The Signal, 1898-6-2, Page 4THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO
Ion take no Chances
when you deal Here,
The goods we sell have a etandard
reputation, and prices as low as you
often pay for inferior goods.
has wou its way to the top. Every
one is satisfied with our Cleveland
wheels and the service we give
crepe. The limit kind of political silk la
what we're after.
—The next electiou in West Huron
will be fought on the work done teoday.
—Our old member is eminently
fitted to be @novelette to the Hon. L'ILMILDe
—There is no poragreph in the Lib-
eral constitution that says that every mem-
ber of parliamene shoukt live MI GOdeilek.
—Some of the outside municipalities
are of opinion that se fkaderich hie always
had the caistlidate, "It's tune for • Change."
—This little exciternetet doesn't
Are you one of our patrons ? If
mean • funeral. It is merely the harbinger
of the birth of a now parliamentary repre•
16 sego fee first hour.
Ousts per boar afterwards.
111110n1L111 and MUttIC HOUSE
– anal
0119111111.nd Webb Livery
latt (Signal,
BY IlletitALICIllealr
Terms of Stabiteelptles 3
Doe month, in advent,. •
Three months, 30
Adevelltliirt **me
Legal and other menial advertisements. 100
leer line for aret leaerteon, and 3 tome per LW
far each suhsequeotAttserttcrn. Measured h1
rionparell Act's.
Business cards of elit lines and under. $6 per
illitoations Vacant, Bltustlinns 4N anted and
Business Chances Wsnted not weeding $
eines Dosparefi. 11 Pfz
Mouses on Elsie end terms on Sale, not to
tweed lime, 51 for first month. MN, per sub-
sequent month, Larger advt.. en proportion.
AnY Mecial notice, the object of which is to
remote The pecuniary bebefit elf any nos -
widest Es ocienpazy, to be oonsidered an ad-
vertisement and chanted aocor.iinstr.
Local notices in nonpareil type Dm seat ver
weed. no natives lees il,an tic, .
Local notices in ordinate' reedidli
trots per word. No both* for lees a ne.
Notices for churcht...nd other religions and
benevolent twit otiose half rate
Subscriber who fall to receive Tan PlioNAL
~Warty by mall, will cinifer a favor by ao-
ipainttng es of the tact et ite early an deities
pc setae.
When • chance of address le desired. bout
tbe ad and the oew address shook! be vet
J. C. Le Tomei. of Ooderich. haa been sp
Lotel Travelling Agent for Ike
Loos! postmasters over the district ore WO
empowered to rect. ye eubeeriptioae to Tint
AU communication' be addressed '
_ __telephone Call St
THE constituency of West Huron
for the Howie of Commons is now vigilant
and it will be to the isteretit of the Liberal
perty in the riding that effort be made to
select a candidate in the near future.
As the conditions are at the prevent time
the beet candidate that may be selected
will not be one vote too "tome, and cue
must be taken that only the best man
should reoeive the nonnuation.
At any period in the post two' years the
creation of the vacancy has been only &mat-
ter of time, ea it wax well known that the
sitting member was waiting tor theZop
portunity to drop nut of active politics.
, The acute wage wan not reacheruntil the
present PCAMOli of the House, and withiii
the past month or two, when it bocatne
open secret that the appointment was on
the tepee. Since then there hail bruit a
hurrying and scurrying among oertain of the
politioans. anti every effort has been male
by them to catch • favorable breeze.
Amongst the craft anxioug to float upon the
political ma are all grade; and ,conditime—
good, indifferent end dereliet.
The pearling Of the late nessirkr—removes
from the constituency a genres of worriment,
and, from • party standpoint, is eilAile for
rejoicing. Some are glad that he has been
heisted ripetaim, while others rejoioe that
the riding is relieved of itie presence. it is
tbe old story : " What'wee the Ganes of the
dissolution of the deceased," asked • pedaet
of • a deaf and illiterate grave digger.
" What do you my?" replied the eexton.
with tits hand to hie ear. " What did he
die of, what complaints ? " was 'Mooted in
his ear. " Oh," replied the etexton, " there
are no orimplaints, everyone trot knew
him is retailed that he gone."
