The Signal, 1898-12-22, Page 2� J
The Signal
al ruaLuillala
Terns et SsbeerlpUoa I
t•Daxeetb, la •dvaee $ sA
enthe e oattbe
mMear 1 ea
Adv.etelwt sea. 1
14aal and other causal edvertl.rments, Lib,
ire. for am insertion, ain't ramie per line
sol cent ur.rtloo. Motaured by a
ell meta
y Is.lnese u.rds of da line and under, M p.t
lQvertbease.te of Lost, Found, Strayed. 817.
eaten Omen, Slluit ons Weuted. sad Dust
n.Oaaorr Wanted, not exceeding t bras
ween elL 61 ye month.
Nom.•. on 1t.1. Versate 8x1., sot to n-
eon a bas. p Por Met month, Ma pr mese
g�oa mount larger ohne le proportion.
Aey*meal moths, the ublx•l ut w7*7 4,900
/ct�ea 7 the pecuniary bene►at as Individual
gt b be eonr'dered au adv.ruut
sad obarget1 accordingly.
I.oe.l ente a 1. nonpareil type one cent per
ward, .o notice lent *740 pia
Iwxet noll.n la ordinary reading type owe
r pea word. Nn notice for ter then loo.
for Mechem end other religiose and
want Ionillutlulu, half rate.
Subscribers who fall to receive Ten arSan,
swirly by mall, w111 •wafer s favor h7 ss
Mainting as of the fact at ea early • date as
146"614.• • change of &Adrs*, Is desired, both the
eM sad 77.e new eddrees should be given.
Publisher's !Voiles.
J C. Le Tose', of l:oderh•h, has been y
paisted Loral •.t,iU(1ing Ageu for the Tow*.
b5.. A Goderiflothorne, Aah8eld and Woe
Leoal poetmesten over the district ars also
enpoeer.d 10 receive sulaeripuona to To
8rua. r -
A U i`ammunlealtone must be a1. tressed
_ U Mo011.1.ICt11H)Y,
!Stephan M. � odetel
ose (tOnt.
THURSDAY. DEC. 22, 1898.
'Mud 11.00 a.m.
Mall end ):zprees l.rn p.m.
Ward 7.e, p.m.
Mail wad Kspreet LAM p.m.
permit. 1'
rall toe' Ez pr ee 7.17 a m.
al red Kaman n. 1.3e TM
NICH0 "N, I.D.&
I•aTA1. 118010*.
rig, ftltedialeptiriwroso.
16 nes
4ur*ent- 1Latest and approved methods
for all dental l operations. reservation of the
asters! teed[ • 1 eleiall). care : Cur. Weal 8t
shad Square (up stains). Entrance on West •
.1rM. TURNilteLL., D. DAB;- L.D:B.-DEWFAL
Surgeon. Lately meniated with Dr.
Wenn. of Mentredl. Gadd and porcelain. and
*clad myth mouuted on gold nr aluminum tans,
mortal aueotioniven to the pr,servallon of the
natural nett. .th. OMw in M:•Leau's new block,
115 Ref
a ,
D R c. uslre: Bruce stool, retid,•nce
latey•oceolded by Dr, McLe•e. Night calls
from rreLlene.. Tel•p' M.
R ESN yHEAT/'ahiiBA RISTaidER, MM1,kIC.1
re *umbers, the Square, tioderkL
taw -U
• me, Nobly, .e. .Nile: aver Media.' Halt
Square, G .derieh.
• ter, G'mm,tetoror, l"•. Monet
elfin++: •Cor. Hamilton and St, Andrew',
O'.lrri h, '.at 104
Awe odlee: North f•dvats Venda to lend next door
rates tenant
Interest. nre
F Attorneys Solicitors, 5e .Oodrick. J. T.
(farrow Q.C., W. Proudfout.
sen, Solicitors le Ch,4m•ery, ae., O.derkb.
M. C. common, Q. 0., P.7dn.t, Dudley Hotm..
eoa,mi,atone for taking sad receiving
reno8nlzanece of tall, allbtavlta or adirmatInee,
deposition er solemn drrlaraiim.s 'In or ronl-
eeralcgg any action salt w pr.e.e.diog. In the
High Court of Justlee, the Court of Appeal for
Out0rlo, or in may Cou..ty or Division Court.
All trasaavtiu,r carefully and prewnplly me-
taled. Residence and P. 0. address -Dungan.
sea, Ont Meal.
Money l ken. %,Annie funds; also first
eine !area to rent or sell Houses and lots to
rout or Ice Wt JG N LEWIS, Burner, Gott
urce *We. opposite Martin's Motel,
Of per cent. Not.•. dta-uunt d, C. SEA.
Mee:La. ee: Opposite Martin's Hotel, Gods-
• dent Insurance Agent; at lowest Iotas.
Oaks: Cor. North et. and square, Ooderloh. *4
of Private Funds for lave.trQn�t •t [owlet
mfrs ea grit class Mortgages. Apply to GAL
Real Estate and Money Learing Agent.
Only Seat -elan compact... represented. Money
le lend on straight lora at the lower rate of
Eris; going In any way to salt the borrower.
