The Signal, 1898-6-9, Page 108 TaUsaDAY, June 9, 1881. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. '' Regular 15c., for 10c. Check Gingham*, large and small palterna, only 121c. Linen Effects, with colored stripes, very new. Plain Linen Batiste, Piques, Ducks, etc., all the new Summer line... WM WIITIER NEEflS... The Latest 131.10T -7-3E8 in Muslins, Ginghams, Prints, etc. SEE OUR RANGE. DRESS ORGANDIES, SPECIAL !-- IfilITAT BLOUSE SILKS in the latestch eke and Colors. 200 Yards -41.56w lot of Silks suitable for wsista, linis��p., Belmar 15c., for 19c. __..__ - PRINTS, Seeour Special at 5c. - - HOSIERY, Iiemasierf Dye, Special, g pairs for GLOVL►8, large Range of Summer Glove*. VEILINGS, SPECIAL, at 5c. per yard. PARASOLS, New Colors and New Designs. SUN HATS, a special lot, assorted colors, worth 12}c. to 20c., going at 9 cents. .21!".1.11113Y. Don't forget that we have the latest, the most stylish, .nci oheapes4 in town. -- LADI$dt UIDEBWEAR. A large range of Whit*-IIaderweer. Mght Gowns trate 39e.; rep. White Skitter Draw- 4tset Covers, etc. Our stock is up stairs in connection with the Millinery, where the ladies will be pleased to show our range CASH AND ONE PRICE. SMITH BROS. & CO. airbag Wdw ■'. Tomperasce. Speaking .t a temperanos muting holdia Lmdm reoeotay under the empires of the King's fieri and Daughters, His Lordship Ms Bishop of Huron sold be considered that the promos the temperanoe people were en• deavorian 1. work out, sad the mean they were adoption to spread the prtooipies of te.tpersaoe, were most scriptural and like- ly be emceed. He greatly believed in the power of Christie° education, as there was se way so effectual for promoting temppr.r. anos as by taking the y,.uog and indoor traattag same prinolplu in their minds, and makinr them, se they, grow older, a power i• Ib. land not easily tarried down. The March everywhere should tote • head V the work. It was thea la Ne toadies of lafas$ dams, bet it was keittRky . lldnrl 1e the gab**. sad ptlllyt thus 10 avow oy .1 that Is para. good ..d ►.iy 1k.t tthheoyy would amulet Ne emilvp la dle.oa oppetd- Mos to the Maida The Muret had a p.r- lModar power whleh the world has sot—it Rad the power .f lllastrsusR all It taught by the Word of God. 11 had the power aloe of shhowtag la ate..ton of Christian self - della sad also of patting betoro the people tie nebteot from • lofty ata.dpolnt sod arg- ue 11 Apse them by the sattople sad pro- aassppt of the Masks. Oath, His Lord - alp said skean spirits .1 Mee was sat noo- smary. Ho else refused 1p the tact that Il11 rs.slt of wary pisgl.{dosl elfeat•p $ Ilse was 4 swim* seen do the moot aware M16se whIssee l.kkfs ptriM, sad that soidiep'bho do .N taste Blew scald aa- derp heavier m•rskleg a.d Ellett troth than those who were aid absleiggs• • greet deal had bees said in favor el aleiello.lies- u'.ate on the ground that if people used these la aedorsttoa no harm weals result, bat Mare were • great many. young man sad woesa who would have liked to follow that which was moderate, bat trying Io fol- low t1 had ceased many wrecks. " 1 am pereiad.d." said His Lordship, " that the moderate drinks snake all the dronkards of Mae world. Th. do not meas to do so. They do nos intend in say ws to do so, bot they pot out the idea that alpeople are to madam ihems.lves with proori ty. 1 am caro they do sot wise to da any harm, but N. many tic.