The Signal, 1898-10-27, Page 6-iNN WE R Of FOR WAR. NWtr Hai FI'enolt•Brltish 91tua- tiOD Been So Critical. arllaln I. 1. the .oud.e to Stns nall•- bar. Glyn It•rea d• l'ourr•l NI• Meaning - Ps'aole s Cartoou Shaw• th• Popular Peeling 1■ *ogl.na Prom• Prettier Navy in ab.p• and mrlt.I. 1• Meaning Her %ferahire. London, Qct. 94. -Never since Orme Britain and Francs Miran to dtgputo over rapt, nor during the most Outs stags d the Niger differences between thew two ods ntrtes, has the situation looked ae,ointnene as today. • f to spite et the ho expressed In the sober jour°.!. of bo$I tries Hirt tel matter woSW amt arranged, It Is • toot that the french al and military antborltles are .baking saint prepara- tions for war, and 'ben calm reigns at the British dockyards at Portsmouth, Chatham and 'Devonport, It is only the Keely loath. Drum Call. calm of preparedness, and slgnlorant Paris, Oot. 54.-M. DeBlowlta. the orders have been arriving there from the ?aria eorewpondsut of the London rime., Admire/to lndloating the belief that SIM "France le ready to march at the Great Brltalg -and France are on the drum's cell, but I ant benvinoed that the brink of war. call will not sound. What 1e Fashode to Bots Ready for Aar, France, compared with its value to Eng - As M. I)eBlowftz, thi Paris terror lend' In tree of war we should be fight pendent or tb1 London Tingle, emits on Mg to keep Marchand I° F'uhuda, when Saturday: �% ,,te truth be has already departed," "Never before har thereinto witnessed / - s0oh s state of fever as is now.tr talahg To K.1.. tl.. Whole Qu.•tl•.- In Great Britain nor so great • exalts London, Oct./O4.-The French yellow Yon of public feeling over a matter of book on Faabola wenn. to. Indicate an foreign pellet, wbtteeu tar aide France intention on the part of the FreG1A4 Qov- 5. promptl,3nd rapidly, without lockt*g •rousani to utilise the Mamboed &flair [onward or backward, preparing to fight es a means of ratsing the whole Egyptian any power provoking ber. question. This impression is ooutlrmsd "The French stamens however, st111 by the comments of moat tarts papers ohne to ;be hope shpt, he Marquis of yesterday morning. a il.bnry wilt offer 34i:change which M. Idbkroy, the Minister of Marine, &lib from Fantods •x.Pjaipa the tl .provetuen/ of troops to ''�lthont •n.aredt I.ei 1{ga of t:tgntty:" " "" t herboipg is merely one of willet bete.. "This hope le based ou a conversation tort !,fete and the colonies. \ between Lord Salisbury and Heron De Catroel IoM French Ambassador at I,00• / Th. c'ebl■.I Pummo5ed. don), which figures 10 a most Important ' London, (lot. 24. -TM British Cabinet daspoach In /he yIte* book whloh the sae lama' summoned to meat early this Frwuoh Uovero pent will issue at once." weak for the purpose of demoting the what Fra.ee West& t'sshode question. It Is learned by the Anacleto' Prem Slat Baron 1)s Courosl in .1106 despatsM says Lord :1allabury during the eon Mon �va�p!!-/ on ret•rred to asked him what weLla e desires of Fame In the Soudan. 4To which the Berea replied that Framer- - raner -W5.bed for ■zioutlet on the Upper Nils. Lad Salisbury then responc'ed that be -owsiableie promise aneater .ars meet uesseult with his colleagues ikon such a smatter. Frenchmen Infer from this attitude of the British Premier that be 1s willing to discuss the French olaime and they even talk of negotiations being In pretreat. Tb. Kagllsb newspapers, however. vigorously combat the Impression and warn France not to bs 101 away by such f11n'fone• They Molds that the evegua- tlon of Fa*boda mWlt precede anything Mae. : / Row the • rev Puta,t. The Times, referring tri- Fashods question. says: "It l not we who are to say Stoat svtr1unbnary measures hate Motu taken at any '01 oar naval poria." The French Fashude yellow book A's Issued 1s voluminous, but 14 does not 1 clods Major Lnrohand's report, whlo will be publlebud later. The dsepaWMs were largely anticipated by ,the liaglish Fa.boda blue book. The diplomatic aontersatlons show a tmrluus maleavor e9 the gide to represent that M/tu►and's slue was quite as lmppr-tant •. Eitohener'e, oe the ground e etrugalu was against the 115.11fa Melpm • Judging from ,the yellow book des- pitohes- tri foregoing represents the French standpoint. •55.l)elates° considers that w Marchand reached F.shoda fen/, England had no right to demand an evacuation of Faehods peter to negotls &Ions. L.-- Aa Ohio..• Wove. Cherbourg, France, ()et. 94.*Order. have been received as ibe military naval arsenals here 10 prepare for the arrival of • large body of troops to day. Tho bar- racks are being hurriedly put In order tor their reception. THE CALM BEFORE IHE 8JORM ( The Inte1411I 'Affallipl of 'France ed Are Causing Anllety. r . will enable them to NOT �O WARLIKE• FlaaseW sans d• NN 'Emmet a Fight- , . , .Parr ratere Shia* iib the ..- - - -- •Itsmt*s. -. t London, Oct. 94. -While ibe gravity of the lashed* quaulon L tally -go there 1s an underlyingfeelingonhi tbe stock exchange thee a peaceful solution will be found. Tels ie evidenced by the; recovery in prleys, in 'Moo of the absence ext reassuring new. On the whole prio.s were wonderfully well maintained last weak, holden showing 11tt1e disposition to realize. ` The seediness of enemas has • good effect; foreigners were fractionally lower, but Americans exceptionally fires. T . 