The Signal, 1898-11-3, Page 6NEW TRIAL ORDERED.
Court Of Cassation Grants Re
Tision fpr Dreyfus.
%hat the N. Gorrruor-G 1 Hep..
te 5)e la Casal. 11.e New Preurk
Csbluet--M, Donny Trusts He
• rp
"will •.....ate 1t .ortly .Id. Witt.
Paris, Oot 31. -Tb. dsoldon of the
rt In the Dreyfus teas on Hata,
- *.ally was as follower
"In view of the Ines, elf the Minister
of Justlox, dated Sept. 11I, 1898; In view
lof Ibe argumeu1I thin paWlc tor
denouncfng a theof south the eondewaprusecua
Ilion pronounced by the first court -mer-
- 'tlel of the military government of Paris
on 11eo. 88, 1894, against Alfred Dreyfus,
then a captain of artillery attached to
lithe general staff; In view of all thedpeu-
emote In the case end also of article 413
Ito 440 of the code of criminal procedure,
'amended by the law of June 10, 8896,
relative to the admissibility of an appal-
"`" cation in proper fora,, for revision;
• "Whereon., the natter has been brought
before the court 1)7 the publio pro.eoutor
10 virtue of the exurees order of the Min-
ister of Jusilce;
"Whereas, the appllcetlots eemes within
tee category of the casae contemplated In
article 143 and has been Introduced
within the period 0g,d to article 441;
"9 bereas. the itidement, a revlsfon of
which is demanded, bee the force of a
Chows Juges;
Whereas, the documpnte produced do
not plane the court in a position to decide
all the merlin of the eeao and there is
ground for making a supplementary Tn-
"For these reasons the court declares
the application to be In proper form and
legally telltale/able, and *atm that It will
institute a supplementary inquiry. and
declares the.' Is no ground at the present
moment for deciding on the public proem-
0utor's application for a suspension of the
The Judges of toe meet were000 optedsnide
for three boucle and a half In oo ring
the judgment.
The public, whose adrulssn 1 lo the
court was regulated gree wlib the tort
eye, awaited the decision with marked
41111111001111. raw
Ihufug the suspension of bust the
.-yeberu dog t.Mbfbiriarbw Mad Mem
wabe rasar evident an anxiety to heart lt.
There was no no demonstration w the
.mart rose.
Dreyfus May He Liberated.
fu. es
Although the liberation of Dre h
not been ordered, the court an o r er
him brought so Franoe at any inS
and will probably do so at an ea
of the fnanlry. The court refrain
ordering Moveless., on Saturday, use
It wonl.I have been a presumptio f bis
Ply stage
.d lean bets
0 0
Quiet 8.nd.y le earls.
Perla, Oot, 81. -Nowhere was then
any gage of agitation on Sunday. The
catty is quiet Most of the Paris papers m
approve the the decision of the Court of a
Caseation, although the Casale!, and the .,,
Eclair declare that even now r)vielon is •t,
by no means certain.
e 1be Liberte bows to the decision, but
dose not think it will end the aglatlon,
The Figaro announces the; Comte
Itherhazy bas been deprived of his mem•
berehlp In rhe Legion of Honor.
Ibe Dreyfus decision seem. to have de-
layed a solution of the ('atdnet crisle. M.
Ile Freyolnet 1. again hesltating to accept
the por foilo at 8flskstarAV Was .s ate
ground that, In view of the role the
Protestants have played in the Ureytuu
este, It would be inadvisable for two
Protesante, himself and M. Ribot to
hold the portfolios for War and Justice.
war In which the fire great cootlneat'a1
powers should W .1144(1(1 would be /14,-
195.800 ally. la other word., the an -
peel cess of this Ksleps.a war, geld -
she of Indira* Moms, wool* 8N 181, 747,-
- -
Another PrOneh )'.per fare Kagtand
WIH Freteea l:grl•t,
1'arla, Oct. 31. -The Mark makes 4.
annouo.ment that Imo read lately un the
reeav'wWing of the Chamber of Dope
ties, • proclamation wilt be Issued decI.r-
ing the% England has annexed Egypt.
Capitals Beretiur, the bearer of Major
Marcha•d's Faabode report, start.d for
Egypt Faraday wltn the Uovernment'.
Inalruotious to MaJ„r Marchand
'1'h. }French profs In beeinning to maul
feu • much more concillatury spirit rel
carding Faboda, apparently 'with * flew
N preparing the public mind for the Me
sall of the Marchand expedition.
THE retteo4(D felIAKM 4M ENT.
Each Power WIlI Ile he
Three Delegates.
London, Oct. 81.-11 Is announced
from rat. Petersburg that all the powers
have now attempted the Csar's luvhatlon
to rend delegates to the propieel disarm
anent conference. Each power will be
represented by levee delegates, and It
will be a record diplomatic aseerubly In
point of numbers.
