The Signal, 1898-11-3, Page 5THE SIGNAL : C ODERICH_,-ONTARIO. TonfamDAT, Nov. 3.-18$8. - d You will be Satisfied if you get your Bouts and Shoes here. There is uo rea.un why you 61100(11A 1* • customer of Lure. A well select- ed stock, beet goods, lowest pritw and courteous treatment are the induce- ments offered you. The fall stock is con.plete, and will be sold at Lower Prices than you have been accustomed to pay. ST. 6E0. PRICE, Ceuta Work West side of Naar* sod Ropuriag. Ood.rloh. THE CORONER'S JURY Mod That MMus est Nes lit Mata• naw te self-Wssee. T. Wisest lab oho death of the late Fredsrlok 8.•111. was Mesad st the Beattie [s.s at 1:30 Tbsnday alwr.oes. lir. W hilae Hobos, sorsa, presided. and Its lutowaj j.ry was .sti ..Iled :- Jos. E Whitely (fet.asl. James Hamilton. Wm. Monk. Walter F. Hick, David Prouse, Henry Bell, William Lamprey, harrles Spence... Otter willson..., John Rodges, Simon McCOllagh Mer sad Richard Chambers. E. N. Lwls, harrier.r, r.erwoWd the Crows, sod the eraser's tourism were bested after by Philip Holt, barrister, Goderich. Derma the examisaMa of Mn. Bata oho prisoner sae tato the r..wt In *targe of oe.ssabl. Kai, sed wee vs,y stunaduta darts* the re.Us1 .f her testimony. The witness also was deeply moved, sad It was with great di4aashy that the could pyeeeed with tie.lam4s•Mya. The lolury to Cox's face was gaits pr.st[sest, MIcHaEL KENNEDy's sTorY. After * ssamla•Nea el the body of de sassed by aba Jaren, the Okla, of amnion* was eesoand. The first witness was Michael Kennedy, s yang on was wee et work os the Tbomp• sem farm sores* the read boon when On le sasdf e.wmd Hie eyeteeth L as fol• Lew:- euesrday 1 was ploybi.a in the field whoa William Cox came over and told me he bad shot Beattie : 1 privately had then COx driving is the &mottos of Beattie'. =liksed Is oho tawr,ai had heard • .kat sa altos d1ros&a. ; between Ore sad err mates *lapsed from the tame Cor drove *lad the rood and the bearing at Lb. shot; ib.. G1 sue over he pelted up the horse sad boohooed ; whoa 1 cot to him be said: "I shot Fred ; NOW ou .ter and call Bob Thompson., quick t" Witness espial Thomp- son and then west to the bots and told Mn. Tapes ; Mr. Thompson went over M Beattie's • Cox turned l the dire. tine st B. tit.'. ; Pis was between 10 30 sod 11 e'dnnk ; 1 did an enema any arm I weM be BssIMe's psrests' pans, and re• tsrflsg saw B.ai M's body shoat 12 .'stook .w.l. the .r.k•rd : 1 k..w mottle, of the eases of the trouble : the bed' was about sateen se Waitress yards frost the task doer d the row., .oath -vasa Cross.examined.-1 here knows Mr. Cox two er thin years ; have always lad him a y.W, ngeotable ma ; I sow him drth- is1 sting the read bows. 10 and 11 .'eb.k M an ordinary frit ; wham he eaa from Beattie's to where 1 w be dray. npidip Mr. Thompson pet 4ste the ria with COx...d they drove hook in the Crea- tion of Beeti e'u ; G1 wee very mer e1• cited ; be eye .o rocas fer harts( shot as Bot4 ; I saw no bruises on Cox's face.. MRS. FRED. BEATTIE Mea Euphemia Beattie, wife of Il. ori n et sad daughter .f no prisoner, wee duly sworn: -I hays been married two years sant ibcewber : there bad hoes trouble between' my father's family sad my husband since IN* tietpteebeir : before that they bad been the best of friends ; eiy heehaw' ..end In risk there ; my \..bawd was to nederieh 4..t Saturday ..d rot book about 5 .'sleek ; share were liviag 1a oar Woo the hired on, Albert look, sty busload. myself •.d the baby ; 4t e es lot 9B, Maitland