The Signal, 1898-6-9, Page 4M1 e r 4 TEURSDAT, Jens 9r 1898. "I he greatest happiness consists Os g l'W plea/ere is others." We are Happy In the fact that our goods give pleasure to others. The very best money oan buy, is none too good for our customer's You save time, money and temper, if you deal here. gee and try the New Wheels we are placing in OUR LIV=BY .. . this week: EPSON' BICYCLE WildMIJbICHOUSE Cleveland C7•1111 Livery MP' Message and /Mil De11vu7• Ike Aigaul, u POILt® EVERY THURSIAAY MORNING al D. Mensustwasse _Tern es et astnerlptler t tme elees. In advoe ees mouths, fit S1x 1 CO one year, - Advertlshg 61ea I.agal and other conal advertisements, lib err Ung tor (list Insertion and 3 Dents per lira for each snbequ nt Insertion. Measured by a aenppaereal scale. Arufnse. Dards of six Ilnes and under, 15 per year. Advertisements of Lost. wound Strayed Bttasttons Vacant. Situations lt anted and Business Chances Wanted not xpesdfag I lash nesp•ze'tl.11 assasetstas Bones ori Sae and Farms on lia7d. exceed slines Ill for And month, alk. par nub. 'fe uleut monad. Larger advte. In proportion. Any spacial notice, the. object of which la te Promote the pecnnlary benefit of any inn. vrdnal tar company, to be ooneidered an ad- vertisement and charged aoccrdinely. Local notices In nonpareil type ono oent per word, no notices less than 25e. Local notices in ordinary readies type two tents per word. No notice for leu than Soo. haloes for chusebes and other religious and benevolent loatltntions halt ra:e Subscriber who fail co receive Till SIGNAL regularly by mall, will confer a favor by ao- geauting at of the fact at as early an data ss pn wink. When a change of address Is desired. born the old and the now address should be yen wabllaber's Belles. 3. C. Le Tonacl, of Ooderlch, has been ell wn- ships of Ooderi.nted Local oh vOolbmorne. Aabgent nsil anr the d Wa wr•neah, Local posttnaatere over the district aro alto empowered to repo ie enbsoriptioas to Tea t]fa NAL All communications mt.at be addressed D 1do9ILLIC JDDY. Tors Menai., Telephone Cal 10 Ooderioh Ont. 11 ro OODIRICB. Tll<I't9DAT, JVIZ 3. 1333. THE MAI*FOR WEST HURON. THE attention of Mr. Speaker -or riTiould it now be, Sir Speaker -has been brought to the fact that West Huron's seat is vacant in the House of Commons, and what action will be taken we are at present unable to say. Whether it wouM not he just es well to leave the seat vacant at the present time and until a better expreeaion 'of the people could be had, on an improved franchiettg&otly matter that we are wil- ling to leave to the consideration of the government. There is one point, however, which the .-lectors of Huron will have to determine for themselves, and that is as te ,who shall be the next representative. Governments may cause sesta to le vacated, and may get rid of men whose usefulness on the floor of the House is gone, for one reason or another, but the election ot a representative to Perlis. ment is a matter which rests wholly and solely with the electorate. The question now faces the electors of Huron, and wheth- er the election oome within thirty days or as late as six months hence, no effort ;should be spared to see that the right man is chosen and placed in nomination. Td sooure success the next candidate must be a Liberal. That is the first qualifination, and a Liberal of the Old School he must be. He must be a man of character, sole and willing to bank upon the principle of Baow,, Doaior, MAearxzfg and the other great leaders who, going before, exhibiteda patriotism and singleness of purpose that all true Liberals should try to emulate. He must he a man against whom the finger of scorn cannot be pointed. He must be strong in the on solemness of his strength, and