The Signal, 1898-9-15, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICI1 ONTARIO. You will be Satisfied if you get your Boots and Shoes hem There is no militia why you shouldn't be • customer of ours. A well select- ed stook, best goods, lowest prions and courteous trestwent aro the induoe- utents offered you. The fall stock is complete, and will be sold at Lower Prions than you have been accustomed to pay. COUNTY CURRENCY. Blyth • John Bursts is tying seriously UI with typhoid lever. Clint . ; Peter MoNNU a pet dog was res over by a train me day lam week, sad l..t•stly killed. Bullet the slaforw• to Memel. of dosehe • rood oast- mesaes,, het distemper.i.re this week, them : Mr. Searle is the eomsmor of • copy of the Now Ere usual is September 13b6 ; that wY the ant year o1 public. We•H, who he beesthe great, Wiliam la !Myth i in Blyth ter several yam. late• Ube fermiers Siefert\ : Debar the the lacrosse mesh at poroate en h lay ere, wee so nef rtaaste as to have • bees in he are broke'. Burrs : M. B. Harelems. el BMgrst., Sao left for Tomato te steed the b0Na-se ooU•ge there. O. iy to an modest he has •..n steepened a Rive up ruing. Vant R. J. illehardsen.losA.,rhas age awarded • fellowship la p\t $400. etffeilt-Thliesrelty;--eessi.\aMemr to the ..ming year. hagsslsg Oes. 1st. • (liaise : O. Teasley, Thome Shipley stooped en a sail. winee wast through his beet sod does through the fleshy part el his feet, s.o•emitsU0R eeriest attention. W ic:stet : R S. Olb.os las mid the oatmeal IOUs to Thos Hemphill sed tike' Yr. H.mph4B•s hardware Hort is part pay - meet The pries steed es for the 1111 was 19000. VI whaie : Thune wee a'a:ot ST. GEO. PRICE, (hu' oat Work West side of Squire, end RgW shz asst year. He esye the sheeting was the bat end olw«t be ever saw .t • mate. H. made • big push fur the Leveller O.•- eral'e prim but mime a few mune short. SesJerth: John Danty, an old rmidget of Ramondvtlta, died in H.nilsen on W.d• ak.d.y of kat week. lie had reacted for one sae of 78 r.&r.. H. was enraged ie the ' ,semi:eking business u IEgmmdytlle for may years and left bore ten or twelve years K V. W. Wwaaoeh : Mrs. Jun. Smit, Wee Newsome, pinned peacefully away teat trterd•y morales ; she has ben is do. Ohms health for about five yeah. sad was aahty•four te•vs of sae. She leave, ens daughter, Fame, and two .os•. Chao. and Samuel. to mourn her lops. oe Perla steer on Ties,tloy .vary ell this week, eh. entreaties ��O Reeks Mrs. IM7 .4 Ith.LSAIL Mato.: Ben (7hwhill has bo.aht set d le • agree sgd is 44 Mc WOO run lMe- nemte. Infra exposes to lore tows ad engage is berme elesrlews. Versa,: Mtn Mothball cawed away ea W ed.mb`y seer fay i1 lam week. alar a ..aperei sly abet Women She was over orbs, yew of ape. ad bad ter years Me. • melee d Tams. Clinton : Rob Cern. (the elver me el B. Com) ball ,nested a sit.•tren es the .mi .1 the Treats worth ; i le will no almost eerier to say tine his M p•eite est hie pelUMesl Howe. Writhes" : Died. la L.1.vtle, Ken- taehy, a Thursday, dell. 46th. 1888. lieu riser, pregame daughter et the late Joseph .ed Mary Smite. and wile of Traria Rel. Away, fow0rly d Weigher. Wkegtase •. Prey. eget •si et J. Berth of the J.T.R. is from • barn arr.y . On Ta..d biased by walking es stilts ad ta drag es f.11, evkir ler arta above the dMw. Bader*: While 40 totes ler west Mr.. width puree in . Wite.was d re rum geld rusand teee ea leder bar She had Mr pans to her Mea beg and die set norm her less fer ems days ettetwasaa Sale(* i Cape. Ala. Wilson t