The Signal, 1898-6-2, Page 9ITALY'S )BAHT TAMIIR.
• rvepleelf lbe )wanly •peore••ed Ata
seat gteyead tiadenasa
Tie pcteilation of Italy wee Whop,.
is i i. The anneal ezpeases a4
sly for toverameatal purposes are
@mists of the equiv*lemt of 0610.-
0.tfM in money. These t ga'Deas. bow-
e r. heirs Ors items which belong
ore properly to what may be called
s obligations of the State's Improvi-
it financial system then to orein-
▪ running rimers. but even with
iy acknowledgs5eat the amount of
Ir► ordinary it:peers to he ratted
ma taxation is in excess of •I 0
ON a yeas .
for its war deputising Italy spook"
i a year 045,000.000; for it. navy de-
irtment, r0,0I9,000; psbilo avaric-
a+trio-es, by the central Government, 8iO,-
O ,010; public. works, $10,188.000; "the
imams of eolleetioa" (petal. Otltei-
1,, agents, tax gatherers and clerks)
15,000100, mainteaa0te of the showy
a weirs De twat of Foreign Ata
�010,000,000; the King's civil list,
,Nlo. 'There 10, thea. the &anima
'tenet on what is knows se the eon -
Arid d Ear boadad) italiaa national
eh The interest •alms&!$ each year
;Snarly $100.O1iND $15t1iM110 for ie -
omit on the Meting Italian debt;
MM,100.110 ter what. are krona se "awe
t which roar*
lilt*f r^ the Demeter/•a[anVi-
es• oe; 110,010,050 for the maalateaaace
I Post Other (tor the lost from their
potation) and the Goverei ant tele-
r&pl syter; 0410.111 for the "premie-
✓ of sgriemitare" 0=Ap.0100 for
petrel express: 0510.000 for
ratesance 01 the Senate tied Clow
er of Depot's*. and the balsams for
emery and oiseellaasooe expenses. an
tact subdivision of which. trader the
▪ e "' of beeping aceouata, ls
Mr preset debt of Italy is eggivs-
iat to hf.508.11118.11111. Sed ea there is a
er►cit every year. and smell provision
or a Making teed. it ie eeestaatly ee
ke isere&ee. Th& taxes la Italyw]N►
r a poor eellitley. ieiWIN& idea,'UMW
hick is other eosatrise wean he ear
not. Then ere term ea had. 110.11
s Iaildiage. teaser lenge&:. tare
s suarensirs, excise taxes. tare free
datums, which yield In ■ year $1111. -
are only, sad, octroi doles; imposed
■ marketable property brought late
idea, Sad whir emirate la a year to
Then Ls the tobacco 'monopoly, which
1 virtnilly • tax an emotes, t>< .40.-
40:M,000 a year, the melt monopoly, a find that the mortality is Leedoa, tr-
ues for the ma nteuace of schools
Wive Loadswg Laos* of alesta Is aaai►.d -
mese Mr Adventure Std Perini or
Mahatma rers.w-resailag seeerde of
NIeMMe-AMetetlem'. awn three
Cl*velaad Moffett has bra studying
a British Nue bur wench present* sta-
tistics of death is England in the
years 1100. 1001 and 1.002. In this book
be elle the dead are clarified accord-
ing to age& occupation&, disease, di.-
triota, etc„ until there is not the poor-
est ohimneyaweep or loftiest cabinet
alaister whet may not find. it he leeks
carefully, some precise statement as to
bow and why and when be is apt to
die. And it is easy to ase that these
death disootrerles made in Loathe and
Ragland most apply is UR main to
other capitals and other cosatries
where similar conditions exist. All
oonclutioas in this blue book are bas-
ed upon the deaths of mea, for It ap-
peers that women sake trouble even
in the mortality statistics.
