The Signal, 1898-9-15, Page 4_i t; is 11 4 TUUEIDAY, Sept 15, 1898. E.B. f1 M.H. The SUMMER PEOPLE are ass appreciative people; they know • good thing. They tell us our livery is the bast they have ever patron- ised, and appreciate the easy running qualities of the wheels we keep and the attention given them. Pleased custom- ers ars the best advertise- ments ; that's the kind we have. BICYCLE MAINS at prioes from 910 up in second hand wheels, each one the very lest value to be procured. Call and inspect them. EMERSON'S Bieyele and Muse Il• ear, sod Moreland Cy ale L•., • t, . crional, m morasses EVERY THURSDAY MORNING t* �. 1w SQPOSIDi .W.01/D4! "Pl.' 14 1.1. • THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO e, against Mr. kloG W.IcuDD+h taking oars this time to throw no imputation ou the Government. Amongst other things be refers to Mr. M6(3tl.LlcuouY as baring "stabbed " the Reform party ; as being • "kicker" in the Re- form rooks ; as having give " asrp- iug and uuneoeswry criticism " at a most critical time , as having been an ofttoe-seeker, who, failing .o get what he sought, snarled and oarped at the leaders of the party." To these refer- ence we need only say : (1) That the statements that Mr. Mt'GILLICUDDY "stabbed tits Reform party." was "a kicker in the Reform ranks," or eve n " gave carping or un- necessary criticism at a most cntioal time," are absolute falsehoods, and if M. Y. MOLIAW doesn't know them to be false he is a greater fool than we take him to be. It is true that two years before the recent Local elections we pointed out to the Government in two issues of THS SIGNAL that the policy which they had been following for years, of pitchforking members, ex -members and flair relatives into office, to the exclusion of the claims of all outside of that loharmed circle, was wrong, and that Huron county would not Stand it. --K[. Y. McLane and some other tteteemen of like calibre gave the Slov'ernment to understand that Huron county would stand anything, and say never a word and do never a %hiog. =MIL tAtlk_M vice n-iOOitetrffieLliti1o17D the taking of that advice cost McLsew his political Life and broke un the Lib- eral phalanx in Huron. las Sloss:Cm criticism at the time was. not " carp- ing," and events have—shown that it eras eery "necessary,"and hod the Gov- ernment heeded the warning they would not have had so hard a time in Huron and in other oeinbisa et . the late Provincial election. (2) Then, M'r. McLssei says that Mr.MCGILLICUDDT was an "office seek- er," and, being disappointed, " snarled and carped at the leaders ot the party." To the first oount—being an office seeker— we plead guilty. After nearly a quarter of a century's faith- ful service in the not very remuner- ative business of snaking politicians out of "nobodies," ar as KIPLING says of Sergeant Wiii: 's -His -hers in " inking men out of loud," Mr. McGILLICUDDY rime to the conclusion thst, when an office became v-acant,he had as much right to it as any other IPmpmty waist., of Agrio t.ur•, my. that man in Huron, and he thinks so utiU. iso d Wei, enr.t a 0„,,,ss e( Erovrteg prs- At that time Mr. McLs.IN wait parity among the farmers i. tkomember of Mw bow 1loiag ep throng► tic seeVy. similar inion, and was an appbst et � � The modem baro ls cot the sad of forma for the self -same position. The tail) days—it meta mosey. Let us be theklul ler thie sow bares, a well a ►be.now hoter- difference between the two mea WY It tae tar.w wen ss +o . pceiaou to that MCGILLICUDDY made no appUoa- . build barns the Iw..feosaren would be op- tion until the office was vacant, whilst able to build Iacterise. s • • McLia1 put in his application as etTCHENIM'a omelet. soon as the registrar was taken ill, New Yek ems : As a military homey, - and about a year before the death of meat the Nilo expedition will reek high L the then