emus - Mon; my hu.bssd whoa he este best said : -•• Ijtese 1u eesr.d to ono sod lin with sir" ; .he M my y.guger those : he bad seen bee is sows sod W seated bus M east. ; my wear W told eta did sit knew hew APPALLING DEATH Prom IDdney Disease Prevented by Dodd's Kidney Pills, Only. "Kidney Disease." Do you know what it meads? It means that the kid- neys are either mato, or rotting; the blood is frill of poisonous, death - dealing corruption ; that the kidneys can't do tbgir work ; that the victim is a walking charnel -house ; that his hours aro cambered ; that the victim muni take Dodd's Kidney Pills if he does not wont to die. Have you Kidney Disease t Is skin hot and dry ; memory fail- , breath short ; urine, reddish, or colored ; does it scald when she was to tame and bring her *huhu, sod be told kw be would go to the sighs with • heaters, whoa shit was te Dome down as'ln, altar throwing her olethm out of the win- dow, and he would take her away ; I mud, You era fooling," and be said it w mamba ; I tete'm huab•ad that although I was willing Lily amid visit ben I thought la was • very wrong thlog for blm 10 do to take • girl away from her home lake that ; ho jut leaked ; the man was outside at the time and nothing was said before 14. •boat It; my husband's ides ia rein at sight wee be take my Mater any without the folks knewing about It ; my father sed mother bad sot objected to her coming here to vett foe two or throe day., or eves weeks. ata ata, but I ander stood from what my buband said that the idea was that my Mater was to lire here all the lima THa CADeI or TUR TROunt& la the fail my husband west over to Crabb's to help an the uusse tax. and be beard my mother my that he would never H ive • dollar of the termhtog money, and thea made him angry ; atter that be dist 000unued his •imus to my mother's, er would amply leave a there whale he went a other beam and thea ell bsuk for me; he had so spit• mains& my lather at the Mme; my be.besd looted before about Lily's soma to hes with me ; tautly my husband weld *wear at my fisher and my every tear ho bald about blur ; my father said sytbIog •g.*n.t my outbound to me or Is my prows.. ; the drat canoe of trouble Moieties my husband sad father came op oe..ight when my bullhead was returning fres' • thieohing ; he west to my fat1.r'• ramieR.1 a drtak : my hither reproached a ler tibia, a Mos*, with only the hind as to look after the farm, and told him he would not be scything •head by It ; tets made him angry .t lathe, ; them as .. objection ny my parents to wly arrow Fred ; Lily bed never until ewaly been pretreated from remiss over here by my people, but of lea soca objective had tomes made to bow eau' se awe; my has - bad knw this, ad this .0 as' -1.W two Of the quarrel. rug Munbla dot.' H. drove o6 es Siird.y Meta shoat 10:30 ..d unarmed •Iter 1 o'ckok with Lely sad bee clothes ; it le •beet throe miles from here N my father's house ; my sister staved with me that stabil. and4 8a day arnica uncle Thos. Cox came for her .ad &eked ber ta ge back boa ; she did at go; en .ianday 'Jabots 1 west over to my mother'', leaving Fred and my sister bore, and found my mother vary 111 ; whim I baa beet 1 told my mar she had better go home ; la the ought my thole Thomas MOM sp•es sed told us that if am wanted to see mother ahtve we were to go home ; be stn. areas Talo Iowa to call • doctor ; my busload e.id it was only pretsom, •ad said Mt would not tan • seed to m•e bey ; he .fleeted to my 101.4 at