The Signal, 1898-5-26, Page 1Tiff E VOa 1$98 INK alike. We know than all clothes than wales*, u it time to put it on es a never eatufaotot1- we know you will Mama Pains are know of, and. tll•$hm e. if you are Wader the wa, pen ; we can 8c CO., DATE HAIIDWAatt, alking about I N'$ R WOODS VIE'S ness, and roclamae and, the a our can,a 10114 THE I ADI] isrErwsPALitiret OF MYR,ON' COUNTY. FIFTY-F1RST YEAR ---2675 GODERICH, ON'T'ARIO, CANADA : MAY 26, 1898. ONR DOLLAR WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAI. TOY Ohl !RAA. Wanted WaR AS E OGS . _� We Meebay wool ; Den of trade a. s. Kiwi. weaaham. ei They Meet In Annual 8ssalon. WEST HURON TEACHERS.`ha matter ci for farther d ion. Mr. StracR wee galled es, and dealt with the subject is his nasal exhaustive style, to the Rteat satisfaction of ther Leathers. Os mottos. the association adjourned to meet in the eveeing at 8 r me AVON LNG. la the evming a very useful and enfoyable eatrt iameat and se home wee held in the Awmbly room. Part one of the program °outdated of ad• draws by the followieu gentleman : Revs. Edge sad Oodwio, Merin. Jordan and Bell, trustees of the Bleb and Publio ooheols re• (iepmait a, M 90th, 1898 epsetively and D. MoOtiliouddy of Tx[ z Siui.Az_ The president, Mr. S. J. A. Boyd arms Teich rs Ataocia- 000apied the ohair sad delivered his sonast • Ooltarisee iaea►•te,--patx•.tadding, Mr. Boyd's subjeet wee, " Hat e maim tMsail of the Exmatlis t;`ommtttee, Tesohore any Iaflomo. or Prohilik90.1 8, J. A_ $ .y1, President, in the °hair. Spirit Let2 Th. nitres, wee • epleetdid effort and Mr.lBoyd wee highly oomplimeh- Usyolsonel eremites were conducted by ted by the speaker that followed. R. B Brown. The folowine d.tingmand performer The mantis of &Wt melting at Exeter fureubed the monad part of ins program. were rad, sad on mocha e! K. J. Hagen, and their alerts were gnarly apprwtaesd • were red bylee Mrs. blows Ml.. t;arapsigo., hiss HeGalle isteendep.otee VMS; tile; dont es M W hHeey and Mr. tJteddart- were adopted. Part two of the program cosseted of re - Mr. Tom then read a oiroaler from R A. freshmen fursubed by the teachers of Gray, of theMstheenatioal Deprtmest of Gedrtoh and their therms. We cannot tem b4hly oommeud the boepitality and good the P S.A , regarding the Junior Leaving eV of the tse..hers and people of G.drlob Examination, of which the teachers of West Hens have *away. esloyed abandon% evideeme. The eemmietee, Meow. Halls and (;rant and Meese Chane►. Burritt sod Sharman, and these who assisted them, deserve the highest grass ter the .500essful master in which they carried out the arreagemew to the ea• joymest. comfort and satutaction ot all. AaTpatta)- .10.11irlleO tliimlor. m E HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN 13 order for two game de of Oran fritter mom WI hotter Is all uniform In Doter. Ws wart it mixed with Gas dairy ants- We will Mf t. Batter. ,Wieea sWbaying ngAotattISi therM"ORROW. srRiPw alditol Pi/41Wan. BLitt: T10.11- PETITION. Nat's is hereby (van that Jamie i tram ria Narrow. 1 PP. bee pweeted • pet t/aa epee Jam* Beet. • osadidate at the recant .�yl�lasaa tor the Proseolsi l.eaislstar. f)r the buatot of West Hume. ALEX. L Oil ION, Rotors' Caen•. Dated at Giedmieb. the f11th Iy of May itlit. Putt*" xotl... ruB JZ LOST POWER POUND, Ann and set is Order. AU meaner enemas deme by the power that by. bees leer date as days st the apostle, Minyan sae CLHaase twee* earnestly Iavlee4 to some ale ern iISM they say able to stir the ft JI$ N ALAII%. Ooderioh. MERTINO OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL TL bounoil of the ooepee- stlee of W Comity of Boron will wt its the smug,] chamber L tbslees er goeariolt, on Tuesday t s 7th day ,stippoklME at t orieek. r. N. W, LAMS, Omit. Dated May lath. nett. COURT OF REVISION, COLBORNK TOWNSHIP. Tatreties that thus Oe..e et Mendesfta Teeeship or cabana will hoed rte asst sitting et Carioca on Yrtdy, the !Rb dill of hay. A.D. MIL oomeseaotag st l0 onset a em. fee (Si purpose et breasts sad notihtag all the me*lainte anise .r mere fa the •sees. -Mt roll of the pommel ossa Alt parties Interested vee nqueslsd b Mirk of Lbs said Mw (cle, Carlow. May It 1ala. 9t. >t sttrvlee. rilH E TROTr1Nu BREI) STALLION Wgodlawn that we have lately bbeemDgM►t hem if:. A. A. Yong, will stead for Servlss etesrMrbiss Haarnen at, Oodorloh. airbag Oh seam. 