And now elute the matter in iatisfactorily
ailhled, and the ("AMP fit dimension in the
, Pielbag. happily removed, it in fervently
4 harped that the Liberals of the riding will
011itv more get together, set amide ell pre-
vious difference., and work go that they
— Mho will be eterlit to the constituency and
the cause of Liberalism.
—Now get your political war -paint
—Get ready for the Swing of Vier
--(let. the voter's Ike ia shape kw
the nett election.
—There is a radiancy in West
Ikeree for the Common&
—Oure live vote on election day is
war* mare than • full sraveyani.
1—With prospective candidates like
Editor Holmes and Farmers Grant, Gaunt
and Macdonald, Liberalism a all right in
West Huron.
--/k10 matter where the Reform
otuididate for West Huron bade from, the
Ooderich Labored* will Attend by hut: un.
til the laat vote is polled.
—Tee likoest. will go into the next
contest with an easy conscience, a stout
heart, a forty-ramon power of expression,
sad s determination to win.
—A number of our Toronto contem-
poraries lave sent correspondents South to
keep tab on the " Yauko-Spanko " war,
and we must confess that up to date "Kit,"
of The Mail and Empire, hastseen sending
in ther racket reading. Is it any wonder
that. a real rootoof.war is in the feminine
gender ?
Wm. Lee is in Detroit on a easiness trip.
rem Tom woad is Urea Use peat week.
lin Hawley, of Detroit, ia again in Gobi'
Grahame Williams returned from Toronto
lest week.
7. lair, of Oath!, was MI Goderich the
Mrs. .1- F. Resr.1101kates. trall le thine
last Friday. sallens for moomodatiell
Mrs. Doe, otilegesligigeepothffihda and accepted.
c: program will he gime by the mesa -
tam,. All ars most ognially larked 1* **-
Ladner, Bus. Oe. shipped a OW Load
of made foe exteset, es Moaday.
There was early Holy 0001101141011 at elt.
eigene's Marsh ea duality easenief.
Robe Malmo 'hipped is oar load of doe
horses to the old maser, ea Monday.
Our fruit growers are Ideaskful that Jeek
Frost bee pasted thee by this semon.
Have you writtea your freesia. ea reserve
Diminution 1)ay (or • relit to Goderiob
Tom Videos bee a large stook of fine feed
sorn at • Low rate par. bushel. Give bias •
The K.GAM1111081 furniture fristery weigh-
ing rheum now • dole to amp up with the
Dyessitt, our lumber King, has oeuteseeed
to supply two saillioa feet el hansom for the
new 'legatee.
The tenets lawn hoe besu mowed at last,
e nd the Alaimo riak's surronadinge mew
look es et yers.
Llees.tDr. Shaw, of No. ft, has one pro -
mood to tie Captainoy of Codeine town-
ship fighting' mem
Be sure and hear the channiag program
to be rives by the Marine band is the rink
this Thursday evening.
There are mum pretty large loose stones
en Etat street. and Weir removal would Lew
prove the rood very much.
Cue of Cornell's dwelliage at the elation
is ready for yeeneritig„ for which purpose
Saltford briok will be med.
We shall have opleadid mush, on Domin-
ion Dee' as the Godertch Marine Bend will
be • leading hater in the dare promern.
Do you want to hear mast* with a large
Godfrey Land concert on Friday, Jae* 17th.
It will be we by the following from the
Exeter Times that Goderich wee ahead in
the running rams in that burg on the 24th.
Sunday servtoes in Methodist
Imam ega , abe absence al tits eat
month by month the past two years with-
out OtAAVADMII, OC sputa! solicitation of any
It omens we Mali Iseeppe Loge nember of
mounter visitors this MISIMIL es Meer
on Thursday. At the last regulate meeting of the Exam
Mrs. Allan Maroc. of Digh:ett, is visiting eohool board, Mae A W. Ball, of Credible.
relatives in town. was engaged to fill the vimancy caused by
N. B. Smith estimate:I on Monday teem She resignatim of Mime Robertson.
his trip to Toronto.
E. Armstrong has returned home from
Vicomte Car/entity.
That Jackson, tie„ ot (Absecon, wa• In
Goderioh friday laid.
Chu Watson returned home from the
QOM. any on Friday.
