The Signal, 1898-11-3, Page 1THE NEST 18 THE
AA t,
IS 11-11,., I
ONE DOLL IK .t 1h: t''
1'4 AD% ANCE
• atA w
ef.e" .
FIFTY-FIIIS'1' YEA R.---2698
W sofa
KI 0111 E. --WK WAN 1' 9000 POUNDS
roll hotter la plots sod two -pound
o11., also SIA dr. eggs. tligliem o.•h pries
W W west Mee soba at Iles Beadles
t. Produce Blore W. J. MORROW.
Pei' Ueda 01' To Raaf.
half anus et WS In thee village of Port
AlMon tea miles from Ooderiak rows
fres lioarannon and rix from ICtsrt it on the
mals reed to Kunoerdis. Possession as be
riven lot December. rrir further particulars
apply M ,HENRY OTWAY. Sbeppor4*"o.
IS -it
• abort distorts from the Square, se-
=Cals rooms, with otter oonvl,idonces.
ooedstable ssdeos fait tress. Apply
se N. Y.MOTT, Victoria et. 117 it
aerosol mod al foot of South street,
Wass inane. dames,- meow Arad ttsrt. f[tsr
ls, woe a off DUNLOP. Wed
librisk New etude ea
V O. I..Toel l Odilredelesiew :, with
ght Ss o
heehis i a ierey dem lIs p peater tee hbnw.
Mg and fruit geowiam Moody Mr sherd
aloe sad orohud oa
promisee. Bap sa11able for the mso-
daeturn el (trick. Terms to suet purchaser.
Aptly w praeeMs to Oho. Mels's.. or to
Wu. OArr.W. mean a Agent. Westar.
L' E---'. earthy is Um Towa of
ate dartcb. upon white lo erected
eed • Mee d wellloes
Dotteedd OA tSNt.mbr, * 9
YadMab tt
/1LIlaLlouta `/Mast.
vast• ♦pl/ to Mrs. MoGILLI-
CUDDY. fl West -0l
journeys. hla*bmlth. who We had
throe or tour years' swiss in general
THOMwerlr. • gory SOH. =mar by tetter to W11.
tireadtr, gr *ider
mist la s gas! sum with NI per moist sod
WuAntt.g to sbtlity. UV. T. B.
. TMN!s.
sae work bard t.lkbeg and writing ton
been dolly for Mtn . • e • week sod 1,01 be
contest with an dollars a•ol dy. Address
NSW [DRAB 00.. Tests.
ease Will yeasg to
ebaraeter. gest /alters.
asdemorleua w lad weldor
ease toy theeertreruloo of the town
d 05gdirloi to tate shouse of the Goder:on
welter swim Nast IMIes to begin tm-
medlaroly. State .19ertooes referees. to
edsompanv spirants. what's will be ea
o e i v• d at to Tuesday. No•. tbo M.
NICHOLSON, Chorus Waterworks
mitts. 11Lft.
reed ter vacation or
Iy M terCanada : An Sselopwdl•
of this " g
7. la five toys! mes.
ys! gnarl' volu
THs St PUBLnS HINO00..1 wlM
▪ • few vaaasslsgga,r metw
e in ard
Sort. Bpeald Mtsstlen 1s' given to 'shill°
a000rdlaS to Oesrvstary ..{bode. Mitt
1TJ et Toronto oaaeerwatsry et Music.
Malar et plana dad tbasry- Oa.eervaerf
sod I t. Tee.. sad
eyt1 aend be ed co eau
MUM :1 Qddbee•K•
T..Mr of Plus. Wu Ongan sad Tbaery.
A siSsldky et them=1 tPmettw Clads
O ildrAlso fhd.ef•r1e• Motiod fl, Tose
eetslene will perms the T1m13 Oaaaarva
toTrrC"r's'&wa dtles a the Red 1 se.. 117
RriteasiallooL Sees
PURIM, Now°.
14•04•15 bowl/ slims 41st • sue will be
r Ogilado Voters' Lists
•l Igo et she CsatheCourtt
day et N or.. 1I, at
to bear sed Sow-
Haasep, es the
10 Seised w IS ...
miss the oeverdl d wore sad
em la the lost o1(wtld mri.lsi-
Aevversus tout et
t1 W Ooart
e re reeuir.d to attosdw
Delo WY >♦e. «. i tt
NdgM Y YMgihg d -dm- r.{ a Jen will M
tall, )Ast.y tfls dtee Vst lots
of the
Usethe Om g twee at the Mawi
Owen K r
hall. O.rMw. Om rho day of Nonni-
d tien lt l atyM f.
PSIS ot or -
rm t Y List ethe
I sottish', of ON1Yerure tee
All pros Iavls lissal esu a the f)onrt
are requited to atta °o
of tare Cear*
Dated MS end gloves . UQs, .bac
that I w pe ms. M Moot
r Nat m t fldl► ed° err oa. et MY
TRI ufttud, t fl
Ooellinse Lim amid laregosest
osi*e MHTTwill gee the of
sod Woe the ent
July, heel
Loess e- A neat{: we .t M m *.
IN gva Mil !ye dad • haH we aeaL tonne.
The Beattie Shooting Case.
iM W.cto la the Case as aro.abt ht la
the i•Ideaee *rare she mogim
bone Siert-uatr•real Sym-
pathy ver Wm. ens g
lo town and township the enrrosiag sub-
ject of discussion during the past week has
bees the unfortunate affair wblohbs& brought
William Cox, one of the most respected
reddest -eel God•rtob township, se promo•
early before the publio ave On ■11 sides
sympathy is •xpr.seed for Mr. Cox, sod •
Smits feeling is wur{twed in regard 10
the widowed daerhter, whose p•eitioo has
as so trying.
The foots of the sac, ea developed at the
eoroaer's-toqust and the trial before the
sagiatr.teS, are subetaatally as giv5o
Mufti us ThSmoot- lastw
wk. Toe mend
of the tragedy was tbebld Shaw farm, •"out
four and • half miles from town on the
Heron road. Hen was Frederick Beattie's
home, the bou.hold saluting of Beath.
btmself, ban young wits, their baby of tour
months, and sho herd man, Albert Lusk.
The boos is an unpretentious frame mottoes
with oddities al the rear. Beattie was •
powerfully built man of tweotya•vea years,
• first-rate worker, but unfortunately of •
quarrelsome disposition.