► try to follow are hopelessly sad torevr lees. Moderate d,takia4—how- ever people may sing tis praise—is one of the path, theft leads so man people down- ward." His Lordship spoke of the great power of example and also of Ms extent o1 women', inflames. and in ormolu/Jinn h. ez- praised Ns opinion that God's blessing would over attend .!fora snob as the tem memos people were putti.r forward QIVINU (JP BUSINESS The Whole Stock moat be Cleatwa Oat at 3ome Price, We are Bolling Ragsrdlese of Cost. BUMILB8 pIUBUBBIBS Oh. see V3t liflr4al bis s EVERGREENS A SPECIALTY. Our !4agit MANUS Tress balm Compere. alltioa, as sewoMt orteet ekhhare BeOM d Lethe Best anLeestng VarietiesApple. Pear. clans. sherry, mad reach Trees. Alae a Largo Mork of *mall Frs1q, Call .ad manilas Stook and be oonvlaoed. Largs Stook of Choice Spring !teddies Pa.M. Adds+ im List mailed os application. JOHN STEWART ESTATE amuse r... SPRAYING TIME CARD Third dppllcatNa of IoM-Mrlacat Ez• pszi s Mal *praying. 8eaiortb—Friday, J..e 10, 2r s., R. Gov• sslook's Grabard. Godertob— &Nrday, Jaw llik, T P.M H. Curwia'a Grebard. j Blw iaa—o=7, Jlashfr: , r., L 1 Lo TT I t is useless to quote prices, u we are aching everything CHEAP ' CHEAP ! CHEAP! We have a good assortment in Dress Goods, Prints, Muslin, Shirt Waists, Sommer Mantlings, Cloths, Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, Ladies' Sommer Underwear, Hosiery, Kid and Silk Gloves, Colored and Black, Trimming Silks, Gimps and Braids, for Dress Trimmings, Ribbons and Small Wares. Quite an assortment of Brussels, Axminster and Tapestry Carpets still in stock ; also some Oil Cloths prices that will surprise you. - You are sure to get BARGAINS, as the stock be sold and the business wopd up. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Cearlaaies w the Chancery situs. -Tie Jadgmeats. Halton vs A.bf old township, an action for wroegly diverting • water course, was net 000sluded till Thursday morning when Hie Lordship reserved judgement. Philip Holl for plaintiff ; J. T. Darrow Q C. for defend- ants. Man vs Squire, an sotto° to set aside • will. Ht. Worship dismissed the •onion, oasts of all parties to be paid out of the es- tate Palmer vs. Palmer. an action to recover t uneable under • will was postponed till n ext mailg of the High Court of Jaetios 1a Hares. °arrow and Proudfoot for plaintiff ; Philip Holt for defendant. Ronald vs. Thomas, en action to compel defendant b lasers the Ronald Fire goglns Work. in Brussel,. Mr. Justice Ferguson said, " There will be • mandatory order ag•Iosl IOU defendant to Insure and hasepp la.ored Iib mortgaged premises a •000rd- Per J. H. COLBORNE. COLBORNE BROS. moos with the covenant 000taload to the mortgaao.' Cosa to follow. J. T. Garrey Q.C. sed Sinolair for plaintiff, Philip Holl for defendant. Murray v.. Molror, an .otioa to remover a Was; under • will was by oonse.l of issued sed oareed till wzb session of His& Ornel1 M Huron. Philip Holt for plslatlff ; W. C. Lo.00mb. for dotted•at e wart .djoarued at 12:45 r.m. as Thursday. • Priceless gMe«very. "Sol. a -YD Swam" Las I.islWle, [Males, and ase-poloosous remedy ter leo re oComer.Comer.Ca, Do r Ulan. Sore Throat and • variety of skis dissesis. It oars. trier a say pars .t the Wady wham she Squid tea mash IL heed hi ektggear ply ter immense's., kesrte seek Ile hq.M. Mau 60e pi! pit sad 30► pee bait pi.