The Signal, 1899-1-26, Page 5/ / / \\\./ / / / 'THE SIGNAL : GODERICB` ONTARI( W. ACHESON&SON 0===2 During January we place the following goods un our centre tables and counters at prices uuparallelled before inUoderich veritable bargains : ON FIRST TABLE 50 Pieces of 40 to 44 -inch all -wool Dress Goods, all of this season's Z5c and buying, in prices from 40c. to 85c. a yard, your choice for . C. y S Pieces 42-tnch Wool Noreen Fancy Skirting, our regular price was 60c., January sale at . . . . . , Scotch Fingering Yarns, 25 lbs. in Black and Greys ; regular 9c. and 10c. a skein, for this month they will go at 10 Pieces of English Wrapperettes, warranted fast colors, and in good wrapper or waist patterns. Regular price 12c., choice, i'len's extra heavy Scotch all -wool Shirts and Drawers, finest 75c. quality, our sale price 10 dozen ladies' Heavy Seamless Cashmere Hose, spliced heels and soles, the regular 50c. kind, at 35c. a pair, or , 5 Pieces 36 -inch Heavy Union Carpet, in new patterns sirable colorings, usually 50c. a yard, at SECOND TABLE CONTAINS: Nearly 1000 yards of 8-4 and 9-4 Best Bleached TwI l and Plain Sheetings, in ends of 24, 5 or 7 yards. - At a third less than regular wholesale prices. 15c. yard 5c. skein 8c. a yard 50c. a garment 3 prs. for and de- 35c, a yard IMO yards Heavy English Prints, warranted fast colors, in light and dark colors, finest IOc. and 12c. cloth, Oir January Price, lc. per yard. Olt Cloths, t, 111 and 2 yards wide, at 18c. a square yard. 15 only stylish Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, this season's, at exactly 50 ° o REDUCTION. INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACJ-II3SON & SON. _. HURON PRESBYTERIAL UNION. r li..ss, Moran Harrier y eseauy -ee.rs an ptsilw, T . tbirermaie mama meereg of the Bons Presbyterial U.Ms of the W. T.11.8. t.ek pias. 1. WWis.harsh, Owren, Merely .8.. 10 A M., es Tuesday, J... 17th. • fair warm d delegates bow presort, es.sNer- hg the p.e.i.e. el 1. rrlppe 1. the sees. APPALLING DEATH Prom Elftsi Disease Prevented by Dodd's Mdney Pius, Only. "Kidney Disease," Do you know what it means? It swans that the kid- neys are either reti s% or rotting ; the blood Y full of poisonous. death - dealing that the Kidneys can't their �ar work the victim is a walking cherub -house ; that his boors aro numbered ' that the victim 1111fer take Dodd's Kidney Pills if he dose not want to die. Have Obsess Kidney Ds 1 1. skin hot and dry ; memory fell - 5 breath ll- 5breath short; mine, reddish, or colored; does it scald when paitulDg ; bper appetite changeable ; do year ankh swell ; have you bitter Oft ie the mouth oo getting up lswigs; b there a brick -dost de. rib ie your vine ?day of these signs is elf ey Disease. Will yea proof _ e cured, or will you die) DPW§ Kidney Pills are the only mans on earth that titin are you. They never fail. try, sad fee disuse were pWsly visible M the sine d tae s.diesos rreseat ly .l1 the Aram ` bad •roped Iafeet a., pratittst lean asst dein. .0 they o.sld to ark• the mese• profitable sad lament - Le one. The merais, sssates was •i.sa.d ley dip retreat ..seism. Mrs. Archibald. et Sea - forth. toads' is prayer. The remainder of UM suers wee .eonpsd L. berme .loam ef last ak..ht sad reports tram s..