The Signal, 1898-6-30, Page 2e 'y .. i The Signal Y etaLlHuu EVERY THEIR:DAV IIOMIiUia MT U. McOILLN'ODOT.' Terms of Ileberallirthow 1 one month. 1n advance $ IS Three mouth, ........ est Ria months O.. year 1 m Advertising Hal our Legal and other reseal mit ertlseaw,nte, i,rtk•. pit hue for Reef lueertlu,,, and i resit• per WIN 6•, emit eulta queel lisertha.. Mcusared_ by a u.a. p en•11 ,rale. Business cards of sin Ilea awl under, M ger year. Alert -ea. -menthol Lest. Found. Strayed. Sh- ush a,4 Verset. Situ.0011 Wanted. and Bust twee l hen, .•s %Vented. not est -tenting a lime non areil..1 11w month. Howie* um hate and Fires an Sale, lent eu el owed s lines, in for duel m.nalt. Soc. per pollee quem nein+. Larger With In proportion. Any special make. the object of which is to promote the pecuniary Ismeelt of any hndtvld,ud Qv cantony, to he n y .a dered an sdvertOsemeut and drape! ser• saingIy. Local metros la nonpareil type.aw tart per word, fro notice ter thea! Me. Local notices In ordinary reading type Iwo cents per wad. N, /ware for leas titan Rodeo for churches and •litre religiose act ftevelent Inalmtlone, hsif raee. tl4lecllters who fall to -ec sive Tun !nook". n•guL.rly 4r mail, .dl .•,..o,r •favor by ac- quainting u4 o4 the lark at as early a date a• µ•n11.1.•. WI.... a .)tang, of .ddreu is Mitred. lath the old and the new adders* sIon,l4 be given. PsWl.ber'. !Sotto*. J. C. Le rani... 4 ontlerich. has been ar pointed local TrarellIng Afreul for the Toole WIISidGoderkb,Culbgrnr. Aehaeld and Wa• wenoxla. Loral )4441 l aetq, oyg01I an also. tmpm:eral to reenter al see to a BSrgtt n A N,inmunlrat l•.,• a .o I 1. - eltdttlicd it. !) N.t;1LL !'IDD Tsie tie. GN ro. Ti. tnSnOeus t QAC r WINOS' QF THE WEEK ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM AROUND THE WORLD Pruned, Peaetaated as* Preserved N 4 liby Y pas ler 1Ye Persian! se Preetleal People - renamed. 1'ailtleel sod Erse into!. MUNICIPAL NATTERS. Senator Muclnie*' prtil10eal to *ell Uundurn )'ark to Henllltoa • for �ti6,uttu has been given the "marble heart" by the Parks Committee. THE FIRE REt'ORD. Aruott's obeao box factory at Peter - tore has been burned. Les 12.600. Mr. C. H. WiddlfiolJ's house at Plcton woo damaged by tiro to about 111,600 worth. Toe large barn of W. L. Gordon, ex reeve ut Pilkington. near Salem, was struck by lightning turd burned to the ground, together with contents, 80 pigs, 40 sone el hay, s quantity of gralu, now wagon, implements, etc. Loured In the Nichol Mutual; 16,14 atsrut 11,000. FOM MEN - OI^ WAR. The Blsluy teats wailed (Tour Montreal for Europe on the Allan Liner Partition o1 Saturday. Major-General Merritt has Issued in• *tractions commanding all troops hr the Philippine expedition to he ready to sail oe Wednesday. The Hamilton cnittnguut of the Cana- dian Blatt totem-Staff-'ergt Hayhurst, @ - -M ,- -Ltoa1-1tn.t, Lieut. fain and tergt. C. W- Spsaoer-left Thu evening for Montreal to juin the olbe member of the team. TC-T'R,SDAY, JlNE &i. 1$ 8, THAVICLIN4 11VIDE. GUANDVIAUNI; HALLWAY. -. Aaa11L _. _.... Mixed um sits. 71.11, •. l 7:xpee.. 1.sn pr",. M.aed 7.1.1 p.m. Mail and I•'spns. Y.S•) p ul. rt*1A4T. ]call 'al Express 1.1S a. ni. ran poi. 3.36 p,m/ Mai sell Express • DENTISTRY. HobeoN,1..DN. _...__ . -"MinirerIttlittir..,..-- Ii. ,:. ski.. .... a lloh+g `iryj{' !Teem temente the P.erjdg,- Me. Col. Ione of Ottawa died at Whitewood, O,ld Filling, trowia and Bridle- Wbrk a Mao. Mr.. Archange Marentette. widow of Pierre Mn,entette, diel at the residence of her ,non John, •, .011 too. Hct husband fought under Col. !rime In In37. Mrs. W. A. Mk .roll of Kingston par Wok of Bowe *11.411 cucumbers which eauoot etch u vfnl,nt Illness that she burst a Wood vowel and died of hemorrhage. SECRET IScIETIEi. Mrs. Sohn Munck of 'Ianiworth Qom Wiled suicide r;y taking Paris green. 0. H. Sims. head shipper for the Rath• bun Comp.lny of Deerronto, shot himself b death. He had linen ill for 1.01110 weeks. John Herman Wenzel, late of Tavie• Sock, Ontario, rhea ht n.elf through the heart at Dieted% He was out'of work and despondent. The body of Charles Phillipa, an Knit - Rahman, who is believed 10 have com- mlteal suicide. hat been found floating In the little lake near Teterboro, by canoe - Hie THE •$EAD. Robert Cam.ella. Q.C., registrar of the Huprente Court, is dead. Jaunty W. Clark ',Sense 914111144411DW for Ilalstfng.I, is dead. fip•rlaltt. M Veer Esperlertwe. 