The Signal, 1899-2-2, Page 8Tau atoty, Fob 4, 18119. s THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. SMITH BROS. & CO. A /Ney-Saviag Tire for Yee. We ate preparing to take stook Just now, and many lines, rather than keep giver, we are offering at half price. New and stylish Jackets and Furs, etc., that it would pay s ou to buy and keep till next fall at the prices they are going at now. Read over our list Come and see the goods ; no trouble so show them. HOSIERY and GLOVES BOOKS. Paper, beck, well printed, made to srU at 26c. Books b. Duchess, Codes Doyle, Outdo., Lola and others, all gang at Sr. Winter rebel int for little mousy. MILLINERY and JLOEST$ w LGM OAKS 1W,0ial lot of Jacket. in Blacks, (imam and Brown, going at $2 Each Felt *Axe sod W olkiea Hate. epeoiel lot at 2150. Trimmed Hato, Half Price. Special lot of t ash mere Gloves at lOc Pair Chihli Kid Limed Mitts, 350. Htk1E. Wool Hoer. soft sed tine, extra, al Fine Ribbed Cash .taere Hose. chic BLANKETS and QUILTS You won't mind the odd nights if your hare a pair of tett Heavy Fleeced Blankets ,.std the prior is smell. - only atm) for *elm r 02.50 lNnwhite tloilts MIT 78c• thamMatisetvel bent ee deet OPsh, Our i meal eSSuS Ss up is Logien iern haver • My yea Orli rile *When will be soma is 1)aRls/ s$ UN* Ibms. Mop Mho winger* to leant Mad Mee ad Mn. ' hMetlu, el Oe atria iew.skilh have Wily not et* a lees hp the Oisbh of as MUM Mild. Mr. cad lin. Thee. The - horse wsr0 at the I sseral lu Swday. rub Osasuuoruara OILY -The other evsdara sr* of these good darn rasa Uwe was trek obs was !oafish, the kms eesieb. They bad met to dues abs Import - eat sereseasy of welabAM • tao.assd dollar t►•oo.re thab bad mislead the drat ssestb .1 its see. ♦ fair maiden brought • basket forrlpe aR.ir mad your.eribe • pair of males, T7 W hood mesdames hewing stowed the little UN to the basket, it was hoisted up, sad mash of the grasdswtbsrs with her "*pier tnapwted the w.Yht--eavesbea posed. It vise the !arm* Utile oe, they hod ever seas at that sr. ia all ter yet es purism' of ever ditty years. We Mould like to haws t1 ter reseed air bs Mats is the DomM- too. Veiling* Laces, Ribbons,,.. Handkerchiefs. " A Penny Saved 1a a Penny Made CLOTHING and 4. . Oiliclit\ Not pennies. Pikt amus.. A d on fe left l 's;E a hearer theteNi I�* ,,.ntbebratat$10. 1 - 6Kisg tkiii:i'� .. - COR8STS and _. FURNISHINGS Goats' Collars. Beet Quality• Newest shapes Oily Nfeats UNDERWEAR - Thcee...Dew_Shhrt, Corsets, the latest shape, well .tarkd. Only 75c. We carry • hill range Mrypest .tree i in the best mak••.. Full line of Uaderwar. Greet Corers, Nig (was. Shrewd buyers who have taken the trouble to make corlperi.ofa have. proved oar exceptional values. CASH AND ONE PRIG, SMITH BROS:-�c-fA: DUNGANNON. is �x eaysag.a�aasnyoaler51 the ee J. A>o derv' tier wkes4ONeea who will resolve b. .dvrtlmsi sed iter � sd•r rewltr t« aitpaid for the same. A. NEWTON, DENTIST. ole LUCK- Ur. C CI .. will visit Dm llmill ..1hod aid friday ra•ff awash �s�emeth- 0 sett - Orel os of Os ]IMM4 a taunt Ostia/4u our MILLINERY 8root - 0 Mrs. D. ander. r dDossoosse00 is ir ir- =rows baiThe geed* .is of drat 000. fed pr .e mn. E• Dolt limithoesalL 111-11m Tois»AY, Jae. 31 Nsw Ismer sv.