William Cox is • well-to-do brmer of the
sixth wnossion of the towssbtp- He is
widely ooeoeo1d both in the township and
is this town. and is held On high regard by
those who know him Of his family of
girls Mrs. Fred. Beattie u the.14.I. sad
Illy the *mood. Both rids are phpsmMs-
lot m hnuer.see.
For comm time Hostels had -berm --
gibs •
good deal with his .ister-u•1•w, bat ere
notice was taken of it by the girl's parents
until it sue to their ears that people were
talking of it. The parents fine made eb-
istios to Lily's goer aloe* with Beattie •
low weeks ago, but this did not put an tad
to the intimacy.
A week ago dotard•y Beattie met S nis-
tee-m-Isw is) tows, and an arrangement was
made that ism was to nail for her that eight
and take her over to his plan. --some two or
three miles distant from her home. The
program was carried out, the girl leaving
mune in the middle of the night and taking
her ol.lhes with her. She left • note stating
that she bad gene with Fred Beattie to his
also., sod mixt morsiag bee mmol•, '1 homy
Cox, west to Seance's t• bring her book.
SW refused to go. Mrs Cox hod beoomm
oompletely•td as • result of her
daegbter's Spartan, and Thomas Cox went
agars to Miro the girl home. Early Mom
day merging, at the thud request, she did
ratan home, bat left her olothieg at Beat -
tie's. Beattie oe Monday wsatpver and
crld Se let the girl to go beak with Min,
bat by this dine mod had 4*....,. sembl• of
the wrowalsloes of nor behavior and re-
fused to go with him. Iiwas'aeoe.eary that
she should have hoe olothing, and on Wed-
nesday morning her father went over to get
In the m..Ime, Beattie had beoome
very angry blO&ries of Lily's not being al-
lowed to with horn, and had threat -
sed dire vsogsnoe upon Cox and *h.
members of his family, ozaspttng Lily. Cox
had been told of these theses by kr daugh-
ter Kapb.mio (Mrs. Beattie), bat posed
Wee matter off lightly, thiakug the yomg
mats was bl.msg. Wdmisd.y moralist
$eatti. sods) . sties of threat. ag•taat the
Cotes, all but Lily, by saying. as be left tb•
wine, that •' le had a mind to go down tato
and murder them &IL' Cox for 110m• days
hod bees oarryiog • revolvor, as, ►sowing
Bectu:. ob•rooter and bavina beets told h• -
tors by trim khat his Burs. foiled him at
the sight ot sees weapons, he thought Hat
wergild Maped may he keep Beattie tram
oeklR turd
hems M Mit Lily •may.
WkssGui wens he ids son-in-law's. he
woe see se the bask der by his d•.ghtr,
who said she weld not BATS him Lily's
ol.thss, as her husband had forbidden her.
Oct thea wont over to Heater., who was is
the °rehard ;Skis up apples. Beattie
jumped up and rushed &t Cox, threa*ei.g,
with an oath, 10 "bays his hearts blood."
H. stork 0:o. 5ad grappled with him, and
,n the Nnggle M. pistol shot was fired and
Heald* fell. *het through the brain. Cox
barfeedly drove to • wtgbhor's for .out -
saw, sad rhes Demo to tows, s.mmaasd
Dr. Whitely and, en the latter's return
to taw ohm finding that Beattie was dead,
gay himself up to th. authorities.
Tee orobard is which the shooting took
plow is situated al the rear of Ism hoose.
kin Beattie, who was et ndi.g staid. at
the mud of the kitebem, was the only wit -
nese of tem &Qdr, Lusk, the hlyd mos, b.,
iag at I3.atllelpareat.' forer
m that msieg.
The owes whore Beattie fell u about forty
v.rds from tis. book door of the house,
to tbesoh1Owes$. .
TY* tossed et Frederick Beetle took
place on Friday die noen to Maitland
essrodery. Tien was • very large attend!
sew.. RAW. James Hamilten, pastor of the
Uses Presbyteries ohuroh, oilloisd, sed
at the /.se. the burial ew•monv of the
Claudia. Order of Chows Freed*, d which
de mand was & member, was ob.mred.
The stose1'e inquest (of which • report
appears es soother page) was held no
Thursday and Friday, and reeled to •
verdtot to the *Fest that Cox had shot
Bette* In Sall-d5leaat._
On Saturday &knees the prelimla•ry
Were police m•giser•u Seaga. ..d
Horses Horne. J.P., was Instituted .t the
heart *see. E. N. Lewis aqua •p s•r•d
for e, the Crew. and Philip Bolt for 10. d.-
TM pollee m&sistnte read to the poison -
sr tee idlenesat. la white h• was charged
gook to milder .t Frderiok Seattle. T i
...seed N*+d "Rot guilty.'
1110111111101110 1101,100.
EN9' it Tlla TO mIEDTT-
be mitA A dtrrew card e/
At M
Trusteest• R.1, Q (g/►
Muesli .fee afelew et
Vg1 Isr vi0"lk.
Ow: lrboodultr.
Poi tees
bits. Among thswe was George Beattie,
brother of Che man shot.
Moodey moruiOg at llulb o'olook tM
trial was resumed.
Oliver Edward gave eldeos omits to
that of Miohasl O'M•rs on Satard•y. Hs
maw Mr. Cox driving bo the Mlxth oososmioo
os) Wednesday montes about 8:30 or 9
o'clock. Cox drew up and they talked for
a fow migrates. Cox did not ray where kw
was going. He was not driving fast,
Lady Cox's sods" was moon the same
that the inquest. Sher mid she dtd not tell
BOWS oar &today that she wanted to go
to his plow boomer of illlrestmeot 5t home
Tuseday morals/ al witness' parent,' place
Mn. Budd.. tar.. had bid them not to make
• fuse &boat 110 Molter ; Fred would do
his triols, sed nes *me beak sad bo trlsas-
ly. -- •
Am. Jaw Bottle was swots and cid T
om the mother of Frederick ilesttle ; went
to Mr. Cox's plus Tuesday morning I had
been •t Fred's place Monday night ; Toned
some trouble hisses Fred said his wife.
He had been telling her he was roing to
take the baby away from her. When I
loft I thought I kart mode psis between
them. At Cox'. 1 maw Mr sod Mrs. Cox,
the two girl..nd eke hlyd man. 1 told
Mr. and Mrs. Cox that things at Fred's
wen •11 right ; to keep sway for • while
and Fred would sol down. 1 went to Cox's
that morass to let Mrs Cox, who was
poorly, know that Fred would cool down. I
seer beard Fred make any tbwta mons{
Mr. Cox. 1 went to Fred's at Mr. Cox's re-
grind I doe's remember be.riog about
Lily. clothes at this time.