Count Muravleff, the Huesan Minister
of Foreign Affairs'. L going to Livadla,
we' will confer with the Czar on
outline' of the programme which will
be submitted to the delegate's of the
powers. '1'te Reallan Minister is very
optimistic as M tie result of the water -
Kaiser William at Jer.Mleta,
.leruaalem, Oct. 31. -Emperor wllllam
end Empresa Augusta Victoria, with
',Mir suis.., arrhred In perfect health
the enoalnpinent outside the town on
At 11 o clock Their Majaatl, entered
the Jaffa gate and et 9 J',- ock vetted the
Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The
streets peteented at lively appearance, and
the buildings ware lavishly rtedoia;ed
The formal envy through the Jaffa (las
was heralded by the roar of guu+ at the
Citadel, where the Turkish bend played
the German Anthem.
From the Tower of 1lavld, Emperor
William and Empress Augusta Victoria
proceeded on toot
Yesterday the Imperial pair attended
aervloes at the Evangelical Church at
Bethlehem, afterwards paying a vldit to
the Church of the Nativlty.
Emperor WIlliaw anal tks,Jespowee.,
wblle at the Church of the Holy Sepu'.
ohne spent ten minutes at the eoene of
the cruollzlon,
Germany With Brlta.e.
B.rlfn, Oot. 90. -The French crisis is
■nzlonely watched In Germany, In the
Feehode question the German Govern-
ment, as well as the German newspapers,
distinctly side with Great Britain, a.
British dominion over the Soudan le held
to be In even respect tetter for German
Interests, eeepectally from a commercial
point of view.
11aural men Mord tweeted.
Candla,,Lland of Crete(let 81. -Five
ore of the Musanllnen, oonvloted of
king part In the maeeecres of British
1d1e1•e on Sept n were executed on
Outlay. In addition, four Bahl Baz-
ooka have been .entenoad to twenty
,years' Imprisonment at hard labor- Des
patches from Candle on Oct. 18 batt an-
nonnood that ten Muaulteans were
hanged there for participation in the
massacre of Sept 6.
The tsar et1th Dreyfus.
London, Oct 31. -An article In the
Kleiman' Jtelvew, written by L..1. Mazes,
wbo hes previously shown hlntelf to be
well -Informed in the Dreyfus affair, had
eaosed some stir. He affirms abet the
Cur has now become a convinced Dray -
fumed, and Is taking a sympathetio In -
Se alt In the prisoner of Devil's uLnd,
1r.see Has FNM S.sething New to
stir Op a Fuse About.
London, Det. 30.-Tbe Financial News
declares that it has high authority for
the statement that In as last few dye
France hes made .hong reprwntalons to
Pertngal regarding the Anglo -German
agreement affecting Portuguese posses -
d ons In Bast Atrtna, Informing Portugal
plainly that Franoe wonld consider the
leans of the territory on the mainland op-
posite Madagascar to any power an an
friendly act
Franoe recognizes Portugal's condition
of financial embarrassment- and the
French Bank. Instigated by the Govern-
ment, had offered to finance the nett
Portuguese 000pon. The Poringoese Gov-
ernment has just published a note declar-
ing that It will not alienate le rights of
sovereignty In any portion of Portugnets
The foregoing la In furious °entry* to
the emphatlo but unofficial gatemen. In
the Rnglieh prep that Great Britain by
e nquired a lease of all the Portuguese
erlarfes In East Arica.
sr Dopey taper.. to A It ■t
A.y Memea Now.
Perin, Oot, 81.-M. Iwpuy hopes to
complete the Cabinet to -day. It 1. an
noaueed that M. Dae Freyelnet hes aeeept-
ed the Wig Omoe portfolio, •nhjrot to
tis previa' Mgt the selection for the re-
maining WARM °Moore meet with ap-
M. Paul Pretrale, Minister of Finance
In the lase Cabinet of M. Fireman, had
deellned to accept the (Colonial portfolio,
ea the ground of III -health.
Aetivlty ,.t Il/.......pert.
Louden, Oct. 81. -There was the great-
est activity at Devonport yweterd'y, the
sib of the largest enema In ()root Bei.
tale end of, two of the tenet doetyarda
8. the wtrM. The (internment U memo
Ming •n em.rgeney squadron, which It
le endeneteed will eat to (tlbreiti r.
Gevanintlwt ben d.dn.d 1100,000 tows se
r illi... to Ito .pea 4. Gllr.l..r,
London, Oet 81. -•The Govorntneef
bad awarded a °entreat for ten .assn..
Yea or sow .deln.ltg dlai4. sad Waft
weeks .t Glnralar to roes ee,see,ese,
Weald tee tat• rnor.nna• ane, of t4.1114, -
Me Per Duy, or a 1111011.0. and
Three.Quaetet•. a Tear.
im.4oe, Oa. *1.-1he Oontem meaty
hew ,',ogrese tie report that the (Ltrr
laaneneed to None his pewee meet -
47 ten r.merkabI, Retiree of flee
Publldss, M. teeth, showing
„tibia Rusty Oars yearly for ten w.laera-
Fame 4iI Iss fiesta end armies t/N,gse sggt
Wr`ad leite4 ••'ala to iUISI 84 ea
*ass The .a..s cf . femme Reelleue
A Cyclone 1. Leaden,
London, Oet. 31. -During a Wirer°
storm lewd night n small area, about halt
a mile square, around Denmark 11111,
Camberwell, London, was visited by a
veritable cyclone. Cabs were ovopturned,
windows, doors, latnpposte, trees and
ehlmneys blown down, and n number of
louses unrooled The contents of nomer-
ous hawkers' stalls were carried hundreds
of yards In the air by the wind and
many peo(tle were Injure' by the flying
debris, which did also lmmense damage
to property.
