The Signal, 1898-12-15, Page 2'77.• riew-lrgetreetriter7eue-eireesesTee--.
rr. „lyWtiF,.
The Signal
II MeinNign
li D. Neb17,14fI)DDT.
Tomes of Nalreestptl.a
• la
.. a5
Advertising Ilexes
Lal and other casual adrrttlsrme ds. :Ya
fur first inser0011, gold 3 .cols per lin.
' fOr .a.h auk.Nueut iuscjGw. Mo+suted 4y a
neelare,l e: ole.
S ueitt wa raids of six lines anJ under, M par
estAp ertleemente of Lon. F., od, Strayed. Sit-
s Varela. bllustiole Wanted. and Buie
Imes Climes Seamed. not waceeding • bees
sy.tiree.11, et per m,rdh.
.n Sale and Terms on Sale, not to *1.
• urea el for drat mouth, aper embeds
game mouth. Larger Wets le prnporII l3.
Any *petal notice. the oblrrt of which is to
enm.9. 11tp pecuniary Maedi of any Individual
i company b be txuw'drrod an advertisement
noel 'bargedaecordingly.
viorel nods In aw,Iarell type one .cent per
word, no motes lea than Rs-
Lora mutes 1u ordl,ury reading type two
•�Mutl1as per wend. de noticefor le.. than Mc.
luchtas for reunites and other religions •nd
kMmseoleet lestitutlo.., heli rem
lubeerfbers who f.11 to n.elve Tae Sones
regularly by mall, will roofer a favor by ar
[ualutiug w of the fact al u early a date as
When a change of address Ie chaired, both the
NM sod the new adders should be given.
Publisher' Ni diel.
J C. Le Tsetse', of t:oderleh, has been ate
pointed Tot.rpine Agent for the Town-
ehlpe Oodertrh, Colborne, Aabeeld abd Was
L. al postmasters over We district are elm
smpuwered to receive subscriptions to TAM
ar tea
All ommunlesY must to
-. - TtAr
THUESDAY, DEC. lit, 18118.
• • a■arra,
&fell sol FJapn+m
11110 am
1 p10
7 10
rir.1 ,uJ express 10.50 p es
,rail and Retxeas. 7 1.5 • m
air .u1 Ialertso 4 S. p
a- t
1�• NICHul2tole. L. D. S .
Je_ p TAI.
OoIJ Filling, t L eta IMilBridgege
irk •
g h., lylty.
16 t ears Experience. • '
• surge or-Leteet aid appreard methods
for .11 d• noel eperannu.. Preservation of 11r
N atural torch a eperialrv. Office: Got. West .t
• red `square tutssWu,. •Entrance on West et
• eurreon. (lately emoriatd with 1)r
Dlxnu, of•It. Cold and porcelain. art:
deal 444.414 mounted on Add or aluminum Mos.
apodal +n.rri.nn River to the pr.eervstion of the
n atural lath. (Ira•• in Mcl ean's new block.
25 asd.
✓ ra..d. Piereotained end reeeer.ed 1.
nth, reengr.pks ear the rerueal .r
Practical People - Personal.
anti Profitable.
Your Cblbawen were baptised to tbu
Kruu.•nuel Baptise Churub, Bu0alo,
Seeday night.
Miners from Atllo Lake district say
the actin volcano dleooeired up thine
gies than light to work their claims
dnring Ibe long Arotle winter. Caaril.o
uttiutels are preparing an expedition to
go to the volcano and gin It ■ pauo.
Teti DIAD.
The death o< William Beatty, who
went to Party SuuDO m 1811) is en
nuanced. Hie widow le Isabella Bowes,
daughter of the lab John O. Bowes, at
nue time Mayor of 'Toronto. He leaves
betides his widow, three daughters and
one eon.
The Ontario Fruit Growers' Associa-
tion has been In session two days at St.
Catharine end concluded on Friday
n ight. W. K. W elllogton of Toronto.
president, and the other officers were re-
eleot.J. The association will Inset at
Whitby next year.
et IC1Dig.
In the ten years closing with 1890, Is
elusive, 407 school children committed
suicide In Germaue.
Thomas O. Smyth, • Toronto milkman,
lib* became emending and loot jlOpealt
o*-'Satarbaj at noon buur, died at 8
o'clock Sunday morning in St Michael's
'lb. Ogdensburg • Lake Champlain
Railway bat been looerpx5bd ads Allan,
with a capital of $4,400.000.
The Brand Trunk Lilway's earnings
for the weer Nov. IH to Nov. 90, 1898,
are $09o,938, as compared with 1807,
i619,1189, g deers.. of 68,645.
1'homes X. Hillman, engineer, has
been instructed to survey ewe direct
lines to Guelph mod Berlin for a test
electric railway service trent Hamilton.
A desVatcb from London, Ont., says
the Hell Telephone Company promisee to
pay the cit? 11,00) • year for • monopoly
privilege for live yeses, and reduce Douse
telephones recap $10 M 1.10. and oma
'ex/mom n r. i4A.. M 41b,. detaches ash
doctors getting • etaol•1 reduction from
LIS to 525. In sddlt(on to shim the 11e11
people will agree to equip all their
pbonee with the 1eteet Improved Blake
transmitters, and will give the city tbe
u.e of their poles for olvlo purposes. All
thio Is seid to be rot the purpose of abut
Ong out the People's Telephone Com-
pany, whlcn has been looking for a eon -
Mr. James Kidner of Altbur soot him -
salt aceldeutally well* going bunting,
and diad l• • few m1s11Ms.
