The Signal, 1898-5-26, Page 10• g Tw /180 T, they 116, 18118. Friday Bargain Day And every day, you will find our Goods at Bargain Prices. Just now we are making special efforts to snake this store the beet within your reach in dry goods values. CLOTHING VALIIES. Men's tweed Suits, regular $10, tor ., $7 00 Fine Tweed Pants for 1 00 DRESS PRINTS. A new range, regular 10c., for ....5c. ORGANDIE MIISLINS Regular 15c., for 100. Dress Goods Do you waut • choice Dress Pattern in Silk Mixture Designs. All new goods. Regular 75c. • yard for 50c. ; regultr 61..25 and $1.00 per yard Dress Patterns for 75c. HOSIERY. Ladies.' Fast Black Seamless Hose, 3 pairs for 25c MeiImported 13ermsdorf Black -$reef.reolra.9bos�be 15e Children's Fast Black HOsrall wires, for ego F, 11 assortment of Ladies' and Children's Tan and White Hos iery. GENTS' NEEDS. Cashmere Socks, regular 251, for 20o Nice Underwear, per suit 40c Braces, regular 25c., for 20c GLOVES. The latest shades, all sizes, in Navy*. Greens, Reds, Tans and Black Kid Gloves, reiu'al $1.25 for $1 00 A fall line of Silk, Taffeta and Lisle Gloves. VESTS. ___� flee our special at 108 VEILING& Special line, wide, all Wm% at10c LADIES' UNDERWEAR. A full range of White Underwear up -stairs. Night Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Skirts, Chemises, Wrappers, Aprons, etc. WOW GOODS. , NO TROUBLE TO Millinery and Capes ' -e."— "The LAW, the Most Beyliah, the Cheap$st Millinery in town. CASH IS KING - . In Wasters. Ws bey for Cash and sell for Cash. These arooenditioar•bhat are fall of meaning to every shopper, and give us a lead to be the best stare within your reach. SMITH BROS. & CO. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS Csvacu ?sta.—The ladles of Knox oburoh purpose holding a Church Fair for the sale of useful and fancy article., in the Temper•noe Hall, on Tuesday, June 91k. The Fair will be open to the public at 3 o'oloci in the afternoon, Tea will be ser- ved from 5 to 7 o'clock. Ion Dream and oaks will be served during lite evening. There will be a musical programme tarnished dar- ing the evening, also a table of homemade wady will be on sale during the afternoon dad evening. Admission to hall, 10o., re- traehmente, etc., extra, A NINL STEAM YACHT.—Frank Humber's steam ywht was not lauaohd on the 24th, as had been expected, the delay being canoed by • long watt for the wheel, but as THE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTARIO. this pare of Me a' arrived Mea- dor the pret ash will sees be kl :i: o'er Lake Rarer, The ysebl 1s 24i feet M length. le cleverly designed and le deisked artistically. The prominent color, of the hall are red, white sad blue, but inside the trtmmiads are mostly oak, particularly well polished. The wheel is so arranged that use person can attend to the steering and the engine. The owner will use oil, as it is cleaner and cheaper than owl, and he an- Iloipates that under full steam he will make 121 miles an hour. Ser. Humber hopes to laasob the yacht early next week, and lroo That day it will be the a►treoti a at the bar- ter. A Sora Sxavtcs —On Sabbath evenirr lost a service of song was given In Vioteria Street church under the management of .1. W. Broderick, the leader of the choir. The attendance was large and the service deeply interesting throughout. The pro- gramme consisted of anthems by the choir, a quartette by Misses Jobsson and Bell and Messrs. Rutledge and Hillier ; dsetts by Mies Stokes wad J. W. Broderick, and by Messrs. Humber and Broderick ; solos by Was Bateman and Mr.. Godwin were well res4ered and highly appreoiated. The sermon by the pastor we. on the subject of David's victory over Goliath, and was divid ed int* three parts which were Interspersed with ain;ttn . The duem t by Megan. Brod- erick and Bamber in David and Goliath was exosedingly aopropriste to the "eject i,i► •-laetisg fapsesdon es the es.. .gregsttoo. ,,Das or Pt:atsusxtoa.