One of the -first NM shovel 't
men wbo Wee some regular oecup&-
tion say face death more serenely thea
thus who have tome. his is especially
true between the egos of 20 and 55.
when the deer rats fur "Wloocllpied
make" is from three cosi: tutee great,
Or thaw for those with ooaptioes, sin
times greater at 20, and three& times
greater at M. It trust be borne in
diad, however' that among the on-
o:co oied are included not only pertain
retired from baainese or living en pri-
vate means, but
Ulla more people every later thee any WELL. W19Y 11 ITO
other disease. it is seen that the greet- - In this where you rah" questtota$!
eat 'efferent here. as was the cans wit bo
alcoholism, are. those who have to do �g5ilted.
with the ruauiag of ions sod hotels:
indeed. the presentment of dangers
marched with trim two callings is
quite impelling. It is plain that neith-
er hotel keepers nor their servants
have anything to lope for trom mor-
tality statistics. • Not only do they
head the dear rate lints in phthisis
and alcoholism, bot they bold the same
uoeevitble position for influenza, gout,
rheumatic fever. pneumonia, diseases
of the liver. diseases of the digestive
organs. and, thistly, they show the
highest mortality figures tor diseases
of all sorts. "The mortality among
publicans, In London." remarks the
statistician, "1* nearly double that el
alt or1Atpied males taken aa a stand-
ard. 'They die nearly 10 times as cast
from alcoholism. 5 1-2 times as test
from gout 11-2 times se fait from
diabetes, 11.4 times as tut from dis-
eases of the liver, and twice as fast
from phtbiats, rheumatic Lever and sui-
Looking over other lista Mr, Moffett
feeds that chimney sweeps haus nearly
four tEaaee the tendcacy of ordinary
men to oontraot cancer• that gram -
al laborers are the moat fortunate in
eocetong gout, lead workers and file
makers die about three eines often-
er thea the ordinary attain from
which -iii almost newer contracted by
tallow soap i amueseturers• (here wee
have the mystery of earapheaking
again); that teal miners and lace mak-
ers show only half the general lia-
bility to liver dimmer, that •even or-
dinary mea die fruit accidents for
every schoolmester who so dies: that
paper maeulactnrers are practically
fres from rheumatic fever, although
bookbinders gutter from it cruelly; that
coal heavers, porters and metal work-
ers seldom die from diabetes. although
that disease carries off i hr.. times
so many glans maodasturera and four
times as many .lawyer$ an the aver -
The bloc boo statistician has a poor
The Letitia show that , this •x0esive Ides of ima tcians. whom be finds "sad -
death rate amuse the wo.xapied is ly adiisted to iatanweranOe." They
ales maul to el' of Serene die guile than twice as rapidly u son
y f tram alcubollam, nes
peter sad to pbtbials, the death rate twice ally from pbtbllds. end
from the former being maven ilexes and pry meth more rapidly from nervone
from the latter nearly three times diseases, liver diseases anti suicide.
('onemerciel travellers show a high
higher than ter men with oowttpatinns. mortality, cossid.riug the large am -
We text see the advantage of living cunt of time they spend in the open Air.
is agricultural districts' `tiny trots Aloobolism and liver diseases are ,thee
Wile either. Comparing tie destb chief erases of this heightened Mdeat h
which increases es they pe
rate of "ocnapied sl*1.S" (whom Ile. die life. Commercial travellers die
Moffett considers exclusively Sow) we from diabetes almost• utast again as
the average, and from cancer neater
tban the average by 45 per cent.; they
also suffer exceptionally from Bright's
disease. Their mortality from phthisis
and from diseases of the respiratory
slattern ie. beteever, below the aver -
' Hoary tax. of 015,000,0110, and oral leg the period in life from 25 to Ole.
o i
hs State gets revenue from telegraphis 20 per cent. above tie
Plicae and priming; from the sad -:! -in the agricultural districts it is 20
tate property, hoar .to individuals. per oast. below the average. And
tamps (an lanaid *early 110M00.000)- atilt heir favorable is the lot of those lad"other tables are two
ad from lotteries, as item 01 $11.- who live is the iadostrial regnit. tis•. Among troyother
effects in
10.110 more. important oxen, showing
Det ail thaw taxes. monopolies Sad gnat manufactories centres like Shet- mortality statistics of breathing foul
p1alative sestbm of "raising the' field and Birmingham shoos for them air and breathing dart -laden air. The
1 tons are that oa►l dust and h
Zinn" fall short of a5pplyine riot toll &I t conclusions
• rove the average. The chief causes of
these higher death rates, both in Loa -
dun and the •ladneektg �"'•ahstttnttaw are,
pinkish rid dreams of the respire-
Ste hes are giv e•f to-entydoter `-�`
diose.. or omisM't(death. and fit. . is printing ani ahoaslgktng. tl-
of these, vial phalgails, diasames of /M mortality figetr halal pulimen&ry die -
e nds of the Italica government which' th. death rote rises to
dust of such woods as are used by car-
ats Mid ear yeerSad beeeises. is
ele•IY"ttilrta,ib'dilthe Agile. fn *dil-
ate to the corral taxation by the
*vertmaent. these be local sot openers
u tile* amoe*11n4 to 0124100.000 a
ear, while the 4eb0el the Italian o0111 -
NAY amountm, oeflertively to 0200.-
M.00r. The marvel to say observer is
tat ltelians have her able to meat
o mach of their vest and oppreesive
men. the hove, cap taw* tio..s1
ebt of Italy is nnoow 073. and the ale-
e-encs of 075 (or iL equivalent in lire)
am been noticed among Italians gen-
a ly by all traveller".