eltureede' f Ottawa es 8ab.amy, be bed Ma eMadl•r the Desiree Rif. Amnesia - Nees eh..tlsg law tib was very emu esbdel, tiering ..veal geed esite, aced so .trims a geed pb'" Is the Risby team ler S.eorth . That Rehm, of Toledo, Ohio, t. at present hen visiting trends. Yr. Kebos is u000mpent•d by w mat, Mrs. Doyle, of Fort Wayne, Lama. Mrs. Doyle maim to volt her brother, Mr. Jsmm Ketone whom .bt had sot nee amus they pseesd e New Yee forty years ego. Ola..: Mrs. Jobs Will:am•,.t town, met with • very p•tslal ..oldest en Tears - day night. sust.i.ing • broke' thigh. W boa the storm came on she get out el bid to Ulwwe s window, and is .0 eneoosttatabl• manger injured herself teas. As ohs is is very delicate brie\, and up la yams serious results ere feared. MoKillop : Hairy Atchisceb. a few days ego, throned on the farm of the late Lucas R... the peas from •ixl•on .ares of land, mem fifty-five loads. from 3.15 to 8 o'0loua, .od stopped for supper. This i • let of staff to put through . machtae u se V• loo. TM feeder was doe' by Mr. erdi attains WiIItIlM, lar. tMads. S.slortk : Gee. Ewing, sr.. died very e'edealy at bis benne Sunday sight. He bad just trussed from churob, and was Whim with his wife ad daughter ir.. • without tie •lightest welling, expired in his chair. Mr. Kwtsi was one of tie old- est residents ee tisaleri i, sad, Dull he re- tired s taw years ago, was me of the fore- mast Meioses mea Is the tows. Blaevele : The may heeds of Jere Colica were sadly .urpneed to hear of hes .weldee death ea Tbaredoy morim, Sept. let, Mr. Collie bed hem in poor heath for mere tea • year but had oo dmgmous mal- ady. Oe Wednesday he took oo.rstuw of the beau and .I.pt away, dyier without • struggle next morsisg. Mr. Ce11441 was bora is Marray shire, Soo Isod, sohrly sixty B r. years ago. THE DRINK TRAFFIC. 1e taIle terrible waffle la wWev and gm. And wise, ram and beam, all right, or • en If right. then way Mader lie many to nail t W by give M. taw oily the neat a de went By what rule of lorlo, or what lee of right Do we shut off 400 (prey give se your light), And home the tree, Wills 10(1,44nm the man v t 1t the trat8o M evil, then why hoses any t 1f the melba is good, thea uphold •ed mean- ies, Giviaa all the name ohasoa to there la the gala; Be, If evil, forbid It, the loltlo Is .leer ; There Is se room for cantor artum•at hen. " By their fruits yo shall know them," the Muter'a great tent. Is for tress and for mss and for mines the beet. TM helm of the tralpo-we know them tall well The •pale ef'.dom. the ashes ot bell, Woes..grows, odate.Mous, west, blood shed and strife, it mads, ,abides, murders, the whole air is rife With the poisonous fumes from the ase - pools untold That are; Uoe•eed try law for a handful of geld ; While the retinae galled by this ruinous trade Is lost 81te•n to oo• ere expenses se pale. Let us "dry cuie" theee oe•spools, and 'out down' the tree : Th. Master's boil plan both for you sea for me When the voting day oom•s let us show our- selves true : let us out down this upas, as Jens would do. -Roan Jou Memos. Whitby, Oat., August, Dik8. HUM SACRIFICE _Mediu Altar cd -.14 Dodd's Saved Only. H.rbok The blwk.mitb shop and dwollbt bona attached thereon, atRodeo k. were oomplet.l' destroyed by its ea Thurs- day •veneer. 