The Signal, 1898-7-28, Page 3MINE FENCING
rlamtsl w ret are tial t
against Ire try fr ret ht'llZitt
&a 111140W u ebur. Cul, .61" -o4/ -
r,u., 0.t
ICY('L Ai)., tat ask.,
'a fir..ts nuallluu.
g clam bouillon select le.
(•hop hue. put them iato t
er. cook carefully for tat
idd ono pint of WatIT, stalk
eeecloth; add a Wet of Isis
stable se•suawg 01
(r•• -July !fume Juurbs{ts
tyle of the mfllbne of tea
ere made the ,Ditto end nye
1 and only dyes far d•'•1ew.
faith of all is so seely
i the power and facer
wed Dyes .Det they .,'fly
other make, lven if the
es were given fix of cast
sad eastal gee* shade id
sated on with poor and N
re dyes. Rain and dew
pantry will meet the awes t
1e tate example 31 rtffi',
d use the Diamond Dyn,
, bappineea end plotter, d
tact rlyd• s1 rat. ilea.
ads ground •t C derma see
iutant blr,ls. Thai. syr
up and drrwi the grout
so much Tike dithers ag
ice strangers often nosey
Hume., Columbus,
hw i beau it glete1 for
ifARey-cora Li..e
melee'• Pill. the heat
se dlmesses. These P111
fn or griping, and should Is
cathartic is required. Wm
t Coated, and tulled to tb
°rice to preserve their parity,
rm a pleaaaot agreeable tali
fwd Few&
me one kiss before f go
1 am surprised et eee!
reed at me audacity?
At year desty. The ohs
sally take halt a dogs
ilrwoT., Meal.
tks s rel ewe
for postertty," said tae poll
' said the (1a11y Joke emigres,
add get my work thsl is
udianat.ille Journal.
robe of Cleve smelly dela
old bacb,•loe s heart.
HMV Ceres 6grget h Cut
met a lady In an camas'
angwell, "who sold, 'I haw
your works six tlmee' 'll►
died, '1 had rather heard Iksl
ight sit copies' "
at r.aapag. of Our..
What did she sty when pas
She didn't ay a wont bd
at me and dropped her erell
.Poor gill I ► pe she std
Zest Core DISIte er.
eta•/ a rI..1,
-f wish the ppowoh who d
love would give oar an Idee
rin it.
Wasn't there say of thea
that •bsecce maks ft
are heals Soren,
raises, Burner etc -
the trews tides.
'Hie • map who kse .Slee
a why don't you marry
e a,-Withi■ tete past year
res fatty tumors on the lied
n removed by the applies
rgical operation, an/ thee
'tion of a return.
CAPT. W. A. Parr.
B. Gondola For*
owe their position le SOS
re* and everything raw tea
M creditors
-_- 4
for Boys. tr.' ran wb.d w m�
I ring th. snmmrr hcitdaya h
- l h or ova bre and IW-
I •loses
no m'nee yMinl
her'. oecntetlnn, and .,.Iles
OatWarrM, Manufacturers' Warr
f 'S
Ems :..OMs.
de lot all 1.e•dt•g flosses
SRO•. 1 COMPANY, •a*mf✓
e n, TORO`(TU, OFT. _
ns ooEEr CITY al a•
IIAIMI . Rams. Troths.
To l OwTO.
''"4.12•114:.4. per
Wee Wes. Wats Ia Osa d•
Oil TO Irfsa w. steel• eserzer
yR S1$? Wwa�esANA1114 --
gleltr0. fsl•ttg�BaMe1t�
war la Willett Tars Are Masted sed
by W tel•► Tae. Are ftaplod.d.
_ el tea sumo sad 1►a melts $1r. -
sag Carseat
It fortifying a harbor agalust attack by
et ponies &et the British ea i1nwn
would urn today 'submarine urines of two
_ngrai .Cosier- Chu "observation" and
t" The
sm0. iaa,.slts•alllad"tt bossy lL soden Is ditch
h an °Server or operator stationed ou
ales. a linder
f Sid-
lu,dshlr1 convex w
te the-*f1wuuthau of an
Inch In thickness, measuring 54 laches to
4ryth and about as taches to diameter.
h !thin the cylinder and surrounded by an
air chamber is • oon, uuwpoeu d of ss sep-
arate o,l,la,r eases, ountalning in all 600
pounds of wet gun cotton. Tb. central
,„e of the 2) 1. arranged to rleelve the
•'prlmrrtln," • little Dux boldo g two det-
.maps, or fusee, imbedded in dry gun
l la>m which elactric wires tor at the mouth of the miina toass
gib inoiterswo
Fur harbor
ay ober, at ion miner lofense u groups b*ps of at lomat
at. plated in • matbetua.hally straight
line at intervals of 180 feet and preferably
In about S° fort of water. One main elec-
tric nide. autrting from the operator's
itati“ii on shore.
with and
teere ,•ur'hm lo
ne of theensix, Ire_hing it
kat s (irk or branch running to its Insu-
lator This main cable would be close to
the barter bed, but the mines themselves,
Sege beeps., Is ouneltSreble, would
gat Ir feet or men abuve, each anchored
M s
mooring rope to •
-caught ironnker f 500 pounds weight,
a ',Wiped, with a o lower suaw
to the additionalhod
of inaction. At , result 'This use asci (sem which to
shout so feet from the outer mud tuner make the die.
ends of the urine line mark buoys would ''b. same Idea has been used to maks
be set to guide tbo eye of the shore upr- the Exposition's souvenir medal. Word
star, while variots other buoys would be was sent to the respective vlcrepresldefN
. attend around the field in order to tttyte of the Trans-MI.sisstppl States to forward
it(y the eerier any. r photos o! the two handsomest women
For the operator's station the two great within their bonier..
