The Signal, 1898-10-20, Page 4r •
Editor Stead Has Been Impress-
ed With His Sincerity.
The Troubles of Frames- Demou.Ir.tleae
mad Coeater-Iremonar.tiu.• Tb•
reseal• Inmate The Rumored
Floe e( ire Arms Denied 10 A•tl-
Droste& R..i•lo• Orel.. No
Oeetal Denial Tkomsh.
London, Oot 17. -William T. tltesd
tubo is matte( a tour of the europium
espital. In b.balt of the Daily News, to
awrtaln the attitude of tie various
mummies toward toe Ceara disarmament'
proposal, has arrived 1n St. Petersburg.
Prom there he writes that th.diaLeuten-
lag suggestions of skeptical pessimists
are unfounded.
Then is, tie says, no humbug about
the proposal. The fear 1. entirely in
earners. Neither M. Witte, Minister of
Finance, nor M I'obledono.ixeff, Procura-
tor -General of the Holy Synod, 'nor
Gaunt Muraeleff, M1hi ter of Foreign
♦grits, wan the author of to proposal,
Which was due lo the personal l.Nlative
d the Czar. lie imposed A�s will on his
Ministers. Mr. Stead adds:
,"The scheme was ooueelved In a mind
Imbued from childhood with the horrors
of war, and the passion tor pupa which
distinguished the t'zar's Lather. It was
ths$ered oOntiuually by the Increasing
evidence of the fatuous, suicidal policy of
'beggar my neighbor,' and found oon-
genlal environment In the _Lisrmio, nal acid,,
dome/tic entourage of the Czar, and was
Lally lauoubed with the .plendjd_j&
d•etty of youth.
"Mr. W Isis welcomes the proposal . ti
the hope of (decking the ever.Inoreasing
demands of milltarism. -M. Pobleodono-
saseff 1s nos enthusiastic over it. Coua1
Meader will d, his muster's bidding."
Mr. Said °onclud•s his letter with the
dk.1/ment that all the governments, with
Mies exception Of three or four, have re
speeded favorably to let proposal. The
reply et the British Goverutnent has not
pea hem received la 8e. Petersburg.
leatla g• 1■ Paris by th. Army end the
Labor gide• of the Coetro..r7
Tbm M111tary Coo.plraey.
P•ct4 ' 17. -Tau dedication of a
monument to Lbs soldiers of France who
tell In the Franco Prussian war, which
took place yeetesday at Chaumont, capi-
tal of the Department of Haute -Marne,
Gen. Chanolne, the Minister of War,
presiding, furnished an °ppusguilty for a
demonstration in favor of the army
whlth many moieties seized, marching
putt the monument and shouting, "The
L'Amiss !"
The Socialist party met yesterday and
denoanoed the Oovernmettal interferon°
with the right to strike. A resolution
was adopted declaring that "The whole
Socialist revolutionary party L united in
ddenee of the republic, and will not
permit the military coneptaoy to lay 11.
bands upon the Ilberfes of the people."
Tie Sootaltata announced that they have
organized a vigilance commmlttee "to
frustrate the military oonepiraoy acuities
the repulblo."
Military Patrol Deereased.
Tbe number of military patrols and the
detachments of troops on duty at station-
ary po)a1tj.�,+,h ,feet'Ias.d 1b strength.
I• addrtlon, the soldiers are no longer
confined to harraoks, and are pronenatl.
Ing the street& as freely seminal.
Outside Paris tee same state of affair(
prevails. Troops have been withdrawn
from the railroad station at Rouen,
where ■11 fear of trouble has venbsbed.
The French Cabinet is examining Into
the owe of Cot. Piquart, in regard to
whose strict ssoladon In the military
prison of Cherohs Mill a nonfllot has
arisen between the 01.11 and miliary
Was There a Cen.plraey
Paris, Oet. 17.-Tbe anM•nvldonel
gapers regard the reported dieoovary of a
military plot against the Government as
being pure invention.
7'be Figaro 1• Informed that the French
generale agree in declaring that their
duty is to &bow absolute obedience to the
Govern meat
The (Salon classes the affair as "a
aon.plracy without conspirators." But,
in epee 6f this, the papers which an-
- Ti6brtced the oonrolaoy 1n11./ Spon the
'OSaotne.t of their information.
Tbe Petite Hepubllo Francaise points
eat that there has been no official dental
eft the reported noueptrafy.
The Aurora aaserte that the Govern-
ment received warning of the plot from
lea different sourced and pasestsee im-
portant documentary evidence and states
snores of witnesses.
Acceding to the Petite Bleu, the gen-
e rals engaged In this plot met at Versail-
les and sent emissaries to Prtooe Viotor
Bonaparte, wbo meetly resigned the
leadership of the Imperial party in favor
of Me younger brother, Prince Louis
Bonaparte, who 14 a oolonel of Rumsi10
Lancers. The hesitation of Prince Victor,
however, obliged them to turn in an-
other direction. The Government, the
Petite Bleu adds, received a number of
reports Ib reeard to the plot, one of them
calling attention to the absence of a or•
lain commander of an army oor•pe from
Ids headquarters.
Tbe Palx states that Prince Victor
Bonaparte left Terns o0 Oot. 8 and ar-
rived In Brawls on Oct. 11. The paper
add. that during this Interval, Prince
Victor cragged *be French frontier several
Will Dine With Porter.
London, Oct. 17. -The Paris oorr•e.•
pendent of the Times says: "Tie Span-
ish Pesos Commlasloner, to show their
eor.lallty, have aneepted an Invitation to
dine with General Horace Porter, the
American Amhaseedor, on Tuesday. Un-
fortunately, this dons not make agree -
'sent or progress more speedy."
Tim Philippe* Remy.
Paris, Oct. IJ. - Sena ♦gonelalln,
spatial envoy of the Filipino Deemed
Government. solved at Havre by I.a
Tgeraln. yesttaday, •ed. timbered Parte
Ware Atter Too.