1st ion. The fire 000arred shoat 12 o'olook. Rob►. Shields and bis family, who 000apied the hoose and who leaved the blacksmith 'bop. bad retired to bed, and when 161 were aroused the be h ad red saes Medway that Nothing was was with difficulty that all p saved. Morris : Hs.y k her readers wUl leas_ w ek feeders of sincerest sorrow .f the Meth in Mrs Wm. ',Naylor, of the 9th ma- mmies of Merry. which sad event aneroid es Friday, 11gpt. Sad. Mrs Toyler w•• 41 yeas of ane. liar maiden same was Ante JelArrs. She was . stop-d•ugbtr .1 lobe Mobilise, M.P. Slee wee born et Roxboro, la the township et MOKlllep, where her pante lint settled waist they came to (Made. She was married to Mr. Taylor is IMO. Tray the. resided Is Hallett. W. ACHPBON & SON. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE W.C.T.U. beware .f what Lias sive. frw barter the tear. Tin singeln••tinr of the W.C.T.U. wen held ea Taal* aft.ro.oa, inept 6, 111 161 Tienperatesra l for the obsesses of olive •.d report of work done is the various de- partments A brief Bible readies fru give' ty the president, Mr. McGoliesddy, in oo5•eotl*a with the opening de,otio.e ex• It wet clouded to obisls, if powble, the twosome of the Mauves V teoent and Cummings, K.C. T. U. round.the world mimiouares, to address possibly two mimeos neve la the interest of the owning pleftlic.K Ar- ragessests wore made also to held mothers' asetlys awn T. edgy darer thrtasNL. TI. .wrdiog monetary then rroa bits ma- n ual report, of white the toltowles le a •y *Mee ANNUAL =POET, 1E97-911. Hardly a family In the country is free from Diabetes. Great thirst, failing sight, numbness in the thighs, bleedirta gums, swollen ankles, ema- ciation, uervousnesa, pale or turbid urine. loss of sexual power, decaying teeth, pains in the loins or small of the back, are all positive signs that Diabetes ie in the system. Do you know how it ends ? Irf DtATtt. A premature, horrible, agon- ized, pitiful death. The victim has no peace, no ase in life. His days are filled with tortures. His nights are waking drams of agony. He longs to die, yet fears the terrors of his end. He dies, a bloated, fetid, repulsive ofcorruption.That is the only 'Today wo have reared • meet Imprtes4 milestone Si oar existence as s Cain, and ..tan crag farther we must give prates to our Heavealy Father win has brought us t hus far on our way. Tbe'gk we have nee s000mplrh.d ..Orly a meat as we 4..U4, still we are leaning, ad we enter apes the incoming year with u...rese ot hops, aid longing that the pre- paratien of the hart, *blob Domes •now from (led, tun Hie w•rk,msy be the Weems* otos all who are working 1a the breech of His vmsyard. W • have • membership et 33, besides 10 .esorary members There bare bus S0 owner, 1 special mad S .:..alive meetings held during the year. with a average at- uoda.w ot 10. The largest attendace at not all ontisg web 27. Our tlWtines are Mid on the first and third Tuesdays in the moon. at them lobe. we heyt net only see. ducted the.seseser► henries,, bat have en- deavored to provide, besides the soar) Bible talk sad dereties•1 exercises. some paper et esadisg ot em wde.tio.al .barseter. We have in ear Union t.s regular d.partmen4 el work, each la .8.rge el • e.pSriie.de't, Press wore, Mn. Helloed ; oert•w bell, Kn. Deg ; raUre•d work, Mn. Stoddart ; work amerce' seders, Mrs Colin Campbell ; Lleaerest medal oestse1, Mrs. Colborne ; tatorutur., Mee C. Frew ; work among lumbermen, Mrs. McKenzie ; •vageliste, Mrs. Bry ds.,; fewer missies. Mrs. Farr; prise, Adr. MoOtlllo.ddy. The following is • brief urgela of the work dose in the various departments nts dar- ing the year 1. the °.clew bell department an effort was made to moose the sot, but ea we were unable to obtain the oo•operal0e el oar town towed t44e mater was laid over for • S.atorth . 