The Signal, 1898-5-5, Page 71 $2.00 A Pair We ere clearing out several lines of Mend Tan Colored Lace and Elastic Side Boots, in pointed and square toes, regular $3.00 quality, for $2.00 per pair. These Shoes are made of good calf skin, and are warranted to give first-class wear. If you want a good Summer Shoe for little money, you had better call and see these Mutes. Full lines of Men's and Ladies' Bicycle Boots at reasonable prices. ST. GEO. PRICE Custom Work and Rrpair'ia(. _ 9 West Side o*tSquare, Goderich. TO ADVIEKTIffientli. ROAM of changes mast be lett at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be lett not later than Yon day noon Casual Advertisements accepted tiv tO noon Wedneadey of each week. MARRIED. IRDONALD-AIt1DERHON-aiL; )de Cottage.' Tiverton. Ont. se Amil 17th. 1111. br Rev. las. A. B. O, milted br Rev. ICes.stb B A. BD. , sadv, JM Rif Christina lase 1 et. or ttey. Jobe le Dead., of tM sot ',DIED. IUCILANAN - At Gederich Ont.. eta Mon day. May fed. A.D. l01S. William Ruches - aa. sod es years. E TALE OF THE TQ Prom the Repartees Not..W1ok Were • thesis. a me is seat SS, a erers Awns 1(• Tails' Beers. •a' saMM Mail Pres a '"-R res. ghost does set wear ow of Pridham's because Cha artistic taller Y knows to hie •tttsiemsys eta, 'lust what • ghost t want While the U e, sr a7 was Irytog te take m' Momobs, . *allow* was king til takeout pretmemosail Yana lad the coas uld AIM _ ~r,the esist war ead. m lri•aovatr sttx *.-W. T. • NKKtalyy Is pottier/ p a pretty Irma (epee in !root of lila prop - on Nelsos-M. The new fime• will Wy thst part of the tows. HoNOa TRY YATES..-The subject for tat Tuesday eve.tot i. Yietoria•N. Ep- orth !wage. is " itaorisg rather and Mother." The subject L t• be takes by Mrs. W. Godwin FoR ADorr1O t, -stares Reatso, Presi- dent of the Children's Aid Society, oras Ores little girls for adoption, sad would like to hear of good homes for them. either is tows or ooatry. PRESBYTERIAL.-MesdamM Oslo (Ates - ,.U, and Wm. Wersoek, left as Tuesday for Toronto to altend the sones! meetieg M the Prost yterlsa Foreign Miescesery SosdNY io sesaioo this week fa that tufty. Arius DAT. -Tomorrow, Friday, Arbor 11.y, the rural sad village «tool meta will put in the time Smith* trees sad oth•rwies beautifyise the wheel tressfs. Towns tad cities do not bare an Arbor Day. t r Do. -Show your appr.olatios of the .aorta of your Baud by going to the Annual meeting on Moseley eight. Take ar dol. ar with yca and become • member of the mutual sootily. I'M bind will he there. ?Armco. Socez'Y.-The Musical Society will give • promenade concert to the skating rink in the near future. The committee is hard it work prepense the details, sod Ube road L prs.Ms.r some lovely pieces for the ooceslos. \ArUT Ctes.-A meet:se will be held tin (Tberadsy).venireat 8 o'clock, in the Sue Bill Soo Uteb Rooms. for the par - pose of ort oir'aa . reset yacht slab. AU tntereitd t• squaio mouse ant are especi- ally requested to be present. Finn -Lam Thursday the barn bohemia, to Jamph Goldthorpe, Seaford, sett the brlek yard, wr burnt to the grosed. A from the saw mill espieswpf•••d Mire steeled d the blase. building woe ib about $100, *Rb no twara.os. item or Restos Nor'. -Oa Saadepp 2nv. J. E Igo, of O.derleh, eond.eted Nes for the loth Us; Mr. Marek takes ter v ice mot Sunday. Two sew I.eaMes ors 1$t reoelvsd last week. Iihmesw, 1 (',olborn•, art .l Rai t)roes<l. of Grey. (iPE(7AL Cots urrrns. The mead esm- ittes Met os 'l oie.day s,e.bg es eoasidsr he reques% of F. Amesth ter • rsdt eie. •t the os kis mill from the time f► was bused that year. Theoomndete aa,esd be mead a rsdesti-n of three months. Sw• Owens a Goose. - rb. ,..alar old la • iehu� fit. deurges Read wow o. Tuesday s1lerso•e. he usual retries btedteess was Iteksa•t•dt ad the tresetret's ,sport Pregetad show" a balsam ort hand of •,sr Matey dollars. EsrattrAIN AAD NnAr rr Wru. E.100111. 