requitement's ere a clear sweep of vision Forty
and phottheo
, ".nate picture mads
over the mltte1eld1 and invisibility. ttrelrt
lick cave dug in • hllistde or embank- Th. result is an Ideal American bead.
went and disguised with bushes, rims or full of onmbined force. Intellert5a11ty.
whatever Is the °amnion foliage of the vivacity and beauty of the typical Amerl-
he ldeetsrrabgepe•t butdi arose. ass gat. -TM aiork-reflects touch credit
Of the amu
and the
ter of [ mile section - THE "..AINBJW,"
women ruts a is
retry were to he photographed. --
result converted Into • compos The 1.arret s,.lilps Tashi Aloat-Mp
Rrs tar the ••.a_ertea" cup.
Ise plottne, a reprwwlltative type of thrill
section of the country would be the re
suit. This is 1n many respects both •
novel and • true Idea.
When the plans for the K,zoudtlon were
'siren of •
th (filiation s in their infancy, e 1
i y
souvenir medal cur rated, and it was
decided to employ some unique idea to
its o uno.ptloii. which, when completed.
would show also an mooch, sense In tat
selection of deelga. T hue It war mugged
d that the service. of the composite
photographer be put Itn requisition. The
idea had lit birth b; the Incident 000neet
ed with the removal of the Cleopatra
Needle from Egypt to New York. It will
be remembered that the profile of Cleo
pain was sought for, to be used for one
side of the ntetbtt tltrl wee to 1e struck
off In commemoration of that event- The
great dlte00lty arose In securing • perfect
profile. Com mamba: Dipoles the engineer,
g athered • large =titbit' of Egyptian
coins, mon or Tear mutilated, and, by
the aid of photography ie cured the desired
Herewith will be found a picture of the
schooner Rainbow, the largest wiling
7aotif sliest. What mates her donhty tit
Wresting le the fact Or of 1n all pr"tebll.
Ity her owner, Chart,- 1.. Orr kwing,
member uf Parliament her Ayr Burgh*,
will °holdings fur the America's (.'up neat
year. While as yet nothing has been said
regarding the Rainbow's lobrnatluyal
aspirations, everything seems to point to
her harlug hese built to sail fur the
Awerlo•'s Cup.
Under the new deed of eta, one of the
clauses says:
"1'he competing yachts, If of one most
shall nut be lass than 66 or more than 90
feet on the load water lino; if more than
one mast they shall not be leas than 80
or mon than 115 feet on the load wean
Now, the Rainbow 1s 168 feet ever ell,
and lust comer 1n the cup limit by belog
115 feet on the water lino Just why she
should be built this length If Intended
for racing in English waters 1t le hard
she has abs°
w understand,
nothing w rare against ezeept mailer
spn u .
t atty Doer's the Section of 11at and barren upon %be photographer, George G.Rock
ground a but may be rendered lnconsplcu- wood of New York.
.sent of paint of the oolur of the On the obverse side of the medal Is an
earth about It. Here the observer site, his artistic reproduction of the American in•
41Yt;rpintd on the two range buoys of dlrn In the ant of sowing a buffalo. The
btsgavial group ofmtae*lirI6Ilia batter, med•ta a what.-•» 4..dteseN.-•f+taad
bsy,I Wkin+W7 1- An411 . 0 0ng1,p lUagistge the '{Apes that .16111-
s ship or Alpe cruse hie sight line action and culture have ,paste In the
he presses the key, and loan almost meal- west during fhb Inst fifty years, and will
rubbly small fraction of • avoid the peeve a beantlful memenw, eonunemorat-
whole group of n11Dc. Is ezplode1 1'be Ing what prombw+r to le one of the great
fatal erns of each Individual mine of the events of the closing Both century.
"observation" type covers a circle 60 feet
In diameter. Reckoning with the breadth : IRELAND', PIAT BEDS.
of ham of the average warship as • factor, I
It thence mowers that the ..rtes of adz will par.l.bed Work and Sart for Poor o1
clear a channel about 720 fort broad d I Greet. 1.1. for Centuries.
h to bs tlbl/ee
my ,.•welt unfortunate roottg By the law of compensation, Ireland,
The • cltrtro contact- dl Rea tam figs which has Dot t single ton of opal in her
• e de on
mine Intcontact 15 wI th
tali• bel, has the II- oat peat bode In the 1tr11•
brio•.. actual some t
000 eke l I 4.h Islands. +ne hardly knots what
band not at some d1.taha hip thg It would have been the fate of the Irish
tr test in deerpftted with
than 1. tdNher peasants, thrifty end idle alike. were It
ccha sty end l7 fitted with • muck Nigher uol for the presence of the everlasting
Viatic dune el75 the hu of gen waft dr supply of fuel. lying on the aortae° of ti
Viatica against its bull of the masstrohie
1f puground and waiting only to be dug, drtel
51,1 (oullt n her rultllclent to like t s and cartel or carried to the poor man'.
out ea previously
her This mine, Ilk. the flu It is hard w understa:A why 1t
to sconces
cevinded ronc described, r 1. ha ge,
1m aronvex rated Imo cylinder, la charge, .Scold be only the par man's fire, for the
as In the former cane, packed in a pest of trait/Wit, cleanly fuel might be welcome
cop{.T Coos., t cep the hearth of the rich. Reoently a
primer tin with eta awn det0Dawn and company advertised high class peat for
their Aortal wire connection. One "Ips" gals In London, to he burnt to drawing
of the wire nentsaryto complete tbif tiring rooms sod smoking rooms; and the well.