0•pabll. Divided *galas& ItN1f- seTrslea .r 15. m C... Counted Yltup.ratlea-+etr.ggl• fee ampr.rae, ' M.y strike at 'h. Y.rr,Fowad.tle. of /1 the s.pabllo.lt Form of uo eat Yreship Penrod ea t'ueedar. Paris, Oet. 54.. -Tb. a‘Dwmw calm of the past weeik Is thought by pessimists to be that Whiqh preoeles the sterns. On Tmedae•Ptgliamenti w111 meet under sir- emnstknoai week„ for more than ■ gen- eration, are without parallel. Frame L avowedly divides' :5gaiest hermit by the violence aqd vltuperatlnn of both the op- ponents end the parttime of vhdon- for when Frenchmen tquarref among themselves they, shown° merry -amused with a conflict for supreltuloy of the civil and military authorities, which may strike at the very existence of the repub 'loan form of Government; confronted with the possibility of war with Englead over about half an acre of tr./darts' Atm oan swamp; exasperated by professional patriot, nationalists, reveltt on'ste, socialists, reactionary leaders, pepularlty bunters and free lance Journalists, Here le the stage setting In whloh are to he enacted the two gnat events so much dreaded by timid obsernrs-toe aseembl- Ing of ibe Chamber on Tuesday, and the opening of the Dreyfus revision by the ('eat& of Cs tion on Thursday. Patelettirentrmeet Ti..day. ` M. De ltemlde and the league of the Battens have announced Ilene determine - Moo to a.etuble et tbs./nape de 1a Cow' Donde on Tuesday, and "Deleeuw* bF word mad as, Moult* „that the has allowed to be heaped upon the army, *5. flag dud the nation„;',_ A- t1tH•.es' eommlttee ill" permanent nasion al Belleville, o*nsi•ting off, forty members sleeted ,y "A mention of Revolutioniser, Soolatisi. and Anarchism," bas also de- clared fie Menem of awembllos on the Place de la ca.nede on Tuesday, and making • coemesir damorstretlon against Ile Bottled. avid els late. who are ac- cused of plodding MI lab a military dlotrtoreblp�ieM.arf Rrfsa r ee ca/r au l., Meanwhile Wr0overnmmal is hiking extraordinary preiaudons a preserve 1 order, which recall the mon molting daze of Bouj•ngem. The garrison of Paris, now amounting to 60,000 "men, errel•ss °ten tis earrti64I, 'tiady to move at telephonic notice. All traffic will be suspended on the Qual f)'Oresy between the Rue de Solferino sad the Esplanade des Invalidate. No one asprovld•d with a deputy's ticket will he pertained to cress Sze Podt de a (,bneorl.; oo group neo• eilltiniirOf more than three persons will be allowed to appear on the Place de la Concorde Large bodies of cavalry and infantry and the , (Leda Repoblloalne will bs concealed In the Tuileries Gar• dsos and behind the Palals Somrbon. r a - Flgarn'. optimism. Parts, Oot. 24,-11as Figaro desolates that there Ir not' a natgle -*talesman frying 10 haulms,. prance. nut It in ( worthy Of the name to heroes who be• resew that •serf. to aa greet "mins. peeved in the posstbiht/ of • conflict be ten opo* n& W, jj�11 jY•iw it... Khania tweet' Elegised and F raoee. "When Eng j and sea have rlleo$`el7 occupied tri lend Mule as equivalent tor,Fasho'ta," l provinces be u.urpwd We ata pow asked the paper adds, "the trouble will no. to slew n oot at the Orders of an exploring...,hoc �exlel" party t nine Frettehmen, who owe their• 4. escape from destruction to our military .Htr or easel/ Mpi'_r success, or, 1f we are kindly permitted:,' L� A' not eo emir one, we sew se pal 1 nom- �Ther ogeeceded• rs'tiemew awed Away at penaatton for our title of . what we have • Remitter on eund.y easel■g. wrestled from the Khalif.. This Is not1gHtop„4JI -Oet. a --John W. Murton, dls thing we can consent to au...upon s15y l rt41ff of the County of Wentworth, filed mach hlgh•banded.ummena. Weaf'etbew las*e,ening about 9 o'clock. He had In effective oecnpatlua, and there we in-) ,beep 111 tor a. long thole and his death tend to remain. / had been expected for Some weeks. He Now Punch Him ytor. vltellsy was wood dui. the deceased Punch h11s of the popular feeling Is gentbmaq was 62 /t►••ra of age aqd had UAW mater VI a eaeiog% repreeselleg been sisal( for ah(w 4.•ra He was • John 'Boll ditetde hi 'door -stem .The Goodie& by birth, b.vlag•been born In organ is labelled "Flytt' oda '' and a map- the Tewnahlp of Anomme, this county. key In French mllest7 pill/ores is d6Mleet la !Mee h. entered the octal business and e. /he organ wreaml*p.4 rad.-Mattpg • •..ended K tastier the dame of Murton May drum. The orgawgrinder asks, & geld, and Murton & Co., until he was "What yea glee melt 1 go away?" appointed aserfd. As a Mallon he was' John Butt-"Iyt give yea something It -,Widely' known, teamed has bold the y.s demi)" omce of 'secretary of the Royal Canadian i French ',Meal Pr parities& Humana Society and sea: a member of 1 Thu' French naval r•tlooa wara as the abed of Leanne Conmmlrloner, of Erse declared to be m routlla strange- this city. lie Mobs • wldQw nod fide" menta, but they nowmit ' eons, u follows: Edward C., lee A, di/voted against Il t resit I.a17 J F. and ltalpb 11[ NW t7. even British! Pelf- a•d.se.. 0 Missouri, wty From Daiwa Fal On to HrBrinelltowingAog of tlhae%-� re, lute self-oon Iden Is Ispheyed. 