-Der l.o.l butchers. O'Oses•r sed Pots, have sneered • mwoh W for =ski.rt staema•*, sed aro pranced to w ally thole sweseress wtmoers. OopvLtasosrrr.-We are pleased to be able Is suets that Mir McQased, Utero, via rk Braise osbrab. whe. owiart wee able so mums her deur tab Sabbath. *brat fear chard a week ago lost Sabbath, Rut -Are oar era. Jewry. the Mi- hmee M A. D. 1100, will Mee relied. 11 r set.*0.0E, however. wtsMat n5Mdlel Iliad s Cambema wisher et years gent. Tie weather W been u.e.mbrloblY severe dee* Lok Tieredsy, Jabs Trost beta* etreasty Is evidw.sw. Oooniu AND DOING -Jona Ritchie. of WrgMm, ta.ae+a.o meati ter several aom- Plank was is oar villas• last Tbur.dsv es s bootee= toot. H. te a bustt.r 10 hie 11m of bsdeer.. .. Wm. McGwti.. the ren lel sed sisls•t towa.btp deck ot West Wawa...b, .ad Cha. 8toerq eldest for .1 emery eaaoolllr A. ;smart, pined Ihr.agh est. villa*. en Thursday lis, e mete to Ladish* ..... ...P.. Bra A Ovirsitoul dsesirlK S. Jape -sews Oram% Oar'-aae els . bower they tier at err 11=0-010ty sr*etIy ea- erase twase to the dl.54 l t -sell If you ere set tared ser your dryalst: he Mill .rraym be yea area00.Y r beet. That's • din wlt*emery hetgraaret ipw ware. Ito wwwif WS. Guarantee la paedya N moats et W druggists. LIS FOR SALE HT JAR WIL&*N. OPEN LETTEI Ne. 3. eat ttlMded IM st=ies M .suety mused wait* was held Wt weak is Dorton*, it be leg the =sed Mata tar bis. W. memo* that his Nero be O0 the wsrd.s's cbaf- aboaie be de Mg sear fatties. se he has had a lees experts.* is mast) sed *weave msaiapal again flea Wiilam, former ly of Ged.riob, sad sow of N Dakota, l. - eta vicinity of Pemb.aa. ems bet..5 • vivo - sag tear to ralatives to this end the nmfgb Miring motility. He looks well, sod eke• his loostios. 16 la about eighteen yet• e pos he left hers He would &dyes tie. who are lois( fairly well in Uosmrto est to leve it, altho*gb vmof moo Will .ms11 or se roams te preemie a homestead is Om e rr w..ld boys. barter oppsrtasity of do irk se is the prairie dletrior. 80173.117 CALLA. -OA Monday the r.5.aino of William Miller, acs of tom. Muter, of West %swami, pear 85. Helena, Won it - tiered i. De mpasoo oamstory. The Nat gats wort oosdaot.d by the paster, Rev. S Whaley. The dewed wee s yousg was, Is the pritra of hfe. sod we takes wades - 1r by the rabblem band of death He war all sly for a abort ems. He was highly edewmd as a oltlzes. The bereaved ear - luta, brothers rod masers, from whom he was so soddenly Dolled to bb flsal asst. have the deep sympathy of She satire oommuoiy. We dee.rel7 restos to have to Shams. tole the sadden demi,* of Hag► f:Irvin,AN- field. to the vtastty et !tile, were be wo. *ought op from a ebt'd. The mad ewe of his sadden call he wt a gloom over hie arm carob of retests«, friesd., acquaint *ow and neighbors. Ws bete ben is lensed that the desseeed, atter (.t.lo5 out of bed os Monday moraine. oomplai.ed that he felt Sowell. Modiosl aid was called tor a sows a possible, het ala. ere the phyte• 'man *ted arrived be soddenly passed sway Te. deoeseed was pores who was. es a coast of the public positees which be filled woo coedit to him..11. widely Memo and highly esteemed