.Ismal►auo.,. hae•ts., zlmi }
detonator, but to the trmof the mite as 4 .(
lies aflost, there entering an Ingenious "•y%;
contrivance called • circuit .beer. The
mine cannon expkrle wail the circuit
elacr ming into action, and the circuit
closer will act only when 'truck by the
hull 0t • ship
Electro contact mines are commonly
laid In several oonnerted groups d throe.
Each Individual In each trio has its own
electric cable, about 100 yards in length,
the three cables uonyerglng at their lower
ends 10 enter • "dleoofnertor box.' The
diwnnne:tor la turn sends down • tingle 1
foci yard table to • "multiple junction
NA," within which It meta similar ca-
bles from the dlstonnectors-of all the -
w trios to the series, and with t e
Joined to • main table running to Cho bat-
tery In the operator's stands on shore.
The operator has it In his power to put
the whole aeries instantly out of play and
to return 1t as instantly to service, and by
mems of the d Ise on neotors any trio which
having been exploded, hers become an in-
cumbrance to the rest m•7 be cut out d
the circuit.
A ground mine, like the observation
mine, is laid In relatively shallow water-
• depth of 80 feet by Sot/re--and has a ta-
ble connection with en operator's battery
on shore. At s ted by cable tb the mine
and floating above it at such • point as to
be likely to be struck by any plating ves-
sel is • buoy containing an electric appa-
✓ atus with • circuit clasts, When the
operator turns • strong electric current In-
tra thn main cable, the touch of • ship's
' hull on the buoy is sufficient to detonate
the mine. This powerful force is put In
a•tiou at night or at any time when the
enemy's ships alone are expected to be In
the harbor. On all other °muttons the
current is maintained at 1,6011 low erhb,
when a praetors on the buoy would nolo
fire the mine, but would merely telegl''Pb
• slgnal to the shore station, Indicating to
the observe then which particular buoy
had lain struck. The change from signal
current to tiring convent may be madt• In
an instant so that in the event of a harbor
engagement Waren friendly and hostile
forts a home vestal my be allowed to
pans unscathed over the mine, while the
enemy's ship, touching the buoy fmmdl•
at4'ly afterward, will he wrecked on the
plot •l'he ground .nine is not, however,
dependent for Its explosive power on the
colli,inn of a ship with the hnoy The
shore operatnr may explode it at volition
whenever, In his opinion, occasion arises,
but it is always difficult to tail exactly
what paint on the range line a molding
vessel occupies, and for that muton the
mines are laid 1n groups of throe, all three
Io be fired simultaneous)y in wawa •' Jude-
m0nt 10.1100."
"The great desideratum 1n ef#otwt mln-
" says& recent authority, "le We en
ninth perfection in 0onatinctlon M abso-
lute • Crecy to the plan of laying. • ' •
1f the pis el the alas•' pealtlon L kept
secret, they constitute • M rotors efficient
pr,te•tinn to a harbor than any amount
of forts null guns • • • An opposing
fleet might. e•mtty bring Itssle IS attack a
8 Ills 0f t..rpselo vessels, but it would
he.lrnre very seriously before risking eta
rustle ovnr • minefield." -Catherine
Pn•nen III New Ter! Pa.a
BOBBIN(' utL1 SHI1'�
The Aaatrall.o Cwt Wm ferorite Pie' 1
Ear TI.'.r start.. e. ata of Burglary
Soaks. of the Moro Notable 'float. 'Il,at
•.v. T.I4.. rises - - - ..
Several tonne i0 y4Sl,Australian
newspapers auuo0Boe the departure to
Knglaud or Stu•Ftencir'o of ve•ielr
carrying hundreds' of thousands of
peewit' value in gold. lu 11596 the three
ooluuter of tdueeo.Iaud, New South
Wale* and Victurlarelit uway over 440,-
1115 out a matter of enrpid. that
such •uuouucowemteexcite the cupidity
of • rectieu uf the oatuuuuity or that
from time to time attempts are made to
snrreptltiourl) lay hands ou ammo por-
lion of the seductive trsoure. OPPORTUNITIES.
Robbiug a .hip's safe oil the Austro•
e A •
1 rit limas
h the trssa salves e•O p
• e sell tea b
daunt •
sou !1 s
lbw cost 1
same silent and thoughtful doliberatluu Sound Advlee.
u W the 44,tciug of a difficult .beer
TheMagistrate cyst ti;- prisoner bo•
prof tem. lite lint thing the tiller rete tferpa hlila.lrith as ttipst'llat • i M-'nr stir
his heart 0yuu it huw to get the key. I approval•
The tbeorr, and indeelt the geuerrl peso- The litter was a big, brawny man,
tice, 1e Olat the captniu cheeks the boxer something 0., orad' peeper. -
as.bey are 'stored in the bullion room, tionately brutal.
lock* the door wheu the trausaction 1s •'Well,,,ilvuat hove you been doing?'
oowpletei'and, sleeping or wakiug, oar �� his honor, i rely.
rior the key in a leatll r pouch around "Weal," return tel the pr.:goner, with
his ge.Ck till be oulocks the dour 01 the I a markedly herbed wire atceut, horsy
end of the 60yage. racticu are often set j ink the fact thatlike etue haat hat p
Bot theory and P 'Borth, ' a body
as'fde • ID the 'fararda ram at stet•'+ -o oo o maks is --bis- �-
0816.: lel 1%914 sniff +rt1(/800'
of gold bar* were stolen, 111. police aids- - NBaplchmat'!" Nisrled the tuultio•
006Med lhaitvru 4,{.l'lea. Silber o1 which trate.
opened ebe bettros miss et '-oCestp.:aeplied
agailyt the well to the public bar. 1'e pride.
was idem disvotered thut nue of thee- "What, you a Sootcbman and come
keys mystr•rt cslydisappeared 1'2 mouth-, plain that you cannot make a living
he teal box bedding the on
rt,ra�1 1117lt>w.
beaee 1B handialgP matches. If she wore
Intended for cntlstng an engine would
have been VIA 1n her, as she is en 4101)
too large and unwieldy for
Channel work.