1 M MABEE. ti 014.. I.DM-DENTAI. • vnrce,:nTtarn, pod awe:owed- 1.rll,, es for ell d..'al "i -r''''- i'neetratlrn. of IM• ti•,.r,l tr. N, a sip -.' .I' . t tbre : I :.,r. West at Slid Ntu.l np 1'ai r.. h:.:-ru:n•r at West at JM.., RNHCLL.D.1)14.. L.DA.-DENTAL • ni.,..•an. :Lairs oat woofed watt Ur. Pixon..t dl-ntresb. 0 -id and I.rrelaln. arti- a.caltecthmounted .a,got aln es w.. .trsra- naturaltertb. •e In McLean's new Idea. rs ern MEDICAL. • Dk. HUNTER -PH Vein •IAN,`SFIt,.EcIN. ac. r )II:e: Br,.e Wrest. the 1....4..o lately mom :led I. I.r, M.L.an. NIglil ;.11-' from re.ideur a Tel, p • nn... . LFXtAL AND ('ONTICTAN('1NO. • M• for. O. CAMERON-HARRINT1R. 141)7.1(1. Cm.veyaneer: Ar °Meer Ort Haw Ston street. 1 doors esu of C.d4xur Hr..' dry' gomtlatnre. 31-47 ERtttlR- t'rt:_A.11 RIeTF.R, !v1LIC1• tor. N• tee. 4 midi... Ca .aIle. Wok of Costnere Chamin•ra. t;01 Square, bod.•rich. - rs,r ty • CAMPION, Q. r. -BARRISTER, m)LICI• �• bur, N.$ar,. a.-. a rel: a over Reel al Raft. C • derkh. M O. .1; 14004TON--H R HINTER. 44' LiCI• • tor, C•msu.IM'oer. kr. M cry 1•, Iab. Oars: Co.. Hamilto. ardp}.A°dt.w'. ett•'eu. 004erieb, t rnt. 'art R ,, C. MAYS--HAHRINTER, (SOLICIT. • sir. 'Icier: North ft 4..,r *mane!. lar... !'ovate Fuu,I I.) lend al lowest rates d hetero. part ('ARROW * PRtea:IIFoQ1' $tRRI64TJ. Attorney'. 7•,Ii.dt :r, Lsir„,U lerlrq J. T.. Garrow Q_C_ W. Pro:alt.•,t. - • CAMERHLMF.N ON, HOLT k o. HARRIS - fres, N ,Ilrltore In Chancery .sir:, G d,•rirh. 111. C. Lanier*, Q. C.. P. H0N.$otlep.^ loners. J• fi. WARD; CiTSTEYANCICR, hr., AND • rw1f.... nae' f' -r taking and le,-.drluit nor )wr,Irenete of 1a11, rfllrl•vlts rte a1Ai-ructions, 'blea,timns or •demi derlarett-us lar .r crrsn- cermuR any a'lloa salt or proceeding le the n 03 14 Cotd Autirr, she Caul •f Appeal for tletartu. of maty!- 4en.. p.. - Dhleawr- fern.' All (rnn.•rtlans carefully and pro,n 'ly ere. caned. H.sldoure and P. 1). address.-D*npa e Dea, (hit. need • LOAN • AND 1NN:RABICE. MONEY T() LOAN-100.ret.00. PRIVATD Fonds re Tend .,. '3 Iter cent a -.wally. M.0. C;.mer"n. tinier Ybrk, c isW Cd - borne hotel. Uudrruri.. .-.. _ .. .dstlt.-.. Df.INET TO LOAN- FIVE PER CENT Money to ban. *trate tends: elm line case farms to rent or asel. Ho.hw and Id• M rent or for.al,. E. N. 1,F:N'i1, Narrater, ()W- ench. SEAMEN. C()XVSYAN('Il[fl AND IN. •timate !rote, npp.4111 Martha's hotel, xi '1EY TO LEND oN M*RTOAOE AT Nit_ cent. Nous dime nutted. C. SEA. Mee • °mateiot Martin . Hob!, Rode- - J. T. ITA-F1R,1E, (.ITt AND.ACCL an • "deIh pita a Ait:nt; at lowest rater. Wire:. tsar. North -stand nesare, Otderlch. 1l MONEY TO LEND -A LARGE AMOUNT ar+ d Private Firma for Invealys.�rJ t a: Inde,+a tube .m arse ronin M•.rterages. llpt•7 toomit. MOW . PROL'Urt syr. R HAD( L!YVE-0R'40RALfNWURANCE, • iteral Notate nal Ihatey Looses Atrial. Only ant-4ln11 vote :s.Jrs repdgrreeet d. Mosey +MroI n. oft I• •. at the Porten tats of intense galla 111 hit tos,it the borrower. Mee:aliened door fr..m R►eare. West street, NEW MAI;IIINE SHOPS, • sec"' MA('111NF. 43I;ide4-A1.1, 0i T ,pair 1f. .,k d -.. Al Jt.•.* ,n•1.1e 1'rle.tl. Pared z )nr ,I.a 1 .41 m sale, Machinery. raw• •4114 ..-..-...d 1,3• 1. hr *Pd .!d. F,.gln.m m 8114 dierfes..� .:,:,d: R•'tea reel w'•p4Fr1 ssn•e , 41 tier V rc • d TralaJlpar sire.,*.. J. a. ea -en • Mark Marshall, convicted of burglary x 11 ** Pessebere and of puritan Darn-glyner 'A*r'44 '0'41700041 ant. 331, Ino, wag sentenced M a Murr e° roars' L'mand tamo..hlre Fire 1 .•. C th.• (1 ,1, tmprt.onment. I 4nn tile! Mutual Ina. Co, Wes atbrttdert M, .n 00741.-; .f th,.,nnnry 1e ty • Jr)HN KN.:X. GENERAL ACt,TioNgEH and t.*nd t',lmom (L,4.rlch, Ont. 74:,, II,, had co . dN rgI1. **brie+.* In the ,.!*tion poringtrade fr • 4 In a J.,altinn to discharge with tlurou •h ma tlmm m. ferthall c.mlalnn• ,n - *,,..ed to him ' 1.sine left at •Hnxlona hon!, rt lent by mall t.. his .44r.., 0 .4.i' a P. O., carefully otiend•d tn. JOHN K. O8. Lntn ie w A.Uo.wer. 1111 .f RLX11?I.t \. r-tf port office, bee been arrested charged with nesting • !mein -oral letter containing VITT ION F.EIs1\).. money. The Masonic Grand Lodge at seems Mill recognize negro Ma4onlc lodges. lain 1. the first American lodge to do so. J. C. Hardenburg of Cleveland, Ohio, has leen elected Supreme Grand Manger of the Supreme (r,nd Orange Lodge Of the United States. At the twenty-third annual Communis eatfnn