To Mr. Holt -I didn't spice an serious
trouble if Mr, Cox went to Fres. Mr
Lox mode no threats against my eco Moody
.v'sbg ; be sated she to gp to Fred'. be-
aus. Kgpb.mle wit .frettuog because Frd
was threatea)na't'o tali away the beby
that night be did go away for about half an
hour. While I was there his she and
" H• is going to take the baby •wily ;"
Fred add : " Yes, mo, 1 am." Mr. Cox
has always Wes • peace hie, islet rasa ; ns
411 know Fret's wife mad* • good wife
for bim--oeslda't be hotter.
To Mr. L.wis-Fred said afterwards,
„ 10a, 1 .m only fooling : 1 was going to
take the baby to your place." When he
mid be was going away I mad, "Oo," as I
thought Oast would mak• bis stay. He
was 000trary, and ,omstimes dida't mese
.11 he Sud.
To. next wooers was Mrs. Beattie, jr.
She told, as at the inquest, ot Fred's bring-
ing Lily is the muddle o1 the night, of
Fred's threats apiwt her father, and of the
e vents of the fatal moroteg
Atter as hour', adjournment ooart re-
w ord and the prisoner took the stand. Dur•
tog the sittings of the sort he had appeared
very muob shaken and met -stricken, and
his fool ;hosed bow moonily hs uolortau•
ane position hod affwt.d him. By Monday
afternoon. however. he hod improved very
muoh, and wan able to rove his evrdeoos
oalmly and clearly.
11.aid • i rima former residing inlidertoh
towoship ; was hors there ; am MI years
old. 1 tint objected to my d•ugbter Lily's
Koine to moots with grad Beattie .boat •
month or six week• oro ; before that 1
thought It was rare 'undoes on his part.
1 heard that people wore tarkinv •boat it
sod I odd my wile 0000luded to atop it and
ws spoke to Lily. I .fterwards leaned that
she bad again real, with him sad I
remosstntd with her •bone int I sorer
spoke to Beattie about it. I never threat -
sad. 1 did my utmost to prevent Lily'.
rotes with bon. I had an angry
word with Fred. Beattie In my life betas
Wednesday last, but os) Moodey lea he
was .t my pis trying to coax Lily to ro
with him .od lathed him to stay and have
s talk with m.. He said he would ba
daamod if be would and whipped up his
beteg I first kno. Lily had left u. o. 8m.
ner5usg alloy daylight. 1 knew no-
el heir Reis. till I food in tin taara-
ibgwbe was goo.. 8h. left • add savior and with whom she had gate. Sun-
day moons I went to my brother Those
and told him of my dwghteis having go..
sway sod asked him to go with me to brio•
he bus. My brother said 1 had bettor
stay at home, for Here would only be •
row, ea de wast Woos. H. did not bring
Lily b.ok. My wife was token Wok is mo. -
spans of Lily's Ieaeier and Oaoday
oigbl she got wars, rind Thomas want to
bring both girls home. Mew. Beatti. sum..
Thomas west for Dr. Whitely, and the
doctor cease out toes my wife. The doo-
tor .u.p.oted sine trouble as the cases of
my wife'. illness, end I told him .11 our
trouble about our danghter Lily. He mid
my wi1e would sot get over her illness us)•
lees Lily wee. Lroa/ht book. She had
filen tato filo of fainting. KArly Moody
of for Lily and .he then
morning I mi f •6•in
come, but did rot brio. her °tatt or with
bor. I talked to her mad she asked forgive -
nem for wb.t Se bad donBeattie outs
to soy plass Monday ...sing to try to gat
her book. 1 did not bear Lily t.1* of the
threats against, mw I fleet heard of them
on Me.d.y eights told me of
them, bat i did'''. take them seriously ; I
thought ism woo sly blower. I west to
old Mrs. Beath• to try to gin bey le to and
m.b.ppsasaoc.m at her son'. pees. I saw old
Mrs. =toot my pis.'ro..d.* morels.
She said .he bed Wee at Fred's all eight
She said . great drool .hoot what Fred had
mad while she was there, and finally she
said tt to was let slue he would gall does.
after • whits. My wife 'aid we would have
to tat Lily's elm Meg. Dr. Whitely told m.
11.atie had said be would sot give the
clothes to Myst. has 111y. H. eaggested
Oeedry'..wg, Mt 1 did ant want ane tar
the publicity. i did not wast Illy te p
for 11s ha would keep ler. Wedtsadsy
meson 1 said he my wife Hat I setsld sin
net till I saw Mw Espbemia was ^ 'aa
ie. I ales went to ret the eloping, Ir i
weld get It agreeably. i left home & ew 9
e'oNA. I told my w11. 1 would go to .Id
tiro B..M'.'s sad If I toned everything
was nal° at Prod's I woatd re bed eel the
oletheig. After Wires est 1 1
would go dine to 1y daughter's. I drove
op tad .k..•to est et the book deer and I
sodded .M was eying. I went Whir sod
sold, My dear girl, what I. the moss
with yes r She said, ' Oh pat vac d.s't
Your Mw I'm s111risg. Fred says he Y
see .its away, bet le gelae to stay and
femme me be ion die/ weft the dent tee
side amp Mia, sod be say. *la piss
M snrtap at *err plow, sad
snap 'eeres I sa44, " 610 ng wawa I I
hew be wen* sin 1. dist 1 he was only
1" 1 wasted to make 11 se eery ter
beer se palbler Not mid, i $.
IMO Rose be will t M is m .s aortal tem-
pletI mid ossetidel Irk. whit 1 bad
{ld bolero to try t....N. her. 11M mid
MIalpwgi.Mone Wkbewould Mrot*
1 *M nod .e se eneYMaM.n stela I el.
tow *Sr te erne Welt. dad 1104* 1 W .ewe
ger hr d otbga Ilia *Gyp* homed gad
5psal1 ler bead es me .ed taw. M Ok pa I
deibset 1.a.'t IgA yet do is ; he hoe ler.
Sokol 9011 err aa7Wy .lea eke
kRsm seism .4n hoes after them br-
.rut 1...011 kern* Ire rise. view
Miry Were OWN*" Ilse Ali, "Tse rods
Roost Tbempos, Beattie'. neighbor, rias
the fife wines'. H. gave praettosllw tis
same *widows ea at the Wisest.