London, Oat. 17. -The Alexandria
correspondent of ebe Dolly Mall, tele-
graphing regarding the &nonhlse plot
'against Rmpernr William welch was d1.•
and 0n Friday, says:
"'Pb. plot spinet the Reese M hourly
proven more Important, eanh arrest die -
Ing new rerntfin•tinne The dn n -
v found /Melee a plot to 1011 King
'Mnmbert, already well matured. Mean
rmMlne, all Italians,. have boon arrested."
oho MI *11101 n•Nin.• ell.marek'e Aata-
binrr.phr Rights
Leases, Oet. 16 -kir. Jane Morley
Msgdq tha6 he mod reseetfni1j d1e-
6�ae�e� that he sheoM write
Ise t fG, Qodwirese. He seise 15., 1t
seem at hue three yearn 0I sea-
Caul appl1. atluu usurel7 so Burl rod
&range the ua•terlal.
Tbe English an American righes to the
autobiography or Bismarck ' have been
Bold fur 66o1,e 0, $30,0110 nom the Sag -
11•h and 113(1.000 from the American pur-
chosen, the former Smith le Elder and
the latter Harper & Bros.
Klpllog'. new book, "The Day's
Work," has reached Its twenty fourth
thousand and L probably els greeted
. UOO.r.
Th• Emperor 1. All Right
Pekin, Oa. 17. -Prince Cbing, on line
half of the Tsang LI Yemen, hes given
SJr Claude Maodonald, the Brion) Min-
lsWr, eallefaoiory ae.uano.e as to the
health of the Emperor.
Trrkl.b Troops Ordered Frans ('rote l•
(lemplla... With Joint Net..
Canes, Island of Crete, (be. 17. -Is -
mall Bey, the 'Fur kWh Military Governor,
last evening informed the admirals of
the tor.tgn warship' that the Sultan bait
ordered the withdrawal of all the Turk-
ish troops In Crete, In accordance with
the joint 'tote from Great Britain,' Hps
sir, Italy and Franoe.
OI•.gow'• Electric Tramway.
London, Oct. 17.-'Tbe Glasgow GJt•
arnt•ent has begun Ihls week overrating
a t1,e-mile emotion of street railway by
electric traction wfih overhead wire. The
careers of a new design and rextmble
Pullmans. Each will nest for:y•eight
people. If the experiment +u:weeds, elec-
tric traction will be Introduced for the
entire tramway service of Glasgow.
The kaiser 1. btu...bound.
'Lance, Ionian Islands, Oct. 17.-Tbe
Imperial yacht, Hohenzollern, haviug on
board the Ktuperor and Empresa of Ger-
moody and Mete suites. has pus into the
harbor of %ante, owing to the fact that
• Wrong sirocco is blowing. 'the yacht
will remain here until the gale has
abated. -
Amerlraae Net Ali iered to nand.
Manila, Oct. 17. -Tie insurgents at
laguapl have prevented the Amorlcau
steamer Hormonal from'lo.dlug sod un
loading on the ground that than were
Spaniards on board.
They also refugee to allow an canter of
the U.S. °rulser Halelgb to land without
permleslon of General Agalnaido.
B udd.& Dlaapp of a South Africa.
Doctor In Meatreal - trt.rcoloalal
Stag Changes -Toro■t. to Sudbury.
Montreal, Oct. 17.-Tbe detective forge
acre now buelly engaged In a very meg-
talons case.
In July last Dr. Ireland arrived here
from Fort Salaburg, South Africa, and
proceeded to Trenton, Ont., with a view
to tike his wife back to the (lark Con-
fluent. Three days ago the doctor and
Mrs. Ireland returned here and were to
have left on one of abs steamers selling
this week.
Saturday afternoon the oouple, whose*
about 37 years of age. left the St. haw
renos Hall, Dr. Ireland telling his wife
that during his homeward trip on a
lloalneon liner he had loaned a eon. of
money to a man on board and as the
ship was BOW to port be was going down
to collat. To Mr. Hogan the doctor na l,l
M would Ifok the rascal, but nothing
more was seen of either the doctor or his
wife 1111 8 o'd ock, when the woman re-
turned to the Hall covered with mull and
fit a hyeterlcal condition, saying that her
husband woe drowned. Mrs. Ireland
asses tout the doctor left hor In • store
near the wharf and about halt -past five
she sew ht,, corning back, and while she
was .1111 wet.hing him he dipped and
appeared to fall over. Bunning to the
spot she found the doctors het and a
glove, but he was nowhere to be seen.
'there implant to be no doubt that Mrs.
Ireland Is ani er the impression that rhe
sew her husband disappear oft the wharf,
yet her condition 1s such that her story
is s very fnooherent one, and no tar the
police have done little to unravel the
mystery. TM authorities. however, have
or fared the Donaldaon boat whfnh sailed
at daybreak yesterday, stopped at Quebec.
and news may be had from that quarter.
although the doctor did not Intend to
mail until later In the week. Mr. Dixon,
the St. Catherine street jeweler, who
made ie. Ireland's snquaintanoe In Lon-
don, nays he was troubled with heart
Dr. Smile M attending Mrs. Ireland,
who, wben a little better, will be taken
charge of by Mr. and Mrs. Dixon.
Toronto to Nadborr.
Mr. Hugb D., Lumsden. C.E, who
has had charge of the survey whirl' the
Canadian Penton hail been making be-
tween Toronto and Sudbury, hal return
ed to headquarters. Mr. l,nmeden reports
that the survey 1. •bout complete and
that a good line has (leen genared, start -
Ing at Klehiborg on the nil Toronto,
Grey & Hraoe to a paint four miles east
of Sudbury, a total distance of 347 miles
Died la ■ ('reek N here the water Was
Only an Inch Deep.