► *Mose sad from .axiU.ries sed mim oa bead., These report@ were very .oear•tdng mid tell .f entreat. The meets raised by the auxiliaries is by .esthly coll.etloa., fees sad freewill offerings -se ent.rtaiamenta et say Mod. The mwtos b..de have seas - Maas. taea►-.essy, tbaek eQ &.d some have estertMnmests, The ti.ak-ef- ferteg M • epeeist feature is these ss.stees, and .11 my they meld mor dispense wish it, sem. email ..eI M.s .Mwisg enrprMs5 lib- e rality. All report an MNnem in every de panaceas. Ia 1827 the membership was 867, M 1898 it was 971. Membership el g.aral ..i.ty 90, and deems 1898 we added b mew lira member te ear lies. The average .tees dame is 1897 was 49*, '9N it was 468. Barer.& halters' .o.tribett...last year, 112192, this year, 836 36 is '97 the amount of Mendes wt t. the Northwest was 1500 lbs, vol... 8189.79; is 1898 it was 20001b. , vats., 8618 16. TM amens* esetributd by .aiIM.riee for 1897 wsif`$I184 27 ; by .u.. .4.. bards. 1598 Ol. By •s.,lierfss on '98 it was 51336 66, and by mt.lon bads 28, realties . total of 81676.8*, se Memos ler 1898 of $114 56 The .I.otLss of oilers thea took els.., wartier as follows :--Prwdent,Mrs (Rev.) J. Hemi ten, Limburg' ; t.* ria, Mrs (Rev.) C.Iia FI..Y.r, Thames Read ; Sod els., Mrs. (Rae) J. 8. Bed...os, H.•mU ; •watery, Mn. Kith. Irwin, Clinton ; tram - ever, Mrs. Hilae B.8*, 8estrtb ; leafletDoer,. J. O. fiadartl ; may. of sap- SimHies Lt's Chaise. The .awls seised wNb prayer by Mrs. (Rey.) OeltaPMS.Mr. Aa the Wim of Olbtsa W,Y. M.8. had prepared draw la the Deem room, all dol. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCIIOOL SUPPLIES. You Will Save Money by Buying School Books and School Supplies from Us. 100 Page Scribblers, 1 cent each, or 10 cents per dozen. 200 " 2 cents each. 2 Extra Large 200 Page Scribblers, 3 cents each, or 2 for :) cents. 500 Page Scribblers; the greatest Scribblers on earth, 5 cents each. 4 Faber's H. B. Lead t'encils, 1 cent (arch; better grade 3 cents each, or 2 for 5 cents. Faber's II. B. Polygrade (Artist I'encil), 5 cents each, or 50 cents per dozen. 4 P Points (292) for) cent, 8 ' ted Slate Pencils for 1 cent. Felt Bo + t 1 Slates, 8, 10, 12 and 15 cents each. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE Telepedbe lib. JMt ' 't deem War 1'ibigtimetil. Osirt Rime gleam, Oo4M'lele imam sad matters el the Presbyter* sat down to • well..pre.e.dd table and enjoyed the feed AMR Diulo .ad • medal tame. Tres eforeroa'eemlee was *pessls.„= Milk prayer by Mn. Hamilton, our new men den The retiring president, Mrs. (Rev) C Fietahr, give • very reseal talk es " Time of epprtanliy." Wend. of m•ter- lty have better jedemeet, are sot weir led away, has is es steadily in the work, ft the i. their oppe4tebliy. This is an opeer tune temo for the meo.. B•.l•ad bse Me opror*aaity of pl•el•g the B.bl• amass away seer. Chime hes bees weadrf•lly apes.& 4 n the abarobes. What are we do leg for mistime ! Preebyt.ru•oe take no mean pees •noose missions. If we do cot use our opportunity we shall 'row worldly and nerrow-.Isded, Heron Presbytery is genius, so mimeos stress, few •sgmeeted se.Rrytatiese, aroma the people few large foetuses ••d so din poverty ; we are sos • reeving 5•.pl., het keep rep • steady, ore mord maser 1..t as all rem to our preset epsartdty. Mrs. 8h•w, ef B,. sdtrUle, favored the anthem. with • well rendered solo. " TM Master Walks s He Gerdes.' Mrs. Dived UoRmo, *f Guelph, nye • very helpful address es " How te rush the western le ear ebanw, s.d .et