$ .LiOINI LAWATORY. GelMsi Hers yon get your bathing Oreo reedy t Tee may Si/sr Mss this day week. STURDY BROS. THE GROCERS, -----On the Square, - . - Goderich. Keep only the best lines 1 G}rooerieo and sell *haat at a moderate advance on cost. Our stock of Crockery, China and Grocers' Sundries is op -to -date in quality, and at Lowest Possible Prices. rjf Farm Produce taken in exchange. STZTRDY BROS. Onthe Square --West Bide. WALL PAPER The Beauty of a Home is amour aeleaced by the Paper m the walls sass year yeasaelkateft or boo ettsot r much yam reser thowere see sad dans. tMr rem. deft well and do Jggakea>fi►. IMI we our Modr. All «ton promptly attended t0. C. - EO. WATSON, Painter and Paperhanger. Bear the Marked. Ms.lresl�l IortbeCl I I 11 1 SOME THINK that all Paints are alike. We know they're not, any more thou all clothes. Poor Paint 1. worse than ueelees, u it taker just as mach time to put it on u Good Paint, and is never satisfactoty. Don't experiment ; we know you will be aatit8ed with The Sherwin-Wiilline Paints READY MADE OL'OTfIIN.G -••• MY OWN MAKE •U dru-olue Goods, sad well mads up. will be .old et remarkably law prices to clear It out ooa. A ger aoeseoea$ at Sew Seats for Sulu. and eat wept. H. DUNLOP Wastes Taller. sent Bask Meatresl. -'Veryare the best we know of, and Mem known most of there. If you are eto paint anything ruder te sun, talk it over with you ; ee can help you. DAVISON & CO., a hese The cooly food BALI' —that will build BALI' tip a weak ceas- e �a tltutlon gradu- Chance ally but surely 1a Martin's Cardinal Food a simple, scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. Re..! wave'. a 00...eeea...eee, Isewte e. L TEM UP-TO•DAT* HARD W• RE. Everybody is Talking about D. OANTELON'S F LOUR Be has Put received aaotar car load trots Manitoba. lie los sow m hand two of the best breads at near that the world ata produce. LASE OF THE WOODS - AND - OGILVIE'S ssi.w wiseirse BILLS. Made from Ma 1 Hard Wheat. H. also k. ops IJ • NO treads et ear Flour. People Mello, rear will do well by oe D. Outeloa. the practical baker. a will tell you bow to blend the Multsk� O.tsrlo Floor together es w to hare a rat Family near at • reseeee 1. price, Orders will be promptly attended ala PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES weseise 1'mhe. whit A1are.d icing a speeatly. D. CANTELQN. FACTS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS And.lthis follows the continued great success of Reid's Great Compulsory Clearing Sale. THIS WEEK our talk is on- the 111011111111 1111111 lif 11 All well -made, and in all sizes, colors and prices. Here are a few prices : 11010111 7 Men's Serge Suits, to go at $2.50, former! $4.50 ; 25 Men's Tweed Suits, to go at $4, formerly $7 and $8 the suit ; 30 Men's Tweed Suits (light and dark), to go at $6, formerly from $7 to $9 ; a great range of Men's All -Wool Scotch Tweed Suits, from $5.50 to $8.75 ; a fine lot of Boys' and Youths' Clothing, ranging from $1.25 to $5 the suit ; we have a lot of Men's odd Pants, from 80c. to $2.50—big value ; Boys' odd Pants from 2bc. up just the thing for School and better wear. Our striped Linen Coats and Vests are going like hot cakes, and it is needless to say the prices are away down. See them. While you must realize that these are all great bargains, you must realize also that you cannot afford to miss them, for they cannot last long. The Dry Goods Department is still bristling with Big Bargains, and the snaps for shrewd buyers will last as long as the goods do. Remember, each and every article will be sold as advertised. If not satisfied, your money back if you want it. Ddn't forget, this Store closes every evening, except Saturday, at 6 o'clock ; but we are always ready for business early in the morning: RDAN'8 BLOCK, COURT HOUSE SQUARE. Est. JAMES A. REID. _ mow- 41142114;4.,.. _,• s,++srcee. ., err maser e est' 14. t ter• test. Ind* •4• e sell l cif