1'b• people ot this tows were greatly sh.eked en Sandy teenier on it he- ksews that George Ewer had died..adeely *ho evsniea. le. Ewing bed time 40 the relevant of hr aosestomod Msh rid with Mrs. Busier was to hi■ usual proem the Presbyteries cheek es y4und•y evening. Os Ids ratan to Its resides.. be set oay.rtag with bun wife sad daughter. •.d reading. R.ddealy, sad without say privies, worming be dropped from hie .Mir, skid before medical •id could be secured tee vital spark had fled. Iie paled away with- out s suave sad .,ideally without te. least pals. The case, of death was apep- brv. Ho was tresbl.d with Iightaese er dburinees of the head, bet lately he telt ba- ker than was his west enter ewnr. Keine wee one of the pie.5.r reside DR ch Display LADIES' JACKETS FUR CAPES CAPERINE8.+. Our large imports of Ladies' Jackets direct from three different Cierman mauufacturers have all been opened this week in our New and Enlarged rlantle Department. These goods we have purchased through direct means at a saving of from 15 to 20 per cent. on forrher seasons' prices, and for value we believe and recognize no other store in Coderich as com- petitive. Nearly 300 New, Stylish Coats to chow:from, in price ranging from $2.95 tot $12.50. ESS GOODS Every new weave and color in Fancy and Rain Cloths- are -here -shown and with Latent Silk Productions and Braids for Trimmings: Goods from very low price to very expensive. but _nothing trashy. Iron Mit CARPET DEPARTMENT Entire second floor enlarged. Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and Hemp CalpetS 11' every grade. Carpets made upwithout extra charge. INSPECTION INVITED. RIVALS A MIRACLE Yr. George C. Chalker's Terrible 8efferir. Cared by Dodd's KN..y Pllb..oe�� Howmey'. Rapid. Saps. - U.obe ('. Chalker, of the pilo. story of restoration t. noted health, that ri- vets t be tar -famed St. Aare de Beau pre ours.. B"1 ,i.f ed iefly morribly ler ye•r•.elker's story INoo as follows: Kids y Disease. i meld do so heavy work. M, it the least iced till I started to seer Dodd's Elders Pills Aix boxes of this wonderful end a unchecked re it. aTheyy drive e • nn•w.mos a nu lamest pet.•k highly mW eared re p tel made of Kidney Pills will cure it. ve enough of tam,I .a .tae the e et - W. ACHES.ON & SON the faithful ad satirise erre' give' by ear pnadest yea all k.ow. May God Pty• PLCs MI her added widow sod strength. Asd sow, my dear emcees. while we would eerily bale made o better .bower. Hill we hays much to encourage 's let as not look beck us any faUary we may Imre made, but let us press forward with re sewed dat.emis•tion that whatever others may de we will do our part, knowing that ler psrt'cular work must be dens by e.r- rlves Or toning g0 under. 11 le said that on that great day when all secrets shall be reseeded are of err gesfmt currier. will be tee vast o,eount of Ood•given calci., 1 that has leis unwed till it hes brans rust - .d and corroded, Ulna ohne\, if oes•.orated b God's .erytee, would (..re opened the door to • Nippy. useful life : but oo that great day it will stead as an w0aeing angel. May It be said ef us, "Rho bath dose all .he oesld." K. C. Aeernoa, Rus -Sony. Tbe pfmident then delivered ber ,.seal address, wbloh was moored with opelaw. T6. sheen of o�mrs passed off very quietly, as the oonnplete staff was wrleeted as follows : President, Mrs Olilioaddy ; nor. -.00'y, Yrs. C. Campbell: root-sso'y, Mrs O. Aohe1.a ; teo.aarer, Mrs. Holland; rim-prasidenm. Mn. Duff. Mrs. Smooth and Mrs. O.dwi.. Superintendents of de- partmoob--Coleus bell, Mrs. Duff ; rail- road work. Yrs. Stoddart ; work among sailors, Mrs Cams bell ; medal eeat.sta, hits. 0.46ers. ; literature, Mise C. Fra.., ; prem. Yrs. Mo(tpionddy : work .moss lemherms., Mrs. MOK.arie; ovssgeleMo, Mts. Dug; rouser mWioo, Mr.. Fan; prison week, Mn. Holland ; scientific tem- perer*, Mrs. O. Achene'. w.0. T. U. DOTED. time. Railroad work-1'be her at the retie' bougie bas been kept well filled with whole- some literature, la.ludisg religious trot• sod religious and temperance sewep.pere, to the aeon, et several hundreds. Work unciae sakes -Three hundred parse in the treat term and sere erns of the Rayl Templar, Christian Guardian sad other temperas°, and religious newspapers have bre' plate on boats odlly st O.de- rleb. Medal w.t.sm - Fear yery euooessfal medal 000ents hero bee' laid darter the year ; the last .M, we might say, twas ender the auspices d the o.esty. • believe the,. 000tat have both telte means of bring. log the subject of Mmpmeaoo sod prohibi- tion to the tore, sad, we trout, have been orod.oti.e of teatime benefit. 'Tie oars to sow, though only God stay know the th- ermos. Lt mare-Darlag the pot six smooths we Imre purebred 5,000 leaflets. and a Iolap number of these have Ile' distributed by members of the Jelin. believing this e he oar d the tort ellrstive ways we see help to the plebiscite campaign. Work .moss lumbermen -Harty is the spring • bale et elotblsg, six comfort bag. and • large .meet of literature ware sent e the amps is the Morten detrlot Are • celleation of $5 wit made and .ot to arta is paying tte salary el • mW.nary among the lumbermen. Prise. week -Vide have been made to sb• pruners, sad the arlrib.tioe of three hundred pares .1 Berstore wed three large packages d teammate avid religious s.we- papers have Me' made daring take 1 6t six months. Kvgelrbl• work, dower masks ..d arms d.p.rtm.ste Mn not yet reported. For the prem department we oma .y tbot both or tees papers have, at the request of the Uma., mea gSsereasIr sires moor fer rimerts of our me.•hp, seem original matter ad o Irmo _amber of elfpuisge on tbe aabjer of preblbitios sod the war... Isms d our work. Asd for this valuable aid we fool eareelrso greatly indebted, be. !trim the prem to be .me d oar strongest Wirnagordrikatammignsliliw/.Fw- IaF hell .ely two UMMatrs bat we were III Nod be Adroit to t1g.�slasoea, ballerina teat thee' ten mestlys sear for mart. In )ohnery Apt i45. Amelia Y1.s•ns was with ye, mai Mia • mothers' mess msetlag M the eitersoe', mid la Me *maim d.11r- end • I..tare e'Mt10a " A Story el Cbrs-' Yee hoidens." Added t. this, Ira may say Mat is .e'jesottee with the it T. d T. we h.44 m..ti.p la to Temperer H.11 a the visitor meas. Tboo m.N- Imp we' esn.11y well .t arced, tied the tet el ,asks, was steeliest. During Me wiser our .sten etrsul•td • p,NNO0 limiest the ..voids of • lissom kr th. betel sheeted emir the H. T 0. amt' ars see la ti•Itf.rd, praying (hat the linens* there might set be renewed. Thor Sesames were set reserved, sal we rejoined. Ott Minsk let we Md • erumd• day, .d .'