J•m.. Maldby, • air repairer le Deffald,
was killed on Saturday afternoon on tbe
Lake Shore Hallway treks.
L ac. 1/18,,e: Brae street, the resM.•nre
tattle. . ;de hTeepee*,
�e ,MIL Wield calls
� --- ---
Erni( R. $101.101-
AO tor. Notary $'tiblic. Caudlau Beek .f
P.ommerre Chambers, the $quare, G,ud••rleb.
row -l7
��11 CAMPION.Q,C.-BARRISTER, SOW!.MV,eee-theRe tin, Velar), 2r". Office over Melted t1a11,
e migre, Ualerlch.
M• lor,Unitni..lom.r. ar, Money W ..w,..
Ofeces. Cur. Hamilton and tet Andrew's streets.
G'.d"rlcb, tett . Ml
• ar. Oasts: Norther. next d...r Memo.
Private• .. Prite Fends tY )and et lowest r� rf
A u.rrney. Nolh-I, •.n, ke.. Ooderkb. J. T.
Garruw Q,C., W. Prolulfoot
Mrs, Solicitors in Chaorery, le , Onderleh.
M. G Cameos, Q. C.. P. Holt, Dudley Holmes.
• commissioner for taking aid rw'eIvirtg
recorhb0nree of ball, affidavits or .Mrmatbro.,
depositions or solemn declarations In ur Foo-
eernln •nyahtlm eult'or preedlier in the
Rich Conr•
Court to Junk,. 0.. Court of Aiiral for
Gelled°, or In soy ('t,uety or Divisive. Court.
11 tremm.rtIo a carefully mod promptly Far
anted. Residence and P. O. ,ddrese--Dunaan-
e ms, (nt. melt(
1 11 ONEY TO LOAN -rive res CENT
Mosey to Ina. private funds; also first
clam farms to net or ell. Houses and los to
gm! for We. E. N LEWIS, Barrister, God -
rrurance ,lee. opposite Marna'. bold,
1l oer cent. Ninon discounted. U. RRA-
*RER. trace: Opposite Martin's Hotel, (lodetec
• dent Insurance Agent; et lowest aces.
Once : Cer. Northal and Square, Ooderlch. T4
of Private Vends Inc Investment at lowest
Was on ant dam Mortgages. Apply to OAR -
Real Estate and Murrey Loaning Agent
Only first -,Irma compeett• re peeenn•d. Money
lend on straight 1..., 5. at the lowest rate of
lereit ruing In any wry to sail the borrower.
.e. door erten Square, west .trees,
Irk. tenets
li.pair Work drone at Reegm*Wlr Peers-,g ha femeuts for sale. Msehleerv. new
55d eened•I.end, bought and sold. Evelio
*ad fetters for ..'a. Sand: Rets, old Waggon
shop r•xner Vicomte sed Trafalgar streets. J.
L _
loom solemnise.
Insurance Agent, Oedsrbh. Ont. Agent
Simeon and Landehite Fire In.. 0a., the Gore
Dewar) Nutted Ins- On. Sales attended 1.. In
e ny Let rel the eoeaty. linty
JOHN KN071 0111ERAL AUOr1oatea
•,.d Land Valise.. (4,.Irrieh, (h,t Her
lag had residereb•s seperlenee In the auction•
eege�1t1uz trade,, he ie In . 'seinen to Meatuses
Willons en -
temp st othorough ,Im uu dors I. eft mr Buyytou'ts hotel,
er sod by moll tops 5.11,11 (I,d.• Irh P O.,
earrf.,lly sl.•.l4ed tn J. 141 -KNOT. L: i ty
A ort l m,.er. lafltf
A Bombay d .pwsob sale two bootee
regiments have been added to Ibe Swat
Valley, owing to tae Mad Mullah a the -
mei ever the loony tribesmen.
Again/tido, the Insurgent chief of the
Pbtllpplue islands, le said to have 90-
000 soldiers armed with blether rides,
Mao !b qulok-bring guns, and he de
mends independenw.
Tb. P►Illppine 1 g.nes, 15 le said,
will not reoogulae the oeealue of the
bland, to the Molted Mete, and will
moist to tbe INI. 11 will take 70,004
troops to put down the rebellion, accord-
ing to Spanish Idem.
The executive oowmlt/M of the Cuban
A.sembly he, ordered that wry Cuban
officer Insulted by epeeists, Awuloau or
other officers shall obell.uge the provoker
to • duel, In order that the dignity of the
Coban army may be maintained and be
*kook insolenc..
Senor Samosa now admits that Can-
ons 1s to. armies. .fisting denser W
Spain. The Government bas 140,000
Roopo In reedlnosa to taus the field le
the event of • ('arks rising. lion Carlos
In hie coming manifesto will make •
strong appeal to the army.
