The Signal, 1898-12-8, Page 2The Signal r num NIS.RY THURSDAY MORNING BY D. M.GILIJCODDY. Toru of aabeerlpdoa t roathoths illit'Ayres'dyes ar 1 L te lm Advertising Ra"iset �,�•1 aed other casual advertisements, loo. ppe.rr Ws.. for first Insertion, ands cent. per Due Isreaehuuhaequeut lu�rtluu. Measured by • a,eaperell scale. sealaoes cards d six line and ander, 16 per year. AdverUsernents of Let, Found, Strayed Site .•Hous Vacant, Intuitions Wanted. and Bust e rre Chem,* Wanted. not excreting $ lutes w nparel I, fl per month Houses on Sala and Farms on Hale, not to ex. geed a 1.100. I1 for gist month, P.c. per suns. %sent mouth. Larger tides in proportion. A.y special notes, the object t of which Is to promote the pecuniary benefit of auy Individual er cowm{any, W Wet be considered an adv.remt ▪ Hummed ged aeeordingly. Local notices In none erell type one Dant per word. no notice ler than 1lo. Local notices In ordinary reading type two eerie ler word. No notice for ler than Soc. Notices for churches and other religiose and benevolent institutions, half rate. Balnrriber• who fall to receive Tea S io.Al regularly by mai, will confer a favor:by aa. ▪ Khen • old and the uew address should be given. • Publisher's Notice. J. C. Le Touted, of Goderlrh, has been ap piloted Local Travelling Agent for the Town. raps od Goderlcb, Colborne, AslWeld and Wa- w•nuah. Loral postmasters over N0 district are also empowered to receive subscriptions to Tim ta0N01_ AU communications must be addressed D. MIGILLICUDDY, TUX tuuaal., Telepbme Call M. Coder -tett, Out. TUWLMILLYe DTItl;,, 8. 1MIb, TIRAFRLIxo OVIDs SRAM/ ?RUNS RAILWAY. Ata1Ta, red Express11.00 am. Eaptetoo 1.10 p.m. nd Express 10.SSO p.m. Pm DUPA•T. asod Eeed xprmExpress / ° e y....... 1.06 lb pp m d to p.m. DENTISTRY. ..aa TIL .C1Y011et. Room. opposite the Post Office. ageOsald Filling, C1011114 and Bridge Work a II T� Exp.rleoea L. M. LABII DD 8., L D.l1_-DENTAL Iargsoa-Latest and approved method. Wall &semi eperttiose. Preservation of the asteral teeth a •pelalty. Office : Cor. West 1t. teed 8geers (op s atr.1. /tontines on West st J• M. TURNEOLL. D.D,R, LD.8.-DENTAL Ba (taly assoelatsd with Dr. Dixm, 01 J1 me- ads! . Gold and porcelain. - adml teeth s 00.004 on gold or aluminum bass, the presereation at the niter I teeth Ones Ietteneee evenn McLe 's new block. Matt( MEDICAL. WHUNTER -PHYSICIAN SURGEON. it- Office: Broom street, the residence W117 occupied by Dr. Night calls from residence. Tdepio LEOAL AND CONVEYANCING. ADCTIONEERINO. irrillOMAS OUNDRY, AUCTIONEER AND laes0t' Agent, Oodertcb. Out. ♦ggeent gg,,..����s. and Lancashire Fire ire Co., the Gore Osstrkt Mutual Ise. Co. tales extended to In any part of the comity. M V _TORN IN02 GENERAL AUCTIONEER •ad Lod Valuator. Goderfch Out Hav- ing W considers/Me experience In the aaction- wlh borough on alt nwmmWlons en - sena( wad o-- eere, positionW discharge emoted to koo len t Bazton's hotel w set by melt tow address Goderirh P. 0.. .•.lolly attended Ie. JOHN KNOX, County aeeteoa*er. llst.lf TORSORIAL ARTIST. • ?RITZILY, TONBOiIIAL ARTIST. Plot Int • and Odd Baths on promises. lSee•••4tdsssing, iampodn` and every other requirement care - Sally attended to, and n ne but emapltset bands rr ae d. McLean new nook. sent dser to j Lxeheing. betel. 1AARIAGs 1.1010112111. W IRB LANE, UIR OF MARRIAGE /J- • menses, Oodericb. Oat. ss 4.17 Lt RN1r1T REATON-BARR14TER, ROLICI- tor, Notary Public. Camden Bunk N Oemtmere. Chambers. tbs./Moue, Ooderlcb. saw -17 E. CAMPION, Q.C.-BARRISTER. SOLICI tor, Notar a (Ake over Medical Hall, Spar, Ooderlch. M • O. JOHNSTON-BARRISTER, SOLICI- Miff tor, Commissioner, ke. Money to hen. Ogees: Cor. Hamilton and St Andrew's streets, , Ostt. 1104 EATti--BAI RISTER, SOLICITOR. North st., next door 141011•L}ice Wittde to lend at lowest rates d rmerest Sohn fNARB0eWass i rROUDFOOT, BARRISTERS, narrow Q.0.,W Prroludf000tic•. Ouderich. J. T. QAYERON, HOLT a HOLMER, BARRIR- tsn, Solicitors In Chancery, .con Gnd,•rich. 1. C. Cameron, Q C.. P. bolt, Dudley Holmes. J 0. WARD, CONVEYANCER, ie., AND • eommlrloner for taking and receiving rerognlzances d bail, affidavits or affirmation.,o- deposition. or solemn declarations In or con - , action suit or proceeding In the itIt ort 01 Justice, the Court of Appeal for n. or In any County or Division Court. All transactions carefully and promptly eze- ooted. Realdeuoe and P. O, addre e-Dnngan- son. Out 154401 4- LOAIfre AND iNRURANCR, IIIKONIT TO LOAN -FIVE PER CUT AKA Mone a 1 effio On farm" torintoorr'sell. vHouses and Iota W •set er for sale. E. N LF W 18, Barrister, God - /1 /MAGER, CONVEYANCING AND IA sureties once, oppo•Its Martin's hotel, Goderleb. le/0NET TO LI1ND ON MORTGAGE AT Ma to pro rent. Notes discounted. G. SEA• •*R- Opine : Opposite 1arda's MOGI, Gode- L' • J. T NA $TEL -FIRE, LIFE AND ACCT - dent Imuran•• Aunt; at lowest meas. OSe.: Ca. North -et and Square, Ood• ieh. 74 MONEY TO LiND A LARGE AMOUNT �ssayancesl .f P//rtnsra ��te�s..4es,010. for tnvestmcnt at lowest ROw i FROUDFOOT� es Apply to GAR - & RADCLIIVE-OKNIRALINet1RANCR, Real theta and Money Loaning Agent. /m•ete11 pmyao Fra represented. Money w Rra1gM Isere, at the lowest rate of thy way to soli the borrower. from Rgnare, West street, sue of >Raw 1AQnnot 41041. NtW YACRINR *ROPR-ALL KIND! OF Rrpalr Work dome at Reasonable Prices Iherwih,g Impl.menta f,r sale. Mscbl,.ry. new mad wood hand, b,ught and Sold. muglnr V Bolles Inc ea •. Bates, old vector. ■!1&0'2 ee.r err Vlrtrwla and r"alear Streets. 