The Signal, 1898-10-27, Page 44 MossoAs, OIL THE SIGNAL,: GODERICHIIIONTAR1O glI M•H MOUTH ORGANS • • • Dlraot from Ciermff. B•ttr and Oh•apsr than Ever. IOc. values for bo. 9.50 " " lbs 40c. " ,, sad boo. " " 350. 60c. " " 40c. Call early and get • good choice. See no for anything in Musk or Musical Mercbau- diee. EMERSON'S Ucyde A laic Nass. West.st., C}ODE)RIOIH- IiEPNUtITIII THE MMNEIMEN PIANO i MUSIC CO.. Of TORONTO. Oa1Ar Qthaf ss pleMa>A EVERY TSUBBDAY-MOS1 mO. .Teaicallaat kleit aooaauus.'THUIMD. T. 00T.,11. ti`. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. DURING the past few weeks • large number of accounts—•mounting to several hundreds of dollars—have been meat out from our counting room, and we are pleased to state that they have been vegy fairly responded to. r There ase; however, cases when there have -been no responses, .`mss• there persons we state that we hope to hear from every one of them at the earliest .late. They owe, and they should pay voluntarily, and :dei eat any further prodding. But it's astounding the amount of jabbing some people will stand rather than pay in advance. Look at your label, and, if you are in arrear, pay up. That's bulainesi. GIVE US PARTICULARS. OUR esteemed contemporary, The Telegram, of Toronto, has the follow- ing in reference to an article which appeared in Tas SIGNAL last week : The Hcaos StosAL's inability to see anything wrong in tee Yukon is a nen Oen that Dan McGillicuddy had bet- ter attend to his knitting in Godetich harbor sod leave the discovery of public evils to journale whose eyesight is un• dimmed by the receipt of Government °entracte. If our esteemed contemporary will specify some of the charges that can be brought home to the Yukon officials, we will warrant that oar eyesight will be sufficiently " un- dimmed " to see them if they can be seen at AL But we don't take bass- wood for oak up In this neck -of the - woods, and the mere asperring of an official's character is no reason why we should look upon him as a crim- inal. What we want is to have specific charges made saint individual of)i- oials. L Maj W ataa a carpet bagger and claim exploiter, and has any of- ficial who was with Major WAUH been guilty of like conduct 1 Did Judge MoGnias run the ad- ministration of justice in the Yukon On lines of financial gain to himself I Has any official dons any act con - teary to the regulations and inimical I' to the welfare of Canada or the Yet ken Mr. Werra, Rsurria'1 agent, when brought faoe to hoe with Major WAua at Ottawa, had no fault to find, and Mise SHAW thus far has given no facta of her own knowledge. Let us have some facts, if there are any, to back up the soap-ohewing of oar esteemed contemporaries who are afflicted with Klondike -on -the -brain Thus far their only efforts have been to prove that their upper bertha are net made up right. A CHANGE IN THE TOWN COUNCIL. A ORBIT many people ate unaware of the fast that the town council for the coming year will be elected ander greatly changed oonditions from those which have existed hitherto. Atlas last cession of the Legislature it was ,emoted that "T1s council of every town having a population of not more than 6,000 by Me last Canadian (venous shall nnnsiat of a mayor, who shall be the head thereof, and to Mt msncjMn to be elected by a geminal vote Tide, of amuse. applies to GederMh, mod sees,/ that the division of the town into ward/ wall not be taken in- to aseseat is sleeting the member. of .saaetl, ell of whom will be by the town at large. In the distiller town/ and of cities having of 115,000 or lege • bylaw away with the wand system 'Aieakted 111 Wad approved wt>fll eaeoted ; and such