'hem b msan gg� If you have Woodbine'e Woodbine'oda get him t to ante the outs• weareare at at the Geeeddddeaielt Fans. Ute SUNDRYbeet volt Wed by Wooden. say:ese. AIM Iraq or TO Rest. 11OK SALK OR TO RUNT -FOR SALK i or to real the dwelling ea Mabee -ft at t occupied he F. imedb le Lys. •rooms. tattled tag drawing ream. Wiles mem parlor end hitsbe.. sad Wes a !kers is heal ter et Nom' mann y.teWid t a e~ whh shrubs yd Misted tt�l ce Mat Ewe. Appy to 1f1TH, era Me pry Glare. ala, FUR BALE. -ONE Or THE BEST farm is Weems Os Let L,00eoes- A towsW et Oel grin. Hum oowq, l'=eea�lig Meer* await r, PM nas• for 13 137t U geese. tet kite base rag• Is by IC Pram. home W P Oi ea the premiera t gabM, iRJtVer Me* plW cash. batZeee •t X GII IS .0,.AOtt . out. J.tAI. Mo as task Tomato. tt. FOR BALE -Ltd!$ be AND 70 1.Hutehlases's Armin the Town of Jig hoose tea dad aemotedeoted a ahs dwell. Dated tthbet 1!i oto CAN w & H HOLTO[.iMEB. VALUANLff TOWN PROPERTY FOR V SLUR -The brisk rasUeesit an A lfae` Deneitt me., Nesterdlistryhe Peebe Of the mege ..leara.st i...d bakM ere. ns infirm limbW tN eealsrep dereffseg beeps on a,,N'Msg the Eth r. ire d w .et pnm.N emend by I.The Priethe rOOT spate ylotiltst IRd a e late Judea Mr toQ cable. se _ 70'K . Goderrieb. 1CM Ra aft W.- LOWAa HAS w Loa A hes N, llrr a fete tlj a ltrhl>!. IL MISS BETTS CHUTE. Graduate and _.. � Testate y YeMeoWk Lytle Organist and -.,..�' • 4.. .► a htee, Pips Ogps-. roasi indust i s tet. A t aeM fri m Ile e iltuattai s Yawata ANTED IMMEDIATELY, A altlgril.tg�', set.serrat r b lrn. A. WANTED-YOUNte MEN AND writ, et sr fey ••q U Nell 2Isit h ambition' meat e a aces t•'ardm xecoi'y, Weyeitin sN •wag Meet illus IDEAS , wassnam 'ANTE TBA(iHEAB AIKD MUM tv le dt a ;er 4. M MM.. Tamers Wasted. TIMM Wgz4 3i-•sstiulb't' Oa • M thetU Ytrs.. ` Inca _ _ dr MIS L,Ms mien or MARRIAOB A. W jt, mom gMartrb. QtsL sea A casae *.Ueadaaee-teres• ae•elnlMse raased-$Bender el •meets -test• lee taslaese A Pleas- ant At sem. It was agreed that the matter ahuutd be dimmed fa the apace allotted to Der. Mo - Donald', paper. sad that the tatter paper be pestpessed Wl , morning session. T,N morning feiiewfat oommistee were she. ap- pointed by the President :- AudiMsa--Henn. Habra mid Bows. 1tuolatlee Ckmmittee-Sitters • ifeDne. aid, Howard and Baird, Mime Rot erteen and MoCl.sky. Moved by E. J. Rages, that all heieh a paying fen be esttthd to all the orieNge . of the diMtbvtew. The moues was ssseaded by Mr. Brown •ad. a vote being taken. was earned. Oa metioa of r. McTaggart, ssesadea by r,. J. Hage,, Ne Arecistios adlonrnd to meet at1:30tem. ArrearOoe tuMlair. Assal►IiM mho al 1:30 r N , pursuant to adj.- t► The =eases at the morales e nds hem reed sad approved. Thew O. AlIla was called upon to M��1Mwbjeot of teaching oomr.roial week le aMMm chases. Mr. Allis Wive • splendid address on this subset. and kis remarks were highly •p - predated. The question was farther de. oared by Meson. Tom, B. P. Halls, Del- i/sty, Boyd, •ed Mhe MoLdlaa, The genii= to R. A. Grey'. denier who then disowned by the teachers is sears(, as wen she topios of mineral Interest. It wee moved by inspector Tom, wooded by J. 5. Deb/sty. that in the opinion of the Mediation, arithmet to and grammar should be replied on the exarinstlon goats* tee Jenne sad Senior Leaving oertiflastes, end that may on* language he required at these ex•ewtiow. The re antler' was adopted. The next tont° of discussion was, the oars of children', eyes. Mr. Tom iotroduod the question and suggested the following as the °histmama of injury to obildren'e eyes, viz. - (a) Small writing on the blackboard and sitting r wrong positio. (b) The blackboard not a proper Dolor. (e) 8tedyisg with poor lamplight or bold. tag do book is improper position withref- e rases M am light. (d) b.,lbblen sot good for the eyes. (e) Papal bold the books too near the eyes. (f) Pupils admitted so oehsei too sod of. ter suffee ag from any dosses* whisk has proved Isjar our to the eyes. This n6ject was very ably dimmed by a large number et timbers. D. Motlillloaddy befog presets who init. ad to tette part be the dissaetios. He did so, sad