TM steamer Harlem. wrecked on Ida
Royale, Is breaking up, and her crew
have •bDdo0ed her.
The big steamer Arthur err, which
went ashore on the north dere of lake
l up.rlor, bel been noted.
'l'wo more bodies from the wreck of
the Portland have been washed ashore .5
Orleans, Mar., mating ea in all.
The Brltleb ateaw.r Brladene, which
nn away from the authorities et Queens-
town last weak, has been seised for debt
e n arrival at Philedelpbla.
By the wrsok of the British steamer
Clan Drummond. to the Bay of Biscay,
111 people wogs--drownot- Twenty-three
were rescued by the Braille steamer Hol -
The life -wing crew •I Cloy Head.
Masa., rescued 19 people from tee wreck•
ed eobooners Queen Hsabr, Vivian and
Clara C. Baker, but some perished before
they oould be reached.
'1'M boJy Of Assistant City Clerk Goa
esllo of Montreal, who was on bard the
III -rated steamer Portland, has been
washed ashore near Orleans. Mem. 'elm
body has been •blpped to Meotl..l.
TM Berman steawer Kies. which ar-
rived at New York yesterday. had •
tempestuous voyage and suffered • good
deal of damage. Two offices of tLp ye -
e el were badly hors and the peasouper.
were badly frlgntened.
Tbe steamer Oate City, wbloh 1t esu
feared was loot, has reached Savannah,
Ga., in a badly battered condition, bus
,net so Dairen erer'eNls engirt'
sunken vessels and 18 stranded craft
•rotted Vlnuyrd Haven.
1M °metal nodee of the dl.aolotlon of
tbe United States of Cental America
Ms been sent oat.
The first purely Cuban enure wee
organized on Friday at Santiago, with
impressive ceremony.
Germany 1s negotiating .t Washington
for the recognition of her oommm.rotal
privileges In the Sulus
A New York draggles has made the
mbtak• of patting up atropine for mag•
pklne with serious results.
Emperor William of Germany mays be
found .v.rywbere In the east that the
Germans are highly esteemed.
W. W. Astor has donated /6,000 10•
wards Kltoben.r's scheme W found the
Godou memorial college at Khartoum.
Preface has prohibited fruit and plants
from the United metes. 1 he object le w
prevent the lutroductlon of the NM Jose
1t Is learned that the grant which the
British Government will make for the
benefit of Use British West Initis amounts
110 £10 000.
A deb an from compressed paper is
now being manufactured In Canada. 14
Is lighter than tin. coats 26 per mot. lees,
and will Dever mum poisoning.
Rev. lir. Blsokstock of Toronto, while
out walking un Saturday night, dipped
and 1.11. breaking the small bone In one
of hie legs.
I). H (haat of New Glasgow, N.S.,
and James Russell of Bleketown were
killed and two persons dang.romoly burt
on 18. N.wfoundlnnd Railroad Thursday
n ight by a ar tamping tbe track:
Mrs Allot Marble, sister In-law of the
late Uon. James U. Blaine, was lneta0t-
ly killed et Fan Leandro, Cal , by her
horse running away and dashing Into an
orchard. A hanging limb struck the
lady, throwing her from the Legge Ste
was 7U years old and • nattier of Au
gusto, Maine.
and Cold Bells on wrested*. thefeeming,
gh�aw r.rl ng. .nil ev• rr other reptrrmeet rare.
faBy attend. d10, and n m but potent heeds
'employed. McLean s eta M..b Nat door to
B ette . Exchange hotel.
M ASRI ACE 'L10mps1tll.
rents, 0adereh, Ont
Earnest wed O*t.p.kea.
"Whet is your .p tninn of em rnlla Sir
Me polls!" Ingalml the )ming man,
' 1 win asrat0st II'" elrinln,.d tleaNec
aneghnrn, eitling hl. desk In melee tea1N-
phutr. hit word.. "1 think, .Ir, that Ire
log to get ..on the benablese chime e5
vet• role way without paying him leg N
leas ••t apl"-WwgNngton 86as...__..
Col. W..1. Bryan, having recovered h'1
h,••11(0, bas left Lincoln, Neb., for eavan-
nob, to'I'ejoTb his regiment.
The Grand Cross of the Legion of
Honor has been bestowed by President
Faure of Francs en the Queen Hegmet of
Hie honor the Lleatensnt-Governor
and Miss Motelt gave • dance et Govern
meat House on Feeler evening. There
were about 4m) present.
Hloba'd Ar.istrong, pre. Men o1
the Toronto Yoong Conservative Associa-
tion, 1s 1n Montreal, stud ea71 be bas
secured the mining alts of Grand Forks,
In the Boundary Creek district.
Mr. Graham of Revelstoke, B.C.. bas
been appointed Government agent an.:
mining recorder for Atilt) lake District,
end will have share of the whole Nor -
there British Columbta territory, with
large disuretloo•ry powers.
e le U rid Mr. W. C. Meodonald, the
millionaire tobacco manufacturer of
Montreal, 1■ to be knighted o0 the mom
Mon of tbe opening of McGill University
mining building, Dae. 10. Mr. Macdonald
hN given over 12.000,000 to McGill.
