The Signal, 1898-12-22, Page 61RE CtAR'S TICE PROPOSAL British Churchmen Favor a Dem- o'ttrtation M Its Favor. IL•rd Rose►.ry bods a T•I.geasn to the Pebll• Ce.at•re... 1n This Sahnit et SL Jame.' H•11 Eapr•selag Ob .y..- Tabby- Lepers 1n Touch From litany Vary Prominent People -The Dream. of Col 1 P•roe-Crbl• Nem•. London, Dr. 19. -The Venerable William Maoduhald SlncWr, Arobdreon of London and t of St. Paul's Cathedral, presided a1 a public confer - ...Mos •t, St. James Hall yesterday, con- • veoed by the heads of the various rellg- leme denomination In favor of au inter- national demunatratlun on behalf of the Cwr's dirrmemcnt proposals. A telegram esprmaing sympathy with Ib. effort wet received from Lord Rosa tory. Among the letters road by the Moorman from promloent people was 0111 gent by Lord George Hamilton, Seoretery of Bute for India, who wrote advocati11g "an Anglo-Mualan node: ending of which the Cur s retcrlpt ought to be the Seaadatlun. " A resolution ID accordance with the objects of the oonveoere of t1. oonferenoe Was adopted unanimously. TUE ("Lon A use:( -ries FELLOW. Will V..gul.. Into sod I*.dre.. e:r1 Am....g th. mbar... Moscow, Roots, Dec. 19.-A despatch has lust been reoelvel Iron (hen Lla- pounoff. the new Military Governor of the Island of Sakhalin, Siberia, announc- ing his arrival at his post Gen. Lia- pouoo4 goes under dined oornml,:elon tem the Czar to Introduoe reforms In shied tools/ration of the penal oettlie scents o: that portion of Siberia. Thirty I►ousena °ce vical are now colonized o0 the Wand, •o.1 their condition Is said to be tngbUoL Gen. Llapounoft telegraphs that he has already promulgates the Czar's manifesto promising justice and merely so the prisoners, and dreconlc pealehm.nt of official 'tenants who shall prove to have been unworthy. The Czar kith been determined since Intelllg nos of the fraud end ml.rule and cruelty prectlod came to his ears to reform the administration of the colony. A Sample $Ib.rlen Atroelty. Vienna, Deo. 19. -'lb. Nems Frei. Pam gives particulars of • Siberian atrocity oonmlttd at Scherdowta, near lrkutek. A gang of political prisoners bed ranched ;We. 00 .alit ffd:..tp .$8gbaB Q... when one or them begged Col. Baseettar,, wee, commanded the moon, for permlg Mho so buy hood to supplement the scanty ration,: allowed the oonvlota. Col. Damara' at once ordered his men to shoos the prlsener. Another prisoner Intervened to beg for hie friend's life, and he, too, was shot dead on" the spot. A $btrr4t�pprlssner, wbo mnrmured at theme smeltirs, wae_also .abos. - Tires other prteonere wuo seemed dissatisfied with the fate of their comrades were singled out by the bloodthirsty colonel and !hot, while 20 inhere were wounded by a volley which the escort directed at the gang. Col Balser to wM oommonjd for seal til nlelotelning discipline. • with mush 0eremeny .no a inalary parade, al whish repreeentalaes of all the Mallow :4tal.0 wee present Karate In the day • requiem was held at the Hussies chapel there to memory of she med. The 1'urkl.k newspapers an trac..- sleely Irritated al these ceremonies, wbicb recall greet digerati to she Turkish arms. At the reception at the palace yes archly the Grand Duke handed the Sultan the Car's autograph letter and Informed His Majesty that &taperer Nicholas had deleg.ted him (the Grand Dule1 to draw oloaer the ties of friendehlp binding the two ooutlined Deooratloas sod pnee0la were .xobengd. ANTI-ANARCfI$T CON rtfENCIL Kasen to H.11er• Thrt . P1a. Um rtes■ Adulated. Loudon. Dec. 19 -The Rome oeera- mpondent of the limes Wye: "1 have reason to believe that the international anti -Anarchist conference, ',halt has been In .uealon bare for Mvenl weeks, has proved a suooesa. Great secrecy a malutaldel regarding the proceedings anti o0nclysious; but the delegate. seem lads'Id thin they hove lad solid founda- tion fur a uniform system of dealing with Anarchists. The touterenoe decline' to recognise Anarobls. outrages as political crtmr." WJai Aimee -9r nu DIM A. Ialse d 14.a, Pep.rh e. and Aoeept•d by th. Ring .d ,Into. Calcutta, Des. 19. -The ashes of Ouat- ama Sldderlha, the Sakya Muni, getter. ally lernied Beide*, the founder of tits Buddhist religion. which have been dis- covered near Peprebwa. have been offered to the King of Slam, who Is the only existing Buddhist monarch. The offer hag been accepted and • royal commission has been assigned to proceed from Bangkok to India to receive the / arced gift • - THY FRENCH IN CHINA. Ude of !heir 05.►..1. Already Above N.•klsg the "a.rrth•r. Capita/.” London, Des. 19.-Aoaotdlog so a despatch to the Morning Post from Han - tow, oro the Y•otsr Maas, •boot 700 mile. from the see. a French expedition has been d epawb•d up the river to Kwell Chau, sod one gunbose 1. already •hove Nanking, the "Southern Capital" d China, about 90 miles from the river's mouth. All Oyer . Little VIII. London, Deo. 19.