delivered • dish and reaction address, The next tone of diseauMd was whether it was advisable to retais both the Enema, and P.B. Leaving .xaasl.athns or tot. This shiest wee von y fatly disousset by Wenn. Anderson, Delsaty, Strang, Boyd, sod Brows. The sec. -tress. reed a oopy of hie 8aasdsi report to the gov.rameit, which was adopted. Mr. Fred If *Taunt tatredao.d • dieoaasloo en teaching verb i*rasen Mr. M.Tsggart stated the d1116osdshs he had ex. perh•ned m teaching this most difficult point of Rnmme, iaf•sted his mnathed of intro - dosing thin nbjns to • dime and thea left SAAB TB NOTgREB Matra Edney Pols Their Only Safety in Female Diseases. You hate seen a flower nipped by frost, fade and die in the flush of its beauty. That is how women die when attasked by any of the diseases peculiar to their sex. Wbman's burdens are woefully beery. Her sufferings tj'e agonising. Het patienee is grand. Disease preys upon her. The light dies out of her eyes, her steps beeoese slow and sating ; the loses flesh ; grows sallow, Mein droops like a Rover. Tal ,rib digs. Myr famiy y Wt MP the sold taescy of the world. phase. a Moety 1 " What a pite al thWhatd ieigs Mit bees aodurad Won k was used. - 'Why ghpuld mothers, whin, sham pont sot 1'Atry watt trot!. ' Uodd's Kidney lb will quiehty and tll isngbly ens an cases of Female Waskates. They toper tail. They jive hatkbi $inin f i , 001e i a nee jwa Of M. Blarrita a LiMrmass. The amsooiat,d mat at 9 ♦,a., the preai- deat mewing the chair. The minter of the afternoon mead and eveoneg m etlag were read. -summit. -Ay A. .1. M. LA-. saecaded be be in laoial great son ly It - It toal is- a - v Tb. Tons eases. ere r. ed 00 • on to • 8 P. Halla, Y.A., that the minutes and that the prestdeut's address noel in the oel pepen also or m some papers agasiaes having prov eirsaiMlea so that it may reach the body of leash.,, Is Onside. The reeolut wee sr lmoaaly odwpgd. Mr. Makatea MoDeeaid the very ab aib discussed • Teaming, MsmaUosl Deo inaptly. " Mr, MoDaa•ld delivered an • gnat sad pranks! eddreee as this torpor tont subjects. The mase., is which to des with this nascent maid hew. • indent,stigmata the Mahan to reamed inter.. and seem is this past of Moot work. Ms. 0. W. Holman then Iatrrodesed a d wens M Mc distribstio0 of the man sal scion eand expressed his deepen he o f .atsthed b verse as pretest. sswe gatlie e furter dimmed by M Hetes, Martin. Brows sad To Maim Mann, Ailsa sad Deleaty added to the resofattoa oetmittee. The oeadn detios of the President's ad tak draw wee thea en up ee motion of M messed essed by Mr. Dalgety. Is was moved by Mr. Jettisons, mond • Mr. Lawmen, the. the Aasoeisti adopt the prisolpal rsoamateednies M th President's address, of dividing the humushumusLoreto Into • omen number of avenueavenuem mending,anmending,ss with the above rsleti the following esmmiedee were appointed arrassentthe details of sea divides : MeMeJohann.Aodereoe, Brown, Johann. Law nines, Halls, Hamw•ll, tad Miss Sharmanside The *lentos of presid.at, vice-pres re and ssatarytreatarer was thea proeeeded with and resulted se foliose: President -H. N. Asd.,we, Exeter. Vice-Prwidest-Mb.C. A. Koyd,Csriew B.(�-Holumurer - 0. W. Helm The resolutions preswMd by similar from the Ontario Temkin' Atboelaeloa were lb.. brought forward, deemed, and sever al ameedmats made thereto. At this stage the Assesetios adjourned fee aha. Ar?1a,00l,. The seceinies mat at 1:30 r. em. Mr. J. 0. Marna tine preeeeded to dam The ease of Behest Kelps. Hs wee followed by Mr. R. B. Brow=. Both geaslemen dimmed the gawtioa very tape and IabelUtwNy. madam of the meon took part is tie db• wrier, sad the following reminds. was adopted bythe c=essation : TIM Tht assoelatios desires to salt the stletioa of the Minister of lidasashst to the exhasive sad is,rw.tng.m of sebeol helps se hesWlag seer widens that the text books is many .f the nbjeete heve been fluid by leseisss.1e be essatishetery wad � s to prepare mandates .eoome- id Mr. H. N. Aaierew be reser of the spa. gel .ommutes appointed M deal with the President's address reported. sad choristers as %dented it as tenses : Re.oi.ed that the Iaspsotorate of Wet Hord * divided lea six dlsttbta as here- after dssribed, each of which is to form the tartan of a