The Signal, 1898-9-22, Page 3A Serious Case.
Too Difficult gid
plicotedfor Qrdll.
urvM t0fuA1.
Pain's Celdry Compound is
the Mighty Rescuer.
Mr. Forsythe says' "I am pleagad
to recommend Paine's Celery
Compound; I believe it is the
best medicine In the World."
Weil. & Richardson Co
Gentlemen, -Por two years I Was h
a low condition of health, suffering frog
• errou.nees, taledng .peas, pain 10 the
head. stomach troubles and loss of ap
petite. I was ander the can of two
doctors, but received no benefit fres
their treatment. I also used two hes
des of a recommended patent med e,ii ,
but no good results came. I was stirs
Wvi,ad by a neighbor i itse 'yep we&
derful medicine. fain'. Celery Cel .
pound. Tbe use of this mervelloes yre.
motion soon produced the very bag
results. f am Siad to report that y
health is improved in every levet;
im stronger, sleep better. and my sp
petit* la good and natural. I em plan
ed to reoommeud Paine'. Celery fuse
pound to sit sick people. as i believe
a the beat medicine in the world.
Yours truly,
Do•'t DI*eraee tae 1•rmIlr.
A Ilttls boy was going past • blear
arooa, lee Visor o} which was wee
men, with his diol Sport. The dot. •,e
snowing any better, went in, but b•
ittle ,Waster was boon after him, with
h e following good advice: "Coene ost
rat of there, genet Deet be berm lee
be family."
Dear Sirs,- I have great faith a
ear I cured a horse of Ring bone,
rith five bottles.
It blistered the horse, but is a
nonth there was no ringbone and me
Four Falb, N. B.
By the yew 1908 the Swiss Horns
lot will have again ,soured ooattd d
be Avail ceding railways is the eoatry.
laud's Wilmot Cam lens, 11G
Tse. Bien sehbwt. els Giant men
e ine of oanosay. ere to be cement
rlth a ustatilli Irdiati4c railways.
Tbe superiority of Mother Grams' Wim
Iztermbistor is shown by Its good sewn
a the children. Purobaa • bottle aad
ave it • trial.
Keep the the collars alma M bee
rimed preview taee abotldee.
Its tall grown sow will have bole
ene.0 is all respects.
1ANTED`"Reliable W o • cable Wkly
ma.n (married or widow pre
ferred) in every city, tows
rid village in Canada, to act u solicit -
Ig agent for a well .edvertised and
itahlished article. Easy to sell and
itisfaction ensured. No deposit IM
• --s references when -
▪ Address. ..a.����..r"
• L SPRON0, Hamilton, Ud.
f1f1111t//Y11It0l{I mire
Improved sadt untie
9o'.tb1,0 lamb
YIeh. epecre�erM1n. raMtn ..ala
d hone Dakota, rol I ,in lo time Ind RAST
▪ YYZNTg. • 1 cue ea _k ,ear. Come and eel
or write. THE "VW' 111 AN MOPS'TATE
tot[, gantlet Center. 11 lett, .r
Croswell, Senile° Co.. Michigan. U.S.A.
Nawdsenne Geld Ring set With
Genuine earwets and Pearls
Send as your Name and Ad
)plainIewrIittera. and we will ass
C1.17. 'anted ab) on saeli far La sle1 "Seni'10
o tin amore f, 'Inde at lar. per per
!lensed('remU a. :he tt�100o011!.� and e w
nd ynu tree the above ribed rage Sea
dres of epee mention thus pe perste W
risk. fino,h returnable. H
ems In proportion to amount sot&
ode Agway, di McCall Street. TORON S.
ameraNeM by teutta`N igaea • fair
T.nea te. Out. • '
Of,tcet a1y�n�te#, IFj'!QQ¢It
ussig Oma keeper-by»i
Preto Cloth elnert
Moresmarls• o=11 g, .a rum
d npnrea m . W buk 111. new. Pani INN
d adds'..
o de Agsad,'1 01K0 Street, momim
Wads a oaned&
Good as the Am •
icon wets
r. N. U. 11111
Irlok t%iwa doers pee01 'blit
" , ea *�1i grew' alacw wse�, ��"lt'
usufa.armltwr ei e. natitM4 Maws.
aim" -
Si':1 ".'i dtrdt.av ": ,st
s N(1rY MIICE11s
lt.epypaet, ria, by the Author.)
loner Peine bad swung his obair
(amus his guests, but his hand
seated affeetiunetely In • 00p7 of
Wine, wbiob lay open upon his
owe was en air of entire statis-
m Pslue'e hoe. The Maxima
jest out that day, and 11 contained
ach be had written • year ba-
the ary
of his stories which that
eine bad deigned to •ccepl.