incumbent. If we mistake not., he was the first one on the door- step, oorstep, waiting for Death to step in and give him a job. Then it was that McL$AN wine to the conclusion that the members bad the pull, and on the stepping aside of ARCHIBALD I31seor he was successful in securing the noes- ination. This put him out of the imr mediate race for the registrarship, but his action in the deal that followed would make a most interesting story were it given as the facts are known to THE SIGNAL. His recent defeat in South Heron has put him now amongst the eligible once -seekers, and it is • very open secret in Seaforth that he has his ear to the ground and his eye toward the West, even be- fore • vacancy exista,proving that his- tory repeats shelf in his case. And yet this man dares upbraid another tor seeking office in an honest snd legiti- mate manner. As to the statement that MCGILLICUDDY "snarled at the leaden of the party," the accusation is absolutely false, as no Liberal leader has ever been assailed in these columns. True, once or twice,we have had to go after place -hunters of the McL*AN stamp,after they had become political land pirates, but that was not treason to the party ; that was an endeavor -to hinder the crooked chaps from hoisting the black flag on the Rood old Liberal craft. Sven if it be dabbed treason to do no, by Mc LIMN and his Expositor, we will continue to denoenee that grade of horned cattle; and • Govern- ment contract (for which, by the -way, we are not under the slightest oblige. tion to any member of the Govern- ment) or anything else will not hinder MI from telling the truth and shaming the devil. THE arta of rates between the Owe adian Pacific and the . U rand Trsnk IL R., which has been going an right merrily for some months past, is.aboet to end, and it is announced that en and after the 25th Inst, the old raise will be resumed. Daring the p.evsl- unee of the cut rate on the roods, !revel in Canada got a decided int. pima, and the number of passengers _-Curried by the lines was phenomenal in comparison with the travel under the old system. That there will be an immediate slump in the number of passengers when the old rate is le - stored goes without saying, but it is a question if tome of the Wainer' men will not favor the imposition of the higher rate. The Guelph Advocate has the following to say on this line : " While the "war' was on, a ,certain element of our population deriveda great deal of benefit from the -low fares, but. at the same time. it had a pernicious effect upon the trade of tne small cities and towns of the province. People living tear Toronto were lured to that place to make perchance, and thus local trade was disturbed and diverted from its legitimate channel. Of course the ubiquitous bar- gain hunters were delighted at the low fares, as it gave them an opportunity to "do" the Toronto steres. That they did not buy their goods one cent cheaper than they could have done hero, goes without =yeti. But they think they did, mil they rest serenely in that happy delu- sion." The Advocate is right. The people who take their money out of the town in which they live do injury to the town to jest the extent that they help to build up the town to which they transfer their custom. This applies to the man who bays him carpets, dry - goods, groceries, etc., outside, and it also applies to the storekeeper and business man who sends his printing out of town, when he can get better work and right prices at hone. has a fit hostess ALal;a Mclvoi skowod the back of his toddle to the other fellows at the 'remota, rasa! roan. —Tho diQerenoe betweeu Gouets! MILO end the other Iblk/wo to that, while the offer fellows talk miles, MILKS tanks stairs. —The. American volunteer battal- ions are being disbanded, and sown the heves will be ordinary, punt aMMI•platte people like ourselves. —The