Dr. Wbl1ly) also repeated no testimony
be bad given Otero tM wore. The deo-
ter added te the statuses* el the so.veres
ties sunk Oen M a;. Wks after tis* shoot
tint On OM tbs• WINS lb* !NAM he roaw be teiw4 he horsily
bear fres It ween eQ. The in-
t on trode1sgi *NW 4Me& of th. sista I
*nodi iia labiate was tat ifs sago. His
- 54 gr hat Iragidd abaft
Mama ai Mian, d ride* el she NSW
gyp, wee nisi and anM* doe be weir Oe
se WsdsmF7 mraigs .1.N 10 ants*
stag tegr1. the Hew 154. Ole et
,ager. loprasme sera i{N Out wtbey awa on Is a hilly
on In • temper.
Os geese* of the .bods of • wins*
Mr. ,ion% M Ole grime ./heed ter es ad
liewsweely wMM►ou_
were er ta.tri'i1P- ache *en
XL Cog WWI vinteetded by •
ittpl lla.
IIrIltAbr• MaYws
MI Meld .ad money wb1
have them oafs you se Fred." I asked
where be was. She maid, " In the
orchard, protist apples." I started to go
and she said, " P•, tele Dire, I wouldn't
gr." 1 west over to where h. was. I rot
within • taw feet of him and said, "Good
morotog." He said, "What aro you after r
I said, "Ltl's clothes." lie mid, •-1 jas1
want to see you; by Jesus Christ, Ism af-
ter your heart's blood this motors." He
woe getting tap and coming forward to me
whom he wog.ayiag this. He jumped up
and rushed at me, using this Wagoner, Sud
struok me on the aye with his St. The
blow staggered me It was • hard blew
sod he was running toward meas he struck,
but I was booking from him. The aye was
very badly swollen. Thom was not muob
pain. H. struck me awfully bud. 1 sold,
'Trod,i'.. got • ...cher; you bad beetles
stay book." I hod not then prodno.d it. 1
turned to vee tl 1 still run, but he was
gr.ppllog me sod somatlmes had hold of
me, and I was getting away from him as
[as: as I ooeld.., l them pulled out the re-
volver. I sold nor run, se he was getting
hold of ma, and as 1 was turning to run he
got bold of me, not very firmly, bat suffi-
cient to stop me from running. I then sail',
••I have • revolver, and to stand book or
I'1 shoot him. 1 took the revolver out of
my pocket. As 1 was Winging it up he
kicked and strums the hand which held the
revolver, .ad there is the mark of the klok
yet on the middle finger. Then 1 pr•s.otd
the revolver a1 hien and said, "Fred. stand
bock; stand book, .r I'll shoot." He sold,
"Shoot and be d•mod to yon." I was
still backlog up sod be was strtkinr at n.e.
I thee presented it to him and h. said, "By
Jesus Christ" or "Jesus Christ, I'm thirst-
ing for it." He was still rooming at me,
staking at se and o.tobiog at me. and just
as haled He last be mad. • great dive at
me and caught my right hand or.rm-1 am
n ot sure which -with one band, and sob-
bed at my throat with the other. I sold
feel his hand upoo my threat. Theo the pis-
tol went off. Just as he caught my
hood or arm the pistol want off. H. was
just o.tobing me 1 knew I polled
the trigger. I was se excited 1 hardly
know anything. Ha was gnppltag at ma
so I was in great fear .t the time. The
threata and looks of the man would fright-
righten 14. 1 expended It de got the .pp•, hand
he would carry out his threats. I thought
when 1 satd, "1'11 shoot," that it would
sere him off, and I hod no intention of
shooting. I bad the revolver on my person
from th. Moods evening Fred was at my
house coaxing Lily to go bock with him I
thought that it he woe to my pl.... he
might olub me at the Vitro or wine plass,
and 1 thought the sight of the revolver
would loo him book, as I had heard the
eight of • revolver bad soared him baton.
It was in myp.oketbefore Iwent toFred's,
once the pre•iorts Moody. I was not, sure
I would go to my daughter's when 1 first
started out that morning.
To Mr. Lewis- 1 west to get my brother
to go with me to Fred's on Sunday. I esu
not afraid to go alone, I tbooght my brother
would be an sesiatanw In gating the rid
home. Fred drove to n y place Moodey
afteronon. He est in the baggy sod Lily
oars to him and was talking with him. I
Wrod back and when he maw me he started
up his horse. I said, " Hold on, Fred ; I'd
nae to have • talk with you." I spoke to
him again and asked bins to have the mat-
ter talked over. He said bid be domed it
he would. If 1 hadn't got out of bio way
I thiel be would likely hove run over me,
sad as he pared me he ground his teeth m
anger. My wile saver told me he had
threatened me. There was something mid
abort Themis and Dr. W hl{ely going for
Lily's clothes, bat I said they had done
enough of our dirty work. l put the re-
volver in my pocket booms Fred L,okd'se
ugly at me. Lily told me alter he had gone
from my Soo Moody that Frd wanted
her to get into the boggy and go book with
him. hat she refused aid said she had seen
has error. 1 got the revolver mix or sees
nes ago. I used is to steal eight -owls
that oast at our hoes. I loaded It last the
last time J was ehootiag a sight -owls. I
don't know whether it was lolled In fell.
1 knew there wee. eartrtdre. in It. I went
and .t it about halt an hoar after Frd
went sway the Monday afternoon he sac
trying to get Lily away. I don't remember
tM talk wbioh DR Whitely reeds about
going tor L'Iv'm clothes, bet' ea Moo-
dy morning there was • talk •blot
getting the clothes whoa Dr. White
ly was there. Dr. Whitely had said,
" Oh. we'll get the Wofhs. If we don't.
we 11 seed the eomi1bl..ltmr them.'or eome-
thlse to that .8.ot. I changed env clothes
at noon Tardy and ohangd the revolver
from one pooket to the other then. 1 orrid
Lhe revolver for few of Food Beattie'. He
marten* threats tome dtwtly. 1t was to
k•sp bim from olobbtor me ..d walking in
and t.klsg away Lily the% I corded the r.-
vovr drat. Eophemla told me Wdns-
dy morning when I went to Fred's that.