'taut -The above will he the sobj.M of a Meer be Rove IA tie t(. E., 1. theN•olrtthh er Metthoddistt ober* next Tuesday seeming. Goad made .IR he o,Ided. Meeting eatete•ea. at 8 o'olosk. Ail are welennee. TSE Antrum, Mtl'rr.-TM Amami Mast. of Abe Malwd 1101.57 bloywilt9t1�he bell ea Ma . b�.e 44 .neiss, sod allethersffinith tants ht Me 10R t! tM bee& WE r«ia«ts4 1 e attstee es bm s isN bedew, 15 ta M oe.aldertd, load is atatNssn. >•TiiiW has beth {dosed for some time,and the sxpsotatioa is Oust their mining know ledge will mak. W workers at the old mine pan out ors is psyi g gaaoutiss. We hops the Trothewey quartette will find the Brace • bossism. Tint Pgovtttour. AUDITOR. -The Proven eel Auditor, J. B. Laing was in town last Thursday oo bade. and while is town he szamioed the books of the county sod town trsasarare. Mr. Icing was evidently sails - led with the books, for he said that the crusty and the town treasurer were above the average. BOWLS. -Th. first gams at bowie for the sasses of 1898 was playof op the bowling 'crew, West street, less Theisday dustman the skips being Mems. Jordan sed W. Campbell and the player, Messrs. Las•, Gault, Eliot. Wynn. Farrow and MOD. Allan. Almost the same rinks had a keen centro on Seitardsy. Four Rau.. -The Foot Ball teams of the Ooderiob •td CUt.t,o Collimate Institutes *las Abe &et case of the maim en the Agrlealtnra! Park 'rounds this MAMA:0 afternoon oommmetag at '(:30-iiC'-Ta4 boths team will show what tbsy trio.. nadir Captain Gregory, end Ball i11MMIO pine are requested to attend. -- --- _ • • wearer •: .,a::spcss,w. THE SIGNAL : GODER1CH ONTARIO. W. ACHESON & SON DRESS GOODS LINENS CARPE IS We offer special lines its the above three departments this weak. DRESS GOODS Heavy. Pure Wool Cheviot, 46 inches wide, in all the new shades of Blues, Greene, Browns and Greys, at 50 cents a yard. regular 75 cents. CARPETS English Tapestries, 27 inches wide, in new colorings and patterns. Largest stock ever shown in Goderich at 25e., 30c, and 40c.; regularly worth 30c., 40c. and 50c. LINENS In Napkins and Endre of Tabling. A manufacturer's lot, slightly damaged or soiled, at exactly batt price. ACHESON & S 0 ahort time t sy Lemma builden of Gram r, elevato, sad Sow no men engaged io the business to the Republic can give them to etrmottoes la their work. -- &sox E.L. of C.E.On Tuesday eveoing the regular meeting of Knox oburoh E. L. was largely attended, and after the usual routine basins., a riles :program, wbion Is- ided solos by Mfrs Parson', Mr. StoddaN and others, was presented. AT Nolan STREET. -Mum Chute tang • solo during the eveotagesrvios at North•tt. Mstbodfst thatch on Sunday. and sang 15 moot effectively, Mir Millie Campbell s000mpu. isd Mies Chute, ad also played • voluntary. On both 000asitaeMi a Camp- -TUE dM Mateo "t•-eh•Jaerist. to her b. Fascr. Rose. -Idles Arsoldi whegatiel to tows some ten days sham, see �eeel A.O.tJ.W: room wtth .a eshibiti n:o1 teary work, apparently mat with grew the. eves for the room has been daily thronged with ladles isepeotiRr the pretty display. Mies Artoldl bas had a large oleos ander in - Memnon in art needlework. sad her papas speak in the highest terms of the thorough• DOSS of the courss. COMMENDABLE -Aliso MoKay a fewdays slope, touted • parse which le at once took to the massager of the Bask of Oean eros who seeoted the contests ate. toad $12 96 MoKay wished the gentle as to .dvertiss his lad. sad shortly after the notices were est a lady elelmed the Lound puree. We met heard 1f the tinder has been re - ser could he tell os If be bad. for 1e deet and dumb, bot he oertalaly ae- ssrver to be remembered for snob oommenda- bie oosdaat. Lo-atest COI MrmsrORgae -At the ad• berated meeting of the West Hare. Lieswee Comm}sdosers • Meths was granted to Milo•'. Rotel, attain', tad that of the Waverly Hesse withheld. Io Wtaabam • limns* was wanted to Klieg's Hotel. and that of the Dlaaley Homes withheld ; the r•deottoa to bosh eases 1. aster the sew sot, *lush permits only a esrtola somber, aeserdtam eo pope •tlo.. The •ppll.atto. of A. Youth. illatdl, was refined. The spell. 