1. tl'ER R(!NCIYAN. g}tl •leach Aa &Cho» Beg V.. :h• Oeaat-Ah, se P. i00b 85ngn., OA en Enlist Wes m masa weer M hes loth ear se lady. k* swear M atm yam et mr.1y. M mow gad Marra yields., s roam at Lek DOINGS OF THE WEEK • ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM AROUND THE WORLD Pr.a., ) ..1.ated awl Pre..rved la rllhy Peragrayke ter 01. P 1 el croon lent, People - Peres eat. Pal ur.i and r...•lakl.. SUICIDAL George Finlay, aged 91, while 111 went Se the ballast wharf al 88. John, loaded bls pucka" will .tans and jumped ova. His dead body was recovered. "PORTING. The work of ouastrootiag the yacht Bbamruoa for SU Thomas Lipton, the challenger for the America Cup, will be oowmsno.d during the coining week Mr. William Fife, she naval architect, le to build the racer. TME KLONDIKR. Tbel. are now 196 steaut.,, navigating the Yukon River. A gold nuggae voluted at 860,000 was Shipped to Europe on eaturday by the Cunerd.r Luuola. Tia.0uggee was found In the Klondike and 1s the property of 11. Maitland Kersey. Jf ilWAIllft r' Aft a .Juanes reime of Norte Dumfries,-ts deal: C. W. Couldock, the well known rotor, died in New York al 9.30 on Sunday 005\1, 1.v. 14..1. B.rkwell, M A. pastr of MoC.nl Street Methodist Charon, To amt, Is dead. Mr. William 11.0, father of Mr. 1401 Ilam Hell, the well known plaou and organ a"oofwturer of Guelph, has lately pens W away in Dumfries, Scotia,* •t the age of 96. THE WICATYICR. The cold snap 1s causing trouble and Ianxl.sy ID Montreal ttluping circles. '9i0e iat ocean vessels of the season had • close Mayo In getting •way. Great havoc ham bees wrought through out Philadelphia and the enure gate of Penn.yivanla by the blistered of Sunday, In Canada, New Mrunswbk has suffered the went. The first seven s.ow.terO of the win- ter struck New Yerk Saturday. A foot of snow 1e11 and the wind whizzed about the streets en • n0 -mile an -hour rata Teem wen dents 0. feet htgt. Trolls) knee were knocked out. TAR PIRR RECORD. Ward's fanning m111 at Caaraqul was barbed on Thursday. The reeldence of tO°"I,IeYer">HHeye.ok 'hid a barrow escape several them. '11. Stevens Manufacturing Compamy, braes founder* of Loudon, Ont , suffered a loss of between 53,000 and 810,000 on Wturday nlgbt as the -0.008 of a ere. Grant's Mush Hall, •t Ibe wrath of Spark.. and Bank streets, Ottawa, was burned down Sunday night. The build Lag 1s gutted, and the roof foil In. TM lose will be about 44,000. FOR YEN Or WAR. The Japanese aral,er Kassel, built by the Cramps of Philadelphia, 055• arrival td Shields, Eng., on her way 80 Japan. Most of the wild rumors about Mane lek, the Abyssinian, Dome from Home. wb.re Menelek to somewhat of • bogey. Marshal Hiaaoc on Saturday [ormeily resigned she otoea 01 Governor and (2.p talo General of Cuba In favor of General Jimenez Ca•tellanes. The Unused Si,.Mtransports Arizona and Ohio have arrived •t Manila and landed their troops. There was very little Wetness and no deaths en the voyage. RAILROAD RUYOLIROS. A son of .1. J. H,11 Is to be appointed general matager of the B. • 0. Haltroad. lila tashsr btw.tht Isles up la *he bust - bees. It Is .85404 that the big deal by which She Chloyo A Alien Railway will pees under the oobtn1 of the Penaslyvatla will men M ce•eumm•Wd. A8 the o .fer..ce held on Saturday afternoon between loperlsendent Fitz Loeb of the Grand Trunk and Heparin. tendons Price of the Canadian Pacific 80 enquire lase the caps. of the accident at Port Credit tam week no decision wa arrived at, sad the mooting wa pest pelted Indefinitely. rv1011LY PRRIONAL. Sir Henry Irving I. making so slow • recovery that probably be will not leave Glasgow for three weeks, Sir Henry de Villiers, Chid Justice of Cape Colony, Is about to retire tilt Henry visited Canada during the Colon - Sal conferee'''. The impression U gaining strength In Paris that WhI401aw Reid will be the beet United States ambassador at 810 Covet of S.. James Landon Lancet announce. Holt the Prinoe of Wales has completely recovered from the aooldeot 10 his knee: Hi. Royal Higbnose Ie Ming 11,11\17 congratulated The United Haase Charge d'Affaires!, Mr. Henry White, sod Mrs White, dined at Windsor Castle with. the Queen tart seeming. and passed ties nigh. •1 the meths. The proprietors of the Londou Sand.rd leave given • young man named Maxwell, sent out be that paper to report the cam- paign In the Soudan, 510,000 et • token of his employers' satisfaction. • Sir George Kirkpatrick ha been seri- *u'ly 111 nor the pelt week at his home on Simcee street, Toronto, owing to the retina of his old trouble, but M Sunday sleet be was rooting eater. CA$VALTIRS. Jam.. E. Pates:Ina of Aa readv.d • flash five laches In length In his Grin by mann witb a circular law In the FlelRy Works. Total Melee to date of the present bunting season In Mlnhlgan and Ontario ere: K.IIod a, wounded 6. The least wa• DIo Lio\, aged 19, at Lawton, Mich. August's' Palml.aee', .n italiao fruit peddler, was roasted 80 death In a fin that de.troyed Ns stn In the Chippewa Market, Buffets, on Saturday morning. The lumber -laden 'Moonier Maria Annette is ashore on Charity Shoal, near Kingston. 