If, on the other hand, she has been
MOM to challenge for the cup, Speen eee'7-
thing is clear, and Ines 1s little doubt
that some club will forward Mr. Ewing's
challenge next Fsll.
Among many reasons that make 11�
Item oersam that Cha Rainbow was bull)
to nap iii His "Niue Ribbon co Abe &,a"
sae, .test. she wee des4ga4Q ay fl la .
Watson, the oasts of the -Thistle and
Valkyrie IL sod I11., who above all else
desires to plan the boat which will sr
capture the cup.
In the next place this rinser sports a
W)•foot main boom, and 12,500 square
feet of canvas, the biggest sell .proad,
ever put on • two sticker. This, of snores,
does not include her extra balloon end
other light sails. In her -mainsail alone
there are 5,200 square feet of duck. while
her nlalnwpsall will spread 1,100 `square
feet of canvas w the breeze. All this top
hamper is steadied by a perfect lend roils
underneath, represented by 110 tem. 01
Med bolted td her keel, which. by the
Welt. s 1128 Madam keel ever put on 5
1 richt. - -
For this cruiser her owner has engaged
1 the services of Gepesin (,'•r't'e, formerly
et the Prints of Wales' Britannia, the
1*lemost racing-x#Ipper to England. while
under him Im Tom Joy. Who raced the
Allo• and b;antanita. • -'-
try twu boyo pia;'i :) wuurwawwu
saw a wouys ruu foto a bele uuder the
platform of the railway pier. Oils of
the boys darted to dig ebb mouse out
with a stick rud to 1441 sorprlse un•
earthed • uta s of soverd�tla The po•
were informed, rud afore the day
war out 8, i 12 suvreigps were recovered.
The rccuvrory of tbu .iredale gold wed
more satisfactory as far as summit to
m1uerutel Fur nearly tee year§ the
polity labored ire vain. The mystery
might never have bceu cleared up but
for au accident. A wharf lowlier ribb-
ing et Nelaou pier, where the-Aredale
bad bete berthed, booked on to soiree
thing which excited hie curiosity. Ob-
taining arsistauce, the luulprr .oeoeed•
eft in briugiug to the surface the olio -
lug box, with its treasure intact. The
robber had evidently souk the box, in•
teudiug to return ter. it when apportn•
pity offered-(;hrwbers' Juoru•T.
Beet resist lit the Penturrl 1.11e eel
the ('1Hatl.. casabas .a 1
.t 35xa_pl.. 1 OFTEN
the Lar( (vldenas of Christianity b � r
urnithel he the Chrpersonal
i It It 1. not 1 OBJECT
const in the pereeurl Ills It is nut w Is
amid at all. Without this fruitage the 1
asps! is but r form of sound wont., the'
teaching* of Christ only beautiful i.ty•
Inge, end the church naught but a human
organization. Christianity Wes Instituted ,
for men, and It either means all to 111111
or It miaow nothing. It Is nut .imply
something to ladteve sod prides, wm10-
thing to admire eltd def:nd; but It u
truth, It to life. '
Life is the opposite of death. Death Is
something fixed •ud unchangeable. Life
has In Itself the power w progress and Per .n.,Jwata,o w
trau.furmatlon. Death has no fruit, but er4 am eke lea.' t ret the oho seal
ashes; but life has abundant* of fruit as .e16r. .mist' a work at the a,ttkrea•
mats Vested Jou chrrector The troth of the lodge and wndu.t the buaine.• ei the sooety wnh-
(h olel 1. not disproved 11'11 be shown ,.ret fee or pure for them series Its fee the
that -this man or that man who professes benrbt of w -e,., .on. and Daughter., fathers and
It has no genuine results to show. It only mother., that the C.O.P. carries on itsrutt timed
prove% that his profession is nut genuine. 1 and h. noble pr,nc,ples hare bora amply
For Paul says: ' 1f any man have not the i by C*..Jta,t wow.nlo'd.
spirit of Christ" -he does nut mean the Fah Court may iJe for
words or doctrine of Christ, but rashes' Benefits. y:k.urtFunerrl pe+re8t""d
the Ilio-" he ie none of 114.." The truth r,tc� wt,cv rel a ek,li.J pe>wian Jur,ng dhwo.
V the fruits 1 albwvnce of
round ohm ire. >j'webk
Gospel is rt Y
b G Coo .
Of the 1i h
o P t
P lw. §
i; a.
I`l MI > Dr,r
When the husband, son joins • COW leaf ebty
because it takes up nue or tw,. o.ghs • e �t
alba thy. air: hrrvmted of the,r helpmeet�,r��
siva the Insurance so king worked . err
fee by the L,vdro, wh,. ha. been ...J ItaWF•
opinOn change. yui.Lly. There are m„ Wronger
friends of the 0.naa1ae Orator d p•meatar•
Chao the 1. so:/ widows and orphan. .h have bona -
once e
kept from possible want .nJ per Y Y
and Sisk Ben,nt nwne>• past by tk* y,siety.
