The Signal, 1899-2-2, Page 24.
The Signal
BURY TRIIIDDA 1 Nit tliNuati
Toes of beibeeriptlem
t10oorth. la edema,
year 1W
Advertising Rates'
1,,,,ou and ,eher casual wt, beenteets. Due,
rr bier 1,.. Oily iii•011.4.455. and 3 ,,,,.• 1100
MOO Rill 111.41111111 WWI 1100. /1,101111.1 by a
Wittpereit# ale
itesieuel taids of sis lines and under. $b per
•dyertieentents of hoet 7' I. Mill fed it t -
Willow Va,tit 14 nanny %Vetoed and 11 sol
MIN Chau.o. W &Weil. 1011 1011-1,11,w a 1.4140
w oupareil, i ter in eels.
Emma 00 Sale and Vann& ott Sale. not 10 10l
WWII loes„t for ilist re eith, 14 e. ior olden
Vent 505,051 8. Larger advt. t 11 pr, pirtime
*sky special notice. the, of *emelt is 50
rite the perintatry bentott of any lititce.biel
coniestiy, to be euttiVilyred on advertisumettt
i charged accord mily. tr,
vil notices In stun toted type Mob Cent per
lewd. ow notice less Ono 0',.!.
10,III&I 11141(011 III (wdivary reitill... trio two
Eta-PIK. um d. -ILLuot elle lent i Inns f. ','
owes -fee elven-hes erre t Isto Olditease aed
evoleniTustituttoris.itsif rale. -
iiiiiierf:hers who fall to reeelve THE sonnet
gegoirriy 1.y ata 1, .111 eniifer a fairer Is. RV
ti.lititeg ea of the fart at as ,earty, a dale sui
heo a ehanee of whims 's its/kited. both the
e ll sad the mar °Drew shoulditlemett.
Publisher's !twice.
J. 0.16 Tut . 01 °filen. ts, tuts Ice,. sp
Med Lacal Olivetti." Await for IIs*, TOR a
of Ouderleh. Colborne, Ashaeld 0:81 We
I postmasters over the Wallet are els.
0100JWWW to receive sulacsptioes WTag
All ammenteditious meet to it Morse*
1u• so.••1..
G, Out
?el e phone Call Irk
.44*114 ttle p.m
iced t.ea p.a.
esti lapses. tam p.a.
t ring =teems
med.. ...... ..••-st
• -
445 pni.
4546 p.m,
01 IfICHOUllstf, L D &
Ls1(4?AI. i010140&
Roolasenposite the ruer011ice.
Geld Ifsilleg, drowns aod Bridge Work a
le Years Koperiessa
1. L
.. eiorgeoli-Lateet end approved inelliode
kw all dental operation*. Preservation uf the
Seler.0 teeth • &permit:, OM, Cur. West st
liedStuare esti stabil. Entrains on WWI et
• Surgeon. (Luely see waled with Dr
Dison. of 3Iontreab. Gold end istreelalo ern -
&led teeth mounted on gold lir aluminum Lases.
Special attention given 10 8. preeeryation of thit
N atural mutt OBre Iu Metema's new block
el. esti
(./ -ritraTIZrX11--11011, OEON.
.11-• be. OM, Bruce e.reet, use rand. mot
4.ieIy or. u nest by Dr. Retain'. Night cells
Winn reel, hence telt # tow se.
.14 ter, Notary ublic. Haok of
Commeres9beasisers, the Square, Ooderich.
• tor, Notary, et- 1111-r over Reif el Hall,
au liars. Goderielt. 44
• bw, Comnitsetoner, M rtsey to 1,,
I a Cor, Hanallton sod to. Andrew at oft
4 lith._uat. tor
le-Tigs-, ,8,44MI:TE• nReit SdOLICuur ILTI.T.
rat Private Bands !o land at lowest noes of
f:t. A EROW PlitoUoirciar, aiRRISTERS,
VI A tiwneye. tintlelvoe:11r..6,mierich. J. T
(Farrow Q.C., W. newssheet.
V tem. in I. hearer) ee . *tench
allmaren. c.. P. Holt, Dudley Holum.
ar • C0111111 *Stoner for 'Mime Nod receiving
yeengnizance. of bell. eM,Wirits Or •Mrinstlotte,
iliptentutte or solemn detriment -tee 10 OT ('010
rn 514 al :711 nit i .ssII or procee;ling In the
nliCrlo°,uorr 1.1. suosyl ‘f.,..ut o.ty orriD(..Isling#'0oufgr.