Frank Kuamk, the New Yorker with
was .000. 4 In Berlin for lose msjeete,
le mail to have mild the 'emperor "a
ealf'. bead."
At Hull a true bill bee been found by
tbe grand jury against Andre Riopelle
indicted o0 a o of murdering Icon
Boyer of ttadley, Que.
C. 0. Brooke on Friday was weaned
as Toronto on a shares of steeling est
bores from the Northwest Mounted
Police ranch at Qu'Appelle on Sept 97,
To mark his jubilee Emperor Fronde
Joseph of Austria has Mooed an order
thanking hyo army, •nd has granted
amnesty to political offenders In Bun -
W. Tilley bei -tee& arrested In Car-
berry, Man. He L suspected of being She
Ineendiar'y who gdr. to Sim SOWS *
couple of times last summer. ll• le •
laboring man.
She Tells How Dodd's Kidney
Pills Gave Her Health.
Thu u.aad• of 01r1a Ned the 1.,4.15 M.m-
•,Ir, for Temp' Aro 5.7..1.5 From
Similar D1. lrodsl'. Ia.
"•r P111. 81411 8'er. T ,.•u..
'I'uroolo, Deo. 6. -There are thug-
eaudn of girls In this city who an plow
Mg the beet years of their lives in sick-
Ilt4e and misery. when they should be
cuyoytng the hltrie lg* of health,
strength and vigor.
The observer a ho will watts he
crowds of girls and young weasels
streaming every owing,
after their hard day's work, ascot
but be struck h) the many those --
young hctw--that should be may with
the glow of health. with sparkling eyes,
■ 04 wuil-roulded cheeks, but white ars
pale and caro-wolo. with dark etreba
r,uud eyes that have bet their bright-
n eeM
A glance is enough to show that theme
tired and worn out girl. are *uttering.
Anti such a aprctacle is doubly .ad, be-
cause there ie u0 need for it. Dodd's
Kidney Pills would bring the brightness
back to the eyes, the bloom; to he
cho'c'k, the firnmee to the Msg. the vigor
to the entire body.
Nu other medicine oft
dile. such aMtontahingly
sults. in these cases, as
Pills can and will.
Mae M5ry Inusrlele, 73 Daher St..
has proved the truth of this statement.
Sb, says: "I have been a sufferer from
rutale Wedmore, Nervous amid Lies -
,d,ie, and doctored without. deriving
any benefit. 1 began ,sing DodA'. Kid-
ney Pith. and my recovery dated hoe
that time. They haws cured -me
A trial *411 speedily eo.vloee any suf-
ferer that Dodds Kidney Pills will posi-
tively restore bee to health.
earth cue pro
beoebefal re -
Dodd'. Kidney
1m plosion
Every one knows what •n explain'
la, but Its opposite, an lmplo•foo, ls legs
fetmiliar. At great depths In the sea
the condition are favorable tor Its pee-
s►duction. At twenty-five hundred fath-
oms the pressruns 1•, roughly speaking.
two 'and a half tone to the square lath
-that b to soy several times greater
than the pressure exerted by steam
upon the pbton of a powerful engine.
A beautiful experiment to nlnetrate the
. tramea• torts of tele deco eau T SOIDITu
was made during the voyage of H.M.S.
Challenger. We quote from "Tbe
Faun 01 the Deep Sea."
Mr. Buchanan hermetically sealed et
both ends a thick gime tube several
inches In length IUD ods air. H• wrap-
ped this sealed :tube In flannel, and
plaee'8 1t In tine of the with copper
cylinders, used to protect deep ma
ther'momete'rs when they are sent doves
to the mounding apparatus.
Tier copper Blinder had boles bored In
It, so that the water had frog amens W-
eide, around the glass
The copper ase metaled", the Mise
glees tube wag ment down to a depth) at
two thousand fathoms and drawn up
again. it esu found that the cylinder
was bulged and bent Inward, lost as If
It had been crumpled inward by being
violently squeezed.
The glass tttbe itself. within Its [Munn
wrapper, was reduced to • fine powder
• like more. The glom tube, it
w' old Mem, ea it had *yeah des0end.d
held nett lung against the premiere, but
.t.ddenly more way, and was crumbed by
the violence of the action to a the
Ix wder.
This process, exactly the reverse of
an exploalon. 1. termed by Sir WyvIlle
Thompson an implosion.
A recant attempt to cross the English
Channel to France by balloon proved
disastrous to the aeronauts. altboagb they
will reoover from their Injuries.
Louts E.mye, a Barcelona mercbant
now In 'St. Louis, 'keys Spain will be
more prosperous than for many lean
now that the burdensome eolocates base
been lost
At Washington on Friday Sir ttiebard
Cartwright and Ilon. Joon A. Kaman
WM • conference on the Alaska boundary
question. Dr. King of Canada was adieu
Inas •n expert
Tie Oov.rnme0$ of Nicaragua, as a r'r
soh of tbe oollepee of the United Staw
of Control Amerloa, has published a dr
ores declaring Nfearagua So be an inde-
pendent sovereign state
Since the systematic exclusion of for
Mgo cattle and mein' from Germany,
berm •ni dog meet have become the
staple with the poorer olasses In certain
district*, and notably In the large aides.