beef Isttitwe, sed artier that the following heebere be appended eesvmoMe aid secretaries of the orssal:awes meeting in each .t the Merit= wherein they s.rsnily reside. The ditWoss, the plees, el wistlog awl as dates of °wives. w, nal eserearlime e( seek of be Marlow, an as fe lewd Nembs 1!i, 1, eslsprWs� lash" village, Ushers' insplies eeld lbyh Lae. �d H ria 1 bereebivietl Br. Flees .1 meethee, Easter 'saws r, 11r. Jaws= I esslelsry, Mr. I�IgiNh. Me, 2, smptidag Merged= el Habit Stsphte. Wes. of the Beheles Mow Pita �i tasesigee Gaol Bead ; eseveaer, Ms. .rmpvideR Btagley gad Gothella bwutb earth of the Oat LI.. and Herdt of msoMis, i' eras • ocsysasr, Rmrawsf; s,se aasy, Mr. Holman. Na. 4. etstprelig Cotherss and Uederieh townships, ear= of the Oat Lias. end Meda.lch town. Plea of masons. Off.. �,�bb,, Taber, Mr. Halls t eseretery, Mr. Wee Ws Pare of eseeprieleg Nat asetfee, l's,. e es oetse.sep, J. 0. Marta t tteeeetay, N 6, nr$ehlsif Aehfleld ttrwnsha Place of weetissr. Leese j neeeesr, Mr. Boyd ; esswirw 7, Mr. NeDossM. IL The the rises of the argaeteatka mesaoilt'gil .rah of the disatste he the st+1 WMrd•v M hepteasber. ITL ThiS aeMisMles be meet by prisbed D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. e•rd, to be furaiahel by theseoeetary of the and 11 lbs., to Sloeoe'e warobonee. '1'hia TOWN COUNCIL MEET t LEEBURN Matra amoelattea breaks the record furbigloads t i; I ✓. That the gliders of the loos! aeseela- Ilei. Joe. Edge Rave an sante/ m "The . I TvatDAT, May 94. Woos meet of • chairman tuff • emmtary, -milky - is lately. �. of the $a 00 return trip to Toronto en Mos. day and Tuesday. teams of l:esta/ttese-nireatesed Action . i and a committee of three, v0000,, •v wessaeso, on • ....5 ,,,.,•u wa w dialog row. Teensy dreads. Minutes of R M u Hillier, of Oederloh. visited bete V. Aad that the tete, of . flaw in a year. sp;ttitr 1VIo.t11tH V1. That they most four tame • yeas, A large oamb,r of people took newton �'II. That then be s meeting of the a ral oosvewre before the organisation awe. lug to agree upon a dceatt. ohm of ••ilea A number of seats have been placed to Agasast the Tewei-aereral team- ( lag t000u.modatlon. esualeaUette O4ttwed 1 tor the organisation and work of the Beal the Harbor Perk, thus More/eine tatNat- institutes, sad t the novelties ispnrea of the conveners bipald by fug Resent as- mention. Mir C A. Boyd than dealt ,vith "Prim ivy Number treelike' sad showed by She manner in whi. h ear msbjbt that she had beatoste. . nab tka work of dev.Znsl tg , the labs young aard science of Number. ,uitjecf' werdamsone fo ther damson by Mamie. Strang died Tom. C. Ii Russell was eppointert amine in- stead of 61r. Rrown,nem. Tte settee" report was then presented ',Mai was adopt- ed ea motion of Mr. Strang. The number of Madera in attitudinal ndartos the amentree 86. Moved by A. J. Moore, B ae3o A., aded by Mr. Hagan, that It Is the opiates of the Association there should be one County Board of Exemiaere for earth ecuaty to *a- mine a - amine the Eatraawai d Pub!'" School Leav- ing vis: the P A Ieseestore, the erincipab of the High Sense. and two members to be eaten by aaar.essooietion each year. The resolution wee adopted. auto.? or neseteyrro? t'ow Y. riT[a. I. Resolved that se the opinion of this aeeoslattoo, the Bdawl Demote/not Demo/not be urgently regossted heab.titute the Double entry suites of Beek Temples for the Sin gle entry come ae-peseus prsemibd pad Oat at the esemune of Book Keseity fur puhlto schools begreatly simplified.simplified.Revolved that thissso emaciation be strongly of opinion that the junior drawing books at peesse� prey other modelled atter the !e winby Mf Cee.elsean, appearing in the lidtesiheal Teener. That the present series of politic school drawing books be withdrawn. and a new ssseriesec prepared, adetag ilargely of blank pages, with a few well sxeeut.d models for pupils to see, not ti copy ; said series to be a000epaated by a teener,' manual. BMtrain',trag sod explsed g the work in detail. She epia'on of this sto• dhe mead" of the last/lute be heldn in the future es Thursday mil Friday of wash year with the privilege of esteadina said meeting to Saturday. if devoted nese. nary. and heather Mss shelf be held during tdrr-Aate.. term providing tie Ex tivfi Mr. Jas. Lisk!