1. -
11 SI(.NAI,
QODH21014 ONT.
West flaroo ByEIeo1ion
Thursday, Dec. 8th, '98
Cii1ra1 Comi1i lliiis
(1'elephoiio in Koons.)
liamilton-sine, 6oderich.
O. C.
Member /f the YBtane Goverame.t.
Vote for Ga4rrov 1
THURSDAY, Dec. 8th, 1898
fl.rri` for tie New ober of tie
firfxmilit l
1..3old etals.&O Gall wloh. 1Witb..*ile town.
W ALLWIN, ..n's. 1701a 11. B.
some of good term lead -Il sera, .feared
lot 07, oo■emslis ;. areeseek. Braes Co
Address MB8 ANN MARTINItdLtt. IW
Herten St. logien. Obt. Ail It
gene of land ex foot of swat street
ohm • hnos, h•rsees, plmouis and cart. For
•rarest are, apply esIMGH DUNfAI e..t-
That faros soli Mink hems situps ea
ma acres ofram
Let It, Oen i.0. of MO limier
Tide Y • very
1•g sal trait glt wleB. - bbl. for the
monism Ball. stay mettle the wsa-
Mf otma of brisk. tic parohwr.
rsrely premie., U Hee. =Mason. or to
Closnellimu. l.wsaw Avec weer -e•
C a.*i b . u Marred 1■ the Town of
uu.a Memoted spots widish le eed • ■e dwellist-
Dsfod ilk tloptmber.1011
W eW M u
SIt MIA9olo/ Vaoalnt.
lent Apoly M les. E. DOWNING.
l? goo ,ryes wespMwt ilii. Apply
t YRB. DR- MHI'rIg liaVd►avw It
womb. er ether saes It Mil young le
obit, el en451Ned eb$,eaeer, good tikes,
ambitious tedesedw. tai find ..PI.r
■•late • ease,, with NO par wrath and
to Miley. REV. T. fi
ase week hard
eir six yr•,Ikt■e tad writing tees
eka est satt • week end will be
wyttb ens del)•n smoke. Address
Iiliyl 1D$A1 00., Teens
Y r.) s0 t men ter vmeatto 01 li r.sNe1-
.sNdtfor Mead*. An la
.f w Oev.aatiroy ."pis five royal g001005 sines.
T uft/COTT PUBLi H N6 O0. '1 , wins
UR. radou I &CK O. SIMPSON. OR -
171 ppeuyt Naeihet $leth.fbt Merck. MM
of Mat= Cemervtsetr/ New Toriwill re
..1,s Ntt11e'-d.mestert sad idvasoed-t■
eweiR '' sad r.
yOodeelob. The
Inert ueesdl■f toss 000se•val•17 elsi mansions is beds 150141 to o
gad Termite C.a...restmleas eml theory. off Maef.,
Teems mod
o.7 other Int matle00d end .s. be `i es NAN
tine al .aa reeldeN Memse at, xo.a
Pnbuo laotlow
The msetiag M Dissipation In favor of
Mr. Garrow, whiob was bold Friday eve•-
&ag, was well ae.ded and highly euoow-
faL Tb. Weir ea. 000apid bj, "WUUum
Balm. who called u''oo the o•odid•a, the
Hen. J. T. Darrow, to give the first speech.
Mr. Oarrew spoke very briefly, merely
'utilising M* owes wbioh bad Id to the re.
opeetng of the 000aUiwaoy, and olosiog by
a,k&oe his friends to give him their support
c the 8th of Des/ember.
Hoo. Job. Dryden. Mtaieter of Agricul-
ture, was nut nailed upon cod was well re•
wird, and at owe rot hold of the saw -
won of the audio/me. He said 1. part :
During the last 5,e yams Whitney end bis
follower' showed their intertest to the affair"
of the Preview by the p.rosutege of bills io-
troduoed to the House by them : oat of 224
public measures introduced, ,bey promoted
only 8 -and they bad t.0* opportustty
as bad the party * power. Whet • reoord
fora party who want to many. the affairs
of Outwits ! • • Biow the Liberals owns
into peter they env .000mpliebed, aloof/
with tabor things, the following : Improved
thesobwl •ysteet,andas• result follow wealth
and good morals : our pro.so1 .ystm of
✓ ailways out oaly os•bles the farmer to
reach the beat marina. but has added mil-
lions of dollars to the value of property ;
asylums bays boon (and are being) erected
for the ever-inereaasg army of insane peo-
ple : .n•titutleas here been opened for the
benefit of the deaf, dumb and blind, and
prisons for the wrong doers; isg .lane. hells
have hese 'rooted •t Toronto. The depart-
ment of whom I have charge bas done muoh
tor the' egrietitorist. By lollewb( net
experiments •t the Model Farm, Guelph,
many formers have inorwd their orop. by
10 per coot., •t the memo time leaving the
ground to better condition for next seasoe'e
orop. The eetabltebto, of dairy wheels bas
tinseled us to doable our .xporte of butter
and chew to the old country ,and now we aro
working hard to aware for you a larva
' bare of Britain's poultry trade Again,
we led • great market in Britain tot
Weis, bat this ooustry u not yet in • posi-
Moo to moot the regsiremeete of this (rade,
because the proper quality is leakier. A.
to the dairy. es to the Da000 trade, are we
eadeavortog to Woos* oat Carmen se to it
rrqu remsnt we the °reanlra-
ttoo of lumen' Elasticates, meed lecturers
through the Preview, distnbut •retie
targe gasetitise el primed tefwmatioa and
is many other ware impart koowldge
Year by year the Americans a•e lasing
ground to the British marketa on the other
hand, Canada a g•taiog • firmer bold
Why ! Beo•o.e the Americans are *apply
Mg Inferior gwis, while the Canadian
• tend.. (through the efforts of the
1:overawes,) u seer rising. 'l. get
Vallee wane N he e0y that • meet"
leg at the m.o. et 4.0t , .... fins ).
esm......e te.,dpd .* 04.4 14d.