them later - seed is our work." She said we r.seh easy thele. new. Ther. W • fseaay, het • Mee es., that Ms private member" have no re- sponsibility, only the oMo.n. Our duty is te attend tiem mest.p, help Is Prayer, I. k1 bed " I. thee be•restb my some. ' Oats member hunted mother steadily ter twe years, 8ss11y she came. end ane to star, .hewing the tial penevreseit ef th. salute. Preperaties ter Oyler would make trek -of. teriag meetings heater. The eesditlose of modem life have devote killdeer and noose from se ; we reed retirement sed rest with Jones. TM mosey time was dedicated es prayer, leiMwed by prey," tor different missies fields. Mn. NsOreetie and Miss Polley. of God. - H och, ,peke ea memos Made end hew to im- prove them. Several settees of meths and votes of thanks were thee disputed of. Th. Presbyterial will atm{ M atm[ in Hess&1900. Mn. MOR.. aimed with prayer. Tea wee prepared is the Noun room,and all repaired thither sad partook of the goad thisga pr v{ded, mutually enjeysg the Erse. dna of serratures. At R e'ol.k the eveoing meeting was opened with rather • entail •ud4se.. R.. J. H.millllss led the &Notional escrows. '1'M Melt of Willis oharo6, with Mee Ida Boles ea orRanlst, reeds.& the anthem " Kock of Ages" D. D. Wilma, of Seafonh, spoke to the ladies, be4sge% the remitter*, of th• i'res. byssry seemet.latin. the W T M.S. ogo their weck sed near. H. aloe »minded the t'4,".r lox of their duty to .swiss. Misses M. Murray eed A. Taylor thee mag eoeeptable. Rev. Mr. Ambrose, el Oedwf h, br.tbt the greetings of the Prestyt ty le the worse d ribs W F 41 8. We oempy Dem- o.. gr...d whb Ibe Preebyt.ry, ear week N est. Holl the tier wheel women sad ors esu* bower! ter all the erh....s of the chureb. Parity is due to OkrIelesslty ; the Jewish woman a si.redly ••aside& by law the Googol has *reseed weenie to . brit ps..tles, .sksewm is herr* Made. • Ora Pre Maga s Murray maihastlI.l ire.. Mr. Msl.emeem, of Tiv.rra, ad. dressed the.masa&, •t bee Rtk en Ohre tied tk.04.1...e, spookier ly se ogee mitoses. Obles a OM neer outset of • ate. •est... the MNd1a Rhodes. The rAdesteee Wein ie le the metre of ail them le et worth le the werlil i en ..sM. M Ithrbidset, Tse (.811... re .04 liked by fers445.rs es Mat ; Mat i.trwb.ism mere demt.sel 1 dose .i..4. *verve/bore ore ; to obi mwaay Med mood farms,,. Teo (heel .rebel ass otoorw ie the Aloe tees M 'ossify. It ;. see pool ler the peoFlb to be left trilbies Ob. Met late. Mated ea whit a w.6ae obv , .i roar •1e. 1ettow.d M • meeb.eppsesi. JUST RECEIVED: A Maw A•IUVAL or RUBBER GOODS __ 15 -- WATER BAG ATOM 1ZERS SYRINGES ICE BAGt3 In rollout' styles 1,e'to. and excellent value.. W C. GOODE. Chemist Don't attempt to cure a Cold with a few Candies 1 - vs. OUR - BfackU6crryCougi Balsam 1t roes right to tM stoat • 4 este. moodily 26o. -b tor *1.00 Or CleruW Haiti] CHl Cee FOR CHILDI1W, 160. , BEDFORD BLOCK. atm& enartelts fro. the Batten bury attest o baro► slob. TM beesdtuuos closed s very W cambia sad interesting .5.tta'. C•11nNos .boot 512 Mss. Bice. 1..i., Pr.bytsrtsl S.ey, 1�nw1.l.Eil. Norway, Jan. 23. For straight politics r.eu aaarid sus to 11.umUl.r. kv.ryb..uy Dere is • uul.Mda• ut some we, and Jim Jewell's blauk.miW *bop 1. , heeds; miters tor oboe. ins pens ;Mu u.esti.ga a bee all ems and 0001.11.1000 of n oes ter their stews on tis {militias! yam - Loos o1 Me day end &soma the merits .f the diger-et o.ndeledes from the steed - point of their le•otsgs to tbe two great political parties of the .marry. Not Quit Jim is mach of • 'slaloms- oh ! so- bat rising semew0•t of • pubis- moo by virtu of Ins adios se Dor» eouer for nail the uuuntry round, • oruwd of fellows always forst there for repairs of eons sort, sad thea the fun gibe bat sad furious. W ban oma of their number makes • remark that is downed by another of opposite views, tb.. the Isamu is at ns expenses, the merry h.' 4.!