le leer T1eme•/ary Oadereemad view M
Wake aM Saved&&&.
A traveller le Laplaad Eine the re-
Ipe for making settee among the
+ppe. when they are so fortunate as
obey* it at all. Dieser was eaten bst-
f-donre, Sad Che ose dish of the meal
waisted of roast lemmings, little
realures something between a guise -
W ig and a rat. and es the writer
lateens, "exquisitely nasty" as to
Mir flavor. He says"
We squatted is a stag round the fire,
retching the rester. all except a
winkled old ware, who good senll
Ism intent Weer a Sots tedious tore
Irony. Oat of a elfin krtapeack eba
ad taken a small *lie bag. From
Itis she extracted mems twelve green
toffee lore, which she proceeded to
stat, no. by or. ie a small iron
n oon. Io the socompesiment of vast
are and eolteit(ade.
`When they were molted to her taste.
Rboomed them to crime fragments
town stones, and put the result.
•ith water, into a copper kettle
which had one lid in the algal platea
lad another on the end d the Veld"
le keep out smoke and feathery weed -
Mb. Then the whole misl'ate was
il.•.I up together into a beabbling
th of coffee fragments Aad oche.
street. She cleared it by an old
irk 1dish is known to &matters all
world over. This was to throw It
the kettle a small aphasia of ooid
ler, when the coffee ground* were
ptly precipitated to the hotter.
e ib i posted the clear, Crown.
I ofg birch -hoot. intad handed 11.100
good -may. her hatband.
After he had taken the bowl In his
rt, the "Mee busted to a leather
andpredateda leer of theta
o. apdbast ibitaa, tre1 tf fromm
and Indged it i■ bag tag& then be
ted the howl to hire Bps *lid drank.
cimore vilised are :jibsn'
ooarse, have
tee it was a simple epekef MeirteltY
try * plain anslst511it Odd t
• contained no poises. Theta he
it O5 for not to drink In oar
so4 1 do net know that I ever
ted a lore perfect coffee. .
in the bsielg4 of youth._ wllieh 6tg
ret Ail s height manhood. Aare
*t' " allied M laiLooll ►tw"a•
penton and joia.r" are much lens in -
jetfoils thee the duet of metals and
atone. while floor dent and the dust of
textile, fabrics tw's
elit.beten the two
in palet of habletdPeste. 1s to the
Whale* of tm0 air, it is preyed that
fa rsespaLio55 where it is
latevotas nettle. elapse* of the areal -
"Wry system. b0'oOebitia, and poen
mem* muse" more than halt of the
entire mortality. Cancer kills more
time influenza, while suicide is directly
responsible for more deaths thus al-
coholism. It is. however. pointed out
expressly that alcoholism wort rebate&
to campy dsat a that are put down to
ether cress. le certifying the cause
of death of inebriate it 1s the habit
of some n edle& roes to state only the a soldier in the Eisg{lsb army which
pathological eoaditloe of the orris or
caytered health' in '17M. The hostile
armies were draws ftp is battle order
on the plains of Abraham, before the
In the open spree. between them, and
intemperance), in full •iew of both ranks. the appals-
torsed se the sole oars of death in Ing generals, Wolfe ■nd M o� lm.
such cironmstaaose, the fact that abuse rode toward each other,
of alcohol had induced the cirrhosis or raising their bate drew alongside, and
other isorbid condition bring omitted silently clasped heads like friends god
from the oertiticate. There is • sir- brat rs: (lien wbee1*d. rode back to
ial table gives tor alcoholism ebowiagj h4 tee forces tad
comparative mortality figures. aril the Head of their respect
social philosophers w111 attake their
beads wisely when they see, at the very
bead of the list, the keepers of lens
and hotels, their smrvtaati, and the
wbohe rite& of brewers awl distillers.