Jut Hall was lying upon the louuge
wIW a pipe 1n his mouth, and Praxis
lest enured the room. A thin faced,
Met ooaplexi0ped man was Fraria, al-
ine mol, self ptase.e.d and critical.
tab a quiet but friendly greeting be
ei don m Paine s box. Frelped a
to • cilia -
now from wrote
Yegook reviews for The Polygon.
Waked over your story 1n the •d.
race sheets." he remarked, blowing
es a aloud of smoke. "I gave you three
bee There aro good points about that
eery, Paiute Your burglar is undeal•-
"1 should should a7 sot" exclaimed Jack
0.11. "1 call 'Julio Navy's Confession'
Ye bee thing eat this year!"
Ball was an artist, sat • literary
e nt
there are some things in it
whist are really bright," Fraria admit-
a.i "They have character. Ten to one
yoe *bedlam* up somewhere, Paine."
Tben is a story about that, Fraria
Jobe Navy was an actual burglar whom
lend to know when I lived in Bolton."
••1 tbougbt as much," said Fraria.
with atiefaction.
Bali sprang op and west to the table
to 'bake tat his pipe and refill it.
„gen I've beard just enough about
that old burglar to make me curious."
b"asid, IUJlIIJ._ 'Tow did you get ac-
quainted witb your interesting trial —
"Tell osaboot 11 if. you don't mind."
added Fraria.
"You may have beard of the Penni-
• bank robbery, which occurred about
wren years ago," Paine began. "Tbe
Nary gang made that break. Its leader,
yid Jplw Navy, was the most auda-
cious burglar of his fay. Ells still and
is again. arae tallied some with 1ne
wardeu, but be hasn't a partials of rp w -
. p•thy with my teethes. He only 'hakes
bis bead aud says. "Ah, Juba, we ought
to have caugkt you lung agol" Now, I
tall that • kind of wet blanket on a
Luau's professional eutbuslaeu, don't
"I smiled and assented readily. He
was Boob • fasofuatiug old shiner.
"'lin you are driven back upon your
memories?' 1 remarked.
"'That's just It, and comforting
they are too. You would be surprised to
know of the fortunes I've made. Well.
everything is gone now, and I'm laid on
the shelf, bat it's a great ooa.olation to
look back on a successful career. When
1 get blue slttiug here alone, I hark
back to some time when 1 outwitted the
officers, and it bearteus me wonderfully.'
"Tben be paused a moment. '1 won-
der 1f you would be interested to hear
of such matters?' be asked doubtfully.
"'Indeed I would!' was my instant
response. 'Do you mind if 1 use this/
Sometimes I write stories fur the maga-
"Navy was interested it once.
" 'How do you make out?' he Baked
'Poorly enough so far.'
" 'Lord! What yoq peed is life!' be
declared. 'Why, 1 could give you stories
to write until your hair is gray!'
" 'Notbing could please me better,'
said I.
Will you pct in my 'lira rimer
be asked eagerly. _ -
"'Certaluly, if you withr'msis.'
"Navy seemed gratified_ 1 weft"re-
wember the d.ligbdul animntiou with
wbich he began a alcry 01'ooe of his
earlier esapadea 1 WINN it out care-
fully, and after that 1 slaw visited
him, quite as mach for ay own advan-
tage as for his.
"Meanwhile my notes kept pace witb
N. 'curies, and Navy showed the ut-
most interest in them. That a man of
his stamp !Mould be w concerned I laid
to the killing.monotony of prison life,
ui at last I discovered that be wee
brooding over some scheme which be
wu half ashamed to propose. One day
1 frankly inquired what was on bib
'I've got a notion that I'd like to
write out one of my stories myself,' he
confessed, with some diffidence. 'It's
all folio woryta, but is weed -de ars
nC f A > eY*'�rrriL't'tS�M'Ga4f se�e�y,eeie-
"The rest of it," Patna repeated iu be-
wilderment "Tbe story u complete in
Ibis number of The Maxima." Tben be
realised that the public) was thirsting
for hi' work. "loan write more tale' of
the same sort if tbat is w hat you mem."
"About this same John Navy?"
"Certaitlly. "
"That's just what 1 mean. That story
read. like the truth," said Perkins,
weighing bis words carefully. "You
must have known somebody jest like
him." Hefooked inquiringly at Paine.
"I did. Iiuew old John Navy Win-
"Whom?' Perkins asked eagerly.
"Begging your pardon, I didn't mean" -
"Oh, it is no secret! He was • con-
vict iu the Bolton prison. 1 used to visit
him there in the ooara o1 some chari-
table work which I did."
With some releot•noe Paine added
thie last explanation, which be consid-
ered a detail of no possible interest to •
stranger, yet his words made • marked
impression upon Perkins.
"You were good to him, then?" be
asked respectfully.
"I liked the man. 1 couldn't help
liking him."