bylaws have ready been approved in • number of places throughout the Province. Pro- vision is made, however, for a recog- nition of ward divisions in towns of lees than b,000 population if the change to the plan of election by a general vote is not 000aidered satis- factory. " Al any tame after two annual elec- tions have been held uwler the provisions of this section (before quotedl,the council of the tuwu may, and, upon the petition of twenty per cent. of the *baton, shall, at the time of holding an annual elect on, submit a bylaw providing for the division of the town into wands. Hyoid bylaw shall olive the select of a majority of the elec- tors voting thereon, one councillor shall thereafter, and so long as the said bylaw shall remain in hove, be enuually elected by the electors of each want, and the re- maining oourwillors, to oumpk a the full number of six, shall he elected as in sub- oection one of thm section is provided." That is, if such bylaw should be car- ried, arried, each of the four wards in Gode- rich (provided the wards were not al- tered) would elect a councillor, and the o ayor end two councillors would be elected by the whole town. There will hereafter be no reeves, of course. The change in the law will subntitote for our council of sixteen samaabere one of only seven mem often notioeable that a small meleeir of people are able to transact balms more speedily and thoroughly than a large number ; tt remains to be seen if this will be the case in raid- to the council. ..... a Another objection to the ward sys- tem eometimre put forward is that a councillor is likely to look out for the interests, of his own ward, at the ex- pense of the other wards, rather than to consider himself as elected to serve the whole town. SNAP SHOTS. ✓ West Huron u renting quietly, thank you. ✓ In politics, you most either play ben or or get out of the game. or Never get too far from your imow when the political game is on. MP When the fools all die this will be a loneeowe world for the wow folk. sea Right le always right, whether its portion be a miucrity or a majority. r The only way to ,get prohibition is to elect prohibitionists to parliament. ✓ Ijr. Wilt.-Too-.oY, 01 No umber- lanel, didn't depend upon- knock -out drops entirely. IV Hon. J. IssAec. TAars mays he was in the truit line wheal he was e boy. He is somewhat of a peach yet. Mr When a politician trier to play a Crooked game, the people usually act N um- pire and nile the crook out. Mir 'The boy up the pole, who misses his grip eui slips down, ceases at once to be a hero in the eyes of his fellows. r The politician who tries both to pitch and to catch at the Fame time is bound to help the soore of the opposing team. ✓ Some of the political contestants ins South Ontario and Fist Wellington are try- ing to make very long kicks on goal. r Facto( S. Seines, of Toronto, is now busily engaged singing that grand, old, hut hopeful ditty, " Wait Till the Clouds )toll By " Sr Will Le Sobel kindly let us know if the voting on prohibition is over 'in Quebec' We should like to know, ye know. r Hereatter when a politician on the other side lies it will not be out of order to eell him a " rubber neck " instead of a " stretcher." r Considering that the United Stateri does not profess to be a military nation, the Man on Horseback is getting a lot of prom- inence these days. ✓ The reason politicians try to " shake the plum tree " is because they will not al. ways he near the plum tree and the plum tree will not always bear fruit. ✓ We haven't heard anything about the " Hero of H•ldlmand " for some time. As Rir Val. WHIRL! said, " How soon we are forgotten when we are gone." ✓ Some controversial fakir should now ormre forward with the plea that the art for suppression of bribery at elections should he repealed, ea its provisions only incite men to break the law. ✓ Notwithstanding all the boaste of patriotism it will he seen that, when any- thing worth having is in sight, the member a parliament or ex member is renally With- in nney signalling distaRet-of the prise money. jilt 1 The peg leg tramps who lot down lags and wore unkempt' sats elbow Tensa* w.e shot in An are potting 1110 leg in a sting ones more and wearing trlall let sebea. MAatoi Bawm'n arrest did the trek. or Fret thing HARRY Knave, M.PP., knows, he will be supping .arrow with a .porn down at ()sato Griffis. Osgood• Hall Patios won't stand monkeying with t 11's different from the Stephen 'renal, and sea hni farther. ✓ if his nibs, Kase. Hen, of ('.hint, r ssahI.. the &lyes pictures of hist wiled are appsmrien in the papers, we dost wrist• dr at the ems dowopr.e.presds asking 1.1 Burn gums le have "Light* oat f" grand ad. It was the Lr "Zip.' ✓ Uel. Iles i.ouwoti elate. that Dower, eaINNlMr, e0111M, searem, Moss.. num, WsaaLsa and taboo. swelled the Walesa peep jubilee in l'hivagu. That's all right, se tar es it goer ; hut who created the naval sad military geutlemeu that en- ato,l the jubilee r EDNON0 Neixt.sa, who • few short years ago stood in the front rank tel football players, he. been appointed gold ;omeu- simmer in the Kluudike. The mien who takes Meseta* for a tenderfoot and wants to monkey with the commissioner may run up egainst a dying wedge. Sir For the benefit of Eastern Ontario election crooks we Might say that sandbag- ging and tesd.pipiug are ways of hindering electors from voting which ire much in vogue by tie ordinary burglar. The North- umberland kuook-out drops, however, have never beau improved upon. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. ALL TWAT 000LD Ba alraf.7'aD. Ohioan, News : A wife oortai■ly w so muse for o•mplatst Ii bee baahsad dome' lows her say mor. --providing he dor not love her any less. • • • TUN ua*D !TiTin. London Advertiser : The municipal probl.a will be solved when the bat oitl- sew are atisestd to the otvie arena. The abolittoo of the ward system will b • long step i. Haab tflMtha. beta�it est ---41t--111 • Taa•aawas Of ADV aastatru B.11eviW Sea : An Oklahoma girl adver- tised for a ha+beed sea got him. The •d- v•rcwme•t and weddi.g outfit ort 511. and within • year f»dlsd and left her 5500 Wit t..era.«. lapses so ad.ernew • • • Wt PAIT„ Nina Ikea Y -_ Hamilton Times : la Huron Ceaaty 9.903 'oten expressed their will to Ms late pi.blaoite and of this number more shim too -thirds (6,2021 voted for prohibition. Aad Hares kern not been the 'tampion rroa•d of the prof•mlon•I probihitioniata .ither. reit demesne use are ea lane • dtdire.t 1.,. ""e Is pureeing phlleothr•ale sad oa.r.tab'e work they ere bet tarrying oat the golden rule of Cbrletlauil( i they are *bilking au bolter ronoaebililr t MAW ere whiling*, no holding vow. Oanttda'e •reabat Ltnfineat. Orlfths' Menthol Llalment 1. the greet, eel curative discovery of the age. Pone - trams easels, membrane and tissue to the very tone, banishes pains awl aches with • power impoelbie with any other remedy. Use 1t for rheumatism, neuralgia, head- ache* and all eoswotting and lammatl,a. AU dr Ila M eta FOR SALE BY JAS WILSON. Catarrh GuAwAxrxa:—The compounders of Japanese Catarrh Cure guarantee to cure any case of Catarrh 'rafter pur- chasing at one purchase six boxes of the cure and using the whole contents ad same, exactly u directed, there be failure to cure, the money paid for same will be refunded by them, providing that