Thi• is not* charity. the money is fairly earned.
el the spirit an found, and Wit On this from ea to 1l duurriitsgqlt__;;W,•.e 1 1 _
proof all othtir pr0uf 1■ un.atisfae'tory. yllderter*.wr►a• 'a� "'a)"
There la nothing In all the divine revs- Wtrdrath ate mamba aatgd IIs 8.1. sew.
jallon equal to the life of Christ to luno- fa•srarapen.ea
After >,ti.lact , y prof r,f tea ,Leath of a mete
ens mem us. !t 1a of allrpr bing interest ter in g....d .;.:,ding, the aen, children, +r draw -
le. man; it brings home to us the Ince Gana payer of de.,e. 4. mess's he'." the l>rtkr
fend mercy of Gat fora fallen race: It fully , the amount ,.f meuranat preaw4al to as nam ha6 ,
1 &T
6artifwaw um l'enih au.. a
1 its to our understanding f f s,.1......
t xua rsr t+'••�
- utmeof ant o
Olfcer. or \ ,•tit n o e
ithblOit, -^-•..Z803.,M!J,j�1T,t•-
J/.c':R„ mos••g• High Scy. Bre• •" "... ----... il:I.BAYT j'rh{1i..�1!"
t ,sir n.ura,kY
and elute y present* ami Ix' yet l -cat 7_
God's plans and porpoise for us. rlo f.14nn
For further particulars enq
1s in the life of the humblest „ChristWO I ta stn Jr.W or adJrer
•.otrteeteng"et lrttiwltely r° "+r,vAlite--IM
dwnonstrotom of the truth of Chrlstian-
lel Slat Iaa eidooai or the newest creed,
or the most orth ox ahure1; or'ev
Cha sunning tio.Delel•de' Jeha.
In a footnote 111 his recent adltlon of
Butler's Analogy, a fnnlous Englishman.
_gill 1he-mrgtltnelt4 .d
1r477:111-11 of rev1Tafi,ini,'ttitl'
010165d other religious, legs:
"(11 Chrlrtlanlll has . stimulated abs
fer&w and faCaltles of human nature luto
an effective vitality and activity quite
Unknown under other current relytlona.
--Cyd'-It he* Sett the only rcllglun.Nhte
bateonrtantly praeticart egression, and
--We as a rule by legitimate, that Is to ay
by non.ouerelve, morns; and has thu+'d.-
liverd a perpetual challenge to all other
stet is, t a fm a convincing
1t argument
' ra> lin Illonr, is they ditrOrinie�b'
awns 1. a mon cuuvinctng arguulent memo ea clew quarters fn the days of
than soy whfoh sen he goon tt (rot° ! the old seventy•guu frigates. A. a wetter
Bishop Butler. A ripe Chrfati(1 character, of fact, H either battleship In`an angage-
suoh as that of the groat English states- went between vessels of to -day gore wllih-
y Ilei so ��1�tculu1. and ;Hum- of another. or anything
h%utl.T at. Hawardun, is a 'ttnluv to
1 t+)7 loth.. "'Li of toe aT[iatter bf
Sob 1"lirlitii%fty "7ititfd waver leer se the tiro shot. one li 'tmlrlydtlYWtwrrleR
make- such a range would leave only the debris
1'h1m character the statesman dist not of the etre. k obit) floating on the surtat>e •
put on after he hail put off the' affairs of not the cotes.
state. 1t War a growth of and with the "Modern ships o[ war an not devised r
.,its r was early Serer. and It never lost to get wlthiu any such range of ash
Its png in
posed but war herr he other in action. the nearest that any of
wasping lit lcgrace41. end beauty, W'wa.hnii of the opposing ships in the great naval bat•
waren public lido that. ng It with
was not � Ile nt4 the Yalu got to each other was a
hidden. Hu did not hang It with Sir cunt trifle under two utiles. and what Inc bat-
ln the cloak room when he went into the tlurhi1, can d° to another at that Hogs I8
House of Cmnntons. IL was tipart of something 107)144 culrur4att, the naval
4 1ms4)0('11 In whn met hem hlat a raw 1 a ement of tilts era is very largely a
tt,..W where In the Itgh(dttle 10 r at Bawer- ' matter of manoeuvring -of prasnling
den, when+ he delighted as wed ►12u lei- I the smallest anoe le target w the guns
roue, or to prtvew Ilia, when r man is d the .comp's ships, and of forcing the
enemy to present their biggest hull to the
longs Enders. When the commander of r
ship In the coming engagements can con-
ies -get hilts work on the enemy's
Now 0•fra.•ted wine Ie Mads.
Take Ifo pounds of Concord grapes and
a quarts of water, crushing the grapes 1B
tiff water- Stir wolf esti M issamme sie.,.-
boiling point, then let cook 11 or 450
minutes, then strain through • cloth.
Add 3 pounds of granulated sugar. Whelk
4116 sugar is disc!�j,T� !n again
through • c10{h, 'bbit too i add'
again, pour 1t Into bottles and seal
instantly. Have the bottles thoroughly
heated. Dip the necks with oorks into
bot sealing wax.
BA2"z 1J wtij, Tellers; this man wantgtertreat-
eetleeI Qa ate sew
"The picture In *oma of the bond -
orange newluapers of tattlahlps in
action are about as funny as the Japanese
idea of perspective," old a naval officer.