"No wonder) Jobe Navy, a000rdlug
to your &tory, was • square. open heart-
ed man. It didn't harm you any to be-
friend him. You had • rare chance,
young man. I suppose be talked pretty
"He told me a great deal about his
life," Paine admitted, a trifle mystified
by thea questions. "I *rola 11 all
down," be added at Jeog*b.
_Again an lager Itgbt -_-_--
v'isitor's eyes.
rfIlMPilaTI of it, I Suppose?" he -on-
awed casually.
"My heed is full of it," Paine re-
joined. "Yes, of course, 1 have my
Silence ensued for a few moments.
"1 was amused at seine parts of that
.tory," Perkins went on, still dallying,
with his errand. "Tbe old luau said tome bad also been entered by a bur -
some queer things." glar. It was a matter of slight impor-
'TM treed other expressions quite as eaposi-bet ie the light ed-baanaarecent
experience it war sufficiently disturbing.
Further details made it very clear
that both of these trivial robberies had
e been committed by the same mysterious
person. As in the former case, nothing
boldness bed drawn around him • pick- I good to try.'
.d lot of clever ortmivale, stanch meu, "It did seem droll, bot be was such
011 of them, and adept. at their calling. a genial, open hearted old fellow that
"We in Maine bad beard little about 1t would have been cruel not to humor
their operatics" until they visited the him. On my next visit we carried oat
town of Penuiwel1,1 dozen mile" from his project. and never bad I seen binsBolton, and broke foto the vault of its eo cheerful Bud happy ss when he hand-
book. They had secured most of the ed me his completed manaacript.
money when an alarm wasraised •u•1 'It would do me good to have that
they were compelled to fly. All of tbem publiebed,' he said, smiling upon Inc
with open ollea
' You way find
mistakes iu it, but don't make any
abauges. Let it go, title and •11, just
•0 1t is. You e, it is my own work!'
"That was my last meeting with
John Navy 1 o•lried his story home
and read it but 1 sew that it would be
mite useless for publication tittles"
some journal would take it as news.
seeped except Navy. Laden as be was
with the bulk of the spoils, he nearly
eluded his pursuers by runuiog to cov-
er in the reviewof Coiquatt mountain.
There, before be was brought to bay, he
safely concealed his plunder, and to title
My it has never been found."
"Of course • reward was offered,"
"aid Frans.
"Certainly. The Penniwell money is Yet with all its faults there were cer-
n seductive to the people of that ,ficin fain novel expreseiunsscattered through
icy as Captain Kidd's gold, and even 1t which could hardly he improved.
▪ they ey will not allow a stranger to "In order to preserve these bits 1 ()ep-
ic up on the mountain aide alone. It led the whole manuscript for my own
tea.ssless to question Navy. He was benefit. It was about -a matter of testi
columna only -sod I we on 50.9 1)0101
mending nding it to one of the Ne* York
dailies when I remembered my promise the e warden. e
hems -
story seemed perfectly bena-
leStill tbere wee my promise, and
after some indecieiom about suppressing
the manueoript entirely 1 telt that 1
most give it ape The warden listeued
rather triumpbantly to my explanation.
,'I told you Navy would try to us
you,' be said gruffly. 'We will keep •
strict watch after this.'
"He ran over the story hastily and
with evident disappointment
'"Pab•wI Tbere's nothing about the
Penniwell case here.' be exclaimed.
'This affair happened • dozen year* ago.
Navy is conceited. He wants to keep
his rime before the profession.'
"I remarked that the story was fair -
"1 didn't bid high enough. that's a
fact," the pwbllsber widowed. "But 1
waut the rest of it -badly. 1 am thiuk-
iug of makiug you • big offer for all
yen know about Navy."
" Iu a series of abort stories like the
"oh, anyway yua like -yes!" Per-
kins gut up and walked the floor imp•-
tleutly. " 1 uad't explain 11t'r this way:
You I}a•e what 1 want, and 1f 1 c
make a deal with you we won't dicker
about the prion. Now. what can you do
fur me?"
"I can supply the dew•ad." said
Paine confidently. "But you must give
me time fur this. Unfurtuuately all
notes were stolen last oigbt "
"That was s11 you knew about Navy?'
asked Perkier hopelessly.
"Everything I bad. Stay -there is
Navy's owu story, but I have already
dipped into that fora few of his peculiar
"Navy's owl" aioryl" the publisher
echoed in strong ezoitemeut. 'What's
Paine made a brief explaoatioo, and
upon learning the tate of this story
Perkins drew a long breath as if tanta-
lised almost beyond eudoranoe.
"But you ay that you oupied le" hs
exclaimed, with • gleam of bops.
"Where's the copy?"
"1t is still at my old home, packed
away with a trunkful of old letters op
in the attic."
"Tben you could get it?"
"Certaiuly, if it 1. of value to you."
