The Signal, 1898-6-9, Page 9ROWDINO IN LONDON NO REVELATIONS RECENTLY MADE IN LONDON. Marhd /e r'wver of apsaes Voir r liras, Well -Rapt Teltrenoala, lats Rental, WILL Porptimene tae aeeherte., veetigation into the conditloa of tart people of time city baa just idents of London to bold Stay i, in great horror st the ul overcrowding and consequent sty that has been revealed, recent London fetter. It baa wn that in this city of bigb- religioD, were millions are annually on tbe spiritual we - the poor, there ere people who ,ber like catte. and tre- y with leas desirable quarters he cattle whose --inviter is os re - their condition. the prelates and public men burn Tossed to setioo by the state of things tonna to ea. iie Loadoi courts, alleys and of l be ArchbLthepe ofC .sterbary rk, the t3tehopst of Loaders. Ell, and Lichfield, Earl Cadogan, George -Hamilton, Lord Roberta, t I,lendoft, the Margnua of se. Right Hon. H. Chaplin, Henry 1$ 8taaley, M.P., the of Seltttbtr,, the Duke of De- , Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, the of Argyle and Rea. J. Cpamter- OM}s FOR THE POOR. outcome of the revelations of sl,t� and overcrowding in the here has been aa tgitatioa i1 of looses for the poor that will them to fire in moral com- e the aims rent that they pay dirty doss iu which they are •t crowded. An the public Mime esterM iay intotae mere Wail of Salisbury vetoed the nt 61 all when he wrote: impossible to refuse our hearty rears an the object that is in . The more people can be legit! - y lob -rested is proper, in this more t be ere aswre all our in-_ an; * i 11 be." le not • matter of wonderment pious England has blushed for at the condition of the poor, as by the recent isveatigattons, reports such as thee* era made nc on, room, let oat as a one -room at, We (Mild a poor w'omaa to become a mother, with the d and children in tbe same haring their tea. It is eaaiiy a.d what the entnequent lived of children will be.' NY awful enough for Christian satin to read, when every one be- t/tat heathen equator and igaer- was far away, say in Central At - or in remote kidded* of the Pa, Moth. But be investigators had things to report, as for instance, 1ETOND DESCRIPTION, effect of tbs one -room aytkem yeically sad morally hey.nd de - con. la the first place the tee - system always leads to the Me' if yos go into these snails you may nematimas find two bat you will gsarraily Bed one oeeapied by the whole family, in y of thew mese consisting of fa - mother and eon, or of father dasitlbtoM or brothers and sisters. totally destrartive of all benefit be children to be absent daring day at school, aa, when tbey return heir bosses. la use boar they ne- e everything they have acquired ag the day. Our agent visited • and asked the woman bow many The: he salted and she told bias sated ber. 'How many in t#milt' P !Sieg answer was: 'We are or 11.'Roe many hods r Two w• 'i eikage a you and your hue- d OCrta'y agar 'Yon. and two or of the yaaaeer children.' ? MI re are an alder ane and an elder hter, aged, perhaps, 28 or I6 or as the cos slay be, and when be e his shoulders the reps very a ie: 'Yon mast bear in mind thet d+ntbtler dose -Hot. 'or that ray htera do not, elwaya seine bane nicht; they do Ilium always sleep I RITR(JCTIVE lit) HEALTH. whole report bears twelves », to fact that overcrowding and the rcite TA is most doastrtae- e to to bodily bltb.. It i /roved ,bat d f owhere that pates pre - he death rate sometimes nimb- i:DOM atiel„tpg fulcras withal the break st.