first. bet at last consented, bet would not drive me over ; the lord man Anes ma over ; I toad my at.tb., vet y ill and anoose iono ; slur s whale she same to ad asked where Lily was, and (aloud when told she bed not Dame ; the grew delirious ad remained o for some tame ; uncle Thomas went to our ploce •,sfo, sad this time Lily came book ; mother asked Lily why .h. Aad left, and she said she lakd Fred •ad.be liked a, and salbin, they .Dull my meld taro bar spinet Fred ; lather • ke b her 'boat Meta ere much with Fend, and told her people were ..yang they did not bow whether Brad was insrn.0 to her or to ms ; Gly said it was all .o....'. ; I dad o..1 ob jean to Lily's bo as with Fred ; when n y kceband heard of what my father had .std he threatened to get Lily away from bowie 1 y some pies er other ; Lily mid she was sorryfar noise away, nod promised to stay at ome ; i r.tarod home on Momd•y morale*. and sty hart -.nd mid he would give me no poem if I did sea get my sister to Dome book ; i w.1\t or•r boa to set Ise did not thank lly habit refused torsed home my husband jerked the Mb from me and .as very &airy 1 bed .ever told niv father that my husband had bean unkind to me ; 1 wan alweyi Oa to de my own work, TAR FATAL .ORNUO Ferber came over bore yesterday .nems' shout 10 or 10 30, and I told bias that Fred had maid he would both his bisrt'. blood ; Father .sated Lily's clothes, and I told hien Bed bad forb.ddes me to give them to thymus but Lily ; he would have to p and ser Fred ; he west over to talk to led about jetties the cloth*. : Fred had bean her, but my tether sa he Imola let bier go, an to go hook ; whom I Puling • [g weft, .prEtite changeable; t picking op sopa and watching what was do your swell; have you bitter pier a : tether walked slowly is hie di - taste in the mouth on getting up mornings ; is there a brick -dust de- posit in your urine T Any of these s41ns is proof positive of Kidney Disease. Will you be cured, or will die? 's Kidney lliL are the onlymeans on earth that will ewe you. hey never fail. rocas ; whoa lather got within • few feet of Fed he made a great. .prt•g at habit and said with as oath that he would has hl. boort's blood before be sob eat of the orohard ; l mw Fred's road raised to *Mika father. but did not ssi the blow fail ; fa- ther basked aad Feed fellow/el him .p sad mod. another sonar al him ; I heard fa- ther's rther's reins, bits add sot dietiog.bb what be old, as he awoke quiet low : whom the shot was Orad Fred'. Wads sae .w fa- ther's Malden .1 did .ot.e. the revolver; 1 maw the mob and bard the abet, and Me my besuud fall ; father steed there and 1 soreamod and west ora 10 lbtrm; 1 CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. west to whore Fred was ly sed mad . - "It is too bad, Fret. yoi vg t.auught Whatever Is required in Uousefurnishings for Me upon yourself ;" I did not hear h".a this season will probably -the greater portion -be •p.ak .Item be was snot ; lethlr a..t ,e1 leek to the boa and a neighbor .:.,a end purchased this next ten days. For a fast finish we took a ...y ; lather .