-A ogee In the law oourse w:lloh bag created no little Interest and amassment, too, In 'misty circles, Lt one In which the husband of Mi. Herta Wllllama, a noted leader in does *among 4991144-Jadlm 1.,004 . ,*Neta .wed Aid a /,wase 'Tltak.r for the small sum of $190. Her husband refused to pay the bill, alleging that, •a Mrs. Williams has Targe means of her own, and that as he •flowed bee 49,600 • year to: pin money, be wee not liable. The questlom is considered rather • nice point of ltnglleb law. The judge himself was rather doubtful how to deckle 11, for he delayed" judgment is oder to consider the matter. SPANISH TREATY MAKEOS. Tier Arrive .t the Capital of Their D•rol•.lsed Country. Madrid, Deo. 19. -Rise and the other members of the Spanish peace oomn.le- Eton reached Madrid late Saturday evening. They were met by Senor (lamazo, leader of the dissenting Liar - sit,>, sR.ls4rmsss other pollticl.ns and high officials. The arrival was not attend- ed with emote' Incident. Last Evening the Queen Regent received lienor Montero Rios In •u,lleose The newspapers yesterday asserted that Saturday'■ nouncil of Mlnl.ters agreed that the Cabinet should not appear &gala before Parliament, and It Is believed that Senor Sagrta will submit the resigna- tion of the Cabinet to the Qneen Regent after the council to day. KI Liberal, In • very ooapoken article, •mares that both the Liberal and Cop- e ervative parties Mont disappear, "as they represent the annihilation of Span- ish pre.tlge abroad, the failure of the soontry'■ 'Inane ,and the loss of the colonial empire."'•A national Govern w ent, E1 Liberal aren., is now In pro- cess of formation. THE GOVINA OA. FOUNDERED. Tblagvaila Hu on Hoard the Crew of the III -rated $I.lp. London, Dia. 19. -Tb. Danish .te•mer Thingvalla, Capt. Laub, from NewYnrk, Den. 8, for Chrl.tlan3, sal., panned !)un- set Head on Saturday, and signalled that eke had on board the crew of the Brush gessmer Oovloo, which foundered at god Oil lh1i11. A Ms 8 .bled ►.sees Awe/. London, Dee. 19. - Baron Ferdinand James de Rothschild, M.P., is dead. Baron Ferdinand James de Rothschild was the mooed son of the late Baron Alphonse de Rothschild. Hg marred hie eo•aln, Ratline, sister of the first Lord £ othrblld. Ile was • member of Parlia- ment In the Unlonlst intoned for Ayles- Mry. The late Baron was .s latlma1 Mend of the Prises of Waled It Ca...t Be Thought Of. Landon, Dee. 19. -The question was lese.ntly broached of placing a statue of Washington In Westminster Abbey Dean i r.dl.y now announces than no *oeb proposal ham vet been submitted to the authorities, and be to of the opinion that M 1. Impossible for the matter eo be efclally entertained. Athsatle Linn Per. Hamburg, Dr. 19. -At the annual meeting of the H•tnborg-Amerioau Line shareholder. on Jan. 14 the directory will present • report proposing that the ap1- Li of the nominny be Increased by 15,- 000,00o mark.. and will recommend ■ dividend of debt per cent out of grow e arnings of over 14,000.000 markt. O.m.. R.i.rtM D..d. Madrid, tied 1^.-A report has been eerm.lved by a Cuban representative in elm Spanish Senate from Havana that Gemara' ltsxfrno Gomez 1. dead. BI•.basatH.g the Kh..tt.. Cairo. Egypt, Dai. 19. -The native organ. Mokattam, referring fa the repart- ee demand on the khedive few *10,001 87 cattle holders pf cemprornlgtng masts, advises the palms not M pay, as M may rest assured that the allots/ see nes am already M the peeemele• of Mises wham they emmera. M1wD DOLS AT COMSTANTtteoPLIL me 111. coed a M•uemeat Se Rasa/a• "indigos 1. the City. aUsl/aMwople, Dee. 19. -The Rnmei•a S Duke Nicholas, Mtn arrived Alae WO PvWs se heard • Rneslin steamer, t erelIM P•Nsrdar at (al.teen., neer San besf.M where on Marrih 9, 3478, was - ter .rest at pries thee trmin. owed the Plasm T Tartish war, a nehmen. M We Rasalso •Eylwrg ohs fel In that ee•�IM Tbs MNulet>was .waompsnte4 Curzon Wrote • Bach. New York, Dec. 19. -The Iandon oorrespondent of the Times sews: Lord Curran. before leaving hero, completed a took on "The Indian Frontier," and amused for its publleatlon with the Harpers. 1 bice recera message, how- ever, from a sweat personage, and I believe that the Queen herself le painting out the Impropriety of a book about Iudia by the Viceroy appearing during the VIreruy's term of allot, Therefore, the book has been withdrawn, the pub- lishers naturally requesting the reim- bursement of their expenses. A Nation to Eight Ceesemptlon. Berlin, Deo. 19. -The plans of the Government to all an International con- ference to devise methane. for fighting tuberculosis', firth made nubile a month ago, have mature. The °engrees has been called to meet at Berlin, May 93 to 27. Chanoellor Hohenbobe will preside. •Prinoe Victor, Duke of Bellboy, and Prof. Leyden have been appointed a com- mittee to have In charge the nec.wary •rlangernente. The main business of the otngrees will be to devise condoned meas- ures to prevent tubercular Infection. Knuth Litany to gaffer. Berlin, Deo 19.-Aeoording to the Kleine Journal, the evidences ea to Frank Kneek's utterances against the Kaiser is m0 overwhelming that • heavy Renton.