"• these pleteres represent the °mewing
Ships tdaetng away of each other with
tbtrseterinch rides at a rru,N of about
foulest; and .the-- erteN .c.rlatnly work .. -._
up the. -,thing to make It look terrine
bough, In all conscience. It's a wonder
- We would add a third .t•t0lne01, and to use that they don't represent the crews
ttL tbltA)y�9ping ship••illaUle act of using
OCTTI 411..Pr. A T.
known scent was almost for the first time
mar/deed in the "atlila1 halls" of Delores
via, bringing back memorised Hamh mon
stags and lodges by r
rivers. The greatest rnntribotor of •1l
plana to the formation ot peat ie sphag-
num moss. But all 11ads of bog plant.
go to maks op the ordinary Irish peas
The cut shows work Ruing on 10 one of
the reservoirs et fuel. The depth of peat
Is eleh1 feet and the cutters have as yet
merely shaved the sap This is a nine,
dry bed, some alteration In the level hav-
ing drained off the srrkage water else-
where. This men d0 the cutting and the
girl. and women wheel the pent ti n dis-
tance, when they are set up In pair; like
an A ant to dry.
An Apt 51.106•
Sargeant Henwothcr once got into a
conies. with Lord Campbrtll, who was
tb s channellorof Great Britain and keep-
er of the great seal, and tried to enter into
conversation. Lord Campbell, however,
was as uncivil as possible, saying at last:
' Why, Merewether, you got worm and
wore,. You're se fat to $ porpoise."
" Flt company, my lord," was the reply,
''for the great steal, "-Nuggets
The .sea ea the Modal of eke Troar
Mlululpp1 •sed Iaserse1M•al Rt-
peal1/M-A 35$7.1 1d.o.
"'And wilt is year feetwse, my pretty
'k, fees Is sty formats, dr,' N. said."
While ate tares of forty four of the
malt Dsealfal women es the 'west may
not be *Or ef17 roma., tlltl/ tra7 ns'
bristly mold is the loAMBe et outer
ler a eolaped% peter* ef their iwenty
niers* alb gas et tba medal whisk term•
memmaere 'r si.t 4w151hla/ r'1 In-
, mays�mleR titres
Tee semeoles twee made Neil If •
mise. Hle_arek'. F._na• Phr•lelsa
Who Hee Married a Divorcee.,
Dr, Ernest von Schweninger. the phy-
sician of Prince Blmmatrt k, who has lust
San married In Heligoland to the divorced
wife of the artist, Herr von Lentsch, U
the only doctor who has ever' born able
to induce the Iron Chancellor to take
medicine. But Dr, Schweninger, as his
conquest of the beautiful German stomas
goes to show, le a Iwmarkable man He
got hie pathology, anatomy and physiol-
ogy to Munich, and 1t was in that city
he began his medical career at 80 years
of age- it was aeon arterward that he
met the family of Bismarck, and his
amaalug succors with lea members gave
masa say.
Pool. -I don't knew/ghat rdltmw are
marls of. I have hnd these versa back 12
times, and next time Is the unluckloet of
a11. rid of
Friend -I'll tell you how to get
Poet -I shall he your friend for life,
Friend -Don't mend $ stamp next time
with your work. -Pick Me Cp.
-- some one fir de licker habit!"
before the robbery and that no s^rlo:,6
bnveaigatinu was then made 11111 tae
law, nor ase tiny •lle•ratluo made in
the lock of the bullion roam.
This Tararua was running between
New Zealand and Australia mud had
shipped boxes of gold at various ports.
Altogether she wee supposed to curry
11 boxes On arriving at Melbourne it
was found that outs of these hexes we -
missing Exam itet'inu showed that seine
one had simply opened the dome wttlr r
key, extracted the box and looked the
door again
The robbery from the Iberia, which
left Stell -e for Londe. in Mar •h,
1880, is suelemed to have been also ef-
fected by omens of a kl-y Nutteptitiooefy
procured. le then cake tiro ru''bcry %%UA
not discovered 011 the arrival Of the
vessel ire lee:Iden.
The robbery from the China d,6.lop-
ed io a retnerk:,hie way. H r•1 the Uri -
ental hank fu bydney tiered t he gild 1.11
board a coast steamer culled the Avoca.
At Melbourne the gold was trane.hip•
ped to the Cbias The China tom ehc 1
et Adelaide end otber port., bat it wise
only at Grille the dlecovery of the rob-
bery wee 441011x. Detectives operated 00
all the port. *imoltnur•eul*Iv, but no-
where WSW s clew be fumed. The
amount missing was the awal 4$10.- ne
In le7S • .-tan niefne1 Welherp. who
had been a carpeutar ob the China, took
op s selection hu the interior of Victo-
ria. Before settling•down he ineeti 141 a
Melbourne burwaid and appears to hive
.nodded to her *otue shady partloul:1rc
of his pent binary: The leammrnn nil
Delilah story wasinpart repertrd. and
Ma public laid themselves opt to Witch
Wsiberg• The nps1ot was the arrest of
the man as the sato rifler of the China
One thousand sovereigns wire found
In a tin of fat stored away by him in
Melbourne. IIs hie het was discovered
• wooden plane .tailed with Roll. The
wood wag hollowed oat and the Rohl
dropped in. In the bat was also (barmy
Bred a bar of amp onataindng 900 *ever-
He told the detaetivea that he heti
i,800 sovereigns concealed on his selec-
tion and offered it they soonmpauied
him to paint ont where the booty lay.
As may he .nrml.ed, he fooled tit O'
Iter tato a wild, think timbered testes,
took them undd*nly off guard and evade
his escape. He was reo•ptnred, bowev•
er, some months later.
The rny.Mry of the Iberia was cleared
so to • still more slageler manner. (Ata
Da. M07 a'Rwa7twent.
him at once • great reputation And Avery
large practice. lie bis rath-r ortglnol
Idea of medicine, and Hands for reform
In the practice. He 1e al.o • great drcse
reformer, belleye.t la wearing the halt
long and denounces 00111(5 He treats the
Sultan of 'Turkey by telegraph, and Baron
Rothchild often consult, hlm. Even 1.1
Hong Chang has found him en excellent
rAa t'mt bone baa On
mdvtser. His g
fast, nn In medicine, that his patients
always get well. He holds • pr0fegser•hfp
1n the University of Berlin, lent his ,01
leagues, Koeh, 1%Irehow, Trettaeheke and
Dubois Raymond, do not like him, nor
don. he like them TM Dwntur has a
striking aptleerenee. His none h atrnf0:ht,
his skin bronzed and his figure athletic.