Spanish General PAs1Yo says the American sokll.ot ie Cuba were uu good_ Well, how gust were the Spaniards whom the Americans deteate-o easily T —Tele British Government has went Consul Sir A. BILLOT I to straighten up ostlers in Crete. Later ou they will send TOMMY ATKINs aol Signor Bvt.LKT•TI, If they want to make a good lob of ik —Azece Molvoa won the -Girt time prize at the R.Q.T. road race, Toronto, to, Saturday last, and next thing he knows sone of oar envious otwtempuraries will be referring to him a roue of Goderich's " smart ALP 'Ks." —The conferees at the conference are -pot giving confidential information stood the e.ogdcxiot of lbs questions that ouufrwtt them at the Quebec oo tletsnw ; and were they to oonault their own physical coilitiuts it is quite possible they would cuuJuct a brief enquiry and Was connive at an adjournment, and ossgeWW. them- -- - -- selves that they batt t •"•�ptlot fit" in oonneotian therewith. THE MATTER AS IT STANDS. THIS Beaforth Expositor in its last issue denies that its remarks of some weeks ago, referring to tee letting of the Goderich breakwater contract were malicious, and now endeavors to bolster up its former position by a series of malicious insin- uations and falsehoods that do no credit to the individual who is respon- able for them, whether he writes them or not. What THs SIGNAL took ex caption to was that a mac, who claimed to be • leading light in the Liberal party, should asperse the motives of the Dominion Government by pub- lishing the following paragraph " If, however, it turns out that the contract has been riven to Mr. Mdin,t,t- t.xDDT's firm in order to sianos • "kicker" in the Reform ranks, then we have no hesitation in saying that the tran.aetioo will do the Government ten timet more harm then any individual roomier of the party can ever do it good." Mad that sentence been peened by the meanest and moat ooatemptible opponent of the Ofifee ilelkit and the bitterest and most virulent enemy of Mr. MoGitttooeey, it could not have contained a bleaker or baser ionises - tion against the action of the Govern- ment or the personal reputation of Mr, MCGILLICUDDY. What right has this Seaforth editor, who has proved himaelf to be • political nonentity and a Millstone to his party, to attribute beam motives te the Dominion Govern- ment ssmely for the purpose of write fag a " however and nevertheless " an- nals is his newspaper t Iv he not the one who has Lynn. giving " comfort and tmeowragemmet " to the enemy Mr. linLa*e is not pleased with Ten tltttuut for pelages out that his presses artiste was •ctealted by Malice and didigeed to els iajsry M tic adieu, amid be gives awl- dehillattb ieM� wines them ver k by to be se mellisent asd poll* ma Ise str- CONTEMPORARY OPINION. ions Loki shape -..-- Ottawa lyse team s DJN/ WON beiltelo Via VakreN wadi stray . a --- soon o.LT-wavy( nun. - Diodes it,oner : We see by the nen 18i porter that a mac who died lately was "a Liberal in politica and a mac of gesagse testlocts." It ie eswl to bear the 'Re- porter • -ports speak of Liberals ie this way. Te be ere, the eau is dead. • • • a it OKI AVMIIIR Yl1K Tlla ea Kir 1'01.1, v, 1)ann's Review The smallest features ever recorded to arty heath for [ire years were those of August. The volume of busi- ness during August, usually one of the moss inacti.e ot the year, has been enormous. The what Drop, It It tall a shade billow the stimatee, will prove the largest ever bar. voided. 