of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba, A. F. & A.M., Sheriff Murphy of Mooso- Ipin, N.W.T., wee *baud Grand Maatr for the ensuing year. This Grind lodge ex.'rciriew Masonic Jurisdiction over the Prorinee of Manlcofse and the Northwest '1 rritorle., extending from the western part of Ontario to the Rocky Alountalne, and consists of ne subordinate lodges, with i membership of nearly 3.000. PURELY PERSONAL, Bon. William Harty has returned to Toronto Improved In health after hie holiday. Prof. DeK•Ib of the Kingaton School of Jane* bon been appointed Inep'ctor of Mfnee for Ontario. Postmaster ()emend Mulock, s000mpan- le1 by his daughter Ethel, mailed Satur- day, per steamer Padden, from Quebec, for England. Her. W. H. Wade and Mrs. Wade of Hamilton have gone on a trap to Eng- land. Hey. Wllmon McCann will occupy the Church of Ameen,inn pulpit until Mr. 1 At a meeting of the Executive Com - Wade'■ return. m11tes of the British Empire League In For his bravery In rescuing Motorman Canada, an appropriate re•olu[fum was Cruces from unanimouslyan entanglement with a unanimously • lop'•'.i re.pa'ttng the lose loom live wire during a thnnders1onn,' sustained through t rn death 01 the Lie Conductor McMurray of Toronto hast Yr. D'Al1oo 11('arah7, 4(2., 11.P. been awarded the Royal Canadian Hu- mrne-Society'. modal. THE AGRICDLTLRAL WORLD. The bay crop In the Province of Que- bec promises to be an exceptionally good one. Hon. W olden v Mulook, I'ostmastr- General, sold his herds of ba head of oat - Ile obit) on Wolnesday toMr. John Knowles of Aurora. - to rl'r4E A (04.0 IN ON/ SAY. Entireties from Wembinglon show that Take Li cot., Rrom., Quinine .+let•. All the agricultural exports of the United Drearier refund the merry If It fsia0eure. Sec Stater' for the fiscal year just closing will Ea.Ily .Ir rane.4. total over IN00,00A),000, beating the retard. ••1 tell loo, Tiro loaf a lot of hooka Hooky Mountain housta have made by lending them." {heir appearance 1u Southwestern Many .'t1osv do you All the gape in your Mho. Great damage ham been done In the !limey ,helve*? Dakotan, and It is feared the pest WW " I stick to the books I've borrowed." become general next year. CAN ALTIOS. John Thurluw. no fell off the dock al Barrie on !Saturday and w drowned. Albert Patterson, sailor, la reported dammed in the Woilaud canal. His bat was found en the bank Mr. Smoker of Anu:tster. who was In• jured a few days ago by the explosion ut • gun, le ib a orIUoal condition. Piero• twee were killed by •n explosion and the at the Asbestos R Ashanti° Coo• puny worts near Danville, Quebec. Malcolm Heddle, a 16-yearold Hamil- ton lad, fell from a tree and fractured bIa skull. He la In a dangerous uoudltlon. FOR NOME WORK. Only the Best Goods Give Sat- isfaction. Diamond Dyes, the World's Leaders, Do the Best Work. Juhu Young, seventeen years old, waif when you baa, you must use the boat riding a horde at lists when the animal fell. Injulring the rider so badly lost je e he 41nstaof d powder, when making may die. a ye ly or custard pudding you must wake um of the best flavoring extracts; Mr. Lucius Proffer, 70 years old, of ill v hen ) 00 sew it is economy to are the Thoma., • wealthy retired fartner, was Loin eewfjig option; when you have Lilted while wheeling over the G.'1.R. +wile dyeing to do you should also near true' near that city. in wind that your suceen and e0. A buy named Duman'', while riding safety of your materials and garmeewlae home from ''hoot near Winnipeg, won depend upon the brand of dye You em - thrown from his horse and was choked to ploy. death by the tether. 33 bar the Liamond Dyes are used The youngest son of Col, Drury, "A" you achieve marvellous •u000 (45, Yong Battery, Eing.ton. was badly bitten on old, faded and dingy looking gouda the cheek by a St. Barnard dog belu°glag after a bath 1r" the 1Kat°ond Dyes are L. H. -pita Sergi. Gr Hagen. made as good as new. The colors are the little son of Yardmaster Holland always bnBiant, fast, rich and full. at Fort W tlltaw has died from the effects' If you unfortunately made nee of of Injuries received at the recent fire. a, ,,/e 0144 u1 tate wany weak, a11,1,13 1'bla makes the second vlotim. i and worthless dyes meld by some dealer* •A lien year old mon of James Couch, • for the sake of Imo profits -well, you Owen.iound, laborer, while fishing, lost lures be prepared for cruel disappoint - his footing and fell to the river. Life was !rents and losses. The Ihamoud layer extl.N$ before a4r14tanoe arrived. s,t,e time and money, and are solid John Eddy, ordorly to Lieut -Cel. I guarantees of success and good work. se•• -r ef- theetlt at the Hellev}He Camp. Helot of tlivictiune and' curd of 43 wail kicked by the °dicer's charger and .nine* free to say rehires*. Write b Sad hi* thigh broken. Eddy Ilves In Col-, Welts & Richarden ('o..Moutreel, P.Q. borne _xtiTar°as' tract! Harnttton, Saturday M1sart,aa,f aw.....wet...