* is certain. The plea that he had been drinking heavily la of no avail, and the taed of his German birth la taken se proof that he was aware of ;he gravity of his offence. A11 .Aorta of the American embassy In his behalf remain without avail. Prised, Arthur for Khartoum. London, Dee. 19. -The Rome some spondee{ of the Deily Mall sty. he learns that the Duke of Connaught will go to Khartoum, ea the representative of the Queen, to lay the tounda :lou sane of the Gordon memorial college to be emoted them ander the direction of General Lord Kitchener, for tar Inslruolloo of Soudan- ... youth. New Bagatelle., the Rhine. Cologne, Dee. 19. -The dedication of the magnlfoent new bridge throes the Rhine, oonnecting Bonn and Benet, soot place on Saturday. The .traetan Bost 4,000,000 marts (41,000,000). Among the speakers was Prince Frederick W Illlam of Prussia. In .he evening 1,000 venom attended • bsnaest at Bonn. Kaiser May Visit Paris. Berlin, Des. 19. -Tho Kalser'e mite le e xceedingly desirous of visiting Paris dories the exposition. If the Oenferenee for • general disarmament Is favorable to European harmony the Kaiser hopes to render poselble his presence In Parts In the company of some coverage friend of France, meaning, of coerme, the Czar. THE HONDS WILL HE FORFEITED If the Megnw.n• Oe - Not la Court at Cl..•land. Cleveland, Dee. 19.-Ex-Mavnr Frank A. klagowan and hle wire failed to appear In exert on Peterdey al the time set for the dent.lon 6f Judge Meseta, Upon no plea to abate the Inditment nn theoharge of nhlld stealing. Jodie lateens rid be Mehl rot render his decision Intl) Mon day. Prosecutor Stein's gave nonan th.t, onlrs. the Magowan. appeared 1e 000,3 Monday, hs would demand that their bond be forfeited. The Magswan. ate In TeroeM A Weepll• for Pawl Hrewa. . Ottawa, Dee. 19 -11t le understood then t1. Dominion Government hos dsnfded to g ent • respllo In the ease of Paul Brown, the Winnipeg murderer, until •unh time as an opportunity will he had M leek Into the evidences sebmltted to the De- partment of Juane. after the trial, show log that Brown 1a Insane are bad been tongued for years as a Innatee le an Inane asylum le Ten•.mea w am Nt•e E.w.r Pipe Works naive. Ramlltom. Dee 19. -There was a alaas- Wee. are at the Termite ♦ Hamilton Sewer Pty. Werke, Wentworth street, on Retardy night. Tim flames enveloped theme the whole of the bending whet elm firemen arrived. The works proper were Iuetad, and the lose &mennts M abet 1119.000 a 414.000, fevered by iseeraeea. A RECESSION. Wheat Peter.. Dropped ..n H.eb 14,.. pmol and Chloral* Hoonl.- l.onol ts rrk.ta Tine Latent Qu.ta"one. !Saturday Eruuleg. Dee- IT ailwheat wallet* lo day reglelr.ed ser a'llona Rom tr.vut steady .denier.. I.nrr .awl futurism elude! 1(d to led per wean lower tluu yesterday. Peru wheat dosed 10 centimes blah.' n. 10 lower, with Sour 10 centimes lower. Ceram, Mines tithed • rest • Wake) lower for the day for the DetonaK gild Mae oetlono sod 134. lower for tae July optica Leading Wilmot Markt Follrweet are the aioalug prime to Ialportant (entre: Cash. Dee. !axalit . Chlrslro .. ..i.... p t.Ni 00 $5 Ii!. New Ynrt .... U TS% 0 Tl• .,:. 6'744 • illi 0 70ie 0 6511 ,... 0111weoLee .. 0 8715 St. Leak... 0 89 0 IW Toledo ......0 1x1% Detroit 0 Ile% 0 MA imenh. No. 1 Northern 0 02% 0 g11t Duluth, No. 1 Nord .... 0 BSS. Minneapolis ... d 41314 0 e6 Toronto. No. 1 bard .new). 0 7N Toronto, red. 0 e1 .... Terence i . Lewreaee Market, Recelnte of Perm produce were later 'u, d.lv-25oo bushels of grain. 40 loads of hay. 5 loads of strew, a eatp'tamber-ne-Wvanod Moes, a olamine supply of butter and try, with se Mercian' supply of new Lod mage eo.npared with that all Net week. Wheat .teady.tlM) bushels wiling at fellnw- /ne pries: White tieSee, red 41834,,, •QeW Geste t0 67e. Barky sumer, 800 bushels e0W at 40e to 61.-. .int. steady, 1000 bushels wid at 3034.' t0 31e. Iinekwbeat, 100 bushels sold at 48.'. Hay steedv. tkuothy geld at 49 to 410 per ton. and clover at 46 to 47.50. Straw, unchanged, at 18 to 47 per toe. Hoee dressed. market easy at 45 to P.M per r'wt. Potatoes 55e to &.c per bag. Butter 18e le 20.- for the hulk. and 21e to 2Y1r for special las of prime deli Ib*. Fags a 1ttle easier, at 36e to 40e for strictly new laid. Poultry firm at following velem- Tartere fie to llc Der b., these 8'4c t0 741e, duck. 50e to 90.' Der pair. eblekens 40e fo 70e a pair. rant Buffalo Cattle Market. Eget Buffalo, Dec, 17. -(`naffs -None •.0 110. Ca4ve' in Nght supply, fair dematel. steady. choice to extra, 48.75 to i7; io-'4 to Make, 48 to 4..80. Sheep and ►stab.. --S venteea toads .f good;market taltty eMlve,.odprir.. higher. (,'Dole. to extra k.mha, 40.40 to 15.80; garnet t., chalice. 15.25 to 4.5.40; common to tale 15 to 45.25. Bbrep--(8.ole to extra 14 •" 44.25: cowmen to far, 12.50 to :8.50. l'sn- oda treat.( were quiet. berg 45.50 with f air demand. rrttuk Markets. 1.heyvooLDee. 17. -(12 -30.) -,No. 1 Cal., no stoic; red winter, Os 2d; No, 1 Northern. anrinr. es Id; corn3. 10344; peso, 5. tot; port. 50s: lard, 29116 tallow, 20* ad; hoe' . heavy. I.e., 28s: light. 27s; abort cut, 28. . cheese. white. 471 8d; colored. Via. Llverpol-(low--Rrot wheel SOX 51'11 Ne. -7 weredetx"TT' 78',-x. WT•sfit-IT'(•a 2d: red winter futures, 5. 