AColborne fed Uwe, y, w
•& M... Banff MKIttbo eft
the esedte
... ■11.1 bl i
teswl. •so tla...ea h• isi
the Ott ElI bel
aid 01... Wil :kismet w f+ .
sa up
A hTAIRS 11 01ag . 5Sl 4*, 0 5( 7
coesell e1 y a 1. •tai this let day of
Decsmbas. UM 5(1 it
treat and they were not die•opoloted. The
brief eddies" by Otte Hon. J. T. (Jarrow,
who was suffetiog from • severe cold, put
him oleos t Wuob with the eleotors and
proved eattsfantortly that he would depend
e pos their tadueeoe •od votes on yolltng
day ; the address of Dr. M•odos•ld, M.P.,
of Wisgbam, was • complete answer to
Mr. Whitney's quibbling against the polloy
of the preempt Goverumeot, end *tamped
the speaker as • platform exposes& of great
ability ; the short epeeoh by Aroble Hislop,
the youtbful-looktog member for East Huron
in the legislature, showed 0000luatvely (hot
Qua geotl.m.n had 0411 hie wisdom teeth In
politico, sad was pnp.r.d to give pointer"
to the leaden oo the ether side ; while the
oration by the Hon. O. W lin., Wrap Minis-
ter of Eduo•ttoo for Ontario, was • 0*te.-
manlik• deliveranm, free from rant and
flaxisw, euob as is seldom or heard
from the reading men of the Ontario Oppo•
e itioh It was plain end olear-oat to the ez•
trema, bot,for .11 tb•&,tbe speaker time and
wen, .roared his hearers to the highest
pith of feeling and at will brought pro-
longed applause from the lugs and enthusi-
astic) sodomite.
Mr. Garrow, on owing torwud, was
loudly applauded. He said he did not need
.s inirduottoo to . Gderioh •adlenw, as
he bad lived here for over thirty erre.
H• uow.meno•d hie publio Isle iu tea* two
attend twiny years aro, and served then
for seven years. After he bad been *looted
to the warden's chair he retired voluntarily
in 1880. After Hee. A. M. Rare retired
(ram the Government of Oa*rto 10 1890 be
i the .peeket) was seleoid as the stendard-
newer of the liberal potty, and 0.d been
1uo.eslul la retaiely the pkeitioo up to
Mt present. The Opposition a•sdtdats was
n ot dgttting the present neatest 00 political
wpm, brit os a, Kill y of, wbia•.-Ute,$
Rink was • poor man, that be was • worli-
log man. cod so 0o. Mr. Book, said the
speaker, cawing that I sin s rioh men, al-
though 1 do not know where he got bis in
formation shout me. He did not intend to
maks • timothy poltuwl speech, as be was
suffering from • seven oold,.od be believed
that bonitos would our. it short of ZOO or
300 of a '•lonty on Thursday out. A
word about the title whiob had recently
mime to him at the hoods of the Govern,
mein. He valued 11 not so 'mob parson.
ally as that tet was an appreciation of the
services of the member tor Wet Huron
on the floor of the Hoose. It had been
charged against him twit he had not at •11
twee attended the pubic •woos* oow-
mtatee. There wire more important oom-
mutew oe
to oso1)m w with the ork of Par -
uuoeet and the.* always got his pest atten-
tion. It would be no arms 11 he bad not .t
tended th.1 committee, as it was • well
Meows toot that it was merely looked upon
u the weeded committee of the Hoose. It
sou Mr. St. John's oommittee whent0 the
Humber piggery gaseiim was
w ith toe i0teotioo of dowels( far Iooyera-
stent, but when the people were asked to
the beet welts, w• mast hays the decide the question at the polls last Merob
ty oe-oper+Noo of the predawn : turn it was Mr 8•. John and the hog that
.ottt*g but what Is of the beet were dowud-not the Government. He
quality, and we are oerta:n to capture • occluded by asking the electors to vet• fol
trade worth milliona of dollars every year. him on Thursday mixt, if they believed he
• The Opposition olein. we .r. .zine i,weseed the 000115 ry qualtfcaUou to
'sotto ie posetble to increase the.zpeedi. rspre.esi them to the beet tatefsota of th.
tare and still to be eoonsmloal. Would riding.
yon tall • farmer extravagant who, **air Dr. Msdossld, M. t. fur East Haroo,was
• m.reby Meld, pita is foe drains, doubling welI ,.osived, .o4 gave a magnakent ad-
dle value of .0)d (.14' No. Tb. wby dress dseliog with the various oontenron'
ill the Goveremeet extravagant when they of Mr. Whitney,:whom he had board the
' Paid meny 1. b54et45 "'dim" Nisi 15• previous evening •t Wiogham. lo Ur.
creathe wealth of oar Province! The Wht*ey's speech not one god reason had
Opposition have been telling hew my de- (,se„ advanced why the present Oovernmest
pertinent -*Pent $3,000 for postai in •shooed be deposed and a new Admiaistro-
fsrm pump .t the Agrioultanl College"; Ciao chows. He bad objected to Mr. Gar -
bat eery do mot explain that becalms the row for sot .,feeding tin public s000uote
eity of Guelph asked us to pay $1,000 • onmmILMe sad yet before he (dosed he heel
year for our water ■upply we Bank erteeian admitted that 0e bad 001 wt in that nom.