* epidemic. For lost/ ace, *aerial* smarter is St. Psaeres, r$te of mortality in one yr rloeb b. enornwaa rate of 70,1 per thous- ILThe suffering among little child- ° in overcrowded districts from Ihalrgis, scrofula, and other oon- n tel dieeasps is vary great. As garde adults, it was found that in h neighborhoods %mon the lowest vests every workman or workwom- e best abogfi, 40 days ten the year from mule exhasetina. It atoms to bare at. last dawned upon k lhilanthrnpiete of thip ooustry that to proper way to attack the social 'iiia �attaek it where it is large - in the slums of Leaden. Vat many or moat other revelations bitterly reproachful to those la. have asNeeted their duty, there no doubt t hat t lie di ,ver etartlod London with town a anew to swam over the lives of ties �o t bets. if. es •peat+ St di ef tb filthy rookert.S disgrace I.aation W�da.1r there Ver rowe of opus, troll -built tine: •nes *home mutat striae will he with - the imam of the poorest.tbeinap- t II/ele*at disclaim will not bare sen made in relit. SWAY!' '1' MUCH TO El ht. the_ 1 ern lyre op is the }e .4 were 1Vttat. did that asciiet jae•- 'rhierrtA mean that yen wet me t don't gwL the tr stied trek linnet until the w tnogth. I•fore merrier; a likes ldife-' blood f6t're's he 4srtt'..1*P*.t ds shoat Eris of his time in i•'svlas kk. WHEN LITHE& CARVID DUCK. We all look on witb anxious eye* When father serves the duck. And mother almost always sighs When father carves the duck, Then all of us Prepare to rias, And hold oar bibs before our eyes, And be prepared for some surprise When father carves the duck. He braces up end grabs • fork Wheoe'er he carves a duck. And won't allow a soul to talk Until he's carved the duck. The fork is jabbed into the sides, Across tbe breast the knife be slides. And every careful person hides From flying chips of duck. The platter always seems to dip. When father carves s duck. And how it makes the dishes skip! Potatoes fly amuck. The squash end cabbage leap u spaoe. We get the gravy on our face And father mutters Hindoo grace Wbene'er he canes a duck. We thus have learned to walk around The dining room sad pluck From off the window sills and walla Our shale of lather's duck. While Latherwend and blows and jaws And swears the knife was lull of flaws. Aad mother scold, him -well. because -Ile couldn't carve a duck. TBE STRAWBERRY. Sweet Strawberry Shortcake. - two eggs, sift two level teaspoon of 'akin/ powder witb two scant cupfuls et flour. Beat a teacupful Bazar with half a teacupful of a (nam. add the eggs, a teampoonfu wit, and best in the 1Ionr. Bake threw layers. Sweeten to tart* t pita of strawberries, lightly -but t >m. iai'oonr each with ries. Over tb. top layer of • beer moist* auger, and spread wbi cream, or a meringue of one egg a a tablespoonful of sugar, and bro in the oven. Beat tuts tea. of weet 1 of in Arm ter bee - ie$, Peed ad tier a few dayaetelPe eje►telisirre'e the wa i ueiversitiea, wbv wouZldd be only too glad of tbe opportunity to attend a p11v- ate bait, but are debarred therefrom owing to the limited extent of their erinstiataam is the city o obviate this difficulty would-be hostesses and guests togeth- er a plea has been devised by the man - moment of the big shop wbich is said to wort satisfactorily. When a as - tomer intends, to give a ball and finds that she will Mt be able to find part- ners for all ber women guests. she not. sties the atop to supply her with • spec- ified *umber of young men. The order is filled through the medium of e. Hat wherein male viaitora to the city are requested to enter their names. Of courts the management of the .bop bas to be very easeful concerning the so - cell status of hosts and guests. It would *ever do to send small trades- men to the boom of woman of rank. This difficulty is °twisted by a sys- tem of tabulation. The mansimrs take Satre to find out all about tbe hesbjesee sad tb. sten, and having satisfied themselves concerning their position in society. arrange teem in groups accord - leafy. • Thus everybody l'as be auitad with- out danger of ut*Oleaaaat contretemps. The chum la said to be