'Ervna�$•mllion •Wats were pprtlsll lighted thing ready," 1s eye borden of so the Ln night by electricity geoerkted it statements fro naval qn In tool, Deese; Falls, about 33 mile lieu of the the British y hat .1 e,, been en city. Althea■bm- rthe field hat been eo a war fOdtin for s y1. Y .uthofitatly. Ing to tb1 ( erase Power Company's pronouncement *0 Art Sas Dome •anion; for a .JLe_k, it has net Amen taken from the Sectetary, So Admirtaalty. 17 the Hamilton !electric Light Work. 5Er. W. E. Mils* .. kerning /which -lights the city 'strong, till last to the pre tions,)ra, side 0f even{ when a 1,000 -volt current was the Cha Del, M'yltd! ' tar as rhe .*05' or1lee* Ita ere* British dmiralty 1s\o - .ed the shtpa, / officers and gsnahl' 1'd•-inbtrptlon are NP.YttRAi. Ltrl ter ex/I:tt le/4C • stow ready to melt/ thi, 'wishes of the -• eountry.' - The, Reales R. Arrive. at Y•neoarer KoyaIl.1. Are Active. Meanwhile, Royalists; like Lone race• monllns, encourage street demonstrations and declare that "The Republic having at least deetroyet *eery other form of atytiority. the ground IN now prepared for the advent of Judge Lynch, who will Inly pttt In be appeeranee In Parte Tue.d•y," Modern and well -bel. nod papers, like the 1 ro, the Te mps,f Debate. the Mat , 15e -Soleil, and even M. illllerind'■ Socialist Reppnl, call Imperatively upon all good citizens to hold aloof from public manifestations of entry kind. 15. Brines. Cabinet bpa.eed. What will become of the Brisson Cabi- apt when the Chamber meow la the ques- tion on every one's lips. Its downfall 1s predicted from almost all quarters, but 1n Parliamentary clrclea the ballet la gaining ground that as Fashoda looms up as an ever increasing danger, and as tri feeling of the ooaotry 1. *5.010tel7 op. posed to going to war for it, the Oppoal- Iton will Inlet that the Brisson Cabinet -Shall be oosupelled totem the opprobrium of yleldlog to Lord FLHabur)i'a demand,, and will, not pertalt the resignation until p�e satlafack,ry arraogemetl/ withlEngland 5. r•oSefkd•d. in see words. Just u Sagasta's adversaries 10 the Cortes will not permit him to withdrew until he has drained his cup to the dregs by signing the treaty of peas with the United Sates, So Brtaeon's opponens In the Chamber will not allow him to retire unfit he has Jlepoeei of the Idesboda n tghtmarw.ge beet be can. ('oneegoently Fausoda i. a crux of the eltuatlon, 4 - TRH R Ass** ow TOE NOF.• Ne Elam Loft tea'ttltan HI• Warn= sod Dia Hln.k.. Everything Provided for. ttlth 200 Passengers. A prominent dockyard r omclal In an Vauconver, B.C., ()et. 24.-Tbe •team- 1tw,rvtew declated that the circumstances .r Rnsalle H., bas arrl'yed from the north of tics present crisis had hese fully pro with 200 pneseoge•a, bringing a quarter vides' fdr 1n the mobflistlo• abe'ne. )i. of a Mallon in gold duet, There wasad<. <I that the Uritis( nivel antIo les scarcely a pageeng on board who had hive all their ships reedy, and 000ld ecus- not some plot In hie • poMcadon. The mission a squadron of 'mason and hate meet lncirgones went Cenadaee-Capt, them off t5. FAndb coast in less than Garand, Meest{I Warburton, Tease, hours. ! , Barker, Hlb Oro.. and Hawker. The ot1�f`i alp pointed out that it s Seven mem of the IMmfnio9 't not for nothing that tau RrI*2.h seem Demada survey. 7, amt to survey the manoeuvres .were pat se ibis SUM • afswer5 mead 200 of the adder that t Walsh ships et fig pea- 500 miles of The rep,! that pres- ent moment Iaays a lame suppb d !sail pastae ars lb enough, but don't know on board an/ a allable and a, larger their qusin trod have gone over Work of provl.iore than ever was kneent group mal a eros44 that afterwards st to -d. ayTM steamer J. C. Barr was 'trended, before. % tanned out sl out erob. The British - - -- shows dye Britt battleships and eters. and '.111 be ggoeesed to planes by is this Last cruisers lynx In the Mdlter winter. roman, 'while lbw British Channel slued- f)7een5eiy le raging with terribly fatal eon, *Mali eras last reported off Villa- results In. b•waon sI Present - gat ., Spal>i, 0onel•ting .of .eight battle- ships and nee cruisers, nonHthe ltotes moat modern and newer*g4 homogeneous gag e[ warships afloat. v ' Re•eb.rr'• Pertain Tolima, Perth,Oootland, foot %4. -Lord Roar bsy. the Liberal leiter hn4, Yforteer Pre- mier, In resolving tiee freedom M the Clio of Path on 1aldrfay,referred In the most no dlel home to ,e "God reo n5de5anding ',swoon fl t Britain and our klnemen in the United Sates." level Ronehsry then referred at length to the fiaehnda question, his retnark4 having the same tenor ea his previous onetime,.. on the rams anhjent. He mid: "If i wore a Hritleh Mlntetor now ne w ean ■hosli rob mo of one shred or Mt e[ the honor to whloh the greet wcrk 0t eivillsNon, enlminattng at Omdurman, e ntitled streak Brlefo and Egypt 15 tate Government dose not feel sWomg a engb Shear the weight rN It. hearse, 1 are willing to take any share It may Mad ever a me." FRENCH YELLOW BOOK (pees Net footage Narehoa•• R•peN- Trainee Class• t. Rave • night .• F.eb.d.. Per5., Oat- N. -A .amtol11. al nets besot last events. gals: "There 5. M 0a1Ad.tlee fee the nl.rmlet r.rmere re• hsewtea Trams w�WmM retaliate squally lnee•reei Qearter of tits; b..t nam.a1d. Wlnnlpbg,'Stall , t. 99. -The weather hoe dottled down, and the prospecta are that the farmers will be able to proceed with their threahlag in three or four days. Some grain ,balers say that ai bast a gustier of the amp has been serf- ,as17 damaged. 