•t' of the oppos,te petty reseaad above the din of the hemmer on rue anvil and the Dearly Womb all around shows that mins and tan, sot bard feelings, uodertie Bea - miler pon0.., and like the spark' treat the lot's they all lly upwards .md are heard of 0o more. Ws happened to be present the other day just atter the thaw when • lot of mei hbors mars thus g.nibg their teems shod. Tbrs was gardly steadies room for We hares, a.d Mine of the bey. were there fro. t • e Devonshire and •M5Uand eonoemmous ..d seas tarso Iron Bill 84.ke a sorest, sad a ma* mixid petticoat crowd could hardly be sot te'.tnr. Jost as soon as the yw.Yoa of polities war started it was Irks est'lam fin to tinder ; mob embryo i:olltim•n was up In • memo to defied his party and the fun went merrily rotted. Tb. stili Bwka corner man masted by emit , '.1.10 ¢iwt•un- entre man seem °arrow'. mosso .t the last election and them threw down the obailso . rhea it the Tories protested the election the Grits would seed their era Is sect time by twice the .ajoriry ; also by telling hien that dolmas, the Get modulate, was sure to rem Bob MoLeen other Tory that they .44.4.4 pot up Bs • light •••1 ma can't do it," said the Dsvonebire tutee ; ".11 the Orits in West Huron put to• gethrr won't 'plea' next time. Slob is hen te stay and kts would have roto la Wt time only you fellows ren Kitty to split the vote." "Yes ! CLOW ii r- ii I7 a tilsr-Ma the road ( the nese who ewes dr big urohsrd), who was then .sated on • ploseb- bandl. and smoktag .way .t hie old briar• root as if his life depended upoo his ext. stone "If you Grits had s.4 got Kitty to side-track McLean the T. Weald bare won the e1110ti00, eon." •' Woll ! thea's not ells bid," said Jim Iran sear the ohurob, 'Pus my word, you o.s't believe • Tory eves open oath. Why, there were just se m.0y Grim se Tortes who voted for Silty. Yon fellows got pi the P.P. A cry .ad up round Smith's l •ad ons Mosel.•& essosstsss Are ..s [Wer [atiest bad been _ re from the b.rt..4.,." "1 hat's se I That'. se ! " •rol.i.sd • well-known oishber from near by, "but, y oracle" ! they won't does •o i. Whoa he next elsetus Doose 38 our man Holmes ill be all right, by croakier ! 1'11 bet you dollar so Tory will pull the wool over ear eyes nest tins --I'll bet you • dollar 1" "Oh ! look bre, Antes," said Disk (oar mend Mork has the rep.t.tioa of brae the est leers•d politiotan in Bemiller),"Bob'. eremite mixt rim. is ours. W by, oonside, bar • flail man M is for the farmers and bat • lot of money he spends every year ; lid ;net look .s his property - [hoes 6.e locke of stores i. Goderioh. soh speeds ere money in one day buyer horses, e•t- • and Iambs than Holmes d n in . mostb. ahem that he is jsst the man for us *0 .d to Ottawa, ter there is warmly • ben - ad in the souatry that, he does net lows me money tn." "Ha ' M ' " ebsokl•d in old thinnest hap from the MelU.nd who bad been silent D 40 now. "Sheet wait • teeth. It makes of odds say more, but 1 .ill toll pee siert of I knows, .od 4..t a that Bob Mo. 150 is foot otos for Bob MoL.. hlwll and .ea hen Demes tato .y Mrsyard he cot 1lve me momosey for my shay an say other n•... trh so ! I not judge • an's betties by the moseys he leave in the n anyy.rd, for any man he sae bay stems, t it is sot *Miry m.s that is toot met tough to sic f. Barluai.