1'b. Calvin Company sent a tug to assist her, but the weather was se rougb the tag could not remain alongside. While out shooting quail Tbankegiting Bay David Mono of Leamington had an *7• snrldentally shot cot by the prolan tan erpla t:a of • companion's gun. One eye 1• oomplst.ly destroyed and the other infrared. Joseph Cbarron went from Gatineau Point a menta age to the 1141111211, woods of Miobigan. Lost Thursday w was k111 - ed by a tree ta111ag en alai, And Friday ■labt 051. body was resolved al his C.ab- dtan Mme. Robert Ferguson, she prlval. of tis 14th Battalion who was kicked In the head by • horse during the sham fight, was ato a leave the Imminent, Hospital •e Toronto on IMday and go to hit Immo lu Hamilton. CUMIN AND CRIMINALS. Cable Raueetry of Chatham has boon •rvsend, charged with deserting bar It 6.l The rondos, Eng., pairs arrested sled grebe, daring lard mar the surprising nomher of 101,116 puree's, Mr. J. F. Rett, eolbleor, Tomtits, who was arrested ea • charge et lawn gat pr'fory, boo been eslea.ed 5. hall. A am hes beam arre.sad as Mamma, flab, •a tm*teLL_ m i4. M..pllalty wink Lueobeul le the murder of 1L, Kmuress et ♦uetrla. Two negro soldiers wen killed cad three wounded sod eight white men were wounded in the eget as AunletN, Ala., on 1'bureday. R. N. O'Brya■ et Montreal Tow. Topics wee esn4000ed oo 'Tbured•y 40 one month's imprisonment ter publishing l m w oral literature. Tb.. 1s talk of the death seotenes of Mann, the Mousreal murder, Ming oommutted 85 life Imprlsoum.al, owing le the dleooveey of new evidence. Ralph 14. Wlrebaok, oon,loted at Lon- esome, Pa., of murdering U. H. Landis lest April, has bean refused • new trial, sod was on Saturday sentenced to be bengal. Alex i McDonald, • former ooll.otor for Mr. A. Campbell, M P.. of 'Toronto Junotlon, Is sick le the (Jethro' Hospital, Toronto, with typhoid teeny. 14• has hem placed under arrest o• • charge a ma- bexeling 81,000 trim Mr. Campbell. Dr. A. Conan Doyle has stepped ono* mortlnt the controversial ring, with Michael 1Mw1N as his opponent. Dev181's statement that the kugllsb In lbs United Mtates are •odeavoring M use the United Staten for their own ends, serves as the present casae be111. lleruert U. Mereweatb.t, high con. .85185 of Wellingtogotineoarr, Ont, went tp }}g� o. ..arch ore w*eat tbl1•s2i. Ivii'a the Jail, saw John Kann and Identl°ed bum as the wheat thief. Kelley mined to tome beck to Canada for WW1 without extradition Mrs. Robert 'Taggart of 14 Sydenham street, 'Toronto, the womso who was es brot•Ily assaulted by her husband with a hammer ID t0e yard al the mar of 411 Batton street early Friday morning, died st the General Hospital at 8.30 a.m. on t(arurday. An Inquest was begun and ad- journed until Tuesday elgbl Aged Mr.. Wynn, the richest resident of Hrooklen 111 , and owner .f haat e1 She tows wtllsb lies thrum ebe river from St. Louis, Mo., was murdered-Voriday night or early Saturday morning by rob - ben, who oat her throat aed left her dead in the front yard, after ranseeklag the house. Tb. murderer or murderers most have obtained considerable money. Robert 'Taggart of Toronto reported ed the pollee that b. bad 0511 his wife with • hammer. The couple were separated, the wife keeping the three children by selling milk, a.d he wanted her so live with bum again. He w.. arrested ani re- manded ter • week, pending the result of the woman's Injuries. Her forehead was beaten almce8 to a pulp, and the doe - tore say she cannot line ONCL 1 ..iri ED. The following are the G.T.H. earnings from Nov. 16 to 91: 1898, 5413,598; thin, 8504,480; Increase, 58,618. Ie Is expected that the U.led States will lake Orme' possoesloa of Cuba a few days earlier than Jan. 1, the date origin- ally set. A writ has been Issued on behalf of the Merebanta' Hank of Canada against Hobert Berryman, wool merobant of Hamilton, for 890,014.017. Several st lbs Turkish Ministers who -Abu,nted memorials to the notion advo eating reforms in W Km,,lre w111 be demised ay the Sultan. The Behring Sea case Is closed as far aunt* International Cemmisfon is con. corned, 5xoepe the formal disposal, which will take place on Monday. Advice. from Khartoum say E.glisle_ and French gags are new flying aloe( the Wake of the Bahr-el-tibazal River, and It 1. • question