Will the epanlard. Quit ?
Paris, Oct 81. -lienor Montero Rice,
President of the Spauls's Peace Commie
Mon, is ill. '141a mused fume doubt last
evening as to whether there will be a
Joint session to -day There Is a styng
impression, which has been growing here
reoently, that the Spanleb, upon reoely-
Ing definite aruranoem of the American
determination to take tha entire Phlllp•
pine group, would cruet the conference.
About the Prinee'. Knee.
London, Oct. 81. -The Prince of Wales,
wl.o Is now al Marlborough H#oy., 1313 -
tel npataa going to his Netted home,
where the Prince.., on her re'urn from
Copenhagen, will Joan him. The Prince
teems now to have quite recovered from
his recent Perlman aonfdent, as be has been
deer-stalkl-ng in the Highland'.
Lath to Rona.
Vienna, (let. R1. -Saturday the re
mains of the late Etnprees Elizabeth of
Austria were trsneferr.-1 M their final
resting place In the vaults of the enpn-
ekln Church, where they now 11e Heaide
the remains of the late Crown Primo
Great Fire In ladle.
Bombay, Oct. 81.-Hetnrday • great
fire In Serfnagur, one of the espial. of
Cashmere, destroyed ell the pubile
buildings and many residences One man
was killed. The damage 1, estimated at
half a million.
A1. Henry I. welts.
London, Ont. RL -Sir Henry Irvlre,
who has been suffering from a pneumonic
stank, 1s obis to get up tor • than time
seer, day.
Pa....gen With nyeamlb.
Ponca, Porto Bite, Ort. 81.-A senaa-
tloW was named here 7eetsrday on the
arrival of the Red 1.1ne .teaser Phila.
delphte from the Spanish Main, by the din
revery In the bend hags of two peseengers
of a nnmher of ezpinalss cartridges oon-
taining dynamite. Tbe dimmest" war
made by the eastern* officals, and the
passengers were arrested on the aunpo.q.
ttoe that 147 rte Anarchism 1'he.
pully. wise fear test others behniging to
the gang hey warped, aro making a
strict menet
East Nerthumberla.d Trial.
Otlhlw Oel 21. -TM trial et the
dIsmthint Willem MOM Cdr return a
iM. Joh t . Degas, she sitting mem-
ber for Least Northumberland In the
LegIalasere, wad begun here Sturdy
at4.reemr before Mr. Jostles Perfume
sad Mr. Jeatla Meredith. There Io quits
• large array of legal talent engaged en
the ems, and the 3 jM gime preratas of
bslag a lxetrneIsd Bae.
TM sed/en M Setnrday wale largNy
mese Is atsampt'lag to p814.. away, sad
Mr. Job. H. Boogies. the Liberia mom -
Mr et the riding mad respondent In M.
preens este, gene,lila las 4
mealy went to show tent the o4newe sad
[setas.% w the meoreetlen bed ant Iowa
regatdtld er ess.anu.d h7 hist •e his
gaetr In the e•eeoe4 of the el.otlsa,
Why [nFhtened England Is Ofied
to Kill' her Wounded African
MAU' . NINT7N‘i.
� bac,'•
If a person were to he told that the sol-
diers of one of the 11(11 powerful and moat
highly civilised retlnns In the world
e unnmarily dispatched their wounded ane
mien on the field of battle, he could maroe-
ly to blamed for luting Incredulous. If he
were told still further that not only was
the slaughter of the helpless • fact, but
that It was justifiable, he would begin to
doubt his Informant's sanity as well as
he veracity. But seemingly Impossible
of belief ee both statements appear, they
are abanlutely correct
Tbere are many things rendered nem'
e ery by the exigencies of war, seemingly
Impossible of juntl8ratlon, which do not
require the .pectous arguments of the
oasuf.t to 'approve them to the conscience
The war which haa been waged for many
years by the British against the dervlehee
in the Soden lee furnished numerous
proofs of the truth of this last statement
There Is no braver, kinder man In the
world than the British army doctors and
this has been shown In the Sudan cam
plgn In his extemporized field hos
peals, often under a Keary fire, with •
basally thrown np screen of commissariat
cases, pack saddles, water tanks or what-
e.nae frame heady, be performed mfraele•
.!a(1_ was aver ready to ml.lstetr 80 the
wants of all wounded men There were
wounded men, however, who would not
swept his serviced and preferred death to
a continnenoe of life when th1s was only
psnnlhle by accepting aid from the haled
Infidel. He was anxious to attend to the
wounded dervish when one might be
brought In, but one never was
If one of the British appeo•ched •
wounded dervish to Inve.tlgate hie condi-
tion and to help hint, out came his coned
hamstringing knife With it he would
make vicious sweep, any one of which
would maim one for life.