profitable to the store, for of ooarss the yang men wbo are thus arcorntnodated buy their gloves, ties and other necessaries there. calls and three tablespoonfuls of an_ gar, beaten to a cream. Plokled Strawberries, - Put ten Potulda of not over -ripe strawberries in a jar, scattering through them half an ounce o1 clause and a stick of cin- namon bruke5 fine. Boil live min_ tare a quart of ♦!Hegar and five pounde and a half of brown auger sad pour over. At the end of 24 hours. pour off and buil three minutes. The third day cook berries and liquor to- gether half an boar and eau. Canned Strawberries. -Into a pre_ serving kettle put eaougb berries to fill two quart cane, Heat in tbe oven or over a slow fire until tbe juice al arta; then gradually Increase the beat and let simmer 15 or 20 minutes. Add two tesrupful, of granulated sug- ar and simmer 15 or 20 minutes long- er. 11 kept in paper bags, the fruit will not lose ed OI r, and Is delicious, Canoed Cold, -'lo each pound of fruit allow a pound of sugar; die/solve tbe eutar in the heat possible quantity of aster, put in berries and let boll up ono, thoroughly, or until well heat- ed through, put fruit and syrup in (trap earthen pie -plates and let stand in the sun covered with mosquito very li ,s, then email r mist! may are put up In tbe same way.; Strawberry Acid. - Dimwit.° two canoes of citric acid in a quart of water, pour over four quarte of very ripe berriew let stand 24 hours, strain with little: or op pressing; to' each pint of juice add a potted and shalt of sugar, boil ten minutes; let stand three days and bottle. -DA NCI R!1 NPPL}ED TO ORDER. Among the articles purveyed to its ctntnooers by a mammoth London dry goods store are young dancing men. In 1.t radon as elsewhere, hoeteaaes have the greatest difficulty in obtaining the re- quisite number of mule dancers fa tbeit balls. Outside of the military, ;dancing men form a very small minor- ity of the regular residents ►n the me. jtrapolia. On the other bead there are !almost at all time/ plenty at visitant int' London, young men who come up Pyraaud.--!Phil until soft a teacup - tel et ries, cover the b)LU,m.ut* putt4 with a layer of rico. ,bon with one of berries, and sprinkle freely with sugar. Contuse making each layer smaller until you have a pyramid serve with whipped cream. skate. Dust over powdered sugar and With Tapioca. -Soak over Dight in cold water a teacupful of tapioca; Pei hall in a buttered, earthen bak- ing dish, sprinkle with sugar, put in a quart of strawberries half • teas esG,ful of sugar. or more, sad the re - he tapioca. Fill the dish w, h maindeste , r of Sand, bake until it loots clear in a moderately bot even. Eat cold with cream or with a sweet cus- tard. Pie with Cream. -(foil the berries, arrange in layers in a deep pie tin lin- ed wire rich cruet, sweeten to teat,, .over with a moderately thick pastry sruet. Bake slowly, bet thoroughly. Wiles dole remove tbe top aid pour ever tin boiling List use, : Heat to kitbag a crani teampful of thin, sweet mom; stir in tie whites of two eggs frothed, a tablespoonful of pow- dered anger, and a teaspoonful of ootrnatarod wet with a little cold milk. Boil until smooth, and *ben cool ens as directed- Serve cold, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Bacalloped Strawberries.- Whip °a- tilt dry a pint of cream; bull a quart of berries. In a deep glean fruit -dish. Plate "a layer of berries, add $ sprink- lins of powdered sugar, and rover with whipped ereai, another layer ot ber- ries, diger and cream, until all are seed, heaping the cream no the top. Set in a tool plane, to be chilled before nerving. Floating Island.