which will be withdrawn. Then is mach suffering bemuse of goods Dear Dublin, Ireland. is the dil- ute; around Ih-um000dra, two mljes theta of the city, scores of ammo aro u nder water. The total deetbs for October la the Provinoo .1 O■tins arc 472. iron scarlatina 14, diphtheria 39, measles 4, whooping 000gh 1, typhoid fever 64, euberculosls 161. Remnants et the lmmease buffalo h orde, sacs me0•r'a05..1 the Mariobe parrs, MU exist ace far north of Win- n ipeg. ♦ Swale River maim reports have lag mos three daring Iles past week - The lett eeu..0 oblate the Miami Ia. diene will over ►elJ was adJsur.o/ .8 Wichita, Ia.., oa Saturday. TM, Nee• powerful nibs has dwindled to .boat e5 tall-bloolol members. Tie meeting war grease ls Th. •nel-Insportalist League, tbr.ugb Hi secretary, Mr. Irving Wlasliew of Here Iles, bas submitted • pretest te President McKinley against any extension of sew- orNgny of the United Sates over the Pklllpplao Ialanoa Man len .0d Northwestern butter will again have to oontnd.4 Vancouver, 11.0., with the Australian variety. ♦taw 8r.11.. and New Zeeland shippers last Winter and meth( obtained • gond pates and will try it again. Qslburn, Fuller & Co., boos and shoo ma0afaeturen of Bee40n -. and N.H., ens of the *Ideal ant: mopl� st anent boot and shoe lrms In New Reg- inald, have made a voluntary assignment The ilabllitles ars stlmeted •t 8900,000. The amount of assets Is not known. A strange disappearance Is causing the tenuity and pupils of Demill College a8 8t. Catharines • great demi et worry and the parents of the young lady much un - samisens. Miss Glo0ay t.f Cayuga, a pupil of Ibe college, has hot been teen since last Monday. Her fathe In Cayuga was soalO.d, and be Is now seerehing for her. So tar his efferta have been futile. Bofors leaving the college she sent sine of hen Mat clothes to relator.. near Cayuga, and left • note saying she would not need the clothes again and to give them away. The ran.•, between looks 9 end 1, we dntgged en Friday for the body. ri..wrr• w-lthnnt Amrll. ity far the grenteet number of now - ern have no smell et alt. For lnertmoce, of the 4.200 amities of dowers Ire Fin rorty ntJy abut ten per ewtt. give forth any odor. Tb. errmmonest dowers are white ones, end of thee* only e- sixth are fragrant. Merest O.r Accident, -Mr. Thoma. 8nbin, says: "My eleven year old boy had his foot badly injured by being run over try P eA• on the Street Rallway. We at onoe commenced bottling the foot with Dr. Thomas' Bolectric Oil, when the dis- coloration and swelling was removed, and lit nine data he could nes he foot. We always keep asbottle ih the hoops ready for any emergency." The 15n. an.w•r.' "'Mood. The much deapie d and mangled skunk hen it Met found Melilla who M- al net, cherish and encourage bit. They art the hop growers of New York state, who find the skunk their stain reliance to keeping down • • very detrnoflve grub wbkb otherwise would nun tisk erepS. They Never Fall -Mr.. A M. Bough - nor, Langton, writs., "For •hwrnt twr years i was troubled with In weed Piles but N7 using Parmelee'* Pills, i was row plet.y envied, and although foot year. hen .lap..d "Inca then they have net re- tnrneel." Parmelee'• Pills ere anti - hi lInns and a *peeler for the rare of i.Iyer and Kidney Cmmplalntw, Dyspepsia, Coe- tl.en.ss, H..rlaeh., Piles, *ns., and w111 regulate the sweetiena Gad move all bilious matter. ST. VITAS DANCE. A Trouble That Causes Its Victims Much Inconvenieno•. Winfred 5.\01.84, .f 0..pere0u, N.5.. Tell. Mew ■. ',braised a Speedy sett r.r..auut Cure. From The Acadieu, Wdtville, N.& '1 be many caeca brought to his notice of rrsidents in this vicinity being cured hush physical disorders through the• agepcy of Dr. Williams' P1ok PUO, lutve created in the mind of Tae Act - dam representative a slntrre belief Ai the healing pdwteta of this remedy. Vet withal he wee a little incredulous the titian* day wheu told of • young noon who had. been ousel of a very se- rious and deplorable diocese by the use of only two boxes of these lime mira- cle workers. It seemed impossible that such a retnarkable beating could be wrought even b7 I)r. Wilkens"' Piok !'ills in such abort order. Acoon ingly,he was Iltlseta.ed of a strong begirt to im vc,di ta(r•• lir. Winiaod .ils4010.4, of tits' jR77!