!I trembled..s carefully and promptly eels
gated. Residence sod P. 0. oddness -Dungan -
me, OaL Mall
LOAN, AND utstraaaca. '
Rene, to loan, Ovate fends; shici fleet
KIM fettle le rent or sill. Hmums end Iota to
Met Of for sole. N LEWIS, Bart &ter, Gob.
• tummy ogee. *potato Marna% betide
INK bb ter cent- Notes discoutited. U. SEA.
MR. Mai: °Heade Martin's Hotel, Gods.
.k: • ,detst ',oversee Agent; at lowest mktg.
ellicet Car. Rerthel and Square, Ooderieh. 14
MA el Private Fords for lovestm•-tit at lows*
Wee ess ling rises Mortgages. Apply to OAA
no. Real Estate and Money tooling Agesa.
Lly first -clam 10115)5 Is'* represented. Money
lend on straight lon• e. et the lowest rate at
1/,011 aplomb) any wty to stilt the borrower.
re : :.•ed door from aquae., West Street,
erieh. mos tf
ay Repair Work done ot Reasonable Priem.
fermi It Insplements bte sale. Machniery. new
and serood.hand, bought and sold. Lioness
and IL -Alen for es e. Bite., old waggon
Pop, rut ner Victoria mid Trend's" streets. 1.
losurantse Agent, Goderleh. Ont. Agent
hstwilon end Lancashire Vire In. Corl the Gore
ellestrict Mutual Ins, Co. Sales attended to le
gay part of the county. se 17
awl Lend Valuator, OnderIch, OnI. Hew.
heig entunderable experience 5. 114. &petite'.
InSirtrltirpostIon to d'lscharg•
1114otetsoeac .:Twi'nsT•erl to hIm Order,tal Bubnsitot,
sent by moll to hie Addeo's, 0 el.-rIch, 41.0',
fully attended ha JOHN IINOL Count,
unLieltier. 111110-e
P *alit ph*.
Pinehand--Witall S Sball pos
mg, my dater
WIleo-THd am like ISP -
5 was lovelet-the melody &visa. Om
No -ninny eseptlelteE•
I "It 1.515. very thine I played (
,rg end you meal I It %vow torrid."
.•weo,41,,,i, ono It ma Miens lost eve1114"
I This • Ili11,5tllifh717141rtriea con be outlier
.7 removed by the tow of Miller's Dear
*Oil ittl Iron I ' so il 4 MAW
While thorw.• neelattill,ithere's hope of
Wootton shouldn't dry; more plater
mote to anti
1 allure 'mike wedding .It. end lawyers
make Mains. •1111.
ilsit *bort yeo*,i. tat frielfiled ltleiltrrfati-
hum tommetereeine.
'the Men who bruiting site baby always
wins the moteer e amine
Wise, ..... ism bee *hat you
tearn in order la ' • eriee.
• It often hapPens that who 1. 141.
own boot men but few One drys -
hot Weft Vibe I. Meld theorem when
sobur Is the biggest foul when otherwise
.William ...wail was revvittly ',serried In
K ingston. Happy man; 110 woman can
dose .0 14.1411.
'18. sputa 0111 • man's repo tation look
about ten times larger to others than to
Preset cal Chtletianity is the kind • man
A.14 who doesn't allow it to interfere with*
1110 1010111WW.
he diamond is the hardest subetano•
know n -est esti ing t he hi net of he pa w n-
hroker who reimeoto advents" more thall
• e
iu per eent.ver-ois
• se and &nears.
j The mast rapidly growing of German
Day !humidor?. Twelve years ago it
, _
ul 100,90° Inhobltents To -day it has
i If the child r.m net ,1 re physic no acts
, nice as ri.11ier's Worm Powders; very
pleasant to take.
Another.Trinintili-Mr. Thomas S.
Holten. Silwlerlit,111, eerier: "For 1011E6,
-1901 veers I seas Afflicted with Blies; will
'net meitl V I was nimble to walk or .14,
.,n1 foot. I-1011, 012,0 1wss enrol by ueing
fir Thieoe.' Eriee,rie 05. I lines alai
5,405 ssss)sJus t to Qtlittey for Over forte
rest... fat Eelectric 01 cured It, and it
▪ A nertlt.5.11011 C11,1 1111 1I0131 13,111.00,
eel ber 51 Piles nor Quinsy have troubled
sie 'duce."
Sehnpeshemer'e le,..ppointen••$.