M of Owes clamps, that ie. the. die -
eyes are seater it incrSMme.
*5 IleddoaI sr este Melte . flee Manes of
An elderly lady. now living In the
viofaity of Boston. relates what she
beard from her grandfather, who was
enceorgaaof chiefly
the General Registry experi-
rows that
for instance. (the liver a the organ
which. more than any other is affected
byis frequently re-
It la where we answer same quer
t10 m. was the gesrd.d rept,y, for a mss
who amdertres to &sewer questions
woe learns to be cautious.
Well, 1 breve nee that really ought
to be answered, be samert.d.
1 rail be lad to hem a chance at
it. returned the young man 1a charge.
Well, w 1* 41 tbalt the only match
you haus always goes out Y'
Fortunately the young man In
oberme had ezptessiy stated that it
ware the plans where sane questions
were answered. Otherwise he would
have teen in a tight place.
raseri orders to open fire. A few hours
ter, both lay mortally woturded.
The men were kith to their mover -
algae and pctiaq under orders. They
followed the military proteesion as gel -
pertsserta art alcohol, die of Ns 4 c.1. last sad c1oivsltoum gentlemen. To -
and three to ten times faster theePtbe ward Mich other they Isere hrnelt•ble
aw relle of "occupied utalwit" three of ill will, and at heart they were Sot
times tetter for t ice brerwer, to times enemies txit comrades. . It may swan
tinter for the London hotel servant.. altaoat *Locking to add that in timed
0* the other band. the mortality from sad prolerius both were Christian*:
&irobOlbm among agricelter*l labor- Are not intereatiomal rusrtesy and
ars, railway men. iron and tin and magnanimity passible, even in time of
coat miner*. clergymen. fishermen, and wart So long as natter. for any tee -
others is far below the averse&, only son or tar -took of reason, will still
one-third or one -forth of it, while in resort to arms for the *ettlement of
the parre of soap manufacturers. lead &smitwa, may not the dreadful duel go
workers. cower miners, and carpet on without settinogg on fire the ugly
Manufacturers, no deaths whatever arm tampions of tetrad, cruelty end re -
The harking at $ dog on the earth
or be heard by a balloonist at an ele-
vation of toot leets.
Hopeless Invalid.
An ids .. nel*Me She "tory of lave SOaeN
sad Kew $ rensstiaals mugs as fame
o*.nstw. cans Ihrelm it Abend.
From the Grotto, While. Oet..
For acre five years the- editor et
this journal has mads weekly .visite
to Brooklin in search of news. One at
hie earliest reoullsetions of the village
was in noting that Miss levies Redd
was very ill. Miss Rodd was well
known, and as week after week roiled
round. it was natural to ask bow she
was getting on. sad the reply always
rime that she wen no better. Time
went on and it became • settled tut
that Miss Rudd was &confirmed in-
valid and that such she would continue
netil aided Providence took mercy on
ber by allowing death to end her suf-
ferings. Nose of tee rillsgera aptki
ported any other ending. Our aston-
ishment osn better be imagined than
described. therefore, when Mrs. Bert
Wells hailed as one morning with
" Well. editor, we have some news for
recorded from alcoholism. it would
of interest. to know it the issome
e4Utio relation between Imo ng
tad total shat inane.