•Op 11, wee the add/ma- givenW by oar-lnfnepgnt, and -none - were -Oct leitg in hunting him up We Towel Mr. Scl•o/eld to be a brig*lt young man at about twenty years of age aed of mon than ordinary intelligence. Ills ale of candor and Straightturward,.ess die - pelted any doubts we way have had. lu . very few words b5 stated to us his nage. "Two years ago," be said, "1 was taken with an attack of 81. Vitus Dauer. Hometi ea when at work 1 found that IW (hopes would all at oast etn.ighten out, and 1 would be'coalpN- kV to drop anything I was holding. (he ,day f -was. aiag_ au exie when ateissd With ono of thew attack.. The axe .tipped from an hands and lei' f1a1bog struck my foot end gave it a nasty ctrl After that you thin depend upon it i left axes aloe*, end it was not long be- fore I had to give up osiug any ki.d of tool. My complaint rapidly grew worse, and 1 was soon unfitted for any wort of work. Dverythiog possible was tried by me la coder to get relief, but I got no better. At last one day a neighbor of mine, Mr. Fled,Fletdisig, who had been cured 'tile the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, advised me to gin. them • trial, offering to pay for them himself if they den .i,,t help the. ,Ae It turned out, he was nate enough in mak- ing the offer. I followed hit -advice, but had scarcely begun to ole them when I began to feel very much bet- ter. Atter using two boxes i was per ft•t•tly cured. and have never been trou• bled with the complaint since. I am con- fi4e•n that to Dr. Wiliam"' Pink Pills slope i owe my core" 17r. Williente Piok Pills oleate Dew Alt red, build up She nerves, and thus drive disome from tete spats. • 11 hum died*. of &seg they have cros *flier all other nteajidnee. have railed. etua alstnb- lial4ng the elaim that they an a mar- vel among the triumphs of modern med- ical oriel**. The genuine Pink Pilo are sold only la boxes. bearing the hill trnde mark, "Ilr, Williams Pink Pills tor Pale People. Prnteet yonruelf from imposition by refusing any pill that does not bear the ergintt•nrd trade Durk around the box. if ls doubt, said di- rect to Dr Williams' Medieirh. On., Brockville, Oct., sod they will he mail- ed to you poet pad at 50e. s box, or •ia boxes for 52.50. T.I,.noe. Ar. Not 10.r.. Then are 072 knows volcanoes to the world, of which 270 are active; 80 in America, 24 in Asia, 20 in Africa; Java has 100, 28 active. Ia New Zea- land, within ah area of 127 miles, there are rt4, ranging from 190 feet to 0100 feet in height. Iia. d's LIllattil 1 Lskrmtu's Pr1n11. 0..... R..ev tta4sit.t•. A substitute for hooey has been In hudaced in (,erinowny needier the moue of sugar honey. end 0005.50. of auger, water, minute emounta of mineral sub- stance and free add. 9T•11 OP 0111,. CITY nr T"Ltlo, M IAICA.Grnt1T. f F*•.z J. Cu.vcr makes oath that he M the leo o- partner of the Or of F, J. (Veen & G.. d" ng booties In the Cit o' Toledo. Goody and tunicafarrnv1d, and ''a1 wild arm will ley for rum of IiNE HCNDI1ID D'LLARS trn each • .d every . at. of Catarrh that Bann' t be rare by the use of H•r.1.', C. T•ug (tr'ig. FRANK J. CHENEY. Rreorn to bei -ere me and eut.erilfed in m) pro Y•1re, this nth day et Dec.mber, A. 0., net { aa•L } A. W.OLRARON. 1r teary Publlc- ff. 1 • catarrh Curs l taken internally and arts direr tly on the Aland and mucous surface* of ti.,, system. Rend Inc flif.rnnnlal* free F. J. CHFNEY t CO., Toledo, 0. OW Sold by Druggist*, 100 - Mme r..* of Memory. A German' sflent1.t elalma that the r.,emory Is staenge, In summer then in winter. He says that among the w orbit foes of the memory are too mneh food, toe mach physical exercise card tun much *decades. 0(nw t' Caro H.wlache.-"tonne people *offer untold misery day after day with lle,ulacbe. There is rest neither day or nicht until the nerves are all un•ttung. 1 he cause is ;tonerally • disordered etrim- ach, and *cure can be effected by neiixg Psrmelee'■ Vegetable Pills, containing 1laudrake and iandellon. Mr. Finlay Wurk, Lysander, P. V., writes: "I find Parmelee'. Pills • Irst-iataa article for HI lion* Headache." Wl.. ale D14.'4 Get the Last Weird. Wife -What would yen do If you had no wife to look atter your mending, I'd like to knowt Husband -Dot Why, In tbs. ow I •ould afford M but new olothes-'ond5a ?Wars. ' here never was, and never will he, a noir-este! panacea, to one remedy, for all his to which flesh 1s heir -the very nature of many ctrrative. Ming 'loch that were the germs of other and differently neared dimmers routed In the *velem of tie patient -what would relieve one 111 In turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, In Gamine Wine, when oht.Inable in a aonnd unadulterated stare, a remedy for many end grey intim ills. lit- he gradual and judicious nee- the fralle,t e7.temor gee led into convalescence •nd strength, he the Influence which tjml- nine exerts on Natnre's own restorative• It relieve* the drooping Writs of chow, with whom • chronic tors of "morbid de.