The story Is tsild that • friend, intriMe
IN dine witb Schoo•nhauer at bii favorite
resteutans, where a nuLiber of officers
were In the habit of meeting, noticed
that ,lchopenhauer took a gold troth from
bli parkin before eating •nd !bid it on
th• molts britd• him A heti the meal was
over the philosopher replaced the coin 10
W s purse. Upon • question ?rote his
friend, Schopehaner explained- "1 bay•
been dining with these antlers for some
time," be said. '.nd about two mouths'
ago I registered • +Dent volt to give the
gold 0010. of considerable value, to some
worthy charity on the very first occasion
that 1 should hear these gentle:um tala
of anything but women, horses and the
Chances of ',smoothes. Tea ass I WAN
tare my nioney " Slaw ee•y.
foreman nf • jury
•n Irishman wet
wise hasi to try • roan for murder. Word
Wan sent to him thst he would be paid
1800 If he peronaded the jusy. to return
• verdict of manslaughter.
TOW • serif** erm .111411111011d,
Mende of tbe prIsdifiit came and readily
paid the money. •
"Dld you na•• minh trouble in getting
that •erdictf" .i1.o1 one.
"Falai, an' I lett en awful struggle,"
• th• 11011 of Erin. "the fro of the
jury weaved to acquit bin', but. bemires.
I wouldn'S give way ."-Answers
It may he only a reining cold. but Deg -
01c4 It end It Rill fiefell 41. fang* Ift your
:up we, SIMI you wilt Rom be (tarried to an
gatimely graes..---latisla counter
ouldeu shalt see Ittit eltifflaiil
solarise and colds'. We ate not Avoid them,
set we can effect • core by
riti-Coneuropt Pre Syrup, the oltelicine
Anti has never been kuown to fall he cur
et/ coughs, eolds, bronchitis and all at,
fectious at tbe throat. lumps and chest
I.Juetier. ..f Vett,.
"A man can't do much rel4 out money."
"No, ii•al whun he hae money he doettn%
•eed 0 do auy thine."
Mr11. W. Rowe, of Woodstock,
Tells a Thrilling Story.
Vrestreteg by 11•00.0111 Eidaey
e•tt Lew.. Tyleuntres-Hw Dewier,
Gaye Her Up to Die -saved by
Dodd'. Kidney NHL
W000croce Ont , Jan. t4 -Mr.. W.
Rowe, who keeps a grocery s,ore at Ne.
Si 1 Dundee str et, here, and who es know*
to, and respected by. a very barge number
of people In the town. had a very narrow
Neaps from an unti nely death recently.
'Ye our report. r, who called on the lady;
and ',eked for particulars of he toddies%
Mrs. Rowe said:
"I here had an experience such se Mg
to the lot at very few women. TRUISM
years of my life were made almost sinew
durable by 'Female Weakness,' tegitedier
with Kidney and Liver Complaints.
"My physicians did ell they could for
Wa, but they could not give me either sr
lief or oure. They finally announoed 40
thot I could never get better.
hen I began to try whet th • various
paprtiotory medicines that were advertised
In the papers would do for me. I took •
g ood many 80144.5 41 one remedy and &n-
ether, but 407 0*. Continually grew worse.
"One day 1 was advised by • friend to
try Dodds Kidney Pilla. 'They will cure
you, I know, for th. gavel my daughter'S
nactsfas wen WOODS Miss yen •
"Well, I took her advice. In two days.
wonderful change for the better had es
gores& I felt myself growing stronger
daily. My appetite returned. thd dull
besvy, weary ache went out of my book;
the terrible leaden weight from my leqe.
my headaches vanished, my sleep became
sound and refreshing. To -day I ant
healthier, etronger and better every way
than 1 home been for twel.• years.
"Dodd's Kidney Pills are the bast medi-
ans* on earth for weak, sickly, endowing
• nees Poiat of View.
Harriet --1/o pita hi ti k lt ls tight fpr •
Mali 10 dm-els° his wile?
Olr-W541, I don't know. If he hrld
eeelvtli her, she probably would on- el.
have got him for • huahand.-lkown
A Palest Peet.
Attorney -One more opiestIont-rDtd you
over Noel • bonnet - - you .think I am a ithoet?
No, air. I lice in Treas.-Philadelphia
North American.
A Ciao', Heelthy Skin -Eruptinns of
the skin and (be blots -hes which • blemish
beituty are the result of impure blood
atoned by unhealthy action of the Liver
and Kidneys. In correcting this un.
healthy action restoring the -organs
to their normal condition, Parnielee's
Vegetable Pills will at the same time
cleanse the blood, and the blotches and
eruptions will disappear without leaving
any IMO.
Zzeleelvely For Golfers.