—Will sawn - Neer* and oorrespoadeots please remember that Tn■ SIGNAL is published for early oirw• ladies is town mob Thursday morning and for afternoon delivery the same day {browbeat the country ! Helios to be ready for oirculetlon we must go to press each Wednesday aftsrnooa. Ti. SIGNAL tried the Friday Issue business and It was successful as far as the office was oaacern.d, bat t was not so to advertisers and we were locoed back to the old day. The dig• lenses between a Thursday and Friday is. sue was soon disocyered by advertisers. They Icuzd that by s Thursday :.:aa_ NAL readers could end out where to y goods when rooming to town Friday or Sat• urdav, whet es by the Friday one rbe paper, as • rule, was not del voted till Saturday The cause of the early delivery of Tburdsy perils that most people who take local Saks Toronto or Maetrwd.. weeklies as these are invariably delivered on Thursday, the home journal le taken out at the same time. A Sutc easppr. PAaroaATI.—•Ltwe Swday morning Rev. Jas. A. Andantes preached off, " itewardshrp," th i 000usiou being the i0tb assivereaty of his induction in Knox church "Give an moment of thy stewardship," was text, and in his sermon he sought to stir up his hearer"' memory of the past by re terrine to the borrows they suffered, the dampen they had escaped, the trials sand weaderinge of their local pilgrimage, to- smiler oRetbse dflertbs jays -that were theirs to rt. pevivaee. In the muse of his sermon he farted In affectionate terms to the memory of the first three years of his pastorate, which were spent as assistant to Rev. Dr. fire. Re spoke of that period as • season of muoh comfort and edification to his own soul, during which time the feiniest note of discord was never heard. It was • season of uninterrupted harmony and concord, which left its Impression for good on the TOWN AGENT/ i—C. J. Harper, O. 1. Smereoa, Davison & Co., Johnston Bro's, Ice & Shepherd. J. H. Worrell, O. W. Thomson, Cattle Bre's. The McCready CANADA'S FAVORITE The Businessman's Friend The Tourist's Delight The Ladies' Joy The Ratair's Ideal POPULAR PRICES Model 7 and 11 - . - $76 " 12 and 14 - - $66 McCready Cleric •" $66 Common Sense $60 At the price the cheapest Huron $40 j Wheels in Canada. See that your 1898 mount hears this name plate ; it is • sign of good quality. Did you ever notice how happy -and contented the riders of McCready- Wheels are ! There must be • reams why: It's because they are built on honor, by men who know thein busi• nese, and nothing but the best of material is used in their construction. When you deal with the makers of the Mc- Cteadp cyd► ]w+mss aril y ham how.to treat you, besides you tet mats ler the beast has ser toga other horse in Canada. - No matter what you require in our line, write us : we are at your disposal. Our catalogue is ready. It tells you all about the whssls that •re " just a little better than the best," and it is MEM I JR8IRIBB Qb,Alee Frei tgiee- Tre" EVBRORXENS A SPSLIIALTY. Our mock of licit Trees being Complete. we will abet to All ergots at shortest Seettoaea e eflse s[we have the Hest and Lead*. Variapple Pear. Plum. Cherry. and peak levee. Alm a Large Mesh et email prat. Call and examine creek and be oogvi-aoed. Urge Stock of globe Spring Bedding Pea M. Ad d+ r listutca med as applition. JOHN STEWART ESTATE gyagmes ■ set P. O. WALL PAPER The Beauty of a Home Vgesedie enhanced by the Paper we the walls and 05th Ile matter how much yea teem, ate your hs�e- the enact le laic miens ea walls ere t and olma. We 4Y spec veer rosea de it well and de it okasply. IMi la sad ase ear stook. All admit erainatir atwdsd la . GEO, WATSON, for the asking. !ll HENDERSON BIIIYItE BO., LI BEADY MADE CLOTHING Painter and Paperhanger, .,.. Wear the Market. Montreal street. ust be Cleared Out! STIJRDY±. BROS. THE GROCERS,. On the Squat, - • - Goderich. Keep only tbo_best 1(no$ irp Orocerjes cul sell them at s advance on cost. Our stock of Oreekery, China and Grocers' Sundries quality,�� sruDrisise Possible Maw rodnnafakes in exchange.