six guarantee slips are presented together with a reeceipted bill from the druggist or dealer from whom ed, and decluirlg that the wtIchrix boxes have been used by the person claiming the refund, and that there has been no cure. This is a strong posi- tion for the proprietors to take. but they have absolute faith that on a fair trial it will do all that is claimed for Japanese Catarrh Case. t s I "lunfitted fr=me 000.tsas emit h } bf*d. mad 'Ouse H. GSM was instant , Ari lea all NWoes- , wL ac. Nes. —ea all Druggists rRTM a NENfl WUU ON» TIMMf11S FOR SALK MY JAS. W1I.9ON. • r • Tai 06ZATa9[ CIVI1J1LI. New York Mad ad Empress • Great Briton, with all her past faults is Airman enterprise, is the greatest ootonizing and et.ilistng force that the modern world hr knows ; Femme one of the weakest. Great &Hada in Me pw..at oo.arwewsoy Se cent, sad Franco is wrooa There ma be no emme a s --ad there should be nose • • • WAR TT A eiralOIRATOR' Ottiw• Fres Press : Alluding to the pri- vate oars, The Mol and Empire says there was nom a greet uproar "bemuse Sir John M.odowld tnveUed in a ons of this kind." 1 he uprose, we believe, w.s among the n est of traitors, because Dr. Mosetsitue brought doves kis winter supply of vegeta. Wes 1. the Cumberland. It had to be puri- fied. It needed is from the polios" stand• point, anyhow. • • is 111eR'T INOLAVD'e ADV ANTA,:D,. Springfield Republica : Unless the NM- dilloos are 'fluidly favorable ro n Impossible for soother nation, even our own, to seemed without self-irjory In ruling subject races simoly bemuse Kogland has hooded• To suocred as E./land hes we must have Eris - lad's milometr, tor the work, ad it should bo.pOlare et to the dullest mind that we baeasmottetbwa edeastagea at the wet - est tome. THIN DILEGATI rKVean A NOT&I, Stratford Reaoos :—Iu d•elrise eeriest the billettleg sysmen, the C. E. convention N Hamilton hos .ted very wieldy. The eoltiplioity of oo.vestiow makes it under sinble and eves impartible that Tres homes shoale he oestiesally found for delegates. Tele armies will not keep the earnest deli- cate away, bet It will freeze out the one who goes to have • good time al somebody else's lno0svesi•soe and exposit. • • 0' A D41CNI&AT: vas Bobasygeon lad.p•edat-:—The Glo1• heweil+ the degeneracy of Moe up -to date fair. Right you are. The time wee weer William Henry and Sarah Jae found unal- loyed bliss clasping loon other's had .1 the talc. Bean thought only of the other, and all the world wee pumpkin pie and molasses Now Sadie dines William, rides • steam eooky Mores with Angwtes Rudolph, and sooepte taffy from • diamood-decked touter oh reedy made pante, and the polios won't allow a .orap within two miles of the grounds. 0 teaoora ! 0 mores * • • Tin0 RfARCalla Or CIVIL, IIOVERNM Montreal Herald : There 1s, in the mnsd- ofpal sphere as well as 1n the national, two Important divines' of government : (1) the legislative, in which the Idea rad projects (amine from every quarter eel. (Meted to Improve and benefit the city are hammered into 'haps. (Ii) The administrative, in whieh the mosey required for the public services and the carrying out of the eamiturse authorised by the legislative body ie expended. The ideal olvin governmeet is not only that ander which good Iegi.Mtio• is passed by the •••soil, het that under which the beet Derv$•• M given at the Mast possible ort. HAMILTON -5T. Meat Market The undersigned has purchased the Butcher Business formerly car- ried on by - NORRIS -'As-COX, on Hamilton-st., and will continue to carry on the business at the old stand. Every requisite in the purvey- :ng line will be kept in stock. Satisfaction given. Orders soli- cited. J. H. GRAHAM. The New Gents' Furnishing Store. No matt( r what your needs are in the Gents' Furnishing line, we can please you. Our prices are right, too. J. A. HALPANY, DENTE' FURNISHER. South side Square. McLean'. Block. F. BAIIJJO*T llffliS UKALaR IN LEHIGH VALLEY COALS: C�RdTffi ffit}C} E TOVffi t V T- • • * A aslant., HIT DIl1[:aIMIRA'r1Rn MprINATT. Printer and Publisher : The forthcoming sun. of The Canadian Magazin will e..