It Is maid that Bismarck has *aid that the
Doctor "le the only man whns will is as
strong se or even stronger than my
awn." That le,wli7,•perttms,
the men of
blood end Iron consented to take ih.
Sohwenlogrr'a pit it
"Thar& Tete.. had that RlbMa la lets
pseltee fee a (0ontk, you fargsKal ell
Herat 2 hew yee'd I it'. s 01
your old .ttr�d•dlil�s�i� Tett
dee'1 mem
s,lir sweeenber I'
"Cat yes,tras451 *4 � Nee 11a1Bs'-Moei.
.stain. '•,t +L.i►I..
Statile to marble basins, made by the
dripping of water, may be remotest h7
rubbing with an old tv,thbru'h dipped
In pulverised chalk or ammonia.
supposed to reveal most of his awl ch.4
acter, or 1u public life, where hN ofte
canoeists most. Everything appeared
him in the ilgkt_at-.C.1lrirtian lova -en
Christian duty and Chiihtlon rtght.ouv
tress. He did not bate one policy for pr
Tete and another for public buslness. H
had the courage w correct ml the 'evert
where It brought opo
eritictam: There Is 'oohing 10 his 11
that ha. to be neve 1141 up, or sea 4
bpof tightly, or explained sway.
dot have to inquire what he believe
UV* n lf1a Or huw 11..tb of eb. Iltld"
accepted- A high. official of the chit
might ells and leave then to- eirveeninte
b whether he truly believed in the dlvl
Ity of Christ and the supernatural in :' +
Bible; but Iiladetnno, the laytnany- ha., a
robust faith which npparxntl7 left little
opportunity for the attacks of doubt.
And yet Poen will not quote his elabor-
ate views In defense of the Biblical ac
count of creditor; they _ will not lost
study lila rellglour disquisitions; but the
lovely Christian character of thorn= will
live on and multiply its influence me the
years go by. Hf. creed was hie llfo: his
life .6156 Chrl*tiauitr Incarnate, the best,
the t,ewe.'l, the tuns. convincing Chile -
Man avldenoe that ran be offered to a
keenly Ob1 .yon& World--N-Y. Indcpond•
I. �arty while only pointing e,16h his nose
• `114 ;lett direction-J0av11g them practice
on ally only,a Calow edge target -he is Oa-
st .ble to e:11 them up. But while there Is
fu att11 • drill in the United Mates navy
tet called 'repelling borders,' the drill is
O only retained le the manual for the sake
el, .eiefoleing'the. men, sod the enly
- ftlea_I'dtth that will be done in the coming
fab I fights will be done fie prize rrews, Pritarg
/sr+,posseemfon of beatenships, after the hit-
n- ' ter have struck Chair emcee."
thoee days? Why, these are the days
when yen can utake one, if at any time!"
"I diuua ken"- began the other.
"Let 5141 see your hands," demanded
the court and as the prisoner exhibited
a pair of hate dst t4bat.-louktd *cif
they could betel a siitcrWaver with the
ntinest ease, he coutinfixt: "I thought
4Chy one Orth don't yOn, a tcot:h
Italaa Warks of Art
Leet year Italy exported 91,000 anttgns
anti modern work. of ■rt, valued al
000(4,000. More than half of thele went
la Germany.
Rest as HAS 51......
The ranted ea sa Of (creat Britain
bring la to their •*sere 41111.10011,000
/sesiseed alum
"Why do dieters dtaiweed"
appy they -+o^ seater- ebb aaseker's MD.
4111eegd p•sl.nta "-Chimp* Raw*
SOM. Frutou. Ile,. thbed*.
Mantlnd had always found a deep dg-
nt&•once in the 1:4.0 word.+ of men. 'All
stip possessions Tier a Moment of time,"
manned (?.men Ellatl:eth Wooley. calmer,
mmatltel: "The !nest of •11 1., I. le
With nsDee ." D ' Beethoven, whose ,. al
had aver been filxi with harmony, toy
fully exclaimed: "I *hall hear." "Is
your mind 11 ease!" Goldsmith wit ask•
ed by his phy*Iciaane: "No, it Is not."
-`wee the tt)uttrD{u1 reply. How different
the pitting weirdo of Dr. William Hun•
tart "If 1 had strength to hold • pen I
would' writ& -how Aasy and pleasant a
mwu. go- tm unlit 11g .a pules d shortihhrg it Is hal e." "1 meet *sap novo,
stories in truer .dialect? �Pi(1,y,.floftiie merited Byron, who'll. Dr. Johnson
diel In • to molt of nnaastness and dried.
(0wper ank to rent me peat -01c y as •
ehfld, 'I nm taking a fearful leap In the
dark," remarked Hobbes, the Bohm.
Polite to the end wall Chederflcld, with
hes •'fttvs-t)ayrolites' and surely
something wen forgiven of ('ht's "-oil.
when be meal*lmed' Dottie let p.s y
starve." Potrarch died .a, doily ens •11-
ently in hie library. rtfr load 7*ewtOa
was wending his witch when he died.
atrwig, ocelot. •11-1 Send. tool, Discharged
and advised to take my hint!"
The ;Aimee disappeared from the
rano with the light of a new under-
standing irradiating bis homely lea -
tures -Vim.