•i,. th Robert y1e • few tubas and caca hest with mark a late stock received this week at an advertis- Tbomp.ua. ing price : Clovis rx•MINATION. C,ose-erawiued -1 have one obild ; my husband woo *bout 27 years *Id and • power- fully bout pose man ; my father •as • entailer eau ; 1 bav0 saver knows father to be g..rrelaomy ; the telt about my hus- band and Lily has beer witbls the past three*: four weeks ; my slater Is 20 yews of age ..at birthday 1 am boa Tel 22 ; oa Moaday mender Dr. Whitely drove a boom from 4.ther'e. and talked to Prod sad save him some advice ; alta the dottier left my husband made throes' utast my father . ad his tally and ssolm Thomas ; be mid be would stand by Lily ; he sad U he as tether bo would pulverize lila baa.. ; be .lee threatened to leave me sad tote the baby sway ; be did go away. bat MEW book •gen ; on Wedaeedsy aroma he oestis•.d his ureal. ; my bastard was o•rrelsoarm, gad bed had rows with others; 1 bays moo • revolver at my father's hobo; he used it to .hoot egaktels on the toren. VIM LILT 00*. Mie Lily Gr said :-I bad boon torbld- den to go with Fred and hod told him so ; ou S•turd•y whoa I mot Fred is tows M breeched the subject of my owns. to Boo bore; he had boon talking d redid eek west, and mid h• would stay at Me 1.1111E give up drib►tog if 1 would oame bare to live; when I want hook boa on Meaday I rwomiasd not to osme book hero spun ; Fred, ob Monday, cams and •eked nue to go to his place again, bus 1 refused, as 1 ad I bad surly mused my mother's death, sad my lather was (ntttail about It ; 1 had beard that Fred had said that no one could mst my clothes but myself ; 1 did set No for them became I was afraid he would keep ms ; be bad bus going • good deal with a ; he had saver mode any proposal to me too 100 •way ; he wanted mm b 00100 b bid pas to Iles, and said 41.mylblag happened to Kuphemaa he would marry me ; 1 bard Prod threaten to posed lather U ho ower este on the plain ; I did ss' Law whether father knew .t them throats ; I was treated all rirbt at home ; Fred jos persuaded no to Dome here. At the aceolwjon of Mine Cos's .•iaaee, the coroner dehdei to diger. the to ions soul the follow*., day. The body lay a a small room off from that is whale the Logout was being held, and -kale .lie.. akklaasas were beim ei&msted Dr. Whitely was making • post mortem u- &miaal tea. Om Friday .t 4 r se., at the curl home, the noun y was resumed. DL WIITRLT'a STATIM INT, Dr. J. B. Whitely, *4 Goderich, was oho first .it.... called. tie sold :-1 saw Wm. Cox at about 10:30 o'clock Wdsesdsy morning la Onodi • dour stare is Oedema ; As ma, " Doctor. I've shot Beattie :" 1 took him to my a ss sed &M d hist whore he had shot him ; he said, " Somewhere 4. the lace ;" he did set know If be bad killed him ; Cox gave me the revolver. (The re- volver was produced end handed to the doc- tor, who said It looked like the Doe Cox had giy+s bleb). I gave it to Thos. Gundry. Cox was almost. frenzied ; bio clothes ware spattered with mad and lbws was quite s costume os his facie under the left eye, havi.g the •ppearsnoe of a 1,010011 Mjtuy. There esu blood res the !lagers of bio tight band sod the skim of me Boger was chafed; he .aid 114011110 bad streak him ; he told me that h• had driven op to 14401ti0's haat door ; Mr.. Beattie same te the door and she was armee ; hs asked beer what the matter was : She mid Trod bad set boos rioting well that monster ; be bad raid be was mac to kill her by t..bs sad had made throats arsine hlm'(Oor) and the rest of the family ; Ito asked for Lily's olethea, bet hie daughter said .he mold sot give them, as Fred bad bold ber sot to Lys them to anyfs, bat Lily : he said he would go and Mee • talk with Prod ; be waked over towards Beattie and as he aopresobed btm Beattie looked ■p gad said, " You're the as I'm Iooka, for ; 111 have your heart's blood before you leave the .retard;" Beattie jumped up .ad struck at Nm ; he roe b wok in the dlrootioo of the hemee : Bootee took hold of him ad Ge said. " Dos'. strati* a ague or I'll oboe, ;" Beattie persist d and be shot him ; COI mud he took the revolver wait Mm beso.s he wee afrid of Beattie ; more for the Por- ous* arpone of arise L,n thee anything .lee ; antbiag was said about t.ox'. *tithing Seattle : alter he shot him Beattie loll and he left tmmdlately sad Summoned hob*. 