The Signal, 1898-5-5, Page 2t „-s.,_^?'.,' t ":�--...�,..^^ .:e,,,. .• oyj,-.-„ J Y ,. -, a 'N.-.... �' .. .. ''' •^r' . x� �, - r w+=- ia,.- �,r„ •'g: 1,��;=M,�Aw •,ar,,:,w y
♦ R _. 0
-- 450.5&4. f?b bay besiely thin h►ewever, AAAAiAASAA3DM 1111111/4 laying times Mab irw trw* is wz•i•• CRINi R PARAMDS, — --- """�
` �l�� •n
told hien that he had bees to the Prue- &a extraordinary e:Deadit[ua of E9.- yM to the lr htevellej a � z I••r Iaa[s•aee iliac De.,cr I:m save
s (orw•rd. tad heist iiat
_ weal rtaxdll� s•sli east shad this debt.ts w ������ga�l P
..�..,-..,.r... etc i ji ASQ11.�M� 11tt rwritN4 r n• r �,i
s - - lid heed Sts f� , r� ,: A r _ �Y W V'. s/ p e
\. AU at Dace they tie•rd a ct ok •sd+a+a fb matey. lac ltding 0 1�T� br as ltd- nlltLtb
� � n a gun pointed at them. largo crew is gash, sad he telt comfort- tR• with string. t w►1 [91 n — ua'•
T hC r e "Cl000h down." rrhiisilegod tbs large ad• Rti father ltgteasd with •f az 8paitnlu �i air eultur•1 counts). la vantage It the earth U tint r"wv- la Citiaa. whoa • psraat kaa enol i16
lx+y. I uic-b d g himself °n lbs t w ts, rer•kra of terror. \Yhsn tLs boy bed •d somewhat from the brae of the with de ilb at the beads at a togs er
w � Ono• down he whlatlsrd; •o°cher h' D the earl rt of the century the roar- trunk, w that the Covering muy rusaeh tistrglter, ass gireilmmtaner of loteetiea
was Steowr, little Stenne the nce dowel. Thea they roes end wept llnls•hw lbs old man bid flit Iw.x is 7 pa a short distance below tile *Or(&" of TFROM AL.LTt
dr sad wept •lewnd. tr] w&s owned by loaded pfrePrbtsrrs T]hi0'IHY ♦ND C'I.OVER HAY.
Hls name ie of !o thv d. Then t e Over the w•III big ben who heel aerqulswd treat trach oL land, It is rather surprising that Timotby the soli_ The earth tray bus tluvwa hick of •p •n gsmitterd fes iaterbr• way rnEVENY LwTES
lacy ea!led him, He was A gam ut' cati mnever t u°der FstMrl fatberl" exclaimed the hint i° resent years these tracts have t7fih.QUVi3R•
Paris, gels and thin. who might brve fhq raw two >e ust h" boy I child• •been divided sad have Into the bay keepe its Popularity so well as it •flet the wrappin . Tbne treatment is the iafllenby s of cgs gaalty. wbick k W —
►S, one can dirty tlaili wo t•1'r The old was ►troth -d the boy aside and parte y. 7 Lbllowed Dy dooaPlhLis` ♦ray ming•
been 10 sets' old, pusrhepr dirty a dews berido the Prusst&n. bands of small tarmerr •ad titnit grow'- dou- ♦t ifs best its sutr{tive value slw utaroal, Cas nisi atteotly• end tion of this otua! wteose woaid Oe Ow Owa GsMat
ildrm.I " he said, Joists pdaked up the told. I era. The;repv U the most tssportawt is macs hfylo„tb•s Dieser. Bot •sty pop
-never tell the ate of these ob Tbb 1n, my brother, "Is this all t' he asked• Prof• eacef however, leans tow•td or" `ie flet-+,
oultare, cwt la a quaatitiuss oI �- Ikkt>• TiS,ottay trans le Cut Creche ea- • pr+efsrtvace for the bYdraalic Dement, uoaslderad by t!e Chian as aimtiy s M"w tau, tdM lleMsa
His mother war deed; bis father, As Ing to his eomti•nson. 3tens`henoPra► Little Strome sodded b'tr ►Cad. Hash ralsina, ants and olives an ex -
old soldier, pSnrolled a square in thus littletiegan to sees hi he wan oblig- father tb-a took down his gun, and, • eve ear- Spain is rich is ough to be at its beet, Deoaas& the rre&- ealrtreially oil modrnte-alsed trees. Wow at lbs tuadasusalal prircipb a � t ii iFC"ssd's"m
Temisls' Blublels� flint rte eaO°t'y it his pocket, s•id:ITw n J cit of cwltimers prefer it attar it This is made by mixing hydraulic oe- tilbl duty, wkiol b anppegsed to
relghbeirbood of the ad to take him by the arm to bele bimI fN! I am going to return it to the give valMTale. the &Sunni value of bar mit- jo y t•tvst with skim-noitk. to the eeaalst- tke trountlwort of Lhe it Bode. 'i'iw CANADA.
aurae,, old women, all those belplow I over the ranopsrt. Ores exports being about 'M640it100. bail fully torted its reed and bas Paan ewy of stilt pulse [t is then sxNUd
AehinA thw valla were warlhworks Ors,•' tit file alio wulactures cotton goods• ad the flowering stage• Timothy than frith a brush. Cad bards■e immediately end spin kat the finally p[ Itngcp'l lature bin p
kteratins who ran the risk of being gbe hes pearly 70,000 looms. Her im- frust parricides or The MauicoW LsQi•
w yellow, •look behind, he went oat sad joaven i P°rh for early amomtusd to A19,366r bas lrrgely changed the richer juices forming A coaling impsaet"' totbe bean r000rdwd •
trampled un in the cro,vded streets• I In leach ditch vee efeIhehls w dyello . Wlk be ud,ther word. t and st�He into young larvae anti durable enough to matrncidusr evN when they bappenetl roPsad Initw PurohaainQ
Sterne, and loved hits, too- rouatAche n' which laugh"d ae the little the troops w hn ware marchl b Pus 9". , Har exports brought bar in 934: which the green 'fimoth) pos•swe withetand all ordlary wwather for one to be idiots or lanolin. ra4 tberefun, Galt rontPla
that that flares mantache, mustts carat hast. In one corner w•as wa+ never amen again l--AlP►onre II•nr) 004 Tho �t primitive conditions woody fibre that i■ little better than ��. •• It U probable that thU oe- waterworks Dlant.
iakpockets• I pret•it is tansy Parts of In and Sa not atwoitatable for their aolluns. Moot real bas reduced the tax
of dogs and p a hoose protected toy trunks Of trs,es. dot. `b?a sr. mesh akraw. At ice beat, rye Am- mart, added to sorsa o/ the soap wwahea to !]l.