11dad for Der., r.. 10144 for March Ind 5e Med for May. Sp m male, quiet at Ss 101.4. rntures collet :u te need for Dec. mod 3s 84•d far Marcid. Flour 19a. IN AN AWKWARD POSITION. Several Zama Couples WWI Have Ow B. Remarried. _.._ Windsor. Out., Dec. 19. -Referring to the decision of the A ttorney-O.ner,l of Ontario that s marriage performed In Ontario by a minister wbo is a resident of the United States le not legal. He• .108.0 Reynolds, wee had long barn a resilient of -Ontario, ' has wbo the been tieing In Detroit rel sural years, has been In the habit of returning 40 this country to perform marriages among hie old parishioners Home one question.0 the validity of tier marriages and, after much discussion, It wee referred to the Attorney -General. There 1a said to be several couplet In Kasai County who are affected by this decision, and most now either break up housekeeping or get mar reed over again. THE FIRE RECORD. Fin on Saturday did $:1,000 damage to the Ontario Wind Engine 6: Pump Co 'r premises in Toronto. A fire in the Voorman Block, the lower floor of welch 1s occupied by t:,e extensive dry goods establishment et Radion & Ke-np, at Fresno, Cat, Ian nand • lose of about 4150,000. On Saturday night a large frame bones, on Blether avenue, Belleville, owned by Mr. Warren of Montreal, was Mail, deetroyd. Mr. Victor Wensley, the ten ant, who Is a dealer to bicycles, lost ,o wheels and •11 his household effert.. insured for 111,700. Lou on building 41,200. Insured. Jostles at the Session.. Toronto, Dee. lR-IL the Cliillnsl Sessions on Saturday morning Judge McDougall p.esed sentence on the pre Sons,. oonvleted during the sittings a. follows: Charles Defoe, theft and two came of cattle .teallnp, seven years to Kingdon Penitenttary. Dngald McKinnon, receiving the stolen cattle, 18 months In the Central Prison. Edward Hartnett, 0011vlctte4 of sheet- ing Hugh Sborld*u, W5.Yfid pro, as month in jail The/ Old Net Vote. G.lt, Ont, Dee. 19. --The bylaw which wan to be void on on Saturday to sone - tion the issue of debentures for 11.17,750 to acquire the Galt Oas Light Company's property was wltbirawn from se. people by the Council at Thursday right's meeting. owing to suppo..d irregularity In the form of tbs bylaw, discovered after 1t had got the neoe.s•ry reading In Council The Mayor, fearing possible lawsuits, deeded to, If possible, withdraw the bungled bylaw and intrndoce • new one. which was done. The new bylaw Is to go to a vote on Jao. 9. Contractor J•ha (e'I..sry Killed. Neleon, B.C., Des. 19. -John O'Leary, • well known rallwy oontr•etor, was kilted on Saturday on the Koleon- Peuticion Railway, upon which he had a sub-contnet. While superintending the lowering of • large atone Into place one of the pay ropes of the derrlek broke. 1 he mast or the derrick swung down- ward■ ;droning the unfortunate man to the ground, and 'marine elm en severely that he died 90 mlo.nee Isar. Decoeeed was • native of Maine, The G..pe.la H.• Arrived. P.•petlae, Qoe., Dae. 19. -The RS Gamest* arrive: off Paabehtab"'at"unfit a.tn., and steamed to New Carlisle, where the prep•retlone hen been marls to land passengers and dt.oh.rge cargo. The weather 1e very mild, sad tat her clear of lee. She had on bard 57 lotertnedlats mad 6s .tsar••e paesebecr., all principally for New York. '1'b.y are Russian. Owens and Poll.h Jews. TWO STUMBLING BLOCKS 1. jb• War .l R.otere•Ily Are Said a Ile Leather ane Agrimeitar.t 1mplemNte. Washington, Dee. 19.-Tbe Meeting of the O•ed.•e joint eemmlrlem to -day will les the last before Jae. 6, wain the eemmloslottere will r.ameeetbs in Wash - levee r •'nelnd• whenever Meaty tam M •tee r agree tame tor premntatloti to their respestlee Oover.masNit le /efinlioly muted that • treaty severing mutually all ter potato noder.•aNdeee Mee. 'sleep that 'lf r'selproelSy, w111 he signed it is almese psslly sere test `sees metteaaf s•elpri wade relations w111 be sA}.salad, and that there w111 be fewer In number .leas the t'anadla• altan.lesionere hal hoped In opening nsgutloNuul. Any more definite ststemass Sb.a, this. H 1. -aid IIDUD autburike would be speoulrttte. Honk aide. of Use oommlse:oa adhere to their pulley of allenoe on chances of ratifying whatever feature. of the Ir'e.ny lave bee. agreed •p0.. It may be said. bowe,er, non lumber ped agrloulturel prurtuete are the tato dlrlm►llog bluets w full reolproolly. TM O•u.dtau nom uta ion re have promoted • eery full etatem.nt covering the lumber Wade, the gist of which 1. that fora,e products are so large • percentage of Canada's exposes, sod yst are rotatively small oowpared with tat United Slate' total forest products, that liberal conces- sions un Ibis poles are agsental to satiety polio sensimeo/ In Canada, and could b• made without serious derlmeot to the Uultd SMlas. Practically the same 0tatement has bre presented 000wrntng agrloultut.l products. The Canadlmo cem- rils.on bay urged teat Canada Is • larger mummer per capita of Amerloan manu- factures than ter whole western hemis- phere south of the United Stat... Fur- ther, urther, 1t is urged that lass year .'amen gave the Unl.d Stases $40,0011,000 free Me. ON 10 .lees of these facts toes swntlal 0000061I0ns moms be made to the Canadian farmers, It Acte• mew - ted that agrarian aentlmeot 11 fully M Important to the Dominion Govern - Wel as It Is to the United States. 