-4.asere out a quart of silk, a tableap000lul of enrn-starch and a tear ut.tnl of su- gar. Beat the yolks of four eggs with bait a t.acepful of the milk; diataolve the corn-atarrh in th'r'oe tablespoonfuls of milk, fwd stir the two together. Bring the remainder of the milk to boiling, add eggs and oorn-.t arch, nook until creamy, thea add hall a teaspoonful of milt and the sugar. Wben wager in dissolved and stir- red in /sntty, take from the fire, and when bolt cooled, flavor with lemon *ion. Crush 1 pint of strawberries witb halt a teacupful of sever, let stand as hoar and strain. Whip the whites of the egg*, add tyre table- spoonfuls of sugar and the berry juice. Drop by spoonfuls over the custard, and keep awol until served. ts{trawberry Vol-eu-Vent.-Bake the deeds in a patty pan. When nearly done, brash over with the white of an egg, -beaten to li stiff troth. and sprinkle with granulated sugar; set is aqsiok oven a Sew minutes, wattl- ing that it does not brown. Fill with strawberry preserve, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and glass with a hot above!. Bavarian Cream. -Soak an canna of gelatine two hoera in belt & timeup/sl Of cold wetter; rruuh e. quart of tier - ries with a heaped teacupful of an- ger sad let stand one boar. WDip to e froth a pial of creta, strain the cashed berries through ebreewn•'olotb gelatine N6al1 s sI sett boiloar iling g alter. stab I.IA strain it into tbe bade is a pan 01 hies and heat serif Meters htahpss. Whoa like soft custard atir is tits whipped nreelm, turn intn • Weld and /wars to mei and harden. Sane with whiiped mean. Ruby iCoder the Snow, -Soak halt a pint of tapioca twelve Mars in MIf a pint of cold water, add halt a Mmol rind *!toed, a plat of cold water ad tihlfAMr M111 deer. Remove the leta- et r It 6.41 a pint of strs*Yarry 4 VSerter of a pound et .yar, a%if s hseats. a tow kepi se eeldetag ist darner a taw atMtee, pear tato ewe .man ghee disb o, solar with the whites et !spar BUILDU AND STRENGTHENER. Tat M Ow Term, a. Ottawa may Apelike es Ib. we/Ilaas' Fina MIs. Among many in Ottawa and the vicinity who have bees benefitted an. wap or another by tbe use of Dr. Wil - barna Pink Pills for Pal. People, the Journal 6.. learned ot the case of Mrs. Gilchrist, wife of Mr. T. V. Gilcbriet, of Hintonbargh. Mr. Gilchrist keeps • grocery at ti corns of Fourth Ave. and Cedar street, and is welt known to * grant man.f people is Ottawa as well aa to the villagers of this aabarb car[ the Capital. Mrs. Gilchrist states (bat while in a "nen down" condition dar- ing the spring of 1097, she was great- ly strengthened tad built up by the use of Dt. William,•' Ptak Pills. Speak - i4 of the matte; ti a Journal repo or. abe'Rated that while able to go about at the time .he was tar troll well; her blood was poor. she was sub- ject ie. hesdacbes, and felt tired after the alight♦st exertion. She had read at different times of curve effected by the ase of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilo, acid decided W try these- She wee hem - fitted ne- 11(5 } by the first box sad oontinued their use until she lied taken five boos, when .be awtasidered herself quite recovered. Mrs. Gilchrist says Out abs always strongly recommends Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a builder sad strengthener. %ben any of her friends' sew weak or ailing, HALF A ROMANCE. Be proposed to ber on a postal card. How absurd 1 Ot mares; but what Hake the Poet Office clerks miry warn that she re- plied by letter, and now they don't know whether she troapted him or mut. M Hae *41 111L-Tr/M111.? Sxataias bar feet, and it she has norm buy her tutsean'e P•lnlese Corn }intr'aetor. Witt( them beelike as Men some et the misery of married Iles Mdse to eon*. Mitosis's Extractor is ears, palatine. and prompt. Tore Showa -files, -taw could weever get Moat without the beautiful flow- ers. Pete, The Hardener- I demo. mitts. I Meat' rd hate to lock ter stela odder Mad oh • job. TO ClUitil A Vesta IN ,rod Ne settee > l a g„su/ ,re• st*asadMete�seelaia A M1/f= JOES. Mite rortitag, yew affably re arbed Rho- caw *he had hem gr - rested the aylt before for bels( dm*•tsds, e, veansppoosdea� Use *Men, tt.1$e a flue .sorri*g.