1[pre tbut could smile, slid the lower story was filled with mold -j came parts life is almost As it wa P y !» bicl'rlrs [rum �3
wawa ccxik- I w lea ColnmDns trasellSd thw oouetry •titan Cnitivatot. and oat Delon flow- Im use by frfit•,<rowets. would add t0 1'be Dorso tion rad rewal►t of t
iwra (ria in cards. while •.cap e>co it sp�R �g 3HB I3 TO DIIr their lastiS ualities.,, when made age reat mass of offiotels to this em Frescbl'auxdianr in DL....thnm
that ro provoke that smile owe ked ISA Play a roaring fire. Hoer g resole o° [cot leading his little usoa b7 •ring. Timothy eoat&ins,.ot its dry mat- wick watergipste•d of milk. it proved g Ian to Qoaba°
the runt, of W his muck leas durable. has become a b7 -word and It is snot aro roturnittg sled from
only to wy: IIng ve and what » nontra+t to -_ the hand. TW+ is due to the meagre ter, possibly four oz five pe stn therefore, that tree east 3 rich gold find is repo
'How is soar little hey today P' I camp Orf the French ontrarn, T° the I mean+ of eosnftlestion. there being &Ibumenoids. But Timothy grass cut Dradroleas was used experimeatai ung•. vicinity u( hat Portage•
And howl he loved float little bol) iys►Mr story aero the officers. They bad, HER PRESENT CONDITION AND HER I ^lily s of ellen or railroad in the whole thus young. drier down, to Is" than lY by Prot C. F. Harker, tat Alahrmo- asil7 be evrdusd tolito b bribes). 1'htu l zrtlserta• advanced
clam re • to drink rod s Pit°^ t° PAST HISTORY. only .54 Tbero is only 39 linear whore its ver unsatiafaotory n- • wwlth mea who bas Deus■ alt HUst-siztsest! s
How proud by was when In the evening I clay of wiles o[ road for every 100 square halt the bulk. it will mxks it rut two sults, is anthers recent bulletin em y J pri0s of rugal bs va•
N'hen Ib• little P•risianR vnteredl miles of territory T4tit the people of or three weeks later. Consequently no tbS lxaeb-tree twrar. It was applied °= kLliag •fellow tueature, whetlat per pound.
the little fellow Dime to join kis and b meditation or atvident, can er t I contemplates purths&,ic
t wilt shoo • GwmeUarNaal 1baSeetl - nvutY m tot I
"a ttwo made the rounds toget5er•, they were grew ed t" ^f " ser cay.resteas - live Colonial use..• bj ahn still adhere to their gayly o• leaner is willing to out it early. par- to sakil le mature alt of and pine ts�a 7 pts r* re+ as a hose
j (Its"werJpes they mrt They dellrerwA (heir uapern to the vs- r•rl+oswd males, which. perbaps. take ticularl as the ma' sit of horsemen and killed about heli of them outright- cape all MtMlto oonusequraces and re (&ro near the oily
--_-____.. ----- nein wiM to drist,I ea+lea.-C•rrdlea•w or stet ['reste anv t 7 Jc y rs Sad Dsdgars
- _-- - emy. The wen+ ill I la woza-oat romance what•-t�s7 ,erred: Of course all the masilres a°itsnt- e • sestaOsa oL three )can' ban R rte» s as
N"nth the 4te eve lbiag wa• y lied. Orr e•ereye or seveSeiiFv-fteusveeteet uA like the Tiaaothy bay lull) rel ad stove an preventive. Vlrhta flee Der- ishmeat a`apol 1000 ellen distant T!e [btlwsT tai Lev
that their too + might be loowe lark is speed_ Maki a for its deticieacy of num- en ase• fat into the trees the only way tee the bill ebartorisg the Tor.
0.110 *d ..rsTl0.,r9iiaaa•jl< mato wsill Tar- 3 i hl .blI odd i smeary ■NINISM- &ln is Mall defon�ed tree isvosi00 rat P
.. closed to the p.nldie. lIe wa+ comps laagnsge, rand hi+ low wit. Thos laugi�� T'he premen� eons(Tfution int Bpnha _. stent hs grA,ia feedi°t. which supplies to help the ease i■ to ant them oat. nartead of the death penalty. Os, gra gudsoo gay Hallway.