Obvtomly there was nothing else to do
with such a man than to put him out of
pain Onceslonally he might lie, glaring
tike a wild beset, contiguous to a wounded
soldier, who was menaced by his preeenoe
and whom It would he Impossible to ap-
proach while the dervish bed enough vl-
allty to wield his weapon. So as be would
neither allow himself or others to he aided
lets death became a necessity Wounded es
be was, he was by his owe volition still
oonstruotively engaged In active warfare
and was almost as great a danger to life
as wiles e4andlng with his comrades In
the front of battle Men on the battlefield
do not stop to study out fine dhlonl dl.-
tlnetlone They have no time for that
Seemingly cruel and inhuman as It wan
to depends the wounded dervishes, It was
the only Oleg that (o uld be done under
the ofronmaaneee and could be palliated
neon even other grounds than the safe
guarding of others
It was not p0adible In the terM4k stress
df Rales warfare to*.tall fatigue parties
M eSYeillea• the redaanos of wounded
;like them loveably to the firth
bnepitat "'Meet tiled of that weubds
as flay lay ca the battlefield, and three
not d1s of their wounds had to be
of Oar mttery Terrible storks
am kith of 1416 dire nmwmlty Thom know
hies who have leen enraged in Iha1.tL-
with ten dervish want happennq alts the
fighting was over and how std problem
of dealing with the enemy's wooadSd eras
solved. In the camplgn of lift parties
of Nngtlab soldiers, enmmandsl by ling -
oedema moth *h go out is MMB the
pelves* prodded the bele
km body Mesait tie shoulders with !1s
bayonet If tbu* was no movamest the
parley with eat if t • denl.b proved olive
1w sl trbeva.dMother . Moer prams luslfan•ly
haale/ a aarkable for Its inevita-
ble sold Wealth borret, It 1s raid, the
keeps et the
Atte Ma_ .leen afawe ora
es to madams Mkt- muse,1* iflier
alat-i 4 41f a eshded
warrior what lay ss[blds amid ball% M
data. All alibi • Emoting wry of "Allah l
Allah!" rose Into the silent night nos
the fierce .harp ring of the word when 1e
is the warcry for headlong charge, but an
Imploring, despairing moan, hour after
hour that one word only. "For God's
sake, silence that roan" -that was the feel-
ing of all Councll was held ea to tow It
onuld be done. Hoon three men were told
off to get upon the sand bags of the little
redoubt at the oorner of the sereha and
when the moon came out from behind the
oloods to fir. volleys in the direction from
which the cry came The volleys were
tired, but the cry went on. Finally It
ceased. Whether the mon was thug silenced
or not wan not aecortalned, but in the
morning there were only dead men In that
part of the field. There were other, how-
ever, .4111 ally. Them could not be tend-
ed- Another story was current in those
terrible days of bow an officer, going up
to • group of srrgeona round • wounded
dervish and inquiring what wad the nat-
ter, was told that nothing could be done
with him; 00 one could approach him
He lay there, wltb hlm knife out, reedy with
one of those .weeping hamstringing outs
for any one who dared to ooze near,
whereupon the offlo.r, .1111 ander the blood
whipped outthe
madness of iehggeed'
rapid .weep of abs woaadal .tun's weap-
on and drove his own to Ms Mart -
All warfare L terrible, but Sudan war-
fare is a horror beyond the power of words
to describe
Atter one of those early Sudanese battles
• tremendone fight, hand to hand, bayonet
to spear, in • whirlwind of dust, through
which the fighters caught gllmpees of Byte
Ins steel and waving banners, while the
heavy air was rent with the rattle of
musketry and .prems of parlon, a party
of soldiers, with a reporter or two among
them, were standing over one of the en-
emy's dead.
"Why, it's • woman 1" said one of the
soldiers, some Tommy who had sisters at
home maybe. "What a hloondn shame 1t
.Hems now, don't lit" One of the report-
ers thought the Same and said so, but
there was also prevent an ofboer, long resi-
dent at Suakin, who knew the ways of
the faithful, and he Said to this reporter,
"Yon as, what she'. got 1n icer hand?"
'A .Ilnk. " "Yes, end do you know what
she would have done with M?" The re-
porter did not know, hot be presumed .he
waa gning to fight with it No. she was
not going to fight with It. eh. Intended
to net It old some wounded u. hefiever In
an Indescribable manner, so that when he
appeared In the next world he should look
rddlonleee- livery .nldier to whom that
explanation of the "dead women with
W oks" was ahem changed bra views a, en
the pity of their slaughtor. la any nave,
as the women came on with the men In
headlong Marge and maid not be dello.
gul.bed from thein, down they went. This
W retches of woman wee not fakes Op b
' e1tgct as 4 .nbjm..i leg andow Haft,
owing preenmahly to the cIrnnmtanoes
ander which they were killed, het It wry
nae c( the bras motives which tad eon
menders In the geld In the Madan to he
some anxious as to the meek! lelegrtrn.