Norwich, Oct. 17. -Thomas Wright or
Milida)e, near Norwich, was found Bead
In a creek where the water was only an
inch deep, near hie home. He hem ham
miring for several day. and aenrohfng
parties had been out for himileneated
was 86 yearn of age and was a remark-
able worker with wood. Is was In an
e ffort to .enure a cedar .11ak that ha fell
over a log, and a knot in ■ mtlok that
was lying In the creek .truck him In the
aye, penetrating nearly two Inches. He
endeavored to rise and tell again on the
knot, which encored the other eye. Nei
tber of theca wonnds were sufficient to
Dense death,.•but the old man wait too
weak and in too much pain to ridge him -
' elf, and he euffoomed. 110BBI the pnW-
motsem, whelp was held lata Saturday
night, It was thought that there might
have been foul play. An inquest wee ad-
journed awaiting tM medloai evldet.os.
iMCKRA*E iN IIti•ottT4.
Dominion Trade Return• for the First
Quarter ..f 1hl. FI•eal Year.
Ottawa, Ont 16. -The trade returns of
the Dominion for the first quarter of the
Anrrent flee&1 year. ending September n(1
Teat, show an Inrrmee In the aggregate
trade of the country of about mean mil -
Mae. &apse's, eau : idvery lei"
year. It must also be remembered that
last year's figures were the highest on
record. The aggregate trade for the
quarter le 1187,466,966, oompared with
680,707,895 for the eame time to 1897.
Tore is sn Monaca In the Imports of
over 011,000,000, and . decrease In the
export@ of •bona 14,000,000. The Imports
are 114,190,170, as agalnal 182,990,471
for the province year. Tbe exerts are
645,405,086, compered with 347 806,944
in 1497. TM duty for the oarreuI year U
e4,7114,944, me seminal 15,197,700, an
loam* of 11,667,944.
Thomas Wright reptr..4.
Aerwleb, Ont.. Del. iA. - Thomas
Wright, an oM settler of 11M vietnity,
now In hid Slat year, and iehe lied (leen
ninnies Mame Monday, war yesterday
band 15 the caner drawled sear his reel
demo. He bad apeareatlp base wleesvor
Mg to ant • ghee for a ansa, and fell
Wines tire lags late the wa1er.
Only Fifty Saved From the
Wreck of the Mohegen.
Latest News From the Seer,. of 151 BIM
aster-oeretaw .f the °Moro Md -S
Crow Somewhat Redeemed the
Catastrophe -Stats m•at of the
Owners - Com.. Likely to
a.mata a Myaery.
London, Oct 17. -The Atlantic Trans-
angport Company Issued the following stew
mens last evening rage ding the fate of
the passenger azs i cr.w of the steamer:
"Of the passengers 11 have been saved;
10 bodies have been recovered and 33 are
"Of the caw and oatilemeo 30 have
been sewed; 14 bodies have been recovered
and 61 are miselug."
Slnoo this statement wan issued nine
other bodies lave bean reeked up, Inolud
Ing two that have been identified ms the
bodies of passengers.
The reports of the tartan' oorrespond-
101A differ widely as to the reenues, re-
coveries and -ewer ee, though 0011e ham Seen
able to obtain the exact number of those
save] or the bodies recovered.
'rite latest advices from Falmouth last
evening say that 38 bodies have been
Identified, ,nosily the bodies of sailors.
Four are as yet unldentltled, including
shoes of two elderly ladles.
Mr. Williams, the ootnpany-a manager
says the Measly Is utterly inexplicable.
The vessel was now, w.H found, while
the captain and orew wisp most reliable.
1. says the omen of the company's ves-
sels have constant boat prantle, and le
is Indignant at the Insinuations regard
Ing the condition of Captain Griffiths.
As aU the navigating °Moera were lost,
Is is doubtful whether light will ever be
thrown on the cause . the disaster. All
the flags ashore and he boats In e.5.
bay are at half-mast
Fifty -One H..dt.e
Up to Sunday mldnlghl 61 bodies had
been recovered.
Totally submerged.
Falmouth, Eng., Nov, 17. -Only the
smokestack And the foremast of the
Mohegan can now be seen above water.
Md. Shepherd Wooristoek, sad James
Blark.y, Toronto, Have Gene
D.wa-A.aloue at Hamilton
Montreal, Oet. 17.-11 la feared that
Min. Shepherd, only deter of Mr. Beau-
mont Shepbe d, oftloe inanagsr for
Messrs. Greenshields & Greenshields, and
Ms niece, Mfr Fraser, have been lost on
abs steamship Mohegan. Miss Shepherd's
home is In Woodstock. and she ban been
in Germany for sonic time taking music
lessons. Both of their names ere in the
list of passengers.
Mies F Was of Toledo.
Tcledo, Oct. 17-H. W. Fraser, a well
known Toledo attorney, has received
word that his Slater, Mlr Mary Fraser
of Marion. Ind., wits aboard the steamer
Vnhegan, wrecked off the coast of Eng
Lord on Thursday. After perelstent efforts
to locate her, be bee reason to believe
her among the loot
A Toronto ]tae, A1.o. _
Toronto, Oct 17. -Mr. James Sleeks,.
the Europifan buyer for Messrs. John
Macdonald A Co., was a paasenger upon
the wrecked steamer and 1s numbered
among the victims or the %l eadter. Let
night Mr. John Macdonald received ibe
following cable:
"Olean. John Macdonald & Co., To-
ronto, Oni: James Hlaokey's body re-
covered. Atlantic Transport Co."
It fa quite evident trots this menage
that the oompany have identified ■ body
recovered as that of James Blocky of
Mrs. Blakey, who Ilene al 124 George
street with her family. Is almost pros
tented with grief and still has hopes that
everything may be right.
Mr. John Macdonald too cabled that
the body be sent to 7 0,24:1,, age noon as
possible. Mr. Blacker sane into the em-
ploy of the .lobn 51 alas ild Company
over 18 years ago.
Anxious at Hawllt.n.•,.