• CpRlx1\ OF FORTS Zo Thin can l ez Ilio ted sseaess the ether hard. wins lb► ralativeus of Tit H., u. t B- g&Uvtray ahantbYl
ed to keep s eoamtaet Issdkuut, with- Ad hot•tervasely, egg—ting bin t�rvs I Droalataosd to 1b76. 1L Proclaims t�� -� the animal with Cod sin aoadttctra 'p Dsd bdy the lsurdered mea are powerful ea at Hamilton bale AsC1Mtt to to
oat his ptPe or hie son. N'heg he minnn, fairly r»Ilintr in the Psriwian I Government to he a Conatitationell Aed [orlified tow'nt draw• comPle41) strength, and in such eoaoentrrted plt�y aaoevatplSnkarnal ipsrtnusrs at
mire that wa+ thn+ brought to them. 1 conk to make themsehsa bard by the ksstuns for i�•�'
slwtkus of the Prassiaua bis must -be; T.ittlo Rt.nnw nanoid havr liked to monarchy, the executive resting in the around bar frontier. On the north I form that theca rs tittl8 lftstention ter a tittle QTAetaae. It U w mwtbnd misirs lase •t mmol t r
nese a al ht to ser. l.ittlus Stenne did there N Freaterrahia, the Lortiliad I o[ rtut•wch to prevent the horse from atrbagly to b• rboommeadad. espeetal- eKiotais, •od t° demand t!r strict oil The i10 t W r
g talk to ohn,t thnt he was not atupid.1 Sing, the power to mak• law-• "in the Nrvanoe of the box talcosis. the rich, fns r lbw [int etlnln vow
not fled the new life so diragreeuaMe. hint S,methlnR screed to rhoto bim. 1°'; Cortes with the Hing;' The Cortes &re I port o[ panages and the military ports i making its best speed• \There Timo- ly in connection with snob preventive M,ALre&I this m&MW
front of him. mtanding arwrt from Ihs or Santana, Santander, Ferrol, Corona, I toy hey is fed without grain, as it la mea Sures ss those here outlined• tritnnaal nay pdrobaw • whrtita4
,. A siego.! That meant fan [or gamins. ( composed of a Sonata and'& Congress• and Vigo Ia the tiasqur Provisoes •re ?a• used a aRt at the =10a°
NP school, nod can vacation ell the ^Ibwi•R was an old Prwiattr who nevem lrom emotts the hxsggar sins, os par- hAe enured a m&Lrn&1 rednatloa u
eA to hoe tryfaT to res'f' him thoughts.I equal is authority. There rre three, T1111boa sad Vitoria: To the left of the oft moat terms. while borsea an cot NRW FORMULA FOR SPRAYING. b1/p'o ra old sad fags C sat or r mat o[ paoking over tie pilaw'
time, sad the street& as lival7 as on s+ the soldiwn qss never left him [neer. I classes or senator -first, Senator b7 Ebro are Pamplona, Tah11S, Jaen, Vtt r working, it ie •very poor tad un- rmittead w Lor-
talc days. The Doy stayed Put rat Thwro were trsdrrnwsm ami rrProwch in their own right; second. Senators sono- wa9ua. lioasoo, 1'wyserda thio ds [Tr- ewaomacal feed. Horses will grow P. Y. Austin. of Awburs, Me., (elle. the family mal nus P• frit swuncillon Mare asked the
thr blas+, am If tlx men hay w h,ny &boot r zol Ralaquer And Lerida, Nearer the : s trait trees. i felt his tits erAnttat ko inveati4•te tins taa,ms
doors, running about until night. He 'rated by the Crown. and thirdly, gee- pour iI fed on t!e dried Liber of fulls bis formal& to sof let Stitch licenses are issued there
attnnv'n age. an asb If hie would have I D[sditerraaeau are Cardosa,Hostalrick,
followed the detachments of troops to &tors elected by the corporations of C"Wriedon. Ripoll Gerona, Olot, Car -I ripened Timothy bay• We sometimes Lae 'tinea acetate of Ice 10 50 1As, : IN HIS Mt hap en STE a Several London ssawg ladles
"aid' nom state, that Ss, th-r communal and Pro-,
the fortifications, chooeint tboaw which ••T wnatd rather div tba>! era nay telfolltt, and hRtneraa. On the Mediter- icor compulaints that hosrjes Qtow poor arsenate of soda. 3 ounce•. to 117 ti1- But aevar les it baplre &ace (' .a b�IJ olja1ed in • nnnSwsy, the b
[he rani- rancor, ere Pal&mpe, Barcelona• T►r- I and show• rough, staring coats wlile !loss l water, end &Dont 1 es gnarls had a bib of ibat en w!o ososerused Syr h lyes wusre riding totlidinQ w
bad good Msnlc; he was very partien- In each lmgtuwm' vivetal Staten, the Church. ( Almeria. Carthwgen&I of a+ol•ersa Tbs adv&atages of this I heath of bis grusst u+ Vsre■t+ Ica
lar on t -hat point. At other lime• b■' The polar lay felt a+ I[ , timed ellltab-I v*rattle@. •c•dsmiws, and by the larg- oil Al, "Int. a, they ban Tinaths bay ales&s■ as their over Pazis greed he tlsimg to be Ehet
�d ht+ heart so that it could no long- end AlieaNp Lotrsnd ortom fir" I racks or mangers, though they bay• so matter bow strong. it does not bur° oostrived to bay blench[ off or crape Tke Coastal se the Toronto Boa
watched them at their drill at haat. To escaTse from bi+ tartare', set pawn of contributions. genaturs apoznl, xa and Tortola •re io parsusd & rewlutioo f
the Ebro, liOrgrra and Novell• lie to' nothlat to do. Tltsturs same lore" will the foliage. It remains in etoiutloa, and I bus linfth'i, or ux„eired toile, and the Indo hes
The most interesting or all, ibnzgh.`he drunk a gewyt deal of wine. Hoehn by their own right are tie grandees Vat- does sot settle to the bottom like Paris i•3 an ezport dots Pw nwkal e
- aero the pttnew of eh fence, the Breton- 4Merythiag rwmesd a be gQin` round oL the khngdow, whose titles and poo- : the south of It. Toro, Rodrigo• flesh up and even fatten when set to u well. ugh i eseett heavy two-krsdusd sword. mss sad matte.