Second deer from liquors, West street,
ch. . feed
*. - - o - -4
Windy Wort dons at Reasonable Prices
Fuming Im f.a sale. Maehbvr . new
. d e.d-L 114, amu t and add, In glees
and Boilers for Pe. fitui..d Bates, old wawa
SAI1688 HQN(:SIMi1f. r streets J,
I.ruraaes Agent, Ood.rleh, Ont. Agent
L1ponnden and Lancashire Fire las. Oe. the Gore
Wei Detect Mutual In* Go. nthoasd to in
eF part of the meaty. ' mss- • ' why
sad Land Valuable. Onderich, Ont Hati-
ng had atrolder•ble elperlenee in the suction-
=ig trade, he le le a petition to diseherge
with Mrwou wiles -then aft enmettestmw 88
trusted to Alm. Orders ft at Buxtee'e bond,
wont by mall to hiss re.. O .derleh P. O..
e arrfully attended a. ()Hirt KNOII. l oonty
A•eUomer. 1N*
• and Dad Baths ewe premiere. Bea -foaming,
Mempnni g, anal every other r.qutrem.nt .art
fatly ederl to, and n• ne hal competed hands
�twIa1ppin edl.
. Mcean's new Meek, next Mor 40
setife8 Zee -hangs hovel.
w. tr i, =Ant stikast.K t; h
'Phe newepsper which Is ses"r.Mtnd ts
be the sultan's p.ronnal organ says It Is
di fleolt to rierlt7 the keine This no
doled rein be et trwnesl y :lettering *.' semen -
!te TPllllmm, w►. 1s evident!) aiming le
be the Impale dude of Lr Moos. -Cleve -
re. Pled* neater.
Peened, Wne.a.t.d end rre•srred a
11th, rara.raphs ter the Verna.' d
l'rartl..11 lltagte - Fersunal, P„Ilueal
sun Creatable.
A I. rgo uuliding, 000taluing the green
gyre ear mese of the lna.t.a,.l
Cuwpauy. Montreal, was ryru.,lly dw
`iroyrd ly tire I•rlday midnight.
'I he file In the works of the Standard
Oil ('unpany at Los Angelos Cal . bus
burgh(% *Wolf ouj the entire 1•roperty be
lag rua.sw.d. Lou 11)26,00o.
The death Is ennouuood of J F.
Young, hardware inerobant of Graven -
buret . Regretted by all classes of the
cou,n.unity, uwlig to bis uopulerrty and
good works.
Edward Marshall, an examiner for the
Urend II unit at Windsor, Wal found dead
sitting a chair to the baggage room
H. had o an employe of the compare
Annie Hooey, • girl about 17 years of
age, living In lenient, hanged herself In
astable on Thursday morning/.
s. M. Howe, a Buckingham Townahlp
', d0 years of age. has cut his
throat. '1 he suicide Is said to bays hem
caused by jealousy.
Neilson Hitchings, • brother In-law of
loan Hoot, a farmer wbo lived about
Ove miles moat 111O-Yasnoa, Mick., killed
Mr. tions, Mea. done--and-ttbdL Weal.
man, Thomas Hayward, on Saturday
afternoon and then out his own throat.
J A. Macdoueil, M.P., Winnipeg rays
• railway line will be constructed to
Hodson Hay inside of four years.
'11a operators on the (frond trunk are
la stout the same state. no further de.
'elm want. being reported. It U stated
that the company Is preparing Itself for
a .trite.
At Winnipeg on Friday lion. Clifford
Sittig' .mrd the Soutbeaetern Hallway
would not be a teere branch of tbs C. 1'.
H., but will afford an Independent outlet
to the lake, breams(' running power. for
other roads ell. to secured
CoL W. J. Bryan Intend.. It Is said, to
at once resign the commend of bit regi-
ment. the 'lbird Nebraska, which is now
Twelve shipbuilding ares have made
tenders to the enlist' Admiralty for the
construction of four battleships, to be
bulls In private yards
let the United Sate. Senate on There
day Mr. Vest n.oved for a commission to
be colleen.I of three Senators and nee
member ot the House, to tn7eetltae the
charms of corruption In oonnectt.,n with
War contracts.
It Is said the otfloen of the Seventh
Fusiliers of London Intend, from Col.
Lindsay down, to hand In their reelgoa-
Cone In order that the bettvlion mal be
reoresnlatd. There te geld to be COneidor-
able foaling against General litltt9n.
call IL' ALT'S..
The Minds am•anoir (islets has arrived
at Narwhal' with her bows badly •teas
n , having been In collision off Orford
Non with the steamer Chester, tounn
from Newcastle for London. '1 tie Chester
rank, but all bands were saved.
1 b Jobmton Line steamship ♦.dA•
mon brought Into Baltimore on There•
day •s --et It werew of the wrecked Brit-
ish steamer Londonlen. 1 wenty five of
those os bate the slobm,,Attip,e,„ego.jal.,
d oe bei rimmed and were drowned.
Word was 6,0.7,ol it Hamli;o* o0
Palmy that John B. Johnson, In ui
Prof. James Johnson, was killed ret
North Poral, Northwest Territories, H.
was killed by a nein on the C 1' it..
wallo switching. H. was 21 Tears of ego.