A *Hess Dllrataa-
Lenpy ley From Drlrk.
Senator Vest has a favorite story which
he ham told on the (0 •aslon of many a
political speech, but, so tar as known,
pewee on the floor ot the Vatted States
"A temperance 1.rtarer was struggling
agalnet odds In Kentucky," says the Sen-
ator. "He was talking to a nut very large
audience that had been drawn to the hall
by curiosity. 'The effect of alcohol is w
shorten life,' said the lecturer.
"An old titan at the rear of the hall
roat that .uncture and old, ' You're a
' •Why!' inquired the .dvooate of
Adam's ale.
Because, sir, jrvn been drinking for
seventy -live year., and I'm 141 and am
likely to live to bre 100. I am strong_ _ -.
enough -to lick you if rnn'll step outside.
'Oh, no doubt, sir. You're an szcep•
tion, sir. 11 you keep 0n drinking-' the
lecturer patieed.
What!' asked the impatient old
aI•" ''If 7011 keep on drinking you91 iare
to be shot on judgment dry.' "
Apulia fur the Complexion.
The eru:ret of a had complexion is often
a had dye.' leitt pt'wevjtn•T11rtltly (1-40 tpaj
to an inactive liver Dieting is the ninst
vnlnable nsealu of care; one of the hist.
1 nmm.ttoe for a eluggulh liver I. cheap and
' pleasant The hest Ilvd rogillal))ILOr - -
plc+ rel nedootnry habits --and those are
rhtntly the 01104 { whose complexions + aro
muddy -16 to hl found In, apples, smien
naked 1f they are 1101 Well digitated when
eaten raw. A pbyilolan once told m0 thot-
Hn (10'bifnnolf)-I'm finite ata lose he »Mended the pupils of awoll-know a
What to do! If I prang, her playing, hoklr ling,r011181 oral among them sans $
( 437"".."?ny teal whose 0omo1111'm cite th.
she'll lop sere to play, ilnmerthi11f1, seed -if ,-5.s,tprs(05. iso-fnnfed•Wat
I don't Fay n wort) tlleu *he eertIfhly 1:1111".775$4.11,h").17 a light rwWr at her mads,
will play eometbing plan!-Fliegende I hal oho had n peculiar r11rnm of
Matter.fta!en-.(a plat.+ -of apples tunerlittle wady
1n the evehlnt and eating them slowly M
1lvas((y ArMwwwte* IML /sae savored her lassluso 'I his wait bet
"The War l nrreapetidcnl of fhb LOfidoyti ropnlnr promise. psmitw of the other
Tittles," he raid, •-eta that the eta the ‘).hoot took It op, and thn doctor
United States uniform is the ugliest 0) Mated that, as a result of bls.pers0n:r1 In -
09 QMlteetion, he 1°1:14 th athe appiti-Afi
t•eceird n) Mg [l Iris had the hest completions of asap
"Now," *he pertained tritmvphe T bt abs enhn tat
ly, "perhaps' yon will begin to realize
the tvv'tly mistake you have made in
not giving woman an equal voice with
man in all publics matters."-Ohicagn
Trial. whnsld Ba Welro_ed.
Gd will give us an opportunity to try
our ooneecratlun, whether 1t be a true
one or not. No man can he wtlntty the
T,ord's unless he le wholly consecrated to
the Lord; and no mon can know whether
he is wholly thug cnme,•rated except by
tribulation. ''hat Is the SIM. To rejoice
In find', w111, wheor.thut w111 Imparts
nothing 1111,` happtnose, le easy even for
the natural man. But none but the re•
novated man, none but the tllgloul
man, ran rejoice In the divine will when
It crease. his path, dlr,tpp,.lnta his ex-
pectations and overwhelms him with sor-
mw. Trial, therefore, lnstbad of being
shunned, should he welcomed as the Not
--the only true Net of our fru. *tate.
Beloved .outs, there ars consolations
.whish pass away. hit true and •hiding
consolation ye will hot find •:rept iB
entire •handnnnlent, mad 1n that lots
whlrh I0,ra the eros, He who does not
welcome the erns rime not webmm. Aad.
ruddy -Yon know Toni enlist.wl bat
month? Well, be has gut bis shoulder
IMsupe *Bead y.
-\ oa &m't mean it. The Iden
67 las taping an °Meer!
reidy---()h, M isn't an (Meer. The
shredder 'drape help him in wheeling
his barrow when doing police duty. -
Beaten Transcript
A Cheerful Onllnot.
Thera is so much In dally life to try
one's nerves and temper that ft 1e not
elwaym may to preserve one's chesrfulnesn-
Mnods ars ronteglnus; one unhappy per-
sue In a fatally without any active effort
can destroy the pleasure of sail the Cwt.
Ws do not always remember this and is
we glee way to caries for depression, and
vie An net hear ourselves as bravely rs
we might when things are going wrong
with us. 11 14 a gored rule to keep nee'.
troubles In the htokgr0nred of lite, in the
heekground of thought, bringing to the
treat only that 'giblets to ebertal and
"Three years ago i was troubled
end tried several
remedies recommsndetb' friend',
but they were ofon. avail. ' 1 had
FIFTY-Z'WO BOILS in all, and
found nothing to give me relief
until I -tried Burdock Blood Bitters.
The first bottle 1 took made a com-
plete cure and proved so very
satisfactory that i have recorrt-
mended 13.3.8. to many of m)1
friends who have used it with good
results." A. J. MUSTARiy,
Hyder, Man..
Any one troubled with Boils,
Pimples, Rashes, Ulcers, Sores,
or any Chronic or Malignant Skin ,.
Disease, who wants a perfect cur%
should use only