A gentleman arrived In Scotland some
time ago for. few days' golf. Having
procured • • caddie," he sallied forth to
break the record of the green. Before dile
Ing off he asked the caddie the distance to
the first hole. ' Two hundred and fifty
yards," said the caddie ' Oh," said th.
gentleman, "that's just a (00d drive and
• put." The player topped Ms drive,
and it went only three or four yards
Beg paslon," said the caddie, "but have
rou taken the put Anti"- Newcaatle
There never wets, and never will be, •
univemal yettlfieeit, In one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh is beir-the very nature
of meny curetives being such that were
the germs of other and differently seated
diertses rooted in the evetem of the
patient -what would relieve one in
turn would agoravate the other. We
have, however. ita Quinin• Wine, when
obtainable In a sound unedulterated
stat it remedy for IIIRII y and gre•ious
By its gradual and judicious tier the
frailest *poem.' are led into con veleseence
•nd She influence which tjut-
n Ins exerts on Nature's own restoratives.
It relieves the drooping ppitite of t boats
with reborn a Annelid state of morbid des-
pondency and lack of interest in life is a
diseare, and, by tranquilizing th• nerves,
dieposes tei Rebind and refreshing sleep --
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulrited, comma through-
out the velem., strengthenitig the healthy
animal function• of the system, thereby
pinking activity • necesisery reenit,
strengthening this frame, end giving life
to the digestive orlon*, which neturally
demand increased anhatetice-result, ins•
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
'Toronto, have siren to the public their
superior Qnirila• Wine *1 18. emusl rate,
enti, gauged by the opinion of scientista,
this win• approaches nearest perfection et
any in the market. .AI I druggista sell IL
"Mr Orestes Van Ham constders Ilatm-
self the grootnet acthr on earth."
"Is treat en?" reeponded Mr. Storming -
ton Barnes thoughtfully. "Re's getting
e trangely modest. He used to consider
himeelf the greatest motor that ever lived."
-Washbasin:ea !Mar.
Tb• •ni•rtcriei'• reolm of Life.
Let us strive then. every minute,
At • nerve -destroying vett.
For, in order 40 400 in it.
We have got to pay ths freight.
MIR OWIlf PRES 511.1.
Dear Sirs. -I cannot speak too
strongly of the excellence of MIN -
4P$ LI/UAL real:
nip liteilattesebardh, sprains.'
etc., and we would not be without it.
It is truly a wonderful medicine.
JOHN A. lisnuottsi.o.
Rublisher traprior Chronicle.
nye Spanish officers who volunteered
te mot as spies In Amalie. during 48.
war have been rewarded by the biedrid
0 ..... went. They visited New York,
Washington, Tampa •nd °Oar potion,
and sent • good deal of Yankee simmoul-
tion to Cube. having many narrow
escapes from detection. One of them nme
at Taibpa • New York World correspond-
ent, whom be knew in H•vana, but the
newspaper man ',northerly feigned Ignor-
64.11. 48. Ree•ree.
Re -You don't worn to care even if I
do love you devour -11y.
She. --Why ghoul I If 'Yon elm love •
good cigar. Is that any reason for the
cigar to congratulate itself upon your
affection, -
is; rig i=h I
that Cough
that Wasting lag
thet Nen ritede1011
Se to your &tweet, pommy sus Wes
fE RATizo
The Improved Zentilslon, enntainine the
beet males and haring n056.1610 OIL
Tie Ferreted Cod Lim 011 Copley,
wcihoerwea at., T
r dragglat hanot got It
rewtid.4Me.. Wnda bottle
o oudr, prepaid.
• end Odd Ream on pone eft. flead'oarnIng,
LIT; attsash"ind. eaZirn r"nt 'no re rise":17tihltrdell
MeLowe's new idreek, twit door b.
14018*01 Eselaage betel.
• emens, gederieth. °et 01141-17
10•11111140f Se Ne.
61 was Wilk Sampson at Manilla." me
the weeder fie late asked for bed
FOWL you're alightly twisted,"
Odd orroolnd
_pm had becu In Oat
star. .-1/00001- aWL.--101r
wos yea replied ihe minder
A Severe OCIld Brings a Wife and
Mother Low.
Perth.' Paralyele Awiewpealted by Feint-
ing /11.Fellew• Deeture Fail Wiwi
et•lief be. Willioute Plek Fine
K•ellor• Stealth.
