The Signal, 1898-6-16, Page 31 iTit1L osi ate veltY LATEST ATE OVFORM ALLW wola garottes MaoA' est Oar Owe Ceseery. .1/ United moue, sae an • is a tots Oleo.. Caeor"sed sad asurt d ler Easy Resets. CANADA purrliars are ravaging the vicinity td Cbieout Una • Quebec. Yee tact rate of Mlddlesez County -is, Ile os the dollar. • 1dRlm tea( HamiL- iasaw( fallen Ferry. to heir0.00). been massacred by the Japanese sil- (•• km r was Ter; I theory in the Homan district. pensge Smoke of explosion •adlf {nlured by the ezplosion d s Emperor William hos ordered that Was 17rangeltne Cisneros, who was hearted to escape from a Spanish pris- on in Harada esverel months ago, was married at Baltimore en Thursday to Carla F. Carbooell, who assisted her in her raeoue. Martin 'Thorn, who was convicted in Queen's county early in December of last year, and esntenoed to die in the electric chair at Sing Sing, for the murder of Willlatn (uldensuppe the bath rubber, win have to 'utter the death penalty. GENERAL. Plague riots have broken out in Calcutta. White people are dying of the plague Ln Calcutta. Natives attacked • Russian {east in Tnrkeetan, and carried the garrison. •--..jeaweeat wanes and children best Pa. e debt oo the Y 14. C. A. building et 1(i°getun, $14000, bas bean met by d ssbrnaidelivsp d ttg• eW17 1._._ Tfe ;nynwi edlW _ 1 gasped letters Will bs•thanirumBiatoar it July 1St. S. Iiimmtiat .la to 4 r it''S jegitrttsa. Artbur I{noL of 'A fol. l9 Toronto, was kilted on the C.P.R. at ✓ Lomat Hill. y •Commencing on July .Il. Montreal to steelmakers will have teak wags. re- Suesd 10 pet cent. e rag party et lanceolate who --11011- r t to arch for Aadree have I need ..st Vancouver. tit J. Robitsille, • C. P. R. conductor. 1t dropped dead un his passenger train it flus Portnett. Que- e s James Taylor. Is tanner living a near Hull Aylmer. was urm fatally imjd by leL.ctric Railway car. id daughter of Vis oourt chaplains must nut eztaed ti[ - teen minutes with their sermons. Su ADOIPIs CHAPLEAU DEAD. iS1 7r"leads, AMeraets• te-fii h� from Maltreat, dor Adolphe Chapleau. ex-Litut.-Goisi diad at tbe ' hotel la this city a few minutes be- fore ems o'clock on Itonday. He was ooeseione almost ..to the last. Sur- reaadtaV the bsdlMdrwben the veteran ata . --_-sl%'sw.y were Lady twq�-ps Chaleleta Dr. Ephraim Cbapleau, stead Major 8. E. Cbapleau brothers, Col. King, his father-in-law; Miss Helen Chapleeu. his sister; Mrs. 8. E. Chap- eau, Mr. Arthur Daneereau, the two Misses Deni ersail. Justice W urtele and Mrs Wurt.ete, Edouard Delpie, Lista:- Governor ieut- Governor Jette's secretary; the Misses ane Cha lean. Dr. dao ht era, r. W. E. Blumhart, Mr. L. E.ur in attend Inst Abbe Colin, IS Government, from which the payment in P.8.8.; and ;'f5 754, DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Notes of Proem/dings In the Cana- dian House of Commons. UERLL$ CLAIM BOARDS A militia order betted provides tor the establishment of a Medals Claim Board, to determine who are entitled to medals tor aerviose is the Fenian" raid of 1866. Fenian raid of 1870. and Red River expedition of 1870. - TO PROTECT TORONTO ISLAND. Mr Clarke enquired what worhe the Government intended to carry out this year for the proteotion of Toronto la - land. Mr. Tarte replied-Myi intention, is to build this year two or three addi- tional groynes out of the money at my dlepossl. I think the groyne oonetruct- ed last year has done very good ser- vice. With two or throe more t believe tt will .be sufficient. ----MANITOBA'S CLAIMS. ltanttob•'s claim took up • *flee part of the time of the House. The Gov- ernment proposed to pay the province !$610,901 to reeoep it- for deductions made from ita subsidy on account of the Federal outlay on the. legislative buildings and for furnuhiug. Since the restitution wase introduced tbe Gov- ernment hsa decided that the pan was property' charged for the ftay.itt�- ing. It deducted $17,000 from tbe to- tal on that account, which, with toter - est. makes the claim now $498,801. The resolutions were adopted. 'MANITOBA SCHOOL FUND. -- Ire at tit at u ld gni the hat ad lea 1h 141 iR be• the toe lay rtee nes wily ask eras era laid dam seas um- ber the of ittes bout the in • ([its re a :bar, et s the 'Inds eoa- ben- rltle It u' lber, crib a in dos Ittle agbt I for poor o is umd road d to tb• its isles glad de- Orbs Q ea' I to iteetlleedy dies - legs in. I that frit ring at rlea riprbt rosy the the very important legwlation which has been the outeusue of your deliber- atious, particularly the Plebiscite Act and the new Franchise Act, which 1 confidently eapeoted, will work setie- tatctorily in ail porta of the Doa►iaioa. I rejoice that. during my term of ottioe, it has been my good fortune to witn.ss'the improved rotenone that have grown up between Canada and the neighboring Republic. and l loots forward with much sutiefaction to the greet benefits that will flow from a settlement of the many questions that have caused it-ritatiue io the part. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, I thank you for the liberal provisionbiro which you have made for the pas service. ,Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate; Gen- tlemen of the Howse of Commons' 1 now wish to express the earnest hope that the work of the session may materially advance the prosperity o1 the country. 1 cannot be unmindful of the (act that this is the last ooea- aloo on which it wil4,be my privilege to address you from this seat es the reproseotati♦ of the sovereign. In bidding�ou`a cordial farewell 1 have to retia my warm ecknowledg- meuta for the parting address, lull of toy to tb.'Queen and of knolls good -will to myself. which I am otti- wyTaTOTMlieriess been unanimously dgeee of Parliament, tad which titways constitute a valued tnkaa-aatmemorial of my stay to ooacluaion I amongst' Toil -lied • de- ers to express my moat hearty good wishes tor your personal happiness end for the welfare of the great interests entrusted to us. SILENCED THE BI(I FORTS On mot ion to ant horise the payment to Manitoba of $3.000 oar of the lb; three-year-old t Pert- -- 4ct- Jeannine and Erold D school fund of the province, of whicb ter 8or feU into the lake at Rm Ephrtlmm Cb•pieae • g M W dam $=00,t 01 ail be paid in the present - — R A. B lfea 81r Year. Mr. Fie 4!t explained that the iv is,-3-vfas'ilrovrDed Ni.. Jeaaatte Wilson of Hamilton Rte. k school (nod now to the bands of the GU downetatn and fractured her skull. I •t b deans Abbe Col is to i dying to • ens 4 Vicar -General Raciaot, who recited to believe • oil 7, Le. et of lumber a *Anna and there is every reason wawa abs ter. can rbvO»arise herd- tatd ll team milt sat 7 i,00'J feet of tum ser Chapleaa, deceurd's sister, heT a -w-ill continue to inmeeon d rd fourteen houses (' t times over the dymag mans i lige. Lady bed n tears, re leaning on the Tbe resolution was reseed. aids of the bed in tsars, remained with Ike Herald for criminal i her h$staad to the last. The Meese B.*UHING SEA AWARD. M Iltimeomim--,wnrtroor7-pati•t+e life jeyp{g- vt�annotrnoetl that the loss elected Gr �' __the_ as the United States, wi❑ announced that for bin. elected Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Manitoba. tar f howl'.neeteutrea 1° ° d the I will be made. now amour t ons MaTera d li[7<"zgtse Ylbbltlnt amag fund is raided Chief of Police Hughes of Montreal. erari u r n volae. Ilia prosecuting Pnblieher Brierley of libel The jessnstion to paohibit'preacher$ from entering 'chats was defeated it tba Montreal Methodist Conference. Lieut -Col. George V • loots of Lb* Dm- pertinent of Customs, Ottawa. died coo r C P. R. train at Whitewood. Mani- toba. hair trainmen lost their Ries in the dera".meut of a !travel train. -on the utitwa a New York railway at Esn- bru n - /senator Melones wants the City Council of Hamilton to purchase Dun - dun Park for a museum or soologicel Bard -n. Ilia J. R. delegate Inver the Genera Pio- Lou, N.A., a tleisg A*w'nibly, was killed by • street car HAVANA iN A BAD WAY. at Mont real. Mr John Hurley of Peterboro' baa -- bLrII IP08Anted Dominion Goveroment 1554 1iS5,4 a■e P1•rr..,,.d a■d Ifep In train inspector for the district -bra- Ar, Ww Zota'rerfwv-terreelv•- t Kingston - NEGRO TROOPS. STORY OF THE BOMBARDMENT OF SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Tae Attack •a tar P•ralmeatt•ae tasted Tarry Miura- None •f tae tolled Suter MMtps were ■It. A despatch from Jamaica Gays:-'1'be Amereaan fleet . on Monday morning engaged the Spanish batteries defend- ing the entranoe of the harbour of San- tiago de Cuba. and, after • three hours' bombardment, silenoed nearly all the forts, destroyed several earthworks, and rendered the Estrella and Cayu batteries. the two prloolpal fortifica- tions. useless. The fleet formed,,,,ta double oalums six miles oft Morro Ile at six o'clock in the morning and steamed slowly 3.000 yard soft abore, the Brooklyn leading. followed by the Marblehead, Texas and Massachusetts and turned westward. The second line. the New Yodc _ .leading. wish the. New Os -Leaps,. Yankee• Iowa and Oregon, turned emit= wia7L -'lis 'Vixen and Sewanee were- faraet e. --Me lett flank. watching the riflemen oar_abore. The Dolphin and Porter did similar duty. ors- the .rig�lt. flank. Theelin headed by the New York at- tacked the new earthworks sear Morro castle. The Brooklyn column fool[ uP a station opposite the Estreille loi C - aline butteries and t Moores a Crest acral of Tremble et TamPS. along. the shore. The Spanish batteries s'%•rses• rewaioed silent. It is doubtful whe- Flor ther the Spaniards were able W detsr- here a, says — Advices reeetved mine the character of the movement, baro from sources is Tampa -which owing to the dense fog and heavy cannot be doul.ted tell of a very rain which were the weather features bad state d afti�Lthere and in Ybor obi/ morning. City relative to the coloured troops A TORRENT OF SHELLS. will be ordered to pu,ak, the best terms I aaulilated with machetes. ado M soap Negro anldin J 9f. the 12 -Seth he can with Adwirni Dewey. A Min- The skywas biasketsd with clouds. Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth In- 8uddeniy the Tows tired a utrr-li5s-7IItormsd-ole 4bat- :till -'ri was blow- Es- [ torments visas un to the tad when the sun pet a h ..werewe,x.s V Nom with t>ts I.wlyerta ahem Gen. Garcia. Several Spanish military and naval officers were killed and wounded. The Spaaigh lose of soldiers and mariner was heavy. The city is Isom at the mercy of Ad- miral lampeon. Tbe bombarding rail. awls formed in two divisions. the map under, Rear -Admiral Sampson befall led by the flagship New York; the other division. under Commodore Schley, on the Brooklyn. Thirty-four shots were fired from the Iowa's U- inta guns. and thirty-eight shots from her 8-in..h guns. There were a few shots from her secondary battery. Other vowels engaged in the bombard- ment fired a proportionate number of shota. and &savory oar was well aimed the damage done must have been tre- mendous. SPAIN HAS HAD'ZNOUOH. terve Il•a•flwtIrg SUS elle Fewer, a wand• able rear,-t'eaReraee Saw vet lradetd. The Madrid correspondent of the Loudon Daily Mail says: "T'berr li now tittle dolga that Spain• seeing the hopelessness' of further continuing the LI approaching t he powers w it w of Dbtaining an bonoraole peace. Tbe Cabinet Council tier fin- ally authorised7Duks Almedifirnf' de Rto to expedite diplomatic acne* and in aoaseoopiias, the Dtike Is now con- ferring with certain Ambamadors and Ministers in Madrid. lost ructions Wive been telegraphed to the Spanish Itiniater in Vienna. and orders like - teen to -Senor Agu■ra, the tt er-eentary of State. to proceed at once to the Austrian capital. Spain u unqueuti,.ntbly looking to Austria for •assistant.• in ber distress,. It is unlike- ly that any appeal will be made to the Pope, u the earlier intervention of his Holiness mat lith a distourtttriag reception in Ameries. "Probably ('aptuin-:•neral Autos! FIGHTING IN CUBA. Amesleeee are wpwslarea Save a rimmed ' .ogle. A despatch from the Cub•e coast. eta Hayti days:—Lieut.-Ool. R. W. Huntington's battalion of marines. which lauded from the tratu*i.prt Pan- ther on Friday. and encamped on the hill guarding the abandoned oab1e sta- tion at the entrance to the outer har- buut. of Gauntanamo. has been engag- ed in beating oft a buab •track by 8paniab guerillas and regulars rime 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The fighting was Islamist 'continuous for 11 hours until 4 o'clock Sunday morn- ing. when reinforcements were land- ed from the Marblehead Four Americans were killed and one wig oro 1. • The elegem pickets. a.dar Limits. Neville and Shaw. are aaa000Yated for. The Spanish .lea is unknown, but. 1t was probably eoa>•iderable. The splashes of. blood found at daylight at the position the !Spaniards occupied indttlite fetatitimscbat their comrades o•rdeg q . the killed and wounded.. M( B E1:L6ia._.-. The�sogapssnt boRa!!Mrit1 the Yickat. J tb(Sleeiatt yards island from tbe camp. Captain dpieer's company was doing guard duty. aid was driven in. finally tally - lag on the map and repulsing the at ftl/=oak• The bodies of • ] rCalli on and Dunphy were found, both abet in the head. The large **titles caaaad by the, bullets. which - inside a ramie of 500 yards have a 1 rotary motto.. indicate that the vic- tims io- time were Wiled at elan* range - The bodies wen ,stripped of shoes. and cartridge belts.and horribly lab. age tantry at Tamps, heights broke bras libel', which struck the lase oft e s( ,sem and there was • trellis battery,' and tore up the worn. Iced tiwe. _ -littag-begs&from ioth.Jt&U wild time. The men became into( ed, and nearly wrecked Ybor City. Admiral Sampson's and Commodore They tired forty or fifty shots into Srbley's columns. and • torrent of same of the houses. In the plans shells from the ships fell upon the known art Fort Brucke the rioters al- Spanish worki. The Spaniards replied t- dsmpllrbed the houses. tom-�rart•i4ler1 work. visa tb...dying statesman going outt It their occupants to [See iso _-- ,.