•ter and Jas. Lbi•bolat have painted their hoods this week. Mr. Ju. Chtakolm has puebaaed a hay lade-. and is the tint termer here to get ; an Implement of that kind. -iensrat tattMss. ' The advent of the milk wagon for this semen is causing earl! tieing in the aoralog Hamong the guldwivee and maidens here In E(IULAH meeting of Town Cottrell among community.was bold Friday evening. Present -Hui Worship Mayor Thompson, presiding; roots, DUNGANNON. deputy reeve, tad deputy reeve, oounolllora Nims•, -The local a[enoy. in Dongesis.a '_'efaelL, pgldhai. Mar444M.Lean, N)ohol. r?oTHaseuwat.umthe egbmet J. U. Ward J. P.. rorve22anne, to., who will reodte or. eon, Dunlop, Colic Campbell, Canteloo, ' sen r for advertisingpstein, advertag sod Girugie and liadolit7e. , workand is aothoriced to give recelole for Minutes of last meeting were reed and amcunte paid for the,a,ne, . ((.A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LUCK- .1 now wilt vtalt Dungannon o0 1st and Gon.munioallons ward received from led orldav of each natant. All modern meth- ods of extraction and t ala[. and mating a tt- H. F. Moder, secretary Godrioh Elevator - ectal teeth. Chow, next door to Medd's tailor Company informing the council that 600 shop. Hour, t a.m. te e p,m. slam bad been allotted to the oor- ' The Reform Cooyeetiieerwillrbe held hers pratton, end notifying the Mayor that a ' on Tuesday men, the Slat Mae. all of $10 perabars, t,t°0, btra ad bed° de lt[ CietiNu Paoorw�l -In oot.equenee of and ems die of the 90th ie.t. , the genial and warm rugae, oerwt tad fruit grope are growing rapidly. Farmers sal clam are hopeful.... _.. Rellrune.-The West Bona Figualle Toe orvaa, o oyele and turatture tdbrtes and toe kotetng works, oloeed for Her Moja- y'e birthday. The 33rd &Wilton will camp this sum rasa e• the old groove, and will start for Lead= an Jane 81st, The musty sad poet -adios nage were at -trittaasoi►o pat sIx days on asootth# the death of Mr. !tladstene. The treat of the season will be the marl•., al and literary entertainment In the Tem. penes Hall, Friday evening. After celebrating Maes in St. Peter's at 7:30 o'olook Sunday morning, Rev. Fr. West drove to Clinton for the morning sw- vioe there. Knox church was tastefully decorated with flower" last Sendag, at beteg the 10th aos)verery of Mr. Anderson's p•aMseen of that titurcb. _--- . Thus of our btcyeliste who bad mein ar- 'encemets ter ea early trip to Maas en Tseedey were muob disappointed at the state et the reads. Dens s Review shows that then were 29 failures Ua Canada for the week ending May 19th, compared with 37 for the oorre. speeding period of 1897. Atlee# Straiton Sas eabasitted pies* ler eltrsudps at the depot, to melte the office more eoevmiest for offloiala and those bey - tag beaimes, at the station. The directors of the East Wawanoeb dikTletbanl Soot.?y-blvu-deakMd M Mid their Fall Show in Selgrve is Thursday and Friday, September 29th and 30th. Rev Dr. Moffat, sexy. of the Tract So- oiely, Tereoto, will oeoauet the service in North -St Methodist church in the morning, and in Knox ohuroh next Sunday evening. Oa Thereday eventing of last week Mur- at; looked up his store, sad looked thereto • geed strong oaaia•, a dog tattoos enough to work Me way out through on. of the large light.. The Henderson Bicycle Co. had to work overshoe the past week to setch op with the all`s, list, as the MoCready and Com• Seen wheels are taking bold of the Ass ssemiemioe from the no. council to do am wed Po bile. TMs this Association desires to express Hem, Jobe Dryden, Moister of Larked tea „man regret that tba Mhstetr off Ed, tar, believes that the egrioultural societies satin hoe sot aces It to grant the public of W Provisos, at •general thing, are in a school iaaohers eat tepressntatton on the bed way, and is meditating some YOU red- Edocatioaal Causedand its conviction that toRfasovatioes. so reprsaesalion will be 000ddered seth- - On Wedaeaday of last week an ad was factory anises the teachers are allowed to leaded in just after going to press, and on elect theta own represuatattives. mentioning the fact, the frentleran said That we ooneidw the regulations rem pan- " I'm so sorry; bacon I always get the beet hag eoutiaoatioe