Hamilton, Oct. 17. -Mr. WUl Hyslop,
jr., bon been very anxiouss o%e t6e re
part of the Mohegan disaster reached this
city, as the name of his oounln, John
Hyslop of Ar.osater, Ont., in upon the
pnssenge: 11at. Mr. John Hyslop sailed
for Kngland several weeks ago with a
cargo of apples and was expected back
shortly. A cable has beers sent to the
head office of the line to dlgcover whether
or not he !s among the navel, but as yet
no answer las been received.
Tbo Aar.l.ors Speak In Rho Blithest
Tornio of tbi Delntlon and Moronism
of the Oerer• and Crew.
Falmouth, Oct 17. -TM survivors.
without exception. 'peek In the highest
terms of the devotion. heroism and • noel -
new' (Replayed by the °tuners and crew of
1the 111 -fated Beamer, and declare that
all were Instantly at their poets when It
was known that eke had atronk.
The perilone position of the ship was
naked on shore, tins g warning rocket
was sent up, hat it was too late then te
•sold the catastrophe, which oonurred mo
suddenly that there was not sufficient
time Io get oat all the lite-.aving ap-
paratus of the .hen. The terror of the
scene was Inderrlhable. Men jnmped
overboard in an atony of despair, and tbe
women pasengere huddled together and
refused to leave the dock. The officers
remained or, the bridge 10 the last, and
many Inetanoss of marrlfloes are reworded.
Members or the crew are known to have
stood by and widened the boats launched
and pat Mf, when It was apparent that
time were the only means by whleh their
own Hues oonld be easel. A ilfshoae with
a load of 40 persona nn fu Will es More
panned many who were b.ttftttg'tor their
lives In the water whom 1t woe impossi-
ble to 110Nee..
7111#90,14 11111 1 -44116. hg*
rarest gn.rd, aired On the ebony and
sheered the boat. When the Ilfnbowl
entered tie little non the tleh.rmen
waled into the sea in help drag the little
llosl npon the bsiob, and tenderly cern
Ned the .ahaest.N •urvtvoes In taste
homes, whloh had bum already teetered
for their r.eeptloe.
The lifeboat was again Ianneher and
pal one for the weak, on 1M outward
journey pickier up the survivors. The
trip to this amok was fleetness se far as
taking anyone from the weed was cre-
amed, but on Its way hank to the then
16 Other survlv0re were sake from the
water. TIM was joie before daybreak.
The latest Ilse of reamed .bowe thele
aely 11 passengers were saved.
It is ezeeShcngIy difb.vil le Maw the
events of the dlsaseee. het M tar_ as ran
be ameertelned It manse that the wenn*,
wee nee thick, but tbat •s�wn� .0odt-
east wind was blowing arts tkat them
was • bsay Mead .well• 113 6111 a
Wrong current reuniter. Dingier was
Ready awl Ctlplaln Ortalbe was about to
Leshe saloon, when a sudden
crra.mas she
1t spparene that the eteam.t
had gone ashore. The captain Immediate
ly went on deck, end the Nurvlvoee say
that they saw hire on the bridge doing
ell tbat lay 1• the power of • breve man
to lessen the diameter.
Authentic particulars et the meats
eocurrmg after the ship struck are not
yes obtainable Is seems, however. thee.
one of the ship's boat oeutalntag several
women got 'way safely, but wascapalsed.
A samer 0f 1te0000pante were rescued
by lifeboat, ♦pother boat with sixteen
gouda wan poked up by a lifeboat and
teats', get adhere, and two or three other
puma. managed to reach land.
, Out of the 161 persons on board, 46
escaped. Up to • lase hour Sunday night
shoal 60 bodies have been wasted ashore
at different pans. A 'southerly Wind 1s
blowlog and 1t L expected that the bodies
of many more will be »oovered by to-
day. An Inquest will be held to -day.
The rescued parson. ere receiving the
greatest attention from abs inhabitants
and the utmost kiodneas le being shown
to the female passengers.
The Cameo a Mystery.
The rouse et the dieser remaine a
mystery. Nobody attrmptl to explain
bow the Mohegan got so far north of her
true course -0.67 hues.
There wen no tog at the Ilme, while
the wind on her port quarter was not
sufficient to prevent her answering Me
helm. "It has been suggested that her
temperer were faulty, but daylight
lasted long atter Eddystone light wan
The tall.rtt say the fact that tie Lizard
light wits nq6 visible should bars served
to give the alarm.
Remarkable stories of reeoaes are told.
Tho Norwegian Sloop Freemna Drives ea
the Rock. •t Blyth.
Newcastle -o° -Ty., Oot. 17. - Tbe
Norwegian aloop Freeman was driven on
the acts at Blyth, about 11 miles north
of NewoasW, 1n • fierce sea y.stirday.
Her crew was rescued. after heroic wort
by the lifeboats, one of which capsized in
the attempt, -_
Bombed Peet Is Time.
St John's, Nfld., Oot 17 -Tbe 1151
Ise steamer Lokoja, Caps. lander, from
London, 13 days, for Montreal, with a
general oarge. ham arrived hen, leaking
badly, and w1.1 19 feet of water in her
hold. Thiene& wad discovered on Wed-
nesday night deet. II le believed that the
ship wrack a submerged wreck, because
all the woodwork In the fore hold 1e
splintered and the Iron beams are badly
Moe While making this pose 4he weber
gained 0r the rate of two feet a day. The
Lokoja was docked here for repairs.
Tomei in D
Hull, Eng., Oct 17. -'rhe Brlueb
etesmer Ilaro, Capt. Martin, which start-
ed from !Montreal o ..A�lelept. 29 for this
port, was sighted on Plareboreugh Head
on Saturday flying • signal indicating
that the veered was uncontrollable.
Ta. Edward Bl.k• Saber..