wells, pmt fm pampa, mtoOIoery and mains mit**, although • member of it, for over
( all for $3,010), w'iob 063t nal! $700 per seven years. The leader of the Opposition
year tit (ineereat 1■Wodd) •ltd had takes erwptioo to • number of small
,bet thereby wo are saving the Proviow ce,db,„ het ea .e large gommoo had be
WO per err, besides provldisa ped fin grew voice. He had else olaimd test On-
ptmteetiai for the Collor*. As to the foes 00r4o, ander the pressen Government, was
• bean the horeceltarol department : Os* drifting towards direst taxation, bathe did
Yew whoa 60.15 was en sbudwewof.inns- ver soy, as bo ought to have mid, that the
berries ws sold some $40 worth -.a as• w,,.s of the Ontario Opposition and the
wool eiroametao*,, as we 046117 •!way. Conservatives at Ottawa had been Modes
um .11 fruit, v*getables, eta., raised on the more to droot taxation la Owtarfo than my
farm in t e College : •/sleet the total Dost other. O. UM boundary award they bad
of this deputes/eat, they placed the $40,•d weight, te despoil the Preview of 97,000
thee claimed is did not pay. About that liquors miles of it Hoban territory, •ad by
"gilt-edged"_ batter The Mall sad Empire ttt5 sedative, to establish the M °earthy AM
tell* .boat : Three years *to we started nod tried to deprive O•t•rlo of $300,0W et
Mo plam lower fala ¶Ves*r. Algoma, "Id nually. After dealing with other ewtesliees
.Moog the settler's Memo were Bra or six made by Mr. Wbitoy. Dr. 74.edea0ld
oowe ; this veer, bavtag more butter than closed ec •bio earl impwbnd ultimo by
was needed, the overseer sold come asking every elector present who favored
tee sem received was the Daly 0010050 rod government in the Provinoe to vote
MINN .pinned 011 the ordli tido of the and work for 0he 51.01)00 of the Hoo, J. T.
ph.ear farm account, and against that our (Sorrow ea the 8th e/ December.
*ppssat plod all expellees of the azp*rf A. Hislop, M.PP. ter East Huron, wee
moat including wet of hoose, olearisg land, the next speaker and briefly advocated the
.to.) and fled the butter Goat the l'roviow
$2.00 per pound. I ooald .l.0 explain the else6loa of Mr. otto., taw opr so bel
stories abort "Ram I)sa,"toe aha hie Alf, ter man ooald be ohow M represent the
the spotted hogs, ale., would time peermit. Ween Riding.
• • We hays • debit tome Seer., but
The Hoe. G. W. Roes received an evades
dune, the pest 26 Tears (fof whiob show . waw he Mews forward to addrem the erre
„eat) tel. MMI wt oarpins la $5,000,000. •0dteeeo. He was glad, be said, to be ptn•-
W. borrowed 0o mowy and ar• now ssi to .p..k for bin cow ael1644:42:1,1,
eya., who was
to debt oaly les raflw•y wrtifl..tes--and I • 0100 of Otte ohsr•0M,, SD• ability •ed
behove* 001y fair th.t them who are
large expansion in mmidp•I aff rs. Fault
tow then railways *days to owns should read bees ,hoed by 14r. Garrow's opponents
part of the met.In clwlor. Mr. that that gentleman had been takes IoM the
Dryden showed how at the last oieoti0* 000
, bot se foal, Wald bo m
.an l0 tab .)t- oil y soh°ro, contrary te ►he hie abilty te 811 tette 1)001 towbiohfod 0. with
dm's 's ardor• rem fm a .1.0 bed, by been wiled. Then were strong prsoodente
hie vote had mired Woe Harm to Liberal- tat the appointment fon • minister withoutism, Re straitly urged ,bun every voter portfolio to provinast and federal polities,
oast big vote foe Ostrow se early in the day and no rod reason *elated yeins% the .p-
as pesdua polnettseot ot Mr. Darrow, who honored the
11 P. O'C00eer, the nut speaker, .. 4 position wed renewed Mew upon hie Geo-
was not se moot, a ooaitet of principles •tite.oy. The •pester then took op the
as • eoefhot of mea. West Herm has now oondoot of Mr. Whitney •ad the Opposites
to &wide whether ite Interest. will be rep
In the Iwerlelaters, and stated that they had
rwmted l)y a man woe will eeoapy ens e} so policy 60t an aaztety M asbiev* offing,
tis. treat mento M toe Reese es 0y s m0 and omteadd that they did net properly
on me d t0. book benches : or whether represent the views of t0. btcadml.dd
they will vete for •.m who has au *peen and pr.gremive members of the Goe.rv.-
of his ewe or for nes who will hold op his 1)10 fwty Ones 0(ter 00.waseoltsdm-
heed .t the dbta1)00 d
of bis leer. Me. wl.reM IrSrbttea fa behalf of. the boat
Gerrow'• **pelmet wry he " a felly, good 1615.11 er Ontario loo boy. elipeeed Mr.
fellow," bat it requiree more than that Whitey 0" 00)500.4 10 tee. Mrm•uen of
goellileatioe to makes • good istfedaitve rep • 1.grloItnrel dap•pmaai, M the i.prev.-
11sse*1)v.. it required 1 .1 the man wt le tM oarrl00le. of the Separate
cheese should be a teen of train and Mittel, 1••••14 M the mppsiM.Oae N • red M -
sad the hest friend of Mt. Ifeok would nee 11,e8.. to see..Mhlieh .4 el • foratry
ast/mpi to ol0w that le the latter regard Mea.k is OeM.Mes frith the Government,
Mr. 8e.k eneld M.... d 1. t0..lass with te ink. ieMe.tat a • &singes referee.
