Me •1'Q .nosy is A arstwisi Pais •a pas.'*55* eel wr `accuse stp IP. yet elenas.d M o m Mss wawa ,T ears •a*Pes4wMa 7•1+w�rj ifei1.1.11 ter �1 •` , w crass + �•0� 1 i� - e Mnm�7Lt1 •WW1 MID VOA rweMa: aaaaaa1010111ya'ileb0Mlfeil►lebleb N ►!iB rREEe AGENTS WANTED a every town In Canada tor ti ee oouur premiums, valuableofor NO' but aallr able good.) 1na our gds, eo,sietb.g of Made Scrod or Iwtrumeot.l• regular price Me. and MM. 10r ropy) Patent _Lever Cellar Batton., MvT rid& Alma- loam l a m- 1Lapptm inksµother teatowed. !or selling two doses of the ►toys goods at ter. each you get )our choice of ad. etch and kdOu el, Air Ouw4 ti*5ing or Hockey 41005, O I oil l: bvM hi sod Brew, it u tan A ball, and B ag PnurMog Bag, *oafish, and a large v.rl"Iy of other goods to choose from. We seed 1'.a our 9100011101 1101 0104 your drat order. Nu money required. We mad you tee gouda to sell, you retire as the wase) and we send 7a yew Get to ts state which lidwo)rt at once. Whet 1 0. w 1,5187 C,10 Cis urn tomtitrequire ou T ,Uronto. Wersesboee of A1.mis..- Ahtirria0m. according to llreted 1'ttatem Dosed Atwell, at Roubaix, France. te mow 1045. 0.104 eat only be the manu- facture a bicycles, but the ne tter7 autbodtire have for some trme peat node an effort to employ t met all la place of trot. copper deed articles of equipment tarried by infan- try, to order to reduce the weight as much 0. possible. It seems, too, Met. with the acme object. the Bowden Minis- ter inhter of War has ordered oiun cum hce.e- shoes for the cavalry. 1a tests for this purpose a door of a new aluminum model M plated o0 one hoot. the three r,maldttg 1110re betas of the usual sort. it is found that the alununnm wears out less rapidly and 1s led affected 61 mud and moisture than the o,dleary shoe, and weighs about 2 1-2 ounces les► Ronr.t 1•,.r. nit Kara.. The region about the Dead flea le ens of the hottest place. on the globe, and the sea 1s said to loge 1,1100,000 tons of water • day by evaporation. t1..Ututl•. 1. Cr.t.. Pnrh 1. the destitution In Crete that the tailors on her Brttlsh majesty's warship Anson .re sowing warm petticoats for the seedy. p' IM �g�is's Anti-Con.umptivuMyr.p04ands ked of the lint for •11 dlie•aes of 1k• and lunge. It acts like magic 1. up . cold. A cough la goon s. !iceman of the chest 1a relieved, eves See worst came of consumption la re Hewed. while In recent cases it may be said never to fell. It Is • medicine peas pared from the Actin principles or virtues of several medicinal Mertes, and can be de- pended upou fur •11 pulmonary eom- plat..► Mena I tilisremeo. "Are there is good Wen/ MesLM.e 5111 nos up there Y" Retuned 8IornYkP50.'4 tiseld any en. Ton ran go up theta .04 bike goer park. Earn ltingatttr--Nevelt aaaft 1 1t i rev go and take my eBese►- RMnrned Kkodlkeo4 dank sky I seta you c0u1d bk. �rarg1lek,, thew tgiber--ilk 1 Neighborhood Ames181/a Lathers -(wbo is not on geed terms with bis eyes\Dee)-I've got some pride, .vee if I MD a barber. Islet e lallor)-WelL, plwY (Tee mig1 be tempted et out /DSO YOU CANCER THIN'S VAI\ CER send We believe KINARD'S LINIMENT Is the best : Matthias Foley. Oil City, Oat. Joeepb Soow, Norway. Me. Chan Whooten, Mulvey., N. B. Her. R. 0. Armstrong. Mulgnvs, N.B. Pierre Landry. seer , Pokemouohe, N.B. Thom.s Winson; t381me1d, N. B. FOR LADIES ONLY ALL MOOR TO 0110511 roe s• red to eaanses, remit es a 1.181 n rash , .111 amid you, (&il rharg�es prepaid), to 01 ,,,,ed , own figura ear 'wily, One d ow beat 02.60 Steen Cors1ts and eetex, beauutol' r M7 col and fini•h..� to seed as a •ant p1...1y. among your Mends. It you and us /°mire orders we 5,11 jay a Viral commdl'e% un eslm afterwards .5 or regular pprior- t M each r. Wines send. 1tjfor MsipleOecar uul rat, aur Ar Suet, W alai 1*tp mr•oreme at, der A.1 and length *4. This is as assn) Ito every mat" snowy a.4.M�ud• t, Be sure your correct We r 1 grden only rem?