The Signal, 1898-9-22, Page 7A CR4'IVSHI
Aeu;titi NIT,
Metal that the puroba.e price elf
mud all the comfort that
memcof it may bring to me will
W satisfy toe oue day, and (bat
mel carry out another purpose
'has brocght me to England."
doU't ark you what your puretic
41 take no Interest is it, hat it
grow; 'tweet W cause you to give
▪ eae and nomfort which your
matey tutus you laud drive you to
oat into that hard, barren, work -
mid. which 1 should imagine to
articularly distasteful to you, it
os a prise to me. But
u be's matter fortter of you W decide,, of
s. If you like to beggar yourself
whim, I should
least of 11. And Lola
t think any
hll can,
d all the (1'115000 which her words
'hat i. Dot true. You do can," be
&eerily, waving the hand which
ed the cigarette between the fin-
ds shrugged her shoulders In me
se and arid nothing.
two ploy the game as if yoo held
the wiuuing Dards," be ezclaittted
u angrily, "as if I could tot with
se strip you of all this fine house,
you bundled into the street for an
odor and made the mark of every
oadeloon in the miserable village
ler. I can do this and moans se yea
w. I can brand you with the bot
of shame and haul you
to the
a bigamist, and you
ugh, for all your bravado."
be was glad beheld broken out thus.
save her an opportunity to drive
ue a point wbich abs wanted to
I" tbo t 7/h heir etracted that
. del," she answered aridly and
,lily, "I am quite prepared if you
to put that to the uttermost test
ru if all yoo said were true." and CHAPTER Z
• looked him straight in the eyes. "I TRU awlaNINo Or TN OM
old not falter for the space of • see- ',}erre Tarrdan amply justified the
Even it it were true all that you opinion al to bis cleverness which Iola
old dwould never bring back to I •
expressed to Sir Jaffray, far in •few
or side such a WOUND a you describe weeks he succeeded in making himself wife to be tea might drive ber ! • welcome guest at Waloote manor.
its any po ght' DOW chances t0
Id; 700 might MM. —IC yA1 11111. o,Rrt.l,tRaa,. ebe had at first punkt.
in ebe dock hot bow would that to think of him u • aort of musical
to do more than merely write. 1 want
to organize a baud of violin players who
will show the world the teal beauties
of the ebauge 1 propose."
"Seems rather • isotone sort of
Mission," said the bamttel. "Has M.
Tertian been explaining the {ting in
detail to you?" And be glanced at Lo -
la's habit, a if asking why the inter -
Mew had been eco loug.
The Frem+hwrn answered:
"Yes, madame has listeued to we with
great patience and, indeed, it I may
sal sol, has entered very sympathisingly
lute my plate and ham even made eotm;
saggestious on which I shall act" lie
and a quick gloom at Lola a he mid
this. "And It think she bee made me
mon of • convert to bet views of the
matter than I her to mine. 1 think low
would be tatrreatsd fa the scheme, Sir
Jaffray, it t wait. hod the whole
of it"
"All right," laughed Bir Jaffray. "If
it pleases my wife it'll be pretty certain
to please me. Come and explain it at
leugth obi. evening and briug your vio-
lin. I'm a bit of r fiddler myself. At
}eat I like it, though I'm only a scraper
at it."
"At what time do yoo dine?"
"Eb! Oh!" Aud the baronet swal-
lowed a laugh at what be considered
the Frenchman's"obeek" at Oohing for
an invitation to dinner. "Half pat 7.
Yes, it'll be better. Come in to dinner.
You can do the talking then and the
playing afterward. Eli, Lola?"
"Yea, if you like," she anewered.
"A bit d crank, 1 should think,"
said the bateet when M. Turrian had
.gone, "bat not a bad 'sort, •ad if he's
clever widz t ►fiddle I /hail, be glad
enough to hear him."
"Oh, he's clever enmSgg. wiled
Iola quietly, who was Waking of the
crinis that had pared that mors:mg and
of the mass of iutrigue which was
asething and boiling and tumbling right
Under her very feed, concealed only by
ibm cover of the home lite at the
Stance. How she tufted the day when
she had fink fallen into the griping.
Neel bands of Pierre Tet }.I
rusts in such a place. Then is no rink.
no danger, rite:e ioseiple's wits are 1111
stupid a hers. Wby, even a murderee
might live here all her lite nueuspeoled.
while as for bigamists they would find
it a perfect haven of rustic rest." He
paused and ;Bombed at her, but Lula
took uo uot}oe of his words, and be re-
sumed: "Bot what yoo premium me
now 1s in t theme touch that to wauted
to make We life and worth living. You
.t any rate moat .ee that euob a place u
Mut admirably adapted for that form of
your English virtue of self denial which
0ouriets in denying �onr own identity. If
otbt'Il,g a too this, why not 1?" And be
laughed -with malicious glee.