1'A MACIAS% IN TII. MAK. Marston Whig : At the rata •l width sews is baro, received of the survivors ef Santiago, a well as those who fell ea that 8dd, bider Canada -a esb•ect•, it would wen that the alleged Uslted Stats regiments were mostly, t1 not •atirely, recruited from the Ines ot the'Northers clime. There uta Ionise say weeds that the Spaniards sur- rendered Santiago azd agreed to ret out of Cuba. s s s 1+001 •ASN% MIAS 110 raorouthe Leaden Advertiser : C. C. Jams, the the of the dose oossut eaot.s, where ssllk- w party les moth to boost •1, sad title 1•ot will so doubt bar. It• mammas in the e.lith tion of We. oaadldates. Os the Lateral aide the seines of several tremens ars meatiosed, ail of whom are so doubt geed sod eligible MOO. Amami these K. ashram, editor of the (hales N.w Kra sad mayor of W tows, W bees meauwed. He hat bees se prominently before the public that bo W mon or 1w of • provtolsl reputattua, sad without ls.eatag the claims or merlin of •sy of the othee peas)ols aepirsnte, 11 must be said that lines would make • stresg candidate, and :be 000stltisney elective him would noose a member el whom it would have rseoe to to proud." THE YANKEE SOLDIER BOY• • Canadian filet Tette Slew ■Is tents/re Treats Mow. The following letter W been received by the editor from a former Httroa-County girl, who is new on the staff of Christ's Hospital, Cincinnati. 1t efiorde a glimpse 01 the treat- ment at oorded the wenn oat soldiers on their return from the war, sad gin a good idea of the gooses! oma teat of the nspital and amkdasss oorpa : Cieclss•n, Aug. 30th, 1896. 1)sAa Sut,—I mailed you this P.m • Cincinnati daily attaining some totsse.Wes Information shoal the soldiers, their aerleot is some of the hospitals asd also what is be ing done for them. Your informant tea Cassdtw, • sister of Js. A. MaUough, Leagauon, who grd•- sted from Toronto 1)eaoon,r Traldla Nibool last May, and is at pre.sat speeding a year It Christ's Hospital, preparatory to Unities misios•ry work. (:brut'. Hospital is eoaaeotd with the lUsabetb (iambi* Dusooaer Home, of this city. I have brass in Usole Sam's oonstry only four woks, but 1 am masked se kindly of every hand they I feel priestly at hems. Oe Studley lest eta a*Eseiatosdos4 Min Morrie, sent dorm to the depot three of her aures (myself inoleded) to mot General Ha.tilla.' dais rousing t►roagh to Pesnsvl- vanis, carrying with us from the hospital sadwiobt", beet extract, malted milk asd medical ettw•ues to she•oidtex. _a �-l�ALL ii,iiips OF takes of sympathy and bravery. As ,so ea the train palled In, a colored porter oosducted us to the doctor in °barge, who on horning our hairiness received es With the heartiest gratitude and 000deoted ss to the supply oar where some Protestant iters hod thane. la order to reach this ALWAYS ON HAND car we bed to p s . through several ooaah L *bah lay the poor soldier boys, some a liae.3heraMosmo s Is-tbmte months, some INS 8iY'l' to rsIsaf los raise, while others weirs able scralitoli coal to raise thomsel►e ea see elbow sed ace boot tea from .mall Nie for this purpose. At ws posed tbroyb coach after teach IN THE MARKET If you are ill you need a doctor in whom you have coufidenFe. If yotal need a remedy you want one that has been tested for years; not an obscure, un- tried thing that is urged upon you, or on which you save a few cents—that is no consid- eration as against health. For wasting in children or adults, Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo - phosphites has been the recognized remedy for twen- ty-five years. yoc. me t..00, .a 1rwgeta it -OTT a 5UWN1, tbsaiets, Terms. &skyourDealer for RICE'S. PURE SALT Best for Table dud Dry HELLO ! GODERICII BARGAIN CENTRE New all Goods framing to hand daily. Call and Bee, and Compare Quality and Prices. NEW DRESS GOODS NEW MANTLES NEW TRIMMINGS We intend to make our new stock of Fall Goods move rapidly if low prices will do it. JAS. ROBINSON THE -OLD LACKBERRY RELI�IBLE• COMPOUND SNAP SHOTS. —K remises, hes got away with Ute Kalifa's heti and Sward. --Well. where does that constables' vote .rand now T is anybndy keeping rah oII —10,800 corpse is wither • giwtly r.mthe to e menewy at "Mimeo" (lontet71. COAL Msse7 Is the f ttamrr t e�sat•1e17 netters. 