The Signal, 1899-2-2, Page 41 Taua.•av, P $. 1
"She was Bred in Old
The success of the ethane.
Special edition, 2c.
And stacks of music and lobos at
clearing sale prima.
Coate in, .ad see what you can
get .t Esc., 10c. anti lbc.
Bride L kik Mata, West-st,
GILD 301i24CIH.
She $ignal,
MI spaLauD
SAO. fe.BiaC5 T
THE Uatarit) Legislature met yester-
day, and it is expected that the ses-
sion will be en important one, extend-
ing over two months time.
Binoe the Summer session the
Government have been successful in
oddiglg to their majority by taking
WS nab Broin the Opposition, and
bolding their own sesta which were
The Uovernaent majority now
stands at eleven, which is urge enough
for all practical purposes.
FROM all over the riding we are in
receipt of words of cheer concerning
the candidacy of Mr. }lobo's. He
has just closed • very successful Rer-
gooal tour of the oonatitueoay find
Tie next sloth Os -----w resin mock
to the West Riding alt Huron, and it
will be well that • man of Mr. }lobules'
knowledge of public again should
represent the constituency. He is
well pouted on the history of Canada,
as well as on current politics , he is
an honest and truthful man ; and his
lits is an open book to the people
whose suffrage he solicits.
The election of Mr. Hol.orit by e
good, safe majority will help every
part of the constituency, and will be
an acknowledgment from Ooderich
sed the more northerly part of the
riding that the electors there 3o not
forget what Clinton has done for Lib
realiam in days gone by.
The slogan is sounding. Let every
man prepare for the fray.
--Now General Basso is sorry he
did it, and won't do it •gain.
-Rosser Melia' null " stands on
Type's platform with both feet."
^^-?b1' . $IM for $ real,. old faith!
:MNlgd Canadisn winter is on the decrease.
-The toe man and the coal dollar
ere making gain while the frost frau i se
e speak. ----
-That coanter-petition in Welt
Huron le carrying the war into Africa Whit
a vengeance.
-The idea of the leather men in
forming the'combine wee to take the hide
off the tanners.
-We should not be surprised if,
politically speaking, West Huron is enjoy-
ing the ales that precedes the storm.
-The days have begun to lengthen.
but Old Sol hasn't got down to practical
work, no far as this einem l ounoerned.
-Whether the lumber gttestion
tomes up or not HARDT and WHITNEY will
continue at log-gerheada daring the tieerlon.
-The declaration of independence
and the Monroe doctrine are now °Moate,
eo far as a large nlimber of the United
Atstsere are concerned.
leerier of the Liberal party in Britain. He
i. • thnroegh-prowl, big•brain owl Liberal,
but we 'Maki like him better if he didn't
part his name in the middle.
-The number of towns and ,111sp
applying to the Legislature for pelmet*
rxrteofidate their debts shows closely that
the ratepayers have not watched the previ-
ous doing. of Use councils very closely.
ileo Aammal .4 tae re-ryt rias
• Priesaane.
A large a..smMy gathered to the Hera»
seem ef Km: esaret Ise, Wednesday eve -
Wog, the sseasies bear the anneal minable
of she eassegatfea.
Ohm aMvw.s.l eseral•mi by the paster,
Nor. J.s. A. Asdarses, R. A., sad Ilh.
stbptesa N egg a mites et the kat .e.tisg.
Oke poser ptonsegd are revere of the .e.•
alias. 10 beteg, »"h"sd the work of tis
erbeb rn►1• Js seagreg•oi.. The seer
pairs - sowed a .tlgh. wolfs
i1 strq� ora edda.d te t he poll. M ww
Mew the year. la .1 Ne.. alr
fbIIO ase a presser ryes dr
644 Deskre the rat. IY.B. VOW tlweat•
me hennas, Moves monies is aid tweet/y-
awn banal,. The sepses stbeeSV god the
Wildfire of faesnle ea the Lard's Day "sent
le owe of chelate esosseity, as tree deter -
"bead the religion work of she thatch "by
drawlae umbers sad eohel•re away from
t4elr more seisms duties to the hetet is
the Sebbeth wheel sad by intertorlag with
N. pastor a Bible .lass "
The Sabbath school report wee cites by
Walter Becheaas, it.eeoretoey. 'lame wee
72 of ea uareese 1n •t sedaaos over last
year. The average .ttandssos was 29?