-- abbe recited the last words of the tbe amount of the award which i1. has I pet safety. It u retorted that due- I� •very peps quality, and moat of p/ftymf♦r. The tut word he uttered was been shed upon to pay for wage' sea- nag the row • white ()(titer of one d tbeiF shots Mary wide. Smoke asttled "I(arie" •call to his wife (rare of Canadian soling vessels by I the comaaaias war aha sed .eriouslr _ i dome clouds, t d •rottisd the .Dips a 0 Philippines, August' would be ordered to bold out to this last. but as the ing to-ircumetances,' a mild enamel door surrender. "The cruiser IAe{.anIo u • still et Cartagena, comp,elina ber crew, Orders have been iswurd for keto,esd eoi-1.000-yWra {u dive. 1a5P�. at Cadiz in case Admiral Cameras squadron may Zack its full complement. " All the forces opposed to the Gov- ernment are &bowing signs of restless- ness. Marquis de Cerra o, , rhea tbeer `May 8i.o* ata retirem,nL (soap Spencer- Item in its Aypropriation bill, in ea I wounded by • colourwl private. Con- wood 4aat winter, the ex-Lieut.Gov- 1 of by especial bill for the purpose. 'I his pony H. moa[ Mutsachusetts, wY rendering eocnrate aiming daft - wounded I 11 tb. *sacs sir o lead been a sa[[erer from T it dopted for the pnrposs of ordered t to restore order. and • 1 it The was no • manoeuvring. i agent of Don Carlo*, assures.me kidney troubles for many years, had been id very poor health. He return- ed a few weeks ago from AtlanttI City ma'D improved, but was again • tack- ed by. bis old trouble. and, complica- tions setting in, be sank gradually no - til the end The news of his death was received with regret by all classes of tbe population as tbe passing away of one of the moat brilliant men and. -era - tors i tors that the French-Canadian tra"oi` ,119.944 bas been expended up to date• has produced. The Government will consider wheth- er the country will pay the whole 370,- 000. 70; 000. or wb:•ther the successful litig- ants shall contribute • portion of the most. ALIEN LABOUR LAW AGENTS. answer to questions by Messrs. Clancy and McCormick. • thea said alien labour law agents had been appointed at W•llaoeburg and Parry Sound. h;le the war luta that Canasta will Lag seaward. Night' fell, thick and ►m- reetreble. The Spanish squads oon- • trealterin fi e'ciatitiited teeter ted the - -„e- advantage, the Americana on the ridge turWubing fine target± &gatmat the sky and the white tents. The Spaniards fought from cover till m►dntgbt, ds - t overtiote only -by-ttssbew- ei-which- the - i,i-w the warines tired volleys. 'the Marble- head launch • oolt machine gun in her bow. pushed up the bay, firing on the Siximlar• s and it is thought that some were killed. The ships threw • tbeir on° a b( the i dishonour - sampling undue delay, and puma 1 white soldier eau shot in the shoulder the ebi nmsining at their original w kl' htr Shure, the powerful •leo- defeat of the proposition. 11 the soar I by anegra Although this white troops � remain quiet , but should s dishonour- trice •a• ewer in lbs desii •trupiu (oli- ossatul Canadian applicants for dam- emceed dad in dispersing the negriete to- 1 stations and firing ateadlly• The I ewe peace be negotiated, they will act Y W g do not contribute anything lo- tiedrone were p rasa* inshore that in accordance wits, ideas of duty.' sign and exposing occasionally skulking ages y 1 ward morning the rioting was resum- sq row of o i n occe Each discovery wards the cost, the expense which this with increased vigor on 'Puesday• I it was di[tmutt for the American Lan- Tbu is •plain statement and shmwld the enemy use greeted by the sonatas will have to meet on account "While the negtve* wan+ at the height nem to reach the batteries ot'the hill- not be Inst eight G ern it is hardly possible that the Government will n* crackle of carbine (ire aloug the edge of the Behring Sea arbitration will W I their wild revelry a company ort but their (icing wise excellent. I a peace which the of the camp ridge, or by the long tops able to negotiate •• of the launch's, machine gun. search- ing the thickets withaieaden stream. THE MAIN ATTACK. Shortly after midnight came the eearc ig a $70,000, less 38,000 which Great Britain I Southern white volunteers appeared bas agreed to pay. The sum of $50• and promptly attacked the rioters. A SOOlas already been voted, of which large number of shots were fired, sod it is asserted wren and Toronto. A despatch from Kingston. says: - The first crop bulletin of Manitoba The British oruiser Talbot has arrived fur the year is very encouraging. Then are :90J 510 more acres of wheat under here. She left Havana on Tuesday with cumvation than last year. I thirty-eight English persons, ten of M,. Flavien Dupxlt, sen', bar taken whom were women The women In - an action for $10,000 against the Grand ,chided • sister of the British Red Cross Trunk on a Mr. t of the Dupont, M.P.bia 'Society. The paaeengers report that w0 tbe late Mr. Flavien '1 b• Alla liner Corson has arrived at Havana is quiet. Food