The Signal, 1898-5-26, Page 5SupplTemeflttO The Signa ,sir ChM& OUAife TIM>NSLAILWAT. J •'d ss .Js '.amara M's. Zinged. ad .�ss,Z,ns ired. awn =t... .. - Las Rm ............. ill o.m DOM 11.1 OLSON. L1).8. agelr•t sua.a•M. • ROOMS s„odtr the Pest a ti=ll gnaw. Drowse lied wine Work a doodah?. ,a Years timed see. M. MIEEE, D.D.S , L.1).S.,-DEN• L. T.L 9der s. dentalwrecking. approved mesa milord teeth s k daisy Moe ,ver J a s er7 t de swre�.sr• ger of WU Mteat be Debar'}• M. TURN l AL. Metal; 4..eo .S.- . D••tnl Goo. and pore. idea_ lseed with Dr'] a. yes oro tum- Issts sr� he � teeth. O"l.e ia lMdloal- DR, jOIiTER. PHYSICIAN, BUrw c 1 s.eldassasi =bl`M55obo.e ss bight 1.etRv- „ G.C 2. BARSIBTERa nt Reenh aaoemess;«as of amiss . Bro.' dry goods sore. = T HEATON - BARRISTER; Iidter, Wittery POO= ' DatiaNas mask et commerce tbamba% W tires e54.rteh. tttw- CAMPIOM,Q.C.. BARRISTER, SOL tatter. Misery. Lo Oso. ever Medics . is o=re. Oedema' M11. 8tINABTON, aAatx187Ji:R. SS- . flatter. ota'olmi55 . etc, Messy te earl. . . !e.. Runtime sad el Andrew's dtreats` o54uIsoOst. ON R. 0. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT• 02., 0... North -et.. sett door Mee. IM ram reads to at Imes* mem et `serer. war "***.ow * PROUDYUOT, BAK- A $endearsA.. Zeds rlM 7 .errewQ� W. Pessitilsot. (t4.MIHDR, HOLT & KOL, hale le f.P oam ettereIs. Q.O; Balt Dudley HELLO! THE OLD R ELI ABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TUI BLIT Scraiitou aaN Coal. Aa Coal welshed os the t.. Market Sa= whir you welted Iba for a ton. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. WM. LEE. �rl�irs -r.It :i' Licm a szeigairrs Store promptly attended to. OODIJOH MAX BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA L, enseeseo►to OArsstal a Math. or all kinds of 1LS3rRS• Snooks Stacks, Salt Pang, Sheet Irov Works, etc., eta, JG. WARD. OONTEYANOER rinnr erred ins 'ar 311. e4as .vtdts arse Oesder Allem' kw er 6.7 ereseaselem sseaRSMgbyleesa s.sse Redeems eadesee--Itesemeawa OM. i.o.ta. ate From our own correspondents Tsars Y LNeisallen Mese Taves l> aa.S M IMM Aaywbers pr► -5.w. of the IDs.estieresteur MPerted ler Tse Waal. Aad Dealer te- te. _Msehittery Omila~ All aims d Pips. and Pip iltling', Steam and Water Ganges, Globs Valves, .sok Valves. Ioepirstors. Ejectors sad la- = Constantly on Hand at Lowes TrA speabl line el Steel Water and Hog s for use of fatness and others. Ha.•trt.s prompts attended 1 A. S. acRTeTAL. P. 0. Box >t. Goderiee. BLYTH. A heavy hail stores visited Blyth Inst week. Division Cosrt was held is 44iills7 B* .a Saturday. The lightning on Tuesday steals( it WI weal did considerable damage to the sell tel.pheoe wires •t Blyth. Sunday last being Epworth League Sus. dayin the Methodist thumb, Rev. Mr. Rigsby preached special sermons to the young people, both nursing sad evening. 1 Canadian Pacific Ry. LION' If TO LUAJ . - 860,000.00 Privet rssidsselenl sty per Deal aa- esi rL OOilese --HOYtr 1 ClBene. • Meek. 'O MONSY TO WAN.-TIVI PER C sad NT mew totem private flOU sass isms se .sat or NU. HWOAIDsse to e�t tat este. L N. Ls artistes. Sed CINO C. Slaw==s e.o.. or.eelteNMsesiet Heist . CORNS AND aeMetek. MONEY TO LIND ON l[ORTOAGJ alto it!log= o. ft ouzas doh. F J. T. NATTILL, VERB, LUZ AID MONiIT TO LIND. -A L ARO' ass a iest* Tawas for mealtime iliaik KSIRAL- R.. � sal Nome .seer. at Iswesest t e of letereet_ s rid 6 se sale IM Ir Square. Woes t w -.rens w I8 THE DIRECT FAST ONLY - ALL -CANADIAN LINE Ti TAKE FON Manitoba, the Northwest, KlondikeandYukon Gold Fields. New Hswohlne tillOOS. N KW IMAIJSIN SE HOPS -ALL b1NDE Reek de.e se Reseswable b tarsal*. Maoh- • 1"• w�We. BBd soiti. tku45 Saw Venimea Victoria end Te.h r meta. I. SUNCIYAN. 