11>'. ROI W astlMte. 'sa"'WPM tin Hese - it msy -R,r save a life. the thesis e1 war. Its moos teaeots the greatst erode' on ail ooao•rned, but it was mainly doe to the distinguished ability and judgment of its leader. Sir Hrhxt Kltob• user, that it ha been brought to s brilliant a oonelodoa. The British surly may be oougratalstod on the tumor wbd & the vie - tory ea the PI tie adds to its reerss. sod 1M powsmlou of se iapebl. a Rowan_ where these poor fellows lay burning up _ with fever we realised se never beton bw orad io war, and could not help thinicam -oft -- At dados the Market Soaks, the mothers aad br red noes that would wblou pt Mp,l Iba for a tcs. again embrace thea dear boys. Again, we thought of those mothers who had so coos to welcome, whose hearts would le only saddened as they saw their oomrads ottani and their eons miming. After depositing our supplies asd meeting reel of the sisters ed Protestant oures M (ons of whom had met with • msalortw is braking her lee) we were introduced to Governor Hastings of l'eeaylvsne, who was hard at work in hie shirt sleeves. A. the doctor hailed him to meet the " white tie saris," he apo!ogiaed to a telly sonar for his appearance, exelaiomt t►at, slosg with other ernngemeai., he had seat out over 150 telegrams te parents ed Irieed.. tilling of their arrival. On Marsden that 1 eras treat (:•nada, he said sane very Bice Mass. about oar dear old _asd of the Maple Leaf, a.surior me Na they all lived Casa - da very dearly. After r.oelvlsg • most hearty axpr.esiea of their graWslsus for tier ooetderaies, we felt Get Use was precious, and withdrew attar oeagratuitiae the Governor on the oomfortab'o •rr•ags- sente he had made it so short a Uwe. In each coach (omtaletsg about twenty, I should jedge, tea on either aide) were two lady nurses and one g•otl•mas attender. Omer all was placed the head donor, ear escort, wlib three ,tsiot•nts, so that ern" - thing was being dens he seeks their suffer- ings a light a possible. la &newer to my gaieties •e to how may deaths they had had an their train, the Govrsor word ma "they had nose and expeeted nose." I• our hospital at present M oso of the soldiers, a Mr. Ford, of Simon, Canada, who we broUrht here frees Uhiek•sNega. We quite dsspird of his Ili at first, bat ars hoping now that the fever is isikid. A000rdiov to hu brother's report, who re- moved him from there, the boys were al meet 'tarred d W past three nosWea There in _n_ty sheet 11611 .seisesait4e - gsesgs1.• creat dsal :tit= dee to the Olson' easiest sed Severs) of ear warms have gone ,oath be n urse L hospital estops, sod more will like- ly go. I bay* sent these few stetsmseats think• tai they might Mlaroes • large number et Meads and acvfeeMesees. Sic orrely years, JULIA M•ILICOH. -.... _ wiz TRILffg AeOOr.OEa t Th,Glohe : It AWN be bard to find a Weedy of mon moles/ &dramatise then that we>* ba kept hafted vessels off the lake& We warmly oeseelve the amount o1 folly asd waste 1t has averted, and It may have saved bath nations from the horrors of ow - filet. it ba freed both Oovs.nmomta from the sinister lsflnesoe of naval oostnoters, and even without that .ouroe of danger it has bon invoked to restrain epoots.ssso and aerosol's folly on meaty moutons. * • • • FINS 00MSIP•TI°N. Sarnia Observer : A prominent Sarnia Cem&rvaMve was asked how It was that two soli well-kwwa P.P.A.'s as Neil McCahill and R S. Oliver were selected to prosiest Mr. Forel_ to the Conservative oenventlee. for eorlsation. The answ.r wa : That " the Coseervativs, the P.P. A.'s and the Catbllos united meld best the devil." Such as unholy alliance would, e.deubtdly,heat anything Hu Satanic; Majesty could 000k op to oppose it. Lembo"' is met yet ha sough for Nob a oombioMios temperate Is suoose• tally. The time is .1111 far (latent whoa the P.P.A. Ilea can lie down with the Catholic' Iamb Inside ot him and a ConservaUve nee member to led them. . POLITIC:% 1 POLITIC* ! 