1.11..e of B. Mates. Seaford, sad J. De - Iwai. Pert Albert, were eretetd. REAL ESTATE BALs. --On Setae -day ane- mia • large portion of the estate of the las Sheriff Joo. Macdonald, was pat up for We at public amnion al Oandry's Amnion Rooms, Ramitioo•st. The property was divided into eight porwls, six of whiob were w eld, and sold well. ho. 1 parcel, 15 sees, was purotased by A. Saadi. No. 3 by J. Banda, No. 4 by J. Loots, No 6 and 6 by Goldthorpe and McConnell, and No. 7. the property "dinette, Melt4ed Cemetery, by A. P. McLean. R. 0. Hays was softener for the vendors, tad Thor. Gelidly wielded the boomer. GALT RErouvE*.-Mr. Jews Troman. Moser, of Minneapolis, was the Attest of Dr. Cameros es the 21st Hs is as Ma way 0 Oode ieb, when he hes the oo*tnot for sreettng a large Preis elevator. The Tromulmozer boys graduated from the Goldla•MsCullooh shop, sod soon after er- ✓ ata* is MIanespolls is the early siehtles smoked a reputation for meohanioal 4111 ChM took them rapidly to the front. la a ArPOtsTtD CENTaslo -Last week Alex: Maine was advised by the secretary that a recant meeting of Use CC.adtan Road Club Ezeenttve he had bees appointed centuries des this dtatrist.._ This club is somewhat similar to the I.W.A., and has chanes of all road races, a rood record rides and $ttempta, and o�11sit road raping, be- sides recording Dentary runs, and Alez'a duty is to issue sanctions for Goderiob, tad receive sod forward reports of century runs. Teo W.ot Stumm-As the wool mum will soon open we give the duty ooUested by Melo clam oo the different erodes eater. tag hie domain. namely: -Wished combing fleece, 1Zcts, per 1b , awash., 12ote. per Ib , tub -.•abed, all grades, 36ots. par lb.; unwashed olotbing, lleta. per Ib ; washed clothing, 22ota per lb ; oetted busy, seedy sad black, 12ot.. per Ib. From this hat it wilt be seen that tab washed wool cermet eater the States, and some of the merest kinds are almost prohibited. It sew the only grades that ons ernes the 11ao are those well washed whits oo the •beep'. hack. WsoDix“ BELLS. -As interesting event took place es Wednesday afternoon of last week .t the home of Robert Gives, Klgin avenue, when his daughter, Miss May, was wedded to Charles Griffith, of the k traitor. tastoty. The koot was tied by Rev. Joseph Edge, in the presenos of immediate relatives of the contr•oting parties. The bride looked charming In a light brown notelet cloth ooa- Inms, and was supported by Mee Lan PaoiarIoo, who looked very pretty in light brown cashmere. The minim we as- sisted by Hy. Edwards, also of the Keening. ton Co. After the rite was perforated, the party sat down to a dainty wedding repast, after which the Toast (maple left for the East oo their hoasyinoon trip. The bride is one of the hest known and most respeoted young ladies in tows, and the numerous use- ful preseote showed that her many Moods had not forgotten her. Mr. and Mn. Griffith have returned from their wedding trip and taken up twideaoe in Goderioh. Tot C. W. A. -Chairmen Calm., of the Membership Committee of the C. W. A. has evolved • pr'so membership scheme that should prove efsotivs ta the g.tttee of members for the asretatien. Several of the vest bieyeie teauntacoarms hays moat gaol, mealy placed wheals et Ms disposal, sod he sow ellert • high grade bevels to saoh die. trio of the 0.A. A. heels/ • total member. ship on Acquit 1st, 1894, of 500 or over, .soh lloycle to be presented to the person esnals* is the largest list of members from his dist riot before the date above maibned. In districts where the membership does not Snap in WALL PAPERS A few lines to clear at 4C. per roll New Wall Papers, with Borders and Ceilings to match, bc. per single roll. New American Wall