_ - old Tn the o tatty* l hand ��f�. sotto• de A At�Kae SRd wkea wnhp of lbs gam' sad stitke O°a; wentI a doeply ben he obctrne 9 Titin- Jame L amomtQr of °w
trouser •
tromps +made popubir at this time. and roan sesstone'tent[tle them ria Yrr«� Iron- work to the Wing &ppikalaon bee &hv&)s grin were. trust
bit roe! asfOn ridltallnt the °ntinnal " Btadajnz 1[n, along the PorttSMa! U cut and ted, moistened• with for the rodling math. It bas beusa aas� sages at Fort Erie. i■ ass. aPpria L
\Then little Steens wen not at the ramrl arA, mimfctT their drN1 and going T�a'ODUK a is f tier. Tarifa fed �lgrCitaL`ra-+s tltarbay with Bordeaux nonatom yrttl ailP flinty benoss rooted is the !carts s>t -eiAl ofGror toeOMaFha! alien
- _ _ - _ rte or wt lbs Chep• sou wonld 4t! hoer the tja Proportion of oM M_i-Aa.� i�traltw of [iibnitAr •sol Grails a &t ! • mixture of wrn sad wttaeal. nolle sults. Cost o[ Ie4Aj1$ __ 1' �ra e[eir ttarilefes byte+ , M_
Pre {!#rrregb ettbv: +IrnllnrT .A---- - _ tts sotrsres. xat &t of tis■► toold w. lhaak. is . t»ttet teed tat borsrn - h 4 s"sr rl iM
-` sure to find. bim watching • ctrowdI hey lowered his voioe, the oH'asms glut- Latton. in 1874 CabW 1MR9 the its *Sand lbs Gt 'Il Of of modern sods• 30 swats cMost� -
-1-_._play talocbe at then !'Sacs da C'ha•LtnSn rd arrwtts4d htm.lad their faces bv-, LD send. llePuries tQ flea Cortes that have Timothy. tkaa st cut key u good as Defter. from " A" Battery. Y' 00'
acme wwrtnus. Thw wretch esu wben4 grwlZaOs, but eTttise the Dsst msthtids sad at maeat. Timothy is very ele[iertort i t�t>♦to exsYHoralksa the amici gt&r - the et&4e&-fi4f-t+�_f1t►I
d'tiau He ewvor played it; it tuiuk too to forewarn there rat the attact to iia the Ptroportion of one to every 40, prevail, and an army of invasion woilldl is fattening properties as well es in Ors thrf ilii viii tiC parriaida
much money. He swotented hirmself i 7 the nutrition fur giving strength. matricide wit► the view of mit.ip—tw American artny.�
wade that night- Stenne +addesly re- free [ahablt&nts lasing 125 tress- have soma difficult im bre&ktng
with watching the others, and witiz alined what was going on and coiled iia in taxes yearly. The Constitution tbrough the bsirrirr. \\len somte clover it mized with the ilAADOW PICTURES Sag the deem inti by law. Not Poly' Thr report that t ip oven
is in S rain maintain+ a permanent army. Timotb oats Aire a better grata to e-- would the seg iolenc i room to a * traffic t railw s, the
each expression I One in particular, • oat: that vaacts 'that the King t 7 the b r l suhvtce tthe bo mnolt syeUm of rarlways, bM nwigoad•
great fellow with a blue coat, whol •�^t twl' Not that !" t lable. bat his Ministers are real �e alp hen and . known y •n rvc. grind to Ds ts. If as nut fused» l cl is kvenJ taws 1n, ve meld •re srttws lfetr ata
trwr.eea ..t K new but he vsbilld LuMert the obedwnw stied at Ottawa.
elated only l0daosr pieces, ozcitod kis i fa he taarr** b yon. li ie vi ith badltl le, sad all hie decrees moat tae Doan- ive rrsene and a sedentary reserve• I Dora and oats. 1t the lay is all cloy- due from. own tamil7• It u reported at Montreal the
each of which could rre plied uPtas'for! or, boner for farm work will do, well A new Sad very successful art bM A pot only brings aorta's G. T R has eemwoomd tb sea
admiration. Wbew this uoy ran one I Imbed all the officer" ,verve on their feel. rsigned by one of them. 'The Cortes support to time oL ws[. Any Spaniard on it without any grain. though the g d•syweal(, but d race on tis
will even then lee Somewhat more e� lately been developed in Es land. It Ug tion at tirelz Ps4nt 8t Chetlsa
cwld bear the coins rattle in hi■ Orae of Ihrin ahowod the door try the t prove bra marriage before he above the age of 19 is liable to be call- of M Dew locomotives.
toys and ezclafined : 1 ed a to serve in the permanent I f'caent if solea • small &mount of oats consists of nothing mon than A Skil- �lM;isttirwlisi he tare v ti the hia-
pooket. "i estw rat once P i n nttrmct it, and be cannot marry armYi�tor jhrew years. From thin part with the bay. 1t as only [be careless cul use of the band -shadow pictures when Doth grenb ares victims Chit A rami»r of italUar to Teems
One day, as 1[ttlo Stena was sloops ,loll era- ny nne excluded by law from succes- of the arm tb- soldier passed to the feeds of clover ba whir! makes it w law ordains that a corset of the led to the Italics CoMsl t
Then tbey began talking rah y ' �j,,., y s that have w often trees hroitg►t into 1 district city wall• obAll his Pulled dews Np°a
Ing down to Pick uP a Piesr which had onx fhemselvem Sn Gorman. white tbel S"' to the crown. If all th, lines i,a- active reserve, and from thtence to the unpopular with horsemen. 1t is neves f°react°° es to what rsttihe 8�
ears ser_ aisitioa [or the amusement o[ Jouag as & Isstras cbrotarlr of thw •lase and take in order to joi
rolled tinder him feet. the tallow said' large boy walked out as proudly as a I come extinct. the Hing would be el- sedentary reserve for six J disliked by hprse, and rows. lndered. Coq Usrace of the district in havi shel-
ddto, jtttRltnq hfg money in him 1'^' -i «ted b7 a "vote of the nation." Atter vice• BY paying 1.500 pesetas any one the trouble in. ,bat bore" like it too folks. Tktta sew [oro• of the ark is for d K Army,
►a •low voles: sanies. The oolosial arm) i wall, mrd of given all shy ase eat• olden folk,, too Mr. Bernard Miller hrrd suck a moewler. 'Cbw mapatnte Connclior Martin• of N'oa
Sts. titefne followwd with bent Ttr FF maY escape sad local gtficiolm are es ubirred n,°•1
R. "That makes ymu point, heyl Weill the old Prasai Ythe Ring thv rein+ of government are rergahusg every able-hodied subject to' will gorge tlemselrew ass fall that is telU low two profoegsional enteztaio- NDarred [orever from pgWac employ- elsasta tob&vo been bribed for bi
i Aad as he pmrrwrl is the pareabose of a storm
it yuh want me to• 1 will tell yes whom• shams had hart him sn bel guided by a President of the Council serve sight years in the varicas r•vaery-1 hard working, or tut against• the test- era, one at the Crystal Palau, the olb- anent. &s S punishment for not buying
where to get plenty of them." heard a and votto may : "A bad bas'- I and Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Jas- em. Tama Moet of the Hing's subjects ad stomach will pees apia•t lbs luago- 4n,& . g(eea the money t
tan hall, are tsakaSt t►ear taught• mon usffew+tively, the deratrine Ha
the •[Ler w�+ seoepited, rand, lead- ner+m this: a bad business!" 1 flee, Fin•eee, the Interior, \Ver, Mar-, are militia -mem. and It is wati—ted I There is almost always some dust with et at FatypC of filial piety, while thO governor of Y&Jor.