'Panatellas Hay to lie Admitted. Montreal, Dee. 19. -The Star's Wash- ington .peoI.l says: Some fairly import - SIM conoe:oluos aro expected In agrtoul- tinl pnxluou, It being precticahy certain t Canadian hay will receive e11tnooe te ale Amerlose marled free of duty. Odasgrlon. also In the matter of lead case, Goal and nickel .re believed to have Lase practically promised by the Amerf- sag °mam.lulowers. CUBANS NOT PACIFIED. theta, Say. They Are No Were P11 tee --,pavers Themselves Than Gunpowder Is for the N•th•r R•glo... Savannah, Oa., Deo. 19.-A bangeee ear Elven yesterday afternoon by oMlo., of the Tblyd Georgia Regiment to Poet. master -General Smith. General Shatter was present. Is the course of Ms remarks be said: "II earns to me shots • great maty persons have an errooeoo. Ides reopening our relations with the Cubans. •• I view IL we have token Spelo's war Dpoo ourselves. We shall, In all proba- bility, robebony, see . good deal mon of the Weer - gents." "How about ret -government for the Cubans?" Geo. Shatter was asked. "telt-government," the General repeat- ed. "Why, these people are no mon fit for self-goverom.ns than gunpowder le .lass kietl " In die sattas Iles Gen. Shatter west on to tell why the United Stales would, la 61. opinion, be obliged to remain In the 1/land for some time, and govern the territory by military force. eOMPER0 DRNOt NCE• •11001ALiSTs. Ho Dees Not Wu( 1•rl.11.m I.1.eed let. the Trude. Velem,. Kansas City, Mo., Doc. 19. -The Satur- day morons merlon of the American Federation of Labor convention was devoted to the Socialists, who argued for the oolitial support of their principles by the Federation. While the epoch -matt _ was at its height Mr. Gorr pars took • band and denounced the efforts of the Socialists to Inf11ge their doctrines tn'• that of Width Uulonlem. H. 1110: "Thts- goseIIon involves the Integrity of the labor movement of oor country. Either the trade union movement 1s right or It 1. wrong. We most either declare for ter union movement without frills or follies or make an admission that It is wrong." The debate on metal conditions an4 proposed remedies of w-alled evils was resumed M the afternoon seeston, yid was oontlnned almost to the close of the day's prooeding.. The result was an otter rout of the Soelallete, both resolu- tions being bond by a vote of 434 to 1. A0•tyl..• Gas Explosion. Calgary. Dee. 19. -Alfred Head was fatally Injured anti did Saturday night through an explosion of ethylene gag, which occurred while her wag trying be locate • leak with a match. Dr. McKay Fund Guilt). Ottawa, Dec. lit -Dr. McKay of Papinetovllle, Qoe , was found guilty of Indecent assault In Hull (-d Saturday, and will be sentenced to -day. TOO LATE. tier wegbw.y..■ Was Foreed to dew baewledge Defeat. "11014 rap your hands!" The night was of inky blackness. Thirst oloude hens low In the sky. Street lamps fluttered bravely • block apart, but they oast about as much light on the situation as the war oommtedon does on hospital abuses. Seattering relndrops heat on the tin roof of an adjoining barn and trickled down to the ground, where, mingling with the dust, they did thMi'best to make so ideal Chicago street. There was no 003 In eight, save the wayfarer and two des- perate mbbee., with hardened faces, ran- ged whiskers and gleaning pistols. Willis Hollis Jonee stood trantrdzd, Illus • small girl wising at the window of • dims mu,eotn. "O.ntlemen," be said, "the. 1s so sud- den, as a young lady said to whom I ones proposed atter baying vatted her every night for seven years and spent • fortune buying flowers and candy -how I wish I had the money mow!" "Yes," said the spokesman for the rob- bers, on whom faro villainy was stamped like the nam* on a bottle of soothing sirup, "we wish you had It as well, 1.111 we will try to be rtlefied with what you have et present. Produce" Willis Hollis Jones looked afar down the street and ermined hl. eyes like a girl looking Into the gloaming for her lover who hes got his d&tw .nixed and le ens with his other girl on the West Side. But the form of no policeman Mourned the background. "Gentlemen," he sate, "please do not spatter my brains ag.inet yonder newly painted barn, for I hate no money." With a terrible oath the robber again demanded money, refusing to believe that so well dressed • yuan plat ' WJPtt,Jd, be one wlthotte a at. " Willis Hollis Jones wes pained that ill word ahnnld he doubted. Believe ma" he said, "I have no money. You are • few helms too late. I have to • rah fate." "Foiled!" muttered the robber in • horn w h Isper. • Hawker -Good morning, mum! Any ping, tepee, needles, COMM. OF buttons I an .hew yon? Mise EMerrnw _Not today, tar mea. Go away. Hawker -Any pipe cleaner., bombard er collar studs for your ku.haad, mum? Miss Eldere.m-_(lo .way, I tell you I 1 haven't got • husband. Hawker (.b.erfnlly le he depart.) -- Ain't yen, miss? Wsl, don't take It toe Math to 'eart. While thee.'