is acaroe,Mand Ha'�tta: with 180 British tars and petty offu•ers on board. most of whom are for the battleship Renown. Mr Wilfred Tremblay, of Chicoutimi, bee come upon • vein of ore •m his pro- perty at a depth of seven feet from the surface which he believes to be very rich in silver. The report from fib e a that Mol Dated Pottinger, general t hr i.C.R., is to supersede Mr. C. Scbrie- be: ss Deputy Minister of Railways the hotels. They ere supplied only • dad Ottawa is generally disorwittsd at a large extra coat. Tbe Sp•nial) sol- Ult lvir diem are grumbling that they are Somas Coe fair-year-od daughter of ( starved and that the Government owes Thomas, Cttgelaad Landon, died on 8s, an of them from nine to twelvemonths' pay. Petty officers subsist by ex or extra ing blackmail and demanding charges on everything. Mast is quite plentiful, as eight hundred head et cat- tle were recently landed at Batebeno. Paper money is worth only fourteen to r centi* that is particularly true of flour. d*r to enable their employes to than halt the bskeriee are closed, and •ogtsaintad with them. others. which are only filling outatand- THE: HUDSON RAY EXPEDITION. THE G. T. R. REGULATIONS. In reply to Mr. Ingram. Mr. Blair said that he had called the attention of the G.T.R. to the objections raised to their new regulations. and the com- pan had agreed to postpone the date when they will Dams into effect in or_ Ing oontr*ots, expect to close within Sir Loads Davies stated, in reply to a few days. One bakery was besieged questions put by Mr. roster, that the by a mob, while 260 persons inside the total cost of the expedition command - shop were olaanouring for the privil- ed by Commander N akeham. sent to ascertain the practicability racticabilit of the Hud - up. Eggs are now a luxury, and bare sons Ray route for commercial pur- ege of purchasing bread when it closed poses. kad been $28.x. The result been taken from the regular menu at of the expedition bad been to substan- tially confirm the conclusions arrived at by Commander Gordon, who went over the same route some years ago. turday after eating poisoned canoed salmon. Her eight-year-old brother died • week ago from carbolic acid p010001ng. The officers sed members of the 43rd Battalion of Ottawa have reoeived a THE FRANCHISE BILL. The difference Between the Sen- ate eo- ate and the Houma of Commons has been ad tooted. 'There was a confer- ence between two members of the Gov- ernment, Sir Louis Davies and lir. Fitzpetriok, and two members of the formal invitation from the Governor Previous to the bombardment orders 1 people will not regard as crushing. were issued to prevent firing on Mor- Captain Almon. Ministea of Marine, started for ('uiis at 10 o'chock on Wed- e*d*y evening. All the Misietere ss that foor negro regulars ro waits. 'se the Aslet'lcem admiral had vwere killed, Several od this were nut keen been informed that Lieut. Hohaon. and teritied. Se Thel o Ge re more Regi -r I the other prisoners of the Merrimac Isar hurt. The Second Georgie w fined there. in spite of this, meat night, and pd ventedA duty Tur*- day night, .and prevented any further outbreak. Resident, of Ybor City were greatly alarmed. and there is much - neer the pre- sence of the colored troops. wild are declared responsible for many more or less merlons affrays. General Shatter am the chore battenw. has been urged to place a strong guard obi around the camp of the coloured sol- ISILS*Icing them. While the larger diets. and to keep them confined ships were engaging the heavy batter- strictlywithin its limits so long as they ' lea, the Sueanee and the Vixen clos- er* hed in this State. ' ed with the small inshore battery op- posite them. raining rapid -(ire shots upon it, and quickly placing the bat- tery out of the fight. The Brooklyn' cloned to 800 yards, and then the de- struction caused by her guns and those of the Marblehead and Texas was really awful. In a few minutes the woodwork of the Estrella fort was burning, and the battery was silenced. firing no more during the *Mgag,- meat- Eastward. the New York and New Orleans silenced the Cayo battery to quick order, and then shelled the earth- works loco higher up. Teter on the p moa w cvmpanied him to the railway station. mein attain k• The Spanush we He will remain at Cadiz until Admiral gallant charge up the south-west slope were coo Camera's squadron is ready to sail. but were met by repeated volley from however, several straw shots Iof t volae and • Senate. Sir Matatensie Howell end azteen pe Mr. Fergueop, with the result t. hat of Vermont to participate In the 4th renters U worth $9 in silver. Captain- the Franchise bill with an amend - of July celebration at St. Alban's and I (;enersl Blanco u endeavoring to ear rent, and the