Strangely enough, the publisher's
ernes was Oddity allayed b7 thio
y. 'We wilt tel the
bile," be decided after a m0meet
abstraction and tbeo quietly withdrew:
(► sew days afterward Paine reoeivIdoa
a letter and a palet addrsed in his
=oilier" handwriting. With a pleasant
auticip•tloo of bornuews he opened
„Ake letter, but its nest/ peragrapbrdrew
from biro a cry oreurpriis._HTfald
peculiar am those in my story.
"Aud you remember them all?" mit-
tree to his mandates as loug as he lived,
sad unusual precautions were taken to
PreTellt hie sending them any message. ''
"How did, you come to know him?"
kv1 used to do some chewable work
st tint especially in the Bolton
prison, where be was oonfined."
"Did you reform any orinnualsr'
Jack Hall skeptically inquired.
"Come, Hall. let him alone," Frarie
interposed. "We want to bear about the
"I had been in and out for months be -
f Ore 1 saw Navy, but at last the warder
gained oonfidence in my diecretion, and
%Opt an explicit warning volunteered to
take me to the oonviot's oell.
" 'Navy is a erafty old fellow,' be
admonished me. 'Mal repeat • word
tbat he says. He will try to use you
when you least susesect it.
"We foetal the prisoner sitting by ly well teld.
the door, with his grithled head resting " 'Oh, yes, be is smart enough and
would be a dengeroas fellow at large!
s. It's lucky tor the whole country that
we have him behind the bars. As for
this stuff, it doesn't fealty amount to
anything, but we can't let it go out
while tne man lives; thank" to you
just the serite.' "
"That was rather bard on the ambi-
tious old codger," observed Hall.
"All you ',mild do neverthelesa"
said Frarie.
"It seemed no to me," Paine contiu•
Dad. "Yet I felt mean about it and did
not visit tbe prison sgain. This fell out
the More n•turally because nt•tterit of
brininess were occupying my time, and
within a fortnight I bad removed from
Bolton to this city."
"Where is your copy of Navy's ek-
e i
ry, Kep?" asked Jack Hall.
"It is still at my old home. I called
out what I wanted to go with my other
notes. There were some parts which
did not seem so bright on a *mond read-
Frarle arose, wet flicking sway • par•
dale of oigarette ash betook op his hat
"Titers may be • call foe more of Na-
vy's adventure^ " be said. "I adviee
yen not to kill off the old man until
you hare ethausted your material. by
the 'way, I inferred that be wee dead
Ls that sot"
"lie died in prima more then • year
ego. Not tenni nem did I feel at liber-
ty too write him up."
O Wen, good night! Come on, Hall."
0! the afternoon of the neat ay.
while Paine kb' Seek, a tapariamem waa kept domed at night.
stranger Wall d10111110 hal room by the, When be opened tt the next morning on
Tidy. IFIllikettlarlied lite -their lee way dews Ms theahdasee howitered•
ground and rose to greet bim.
mingled deterenea and anearenoe. Ha
was dressed expessively. and • slight
maggot ta be baring indicated that be
was othsoiceis of bringing his weloonet
in hie pocket -
"Sporting man," thought Paine
" What does be want of me?"
"Ars you Mr. Kepler Paine?" sisked
the newcomer, with much suavity.
"Titan you wrote 'John Navy's Oen-
twins, whinh hae just appeared hi
The Maxima',"
"I did," Paine answered, with a
Amite. Take • chair, Mr. --. Have
you read it?"
"I've reed It," sold tbe man traphat-
featly. "Bass thing I ever reed. I got
es to it haat that name. Strome me, 1
Imre el goestion my owes. Ira Perkins
Cbleago. I sheeld Wee Sim sorry to
nem neat "tore youra..ttaW. When are
yoU going to glee us tb• test a (sr.
&setae the sight his desk hod bestegelliel
ed Perkins, ooming sharply to buMOMO.
"What's your price for the rest of it?"
Paine was taken unaware. "So you
WO • publisher!" be exolsitned.
"A publisher? Yea, of worse; you've
bit it." Perkins laughed lightly.
'elf.,,nossant my work. make me au
offer.** add thine, with instant shreen166,'
DOA. "Of courts I shall ezpeet as an --
vanes on wbat The Maxima paid ine."-
"That's business," Perkins replied.
"I don't know *bat those fellows paid
you, but it's worth more to me than it
is to them. How would 5600 azike
"Done!" cried Paine. " You snail
have tbe beet story I can *raft Five
thousand words?" be aaked in the next
"I don't care about the number of
words," maid the man, with a touch of
impetienos. "It's Navy'• talk that
"Oh, no!" maid Paine in eurprise.
"It written yet. Whim most you
have the storyr'
"Thorght you bed it ell in your
bead!" exclaimed Perkins, darting a
glint of suspiciou et tbe author. " Well,
you know your business Bakst& short,
though. How long -a week?"
"All right In a week you "ball have
your 5500." And Perkins bowed him-
self mit, well contented.
of value had been stolen, but the oun•
Mints of an old trunk had been found
losttored over the attic floor.