041 Anotfotsoar ma. i• ., 4 G�derich, may 2f6th, 1898. Int Geo.W.Thomson'sM�'c Depot SOMETHINC TO THINK ABOUT: If you had an important case before Court, you'd employ a skilled Attorney ; If you were desperately ill, you'd send for the best Doctor in town ; If you want a Bicycle, you'll buy a EXETER. Lately there kgm been made ,,.veal testa .meas smaliZ mar :many fest tabeeeM- loots, but to tar N bas *s been Mena - Mrs. Gregory Ten, who bee bees A1.h1 s her pp.arr,et., Mr. and Mts. Thee. Fitton, left os Thursday for her bouts u. British Col- um Ina. The rumor that Rev. H. dray was about to reef b the rectorship et the Trtvlte Mem- orial ohurob is unfounded. The reverend gentlemen suites that he never had nor now has eay such intention. While playing lacrosse os. Tasedav IMOD- tog, Dr. A. K. Kinsman bad the bone of the fourth finger of the left hand broken. the re- sult of a blow with • laoross• stick, while ohooking another player. Mrs. ItoN.vts died lase . week alter • short illness. The deo..sd was a daughter of Michael Zeller, of Zurich. sod was in her 29th year. Misers u muoh sympathy for the bereaved husband and three motherless children. Josh Heywood, of the 3rd 000. of Us. 'Mese, bas quite • esticsia. it te . volar } duck with tour wings. On the left side there are two wings, one os the right aide and one on /bs top of the nsok. 'lb. bird is about two weskit old. The owo.r is aor:tettely waiting to see how the duct will fly when tI takes to win`. A convention of representatives from the Christi/au Eed.avor •o.'iettss. ander111 he held Ltoss ot the Huron Presbytery, the Thames Read Presbyterian obaroh, Usbors., on Tuesday. the 31.1 ot May, wNs there will be three sessions. and for which .n tntar..dsg and oomprebenmive program bee been prepared. LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME. ACCOMMODAT ION UNSURPASSED. 3 TO THE PAC FIC COAST roll interm_ttes and .a. skI • " Klendtke sad Yellen Gold MMkt's tree. A144:11•3 R_ RADOLIFFE, ..A.Qg1NT, Ch-OD»ELI C78_ l'HOMAB GIINDRY. AU TTIInenrasee rs�»l Agent Loud yL.sso Firs ilea==.. C... Oar. DIstrtet . s rnY dales st- ood d te la w' .art et Me einem IlDdy TOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUO- Uaasse sal Ila! ?sister. Ood'rlobh MA (whew w1Y he sue mi=le=s Bunx�ton's Meld, ear_MeP.O., • 1l�S.iKwiftel.' I *tltntS. CTTLE BRO& CLINTON. Ontario-st Metthedret church will have • •• Choir " Sunday M.rtly While oat d&WWag the other day Walter Coate healed out • speckled treat mea'srisg 14 hob's in length. The obolrm•a of the street oommittse musts property own•es where boulevard• have been graded to have chests weeded. A messing .t the liberals of tows will be bald in the ce.scU chamber as Frisy. May 27tk es 8 P.N. A fail stt.sd•noe is request- s& Ter the pr..est Mies IL Cliche and W. 0. Phillip. have taken charm' as orpni■t had leader, r..peedve•y, of 8t. Peel'. church (Muir. J. Emawrtoo hes rested the bones 000u- pid by the let• Mrs. itattenbery. which is being •yerb•ul•d and unproved for his oe- 000apasey. C4cent" a FROM GEO. W. THO . . For the same reason that you'd employ a first -alts= Attorney or a good Doctor : th.y -kutow their business. You risk gout 10e !idle/ a poor machine. A FINE LIrTE1, "Crescent," "MCCroady," "Common _ _ALI GUARANTEED AND HIGH Sense," GRADE. and. • ay 26, 1898, . AND (ICALS K 1ta;DYD UYlii! DAT Agent for Canada's favorite Piano-" THE WORMWITH," and the "OODERIOS ORGA ." -.-iiia._ .+.«..5.-.aw..•.w.^cfw".