•t." A roar of laughter followed this remark,. bee J•, the old eb.p from the factory, he wan there bootee • red welded which ad parted during the tate frost, spoke and 4 that a ter se he knew the two Bobs ere Rood man, Ms he did set koow which . bwMMfrootBob, .rser whowbe 1 b t • • m w e ti es Ito s b. he on W se h Be bled Bob, before the evesisg el the elegem. He wse acquainted with the Chimers Bob and 11 he could get to be trusted with the mayoralty of mob an ,mporssst tows se Gamma be must I thought • great deal of over dere ; Des..... he rune • paper that otronieese tersely in the selghborbood and they must all koow him well, for be Domes often to se. them. As for the (Sedmrld Bob, he never bad any steers to sell, se he could not pass an opinion shout his .1u.lte- catio.e as • cattle buyer, but he to • jolly sort of 1.11ow end me well peddle bar own cane .hes it oomry w eanvasotsg for .cies "Yes, yes," said Mho Iran ens vtll.gs. "I ain't mulch of • 1'owry Dor yet am 1 mach of • Greet, but I'm going to vote soy• way, .ad I am just gore, to vote for tbe man that briers the biggest grin to my meet." Toot sally Maisie • roar of Musters all round, and one by Doe the eusto0ters left, having bad their horses' shoes sharpened, and left Jim to set another booth of custo- mers, who so doubt would be lust as ready te run 08 Hee politica.' the crowd that had just left. LETTERS FROM SUBSCRIBERS. St•yner, J... 19th, '99. Mr. D. McGillicuddy. f)odsrtob, Oat. Duca Sin,- Enclosed 8•d one dollar (14 for which please renew my subsorlptioe for Tv. Slovak for 1899. I totended "end - leg the mosey before, but just nesleoted do tag w I .boulds't oke to de without my SIONAL. Yours truly. Mas W. A. DONDE.. Ts. SIGNAL i• ealy $1 • year. subeerit• for 14 bow. Slaaghterine 1L'mps. Greatest Bargains e offered in Godericr.. Come, and be your own judge. We are clearing out our large stock of Lamps to make room for Spring goods. Thus this great sacri- fice. Good goods for little money. ,:;� LEE•SNEPHAAO HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND scrautoflird Coal IN THE MAR1.RT All weighed on the where ou get 1400 14... for ton. testes, WM. LEE. Orders left •t L» 44 SS>ZxA.SD'N Ston promptly attended Se. LITERATURE I. ss iayrastlebal wady .f hw' criticism. It i, * cram:swivels sew pertsisl, .hid has laken m Jai std ho- its Rist mambo as a review N the bistro smmhas- CRITICAL REVIEWS 1 thorough, and m,,, .dee reviews el all imperil...! patties - renew tM ti•111..• ., rl.. /reed, IWisn, Spsnesh, as wall as e greh and Americas works, are treated from walk to walk_ BELLES-LETTRES ,serl articles .pq.v .ably 1s the pap. ..-.thea maim the ads .t 'Amgen My Mehs." .,Rtes each ch IssWn..ow authors terd whin se BOMtNI) 006!6 MAX MOLLS* SIR M0Re18RT MAXWELL [)MAN ST2.115 sed from dos to New wiresl pi►rr. of )itrrsry .erk, pea• arr. . m►H.W, Mt is each coal my bora the peso e. What., lea as RUDYARD kIPUNO OMOROI! MI RSOrTN Leh wash s Wang ankle Is the mere of se s�Noros �1 g=s. Th Wan w premed ley the meow, ed 5..l eecfssl.sd Wkk moat emblem AMERICAN LETTERS The lt.eeky Leta written by William Dow IM.ene, &elm le do ssMmmti srlrir& sad 4ase way .11h senses el vial Waned i tM Aram..o wadi et Lern ted art. FOREIGN LETTERS F . 