7741 lend yett TbsOletetnywhich- -has
just arrived," bra Paine wrote in con•
elusion. " I see that the Penni well rucu•
ey ham been recovered and that one of your young blood, an your ambitions, you
Inte burglar" is in custody. Possibly san t uty kiud in civ'liratiou- We can't
Wits the man who eutered our Imam" be the same down there. couldn't ex-
• sudden light broke in upou Paine's • peat it. But I.thiuk • poweefe4disarof
mind. There was bat one man who you. Billy. I" -
knew of the papers iu his trunk -one 1 "Oh. coin,. Tem." broke in his.00m-
man who had shown au insatiate curl panion impatiently, "you're in the
'Platy about John Navy. Suatchiug ay dumps tonight. Take a drink and brace
The Gazette, be quickly ran over its l up. Should think you'd look on the
prolix account of the arrest. 1 bright side of thiugs non. We've work-
' The last paragraph was especially in- ed and sterved iu these cursed wilds for
gold until at last we've got.te Think
Wresting to Kepler Paine:
'•The prisoner registered at the Uniou of the oit7'11 10.000 Pleasures -that" this
House am Perkins of Chicago. His oon- stake can buy for us. There's nenlife
petition with the Navy gang has been these d ---d solitudes. It's therein tbe
clearly established, and it appears that crowded streets+, aud it can all be our.
he discovered the long heideu booty by when we've got such a god-tbe god of
means of • cipher menage from his old .11101d -t0 uh through --
chief. Part of this cipher was contained Billy laughed gloatingly in anticipa-
in certain ebscure phrases of a story en- tics. Then once more he fixed his eyes,
titled 'John Navy's Coufession.' which
eras. lly published in Tbe Max-
Hen 1 1M and dance no mty.
!.rumba, ..yonaral
with a tutnWtuue fur m7 doer.
yealinis my dame with •
ilded in& of silver lilies.
Aden buds uf daftodillios.
Say °moral
less may curtsy LO tie aux.
&goners, mycosis!
...lad they were No abort 'a spas.
Here .leen, oh, Him. Mani
-Nora Beeper fa intetah.
utlwealth g.ttheriug tonight and double
bur Iortuue by a eiugle coup } The bluff
drab all reedy fur the wurrow'• Journey
down the river. He could easily, reach
Barn 1 keep unwonted Nate, ,,
Nucth Fork by daylight, and miles of
diivanoe would lie between bltyr'and
Say moire I •
Two before the latter could make the
Other chines fur y
trip aerials the annuli' impaonable muuu
taiu-treil• He weakened for a acinus
u he thought of Tom's almost mother
Oiartry 111g tall.
AR, their dances never wall
ly solicitude, of how throughout their
wiuderiugs the big hearted miner had
.boruo the brunt of the struggle. Even
ease danesd-too loam
Hayman'. aayunaral
winesthe treasure was discovered the
tang tor yin.' ftaullieh
old muni first words were, "I'm ghee
'refit neither sing mar waaale-
for your sake, Bitty!" These be asked
at mid iris Toole! sloop.
himself if he, too,'wu growing *anti-
wl and tonight, of all uigbts, ea
Tom Jenkins ran hie hand Ili -rough
the gold that lay heaped on the floor of
the shack. "Seems to me, Billy," he
said slowly, "that hopiu to find it 1.
Dull gleams of light from • smoky
lantept fell athwart the fetes of the old
genus,. rugged, homely. deep forrotealt
time aid hardehips and offering ii
marked- contrast- Indeed to the hanrt,
some, patrician feature. uf Billy Bailey.
his junior partner.
"Fiudin, Billy, weans minds. It's
an end to the wants an privatloas
kilowatt fer nigh 20/ear. But somehow
I've come to. like these still ole moan -
tains, an the 'engin of thi3 011641M the
river. They've growed like friends, an
I'm never lonesonie among 'ent. Liston,
you can bear 'em now. Maybe it's the
las' time they'll ever sing her me."
"We're guin back to civlisation,"
oontiuued Tom, unheeding the other's
lack of sympathy with hie reminiscent
mood, "an that means eeparaticat I
know you like me, Billy. A feller
you've been ter tbe two year l' vet buoiv-
ed you But with your eddication, Rti
lAAssesetster avers/it
Nbetettid do me good to hove then pub-
lished," es wad.
*pee his bands. Weary, dogged ender -
Mite 1,15 g in every line of his
face He brightened upon' our entrance
and with • slight twinkle of tbe eyes
looked me over humorously. 13; that
one glance be bed probed my inesperi
ene,e, and after the warden's departure
he warily tubed his connivent's.