- ta'a a brief, b.1 highly lateresttng pwiso l biography of the tate Hes. M. C. Ommeml. by Mr. MoOilliseddv..1 Tun 1IO1AL, (fedora k— " M..0. Camases .• 1 Keetr Him-" II M •also/eaa. SiChlipsrhei e stimate of tam drew. sesh eems weildea- pent from a whelomeM bishmia who b n et eo petty ae to 1N ifs reuse* lI!tly elm Waverly with Mr. OMMINI 1-NNt4la !edginess in midge asadvised, #M1I. efoo. remark MN MINN .bp 1Ye ks�M- sess of ..w.p•per bieerephiee el /reef Qwe adieu poutt.Mse. i did a 45eem1sMN Ur. MaOdll.addy, in his usual vela .f metal .wtrdietiw, weold rap me err the k.uekiss MIA an .rtiele that im not f.1rly ops. M tM Warm of v. e.apNm.ut, Ahmedpst.meut, and II Wee ..M. slew, • • • woMAs'. tPNia. Toronto News :—A rather notable loll dent at the recent .•Nin, of the Toronto UWriee of 1b W.C.T.tJ. sae Mrs. Dr. Remota'. refusal to sed toe iv -duties es president, to 11e erased flat -.Is rsgdre- .rets of the parities left no tae for w NOW di ehmele et her desaeste duties Welds sympahstie nature the her 1a w e mieses degres to advasw thiM.tereple MM. Rat them Is always a a•.g•• that neigh f.ttW isWee.bd h the work she mho it . diewasel.., Oodles is 1 mato acne and stttseti.s that are wastmtg be lest-dra. s.pleymwss N hoes,, A wets. Oro defy M t. kw beaten/ .sol Mr .warts. sve.tese, es; meMer what its acetic that .bKeely withdrawn her Irea her hum is is he esllamms• mss ,ttnllggt. Wefts., however, sss dee ,fila. • BITUMINOUS COALS : Blr-mo L172d:1," BTE)Ayk[ N>7T N VT BLA0K . BUCIISMITHING COAL Mao PO'itTLAIQ D OJAIMYINT, aaNADIeN OE)ALI LINT, OALOINJUD PLAdTIilR, BffiW1IR PIPE), FIRE, B11I01E, ete.. etc, THE YEN/ LOWEST PRICES SON CAMN. PROMPT OELIVENI. Ntorsttee.e• ad Yards . IT Tat MANION. AT TME STATION. O .s at Wm. O.mebell's O®oe, morose of -..__. Wartetad Square. OODRRIOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. OHRYSTAL, Ahreseserr re °a ml t • Moab. Yweheturer N •H Made .f BOI/AM REL. ' Smoke Stacks, 13a15 Pans, Sheet Iv Works, oto., eta, Aad Dealer la— Maglmes. M&.Neery Omega, he. AU ohm et Pip. std logis PINbup, sea .ed Water O. Mae NstmrValves. o..,an .wb � semews A B.e of stool Wow mil seg 7tiesgis Ow me .f Ives* sell *Morn Revelries e•mm.ed, stleeese 1. A. L OaTR'Ai. 11114► P. O, Sea St. *MINI The germs of consump- tion are everywhere. There is no way but to fight them. If there is a history of weak lungs in the family, this fight must be constant and vigorous. You must strike the dis- case, or it will strike you. At the very first sign of failing health take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites. It gives the body power to resist the germs of consump- tion. so, sae 1,.00, .o an•xhea scorn & DOWNS. Cued,•, Tomos. .W.w�nea�eriu► RICE'S PURE SALT Best forlisbie dad Dairy HELLO ! THE OLD LRELIABLE. ALL KINDS .OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND 7..s Baer ScrdMdll Hard Coat IN TRH MAIULZT Au (:cal w.,'hghod or the IIIMAet Moak% ober 1 ou feet MOu I ba. (r • tee. WM. LEE. Only.. left at LIZ k sj�:j�ro Seen promptly atseidd 1. STILL ON DECK ! Ts BICYCLE LIVERY If you want to learn to ride the wheel, Go to YULE'S. If you want Repairs, you will find a vulcanizer, a brazier, tel enameller, and • competent workman At YULE'S. If you want Good