Once oats[ba thw loss began to rn� that, in time of need Spasm could easily clover bay. because, being highly sit- forlttnes oat vt lbw new &musestent• the pgoviuM. with his colleagues, the ]lr Bfokaelt, • Napaaus• C•ttl
ing btenne aside, hie asked the Loy to tine, A ricaltarr, Commerce. and Pud The operator first diaplr)■ the shad- treasurer and u e, t ether wit! the ere injured at fibs owes
go wits him w sell French newnpapl'tbtw wkfalled with ladtsltnwtr w t t m�oaltize .t[ dint mJ[aa a roma t isoburned. whiohl make j vered t
en to lbw PrvSiaas, adding nkat they hV11 lie. works, and a Minialr or the Cul- ow r>t • it of luSde •sol the rpetti taotaa sad ptefeot of thH tHsttiot, •n a the lV. T. $. baa teoo
could plats r ises. • trip. Hteane the Prussians had Riven them: titeyl pries, j swop. 70.000 men, although recent Iiv-� it very dusty. This, with horseawhore D•
thw Fretach prrt wit{x,ut having fes mato this Bamber nearer 100.000-' wind has already been injured b7 fast for thea sena ever! movement an ria all dtufraderd neywral stwps is rank. la tgsent for �fid>M damage• again'.
isdigaantly refoseA. And for t►res Plunged a operation o[ makrmg birds. dogs• Pro• i the esda o[ the ward t of both parents ewmpany.
d&ya he remxfrteA away from t hr Ldaoe, mole"ted' There everything wan ire- iSPAIN'S AREA AND POPULATION. 6P�, g NAVY I drill ow an overlo+hili ssease. . Dro the murderer im sot oily senlvased The ato&tnsbip Andrew CH
f Ica retadierRm for the night Atm i sitilatioM
Three dresd[ul dmym he could nrtthee lrtt to As they are at the titvaeat tame, aro Ig lil[ewian eapbl•. Thus following is i duces cough and the disease called wisest people, and tunny Ito uadwrgo lislgeh'i and decspitstim Chicago, brought Z3pr000 MuheU
inhrrsttns, 1n, view of thus tact that • list of her roost important men ot- I " bv&ves." Yet the worst bras nee hod- to Ow as Sound• Thi• i• said to
eat nor rlverp. At ulgbt be seemed to! tack. Tmoopm arrived silently Find war, all of which •n of the armoured ed bore' we ever knew was used es glome d the steres an pnogredaive. bol hU tody is sailerd nS flies of pA oyer flet
sw the gills of galoch"s at the foot oil mgawd themm'lvvs hrhlnd ttre hra0k. reater than ble of holding their owe'the farm. for work for many years.
his Dad, cad lbs 10[I•emu pfecos gletam'ng t How liappy the bid sergeant mooned as orad bar pxrsesaton■ were g t class amity eapa Cad lbw [till of the opusntor is Abews TOP Ov time. (Y1F'FIN 1&rgott cargo
Can, krlweres. was taken never to feed in keeping two doge fighting, or in oI one of kis victims. fresh water•
In the faint light. The temptation I bs PlAexvd bim men! R'lxn thr hoym genes I those rat say other European power•, Ia a modern tomb,&t: ladieated clover bey without wetting it; is tact, s lady arranging Bra tar-resthiit rad sly laid d a ins to co si City Council
proved too strong. The fourth dos he cad he rwrognimil them Rod smiled kinA- Her present area, including the IWO&r-I rePfwsea/ing I t►is law nkat it i• plrinlY laid doves alined to troasider lbs rogaest
ly at them. is and CRnary Islands• each of .bleb N•ma Ton> H. P. all the cloves bas at este wan cut end ev the ;nf t io min I t l'o. ask
:,, .. returned to thte gaming table, Haw the Oh hr► that Smile hurt little Atennwl Canoe V ... ... ......... ......9,1'.30 15p01 had meal of it, so that all the brok- lesclu beton • inirsere ur in picturing tihe hilt'
n •e arms who ass- po sen Cotton Mi I it
r`r: big felines, and agreed ten go with him.I seransds. it U tN eidv causes the death oL its loth boeu+ of QBOt00• The arcual e
Hr ,vanfwd to cry out : b considered a province. is 187.670 Pelayo... -. •--•• ,••9.9110 d en -win led Ibrsw'e teed franc to tt h u interrupted derod
They set out one onttwy morning I . can't d t n therr: you hake have sgo•ro miles. The propillathos oI Sprin Oqueedo.......«..... .... 7,ou0 11b700 sae atrated form. Clover boy u ani- call task to seep the shadow pbturw er wast moiler the rztrame peaslt too iarse
with Racks be their shoulders, sad the eLw Bseldea Catslana... _. 7,0011 16000 tersslly reckoned lbw best teed for rovidad the infant ham frown i si
wit re hidden ander their jackets, betrayed," im estimated to be 17.Mdi2Si. •.. • i■ ocatinual motion without waking D Ch&rlsa N. Daly, Uslted The
+ the Canary and Balswric lslaneU 8p in (Yweroe- - ..- ......7'� 15 horned cattle, including sheep. For, 1 the il- teeth' I•br rre+lra'e, as infant barns Hal at Gu�hp�, baa served The
7it'hes they reached the F'Itnders gatsI The older hny bad said to him: "if either o[ these. Timothy be as it le Dae false motO flat mos dispe to tbv Srms of iia worse need earryisis Herald with tgotld of A ISbel
it naw searaely daylight. 'rho large you tell we "hall rre mhot," w he wam Mott& Teresa... «....._..•.._,.•7.000 f!4.0aa Y t ��. Cows to its tlav band some "harp lasttrnragst, The alleged libel vraa Postai°
troy tOnk Itltte Stewodm Dared, »rad.' afraid. C1b reaching the city fhwj went holds the colonies of Cubs, ares 41.856 P. ds Aastr(aa_-._ »•.-.7 16,000 usnall nosed, U very poo luaioa.