John Mutrooney, need 21, • son of
Pntrtok Mulrooney, Onelpb, while trying
tq boiard • moving U.T. K. freight train,
slipped and 2.11 under the wheels. lbs
ears passed over one of his leg., bull,
crushing it He won taken to the hospital.
Wberjable leg was nmpucate].
Timm to w truth in the story that the
Crown Prises of Germany will visit the
United States next year.
Ir. Tertonage, the missing French bald
"Gonial, Ls base Leaned, with all hit
party, Is the Atlln, B.C., gold country
Min Helen 0oold'hasdssated$:150.0no
to recurs for New York' Unl•ersltyh,
fine library. This Is a tribute to her
father's memory.
A Swedish servant girl formerly In the
employ of Major Walsh has left for home
In Swede' worth 340,000. Bbe golds val-
uable claim on Dominion Creek.
A (can In the Transvaal, calling him-
self Cherie. Gann, claims that he In the
real Duke of Hamdan, and should sue.
end to the 1111e and estate of the present
en cu n, ben t.
William Thorne, general •eeretary d
18. Gas Workers' and General laborers'
Union of London. Rog., 1s nn bin way
to Kansa. City to attend the annual
meeting of the American Federation et
It la understood that the Prince of
Wales has spoken approvingly of the pro-
posed monument to George Washington
In Westminster Abbey. The petition Wee
brought to his ootlo. by Dean Bradley
of *setmioatet A bbsy.
The. Coban filibustering steamship
%..arch has had a libel filed against her
st Seattte. Wash., for smuggling whiskey
Into Alaska.
Mrs. Long, wife of Rev. Dr. bons,
pastor of the First Presbyteries Chetah,
Wawlo, N.Y., has hose smiled on a
eharge of shoplifting in New York Clay.
At Savannah, Ga., Private lobo 1L
Moore of Batter/ A., MaIne Artillery,
mu fined 3500 or mo monthn on the
chain gang, for, when drunk, embracing
• prominent official's wife on the street
()n Friday a New York minister's wife
eonfe.•ed that del Wu ■ shoplifter and
was (elra.ed. On I1•torday Mrs, !aura
Swift, wife of Her. Dr. Albert Swift,
serrearl of the Metropolitan Fe.leretfnn
Epworth lwig0es, was arrened on the
g ame charge.
Word boa hams reerelved at 0nderioh
•lin( Peter ltomonerm, formerly • well
8n,•wn resident ret Uoderleb Townahlp,
,•,t murdered and robbed about 8 year
tau ret 1.n. Angeles, Cal. The wife et the
murderer told of the arise, whieb was
Pattfnalar', brutal
A majority of the crew of toe British
ship Jane Burrl1L from Philadelphia foe
Hanes, with meal, ma;L,led at the former
port en Thursday, claiming the vessel
woo ■nnaworahy. The eapals bad the
ship examined, and elm was doctored all
rlght.,TM rrpatn belted ep the mutineers
and secured other men to work the ship.
Lien. work of the Royal Arttlle.y
wee Meteneed to death on 1 harielay In
London, Eng., en the rhents M marl"►
lag Jame Yates, a girl of trod family, hy
eonselring with 8.r be perform en .bar
Ono. The girl made a statement beton
she died •vn5"r5tlr.$ Weft, who declares
that be did all he ,Mold le Maenad* bet
from anp.J.umgal act
Nelms Priem, • street railway ten-
dell.,, wad °barged oleo stealing •
watch and chalet and $143 from Kilns
Aftermath. • 'loruuto dumestlo, It le
nod the Vetoes nprewuted himself to the
.....t,ia.uon& e. au unmarried Ktaa and
$.ereby gut the wouuo to else up the
ertieles and w,unel under a promise of
marriage. the welch end chain were
recovered In • pawn shop. Priest was re-
manded until Tuesday.
The We1Lind Canal was officially chided
OD Monday for the mason.
An outbreak of :tlpbShert• Is reported
from Multeur Township, near kam..cI* e,
A Kingston lyndloate will probably
build a new Opera House there, to cost
Der•isb skeletons are now a speolal
high-class 11163 in the skeleton markets of
The sum of $d71 has been righted at
Belleville and to Nimbus. toward the
Pontou defence fund.
It Is proposed, so • Detroit despatch
says, to pipe natural gas from the Essex
County, Ontario, 0eld• to Toledo.
A native Kg7usla0 newspaper says that
the Government has decided to prohibit
the sale of alcoholic liquors to the
The neenenry financial arrangemeu*u
have been completed In Knglnnd tot the
establlahment of • pinking house at
Stratford, Ont.
I he Protett•nt school oomtnlsslooen
of Montreal have decided after taking
medical seldenoe, 17.1 typhoid fever le
not contagious.
Mi. Cavanagh of 0.7717. pierced hie
left hand with at. ordinary nestle, blood
poisoning has cot In and the young wo-
man 1s very 111.
The French will bdy Amaricse edit 8
laid -demo en Marsettsr-for t71?'per
The high pries 1s ascribed to the shortcut*
In the British output owing to Inv sulked.
Hoe.lan Nihilists In Germany, plotting
against the Czar, are ••1d to be smuggl-
ing bombe soros the frontier. The plot
has been frustrated by the revelations
The Canadian I'acffio Railway has dr
sided to erect a I,WO-ton 110.1*er Iu the
Boundary Creek dlstrlci, British Colum-
bla le o1 k will he commenced to the
early sprlog.