Piebieelts bill without it bas been thousand usan ed. tale the oonrage of the citizens with I amendment, were passed by the 11p• Twenty he sppl dollars have been bombastic bulletins reporting Ameri- per Chamber. The amendment which added to the supplementary estimates mu defogs. He bas Issued orders pro- the Senate withdraws was the one to cover the expenses of the proposed bihiting deafen from raining the price providing for a Judicial appeal in Quebec commrence to consider out- of Good. but it has bad little effect. Manitoba. New Brunswick, ' and standing differences between the Unit- Nova Scotia from the decision of s ed Metes and Cared*. reviving officer. it was withdrawn. Frank ('u.abing, of Bangor, vexing Sir Mackenzie Bowefl •nd aplsibec. (4 was instantly kills.' Tuesday evening the interest of pewee• se at tbe mills of the Sault Ste. Maria, Sir Wilfred Laurier has pledged him - Ont.. Pulp and Paper Company. Erery • n self to use his influence to induce those bone in hu body was broken. and his provinces to give the judicial appeal lel* arm, which, o•ughb in the shaft which hurled him to death while trow- iog oft the belt. was torn out of the eheulder, damaged Genrvl Correa in the meantime is tel- themain body, and (0011• before trey Morro castle somewhat. filling his duties at the Ministry o1 were a third of the way up lbs rill, A HOT FIRE AT 800 YARDS. !Marine The fifteen vassals forming but they caths au close that at points �ommodere Seb;•ya tine movedclor i the squadron will start together. ne_ there was almost a hand-to-hand Waters uad their re- ar inshore, nd Te a shorter range Tee eeddfwben the equattroo is well out to pavers. Three Spaniard* got tbtough ldrooklyn and Tel" caused wild havoc sea it is unoleretood lrat the forces,'"the open formetton to the edge of tbe cuicklf camp. Col. Joz Campine. the Cuban guide. die barged his revolver, anti they turning and finding themselves _ without - support, ran heater-sketler Maid Mario. Me.ptrleas •f MM WIR down the reverse side of the hill. it was during. this assault that Ass*tsat- Draw a revolver. Mer O•1arr biter Surgeon Gibbs was killed. He wise *,pea. soil nae lea. ailed. tubo( in the bead i0 (root of hki owe moi. to from Montreal says -3E tent the tartbnmt point of attain k. ANY PEACE PROPOSAL spsta Wlllts( to Arrest ear $%N'44 ream the F.aemy. A despatch from Brussels says :-The special Madrid correspondent et the Petit Bleu, of this city, telegraphs an interview which he claims to have had with Senor Merino, the private secre- tary of the Spanish Premier. Senor 8s- gtasta, in which tbe secretary is quot- BRITAIN AND CHiNA. Ream Warned Ran ie interfere le L'aus- * lass, *alley. GREJIT BRITAIN. lord Wolseley is mentioned as the Mixt Governor�nari The Marquis of Huntly is bankrupt. 11* debts are $6914,490 end his uaets 38450 Tbe British Board of Trade returns for May show al heinous* in the im- porta of £1,100.000, sad a decreases la the exports of C1.4M,S10. The emigration from Brinell ports to Canada duringMay was as follows R4mtlieh, 5f7; Irsh. 81; eooteh, ItHI ; foreign. 1.011. TM total for the ttve months of the present yetis are; 81eg- isb 5,766; lriah, 901;•ilootok, 701, and foreign. 1,640. UNITED STATES. The At*mta pelisse are looking for lnhe T. Moody, aa -insolvent dry goods t merchant of that place. 7 is •oPp0seddo be la Canada. By the upsetting of a snail boat is Buffett) harbour on Meturday eretttng \t•ifliam A. Thomas. Joseph B. Talbot end PHIL Gilmore were drowned. Ptlwaril Beylolda, of Brockville, w'ae had injeredM At oOies * n0 , aturday b a promoters KM_ Uwe( was to opal a01d• at Jur, I13'* •inky, • A deepetch from Landon says T>b e under their own laws. This assurance are printing many con-- was repeated newspapers byMr. Mills. The gratulation• upon the signing of the I amendment which is insisted upon, and Amen-CMnsae convention on I which the Government aooepts in the Interest also ile P Thum of ace. ro.ltltts that day. which given Great Brttaln an ez- I objected ballots in Prince Edward In tension ort the .boundaries of Hong land, where there are no lists, may be Kong. including Kan Tung, of alto - marked sob h. fon°* sustainedrder that , twoh mired square miles, un- may. ed as paving formally declared that the Spanish Government will now 10- oept any 1511ce proposal which is sub- mitted " on the express condition that It dose not emanate from the enemy." tut tbe Premier's secretary is said to have added, " The international medi- ation which would he especially wel- comed upon the pert of Spain would bei in the owe of the initiative being taken by France or Austria." INCREASE I ASA Bernie Prem Igarlt•aae MOW 11 1r Larger Sy ISS.SSS Arras. A deepatcb from Winnipeg says: - The June crop bulletin of the Provin- cial