.red .Are' sow reerhets. Te' ammo' 1 reports were ger. .Med by the .es aid, lam hat she bas►, il.4 word ws bad w pplumer. of .t.rtar- Isi the ..5M ammiatiMe. *MA we fog to b.. prAl gt.Mlig. While 1 Mee smilsao.red to dead the wort Oa* by the UM... i am seamiest tans 0.0,14 ,Stats MOS ham meae sod wok rbll Mor •ams. alma *Web sety Ile Hiss above maid 1NL a it out of the system thoroughly, crate unset oonadwe*hat Dean's Kidney Pill. new, clan blood, rebuild the diseued will sur. tb. very wg.t •aasoi Kldnoy Dr- kidaels. sad restore robust health... EITA1LISNEO Itch. LL. 8ucliauaiis & �tJuas s.rrvraoranob SASH. DOOR and BLIND scHooi eaoKs We have *NI all, and these are fit few of our prices ' Chamber's Dictionary. reg. AMU,' for 86a Webeter'e Dictionary, reg. $1.25. for Rha Faber's Drawing Pencil& 10c. dos., or la each. i 200 -page Scribbler, Special 100 -page, 2 for 6a or each. The greatest value on earth : ()ll th back 600 -page These rices are Strictly Cath. tc. Dc. Porter'. Beet Vales, 2 for fie. or Sc. p Rnler i and Blotters given away with school supplies. mow. is •11 Made of LUMBER. LATHS SHINGLES I am Agent for tht, "Dennis" Iron Fenc- ing ; also all kinds of Gee Pipe Fencing put up sub- stantially. Samples of Fencing can be seen at Mr. 8. P. Halls' residents on Porth-st. ; also at Mr. P. Lynn's new residence. Prices and workman- ship the best. Give me a call for Iron Fencing. -. J. H. WOASEII TSS OSIAP STOPS »cox C3-0DERIOI D rtJG$ A CHEMICALS ARS II11DRD ISM DAT IN THE K ITOHEN VANILLA ' For Ice (ream, for instance, and NIXING, POWDER - "- For Cakes.' One is a Drug, of c0114s9. =m. the other a ChemicakNld there are still others SPICES, CREAM of TAMS, ETC. The best place to buy Drugs is at a Drug Store. The druggist knows more about them than other people do. We keep e good drug store. Come and see us about " Kitchen Drugs." J. E. DAVIS, MEDICAL HALL PHM. B. Aad baUde• material of every eeturtesto. . „ Pegram is the victory of • now thotrht over old .p.nititless." ie prohlbiti0 right 1f the ,.leen ie right nothla( else Is wreag. Voe for prohibttioo sod save our lays from the b•seful tefluseca of the mean. Oa the 29th day of September let as give the world an objeot lesson is civilisation by detail away with the rum traffic. Is whatever form, as an article of diet. luxury, et as • bever•os. oloohol Is harmful, is seeks& -A. B.-Ilelmer, M.I) , Professor of Pathology. liquor Is • nuisance sod an evil, and to greater bleeds( to ma.klad told °omit to it the the total prohibition of Ie, manatee - Imre, ole and w. - Rrlg.-Ona. C•r11., U.A. A. le your hest and do It quickly for the mike of the beam tb•t will be de ol•tod osd the Larne's• and weakness *at will be doomed to rain end shame It the trafie in strong drink goes o•. The Dominion alliance has Debated the third Suede, in September .. • day on whloh they reeptettIIiV request clergymen of all denominations to make prohlbittos prominent Is their recce ••rvlom. Churches, Musd•y •ohool•, young people's e.oteti.s, and t.mperanoe orgasba*eoe ve •ar.e.Ny requested to miss no eppnrtusity of making their reamer meeting• influential In the battle against the naw of so meoh misery bed sin. each. 100 -par Scribbler, le. School Furniture a 8Decialtl BBIIILLIB BQBSBRI S Osasos !rail Ornament Inside ?Laos. � Tress EVERGREENS A SPiCLALTY. Our troth of Fruit Tress thing Complete. we will be obis to all ordern at tbortest estloe, as we hay the Beet end Leading Varieties of apple, rear. n... Cherry, and N adi Tose. ala • 11.•••• Sleek e l 0.080 Feeble. Coll end meals* %eon sad 4t essvine.d. Largo Stook o1 Cheie. 