Weirton, Ont., OoL 17. -Capt. MeoAo
Sy of am steamer .3. J. Long, which
arrived bee from Dusk Wand at 2
o'clock Sunday morning, reports the
schooner Edward Blake ashore on Duck
Island, when she was driven during the
severe snowmen's last Thursday night.
7'be schooner was loaded with 'unpile,
from Sarnia le Collins' Inlet The email
is likely to be•wme s total lois- but most
of the cargo len be saved by lightening.
The Blake is owned by Mr. Mills, bank-
er, Klnl.ton, Ont. Captain MacAulay
reports the last storm was one of the
worst he ever experienned for the lam 40
years he has Balled on the lake..
The Coadltlo■ of Mrs Hants's Health
Make Yukon P..t Iardri.ablw
Victoria; B.C., Oct. 17. -Gordon Hun
ter of 1151. 01ty, who recently wan ap-
pointed gold commissioner for Yukon,
vim Fewest*, on Saturday telegraphed to
Ottawa hle reolgnatlon of the office. Mr.
Heater bad •boot cumpletol: extensive
preparations for a long stay in the north,
when It became evident that the nondi-
tion of Mrs. Hunter's health made is
inadvisable for him to take her to the
Yukon wllWblm, or for him to go alone,
and hit resignation, therefore, became
A 01 elft 111Sew With Seidler,
Anniston, Ala., Get 17. -At 2 o'clock
Saturday morning • number of volunteers
and regulon. from Camp Ship, beefed.
involved In a tree fight. The Th.rd ler,
moue volunteer, Provost Guard, was
summoned. One of the guards. venue
name tae not been learned, fired, killing
Herat. Holes, Company F, Second In
(antry, and wounding Corporal Conway
of the name company, Private A. R
Griffin, Company C, Third Tonneaus,
and Private Oliver Sheppard, Company
F, Second Infantry. Heise, who was
killed, was promoted from private to
sergeant for bravery shown in the Merits
upon San Juan Hill.
Another Negro Rnldler shnt.
laxlnaton, Ky., Oct. 17. -Intents
excitement was Mused among the segro
soldiers by the falai shoaling of Private
Sbedwlo Floyd, Company I, 10th
muni by Provost Guard John Dane,
Company D, 18th Indiana, at 10 o'elook
Saturday night Floyd was under jrrust
and Started so run. Twice he was order
ed to halt by Kane He told the letter to
go to --. Kane shot him end Floyd Is
In a dying eondttlon.
•'Pegl•g" Brown 1n Lando...
London, Cbl. 17.-" Made" Brown,
the alleged slayer of P. C. Michael Two -
hey In this ett7 on Jane 64 last, &rived
hers SaSurday night in charge of Dates -
nee Nfokle of 1!e meal force and U. S.
Marshall i)111y of North Yakima. Wash.,
and was lodged safely behind the ban
here. Every prreantlon toteoa» Ns We.
keeping until big trial come%off has been
To Settle e■ the P.rlbeak• Keen,
Prem... of Quebew
Ottawe, Oet. 16.-Iake I. John dis-
istrfot hag received senllderable atoeseleu
of population during the past name.
From January to September, 173 dole -
gates, representing earlobes, ole. Sumo
►•IaDna»7� f6la as!5
am•d • . OwNser
Staten. Tided the country. New sottlen,
nomhering 1,029, arrived, 675 miming
from the United Slates and 451 from
other parts of Canada. It Ise:pentad that
the whole pariah of Audis, Mains, heed-
ed by mayor and prise, will be trans-
ferred to Honfienr parish on Perihnnks
River, nine mile. north of the eWIMmeng'
d people who 0111 me from Detroit last
Yellow r.r.. Reewed.
Jaeseen, Mies.. Oat. 16.-Poorteea
new eases of yellow lever and . one death
1n leeks= is the record at yesterday.
Tb1. 1s the bighett nimble of peas yes
repeated. Hoehn remiss that e1z lnlld
cases et yellow tower were foetal thole.
Mad111. capon• live new eases, Starke
elopes. ea. net ease, Oxtasrd no new myna
sed sae death, Weveland two are .mase
sat Mae death, Hattleehnrg els new eases
ilaL/, Barrlmoa 16 naw eases,
OIr1S seltlestty IK
Maar amens. 1r1r1. N'ere iforwallr
Dl.mb•.d by the Judge. at Osgood.
51.11 au Saturday.
'15ae60, Dot 17. -Mr. Justice 0.1.r
and Ella Justice Maoleonan, •1 O.guude
Hall on Saturday, spent some elms
formally stimulating elsollon Seigle by
muted oonsent of bush Sadden. They
were demisted without costs, reap In
the case of East Middlesex. North Have
Inge West Vb•,urla and Halton are the
three a/touted by the prutogaslun of He
House, amenable to the cause pr�Wblt-
lag holding of election trials within 16
daya of pruregatlou. A new data will
have to be est tut them.
The following were dismissed on Sal
urday: South Btau1, Llb.; Monok, Lib.;
Ifast Hassinge, Lib.; Wes6 Hamilton,
Con.; East Hamilton, Con.; Prince Ed-
ward, Cos ; West Kent, Lib.; Weal Dur-
ham, Con.; Welland, Llb. ; East Middle-
sex, Cos , with costs; West Halting..
Con.; Centre Bruce, Lib.; South Went-
wontb, Lib.; Sopth Norfolk, petition and
cross -petition, Lib. and Con.; Dundas,
Con.; North Lanark, Llb.; Lincoln,
Con.; F'rousenao, Con.; South Waterloo,
Con. , Addldgtou, Con.; Mad Algoma,
Batts).. te Be Erected - Def.... Pre.
Jeete at Montreal and Ylelalty,
Montreal, Que.. Oct 16. -Col Drltoa
and bis masseuse of the Imperial De
fence Board ars busily engugel in Mont-
real and tladnity. They have been ex-
amining the mountain and both banks of
the river, and is le understood- Mire they
will reoommend the oon.truction of ex-
treme ranee batteries on Monet Re.yal,
and bo emit powerful works at St. Llano
belt and Caugbnewaga ea an Interior
defence to a long line of powerful de-
tached torts covering the strategical
points of the frontier.