his reputation remit he impervious to the shafts of his hitter -eat enemy. He must have an up -to -dine knowledge of the history of Re- form in Canada, and be pommeled of the ability to give public ntteranne to the faith that is in him concerning the undying win- dpipe of Liberalism. las must he • man without fear and without reproach. None other earn win in West Huron. memessesiseemossecio LOOKING FOR TRADE. THE Opposition in the Commons is making a great kink against the amount ped to K E. RtvtvrataD is the way of salary and expenses towards promoting trade with the` Latin American nonnt.nes, Mit they have never raised one word against. t he em ployatust alt a ittrge'isJar'lr anti expehaes of E. S Lanza in Aastr iia. tmewheg the two men as we do, we base no batitatiou in laying that the work does by 8I PAIs is tar eased of that given by Laalao in STIChillige Mr his salary. Th* Gnvsreeteet had • perfect right to employ a omerma le make the naoeaary iev*N1gat{oe ss to the hen method of pro- motes( trade with South Am*rk,s, twit why they leave olialiesd int a es o like tor. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO Lassa in connection with a wild goose chase after trade with Australis is something we have never been able to understand. Even if it were worth while to keep a Govern- ment agent over in Australia. J. 8. Laude is the last man on the tootatool that the present Government should retain on their payroll. SNAP SHOTS. -The independent man in politica. in king of the situation. -The sinking of the Merrimac ap- pear, to have been HoeTON's choi, r. -The manufacturing of heroes is the great industry serote the line at present. -How would it do to saw -off the rlectnm petition and , ouster -petition in West Huron! -Is Lieut. CAESAREA, of the Span- ish Irgatiwy really playing " I spy ' ' or only making • big bluff at it -The twat of the municipal trip to Otuwaitan abeorbing topic et the sittings CIE-tlelwra fathers just at present. sso trlook about you for the best men to carry West Huron in the Liberal Interest. The second beet will not do. -We haven't yet decided whether the Canadian Senate is a pillar of the t,&'- , t rt u t ion or a wart on the body politic. .-Very few of the better class of pnlit enne tied their way td Wert -Huron is in a position to do some gilt• mg. -The Toronto Telegram cartoons the late niea►4k'fnbr West Huron in the Commons as having been " knocked into a cocked hat." -Reeve CAIPBSLL is proving hint- aeU to be a rather aggressive watch -dog of >jIMw.4eineuzyfbaase_daa1.s. Tba. &step yers will appreciate such work as he is doing. -The question of the liability of the town for the costs incurred in the rer-nt tion utveatigatiou is now up for discussion. The payment is being opposed by the town council. - Speaker Enos' has issued war- rants for elections in West Huron and Sim- coe. But warrants are not writs, and elec- tions will uot be he'd until after the write are issued. -There are signs of s hoarse shout going up from the hired mean at Ottawa iu favor of an increased sessional allowance, owing to the length of tine session, but we never heard of • case where a refund was prop/wed bemuse of a short aeseiee. -Some time sinoe Mr. J. P. Warr- .tv, the leader of the Ontario Opposition, was of opinion that there would be no " saw -offs " in the election pt deeds, but, we understand, he has changed his mind, and that we are in no immediate danger of sixty or seventy bye.electicns in this bloom. itig Province. , -The story about Aiicn. HAALOP, M PP , being likely to retire in East Huron to make a vacancy for Hon. DOHS U.Yuglr hail every indication of being &ado out of whole cloth. East Huron is not the hive that its majority would imply, and if it were opened at