It is reported that oil has been 'truck
In Plymptoo TowonhIp, 1.•mbton Coun-
ty, and that 4.000 or 6,000 serge of land
have been leased. Drilling is to be com-
menced right away.
Hon. K. 0. Rathbone of Ohio, ex -
Assistant Postmaster -General, ha. boon
eppolnted to take charge of the postal
ser, os In Cuba. He will lean for Ha. -
ens in • few day.
KersdhttHa Amelees Bent NOM CMtS-
pao7 at Ottawa bet just completed •
magnificent tet of stamps for Newfound-
land. 1 he stamps are the rm0 slim es
the Jubilee stamp.
The charge. of foseery and perjury
preferred by Sober, 1. Porritt, Milton,
agaln.t F. J Hoche, barrister, Toronto,
More bean dismissed. The charges were
wholly unfounded.
Foot and mouth Mamie, one of the
m081 feared of animal maladies, Is ('1136.
101 the Province of Heinen It, Belgium.
One bundred *nJ fifty-two mobile In 62
communes are said to be affected
The "tut.,an
of MasTlsastte 78 mew -
log Ott
to send • small petrel steamer along
the ..bone of Cape Cod Is order to pink
up bodies 0s the steamer Portland vlo-
tlms,"*blob ben beta seen by incoming
The strike of milkmen at (Parks, Ont.,
Mtn been settled, 1 he men ,track against
• proposal to have their cattle tested with
tuheroollne In the manner proposed by
the ot11 •fiats. TMots sts are poatpooed til
nest year.
Articles et Inee•poranon of the Con-
ttwotal Tob.nco C•moany have been
Med with the U.S Secretary of State
The capital noels le 1/5,000,000. and the
Madge of the eompany will be at
Trenton, N.J.
Shipments of barn, valued at 1128,000,
wheat at pL.600 and poultry at $:1,000
were ,lent from Toronto on I hurtday to
Gnat Hritein, and agricultural Imple•
menta valued at $1,900 were forwarded
to Au'trella.
It Is thought that the ODtarlo Govern-
ment e•t:moo
nte of enear
lon duties r
septa wllrbe reached this year; /20.0.0
acme from the •etes of the late
Cal Charter M•gtll and Hobe; Thom-
son of Hamilton
There are discouraging rumors •tour
the pro.pects of the Paris ktpo•It'en of
1900. Tb• onstled oondlran of aft. r. at
the French capital have sensd a daiuper
upon the project, and there Is some Wk
of postponing It 1111 1901.
17. Doteln1on Government has In mat
a acbeme, which 1,111 be sub-
mitted to the Nouse zt llewdon, for
belidine • mild fireproof more oleos.
The building, It undertaken, w111 not be
finished before A.D. 1901.
The Atlas Steamship Company, belie,-
(tag the rights whieb h qu
had aotred
Nroragua .re menaced by the Govern-
ment of that sotry by this
e yndlatr, hew app••ted a the British
Government for proleotios,e
German agrarian 0ewepaps are d eteck-
Ina the tier e
mn. because Americas
Imports of pork have on than clout led
In 1898 those of 1897, and Insist that a
tariff be framed eo wholly seclude A mewl -
eau meal froze Germany. They also be-
moan lee importation of A merle..
Work en the bridge that Is a span the
gorge between Lmwtdon end Queennoo
has been suspended, °wine a the danger-
ous ooDdit.on d thee-
leeovared elfffe on
both sides of the river. The retaining th
walls on both ,Ides of e river have been
Mee finished and the er work li praetfa0117
Tire United States Sag was unfurled
ever the City Hall of Mar,sn•o, Cuba,
al 19.20 o'clock Hatsr]•7 afternoon by
Col. Young, commander of the Betalloe
of Knglneers at Playa ht areanno. A
crowd of townspeople *Melt had gather
e d greeted the nlefng of the dog WM.
wise of "Viva Ams.s•
A Prominent Dresden Citizen
Teila an Interesting Story.
Hew Dedra• Klee., rine Curet Him et
Rbeeuaatle.. rad (semi After ah•
Mee{ Sleet.. • and %Seely 11.01-
•4.ea 0..1 Yelled.
Dresden, Dec. 12. -This town toasts
a peculiarity of w hick let pople Misr
well be proud, as it proves 1W707*1
pate, that they porous that der:rable
attribute, trwnmuu ae080, in uo retail
degree. The peculMoty L the remark-
able decrease In the window of cares
of Rheumatism durrug the past few
Light years ago, Dresden was
ed by that carer ot modern civilisaUuq
Rheumatism, t(i as grunt an eiteut u
any other place of its size la the Do-
minion. To -day emit a to,iiplaiut Y
practically unknown here.
A clue to the means by which this
desirable trndtt:o., has been brought
about may he found in the follow4ng
at:,tcmeot, given for pubilratioa by W.
G. Ori*gg, Kaq., eI-reeve of the town,
and one of OUT most prominent then
"For eight years I was a martyr to
Rheumatism. et the inflammatory type,
end during that period my aoff.riugs
beggared descriptiva To sod to m7 miss
ery, I was attacked by Gout. The best
doctors failed to boned( me. and no good
wee dolts by the many patent medicines
1 used.