Fred bad threatened to murder me that
night. I said he wan only talkies. 1 .aid
this to soothe her. I knew he was • pas -
simian tempered man sod I had better let
him •Ins. I dads t keow of any threats
by Fred sweet me until Ruph.mis one M
my house on Meaday eight and said be hod
said he would bees mote ..'.4.t me if It
were to last for sweaty years. My daughter
said he was in • rap when I woe then on
Wdee.dey stook* and waned me not to
go to him. She we. onion sad wringer
her bands. I didn't thiel mesh of what
eke said. I bad the revolve in my hip
pocket. When I started towards Fled he
win looting towards me. He mold see and
hos me wily whoa I drove op. I first maw
him looking towards fl, Just der i started
so go to trim. I only wont ler Lill'. oloth.0
Old Mee, Besets said elm bed made Mace
all flight, as 1 Wearbt, bads I sbesr►t J
alight go. I did sat strike Beath. dart*
the eosin*. I thigh Fred meld have
t.hraehd two like one. I des't know how
Fred's bat got sE ; more w M, 1 tbwk,
at the bed of the roster. H. was hying
both to ooh sad'Arita ms. 1 torsed to
roe, but ho was right a a sad w likely
te .trite me Is tie beat el the load. Win
my hoe moods him 1 wee trying to
keep hiss at I eeekbd the revolver
atter 1 prod.*ed It, 1 M'/ knew woan•
Iy wMs I dee os. 1- seed sly el,
Iced rah dohs MI. 11e bad bold of to
tR.4lh have • very
+A of fetd. Arm beed at t I amid
Into fed Ids gods, sad I beet 1ryblg to got
away sed to kg* him a1. i WW1 the
twee *eked when M toted ay bMl.
Iwas ie•MuidiatodNem I*me e._SO
Nm fkok. L. with h$. Iowa
ewer my = f won't only
te M lin all I NI het tined le
Meal bis tf tnsaded me, se M l nett
hoop Irma It 1 sellarsered baa wise* e
*5(1.44 La gess .6014 en • nearer, bee I
N tree n*eitry to base (1 to mid
MIS ttblsll. 1 keep • Wel ems. 1
WwMkd wr A• terentrInt wi+t
y. Mw Suit --1 bet deo r.S,Mwr-
ry yeast be ops om *air Sem te+ Ar
-.r40001bw r 1 lelflt
. fir tterrtellr WhiflR 1 WON le W Soda. 1
. attk_:ma.riy4d;::..?lit..:.: _
thought he weld be cowed at sight of •
revolver. Alto -'he mhootiag I drove •s last
se I could to 1,4 ‘.10011 'g, and got him to
come to Fred's, m'1' told bim what had
hoppeoed t +kali*dklfie (stn tows for {be
doctor, and told him all about It,
and that 1 woe going to rive myself up ;
and 1 did so. Fred know 1 lead • revolver
Io my poee.ssioa.
To Mr. Lewis -I know 1 had shot hien
tom•where in the fool,, for 1 oould see the
At the 0000lusion of Mr. Cox's statsmeot
Mr, Holt asked that thei wormer be du•
obargod, ol•imlog that then was not s
little of .vtdence to show other than that
the shooting was done in self defence.
Mr. Lewis argued for the oommitlsl of
tis. prisoner.
The macietrst.s sassed the► Witty
would resew. thou demuios until Wednes-
day attense.
The prieooer was rebased on boil, on his
owe reoo9oisano in $1,000, and amities of
51,000 mot of W. J. Paisley, of Clinton.
and Tortillas Cox, of God.rioh township.
H. was again .urrouaded by sympathis-
ing Woods and aviaamtancw, who shook
bands with him and uttered words of
The m•giatntes later luted that their
decision would cot be annouaod until S•t-
urdsy, *hes it will be riven at the oourt
house, at 2 r. r.
punching -bag is 0. le. Emerson'. store of -
lorded opportunity for stereos and amusem-
ent{% to man.. et the boy. last week. Mr.
Emerson ass it for his own meats. in the
winter - b buyale sass - and
dada it seetal.
A 1)IMrt1TID POINT S,TTL,D.-The Min -1
titer of Justice has deolded that the proper
parties to eipply votes' list to returoiog
offioen in 1)omintoo elootions in Ontario are
the clerks of the pesos The point arose is
ooaoeotioo with the roost pleb:sotto. It be-
ing bold by some that the clerks of the
moulo1pslitte" should supply them.
J. P. DoliLRT: WuDD..D.-J. 1'. Dobarty,
of Chows, well known to iodeaoh, wag,
married W.doeday Stet noon of last weak,
the bride being Mtn Laos Melissa, eldest
daughter of Mr. Mc(:UM.o, of Poplar
Hill, Middlex, at whose reside/roe the
eyeet took plsw. The employees of the
Doherty ocean factory on i. he del bdor•
the wedding presented Mr. Doherty with •
bonhomie gold watch.
MITCAAI.L it Nor PROOase.Ivs-Rooeot-
ly the nupeyes of the town of Mitch.
PI word ea three bylaws :-1st, to prohibit
this ranig of oowe at (erre wlthm ibe
corporation ; 2&d, to authorise the town
°moil to raise $5,000 for solergtng the.!...
trio plant and light system ; 3rd, to adopt •
11001. . tax bylaw ler the laying of pave
Sot. Th. three propositions were all
Tug B(r:rets F.Ptat'r,-The Henderson
Boyol. Co., for whom Geo. Aobeoon Is now
the.-nergetlo manager, arm mekior ex tan -
ipso alterations and Improvement, at their
works and iotrodaoiog new msobioery, in
p•rwtion for nett seemn's busies.
Their '99 bicycles sill have umprovemeots
•xoluslvely their own, and the Goderlcb
wheel., It is promised, will be @qua to the
bbooaat mode, Canadian or Amerio&o.
Tb. trodteea at North •1. Metbdlet
ohuroh have room/wed Muss Ethel Webb,
elocutionist, and W, Graham Hddco, ten-
or, both of Toronto, for an eetertaiameot to
be otos in the ohuroh os' Monday evening
nett. This will be the second assume
of this eatert•isels in Gderioh esd their
merit. aro already known here. Adm,esios
--adalte, 20o ; children, 10o. 1'he prooeds
are to go towards providing the °buroh with
the acetylene gas light.
DIAD IN Bern CITY. Mao,.,.-1'reder•
iok Pwtne Tilt..need sou of T. Tilt, of the
British Exoh.ope hotel. dud at Butte City,
Meetaas, on the 131n of Uotober. It is tame
yowls sitsce the yoaag men, left home and
went to Calgary. He afterward. crossed
the line to Henna, Montan•, and later went
to Butte City. He wee • dentist by profes-
sionand died .t the age of thirty-one yeas
and Iwaoty-tat dye. The remains were In-
terred at Butte City.