"1 tall 700 lot must not come to stay
in this house. You shall root" said Lola
"Pardon me, madame," and his
ehooldees went up and his hands apposed
out as he bowed agate, "but I meat as-
suredly shall."
"You shall not, at any hazard," said
Lola very firmly, when she WWI inter-
rupted by Sir Jaffray, who said, with •
good natured laugh:
Hello, you twos I hope you're not
quarreling then because tbevioliu mis-
sion isn't getting forward."
Pierre Tunisia Muted and laughed
"No, no; Lady Walcote and I are, I
trust, eco old friends to quarrel over
trait. Her energy no all friendliness. I
was telliug her that you had asked me
m come here atter your return from
town, and 1 was ezplainiug to her that
1 am going on the coutinent for awhile
to perfect a plan which is often in my
thoughts, and.lbe was insisting that I
should not Week off my arrangements
there iu order to retain hate, became in
some slight respects the two things
might rather clinch. But I lowered lier
that I -could' not • brink of letting any
other considerations interfere with the
pleasure of a visit here. Of that I am
determined, but Lady Watoote is too
eolicitoUs on my behalf."
"0D, of course you'll- WW!_ if 705
can, professor!" said lair Jaitg.
should be sorry if you didn't. Via glad
you two weren't at logjerbesda I watt
you to be friends, you know."
"p trust we sial! never 'oieander-
stand cue another mora than we do at
present." And the Freucbman bowed
and shot a swift, cnnuiug took at Lola
which stung her like a piieoned barb.
"What say you, paadrme?" be Naked
softly and courteously. And Lola hated
if and her accomplice ■t being
driven into this coarse of loattAoBsede-
oeption of the man she loved.
The moment after she turned sanbdd left
them. She was sick of ape part
to play.
She began to feel already tbat in at-
tempting to guide events to salt her
own purposes she had uudertaira a tusk
which might lead to infinitely greater
trouble than that the was striving to
avoid, and this fear led cher to with iate
the idea of coming
visit of Pierre's to the manor.
Whikeshe.aaktilli: Jaffrey were in
Lamest and the French,mai petit
the feeling wore away, but as t}le"L1ft1A
for the return to Waloote approached it
Mcrday, tut. 10, wid be observer. as
Otiose° day 11 will 1w oinked by a ueag•
Dltloeut pageant illustrating the Maury of
the nation and city, including the great
ere and the World. fair. Tho parade will
be tor, most elaborate of the oaruival atoll
will include mete than 8o elaborate ta-
The rroae.oioo laal.4.. a Twa W«kV Tuesday, Oot. 11, will be merchants and
Carnival, Darla, Wields Oar VIeter1•e es t rete' day and will he observed
Load sod Ilea Will no C•lebrat•d on a by an ludeatrial postale
Sleet Elaborate Seale.
Chicago 1. talking •bout celebrating the
closing of the war properly and promptly.
Although the date of the signing of the
treaty is still unknown and may be mouths
in the tutus Chicago 1. preparing to hold Friday. Oct 14, the lineturnout.; bonus
• peace jubilee daring the nomad weak of any will on Michnite in • igan avenue, each eti-
cl tibnr. The Cre dy arCommercialaedhold a Wale beim decked with the Bowery of aqt
gallon old already rouged to be one of ill
grand commercial oarnlvsl about that town 'T This U expected
time, but at the suggestion of the National
Bosnia's league 1t war pro{peed to make
the carnival a gland peace iubile..
Definite pious for the jubilee have not
been made, but • committee of prominent
budne s men has been eepoinuel
ba and
general plan of the programme the been
sketched. As originally planned
i -
lee 1s to lot at least a week, and the pro-
gramme discussed so far proposer separate
daye for the army and navy, a municipal
day, a day for wont societies, an Indus-
trial day, • presidCOt i day hod an inter-
national d
peace day. but many d
l Prwttdant McKinley,
• T•w Oeeer.t ill►edtasa sad loan flpe.
root ete•aee•• r.8 Thew FeOalar rr«•rrvee.
From the ,tandpoint' of wholerltue•
mess or }popularity fruit jams and mar-
malades ,litter widely, but as tar as
making i■ concerned they are identical.
uaaaufro a ODIy currants and bertiw can be tired
to which
waren for jars proper, while marmalade has
will o t 12, is
adverts ll Wed the entire range of largor fruits from
dray, out Ito, t• dnover to as literal day
and will be elven over to profs/Aortal and Clams W yaiucr. The rabrtitgtlon od
bus]ntes mom. Thursday, this. 18,11 which be granulated
for the ffeerand the ee sugar d the fruit heat-
at -
retailers and hotel keepers' day, On lug
secret societies will also participate .h. lire they are oombiutd bar given both
c0n.urves a fiuer color and flavor. But
in spite of this jams -especially currant
and raspberry -have lost their old time
prestige, Familiarity with the putMide
results of eating fruit seeds was the
:her benefit yodoebriug her nearer to Drank and bad tolerated biro as ■ oom-
o' If the it such • woman a 70a m7. massively barmles individual who
e is much mon likely toowe the maid ting with exquisite taste and play.