B.ts t. HALL.
Close et the National League for the
Year 11198-aeeord.
New York, Oct. 17. -With Saturday s
games the National league closed 11a
93rd championship season. The following
L the record.
Won. Lost. Pct.
Boston , La 47 ,541')
Baltimore ..... tai 33 ,004
ClaclnnMl ....... vt Mo e.0
t.bk-ago 507
C'lereland ......-,..�>.- 41 gat ..
Philadelphia , -..... . 7r, 70 s63
New York 77 73 .Sia
1•ttt.burg ........ 72 70 .4A6
1.eslsville . 70 81 401
Brooklyn '.1 rel 372
MST ars-•'..,, uU
Aaturday's scorer : Boston 10. Raltimore
h 161st garnet: Boston 4, 6 la
mid; rolled third': Brooklyn 12. Philadel-
phia 8 tarsal; Brooklyn 0, Philadelphia 5
'moved: called third); linslwl►le 5. Cleve-
land 4; New York 3. Warbingto9 0 Ise'ond:
rolled third); Chicago -Pittsburg. cold we.
Peary Meard From
Montreal, Oct 17.-H. Hayden Sande,
on. of the members of the society whleh
sent Lieut. Peery to the Arctic regions,
has received * letter from the explorer.
dated Cape York• in which 1t is stated
that all hes gone well web the ezpedl-
11on, He had veered his dog trains and
drivers and a large quantity of 1111 at.
Then will not likely be any further
news until a relief stainer goes up next
Bit by a Bllasard.
Stfton, Man., Oct. 17. -Work on the
Swan Hive extension •t the Dauphin
Line has been considerably delayed 17
heavy rain and .now•torma A terrific
blizzard stowed .11 the camps ander o0
Oct. 1, and further work will be stopped
after Oct. 10 until next spring. The line
wilt be loealsd another 200 miles this
fill, and construction primed repluty
ahead next summit:
The Wheat Markets .a Saturday l•
Liverpool *Basi Cbleage - The Local
Markets -Cheese mad Liv etoek.
8etlwdgy leveeing, Oct. 13.
Cables were sIzoas again to -day. ay ire -he
Liverpool Board wheat furores advaneed
1'5,4 to 1544 pis crutal.
Ckleage (slur.. weer .trn.g esti), m sym
petty, bot sagged at the chs. to rarest ty.•
w'.ow yeeter.e.y'a moil figures. Premed
ma'am of the m.rset Is bare tore fur
ea..epptonally good r.vwptanr . steroid,
which, It 1. figured. trio 0,.e. la,•( bong.
LeaelaM wheat Markettte.
Followiug are the clueing prices today at
in portant metres:
Cash. Oet. Dee. Mae
Cbi.• p, ,.. ,,,1•... 10 W1e50 044 W 03%
New )ort ... -,. 0 ilia a 71
frees ..... :-.-f-`-OwMA O aMt- V 17%
Mllesukee .. . 0-11111041 0 e4 .. .... 0 tete 0 Ma a es%
D. trrdt 017% .... 0 1117%0 .ally
b.:,,•h. No.'1
No thorn.. 0 thio 0 e. I 0 6-6e., 0 e4•%
hniuth, No. �1
I.rd .... 0 6874
Mlnneer.11.... .... 0 ei u gl�,y U 6!�,
Toroob,, No. 1
hard (newt.. 0 71)
Toronto, red.. 0116
Toronto St. tawrenee Market.
Receipt. of tarns nnnlune were no. 1e•a•
y an large. a. u *anal 101 !UM 6111111) :veal
W"heet firmer. 65) btr.heb, se nor a. fol-
lows: Whit.. 6114, res .P.• to ens_. goose Miye
to tale. -•
early armor; 1500 bushels Bold at 41tr
to . 114c
tare armee, 400 bushels selling a. 31%.
rine l0.d of One pre. Sold it 6th: per
liarFitters loads sold at 17.50 to 18'5.1
for timothy and 65.50 to 111.54, per Ism for
Arrow --Three leas sold et 16 to 37 tier
b'otetore roper, felling at One to 77,• per
Deemed H Deliver(.. Rohr and pier
firmer ret 11.30 (e 65 per rw4.
ButtesT, lee to 20,• per M. by the bast. '4.
and single pound. 2'1'
Egg., lac 1.. 20e per dnavn,
Preiltry--OhMkrm,. MM to 75r; docks. tee
1., 75.-: revers. 5. to ale per Ib.; tarkrya, 11,'
to 13.• pet lb.
Cheese Markets.
Ogdenebu , N,T,, Ott. LR,-gevenl...n
Iota, ref 1R74 boors, offered; Mar 511: so
sale.. Later ea street 000 sold of allte.
Watrrtow• N.Y. Get, 16 --gat.. of
rhe«.,. on Road M Trade to -day. 170n boo-
r t('•ptember, at 614. to Mae for 'erre. One
IM .4 50 one' sold for W extern shipment
Market dull.
r,nn,lnn. mer.. Orr. 16. -At the mertet
heli) here to -day. 4227 Loxes Remember
gqheere were bearded. 814. ranted fro•.
Stir to *11-16r. oleo, elft at fi.4e
1 eetoe, N. Y.. tet. It: -.(tele., NB box
twin cheese. at MSc to day: ane tet* bite
ter. 19
tta64.wt Sulpha CattN 'Market..