43 otfioere sad tesohen Ore ea the roll The
swan' re writuas • louden to the Pointe ass
Trembles school. The oongregaM.e supporta
she 8.bbath school, sod the satire eeatribe-
11.a. of t4. eobolare go to mimtoaery rued
beaaverlest parpoen. For latter eh. ,
jean the school oo.trlb.,.d last year 7)1111,
Tee Y. P 8 CE reported through 1t. soo-
retary, Mi.. Nettie Cowan The member.
ship is 84-57 active and 27 •notdte memo
bees. The ordinary reoslpts were 540 66,
and expediter's $36.38.
rhe W h. M.B. presented se excitant
*lumina let the past yoga. Th. mombor•
.hip iaoressed to 62 and the mos.y ooatritt-
.1500e 50 $150 79 A box of olottiag valued
.t $66 10 was seat to the Northwest io-
Pettey nresisdist,the a pert of tie
MOGillmni skein bled. This ereseta-
t.ea of boys sad girls hes for the past See
yea* held the fret 0460.040400 the livenfl111
mleeton bend. 10 the Preebyrorian Chard'
la Canada, "h.viog the Laren member-
ship, the largest •,orae, attendance, and
raising the most money.' During the year
it ratted $81) 25 in mousey. and boxes valued
at $97 were not to India and the North-
The Ledi..' Aid -Society reported through
Mies Strsohan. The report showed that
the society is one of the most active org•n-
iastione of the ooaeregattoo. Mrs. Gib.os,
pr..idest of the Dorcas Society, bathe no-
n!. to be preeeot through tlloee. forwarded
her report. which was read by Mr. Strang.
In the absence of tis* oh•irnets of the
board of managers Mr. Tom presented their
bhanoial statement, which showed the eoo-
Reegesion to b. in • prosperous ooeditioo.
The oedtsary receipts were considerably in
axone of any previous year. The total re
cairn for all purpee.. were $5245, of which
51097 were for missionary and benevolent
purposes. After peyise ali .aoouou • b•I
nos of $197 remained. The rearing man-
ners. Mogen Strace. Tom and Strother',
were re sleeted.
The meeting adjourned to meet again the
following Monday •vening to discuss the
debt resting on the .batch huddle., and to
devise means of r. dating it.
At the adjourned meeting it was resolved
to dutribus among the present oeatrlbutora
oolorsd envelopse to be and exclusively for
voluntary ooatributions to the buildlig fano
debt, these to be placed on the ooll.otioo
leen oo Sabbatheither weekly, moatnly,
quarterly or Ilv. at the pleasure of the
000tr,botor•, and the •mounts to be eredit-
.d to each oeatrtbotor in a imparabe esteem
ot the anneal report.
■r. Meek. flame t. West Enron lest env
The following is from The Mail and Em•
pin of Friday last, and refers to • malar
.f oosdMwr,bl• interest in i% est Huron.
Where Tb• Mall prints tee word "charge"
the reader is asked M seb.titute "clause":
A oroes•petitioa was bled et ()sande ball
Nldsy afternoon, against Joseph Beck, MIW
opposed Hoa. J. T. Garrow in West Hares,
to prevent him olaimisa tisn seat should Mr
Darrow he uob•ated. There are fifties
chargee to all, and the Ent twelve refs, to
Unissued oorrapt preetion
Charge thirteen stat.. that E. L. Diokee-
eoe, barrister, ot Wiogham, sod R C.
Hays, barrister, of Goderioh, and other
• goats of the respondent, dud thuds, pro-
vide and furnish • food to be and in bribery
and to corrupt persons on behalf of the re
sposdeut. This money, it says, was fur
tubed to be used in Goderioh, Cliotoo, •ad
other place. to the oonstituenoy. Tisk
mosey, it is elarmi.d, amounted to $500 or
1Ms.boafa, sad was expended througghow
the oon.tttoeeoy, but more partioui•rly
Godoricb, Lookoow. Kiribati and Wiogham
Charge fourteen says that Joseph Beek,
the respondent, and Thomas Beatty. M.P.,
of Louden, raised an eleotien food, whiri.
ems appropriated oo behalf of the respond
as;. and used in his iatereete, Wier/ applied
to the payment of elector' who voted for
Charge, which is the last, says
that on the day of the oommatioo, and of
the election, betels were kept open, and
lasge quantities of I Boor supplied to voter..