Chicago's principal pork parker• have
united in lending to the Department of
Agrtoniture at Washington • protest
against Its proposed passage of • b111 by
the German tlelnhatog, abutting out
from Orman, ♦mermn moment.
Paris, Ont., is threatened with • milk
famine. All the dairymen have derided
b eases delivering In lost.. The board of
health • month ago decided to insist that
all dairy herds be tested with tuberca-
line, and, falling this, no permits for the
..le of milk to be head. The time for
the tett expires Monday, and practically
all hays decided to verist the edict
Niles Banton, 99 Phoebe street, and
Mime Boyce of Montreal, ,kiting at 16
Garden arenas. Toronto, were on Sunday
taken to the leolalfof boepftel, as they
had been a:tackd by smallpox. II ie
thought M1.. Banton may have ceught
the disease ■1 Cobnurg, where she wee
lately Minting. no source .f enntaglon 1s
known In the other two Remy promo -
Mon hes been taken by the Medical health
(Moor le prevent . R IM
Wiliam Hoes, ar., has come Ines the
Solis of the law al Port Hope. He 1s held
on a charge of forgery eomrultted at
Pet.rlorn, vibe,* he formerly reeldd H•
w111 he •ken to 1'eserboee te stand 81s
Robert Frod.rink Taggart was ar
reigned before Magfetr*Se 1/.noon to
Toronto en • rh.trg• of mnd.ring his
wife. I., herr. Taggart. on Nov 23 The
Crown warn not ready to ea on anti a
formal remand ane made until Tuesday
John T. NIb,borl, the Montreal agent
of the Londe° Lite Insurance Co., has
eonfeemi to ferment" which netted him
1457..19. When taken en the ml1e he broke
down sempletelyand the menet on SM.
Relay what his young wife visited ham
was most ettentt.g
Mrs Richard Hurley, wife of • garden
se et Peabody, Mau , went en the police
and said she had murdered two of her
children The rnprt proved true. 1 he
vlotltns were the 1) year old daughter
Mary end • 7 -year -ofd son. 1 be women
has barn In an (Mone asylum and 10 00
doubt. wary. _
role■MN r/ WAR.
Commode,* Philip at Norfolk. Vt., has
been ordered eo proceed with Me flagship,
the N..w York, to H•4tna Immediately.
The Cubans are mid to have secretly
legated a formldahle Armament •nd
poroh*ad 6,000 rides. The .4... 1. 5N
..nn„e .11.. 81..
"He 5510 .rte • dictionary et words a
MO syllable."
"How fnnny"
"Oh. 1 don't know. He wanted m•
to learn to say 'Yes.'"
Care of the Fowt,
Seep down all surplus Mock; market
til that la oat needed.
Feet mitre* to telckeen u ages as
th.p �tr able te est tt-
I)so sgrd grain or fermented food ane
yore 5411 to tnduee bowel disease.
rewie that are overfed are out
e t+My sad will out lay regularly.
To fatten geese rapidly food boiled
*Ma with milk two air thew burse a
Raowvi*g to wars, dry quarters will
preveel the biggest belt of ante ter
lretn this Owe nes through the wino
earl? Manus will give the beet r
*5.eaLm0mmd 41. lealso• ton
♦rumdyhbowel tl4cek't►-
1111.111 Milt has all the aecemary elements
for the ptodudlon of flat. sad gives the
Ik1■ • good odor.
1n too many oases the poultry ars
eterfed, causing thin to biome be
hr and unproductive.
Dry Um. 1. too csuatkc M gives
atone. A (0.915? plan 1• to hesto* a A
e el a lime water casrvenient. --..
Boiling the ndlt that b ted M fowls
will increase its Hier and lessee the
thek of Its p oducbng db.aae.
Cedckere Intended for breeding Mock
should not be pushed too fast or be
overfed. A steady development Y best.
Too few mlYster% or ofd inferior stuck
ea the mals aide, want of moisture dur-
ueing iocubadon are wa11-ksowm anuses
et infertility of eggs
S tq� Ici�sa�h-- d u �4r
et�$IRId1, IMMIttirle onepotist aeon
w►fob personaacqueinted with the sr,,,
fent agree. namely, that lir 7rhomaa
TElectric Oil 1s a medicine which au be
*lied upon to cure • oough, remove pain
real .or,. of various kinds, end benefit
my indented portion of the body to whltlk
It Is applied.
Tres. Tyro of W Clams.
"What are you going to do with Mos
pl.ture molding?"
"Oolog to frame the president's Thanks
giviDs proolamatlon."
"What's your Idea 1n doing that?"
'' Os the walls of mesa the roomette my
hoar I've got hanging up every Thanks-
giving proolemetlon ever lewd by • presi-
dent of the United Sta1tr. I don't believe
there's •pother man In the country that
has such a adhesion."
"U's a unique idea. How dor Prod -
dent McKinley's peool•m•tlom eompase
with the othen?"