Hai. J. '1', Oarww H5 ealled apes 600 ta les ter.e110a a1 • berms fee sorting
Mestere to be tree M their net MMreete by lee.rpOw• mar ether heli••..0IMrea,sad,
ele•tM5 Mr. Garret. on Thursday east by 1. fork, the O/pedlls. e.4 INNON011v op-
• .aj.►tty as grosesneed that Mian were p.0el O S1V iegi.LMve.nmetrn00 011.1 bad
M a 044.500 e.e'.rry ter yew te Nab.? Iatrodoed tewi0se.eth th4.114.616:1fs advFrevlehsnosr
Tho s .Lead with sb*tn hr tilt. 'I'll. sotlm was not the memo of the greet
geese, e•edlda0 sed speakers. 00sMvauv party ad was foreign to
_"- the gentee of Sir John Msdeusld
tat i wee. be Next
Or lttet 00 1 noweA...erilitere et erg
T. AT.
N -tet
lyase sr .rig ee 11e ( alit 4et ins.
eOi Ole per .a.L /e. cod 10411111 tof
ley; seat
a Iva,. d t N ..dae.p.0k ..r.M .
NNW HDRAANI 1110R1'0 .
T.ndere waggled.
will vied M A. Ds.e•t
eating. Instructive sod impartial moaner.
lo 1893, rid Mr. Rose. 1 had the privilege
of •tteodiDg the .net Chicago exposition,
and it was with pride that I saw the tint
plain io school systems awarded to Ontario
by an intersatiowt tribuwl, on •word
whtoh was also oonermd by Bit Richard
Webster, a former Cabinet Mlolster in •
British Administration le 0000lwbo be
asked the electors to take • high view of the
situation and not to be voided by
mere partisanship in the vote which
they would oast oo Thursday nett.
Two men were seeking their support, and
toe voters should be true to the best inter -
set of the riding •oil select the man who
would most ably represent them in the
oouoniis of the Provtnoe. That man was
the Hon. J. T. (Jarrow, then whom • bet-
ter or more indepsodeot representative did
pot sit to the Legubture.
The meeting was brought to • oloee with
otean tor the Queen, Hen. J. T Orations,
and the rpeaken.
Why gena never. ■tin -♦■ .1tN►eeting
5'1.00 by Nev. Nr. oneleftee.
Following is . synopsis of the sermons de-
livered by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, H.A..on
Sunday morning of last week, on the owe -
W oo of the of Camp lovsroeso,
Sone of sootland, .t Koox church :
Mr. And.non otiose as his tame Jobs ,1,
40.41, "Ono of the two which beard Jona
. peek, sod followed him, was Andrew.
Simon Peter's brother. H. first hndetb his
own brother Simon, and with unto him, We
have toned the Mariam, which to, being in-
terpreted. the Christ ; and he broa4bt him
to Jeans."
8edooe eostmeo.iert his dte..siee, Me:
Anderson', In the Deme of Koox obarob
congregation, extended • hearty weloom. to
Ioveruw Camp and their friend,. H. did
so the more heartily 0o .hoorah, of lite bo
i.g the:first 000aston on which they otiose
together as • body to render their tribute
of thanksgiving and praise to that lid
whom Sootohmeo partioulorly rever.00e..d
Theo •aid the *weaker .-"I deem the
present • fitting 000asio0 on whiob to • pre-
resent for your oon.tdentioo • few tttoagbM
suggested by the life ot him whom Soot -
land's eons have abeam as their patron
saint -Andrew. Permit me, if you plows,
to drop the ,tool appellation of •seint' by
whiob be Is styled sod mill him plain And
raw. As Soothmeo we will yield to now
tn our admiration and lofty esteem 0t t0•
riutlioses of his character ; but N will
raisers* the title to thew wbo make snob
of it, tin "the moo's the man for that."
It may be • matter of wonder to many
wby,from among the company of the twelve
duotple., Andrew is the one so dear to
Scotland and bo Soottish hear*. Why tit,
when bin Andrews societies are est.bliabd,
sod mimes of Sons of Sootlaod are organ-
ized, that they remain so popular, and that
is he whose memory it is they dal.gbt to 11i.. (1. Uolbonw ; ONO. Mies u
honor! We do not wonder at Englishness rending, MW J. Gibce.. God.
rallying around their Georg-, 'he patron of QT-en-
oblvlry,as he is represented to them proud- C. M. B A. -Brunch '36 of the (;.tholio
ly mounted .a 0 pr.aoing steed, and Mimi Banns Asswiet1oo had • reorgsoiz•
the Scottish al.restse-m love for the
truth, tearlesene.' i1 de,l•riag it, faithful
adhesion to it, .-.e of ooa0trymen, as il-
lustrated by Andrew's hunting up his
brother Simon and brioring him to
Christ, to share l0 the good things be had
dieooverd. The speaker .,rook • happy
veno 'boo he petered the Soot in oar own
C•n•I..lsetahing,ent his brawny arm and
hand *wow the wean with woagb b•wbees
in it to bring his oedy 0000trymee to
better things here. Be urged upon the
members of the Camp to seek by daily ante
of ohorny to •west• the bitter pups that
fall to the tot of hooest poverty until the
day comes, when Dome it will --
•• That man to ono, the world h er,
Shall brtthen be, for a' *het."
I. °losing, he called upon all Sootobmeo,
however remote from the land of
birth, where the ashes of their fathers lie
buried, to revenues their oouotry, to never.
woe their oborob, M dere cod blow their
Gd and to oberieh .bo same of Andrew.