Alfred Roe, J. E. Swartz, and John Die.-
t.y, of Wiogb•m, are alleged to be among
those who supplied 18. liquor. Tbe respond.
ant is elan alleged to have furnished liquor
sad ntbc entrainment to cantina of
elector hold to promote his election. Tim
heulkepers ars claimed to have acted as
his agents, and with his authority.
Hon. lir. °arrow is tb0 petitioner.
A rODIIT • Pit eeee(RANS.
Kl eardiaa Review •-The London Ad-
vertiser pablbliid • list of Canadian minim"
Mires. W. were plaint to roto that our
esneemporary haaribe good taste to leave
ear same o8 the hat.
s . IF
r, H LNTeir$.L.
Ktontca Whig :-The C. P. R, doe. riot
want the earth exactly, but it went. to
girdle the earth with its railway and steam-
ship Iia... And it may seneed. It has
the messy, it has the men, and it has the
enrage, too.
it • •
Termite Globe :-We oosasionally receive
• letter mkisg Its it ►bare is any reason why
• cerafn oommsa,oatioe has not appeared
is the Glebe. It seems to as that thin is
pettlsg the 00111 of proof oe the wrong
ehould•n- The qt...tion is, What are the
reasons why • letter .hoold appear •
n11111r Orr THE nt'I.rU("5 ,Tag.
Robosygesa Iedepeodeet :-The sulphur
preveuties ler grip, fever and malaria is •
go. Lob of people are tiller It. Aed It
hsa reaeea at the .sok of it. It your bleed
is a good order and your system teaerally
is proper fettle, yea can take in macrons
by tits bushel and fatten no them. If veer
biers is in • filthy sate, and your system
511 ont et gear. you are the miorohe.' moss
They irk• right hold of you and have red
bet time h your intim-di . Thore is no
'realer purifier of (1.. blood time sulphur.
put le yoer rook, and your foot will aheorb
it, sad take le threegh every partial. el
year body. Try It. Can't bort Yea. A
halt teasooenfal in year took, •tory other
Morrie : Jere Robb, of the let ihe. Mar.
rig, has bent. hie father'. form and Ills
posed of ha ewe to `her. Toney.
Morrie : June Clark itad a bad reseway
one night tweedy A weed pile snored the
heves The eaten tied hareem were badly
Wlsghem: Gee. MnMaae,., who had
tore .tnadlag the past .it weeks with h e
parttime le Mee, reentrant last week M
benne.. Bead. N. W T.
nerd. t Ju.. BtwadISSS, an old reel -
fleet of ,he fir8 Ilse, le motels, old irks/.
Mlle le Mo.vb. H. b.. bleed f • ate praas
twine, rim la Moei.ob•,
JUST RECEIVED : ' Don't attempt to cure a Cold
e $$W AauvAL or with a few Candies i
1r. venous *tyles Et°.
and excellent velure.
--urs VUu--
BlackCheryCou hBalsaai
It 10.1 debt to t1. 5001 and oar.. .psedily,
Sbo. -ti tot. $1.00
Oar Cherubs' lloney Cooih Care
16th 000 , oo the measles of the 43rd anal• 1 critical tem5h1 of that essayist, and explains
voreary of tet,r weddi•g . as as ver before the meson for 'l haokeray'.
Wiaebam . WaI sr Vdaoy.etooe, abo boa supreme place lm tn. moods of cul tvat.d
people The Ireatiepicce of the number is a
npeoi.1 portrait of 8one,or Hoar, taken
lee mouths ago to hie library •s ttmotet er;
end the ether art litters. aro illustration.
by Yoh*, RJltot), Fro. , Chomlnskl, 00114.
and a df eawton us the of Art et eAs.
stilettos la our univer.i1i.•," by Hoary Rat.
gore Menthol!