'Tbis I* very kind,' be bosom
smoothly. 'It is pleasant to meet • gen-
tleman nt your cloth. I suppose yon
would like me to repent of my evil
sd curtly. 'Would yes prefer to see a
"Navy hariTillii7Mthly upon me. 'I
thought you were teat at them I! he el -
b a human intermit in you.'
"Surprised as he was, Navy quiekly
reeenered bis poise.
With • tomb of feeling 'Jost bemuse
rim a human being t bet's lonely en
Seeds nompany I That does me good. If
['Wasn't wearing these stripes, I'd offer
You my hand on thee'
"of mum he owes no tontine to do
to, but I promptly pot nut nay hand.
arm elasp. 'It minus good to meet a gen-
tleman again.'
lag the Penniwell people.
ehapistn. He mune me to be wry Tar
my eine Lori. I'M te=flit'
1117 prdemitai, and if I wattle, I'd beet
Some interestiog investigations have
been made in the matter pf perspira-
tion, and the following conclumiceis knee
been arrived at: Tbe perspiration is
more conoentrated on the right side of
tbe body. It would, by the way, be in-
teresting to kuow whether the opposite
was the case in tbe left, banded. The
palm a the hand sweats 4 times more
than the akin of the chest. and the
cheeks IS times as much. There is a
slow increase in the sweat tbe after-
images especially noticeable from ti to
It o'clock at eight. After niidoight
there is a diminution. Feedirm has but
tion of the rurrounding temperature in-
creases Om perspiration. -New York
The round cushion is rather out of
date, yet it mill ham its noes, and so
pretty a design as the one ahown should
Meeting Frarie upon tbe street at • appeal to the artintic embroiderer. It to
later hour, Paine gayly 'wonted him adapted from a Japanese sketch, and it
with outstretohed band. will be found to work out very effeotive-
"Shake, old man I" he cried. I have ly with Mit little labor. The silk for
bounded into the ranks of the high the etitcherv may if desired be totally
The anotod span of lifs. If you de. eadt
are careful and provident all your life,
none of your children or dependents are
likely to suffer want, from any fault a
your". hut are you sure? Bow many
men are always careful and provident ?
Thee, are questions that must tames telt
arty eightsainded, thinking man whew:*
timely death might bring untold poems
lima to Ms and Ifa roily or dependently. --i--
To solve the question eimply join dm
enjoy the privilege/iv( the safe and sound
Ineurance they proviits. The price of a
cheap cigar A day will do it. Their
pokey is • comfort in tune of misfor-
tune during life, and it bli,aing to your
loved ones after your death -a perpetual
reminder of your kinslneal, love mei.
Io Sooloty of Canada.
too,n,•,. and Sick and Funeral Benefits
Por further particulars rmpiire of any of the
like tinder Wiertrth 111!!
*tamer of the metropolis.- Tie staid- -
had gone up in saisoke before everybOdy
had leltethe-bnildiug, and eveu the tire
escape down the outside of the building
RSA cut off by the hot flames (row the
km& windows,' which bad already
14 or lO war frantically shrieking for
help in one of the top windows, and a
nether we's wringing -her halide /11 -
deepair down in the street.
The chief called for volenteers tO
ward on the iustaut, without hesitation
Ind without awaiting to count their
chaucer for nieces& This in the custom
itia_poesible death.
A strong young fellow who had yet
to win.bie spurs was selected for the
task. and he disappeared quickly
through the doorway the adjoining
building. When next the crowd saw
him he appeared at the window just
under the roof, and, grasping the tin
comics of the burning building next to
hint be sivuug out into the air and
made his way, hand over hand, for BD
feet through the dense smoke Hint rose
in black clouds from the lower windows
to the sill where the girl was Peen. '
She hall fallen back into the roe&
unconscious laud woe overcome with
smoke by the time he reached her. A •
thousand anxious twee in the street be-
low were tortured with fear for the
hero, a hundreel muttered prayers went
up tor his safety as the fireman disap-
peared iutd tbe black cloud, and thou-
sand thtrati sent up • hefty shout of te-
net as ue appeared again at the window
• moment later with the limp form of
the girl in his arms. -Harper's Round
"But it antlerimit," permitted TOM.
"I'm pee th tiliuge, wa'n't
the hope of findin the old woman -flown
there in Frisco RD makin her comforta-
ble, I'd stay. I don't care fer the gold
after all. I've found it, an my hungerin
ter it's satisfied."