THANg.otvtgo Dole -Thursday, Novem
bar 24,ii, has been set apart by the Govern•
sot se Thanksglv1 , day. Some people
would Ilke to have an earlier dela, when
there would be. greater probability of la
sourest darts pleasant weather. Tb.
reason It is deferred Is that business mea
grumble walnut basing a holiday le the
midst of the busy fall ee•moo, with the mon-
...mistiaterroptioa of work. Which meads
that they are willing to thank Gd, but do
n ot want to be pat out about it.
Rw tourap,- J..1. Wright, tee popular
host of the Point Farm, rotund from •
pleasant fortnight's Salt seeing relatives and
friends at Alymor, 8t. roomas, Wod.took,
Hamilton end Toronto At the last place
he met with the Rev. J A. Turnbull. M.A.,
who over fourteen year, age was one of the
pastor* with the Presbyterwo oborob here,
who bad neat words .f sogolry she his
garner *harem. Is was during his pastors*"
Hat the Pei.l Farm visitor, presented the
oolatifrododon wee a beB for the ottani le
September. 1882.
the advanosmsut of every oiliest. If • non ( he steeped in prayer, tearswm
d 1aaktutse.
snows ability to prosper do sot pull toss pre
back through jealousy or weigh him down mrd
through • meld iod4Herasoe,
'flit FLNI.N RAIU MsuALu.-Th. Isaias
raid wedsb for the Canadian veterans will,
it is -spouted, be ready for distribution
about May next. Th. Minister of Militia
has fixed upon a design, which will, tae,'ae ewesed wiNea delay 41 aM
royal slat. The metal will be of silver.
Th. ebverea will beer the usual Imperial
army loos-eervioe modal doses. Tne re-
verse oonaute of tee British ensign floating
in the breeze, su"rounded by • handsome
wreath of maple leaves. and oroeved t•tltu-
dloally by • Strait/fat bar bearing the word
"tends." The came of the rwupieat will
be stamped around the edge. As the medal
u to serve the pdrpose of • goners' service
medal there are added ehrs clasp* bearing
the following inscriptions respeotinly
"Fence Raid, 1866"; "Fenian Raid, 1a7r ;
"Red River, 1870."
Do You Lacs flown, ' -A good story
is tod at the iodine who made the awards
or honey at the Walkerton show. It op-
pose they had some trouble deitdtao. l)aa
bottle' looked oleo and sloe -too clear. one
judge thought -and • jar was • utile dark-
e r and yoked beautiful. It was finally dr
aided to toes • oopper, wbioh wan door., and
the clear fettle woo. A Inge tsblesp000
was procured and filled with the 8nt-prize
article, wbioh was handed to the mirror
judge, who placed it to his lips and downed
est. A close observer might have notloed •
look ot sway, but the victim sad mobile.
Again the spoon was 6114 and the Motor
judo. swallowed stoat half of it, when be
snood for breath, the fined runoiog down
h u beard and shut front, and tears down
Ilia cheeks. no/illy he exclaimed : "Ob
my ; 'tis atetor oil ! "
A + U r TO-DATI INOTITUT10N.-On being
oonduotd through 8. Sloane's wer.hotue •
abort time ago, we were surprised to bad
so oompbte and convenient • system in
seenr care i•ad ieng .t [rata- Tisdeltrerr
of train by formers is now • very easy ups
Sion. 1'he groin is emptied from the bags
into • hopper in the Diller, from here elevate
ed to the top of the building, and thence, by
• simple contrivance, distributed all over
the building to the various bins for the dif-
fareat grains. The elevator has • ospootty
e t 800 bushels an .hoar, and Is run by •
North*, gasoline engine, whlob can be stet -
d cr .tool od at • moment's soiree. thus
•voidi,.g soy wasTh..ysW was pa1
45 by_ailllwrisbt Hy.te. Muroey sed s..lovr j~s.
ohsrge of that retial Irishman Aleok Coop -
•r, who, it Is needles to say, keeps every
thing .tsd everybody Stout the place to good
LITMIIARY S,.'tzry. - -The followior pro.
gram wag presented at the Collett." bete
me last Friday .v oiog : Isstrumeomal
dust, Mise E and Pertly Tye ; recitation,
Mies Con Ferguson ; general debate,'•R.-
tolved,tbat we should follow Ihe fashions ;"
ialtrnm.ot.l, lire Stewart ; Model School
Journal, W. H. ; question drawer,
H l Strenr ;colo, Will Stoddart ; 1:o11M
tato lastitute Jour.•l, Mise (;r.os Strang ;
rvtiauoa, Miro Mille Godwin ; Instru-
mental duet, Mlsse. Olive Haob•osn and
Or•oe Smith. A de6ite was to have been
held on the question as to white was this
greater v', Bismarck or Models.,
bat one site withdrew. The general debate
OD the subject sent toned above was ksesly
fourhr. Miro Uses Id uhe affirmative
..d Will H11se the negative ; the judge, 8.
1'. Halls, R.A., gave his decision in favor o1
tk• tai atlye.
• Large and .mbusi.Uc •udtenoe to the
Victoria Opera Howse, Monday .ewiar, to
see " What Happened to Jones." at the
hoods of Howell Hassel, and his first -okras
oomp.oy, and It is within the bounds to soy
that no more laughable oomdy was ever
put upoo the boards in this town. The play
is olw throughout, but the extravagant
positions taken by the ob•r.oters limp the
risible. working all the time. From the tine
the first .onos opened, when the professor
•ad his wife are preparing for th. arrival
of the bishop, until the grand finale, when
the tasseled ot the oomdy is no -
ravelled, • clean, healthy mirtbfalw.m
Foremost= the.n11n presentation. If roan•
boor Vides' ke sacoessfal in waking • few
mon strikes of t6e quality of " What
Heppeoed to Jones," the names of this
dare at th. Viotori• Opera House ts m-
(Sur Boon Miswraatw.-The popularity
of these annual visitors is astonishing. The
only .xplawtioo of their comitant wooer is
that they save always something fresh .sd
sparkling, clean and rinser-oh•rged to offer,
and Ooesequently they carry the crowd.