MAc,Vicek-BaK*I(A*.-W. W. id°View,
railway mail clerk, of 6dorioh, and Mies
Ursula Bartok, daughter of Michael Bar-
riok, formerly of Ct*sih•m, were married
Wednesday of feet week at Walkerville
Tbey have taken up the1r residence o• El-
gin avenue. W. exited our 000rr•tala-
tions to the groom, fwd 'mob the new
mural bopplow and prosperity.
Vg.DAler I:[T7 f Ax. -A debate was
held .t the Young 11 's Debstlug Society
last Thursday *veni.g oo the mobilo,: "Re-
solved, that the oity man H greener in the
ooaotry the., is the bountry man in the
oity." The affirmative side was o•ptained
fb H.•ld, the negative by M. Howell.
t ills oeoolerien. the lain., 0. W. Thom-
son, ooasidered that tbo urban resident had
been painted the duket shade ot green, and
s000rdiorly gave d*aMlon in favor of the
Tilt Sroam.- ouud.y last was the 410
ot Deo.mber ; the next day, Iodate, from
the appearance of tbiogs out-ot-doore, was
about the 29th of January. A snowstorm,
with oonsiderable wind, sot in Sunday eve-
ve01og, and nut morning, although it was
not oold, the aspeot was decidedly wiatrj
The oorpor.ttoo snow-olows have been in
oommiesioo, but the walking is still heavy.
The G. T. R. enowplotf)yo•me up with the
morning Grab on Moakley. arriving •bout
1:30, •ad returned the same afternoon.
LITERARY SoCIITY.- Theis was • fair
.ttendanoe •b the 0 C 1 Literary Society's
-worst meeting last Friday evening. A
spools! program had bosh prepared, and
those who were present had an enjoyable
evenlog'• entertainment Mr. Strang pre
sided. Following is the program : 'mare -
mental dust, Mn. !.wan and Mies Gem.
petite* ; solo, Mies Parsons ; recitattoo,Mise
Lockhart : solo, Mr. 'Thomson ; vtolm solo,
Mise MaK.sie; dual, Mures Di,ksoa.nd
t'inBams; solo, MIN, Ilkis.0n ; reolt.tioo,
If you don't want to lose your Ballot mark it thus :
'I HE OPERA HOUSE MEETING. 11e4 r• "11.1 Imams °f Nat ems
great party. 11 woe net the spirit
Twe./.ting at the Vletot•i• Opera How that mimed the 09p.0t►1.. 1e Greet Rrlt- eyeslas, le fever of Hoe. J. T aN ea *MAW quesMeus, ad the regent .0-
Garrew, coy puked M the doors by *Mgt etude M Lard Reesbssry es the forage
tom *a4 them w erred eprles110* of the piny of Laid 8.11.b.ry wet. MMM M ►ear
w ow en M the seniee0. tie`` W speaker's seetestiee N whet the
T0. .belt was 0y Ale* liar rest °" 4llw.4 M. loyal OppesWen .reale
dere. prehilest of the Leal Lineal el"erbe be. ?be dage1g.•I !alley at dee
ahiy esnle4 sue the amiss el We refegi west saes sari wham up •d ae ad.trsbl.
dieteari his mak* deletes woe .de, t0. (meshes of .tamn1s .•
P0. .-404- W wviwtiy sews /r.1.r Wes gad we ems .f .10.41 hooks lett' d
a4 0e rewire • peBOMI .ad INallsol.l pMwtstl M 1M sediesss a . swot W.- apostle, rad whish knee ties. elesps/ ea
Joseph Beck, Township of Col-
borne, County of Huroli,
Janes Thompson Garrow, Town
of (ioderich, County of
Huron, Barrister.
loo•! Institute will be held oo the lint Hat-
urday of February at 1 r Y. The 'ubjsot,
"uitbmetw," in the thrums forms, was es
mooed to the following pennies : Fiat form.
Mw P.nooe ; *wood, M toe Andrews ; third,
Mr. Fisher : fourth, Mr. Morris. The
meeit.g then adjourned.
Domenic Taoo.Lsg.-A mw dwelling in
the ,oath-emtere extremity of the town
was arrested Friday night on the oomplatnt
of his wife, and next moraln0 was taken
before polio, m•gatrate Seager oo the
obarge of •wulttng her. The wife told •
harrowing tale of abuse at bia hands, and
he in turn wooed her of sxtr•vag•noe and
penitent of her household doth. Seeing
how things lay, the magistrate gave mob of
them a lecture, lollowtog it up with some
good edvio., and soot the pair away, ap-
parently r.00noild.
• •HoY.LT P*OP1.." AT Prr■k0O.000H.-
The following is .o extraot from a lengthy
report in the Peterborough Review, ref.r-
rtor to • former townsmen :-Thenkegiv*g
day wasoeNbr•td as Marra), et tepees
church by • lecture given le the evening
under the adipose of the Mtestoo Band by
Mr. Thomas McGillicuddy, of Toronto,
president of the Ontario S•b0.ib School
Awool•tloo. After an opening oborus
Mr. McGillicuddy roes *spew end was re-
ceived with •ppalette. Has was on
the rather ddsubjoin of "Homely People."
A large sodomise was present and greatly en-
joyed the interesting talk delivered by Mr.