Billy made no answer. He had long
since beoome resigned to the diversity
of their tastes, and tonight' be wax in
no mood for argument. He got out
some materials and began to repair a
rent in hie c'otat. Tom rose presently
slid dumped the uuggets into a gunny
sack. Then he arranged his blankete
for the night
"Put it away safe, Billy," he said
jocularly.. "We're already on the edge
of civlization an mute learn tn per -
tickler. "
"I'll look after it, never fear," said
the other shortly. "Good night "
Billy finished Ms task. but his mind
was still busy with thoughts a the fn•
tare. He roefillful stepped out into the
night. At his feet the turbulent river
rushed Meekly along, Da foam ere**
gleaming like dull silver in the dear
starlight. Behind him towered in silent
majesty the rugged, wooded tuountainti
The air was heavy with the breath of
the pines. But Billy save mete the
beauty of the night. The motintileis
awakened inemori,s of hardships met
hopelessness, the river tcrin only a high-
way to civilisation. Fie lit his pipe and
began to puce up and down the sheiviue
There was none of the stuff of which
hermit are made in Billy Bailey's con)
position- Had the fates seen fit to con
tinne their kindly beginning be would
probably have developed Into one of thr
horde of whited sepolchers that PC
largely make up what the world is
pleased to term the respectable of lin
manity-those who observe the conveti
Hone to the letter, indulge eve7 desire
with a studied care that wins the ap-
proval of 111Y11, and, dying, are respect-
fully buried and apeed:ly forgotten. On
the eontrary, fate heel preferred gielpst
Billy • chance to 1101VP his mettle. Tlis
college career cut short by the melting
away of his father'ii fortune, he awoke
one morniug to find himself face to
hoe with the world, his wits his only
He remembered tonight his struggles
to maintain his Asocial pirialtlinn, the
slights beeped npnet-fifilThi ereiwrilTe-
away of hope until, with starvation
staring him in tbe face. he had shipped
in a vented bound "round the Horn. -
Oa his lips %ewe -Outset fOr_elletrinints
who had failed him, in bielleart lee
solve some day Worsens*. Ile recalled
hie hardships on the western frontier,
his final in with old Tom Jen-
kins' and the boneless search tor now
until a wee* ago, when the gravel of It
drier.' up mountain etresin unexpectedly
yielded them their little fortune and
ended for him the hell nn earth exist-
ence in these eolitnilea. His futnie
000111ft was plain. Meroilesely he would
engage in the war foe wealth. Hie heart
must know but one love -the love of
And the *take. it woui nr4 an nun+
after all. If he only had Tom's share
too' The thringht startled him, and he
looked hirt iv el y above as thnugh already
under imrveillance. Well, why ant'
Whet Wail TOM to him tune The nid
man cared nothing tor sold. He had
wild as titueh. Why we begin the taak
priced @tory tellers."
Prairie shook bands witb his -custom-
ary terioneness.
"How is ilia'. Pante?" he queried.
"Have you hypnotized an editor?"
"Syudicste man, I think. was too
Much surprised to ask for particulars.
It doesn't matter Perkins of Chicago
wants to pay me 5500 tor • story."
"Loog life to Perkins of Chicago? I
don't recall his name, but I am hearti-
ly pleased at your success, Pelee."
When Perkins reappeared at the ap-
aointed time, be glanced over the first
few pages of tbe manuscript with great
setiesetion •nd counted out POO in
"I hope this will be • Sa000•1," the
author civilly remarkei. "I have made
it as dramatic' as possible, remembering
your interest in Navy'soonvereatiou."
"It's a Imre soccess." Porkies les -
lowered. "(inn4 evening. ,
Ile shook handl. effusively wit*
Paine and immediately took his aper-
Paine's sleeping learn adjoined hie
study and the door beeves Omen
a sharp cry of Manny and sprang for-
ward into the rOntil excitedly.
During the night hie desk bad been
raneacted and its ivnitente strewn over
the Sone. Paine made • berried search
throngh both room", but notbing elms,
ant even his watch and money, had
been disturbed. Moreover, when be hod
carefully rearranged his disordered pa-
pers they were all aotionnted for, with
thie exception -every "crap ot writing
which related to Jobn Navy bad been
Karl; that afternoon Perkins return-
ed. He appeared deforested and disomt-
eerie, and his changed mien Plaited
"DM von like my motor he asked.
"Yes, it ia a good story," Perkins
strierly responded. "14 le entnething
an advance nn the other. Still I don't
find that it montane' all a:panted."
"Why, what 414 you want?" Paine
wait hia wattle none Von would
barite (epees a thrall volume sand far
the prim you offered."
different in rotor from theta the back
ground, but two colors are on the whole
more satisfactory, because the four
sided design in the middle wonld MOM
to demand a different treatment from
the leaves round the ale* •
A soft background should be used,
and upon this the design can be worked
woree'n I do. What would you do it
you was in nirePlact.? Shoot, wouldn't
yoal" "You'd kiii-nre now if you had the
chance." 7
"But think. Torn, what life means to
"Think whig friendship meant te
IS the momentary silence that follow
ed the pine. aud the river Leuld be
beard singing their old. old mug, un-
heeding of the strife of niortals for a
scrap of the treasure they guarded.
Tom heard tbe song, and his bitterness
seemed to go out with the weird meta
dy. The baud that held the weapon
Ifropped listlessly to his side.