the present juncture even a " cap:,'de outsider " might run up against a snag. -The_lines of demrrittation betwteti (:ret auil Tory are getting pretty well ef- faced. We know odd dyed-in•the-wool c:rits of former years who worship trod now instead of their party, and we also know Tories who were formerly steeped to the neck in partyism, who would almost choke to death if any one said a goon word for Terrell. -Now that the Senate will not ac- cept the new Franchise Bill, the Govern- ment should consider they are absolved from their promise to adopt it.. They should fall hack bpon the old .Act, simply changing the revising barriaters, &e., and, taking the old machinery into their own hands, prove that it was, and se, a great engine for winning electione. Let the other chaps do the worrying. -The Ottawa Free Press is of opinion that GoLnwttr SYrrn ought to be a member of the C'anadian Parliament. Ws happen to know Dr. Sierra personally, and we also know a large namher o1 the parlia- mentary outfit fairly well, and we doubt very much if tha former will bel that The Ottawa Free Proms has paid him a very great compliment in associating his name with the latter. -They have:a peculiar way of deal. ing with crooked politicans over in the Fast. The Kiag of Siam hu issued the following decree : " My Minister, Teheapleitex, is from tliie day relieved d aid all his orders and yeas 111114111141ova with- drawn. Purthsr based shalt its ahv ad lade utile AMft operation, be 0111 he with sup- plying hay to the sacred Lits, and shall he employed at this task to the day of hie dtuth." IN WEST HURON. Brussels Peet :-West Hata Ltber•I. neaten Omvenlien at Deng•msea en Tae• ttai'If sett Beek. It is end !hat M. C. Oarsmen wilt tswdet Ms resigsal' with • view at aasept the lAsatemase Reverser. ablp of the Northwest. If this le dame • mew ensues wi l M sad The Post hay motel pt.s.us in eapp•tft�me the &meim- .Mee et • man wham masa Y emreently meetlaad, 1s the mete et **ben Hdnas, Meese et Mas.., ad pep eater of tag " NswSaga .. $s Is entl • essoia of lade p ene . add t • slier heeded husker= ass; • ped gasket. *ad well *ed tbver- ,.tops! p ° bis knows i. the Rine. A better Wee - • not be mode be ear opltlen mad ell steehbst te the Stelae we weale to to take • head in kelpies swell he • joeaty -as fat as is in ear power se to de. • • e Ciliates New Eva :-As kis U. C. Ossa- enai) resimmMM. was 0o{ baton the Libor. a1 convention es Tuesday, se amasl.atios .( • (madame was made, ani it is set likely . ythl.g will be doo• is this dlrsetion until after moan' lists are prepared, es the neat slo.Ws will h. held on the Provision' tri- ohiae. 11 will he news to oor reader. to that Mr. Cameron ones thought of ea- teetag the Presbyterian ministry, but an Ism from tbe Glebe, .o.v.ye that intima- tion: CONTEMPORARY OPUHION. Yost 1N SORROW THAN IN ANnIR Blyth Standard: -At the gserel confer. mos el the Methodist Epesoopal church, which met in Baltimore, Nov. Bum Joan, the meted evangelist, made the following motion :-" 1 move to beg all local weath- e rs." 1f tbie motion should carry, it will go Ity hard with ear good Bro. Holmes, of V. New Bra, sad our equally food Brussels Post. A rHAXOs TOR THr DarrER. Stratford Bm•oon :-The Laurier govern- s Me redeemed mother of it• pledgee. { has latrodueed a bill to do away with the t superannuation system a.d to replace { by an insaranoe fund which will not poet be Domialoa • dollar. Mr. Mo.Millan, .P., deserves the credit for pushing this unties so the front, and the oovernmes{ to be oommended for the meaner to which hag grappled with the matter and pro- vided • satisfactory solution. tr VIurLD re. rA 1OXU .' Manchester Guardian :-dilpfas et the ret Bailin, bills issued in osaeseYrs with he new