4.11 (4IILt44LK AKItfd-TED. No Is Charged with A.•aulling 5. W. Smith oa ant.rder Lost. Toronto, Oct. 12. -Acting ander In. attentions from she Crown Attorney, a *errant was yesterday morning sworn out for the arrest of J B. Carlisle, the well- heeds lura..• .fat •b steal Ma with bwH.g •mew Ised Eh awiraa- deed 1uMrY as i. W. 8rah. As mood e he heard et it, Otiltltteie wee hlmwlf ap, and appeared before tri Msglatraba Ha as remanded until Monday, and allovied ball In 111,0011, • Leat Saturday netMteg, shortly also 6 *desk, Smith and Carlisle Mel an • and, In omssagnencs of • rte by Rmltb, Carlisle **rock At 9 'clock In W. ftinod M a semi elf letedreellerny of hl. Ihsells+kb tall••% 'Valais • 61.55 wN.*blow on parole beg weal chords, fer, A* hal lie/hses able le spunk hlnes. He enndltts Y NMsO• , 'JonPtantlneple, Oct 24. -The Empire, and Vmprtass of Germany left hem toe Palestine at 5,10 Saturday evening, They received an ovetlon trot, the a owda of people assembled to wienerall the departure of their Majestic - Ang.•ts Tb1M tip Rarem, Constantinople, Oot 24. -At the grand [Mews!' banquet nese Friday night, the Nolan sat between the Emperor and Kum press of Germany. At about 10 o'oloek Their tmperal Osman Majestic With- =a Memento 155 Mee to Kiosk, and the Em - afterwards afterwards returned the farewell vbtlte of the dlplomatln corps. In the meantime, the Sultan sOA 514 Bon, Prime Maermed-Hlttn hffendl, condoet• d the Empress the etas of the German Ambase.dor and this maids of honer to the harem, where Slay eonvereed with the Valldals galena, the Princess and other ladle, Artin Pasha's daughter acting as Interpreter. Emperor William presented a geld snuff box to the Turk• bib Minister of Foreign Affairs, T.wlk Pasha. Weer. sod Haar•. Pretoria, Trgngvaal, . (tot. 55, -The li1s11Mte Kstiltf have Mat twpoleeit by the Pores of Burghers fent steins' them. The Burghers chased them Into the modn- telna, killing several of the natives. Th. Burgher artillery did good execution, •11d the Transvaal forma suffered nn lose. The feet that the natives sleeked the Burgher* b regarded as a declaration of war. reeks Oettled O.L I.atlden. the. 24. -TM .vaon,tln* .r the Island of News 57 the Tnrke is now In fnlll swing. The troops mostly embark at night Nose, In order to avoid excIt).g the Mnsen)mana. The foreign admirals Intend that the Tnrkeh civil ordinals dad hila *e trnnpa, the admlotetra Don of aha 1.1a,,d renulning In the hand. of the admirals 110111 the pewee* -'.olds upon 'he final form of government for Crete The nnrnber of foreign on the Inland will be Ihnrwnelt to 14,000 men, poodles the omelets paeldnaNee of Crete. A..lb.r Norte Tahoe tea Plage.. Vienna, Oet. 94. -TM Neap Frets Preens elates tris another anew who was In attendees' npnn Herr Bartsch. the aadeea.d In the tanb•rietegle.l 6.tehlt.5- mem at Pref. NownigI. we Met frees the 51hs.e plaits an Wereaday lees, has been a$ .etes by the Msrea, Th. Deotor to Deod, • • Vl•daet, 000. 24. -Dr. Mueller, who attended Herr Berlann. Me surgical wise. ant at Prof. Notbuagle'a beel.rlologlogl establishume5, wuu died oo Tuesday from be boa to plague, tiled 7ta*erd*7 morning. 6)Oehw, Got. 54. -The arrival of Can- ada'e sew (loveraer(ieneeul and lady Mluto and their are) lending uu Cana- dian .011, wblob w111 hike place here on the late proximo as nearly .a can be judged. is to be made the 000a.loo fur an imposing military demonstration. All of the loom wept are to be ordered out, The Horan will turn out In full strength to form the ..oure for the Lieuterwnt- Uoternur and tie new arrival. 'they w111 be divided iota two parties. '1'b. 1elgur, under oowmaa•i of Major T. 11. limber - !n Opo, w111 be drawn up on the break- wther on the arllyal of the nonuser to welcome the Gtveroor General nod escort him to the shade'. Their Kxoellencler Lord and Lady Aberdeen w111 leave Ottawa un Nov. 8. Fromthere they go to 'leroneo for a few days, thous to Montreal and Quebec. A farewell ball le to be tendered here by the cltlze5Y, On Saturday, Nov. 12, Lord and Lady Minto, who ars expiated to arrive in the early morning, *111 breakfast with 15.11 E=oellencles at the citadel. Afterwards the vice -regal party w111 go to :venom - wood, where Lord Minto will be sworn 1n as Uevernor-General, Atter lunch at Npunoerwood, Loral and Lady A lee -ikon with their staff and household will ail for England on board the Labrador. TO RECEIVE LORD MINTO. A. Impeolae Military Demonstre mea RN Doom Arraagyd to Tek• r1ec. at Qaebee, Nev. 1•. wglee' Forbidders' to Om Madrid, Got. 114,-'1'be Minister of War, General Comm, has forbidden Uen,ral Weylmrs proposed journey Into Andalu- sla;fearing that ibe Ueoeral *111 do just what 511 friends have declared he will do -that 1s, foment uew dlaaffeollun toward the Government In the Southern Prey - teens. Ye w.pap•n Enable M Appear, Brussels, Goy 24. -The compositors' strike al Antwerp le extending. Most of the newspapers are uuahle to appear. At the bottom of the meths, a the struggle of the syndicate of oowposlton metros the Awerruau and Canadian composing maohluw. Now 1►'. 115.7 Disease. Pekin, Oot. 14.