. life thews 'spa -Ally Flipper. laperi eemea. Lawyer -1A re yen • married men! Mnbegs-N9 bet i was sea ever be • Whip see aures. TWomINADE HAPPY. SUT THE BENEVOLENT OLD LADY ERRED A LITTLE. to Sb• Weald Mayo ANertalaee It 58. Oilman Mare seen t,e Action* of the Newsboy 10 Whom 58. Med Shea Charitable. He was a nagged, dirty little chap, bat there w•1 • brightnuse In his eyes that stoned for the crime. He sat on the ourb just outride the station doorway, • buudle of papers oo her knee, his heed reeding against the canopy per. After • bit the bell clanged Is the depot and • train Dame rolling lu. The Oew•boy ruse from his hard seat and "tier Na age IT." went inside end through the station to the platform. The exit gates were thrown open and the mal stream imaged through. The little -Mee dropped down into • seat by the doorway and began to sob. He clutched hie pipets frantically to his breast and cried and cried as though his heart were breaking. Two or three womea noticed him and one started over to speak • word of kind - lieu, bat she was drawn beck by two of her friends who said, " We must harry, Sadie." It looked as though no one would take the trouble to soothe the heart of the child. Then there came the old lady. Her eyes were kind and motherly end her hands were soft. She 'looped • lit- tle and carried • black leather reticule. Her bonnet and cloak told of her home, ALMA/ oat in tin country somewhere, Jar from the din and clatter of the city. She notioed the crying child. Her beset was touched. She went to him. He told her why he cried, that be had not sold his papers and tied one man, a sailor, out of the kindness of his heart bad given Aim • little piece of wood that be thought he might dispose of to some patriotically inclined person. "I know the man what goy it to me, " sobbed the child. "He's • sailor as a ship that welt away from here to Qoby end Me piece of wood is a part of the iCdriiaao wbpt Hobos mink." me anti la" said the kind old The youngster drew from his peeing • plain thin chunk of pine shoat er Lech spare. "Are you sure it's a piece of the ' Merrimac?" asked the old lady, her eyes brighter than at first "Yes, ma'am. The men wouldn't 'a' tolp me if it hadn't 'a' been." And do you want to eell it?' asked ,the kindly old lady as the thought bow ,Tom's• eyes ovoid sparkle. if w64.ahosad gin him each a memento on her return home. "Yemeni," replied the child, who had dried his eyes. "How mocks do you want for 1t?" "The mac said somebody what wast' d it would gimme 60 cents for it like. ly. I wouldn't sell it for nothi• ILIt:_ wasn't that I'm afeard of a Hokin when I git borne fur not sellin my pa, Pen- The nThe kindly eyed old lady went down In her reticule and taking out ber purse extracted half a dollar, which she hand- ed over totheonrlyheaded youngster lu exchange for the bit of world. "Tbagk you kindly," he said, tak- ing off his esp. And she walked on .roiling. _ . With bis SO Dents in his pocket and his bundle of three days' old papers OD - der hie arm, the crying cherub went over behind a freight car, and taking • shingle from inside the front of his •hart waist proceeded to whittle out half a dozen more Merrimac souvenirs with p' dal} jackknife.-Detxtalt_htr_ Purim Highly Seaeltive. "I'm going to report that poetoMoe olerk," indignantly exclaimed the young woman with ink on ber fingers. "He always seemed very polite," said ber companion. "Well, be isn't Whet bailee's bat be to try to criticise my writing? When I went to mail a lot of poems, he asked if they weren't mooed clam matter." - Washington Star. Our Puertle Peu.let. Question -Is the young man of male• Mama who is destitute necessarily • Yaght-y man? Answer A. -Yes, cymo(rr-notion be 1•. Answer B. -Still yon most own be is always aero-ic.-Ally Sloper. • His Answer. Snappish Individual (sneeringly) -1 suppose you confider yourself a gentle- man. Wailer -No, sir. I don't consider 1 am anywhere neer ■ geatleman.-New York Troth. Its M et Pre..sae Need. "flew h4rl ire llrppv els the amide 61 the navy." "i *opposed the only need of the oa vy was somebody to light with." Cleveland Plain Dealer. ....ems. Pa•hl... .iso RI Wife -it in the fashion now for h- eir. to wear crowns instead of bate et f he opera. • tTnehsn4-Otxtld Boman Idiocy go further? ('rnwo.! Crowns in free Amer - los t (',nM • fortune, too, I suppose. Wffe-Very pretty little trinkets for opera wear can he got for 60 cents. Hn.band-Um.-nme might as well to ant of the world ss not of the fash- ion. (Jet elfin, o1 eosrss.-New York Weekly lIb 7ritierl t.rereetem. Yrs. Pollyrfx-Oh, here M the piu tare of sock a lovely party mot in tote lnagnsiue I I ollytlt _ Whet 1s $ •party erten nmethtnglh.tcan heturnedlt--Istdfaa- apolla Jnornal. HE WAS A DUNCE. net Ye sate • Hrlahl This. O. TIRM Just the •ams. Amung the scholars when Limb and Ouleridge unsuited school was • poor olergymeu'■ sun, of the vane of Slbiou Jennings. 