��1'� GEO. W. THOMSON. consisted of addresser, readings and mode bearing on the commit plebi.oite and tilt temporaries question generally. The .sweat meetttrgell Feat Heron Berm-, er'. Institute will be held in the Council Chamber. Brussels. on Tuesday, Jane 716.. .t 1 r x. Business will be the election of officers .rid receiving the Seoret.ry-Tress• urer's reports Thos. Strachan is the Pres- ident and Gorge Hood tb. Secretary. Daniel Stewart has ompleted the Aimee - meat Roll for 1898, the following particu- lars being taken trom it : Real property. .y 5266,815 • Personal property. A32.800 I000me. $3,200: Total, $302,815. Popu- lation, 1,067 ; No. of doge, 53 ; No. of o.t- tl., 92 ; No. of sheep, 11 ; No. of bogs, tit; No. of bons., 116. Os Sabbath .fternoos. May 29411, • Wil•a Sabbath wbool service will be heldi : Bou. sole mi. e Methodist church, oo.soini o'olook. Io addition to Melville end the Methodist wheels, the Mika soboole in this Tbe lairs tennis grounde are in prime con- dition and will be open for prwuoe this week. AU who int.sd to play this teases should join at Deem. While E. H. Snell was working tn e the St orchard of ephen Grey, t Creek, he had the inlefortus• to (all from •,res sad break kis arm. W. W. Vaasa last week received a e plesdid piece of horseflesh in the shape of • ihorobeed blood mare, from the well knows Hamlin stook farm, New York State. The ohmage in the Grand Trunk time toll*. whish went into amid es Monday, makes the Goderioh train arrive hi Clinton •t 12:56 r. N., Instead of three'Mantes' after one, r bsretefera At tee ao'lsatl's s=estina os. Wednesday sight to select • meo•/sot in Me o anal to Mr. Todd, in George's Ward, owl one es *date wee 8pro W. Robb, D. Diok- enson beteg kis mover. and L. S. Soott his ...ander. Plumbers Steam -Fitters Tinsmiths IODIiLIOH ][HAHAN10R' RIADINS 800M. rim. dreTr?' UNWARY m.alt Setense (5. sse4rs. .• °sea cress 1 tell P. N.. sod Mem rte 1d rat. &BO JT %e0 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. l.e.diwt Daily, Weskty .wj IQ.elf5'd Papaya, Ileysslian, .le. , en Intr. ldi3H)S»Ytp TIQRlr, OMLY O1.M trasting ties ss. Inman! gad 36.545. Appllotlieu Ire . reserved 87 u R ool.nnso�tugsr�e. H. SAMA 70)8.M. lioderteb lgestla'tet8 ma. u�serra�rra� Have removed to West side of the Spuare, next Sturdy Bros. Grocery, where they will be pled to Bea all their customers, and as many more as will favor them with a call. West side Square. i PLANING MILL. 1lichuIs �Bliyiias naavirearestaas BASH, DOOR a BLIND .)nein. Is GOMM M LU MSR. LAIN. SHINGLES, .». .,iea;, AM wsifgti •ddnidi if evertgeked imam Stodgy motion ate also invited The collect ion sty S. S. work. Bsrrieter Blair, Saporta- Quebec, OYa tla, a Cendant of Msivllle S. 8.. will tumid'.worn by all who know a good thing when they see it. An aged end highly respected reddest of this locality died at blsr..idwos, Frederick I We do not sell a $3.50 pair of Boots for $1.90, for we can't do it street. on Friday morning of last week in the ;sermon of Adam ,o.et, late of Morrie and be honest ; and we won't put a $.3.50 mark on a $1.90 pair to township, in his 52.4 y. r He had .1.1!:d ceive the public Men oonEsed to bed for about a week, o The Old Reliable Boot and Shoe Store Is on the corner of • East Street and Square. Here the Best Makes at the Lowest Possible Prices stock. Our Custom Work is noted all over the Dominion, at will be devoted to Provincial Mission �O • Manitoba and British Columbia IN TILE KITCHEN 'AN For IceILLA Cream, fa inetanoe2 and NG POWDER For Cakes. • Drug, of course, ler a Chemical, and .re still others : -.;REETATMC. of TARTAR, est place to buy is at a Drug Store. uggist knows more them than other do. . •"ood drug store. Come Kitchen Drugs." A VIS, • Pali B1 ILL. RS kNTEB! WILL PAY - )$2aDay to purchase Harydsting my Wareroomb. Alt. to travel, 1 propose to at to the purchaarrs, and buts save time and money es by calling at my war'e- emining the Stock. _.. _-. Seed. .Drlllfr.. Mowers, Binders, Disk Harrows ooth Cultivators. [t7TT High Grade Plows t tion. Wagon, Paris, the favor - IAN Hty fork. and }HLIN High. Grade BugStee. Warranted. N KNOX, Agent, -5 Hote). Doctorial:. are always in and today in our Boot, are that his death was a ohmage to many who Our Repair Department still keeps up with the times. were net aware of a stem for the sew... Pa P Mr. Scott