HAarnan WslinLy ns. J*.rr*ty. -
Oee of the valuable futures 01 Haas's
WI&&LY for January •re the opea•
101 ohaotere of e *atrial novel ea.
titled •• Whea the Sleeper .Vek.m, "
by the author 0f " The W.r of the Wore de,"
1.1. G. Wells. Theater, a. far ere it has ad•
vaac.d is of tutees. interest, and slew
promise of being Mr. Well." beet hovel,
Amoog ether (secures of much 000tsmpor-
a y moment we should meattoo •• A Trip to
Iloilo, by Jelin F. Baas ; " Santiago 01.vl..
inn," ty PhU Robinson, and • beautiful
(oar -pogo panorama of the oily of Havens.
Ursma, Morin and Amateur Sport notate
moot that le of unusual interest to the low-
ers of each.
HAarre'1 BAz to -Tse Justin issues of
Harper'& Hexer promo that it s still, pit
•zoslkaos, the American woman'. paper.
A most valuable feature is the department
"• Club Women and Club Work," oonduoted
by Margaret Hamti'on Welch. That this
d.•partmeat is essential to • koowledge of
•bat women's oiube ere 00,011 is shown by
the wfdespreed interest it has already
aroused throughout the United States Th.
Brzar's fashion column, colored fashion
plates and cut paper patterns are always la•
valuable, and so is the Paris bettor from
Katherine d• Forest. Toe early instal
mento of „ Kit K.needy, ' the serial V, the
author of "The Liao Soaboonot," gas of
abeorbiag lutanist
HAgrnit's Rot, wp TA PLS roe rust&ay,
-lo the February somber of Harper'.
Round Table the baro ot Kirk Munroe'.
serial story of the late war is earned
lieessh Cate, aadle last reaches Santiago
after many stirring adveatutes amid hair-
breadth escapes. Ensign Yates Sterling.
oho was on a Coiled States man -of war off
Cuba, ooatrtbutes • sap entitled '• An lo -
rodent of the ,hennas Blockade." Henry
Flesher write about • heave Ru..ian eel
di., under the title, " Wolves ye Di..ip-
hae " Among other features aro another
„ Little Porterg..'' .tory, end • golf story
by F H. Spearman, entitled "The Caddie.'
Tournament." Reginald Goarlay is the
oestrihutor of an interesting paper mingled
r"As Unequal Cosiest"
- HAar[R's Met:Aznna Loi Fa •Aar
elusbl. feature .t
ler February i* the Bret i .i.i.. et of "The
Reantsh-Amerioae War," by Sinter Henry
Cabot Lodge, The opining chanter is •.-
titled "The Unsettled Question, ' and is
profusely illustrated from drawian by
Carlton T. Chapman, and from portraits.
Among ether features is an article entitled
" Llentsasnt•Colosel Forest at,"
tt John A Wyetb, M,U , illustrated by T
de Tentetrup, A. C. Redwood, Max F
Klepper, sad W A. Roger.. Julian R.tpb
duouesem, in hie most interesting manes,
•' Aoglo Saxon Albania." rind I. C. Ran • sistah of " A Trekking
Trip in South Afr,.e." dolt Bersetell El
bur, Angel de Cern. at: C. Wheeler, Rath
MoEoery 8tsrt, and Margaret Sutton Bels-
on eootribot• short stories moot ioterastlag
in variety. Th. Illustrations is the [)rawer
.re by A. B. Frost, Peter Newell and Henry
B. Eddy.
been • reafdeat of Ibis town for some year.,
left last week for Seattle. Wasbtugtoa,
ween he intends reading in future.
ltrmosdville : Mies Maggs McDougall,
daughter of Wm. MoDougell, ot Edmond -
Mlles wbo ilea deeaa^.ra$ • p..itles as mil.
ham to Neve Sootfs, is home oo • visit.
Brussel& : Roo•ld Sleolalr was awarded
• owe volume for being the best boy to bis
Sabbath "(hoot ole.s in Melville school for
1896 Mrs. 1. l'. Riohards is the t•schor,
McKillop At the golden 'middle. of
Mr. and heir. I.eorgo Hahktrk, of McKillop,
(Wo weeks ego, Mr. and Mrs. Habkirk ware
each made the moth eat of • hoe large easy
o e&rr.
Seefortb William Hender,ao, who
Deme Meme from New York • Lew years ago
00 a meat to be punts IS town, le 000fihed
to his bed with ea attack of 0.ngeetiea of
the longe.