-i■ t a ire! dol ase-tes asaraimg. PVNIIIOBAR8, N. Peek -My wife hasn't spoken a *Mee word to me for two weeks. Bet.t erbawe.- When is she coming beck I Fillmore --Wonder what baa come over Nell Handel, A week ago she wouldn't look at Nat Tyres, and now *he is always. with him. 'Hillton- Yea hr swapped 011 his wheel for ow the selene make as hers. Mn. Mlabaw-You praise yourself toousuoh, my dear. People would ap- prsoi.te you more, and would tell you m4 If you were to cultivate a little modest reticence. Mr. Misbaw - fhere's where you are out. I did that for years, and uobody took any notloe tf me but you. Little Boy -Mr. Blake. won't you bend acme for met -ger. i11i•ka-.i can't• my boy. Tittle Boy_ Aren't you a contortion et t Mr. Blake -- No, Child; what ever gave you that ideal Little boy -Sin said that every timeou opened your mouth you pot your foot in it. AN i110R,TANT JL'AG. ,r1T-,bete tlagoode Hall, Toronto, o* May 28th, os application of G. T. Fulford 4 Co„ proprietors of the Dr. Wildi•tns' Medi- cine Co., a Perpattial injunction woe granted by Cbsemellor Boyd restrsta- iwg Theodore t tberinea m raselling a pink adored pili in imitatiaw of Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills fou Pale People. It seems ranee - vary to again impress upon the public the fact that Dr. Willisigk,'_ Pink Pills can only be obtaisaed os-geoames_$s wrapper around which Man lbs fall, law -protected trade mark... 'Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People."' Pills offered in any other form. and notwitbetandittg anything the dealer �y sbboyuldralwa alwulent ays refused.tatiThe Dr. Willie:is' Medicine Co., will be glad to obtain. (in confidence). the name of any dealer offering for sols Say imitation o[ tbeir pillot as the eomp.sy 1e determined to protect tbe public against this mean' of fraud. 800 MADE EASY. There is Mere than ass way -to Veep 1s, aoeoaalbonk. The method of one woman is in the direction of simplify- ing the distracting matters of debit and credit. - t5flowsy It -ertravagset is her erpendittues for housekeeping ac- cording to her bueband'a idents. With • view to rectifying this failing, be recently bought her an attractive tit• tie account book, and carefully ' tel• pl•ined its use to ber. -- Now, Now, be said, here is twenty-five dol- lars: Put down what I give you on one the . n th•t .14., *WieIWn y ism on money go.. you *hell bare more. A few days later, be Staked to see the book, which lire. Calloway produced with an air of modest pride. On one page was written. Received from John, twenty-five dollars. On tbe opposite page stood one comprehensive and isdiepntable entry ---Spent it all APPRECIATED IN ENGLAND. saallte. 7...,. Leech Marren It fees, The L(atde'n. ltogland, ' Army .nd Navy Gazette of May !lot. contains tie fo:toe lag reference toone of Ikea - ikon's prodsets: The smoker who has not het tried the "T. & B.•' *trite cut t.o'acco has a nen pleasure before him in the use of the weed." An investment will furnish him with the inserts of giving it a fair teat. Let um advise biro to make the experiment ; 6e will find the tobacco to 'he all that its tbouaands of friends claim for it. end they are far from stingy in their praises. Hewes. Tarkett d% Son ought to be pleased with such a recommendation from such a sou roe. just ■a all oho are interested in the progress of Ham- ilton's industries will be pleased to know that Myrtle Navy has spade a place for itself on the other side of the ocean. Personaiiy, the 'Times' Soba_ expert does not agree with the Snglish authority on *Wilt ary matters• but holds that tbe "plug' Melte* a cooler, slower and generally more satisfactory smoke than the "oat," always provided that both are Myrtle Navy to start upon. The Englishman Ma sometbing yet to learn with regard to the solid com- fort wrapped up in Myrtle Navy. - lilsn•Ilton Trines. I wonder who it was invented the phrase, "idk reamer' I don't know. It trust have be some fellow who was Ynabpt to foresee bow busy rumor mold he in these days of war with Spain. Quirkeure for Pimple.. 