movie* between Maaebseter and • enoa0ee that the steamer Cys pians, of 2,923 tone register, will go on the Orth in Maiiobester to load for Qaebso and Montreal, sailing on Saturday, May 2'.tb. rgo will be carried at through rates from eobester and all stations In Great Britain all parte of Canada. The Cyatbkoa will followed by the Pa:kn o s of 3,318 tans egister, which 1. des to seafront" Memel o the 14th tnst., and from Maaobeeter aro ons 8th. Ws are informed that large quso- ties of grain. nee stock and gmer•1 mer• handles have already been savaged for ship. sot from Canada to Ensland by the tannery of the new line, and that the first reamer brings • full miscellaneous verso od a full dsoeload of cattle. it ie impor- nI that the new line should also receive te fur mean of sport traffiofrom Eoelsna. d it to booed that shippers to Canada will ve all nom his support to the Ship Canal out• now that a regular direot steamship nervine from Manchester to C,snada all the air around is assured. s s e THaita AKS OTHKas Toronto Mail and Empire :-1he New 1 ork Poet has put llsbed a het of appoint- ments to the United Statile army, classified aosordiog to the memos for appofatment t include, twenty-five sons of prominent Ihtto•0e, three grandsons, three nephews. d one see-in•taw. Oise ot the •ppuintees an ex -Governer, and six are designed as ' ohildreo of the theist poli." Of the thirty ine person■ named in the list, three have ad experience. one being a graduate of West Point sad three being militia officers, There seems therefore to he some foundation or the ohsr,e of nepotism brou,ht against • Admins:ratiou. Hl. WHLSKERS DID IT. A peculiar but rather painful •ooideot appened to Thos. Sharpe, who works at trd'e factory, this moraine. He was op - rating the boring machine and his flowing Bard got entangled in the machine and was natantly wound round the shafting Mr. 'harps bad s alone call and is minus a oon- iderable quanttty ot his facial adornment. t was painful but "oleos shave" in every y.-Br•mptoo Times. TRE W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Girifnn'. Witty Remarks. emper•aee, 't The there►'e gement,* Child Treated like a ragr.ms."-lassoed to Meath be IM deed ON 1eMier -*bait Restal }{EV. Dr. Griffin represented Canad- Methodlsm at the resent ooabrmoe of he United Stains, and according to the re- ts of the pren his address wee • swat briniest effort. Certainly bis rsfe►mee to temporaries and ite relation M the ehoreb as witty and pungent as It woo unique el truthful Tbls deliverers• is as tot- em : We are still engaged in the holy war against the unholy liquor waffle ; and if you should ask me what oilmen the tsmperamee gsainties somata, se the shwa general- ly, my answer would be. it is the obureh'a peer relation.. The Mann 1a its steelier, as it i. of every other ben•vebmt la.Mt.tien. I vesture to say that it leeks mon like ite nether *bee her seethes le most like hereelf, than any of the tet of the family but th.ehnroh lavishes its wealth ea all Ito other efoprien, while she treats this, her oomeIkst *bite as • wonderful' vagrant. sad M eestmt be threw the eepp•rs of her moor at lee feet. There h • vast amount of sayyeespstb foe It m szpr•.d to Gemini Asesmblias.ad l - meas. has nearly blas MMA le death by Its rood old mother, oche peeve devoutly for It tslwbt sad seening. but dose 8611. mors thl0 eeww its nakedness seas a year *ites the. old .ksease o1 the Masai Ceeferemae resole - Mine. Whet has she ever glum worth meaties- t= for th a ort t Wealthy trees Ora•b 1•tgli m- dowtsesN, mid • liberal homiest@ for nen tnel.tise, but who ever heard of any• bed anywhere, *he la his will leas given • sin da hr is the attttmssrasne Game. t has te aeabssd .galas, power's! serper- atdame, who