Om. 'Mass leaves for the Motherlaad
this Thurelley morning.
Lieut. Das Godfrey's Band at the Curling
Huth, Friday. 3,eas
J. 0, McDonnell, of Reesell, visited the
roe. awn the past week.
Royeett Naito/ returned from Stratford
Business College on Friday.
dirs. Egener spent the peat week with
relatives in the Ambitiou. eity.
hire. Isaac Solkeld, Sr., is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Miller, as St. Helens.
MA Honor Jades Doyle held Division
court in his chambers on liVednesday.
ars the guest. of Mrs. W. A. Harrison.
N. Smith, of Smith Bros. & Co., made •
busies"' trip to Toronto the past week.
bor Co. was east this week oa a business trip.
id-. and Mrs. W. W. Beer, of Clinton,
arid New York wet', visiting in tow. Thurs-
Mrs. Wynn and Mrs. F. J. T. Naha re
turned from their visit to Toronto on Tess -
F.111%13041 Manure'. Manger of the Oode
rich organ Co returned on Satnrday from
a business trip east.
J. M. Roberta, alley. -treas. of the West
Wawaomh Muted Fire Inatirson
spent Saturday in town.
Mrs. W m. Campbell, of Westfield, with
ber infant son is visiting her parents. Mr.
and lire. W. A. Harrison, V iotorla-st.
Patrick Lynn wan Mae week summoned
to the berleide of his brother, Denis, of Port
Huron, the news et whose (leash has sines
method town.
John Labbstt and famtly, who were in
town Met weak. Metosetuag Park
and seleosed spot for the emotion of a
MIUMMIC cottage.
Hie Honor Judge Memos, of Goderich,
'poet Saturday and Sunday with his strew.
la -law. Mrs. John kirePhersoo, Primmer -et.
Wes May Payne, who for some time past
hare hem visiting her Water Mariam is
town, left az Toseday morales ter her
felon home is Detroit.
New toe Domini* Day.
Next Sunday le Whitsunday.
We had a fog her* serenade ea Sunday
The barters paid Ooderfee a Men last
Remilar meeker of Peddle flohool bawd
es bleethy.
Don't forget te spray. el Toe wane pow
trait to pay.
epees tee Jams amiss
The ores* twisty Is itemelag fosse 9 lir*
gaga yea busted • Mak* kr Godfrey's
season es Wel?* lest.
• Nee s' wheals. delighted old fiemia's
mum eta ileedsy mewing.
Early sherries tad posseberran IOU he ea
the market M a few aye.
Mumaisig's detainee im Week sere* is le
Wee buds st the Outage*
lertlisr esti Break struts ban bees
beedevaellea ths pub we*.
MeLese's sew eissIlleg ea Night Ave It
sew irking hum hesediallem
rbe Cheese Friseds will held a retake
meseleg eget Thursday analog.
Our Oil Fears will meet Is remake eas.
Isseelessizge‘es be the slob
seliella bead=
ping ef **UN IMII11614111116
aka thd lAkertei be Nano ars '
—It is et miatals. ilketeirasei
Duce'. Review eves 21 Mures in
de for the week ending May 26th oo
pared with 29 for the previous week, and
for the oorrespentling period of 1897.
Cattle Bros. will during the summer
mooch. clue their store at 7 P.m., Saturdays
exoepod. They hope their patrons will
note the thongs and help the tame along.
e:ton en earth, will les the subject at the
meeting et Knox °literals Y.P.8 C. E. ant
Tuesday evening. Ure Stewart will be the
Gunpowder and the art of priating were
invented "brit the ewe period : hat who
tien blame gunpowder for the War Extras,
which are the wildest horror of a modern
ately prevented his writing tipcn hie exam-
inatioas at Victoria Univereity, is new re-
ri,vering, sad will soon le around again as
usual, we hope.
Cue -
I! parents wish their children to be Imo.
meld ol at the midsummer promotion exam-
inations, they should see thet they attend
*Moot morning end afternoos ',wits school
day until varieties.
Tirno 55 M 1/2.
Is a few days the Methodist coutersome
et the various distriets of the province, will
nmet.Tbe following are the dates:— Toron•
oonferenoe, at Broadway Tabernacle. To.