011 scoouut of bis dismal and gloomy nature his piuvn.ates bed sick mimed him Pnutlu. Posits. (fie mural lug be weut up to lbs mower, Dr. Boyer, aid quid iu his usual whimpering Man- ner: "Please, doctor, the boys call me Pontius Pilate." 11 then was cue thing which Ur. Boyer hated u.ore tbau a false gb,tutlty in Greek and Latin, it was the pr88.lfe (11 uioknamiug. Rusbir.; duwm glib l the 'cholera from her p. of Nae with cane lu hetet he cried with his usual voice of tbuu+ler: "Listen, bus- I '1'I'n oast time I bear say t t y.11 say `IN 118801 Pilot,' 1'1l cane you sr 1,..g 04 this 050e will last! You are to , '- '...won Jeuuiugs' and not 'Pontius r .lits.' Remember that it you value your hides I" secNext iia ▪ when the same class were • osteobtsm, a- boy of re- markably dull and literal turu of mind had to repeat the erred. He had got as far as "suffered uuder," and was about popping out the next word., when the doctor's prohibition unluckily flash- ed upon her mind. After • moment's hesitation be blurted out, "suffered un- der Simon Jennings, was" - The rest of the sentence was uttered, for Dr. Boyer had already sproog like • tiger upon him, aid the Dane was de'ceuding upon his unfor- tunate shoulder._ When the Irate doc- tor bad discharged his cane storm upon him. be mid: "What do you mesa, you booby, by such blasphemy?" "I only did al you teletext," replied the simple mi0ded youth. "Did as 1 told youl" roared the doc- tor, now wooed op to something above the toiling point. "What do you mean?" A. he mid IOW be grasped his cane Sore torlou.)y, "Ye., dootor. You mid we were al- ways to ogle Pontius Pilate Simon Jen- ninga Didn't he, Sam?' appalled the unfortunate oniprit to Coleridge, who was pelt to him. Sam mid naught, but She doctor, who sew what • dance he had to deal with, cried: may.vera{,s10011 70v7 3bnIIBYfi'` Poor Dr. Boyer for • second time was "floored," for the mailer said, with an esrnestnese wbicb proved its rutb, but to the intense horror of the lesd otentate: "Inrnmypatomaoh, The doctor always respected that boy's stupidity ever after, as though half afraid that a stray. blow might lie Dnplewn t. - N oggets. • Bred 1. tk. Ilene. A physician tells the Chicago Tileas- Berald a glory about a patient of hiss • woman, who was anxfcos to adop girl child. At last he found for bee a little girl wbo came of good, hardy patriot stock, the mother being a Swede. "Ob, I can't adopt • Swedish child," said the woman, "for is thou as abs grew big enough she would be pare to say, 'Veil, I tank 1 trow up my yob and go home.' " Over Limo Stubble. Mt. Wlnobeiter Poppit(at the lunch- eon by the ooppios)-1 most say that 1 like to see partridges driven. Captain Treadfoot Trotter (who be- lievea in shooting over dogs) -No doubt, Mt. Poppet You'd like to sea the poor birds driven in a oo.ob, or e tandem, or a curricle, or, it I may judge by the way you sant my pointer toand the left fie1d, you'd wfab to pot 'em In • (dram 1 -Punch. Partleelar. "I wish you wouldn't keep quoting that maxim, 'Rome wasn't built to a day,' " said the man who dislikes efforts to be humorous. "But 11's a deistic." "That's one of the objections. 11 you want to be up to date, why don't you let Rome alone and stick to our new po•to®oe?"-Washington Star. tutere•tleg Hoy. "I think my Archie is the moot pain- fully eentitite boy 1 ever saw," said Mrs. Upjohn. "Yes?" "When he fire. learned that tk• flsrth terns around on its axle at the rate of More than a thousand miles as boor, 14 made him violently rnsick."-Chioago Tribune. Time DI.lms Car. L. and N. W. olgcl.l-You may not believe it, but this dining car oust /15,000. Plwetree-How long has it been run- ning? "Jost a week." "Paid for itself yet?"-Noggeti, - !•ally Located. Mr. Sprocket-PNbawt You can't liven all me the peplos of the onolr en a tandem bac Fele I Mrs. Hpprrncket-I can it you tell me where yolliteualiy sit. -Yonkers States- man. Slava H.eenragemeet. "Don't despair, Joe; there 1s plasty of roam at the top." "Yea; thin statement, I've observed, is generally put forward by people wise have never been there. "-Nugget'. -. A Mbuemee. igaesi-1 stile Him The 0(mtlmnan's Home Journal le to he lamed this month. Mabel -How foolish! Why, the gen- tlemen are never homer -Cleveland Piain Dealer. Tit tommet. D•.h.rly-Did De Broke settle any. thing nn hia wile when they married? Plasherly-No; he settled on her fa then. -New Vcrk Journal As I11ght Have Be.. rspeet.d. "Whole the lady that bile been owing you for snrh • long time?" eked the dressmaker of her friend the milliner. "The wife of old Greeley, the 'cash grorirr,' " answered the milHaee.- Rrooktyr Life. • (btnher � eo any- where- now, we have to walk.