as s won whom inter 'try et obsraotet and upright dealings vers Irr.p-oedbable. The *nowise widow i. bereft. of a good mod revise bashed sod the oh,l.ren will sorely feel the Inee of s kiwi f.1hHe Sister. Mn. McBride, of Col berm *womblp, and ha two brothers, Cher. les sod JaMea. of West Wawasseh, will sadly mime he genial pre s•me and coawl, *el the oomma.iIy at largo will fel the lues of s seed sad worthy eitise r. We els. sorely *Maud deep sympathy to ohs bresv- sd widow, badly and other relatives. Gomm, Feb. 1st, 1899. Mr. J. W ilnoo, Prescription Drug Store, Goderich. D!L>s S1a,-The younger gener- ation hereabouts has a g'yod appe- tite for Bottle Fittings and Teething Pride. They are more popular out here than chewing gum. and bell faster. The Inst lot We got from you ire excellent satisfaction. We width yon could hear the moth- ers praise your goods. Of course yon will nee by the enclosed order that your Guaran- teed Remedies are favorites out here. We eould not keep Store without them. Send 1 dost. boxes Wilsons anti -bilious pills; 1 dor. bones iron pills ; 1 doze pbckageu headache powders and 1 dos. WiI- .odr* Wilda °lever sad Qalety Tee. We also hear a great deal about your method of dispensing Doc- tor's Prescriptions.' If yon don't , mind, would yell, next time we're in town. allow us to call and ex- amine your method, am it will eer- tkhifdl Ise a benefit to ant goods by first stage, and f.osray, Jae. 30101. W. C. T. U. COLUMN ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR M"LEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. TO ADVMHTIMERe. Nodal Of changer lust he loft at this OSce not later tine Saturday 1 none. The Curr fen, charges lutist lo• fait not tat r Thep $or dry won. O.sunl Arlsortioetnents accepted no to 'two M . ste•dsy of each v eek "..WI," ACI "SAD" 11000* m.tI.Wrb. New diirthdiehOlors.. tisslueas0-7 m quoted a saying that we can't drive out lbs avant aelooue, " Lbs only tbtag to do is to awko ?been hotter " the only way Is to put toad sodomite is competition with the bed *ea." tote, who is to ran the " teed Gamma " sad hew are they to b. started' M«envr, how ere they to be made "good- t A. tt le, teen to • great bad eters °oat titian is the seloos bado.r, sad it compel* d.sion to lit up their places as oewlort+bly sad bte.domm•ly se possible, fa .o ether depart.ast of trade is there as mach ez• Mese laid out 00 Writs*, sad Isroriou..p. poistmmsts Nagy .1 these *loom are dated ap .t very {treat Dost, and Met •n kepi r stoat w • earlor. TN Rev. Dr R•uuford would tied it herd to Wt the .quer dealers or the atereetire dmsorottew t their bars. *.loos k,rpt.R t• an old vale, and it easy ne sate.med that those .ogaced an at kno• better whet the pubho regard as a "*o.tA aloes " than dues the reutor of St. (!.acus'. church. t)brtonelr, the popular teal, it the wetter of liquor ..loose must bo under stood more scrota at by tome oboe% lore, ere .pent 1• oaterin* to It than hr reI Isnot.. end pb'lenthc°pie outsiders wits know so thing about it eso.pt 1e their imsolnatr%eo Moreover, whether m main» is "clad' or -mood," in (heliometers of Dr Ruh.lot,', ,t is • plane for the eels of dii.k, god it 1. ,he drink ohieh aloes the den ago. If m. - ,.ells+ eneegh .A ti they will gee** they o • mime ut 11r. Rate.ieud'A ..rasa a -..m.