"I'll spar' yer life." he said hoarre
131117 stood a monist es though he
bad not beard.
" Ter free. Go!" said Tom.
The boy. glanced from the old man to
the bag at gold and then term(' slowly
toward the doorway.
"Yon better take yer pile now," Paid
Tom quietly, "as I reckon you won't
be coatis heck." --
"Do you mean id" papa Zany.
"Certainly. Halve your'', ain't it?
There's only one thief in thia camp, an
Tom proceeded t'o lnien the bag and
toughly divided the contents.
"Yon can take the beet; that goes
with your half. An ter me," be added
in a voice that wavered in opite of him -
do what I'd 'a' done if you'd
'a' rdEbed Me. etay awhile longer
with the Mountains) an the river.
lthey're uncertain some-
times tbey're dangerous, but niostwise
they're better'n men."
Billy vaguely appreciated the nature
of the mial with whom he was dealing,
yet he felt that such nobleneas required
some acknowledgment. He sprang for-
ward and tried to grasp the old man's
"No, uo-not that!" cried Toni
fiercely. "Don't touch me. The gold is
yoorn. Take it an go. But go uniekly.
in simple running or darning stitches.
not more than two shgeos of tbo ma-
terial being pickeel up between eget
Cable opeepainey ittfeenve, slaw
being very soft end, as it were, "nos-
ey," INIT1P11 of wee silky puffs is formed
on the surface of the material which
given BM emenstuncer and soft look to the
embrniciery. Of (+norm it le eery enough
to use a finer make of eilk if desired
Workere do not fully appreciate thi
gond results that ere obtainable by the
merest tyro with relining stitnhes only
or the manner in which theee may lit
adapted to as elaborate a anheine
N hading ea one could possibly wialt
Nine (Oran eggs always find ready
male. If they ere dirty, they should be
washed with warm water. A anothein
est -bang*, says that if thie does not take
off all the amino cider vinegar will. It
will pay to try this if you have • nine
lot of fresh that by *evident nr
otherwise have Menem seined. for 11
dirty erg tri diatasiteful, emin if the egg
le all nen Matte. The Right of it mit
aide le obnozions DI the delicacy us
It mead. flo Cour...Dad W• Doa't Now
Theta Oftea.
Salt tinge in red, white and blue.
A coarteous roof garden attendant.
Red. white and blue window cur -
A reataurant where Ups are not ao-
A Chinaman carrying his atreet car
fare in his ear.
A soubrette "just back from Europe"
who can prove it.
11-Broadomy Fotteernan near at
when be is wanted.
Women buying foes with the Aber- - ••
mometer at .95.
Italian woman's bonnet.
American teig.
The girl who thinks wounded soldiers •
are "Piet too cute for anything."
A "comfort thermometer" flint never
registers more that'll° degreen.
A shooting gallery iign which reads,
"Hit the Speniard and get e Havana."
The atrong minded woman who en.
gages in futile disputes" with car con-
A fiippieh individual promenading
Broadway admiring himself in a hand -
A man with chin whiskerlit*who
boasted that "he had lived in Jersey
for 60 yeare."
A cable car oonductor who not only "'
helped au old lady off the car. but
ihowed her where to get ber transfer.
Two hundred and ninety -nix clen
who claim to have originated that de-
licious& bowmen. "To Cuba or ,liot 54/
ie the Key Westicen. "-New
York Herald.
Young Hero (of nett wary -What is
it I have promised to attend this eveu•
big, Williams?
Faithful Served -You're to be the
guest at banklAW1Ang ladleCreymn
niy wire meak.-Cbicauo Tribune.
" Howe Siam 0112p1610 Of
being overworkedl"
"Some of 'ern have a right to. I
know one who was againnt the ehell
game, bought a mild briek and got a
set of knockent drew in the munc
weet."-Indianapolia Journal.
crawl' ever etrike me.
like work, ie it?
'trot Tramp --Not only dat, but de
Lanai Cense.
Manager -I hope your Cnban play
boa nem of local mien. in it.
Drametist-t ill, yea In the lent art
tie Ppentsh villain dies of yellow 're
yrs -Philadelphia North American.
the snffering and
disease in the world
conies from the kid-
neys Yet how fear
people there are wee
delicate littleorgane.
Backache, Isms
leanness, all signs of
kidney trouble, are
elmost universal
Doan's Kidney Pills
Tone and regulate the kidneys and help
them to throw off the poieons how the
Mrs A. Brown. P 0. Boa 11Xt. Draln1•13.
Ont., says. -Par years oriffseed Dom
Wigwam. heart of Doan'. Sidney Pills
end cot a holt of then, at !twitter', Oros
It":Bofors emamesains to Yalta shwa
11 tinsels Itri Auntie my shoos MI
lInnnant of my roollim onentition. hot by
the time 1 had finished 0141 Ar011 bet eeeild
Inn a boa.. Draap4.1a