Ethel : The residence of William 1'.11•rd,
of this village, has bees purchased by Wm.
Lake. who Is renrcg from fuming, for the
gum of $400. Mr. Pollard has moved book
to his form on the 6th non
Seeforth : H,rry Roberton, of EJan-
to■ N. W.7' , and son of Soott Robertson, a
eae-ttme prominent readmit of Ss•lorth,
who moved west several years ago, was call.
:ng o0 old friends In town last week.
Broomfield . John Coates, of Yard's', Man.,
wbo a nambsr of years ago clerked un Mr.'e store, 311od recently to see his old
employer. H. is now eagagod In (arming,
having 640 rotm of splendid land, and te
doing well to the west.
St, Helena : Rev. C. Rutherford and
Mir Rutherford were again called home ow.
ing to the death of thetr moth- r, Mr'.
Rutherford, relidt of the late Hugh Kutner.
lord, wbo parsed soddenly bat quietly home
on Jan. 134, •t the ripe &e. of 77 years
Clinton : A very painful menden hap-
pened to Mrs. J. Govett wed. oo bar way
imam tress efeele* Sea4ay rnnithe .1 fears
week. Felling heavily on the slippery side
walk the right tenth was broken and Irmo
tared. She tattered considerable palm, but
from Iat.Mdpi'trts we learn she is improving
Beaerels : Mies Jean Wilms, milliner of
Eton, is home for bet vacation. She was
e.000mpaolod ty her Minn, Myrtle, wbo
has been undergoing .1 dour.. of trsalmesl
with • specialist at Toronto for her disabled
hmb. W• are pleased to state that very
favorable progress if being mad. by Mine
t.he W"Mvs. W Il es
tsetse, a
tsof the AI eAlfur�
Klllop, passed to her reward after • sem-
what lingering illness D.o..•od had set
been well for some months, but was thought
to be recovering what a few days aro she
was .eaeted with la grippe, to which she
speedily Benumbed.
Clinton . On Wednesday afternoon et
2:30 r w., Jan. 25th, the residence of I ,-
*He's pareote, Otani* et., was the sone
et the esa*amstatiea of moot Cupid's bap
pie i--- triguea, when Wilson Eagleson, of
4herdees. Dakota, was united in wedlock
Nike Maggie, the eldest (kaoline of Mr.
•uJ Mn. Alex. MoKemie.
Cliotea : Toe annual meeting of tb.
astern V•tawry A.soolation was held at
..•ton last week. O1Losrs were elected a.
Joys ; president, W. 'billiaglaw, Mitob
t.I , nee -president, J. Hamiltoo, (loderich :
'nary, J. Wilmot, Winghani; treasurer,
ls. Blaogall, Clinton. The a sooiaies
I meet at Clinton in July, the date to be
d by the pr.sid.ot.
Roxboro . John Soott, ot-Roxboro, met
'nth • painful aooident ea. moniop recent-
ly. He was on in the woodshed, when lie
1 Ipp.d and fell, striking heavily on the lee
which was broken last summer. Th. limp
was just getting strong again, and although
the aooldent was a psiolal one, nothing more
esnons than a ..vers brunet remind, and
Mr. Stott 1s able to be about attain.
Harpurb•y : A. aged lady and on of
the early settlers se this pert of the o0oahy
passed away ea Wednesday, Joey. 2514,
in the person of Jean Mollinn, relict of the
late W MoC II h
m. a 00 , gr., at the ripe old
age of 94 years and 6 months. Forty -o,.
years apo the deoewo, with her blighted
and part of 'their family, emiersted from
the parch of Stooeykfrk, Scotiand, to Can -
ads, and settled in Harpurbey.
8r. Helene : As sieeptimally trytse
ores was that of Nr. sad Moo. J. A. Mc-
Donald, who 1..s thee tweaty-Ove hour.
after landing irom the west, were oalled op
on to mourn the lose of their Intent dau,h
ter, aged six months. The funeral took
place from Dr. Gordon'. residence, Look
now, to Kleine cemetery Mn McDonald
is • eater of Dr. Gordon, and with her bus
hand and three children bad o m. to spend
the winter is Ontario.