AT times 1 mold not get MIMS M
alt.T, at- e` beat, Ti was a severe
for me to make my way about mJ
store. .
"Hearing that Dodd's Kidney Pins
had cured a Dresden lady of Ithetima-
tit0, 1 decided to ter the modt.isr.
Integra• my delightful surprise wires
1 f000d myself Knowing getter atter
luring taken halt a dower doses I used
six boxes of the pills and am now as
sound and well as ever I wag, Dodd',
Kidney Pills tared me. This I am
ready and wlllim to •wear 70,"
Dodd's Kidney Pills are ter sweet,
quickest and beat cure for Itbetrmatkem
ever known. They never tall. And they
cost only fifty (mats a boz, at W drug
Rewe ler teething,
"Ne," sod the editor as he gaited •
et dly ea .osLg Itaof the amoeba,
"it's air me. me. What's the oof 'anybody
subscribing for the paper while old Mn
Tattler tela bower And the nazi day be
pecked his las and went -Cleveland
Pla1n Dealer.
The proprietors of ParmelMti PRI* me
constantly receiving lectoteal.Ba* tblM
following,whlch explains IteslL Mr- Jobs
A. Beam, Waterloo. Ont, writes: "I
sever used any edicinit that tats equal
Parmelee' Pills for Dyspepsia or Liver
sad Kidney Complaints. The relief ex-
perienced atter fining them was wonder
L" Asa sate family medicine Parme-
lee'. Vegetable Pills an be given la fill
tinges requiring a Cathartic
'ingratitude U the world's reward' is
the favorite motto of then who do not
wish ado gnod-F11eatende Rimier
Lord Rlr•h•..t'• Ch,$..ea..
About 10 heart ago • Ay young piety
6f rsd1Haele at t'bttlt$88 wit entre to din
awe nn Chrf•tmas Itva They were the
small remnants M the cowl men the
reef Melee gone home for tee holidays
Wheat dinner wad .ver the mere honor,
approaching the president salted petrol.
■ Inn to bring some Christmas preemie
which hod trim delivered from on un
known donor olden/esti to the mess He
shortly after relearned with • large ham-
per toll of paper p•ekages, emelt bearing
the name of o.. of the diner. The rreel-
doea. on opening bin protege, dlswvered
• norm haired doll and the roan of
laughter from the other °Mears *blab
eons drg,8.t.8 that thq bad found roma
subtle appropriateness In the present.
Another man frond In hit permit a penny
trnnlpel, which he at nn.. began M blow
hltnrlf, a feet that again awakened up.
merlons mirth The fart ane M aper his
paned wee a pate, mensal looking youth,
Mut had wet. 7.1 the prneerding. witl-
eat • smile. 1114 ('hNalmaa prevent wet
en$8tned In a parcel tern feet long. and
this when nnrnlled was /annd to costals
• woolen spoon Thal loang Me 0. whe
had gat Into the engineer* hy *8. skin of
her Math, Is now known is Lord Elteb-
el/es of K hat eon no
�pp �X liemeeEli•eala• M.•1.
Ifiasbas et the Wilms Board of
Hslalth lave just imported from Europe
as X-ray apparatus It is to be used
for inspecting tams of preserved meats
land fruits, "to deterneee if they are
fit for comment/How"
Why will coil allow a cough 10 lacerate•
your throat red lona'06 and run the risk of
Oiling a cou+umptiee's grates, when, be
the timely use of Bickle's Anti -Consump-
tive Syrup the pain can Ire allayed and the
danger avoided. This •y rep is pleasant to
{)ua't pity quarrele before they are
Don't *Reliant to pan thud by steal
*ng it from steep.
1)uu't try to get the last word Mien
talking with • woman,.
Don't drop Insulting remarks. A big-
ger taws may pick them up.
Don't think your slue won't can again
if they find you out.
Don't thick because • man Is a poet
he can't appreciate lobster salad.
Don't try to make a man eat his owe
eon's. Borne meet would rather egkt
than tett.
Don't you believe that It's hard to be
ryas. It's the easiest thing In the
Ih.n't think because • tern la a mil-
lionaire that he staffers leas with the
toothache than a pour man.
fliers never was, and never w111 be, a
onivered ponaeea, 116 one remedy, for al:
Ills to which nerd* le heir -the very nature
of np,uy curatives being such *hat were
the germs of other and differently 15.1.1*
dlemure. rooted In the system of the
patient -whet would rellerd nue 111 ill
taro would aggravate the other. We
Wore, however, let Qululn. Wine, when
obtainable In w sound uurdulterated
state, a remedy for many and grevloua ills.
B7 Its gradual and judicious use, the
frailest 'totems aro led Into convalescence
and strepgth, by the Influence which (Jnl-
nineexerts on Nature's own rertor*tlrea
Bretton.'the dru�lpg ,•plrlta of [bon
with whore a obro Hate of mozb*d der
pondeooy •wd,lacklo Merest in life 7. e
disea.e, and, by trauqullzing the nerves.