* t� p,� N at will-�.t two .*den to al him c vast top 9tiafa>� Cermet ♦ W. wld.w• ■.vee "I always look out for number One," said the selfish man; "don't you?" "Well, hardly," said the person address- ed, who happened to be a widow; "I an• looking out for number two." The superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is shown by Its good effect. on the children. Purchase • bottle and give It • trial. _A5•15S4 141180?.. Gnyee-A Wyman - /Nes would make . successful blackmallat: Qutzzer-Why not? Ouyer-You couldn't get 'ow to Lake "hush ueotey." rlaard's Llal®eat Relieves Neuralgia. Japanese children are taught M writs with both hands. W gl • 0 Me Ilse MATCH kaki ,ani. rdorsa, ter ti keg two lss d WW1, see-- • one soh • sea S Whim e Write, �sad tow, Mall ear bigPremium met yes taw mid the W10a pa- wn ►few W .easy, tad w wi m owe scat wir midi hie et / .A Mem Hoare& bow ,1 arra Asswatckrlarking ton Test fa ew0kns, 0.441 IOY Prpw- WIUTEL1ODT WIOK SS., TO11ONTO, 0A11. 1.11' taistli� i A Small Pill, int Pnwerfnl.-They that judge of the ppoower. of •Ill by its else, m world consider ParFPee'. Vegetable Pills to be locking.it 1s a little ponder yuan/ p111a Wat 1t lacks In Mae 1t makes up in potency. The remedies which It marries are put up 1e them small only small doss powerful are required. The tag strength of the extracts G csesysd la the farm and de their work thoroughly. REIT -1S' PIANOS In TOUCH, TONIC • and FINISH they ham no oqusL Commend- sem •.omend- sem wanted is every town to anti M agst► MIF a.•4sy 'rb.Na. A well-known Dundee angler, why had Ion fishing the whole da) gad got oath - tug but nibbles was scowled by one .t the keepers who mid "Are you aware that W. water 1s private sad that you ere net showed to tete AM from 0T" "itiriea Bye" replied the easier, "1'ra ace ei year Bab -1'w roadie' solar REID BROS., 157 114•5a rwtweoe. W skarn rba.O•,asan. 1044100.4. -. =Oral arse U. Aa. w few FRI0 1 Y r•'tr tea►. 100.4'. Kwi ni.041 i 3.aaa.r i 'neat 11. Plat w l . or 0.s. g0*5 t1ei. demi ~ di 4•4 yea ~754* rLiiitr neat tire. T. N. U. 7 207 Wagers Mad. ?tree Young Lady -Aad haw -Ale RLL_ like Mr. Brisk? I sew yea KOMI big a moment. - Seooud Young Lady -Am ala immo" Comte abide bald -beaded mos. First Young Lady-Bald-bI.ML Why bighead V not bald. Second Young Lpdy-Ob, yes te fa -la - side. I can est w.l1, sod my dlgast100 M gest Ie111.1 . Compound Iron P11is did 15 OMh.5• a neat Lilo. A former motto of Sly workhouse ho just been admitted as • pauper Maude le the Institution over which he termer!) presided. Such an Incident 1s, we believe without precedent in poor lawadminlatre- tton, although Dickens antictp•ted ►t in "Oliver Twat," In the fate which he pew' vided for Mr. Bumb,le. Good appetite, good digestion, refresh- ing sleep follow the ase oe Miller's Cys pound Iron P111s. 60 doses IK .est. N•w.Yangl•d 5e5.pe. Scoops for handling seger, ig111•w Mev are being made with • welalag• navel' tont, con/doing of • prams el Wow porting the scoop, whisk Y from the handle, the bele eamaesrill' with • spring-conteolled eked lamp& t 0 hand at its upper end le ragtime es a Ward's Llsimwt Cern kadrell<. seeeretliI..o AN.0 d.1• The mountain people of North Omens& and West Virginia •ro maid to pet salt 1. their shoes to order to keep Off the wfteksa. Bancroft related that one of the •berlg5SL. Whet .t North Amerles retrained teem satiny sari, In the befit thet letend the her whits What R. 0o4. 5111 -Yea my the thief smashed the parse from yes wlb's band? Jill -Yes. Sow nosel./Ud he Wt' -M 5.580?' "Thirty days "- T onker. 8lehssmta. SOMEHOW AND SOMEWHERE r=e beCereal, We ea IA A i.a_.. ale