MoKillop : Oa Thgreday, Jan.19th, tb.
spirit of Johs Batts, ea old and well-known
resident of the 14th no. of MoKillop, took
is Might. Mr. Bette wee born and memos
in Bagland sad settled to MoKillop some 36
or 36 years age, Mr.. Batu died on Feb
25th, 1898, in her seventy nomad year. Mr
Betts had been ailing for the past year wit1
• tenni oo his lace, end had 'notate weld•
•t •'Pormite hospital in the hops of grain.
✓ elief, but it proved unavailing, and h•
passed swat as above stated, lie was 69
years, 4 mesth. and 2 days old, and was a,
honest, aruosomiaa man, and a member o1
M Metboditohurob.
Nile : The many friend. of Thomas R.
Coerlies, teacher In Nile soheol, will leer
with surprise that be has tendered hi. roe
Igoation. whin► has been •ece0ted. H. i.
.on of Andre* Courtin, of Goderieh town
ship. and it is well known that for room,
time he has purposed materi.g the miouny
ot th. Methodist ehsroh. He .as hen, e
most acceptable legal *apply, sod has .I
reedy displayed oonald.rbl.shilly,slimy"
[sing well r.oal..d. A few day. man a
see of Re.. R. Millvard, of Clition, who al.
se is prevails' for ministerial work, was al.
fend an appoiatmeet in the /irate of lows,
Ml as he did aot ears to anon It, the off.,
wag tared ever on M r. Oearttes, who lo -
*opted it. He expects to eats( sham ser
his work as • sepply.
`•. ,semen's MAoAupa-Serl0.. '. Map•
fine fm February brags forward ..vs,
more of Its •Mrmolee foster.. far 1899 i
is set • "War Nember." although It one
talnt owe of the moot (reebb thine" yes
written &honk the war -the mond betel -
'hest 0f Oneeraer Roosevelt's serial es
"The Rough k'le.." A vary .rifer d
Anion. on who h*s been highly peened by
K splint. la gills .umh.r with • tale
of Rooth Atria', esw'ed " The Lome "
Ho naive e es Mimi Chari.. acWWIT. A
mean l.tarealise of New York, Mia Anse
()Hagas, has writes. • very hemorees tale
of ',tab Arneri.ea Dentinal Ilh, entS,•d
" Worries's twat OLmptt" •ig(illesa.e e4).
Me. .'. sheet wrist... ieaN.ehe.
inapareaab .a Asalaeesa 61)DERICIR BAIREAIN /t fft tl /R\tames
Y+' Meek W►H*, tM wati-heaths trainer
tae Toron954
11 Youtb.11to CIu .aril eels E
rlfethe' Menthol L)ilasat unpa•11ed fee
stalerier or those (rWing. I have used It
with the beet series, sag can heartily rem It for "Adam., myrtles
Yard hili dreseh tetorms of e, X ob.
FUR hALlt b *Tae, W ILSON.
Stile Agent, OedwNab.
-sea sola pieaa prow *. pensees
-der *804 {IMrsrrag atlerws, Alma
-Wag itathe4 soleal sets•.. ret
It was Stanley, the Airless explorer,
wee discovered the Lola plant en the
beaks et the Congo River fa Atrba, and'ut-
terer. from Asthma have to thank Um for
the di severy of • permauent can, Clark.'s
Kola Compound represe•ts thle wonderful
medicinal plant In a highly os•C.stratec
tom. It Is a tire cure foa.s•t►ma, sail
has been t is severest cans. Radur*ed
by eminent physicians everywhere, and
borne out by the testimony ot the cured
ones. Mr. W. A. Hume of Lam
loops, H.C., a C. P. R. engineer on
the Western Division, was a sufferer
from astbma in Its wont term tor over
twelve years. Nothing gave kim mon than
the merest relief until the railway physi-
cian prescribed Clarke's Kola Compound.
Fie took two bottles and wit permanently
cured. It you doubt It wrtte him tor par-
ticulars of his case. Clarke's Kola Com-
pound Is sold by all druggists. Price two
dollars per bottle ; three (battles, with cure
guaranteed, tor five dollars. The Griffiths
Macpherson Co., 121 Church street, To-
mato, or Vancouver, B.C. L
HAY FEVER . ' xeeoe.> 5.