y IBOOs led on Timothy bas cannot yiwld a large Wmy of lbs portraits &Ica an tract• may let the ssme frll, &ud thetralj So- dramalio erlttcLm•
boy took li the guard, wbh had a nd, into a deserted brings to divide their miles; popaiation beton the war. I. i Visa •... 14080; ainrrinat of milk• and what they do SIve a sidestally cause the de&tb of ita moth
anwe and a klhdby manner, be ssa en mossy. 'Phis nam IsnaestlY d� and 631,6117; Porto Rico, area 3,500 square Cristobal Colon... ... .._..ALM formation pictures. one face ch&wg ad The Ffre l -rad ami ton Ar
when little s '%N a board hU tbra Paso- talion sU8,7u6. Tmtwl »rral '� follewtng are dock protected end will not 1,a rinl •sough. •ad will make er; ■mA it it mhnuld hapQee haat [bS hate m call ng on the os with
a whining tons: . Plewmw let us Pass. miles, pope • wbite and interior quality of latter. hoes aaolber in sight of the SO ion". Iotrol baa Doe tooth in ih bead st the matnm calling on the Cit to
"lad sir. Oiir mot Mr Sn siok,and our [a- e+ rattling is his blow" And thmillot• 45 partially prottfcted: but so slowly that the various moboss the water service or Y inary
tber is dead. \Pe are going to eve Stlol the Ramem Rad galeiche fn stn» /or end popat&uoe le Amereoa, _ fadlcatewl la fall, will •very littlus Closer hay lima t will ig doomed to the extrema
IY,000I tion mall and erste evton batter oil are distinct• and un bo followed earUy' I salts of ltriscb'i Swd de ill @
we ran find woke potat.nusm in thw [held I uertiowm cries did not seen , so vers I square miles and 2,438,306 persons co- I Noose Tow H. P. to eve■ up the ration. cone will �Ivre but i[ it baa be teeth) i! will area pe anrvtpce rafea &flat ttM 1.
eliecbivolJ. He rpmsseasides in Asia are: Atpbomm 2lif.•• ••.............4,AMl siI coaswqueares. Surb is the bother- The MacLeod Gasstts days:
outside. i Hat when bw arm wlnne. Poor child I i 714 n,9 Lepanto.« ......».......... ...4,1100 13.900, corn atal6 than ass Say kited of bay by tbo kevo esusd Then it Homes int than sassed Carrier .died sud,
He even shod Mwrm. Ntwnne, much 7be Phllippiwe lmistadm, area iW , 21fiel as thoir main diet• ff rams taro Pt sppropristS, says Mr. Millar, gi ibe I oaa law of China. It in the cola) law
io had lett bim ons -I Ewmaada-. -- :..••--.•--••-••••1,060 i that offers so loophole for the swaps
..hemwa, bung him bond. The mentineI I When rho fail" 7 onto mites, population 7,000AW the , Isla de Claba_ ......1.060 24001 Porn, or Cot! Iaral are also ted to cows. [nee of Mr- Glaeutowe awittly sir ant the liallbead at tteut dlsesaa t
I*bank at bong s non"sent. ,.bon, giano, side his rIo9r,t boa him pockets began sq ••I"Dw CP00 Lis yield of milk will be all the greater. pis" to that of Lard S3•lisburs : sad t o[ lbw grpstrattar. wbether tie death Some it0,00i b bOr[a and m
lag et lbs Aroary white ro•A, he mafd.I to fusel hOavy, and Lke hand whi. h i Sulam 'latands, ares 960 square SILOS. j;s[s do Tanen......_-. ... Osre. bPwyver, to loosen the ban the crowd sees how the change 'a . premeditated or the reaMt al Se• am reported lie have bean t
Press ren gnlckly," and there thele held bin heart. tightened its grmap. Par+ population Tiloo0 t►us Caroline Z Ile" Mast tasty tassels hevo a Soa I gralltg
-err nes flee way tri add t aryl. How im se longwr tseemed the a&me place. end Pntao+, are 600 square miles 1[4pa-i etPead Ort >tD kawL. Sp&to also Du a grain nlion it ttre conn t•ttwn Loo rap us([usetsd. � haest. All other laws a■e pnaltihe kiss Person•
toll under it. ?he sbaAuw astute make muck mon- !have bola asA Coin be •vtttdad-ler tp R lite the tsssbara of the f
the Mg frllOw lanthed I Contnmeefly. •a� People p&matwt looked bRr.I rat hies• an lotion 19tl, M the Marianne I•Isnds,area boatwdestro yrs He�tlgbtlsg y ey yy giving lassoes in the art. F'sth- utw►1 ooasideratior CongrwRatioaal Cbateh wen•'
h s dream, iittly vteltsw maw the [ass i ([ this htanw whwr she had been. He 42D .square mites. Pv"l&tfon 10,17:1.' lore 4 messed by 109 o[tioet#� Cts pay forty-two dollar ler aeoc t- sympathetic war rathe sa u
toric" earn, ittle into lar tb* the heard flea word "apy" in the Sacs o/ Tot•t area and pop»latia is Asia, 116,-, marfsrs, asA 14.000 dailotw, THE PF„ACH-TRSS 1110"It.. o[ lee le overs, [wwlassg ann tko cots of ileo, C! rob !•Lhe Mite
tall chlmseym. plorcing the leR. Dar -I the ntrowt, In the baatiog of I drum", M sgare Milan sad 7.121,172 Dar la will be well repaid by the pieasun CARLil.$ Olt wAR deaounnitlgmalOb Acta as being
fbr mh ec tisels. Aer possessieOk At sundry tints sad an divers PlaCsa of lbw r�ildrva &t home• Oa" inUr- to the neutntlty bwu
t Sally broken Off. FTom tier Ln tiMw t &lona the oao•1!/ Ho enterwd hrSumw ' in Aef& •re' kid 1.0011 tnechapicians n( ♦ar'cas y i I was N r°terprisiag den- wast Oar saw err Cstee+ee a" a Mr aw she
they t&rrn+ aprrat twttinota, taf[icrnt &rad waw flay that kin tither had nntl 1O de rho soy Adnr, •res other isavects}n tesponrily metre per- esligf P+tV The 1Jt. Jobrr N. 13, City Cr
fits loch -1 yet rotarnwA. Aw want al nose fn hIS 11t.ion 100,000: R til. U rant, after &Il, &modernised s saye.e. granted the Cansdlaa P11,66