16e, 25c, 50.. He -Tell the truth and theme the devil. roil know. She --i don't know whether it would shame him for yob to tel} the truth. hut it would surprise him week Quiokcure for Botl., 15e. 25e. dOs. Bioko -De you think it will pay oma to read Broaber's book t Whelk - 1 think it will. It will relieve you of ail desire ever to read anything elms from bin pen. RIoy�yol�e�� L��re ty� ,�sa Pats �s 1f tewi'rvnit]t/rit Twereiet LIPS NVffitYBODY 11:1.8X Be' -Do me know there is a trick In ridsa wheel t tfbw--O! coarse i do: i tumbled find tblatg, care for all tnflsalatatleo, 15e. Appetite -. Strength Without the IF1/rst You Cannot Mavis Skin &•sats Hood's Sarsaparilla gives both. It gently tones and strengthens the stom- ach and glees digestive power, creat- es an appetite and invigorates the whole system. By making the blood ricl and pure it strengthens the nerves and gives refreshing sleep. Hood's Sarsaparilla L C'aseda i Greatest Median& 111, We for e,'. Heed a Pills ours all livor Ills. 116 coats. THE PHOENIX. The PZloenix wan the name of the first fire company in J nglend, and it was established in 16114. At *bat time. in the towns, squirts or syringes were used for extinguishing fire, and their length did not exceed two or three feet, with pipe. of leather. Water- tight eeamleee hose was first ow.de in Bethnal Green in 17.0. neatness We don't advertise for mere .effeuta but for business. W. know that if you are subject to cramps. that you should have a prompt. efficient remedy on hand. Nervitfne-nerve-pain cure -bas a woneler•ful and Immediate curative It relieved -la one minute; it t and the best knownj for pain. [u -glve credit for Imolai tressar ehly light oa , *MUM' house- wife. -We trr-to-hse1) it ate Implied tbe baker, Agd you succeed. It is io light that IL Ana up in prise a" great deal easier than it ever goes down. Quickcurs for rheumatism, 15c, 25c, 50e. BAMBOO TELEGRAPH POLES. Tb. French lately adopted for their field telegraph linos poles of Indian • which theZ eau readily carry hoot wtITi� t, on -TM -Wordy - - tivavent Vme, errs Jp� R,,,gpps Luna t o wry. 'RAMC a 1. CH r KEY Makin oath Ulla he is the sealer partner of the arm of T..1 l' w en at & Co,. d utas baeine.a in the City of Toledo, County sad State aforesaid and duds d limn will pay e sem of Orli. 1 aforesaid, DOLLARS for each the u.s0* oofOmeektamaa.att*. hennaed by the use of Hate'sC on. PRANK J Swore to before Inc and subset/hetRlaam' pressmen this 614, day of De,wmber, A. D., tabid. J ULZ A. W. GLEASON, J Notary Pahl(. Hall's Catarrh Core is take. {sternally as4 eels directly os the blood and mucous surfaces of tete system. Send for tectlmoniala hese T. J. OR tel FY R OO., Toledo, Q Sold hy Druggists, 75e. Hall's Family Pills are the bort I understand that was rather *mix- ed orowd that attended your benefit Nall. Ramous. Yaasir, dey mixed once or twice, but wa cot 'eel scattered bolo' any one bad time to call ter de wagon. IS GREAT WHEEL. WRAT THE GLOBE SAYS OF THE 1 & D. BICYCLE. 