--alfota marriage y00 always called a merls49 Ontober Bridegroom-Th•t's the raw - cam we have M walk now. -Rom my dawdle. Energy Enely X11000 t, NERVE Earn Wd ooergy u m $.tost be nude alp the bodyed. will weaker and perhaps pedal. Fur a long time pr{or to told Ward's Stood aur! Nerve 1'.Ila myna eye ttysNl• Pimm omaty deranged and 1 was tenably •araays. •o mush au test in o.y buala.ss TIUes..aln of the Kingston Ehrotrt4 {. n, 4,'o..) my estrente nems► 1- '''.i{p'u' - ..y made the following of my bbau.. ::Itllsmely hazardous, Before res k i:+«nevaWhad Vern afle� ed forrswnde Loge. 1 had constant wreness and sli9. thee &cram my loins and the small of my back. My appetite was variable and very poor. 1 also suffered great!) with constant headache.. I ant glad to be &hie to inform you that Dr. Ward's pills completely cured me of all the above ailments and made me a well man. 1 have found no medicine like Dr, Word's Blood and Nerve Pills, although I have tried many different kinds. They acted quickly and effectually on my neve system, making my_ nerycs strong and reruo*ing all tactical -torts of aeryousnete. These valuable pills .deo removed 8.11 kidney and hack trouble and restored to me a healthy vigorous appetite. 1 have .tad no headache since five months ago and feel justified in sayarclat they are a wonderful remedy. 'They not only removed nervousness, but gave ,nae healthy kidneys, removed all soreness and stiffness from my back and loins, cured me of headache ar 1 gave me a good appetite, consequently 1 am highly pleased. I know of no medicine that equals Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pels for nervousness, chronic headache, sore kidneys and back and lo.. of appe- tite. Yours truly, John McCutcheun, sat Princess St', l[ih)t'ston, Ont. All good druggists gnu .heed If they won't, 5 • will supply you by mail on receipt of price, sec. per box, or's boxes for Sz.00. The Doctor Ward Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. - ..w DISAPPEARED! Kidney Pains All Gone. What Did It t Doan's Kidney Pills. Now Do You K new t - A Megaton Moe Sep Se. Mr. W. J. Papp., tis Santer Sc, King. .don, Out., writes as follows 1 •' Having been troubled with kidney disease for years, and not having received as eanent relief until 1 used Doan's Kidney Pills, 1 take great pleasure in letting others similarly afflicted know of the wonderful curative properties by Doan's I't11s. Before taking them was troubled at night by having to rise, but can now steep, and do not feel weary in the morning. i hope that this may induce other sufferers from kidney or urinary troubles to give Doan's Kidney Pills • faithful trial, for I know that so other remedy could hove masa .o esti so they Adis ease- ' Dose's Edith Piles are tie idly eve eel* for Beckarhe, Rrieht' !imam, Duane', Dropsy. and all Noise), and t', teary trouble& Pow p,e,.11 dragnets. The Do.. K.dser Pill Co, Toronto, U&L Ask ter Doaa's .ai - retro.11 cabana THE ROYAL BOX. As Dake of Rothesay the Prins of Wales Is the holder of the flrst dukedor., aseeted In Scotland, just 600 years ego. Emperor William le bewail mode for his friend, the "nick man," • fedhf..l iso- lation of the historic wniking suck of Frederick the Great It 1s to be suru,oant- ed with • kncol of massive gold and to be studded with dlamood•. The .bah of Penia Is styled the ' tad king" because he were • rad turfed. There have been throe European rulers upon whom that title has been bestowed -namely, Amadeus VII of Savoy, Otto II of Germany and Witham I1 (Rufus) of England. The Prfnagr of Wales powsses • "m- end eros," which 1• supposed to always bring good lock to Its owner. It wee formerly the property of the king of Dea- tre-t, having been discovered years ago 10 the grave of ter beautiful Qua= Damao. Beslde.5,It• superstitious Interest, It l • mal.' Work of art, sod was given by the king to the princess on bar marriages LOVELY WOMAN. One of New York's "'Inset," In a sen for srpar.Uon, amuses his wife of laving pawned his only trousers. Th1. a M eves worse offense than manse thele.-18,-'-- fao• Post It makes a man tarn Bold at the man- • ' tier In which a woman pia his hard earned money into &pocketbook, carries It loosely in her band and leaves 1t on ter fill 0oaeter she resehsa. The Inhabitants mach prefer rotten of Cochin. (')Rina. FEW to fresh oars. A Dunnville Jeweller's Wife SUM OP PALPITATION OF TIE UtART AND ar0TNERlN• SPELLS BT MILBURN'S NEART AID NERrt PILL,$. Mrs. D. L Lasalle, Canal Street, Da ve- ville, Ont., whom be hand keeps • jswe11ary store, and Is one of the best known and meat progressive chimes e/ Dunnville, Ont., ghee the following de- scription of her recent ezperiene• in the eau of Mllbero't heart and Nerve Pitts: " 1 took Milburn's Heart end Nerve Fills for Creak nerves, die: nes*, palpita- tion of the heart, smothering spells at eight and d.eplegan..e. Before 1 used them i could not get restful deep, and my nerves were often .0 unstrung that t would start le alarm al the (east noises and easily weeded. Lase February 1 eotverr.enced tektite this valuable medicine, and h proved ter right remedy myforweak ..a Managed nervous m. eilburn's Hart sad Nerve P reserved my theme M • 'trent gad healthy condhloe, pie rig*. Mr tad mama settee of the heart. m' 1 cher well row, 'ed alt hiker le --every Imp, and I reewmmead abets kesrtny t• SR who gaiter as 1 did." as. et *Mllbernis Heart and Nese. tile, ��'a•. a bon. ear 3 for leas, dfaggiMge T. limeys* t Co., Toro.le, ole. Lam- PINE also