w.s horn in New.tssd. Roxboro. shire, Scotland, and in kis earlier years followed the ooenp.tion of • shepherd and later became • policeman, holding this pos- ition until • short time before coming to Canada in 1863. BRUSSELS- Tbe tows bed played Thursday evening of last week. Electric lighting will probably be put in the madames of seya's1 of our unragMple this senses. B,Mesels oorpor.tion pay 36 eea1e Per yard for gravel the; year. Rebl l)enbow has the ooatraoe. Phare is only ons appeal against the as - easement roll Is Brussels tins year. Tb. Court of Revision will be held on June 6th. Toe brick .xt•a.io n roe the di ing nf Rom of Paul. i U omp , sod • onelderable R. Peal, is completed t 1Provemest made thereby. Wroater Oddte11ow1 paid Western Star Lodge. I.O.0 F., Brussels, a Omit o. Thur' - day evening of lest week, .oma of the num tier receiving • ample of degrees. Dr. Kalbfleisob km bad • conservatory built to tk. South of hi. dm residence. sad Will sew be well wpplid with room, es there woe one formerly In the front M the hones. Grand Master Young, of Tb. e�srd, and A, MoKay,Deputy INstrtsl. s. maid Corrie M of8oiel visit on Tuesday rel- ative to the re-orpsi•attoo of toe Odd Fel- lows Lodge in that village J. A. Stewart, who hes presided ever the Brussels breath of the Standard Beak for peat four years, has resivd a promotion te the head .lice. diso.uat dgsrtmest, and will remove in about a seat►. WB MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes ANaisn g�Is f . a. WIWI FOR R/Oit$. THE ONTARIO SSE PW. IPE, CO *Oa ACCLoacent gs.rit� 1ase=rase. 7 ;. . 1041.BY TO ORDER LADA') b *be Lairs Sore Ir w PrMIMr� dank faunas. son saw* ■Y CEYLON TEA ALL as5Cot1-114.. Me. and ate Have You Seen LEE & SHEPHARD'S Fine Display of WheeIS E & D. Gents' • $85 t3ente' Ladies $65 55 C l eve l and aen>at' �$76 Pilot Com'.' $35 WM_ S ARMArN, TR. THE PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER GODERICH. MISS CAMERON, MILLINER HAMILTON STREET. I wish to announce that, having been unable to dispose of my burtjnerts, and in order to reduce the stock and at the same time keep up the good standing of my business, I have secured an as- sortment of all the handsome New Shades in Trimming Effects, I also the Newest Shapes, all of which I purpose selling at very Low Prices in order to clear out the stock. A call respectfully solicited. . MISS CAMERON. ....mrsdltF�ta:_ May 2016. 8sattary Imposter Motes/Min has bees making • tour et Insp•atieo of the premises this week rider the Board of Health. Sthat Th • , seversl yards sad hloh nays set yet bees ;died e, me of wiU bs weds tit this Beard. A rawsway bora bast Friday aff.rae.a made hawse of use of the side lights is .1. 0. tik'se'5 elms Niedew. le wee a marvel that the plats siso treat was net sowalted also, as the auto.! MaaMraf1 'ad rsetlsw• 17 west sees • *PP .J.IR7 hid M heat el lie 1Gdas'..orw. Having just received a large num- ber of • Bicycle Sundries we are fully equipped for doing all kinds of repairing. Call.iad.see our goods. -iiishos Me Leaves puWs� wit. i y. dal, �.,Mcol Green Elm and Black Ash.- • rut. RAL NOTICE CORNELL kst-.,44.Embalmer UCCLSSC* TO B. CORNELL Charges Aare been Greatly wrier to f=eet the py.l.r fo.lcrate Priced FYwwera(,. aortal Artist. Y, TONSORIAL ARTIST. old baths on premises. Sew Wag and every other rsq ire- ttended to and noon but em- ployed, Williams' old stied, tick, next door to Brttleh!ExINV - t.E'S ray Pumps Material at lardware .BEDDYs are the perect 'i&Tthr LEE+ SHEPHARD The Kgnging. OIl FuniturB CO. tf.tmtt'd b DRY ELM AND ]�BASWOOD M huge or'mAtbe The aft d eo'it WANT heir advan- hase from s hardware t. tith's Hard - all persons - le �e1 and fair (ertisement. Aek pier Ibrugmla far A Wonderful T. ' and 9. gra Rained, w LOSreals and Impure -_ Ulmer �1w�.. { Mee, andsecAA wiesern o, ar ty at •