-. rt the seri now provided Some of the worst •x•mpiee of •looboii' . io,...eccsr 1•� er%.Ilhy privet% Ammo.. pled• .h•oh are sedeabcediy •'400n" is rh. settee io shish the term i.or,d by Dr. Rem.lor.t .i . Aitwa.Jtr.lar_ JMtwt.wd Asemiltta_slssr mmotrate that we are .r.... 0e4 *works* tNieihle to establish saloon. wMah are us oblactiOD*lete, she comet is ti -.r foe him to mak• the exprimsa, All be be to do 1• ro pay the Reines I.. I .,ser tax of MOO, end oi•eo his model rumehop If he eut- oeed. 10 making it popol*r asd profitobls he will est • •t•ndsrd for the saloon boeto•N whieb will be followed severally ty the ,rad., (or the 11 biter dealers ere °starers govt to adapt tbol.wlv.S t. the po-D110 Moto, spm whish they dossed Sr their Df` Reu.forre • keel e.tsee w steer ala),polar toesg, Every Mlo.. keeper I. Mlle will *atm O. /g.e1 bine !rocs it, wnb . One to s.kiyhis owe drinking plea, .. seed " .les. . e • o RES ■�� uiiw THE WEEKLY MANrltr REPORT deb i. 1 . - trFsf W heat �#aa� eat. family. ter owe sb«, Jam t, per esttoo Peso, • bah Barley. per had • wow $MMOH' MO N COPIP IIss03. 46 $itttoo6CI kW:ern ... ...w. 000tos10 Polawsm. • ttoen....._ 0 to w I its �apsr /l/ W0u Earn free► aaesebsl.11 Omai 111 M 0 1* Meed ..:..» d Lomb -Melee l4v• hors . - Dre+oed Hose.. N M f fe tt+wae tete. ......... .. 10 w 0 I • Nem ear 16 le 0 16 Lard. par lb' .. fiNw0* ir Chews. sIb. N Ihroesed Beal Hmad �5 Qer•-rlwner am r- hide INto Iseo 011 tat 66 " 0 siRAN6 NEW FLORIDA" "NEW aND BERMUDA" STEEL OVEN COOK STOVES ARE TN( MINS Of MAAERS, Arts MMA New Art Amherst " itttrrmmrnr IMPORTANT. Walt for It! Watch for the R. B. Smith Co's greatest of all Sales. It commences�Monday next, when $5,000.00 worth of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Millinery will be offered at 50c. on the $. C. W. ANDREWS will conduct this Sale. R. B. SMITH. wwuuuuiwuiwwuiwuu IS Slit .0/7 ECOEOusco. DOYOEE NEATER COAL STINE ID TME E1RSET. Every there warranted Nadas/ or mower refunded. and go•r..teed for one year swathe( hermitage. J. H. WORSEU THE oWsAT STOVE ILA.2 soLe AI.INT rt.N C30DERICH orthITtor' wousliso mot. Philadolp0la leas - if the working peep* el this twaetry west to Worm why they have hard times oven fw then, we •oa tall them. 11 is sot ovrp/tduetioe or .en•teresew.mptiss. as them pioneers are oms.oely employed. If they bed kept the .1.000,000,000 they spend sway year for strop( drink Is thole pokes for the pat ii•• years of Mrd times, the unset 1a11 to „n.ua[potaeita pad busineeo ability would tin t many 0f shoo able to Mor ie eitko.1 "0?a plosited few the .rooee.srius of tile. Ir is she tersresosuestiess ot whiskey that .sakes the estestamesmpeim of food sad 11.1I s M able Mee of liberty mid liquor - Th • .5.551 hill for breed, met. cornus SpA eoolee goods of obi. great American people ,4•1 so a total .f .vee $1,260,000.000 It•i. Ir sa5apl hill for wsbkey, herr. sae ...,s tbseea, le 01.400.000. Ie other de, tt s seeMMArtly drink. $1.60,000,000 a or* mire than it eMreer1ly ea,• sed ere. And the people lihe oommit this 'any every year are amazed that coos is e his years they are bard ap,s.d emote of them W att to hob* the oomms.rsio red flag sad destroy everybody oleo's property Iwea..n Ow ?7 Mr* waled their own share of the ooNep.l.ob.taeme in rye juke .ed other ✓ tow.. fields B.