MOM rhe millions or sae*, bey have taker from the people to keep the *4)14... .3 the people le b.md•ge. 86111 *s are hopeful We are en the eve of a piebalds' far the whole Deslale., wale. for abs eanreseree the .aaauf•et era. lsportelks sad tale of N Beim see berme. tie11.IL int Air melt& - f ram t'lMte • sassed, es we hope le d.. them Mese will be imp •ooyee land 1 dene to ear Osawseialapamade e am them wits shall •d al las by eke raised (anatls{am d lesemer .oe men. AUCTION SALES. Au ctee se&their ash Mtn printed •t hav•h aeons massed laWitterMof os, ON MONDAY. Julia 13, 1898 -As Gr- dry's Auottlom Mart. Hamilton street, fear ezosadlagl vs kyle propstties in the T.wa el Goderteb. awe* Iota 91, 147, 560 aged 552 and 169. me Mah,af whine then is a lj or 2 story bandies. For farther partteelars see bills. Tee Drib for the barber sad of the elevator foundation was posited ahead last week and by Saturday stent all the est lusher had hem uses so sits mos wars all laid off o0 Monday. This wee rather usexp.oted, as the Godsrfob lumber Co. which had the con- trast for memo timber bad expected • raft the past week from Golden Valley and its mo. arrival aimed the stoppage. STILL ON DECK ! uL V i d=' S BICYCLE LIVERY If you want to learn to ride tttw wheel, Go to YULE'S. If you want Repairs, you will find a vulcanizer, a brazier, an enameller, and a competent workman At YULE'S. If you want Good Wheel. and Best Attention, be sure and go to theold and reliable KINGSTON STREET. GODERICH. YZULWS -' BICYCLE LIVERY CANADA'S HISTORIC MUSICAL EVENT LIEUT. DAN CODFREY'S BAND will site one Grand Performance. in the Skating Rink, West et., GODERICH, Monday jfil evening, 111 The greatest Military Band in the wtivld." -London nem*. The °ppm unity of a life -time. You can't afford to miss it. Plan at Porter'. -open to subscribers, Tues- day June 7th, at 10 A.M. ; to the pub- lic, Wednesday, June 8th, at 10 A.M. dwkyuroeebrtar RICE'S PURE SALT Best fool/Mead °°"y The Beet S er Gds Gasoline Stoves Blue Flame Oil Stoves Ordinary Oil Stoves Screen Doors and Windows Refrigerators Garden Hose and Reels Nozzles and Sprinklers Hammocks Bicycles, new and second hand Can bs from had EE1 SHEPHARD at Vert Low Prices. P1.mbIsg sea witting given special *nee - Don. We have just received • car load of Cassel Till. a.d nouns. We handle terata w1I t ft la equal to Am - oilcan. SUPERIORITY .04 00 4,0, Next Bargain Days JUNE 23rti anti 24th. EXTRA VALVETHIS' WEEK: LirShirt Waists, ParaaOIi, " Summer Corsets, -------- R0BINS0N. The Old Reliable There is a superior in e - t' The McCready " __ Bicycle demonstrated thin fact at Brantford on the 24th of May. It Won the 18 -Mlle Race. There were large numbers of all other makes, and_ only one celebrated Mc- CataDY PINK F'LYgg. It won first prize by one mile, and third time prize. - First time prize rightly belongs to this wheel also. McIvor, the rider, slowed up at the suggestion of an cf fioial, who said. " Don't show the othere up too much." It was another complete victory for the wheels that are built to give satis- faction to their riders. As on the track, so also on c' ,: road, MCCREADY Bicycles first in everything,,. There must be a reason why. Send for our catalogue. It explains all about the wheels that are " just a little better than the best," and " just a little fast- er than the rest." Tlie Henderson Bicycle Co., Limited t7♦O3D/ERIO13. HITRON'S GREATEST STORE The next attraction in the dry goods arena will be the dis- posal in 30 days of the Snowden (Berlin) stock of Dry Goods, bought by R. B. Smith e.6. to v rate on the 5. Ladies' Blouses, made of American Ch:'lliats, fast colors Ladies' Hosiery, The Snowden price, 40c., our price 8 yards of American Gingham for Double Fold Cashmere, Snowden price 20c., our price Bicycle Tweed, Snowden price 20o., our price Ladies' Corsets, Snowden price 6:ic. and 75o., price All -wool Serge, Black and Colored, at Blouse Silks, Snowden; price 65o. and 75o. our price Skirt Linings, regular 10c., our price Grain Cloth, regular 15c., for Ladies Cotten Hose` Snowden :price 15c., our price Witte Bleak, White and Cream Laces, Snowden price, 15e., oars Baby's Bennet., hall regular prices. A11 Cordo and Dress Trimmings at about half price. ... RIBBONS .. . 