-Tbe Emperor of Ch Ina L be:Ievd to be afdlo//d with an locur- . b1e kidney disease, though It is passible that be wtl%►tnger tor • eosuldesable time. king Ma.N•k 1• o■ leo Warpath. London, Ool 24. -King Menelek Is on the warpath with 40,000 warriors aid several ba/tense of artillery. H1s object ostensibly 1s to chastise the rebellious chief, Has Mangarcie, but the remainder of am Abriabian army is being tepidly SHOT HY KUK(:L5RL, n mobultad, 111610b la scarcely neoewry tor shim purples of crushing • mutiny A Tweed gulch., In t riurel Conl5Dlo■ 1'h• Mammas governments hike 000- 1 Prom n Tramp's W omble 1UIIas1 In the Master, bemaes Tweed' rat Oot,._- 24.-..'�Ir• _ tobp } le 1. 411-4=..., 1 t plaoe was .►o* on Saturday wlibdra7I )(Flak 1t g$S il,Meats% He was about to dose up his anise that pori and hold 15 *51 boalpbsei shop when two men stopped up oowere, lnoladtng Abyclda, to bid and told him to throw UP his ,IYds and demanded his money, He smock the one nearest to hint and kntu'k- .d him down, mid the other shot a re silver at ht*, the hall e.•-4ae18. Neta.. law close 1-m the neck. The men escaped, orad are supposed to be tramla. 'they boarded a frelglt train going west, *Lich was In at the &tins. One of the men hes been arrested at P.terboro. The ball has not been extracted as let, and lir,. Perry Is In 1 very critical condition. -JURY'S-VERDICT. The M•e161 Cbl1•Irea Wee* atr..gl.d b Their Msaher, *ha was a Treable- nitwedl.g Wem... Toronto, fist. 24.-" We find that at No. 559 Logan avenue, In the city of Toronto, on the 21.1 day of October, be Sween the hours of 3 and 6 o'clock p m., the mid, children, Stanley, Harold and Ethel Bdrr.11. oawwto their deaths, each being strangled by 1M maker, Isbell& B arrell" Such was the verdict of the jury em- panelled by Corotq Powell on Saturday at Bolton Avenue Fire Ha11 to enquire into the facts surrounding the death of the three cblldreu wbo were strangled - by their Wpkhar, MAYA Burnell, an Briar"i s Ir afternoon. trestt, M.P.P., MAT Beall;x. t, After viewing the bodies the evllenoe aJrV Me�Mr M.b. a Propo,ll bo to of witness was bend, ♦.eat. H1. tont. The F.Ih•r'e arty. Charles Edward Burrell, father of the Toronto, Oot. 2:1 -A well founded au dead children, explained that d• the mor bad been circulated that W. J. hone In when the deed was committed McKee, M P. P. for North terser. had then were brake she throve dead eStl made a propo.111on to the ('onservativce dren. three otbetr by his Snit wife. He clot he would resign his eat In the left Soma at 6,25 In the• more1n4 for Le*lelature provided the Conservatives work noel at t uhf now not bring the cato trial, an•1 chat Feat tone the cblldreo wen, a new eloetlun would to bald, It is he• left alone with their mother. The dal of ,teved inns tri party will allow AI► the tragedy was the first day that the PP71_-Kee to ewalgn on those a,ndltlors al oblldren were lett alone In the oars of the mother 4t sough witnesses In the rave have beer. Continuing, tri *hues. mid that his '"rnrnoned a Sandwich to glen cvt:'mat» Mr. Oarrme *111 Benign. Toronto, Oct. 64. -Mr. J. 1'. Darrow, member -alert for West Huron, has ao- naunoed his 1111001100 of tangoing 5e seas and the legal proosdlug• new 1. progrer for unseating him will them lore be dropped. wife was well in body and mind up till Iasi Msrob, l►Mn she was rwmoved to the General Hosplal iu1ering from rbeu matic timer. 1145. reinaloed In the Inatltu- tlon for two months and then leftshe took sick again on Sept. ti and went beck to the boeplW tor further treatment. she was disbarred .on (tot. 1., The bu.hand, In answerlb q{aettons, said that his wife was psi /ilarl7 tone of the children, sod at timid" became fiery anxious as to their furore welfare. Farther questlbnjt as is any Insanity In his wife's family, Mr. Burrell said that her seller was at present confined In an asylum near Leedom. England. The father added that about three weeks aero be daughter Nellie was compelled to hike Harold from his mother, as she was hurt- ing him. Several times recently M heard his wife tell the children that she Wott1d soon have them nue sense. Vary offers hie wife would become Sullen and gas on the end of November, THE MARKETS. soar•I.r'• /sale laark.l• I).ulatlea• ram Noir Sides of t5• Itlo..tle 1'pete wont see 1'rodur.. Saturday goon lig, Oet, Liverpool ulna future, were +Iruu( again today, the Decemher of t ,.0 . an • wJ mud' tie Hard upi/oa :L par ...mat h,a Del then rent, Mae. . mete futures were etrang ■I.o all doll,. err,,. riming over le per Mt.5.1 ales,' y.l. (*.retail's Suet Satires. Terre was a heavy :Inert demand ted talk of ltdrwpeaa Mew .raruevt• buylog. Loading, Mame Margrete. Vas/lowing .re the closing prices &••day .0 yentas rent toe. --.. t'ash. net. Dee. Mew, &'MeeM80 Orta gg OM MI an New ork...:;:... • 0 1 0T:4 !.cafe ..... .. 1 715* 0 71% 'e III: iris recce• .::. ':: 0 e Ol% 5Y73,. i'ii Intently at Object. She never deployed ,H)etrWtsa 7I% ;... -17 11 "Ings -u '4 any teeltng towards t5e witness, ball "Lem". . she at several bases spoke of N,a11Is's aM techment for the dead oblldree. Turning to ;he time of the tit••cc� �eery the trims, witness said 5. boma . s *tote bemuse the childrep slimy, him ■t the door, and be noised Mrs. Burrell, after the finding "g bodies, appeared satisfied with wbdi had done.' otfr:Nnnkera l 0 110% o 01ff( 0 alt* 0 My 1)•, tk, Xe ....-r.-o rix ,. -- Mf 0 0 a 9 e 9 ste t...ouW. Ne. 1 1 hard t•.w) . 0I4 .... .. T.te.N, red� . 