'mato, June 9; Montreal conference, Mont.
real. June 2; Bay of Quinte.Linduy June 2;
Henditon, Guelph, Jane 2; London Chat -
h June 2.
Exeter Advocate : The contort given by
the Goderieb roomer% Compan3- on the eve
ning of May 24th eyes not so well attended
as the entertainment merited. This was
probably doe to the races not being °ono
plead ttll dark, thus lempion the bulk of
the orowd on the grounds till after nine
newts, daserving of all tee praise given them
in the pre* and perhaps st thotho semen
would remits the patronage they deserve.
J. W, Broderick bee just received another
shipment ot ready node Writhing, all brand•
new roods, nerehruted direct from the
*Mowry, also another kit of hoots and
shoes, new, photos lad meteedste goode.
We Wore also purchaeed lege than half
the wholesale met peioe a bankrupt stook of
climbs sod tweeds from the shy et Hansa -
tee. Those bare joss arrived, and
loll be pi ea the tables is the centre of
the store, ead will be offered at half pries.
Ns humbug. Ws mesa half pram We sell
cheap WI the time J. W. buommuce.
Penh ars ea deep water mar.
18 la reported thee bleak bass are sumer-
ow up the river.
Hes Realness less added a building te
Bees Besse Rey.
ler Themeless se load lumber for We port.
do sateen, ha. been flat the past few days.
Maay el des pas who were employed MI
as breakwater home tbs of
The banes tam eirptad repass ter the
teg Oaten* arrived at the O. T. R. dub on
The the Melds, that hail hese heeling
tee itreetire seers, kit for Part Illetta es
♦ IsIg raft d! lop frees (Midas Valla is
ampewed la pert today fir the ()ederleb
Maher a11L
The Qsduteh harbor sill shat down Lot
, theta. out most of the 000se1'o
The a,hesesr Reliefs , with • same of
00Nvo0d from Pensteagdebsee, arrived la
M ea daedep.
The letake peps is sew f elebed, sea we
WW1 d t Ger water through le deify.
1foelj all 114 r env cram bevel
bear takes alb dewed est asd pissed la
preper posttests. the alma leaded, sad the
nib report, tied up.
Captain Baiter ie still to be issued ta les
WI mud. where be will nee yen See hes&
row buts es Oaten*.
The Grader** Lumber Os. ma mesiller.
able square timber kiss *sok fee eke era-
sers ef She elevator.
The ElereSer Cle. has built a lam mew
for 01110. emir, te be employed at tee
issildleg et the *knew.
The s0000ner Carloads atrived in port
Ism Thursday with 510,300 feM el Isaiber
keen Gore Hay tor N. Dynast.
Tee saystor Os. has built • law abed at
ems deck for the Onegige of tools aad marow-
tels tor the halides', and • blockmoltit's
The dredge Anal& pus up her @bowel ea
noonday, en oompleidoe of the dredging re-
quired for the tothlation 01 the new ele-
The Grand Trunk employees completed
the new lies of trook last week, sad is is
sew pretty dem to the Goderich Lumbar
Most of the timber taken out by the
dredge from the dock froot has hese out up
/OW CaMCIWOOd, ead worm of Mods hay" been
cooed sp- tows.
The eribwork far the fousdatim ot the
sew building was sesunenosd last week sad
proems appearances are that the work will
be pushed to a finish•
The ter (Mario was launohed from the
Rarbor Island es Tuesday albumen tad
taken to the Grand Trunk dock, whey her
biller was pee* bawd and pawl ta pos-
ition _
The diver west down is the harbor se
Saturday, and brught up the lake sod of
the pips thee supplied the water winks
engine wheel the well water was supplied to
ie uoderssoed neer tenders will shortly
be aaked for the reeonstruotioa ot the
bolakwater and repairs to the piers. The
contract awerdet to Luke
Medina, whose tender amounted to $50,099.
hot he has hese obliged to throw up the
• new arrangement being made. The other
tenders met in were as follows : 166.840,
10.600, 069.851.1t70.846, 974.791 , 1171,244
$99,499. 5105,900.