11. /easy need Feist. are Alseest Teo easo- erve* M noshes, The bearing* on this bicycle were invented in (Moeda in 1$85 by Canad- ians and the wheel is built only in th,nada and exported throughout the world. It is the first and only Can_ .adion bicycle that bas successfully entered the United States market. and ("medians have a Wrticolar reaal,n for feeling proud %ben it is known that this wheel commands a higher price than any wheel in the U. S. end that it is sold there al an advance of from 115 to 520 shove its price in Canada. The 1898 models are the acme of per- fect inn and beauty. Perfection of movement, of course, has alwayp teen the Particular theme of thin company, and they have every reason to feel proud of the reputation they bare gained in so abort a, time by the use of this wonderfat bub. We are is - formed that they have never yet sup. plied a rose or ball for this bearing, nor even have been asked to replace one. They doff their competitors or. others to show H-iwki nut of their wheel, no matter bows lone it baa been is me, that shows• tM .13ghteat ladl- ('*110s of wear. : - They *iso challenge tee poblio to destroy one of tbeir bearings or to mate it bind, no mat- ter how tight it may be arrowed sp, The *beet to guaranteed to seas the year without being oiled or oln.ned, no matter bow many miles It is ridden, or bow mach dirt is encountered. The bearings also are guaranteed against w.Srif. for three years. They never re- quire to be adjusted or interfered wit The 7jpograph company are bring- ing out a special model tbia year, which includes an .stomatic brake that acts on the rear hub. Simple back pedal- ling applies the brake and w hen once applied the foot can he removed and the brake remains, wbiie forward ped- aining immediately releaser the brake, so the rider completely controls hie wheel. whether his foot la oh the pedal or not. This model also includes the most perfect gear case made. It i. com- posed of afooitnum and celluloid, and does not make the whetl look beevy or curnher.ome. It rap ,ashy be remov- ed and leaves the Maio and sprockets at all times exposed to view. it is also so ar�r�ange�d that the bock wheel cm be adjustdd 'UM* in any way dis- turbing the cams. 1'6n point of Interest in their 11198 models ane entirety too numerous to be aotioed here, but we advise all in - a tdbe "B !'b� * to 1 be � they de- N4.to• their 16116 snoua4ae_Torpnto Olohn NOT DO ore H ESITAT tie rerotmrlend LUDILLA amiss Tea, an Its impeder laver sad abmofete freedom fres a1Mlt.raties ansmends 1t M all ttallpet.nt Miers of rood Ta. LEL/ PA4z4M• 11, M. N SYN ills. There's a good deal of human sato» is a puppy, remarked the philosopher, oalat the watching Fido tearing his beat hat to pieces. Almost as destructive IN one of my little nephews. Mrs. Bouncer -Wily, professor, don't you see he's got r -Thunder 1 sohe hur as. ! bThe ought sit was one of the boarders' hats, Take that, you whelp! ti THOMAS • PHOSPHATEPOWDEQ Some men. said 1'nele Eben, seems ter 'imagine dat de relies' way ter leave foot-printa in de sun's 0' time ix ter go 'Mid an' jump on ebyliog in sight. Aram*. Hartford & Vim Tires Bead Utas.- t Adelaide at. W, reroute. She -Why doles a man feel rich when b.'s riding in a hansom f He -Because be hasn't paid the driver yet, I suy- poe. Quickcure for Sores, 15c, 25c. 50c. r a alis iuNew {30 wheel far 48* -ladle's r Genie'. W1/I be s'nt for la - ea receipt otgl, welckwttt be atlowe.t ieretataad. stash or double tube tube Uri, al.apalr. won Seeks s., 4e• Yates at,tawate, ILA1- W Sane., i nls i Nle%w,, Baryijtern, ete.,removed to waster Hld*J�sm., Rion - mate -Se W„ Tomato. SHIP YOUR PRODUCE, Setter, lisp. Apples, Print, ae., teaoleg /Mt�� lee 44111/11 liar, or wae1wMerlst sett esthete* •la, TS*ett t• �Write/et ,' Mi ON L 11&RsgY, H. A. Sc INERALB TESTED U Mt. Seerament 8s,_ Mantua. Que. ARMS AN wares boughs. 5014 a axe hanged Ter tut ensued H. IMS tj.QRS*. Leat. sad , tetita)A{tllt/lli.i ..t,itttIV( 1.1 1(1st s 1 .(. ti' t, . ail ‘$1l((11 is .. if pi )t, lir .sno.,�`e� -.c,,, • tea. tett we have the tie«, t 4 a�'9°t to tett. w. eta earth. Toa. n011.