Fee �prg
ROSS Dek�.e, femme
-w, -,is
de105u4 1ke settee
lees were lower. Choir* 10 entre, 31,26
to *7.30; good to choler. 116.75 t,
YPrep and lambs-if-fww�ln*,
.0l'•: 1Te►e /air demand,u
Iambs. rank-, 10 extra, 51.50 to 35.75;
to ,'hole,, fat to 5.5.50: common re fair, p,
to 13,26. Sheep deice 10 extra. 64.') !n
64 e5 good to choler.. 11 to 1111.25: emeanan.
to 1n1,, 1 to 11,711,
7inse tarty 1000* m mttn 508 mmrk.f fn'
teed pnolten Yorterm, Pre to p614{ S0; gen.
tally `3.P11 e.0 511,M: medium, 5Atin to s4,
Plr� f71.11n to $&00: tight Yorkers. 771
to 611R}gg50 ramie, 33.1) to 31.60: eters, e2.13
er11Lh llerkera.
pttdlar'gst'te5M Get, li,--(112_50.)-Vn. 1 Niro.
6e Yd 1.r' t.INw, 'hi
'• : itgM. 5r* 6a:
own el; el`A A Ilia, ea. MI,
444Miiii tit ink .11
ve. 71)1e4vd. 1h1. 1 Meehar..e
6. . eters, fetnrM 1s ft.
Male. lie 7lidtfbr ate as tee tee215 i t..
ppeed��� }tey� sd Ilee., aa6 ea toe NIP*
plm�r, fere
• TF.wan'a Deaerlptlea et the bleak•
lag Speelaele Thee •Iwaya Altreate
the Oulea•l• et t►e Serene\ Capital.
Atter the Peseta* Matte Ma. Fall...
Ir, these rushing time. we might take
for otlr motto "Something New, Al
waysSSomethtngNew." Consequently,
1 imagine that the tmprePaions of a
woman at the foot of the guillotine
would not be oommouplaoa. 1 was prom-
ote at one performance iu the Plum ale
la Roquette, where M. de Paris and hie
aseistauta officiated in the tame of s)
called 'astir*. The horrible spectacle
haunts and rack. the mtud and tends
rather to re-entoroe the partisan. of the
abolition of capital punishment. The
horror of the punishment imposed ren-
ders • guilty man almost worthy of
pity. The right of • human being,
dragged like • beast to the daughter
hoarse, °p even to the sinister seesaw,
is terrible.
1 know many people may be astonish-
ed that anybody could be moved to pity
for the ferocious brute, Carrara, who
transformed his mushroom establish-
ment into a crematory mid had no mer-
ry for the uufortunate young man, La-
ntern', whom be threw auto the fire
after baviug murdered him for the pur-
pose of robbery, I know alj_ that, afld 1
do not dispute the fact that the I1.1t.n
was a monster, but that la no reason
why we should not be disgusted at the
spectacle which was prevented to our
eyes and which 1 will now endeavor to
describe with the Impartiality am sim-
ple spectator, without rtweotnient or
prejudice, bat with a heart that revolts
against a scene that has neither the
graudoor nor the majesty of a punish -
meat inflicted. but rather exhibits the
cowardice and baseness of a vengeance
which hides itself from the light of day.
The execution was fixed for 4 o'clock
in the morning, but from the hour of
midnight the neighborhood of the
Geode Roquette was swanning with
an undulating and mocking crowd.
Jailbirds, murderers, footpad. and wom-
en of the etreete eseembled there to see,
as they mid. "the Italian animal abort -
Journalists were admitted into the
harrow spite no abea dems{3ad, with
its five sinister atones and 11. legendary
gas jet which is'hever lighted except to
the evening before an execution.
There in the rain we watched the Net-
ting up of that horrible machine whicb,
according to the legend, Oaglioetro
showed in a glens of clear water to the
terrified Marie Antoinette. In the yet
low and spectral light of the gas jet
that flickered in the wind these prepa-
rations were hideous to winner Al-
most on • level with the ground stand&
the scaffold With its -two arms in the
air brandishiug the sparkling knife
And I, • woman, in the pr•erienoe of
them preparations, could not help think-
ing of the family of the wretch whose
head was 50013 to fall into the basket 1
thought of hie little children, who w( re
at that momeut sleeping soundly mono
where, and of his wife, equally guilty
with him, and who, as it were, panted
her husband into the arms of the execu-
tioner aa a last resort to lave herself.
What remorse will be ben when they
tell her abruptly: ••Carrara luta suffered
ble po t YOU area widow V'
But the day was dawning, and the
lampe were going out At the windows
and even on the roofs number. of epee
talc*'. were gathered as if to witoees
some carnival. Tbe eight was heart-
rending. Mounted gendarmes and mol-
dier. gradually came oat of the dark
nem, and one might be inclined to nil
at such a display of force at the exec°
tion of a wretch paralyzed by tear, who
in a few moments would appear upon
the same tied band and foot.
There was NOlne little commotion
among the crowd wbeu people began to
point at a thin, old man who bobbled
about with the greturea of a dancing
jack to see if the knife in the braes run-
ner. was in good working order. This
was Deibler, the executioner, • ghost
with a white beard, who adjusted the
inetroment with the indifference of •
grocer weighing his goals. Suddenly
there was profound allence; the rain
was . over, heads were uncovered anti
motionless. Breathless anti almost in
agony tbo crowd followed with .taring
eyes the movement of the doors of We
prison, which at last opened wide.
A sappraraed "Ab 1" came from many
contracted cheat* while with pale tapes
all gaud upon the aeraugin, whose
crime the mountebanks of the faire pop-
ularized. He was Pimply frightful to
Zook at, bowed down as he was with
terror. •Me did not look like a human
bring. He looked like • beast. lits in-
tlligence was already dead and his
heart had lout all feeling. The instinct
of the animal still remained. The might
was dreadfully lad.
1Vbat folinwed beggars description.
The executioner and him aide seemed no
'eager to be men employed to carry out
the ends of justice; they looked like
butchers. They seized the condemned
man, some by the earn, Nome by the
legs, while others held down the °enter
of the body awl kept bolding him up to
the very moment when, with a sudden
ramble, the knife fell, the bead re-
bounded into -the basket and the abomi-
nation was at an end.