gross unfair, std also smolt r°ilte front Tax BtosiL." that it le possible to secure a share of the Jo;mty Oomo•iu,oeer Ansley le asking gnat without dttlipg boss Ade Primary work for tender for erecting two concrete shot - We respectfully request the Minister of manta to Dyer's bridge oa the townitae he - Education to make de following changes In we. Hallett and East Wawanosh, also for said regulations. pa )ntit the atone and brickwork of the 1. That the gua tdn Nenosttoo of Principal ill and for painting the exterior school, to olaesas a) and • Ftnt ort woodwork of the same building. TenorsSecond Clw oertiflcatt an(b) bed Is alar (o) at will be re.oafred uottl June 4th. least Junior Leaven standing. Rev. J. Ed preached morningand sven- li. That Dn.. 10 end 15 of regulations 21 be etidneed to read, who write on the full itg last Sande to lar' atoneonof lions, at soiree required for Primary standing. Lostdesboro. 1 a cosmos of the new 3- That the word " tee " in line 12 he church was laid on Moeda,/ be Mr. Nes- ohaogod t. " sive " Md the word " hoe a .ss who held. in lin 17 be okangged to " three." menbesDaring the eyelets Resolved that the Assonance toter their es Wase deghag by the Ater sad address - hearty thank. ee the tinestees of the Gods -es by Rev. Claypool Godwin sad Rev Jus. rich oahaYI. IasNhN fat the ems of their Mile.$10OThe pressed* of lie day amounted mesa prtetety, aloe to the ttommittee who e. kiediy provided onNrtalament and re. fresheesstea Friday ►1ARBOff AND RIVER- tv.elay. The dredge was worked on tb 94th e lands, of Wiseman, and in the evening a LOCAL. NEWS IN BRIEF. Bee the programmes for ! riday evening' oenoart. The large maples planted la the Harbor Park are all Brien. There will be 8 o'oloek 00 01111111100 at St. George'. seat Sesday. Our Public* Boheole sad lbs Collegiate Is- eMtote ope•ed yosserdsy. Than wee mre4g and evealat melee at St. Peter's on Aeoordw Day. The Mak mad. Kan to Ka Share► reef has been bre Chryetal shipped • heal heater to Molls - see mill, He'stsli. es Moadey. Corson hoe steeled 1N frame -week of his sew dwellings sear the station. battlers are geserally pleased at the ap- pestat/toe of their pone, grabs Please, pears. sherds, and ell small fruits still show wap for • Mg ...boring. Des's fall to eased the eseest In the Tempera... Hall, Friday ove.Iag. Andrew. tires. & Co. skipped • ear lead d hers to Collingwood ea Mead y. 1f. Gear* flow. �q oe is a reveler paean grimed for batteries. meetaas et Rene Isoaapee.t, Ns. 1,0.0.7. seas l/a.dy evedst. R'h. obimsoy at J. Kidd's resides.. raised gales a smoke on 8anday at sees. Regular tewtlss of Herm Becneepaiesi Na 9288 1 0.0 F.. next Monday evdiy, There was early eommm ale. end semis, restyles at St. Oeorn's tta A.eessioe Day. (anelal has Mend peafre Is a sew pee for the North Am niai CMmteel 0e. • , Limber has been shipped freely iron, ▪ Dywt'e yard the poet tea days. The Grand Trunk's gang of men employed et the dock, worked all Tuesday. Penh were not so plentiful the past week. though some rood strings were made. Then was n pretty solid fog o'er harbor and lake es the morning of the holiday. The Bir Mill elevator was abut out the past week by the removal of the 0. T. R. A vary large number of femme tried their leek at porch Behiag on the Qsw's birthday. OD Saterdey Captain Baxter's bods wen Ia me all day, the weather being very i.e fee rowing. Lest week the dredge brought op old rate, many oar Briag., and loge lied timbers of greet as.. The mistime away of the and of the Soh warehoses Improves the appearanoe of that part el the deck. The ashes.. at Ibis port report light easehot They say the trouble le sassed Ly the NwiMMes of their fishing groueds. Perak Heelers wen amt early on the 24th. but the deb meet have been bolidayleg la mid lake, es they were aoerme near the har- bor. The dredge Arterial pat is good work the past week, and at Mr paeeet rate of pro. grwlon will soon he al work es the barber Thus who a west aoesplabie stag .ervies M 9fet.ria-N. Methodist test= en Sesday. The edabbles to the whe=t is the Tem. psaao Ball Friday ,ve sMg le wily 20o. The mat wheel, by Ile velar esplssssat .4., OM weeded@ does embers et the An TM Web= .Mid •4 'W eetfleld was p.