-'"1don't those: TviS -`chuff dilly "i
Dyspepsia and Iudieeatloo.-C.. Snow
Co., Syracuse. N. Y., write: "Please
send as tea grows of Pills. We a.. selling
more of Parmelee'. Pills than 557 other
Pill we keep They have • greet repu-
tation for the ettre of Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint." Mr. Charles A. tirmltb, Lind-
say, writes: "Parmelee'• Pills are es
eamlleut medicine. My sister has been
troubled with teres bedaub•, but them.
,lila have cured her "
STATS Oe Oslo, CITY "r Tum.ano,
iwe e0.wwT7
Teems J. CaaaiT makes oath t at M i t e
senor partner of tbe firm d F. J. Cron &(7O.,
dohs haalo5es In the (211, o• Toledo, County
e nd State aforesaid, and t Est said firm w111 pay
toe num of ONE HUNDRED D ,LLARS for
each a .d story erne of 1'atarrh that cannot be
cured by the tin of Rat I.'a C 177..
Sworn to before me and subscribed le m9
pr....,re, this 5th day *1 December, e.
1 Notary PYblie-
H.1.. t'+larrh Cure is taken Internally and tris
directly on the bhp d and morons surfaces of
the system. Bend far I. -Warmish free
P... ('HENEY a CO., Toledo, 0.
erSold by Dreggltti, 75e.
Warms derange the whole nyetem
Mother 0 ' Worm Eeterminstor de-
ranges ermineSm?);1res feet tin the entre?
er. 1t only .w1. Scents to try It and be
fle-1 saw a benutifni •mile Ittamto.
•flog ynnr feta00 mr arm stole •ryntttd
ynn. Tell me. darling. what were you
thinking about?
Shur -Abaft the pins ie my waist
1 h,• -e-m• 4 nrr.rt.
the eyes ■re the windows of
the soil.
tV,gvf8g--TTlen the mill .4 the man
wh.,.. eyes lave been hintMei Inks
nut of stained glean windows.
�inlyd'I Lillmenl h u*ed by Physletus.
/t. te,,. 1.. -" tot ..e n,.a,
Sorry /lawyer 1)14 For sit • hand -
toilet' Dine Nee. hitt der lady ..Id
we e+ould hive 1 few chops 1e der wood -
A M11.r1.5. Time.
Mrs. Vendome -i bear the Knit -kens -
ter: have a tree Igor Ohristmaa day.
Mrs. Barthold-1 thought old Knlek-
eraater need to g7 that Christmas trees
were go undignified and worthy only of
the lower dames?
Mrs. Vendome --Well. this 1s a new
family tree for the chirdres to study
over all day.
a J114 for (I....$.
A Sicilian tribunal hag lost w[enosd
• noted tenter to Imprisonment for 1149
yen,*, 'The eolprit had peened lunsdt
off u •11 •dvorgte. •nd in that guise
committed fel dlflerent •cog ret serious
frond, having even stolen for a abort
time the meal of the chancellor of the
(Yourt. mi. seal he used to give effect
to his fraudulent documents.
T4) 4 t: It*. t (01.D 174 USX DAT
Take laxative Braun Quinine T5LIete. *11
Druggists refu'-d the mon.v 44 It fel s to eve or
"1 wish to goodness," exclaimed the
man who fonnd that M wee laded up
wish watered stock, 'that Noah lived
in these times- Med make thew mood•
emu npeculrtors look silly."
"Bosh nothing! There's the man flat
Rested the Meant scheme ate waled
his ever known."
Keep Iinerd's Liniment I1 No hue.
N..,f.s,J"e itself.
iluk.nt.-what'. all the noise d tea
near of taw store?
Gamed -Ole that's the myth d.O•e►
A Delleat. Compliment.
"Ah, but you w111 get killed I" she cried.
"No danger." he .murmured "T hear'
• charmed 111'.."
By each 1111). epeerhas are wmmea woe.
-New York Journal.
"Hargreaves says he never gn.. 1n r
clety. "
"No; he tried, but he didn'tgo."--Cta-
etnnatl Enquirer
A Rapid nater.
"There were 11 of ns In the family."
"1 001114 have g,. ..rd M much, from
the way yon eat "- Indianapolis Janie/
The greet Inns( heeler is found la •t(At
etrellent.rne.11'ine mold N 8lrkle'. Anti
Cnn.nmptir. Syrup It soothe. sine di,
ml Melte. the 5an5M laty of the membrane
of the throat •nd air pwsangrr, end Ie •
eeverelKa randy for all entighm, wed*,
hoarsen*eq pilo or 5nre115 5 In the ehe.t,
hronehltbe ere. it he. Burd many when
enpptsld tote fee advanced 1• consume,.
The W., • er g1es. .
'fir a sn • lad deg." said tae ems
M ph 11o•opher. "and he will look
knowingly and feel Battened, out If
yea him a Wearable pop bell want
A ('sansei. ha,..,
A1g7-That girl Is wort! halt • ab
Iles dollere, and Clarence hugged het
N or fear hours on the finer last night.
baggy -Ten, aaothor are of belga
premed for money.
n.lpf.l Dairy 18•1..- "-•
Grind the pale th•t pas tend the
Keep the tow warm or the will Ilhrink
h er milk.
Feed the sow all the grain that elm
au utilise.