1 have the best of proof that the Comer. notes* hove thought it out, sed that is what they fliers en, seeerdleg to • uremia. out member of the piety, who is the heat of tegument let ms into the .cent : " 1 m," he said, "going to vote for prohleitlea met bootees I believe le prohibition, but became* a m•lorIty fee is wilt pet tic Go'eramest is a hole. With me it 1s party sad party only, and 1 can tell you, If pre - Whales U serried, It will be bow the Cssservtivs have supported it in ceder to •subarea the Liberal Ooyernmese asd help to defeat them at the soot 1 resat oleo Wens This opened my eyes to a sew Team of the ces,tiea- -" The Pdltidan " i. Ottawa Rests. • is e Teta ■ontt?AIN 111110 IS ASL 1la"T. Hamilton 9ltttyas t The greet Iadmstriel itshlbItloa le neer. The MO maks, hes hese and, the acrobats be.. dams Week lost --Last week Nesbet th had the ,party swell bed wits tic Beaver led tie kewems moommima. This mieli tflimtebt WM, oke Wise of naewtain aim, who haws dem es mem mer " fsdwery," have pp11ee+wm owed sed Mated Molt sten tsee1lsr ktikti s.d the crowd will rotors le their Werk• theme, Melt stems .ed their pulpits, M- .*sd te rester Mien darts. the s.ml.g year The fair le • great Weir nad fee Camila It's the Ons Mt el mild deb•mobry ti whW Trouts tic Geed s•euaily Wales, and M es smear snow Mewls, .sr the wed of street tosl1sMss ID.. 1s b.gies soonr.R rub world fee more abirslYse f.kin snd Mahler ballot ibis to throw In agate. Yawl whet sake time p.m lightly le Tar ssti, loos uv• the fait I • • • wo•rltl WASE A maws eL1reutems. The Tommie Oar s This Meet Marra) M BOOKS ANO PERIODICALS. HARPss'e WEEKLY.—Golfers—and who is nota golfer nowadays T—sill b. Lteretd le the illustrated article on the Morrie County (kilt (oars, where the amateur obampinn.bip M heti, oontriheted by Mr. W. G. van T. Sutphen, the author of •' The Golfer's Alphabet and " The GolScide," to Harper's Weekly for September 10. TwmNTY tl7'oaim, ABOUT M•1g Tw•iN.— Mark twain is the next femme; parses to be "aaedotsdzd" by the Ladies Home Journal, and the humorist's alonet irised. bars .eat le th. massxiae for its sort num- ber sons twenty odd stories about him, n one of which have ever ben printed. They are, of overs, of the droll eon, bat not more fussy the the "snap shot" pie - Gum of Mark whlob his friends have els based the magazine. Thee, toe, bays sower Mee printed. HARPia's BAZAR.—b,dith tawniest*, was de.rihs the installation of the goon d Holland for Harper'. Baser. relate an 1a. tweeting feet about the IadiM glass wise ewe there 15 Shama that It lehinsatb tic dignity of an Iodise prime to sleep, sr M be, 1n fact, at any tins seder ens el lower rank. le Amsterdam IDs bp1e1 were mach put out es Iasetwg that the lap of the hadas was tae pirev81se tR MM. prisms Insisted apes Iodates is, sed that all the gorgeous decoration and feralebteg of the lower floor were useless from e Oriental point of view, The mimed Mgk- r task would savor meow &a spsrtm.et seder ons of lower. • STRIKINo Gera.—A teaeeaey d den Med Cssdt.a to study sed write apes lm. ppsrrrl1es..5 . w We Ajeste 1. (dearly proie e Metsnhr OAmsdies maeasleo. It wataine leer Illsstrated stories ted a beautifully UI- tMrated artists ea Jonah& t let &b ret of Ohs hem is Mhos .p with Isseeetf, t brad* wham aMelw es lases t The O. Lemmas Meets mid elm Mandeb. Orals Trod. by Odwsrd rower I Csanda's later. n eliss at SeaMs by fin Okrirs Rlttbr%T! per p Niton of the Awsleos•e Tderatl.. Rdu be W. R. Fleshdrl s Tit. M.mbws of Mit Piro flvmhiea Per lesssat Celia ear` Mgr sad etegr•mbe) by 111 Jobs G. Bour- Ims A Revbw be R, A. a 8.Ie.