M the war enrrtaponde.Y attached to
In them same early kettles, before the
darnels reansed, as shore M reason to ba-
lky@ be did eventually reaase, that tb. In-
fidel was, unlike himself, capable of hu-
manity, no tttear*Pr wad ublsarsal on both
admit Par **Infidel, of enures, wounded
er a0*, dare ewer was any [Harrap. No
*0.4444 man ever moped darTtr8 mold
se spear. The Delilah limp saes reattaed
tens Afte ten d1.W.Ms struggle at M..•
A.i18'. swam atter the asvoeaw of the
flghtlsa was egor, ale o ur of ane of the
regiments was antering the bleed stained
Dleloaell A wounded ds'*Y who was
lying as a 4b d, ..rine the pima either
, 7�ad tsalf ue dal lliai mod
y� his tpsa In W ms
Net ten afar ip ~rig eat ML lift,
and la another Imaitaal the geese* w-
edged the "awn' tie a"otreess�rilt of
t d l 4s �41�t �tlhl 4wo Mak
4. }Insert apes Nle &*4 104840 wee
�There Heald be as .411.'
� troops tt a de n thoughnever tltee wen of the dean neve
tWtod to therm with .word and spew.
They were mowed down by the Martinl-
Hanq rifles and by the Galling guns, but
them wbo ssoslped the deadly hall still
tams right up to the bayonet's, lino the
.rob* or the square and there died ilea-
ghttog. But teles who were not akin out-
right, what of tb.unf Was there any mea-
tl>e of the dervleb wounded In char early
battiest These was not; there could not
Suob am sowed the Incidents or Sudan
warfare, rarely if ever referred to by aur-
reepondente It has leen denied to parlia-
arlltment. 1 believe, that such things ad have
been described ever took plea Doubtless
some of the members of the house of com-
mons knew that they did happen, bus
domed 1t the pari of wisdom to ray uuth-
ing about it Such tnoldeua do not wake
pleasant reading, and the ablest and nest
ardent of army apologists would end It
dlmoult to defend such practices to the
latlataotlon of many, not excessively ten-
der hearted either.
When Osman Dlgna Ares arrived In the
Buskin Matzke ea the Mabdl's apostle, It
wad found that the dervishes wore not
men who oouli be fought to the wanner
ouatomary to olvlllsatlon. It was out •
matter of maneuvering or' coming Into
motion *61,000 yards" or anything of that
kind '1'hedervteh metb'xl of lighting was
sowething 11/1.101 more simple. The enemy
being sighted, tanners aro raised. swords
are drown, spears are poised, and the
whole force gum etralght se hila That
wad what Mahe ted 1'•.y Talar Yd Com-
mander Monorfeff had Mit 14:15.4 what
on Nov 4, 1888. they took *10 {'pgttges
from Suakin toward Tmhw
and fifty dervishes oesapletely rooted
theta. Monerieff wen ung the killed
Suakin was paralysed, stiff with terror.
1'ben poor Valentine Hakw. swam
daahing oolonel of huarrs, was eowsmlr
atoned by the khedive to retrieve this di
aster. His Egyptians were slaughtered al
EI Teb It'ke sheep. They fled, they knelt
on the desert, raising their hands In
prayer, strewhing forth their seeks to ten
sword. There was no quarter for Npprss
or British; their header rolled la ten egad)
their bodies were smitten through yd
through with spears. Hicks had perlsbod
with • great army in faraway Kordofan.
1t wee the same there. Great Britain was
roared- Two armee led by British °Moms
had suffered • complete defeat, in one ores
annihilation. Gerald Graham wad sent
out, and now for• the ant time the British
private addle: Joined halt!. Web the der
vlah; now for the ares time he learned
what manner of fighting man was the
fuzzy-wuzsy. And from that time must
be dated the "unwritten chapter." of
Sudanese warfare. Fran that time Tom-
my Atkinobecame familiar with slaughter
in • form new to him -the slaughter of
wane11 and the slaughter of wounded leen
ho Lout Deter.
They were et the front gate In the
moonlight, and he asked her to be h1.
wife. Wlth ouatret.•hed ermeend athrob-
bing heart he awaited her reply
"George,".she rald In • nervous whis-
per, "you must give me time -you most
give me time."
"How long?" he..ted. "A day, • week,
a month, • year?"
No, no, George!" And .he scanned
the sky quickly. "Only until the moon
goes bebind • cloud.'. Comlo Cut,
Mint tales
The mut active volcano In the world
Y Mount tangy, 17.1U0 feet high, situ-
ated on the eastern elide) of Nee Andes,
South America. it hea leen In ronetanl
eruption dined 1728, and ';ie abound of Its
ezploalons 1. somutinos heard at Quito,
• Maumee of 140 mala', 21; having been
wonted In an honr.
How a etre.[ rladed Arise.. Belle
Saved a Heating Party.
Miss Freda Schmidt of Temple, A. T.,
faced a formidahle mountain lion ten
other day and made him toe the mark as
meekly to though bo were • lamb. She
wee one of a Jolly er-mping party on what
Is known as the ltelleroy range of moun-
tain.. One day at noon they'eleeted a
convenient cave as a dining mons and
had just tlnlahndtheir mcalwhen•shadow
loomed up at the mouth of the cave, el-
meet obeonring the Pnnllght end teasing
a veritable panden,onlnrn of terror The
uninvited guest wee a lion He twade•
Munro at the group.