rid without Yee Or, get"( treed brilliantly, discovered one by one his
MI yogi, b marry again. No. not, Y. - eats qualities. just as the astute
lrrun." And elm laughed easily and Frenchman thought it judicious to re -
Oily. "Take my advice a a disinter- veal them.
ted party and stick to the musical He oould be an excellent companion,
beme which promtaes 700 este and baying a rare capacity of adapting him-
.mf'rt without rink." self tobis tnrroundings. He had • great
She paused. and when be made Ra knowledge of men, picked up In the
mediate answer abet added: eeinnere of bis tendering" over all Eu-
., }t te weary work he fight a daoge! sopa. airsassed an endleeklurieritt
u and determined woman, you know• aueodotes, with a clever knack of--in-
ad from what you may that is wbat. venting them to gait any occasion and
our wife seems to be."
Ile took no notice d this, but walked
p and down slowly. smoking vigor-
usly and inhaling and puffing out the
lgbt blue smoke of the cigurette with
ch vebentenoe
"I am inclined to agree with yea.
time and company, and a be speedily Dame beck •grin, and could she have
and accurately ganged the baronet's
character he was able to make himself had ber choice she would have taken
welcome in half a hundred ways. Sir Jaffray right away yr Out of
Gradually tbe "musical fad," a Sit for another long
so Jaffe began to call it laughingly, was which had made their boneynloo0 so
h .. 7
allowed to tall mon and more out of ly� it Jaffray would not bear of it
• said at leugth. "though I get IS the I eight until it woo rarely mentioned, Ile was anxious to eonld the bear
■ md point by • very different rote. I and Sir Jaffray came to the 0 00101itw mer and nutnus atp od the
He longed
.D zomenti a that I might in ebe way that a the Frenchman seemed to MOM m wee Lola at the bead of his splendid
ou mention work out • very pretty I plenty d m y been taken old home, and he was keenly anticipat-
ing the 'bootleg. Thus be lett London
full of the most pleasurable anticipa-
Sir Jaffray and Lola were alone in
the bonze for two or three days before
any of the guests came, and during that
time Lola struggled against the pre-
sentiment of evil which depressed her.
most effective of al the , of the well" rest
'rhe carnival will oowe tea fitting olosf "haua�mtiflg the other l thathe marina- en Saturday, lh t 11,111which will i army ' theirItdee were never go delioloua so varied
and navy day. This will be the ellnaax of or so popular as now.
thy celebration, and twang the subjects d
the Ousts will be an apotheosis of the No other preparation o! fruit requires
Malaa President Mohinlsy signing obs inch close rttentiuu from first m lest.
declaration of war, the warships Oregon
Brooklyn and Olympia, our new colonic*,
Hawaii, Porto Rico and Manila; Amid -
cin genius and bravery1$fld $ fur ll mew
d finale
symbolising para nd. MA=[ Noma
en y war heroes. will be p
the naval and military Ialaa►lo 6•conl• of ofd Bora Rae• nada
present at llre•awarh.
The sun is photographed at Urveawleb
fun of the osteon upon deity'sntsofs1e war,ar en every clear day, according to the lad
trig the jubilee thesod
to co f the annual report of the Greenwich ob.erva-
lucauses and results and bo compile and I tory, fur the purpose of keeping • reoord
publish chow addrurin In a jubilee
It L proposed during the jubilee corral- , d its spate• lm the pan year photographs
vas to lay the arnerstone of a pesos arch were .5001801 on 191 days, and them
that will be one of the most magnlflosnt taken on 183 days w, n selected for moos-
sxalnplea of that cissa of architecture in . onment and prassi radon ress Ind
the world. The memo, tortilla will prob- and Maorlt}ua-pbdtograpbf
ably be raised by small popular .ubsortp- days Ttl1ttrg-npwept lathe asci
Mona l reoelvd, making • total of records on
111 order to Flee the public a definite 884 days out of the 3365 of the whole oi the e year
des of the nature of the coming carnival ' le. 00 pus slay only
• deeerlptive outline has been given out • photographic record of sun Spats was
by Secretary Smith of the Chicago Com- I not secured. sun
aaerutal association. As It ba not yet or 1 Photographing ofe the for this work of
has been a p+►
oohed the indorsement psmeut ut the managing I Ms ob.ervatory for the host forty years.
tounoltteet the programme b note
It was the Ont regular eer5lce to whlo
It hi proposed to invite the leading ora -
and may be materially altered.-.— . ------ photography was put b7 aaron02nen.