Papers, 1 yard more to the roll than the cheaper kind, full combination Ceiling and Border to match, suitable fOr any room, 7c., Sc., and 10e. per single roil. A]1 the new designs in the oorrect colors : (7reen, Buff, Blue, Terra Cotta and Rede -beautiful Reda, beautiful Bluets. See them in our show window. You will want them i Yon will bay them ! Prices are right, ranging from 10c. to 35c. ren Rto; l Mus -T. R. TeeMewey sad two .l bis etas led ss filthy Ng Renes Mime, tuakg of Ms ens ental telt Mill 1Tr My.O�te t+a. ttthes.,tlAs.. bleasamill lM roves/so W setae M 13e4711 lues ,Itiophout100. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE, •fMet my pries.. Court Hous* Square, GODERICHI CLAS. Z. HARPICR. reach the 500 mark. ether first -elms prism will be given to the sass doing the best work. I1 1/ expected furthermore that the Member. skip 1ommittee will be able to offer aeoond prizes 1n sash district, but thie amuse{ Ye stated definitely'st presort. The only ass 1.. tions governing the C. W, A memberohlp ass - teat are : 1. All the names most belts by Aug. azo 1,5 1898. 2.. Names once credited to thyme cannot order any oircumstnoee be transferred luta placed to the credit of any. one else. 3. the oompetltton hs open to anyone, but all ammo most be s000mpsoled by the C. N.A. fee. 4. The allotment of wheals in dlatriate having 500 member, and of other prises in districts sot ,ea.ht.g the 600 mark, .heli rest wholly with the Eutet- a!tks_ WAR BRIEFS. `--- SteRt Tso, MAY 3. - Most alarmist are prevalent here regarding the situation in Madrid. It is reported that Campos Monet has bees .sz•eln•td, and that Premier 8.guta has sought refuge in the ErltIab Embassy from the fury of the mob. MANILLA cAPTruExa. Naw YORK, MAT 3. -TM Journal has re. mired the foUowiat from J. W. Cnasior- ham, its oorrespood.nt at Hong Kong " Positive tnformatlon was received bore today that the Asaerioan fomes under Com- modore Dewy had captured Manilla. The Americas Bag now floats over thempitol of the Phllllptnea The last aot of Augostl, the Spanish captain general, was to eat the cable. Augusta's first sot after netting the table was to haul down the Spanish Bag. Amsriesa oBoere, in oojanctlon with the leaden of the Pbfllippise insurgents, are sow e.pged t. orra*izing • provisional worriment " TM Spanish Government, It is reported from Madrid, has decided to unite IL Beets In Cuban waters, and will make an attempt to crash the American Beet. The Pelayo tad **vend other powerful warships are al- most rsadv to sail from Cadiz. via United States Postmaster.tleoent yesterday issued an order to wtstttzh postal service in the Cuban pot t first occupied by the United 8atwe, and appointed Eben Brewer, of Pittsburg, Pa., special agent of the department to oraantze the work. The service will clover not only the army mails for troops ordered to Cuba. but business marl of the ordinary cheroot.r for the ter• ritor, temporarily under the authority of the arty. y. Al Madrid ointment to iacrusiag. Too oily has been placed under inertial law. The Segues Governmeot may i.il at any moment. 11 is blamed bitterly for the in- siholsot state of the delouses at Manillatl Rgter's popolarlt y ..chow, and is • fur- ther source of danger to the internal peace of the country. The British maim tatl.ob has gone into Havana harbor to take out the British tub. jeote who may wish to leave. On what appears to be fairly good oath• ority it is stated that 40,000 Spentah troops in the City of Marz.nillo, fa Southern Cobs, ars pnothaly starving, end are ready to re- volt al any moment. The morality ■moag them is placed at an incredible Brun. The Cabe* army tinder General Gomez le reported to be in good oondltfon and ready to co-operate with the Umitd States Army of ooeapation. I THE WEEKLY MAterttt REPORT 1 Fall What Oommtsc • kf 100 101117.0 per eon......