McGillicuddy, who u . *looted end oaltur-
ed gentleman, widely red *all branches of
literature, end lee possessor of • pleasing
platform style. He is equally good in witty
remarks and in sublime passages, and his
knowledge of dialect and power of •oomot-
oration make him very effective in the
Orr -digit' 'Parts Ml•t'Cta.-The 0sierieli
Off -hand Rifle Club's officers' math mine
off .t the olub ranee, on the Maitland Bete
sear Platt's old salt-hlook, on Friday alter -
noon last. 0. Pennington, president of the
club, captaiied one side, and N. D. Roug-
me, vim president, the other. Following
is the goon :
tog the felling drawee, Otte poem iser..oe- Woe Iae1ie` ea Monday night iD the room,
tor. W. are Dot surprised at Iriehmen b.• above the SIOeat °floe. Offwn were
leg jealous of the he•er of their P•trlok, *looted as follows : President, D. P Mo.
whowith oommeed.ble zeal, they declare, C.rthy ; lit vi0.-pwideet, Anthony Book -
oh.rmed sway all snakes from Erb. B00 er ; tad vies -president, Fred. J. 8h•e.00 ;
why should Sootl•nd. instead of choosing reoordtog s.srebary, Chas. V. Shannon ;
the most renowned of •11 the di.0tples, .r laanotai secretary, J. D. O'Connell ; ,rens
one o.bbr•td for his writings, the author ane, J. J. Doyle; mmsh•1, Jas. Dean ;
of a gospel or an epistle, or one wow nem* guard, Martin O'Cmael' ; assistant rsoord•
is •seool•ted in the Soripptur. 0•■00 with log .tor tury, Frank O'Rourke : trimness.
th• working of mtreeles, ohow rather 00e Chas. Mem, IL J Farr, E Omelet), Judge
of the °beoare diseiptes and least emoted of Doyle, tape. Tramoh ; ohanoellor, Joseph
the twelve se their patron! Kidd. W. P. Klllsokey, oreraniz.r for the
At this /stat the speaker sneered epee a Aeso1DMw, was M tows for .boot tai
vett' leMrestln, •want of the life of the day., sed fourteen Dew 0501.0 bo,. b.00
apostle, beginning with hi* dtofple•blp ddd be 0. member.bip roll.
with Jobs the B•ptiat, following him under Tie Loti Mtai MAY,■ Sum' -O■ Hun
the IedMbip of the Div** Mester, and, day stairwell lest the tenor.) of the lab
alter the •twnsioe, Into the wilds of Hoyth Mamas M. Smith took pleas trent the resi-
n, Threw, Epirus and Aob.k•, to whioh donne of her father, Hhrnhem Smith, Hoath
latter preview, and in the oily of P.1,.., street, to Maitland ownetery. Rev. Jasper
Andrew entahtieh
the Cb o
Churl* t C Willem, il.os, °I waw .baron the deo.•oed w
sad labored so sooewfally that the haired • faithful member, eoed.eted the amnia.
of the heathen governor ltg0.tee, was The pall -Demean were W. C. Goode, Wel-
arotl.od, sad mly appeased by the ...Mu fes Shan... H. i,. Wtem, J M. Tarn -
ion 61 Andrew "se the trey before s0. Dull, .T. W. Vssatter and W. C. PNdba..
keind* of Deeaehir," ghat is, November Wes Smith, although of a quiet ted retinhe
30th, 62 A.D. nr 70 A.D. Then the preset- dltpo0tios, was held to high esteem by these
er wine on to tell of the treabb.. Maw w0. led the beset of hes miasma*, sed
that were soon the earth until Onest.atbe, the bereaved relatives b•v. 011.e.I aynp•-
tbe Christian emperor, Deme be the Reg.• thy In their irreparable lose. Will and Rem
throne, mei later, when the areellld Smith, e4 Chloride, brothers of the deeameedt
apostle's hoses were removed M Cose..N- Jas. Smith and Mrs. W. T Whitely, of
lope sed plead 1■ Me temple there emend Custom creole sad suet, were promos as the
M hie et.mery. Mr. Ad.r.oe referred funeral.
also to tradition* whisk ohm 00.' semis LOCAL Tw:Rsan' Marria°. --A meetleg
boom were taken from the martyr's cfln of the Gd.rtoh leeal Teachers' Association
at Patron Defers 10. remakes were removed was held le the Model Bebe) lost Saturday
to CensWMaeple, cod ,0.s afterwards stun.. A es.ber et nowhere Inger
Regales, who was M Wargo. took these„ press*►, the obalr wail /obis et 1.15 by the
sad under heavenly dimities set sell with proddest, C. Fisher, el Helen.svtlle. The
other presbyters. till otter • a1wp.etmene minutes of the 0rgan0s.Mee 01e.Mn were
enrage of two yew they were.bfpwr.0ked road .id osnermed. T0. 'shied for the
le • hay 00 s0. Mores of Fife, es t0. seal geodes was "reading," wbteb was then
west el hawked. Tb•t bay bee rime bees taken up 1. the vrioes forma. Mie . Bell
ealld St. A.draw'e Rey. A shush wee taking Ores book, Miss Barrie the seeped,
built, awl 1. It ens MNed We rens of As- Miss Beed Ns third, .ed S. Beskeet the
drew, ad t0. Mareb sed Mime wee sewed loath. The leases were weight te the Mae -
after N.. R.501us sad 1100 00./.07 told see with ability. tie varies. weediest. for
the wMve. of Andrew'• fele, sad 4.4eew% brbgl.g w0 M.eMMsu, ewpeusie, tea.. fool -
(led •d Saviour. sad from M, Vdrew's tag. We. Whig wed with fadNty by 00.
tore 104let.A three & rw4.a41, el t0. washers of see einem TTede1 arlwelwr
Wel the tree light el M e tlwp) of Christ wen gads by the Washers pawns,. Dad be
The. It b that Andrew V se .Ieoely .e.- h.p*HNt Teak .d N. I. fit' a. Mise
sewed wi.0, we the. sell) his Owner wits.ppN.ted to peoperif' ter the
stomery 10leatrd ly bar seem pewee Rashes,. w..Mr. M he 0.15 1. Rt.