8priai Biddle( Pests. nice Let moped se application. ammo JOHN STEWART ESTAT1i: tssgrIL (R P. e. STEAK ,BOILER IFORICIL HURON'S CREAT.EST STORE :LINDER_ _ ADETYLErillE_ LIGHT. _.. Enlarged, bilin lJePartment! EXCELLENT LOCATION. WELL LIIYTED AND SPLENDIDLY APPOINTED SNOW NMS UNEQUALLED FACILITIES FOR BUYING. EXPERT KNOWLEDGE OF THE ■tLLIlEWI BUSINESS. AMPLE CAPITAL. GENEROUS METHODS. CLOSE PRICICS. These make un easy leaders in the Millinery trade. OPENING DAYS which will be announced next week, are sure to prove an immense success. The store service, up stairs and down, belong to you. R_ P. S1=ErH_ O. W. ANDREWS. Manager. FOR THE HOLIDAYS: PORTER'S BOOKSTORE, c`.ourt-Twee Squares GODERiON A. S. GHRYSTAL, w.eeecscr 10 OArwmrf I •see, Iaa/ase0rer et all kinds of BOILBR8, Smoke Stacks, Halt Pans, Sheet Ilex Works, eto., etc., And Dealer in- F:agises, Yah40mry Owasso, fro. Ali dose of Pips and Pip. Fitting., Mem sed Water Osage. Glebe Valves, Amok Valyl. Is.prMsrs, Osage', and la, jenen Oohstauy ea Had at Lowes A I Ila. of Stool Weer mid Ho/ Troagbe for am of Carmen and others. R talrtsa prompW attended to w. S. OIZTIITAI.. P. 0. Box 1r. oederee. the correct thing is to have the best for your visitors, and you can get the best GROCERIES At .� STURDY BROS. THE SQUARE, 0ODERICH. • CLEARING WALL SALE of PAPER FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS It would he folly or dishonesty to deny the moral effect of prehibition. If it is true that you tarset make mea moral by at of Parliament, it is at Iowa possibleto see that by sot of Parliament se man is Sude lm serol To remove Ag.lised temptati.0 to sive • as • ousels to be motet, is a hu. Portant moral offer et p abiblt4o..-David- sea. " Dm." in Saturday Night, tele to frightem the lurmm. of Cassia. by Me 40- eressed ♦0x10450 sr reverts near•, late volar 5p►A prohibition. He d.oea'l tell them Mme 6,000 lives are aaewally set been 40 Omua• through the Neer teethe, seer that that teesk impensfrir the sewntry by durst .gphaltero i3i,872.854 aba.•fl . We d..sn'S eel than .e the onset o1 jabs. .ylaa mad ml.bb.ebse, the 40dir.mt ent mesh d the maid 40 .I.SM4, .or doeo he re sled Mom et the worthier or who, If It were ..e fee to .lees. sight bemuse o good Masse ad be able M pay hie part of tis.,,- y temaisis. W. will offer o*r. S4Qoka[ Weil Paint at a very large reduction in prices. 1lTvw is your time to get year Mise p.'! _foe very little money. (p . sad get Bargains Canadian Pacific Ry. • F.'.q.s. 1•11111110. 017. "1o.x Alfa 8wAp^ le an s1a11ib1..0.4.40. two se'-ppeiens.eeuos needy ter Rat oar of Uses► O.rMrgl•••a UI R "Th t IS THE DIRECT FAST ALL -CANADIAN ONLY - LINE Ti ME Fell BOOHOLLU Alb STATIONER Next 3oor to G. W. Thomson's Music Store. WINDOW SCREENS DOOR SCREENS ELEPHANT WHITE LEAD ' BINDER TWINE . OpLD MIDAL and OTS3B BRANDS !HAY YORKS MACHINE OILS - ETC., ETC., ETC. ALL P E R S O PIS contemplating BUILDING this Beason Will find it1 heli advan- tage to purchase from - this up-to-date hardware establishment. am selling Blacksmith's Hard- ware very low. My motto is to please all persons wanting goods in my line. 13 TOURIST CARS A WtEK i intend quality, price, and fair Manitoba, the Northwest, KlondikeandYukon Gold Fields. LOWEST RAILS. FASTEST TIME. AOCOMMODAT tON UNSURPASSED. TO THE PACIFIC COAST dealing to be my best advertisement. ear., re• ,.1.e�mat.. sad e•mphlN '" it lend mad •'variety d 5840 discaese. (e saran r,n sat. ►tWs- fres tools to 1.051 aypI:.f Me Miry g44.r. eb. t4q.id •••111 n..� M Baso far etre.ior. glr. erg Ie.w.11..S keg te apply the liquid. NM •r 600 to gist MA Ms per 44tH plat Y•L 01M8 LAMOSAII 1XY, G.a.et 1:18 Wfi MCKENZI E R. RADOL.IFFf], �iQMiZfT. .- OOD7o]RIc77H_ g1,,iji; jjjyA Ilii, Illi firEt. lie sang). 01 l6. TH= GEXAP HARDW ASE wrou. ti tie