Each 6M, with the exception of Mho
Munich, who, *00 pevalysed with tear M
move, axed kw eyes to w11d Moist leer
those of the lion. There was .Ilenet fat
three ful: ntinutea To the girl end hes
freed, owed* It seemed like three eterni-
ties. Then tit onexpeet ed happened, The
monster 110117 turned end walked o01 of
sight The party all dealers thee Mies
SchinidentepnotIded the beset, thereby
saving *he lives of ten eon •
As Advantage.
Neighbor No. 1 -Does the noise of m7
a►lkisen Meath 70e?
Neighbor No. 5-04, I Ilk. it.
"Do you, really,"
"Tea, I.d.ed. lay wlte's relatives are
rather nervous people. and tbe7 sever .ay
longer than • day to two now, "-TH-BIta
A T•.ehl■c Mass,
Cnalwlgh-1'm tom to hear you're
tante, Butelelgh,
Buaale4--Br0kel Who's broke? What's
the manor with this (showing • londtal
of gold)?
Cntelelgh-Nothing. Lend no $110, well
yea?-Oblago Journal.
A ..raft...
Cl.rb+1 haatt-Tell me, now, de you
believe 1a the tranamlgratlnf 0f eon*? '
Jones--f'wtttlnly I do, Why, joust before
break teat tils very morning i saw m7 ale
pass Into m7 )andled7'1 oat-No4gw,
1/01 .10/114111164111/.
Mrs, fittild--I hese MN. =keen le Math
to move.
JIr. Gale* --Tem; elk games every year
dal. the foot bur WWII nsatel ra-New
Tag* Wathill.
Ileddea Takla. qg ed Lr. M, r. N rlahl
ea htarday rural.[.
Ottawa, Oct 81. -Dr. H. P. Wright
died suddenly of bears failure se t 10
Heturdy moraine 1)eo.•sed w114 IS
(linnet et Nelsen H.81 ou Friday .an
lug Oa his return be went to • medical
dinner, rambler home abut S a m. He
oomplrined to Mrs. *Mgbt of bating a
ohlll, and Was made a warm drink fur
h11xt He then went 10 bed, feeling hotter
A 111.1, later tire. Wright haled him
breaths leerily, end before .he arssibl., le
get medical aid be was deed lie was one
of that two or three L...lieg outtakes) men
Derv, and one of the moat popular au.1
Influential Men In the City, and also one
of the most overworked u0ss.
Mr. Oyer, R. Websser, formerly Mee
Lw clerk in the Catatonia Departtuent.
died yesterday from rheumatism ani
complication a bead trouble Mr. Web
ear was formerly • partner with Hou
John F. Wood, In Brookville, and was
appointed to tyre Customs Department a
short time previous to the general oleo
Clone la 1898. Afar eke change of Gov
ernInsat he opened a law o81e. on Sparks
stress, end was doing well when illness
came and death ensue 1- Mr. W.b.ter
leaves • wife and three children.
Madame 34.888.0, the clairvoyance, hes
left town, ant. • warrant bas been Issued
for Der arrest
Mr. Ayle•wertb AB.I..
Napalms, Oct. 31. -On Saturday atter-
noon the Liberals of beano." enthusiastic-
ally nominated lir. Bowen E. Aylawortb
to contest the riding. Tbey wire In good
lighting trim, and the heartiness of the
norulr::,uon 44011k 11404 fall to strengthen
even the man In whom family there were
to cowards.
The t;ooaervativee met ■t the tome
hour and nomluad Ur. Meacham, so
that the light will be between the two
former opponents,
berth Waterloo Ag.ta.
Toronto, (let. 31.-C.mpllsattoos bevy
arisen in the North Waterloo election
eae. Dr. Lackner has appealed against
the decision of ...1. Huse and McM.boa
un.e.ting bim, end the Ltbelaln have
counter petitioned for his entire dI.gnall-
Marlon. On tiaturdy morning Jostles
Osler listened to a lamina M ham the
Liberal °Gunter -purples Strwsh nal TM
Imam esus ggjeurn.d .0524 arnt Prow.
Normo Tahoe Fr d.rl.'. Plane.
New Yore, (let 31. -The New York
Three announces yest.niey the engage
went of Mr. Henry Norman he its Lon.
dao oonslypaWo'.wte +iwm•astag Natoli
Frederic, deoeaeed Mr Norman baa lax
man, years acted as traveling cerrel
pundent for the London 11111, Chronicle.
Hooting for O58oe-
Mansanlllo, (lit. 31.-Ibe visit of ()m-
end Leonard Wad, Governor of the
Mlllap lMprtmert of Santiago, bat
been Ins*rnnientel In bringing all the
elements among the Cohens to the front
No fewer than 9,000 ll.urgente, of whom
400 are officers. want °Mloss, and their
clamor alma amount. to • demand.
There are two leading factious, one bead-
ed by General Jesus Rall, and t4e otter
by General Rios.
General Wood and Col. Pettit regard
the outlook as rater 18woureging; 58111,
they bops that some means may 110013 be
found to break up tie. Cuban army.