1 hospice : •iter getting rbompeos he came to my how ; when I womb out 1 found flo.ttM lyi.p in the orehud dead ; it wes Mita boss from where Beattie lying the tree .here the ladder was ; I do set k.ow whether be bad been moved before I saw blas : eprorestly he had net : I was theirs as 11:16 ; he had boom dead thea same time. , as !osier mama i had hese talking with Wm. Cox the night before and bad said that N Beattie would not give the clothes to sayo.m bat Lily I would go with her and god them 1 mho wail afraid to go slows; Lily came m and spoke tome foot the olo*bee ; she was a:ralt II she went for that Beattie* *would coax her to remain ; she was .et afraid of 6s' hurting her ; 1 first knew of the tremble last Moony ranting, whoa 1 west on to see Mrs. Cox ; 1 food her prostrated sod said there most be shoe troubio to cause It; Mr. Cox-tbes told me of Lily'. Muted goes off the Saturday ulrb% ominous ; he .as very meek broken ■p about it ; I asked .yrs Lily was ; he said she was still at Beattie's. ; 1 said the remedy would be to have Ler eery and bb her mads to go and telt ber she hod to thee ; he .ant sad brought her : T.sad.y .ieh. 1 said I would go with Lily the sett evening to god the e ine« ; the shoeing look plane is ire swab ing ; WO. Cow was there when 1 said the ; .iter swing Beattie I reburied to Mw. . d bold Cox, who was .1111 4. my .Airs. Mat N would better siva Mull .l, 5c. BUYS 15c. WALL PAPER DURING THE ALTERATION SALE AT PART ER'S. iEIE IS A GENUINE SNAP iN WALL PAPER 1 1630 Rolls Wall Paper. regular price IOc., 12c. and 15c., all one price during alteration sale. Sc. per .rail ; 480 Rolls regular 18c., 20P. and 25c., all one price during sale. 1Oc. per roll ; a few 35c., 40c. and SOc. Papers for 15c. roll. Look sharp. SALE COMMENCES FRIDAY, OCT. 21st. These prices are positively Spot Cash. Money will be cheerfully refunded for any Paper returned. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE, Court Howse Square, OODERiOH hiliiikalliallt&.Ar:mi;ir. .)r.k, .4ftioddalwiNiablaMatijak6. :36 -inch Heavy Union Carpets, 1-3 pure wool tilling, and in 35c. yd new patterns, spec- ial at 27 inch wide New Tapestry Carpets, in bright, clear, Nor- 30c. yd al patterns, regular 40c., for Heavy Oil Cloths, itt 20c.1. 1i anal t yards yd wide, at • 60 inches wide, 31 yards long, Nottingham Lace 98c.Curtains, regular $1.25, for 50 American 12-4 4 -ply Stair Oil Cloths, in 10 Crochet Cotton Quilts, 98c.new ppaatterns, "'Ku -u- C d our prig has been $1.35, lar 144x, for Y to clear, Largest and Richest Dress goods Stock in 6oderich. ACHESON &SON. aero,.