Bret one should he present and Nee the
pavementecovered with hlxtd, (110 gory
knife, the blood epnrting from the de-
m•pitated trunk, the ignominious wash-
ing at the nearby fountain and the get-
ters rolling 10 the rawer a purple golor-
ed mud, in ceder to be able to compre-
hend all the horrors of an execration in
Paris. -Exchange.
Smith -Wasn't it rather foolish
of Mrs. Janes to marry again and for-
feit her penwiont
Mrs. Brawn --Not a1 all. Tbe nue
she married bee • larger ponairo then
the late Mr. Jneea-New York loat-
S gad iF.
"Mond tarn she Is madly 1n love with
Ser new wheel."
"Huh, another (aea.'wbere map 1t
Iiaple.o.d by enaohfaetty."--Indian
.polis Joann!.
(,$a'I Rete •rests bene.
"Why, dr " laid the g.otogi.t, "the
' mend you walk on waa once ander
"Well" replied the friend, who 1s
nothing if not patriotic% "1t.admplyps
b shave yea Buff i odd Asturias dews. "
-Waskinrtaa St..
A verybad attack of the Grippe Bae
year ago let wintn IBR my system i. a
very weak state eared n'y nervou, syst
completely unstrung. Aftergettingm
the dangerous stag.t Of thdoay
naturally expected to gain strength, bet
unfortunately. did oo• do so. On the
coeItary, my blood b•Icmie weaker. i
daily loat strength and vitality, and a
n ervous system became w weak teal u
was a conataot a0Wree of wllering bob
day and oigM, I lost appetite, lea Agit
of food nauseated 1ne, dim weak stats of
my system caused shuriness of breed►
and unnatural action of the ,heart, such
as fluttering and violent palpitation, and
my face was like chalk, 1 urs in the
condition and COnatantlrr ge wrsker
when 1 began taking Dr Ward's Hivad
sad Nerve Pills. 1 had read the booty
they distributed and their advertisement)
b the paper, and thought, ^ W .u, 1
have taken so much medicine without
benefit it a useless to spend any more
money. However, 1 finally made up my
mind. It is a donor bop. i I can but try,
If I am not benefited I will not be hurt.
So I bought one box and received great
benefit therefrom, so continued their use,
and to -day am a well ata. in consequence;
my blood is strong, my face has the ruddy
hue of health, my appetite has return
1 sleep well, 1 have not the slightest i..
dicationa of nervousness or heart trvubk,
and from a sick• weak, nervous man De
Ward's Blood and Nerve Pill• have
transformed me in six weeks to full health
nod nnagth." 1 am ours veryy truly,
.....40.ght Cheek Grand Central Howl,
De. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills are
sold at 5oc. per box, 5 boxes for 6a.00 at
druggist•, or mailed on receipt of price
by THE DOCTOR WARD CO., Limited,
?t Victoria Street, Toroatq_rjngk- e,
Wormation Gest
Ir.lei 'on niel"P 0u r of r
article on •' Popular et ew
rope" to The Century. Brinton says:
Ghost& were naturally more num:ma to la
earlier conditions of society, ter then ream
had mo many moule. Now we are mineral
with one, and there are some who try le
make us doubt even that modest .11ow
anal, but In the goad old days each pee,
eon was credited with weal Then was
one, for Instance, 'abbe' belonged told.
body and must abide in It or death would
arrive; then there was abs dream soul,
which, I have said, might weeder through
Mule and spume at will daring sleep .ed,
meet lmpur,ant. Aid malty, 1s eseaalpp
Soul, Ilse which ghee us distinctive la-
deridulilty to our personal haulm, .ad,
not to continue the list to a tiresome
length, than was the lamp soul, which w
maintd in the bones after the body had
pared to dust The taut mentioned was
of pecullar value, for on Ib prnidrnoe de
pended the chance Inc rtourreotlon into life
an sattb. The faith In this was nigh end
vernal. When the burly of Elljah much"!
the dry bones of the long dead warriors,
they clothed themselves In Hieb and wars
restored to living natures. The rel ha
taught that especially In the boos ley
the last of the spinal vertebra, dwelt the
spirit of the deceased. 11 1s indestructi-
ble, say they, and noe even a strong ma
with a &ledge hammer can break Il
et HEAR Ta iv
(r,NERVE -' 1
H been smoot
lately •gooding a sod fed
an oceastenal
twinge of psis
round your loon
Are you shoed
breath. Donut
unhinged. mar
tion of pins mad mean
decond g •year
Better take • box or teed
M ilburn's Heart and Limen
Pills and gal.mtel halm
things become Is. seises.
Hen's what Yr. li_
James, of C.ledonl•, O.1,
has to uy sled
them: "I Mae -
hied serioes heatil.
trouble for four years.
(lanced by .10"ative ane d tobacco. At
times my heart would beet very rapidly
and then .Bend to stop beating only le
1anmesce a
with nnateral rapidity.
•• This unhealthy action of my hest
caused shortness of breath, weakness slid
debility. I tried many medicines sad
spent • great deal of money but maid
Doe gee any help
last November, however, I read et •
man, &misted like myself, being eared by
Milburn's Heart And Nerve Pills. I sere
to Roper's drug store and bought • km
When I ked finished taking4 it I was es
mash better I bought another boa ted
leted the sere. My bean hes
'Roe bothered ret. sites, sod I straitly
recommend all sufferers from bear sad
Miens trouble, =mod by .zeeesin easel
llobaeoo b give Milburn'. Neer1 .ad
Nerve Lill. a fair and faithful trial.'
Pries 60e•box or3boxes for 11.15..
draUiMi. T11
T. Milburn & Co.. Toronto, Oet
MA-LW/1R PULS sere
LAalleaseees sad Dyspepsia. trice Ae-
. i !,
Mec 8gee. tas ell
needlem eves rrr.rre.
Mer ase