Mr. Moffett found the suicide eta-
tistira tall of similar ulaesplainehle
ooncketions. Wh for instance, stoned
sine Ito., era be five haute es"oeauready
telt thetneelvee M 7
males." whereas watchmakers are only
twice es ready. tapper workers only
ors -third se ready. while betel eer-
vets in the l5 he minera.A ifiet*, roa-
rer Inhere sad
asset THillE
require* theft there ba one suicide in
every 110 doh&. but Isakeepers. teach-
ers. artist„ tnsmicianq. Bair dressers,
pad toe meerclal tr•vetlers ki11 them -
sei1►511 Mgr ettener than this, while
bolts eeekmta. bricklayers, elergymen,
term coal Sheer*. keep their sslf-de-
strectiee well below the average. War-
tiers. gardeners, etc.. In the matter of
suicide are eller the average, while
their servants are below it. Piyiol-
en* kill tb m..lvee three thew as sit-
es as erd�t7 mon, and to that diffi-
rrtll period a their laws betwer the
agile Of FA smd )'loft sear llty from
rater. Ps are
fret from & Mmdsad to
venye t
"In the midst of arms. the laws ars
silent." says the old Roman maxim.
But are the laws of Ood ever silent!
ie the gospel of His love ever suspend-
ed! it fight we meN, let u tight
only for jo*tioe, freedom. human wel-
fare and lasting peace. With these
motives dominant. though we strike at
human forma. we shall aim our blows
only at real wreegs; we shall pity
times whom we sly, and shall regret
the injuries we are obliged to ta-
rtlet ma with ea three we ire obliged to
What You Get
Whirl You Su Nwlolna 1• It
Matter of Groat Importano*.
Do you get that wbtcb has the power
to eradtoste from your blood e11 pois-
onous taints and that remove the
cause of disease t Do you buy HOOD'S
Oarsaparilis end only Hood's! If poo
do you may take it with the utmost
confidence that it will du you good.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
le Canada's Linsettset )Medicate. b *.4 eh
drasgtrts. it : N: ter 01. net stir Heeg&
seri P111. are the favorite catbartta Mo.
An Kande' !ilea that makes A apedh
alty of heating altparrtus has had great
outwear; with anovel apparstua e,bich
they have lnetailed in several acbuuln.
This 1* a heated hat and coat rack for
Public buildings and is particularly s'--r--
vattubls forechools attended Gy small 016._1470,1801t. eel ter gatfor in
✓ tr. Will M *oat for er
.ebildren, The device u made eatite1 a seeeiptofdi. which will wallowed
o: iron Luling.'Ahe hottiwhtat Isnsup- teveutseL hisghie4r!eoubletowUree
porting the kat and cont pegs while •Wile WeM'dad e&ae lt:Teneaa
the p upright tubes are connected with QUR PRODUCE,
a impel of hot air i.bicb is allowed
Wein. ate through the tubing. The gginisse. Ogre, Angles. Frets. tate pp
MeiD6111411111111D for "4. «e.
IItf1ION L lifRAl6T�a Writs few
Flossie Tlickere--Did you ever ria
for office 1 '
]kir. Yes.
Floosie linkers-W'bat officet
Mr. Tuegood-'rhe poetoftios. when I
found 11sd been carrying one of my
',ife's lettere around & weak.
' • 10*105 N 1115 SAY.
Wg estimate 7yae� meggesese lout eIro s
try our
1.�e ppI la leaf pate only. )lever sold
tiali Drop & pee" oars ler &angle Parise
TM 5165500* Tia 55•, T5a65t1.
t 5.51 5N& 0t Meth - -
Every vee Is .urpri.ed at the raped- �� a
1ty and effieacy with which Nervllineukw
-nerve-gain curt -relieves neuralgia ase •
and rbesmatlem. Nerviline ie $ speci-
fic for all nerve pains and should be
kept Ill head by every family. ,
There is a limit to the work that
ase M got out of • human body. or
a human brain. sad he is •else nun
who wastes no emerge 05 'parasite for
which he is sot lifted.•-131adatone.
Quickcure for Sprains 15c. 25c. 500.
W r o axle
advantage otthls apparatus is appar-
ent, se on wet days the clothes are
(tied an they are banging on the Mtge.
and the beat from the tutee airs w&re
the Cloakroom in which the stand is
placed. When tie weather is dry or
there is no necessity for the beat the
supply lean be cwt, off se in any other
Eastern Man. in Western restaurant
-I see you hove oysters on the bill of
fare. Aro they haste
V. &itero.Yse. Bah, jos' out of de can,
tab. -.
A 'Wee *men0.