Drookholni, • suburb of Owen Sound, IS
ly %limiting vet h interest In the won
derfal cures effected in that place es the
tun of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A news-
paper man of '1 uronto,spending some Llini
la the s it:laity, was directed 114 hOU au .114
is hill overlooking Owen Sound's bawd-
ful bay, and was till hat them he would
lear wonething +shout a ours' effnctutl Ity
Dr. Williams' Intik Pills. 'the hill wise
climbed, iusd it is to Yr. J. E. Goutifell,,a,
the gelded ciiiMeTr and occupant uf that
(51014.54154home, litfat he IS indebted for L•
folk:wing tactic -"aly wife uwer her good
Pals:" How- -Itotlealif.
the igth of July, Leib, Mrs. Goodfellow
*401 00 an ezcurdota to Collingwood by
boat end came bouts with a revere coisL,
which developed tut° a partial or alight
attook of par,slysis in the Irt side and
Ln addition, at tim she would be
seized with a dualisms which (Melt re
suited in sudden and moven, falls.
paralysis made her Unable to lift any
weight with her left hand. She Galled in
medical aid anti f r some months followed
the atavism and took the melte nes pre-
seribed. But it was only money wasted,
as the di . nut get spy Petier. Al Ara.
Goeilfellow has three ch.tiren and her hue -
band tu slue for, it was a deep tamble to
the family for her to 4. 110 afflicted. For
eight months thee. dizzy lapalli and the
garalyals ountInued. -1 hen some friend
biked her tots" box of Dr. Williems' rick
PAL*. To please the friend she consented
purchase a NW IrdIti*, Whets thole had
been taken she felt decidedly bettor.
he fainting spells calm less frr
guent, her strength returned to her side
anti arm, and she was .41eiigh5,d with
the rtoult. After uthing about au boxes,
and feeling quite well again, she dieson-
tinued the ma of the pills for a tone, but
later felt some of the old symptoms re- She agniu procured a supply
snd re -commented their um and erre
sverloyed 14 rind that Lbws Yalmible 11111.
pellets &gyms gave relief. She condoned
:eking thous mud she felt 18.1 .10. must
.7ertainly be ovor the alone uf the trouble,
when she again CR -NW CO take the pills.
l hat le over • yesr and a half ago, anti
Pato* 01 lot• reef.
Bent France is four those on
Ws. as the Bank of England
?Woes t *bled populatloa
4. ID you're.
In pent of Switgerland the enoer
Was six feel deep oa the Less day of Dr
Cyclists, la Dennuirk Saxe forbidden by
law to ride faster &Win •It• mood • oab
through any tow0.
lo the dead, 16111 t• 11W1 four -lifting ef
the Increase population la Frantic was
la Parte
The dirtiest people on earth are sold te
be the Inhabitants of Thili e who never
wash either themselves or their garment&
Siberia will be largely mpreamited 4.
Parts in likel, the tiro time sit any *spode '
Ilea The new rullwav and the lands IS
bee opened will be fully represented.
Lambeth mimeo. Lorton. hes hem the
bonie of the primates of Canterbure for
ewer stereo centuries. The tabtee *14
sheer specimens of almoes *eery style of
archluectu•• which has prevailed slam
'1 he bleskans ham • queer way of bury.
Ing the dead 'the corpses 14 tightly wrap
in century plant matting told ploced
a men 'hired lar abets 11,144giltli.
or two ruttiest, at the ester may be, ptsee
the eollIn on their heeds and (41 141 a true
to the grave. where the body le interred.
•nsi conlo Ls then nittsruud.
tonere front I /al....,
Faith dose not rut on the bed of fancy ,
The Cltriatian race is Ina • "go -.s. )..0
Pears" foot r1\103 -
I1 you feel like shakl n • *4. lend that 4.
In trouble, let it be his head that you
tonne great men have won their Orme
by doing little tholint.
A big error ehrinks into nonentity when
placed beetle a small truth.
We muse be doomed from error bag.
CeSt be monied to truth.
Rhea ich'idren are pale. peeeish and
featlese st night they require a doe-
o- two of Miller's Worm Powders.
l'hey are pieasant to take; tue ph3stc we -
Partially WI.... to•d•
Attn:' Betty -That thing diat See 14.,-
81.. ). playin' on the planner Is "Noma
Sweet Home" with vsnotions. Could's I
mean UP
-Vane eels birthe
Ugh Wisest Cara Wes&
Tillie Cheerful tilleL
"The tall," said tee proey boarder "lies
WIY On"' or lwiou ginoo 8.11he 1144 1107 alznost superseded the knocker."