Q.eatlN. .. Liverpool .ed
H..rds Pelee of Ontari.. Wheat at
T.r.■t.- 0 1 511.1.18...
aetunl.y Keynes. Oct. 20.
Uverpool wheal ea. essay egaee tolls
spa( '40, 1 Norther. delisted 31. tkr 110
comber delivery ,,,I 11,1 the Warta
91 per cental for the tn. Tic. Por;.
lanrt.t was oboist Needy to 3 arida*
L.ghrr. Antwerp Iurl:u,J bl[Mv,
C'hlagu wheat future. eas.,l off tee per
bt.bH the peev s OW large N. rtbweet sad
primary reeytl.t., but Iee,e was • late relay
10 ear Oat 0441'. elate. Trading wan
arrow. •
Loading Wheal Markets,
Fallowing .rr the eIoa,ug pekes today at
IaWrteat ..otos: - -
l.'.tl. tet. 1»..
Chlrasse , ...i...- 50 te)ly M) •:
New Toek .... ,... 0 TieO 7t1
to. Lottie .... .... u dell{ 0 tees 0 5854
Milwaukee .., 01%7% ..., 0
Teed, u7;y aline
I) ternnO-Tete .... 0 (u,. • i0
Duluth, N0. 1
Northern .. • Oayt 0 Iey( 0 my. 0 1154, No. 1
T een ..No. .... u w 0 Goau 43
hard (new) . 0 AI
Toronto St. Lawreaer Market.
Wheat Ie.dy, w... the .sc. to toe of
gs,•,re. whir,, tout 8 08.. 01 ab At, 5>t,• tar
bushel. The fdlnw9yg .n• the
,eea p.ld:hi. t.�pl..Ia re: s 74o; gues.Wte74c,p g. Ir
Marley [rover, l(oi, b,t.hela oetlles at .62o
(w34'.e.. Pttwxty5r ; 800 timbre teed at 1 le
lbay firmer; 28 :rad. sold at 504 -to 510
fo' timothy, and sit to 57 per ton for
tttraw scarce and prlrr. [ref. One load
sold el e• ice per tau.
haus. Hogs--Dvllretire herr and prig.
0l .'hanged 14 55.21 ,o 56.77t, per rwt-
Aimies peaceful at 51 to 5. per hen.
t',rtato.n add .1 We. to 7.1e per bag.
Poultry -All kinds of te.ultry were pleotl-
fol and all of good quality sold at fair
preset, as follows: C"Mkeoa, ere to ale
per pe!r; dock., 444' to Tie; turkeys, Pe
to ler per lb.;&• per lb.
Natter pleotl °l� 1, with with MST. 1.11-
Ing at 111e to Ylr' per Ib., 914 eke hulk go -
Int at .boor 2lc per Its
[en. Ilnr to 2*e for the bulk. with sono11
few at L,•.
/fleas ..mals Cattle Market.
Past ttdgaly Oct. 214. - Receipts of see
and through cattle, sheep and bogs dodo[
tee , hour, ended 11 wen to -day : Vette,
Ilse ears; sheep sad lanhs, 17 can; beat.
'e cars. Ahipment.: (,attic' 1;.2 ear,.;
sheep and Iambs, 6 rare; here 24 cera
(%attle--I(e'Mpt., 40 care, prlaclpally held
'ever ental Monday. A few bench,* were
said at steady pr,er. ('alyeu I• modelle
amply, good dreamed sad 5110o[er, Obey
to Mira were quotable at 57.28 to 57,181;
Itral , Wee to P.M
The market wee enema,/dal nod .ten.odenema,/INay
lrtnrl, '7t. decoded was sler enllre-
Iy Meting, ',crept for meet .,ort. Choler
to extra were Heatable at 5.1.25, to 55.40;
[00x1 to eholee r6 to 4;,.Li; r0.am1)0 to rule,
54.70 to 1t0. %epee, rode, to rates 54.40
to 14.00; common to, fele. III to $11,13.
Cite... Markets.
Ogdenaborg, N. 7„ (act. 2e. --Isley. loft
122o hose.-tireted: alts to mite laid; se
sneer efterwanls nearly all yid at tyle
to Wthe.
,ell Otte, Oct, 2Daw
.--At the (brall
Nn1M to -4111g. le faeto.rle. boarded 1311
etatree, Malrleao, bb.etettlte 0484 es rant$ o at
at .tie. Mirka mal; ell .old bet 7R cask
data sad 40
netsa9a7 . -t,
(0081lrw oxesof
not aNth4lgbrr4e
r Heat tyes,wMrearn
MN MN tom• 27' 1s -_At the rearte•
late...yell' factories Wanted T1e-
b caterweber mate sane Goo-
ber. edlag Ilyy Pelee, 2 5 11 „bole es
:edit meows., MO at calgr 2630 Mae, 876
et A 11.15., 1173 et star, len et a lki4e, .11)
N. T.. Oei. I0,- roles, 1400 boldo
twin 1410•••• at toe, letter nils,;;
ten y�
la't./e4ili4. m hisadad trete Mt-
lettlat lanirtneis,
a.pp 4?.rSutetl 484.. �lY- _(Jy.4u, F -a w 1 Nor14b.