( and Cox's appesdsg es the road Ove or eft st*004.s later sad boohooing to he hired moo, who •1Wrwards summoned hint (Thompson.) Cor told him Fred Beat- tie On shot dead ; he got Into the buggy with Cox .ad they drove took to Beattie's W110001 then related the story of the o0 corneal as told to ham by Got- which was substantially the same as given by the pre- vious wltper. Witness said : Cox said he did net intend to shoot Beattie. H• was 'any 0er•ous and marl, ep, set the boggy in turning. I went to Mrs. Basta and spoke to her ; them wont over t.. !foetus is the orchard, lifted his bead sad epoks to him, but thele was no tywer ; remained there !bias or tour inm- ates ; be weaned 00•er•1 limos, but did set .peak ; thew went back 10 Cor and Mrs. Beattie, and Cor mid he would go and g1•• himself up. I told Mrs. Beattie to go ever to my homes. To Mr. Holt -Cox west be the last man in the world 1 would *KM!' de.sytbing like the > George Parmenter, was. geld ; .I was is the Bud doth of Mr. Thompson's whoa the shot was Bred ; Mr. Thompson nand me and 1 wet over to whore Beattie was lying; Beattie did sot my anything ; be died in ball as hoot. Albert lusk, Beattie's hired man, said I was away from the place Wednesday .t or.lag. Coming home with Bottle from tows S•tarday b0 maul he bad mot Lily Cor u God.rteb and she bad asked him to mm* mud take her away, as her father bed sot been etas kit ..IL Illy mid her lather had lhrestmeed her with s borss-whlppin,. 1said bewas foolish torefor heir ; he said he would take ber away for safety ; he told me pot t. may &ytbtsg to Mee. Hostile about it ; Word Lily Cox's voice a 11. sight ; Bettie was • pretty aim man to work for. Richard Chambers, ese of the jurymen, was called to the stand, bet know nothing of the shooting. He saw Beattie alter the &boot leg ; be did net say anything. Thos. Gundry, oos.teb:., produced and handed to the eori,ser the revolver with whiob the deed had bees dose. It wsa ia the mem 00dtt100 se .hen he had receiver, tt---with ono dlo.barg.d tartridr.. Mrs. Thos Beattie, mother of Frederick Beattie, bad been .uby..,.00d, bat was s0. well and dad sot appear. After the corner had addressed the jury, the latter retired at 5:50 o'clock and Is tweets Ove minutes returned with the fol - low's, ,erdiot 71:10 YIDt(T. visa roon-uoweult I held a poet mortem .xaralealBM and fend • w.11-nAtLked body. The Mae of *ma was a hallo► wooed .oar the .ye, es N. tight ddb of the woes, tb ballot passim .ly upward..sd mowing the brat.. the theme it took I sb•.14 say the ties wet..4e.ui exsotly oppsdto math other. iDeath muao here ass.d aboral, after.1 w saw ae *timeends ea the body. 1 hind Ir. WIN is the bask .1 the brad. (TM holies was ptd..sd ; 11 had both Battened by eery, with the berms I. Its seem Wog. tM bawd.) • TM the..r..a-It wield be &Leese ha- ke= pe.41*1 the .mese d the ballet N bell jus woo pS.[tfM Ohs lata wen sloshes. Te Mr. Hdt-I was at Owx's plev MM Teasley .1$i. Ib was Mesday sereleg the 4M_.nMe MU Naos about Uri reit urns. f'.. did .et thrones Besides I be awned M be sae gyi lONt es M kid d&RgMar', wmd..I I toned is 1.41v sad eta Nowa es poise Iswod",es4Pthen: rdmetsered to go with her tee the detbo ; [,.gusted Osdry's gem,.,, bet Mr. do did .et woes p.epl• salads is loss el the tastily *sett ; the wood es Cox's hoe tease erg Os AWN et • Mew t old *swag as ant Own 'e 4* Net Is the leg he Mid so Bowie bad kb1ed Me es the bead ; I hese loom On to 38 yews ; mos knew ►,.t 4. tltat• .ed ; he apposed to Its ited•W fwd ; Swab wee • toyer awl s.r.eartal was I twee saw bowie[ ant le w d fid hid mew 1 weal .spiv M M anTis wtra.asrt Robert Thompson-. she mart Olsen .ales, ;lees ea ike bre epode, 11.04.'