.1411 L'EV...01e,. ,"Aaot elestr-te -Obte-tuaeou,"
tlen a feet &Ales nf pllis would jive Cheerful lino: "why (1 5.. knocker."
full relief. him lioteifellow ts decidedly
a the meninn that see owes her pre.ent
health tu illiams' Pink Pine, and Ls The( Red Noss will soon become me
'moat eisthusiastic 141 her rwoMmendation apeetable In appearance by takiag 11111seS
ef thew to her trieusle and toque/puma a. Compound Iron Pills. fadeout lb coma
Liottnent Cores Baru, eta.
( tle-10014 oath.
The mord curious European oath 1s144.
ministered In Norway. 'The wtrhess rakes.
his thumb, his forefinger and hie
Rwitiry the Trinity,
the larger of' 18 uplifted fingers is sup-
ported to nepreeent the soul of' the witness,
and the smeller to indicate his body. 846
fore the swath ts taken • long exhortation
al delloered.
e .• ryt • Gag.
Is Is announced that oarbolite can be
menufart Irssl front the blast formica
slag Carbollte is necessary to the pro-
duction of ethylene gas. which. 11 Is geld,
is better Hi 50 acetylen• gam,
possessing tbe tottelleneles of the latter
To in•k• this cew subagent* slag, while
molten. Is ponied into ammeters aorh as
.are °sod for the nuannfacture of Berme -
mar steel, and imilverIzei eoke Is tiown
through the liquid maw be miens of the
&It blast Neit the malted elnic. thorougb-
ly permeated by the pulverized seke, is
'objected to ele-trie treatment, by means
of erbleh the slag is ftwed with the cote.
Then the mass i• poured off into mold.
and •Ilowed to C001. after which It Is
boxed with tin •nd wool and becomes
earl:onus in commits:1AI form. Ooe of
the in•entor's elain.e 14 thit this material
44111 pewees a one superior to artstyleno,
at mach lees rose -an announcement
unusual autor.sme if it 1. well founded.
"Willie Mils me he is Raying home of
nights impniving hi. tnind.•"
"I guess all the improvements Willie te
putting up are sJr castles." --Cincinnati
ttagifIng linnek•rehlera.
Few lannriresees wash flot embroidered
handkerchiefs properly. Too often they
40 10 pieces in the wringer Dr are rubbed
Into holes on the wathboorni. The dainty
bit of cembric that le carried more for
show than for °se may be washed by the
owner in her own bowl. This done, all
dust sh /uld be wiped from the large win-
dow pane, and the handkerchief, when it
(4.4111 wet, spread smoothly over the glass,
lin creams well twessoled out, and the cor-
sere kept fiat When the hankerchlef 1.
Try it will be crisp end new in appearance.
First Lapland Nirereenfeer.
A decided novelty in the way of news-
pper enterprire is announoed from Lap.
lard. The first paper in that country has
sppeared. 14 ie written up m • single
sheet of p per and Is publiehed every sun
fay at • town vet h an unpronounceable
14*100. Up 10 the present the journal hag
Nay half • thrzen libber -I -there, and every
We le le welcomed with loud applause.
UDIllital Relieves Neuralgia.
indle•• Hen., Relniell.
The greatest annual rainfall occurs, it is
In the Khasi. Mlle, in Indus It
mounts 10 4413) inehee, or 150 feet On one
'cession 04 feet of rain fell In the
Ails every 94 hours for, five oonsecutioe
lays. Gibraltar has teen deenched with
11 inches of rain In 96 ho irs, anti Gem.%
With 80 inches In the *Me length of time
l'hat hot, dry condition of the skin will
tiesppear by the woof Miller's Compound
Iron Pills. 60 dosses 25 cents.
te Atmosphere.
45, otortn‘n e nditlons of the atmosphere
electricity .• sto abundant on the top of the
roloano Mann. Lot In Hawaii, that an
tnglish geol000st lofted that be
tram electrie letter. with his fingers on
14ll1 hien kat.
Hesdth for the diadem. mutt?.
Worm Powders.
4 wee to oppeiti.
Little Sister- What's ationettet
Little Brother Ohl that's what keeps
too from getaing twe phew of VW What
rem cou:d eat three
?If; medicine arta en filf1017' 44 M11•
er • Worrn P-wdor. no phytic rat n I rod
The Hided mane.cript, now in the Brit-
ish le thc .thireet Intelligible ma-
thematical work extant that WY MDT ben
--ZIP WSW lang klite.fifflatieli pas &dor.
A Lialeafint rnr blare.
Toke equal parte of linseed oll and Brno
water, shake togather and bottle for future
Roo When required, spread upon a soft
of lust and lay on the bum.