�.. ;-Jobs-Warn, a te-year•tlht -sun ' UL>L •'t^• Wro-- u. tile.*Udinee, mediated Dawn Tan avarteiuus and hi. ....•s with Willie HaLi.ey, riding rapidly on 1•d to his disgrace. ht. bicycle W an opposite direction Wren Defoe had more than one dao of wars thrown vlulentlp to the ground and Newgate and the pillory, his .skull wag fracture! He diel Sunday Gibbon was gouty. lie grew so stoat ruorning• he could out dress himself. UNCLASSIFIED. -, ._-Cowper was all his days overshadow - The Galicianfnuhfgrenq 10 W1eD- ed by the 'doom of insanity. are to Gala gmquarantine.pone'!, the poet, antlered -the aft. Cremes of poverty and neglect The Inquest into rho depth of the four J(iltoi was blind in old age and •its. railroad m.'u at Hl,*sell, Ont., her teen' lacked the comf,rta of life. adjourned till June 1n. I Taira. was Imomoat of his days. His J. S. Robertson. a special customs miseries finally drone him mad. agents has seller 15,000 worth of torts.:- Julius Caesar had a weak digeetim at Montreal for alleged undervnluatloa. and was subject to epileptic fits. The new copper wire for the C.P.R.(0 Pelee/Ma fired in 10)2117 (00.1 elf •crow the continent has been oom_ greet, between -Montreal and Winnipeg. - - -•item...-Dreher; - seta at Anton' the millionaire bt•ewer of Austria, 10101110111 building a 110,000,000 brewery at Mil- waukee. poor all iia llhe. Le old *e 'aas„delpewieat . nu Ile Peter the Great Ras half mazy through most of his life from drink and rage. The absence of Senator Sutherland of Wal seat to prieogr for bio M. Manitoba for two eon.ecottveesestonehas tack on the divine right of kings. agused another vacancy in the Upper ('herbmoalrne had an nicer on his leg Chamber. !het troubled him for many years. It la rumored that W. M. German, humm.d was an epileptic, and his M.Y.Y. of Welland, will resign his seat to siai..nw were those of m diseased m1,441 enable Hon. .1. M. Gibson to °oniest the ooustltuenoy. 'the Attorney-Oeneral has !*oohed a U•Ua.t tea tea (4.41 letter from Crown Attorney Curry of To- The editor of the Jaytown Wer 'onto leaking him to restrict the sale of Whoop picked up ogre of de mttropol. Confederate bills as curios. tau exchanges and read: The legality of the Illy by the I delver "Tate charming soubrette, Era Imh- of six months' aasesi,ment upon ex mein- lis -Whopper has just purchased a new ber• of the organlxation of Select Knights bull doe." Is bane tested at rt. Catharines. i "It's durn funny," he Bald to hint- Three intThree came of smallpox and twenty I IP". .ed the cot, "tbat-fires• glty papotr oases of measles were found among the I pllb{i.b such stuff and then make fins immigrants from the steamer Pisa, vie 1 of nue for chrnniriip' the fact th.it [Utile:, who haws arrived at Winnipeg, ('Squire Jim Brown's cow had a calf." A Telegram cable from London says • r there Is not the slightest truth In the re- port that the Duke of Connaught is to summed IoM Aberdeen as Gorrtrnor-Oen- 1 oral. The aaslgnment of the Boston Woven How & Rubber Company, one of the largest connerns of Us kind In America, Is announced. Liabilities are stated to be about 11,800,000 and assets $11,100.000. The new Herman tariff excludes Can- ada from the most favored -nation prlyl- leges. The Inference is that Germany Is attempting to revenge herself upon Can- ada for upsetting the Anglo German treaty. Then was a big .lump In wheat prices In Chicago and the West. and Joeepb leiter, the young Napoleon of the wheat pit, Is reported to have been hit vary hard and had to run for shelter. He says he will not assign. Whet Ha M.ed.d. Doetrw-Yoe want some strengthen- ing medl.ine, sir. Mr. Mulligan (emphatically)-Oi. d" Het, doubter. Share, my wnife Is reirO stronger then Oi am, an' she beats me 0nntercifollyr A large number of the farmers of Essex These two desirable gmei ifleet lnne,pleas• County who intended going into the ant to the taste old at the same time et' tohacpo businens on