Wi,eels and Best Attention, be sure and go to the old and reliable KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH. YULE'S BICYCLE LIVERY Everybody is Talking about D. OANTELON'S F LOUR He hes just roesivd weir car teed Moan Mmaitoba. He has now an hand two of the best brads at nem that the wend ea froduee. LAKE OF THE WOODS - AND - OGILs'8 tracer wlunres ettsw. Mods from No. 1 Hard Wheat . Mee jells the best teams atisane se wMl do well by zit: wig ietsas�r w 1Yt ' e a e�N�ame►sferMWIUMOM M glei es �etsi,D••su. Orders wiB be srtametr assumed ee 1s PUFF PASTRY. ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES meddling mases wlsa sasses seta. • gesaa11y. D. CANTELON. We do All Kinds of riouldg and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice, and for little money. blob= liefies., (IMafl.d) tlOLE)1RIG7=_ GODERICII BARGAIN CENTRE FOR VALUE IN DRY GOODS. Fall winds remind u■ of the used of Underwear. Call and see the v.Jty we are giving lu Wool Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, Cotton Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, Boys' Fleece Lined blurts and Drawers. MEN'S FUR OVERCOATS, In Coon, Wanibat, Walloby and Dog. LADIES' FUR GOATS ANL) LADIES' FUR CAPES CLOAKING. A large range of Beaver, Mil- ton.prs. and Curl TABLE LINLN ANI) TABLE NAPKINS. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, in All Sizes. LADIES' UNDERWEAR, ( lst Flame Listed Union and Wool, LADIES' COMBINATION UNDERWEAR. MANTLES. largest range of Ladies' and Children's Jackets, and the lowest price to pick from BLANKETS, in great value. Flannelette Sheets, Union Blanket., Wool Blankets. Well posted people in Goderioh and vicinity have learned by experience that Robinson's is the plaoe for valve and price. sga. ROBINSON_ Beatemall Stovetipe Varnish as its name implies, beats all competitors in the most important points. Brightest lustre, least odor, quickest drying of all stove -pipe Tarnishes, 25c., 5 for $1. ,Take no other. The Medical Herb Tea, best of herb medicines, 25c. Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bitters, 50c. The perfef Emulsion of Ood Liver Oil, 3bc. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. Agent for the Birkbeck Building and Los* 00. Lass les essq Mara HAMILTON STREET MILLINERY. MISS CAMERON has returned from New York, bringing with her the latest in styles and shades The reigning colors are BLUES OF ALL SHADES, MILITARY PURPLE, CARDINAL and ROUGH RIDERS' SHADE. Mies Cameron does not hold openings, but evreyone is invited to call and inspect goods and prigs. DO YOU HUNT? If so, the following gpaturormiliw lines of Breach -Loading . GUNS. will interest you A good 12 bore Double Barrel for $7.73 A Damascus Steel 12 bore Double Barrel for $12.00 A Damascus Steal 12 bore Double Barrel,witk Greener Crosabolt, for w - m it5.00 Also a full line of the Wincheet.n Arms Company's Loaded Shells Come in and examine the stock. No trouble to show goods IOUCYIES RINEIEE STOIE FOR CUSTOM WORK _ FOR REPAIRING • FOR THE SLATER FOR THE BEST 1N BOOTS give AND SHOES SHARMAN Tilt PRACTICAL SHOEMALEIA —a call. Being a thorough workman, we cannot be on Mims of 'biddy goods, and we do not hey 'misfits, damaged geode, or bankr4i stalks to sell ex first clam lines. We keep the LAIALAW, WATSON SHOE OO'S !GOODS, and as they are splendid wearers, good filters, and of bh• West style., yon should give them a trial 0O11N0. Or suer swum AND SWAIM. wet PLN7170AL MOO UAW. ANP ems Aetw T MI r'o =Ma spot, Q O1:331L1lXo_, "The Signal"iforiai. of 1.1 for only 15c %adopt Tor. l011 sad$slm1 *I wsad liel •eowe 111014 IlkillAM 0...06........ •. is. alai oleate 11rn114a e••.d••ee.. IW