., awl WO el 4R.Rlms a. ekes Wei. -/ay That he, the said Frederick Beattie, came to his death me lbs mortar of the 26th if October, in Aa owl orchard, by • pistol shot, the pistol being in the hands of William Cox; std we further find, according to the evidence, that the said Frederick Beattie was shot Lv the said William Cox is self-defence " COAL W000 CHARCOAL and KIND.ING. We are still at the same old stand, Nelsen Street, where we have been supplying oar ruatomers for a number of years. We know the fuel that snits you. Orden left with oar delivery rigs or at Warwtl's Wive and tiu shop and at our ease-> naoeire pt pt attention. A$.e.1 weighted o6 market scaIee, unless otherwise ordered. We run several Drys in connection. CARTAGE t FUEL CO., JOHN 8. PLATT, Manager. Phone 62. 2667-tf The Ieri inton Puncture Ool WANT Weaned) DRY ELM AND BASWOOD to 1• .mall guas1ttsa Thar are Mao 1 the arks* for Green Elm and Black Ash. ANOTHER NEW ADDITION li to our Largo Lime . ell have added known s NEW COOK STOVE At any season of the year there is no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. Itis Witid"cook etovefii?Yirev'ieY'j"T"'"'"' ""---' thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. Ladies' and Gents' Under - Wear at the Lowest Prices at ODDER'S •REID'S OLD STAND See Our . . We know you wi'I be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges OA.L.I .a' ' CATTLE BROS. Plubers, Steamltters and Tions Wait side of Peewit. sari Sturdy Bros. WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes Ant ties. flees 4 l.. r• 55 a.. sue CMsmeea/w. WR/T' FOR PR.Ois. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO 604 AD=•LA4OS Ml_ s•. swotawv AT tarmwis - . ONTC X Special Wide and Heavy FlanneI- ettes in Light and Dark Colors at 5 Cents a Yard. X -Overcoats. HURON'S HURON'S CREATEST STORE Stock o be Reduced $2,000 STAPLES, FURS, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY AND MANTLES AND A s1'LF:N11111 RANGE: OF • KNITTED WOOL TAMS, HOODS, Etc, All at prices never before offered in Goderich. R_ B_ SMITH_ 0. W. ANDREWS, Manager. FOR THE HOLIDAYS the correct thing is to have the beat for your visitors, and you can get the best 0 RAH6 t ST u R17Y BROS. „ARANO THE SQUARE, OODERICH. GROCERIES "NEW FLORIDA" ARD "NEW BERMUDA" STEEL OVEN COOK STOVES ARE THE MIMMV Of BAKERS, A1D TRE " New Art Amherst " 1f TWE MKT ECOMOUICAI DOUBLE NEATER COAL STOVE IN THE 'ASSET. gory Stove warnstM porton or money Waded. and guaranteed for on year aping* breakage. J. H._WORSELL ? STOVE MAX 0010 A000T ro. C34011;; RIOZ3 S T O Canadian Pacific Ry. We the world-wide Happy Thought .d Radiant Home W. h..s sok entre! Is Oederleb .1 .hese and all the ether Iles et 1leek'e 8nosa. We handle .lee the good* of the fellow,. hop Oro. : Gurney /Foundry 00. Ournq-TYlden 0o. Burrow, ate rant & MlIne Glare Bros. Maio, yes the .lake of gonda from floe of the Ingot Dad man poplar aka. ,. Goads. Let tr lllesr5 es Teal 111tmblag. testae. sat !Usti's LEE & SHEPHARD 18 THE DiRECT FAST ONLY - ALL -CANADIAN LINE TO TUE FOS Manitoba, the N c rthwest, Klondikeand Yukon Gold Fields. LOWEST RATES, FASTEST TIME. ACOOMMOOA11044 UNSURPASSED. 3 TOURIST CARS A WtEK TS THE PACIFIC COAST .id Y ielgn •W Pleb*. 4.s. App4 IM R.. R.A.DOI.IFPf7, CUTLERYAND SPORTING GOODS Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Razors, Scissors, Carvers, Butcher Knivesread Knives, of the best English and (Ashman makes. Stock now full and ready for Fall business. Greening Steel Wire Cow Chains, also a line of English goods. Builders' Hardware, a full line. Guns, Revolvers, Loaded Shells, Cartridges, Gun Caps, Primers, and a full line of Sporting t•••: Above lines at bottom pri and fair dealing for all from R. W. M°KENZI THE OXIL&P HAMRA= nom w 4 1 1