an extensive scale fectual, are to I,e toured In Mother Graves' are unable to do .o on so0000t 01 the Worm Exterminator. Children BM, IC scarcity of tots mo plants. It is estimated that helf a million more plants height be eu.11y diepvosed of In Italie County. MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. All the people use it. HARLAN FULTON. Pleasant Bay, C. B. A D4'lnrri..r, "What will It coat 7" asked young Cboliej a father, "to give my boy an educative?" - "'Ihe Lord only knows," replied the professor, eyeing the youth thought- fully, "but you can put him through college for about 12,000." rlettd't Llalment Is the best_ i,,. A Nebraska boy who committed a burglary and stole n tent soon fell into the dutch of a cm we and was wield/ tiled end neat le the pennrteatiary. Thousand. bake -floor -Tenn ,McLeod, Seven. Bridge, write•: •I owe a 41.ht of gratitude to Dr. Thomas' F.clectric Oil for curing me of it severe cold that troubled me nearly all batt winter." In order to give a quietus to a Lacking cough, take *dose of Dr. 1'hnman' Eciee cite 011 (1,rfbe a day. or oftener if the tough spell• render it necessary. R1. Cause. llonsetadlotr-" Wh7' did you di► The Uxbridge Farmers' Instltass took rharg„ that cook, who maid she w•sa • haunt to the Ontario Agricultural C'ol- two 3e:»• In her Met glare?' lege, and while there J,t.eph l3ould, the 1 ye111,4)- "Because i found the last energetlo secretary, Increased the mem- piece she w*% in waft the 'House of the ber.hlp of thee Institute by 1H18 persons, Grad Sh.-herd.'" taken from the ezeur•lonl,q. The Iron• {rte mnnrlwHhtp now noniron Soo. Vaporize Quickcure for Cold to the Head. entice AXI) CRIMINALS. .At Guelph David Irvine, a noted burg. lar, wnm .nnteneel to *fourteen years In Ibc Kfng.ton Penitentiary. -TM tannery at King Station, owned tr Mon. Mr. Davis, was entered by burg. 1.r" and C10 stolen from the office till. Edward Lynes, caretaker or the iferlin TONSORIAL ARTIST. TrertzaI,T. T000ORIAL AlreT$T. Nat • and C -d4 Rothe on relaters, B1'a-hnawtng ahemp'.i.,., and every .ober regelrrment earn fully atend••4 to. end n- to hutr..mpetent head* sthp1 eyed Mr 1,• -an s new Nock. twat door to arona aarharw. Inset. 14fAA1R ^th+'li rSIF1i QyttttRtAMAt Li- Oet ty John 1'rodd, the Inane Englishman who shot • German Cottnt to Londo1), mistook the latter for C'plonel John Hq, the Ameelo•n Minister. Tom Parsons, a tinted amok, waged from Belleville jail Sunday night by pry- ing the looks and sealing the wall. Ha was to have been fled for burglary and *1500. Geneve Wilma, • Twneto beietasls, wile bled • Mayne at a Kltlgson llv.ry a him days ago sod pawned It. hie bang angsenod to tares months le the Cortes' Prison. The C. P. A. elation at Arnprler was burglarised oil Saturday morning, when Night Omelet', M'3Jr..glnr heft ar�.. tt lbs bank!. lei.-" ureal la lean ...."11111111k The thieve, of ole. Ite,•elpr for tined Ti.... Doe't kirk. Cheer op. Keep cool. .coke ae often as possible. Put your best foot forwerd. Think of the snnshine of lite, not its dnsis. '1 kink. after ell, how short life as. and make the beet of it. Delp pone other•0 tyj4.and 10114vM%aW":s/111Piti;T-"mn-r Tteip yon. . Pay ,rar bills promptly and that trill hrfp .one other struggler in the 1.5744* of life. rind no. mon onfortuni+tte than your- self and content wilt And the place .et rempiaMts. Drew. neatly --some Hien foeliehby enp- F.M the harder op they look the nm •e gmpathy they will receive. it is purr the nter.o A elect elan la never Intonation, never lttr*otive, never palpable. The shopkeeper who does net advertise ss.slly stares the same IMO. tee l.rlft. Nisei. Anna T)ninthy,-Tlow teeny emu/nand- 'tents *re there. Jaime'? Johnny Ana* And "tveee Ile rFJI1T" NMi fif g74 114.9.11 14*5 jaea. telt it of -pain. No student of politics who has core- fully orsfull) examine[ existing pointer! condi- tion. in Spain can believe that the tints ham 410111" for hor to,t,•rartfrom monarch- ial institution.. If thst be true. ohy should the pe+ont (Obesity he over. thmwn' Why Should . hie were end devotee! Queen Regent he drat •n out on scroll at of national misfortnn.•., for which hellher she nor her son 1. in any way reopens' Mei 1 h most pet eller ppoo-a,'*•lon of Spain to day i. Marla Chrlatina, Ik•r,iu..