who were Wonting square Milos, pope fui I pa D rowing tnduwtr
nos with f'eldelamom. Riad little tents, 1 room And hid the crowns,. which were, (near Cape Nan), area 27 square miles, are m Is the s, H i that other govern l but t s to tnt De•c i 7• liar" wM° wa°ted to tears rhedoa- all tee land gnite el for the
y_ y, p,oPviatlOs 6,s00; Fet'essAO Pa Anna-� mn noOdmrnlzerd. Hor people sn govwra- Dut the reruatrs over. your atter yrar, gr•phy iw order to lxguale fiend ski{- Wbat, aprakint ss ga1b, ueot/inial
wet with tunes, wfandinR before dr I an hese ander blot Pillow. Quixotism that l drew before removing their ottending is this set pin t acid up meet rat the gni■ eNtator G
ing (iron. 7'hw larges boy knew thea Rim (other had never seemed rr, kind boa. Corlaeo. 1globe and • Ran Juan,' sol fry !hes ,pink rat the psatb-tree borer dont mon dam- lout°ages• lino bo,dtsls ity. with
I rsumod tmabetla to VISOge her jwwele, sso teeth. Even Ion t pupiUm o[ticiale
area leis square no�• Pols° that Celambur might start W4oLwarii! the all otherm Combined. It '1■ t r stwt of vvar l To my ewe nd toildto• to five steamoeabyPCldrt.M.
WILY, gpd went aarrrus Jtrw fleldss beipg aced then chevrfel mt yrs this paltienlwr tstiera M; aOs I pave lives &moat rt papU i
careful to avoid the military notPant.s.I evening. 000. Total ares and papulatind 13 Af- I that eassn" Ferdinand and bU onswrt alwayw pfwsenf. end at work Dr. Hal- One of the tau artists -Dir. D•yant th ez iti,th there dwell sad tee!, is The Manitoba a Neking to
Notwithstanding bin precautions. they' F,nrourogine news [Torn the pteviprso r{ra. 243,147: square m Cis Rod 136x000 7 og the Britidb •SIIaQs of Damdr■dgI- oe way (ompr l an atreko t lei
tAdAenly caiosv pan a "quad of rifle-) had hoon roewlved things looked bright- perspns. The total area of Spain's tot -I to y W lsor tle Mo ebuln age gi thel stead is repented a have [mond Yeasts -b&d • Smit i eomiDlimrot paid
ve vsralb Ot fav Meort•h ,troOtloltb bim o0 •certain occasion wlavo hS wan
meso. Tbr tr•se were partly hideMn � sr. While eating him swopmr; that old Olga ,Noosmra+ioos Ss 406,30!! Pare mile. ry troves h the surerry craw cotnplately rs ie rformanx is gaily ttom* fire hundred aorlg Fran M of titoir t ability o the
i'^pe Vrr_ that the ezAtsplw sight. incite theI raised by it, snit even to the+ hest sr- taviag a sbadowg gel , tsv Governtweal, and pilrpowe to
hn o Aitch which tirrrAwrod thr t3ciinmOOR toldter looted of !rigs gnn hnnQing o° T'hw total tattoo 'a 9. chhvalrereso Amav►evY d their tolbw•n: the talsous Rabterr•noam . daloow at tbrsa, b7 etert&in " aatnral Cnemial sufficient of thwir land grant
railresid. Thtm times lbws nesse not al- thw wall, red t»id to 4temaey Mlth r4 ,cam, 90 that hvr forri(tn i,rwwssions Watbeak Alahes. The bneheisa of Port. the amount jun the prpvtn
Ir ilro fO pain can a tbaY, *tooth the tike Ica° b . Res my fxry a hides yo/, that PaamN1 tba heumre o[ Ureas and I shards. oma is apt to fin 1, at gorrdrv- I of tbi Flesch. then aro suoeesgivssly
g y• have Rn strew spore than twiOo `a de Lwoa to pledge their soWes th•tc fully-lrrquent iftvrvalm, ibis exuding' land. woe prtmut, with her Det dol i swleretwd. during the Freoeh wet, se7 Liamilwqq ban p,arcbtswd a
large boy tdld his story fn file most. =. d fight tba Pru-+sian+ if you worst, large, am fans ewa and a foreign Papa the Yon msifll trm driven from the Cow And discolored bark which mark on bar knee. Now one of the conies skirt. moble bodied men I)eodrfdgo, at er for 3331M1, said to be lie hr
pathetic listener. While be was weep. veali.bif 9moagh I" lattoe °earl bAlf thv size of her owe., ANfmbra. The saomsry of 'that per- of lir. Devout's pwrformoisces do;Ach , 7
let, ten Old, white-hmirv- siwrgwtot o&Pse Moat 3 o'clertrk ttteg ware startled tts (N scene, w�n she kir•• CabAt her ter -I- filo most romantic, &ad brilliant the Drosencw of thtm naweltome insect. &quarrel tietweei Lwo big dOga. which her awe ezpeemr. bas suckltal{ sad Harr nne meld to Galt for �t.7J0. '
--rant at on■ A[ RYa lfttle.tsale ngd swief: then trrrasd of a n&anm. "Tont U at Aa wjgn acnes will be rwdaewA pees fifth end 1 history w)aanjltalt kbetaiCQrl The Death troe borer is thw lana of are ports plell M the oprerator'e cad them : gbe W. ural ryilboilt ditA u'ih"n throat.vem tri prevent
- - Don t. Cry. the Js llrnv; caw wail let Dwrvtllvn: t]hi�"iia ttgihtf°II tY RSiUr- less fmr•i $ �i■p�lot[rrr, K'�'bw yns for of P ponn•ngt t0etdwt
oil R^ tri bunt tot 'onus portal wil Bat get " Relei ttw good fights whom knew the g,, rnr Ica rowuthis iwftteowA foarly caw rre Laver dies la thdr a laws lTilietl'whMtra[awt pvaCfr grin► films " at iN�1'! inH 'a►adnwy Oigtty aadvarrtuw. lbA thvl° M is am for the a>�taMiytdta'ot>jMi2
l and ft more than aft7lhiSt else would Ors know brat toO wall by sight. Rvory •ni�°alr vi.yre t•w,n to be in tbo t►let The Grand Trunk author
fosse in flrrt and warm yourelves a nuaee d all the torts. Little Rtwgsne one sixth. s this t ht, her G king pet elof soul- hood, •ad vasa wanI tans to rrsita .