-'1E9briVIFitek for
Misr PUI• and Plaster.
How's This!
farget the
When you're ready to buy that
new Bicycle. Write for Catalogue.
Gendron Mfg. Co..
vr• offer One fluorite(' Dollars Reward for
any ease of Catarrh tho moat* be cured by
Rail's Catarrh Core
V CHENEY CO , Prom. Total,, 0.
W•, the • idsreign. 1. ha., known 7. 1.
Cbeuev for the lase rare, anti hells.. him
per/wily Isontershie I,, 6 Innetoess trettwetions
and Inseetally •ble to arry out tiny obligalloill
101701 Tara:. lo -he 0.0e Druggists. T ledo.O.
0161100, 2 ages s Mssyi., Wholesale Drug-
ei• • Toledo, o
Hrtil's Catarrh ear Is taken Internally. act-
ing directly •te,a the id nel-11o41 MOV411 sew -
faces or the •VelOIR P ter 7e.c. per bouts
by ell Dreggfem 'nor.; Male free.
"Boer did Ude happen?" listed the MOP*
11.00 as he dressed the wound in the cheek
and •pplled • soothing poultice to the
damaged ey
"Got lilt with • stone," replied the pa-
"Who threw 10"
"My-uty wife," was the reluctant an-
• 'H um It's the drat thm I'ee heard of
B woman hitting anytialng ohs sicced at,"
muttered the surgeon.
"Site was throwing et the neighbor",
bens," ex pl al ned the sufferer. "i *61801.
hind laer."-Pearson's Weekly.
We iris,
thts An•
et Ws err eedt •
ins Medea Ride
Writ., sad yeti=
vatpaid, gad
Freseiute Le. %Viten
=lave 0414 nee Wicio, re-
, and we urinal
your watch free 40
.54 e. Hundreds harm
carnal astreee working
tot me Ivey not you.? /a
meittruiti /Air paper.
tato tide, Plant fee Salto.
(1011P1.1r1 F.grIrlf r.e/ FOR A SMALL
V steam laundry, COM r. a:Cy I Wet Weak-
er, c. 01 c. •1161 Dowry hchant, Little Star
Ironer. MA,* tad ir0. e, Bo. ler and E vine. on
enesplet• WIll be Wed ?win, leparately or Ow
lut. • ddreee Gt. a„ 44 IL) T u•
New a 1-11,00.1
Large 4*o ottie tree.
THE REID BROW, 8.7 King West, Toronto.
Ts leerellese4,, valet% Norewel 454,1'.. 144u0
Ser forielites tee Wlee ee pale peasK thee
ant Were re nit rearreoefei breenei• u. ••••
*00110.1155.0.1155.0.1155.Fri e "14
web* leallea• Cheole- raI/ehla eirelfrarer oat-
nietell The Mears Nu par ara 4.400. lerea
donned and re melee Meer art tee ewe. erlealt
anneenw Tebbe runitor ear.
Till II: 114.:4p/110,112.1.161N.
T. N. U.
Willeaearr. I
regigial..121r= emiliGirstila
elleitei dam 11154*.
DOM moot e
n n premiums y .2 log
to wirtiaft=s
in 10 swots seek.
Tiler ere mere durable Oen
OW IN NOM e1100T. Tape
Goti="dibeitier. ass q seem«
gives trwavidi I. very lees burs
as seaW•_ mosey reeetrwl. M 'Oat aad *6 .111
sof praninme
rittersed if INN 6014,
are pilling thews.
. hes *old 00144 NO
144 will seed taw etawalisialleS
Town. INC
25 Years of Cure,
Covering Tens of Thousands Cured,
Millions of Bottles Sold.
St. Jacobs Oilcoztkiniunetsh,!tseurree:tf benefit:41d
And will always be
-14111-Great Remedy for Pais.
Loeb' iensapiete. udIng Hinges and Lanett. de leered as slew et.. ton In °starter
Lena 8-3 ft. 144 41. 414. 144. it. iu ft. if ft. tot
11: 1103.55is Jo .01
34(4 ;.
4 ...... Liu slo 1.71 tea 'ere 001 MAO 41
44 t 1.011 0173 3m 1474 art 111 45745 • Of
Ans:ta:ber eiricier11.
THEO. D. on approval 10 5.. paid fur If entirely sabstactory, otherwise to be yr
Frost Fence. Frost Steel Gates, and Frost Coiled Spring Wires.