Anxious questioners tai. "Is there no
sere cure for cornet" We are glad to
be able W tell these Buffeters that
you to -day." " What is Its" " Why. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor will
Mae Rodd has gone on a visit to Col- ,relieve them is a da and extract
igathen•1rtentIt O. ' W0r.1• thought else hilts without plakm.-- titri r tette.
was a confirmed invalid r' "tis slit was,
but she has been improving so much
Lately, that she Is now able -to help ber-
selt a good deal. and it was thought a
change of scene would do her good."
"That L certainly sews." replied
the quill -pusher. "sad good news too;
but what cured her 1" ' Dr. William's'
BlnkPills." replied Mrs. Wells. We
then decided to ask Mian Road upas
her return for at interview. but it wee
sometime before it t� piece. owing
to the limited time at der disposal le-
tw•r trsiat* and parts owing to a
desire to wait and see if improve-
ment was likely to prove permanent.
However, atter many put-offa we
thistly called at the hears of Mrs.
Doolittle. a deter of Mins Rodd's, who
hes carefully cared for her during the
long Melees. At the request of the
ed)tnrM.Le Rodd made the following
athea--Mr. °reiterate I bread •
~tor debate the other &.'.slag• The
=wee: What's � � 1b a
Kr. °re ters. Joest aIetemaar-8a
lis. flat he'll git Us0s4.
Our g{reeteet glory I. 001 is sever
tallies. bat is rising every time we
hl -•glen teepee.
Maud--CLara Higkfly is just the
luckiest girl.
1 Edith -811e has many !overall
'!laud -Ever so tinny. and she has
only one little brother. and be was
brought up in Paris, and doesn't know
• word of ?owlish.
AdditMW wrerwreweal ews».Il ny 51.1551
Keserve read Lire A.serlatlan.
The Mutual Reserve Fund Lite As-
sociation of New York have recently
tncreaaed their deposit with the insur-
ance Departme.t at Ottawa by the Sum
pf one hundred and fifty thcateend
dollars. now making over a quarter of
• million dollars deposited with the
Dominion Government for the sesurity
atatemedt:='I am fifty years of age of Its polies -holders In Canada. This
end have lived 1n Breadth ten years. ' will, n4 doubt, be gratifying to the
Five years ago I wee taken 111 with Canadian policy -holders. as evidencing
acute rheumatism. and have not done the good faith on the part of the aaeoo-
a dare week niece. The tremble IMPS tads* and its-•((lity to men all the re-
wlthtm7 Leet and the upselhtsg extend- gstremenbe of the Insurance Depart-
ed M m/' arses, wrists rind .hotdderte. , omit at Ottawa. -Toronto Globe.
end Qmtily settled tory *sok. I had
such pate that 1 was *Wird to tate.*
walbiag stick to ease tie 1* WNW,
root. •m: twe a nd a halt years age t b.
stick ba( to maks with for $ cretc
At this Phew I allied to lfgj
up a little each day, but it was net
long before D was denied even this
privilege, and the next six months t
was perfectly helpless and bed -ridden.
I could not even turn my head or put
a cup of tea to my mouth. l got com-
pletely discoaraged after ineffectual-
ly being treated by two physicians
Sad trying the different medicines re-
oommended for my ailment. While I
was in this helpless condition my
niece time In one da and prevailed w-
oo use to try Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills.
After taking two boxes t felt $ slight
change for the better so 1 continued
to take them, with the effect that I
continued to improve slowly ever sine.
I now sleep well. have a good appe-
tite and have gained in tient. t can
stand now. walk about and even got
in aid out of the buggy upon the co-
raaios of my tat* visit to Columbus.
Since that time, too, 1 feel stronger
and m7 reason for still using a
er06oh is on account of my knees be-
ing weak and a desire to not wrea-
the my .tresit b. Jubilee Day
nes the Mgt tine In twenty -NM
s*gtb. 1101 was able to putt foot
I tr de theinm wt i had
I tried Dr. Ptak !n the
flog place instead of the atlas wadi -
Giro used. I would have beta spared
mark uuffertdg. I am sure f owe o;
Imaproseseeat to these Pills alone.'
Mrs. Doolittle. who, as we breve pro-
vides/4 stated attended her sister
tbr**agb her trying illoewt, wee equal-
ly strong in bar reoommendatioos as
to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills baying
effected the radical chinga. and the
three of tso agreed that tt would he
Doty jtat that this case should le
nronglit to the notice of suffering hu-
manity in the hope that it might prove
& blaming to more than Mins Rpdd.
who still magnum to improve and
who bots* to again he able to do her
fell day's work at no diarist date.