According to otos prr.+peatus, H ts PIN' I P The nnmt er of hours of blight rue: 6•dly pi
Constant and thorough stirring with • Bowler's Extract of
wooden ladle m prevent the mss from Wild Eitrsw I ourehased • bottle
adhering to the bottom of the kettle I and common taking It according b
will alone inane anomie. A poroolaiu di dons and was curd in • very shod
lined kettle is better than a granite time 1 cannot prat" aha :Lady is.
A Martyr to
Idle of relict from suffering by
Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawbcrrye
There are many peopl martyrs M
bowel touiplainto who would end Dr.
Bowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry a
wonderful blessing to them.. It not only
checks the diarrhoea but soothes and heals
the inflamed and irritated bowel, so that
permanent relief u obtained. Ont.
Mrs. Andrew Jackson, Houghton.
sends the following letter: " For the
pat two or three
years I have been a
martyr to that dread-
ful disease diarrhoea.
I tried every reused,'
I heard of ltd spent
a good deal of mone7
trying to got cared
but all tailed until
I happened to read
of a lady who wa
oored by tieing Dr.
ware one, because thicker. highly for what if did for me."
Marmalade requires • little longer
000king than jam, because the gelatin-
ous skint+ and seeds are rejected. The
fruit ie first cooked untilsoft. strainer to Then
mashed through a puree
the pulp from skins, etc. It
is thend re-
turned to the Ora Tile
the mixture cooked slowly and steadily
until it is snootb and a little cooled on
a plate is firm and free from water.
These general directions preface the
in ileed-SrmsehelIP
ing for se=nds otmgrmafade:
Plum Mermalsde.-Wash, weigh and
cook the fruit, 'train.' add three-fourths
of a pound or"I085r to every posed of
fruit and 000k 26 minntea
Pineapple Marmalade. -Part l� dlg
out the eyes, grate the fruit or chop it
very fine. Cook in its own juice and
least water possible anti ib(pen be
arced with a ferk..._ _
Peach elanualade.-Pare, stone anti
•ed to Inaugurate the carnlvrl on tat 1
evening of Oct 8 ni 4Ae-laky trout by e I shine at Gnonwlob is recorded by an 1 --
water pageant entitled "The Birth of the; .trument which works auwmatkyear
Rater diel " Following
In elaboratencee wbch endedll (tome l, The Apriled , during 1898, we the
14of design
a doom, expeoted 1 out of the 4,464 hours durt'ig which the
of design and thing of everebei are
sun was .hove the horizon—test ts, at
to surpass within; heron attempted
Greenwich, and what 1. about its same
in that line. -
At every earner of the streets through thing. at london, during clouds abort
which the procession will pros arches of , day sky was overcast b7
triumph will be erected, hearing portraits two-thirds of thel,lme l of'the lemons and cook ten minutes,
ue• The rainfall during the year which ming constantly. If preferred, .the
d the #a' and r@a1 ,13 ;"''re.l.a> 17.113 incluse, .ksrenas..�;,opw., d,Gbd.. JJtlfl
.i-- ... , �. •6'YlygtlTNl' {be �eaLM daM'Mrls
which Is 7.21 holes ler than the ann stO be unci iut+te•d of the lemon peel.
•vrrof rain .da out s 1 years. The num- Crab Apple Marmalade.—Wash, quer-
ramof rainy days was 149—two days of WE and core the, fruit, cover the cores
ria out of every five in the yeas
k" v" Work on ID. atrophotographle chart of with cold water and stew an hour.
a see at a the liquid over the apples and
the heaven. has made goad grog Boat g
i ibis (Weerratory during_ the 7.51. Th. Oak until soft. Strain the pulp, add
"woe" aslgned to ,»Beach li the ;gear and cook half an' hour; then test
region afoot the north pole—.t otrcular and cook longer if necessary.
section et the heavens 80 degrees 10 Quince Marmalade —Pen, quartet
diameter. During the Tear flea vrsee and core the fruit and drop the latter
taken for the chart—with an exposure of
40 mimeos -828 successful photographs; into cold. water. Cover the parings and
for the catalogue—exposure from a to a cores with cold water, stew slowly for
w taken. The Ureen• two bonre and then stain through a
SestvlIttor1 ke nea'-iTrPbttrpls'leRss 71tdeg je11'T b e1Ysm'. ikeleMinta
part 1n this grail wort, wmlerr"eko' e. iatlneageabstsneel0�s -'
two of the eighteen obaervatorfes ascan;
first on a cloth and cook until tender
whim b tt was distributed las moms been ^t,. the. Lynid. atre.i ed from the comes
begun, and .t 5517 few 1s anywhere near
Completion, the number of photographs
still to be taken at Greenwich bettor691
flee the chart and 940 for the catalogue.
weigh the heated allow a lemon to
every three. pounds. Carefully pare the
thin yellow rind from the lemons and
eook ii -with the. frn�_t, the Mar_
and pulp over the fire. Boll five or more
minutes and carefully- remove elle the
white sans whioh rice.. Add the juice
ROOM. eta
of East street and fi4
Open from 1 toil r.a., and treat to to ran
Leading pasty, W.otly and Illustrated spars
oes, ac., on Tile.