- pe"wleacy and lack of Interest In life 1. • dl.eaae, and, by traruqulllaing the nerve. d, -poo* te sound and refreshing sleep-. Imparts' vigor to the action of the blond, which, being stimulated, market through- out the velar, trengtbening the healthy animal taealll.os et the system, thereby molting iinlNty • ter autry remit, atrengtkgrt.f the frame. And giving life to the digestive organs, which nataralty demntid Increased tlhaanee--rs.n11, lar preyed appetite. Northrop & 1p roan of 'Inmate, ham siren to the public thele aurerinr QnlnIne \Cine at the mail 17M, .red, golden! by the opinion of selentistry this wlee apprnehes aeereat perfection el nor In the market All grantees 'stilt BRAINS OF CHILDREN. ezperles.at. t. 5.. Yew nue\ They May r. Ra.r.lard oaf.lr. How �a0ab happier the lives of tie thou aDa1M of children earring •oboe. would 1*;N only women-asoI►ere and IeaobeRoiMrser understand the nature and llml8tiun of their brain .011., ways I.M. Phlladelphla inquirer. Snob knew' eida5 Is so be had, as very Important *x perlmsnei and deductions have recently Men made by elenel8. Investigators. bus 14 always Mks. as aer,.aoo*ble length of time for such knowledge to be- come geoenl. Anew 96,000 tarts by the educators In Arthritis, It bas been absolutely demon- strated, for Instance, that the length of time that • child six years of age 0.11 000oentr•e Its mind doss not mooed seven minutes; and that all efforts 6o matins Its attention upon one subjeut beyond this limit are woes* than useless. This power of oonoentratlon Increase' slowly • 18 the ace of eight a child's at- enelun may be welly held too minutes. ♦1 the age of 19 051s mind should not be riveter.] upon one subjects longer than 17 minutes. It M. therefore, • great mistake to keep a child of lb's ase-uy at the piano, more than 16 minutes; afar • ebange of 000upatlon, anotber quarter of an bous'a Practice will be of Incalculably more benefit than lbs attempt 10 00e - linos work after Mala and nerves have •issoom. fatigued. Indeed, most of the Inattention and restlessness of oblldren may be explained aeon 1be physical bails. A ho,'s brain, tot example, undergoes • aortal° shrink- age at the age of 14 or 16. 18 actually tangles less than i1 the age of 19 and 16. Tbls fact ezplalns the careles•less, last nets and general unreasonableness of boys of 8051" age. Satiates show that • large proportion of boys leave school at about 8051. 11,.. It 15 altogether probable that It pareats and towbars realised that the proverbial lawlessness of boys of 14 mutely evtdeoeed a temporary condition ef+'bralarsells, • men -eL.fhem would be patiently guided throng\ the period, te take up their studies • year or two lacer with meowed Intereel. The same tests Lave eenol0slv.ly proved teas the brain of • child 15 always most &eine between 8.80 and 11.30 0. the morning A11 lessons, therefore, re - cloning the .xerelse of their reasonjeng power -noel as arithmetic and grammar, ' booth be at this hone. It ►aa been fur. Ver ded°ood that the average child, un- hampered by Ended and systems, may have easily mastered 051s arithmetic by the time he la 12 years old. Sal•attsts have also discovered that U 405. brain mows governing the inose' serves mare aw0SVee•ped earl the ftp' of 16, then Is no chanes whatever of 50y Misr development; which fact Is • power- ful argum.n: 1. "avow of r 1 train - leg le the public schools. The majoriny of children arc so active that they develop theU own brains and nerves So a nerals anent along these lines When they fall 40 do so, we get the tramp cad the "love... It L a phy.Ieel ImpoWblllty to esquire .kilt and dexterity In any are anises the founda:lon has been lath 1a .Ibe formation of brain cells and the training of the 1140401 nerves "fon the ase 01 le. Tl. Practical ati.etrlelpa, The lengths span of Wleereph who 1. the world 1s In iodl., ono ,W }Over Klstna. ro heaver 6,000 fee&Id length. Germany has more electric siren raid. ways than any other European 5000trw. Next in order Dome France, Ragland, 1851y, Hwttaeriand, Spain a.d Belgium. There are 9,486 tel.pnoo . In the eer- vigm of the Mexle.o Telephone Company. The rental, In dirt 9s amo0nseo ea 1191,614, and she company made nen 00101111,11 1n Mailers of /47,671. In osetale soadirons or she atmosphere eleetrol;y Is so abundant on the sop of Um sesame Massa Lea In Hawaii that the Kngllah geologist Guppy found that be 000ld *see eleetr" losers with hia lagers on his blanket. A0 Amino. Inventor 'Mims 40 haus invented an sl cvloal apparatus by the use of whine • person may re 1. • dart room and look at a somas to soother port et the town, regardless of corners, thew mating buildings or nay ether *brtroe- alooa. The Inventor of the Dew 1neore- men4, wh)b Is milled • "teraaeb*r," claims that 051. ■ppllanes tra0.nlle 11(188 waves Jost as sound waves are earned ever the wire by electricity. • Me /1 .o•g•.1 1t. A ••mall wealthy man bee set Ms nep- hew °p in business three times, nus the young man lecke something aesentlal to srocees In the mercantile direction and failed with each effort. When be carne with the fourth request for financial bucking lbs uncle demurred. "You must learn to than on yourself," he sold. "I can carry you all your 111.. It would be an unkindness In me to keep supplying you ulth money 80 carry on enterprises that Invariably end In tailors. 