Several new faees are to be observed this
year, but the perweo.l se • whole is little
changed -end oert•bly the erraniz.tion has
sot deteriorated. In abs joke line an ea•
hrely new • I. event ; .nJ, while
full of soap. the •bseace of the •lemeae of
impropriety is quit. ootioeable. Several
goad soles were given which liaised respone-
In nosphens. The orchestra, also, was
dolt op to date with all the latest popular
mwai.. The athletts feature, in this form of
triple bar and stook wire work, was well
ezelatd and sam.roos trick pet -focusses
took the fosoy of the endl.ow. The pro-
dsotion of th. Routh Riders was fairly well
stared. end the usual book and wing danoing
made up • three hours' program of wird
Ono Fon PHIL -Olsten New Kra: Phil
Crewe, we o1 Ulintoe's 11090)ar To.., Inlet
. ass taxa, "eeo•des•lly" spools 8aad•y is
(Iderieb. H. mays the air *bora ie good for
his health, and thee. 1s so doubt et It, for
he always looks well when he sew b&ok.
However, Moodey worming. • Mood who
derided to sea his ro off the Oderlek
train. and ked We ewe earrolw, J•euiarly
reworked. " P141, res 1.whta harry title
Nile up; pen bees pisR to Odsrbh lug
*sough MOW." Qetok as t►oagbl same Wok
tpi ready .sewer, "By (hon.. that', jest
w1.3 I'm lryiag to de.''
Knttana gnu 4.sgwr.- Bares of
melee e1 TMs, w ro•mdllod sub
w•.k by wborlberu to tussis •t • d1..e..
Tb* psNy Is 82 sats • y151, 411401)ed
551•rly. t'. wtrth at Islet asmsehneai.
wt: *5 *rasp.. sad Mend t. t1. meg-
mag. Iw'l NI Then prhops yea forgot to
pall the pope small N b...wae moe la
*mate may • dollar s year to have se mead
TNA BwNA4/55510419 Iron tits Weft of
pubUeatiew den the seines .f year u►.
wee egos did daeihtees pet ea the Ike. and
save moerehb esti lens5larlty. li.•
member Y'• Mier thea • leder.
A does Poor's& . -TM dads we wrote
n• f.11.wfy 1md • heel hood :--Te heel
o bolld tows.
win NY te aeon by .very
ona Winner • ■1n u bolsi
welt de see ter frim dews. AR reobleste
Mesta be 0Nsen set is all
Deanna W arra yaw rhea
deM, tis mars you trill 4 Noel beef -
sacs w who neok. W mentos res ea*Ny,
«wwetly dad Wily, will get lreerskearfe5l.
mil Wit hatiesee Won no ho
NOW awe, tbe Win it wet hetes OIL
•Ir tow .1'5'I04
mar Noe NiroAblliteringsMterly. twegglItktir
Mise eels erne* a. fNe1M .swamew~
rt.. useful potation of the nod. wine
was thew of God, was to be carefully
and prayerfully selected. The manner of
.•.dully h•rveettng the orop was import-
ant As baud -picked fruit was the beet, se
hood -picked spiritual Irult was tbs best. All
toekreot obareot.n of the New T.atemsot
w.r.•l 4. pr.ked. Zbi.•- oohed ll, more
devon5 pored! stirs et 8uodsy sol ool
workers. The address' war lull of beautiful
Illnstntloal and wadi • listened to
The speaker Wooed by urging tb-ooayes-
tion to aadertake • wider 501415* at
good seed.
AT THM l'ouca Coo.T.-Last Friday o
woman owed Emma Jane Martin, who has
Woo in tows) for two weeks or w, was' be-
fore police magistrate Seager on • °barge
of keeping • disorderly house. L K. Du-
cey pro.wuted; K. Campton, Q.0 . •oposr-
d for the dot so. The woman admitted
keeping such • place to Owen Sound, when
she said she had lived tax month. before
seism' ben. la Uweo Sound she wast by
the mane o1 Mrs. Powers. She disked that
it was heir iatenttoo to keep • disorderly
house u Godertob, and the ow finally was
dismissed with coats.
Ptcrvusegcz MAITLAND.-Few Indeed
are rue inhabitants of Uodertoh who are _
• ware of the ex tears dr mon than every.
day scenery within • abort dial °. from
town. Perhaps of is [aeronomy which drilla
the •poreouttoo. A stroll up old'.
wiodins worn will amply repay the egbt-
seer who has soy lore for the busty •ed
grandeur in Nature. The rugged •.Deets.
odar-topped precipice., deep, Isgeed-edged
ravines, 'workbag rivulet*, and the awlrli.9
of the wators • oma/at the •erio5e forma.
Pone of rook mate • oombinattoa basatttul
to behold. As one .troll, along owe tea
slid sloshes of bedrock, the *canary WNW
this part u • perfect panorama of varying
degree of impressiveness. The wild grand-
eur of 1'ellow.tooe and the preoloitous rook
walls of Colorado's oenyons erre here •ppar-
entin a 14141 ted dearer., bat none the 1w
ptoturesque. Old Meoeestuog is new re-
splendent with uariy.11ed scene y. Truly
the old river is .n Eden of beauty -a verit-
able Bohemia ot Indus reemnes.
WEDDING AT ST. Peron's. -At Bt. P.ter'e
ohuroh on Wednesday, Oot. 26, at6♦ M ,by
Hoy. Father West, /dory, only dater of the
Messrs. Farr, of Uodeion, and Flint, Miob.,
was married to Joseph Follow., et Nagsra
F.11., ° mote. The bride was taatelally
•rrayd mtnvdLag *.atom* of brows broad-
eleth, with vest of pals bleeoriak led velvet ;
pioture We. of brown to mattdt, Messed -
with brown and pale blue. The brides-
maid. Mies Mary tompbell, Bruck -s•, was
prettily dressed in pale bins aria4eare,
west bat to match. The grooms'sa so
Jas. Reynolds, ot Hallett. The Willa'
pony drove to the residua' of Wes. Farr,
Cambria Road, where the wedding break -
last was served, the intimate friends d the
bride henna present. Mr. and Mrs. Fellow
left oo the 7:15 train fee Landon, where
they mead to wide. Patrick Fart, Fila►,
•tteodd the wddiag. TM bride' wee hold
0 birth steam in tows. Mise le • davest
member of the Sodalitya d the B. V. M..
.od hoodoo will gin • rNthf.l worse Is tis.
Roman Catholic field.
A Howie Disc. -The Detroit Free Prom
records • krtllwl feat of .eamanahip per.
lormd By U•ot. Murray Molatoab, fanner-
ly of Ood.riok, wbow ooenm•nd, this stein -
sr M•jmtie, with oowort the Molars.
Churolilfl, maw saught in a recast storm em
Lake M.ohlgao. She Frei Pros says :
"The Majestic was oom,saeded to- Owe.