•fortb Expoottr : Yin Numb Mele. lei. of Lead.n, is here the week resewiag .Id eq.abl•are. She will ro from Dare to Uaderuk W wets her sister, Yrs. Forrest. BLUEVALE. TURFMAN'. Jaa. 31 Miss Rama MoCrsakes is 111 with pmo• mow* J J. blesser, of Ramifies, .poet Saeday eltk his fatter, Wm. Ymeer. 10). missal mating of the Bloom* Pre bytrus oengreg•tios was bald in the Pres- byter's* New* last Friday eves'./. Al - 'bourn the night was sold mid stormy the ebwroh wee well sled. Alter fes mw - ■tae of the last meting had hese revd the haslet fee the in oowi., mot wa die sassed. Rev. W J Weis read • report of the .*arab for the roar wed the remota 00 the dt5er.N moieties of the thumb trees min rad by their se.reteriem Llgbt rs h0Nneer were than oegr.d and the *dal Num was moth .cjeyed by the oe.(raas• .fen. ♦ psbliesohosl •*emL.Iien was held is .wt mime' Hat Monday ettersees. AI. though the mw parrs bed uvea. duly roe - of bas .*asdesikee. very Yew if seem pot raw tow how the /shoot was After the .!ages ►.d boon stem Sheri ddrswsa were given by Rey. W. J. W.N n. R.b. l.mpeetor, I). (s A. TR.l., R. N 1).t, Was. loess end the t=eld0, A. Nellwser- The be=stir els .reefs.a a mw erboel via. talked N, .wd assessable elm* was gime to the Waists it 1. • p15V that the raw pays* de .N take mem Mart* Iv them esimel stlo.s ad et teed bitter. It would prewar s re .f the gmeabliet that i. 1. 5vfdsase is the assail .setw• DUNLOP. Lia week mot tow*** A. slims, with Yours truly, M. drawler libmsetb, eejil a pleewsek >3rllTtibl.! Wllnf. visit ml wawa days at d, the pun el Rea. Yaws. Peg W 11Rf.-.OSMMO lade errs. Tbq,./IS0 551* ed.. Po... helpless. hope. IAD. sick. stkrinE. mil erabie woman. sick be. muse she doesn't keen any better Sick because she does e•1 really know why. sick because the omens that make her a woman are nee properly performing their fu,wtiows and so see *eroding nerve num wages with eche. and poinm .ad 4,atrtee all ever her quivering body Nine-testbs of women '• atck.es+ rosef from diroeder of thews epeeist organ. The creepiness are v0ri005-tie eater the same. Headache, backeebe, neteonnttSa. woke fellness. nenrelgia and fifty other trouble• of worsts may nearly always be traced di- rectly to t.liniee weakness or disease. When the most important organism of a women's Indy ie disordered 0.r whole pl'7sical sod emoted system i. upset. The oety way to Ind comfort is to care the reel mase of the misery. Load doctors ds feu- er•1 practice are frequently so hurried and rushed that they treat the symptom mad not the diocese. They give a woman midi - eine for headache when the headache 1e due to the reflex action of the uterine verve.. They may give bet good medicine but for the wrong disease. Thrmeendo of women, after Tears of dtacottresement, boor written to Dr 1I. V.'Pierre, of Duffs/o. N. T tad s,.w thank him for their re- served health and hetppppiinese. Por over thirty yens nr• Plena liam beep chief cos- atdtlag pby. elms at th. !.valid.' Rotel sod surgical