V Luer•et«d .o irn
it•/ Au DN..uag
Sole Agent, Ond.Hoh,
rhroagh the lastrumeaality of this; own -
Entine the mesas were prooure4 to rebuild
the lure grata elevator the llnntui0
Government was wined to uudertak• cow -
tale aeoes•aty improvement. in the splendid
better ; and something has bee, deo. to
band up manufacturing tadu.t:se..
Oa Friday iat the oiu,eee •gnu 12.1.1 •
mass meetua, •t wbioh te.oluuons wore
heartily approving of steps that ars
erg taken to.,oure'additional steam and
eleotric railway tasihtie• and &opeoving •
divot and through :ins 0000ectlog with the
C. P R Th• Board • ' 'grad• and Citizens'
Commutes were • leaned to oo•op•r&te
with the tofu ,.cwt in completing the
.egonatioes now pending io this behalf
The me.•tine furtive, approved of tee sono.
takes by the Board of Trade in wiling at-
tention to the eto•ptioual edvanwgse offer -
ad try Uod rfaU as •'pert tet the ttesship
meat of grain and general freigbt between
Irk. Huron .red the Allantio seaboard, and
erring epee the ( the Imperative
necee/Tty of oonuooise the dredging to •
depth of 20 feet in the harbor and of 25 feet
at the entrance, to admit the largest graio-
*errytag vents.
This actin of our sear Ganda Company
Sono peasants nuns interest for Guelph.
Whoa this oily built the fifteen mile branch
of the(' P. R from Campbellnlls, it was up-
on the neurone of Sir Wei. Van Horth
abet the lin would one day be 'itemise le
Ood.rioh. The O.derich people, to dealer.
- is, in favay-4 _.1}!R. oaa..tles, Hearty
aim at following out Sir Wm. Visa Horse's
plan. They want • direct lime 1er the set,
which the "stigmas of the Guelph road
would glee them. Such • line would be of
mutual advantage to the company and Lou
important *settee of Lbs ooaatry whine it
would tritest'. and which •t present is
rather badly off In the matter of railway
O1 coarse the extension of the line to
Grderioh would remit is *wine Guelph a
better C P R. service and • more direct nose
section with Goderioh and Intervening
points than we at 'retina so joy For lively
resales our people should be la hearty sym-
pathy with the movement which Godsend.
is makes. mid sfnoers'y desirous of seeing
its fulfillment.
MrrnOtilar 0451,1,11.1 AND Riving WM
PCant,ART. --The tip -to -date ah•rsstor sl
this mantis. is shown is the =neat later -
eat of many of its articles. " Amon the
Filipinos" r.5 as snout of the islands on
which the world'. ltteation is now focused,
with onmerons elegant careen'sp, Rey
J. C. `'eymosr writes aa admirable sod well
Illustrated character -study of the Emperor
Frannie Joseph r f Austria Rev. Dr. John.
non coed odes nig eloquent paper on
" Anglo- Amerman Brotherhood." Mw
Woodsworth has also a well illustrated ar
ttcl. os •• Zeoan• Work is India" Rev
Dr. A. Sutherland welt.. on "Christ and
and the Warklegaas," .ad the Rev. A. W
Niool.os os '•Th... Chumers,the Apostle o1
h. North," with portrait. "The Trouble at
R000d.toee is a very elseer New it'oglaod
.tory Short stories by Rev. C M. Sheldon.
W J. Dawson, a sketch of " Michael Para
nay," •• MOmes and Mythology," •'Italy is
Transition," "The World'. Proerew," with
.pleedid p1oearo• ot Newfoundl•sd, fie
Notes, etc , make up. velem* of special ie.
ter..t. Good portrait. .re given of the Em
Devoe Fraoo.. Joseph, Queen Margberiu of
Daly, the Baroness Vnn I. , and
Fetters Chiok!uy. Now i. • good time to
•ubserlb.. 7oroats W, Brier. Mon-
treal : C, W. Coates. Halifax : S. F Hon -
a• $2.00 • year; $1.00 tor six month..
Guelph Mertiary : 7'be old town of
Goderioh, which was apparently oo0teot to
tend .till fora great many year., has for
-oma tines put bees awak,aiag from he
etharg), and taking on new life and vigor
It was qulte m serious blow to the town
eh.s a year or so no the large grain el..