25c. each 25c. a pair 35c. 12 1/2o. 12 1/2c 45c. 22 1/2 s yd 35o. 7 1/2c. 10o. a yard 7 1/2c. 7 1/2c. June is a great Ribbon month. There's a splendid range of Ribbons from the popular No. 5 Ribbon at 24e. a yard to the wide 7 -in. Silk Ribbon at 29ic. per yard. Every dress maker should see the great value we'll show In wide Black and Colored Silk and Satin Ribbons at 15e. & yard. ... MILLINERY .. . We are conspicuous in the race, u usual, and will show this month the greatest range of Trimmed Millinery we have ever offered. Flowers, 6 boxes at halt pries. :bun Hats, 10c. and 15c. each, worth double. At these prices we can clear the stock with a bound. We shall be pleased if our =s- tomata will make an effort to visit us as early as possible. R_ :_ B1ITI3 >e - OKE -1 n . _ r AN !et *e tMIHv • alt gilt SL e WAIF' Boot and Shoe Store Is on the corner of East Street and Sgnare.- - - Here the Beet Makes at the Lowest Possible Prices are always.* stock. Our Custom Work is noted all over the Dominion, and today in Quebec, Nova Scotia, Manitoba and British Columbia our Boots are worn by all who know a good thing when they see it. We do not sell a 13.50 pair of Boots for 11.90, for we can't do N and be honest ; and we won't put a $8.50 mark on a $1.90 pair to deceive the public. Our Repair Department still keeps up with the times. °C7•7 -2\Z_ S33ARivtAN, TR.e THE PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER GOOERICH. CLEARING WALL SALEOF PAPER FORME NEXT THIRTY DAYS We will offer our Stock of Well Paper at a very Iarge reduction in prices. Now is your time te get your house papered for very little money. Come and get Bargains. • JAMES YATES BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. Next loor to G. W. Thozeson's Music Store. e MR. DRYDEN HAS FRIENDS. wish him retained to gay event. Tbe deponent instead Aid. Hallam. " kr. ' bey Request Pressler hardy se let b . 83.51., ei 86.4.. Reins sad co.. Wm. Dave soar to are teams& as. el the Devise Port Peeking Compsoy f A somber of trimda of Hee. Joh. Dryden W. L. 8tdth. of the Weekly See ; Wo• wafted on Premier Hardy yesterday with Laidlaw, Jeans Moieties, ad Jeb. L the request that that gentleman be remised ea Minister of Agrinultere. Then hes been • ruiner afloat that the Premier meld only retain Mr. Dryden is oossider flies of kis redeeming S.u:b Outsefo. These geetbm.s who are Md tare.wd in the stook raising a. fruit growls, laureate .f the provisos. proml.ad te eensidar the matter. Hoboes, of Guelph ; J. 11. Brelbow sod D. (l. Hamar, of Burford ; 'Joseph !Mural« worth, of Bnatferd : James:Tal$ s, Wolk. erten ; 1,. W. Clemens, 8s. Gesegs ; Jobe Il:•lly, BMkespoero ; Cap{. Sbeppar4 sod Geo.Re Gress. Fairview. The deputes's. was aserteeeely board, and Mr. Howdy Wien appearance is a consideration ! becomes a necessity. Who cM Ilford to *wee his persopai appearance t A larp$ manufacturer who stadia the mutt d the prople, and IOW" e „!... business depends upon slylplylf+fc `• /.�� those wants, will give better nogg than a tailor whose opportunities e. are 1tpaliad'end trade coral. eep W your keel dialer dam set more ant rpfW laahatt eis6wl others f littler ems Ilse test Slierst's dimer ee ewe N M litylehe s J' k tot rifIntt-i'llitt'l