Ar. Williams' Pink Pill. cute by
going to the root *Ube dieser.
renew and build np the Mood. an
strengthen the nerve&, thee driving
disease from the system. Avoid imita-
t oma by heisting that every box you
pp1t&srrobass u enrlo•ed In a wrapping
beetle" alae full trade mark, lhr. Wil-
li/Lula' Pink Pills for Pale People." •
Borer i•most things isin knowing
bow - Isley it tare to &sewed. -lftn-
To MAI A Out.D let ties(•�11t4/WaBAY.
,,id•Ma Laren*
wean 10 11 40. 1. rd . Oa. au ani►
Fax -The dlamoed 1. the hardest
knows su)etsSos
De Witt•--Ye-to gat.
1 fled nothing so *inguiar in life as
this. that everything opposing ap-
ple/re to lens its eututance the moment
OM actually grapples a lab 1t -Haw-
In the Wet square oe Belgrade. o0e-
via. hsaii000lhis little frogs he*
r suesselMediy as if 1b.y wit tq#
away 1s tlii6 geltetry. now able, Ilea l
ear t• 1ra'tilt
there eN hew they atarvivel, se *ea
Qulckeure for Scm1d., 15c, 25c. 50o.
Yoe had better not go boating with
sister, said Tommy to his slated* beau.
Wisp *ot, Tommy f
'Castes I beard her sal she intended
to throw you overboard ecce.
Quickoure for Toothache. 15e, 2.50, 50o.
They seem to be a very devoted sou-
I should ay so. They've been mar-
ried three years and still ride a tan-
Hartford & Vim Tisa
1W omen • 5 mime** M. w. te...e..
Character is rower , it makes friends;
creates friends, draws patrioage and
support; ; and optima a sure and easy
way to wealth. honor and bappinese.-
J. Haws.
Qaiekoure for Bruises 15o, 25e, 50e.
Jimmy, you must not talk whoa
older people are talking.
Well. [Woes you want me to grow
rep dumte
for N t It. eslre•1.
w,5. mor m..I.{e.-
imam 5af5, - op, earn 4.
AR�s R.. 1.M '
..&sial Aioa1. Meetwest thee.
WINS511LL0-0tse1. Oslvaafsed. Roller
S ad 1ia1) Heartens, Dem Pompe,
Opra ora end Grain Widers. •sake,
5tirsyr A Men ie.. United, bwatter5, 5riasa.
ROOFINC Ind Oh6tmowWerke.
*oonita ?i is tea*
tlrc5so i�i far.Or
-wTr ROOFIN et�art, bti►
sad AA Toronto) fall r.o, .K ROOFING �Q��aT�rtppr .r. Irrw
tem IT'Uf I ewe seer-w_Itr
errs. or OSto. Circ or,o 1 a
Locu Corwrv. /
reams 1. Curiae mare oath Lbs* be is the
orpaetaer of tie err sf r..1. t wawaY t Oo,
b/raj Imo the (�1ty K 701.40.Osuaty and
maw aforesaid, Sad tistseM Ors will pas the
.4DOLLARS ter each
ea ease of CatarrhE mtINDRIt that &Senor be eared
y the woof Rime. C♦t***m reg.
Swore to before me sod subscribed,10 m
pressers, this ea ey of Deserbr, A. . 1
!'-"-, A. W.OL*AOOM,
( rot . Merry Peel&
Hri arrb Caro V fake* htorusD>I eM sets
dire= the .bleed tssaaditpmoaeooue 1111•r�bres of
We�hal� ! r. J. Tir iNIY ft OOO., 7bi./q th
HaD* llama y Pillserethe MA
Sv. of 1a. aoaet�t
Aa5151p Lratnw.r sea„7/rewte,
Foet�o, FAnoe-w..e :ai esus W..4
we bare the beet awl see* Maes tie
e*rtL par pulse et It la w at the lexp.ri•
'seated rre, Omelth�. r1*♦ dead for prix...
Add'... Terrey Misr 1001,.. ream) ne..
051 laver ft. TeeestN. Ont.