MI Ell Bi:8SB IP TICKET OIN LT •1.011;
°toting free use of Library and liesd K
K'p'm received kg
•pplleatlaa for sdmRsr'sta�
Librarlan. in room. I. RA LTO
H. coLB, d RIs; E,
0.4015lt. Marsh 11 AM
great Spanish armada that Philip a
sent to England in 1688, beteg oue 01 -
the very few of, that famous fiotilIi
that escaped destruction at the time.
What a historitsl memento is the old
w"reTtt Atter- n-obeekered-career. in. -
which this ancient craft bled breaoted
seas • d
the warm oaf .. fan nneta
withstood the storms of uearly three
centuries, she was burned to the wa-
ge -here in the harbor of Santi-
ago a few years since and sunk, where
herremaine•nete lis, covered with slime
and baruacles-• striking
oncebpem of
the nation whose flag the
bore -New York Tribune.
Wee cremated' Lo•adate.
At a meeting of the Poor Clergy told
lief society In London a story
of Bishop Waldegrave of Carlisle and
"wicked" Lord Loned•le. The biabop
rode well. and on his going up to Low -
titer oaetle Laird Lonsdale admired bis
horse and his management of 11. The
bishop pleaded the cause of • clergyman
pacing rich on £40 • year, wbo.e well
educated wise todk in tourists' washing
to add to their scanty income.
Lode mid: "Everybody
looks on me a • ve 7t1 °ebe letel
yeeil`iil! Petite MPS -of ialvattb¢- Yew -•+a -"e -
have spoken to me a • gentleman; 705
have spoken to me like 'a good servant
avenge. If my wife, far instsuee, who
s in • posltlon to help me with obis
✓ beme, to help me with mome7, you
d nand." and be flashed • glance at
one it bad
as ..ort of hobby and wale be
As easily.
The profeuor' amine to have des
veloped under our inluNOS, Lola," be
lD r
ler as be turned M
ed h' bead • moment in id cote day to his wife They spoke
among "with money, I could make atm it "the professor" Na a term of
my life what you call I elf
it, ams of ease friendship "Wonder what made him
t ad comfort, and I could do mon." take up that fifth string rot. Glad be's
Elere bis voice sank and bis utterance
became slow And deliberate, and be
rolled some of the words as if the mere
u tterance of them gave him mute pleas-
ure. "I oould watch her, bolding over
her the knowledge that I could crush
her at Ny moment with a single word.
I could let her hoe ber chosen life, bear
abed that rubbish." But she could not shake it ode sad a
"Ha seems a man of i an
is i the day approached m which Pierre
wouldLos. im c web an impala Turrian was to arrive she grew dull
would take 7 restless ek to Bibm gl wing and moody and even irritable.
Int86e was vert snthe •t the end bad She bad done all that the dared to
a between u two Fr and had ' vent his coming to stay 1n the hone,
bad be ten her it but the Frenchman Pre
bad beaten her. and the idea of it boil angered and dist-
•2 noted her. She had entered on the de -
children, maybe, to the man whose ate e,I can't sal that, replied Str
ham tooled, and thea I or1•Id snip the 1 Jaffrey, laughing. "I like him. He's I oeption without at all realizing the
thread of tbe jewel hiltd sword which one of the jolliest beggars I ever met- constant .asooi.tion with lies which it
., neceritded.
she baa hang up over ber own hie a
.tab the whole of her dupes in the very
marrow of their honor and self stee'm.
1 could play that part"
"Bat she mould kill you first!" cried
Lola, maddened by the cruelty of his
Ile stopped and looked at ber and
smiled noidly.
"I thought you took no interest in
anything that concern' my wife," he
one of the few men I've ever Ino
who tin lose his coin without getting
regal•„ The Frenchman bad been
shrewd enough
ohne let
he m� opet n al-
ways have j
every game and sport in which they
met. "When we come back from town,
WO moot have him here. He'd be the
life and soul of • house party, those
deadly plegnee of the country."
"We can hardly have him here, then.
ORD we?"
"Why sot? The women'll go mad
after him. I'd give • lot loom the lit-
tle I)., Witt setting those wicked little
wits of berm to wodkh1 lacauob ob him
d for
her snuggery.
The idea of that sharp tittle woman
w.tobing the incidents of the drama
that was being played at the manor was
the reverse of pleasant to Lola, but she
Mid nothing, lest ebe should arouse
some sort of .umplcion.
The baronet was es god as him word,
and in a Mora of good feeling one day
he gave the Frenchman a general invi
tation to stay at the manor am soon as
Lola and himself .hould return from
When Lola heard of it, Abe was angry
gfpd took au opportunity of .peaking to
j1. Tertian about it.
"You most not a,'cept that invits-
MiDn," Ane said peremptorily.