Illkpoe.r to sound and refreshing sleep -
Ito parts -rigor to the station of the blood,
w'limb, being stlmul.glttt, courses through-
out the reins, *tree Ding the healthy �•-.•
animal fuuotione of . sy.tem, thereby directly oe the blood lad end mimeos internally and
making activity • oece,eary result,the Bytom. Send kw te.limenials free
strengthening the fount, and giving Ill. I F J Melt EY • CO., Td O.
to the digestive organo, watch naturally aw'8old by Druggists' 75c*
AS a Poker s t i ff
al Sore
from a cold.
FREE ! A Shall Ring
OF Cid Chain Bracelet
ear mem
W nal .d�dr es ne .. Oast P087 O,t*O
we will red 1e.a. r peinses d
.4a08A no CACHOU*. adenine ese-
(selies le partum. the Math, a .r11
be es, Y you eas, at meats per whoa andd yea [yandd
IS 071 Me H N a•dplisse wWIN w. R s rMlea
e$ri 1 set said. Menem lid ea,
1111111111. p
•YSYr 1■f _IMPLYCO., T-07,;;;;;7:7-
era= or Oslo, Chir or Touts°,% sa
Lecio •errev. !
Fa*sa J. Camisy mines oath that he h Oto
senor partner e.4 the firm of F. J. Casser a Cao
dotbestoeIn the Lay .0 Toledo. County
sed ass Om id, serim .rid erre will ray
the ram of (We HOODO:D D'L7.588 for
each loot every ratan Catarrb that eanu.4 be
cured by the tee of HALL'. Co (baa.
Swore to before me and entered.* leray
yrese,.ce, Ma ttaday $f Ds-,rhsr, A. R, IMI
A. W. 01,6580N.
Notary Pubila
demand nncreaued sutytaner--rsiult, itel=
proved appetite. Northrop d[ Lyman of
Toroalo, have given 11- the public tbelr
superior Quitting Wlomat elm usual rate, the course of time we a» pr-ttl nor.
end, Hegel by [Te opinlon al eeteo[of to be estimated eaording to our meal
this wine approaches unrest perfectionta
any intim market, altdrugglsts sell tt
Conn. for ('hlldrea'• Mook•.
When the children's favorite book
grows shabby, it may be renovated by
prang it an embroidered cover. Cut a
piece of brown hull/tad or une of flim
preety an Marna two Wetter wider and
four locales longer thaw the book. Tura _
m a. 1,eb at the top Nod bottom, end F.uu..h,n •. ,.h tart•[. .1133
incases" the tiara eyTdtnlly armed th. Teflowabtp with Ckriirt ifirei lierWr.r
took, tarring, the extra length Weida which makes men Chrbstllke; yet til• Y
icW this to the mesh* forming • kind out • grace given to eorrle bot denied
.1 pocket et each end late which the ctLers, as a sculptor le llmlted hyo
sever ls ,tipped. 1 . loco nmy bs its .hap* *0d 0870155 of the block o1 k70
routed with 807 TIMPI, Wertre in was: r working. -14a i meh"-ementr•se its--'
br"'ldery. a wreath of lolly herk and I,•+r_-waeth.r et gold or silver, bearer"
!roves, with the owner's k ta. for kMDS's lime* aid supentriptius. se
middle. er a moioena], or the tabes eri issd soul bear the "lg.orad IE•
th, bock-- m
Deeebe' Laches $see Milo. of the Eter ed Klag;
Jet.rPa3 . T
tones 1.1b w.,l.•.[ w.a.a.
Ter. ,t.•b� . vhueseehr.
"We may at first.' said Kr. etaybelt
"be judged by our peculiarities: but In
the peculiarities being lost sight of al-
together or counted ea such only. lim ce
H behooves os not to waste toe much
time o0 the gargoyles, but to hump our-
selves mostly over a arm and solid
aa Lure-"
[see Ilurd's Llntmeet lb the Moat
"6..r" eawln. wood.
A curious watch hap been brought eat '
The l'anadiao (looter thinks slew le
la biases The dial he traaapsrest hot r epwnleg for a good 70007 man to RST -
tbere are no worts behind It and the Portage, basing Its opinion upon the tot -
hands appear to move by magic. The lowing sdvertl.oment:
aetret lie i■ concealing the works at Wanted -A young man to look after
the edge of the easeand (wnmlunicat- 'sees' store on Rainy River. Hetet be
boa the mot7db to Ito lands by 1140,, .0:3•11, bonen and a practical bookkeeper
of o glum shale. WW be expected to distribute mod to
amake ss mall three throes ■ week Ir.
alk for Euard's [mamaUd take is °tier summer, and to sondem preeer inseainseam'.eem'.
(Presbyterian) o. Wedneed.,y overate".
A• Owl, a rr1•nd r►mid seewlt
F,mill;r am so 0d1IMy. I begin tea
ire that Arthur married me for m7
flee .Clearest Friend --Weil, you have
the comfort *it 4010'g .0s2. ,
Ito .implf ae he lake
the teete, and nnaurpnne.d for,' The
beeline and curing all affections of Clio
threat soil lung,, colla, coughs, bran-, e • e
-bola, etc , etc.
"What's the matter with the meg-
oppie?" esid 18. cuckoo. "She looks very
much can down."
"Why.' replied the robtla, "she heard
somebody make the nemark about wo-
men talking like mntgtte.,snd then peak-
ed In on an aftetaooe tea-"
We believe M1NARIYs=anlaiiV
is the beat.