Institute. it eras over thirty wears ago that be began to ate kb "Paver km Preecriptlo■" 111 his practice. it is a eadicse devised t5 cure ese en- tails kind of diseeles- (reale dream. it stores Minatt pot sad sad sleep. to to- . It trits low.. bw4 b �g�p� � *'l id oesolleiry most !elders iv.N4M� - b,s t take - ti1�i{ elan. N N " tis same "-- aetemg .Mme f. ' M ' (1e* OW same a* Thr. Pstren.is* Os lws. e do ' -- All Kinds.of rl.ulding for RICE'S PURE SALT Bit ' Tabie and BARGAINS IN 5toves Having bought, out the inter- est of my partner, Mr. Robinson, i have decided to sell elf the bal- ance of stock of Stoves at great- ly reatly reduced »tea. Now is the time for B*.o *iso. Tinware, Coal Oil, Lamps, etc., etn:. , at equally low rater. I do Plutnbing, Heating and Tinamithing at the lowest prices. Call sod get names of some 01 the purchasers of pry Stoves for reference. H. C. FILSINCED, Cor. Square and West.st. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Pattics,Tarls, Short Bread and Cream B011s,Iin Pies and Lady Villiers, gins, iacaroans, kavas, • Brandy Snap, Etc. ,Wr+ a good ae the hoot merle its any •.ity in Canada. Catrtelon le:ile the train, in WEDDING CAKES in fancy drowning and ornament ing and almond icing. (live him an drier and your sat • infection will be scented. D. CAN-rELON, WiRlIT-8T. Canadian Pacific Ry. 18 THE D1REC f FAST ONLY- ALL -CANADIAN LINE TO TARE fad Manitoba, the N rthwest, Klondike and Yukon Gold Fields. LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME. ACCOMMODATION UNSURPASSED. 3 TOURIST CARS A Wt EK TO THE PACIFIC COAST Pett I.fs.m.H.� oan a*mp0is. " Elsdlke and t shoo 0004 015)4. hw. Apelr a R_ R.AX OLIFFE, 4*.0lu1Rr2', - cJODIORIOH. and Repair Machinery of any description at144rt notice, and for little money. Ab'0. '1i`HII M `,j& I !IE 1 lett ZY Will cosmos to t,,..eek by weed darl0( sloe by mea of (N..neesm ..d ter, all s►. mponul now el the .ole is • clear sed moos ers.er. POUTICS ART 1.dep.adest of pens.. Awned to The lead15t ansae .1 der rouser, t,„d a noutat r ill not !welfare .111 wmMbeta to the pages d the .pprvee w derail, ,ore, .h.serw WELLLY, a. heretofore. waken ii the %oation may be Ike fore.e•t Memoirs wwedly. Cuba and the Philippines Hawaii and Porto Rico Spaul , *nee w>tl ayt ,r �,�, 1, ` 0oce tell!W 5ltersaLloell Mated isd W owe co.arnes byF. Mew. bol f Mine. who lilevlr made • MaDellawi Mae F. D. Mutat. Malawi lode apodal I.eresys to the wady el the plates .. THE BEST... pICTORRTCIISTORY OF TBE YEAR ie .hat HARPER'S N'iLKLY tae hems to the ,rt_mil ee MI The twat ....k tar .can eplar ri4 w the e Se.mY.•tsar tbw.cterisak el the W IRK Lt t lin sad meiotic policy. The Henderson Bicycle Co., (Limited) t3.OD31Q1/1.1013. rNOSE WORK FOR FAMILIES We w•et the ..wine. W o loonierr of fam1115ewdp knittl fors at home. whole r apse' ilia. We floral* 000 weeds* tad a ely the yero ret d pay for the work e. soot V. Deimos N headmen. 07 to Co oar we�demede asoordlag to time *voted~ write M arra 5.se Setee.wee•. a..,._, rm.5 5..