- -. -•••• MY OWN MAKE ' All Bret -edam Goods,nd sad wee as up. will he said at remarWy Mw Ow te elear It isAittpaies --Crittrir PROS. Oatai Square—West Side. •saRe is,tbg_�� ;est tamed the lffseios' elsare� received 509 persons fate fell eim mmiea with tr..- oharob, 280 re profession sad eff9 on certificate ; 270 vee removed from the oommaufon roll, 69 of them by death, leaving • net increase of 151, thele bonne now 56.3 on the roll. The burials tree 204 ; baprisms, 239. Daring she same period there wore $44,494 paid for strictly coagregatioaal purposes ; $8419 for the sohemes of the church, white amdsnte, added to other benevolent and religiose objects. haseght .AM=estalsp. to $61,694.- ln otsebeg he urged his sosgfagatlon to bear in raises that they were stewards, rather than owners, la this world. and ea/wooed them against neglsetteig to ale their talents and their seam as the Lord would have them need—cow and for His glory. Money is slippery staff,' said the preach- er, "and it is far better to give it to God and his cause sow, then after death whom we cannot kelp it gay looter. Jas. Clerk lets tar Buffalo en Tuesday. ♦ Meti l et �w Swag ter Sag eMS 9 els O. Hca -FOR PAINTS AN() PA,nrrns SuPPLits'� G SOME THINK that all Paint* are alike. We know they're uot, any more than all clothes, Poor Paint is worse than useless, as it take► just a* much use to pat it on as Good Paint, and is saver a iufaetetl. Ikut't experiment ; we know you wel be satisfied with The iihenvin-ITilligutaPainti They are the best we know of, and we've known most of them. If You ere going to paint anything under the sun, let us tit over with you ; we can help you. DAVISON & CO., TUB UPTO-DAT! HARDWARE. Everybody is Talking^about De OA i ELVR . LUR XITINLOP I 'unarmt g_..... West -et Taller. fat Beak lasetreaLthe timid ere prelate. NNN� r Give tee Tho that will bead Baby up a weak titutieS pm* Chance ivy Woe* b Martin's Cardinal Food a simple, scientific and highly nutritiven for infants, delicate childrenand invalids. asaav wane» a CO., nee.e..veee, L. LAKE OF THE WOODS — AND — r""`DOILYIE'8 - ----- - mum wuurss mesa. Bade fres Na I Bard Wheat. also trope di, hest breads of Minds 1►lwmr win do 1 well k�. tea hakR, Orders will be prsmpell auemiled te in PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS - or OYSTER PATTEIS Wedding Cakes wank Lfnsosd Seem a ereesely. D. •CANTELON. PUI,S0111 CI,1111ING ►ti Est. JAMES A. REID. Advertising prices without clear information as to the real worth is one of the plagues of the Dry Goods business, and you will find merchants using apostrophies over a really valueless quality at a cheap price, that would do for a proclama- tion of martial law. There is onlyone common sense way of under I standing prices, and that's with the goods in hand, the quality stated, and an examination of style and value. This statement applies in the wiciest sense to Our Dress Goods Department, Our Hosiery and Glove Department, Our Men's Furnishing Department, Our Ready-to-wear Clothing Department, Our Carpet Department, in all grades and qualities, and every Department in the Store. The Prices, Assortment and Qualities are a surprise to all in our COMPULSORY CLEAIZING SALE. Remember, we are positively givink up business, and if you are not satisfied with the Goods you buy here, you can, at any time, bring them back and get your money returned, but so far we have not had one disappointed customer. t. .COUBT . Est: JAM$ A. REID, .,.-...u.u.woe....,.W Ansae w...... o t este rote merit , nbbtllMti; hat. et