0 71 ,.,. :::' 'a1Np pt. t.awre.ce Market T a1 Oa account of the earn, there w ne xitt offered. mid u•ly tine lead e[ bar 1 e b /Tent Dr. •.,..B, .0»• te Ike ,drltc tries of halt os H •cr+bier Dr. Sneath said then were no fingerwere net as targe a but equaltriesded,therearks, but t►.was evidence thee the/ws ra .. IbWtry, batter cod-6gg, were not as death of each nhIld was named by siren; •plr.tlrul as is usual tha isa,arday, ■Itbougrt tslat5.o, lir large number- of farmers with SewsThu report of the poet mortem 11* 1.61100 on the body of Harold, mode b7 Dr. AadereoR._;0bowed that dentikwas des W asphyxia, due to 'triangulation. -.. __.-A tfNb$..Nvemaiiag Woman, 11r. R. H. Atkins gave evidence of Mrs. Harrell'• treatment at the (;•neral Hos Oral 1n :(eutember. Hs saw het almost dally and she was suffering from heart disease, brought 013 by the previous at- tack pf rheumatic fever. 1145e appeared, whll+ • patient, to be very d*yre,sed. '1'be-iI loctOr attributed the depryswion to he Osis to the dleeaa., She exp self to the norms of the Innttn lag suspicious of the other pa appeared to the witness ail being trouble brooding women. Mr$, Hnrrwtt, he tbonght, was suffering m .0*5e melancholia when she bad ce emitted that deed. , In the Pollee Const` MIS. Burrell, mother of t obiylrel appwurd In the Police Comet ri*i,raat. and was verbally remanded tel Moe- da7. In the meantime she wl I bs/exam- led by the jell pbsylelan. '7Se funeral of the little 4111 hike plane et t o'clock this tidier oon to the Necropolis. Rev. Dr, Pa lest IB conduct the burial wend, blued her,- lon as be - mem, anq' 011tAND "Mny1K IN Co\TRnt_ 14 letarent• C.neervM in 5,. Reergaa- 'tattoo of Ma Portrait Teem (. Toronto, Oat. 22.-1M (Wand Dunk Hallway, which 1., 6nannlally Interested to the Central Vermont, will he benefited by the hill whloh hag beat Introduietl Into the Virtual* lesela5ature for the re- oreanleatton of the latter road. Me9111g, U. M. Rats, gedrafol tttenagee, stud charges Percy, tre.gdrsr of the Grand 1'rnnk, are among the gentlemen pro- vided for /t* diel board of directors of t renrganited nompeny. The misjnrler el the Reek 1• given the ()tend Treat, whlnb In return guarantees the Interest on 1119,000,004) first meetings 4 per eget, 21 year gild bond. The eempany formed under thin hill sands ready to nay the road ae goon as the eons daorM.. it shall he coin, and hiel .ad take the renper.M 1t The read le new pr.esteelly eentrelled by to Onnd Trunk. Reward Cares .f eslm.h. Hae innelseo, Oet et.tie Drina ssamee W.5sron, w►tn5 .all*d rwe/rdg7, Kw ea board one/ the bogggt "erases of Whist sot troll *Mt has Illi *le pert tor .laalp iMrg elle w'tl Mlle away 150,111111Nr .ane at sn• end 24, 400 ease of ell..sd twat The es le vlttnd M tame le b7 nein. Prises were area 11 the following quote tunas : Butter, at 111c to 20e, And 22c from spe- cial customers, fur choice Pound rolls, the bulk ,golug a1 20e. A' Chickens rale to 70e; du.-te. Dur to etc per getr Geese 'sold at 4 to 6c Per Ib, Tytrkeys, 9c to 12c per Ib. Potatoes, floc to 70e por hag, Apples, $1 to 1131 Per barrel. East Ww1ale Cattle Market. Nest Buffalo, Get, 12.-Itrce.pte et Pelt Awl Through cattle, sheep ass hogs during 'I.r 24 tiony e/tdel at 0',.m 1, day, were „s follows : Cattle. 100 case; aloe p and larch*, 'YJ cant; hogs, in cars, aitpn..oi , ee.,ae r me : tattle, 110 .gr.: ta.o'p dui ,ami•,p nn; hogs, lb ears, . e'.tt1e-1'he receipts of nate en,. Imola of sale, prismsllr .tn' k.rre toe Mon. lays market. Top woofer 545 r rr 4.n- f.worable for the trade, ■o I there w,.+ a light engulf,' for batchere' grades, (-a',,■ ,warn f■ d In Selat. I al le' .1e. e matid and Inlet?' t) elle' were gqnotable at s6" sae to .-hog,-,• If1.3f) to 16.75.re a few eltrii *mall bunch Pales at a 11111• blgk-r figure, but the bulk were not 530y.1.bl• h,ghvr than a baNI 04 llel N. for prime Yenta. Sheep land Lambs -The offerings w.•re Lot particularly henry --211 Ion.Ia, in. -110110N nine 1'-tt over end 12% loads of could:, Inmb.-• bot the roll, relny weather tees eery tis favorable. The both of the .,Retlnrt were told, hat It wag dtfrtenh wort. CAnlee to , etre lam/nt were qn 'table rat 13,50 to 15,73; Roots. chMre, 116 to 61.50; (*gunmen to tale, *4.73 tom $ , gieoR b015,, to retry. 64, b 10 gota39 the 14 to Silos ran. moll to fait, to 11.7.1. Cana lama were quotable et 0.40 to 63.73. Cb.wer Markets, Loddon, A.t.,Oct. 22 - At the inane braid here to day 49016 hntr.,.11 itepten5,vr make, were Lorded. Mee nage? from 544 to Nei,, tele., r/1 at at•b, 245n s t nX l:owanalll•, QM.. Oct, 27, -At tee emv. 017441',11• clnvse bard today 22 1,e 0-1,-. -.ffet d 1343 box•e of cheese, 1 (Tenser fit nt•xee .54 60, all l5* tub hatter, 1 he s5 M. tete, see mot' Mt bed 58 En b3104 ballet, s a.. gees; lap Yea. Momode: to (1 W Punct for Mt. Balance snood 274 t.oase. Board adj0aree,1 to Nov. 5, which wt I be the is meeting 04 too bot I 11 'f,n.knrg, ".1., (Mf, 11, -Twelve bas err: 1 and ',tiny :err, bales of cheese 0Rerel n•� -day: M( Md. No *los; godenta..l ■ro• vgr4i IoM stet n It n,ertewn, N.I.,Ort. 22. Mho of chem•* to Lomb of Tiede to -day w. -re sloe L.:g. •i-tceebrr1(t • 1e a fila: halt et Mc. Cantos, N.T. Or► 91. -Thee hundred av^ !� e 05.1.., Ms.: Rn nM better, IOltc, cheese ofd at awe to ono: gal Mea. Wettish Markets. Liverpool Oct. 1 ,--(12,10,)-1f,, 1 Nees. aprtng. 