Ger, though made up on the etre of war,
contalos evidssioes of the impending mans
ley in etversi clear and serviomble War
maps, which were 'pureed after the gest-
lb* magazine had Roue to prem. The new
feature in the JUDO number is C. D. Gioeme's
pletorial mooned ".A New York Day—
Morning." Vassar is the womee's ooilegre
described dug issue. Margaret Sherwood,
• graduate familiar with the undergraduate
life end tradition, tells about those phases
of Vasear that are little known or under
stood by outsiders. What big °Wee can do
with their w•ter.front and whet Boston has
already acoomplished by tram/arming um
used shore -land into "Seeeide Plemure
Grounds." is plotursequely described by
Sylvester Rex ter. Anton Seidl ie the sale
joie of a brief and portages seureelatiou Ly
la. E. Krehbial, Cie musioal attic. Wyek,
hripliter erne ia this isms, mid Senator
Lodge's "thory id the Reoreshition " bee
reached che period that Was the test of
Washington'. greatoese—the terriblo winter
M Valley Forge. A Northern midis, and
hie chermirg daughter step tato th• troubl
OUS Ulan of the oid Virginia County that le
the some of Mr. Page's serial. " Ked Rook."
Juba'," Anne Doubts Nadgwiek's story ot
art life, mod " The Field of Art," obsess this
The Torooto Globe says of Lrrszurres la
indgment which is shown, the ideal of oosi
timid.), of ...tory fora% which runs through
(Ivey page. make this Journal eminently
ohmactenstic of ita country. Au essay on
the duty and art of the oritio introduced it
to the world, and this very &littlish trait ot
taking Omit and its misaion seriously mark.
its whole Fairness of Atatil-
moat, an abloom of spite, abstention from
log.rolling and petty favoritism, are virtues
winch we are entitled to expect from a part:
odioal with such, antecedente, and with for
editor so prominent • MAU 0/ lettere u H.
D. Troll. Those of us who wateh the in-
tellectual tiorrents of the mother land, who
share in the great movement for the drawing
together of th• parte of the empire in •
onion 01.11., than baii ever yet bound to
tether over -sea communities, need sew,
hand -book to the multitudinone literary oc.
British are the great onsinopolitan ram, and
journal—ehowa strikuialy enough by the
fact that it comes out sienulttneensly
Lenase and New York. the pobbehere in
the letter any being Harper & Brothertil.
Reviews of Gabriel d' Annunzio, of Gorey"
Thema, aod of H. 0. Ws/ls look na in the
face aide by side front its mew A mime tif
proportion is gained from the oomperison
writers and themes "'blob se inevitably tor.
bilked hy !him oollocation of reviews. The
oombinatioo of wide view sad of definite
standards is particularly strikieg, and for
that reason the periodieed is especially
worthy et attention on the peek of those
who wish to kerma.% only whet eel Realises
brothers are writing but what me their
views on the importeet eesteediefary Btu -
an efforts of the world."
The cards° plots around the Court Mere
are resolving their usual Spring dressing,
sad floweriest Planta.
Tie vegan factory tbe past week shipped
• ear lead of organs is the old oouatry,
eleven to the Lower Pregame' and Mani-
toba, ond oar two oar loads of bath fittings
lad pima steels.
the mem sebelerty mew babe Presbyteries
assl Maness el the Gouty sit she Previa-
Asseelealm, a1 the Sunday sebseloss-
meekei in Wingate° on Jane
P10.1111 AMMAN C11011CAL Monne
5011 MAIM — 1101111:111(11.0N1.
When et man pate his money
into a bank he wants to keep et
there juot as long is he knows
he can have it any time. Just
aa soon as he thinks he cannot
get et he wanta it. That's hu-
man nature. All customers who
buy at our store know that they
can have their money back if
goods are not right, We will
buy back at full prices any
goods bought.. fulia_Us that de
not turn out aa-ilny repreeent
them. This is our way of doing
business. It's a new way ar.d a
novel way, but it protects you.
It keeps us frotn recommendins
anything we are not sure of. It
means Pure Drugs, Good Goods,
and Safety for you. It means
to us your good will, your confi-
dence, and with it a continually
increasing trade. That is what
,,we are after, and that is what
we expect to get troin you by
thus protecting you from any
risk in buying.