- I. by N. m * t flrsat WNW. asd Ramie W obratm V,edsuhk Seethe, I sed Cermet Reser Abroad by Jae A. Rosa The of eats el Mew &ramble s beyond wfti.l.m and tic 1raM.r l. exa.sdiegl IN.rtapt. Tho freu%Mpiaw dells pasts fir � Wes TbswW aunts M 1rsaWspp MletMnea% sod prb,sd ▪ Pers Mill for table w eskr. WM. LEE. (*dart I.h at j,E3 H aS»SAIiD'Z< t h.re promptly atteadd ts. STILL ON DECK ! - =77.fE'S BICYCLE LIVERY If you want to learn to ride the wheel, Go to YULE'$. If you want Repairs, you will -- — find a vulcanizer, • brazier, an enameller, and • compelleie workman At YULE'S. If you want Goad Wheels and Best Attention, be sure and go to the old and relieble KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH- YULE'S; BICYCLE LIVERY Everybody iis�Talking �tS about D. CAaesELO U R He hs lot received anetar caw keel frets Manitoba. He W now ss bead two of tae bet brands or Pica that the world eau produce. LAKE OF THE WOODS - AND - OGILVIE'S MOM women ■fes Md. rya No. 1 Hard Wheat H. also k..ss the best breeds a Outside !lour. P.opl. hon will do well by ealUag en D. C the setleal baiter. ed he w14 te Mewl tab Manitoba sad 1.1 F. )Ism Ne. r Mala beat orders rs Tru b.l b ,. i, anted he L PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES Weddle* tx1k.. wMs Almyomd setup . ✓ p.el.uy. D. CANTELON. We do All Kinds of rioulding and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice. and for little money. !k Rohm kick Ci., OiiTJl111109lt. fiw-e for g1 -Trade supplied. Ill KINGS OF INSECTICIDES: Try our own Poises Ply Paper. 8 pietism to an envelops for S0. Bst vain of a1L Speed •usetl.a to Americas Toilet Artl elm PRESCRIPTION 7 -- WORK ore. ad • ssrwtoo shat .naeeamsato ter test*, w ►.,'- - Drew. m y_cso wares emats.. _ . _ , Petestt�twliw M this wm,s�1 etlli Attentive to our brwlsses a �o.Wty, MR awake are In we way setl. .ed bywrl rarltr mu d r aerate,Yea w nothing for eeserW- ores or extravagant ea hr. -*bat's not or- way. Try as and be eravWrL amid eaems drtako, sit:., C. GOODE, Chemist, ti..3e+al .,..... -a.....-. BEDFORD BLOCK. NEW GRAIN ELEVATOR COLBORNE ,k BURROWS are putting a modernly constructed grain elevator in their gni' warehouse They are now in • portion to handl. an kinds of grain with the Last possible labor for farmers' delivery. Theylt►ill pay the highest market prices for all kinds of grain, and will be iu obs market all the time. COLBORNE k BURROWS. - MO6-12 CliRCOAL We have recently remised a tar Ned of Charted, and a number of Patent Charcoal Stoves far us in 8mmmer, tool pa keepOg it in .tock uoatiuu.en- ly in future. This we pet up in paler bags wMaining half bushel each. It to an excellent fuel for makin(I bow . broihiig meat., ironing, starting :owl tires, etc, and it is cheap --10c. I. -r bag, ora tag. for Mc. We are also boadgearters for all grate of Coal and Wood. We run several Drays in ownoectesn. CARTAGE & FUEL CO., JOHN 8. PLATT, Massager. Phone 6a. f6e741 The Best !f Soap for Cleansing Woodwork, Painted or Varnished Surfaces, Marriages, Furniture, Metal, Marbly Tile at osaic Moon, fa Linoleum at 011 Qioillr PEERLESS SOFT OIL SOAP Because it removes all Graeae, Smut, Dirt or Stein without injuring the varnish, paint ot glaze, and keeps all surfaces beautifully bright and clean. FUR BALI AT ROUGVIE'S HARDWARE STORE. OR CUSTOM WORK FO REPAIRING FOR THE SLATER FOR THE BEST IN BOOTS AND SHOES give SHARMAN THE PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER a call!. Being a thorough workman, we oanaot be imposed on by sellers 01 shoddy goods, and we do not bay misfits, damaged goods, or barkrept stook. to sell ss firettels•s ones. We keep the LAIDLAW, WATSON SHOE 00'8 GOODS, and an they are splendid wearers, good fitters, and of the latest styles, you should give thorn a trial. 00110 Or EMIT wrek.r AND mimosa TO ys•CIICAL seas 11AN, Ale MLI *5100* mar INA IMMO Sou!', O OD3DAIOE_ Ask your 111•110* Illaweellorkil Twee 111001.114S 111104 Ilsolosk 091 Vasil mod moon sk" Wog sod War tossilio arm,ee.eanw is 4. a.111.61111114, ./., _»