Morr.y McIntosh, of this olty. He is
about 36 years of oge, and has enmmaadd
the James Fisk. Jr , and the J. V Moran,
of ttie old Word tato Telephone advisee
from Chicago yeet.rd•y my that ha kaied-
led his vessel .n wood.rful clow ; ib.t
finding It impossible 1,. mato Pry Sher.
point to the Ins of the terrible dale he rain
for Chicago bother, hoping to save the
w hooper% finally, whoa iadie.hoen game
teat this course might involve the Imandar.
tog of the Steamer se well ea bur inen ort, be
let go the Churchill, and atter tlwt made
six °Rrole in the I.k• to pt.k tap to spew
ben of he crew who bad jumped overheard
with life-prerrr•en and posts of weed.
Captain Kane and the sailor want down he -
tore be could reach them. The strewn of
the storm is shown try the toot that the
Cbarohill was only Wght years old, Nreag)
built by Craig, of Toledo, and rated Al
.tar -the highest oven any wooden
veesl--sed was oohed at 540,000." The
M.jeetio was badly fettered by the
storm, sod the lose will •month to a large
turn. " Seldom," say. the Free Preen, ••W
• boat Dome so ser destruction and escaped.
For hours slid water filled bier leeks, as
the seas .wept ewer the .frogging *raft.
Two Stith Dowers were orried away by tis
rush of water. Still, the sew held out
Wanly, .od beretoslly raised she men from
the sinking Churohill "
Two FOOTBALL OA -0 Monday
atoms the loag-.zpst.d match between
the Collywte Isstitate .nd Model Suboot
football Ws.. of Gderloh and Mates was
played os the agricultural grounds. 1. ►h.
Bre, half It was "black Mend.y" for the
Oedertek Wass, as opposites weed
three goals and th.y gin now. The obasi
el !snipe same with the *hang* of sods, it
155 Air half Ooderiek .attio5 fin goals,
whits Charon foiled to mere as all -this
more at the aloes a000rdingly d.ddtsg 5 M
3 Id favor of tis. (:derloh boys. The play.
ere were ss fallow* : ('limas--liedl,
Hrynes t• book., B. I'asmmon, A. Smith ;
hall -bast' H. Bnodes. W. Pickard, W.
MOs.. 1 hrwerd1, J. Kelly, 0. Compbetl,
t. M.Led, L Carlile, J. Thompson.
G.dsdeb-sed, W. Fiber: books, Thos.
Ford. AUen J.*5Nl ii bolt -backs, R Spell.
W. L. Rene*, H. ismi ; forward., 8•m.
Draper, H. Whitman, W. Bean, A. McT•5-
51,1, C. Dews. M,, Trotter's, of Cltseoa,
ung the refbren.
AN Ot.D Towseiiw Hoirottn.-ToUow-
hea are .1<trite4 item the Gbh.'* report of
the oesventies of M. Proton* A.Y4•y
*heel Aeaeelatt.s M P.arb*n' lass weela
--TM el des of 'Mors melted is oho W -
peke .f Theo Mideillteoddy as president
Mr. MOGIUImddy is em. el 1s' meat geed**
01rstia. worker. In n. Porno. mid Y
well bpow. as • wNeree en *.awl topics.
d. Mese .41 . pleawtmt and most ppplar
speakers la no pro bites, sod the dmssio
tree M. *bows iM *epee raregs1Oba 71
mai{ by plsotm Wm at he bead. . '
Thome M.O1fLmaddy, tbe sow pra{dett,
Ago delt.mnd .'spiel .Mosses no oh.
teat As the ern warn 1.rvgstiy?' H.
idd .ripbmpM es th. loot leo {h.
bpre.N w boor till wort to be mining
The einem .4*. •1Mhsel atop i epowded
erode i- j -' ids. sod she Weber
URtryARV .-There died on Thundery Inst
Oot. 27th at the home of deod'e sister,
Ian. Bedfow
Bedford, Lighthouse et., Jambes Mo-
L••o, beloved wile of Peter MarrM, of
Us..•Iton, North Dakota. Mrs. Morris w
the seveetb daughter of Magnates Melissa.
Wenn-.t., tows. Sb• went out le Dakota
about years ago, and was More
married to Mr. Morris, who was formerly •
reddest of Colborne Winship. A year alp
last Sprier d.oe000d ooatr•e ed • seven
oold, from the effects of wbioh .he neve. re-
w••red. Mho kept getting wort, and lat-
terly knew there was so hope of recovery,
William Gres, of Oederiob, • relative el
Mrs. Morris, who woe •ieltle5 la Dakota,
was .bout to start for home, and Mn. Mor.
ria, who seemed to .mike that her and was
new at hand, d.temi.M to m.k* tisem trip
home, .ad two weeks •gt last Thursday, fa
oomp•ey with Mr. Groan and her only sac.
Wilmer, • My obost 14 yearn of ora, no
.'ommeaced her Mersey. Tho ozpeet•tion
tf roochlo` the home d her youth, where
she wanted to di.. buoyed her up nod ba
detainee/on was reached. Seiortly after o-
riels/ Is Oedorieb *he took se her bed, and
It was apparent SM was laking fait. M.
Morrthi was soot for and .rrivod trot Thum
day, io t hoe to *soh his wife'. bedside •
row minutes beton UM epsrt of -*Nb
fled. The rom•lni were gal at rest it
Y0Need eemere. en nead.y. The
bearers were 1) O. 51r.eb..
Orale, E. N. Luria, A. J. Manger, Sas. Bo
thaaaa sod Jia Renewal'. Tin aym5tth y
of tmm
h. soa.lty ie **ad* to Mr. /routs
and hie pe•, and also to the Whew relativn
of the doomed. Thera were poses* .0 tie
lateral from a Meteors : Mt► (Oyq,) W,..
Mahood', et Dana ; Mrs. Mem*,ti.N►
ampule ; Mrs. M.Rhh4h. Brantford, rotb,
thea of the doeodeed.
40fl01r theft mw Wile pefas*
haves i es srddgr
r In
Ns to a nonWilf Mlltd,
Tos.Mat, lf.,. at --161e a ,1 Wm. fere Medic
sed h-nmbeld hlie5NOeteeleb .ewM atsapI.e
M Udeelrk. ea h
cace s* Arai
r r. 1
The burs rias bo sue me dewy
Me Wr. <idee-aMwM M wmrogy to
ego. Taos. f)ss1M►T. de1M.nset.
Ihrdli 1.telsNeall Niwrlawi 11Mibe sada i5.