"No?" And be .topped,and looked at
her with his eyebrows raised. They
were walking on the tenant before die -
ser, and be was smoking a cigarette.
"No. 1 ay no," said Lola ener-
_..,Aad why not?"
"Because t don't cTtr ftlta to show fl."
'That is not • tactful reamou,'' he
;aid, with a shrug and a I.,ngh.
"Imre .00hing about tact Yon must
Aloe fie 11 C 7tm de, Jf shoo atop your
"That is coarse. We may bee-crim-
ee-cri -
inal., but at least we uhneld be pt
And he hawed with ,tf...ted courtesy'
"(cite Ilse your real reasons," he con
tinned, after • mem. "if it is only
your pique, I shall not pay the .11ghteot
heed to H. You chose this lite, not L I
did not like it at first I have grown
ereestomsd te it, and I end it pde-
s time, while my plans
and," bowing again, "I shall
It* it in my own way."
"There sr* people miming Item wbo
any rememtwtr a certain nntenrirtaa gator
bite and t hat wbo was at one time
known in half tbe hells in Europe."
"Ah, that 1s most interesting and
most enuring. If there to rine thing thee
I •10 not like shrine this Aziateaea, it Y
what lou eall its humdrum, dead alive
sameness and respectability. A Mae
"Wail, what Y Ott" asked the baronet
said, raising his eyebrows, shrugging
thonitillent anti flourishing his baud&
"Personally I do not. but were I that
woman I world take your life."
"She tried core, but I ■m not many to
kill." Tbe expreai0n on his faro was
tepaisiveiw Me kealag, mallcioW_.W.k
"Well, you min take your ebdee, I
'am indifferent as to what you da ab
'remember what I Mole +t•tti, "
-""r, At that 'natant the door wail
and Sir Jaffray name in boistervud7
,nod noisily, as was his wont
"Halla Lots!" be cried. "1 getaway
mash snorter than I expected. Yon
might have waited tor me. Ah, is this
M. Tarrian? 1 heard he wee here."
Lola lntrodaaai the two men, and
teeth se ns.A the other very Measly,
though ebe Fr nnhman made beds scru-
tiny furtively.
"I have been explaining to Lady Wal-
eote, wham I had the honor to know
slightly some year: ego tie a pupils
most Atatinguished and apt pupil-thc
abject of my being now In Kneen&"
"Well, whet to it?" asked the bar
mode half eareh,daly, standing by o bi.
witty's aide and bedtime his arae In hers
"1 ala entente what 1 Mink will be
• ;mat teeatlae nn Ins efalln. The vies
Ha is my imtrernent, y0• know, and 1
wart le liege sayer nheoges , bat i want
She shrank from having the two mem
ander the samw'roof. She had expected
that Pierre would have taken ber
money, and, after staying perhaps a
abort time at Walcote, would have gone
away to the oontlaent, Wok to that dis-
reputable, roaming life which be had
always lived. She mild have borne
that, but this constant asaoriation with
him, his preeenoe in the bones and the
life of continuous deceit and lying
which it forced upon ber made hersinw t
against the man she loved so patent,
flagrant, w ever present and pressing
that she began to repent that she had
ever chosen the path of deceit
Sir Jaffrey caught her in one of her
fits of moodiness on the day when Pierre
Tnrrian arrived. Mn. 1)e Witt and
Beryl were also iu the hoose. Sir Jaffray
bad surprised Lola with her mask off
just before dinner.
He dept up to her quietly, and, run-
ning bis arm round her waist, kiesd
RRoroe,DIAVAL A•CH roc CHICAGO'S rRACg term of the Yew Proc•awa.
Ilona of our warships. These arches will The driving of foreign ettsnoes into
be extremely elaborate and ornate, thou- .ntmal tune by means of electric cur -
sands of electric Ilghu being employed to rants
been f adopted. n h 11 1. known.
produce desired effects
Some of the desig°s suggested by Mr dental wort --1n theme capacities being
Newhouse are: Dewey's victory at Me, principally in conjunction with
ntla, showing the forts of Cavite and the ! oocains or some other anesthetic, for the
American and Spanish fleets; our naval purpose of rendering the fie.b or the
beroson, a, facing
ey,an Sampson,tymp
Schley and Wal- tooth to be operated upon Insensible to
sane fwing an Olympian double figure of pato; that 111, the benumbing solution is
Victory extending laurel wreaths in bar foul ten thei
a tissue,
andeven et i10to tooth,the
four hands; the sinking of the Merrlma
at the entrance to the harbor of Santiago until no sensation whatever Is possible
and $ historic arch ornamented with for the time being In Ihs n this It U
ion under
wroath medallion portraits of our greatest treatment. Acting ups
mea proposed similarly to Immune the meal
it le proposed that all prooerloas and so tae preserved to a BO per oent..oltitlo0
To b., . , ntiuued.