Government just issued will show the whet area to be 1.488,918 acres, an gwther a greatest im- withdrawn• der * lease to which the g Sir Mackensie Howell affirmed the portends be attached, as the territern ssnatitutiorul right of the Senate to acquired le regarded as being Kong. make such amendments. He also mov- tial for the prrtectioo of Hoag b the following declaration :-"That The lease eneaDrlees the Island of T ws. $Mhartata dose insist apoa itt oonsti- tao, to the westward of Hong Kong, tenoned right to reject or amend such anti the mainland txbfnd Kan LnnR, bill, or any hill of • similar character earth and east epof aline tWbile ( the that may at stay time te* presented Yin hay to Iltbe bie7. to the C.n*te." Th* declaration was Chinese ernb retain the northern shores of passed by the Renate on the aaanrance thee bays. the lease corers their ear of Mr. '�* that the Houde of (bet- ters. enbJent to the right of the Chinese oven* world raeMpt Gan onmPsomlSS to nae them for their own slaps. The third roadinngg M I the Pl.Nenite hill Wham questioned in the House of ware •greed to without amasAmsat. Onm l*ted as to whether Rae* sing- SPR®CH PROM THS THRONE. t..-Elang sending ttep* ar the Yang tee-(ia•ng volley. the 1'arliaenentar'r you Gsatleser et tbe 8sN'ts: (iNtlo Seeretary for tea Foretgii Office, tor. mere of the Ron.• of Commoa.:- Corot., made an important statement 1 am glad to be able to relieve Portia- without i• 700 to the offset that each a pprroeeedtn`' from farther attendaade without the consent of ('Lina. woe msnt. he am art of war, and the Government White! all the rrtresures whirl pub- would ub would take the regaieite atoP" (0 pro- lie tntere.t •*wetted (o d*m*mA and to flet British laterals. ObvIoesl tail& which i Invited your eonairierat Ism at is IatenAwd as i - ay.tng to 6u**ia tan, „yank,. of thaw ee1eio0, have not ranee of o l Hones* eM,•Parliamant, 1 cglgrat at4 jp nO _ will then bre divided. MURDER IN MONTREAL A c The su rune 08 the hospital corps Morin E' h{' ns Ilan 27 rb De a.rd nn a rent u • • then rotixrved tjl+ei r quarter• to t years old. and.livi»g on Pouport street. trercbes aM,ut the old 8paniih itock- (s the Beet end oI the city. shot and ade north of the camp. The attacks killed his, mother-in-law. madame Iles' were continued at intervals throughout -jiitiElta and severely wounded his wife, the night witb firing.__tras small at their borne on Saturday night Mor- squads inI morsvarious directions,. Tower,* morning the fire slackened. la had • auspiciop that Ilia wife ons not Dawn le (110 favourite tithe for attack, faithful to him. and be chortle. that and, aa the east paled, t'he marines be be went home lest 13'011 1e saw a lying on their guns were aroused. Some 6 rdrt' a* not so so - yr curate, awing to the elevation of the men in has wife's room. [le draw a re- • ware /otually asleep, an they had had g **. Many of the shells. however, colder and aimed et his wife. p rest for 48 hours end tired nature taoded, and the Spanish gunners re- ter's mother. madame Leapt -dins inter- I sold no longer stand the strain. But Brod to save her daughter, and was ao •fleck Genie, hen rush- t '1;,rde nc•.v 12 -pound field guna.which ti tea. Shortly after 9 o'clock the firing shot dead. T crag oeased, the warships turning in order I e,1 into obs next room• where hie wife to permit the Ilea of their port batter- had Bought 1i-rotection, aqd shot bar. Sea. The firing then became a long re- but not fatally verberating crash of thunder and the He then went to the police static* shells raked the Spanish batteries with and gave himself ap terrible effect. Fire broke trot in the ,Madame 1?esjardias, the murdered Catalina fort, and silenced the tipan- N VI11t�T ash -toms there. SPANISH FORTS SltENCHD �` The firing of tbe fleet coa+irmed un- til ten o'clock, when the Spanish fire Deemed entirely, ano Rear -Admiral Sampson hoisted the "cease tiring" sig- nal. Generally, tbe fire of the fleet was very destructive. Many of the earthworks were knocked to pieces and t FsCrane and Catalina fortifics- increue of almost 210,000 acres over tions were so damaged that it is quee- last year. Tbe total acreage under I tionable whetbet they will ever be of all kinds is 2 212,100. The in- ! abia to renew any effective work dur- crops I ill the war, erose over tut year is more than • After the fleet retired, the Span- gnarter of a million acres. The crop tarda returned to their guns, and sent estimates of the local Government are twelve shells after the (lest, but no usually eery conservative. It may be tine was incased. One large shell fell safely stated (bit the wheel area of en.. to the collier One 'l. Manitoba has reacted 1.500.