*esssd. aad .1* seemed to d joy,, easussiosa, of bath 1 c wed a Mali. of pia sash 1.N week. Va. 1pJ•M Weems, sea 1, GeGellert*erf Mw ass N.bt .1.Me wwkMb ibarl el 17/ ra • lee• angler" ler . eekld trout have net beta p•rlloulaly ttoeeeefal this season we far. Missy liss ho� tramped the creeks rTia O.T.R. edified the track aloe, their deck two se three fire the pert week. and ate Nd dieing IS ■taht.,,bly sone of the e4 TMs. When eltheed it will rue straight to the Big Mill dip5,$r from iiia aid road that no just smith d the std beildi.g. To join theme tee posts by a straight lige, game sight or tee lees of (nark's warehouse le be wt away. A retests Mseevetry, "4oAt AND SWAN" DIM infallible, nslaless sad seg - remedy for the rare of Cower, Ourtilegleess Ulm*,Sena Threes sed a variety of skin dise.. It Germ Ganser in say pert of the body when the liquid an nGML it. Bad for era= ph. be =eases= ases= bow to apply the goalie bBMA aa.~. bile pee fist and We par half pint Wli$01Ye LAiARLTORY. Gelabb. "ww,«,.r..,.....,,,,..*.,..wat�. pie..,• -. Os mots sl ares and U. Centeloa the matter was left la the hands of the Mayor and flaanee oowmittea, An roeount tram Jao. T. W esteott for Loetuute takes piece here out Fr+d�Ft lb. $50 for work in ooaoeoeion with the fire in- 27th of May, commencing at 1 T.1[, vesligation was read and referred to the Theta will be two eeseloM bald ca /hat Spasm committee ea motion of K. Rad- date afternoon and evening. aide and Jno. Craiyie. FN,AL1zATION.-Thea,•,esoreof Asideld, taxOMesnise omneElrodlot wn1a099 od , haoepn prlaecieacord• ufannotr doJfroe twiatd cCelMoonbs. e,awyhiieascheom{TesatsnWceawan ithoebthemoMaajoishere eala paying rentAot, equalse the union public wheel am - the taxa were remitted. take• place ones is three years. " We have been instructed by the ow• ONca Moas Aemoru Us, -Mr, Forsyth, -Tea t.tfe+t+tbtt ememanioseten wits read: > ytar- eyenge1-nese-ew-edead•s- $a is. •r o! late 636, fi37, 613 sad 614 In the Town of Uodsreh, to bring an notion spent the corporation of Oedemas for damages, owlet to the town having removed a largo quantity of gravel from I,,te 613 and 614, and also having made the roads in front of these lots absolutely impauible. The damages oust - witted are of • very merlon/ mature, sad tae lees an early settlement is made • writ will be reseed for demu ee end also for the value of t6• gravel takes, and making for an lo. junction restraining the town from any further interference with these lots. Yeurs truly, CAarg*ua, Hoist k HOi.t1ES." Os motion of F. Prldhas ate the reeve the letter was gent to the public works eos- mittee to report. The following a000unte were reed and sent to the finance oommlatse :-MoColl Sloe , $24 40; Mtadoipsi World, $67,07 ; Joo. A. Reid, $2 ; J. H. Worrell. $45 ; Chas. •Seaget, $10 ; BtomAl„ $8.18 ; Geri - shore Co , $41 03 ; Jno. H. Johnston, $2.49 ; Lee & Shepherd, $41 58. COMMITTEE REPORTS ?mNAN, Is The Kuno" oemmittee reported reoom• mending the payment of the following a. - taunts :-A mop. Allen, $58 47 ; Hender- son Btayole Co., $23; Daaato Meter Co., $14 76 ; (snadtan J. !t. Co., 90o. ; Hamilton $ P. O.., $12.90 ; A. MoD. Allan, $25. On motion of ohalrman Petite= and D Rohm* the report was adopted - HAitnoa. The Harbor mmmtttee reported. reeeet. mending tbae three Dew enabbiag poste be put in st the desk and that new p ire be put In when nemeaesry. On motion of °heirman Cralrie and Dr. Nicholson the report wee adopted. mrsrnAL. Your committee have considered the oom- mnolmstion ot the Mayor of Peostangal,hem sad recommend the endorestien of the pe- tittos. W. ales remounted that no rebate he made la Mr Tilt's billiard Hoene" for the past two j earl Chairman Wilton mewed, seconded by J. Craigia that the report be adopted. Moved by F. Pridltam, eeoonded by J. C• Martin that the report be read, elsmo by Wanes. Gamed . Moved by F. Pnidbam, eaeeeded by D. Holmes that the lint anise be ed.peed. Carried. Os Masse 2 being read, F. Prid$tam mein mended by J. C. /firths that Mr. Tilt be allowed a rehab of 50 pee asst es the past 8 years. Yens, Pridhaw, Caseates, Rad- elif<o, Marth, Dunlop ;mar, W. Cat r b li Bets..., Onegie, Colwd], U. Campbell, Wiliam, Nicholson. Os motion of the god deputy reeve and the reeve, the report wee adopted. Moved by