Mr. *sewer. res.pe0. elwtsi. Milts her his weenie trap r *.r10, • 1•par
se.gab. weaYestt/ Y 0h. W. of W ea "1111gfI1Hjl I, r1
100 yd-. 200 yds. Total
Pennington 36 90 56
Rotors 32 11$ 56
Andrews 18 U 29
W all.m 30 - A. - 36
Seamon 37 11 48
aria 1 14
33 38 71
B•II 24 7 31
W• 38 21 59
Plast 19 4 23
Total 211
It a the intone*. to have weekly thee*. 00
Friday afternoon'.
&rAgr.- The Postmaster General has got
out the design for the new ,tamp with
co y 7r y,r:t mtl+O eeneasCan•da,Great
Britain a.,1 u. her portions of the British
e mpire will be m•agorstd on Cbristmsa
D.y. In size the 'tamp resembles that of
the jubilee lathe, but io no other particular.
The Impertel peony pwMge stomp u not
designed tor • 'peon* issue, as was the
jubilee 'temp, but It will *he it plow
among the regular postal nesse, its datioo•
rave ohar•ater being derivedfrom to unique
dollen and the optimal porpoes for wbioh it
is intended The feature of the stamp is •
neatly sweated map of the world, in mi0te
tore, datiogouhmg the Rritch empire from
the possession' of all other powers. The
British possessions are printed to red and
them •*od out in bold relief against • dark
background. Surmounting this picture es •
representation of the Crown, underneath
whiob is • bunch of oak and maple leaves,
symbolizing the unity of England and Can-
ada. At the upper edge of the stamp ere
0h* word' "Canada postage." Uud.roesib
the map u planed, " Xmas, 1898.' .0 that
the data of the inauguration of Imperial
penny poet•ge shall be made • matter of
record On each 0f the lower ap
pears the figure " 2," indicating the deoom-
m•tioo of the stamp, and at the lower edge
is this suggestive passage, taken from the
words of one of our p•1rieti0 poet, " W •
hold • vaster empire then has been."
A LITT= FROM .1 e.o EoaoNNroN.-
We have r.wivsd the following interesting
letter from James Edmon.to0, who reoeotly
left Gderioh township to live in California.
We remised also • new•p•per, with persica-
1ars of the murder of h• .on Peter, some of
wbioh we are panliehing on angther page
Riverside, Nov. 23, 1898 Dean SIR, -A.
a god many of my old friends asked mine to
write, 1 thought ii base to send • few lines
to Tan SIGNAL sad more weak! lee It. W•
lett (demob on the morning of the 16th
sod arrived at London at 10 .1.Y , left hoo-
doo at 11:30, arrived io Cbioago •t 9 P Y ,
left at 10 r Y., arrived at Kalamai City sect
day at noon, left at 1 i ie., arrived •t Alba
goseque Deet night at 9 Atter 10.11 we
bad three engines, two to front and one be
hind, pushing o' op the hilts. We wore
held up by four masked men. They went
for the express oar, hat the agent shoe one
and took one prieeoer,the other two getting
off. They did not molest the passenger■.
W. hod very god e000ee•loos and arrived
to Riverside at 7 A Y Saturday meriting
O.K. 1 have mailed you . paper .boat the
murder of my eon and his oemp•oioo. I
saw the man who killed them and aloe the
woman who we* with him Ha was up he -
tors • Justioe of the Pews at Fullerton on
• otarge of •Moline and the woman was •
witeoesioat him. She mar •
e. afraid
r id
he will kill her if he gate • oaanw. as she is
the ealy witness In the murder, end they
are .aiding him from ms jail to wether *II
they gat ev0d00ee to eesviet Wm. They
hall meet a party away twin Law Angeles to
.••rob ter the bodies. If they do not get
them tbsy WUt sad wether party (row this
Mile, with the warms, to .rroh. She 1e
quite willing to 5e. i do not know if the
It • geed woman or not. 1 asked Mr why
she dM .e► give the boys • hist that beams
/eine to kill them. She said that she was
afraid ot her owe life ell the time, for he
watohed her all the time. We have very
warm weather here ie the daytime, but
very peel •t eight, with a little white frost
They are getting •fnid that the oranges
Will be frown. The weather is very dry
e arl 00. reads very dusty. The people here
are melee their last orop of hay They
have out the hay ernes Minas on the ease
grimed this emu.. may 1. gelling here at
$13 per tee. My .aa -l. -law Ins sold Hite
..sen about $15.000 "Perth. They told some
of It as high as $Ih per ten. fly are *mum
smooth/ M pick the omegas base new, but
there are ant 01aey of thew rp.00e.,h y..
Riverside has Improved 0vemeadensly anus
I wee hen t00 years age. I wenld hardly
knew the pee•. Nearly every /laga h.m
that the eaa get wooer to le .hed or le
him se
Illy eon Niteroi/lie wee Mesa by that
ruffles, had some villas* lets .t South
Riverside that 1 .w 1eie5 be took •1t..
.es. WIiI write uses whoa l gee more
wpww I pen Tn. B 9PAL
Capt. Ed. Robinson ie home for the
Lagar Roberton left for R Ingham on
Moody last.
Y. A •loomaou, of Laoknow, was in
town this Mweek.
Mies MIUI•s, Hlooka-.t., u Melting in
Ooderiob township.
Mise May Griffin has returned from •
visit to Motu* Carmel.
Thee. tV•ton, of Stratford, visited
friends in tows last week.
Mir Leonou returned to Mount Carmel
Yesterday Oran • week's visit in Lown.