• she alone harm the'daor to the renewal of olvil war. whleh al the moment would he itennietion to the country. I° tin dark hour of Spain's Airier, her pure, womanly character .hlne• forth 11ke a light In dnrk pine*, nround which .11 patrlotlr Spaniards should gather If monarchial Institutions survive, her otter - Pointed Paragraphs. A dude's atttls M apt to tire othe No man :ever wee 4ie fetdtg through e ntntruif/kag gloat. l'oo nasal of our coming men seem to be handicapped from the start. A girl eagerly swallows a mane word* when he says Ice-cream ,ud*, It is always suvprielug how ince+ den,' • hole Is after one gets into It .ib.rut the only thiug 4 man nits) it after he gets ■11 tate nnouey he needs a w ore. Speculating anthill moor refined M u• gawhliag, but a fellow loses equally Y mot+. Many ■ Sunday -churchgoing nau ' boot e the chute* of furgetfuluws the fclb.wing Mondry. Dnttors used tv lance to bleed Ibar patients In olden flume. Other myth.nls are how employed. A girl ouly partJy returns a m•sn's a17e•ti.,oa whet she returns lila letter" and retsina hie Presents You can make • temporary angel of the ave,age woman by simply 141111. 41'nleeai07 ber ala'her youthful appear - 1111., .Y %omben can throw a stone with a curve that would make a pndesd.saal baseball pitcher turn green with wiry. The great demo,'! for w plenasnt, mate and reliable a tidots foe all •Rtetbns of. the til E -and Tone• i- fully met with in Bfckla'a Anti -Consumptive Syrup. Is In • purely Vegetable Compound. and art• promptly end mnp'r.11,. in til dieing all coughs, colds, iron •t+iris, In Rammer ion of the iinge, etc. it 1. .o palatable that a child will not re'ln•' Ir, and it Is pot at a price thin will not exclude the poor from itabenefits. SUFFERED FOR YEARS. J.,Int4 Timis tlmh• Were Awn11.•n Three Tlnw.• TMdr Nat•ral sloe -The 5.3.,..' lar 11«1 ter a Tee. red • Mel/. Fran The Echo, Wiartoe, Ont. Mrs. Wm. Thew, who is well known In the town of 5%'iarton• was a suffemr from heart trouble and articular rheu- matism for a period of fifte.o parr. Lately her condition hes mo much im- proved that a reporter of The Zito 0.0Ron her to asrwrtain to--�►t(_. came the change was due. -fi>s.Thew W18111-notemsn *sic ltllbl1city eifike mte't- to give a beef statement of her ,-ase in hope that some ether sufferer might be benefited. Shy staid: "My joints w,•ro all swollen up to tbree times their na- tural else and for a year and a half I Nae enable to leave my Md. 1 we: •I medical treatwent, and the doctors told me i would never be able to wn!k again. I t.rrk med•it•ine they on•eoribtd but it ladled to Sive any releef. 1 1.ek patent mesMcins., but they did not help nee. Haring noticed en tde.'rtaim art in • paper for I)r. 'Williams' Pink Pills. I concluded to gave thein a trial, and they :rave me relief from the tb:,e I nnro,im ed using them, about the hat et January last. 1 hare tnkeu t D box... i am now able to gr" ame.ld. w'ilh•'ut asnish,nce and do all my home- work-" In. Will,mine fink Pills cnrw- by going to the road of iimea.e. 'Phe renew and huild up the Id•..xf. and Rtrergthen the nerve/. the. .!riving dim caste from the sy.tru,. Avoid imitation by dnui.1,nit that every Mos you par- i hese to indorsed in a wrapper betters: the full trade mark, Dr. Wiiliama' Pink Pills for Pile People. What t. a Furlough/ "What be • furlough," asked a Colum- bus (Ohio) toe:her. "It means a mule." was the reply of Eery. "Oh, 00." replied the teacher. "It dewn't mean a mule." •'indeed, it does," •:,id Mary. "I bane a boat at home that •tots no." "Well," and the tear her, now thorough- ly Interested, "you may trim/ the book to school, and we II •,r about it." The next day M•,ry brought the book, and In some triumph opened to a page where there was a picture of a soldier standing be.lde a mule H dew the ple- tan were the wort : "Going Horne on Ills Furlough. " The Only Irani'. "I understand,' amid 331111e Washing- ton, "that Mr Ifaylow has aro t.ad habits." "Only one." replied Mho Cayenne "What is thrill - "Running that be hasn't any. "-Wasb- Ington Star Putting Etas le Trelsleg. "Do you rally want to go to war, Ran - ray., "Of course 1 do. " "Well, suppose you tory roue hand a1 In- timidating our cook "-Chicago Record. Sleepier..newel tin'• to nervoum exefte ment. The delicately ennetitnted, the Anancier, the bn.inee• ,mnn, and three whose ncenpatioi nereanitarem great men- tal %trniu or worry, all nutter len*O4 rinse from it,. Sleep 1, the groat restorer of i worried brain, and to get sleep choose the .to S ieh from all impurities with a tow doges of larmelee'a Vegetwhte PIIIw,- grit tine coated, containing no mercnry, and are guaranteed to wire tatiafactlon or the mon•r will he refunded, A Onnd Diction. .n• tnr Thre. 4 mot. A dhrtimsry engraining the definition of 10.000 of the meet unpInl and im- portant words In the EnglF•h 101r121%42e, ie Iwlhli.tle4 by the 11r. R'illinma' 5f -in- cise Co,, Brockville. Ont. While :t SoOtaiis some advertising, it la a emu - Pieta .44.tenuity, concise and correct. Is mantling Ala hook can haft been token to omit none Of those enmm.m words who.