It. Radoliie, seconded by W. Campbell that the clerk peoen,* limes form, and that they be limed by clerk se eertlieate of ere.urer that Hoes.e fees have been paid. Carried. Moved by N. Campbell, aaoonded by M. Nicholson, that the treasurer irettply the Coenell with the Items charged under mb- oellaneone in statement for month of April fes sari wsetIA5 of eoeM(I. Canted. Moved by D. Cestelos, aMoeded by R. Redeiuh., that the fines around else Square be painted with Finch's praesrestive ppaatta•t, alto the pavilion end hand stand in Harbor Park, ad the Pttblie Works Committee have tower to set. Carried. LANES. TOO LATS tot LAW! want. lithe Tens MoLess le, we regret to say, yet very pearly. Rev. Mr. Whaley Is asking pastoral esus Is the vie alt y the woes. armor eye that we trete hive • waddle; es this line la the seer future Teem are proepeets of an abnNa.t yield if an bled. of frets la this vlototty. N. t,oartesv has tore dowa his obi hos, preparatory to moving sad raising his other bare. Will Ave has had an artesin well seek es hie farm, and • windmill erected is o.a- ioetiea with it. Mems Martha and Arab Terri% re- issued hems feet week frost Detroit, where they have babe Lbs pus year and • hell tends to carry on the wool bateau. as tor- merly during the ensuing season. W• were plse,ed to ass him look well and vigorous for his years. Sraetoa or YomtctrAr. COUNCIL. -Moo- day, the 30;h of May, the mssiotpal oowaott of West Wawana h will hold a gear, of re - 'Sion of the e.soesmeot roll for 1898, to eommeoee at 10 A em., after which other municipal business brought ►afore the moue - oil will be duly a; tended to. All concerned will govern themselves accordingly, 'Prins/MST -Oo Friday, the 20th, the remains of John Wtitely were interred is Dungaon'a cemetery, being escorted Oates, from his late resideaoe by as aan.eallylarge cortege of sorrowing rslativs", friends, 83- goaintanoes and neighbors. Re wee aged b1 years end 3 months. The Rev. L. Arm- strong conducted the oasrquee. As the de- o•..ed well a member of the A U. C. W. sad Orange orders, his remains were duly com- mitted to the tomb by the solemn burial services of these order, there being a large mambo. of the brethren of both moieties present. The bereaved widow and two children have the sewers sympathy of the oommunity. Cosmic: ANt, OoIso•-Vacs•.• Dishy, treasurer of the town of Merritton, County of Liuoolo, to the guest of his brother, Thomas Dasher, of A.hfleld..... Thome. Polly and William Holland, of Geduld, and formerly of Asbtleld, were is out vil- lage Woodsy, on arbitration humus.... Miss Lura Rryd.se, of Goderioh, I. spend - hog the holidays with her grandmother, Mre. T. Pentland Stephen /Bathers and family, of (,loderioh, and formerly of Dungannon, spent Sunday with relatives hare o0 Sunday last.... Master Abraham Cate, of Hensel!, is vlsittag h;e ;mole, Dr. Case.... Mrs. Ann Sloan hato returned hems from an extended visit to her daugh- ter in Detroit Mater* Wilford and Lister Cumberland, of Listowel, visited their brother Joseph here on Monday. SPRAYING TIME CARO. Third Applleallea of lags etrovinelal ax• pertaaeabal epraylsa. Seefnrth-Monday, May 30th, 2 p m.. R Gorenlock'* Orchard Ooderiob-Tue.dav, Mal 31.5 2 p. H. Curwin'e Orchard Ureter-Wdne.day, Jose 1st. 2 p. re.. R. S. Lane's Orchard, Much exoilement was oatetil in lower town the past few days by the advent of a diver to Mt the intake pipe and altar tat the on The lister structure who pal he perfect order lass week, hut the Mork of the weather made things too round for epee lake working so the divot had to be kept over Sunday Oa Monday the weather moderated somewhat and t!• work was pre- tended with, and to -day we hope to have a drink that Dona through the whole length of the intake pipe. After coughs and colds the germs of consumption often gain a foothold. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hy,pophos- phites will not cure every case.; but, if taken in time, it will cure many. Even when the disease is farther advanced, some re- markable cures are effected. In the most advanced stages it prolongs life, and makes the days far more comlbrt_ able. Everyone suffering from consumption needs this food tonic. era •ad $..M r rerleer- I11ceTT a amnia rswrls. Tegre,