The Only Safe Way to Speculate
BUY THE SCRIP AND PAY FOR IT. 4,60 and upwards sent to
us can be doubled within one year; 'relieve done it • thousand
times, we c:in do it again if our advice is Acted upon. Flow we do
it : We buy low plead Railroad Shwa that we have Ian& lafeenietlea
We know of thousands who de bble in "Bucket Shops" and
ing Stock., both are the worst kind of lotteriee ; we know of
thousands more who are ever ready to invest in paper town lots
where the chances are very rernote for inenrato in value, and
usually the mouey invested is never recovered. and even when
the property does increase in value 41 4. difficult to secure a cash
purchaser. 11 14 is railroad stock you can sell it for spot cash at
any time. We have been twelve years in business in this con-
eervative old Vermont City of Burlington, and we can furnish
references from National &Inks and leading citizens throughout
the State, and we do not expect any person to deal with as natl.
we prove our responsibility and reliability.
leRW ToRR.
Soaker. sod Woken,
iro sToN. !BURLINGTON. VT, 17.11.A.
004444-4444441444414144-444441444441444 444E444 ~4444
wiE en NY flue Wkit:111. with adios sad ebefte„
Im0*l...14yer 4044411•4444. te a hoot
for suttee 5 Omen ped.Z, .010*.I
watch ao4 guard Mr tellies 3 4 a lie Illtrimif et
Yen ran egret WA • sod.. we Me lbosee, orb
p4id, 4114 our 44 41,..,... 1...t. 0.04 ,40 Reolook re.
tstru 4 frog. owl we 4.4.1est46.P4 4 .11,1.6,4 . V.
P04011 add hotfooting:reship Elherelfrenimissiors 1 feehavo.l.
lie he il.ei A tau Seel fund tow ran -wane eilii"..rena
.L PAY'S MORK in -Aar
le aridly" wearies gib paper
ilHoi103010111,1011101111,110 LEVER SUTTON CO.. TORONTO, ONT.1140101111010
Tbn Ammeters Lover w itch,
Vi`inStent Set, rally Gears.
to re ace ar repair, f..r *swag 2
eta attests or Thltru.tes.
FREE 'deli.:
For selling 2 doz. of our Patent Lever
Collar Muttons or our dlendeoun
Thimbles, at 10 cents ea.&
NO MONEY REQUIRED L',1',"..".d.,17.17:=Tps
UM, you would Ilke to seIL 5. uyrerd the. by retalle
mall. free 4 all eharge Too pay fo. thaw' whew was.
PREMIUMS -Watches. Rings, OVloU3
Aceordeons, Alr nns. Spring a
Harkey Skates Manicure dots,
assay others.
Western Novelty Agency,
II& Van,* et, A read*. TORONTO.
or, art 1504.and 0445 15*
tinting& or 5 • 1,.454e5.
Itei a Ned waa
'They say his °onset's°, trenblet Ids
as8. ean't sleep nights." "Nights, meant
NV, san't even sleep la dinnai"
8. 744... • WIII, Wisdom Points the
Way. -The shot man pines toy relief bet
be dislikes seeding for tbel illeeter, widen
means bottles of dingo never sonstinted
He has not the re•olutlea le lead bir
sumach with eornponade whleh smell
Timm's:roily sod tarts woven But if kw
lia.• the will to drat himself with Ids
ailment, Wiadow tilreot kik atom t lee
to Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which, as,
• 'pectic for isdigeatios and disorders et
the digestive ariesas, have so equal.
During the potent century seven In
Panes§ have been recorded Is the &limb
irk. la wide\ the bride has meettail the
hoe man by wiletelre
Lava's Wisest rot 11111 OlVilibIlt --
There are rem* *MOH ALM*
11 hand-seered !ew5
5.5ta•** Fortune to /OWING.
1 he estimat d value le 0.110 11111111114,
)rwelb 10 640,000,000. If kis gRooser Or -
any hobby at ail it may he MN 44 8, SIR
purehrudni of jewels ind sliaossild
v. • theatrreala No prstadooal WI mit
- be he WWI% IdiffireP,
thr oigh Constestienple esir=11.111111110 la*
tAtion from the ornitan Re always=
for these performanoes le Ratak af
Land nolm
•• aeseptemo IlleMentese.
"oth I" sighed the winimag giri, "t Ida
frit oweed a yaoht and would Wage 16 all
*07 d sprawl."
"Sorry, I moil oblige yen," replied the
raring 111111116 "but the' beat f cats oder lo
little meek."
And the silemee wow remained W 01
smiled relemedding the evening ar a pop.
Kole rife for a legner. logo
rest Troalfillo.