We well be glad to have your
on ,the above understand-
. lierms, strictly Cash. Posi•
tively no credit given.
will give ooe Grand Performance in the
--Skating Rink, West et.,
eMvoenndinagy, hoe 20
" The greatest Military Band in the world "
—London Figaro.
The opportunity of a lifetime.
Plan at Porter's --open to subscriber", Tnes-
day, June 7th, at 10 A.M. ; the pub-
lic, Wedrieriday, June fith, at 10 A.M.
There is a superior in everything.
" The McCready "
Bicycle demonstrited this tact at
Brantford on the 24th of May. It
Won the 1.11 -Mlle Raoe.
There wero ltrge numbers of all other
makes, and only oar, celebrated lic-
CanAnv Ping FLYZR. It won first
prize by one mile, aad third time
IiIrst time prize rightly belongs to
this wheel also. McIvor, the rider,
slowed up at the suggestion of an of-
ficial, who said. "Don't show the others
up too touch."
It was another complete victory for
the wheels that are built to give satis-
fettion to their riders.
As on the track, so alto on the road,
liCCIDIADY Bicycles first in everything.
There must be a reuou why. Bend
for our catalogue. It explains all *bout
the wheels that are " jest a little better
than the best," and "pest a little fast,
er than the rest."
Tie Renderson Bicycle Co., Lifitel
will give a Demonstra, ion and
Special Notice
y017 are perticularly elicited to 'tint
JEWS 7th, when
of the New York Firatherbone Parlors,
Gm the variou uses of
What is Parrentationa t Fserossois is made of turkey'. quills, aid
is admittedly the ideal thing for boning waists, stiffening revers, itiearc-
*Wien, etc, bring end aiding the hang of skirts.
A bodice bean: revere or collar stiffened with FIUTHIABON a ewer
1 does and neyer <mei its ships. FBATX1111BOXI fit used today oy sally
leading Modistes in ileyr York, Boston, Toronto, and all the central et
It ie the proper bonin= waist that gives that superb curve aad
*ape so much desired by en FiATHREBONI molds and curves the
bodioe to tile figure, and is a joy alike to the maker and the wearer,
Bring your waist to Judas Robiuson's on Tuesday, and Miss Jones will
bone it free of charge --just the cost of the FiLITHLRBONA
N. B.—No charge for instruction.
Next Bargain Days, Jane 23rd mid SOIL .
Our Thanks
Are oonveyed through the medium of this paper to the hun-
Asedit_of_onatiends and customers who have so kindly con-
eerned themselves in the severe accident which recently betel
Mrs. R. B. SMITH. The earnest expressions of sympathy ex -
by those who daily visited residence and place of
usinesa, will be vividly and gratefully remembered by the
stricken lady and the members of the business firm. No one
is more susceptible to every personal kindness, and no one
values morJ than Mra. R. B. SMITH every personal friendship.
The monthTinftliatitrUilitstrhean a great business month
with us, and when we make the announcement that the large
and up-to-date Stock of
lately managed by Mrs. R. B. Smith, will be offered for sale
this month at from 10 to 50 per cent. less than regular prices,
it should crowd the department with customers. We have
also a surprise for those who come early in the display of the
Snowden (Berlin, Ont.) Stook of Dry Goods, bought by us at
a low rate on the s. a price list of which will appear in next
week's Signal.
We will offer our Stock of Wall Paper at a very large reduction in prices.
Now is your time to est year house papered ter very little looney. COMM
and get Bargains.
Next loot to G. W. Thonaron's Music Store.
Yes, I me* it all now
The Reason Why
cleft , a
at makes AofFErvity'vg.00 wherries et
— a
le better In style and finish than what can get
front my tailors.
Of coarse a large concern like Shorey's
can keep a stair of experienced workmen npoil
one elan of work from year to yeti' antil tbe7
become abeolote/y perfect, while a haloes
hands produce a lick coat to -day, a 4pese coat
tri-morrew and so on, consequently dery as -
not be elpected to Mtnin the prolleisacy
Stesetryse workflow
Shorey's Guerautee Card la the pocket of
every garsecat shows nut the fins is bawd to
perfect netiefacdon to every thatence.
etigenanr...77,41,h_4,,,t0 boom