* spelling or exact ase oc- tadottss at times a momentary' dlAlgnity. even to welt -educated nide. The main gum bat been to 4i0' al inn t}t intern! Informatitn, sit p.saihle In a finite!! apne., With Chia in view, who -e noun, adjective isn't rerh are all 01,vt- throw Manns the acee,slon 01 IAA Curios, quell cennceled in meanlntl, ,uw,Hy on - who, apart from his ir ter and admitted (4117 hen ba•n inavterl, The volume will womhlessneet an • man, represeet* a est lhus be found to 'nnrnin the me nr fur of mediaeval (dean end aspirations that of rrry many more wounds than at pro- wonld set Spain hark into the pest *t feswla to explain. (mast a eentnry.-Hon. Hannls Taylor, To those who already bete a 4k'3,,, - 44.4m Minlelsp tit f- R Itrr.-'1677 brier- l?T'i,,,nitiwnd Tt.ebf be North American Review, cringe It la comport, lixtlt and t")u ten(e0t; to those who bare no diction - ,r7 whatever, it will be lnvelnahle, (7-,e mar he seettred hr writing to the *bore r*1. "•'7 mentioning thio paper, sn4 en - elation a tire! -rent %temp. Gaeta Cnwele•Ire Prose. A little berth boy of nos years, during Ills Arst term at the district school, was tering °rarely to mw.ier the elphabet,f He had reached the letter Q, and, to old bis memory, the Mwrher drew hug attention sr" the feet that the letter had a tall. He peel at It intently for a moment, and then "twonaht dower the bones" by ex- claiming: "!alta, It hate a 11111 I me 'M 1) Am.' Inalles.1 t. mew. CAmasalmak - Th* porn% bushier eteght to ems sasnral to a goal many st thew young gejrrang.n". Brrt .ea ; ;�.aC. shah "'1• "TM*1et theft sine. (tentativNy►•--T'hen thee* 01 he 04n's lA '- yee- Mere Warta. W. ars not .s '0rntnl with oar w(w'd4 *a we eft to he. We often wowed and are t*Maded by hasty or sem ter 4.444e weed.; we say Alsip sat coon forgotten by tap bearer Bar which we feel *!wry entre atterwar4.--Hen. 0. 1!'. 0ngrwy. "Re la pmtrlrly the mein aemes0ab4 mance !aloe gram" in why •.eJy,t,�,. .44i Ar wan YAW 111E1. n t rkyosseo roe is imea't {[treed 601 $1ylhing about slthr Ysd1L er tea Nab* "-Chicago Peek CONQUERED BY THE NEIN INGREDIENT \\ VICTORY FOR RYCKMAN'S KOOTENAY CURE ! Iltreagest Tratlmou) In the world. Clergymen. Doctors- Judge". Sworn 'Iratlmolalata. 4040* Preside Coired le 4 ►earl*. - CURES EVERY TIME. Price $1,00 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $5.00, from your Oregist or direct Ie*. Th. S. S. RYCKMAN MEDICINE CO., LIMITED., NAMILTOl, 01T: CAart Oak M.11yd Free •t Applte.Hew. .. i,..7[g♦T PILLA," wiles a10. *..Isis Ilse Neve 1wrr.411.141, ape a ear, rem gy feadatat, Blll..aa.r sad ('.uilpau.a. Pries in 4:0.55, Raatted w eel *Mpeps, ,seie+e.r•r.YO.7 A Perfect... Wood Furnace "WOOS MART" Made lie-elaeii,alleg 3, 4 that weed. Wllteteilete ttiee0 100,oto cubic feet Heavy fin bog, with Conagatiens, increase./ Use heating surface Eats large hnng door and ash par Heavy steel Sues with cot heeds that will expand without cracking Bolo es outside away from noun of the ire. 'onset Erect .r ledlrest4 - ala4�.fv, t iYee uteM ielesegleg elm. glad. lar bridirer pltra°irr.1 ruins. YM Gra keep your bo.. terom cells to garret .ad Do it Ch.aply. M1fhME8TUSTIMORI•Le Pe00* All OWALCRS AND 11)7118. rhe McClary Mfg. Coe, ,,r;,, .ovveR, If year local dealer remise aw,.ply, wA.es use merest her. Appesr Are Ire.eltfoI. One of our soldier maws sends us • dory or one of his rnnirades, • private, who recently found hl,neelf an Inmate of a military hospital Immensely pleased with his altered conditions and blissfully -.melons that hie pay sane steadily run- ning on. he telt pomitively grieved one morning to Aud himself feeling a, well u ever he did. The doctor paid his usual vl.it with the clinical thermometer, which round • resting place under Tommy •11 - kin.' tongue. While the physician's attention was !