Prepare to give the err maga water
this slider- _
I'ure air 1e .ev'(wa•ry to the tormatloa
of pars milk.
Take off the bosun. They are melee
sed danxe•r0aa.
When the cow kicks the n n we do
5om.thi0g to pr.'vr*t her repeating tis
When the maw kicks the cow we do
nothing. Ought to tie hie fast to-
1iaud's LlWimeut the Lumbermu's P$IIL
An Irish laborer having .v11 eRO
morning, and In has burry is got tie
cork oft time pet on his trooarve
hind side before. arrived at the build-
ing no which he was working a tittle
late and hurriedly ascended the ladder.
W1.en about half way up he ripped
and fell to the ground. A crowd of fel-
etalow laborers noon seme0Wed, and at
woe beget to shoat. 91,'. dead! He's
geed!!" But Mike, looking elm over
attally and toroth/ hum monad, said,
• solemn tone: "No he's not dead, Wt
a got • terrible hid twist!"
Co.w.t0rwm. alta A..w•re.
Who is a ghostly relative? Haunt.
Who le your sourest relative? Tar
mother i. vtselpar.
What relative is moot welcome I •
foreign Innd? Mother-toogns
Why u $ kitetren astir u good as one
In the drnwthe-room? Beaute, both
ata eat In (..ti0f.
Why •re wand church tossnber, sot
bl•n,nn? Because they are in .efts (In-
T .r1.
*arenas -'4 'here the miniseries didn't
,fer to ,fie creditors the deveese•d left
Bennet -He merely said ,tat hie lues
,could b. telt wherever he wee known.
1•,..,r Throwers.
TIr, Ray -People who live In riser
h omes shouldn't throw Ross.
Mrs. (fay --Ott. but that only applies
to men! A women's throw doesn't
ancient to anything,
H.' -K.; i met ■fford to marry.
Rhe --Why I'm sore tie tailor would
tenet yea fee a demo wk if you men
Honed papa's same.
1st fer Hoard's Littman fel Ute 1e eller.
At the ''h,'•
Ritter fgnrmply)- Want me 5s look
piement. 1 elle?,
i'hotogrettier Not at all, sir! Our
specialty h truthful likenesses.
For 25 Years
ST.JACOBS 01L has cured with
entire sattstaftloa, &only and
promptly. all forged of
Aches and Palfi
Rare this 5.5akls sew, Oats ed Mom by said m..0 TwlNa
ig Mem emelt feed pew Mem wed we
will thee me themeles. ler the Teems bee al! tba boilnacs U.. leo
mid Wise hem 'mew
fully g
Medd may he tesetlm t11r papesegmesees,r
Tag ON till 00, Mestewt 11tidfng, Mien a Out
i.vel Ware .f Premiering Tble average
0.r(... C.S.trl.•.
TM afghan of a ego of ts5 seams
shoat the simplest form of hospitality,
and on lea rune appear. hardly mpabls of
■ ffording much entertainment h re-
mained for two ingenious girls to find
out • way of relieving "afternoon teas"
ed their monotony and men4Mng tbem
truly entertaining.
Tbeee girls had travelled, and lbery had
observed that tea was served 1. different
ways In dlf.rsnt countries. Their Idea
was So prepare 1.. for 15elr goose after
the method of other lands, serving 1t to
All 1M maw 1 ttereselslg ways h eass•••'f
e lan.
They lagan with the linsataa samovar
and tbe Min of lemon es lime. That was
simple euocgb, but the ext "tea" was
more novel. It was a reproduotloa of tbe
Uruguayan mode of w drinking. This
tea of that country was need, prepared
11ke tea, but wllb the drinking
name the really entertaining part of the
affair. -ber, was something far removed
from the hackneyed le the sight of •
group of guests drink'sg tats through
silver sober, mels of whlob had et the
egad • ball like suralo.r, known as •
bombe or bambino. It Is little wont
that ibis tea was pronounced a thorium.
Next on the list was • Mandarin tea,
d wbieb a large •riling one was eta In
• or silver holder. in this nap too
tea was placed end oovwed with boiling
water. Tbe proneos was continued by the
piecing of • little moose Inside the asp
In an inverted position, ;be moose being
of aocb • sl.. that It joss fitted the cop
and kept le the steam and flavor of tM
No. When the tee was drawnl5 was
poured from the big cup litho dainty 118-
tie ones no lamer t(0.n an eggshell
Tbe proems was not easy. tams! gots
MOPS broths sed their contents Iplll.d,
bot the tea was good and the while es-
tsrtalnm.Dt successful
A Java tea, cartel In broad, fiat sups
and flavored with Batavia amain, wag
fourth on tbe program, and was followed
by the Formosa. lo wbloh the tea was
steeped with tea fitment and one or two
orange flowere. The remit wills a perfume
and a flavor of the moat looms* Mod
One of the guests remarked that they
were DOS drnkingles SU mu•b as Wd-
ding bouquets
♦ young lady who tad speed • winter
le the Weal Indies Introduced the plea in
vogue In Martlolgoa the tramp sbe
employed was narrow and rather deep,
resembling the old fashioned 111y cup. A■
aromatic tea wee used, and a peculiar
liquor nada by the monks and by the add
French housewives was added.