Matthias Foley, Oil City. Ont. -..1
Joseph Snow. Norway. Me. -
Chag. Whooten, M olgrave, N. e.
Rev. R. O. Armstrong, M3itys .s, NAIL.
Pierre Landry, Naar_-,Po4ttawch(t,
N. B.
Thomas Wawsa.liLeffi.1d.13.3.
Fe4 1..r U.. A1...
"De wa k steeds up when dab's got•
ter be a meteor ethihition In de sky,"
said Unto Eben, "11 mighty dlsapp'iat-
in'. Bet it serves to rrmin' • few ob
an human teas dat mebbe. aftob all, se
bull universe Mal tun fob our wack-
ier logobalotment."
Illeard'1 Whist the Le.bsrw's Fried.
The wet, Wirt.. *8.t Weald P.,.
"My !unbend has sli the vine's het
one," remarked the wife ot • atvog5)1.5
young doctor.
"Whet Is that?" asked hoe amps.
!keit friend.
"Patients," replied the young whit.
The Sun is an Agricultural
gives not only the news of the
day, but news of speclat interest to
progressive farmers.
One number contains t01ota4'h in-
formation for stockmen, dairymen
and fa: nen getxrally to pay for a
whole year's subscription.
Send hot specimen copy sad lig
Oar spacial features : Bystander's Com-
ments on earreot r•ente • Correct Wert et
Reports prepared specI*ll for farmers;
Noose and information for progressive
farmers, and Chola Family Sealing.
The Son alone, title. from now until the
ended 119; The Sun eombiner with the
Weekly Alone, Mall, Montreal Witness or
Wooten Advertiser, $1 from now to the
ended '90; Th. Sita combined with the
Evening Globe. IFR ; The Sea and Deily
World, Toronto50.88; Ta Sun rind Ham-
ilton Twleee-Week Spectator, g1 ffi
SUN PRINTING 00.. Llmitsde
Thistease! �:ln las
~few to any ter w Wenn wH
*51 twee, our r PATENT'
LiVIR °Otte* 'BOTTOMS e.
•e ewe. sot lewd yon ran•
end Mem ..d e. .i ..M rM
hatter, wee paid for skin mat.
8$ areedalhabs ft., - T.rsst.
L pply tie letter, inelo•bng references at .1
s8Usg wages expected, to A 1.., \ace.
Mlles, Hat Portant
As the farmer said to his son: -"There's
n othing to do to dee, so you may go out
mod play awhile." "And what ran 1
Platt • se wing wood, of neural" -naw
Ragland Orooer.
6...••r• er ,b. ,7roae,
nem ere apom In the ocean where the
wader Is firs miles deep. 11 it Is true that
the prewar, K water on any body in the
motor is oar pound a the equate Inch for
every two tem of the depth anything at
the bottom of one.' the"8vrwtle-holes"
would have • pressen about It of 12,100
pounds to every squsre lock. Them la DO-
o-OMt, of human manufacture that would
resist cock a promisee
thin it exists then le so doubt It 1a
kaolin that the pm -more of a well -corked
glass bottle as the depth of std feet Is .s
t reat that the waver w111 form Its way
throngs the pore* of the gimes. It le alae
said that pewee et wood hams beau
wenh;.d and sunk 1n tie sea to snob a
.ieth that the 1(1.0.6 have bar•ome M
nvndeo..d thee the wood bet lost its
bnovanoy and would never aims again.
it eoold not oven he wads to burs weals
Ludt WANE is end d bI Pblsh iui
11.. throne room of the Sultan,*4C...
stantlnopie, Is s gorpeu5' Nrbt 1h.
gilding 1s unequalled by any other build-
ing In Europe, and fruit, time eeillug
Melee • superb Venetian chandelier, the
Mei light.' of which maks a 11*em ilk.
that of a veritable sun. At each of the
four cor0ers of the room tali candelabra
In twocant glees are placed, and the
theme M whets ems covered' -With fed
velvet, cud having arms and book et
pun gold.
nen Hose fleetsagm
TA ba/ been proven conclusively by s
breeders that the all hog house Is the
bed for the raising of pigs. A boom
eight by tea feet with a lot to Itself i
better thea • large house where sit e
ten cows with their pin are kept Tho
fences enclosing the different kRs need
not be over thirty Inches let height, just
high enough that you can easily mores.oreDante pe
e without opening amy gates.
Purauing such • course would give yes
• better lot of pigs -
lis the whole et sa10a the emcee
Lem • ajotd (t$
!*sonburg. Ont 7.7, fle
T1s Odorless Crematory ut 1M
sed Co.,
Gentlemen: I have Bred yaw Odorless
Meet In my bathe -net for Mme time, and
lav• rash pewees .D recommending N to
the pante. Seedier before, daring or after
bernlug on, you cw.nol detect the garbing
odor, sad wooed art be without 1t for doubt.
the net Tose true) W. R. 11.11e
It requires as era while 1n tea and with s
family of from 4 to t railer, • en ease W.
two seeks le sun/Meat
The Odorless,4rematory ..d
General beating Co.,
Something Entirely New
Every Msl.ktep. and Starahemer
Urgently Requires M.