+traded. however, the Instrument was gently transferred to a basin of hot tea standing near. sod after a few morn lute Deftly returned and Anally handed book with the mercury rigid at 180 "Groat heavens," exclaimed the dieter, wheat. his profewlonal m,lmnees rudely shattered. "Yon ought to be *sons dead, roan. Nobody was ever known to live at anything like that Get to had, thick. Your Saes 1e a de per.,te 000." ease f's Claimant Cures IaGrtppt. T10 aur+ Thing. "marls." maid Resales to lila wins. with all 'des of lnetrn.'ting her in pnH- tkal economy. "do you know what civil metric* I.?" Jasper," paid Mrs. Bnggiee, with rne711047 of meant contact with the took, "there isn't any." ■ifiald's Lteimcut for Rheumatism. Amar the Itonermon". Nie-Behtre w -e aero m•rrled ler gave up cigarette. to Melee me. Don't you love me fuel' it mach now? He -Yee; but 1 ronld afford cigars thea, How's This ! W. offer tine Hundred Dinars reward for ancam of Catarrh that cannot be cared be Hell's Catarrh Cure. • F.J. CHF,XEY a 00.. Toledo, a We, the endersign• d have known Y. J. Cheney for the last 1A r.en. and believe him p.rfeeily honoroM. In all kindness trao.aetlo.s and enan^lally ardent carry out say ohne* tione made by their Arm. Wirer k Ti ,a. W hntneale Drtgal'Isole l eta- s WAt.ntiva, climax a Mantra, �PPiht dray gists Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cue la taken Internally, sea Ing directly upon the blood and mucous see faces of the eystem. Testimonial' sent free. Prim Napa" Weil. Bolt by .0 Druggla. "Why do your paresis object as le Mr. i.rogetop?" .. Edith -Mamma objects to his 1br.4 comings and paps to his long •fall•... When all other c ,r, prepnnuluos fail, ry Holloway's Den Core No pain what. ser, and no inconvenience In using it. Didn't Cara •'Peh•.ewally,'• The Derktewn De -hating 440140(7 wits having a Gadflies meeting, end the emo- tion of *hanging • certain section of the by laws was being dl.rosatd pro and coo. Presently Mr. Julius Jackson got up and began bin .peach by .57108: 'Pubaooslly, Ml•tah ('hnrnnan, pub- sonslly I don't rare whetbeh this ahricla oh de constitution oh our society am changed or not, but (o' myself I'd like ter .se bar changed " Qulckeure cures Tooth Ache. Stops all Pala. Watches for Boys. "°n �•° Kre • stem wlud W.teb and Chan during the mummer holiday", by riling SAO worth of oar Se and LIS. goods- rRood. nM odd ezehenge4- no money rimelrr•ed,� mate your father's ore un.tbm. and we will m.6 the goods. De�p t M, Manufacters' Ase! Co., Toronto, Owep 4. ASH YOUR DHALHR FOR BOECHH'S BRUSHES and BROOMS. !or Bale by all heading Heater R000011 SRO*, 4 con rail T, Marsha terse, TORONTO, OMr. RATE TOO TRIED TRS NSW ARNIA hrP The Warr White Vas good as *..rt. een-Cheaper. and Geta Leaver. Tear dealer .Mold hared. TUE 004101% C:TT 011, CO., LIMITED, aa...el Rogers, President, repeat.. T. N. U. 178 It matters ant whether yne are going to wmb es tits Meting ter others. brie,In the workahoe, the merchant's s neer+► tatter's glace, you need a thorough Healers ltd.wlla Define nothing for others 1• I* On4ir to eac.aed .,3L den'• fur she Aaeere rmexa the me dt . Nods,. Nene{... C,tl..qg.. for fall (4 tied*. doing of 04.e'e self. Wo most be past` addnee C. A. Yawing. Ptiseapal, Owe Sesd.01* po .4 14104 and grorrorta, ( mar t!s otart tea .dater'*- The heart that maw out of Itself gets lamer tad hi s1 4.7. They Never Sall. -Men, S. M. Bong! -1 wee, Iwegtee, ivrtrat: "Tof *hoot (ire # Salttea 5* gtTYRN' years I was tronhled with inward Piles f Nome I Bl/eslgllt �•� but by using Parmelee'. Pills, 1.wa. not! Seekers' StsTM Netely mond, and although four yeah , pOekers' have slapmed since then they have not .. •-- turned." Parmelee% PI11. .re anti- , 60 Day �eMi••• bilious sad •'pantile for the euro of Liver e11BBeB11tw and Kidney Oomplwiata Dyspepsia, Coe.ExcNrsiolls amus Ellett' matter. - egoista the seontlooa mid namove all . :::} S30 titaness, Headache, Plies, .to., and will The R.II.g Teael... uulIIUJlIl •J �� Doer* -Rows, Tole setts this mars "'"1-1 IB Nal • • • • b Nr. BaIMe1T NW1'r ".4' Ittil ...y a+er-rm afraid Ilba'e gretV soar 044444 *.611 *4tloroba. sista Asea M Doose1--RtS tM Ma ICE man. a Atl.r. lad •a7 dnelhtf tilMar daA t s wet 1. the growing weakr? can *1R► bet s`.'. +sues tisgelllg done M t: "el". u salla es" , If) v1y t*4S.._ xaarglg` tltllld IB. a^.�r*un..ear • - - ifr � Mat► um Ing 4 Ali' *.. 111111181117; gM teeM� t11i Marti Lrlelast Ms Mit ii fit. i'Iar ��A. Aisa alga' Me