0. ad; rot wester so Reeks; 1*., i (.a. M 1tM f. eh UM,yl• .ors, Se Mid, melt a : pert, Iles ; lard, 21s W; tallow, kW gelberms, ; bar, heavyz 1,.. 17a 1i1; tg,,, no suet.; abort ret. JIM old: cheese, welt*, 42e M: nn{,med. els a0 Llverlrml-fines-Race wisest firm, wIM Ito, 1 Net. at M 44; red winter bowel. a• :µt45 for Den awe ea 210 for herr*. MOM ti° Op o4- o4- !r*r*e*s, da 955 r -ter Y,„ F11+•doh. dter ote, sad as 7ted for Mane. err•` r..er...... MONKEYS Oi' 7115 HAVOC THEY CAUBE BY THEIF MARS FOR WIYEUI Lambabl* Teethe W.pl.yed by this late... to Disperse the aellt.ere•1 r.. .-Lila• Cisme For Male Moc- ker. a1 5lrth. Monkeys in India are ao unmitigated puleautte, especially In the country. 1 have often tome across in the jUuglet adjoining the villager of northern /3cu gal whole troops at them, whose dept• thinner iu fields and orchards were 181 despair of the anfortnuate villsgel'r. These troupe always °out 1, ed of cue boge wale and stout 100 females. The taut is, when a little monkey Is born in the peek, it is suffered to live if a fer Stale, bat instantly killed by the father if it happens to beg male. The mother, however, sometimes mutates to hide the litye one until be is able to &tet about and then sends him sway before the big wale catches sight of him. 1n this way it often happens that indi vIdnal males are to be found, 114,sit,hy themselves In single bleseednees Now. getting tired of solitude after • time' and perhaps believing iu union an a source of strength, these bachelors often join together Ad form • pack of tbeir owu-aa a sort of club. Then the fun begin& They woof wives -very tmtwr.11y. But bow arc they to stet them? All the !swab mortaeyariT the country Wong 'to the harem of some big brute or other Clearly, the only, solution is to. attar* such a bares', kill the gutta (the afore s.td big brute), and then divide th, spoils to an ultimatum is saint -11110 rejected. War is declared. The butt!, 711 fierce one and o'ften`"liii'isl�teral days The party attacked always' tries to retreat and often traverses several jangles, fields and even village& But the pursuit is hot and vigorous, and al lad • stand bee to be made -sometime. In a village green or even an orobard o1 game eountry mansion. In tri act us! hilt "the females generally remain hnthtnl to their lord and master and help him fiercely against his uumerou, a.R►dlaute. But the result is a ferr<guac conclusion, and the several widows, after a very short period of mourning - usually manifested Ity a .how of 111 ltat'ji &-rte a llibleld' by the victorious male. Now, these battles Danes sad havoc to the fields and orchards o! the country and 'often prove a positive danger to the people, for, though monkeys seldom at tack wen. woe to the luckless one who vnetnres to come near them to their deadly struggle. Moreover, when pressed b7 hunger, these packs ere not to be trifled wit h. You may not mitis Otero the damage dome to 7onr orchard by hundreds a monkeys gobbling up every thing they can lay their hands on, but it is quite a different Dialler when you have to shut your doors and windows and stay in for days at•time because of the army outside. Consequently the object of the natives is to break up these packs by capturing their leaders. Killing iaagainst Chadic - tater of otnecience, but capture le not s.pedlally 5. the monkey is liberated 1n • abort time, as will appear weevilly Bo when • pack is ■boat, the natives em ploy the following method: Close to an, orchard a bit of level space is select and a hole dug in it, *boat 9 feet epoea and 6 or 14 lurh,s in diameter. A,b 1a made at one end of a frog, *floret cord and placed over the !wrath of/the bole The cord is then passed throne) a pulley or ring star lied to a tree close to thers house and the other end held some dis- tance away by a ou cealed peon The noose and about 101E lb feet of the sad are covered with sand. Then • nice. twpting banana is placed in the hole_ and a 0piuber of rotten (nee--oovered,re however, with fsh skirt• -are strewn a11.6ver the ground Dear the bole. When the pack comes, the female,.ro atoo shy to venture out into the open the • near hones, bot the big got!• -s is • brave f..ib,w. He pees the Lannnas on the ground, leap down, takes up .me. throws it away 111 disgust, then another with the rune Toroft. Suddenly be no tinee the nice, tempting oto in the bole and plot/gem his arm In. Immediately noosethe card Is hn11ed, the noose fastened on the arm close to the shoulder and the monkey dragged will? nilly to the Ire where the pulley or ring is attached Then the biding •bikart COMM forth. and. clrcliug round and round the tree with the cord held tight in Ms hand, binds the unfo rtnnate monkey safe and fast, all brat the head. The pulley of ring is introduced not merely to bind ous the m,kny to the tree, bet also because it would be highly dangerous to drag the infuriated brute right op to a per son. The monkey, however, is not killed Instead. they lather hie head and face. no speci`I rare• being taken in selecting na the finest .p or the purest water. The operation is an interesting one and a span* of greet lmns.ment.