1l* r. make to r Inas l Misers5500.W bre Irv.* rNter ale riaei pe.e� wake N rennet lao-eseed W th. Minh, el Ileoreroe, work b Seery lite. mod nes .f eke .M , wO st.. erpr. SPECIAL SUPPLEMI?NT3 wilt be p.Whbsd. 4,ee.N to=PI dM es Nos an nub w'J4ete es d madam staltm• . �IMsryie m et fosses sewer A PREMIUM OFFER FREEA fort set K LITRRATURI'S taw.. psosli sopplammeas diwioidai•A tomb of 'stems Oslo all) far ass ,..r'' a.bewy/sa Trin $absalptlsn, 4 weeks. as Cis. MCL... QMp Seaa.rrr•w, N. • Fr lea two HARM t 1111111111111111, psbbhsre. Paan %et. N. Y. Qtr.-TsuesbAr, Jan. 26, 1899. mmmmmnrmnrmmmmmm nmmm J. H. PEDDER will move his stock early next week to that well- known stand formerly occupied by Colborne Bros., on the corner of Hamilton street and the Square. _The many alterations In the -store have made it first-class in every respect -plenty of light and Tots of room. We are adding many i9ew lines to our stock, such as Carpets, House Furnishings a nice line of Gents' Furnishings, and many other lines which, with our present stock will afford the public every opportunity to purchase the right goods at the right prices. New goods will be arriving daily, and only a call is necessary to convince you that we have the good goods at the tai ht prices. v Our Ready-made Clothips stock will be largely increased with tliet-newest styles. Call and see us next week at the Col- borne stand. J. H. PEDDER. uu�u�u►u�www�au��u��uu�tut�u�u� LA GRIPPE CURED, The` �blegh�°.."="5"8" and annee. of Iolsu and muscles calotly Rot • Hd of by meets of HICK'S GRIPPE COMPOUND. No evil •tter.offsota "Work. IW • charm." Pull direct one Me. per bottle. For that tasty Dough or Irritable throat, accompanying the Grippe, try • bottle of oily by DR. COOPER'S COUGH EMULSION. "Aets Iib magic." Only 130. • bottle. S. E. HICK, Central Drug Store, next Central Telephone, Goderich. ALWAYS THE BEST AT HICKS. COAL AA° WOOD EPPS'S COCOA CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We are still at the same old stand, Nelson Street. when we have been supplying our oumtomer. for • number of years. Wo know the fuel that suits you. Orden left with our delivery rigs or •t Worsell's stove and tiu shop and et our o%oe'will receive prompt attention. All noel weighed on market sc .Ise, unless otherwise ordered. We ran sever .I [hays in connection. CARTAGE i FUEL CO JOHN S Phone 62. GRATEFUL OOZFOBTDO Distinguished everywhere fo Deli of Flavour, Supe- rior Qualt y, a .d Nutritive Properties. S ially grate- ful and oomforting to the ne vous and dyspeptic. Sold onlyy in 1-4 lb. tine labelled JAMESB EPPS .0O, Ltd., Hommopathio Ohemiiets, Lon- don, lfingland. BREAABrFT 5U!Z5g 2667 tt EPPS'S PLATT.Manager COCOA, A Marvellous Success • . '. The general expression has been, " How can you sell such an excellent Axe so cheap -ouch An Excellent- Axe for only Fifty Cents?" The answer we invariably give is, "They were bought right." Out of six boxes only a few are left. (Set one before they are all gone. A few Pairs of Skates to be run off at Close Prices. R. W. McgENZIE, THE PLACE TO BUY HARDWARE CHAP.