1'11 0.11 you what 111 do. You owe • good deal as the result of that last 'spec.' Pitch In on your own hook and go it alone 1111 you pay 8boile debt. off. When you've done that, 111 give you a check for all they amount to. Such an experi- ence would do you more good than all the money I could glee you now. Three months later the nephew welted In with every claim renelpted In full and the noels wt. delighted as he gave the promised chorine. "That's something like It now, and 1 warrant yon feel nil the better for the bard traloing. flow did you manage, Tom?" "Borrowed the money. mmol. " Now the old gentleman is telling every one that there le the maklog of a great financier in hie nephew. -'I it- lilts. n..u,. In4ereors, "Are there any good mining locations M111 open rep then, ' Returned Klondlker-i ehonld my so. Yon non go there acd take your pick. Placer Enquirer -Gran Soottl It 1 ata go and take my choice -- Returned Klondlker-( didn't ray that. I mid you *tail take your pick. Hot you 11 have to use It In somebody else's Mixings. -awe Inquires - Oki -Chicago Tri- bune Anything to fi.0 • Wheel. in the advertising columna of a Ger- mon ermon paper of recent date appears the •ulonueernent that "a medical atndent wi.hes to exchange a ' well preserved skeletal ger a bicycle," et /'tine: A t 01.5) IN OKI DAT • T Its Lantiv. Bromo Quinine Trans All Nowt .r rens' d t le m nu• t' if tt (t s eo earl pie ,, In.rn1 1..-..o..•.. of s• eta, Plenin bag greeter mineral remakes Ner co Oleic any other In Sare run log Iron, napper, time. diver esti- mon', quicksilver, lead and fneetlaa. T D..Mlag Re... Jeka Revs. -Have 7o* ostensivg oneninbi at the house where you board/ fi•beet.-Ysr, 1a tie cafes Ask hr Skates West fat tdlie N OIL The •.It .1 the 04.eaa. 11 hes Assn restated slut If the whole seeds were dried np, all the nem jaasing sway as vapor. die •acme. M ..It se Ila.lafaf would he maongh theses, 1,660 l/a gran mllss with • atm ems mile Mbk. True Nn.pll.II,y, In • New Hantneblre village teary waterloo are told of is former "wieldy tit 101.0 had a warm heart, hat • tongue that did not always otter 610 reel meaning One oold winter day he opened ha door to see the minister. looking chill and sired, wading horse through the snow after an hour spent with a nwdy but ■ npleaeant parlaklont r, "Come in, canon, own* stabs Int" he galled cheerily, warms 0501 arse• with bospltable intent. "My wife will wake • rousing fire to warm you op. le's well * carted tarn ly, parson. 146611 make 11 10 bol you can't stay la the boos' 0ftssn talnu8ss0" Traveling bolt. for Eooaomleal nrld.a Nast traveling sults for Weal not blessed with an abundance of riche' are ut sloth, Venthisen or b'saditash,-wife the jacket warmly them -lined. -With a Jacket salt a .115 .050,8 waist lined with perculln. 1s worn. A mon expensive rlhtb costume would be oombloed with velvet and fur, and with It would be horn • silk or cloth blouse If a jacket Is worn - Ladles' Home Journal. We believe MIN AIM'S LINIMENT is the best. Matthias Poles, Oil City, Out. Joseph Snow, Norway, Me. Chas. Wbooteu, Mulgrave, N. 8. Rev. R. 0. Armstrong, Molar.* N,8. Pierre Landry, Bear., Pokemouche, N. B. Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. H. 11.r111ataq Library Beek. 1n order to prevent the spread of fidse tome by means of library books, p star ilixtng apparatus has been brought out la New York. It consists or a doulllse. walled box of Iron, is wA4th .i, .betyrt, for the reception of the books. 1 Free and easy expectoration Immed- iately relieves and frees Ibe throat end lungs from viscid phlegm, and • medicine. tbai promotes this in the best medicine to the for cougha, cold., Inflammation of the lungs mud all affection• of the throat and cheek This Is precisely what 'tickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is • apecifc tor; send wherever used It has given unbound- ed eatlatacttoa Children like it because it Is pleasant, adults lite 1t became It re- li•res and cures the dise.se. Hard no M.,. "Toa don't seem to Uympatbise with your husband', insomnia." "No; he bee the snoring ktee' Irep'thud's 1.1tlLe2t i tie Bowe 1110•t.. Rr.w. •r.am. T. maks Hooton brown Most, mix Tasks, rya, whet. wheel Bolen sad Li- llian meal In proportions of ow sap 1ssb with • eesp et molasses, se which le add- ed • waspooallpl et 4iso1 pd Isltrar! 4-s. plat of botlermilk. Tido bread ie boiled ter 1n boors. -Ladle.' Home JoorneL The 111148rl.g..1 084••"t1. Why ploy the ragged poser la Am.tsia rich people are Seeking M • "ewe" whew the Ann aKtsls w hish le M ge naked. Aad Om are hassled mere0.ayy slow MANY GO INSANE. Women's Burdens Are Heavy, and Hard to Bear, ✓ ola• nolo'. Yldn.y Pill. ♦re Owed - Thee 1118.s... of Won.. Are Cared, .nd aog.rl.g Comm. -cam 511.. Toronto, Nov. 27. -The daily (lapses from day to day contain reports of the "rucking of once happy homes, through the Moronity of mother,.. whose riasoa ILA been destroyed by illness. 1 1\ omen's burden" are trap and be- vy, nod heel to bear. 'llney are, so a elle, loan in silence. for women don't want to 'Deur the expeme of railing la the• doctor; they don't w ant to worry their husbands. 