(lal- 4M 1141104 a*44 t1 Wf*Mr, oto Rar4, , ICI. 1
M id: toe 1044; pans,
es; he�pert.pl5810: Zero. n; tr�ear, , Me,
.Week* 1ar .Mort Mi. Moe Ata: 'likeMae, s
wake, Ms;
44I tor . atd aPettlegt/NafMCHpt r
rd >D.e, asst g: 13,611 hit
WIleer, �ta4�
Dr. Ward'. Blood end Nerve Pill, Ilavo
shoe Iles ea incalculable amount of ga9d
1 thunk they are the beet, surest end
quickest nl:tlttg cure fur nersousnest,
unhealthy act of the heart, insomnia or
$leeplearmas, arnem,a Por impovrrishee-
blood,icor ofappetite general debility and
ill -health. For nine years, before 1 con,;
.leased taking Dr. Ward's blood and
acne Pius, my bend was weak acJ in lug
unhoall elate. Its action was so ,nwh
• that I could 1108 walk .Pros, the
areas without suffering [real di.tress,
any heart fluttering and w rapidly
that 1 mold scarcely breathe, reusing
faint...., low of etrengtb and leaving
my 104.s all unstrung( My slurp ass
very stitch disturbed, I had 110 iippriite
and then Will lilt''. strength or a'Islay in
my blood 1 1 was always excessively
1 have now :alien three boxes of
Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills and
since taking them 1 have not been away
from my business an hour,,, Before taking
these pills it was a frequent or,•urre.ce
for in to be away from Shrine•,.• As1
result of taking Dr. Ward's Pillsmv heart
ie perfectly healthy and strong and Kiva
ale no disarm, or trouble whatever. 7't
removed all nerve tr ubk,sade env nerves
strong and gave me healthy sleep. Thew
pill. alto made my blood rich and strong
and gave me a healthy appetite, He
Wards Pills have given Me perieCt health,
restoring my lout ptrngth, in place .f
continual ill -health, weakrnea,, hest
trouble end nervousness. In justice 1
Cannot .peak too highly of this wonderful
medicine. Signed. Nes N. Madam',
Walton St., Port Hope, Ont.
Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Mare
sold at roc. per box. S boxes for {Ls. at
drugelstn, or mailed on receipt of grey
by THE DOCTOR WARD Cp-tjg(jlg4
y t Victoria Street, Toroata Book Of la,
formatio. fres.
a,. flu.
',e.1 F
Suffered ten years from weak hat
Mtn and nervousness.
Cured by Milburn's $trait
and Nerve Pills
ao Wade az profession
e is frith
ammo or derangementof thsaheart eel
.wise. The pressure of work and the
.Metal worry are bound to pesiammaalM
emegesaees wooer we him
Mr. Dark' Olampbell.hamaker of arn.tta., weal -know!
"Ih�boss troubledof and on 6r fisOat, said t
Tears with weak notionhe
9R art sad
norvoao.ns. lragaoot17 otyt�dk€cr)e,.ii"
palpitate and flutter with peat t1o{eoes�
alarming ms exoe.d�ngly Often I ha(
sharp pains in my heart and could not alma
wall u night. I got • beg .f Milburn%
Heart and Nerve Pills and from them de.
rived almost dwtttedlale basil They
etor.dvigor totyammeanlehrgtts .4
toy satire systom,
aerie or heart weahlst.44 milt
0~l[Uhgrnn'. B uegta Verven
PIN ae
epi. admen. reibli& sed Wag
ans. female treakiAgAeril[of pi
eta Penes gas.. Ma es Ilse
X1.40 •i efl
4reggdete. T. smemap0A,Tareate,Ont.
LANA -URS■ ►Illi! more fgonetlp.'
8es, gN mflee....., gaek M0.daihe and
�epepN They e• wive., sleben
Or w(ti.s. limey pth sets perteeay.
-f3he-01), please l.a't mew ma to
deg I'. m hoot's, tonightthat I ma
lli.idV • a stoned.
He --Yes, i know, Tart's why I
think this would he a good time t• have
It over with.
A Latta
Author (se .411 i')-W.H, the lira naM-
ber of ear new paper looks wen, hes hare"
one thing i don't Ilk. _ __ ...-.
Atabor - Wby, this enmmanlraaon
signed "As Old Bob.orlbet,"-MMinpsI•
"I had Salt
Rheum of the worst
kind, as our family
doctor called it,
and could not get anything to
wee me. 1 read of Burdock
good Bitters, and determined to
try it. 1 got one bottle and be-
fore I used half of it I could tail it
was doing me
good, and after
taking gilt bot-
tles 1 was per-
fectly cured, and
today am a happy woes* at being
curedof that terribledieseee." URA.
MAGDALIRA VOIC:T, Rhineland, Ont.
B. R. B. is the best remedy In
the world for Screen*, Salt Rheum,
Titter, Scald Head,
shingles, Boils, Pim-
pl.., Soles, Ulcers
sad all Stood and
Skin Disease.
e*tali vtt�'