(100 asrew. Tbrollgboal the engagement no Am- Wsfrn showers have fallen frequently eriran ship was bit, and no American of late, and crops are in exceedingly was in.lured. if the Bp•nteb stook to promising condition• their gens• and all evidence is to the cons vary, t.beir less must gave been GUNBOATS OF SHALLOW DRAUGHT. heavy' Gunboats for -nor- vies os, the Nile •- Eitairietetea , tea Tato-we-rg.Pve.A the soarer LOOS OF LIFE VERY GREAT. mere G .cartel( any doubt that haus tree. Mint at obs celebrated Tar- murh greater damage than was at first raw yards in Great Brits*. Theyaarss sapposed was inflicted apo. the Elpan- propelled by a screw propeller, which tarda at Sent •harbour during the turas In a Bort of tunnel near the tt Monday morning. Many sheltie * are ll ed to have fallen into Mara of the boat. The sorew le eat no hiobs city itesl(, andwhen all the facts high that only half of It is way. ere knrruen atter the port baa fallen sr. Bate. to the eavistves, water ie draws y so that the tato Admiral Sampan's hands, It will avow * up onmpleehely unmerited „we the wen- vwr7 groat. ounl4 that with tlow be meagre life loot * la tootles. Uastsnnwmt land ltsan law stated that this i the result at the bombard - The 1V1lD. formidable bare11a and Cavo )grelmlay, slid you make • rood Un- HARROW m latfwriea war* completely wreaked. pxes.lam when yeti called on your sial The Bpsetsh cruiser Mercedes was nal iieth{� wo--7es, he shamed to •Amin s teed Ream (cress were lauded et me ettoeedies1 after he Iona* out Dtaguire a abort dlstanee east of that I-lletlm't owns to Waging_ _ay a* Agenrww. where they are now en - mower trsm5hM- Theses foresee Incised a Om,'- (maid not be rued during the night for fear of hitting th•+ Marines, aliened several quads of Spaniards after day- light. They dove into the bushes like ggt'fie dogs into burrows as the shell.' r woman. was 48 years of age. and her I, As the co rrreeepandent of tbe Associ- daughter is about 2l years old. The lilted Press talked with Major Cockrell, }gMere claim that Morin had was in 'charge of the outposts. reason to be jealous of hie wife. and that hie story that be naw a man in her room is ridiculous. The wounded wo-• man to at the Notre Dame hospital in a carious condition. _ Nevilleand Slaw been relieved. word came of the finding of the hdey apt Sergeant Smith. When and bow he was kilted. no one knows at this writ- ing. Neither had the men leen mus- tered. nor had the outposts of Lieut. PEARLS OF TRUTH. When ill news cornea toe late to bol servim:e•hle to your. neighbor. keep it to yourself. -Zimmerman. It na not what hs has nor even ohs( he does, whieh .'zpnoises the worth of man; but what he ie--Amiel. MONAD , A friend that you buy w•nn't be worth what you pay for him. no maer what. that may he. -George Pren- tice. Meet men remember obligations but not often to be grateful; the proud are made sour by the remembrance and the vain dlent. 9imnns. Reading and cnnverwarion may fur- nieh us with many ideas of men and Ogees, yet it i. our own meditation that mast form our judgment. -Waal. D, your duty and do not swerve from it. Ike that which your con - eremite tells you tole right, sad leave the consequences to God. -B. R. Hey- don. Talkativeness has another plague at- tacked to it, even curiosity ; for pro- ton wish to bear much that they may Ilefo liatich to my -Plutarch. V we nonld read the secret history of our enemies. we should find in ene4h mac -s life morrow and suffering enough to disarm all bnattllty.-Longfellow•. AW7UL MASSACRES. A. Thooasaa "'moos. allle•d Is es iprl.lsa A elvers loose. A asapateb frown Liverpool says:- Steamer which have arrived here from Sierra Leone report that • thousand persons were killed in this recent uv rising in that district. One bund, 4 and twenty inhabitant* of Free To most of tbem traders, are knower to havers been maasacred, and other ooloe- uts ware carried into tbtp-beak by the, - warhoys and undoubtedly mit 1 w6fus ' tate Three hundred friendly •nativaiWeree kille.d, and betide (he white mission- aries, six coloured mieslnnaries .of tea Mani- leretbree of Christ were mobs- -•ier•--., dared. The English miwainn*ries are a4 the merry of the w•rboys, but have ar not been molested. TYPHOID 1N JAMAICA. A m*.'• ewe gnarl breeding is the best security *gabber other people's ill m•0aera•-•Chemtert(eld__�� - a -r • Two Ilawere.l war d sae aeewsd L,1551er* Ir 11••si al .1 Mlwe.lws. ad advises from Kington •lase that typhoid fever prevail* to an alarming outwit in the British garris- on When the marl *teenier left n week ago nearly two hundred men of the and. Latineter• were confin„•t in the mlhfjry blepit*l. Several had died 1*- elod .ts sarcomata. • e,etan.ala� . r., _C ,vet feat+ the terrors .(Drs p_y��.. w ::•tea::+ NO a bloated, fetid retitiblOff vaoff corruption. That is till only