entertalnmenu shall take place after 6
p, m., so as to avoid int;erferenes with
business, and that the great &robes than
be well scattered fi10 week,vwhioh be
the streets. The
denominated International week, will 1»
devoted to a ooetume festival, separate
days being aligned to the people of the
different nationalities, who will be invited
to parade in obaracterfstie national ses-
Iumea On Tuesday. Oct 4, Great Brit-
ain's day will be celebrated by a typical
street parade, including • Shakespeare
pageant Wednesday, Oat. 6, the Germans
and Austrians will unite in giving a rep-
resentation of the carnivals a Dusseldorf,
Cologne, Munich and Vienna Thursday,
Oat 6, will be French, Italian and Swiss
day, with a reproduction of the carnival
of Venice as a feature. Friday, Oct. 7, L
set apart for Seandlnavtans and Slays, and
Saturday, Oct 8, will be given over to the
Chinese and Japanese. The second week
will be national week, illustrating and
celebrating our history and achievements
Sunday, Oct. 9, will be a grand memorial
day, on which commemorative services
will be held in all the churches.
t'bri•elan �elenee.
"What's the smatter, Johnnie! Yon
MOM to he feeling goad,' said one of lila
father's neighbors "We've got
"Great," said the boy.
Christian potence over ter our home,"
;did he mooched one doughnut and
waved • wend to the air.
"Christian seienee? What b you
mean!" ingalred the puzzled neighbor.
"It's lust lmmensel" cried the boy.
„Best thing that ever happened. 11's just
the boas, I tell you, 11's the best thing
"I have bend that te aomettmes did
wonders," entered the neighbor, "but I
didn't suppose toys stow much shoot 1t.
Ras 1t benefitted floe any,Jnhnntee"
"Remained mer" Pamed Jobnnle.
"Yon 'mit bet 11 bast It's great1 When
you're Christian solenox, you know, you
ain't never stet. Ren*Otted mei W11, I
shnnld -say it has (ih, gt.11y ain't it
;esti I kin slosh around In the snow
now all (lay ami eat fonrt00n droghnuts
and all the pie 1 want and ma never goys
• word, for I can't he sick -mei I just
can't be sick"'
of common salt, and pass through t
whole a continuous current of electricity.
In from ten to twenty hours the salting
Is said to be complete, std the meat Is
taken from the bath and hong op to dry.
The electrodes In this ase must be of
platinum, shin, if other metals, such as
sine or Iron, were used, the metal sales
Lamed would Its tniuriona-Now York
and parings Mash the fruit through s
coarse sieve, add the heated sugar of the great head of the church; you
and have spoken to me enoonragingly about
the salvation of then my poor sous . you
have pleaded the cause very nobly for
that rano; clergyman: Here is my
checkbook Put down what you like.
and I will sign it."
The bishop mid. "No; that is • mat-
ter between God and you. '
Lord Lonsdale gave the biabop a
check for £10.000 and afterward two
further checks for £90,000 for poor
clergy of the diocese of Carlisle.
cook 15 minutes.
=11110. Work e.
Ripbon in prettily combined with em-
broidery in the tatted work on linen, as
shown by • design in the New York
Hard t. settee•.
Hiram -These noospapers u all loan
by Focht
idles -Why, I thort The Chg1aS was s
good, reliable paper. 11Ke the
Hiram -So did I, but it 14r
one of our fleets is goin oat tar aaptur
Canaries. I don't h'Iteve mugs! stuff e,
that. -New York Journal.
Their Coa,plesIeei .f Coarse.
Ytnnle-Wbat a monotonous time those
poor heathen women who wear almost 0t
Clothes mast have.
Mamie -Yea I wonder what they find
b worry overt -Indianapolis Journal.
"Look here. t;nldshomugh," mid Tee-
epet, "you never pill us any of the smart
sayings of your little bray. He 1. talking
•ow, Wait be?"
n"why hi t
"Ytieen,hotaking all
sett," replied (midst o,'rxigh, .ddr nt"g
Ilatsslf to hath cowati>nera at once, "Mut
INS neve : mys erything wroth repeating.
Ae and Keedtnk looked ale
g6baetly at e•eh ntM'e. end Teoep+t
gravele topped kie for+M.A with the tip
et kis essSgnger.--Near York World.
Tribune, a part of which is here repro-
duced, It is for a table mail or a bureau
Dover of hemstitched linen or muslin.
The ribbon is run in and out of button-
hold slits, leaving a space of
between each length of ribbon, whereon
is either embroidered a bouquet of flow
ens or, as is often seen on linen, an
applied figure in guipure. The ribbons
should match the color of the flower.
For instance, with violet ribbon calls
should bt violets; p
for rosebuds er Mity other pink flower,
Are you in favour of the
passing of an act prohibiting
the importation, manufacture
or sale of spirits, Wine, ale, beer,
cider and all other alcoholic
Liquors for use as beverages ?
The Two Tea Wag Sed.