--tn the by - Minders. The monkey, bnwever, dodger his bead about, only M get • good dose of map In bit eyes and *oath. Then be has cuoogb of it, especially as bei Miele dreadfully achy all over and the oordv dotting tan his body every Inch -td: say nothing of the personal remarks and the highly adjectival language of the bystanders. He nib.its to his tate with eastern stoicism. lila head 1. shaved clean as a billiard hall, mind then the face as well, nice, and smooth, like • 15y'.. Then they let bimgo, Est slag su0h is the vanity of life, his wives Will not have him now that his beauty 11 gone. They dienwn him completely. yet him deed. Nay, they drive him sway from the pack with oo.tumely, with the end. of their tails -IB the ab- sence of donte.tto becom aslokm And dew ishw wttboet a 1wM' e 11119- MR. is aloe broken np,--81s..d 1MasgaedtR Ask Tom H►Nber, When a young woman bas a feetldlon brother or a nori,nmse aifll*hmtly Intl/eat to be allowed In a friendly way to entice. drewher good points In drew 1t 1e rept et all bad Idea to ark his advice about the seri. of neckwear who adopts A mid II hot LI stiffened to the pagbMw et Mb 5ktt5NI of hes .womb* '.'s WI*, and vise Is cell111 embed ill sossawbatban. dm,a rs it Y flimsily worth 1180*1s 6rs 114111101/4114111101/4110110112060ishould N lad he eabdu IrudA tall girt, with a long, .anllke peek WOW weer to ndtantage • fennel with r Mew bow. Her abort ted pinion WWI** heed set tow as beg .1trw,l els* mad &les rugs baas1 try 1111 51.• MON mimeo owl nosh le neat s' Des ext. Fm her itanwered band add le seMate0r tel dart obs line where the Ode code, r1 ge*1leweman never Weeds idled mor sgIe.e leek wear,-PhHrdedaht SNAP E.- the Brain Worker, STREN8T170r the Physical ue,tti S 1 AMINI rg r l(ee, W umea ,,,,e14y% wag *=A• D THE P Gueruu •N -I hate for a her nebride eded eo•tgtklng to Doha pmyeystenr, hfyblwdSzaer and then, lacking sero) p5 end t W7.y Last January • friend s,,- „ e ht,k), try Dr. Ward's Blued and hen, I4V They will supply the oaygrn til , needs and give you health Ant{ to o'et 1 told him five very akelxical at benefit that could be dented lira�t7' Proprietarymoditine ud had p(.' them. There the matter rutted spa month• ago, when reaw m5t-p .1110(111111370. hat Dr, Ward's Blo.dding and Nerve have done for so many people with poverished blood, 1 concluded to them a trial, 1 have taken fourbosye my unhelia[ w far as Ur, W&rdt and Nerve Pills are concerted hag entirely removed. They are a blood builder and strength reatotw an invaluable medicine for weak, voted people. This hat been my e once, they having given me sp body and strong healthy blood, (Signed), PITA* LAWd1IC1 Wirers. 988 Queen St. West, Toma%. AL good druggivts can e1PPlI par they won't, we well h�lail Ynrm os Walik-COMbox 3 boxes fur f s. m. T11g 1 . PANY, Emoted, Toted; 'I .< t1 mal p tl en e1 flet el P 'Yt esu Wet -k flu Bei frau YIOUTH AND BEAUTY new "era" 1. Ik.tr w.y. as • u.tll... them 5•15. Youth and beauty are !eighth', they do not .odors through obs Boman age.. Charm does, j semi beard a phllu.opher ordain, •- women are beentlful, few areebam H. sold a truth welch 5letory etas. 1M faa.Inating women ante imea insAdeaM•enaol•.•melfel. bare eweyd tri other sex by IL They has f5scl..ted by ems personality, arid quick-witted geom. Such women ars Invariably fellow. In the best ague of Me They never bora Women wbo de-- 'rho s_wbo go Fele a frightful list of shoot their wards trite the root. a turotug of triallam s layear's gee* mos w l and Iodaecrth561s mane -or thus petty, trivial teems their bouseteld •(4115 -ere laded MW noires et oar •misers., web Hem at the .trot °orlon. d.dgs sturwn and b..Mw, for the nonce, x11 attention en b.okrupt .tont tad pins, anything, rather than taw Gesture who has nothing high* s eif &hall her ailments and weer dressmaker, armed with an apse bill, would be mo welr-,me to s os than either tie 4•m.1. bon er ace dewy Asad, tri goeeip. -Ulna 8a World I T5. Item Item• MertN, / The beet bootee market b the M *M farm, without any '.as ef poratton except that which the pays te himself for the nes of his Isms and wagon.. NntMog MUM Hoek can provide thin kind of • OT DAUGEiTEB CURED. Kr . Lydia A. Fowler. Electric Amb.ret,t1.8., testifies to the god d the new specific for all hear/ .d trodden: For some time pall been troubled with • dottwnng In the region of my heart, durst sods pains which f!sve me gnat and weakened me at times so 55.5I scarcely breathe. I ael vary mei dovrn and fe11 oervoes nod irrilahb, I had akco a grass many remedies without reoe3ving11 nn) benefit, a freed 4ndeeed me to try Mllbnrn's Henri and Nerve Pills. I had only been taking them a shod time when I felt tbsl they were acing ate great to I 000tio * ase sod now feel x11 rial& i eras ruueomrne.d Milburn 'Heart gad Pills 1431 nervous penetration " Mn,. Fowler adds: '• My n ow Sola. ?ears of age, was pale, 5154 rex• and .healso took Mil Heart a1l�er,. Pil1s for some d . i• now s1�irels.� b.ialthy and vlgoress' Liliddits art and Nerve 11115 Serpi ring aenestioS. and fel•; wirwweness, 45.525 Price 5 O0 s hos s three 11114463.1.10. 8dd by all drf f gfSla T. & Go.. Tome, Oso tae. t11shdle Meer, (Ieaeter1. 557aa "1m*..ilvr P455. meds a wel.'s. 1...tr_5kdte.h Idea and pules M the .call of tribs1M sad drip b LawertMr Plow . heal three wake they MRIIirM awed see.)' Poi& 11M. 51 000/I90 A Martyr to Diarrhoea. Tells of rellef from satlrrh g 11 Dr. Powkrrs Ext. of Wild Str* A' ?lot[ - iP w«Yglwat el W rBww1RI!