'They motion* .offer in,; In silenew, while their ailments era .opping their strength, uodermlo0ag their health and teaaun, and bnrrylog them to the grave. it is needle•as to roll In a doctor la most of such casts. The suffering in - mai. can core bera.if at very amen et. pewee. Ilodd'a Kidney Pills are the remedy she Deeds- It. eedyI. flinty -nine or every htundred rases o' "Female Oomplain o," the tronbls lea its origin In diennsrd I9 0. y* Very soon the urinary nod r'pvndnetive or- gan. are involved, ■red the *offerer hes ec'me5 a frail and wanted shadow a her fo rows .elf. By restoring the Kidney. to .onnd health, sol iso ensuring their prompt and proper action, 'Female Oom- pin. ata" can be quickly, thoroughly tai permanently eared. Mrs Klin Ilbw.nn, 040 Gerrard It. E-, iia di.eover,d the valets of Dolta's Kidney Pill, le thew COMM. Rho write.' "For leer a1* years 1 suffered Intensely from Palpitattes of the Heart and 111e - Dale Weakness. One of Tbt'rato's bet doctors attended me, end I used mats afferent medicines, but got no relief, tR I aged Dodd'. Kidney Puha i have When e4gbt boxrin and am cam- plMely cored." Dodd'. Kidney Pills will do for ail s,ffering wolawl what they did for Mrs. Tanana, Test there. They'll nowise" Toe by curing Ica. a 111... R.11w.v. R7 meals of a valuable toughening proeea5, recently discovered. gloss tray sow the moulded foto Martha sad end as railway deeper* Clam kills are also prodnrsd by thSu same toughening prvmea. it is. therefore, possible as hey. • enn.4kte glow. r.ilway. The glees ra0l• art turned old le alien and Anon ..liar to those of the eraser, tete rel.. They are far tragher ae7 malt Hos onion of the elemesta pare felenuandlly Mae .tett. /Bud's UMW h end by 1hyilfir, Pw.r err .n Rterfrte 0.14. it ee.R• 41bi8411 =1000 M build ea alae Me rah of the tied wow is Dim la erne eM WHEN YOUR[ 114 TROUBLE. a row Atheism' toe the aeaeat •f I1. Oelssly, hip always • mere • lam difficult m•L ter to know what M M when you get Into trouble. 10 truth, es great 1a the dIdOnult7 that It is queetIonabM it It le nut simpler to keep Hut of the trouble la the first plain tiome 111011 00 1050o get 10W a wraps than they proceed to explain to the wood how 11's entirely somebody else's fault the" they got theca T\ls is • mistake and mos up valuable energies to 00 end, fat the world as • rule b altogether too n1 ath taken up with the delight of onus than In trouble W oars • 1g bow they pcs -. 'hero. Orin and look baps, 1. • plan of advice hot illiberally hestowed upon • man that has tome to grief In some way or another of the &umeruus mode. open to Min this wtaked world The advice is sound, and you have only to keep out of trouble" reoogntse the full beauty of 11. You have also only W get into trouble lo recognise Its full futility. Then 1s another clam of man that no sooner gets Into trouble than b lays (Iowa his arms, abandons his guns, and welts for his [rinds t Dome along and get him out. The exasperating pare about It is that the friends som.tt,use do so. Thee the man arisen refreshed and wltb grateful beast, and looks around for the next tont- bhp to tall Into. As • rule he doesn't have eo look long. Tb.., again, then are some men -obis( 17 the kind that dwell on this planet -IL.' almost Invartaply begin to Ile the nnowent they gel Into caMoulty. The trouble with them Is that they don't •lwsys stop when they get out again. And while the world will always Manses. man that Iles wbeo he gets Into • box 1t la apt M make 1t hot box for the man that gels into 1t be mum be lies. Lastly, there are mom* men -about nine out of .very ten -that are never happy an less they are gettlnjt inio trouble. As • ounsaqusnce they are generally perfectly happy. As • still further oonae.lunnn, everybody else around them *generally partials, mf5eswbta This, so far as has dose 0o* teed am•trtally 4e it enjoyment Aad the mond of the whole thing, Doe's gM into trouble If you can help It, and If you can't Delp It get as much fun out of It a yob can. When you've got as much tun out of 1t as you can the nen best thing to get cos of It la ynrvelt.- Brook lyn 1Jts. LITE ACENTS• - ARE WANTED. - Men, boys or girls, who will m a house to house canvass for THE SUN. The ie the oNL Sun Agnc e Newspaper In Canada. it m the ono paper to which -A Bystander r a regular contributor. No paper offers more liberal terms. rot No OTHER PAPER IS R SO EAST TO SECURE SU*SCElsllj, Send ler circular showleegg cask rams sleslors elan the I'N d is valuable prises offered those who prefer to take their re ward in that way. apa0tms eop7 ot1 implicate. le ION MINTING 00.. Lateed, TORONTO. ODORLESS CLOSET. A2IO1VW32fl The best and moll sensible b .sod.. of the .rte. Endorsed and ratamae'/sd by MEDICAL men a0 over Mt mars y. PRICE 50 REASONABLE that no home skald be without one. Meta for Assisi M The Odorless Crematory and General Heating Co., HAMILTON, ONT. T. N. U. 150 Tlte Thrum an O , hidehers e.a,.....Lmm �r Grimj .,mewl. Tli1 e m 'hesa11 T`.,.avkM e hg.rsir lettw. wafting-j.o .htakhro ^. ti llethesl mai,.., 0e Mh , aresk CdIer flea G L /LEMING F,0.p.t