•.tor, which had been • more or len prom
seat factor in the oommeroIel history of
he slaos for nearly fort v years, was d.-
"•roy.d by fin. then the latest eater.
:rise of the plane •seer,. -d itself is action is
which has had some geed reruns
chug far and pies. promise of still letter
'Ate le the future. Tee retinas met, di.
mimed the position of tip town and of pro-
1.ote for its develol.•nent A citizens' nem
mime was appointed to devise plana for
triaging Its advent/Ise heron the public
and promoting it. intereste la ether tray..
Ask your doctor how
many preparations of cod-
liver oil there are.
He will answer, "Hun-
dreds of them," Ask hfnl
which is the best. He will
reply, "Scott's Emulsion,"
Then see that this is the
one you obtain. It contains
the purest cod-liver oil, free
from unpleasant odor and
taste. You also get the hy-
popgeosphites and glycerine.
All three are blended into
one grand healing and nour-
ishing remedy,
neer I A very eewjjaa !���elg remise wile w. " le eesered ; as .may ea
rtu N 1M home siKrri . -` serNY.� W. C. gp� entre Ms��'f w s
sone -r i eowxt
AU parties getting their male b111. printed .t
tele este win hove a free notice resorted
la Weibel 00 to the time of sales.
TtssDay, Fel.>. 7th. --Unreserved sale of
the farm stook, implements and machinery
of John SGysses, on his farm at Port Al-
bert, at 1 .'sleek es Tuesday next.
TRS+ Grimily, Auctioneer.
Slaughtering Sale
Greatest Bargains ever
offered in Goderich.
Come, and be your own
We are clearing out our
large stock of Lamps to
make room for Spring
Thus this great sacri
Good goods for little
TIN1 NIirr
Scra iioIl Bard Coal
of THm 044.Rz II r
011 Cls( egg rhe iderbe1 ghees
hew& yea giR � pa�er • to
s• h •••., r Order. lett •k fir 1�
-- - --- Ckw.M lfersatlG"" 8lagaiwyMy •Mgadei tem
Dress Goods Sale
A Brilliant Begtttuwg for thr ties 99 Mites Good. Season.
New Black Fabrics. New Colored Fabrics
All tt ester DRERR 0001)8 cart be cleared out.
Call and tea Glad. I T WILL PAY YOU. all and ger price.
Kid Gloves for one week away dowu in price,
Laos Curtains for one week away down ib oe,
A few Winter Coats at half.prfes to clear,
Ask to see our Yactory Cotton at 4c. per yard
A LIttIe Better
The "Maple Leaf," "Racer," and "Premier'
Saws are a little better than the beat. I have
jun received a new shipment of these celebrated
Sawa, and would invite your inspection before
buying other Saws.
I have a tine hand -made Axe at $1.00. This
_.-a.r-.J ;,tprmerly sold for $1.26, and is very cheap
i at the price.
Best values in Ooderich, from 10c. to 36c.
• • •
It is better
even to be right than merely original, out the
easy position you may assume in these shoes
of ours we are ready now to show yon helps
us get back to original comfort. If you want
solid, new -fashioned comfort
P.S.- -The balance of our Winter Stock
must be sold regardless of price.
mintage Of KART SWIM
Aire 54055&,
ilia ra.orreaa SIM sI•E, -
0* OD>dlt2t�8_ AOINT roe" tea awns 0110,
For the Balance of the Month
Before stock -taking and to make room for Spring
Goods --Sults, Trousers and Overcoats. Our semi-
annual trousers sale is now going on ;
Any Pair of Pants in the store made to order
FOR $4.00
0oo4 b the yard sold at cost and cut free of charge.
The b nae of our Ready -to -Wear Overcoats and
Pants so s than cost to clear them out.
Pridham, the Tailor.
fillet" ISRf0 IRK.
llllChallalls & Rhyllas
Deal» la •l1 irises of
As/ badges ggNapy N 111001, Asst etpsse
Ltiool tai' tie a Beoiatit
us ewe ..... Oast ase es tba
a .elf tE (mea s..ale .p Is blas Likes
T3111311461111 0.11.1111111.
lease fiYl st t.ltau_I fl