The two time seal in wak on an en
velope made to' match the two tone
monogram on the paper is a mystery to
any one not in the secret, which the
New York Herald explains. For in-
stance, a silver monogram and raised
ornamentation on a blue background is
easily duplicated in the meal. The back
ground is of wax to match the back
ground of the monogram. When ready
to seal tht,euvelope, dip the seal in the
ail and wipe it quite dry, except the
engraving, where the oil remains. Then
dip the oily meal into the silver powder
and brush &crone the meal, leaving no
silver except in theme same indentation,. Melt
of the engravers monogram.lace
was anddropiLoP to the _proper place
and mmol as P
the silver p wderoil vrIlr ff
into the
Oaken up '
Monogram and the warm that alwas l it out of the monogram,
raised ornamentation is coated over
with the silver powder.
Tao Power or Mader. Shells.
A 12 inch rifle is 68 feet long, with
4 feet external diameter at the breech.
and weighs 48 tuna Its 1450 pound shot,
driven by a 430 pound charge of brown
prislnatio powder. leaven the muzzle
with • velocity exceeding 1.400 miles
per batman(' would reach a target at its
effective range of 54 miles In 94. sea -
cads, while it would take the report of
its discharge 27 seconds to traverse the
same distance. At a range of 14
this shot would perforate 19 inches d
solid Keel
The 260 pound projectile of the 8 inch
rifle will penetrate • foot of armor at
the range of a mile. The Jig- £ ital i
rapid fire guns within the .uperatrsotare
each deliver eight 40 pound projectiles
in a minute, while the twenty 6 pound-
ers diatributdover the vessel can be re-
lied upon to clear an enemy's decks or
to dleahle torpedo boats by maintaining
• tenita hail of explosive shell, capable
of destroying any =armored position.
The final offensive resources of [-cita-
del are the four torpedo tubes, each pre-
pared to launch automatic and dirigible
destroyers containing 160 po=ds of
gun cotton.-Cbantaugnan.
Ramhle0'• Echoes
Fancy buttes promise to be largely
used, as does a variety of pearl buttons.
Ostrich lips and feathers abound on
the late Inmmer Data
Bleck lace over milk forniphes a de-
lightful and fashionable gown.
New coat bodices are modeled nn the
lines of $ man's swallowtail neat.
The palenj; 61' Mtn atroevFill pyrite
ably be • gradual affair, but the heyday
of its glory ix over. The becoming and
elegant bleak shoe ono. more loom; ray
as the proper thing.
TRH PLglglt•t11TM iIIAL1.OT r*runs.
The above ie an exact reproduction of the ballot paper to he submitted to the
electors of Canada at the zooming plebiscite. on Sept. 29th, on the lineation of pro-
hibition. Thoes who are la favor of prohibition will mark their cross In the yes ens•
mmn ; those against It is the no column, a. above. It will he even that those who
vote yea vote to prohibit the making or us rat eider or hotne•mais erne.
Not Infallible.
Harriet Martinena, the English au-
thor, was shrewd and practical and had
what men are pleased to call A "mas-
culine intellect." But she was not al-
ways correct in her deductions. a fact
illustrated by the following anecdote.
told in her "Memoirs," by Sir Charts
Mnrray. who waft them the English eon-,
101"4""a eneral in I$
OnegaftereoonEaywe met at the villa of
my old fliend, S. W larking, on the
beske Of the Mahamondieh canal to
the course of our stroll through the gar
den we Deme to a email gate, the pat•
tern of which wee new to Miss Mar-
tineau, who was walking In front a
She stepped, and looking at the gate
In an attitude of intense admiration K
'liow truly oriental I What wondef
fol taste them esteems have in demign r'
She went on, and as Larking and '1
followed through the gate he whispered
to me, "1 got' It out last week from
Birfningbatn. "
A rllernr,e W rare.
"In the bettor of Santiago de Cuba,'
says Matnrin M Ballon in Due Smell.
"a annknn wreek ta pointed out par
tiahy visible at low tide, not far from
the shore. Only the ribs and etanchlnno
are still held together by the atone keel
timber. and lower sheathing Thio
wreck ham Iain here nnliwwlmd for years.
yet what a story these old timbero
might. tell had they only n tougne with
which to gave voice to their e1perieno.o'
-literally the expvrienee of
Refervnee is made CO the rnmaina of
the old St. Iba1, one of the .hope of the
Ali day It was dark. The sickening '
vapor bang liken pall over the earth.
people iielte wild with lesser -
and cm to the temple.
"What deers it mean?" they oriel
r (1.
The venerable priest of Apollo shook
his head,
"It's a Snitch mitt," he an5w.rwi
them sadly. "and I never could make
head or tail of distort. No."
Wee it flint the gods were displeased?
-Detroit Journal.
It Is mttlmaterl that there are note -wow
than Thei01.000 leurnpeana whn W.411
wowwlen above ltaawoud is ordinarily
employed for ewhet& int willow is the
beet material