«015* ('5.. • r rewea S NE# COOK STOVE At any season of the year tilers its no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is wits coos: stoves like every- thing else there are good, tad and indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges CATTLE BROS. fleien,Steeters and hogs Welt dhoti floors. sort Sturdy Br* OODIIRIOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. OHRYSTAL, atrreerier Ofree of • Mesh: eew.ahatsrer of all ktsde of BOILICRB. smoke Stacks, Halt Pans, Sheet Ir;B. Works, etc.. few. Asa Derr fa - Regime, Merbtrery Came., he. All elms. of Pipes sed PIM TltthR•, Steam bad Weber flames aka,. Valves, 0110M Velt'ss, laspireertr, Hasid 11• ea r looters Ooesteeetyd ea laws* ♦ spatial Ito of Steel Weber sad Hoe Tem& fee eve of farmers •d ethe►a assairra wroas•h Sstwsded w A. L 6 T 4.L, OMIT P. O. nesf)w.'etldalre. Per Amt Rwetti Alt it fa "Tb SERIAir..EM1L:.,..- WHEN TNF: SLEEPER WAKES. by 01. G. Welts WITH SWORD 4'4I) 1:RUCWIX. Sy 111.-N. Wes ISM The CONSPIRATORS y R. W. Clesobms . Some Short -Story C. W. E. spool Owen Hall 7.1. ieCertry> IL S. tMnl>•as R. 7. Daewoo H. 5. Williams Jobe come a. II. Educe THE WEST ALASKA .rd ii• La/wades eall be treau4 se sod in 1 ass». 5501 teta..e de• a/ UMW ser Presidio of ..sake of moon by M.etMaY. tete_- - - Meer. The Lath. Leant This Buy World ..;I be .nitre. by Avs*M WM *. by C. 1. Moss* teal essases r .•d .4 be telt e(0.017 was. . .Mone sae tett ter reales AMAT55* ATHLETICS mil Ye renewed vreskly try ate ..Lt.&...anew, r. caw. Mars ID Gs... Cee, SobseriNu..,d M r rev Adie, elARPER • 0ROTMBR3. Pmbetabews. raw Vert: IL T. f.-JORDA N has pleasure in announcing to his old friends, and as many new ones as possible, that he has re -opened business at the old stand, with a complete and en- "tii ely new stock of DRUGS, CIIEnICALS, PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLES, HORSE and CATTLE f IEDICINES and 1 a large variety of FANCY GOODS. Dispensing Department Tbe will always be under his owe supervision, or that of a thoroughly competent assistant. F. JORDAN. HARFE "SBAZ A thoroughly .,....-data meekly pertnd.al d....red rn t.•hiott• 1m w.mto. toll! W. aortas ,sou. L. h.rroA%r.. A MIRROR OF FASHIONS 10,1,,.. model• of gowns fowl Pad. Lambs. end New Y"A will be published each week. The Paris Letter The Loudon Letter R. KATIIARINE Ar. roRRST b. semis'Ce,e.rpred.d The New York Letter . AAt/NIP r.. ASNMORJr sl' •id .bbm to ill them 10.0. pasta ',Melds els .ielws hat me whitely. *eget ee rimed la seed Imre. Cut Paper Pattents OatMee Patseras .rt oel.e.,d gown. will M fe relehsd wit be peh*d el be .ren *Sow t . nasion test. weak I• empplamenetary term. COLORED PASSION PLTBS p•bl.h.A ..es • weak. ee41 sestet nems. Ie .des* the proper edam fan Orem. ._ It it FICTION:ef-t/►--" Kk Kolsslly - The Malaga Perm Br S. R. CRocA•E rr in MARIA LOOras P001. A Cowfldeet To - Morrow Rs !RAND%R NA?TNT WS en taw serial .t«t« to appear le tett that hove widen Mee .pdkd i. pint and treatment ismooT 070101 COlr010LrroSs three* T. sestet Vary a. *tibias Esta W. tastes Reel* earliest APBCIAL ARTICIAo TO APPLIR The Busy limina The Doi cblId l;. A. K'. w.r, 7'1.1,OI7AJr . 1b Afar. ANryIr,1GSMSE- Wee • Urge( Alper` tTro*elgs• what RrREI.PN P0IJOLA.f AnALJN,tt w. SITRLI1YCJ ta a hitm..thee thew .u1 w ettesy.ihws,>a el Wt,ti sthenia •noses --A >PR'MLpI(O*11Re Inuit wlsato owl � tcfad.