-. -1 70 to 170 . ...sir S 01 te 100 Qe1� "a-- _ --sees .. _ 1a 01 tuts eo ''tae, _ tt a tol0 0a osltoodl hula... �._ ... . 013 to 0 BW, tae sees. . �. 560 1. 0 Po Sass, etbasb 0sate5te Butter10 , .mots& •eo.... 5 5 a Pett. I,t te've Hess _.. _.. est lb ..... �ss . err ib.per Dressed P3.7_ lwe voartlar Dressed Hese hied• Barley. per bash r M :11oe0 0i 00 lmsas1 e115010$te•Il 7S es 001 ssoo a eto 0100 caps J. IIABPEE, PRACTICAL PLUMBER 014 NOT WATER FITTER Baths, Closets, Basin., Boiler., Sinks, Hydrants, Sewer Oonneotion., Pipe and Drain Work, PROPERLYDO a .h r. f AT PRICER TEAT ON A 8. It's House -Cleaning Time! We have some things you need. May we supply you ? CLIMAX FURNITURE POLIi.iti De.'t buy from peddlers. THIS ` is better -e s.kes old 1.rsitsrs look like sew. 26 CISNT8 BEATEMALL STOVEPIPE VAR- NISH Cost the pipes before potting sway-psevats rust. FRESH GARDEN AND FLOWER SEICDB--in packages. Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bitters. A first- 8sse Blood Purifier and ilpriag Tonle. It fresher, ear up. Take • bottle or two. BO OENT8_ Gillet'. Ly., Chloride of Lime, Crude Carbolic -all useful disinfectants. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. The Best Spring Medicine and Tonic _it0«_ COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. LARGE BOTTLES 50 CENTS. SALE EELY BT DU,NHAM, - Chemist & Druggist. SPRING REQUIREMENTS n" CLEANING AIM DISINFECTING MOTH CAMPHOR.. - _ . _ CRUDE CAR$OLIC ACID, CREOLIN, CONCENTRATED LYE, CHLORIDE OF LIME, LMr- WILSON'S' LE'S PIIENY LE, d7 W ILSON'S- PRESCRIPTION DRITOTITORE, when yoif u at:: stet your mosey hast. s&LLAsd. 1 CIS c V v cu J (1) LOCI 0 CO NS iotae fit i .}.a MU) L !:111. ,k..r. v 't7 b 0 to se to -date line of Jewellery Det year Jeb Yb`Ms4 Mee se Tiro 1ltewsf. Roofing Eavetroughing rfc �r i _ 1:1212111.401, - Dairy Tinware Paints Oils Blue Flame Oil Stoves Coal and Wood Stoves and. Furnaces Bicycles . . Taoanay, May b, 1698, A CHANCE TO clET GOOD SPECTACLES FOR VERY LITTLE MONEY.) To slimes oma .Tote or READY- MADE BrECTACLRs, wo • AIM, FOR THE 211ST 30 DAY., 00100 rt) 511.1. T&1$ AT HALF PRICE. WE HAYS ALL 00A111, TBR EMUS FRICite RA1101$G raox $2.00 To _''c., N'AICH WE WILL SILL AT .acct $1.00 To 15c. Pea PAIR. -Vi_. - - .. Dartagart Awn sztLiaA1r.. ___. . FA' res ¶ANTED! - I WILL PAY - $1 to$2aDay for good men to purchase Harvesting Machinery at my Warerooms. As it costa money to travel, I propose to give the benefit to the purchasers, and at the rause time save time and money for both parties by calling at mywbre- roos and examining the Stock. Nn,OXON Beed Drill., Mowers, $tune Rake Binders, .Disk Hatlrowa and Spring Tooth Cultivators.""` QSTT H ugh G redo P1"1111. of every descriptionSHU. ADAMS Wagon,,PAris, the >keos ite. BUGHANAN -Thar forks: --east. - •. Slings. McLAUGFHLIN H l g h Grade Carriage. and Buggies. All Goods Warranted. JOHN KNOX, Agent, Opposite Buxton's ROW,Ottdsrtel. • PUNER &L NOTICE A. W. CORNELL undertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR TO A. B. CORNELL N. 11. -Oar Charges bare been Greatly Rech... M order to meet the popular demand /or Moderate Priced "iterate. Tonsorial Artist J. H. WORSELLFRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTIST. . Hot sad cold bathe on premises. Her fo•ming.shsmpooing and even other require- ment carefully attended to, sad none but Dom. ppoetent hands employed. Williams' old stand, C�ODERIQH MoLea's new block, next door to BrltisifEx- ohance Hotel l6-1! TEZ =ZAP ST0172 MAN SPRAY YOUR FRUIT TREES Buy your Spray Pumps andSpraying Material at the Cheap Hardware Store. ALL PERSONS- contemplating B U i L D'I'NG this Season will find it to their advan- tage to purchase from this up-to-date hardware establishment. am selling Blacksmith's Hard- ware very low. My motto is to please all persons wanting goods in my line. iintend quality, price, and fair dealing to be my best advertisement. R. W. M°KENZIE, ;;.t• ft. a• F1. ..agonant'a.ee,levl�re+r.eeiiLJ