• of 10nin nape at treachhe tExpert- mental T m, Oastpk Oak. Seed for prices, Address ''groat. Planet Wb. Team C., SP Vice al. Tawsto.oat. 4111.1a 4 a amenam. Laois. • et ineeme TORONTO, eel. THROAT aSPERM Rsof INo mesmt..wWerke. &norSLAla nee& errem& 11,AT*111.ACxrtuAltDa (W. Mr tied Hyp aaenl. T-.�»..-tfa e•s .tt, dentbryveMA r Vol *ita141t � Itat>•atro larai sad for veil colo i.aeslitewo set p•rt et the estuary phea•71190 EA WIN, Adishneseglidner Ille.,Tereette. WS HAVE NO AGENTS WQ *1141,.' atheteryprismaend dailetr.d free)00rat .es from Ifaatre*, nae (ysarl r'reran del ale usghlses with all attsehments. Noting hill, mate. l'rtoee Itt.Au to 413.90. Saud for egg SMtfV DONALDSON N , Mow•raaA t_ Dominion Line Steamships. Ye.lnal wd {)orbic k, U•.resel to .,ones. Levee NM Aro ' *11 Mfers,.n De ' Labrador, ' Van m cooter,' Doinica Aeoteses,' • Yorkshire !superior solemn mods Nos •or Ptret Cabin, Set - Dad Cabta and steerea sem angers, Hetes of bid Cabin, p#st.CO; reroni Cable, Wevege I!! so ands sarde aoeordlag to wwaster apd berg. Ter all tefermatloa .play te Local Aseete, or Pivio Totmtitolfrfce R (.o., Owl Agents. 17 ilk. Sacrament St, mamas( Ito deltcla.u• never sad kaett►t dih1 wakes every utsr Ain ad verde., ei Ica •Snort MONSOON INDO-C1YLON SPsolma• T1g* moo} Card for a Pammppia wee* o�t�jlj' atglj�jgn orae Se, 7 WM.a/tew at Weel, MDNIM♦, BOATS and CANOES. ossa..alu wAlns DOAK Will, Imo. et, tr.. T reetel Love Harris Your- Buys self. Soraµ 41.111 Immo Mer Tema. now 171st TAMMERERS. cHVItcH'a Mane! Iasr1Tl'T • PentarW et., rennte, sasses OUSE MIANANTHII. Oars IMPROVED CINIAGE MPS meowed tae Wesellthilltnit • PATIOS Mit_ t1on. Mire net with soak nr0venial 1l* vox, table* ethos soma afag tat rlyarrre is was taitaal eats. themobginsistas as irattaiseassdMeg bens sur60 Ilk CM CANADA PERMANENT Lose and Savings Company. Iwtlonroa1TSD 1166, ascot. ►aid -pas O......nem (1eaaltaa..... ...e t,•55,1N ... ne1*, ver,nte et, T. eon e. Deane Detente"( raoMved ,at interest m a0000r, Sa. yearly. PV able Balt Dos*wruaas blued for money deposited *If - three or Ove years. rates of lutenist etvora.teuenvCdob Lead Mortgagee and Muaiolpel ere 6,4414 Debentures purchased, Information may be obtained from, sad as. pltcattoeo q4dla1l be made to 0, 7'. R. Hanlon General Asea; Wine*pag. ('uAa J MAi,Axi, General Agent, waver; . sr *o 4. MOW Mases, tlsseflef .w eterar min $i. CHARLES, ATLANTIC OITY, OPEN ALL 1Hs TEAR. MINIM HOTEL ON THE 'DOAN% Sun parlor 630 feet long overlooking ocean and betels eapiagade. Vacuum steam beating aypeam. Elevator to street level. Hot shed cold, fresh ets4 ,Alt water to all baths. Rooms ea sults. baths attached. 71Lsf3S B. RIi1LLY, Owner and Prop, eiNhllNea Mil adgrrgettty ALLAN LINE Royal bail' Steamship Co., Montreal to Liverpool. Steamers sail from Montreal e•.ry &&Cordo eporplsg on arrival of trains from Toronto ae4 the West *bout • o'clock. BATS OT PASSAGE Cable •63.40 std upwards; Second C.N+a� Ilk sad sale line u: el..erage to Los. London, GI*Mtev, Itellaat, Iwadood..rry apo Queenstosn airs sad 0MA3a A redoetlos of Ave per omit, 1. allowed ea round Ittp first and second cabin ticket,, For manage of ..teemers or ether information apply Nary authorised same s. lbartler, 1 Xing St. W. TersasA sr 111 as A. Allaa. afontreal. T tIoNEY$A RBBING MIrCHINE • KNITTING MACHINES. OLD AND RELIABL. 111111 is Pea vera- baa "T LI Say! (lathe your badly fele keel to tea with ser J MONEY MAKER Prices only •114, •20 *30. CLEEL111R BROS., Georgetown, Ont. ns, TlPtelarttle wort ae What ? "AMBERINE" *visit, !OO are Ietillili* N I 1iagentol*e *VIM MOO tt/ Torotfto aioa Lo+aol0e Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures itching of the scalp. Pirevents Breaking of Hair. Stops Palling Out. POir 1VELr OROW$ NA/1A. o sem Tarammiiiiiiit swimDelft Itia 1 or on CAN fah% ht. SUM ,r • 1 .