Mn. Lockhart, of St. Helen's, returned
bom. oMoad.y .1Mr • week's ♦telt In
Will Smithn, of Chloago, la spending two
weeks here visiting at the potence! reel-
L Adams, C. de Pendry, J. Vivian .lad
F. R..w4.ent S.turd.. end Sunday last
!n ('&iota..p
00 m. Brindley end son, of SheppardOe.,
ars mending two weeks visiting trends .t
Port Huron.
Herbert Stoddart returned oo Monday
from '1oro0to to work with his brother, D.
Stoddart, name.. maker
Mn. Tons came up from Toronto for •
few ears and returned oo Monday, and will
join Mae Toms shortly in Philadelphia.
Guelph Mercury : Mr. and Mr.. Wm.
Mol'lymout, of Gderioh, .re visiting their
daughter, Mn. Frank Hide, Suffolk street.
Mrs. Dr. M•rieeretarns today(Ulund•v)
to her home at Cased.. Washington terri-
tory, after • oo.t0's visit with relatives
Mrs. Joe, Washington, of West Wawa -
nosh, has been vatting •t the residence of
her father-in-law, John Walhington, Ease
Mn E Fisher left o0 8aburd•y last for
Philadelphia, and Mise Solite* Fisher
for Souris, Man. They will be away all
Rimm', Pore Belt for table or d•try.
When It oomee to popularity the man who
stands highest la the iellorlog line • nose
o her than the 900ple'• clothier. tr. J. Prid-
ham. Ho has now got ..•fled In new
iwemloee. Give him • o•II.
The recon- 'naw blocked - has n t hlo-
e h cu••nmere ofw•
0. R gal o from
oalllo`i ar his stu.ho, f r ,LLs._ kuow rho• in
so o•hioe m etis ow the wen duoa by him
le al warn of the best
The general freestone of th.Count y Chert
will be bold oo December 13th,
The new bridge over the Maitland river
•t Auburo bas been opened for t.r•fli t.
0. W. Thomson and family bey. *ken
up their residence in their handsome new
house on Toronto -et.
The G C 1. Literary Society will meet
*morrow (Friday) sesame This will be
the last meeting of tbeeerm-
A Cbrtstmoe tree for the labeler" of the
* operate school will be held to the wheal •0
its closing betore Christman
Miss Marion Inglis, Lighthouse street,
has bens engaged as *ocher of 8. 8. No. 6,
Colborne township, near N le.
Frank Cuff, .on of Prof. Cuff, hod the
misfortune to foil one day last week, .od as
the result i. nursing • bad fracture of the
The Model Sobool oleos : I,etnq examined
this week by inspector Tom wed
A. J. Moors, B A. This marks the eo0olu-
*ion of the Model School term.
The Dominion Bankrupt Stink Co. closed
their business here on Monde, tav,O0 .old
out to Peddie & C0 , of Detroit, who Intend
to open op at Wingh•m next Saturday.
Edward P. Eliot,, of New t ork, pereon-
• ter and dramatist, will give the wooed of
the Goderioh Musical Romety's woo/Hi
course on Thurdsy evening, Doom ber22od.
P. Own puroosoe opening • grooery store
on Hamilton sin , next door to D Stoddarts
harness shop. In • few days His dver-
tieemsse will appear next week. Watch
for it.
We agree to learn that George Drum-
mond, formerly ma0•g.r of the Goderloh
breach of the Rank of Montreal, and now
manager of the Platen bnooh, is seriously
ill in the Toronto bmpitaL
Mn. George Morris, of Colborne, h.s
leased her farm for a term of year* to Thus
Sallowa, and with her denihMn, Mies
Mary and Mies Adelaide, has taken eip her
reeldeooe on Newgate -et ., town.
Th. pastors of North -et, and Viotoriest.
Methodist oherohea will *mobenr* pulpits
next Sabbath morning.
the Sunday sohool ot Viotorts et. Moth•
dist obarob is practicing for • 001Mt0.e
tree eot.rtainmene A splendid program is
being prepared.
Revival Mrvloes 0r" still in progress in
Viotorla-st. Methodist ohurob. Re*, J.
Wilson, M.A., of No,th-et„ will preach on
'Thursday and Rey. W. Rigsby, of Birth,
president of the Landon Conference, on Fri.
day. Services at 730 P.M.
Frederick G Simpson, late of A•ki.
street Msthdiit oburoh, Condon. has ee-
samed the duties of his new position ea or-
gaoi.t and ohoir direotor in North .ireee
Methodist ebnrch. His playing on Amide)/
w.* eminently satisfactory, end gees *wi-
den*, of mns[cal ability of a high order.
A parlor wooers was given se the
deo*, of Hon. J. T. Garrow last Friday
weenieer under the •.spines of the Lodi'.'
Aid or Knox cherish. A good program was
preen', d, I,nt It is to i e regretted that
mere were net 9100.50 to hair*. This was
the first of • number of parlor a0ter Ola
meet to be given during the *fetes b'y the
{dies of Knot obarob.
Nut Tuesday evening a epeeist pregra0r,
taoludtoer songs, recite*** and instrument-
al numbers, will be proe.eted by the Mier.
my committal, in North -et E L. of V L
M the premed. of the evening wilt re t.
words filling bags for the lumber mew
overynn* most being eorambleg wfdeb will
be awful to the forget -a 5,1005..1
or Dedlen, • .peel e< stream thread. wailing
paper er envelopes, 40.., • Hill. er Teas -
Take not0s res J, T at IM
005)11 Mares ftNITTIrea. SpM.t f/1 ►e.
Were of 9i 0tffie o ttofl..iree0 .,e0ea e1 tela
D ywl look 10 O. *Iry
nee 1M t'au,et.5 Moor
RE W 1111' HURON 10.10ITION.
rake *M ee flint le•.M walk.r Zee,