Lase of all mine an op-1o.d•ts Paris
L...kter .'erw.rd.
Mrs. Nevar -Do you think My daugh-
ter will he • musician'
Prnf..or- lrant say Rhe Ira? Rh.
dell nor shib goal* eK a long-lived vomlly.
bis•.,. 01 "1..8r.
Johnny -Ray, 9041. did roe ever with
eon had lets of little Soya?
i'.p.--Yrs, my inn, before 1 had
',mane teed, to Nevem • .4ty of
beeifrl.rss, whir the vilWry mond b.
eear* • vast •5oaaplwwt of tamales.
Mee. Celeste Gx,D, Syracuse, N. T.,
write*: "For peer. I could not emit many
kinds of food wlthont producing a bors-
IOc excruciating {vein in m7 stomach. I
took Parmelee'. Pill. according to direr
Dons under the heal of 'Dyspepsia or In-
digestion.' One hot entirely cured me. 1
au •OW eat anything i choose, without
dist rew. ng me in the Ieeet." Them Pills
do not cause pain or griping. and should
Ise meet when • cathartic 1. required.
r. Net.•.
Roble -I always k1es my wits whew 1
Wave the house In the morning.
Dobbin -I've head that some men will
do almost anything ea 5n excuse to get
sway from bome.-Boston Transcript.
1n.1„nwtl,•er • r•dnllty.
9)1.4 you ••7 this r • canvas -h•&
dark, mednm?"
"T did. 1M you donht pry wordT
"No, madam. 1 wouldn't bare doable
d your word had you said M was s
leather -back duck."
"The Sun's market reports
are," says Peter Speirs, o
Mayfield, "the best given by
an per in Ontario. '
This statement expresses the
feeling d every reader of The
The Sun's market reports
arc prepared exclusively for
farm readers and no progress.
ive farmer can afford to be
withou`-. ott1 them.
see 'TE dim
market reports you will insist
on securing that paper no mat-
ter how many others you may
or may not take.
Send your name and address
on post card and a specimen
copy will be sent you free. -- w. oder :LW
Mas MT1s g•am
Western Adeni, eela4111.141 ell
fiT-Mylet soamd. Week Remittent db
for fr the same period for ll.115.
Tie Son and Toronto Daily World fee Mists
p a,tu Ym.
The Sun and Eeesing Glob ire e9 Formai
Address efts relating Co.. Llou.e,1, T.nem
H. (+yrp•ftwtlw17)-Yes ban u
had cold.
She (hn•klt7? -t WW1, 1. am ON
boars* that, If Too attemplaa la Ides
me, I couldn't eves scream.
Is the beat.
Matthias Foley, Oil Cit Olio.
Joseph Snow. Norway, Ude
Chu. Whoot.n, M ulgrave,
Re.. It O. Armstrong, Mutggrraays,
Pierre Landry, senr., Pok.moueke,
N. B.
Thomas,, Sheffield, N. 1e.
nwlllnn'. 5rid..
Bnhhoing-What wakes old Bttllb,,
the mililnnaire, dawn so shabbily?
Rohhing- Prld. of Motion.
"How's (het r'
"He's, afraid of being ml taksm tor •
Meal reser.
Wy... -•t tl$dn't hear the het thing es
the Outage kat night.
DII1psae-That • stung.. Is was stall
rroish hiker everything with MAP
Wy.otl--1 know that; hilt, 7011 ere, 1
d,0,, $ dS {» s n til after the nest thing had
iMeetad.-11ezburr Garter
•.0 t'it: 'sl o oiA.3:-
r. foresaw b. wolnt, morns. fsftwes Tan a
ver.rteraag As 85. . res „+', previa •rmaee W1"'' 4e
w Moor Pram Amina s MEI air
p .85 .Isms. a.5..• ere a 1111.=
name 0.17. reinpoemr. 0. tr..e..' '
55.0.5 W r2.�. w.sw
_i_5_ Ulm e • • ed.e ems.
re. 11. Tomes
The Odorless Crematory ear
General Heating Co.,
T. N. Q.
gig t, ,
re ATTEND TR AEI WtA uuI 11(11hi _
For maw a It d en se a lhamae�MdCek�� Ntmi►
55, A Mortem' C R O�ta�
lea. As•e..emmt Ma. L
g e�"a less
sem fee to •ey bey a cul oven .a
sell tww,e �[.• of ��oa ��pAT[MT
o ..m• mol, Send 7a. t rr
.44.,..�ed d . 1 eeliy
55,100,,, P
•[!TEEN u VILTT Agg$C?
Mi IMeadalhw {L, - Timm
W. 1101 this fie
mote (hell t.•
dare, fer "6ir tale
dee. 1.ave. Cot 1.0
Bur:ose 51 seeomit Arad m
ea Bull ter Arwi4
n,i veer Pre a,er
I ,o. N. 5rnn1r ••
rpms.l. ge11 ,M NW.
e,r• swine yore
(,Merle. return the
resey, mod
A/watch. .
Mabw�^' work.
Meadow lee peer
bt TTOrt
:fl AMMON, et E.
Tweet* OM.
A-: ' l, ..