'Tis Lore that mates the world go
Oar, ears; It's too moth liquor.
t\tet•1r� 1'itt11(e.1 4( Utt1\(.
1 1 111`1 h 1 \(..(t'
t " IU \Isla \1, 1 • e• IITl'11.111
LU D ELLA Ceylon Tea
C. P. R bas cut the relined
totes e haw melte polo&&
of our WWI W1I., Damps,
]�eriam, Uses. 1
• pp�*y.pOA Hardware. Band
for prices WM,paroaada5sad save
•05;T. �Lt♦000a C•.r
o.V10a'a 1U'T'r}>1t rz TwettlRrTE,
• else tare teat 5esneaOita
Lore Harris
Yours- Buys
soli. Scrap.
111.w Milo TM.a10. Mos 1720.
!reseal& W an any wirier. Yee be,. only 1* ask any of its rash doehere
to had tits oaf.
1111A0 1►1C[NESe x11. el leilex tlfMl
":..4101011010 .1:K‘tvit,telClussiertes Wee-,
Dominion Liao Steamship%
lluau.rl ►ad tisebs se �� t%k�
Sad ►.�i en.e �' 'Y
raver,' ' De�tn ter Mew Orbs, deo
amee .eiR Pates el
� anal
:: ad Oa
rater .t l « 1lstrt0.. flet apwyrtissr.5Mes las
t. 11 sal mia,17 , or DAVID 7t Ho a Cy.
Oen1 Ages l7 es 8aora+wat M. 1[ontreeeasia_
rreoeivtedd the big*
Neely'/ fi1t
� side
von. Mat
maser M
are sow saakimii
Wert* hal taM
the Crier
es latiM51eesleer iis
sever le a1
the 5re
Loan and Savings Company.
ImooaroaaYe5 tied.
taw-ue 0.5110
Meal tale&--Tereeb
Oran* salsas 1rlws*esMea.' reeewrver, s
•Drrrovin rewl.ed of �i.;ereet payable ba
Dimerit came loud for seen deposited tor
throe or er. years.
� Aor♦roril ea Real Minato as how
Lead Mortgagee amid erer* earl f Ma p& sr lad
Debestaree psrobaeed.
lntoraattosttssa7 be orrtaallaed foto. and &p.
sheathes s ll les �e tieeer+ Afar
0. t es 170'♦ is. sear
Agee yy.e��,,
OfeAlie ♦e♦*4 1 L wee.
or be
b. muerte Naar. eanaelee srwrrw
WN/1M 1111141*.
AT1ANT1C WY, N. j.
Stan parlor 000 feet long ovsrlooktng
amen and beast esplanade VACUUM
steam beating system. Elevator tie
street level. Sot and Dole. fresh and
Bleat water la all baths. Rooms se
wits. baths attached.
.1AMICES B. BKILLY Owner and Prop.
lOta1Ne1M as suerere engregati■g
wee Too 4.
Royal Mail Steamship Co
Montreal to Liverpool.
stearer• esti hers Mestre•! eery Saturday
ita' oa arrival of truism frees Toronto and
W west about 1 roleok.
RAT= OF PAa*A011
Oahe esa.w sad upwards I Beooud Cab)
X04 sad ase prem a to Livery**,
Leaden, Glasgow. hsltest, Londonderry se
Queenstown .Lie and 11500.tredna of nye pr ,
rear 4.15 fent d second tickets,.
sailing' of .tearenar ocher Iaforsoaldo• ye11t
Imams authorised agent.
W Scarper. 1 Ktag K W. Tares%
er W • A. emu". *..*.$1.
ese•tOtred awe
Nos is me TM-
heti* soar wear tem rad
mor mor
Pr*** only *ler 020 $60.
0LIE111A MBOS., 61eorgebsa, Orel.
IM Issoisi'Oaa ta{f* 00.
What ?
Neer Naos are troleg N fa,-ii•1111 I o .
*oar moo 1* Tovolebo ayJ iioip . is.
Removes Dandruff in One Week.
Cures itching of the Scalp.
Prevents Breaking of tlalr.
Stops Palling 'Out. �-
lir ter 1111114111I -IN NET moa
.I lsatsnveiasM."
M►� win6 ....
Ji CM f'g C.B Lela, Olt +� t