• ltecauy Diieovered English Preparation.
Prement• W1,dew. Fromm,.
*11•.r true' Tarnishing.
Lamp CO Do mops (bootleg 'mote&
ap..,ael•• from reg .r 181.1.
Agent Waned Evwywb.t
WI the Deaf. - Mr. J. F. Kellett man
Drrtgg•st. Perth. writes: "A customer of
MID! l.arlug Item cured steaminess by the
INC of Dr.'lhomw.' FeciectriaOI1, wrote to
I.rlend, telUog his friend* *bent of the
curd Ir twuncpience I receival a0 order
...mood 1 elf • Ammo by express le Wee
(otvl, turbotrl, t I. is week."
rh•-pepeiw M Indlgretion le oeeoaloned
by th• want of action is tl • h+llery duets
le." of vitality to the notaach teearn 1i'•
gw•trle lents., without which dlg,ntion
coons( go on ; elan, being toe princlpn,
ren -sof Hendwrbe. Pnnnelet'e Vegetable
i'RI. takes before going tobed,fer.whibs,
nervi fall to give relief and effect a sure
Mr. F. W. Ashdown, Aah,town, Ont.,
write.: Parmelee'• PHIS are biking the
lead wgninm ten other makes which 1 have
10 mock."
Ism... Lyles Mem'
.e„.ts. a.tier .b d.w.ts Deka
T. N. U.
(y •a .dkte rM Menne Seams C.rawo, Oen
Snead, O.,. 11 yea was re knew what V Mope sa w
/anis... Cw.• toed...r4,{ns, nerd f,. Anneal As-
asesmmest..bka M nee he. C A. ►Mei•., reel
Th. Be.• *..d Varlet),
irwt.wd of feeding wheat every day,
the grain may be varied by simply al -
lug one kind of grain each day.
Oats may be give. the first dal, tote
the next and wheat the se'zt. The cost
a food w111 be about the same as If but
one triad le &ve., but the inw7ll wilt
enjoy the changes of grain and keep kt
letter health. if meat, milk and bulky
food eye also added to this ration, the
hoes sbereM ley, provided they iMTB
warm gnnrters and are not overfed. Vie
r;rty should alway. be the nibs, 1I.g
rain the grain. differ In their amp&
• t ion.
111 t UNK A t 01.11 IN omit DAT•
T.k. Latattve Rrnenn Quinine 8'WM*. ��
Dray; list.,d t .• more) 1 11 1al1s m, cert NS
role. • tor„7. nr i:gm•.
Cold etorsge enables those who
h:•,ndlo Isrgm nnmbers of rigs to hold
thou, .until peters ere higher, whl.h le
r. verde.' nnfecornhly b7 farmers who
hove froth rims for lath. Oh the other
elite, the rnld *forage of eggs relieves
the market of the werpins work whir
1.r era are law, whieb, .t lost prevents
n des to some. The fact Iq however,
tint the farmer who her mrintly treats
e1gs eon alw"y. get good priers for
them 11 !te will build rep • trade for Mier
Self In th."w.aieef tetra, lit im fhndb
well buy weld sewage *gm h pereariteme
to throee howdy lea.
REEI. For a Few
HUp■ ria. mv. Weedee�.�wass trivia le o u re' _Wsspgo Work.
=a 8� fa htil dna, melt dna M
ln� Sew rework._r�►�_- 'ws [ the horns, pare
VeGeet•�a gerei ^-meta, a Veal
Were flet��pq, n.apY, gsp " me m weleal tarsi sued ants.
•� All arwlo.Estn'naktrAlbo mai [elan ..rWomb Is
p�alne Sw1w� M detln� td a~` Yyq, trls •
I8N-IstMeAl D• intsp aap./�en • M� do 1A ne
ms world sake epieni(i��fa aa;y�a0t- -7
eed.ddre.atsaes, 7� g�beWd ll
Whim web/ft uaelsetem tale mem
LEVER BUTTON CO., Tomato, Opel.
Avows. Gr
Selling 3 •.. 51 bon
lase wing ser Mitres a4eets lee►. *t► LfQt
nate pan Menet sees e7A N ass nee�'-1 resehed year ben et sleet ism, sed hod Orn an e.e1e kp •
lbsr, het e17 pay. m 1604reep.AA M. Senear OA mo& Fera wllA a Aa wd
Wirmi BU* UITEE N „
• 1 roe 0881 TSA*
Tel Lane Remise 0.., theetee8,-7 ham awl r fig' 'Leah Ifes. iia let serwa .ha1w and
rime rod me e teliase as not i er ere ass M k A~ le net t>ir pea ace! US a dmly. Mwnw qts t;.f11nS
Yams hee+sdl, J. Mamma Z D.1.
a smelt shoot tem sr.
_ Cesare eso Nev. 1887, ! ,
U.N. ,-1 ��ety, sad It 117 woos ywe. . n
tars [ssereas► rely w$M itdlielt i retewMlew
Peselhete, Oat. Nes Mt
K••.tta thesis us Kms. -1 Kedved Sly wale W date 88rweer MON M N r gee a pee s tlw i e1W
.ar.M 07 374. ss .sa sen r.r lee beim me eI �� • _ _ __
V �w��