bit; the little Pres looks frvismin." grow Pals, and, pretending to fry t'rnd, Ceemilt returns hanw that w vert t rwgLals these in • wet of nst'ersa. Ibis [cult grower nnthi to hie well rrou h
D� • lar fico of ties inl7shittutn tri pride of rano, however is not wla&t� t ass longer MP joining ie the excite- ass t.bwt Pse tri weave, another Mail dec•idod that All advert Meme
Algal It Alts not. the only that mAdw went to tied, tut not Gr sloe rhe ran-' g�v ptbgr I they woaid cegbt tot. Out of the raisslaogwipted with his eermiwg to rvaig enrol. ssothrr �t•sarem, ate. peyertbetela tont. aced rat and *fol nP
little Rtemne aifper on, It waw fear sad I sonade rontlnood. •The boy pictured tai Rpoln an otltltvmwtw. Nwart) tY.003.0110 ib clonly oil! a flint tallyq
rre in then ke a lila cae of their ld ght fMasbdve risewn fiv&n- else them &sywhoro end tw ass state. That little dog." said Mr. Davit, •mid much weeping sad swearing. they and otaly nUway littineurtos
shaves, Tlrtlde this tont they found himself the French soldiers inR al ttful snaamw°ts-,DisdrIt1L the cwM-I The small moth '" nearly black with i° twlliaR fifes &Mrs• r It w s c bawl- are selected, all dressed in nsitora► twine tables mast Adorn the
` Soldiers huddled tORwtbor roved sI eight tO ttarprigw the Prussians and II'Ng,"I B'R READ NOR WRIA. tel eflty, with) its D&1 sad Its 470}•I ad with •11 the yirat°r it was capable laic charas, In •low• Of t!a -ow betiv
ilttlo flt'v, /atffR M*celft of the j tailing tato wen &mMaraAe. Fiw I.t/ewsht la cue estate Of allr•ie it wSm toured Oa0 werddPPsra of tiH ancivst throno; Soma yellow bendn. and bag very mach al. Evidently it esu tirakirtg oche or sed shipped ■way, it the gen
peltate fi thvlr Isyonotm. They mthe1tfa fila IRLO as Winn bad ff* td ught 4 rwtaw ci)&A, reed s resets of a -wised baa care• thousand tailor avrt{y, "sol tae and the Ttsitwd flt•ter, and
ro^M flit ft� children, any hey them) him, sad daw him "bad nerd fill riches that tint 5,004' 4q pe fllilrovive%, with ifs "Attar of a telt- lyse Mrs• teed 7 olio era the tomb ants, or ether a to that Wity of 'ittertrti$Um to 4
11 and mon many others cad write, Wi i,085 persona could read Iron, eater for war, and blind to wasp. Tim fwmalo is larger. darker fol- it wsaiwd to isle a . At a s nater s tkrn ualil wast Ao+1 sew
a dregs of their wafm retfrs: white the) in the sunw. y only. anti ret Spain su9ports 24,9019 all het rmmaas; Malafs. with its IGO, tared. and ban a heavier body. spends tooth -i■ lbw ffgll. At say rate. I ° *1 Trd a lav mils, the Qu
were drtatklet It sf aglow appointed with lite•. The prawn of ►II this blood noilar Freres Dc ,
� ubltc and 6,570 private eettaelo. ♦ tgw aha darty lrsve the remaiaot o/ � winter then. a■A, ander fsvorsbls fOamdetsi llav dog'nl Action as Dna Orf sao:e spot •res lhtrty Al of Trade havr IrsasA a alter
st tMo SOA[. txtlwd h[ then wwv'faant.I vra+ It= tlasr'e Cinder bis Pulam. "A �av/ making Odwati m emmPalwry `tall Moore to tenet Min what manor rat the Sincerest and wt *signs dog*i- artisans, hnm n Frsss!-�wdrt'tta' tat" sof QRsb gicptaini.
and niter w fww woTAs with ►irsl in a It nem he thw ann of • aOldMtf: wbO eet[i eL
` r,(t i,aassd [° 1857, lwt it wan never enfmrb rte" wwra facts &snvetOra: ('arts- circumatauM+s, k&tcbos Ont the next monts 1 ever aw'eived•" hn like nonlinear woa/LtI tiM the t•gsn oft Dec haricot.
low tones, wont qnl ly away. a • • Rs "titled him sohto. He board ed, partly ter polithoal resseem4 cad fen . Csrdta, Valencia, Sevllle and (Iran- summer in tier, to become s Darty to: �-- length, t►itvr iti[itttte tapot• A�aot fort Gsitwd drat
' "%,, acid tin nargetst. on re.n- bit father walking about in the next rte liewe■m, el the wretebod Jct tion. )
� a -w, vrrjete nowmom) s•toprs• sed linen Rte- settler brood. Ntyfhl� AND QUliJ4iF14. eemv arto mat■rsl jagt&lrosi leve arrlvM is TrtrnaL,o A
toting. "luso" will he fin to-alobt, We room. mf. beat. nspe0 a w•indemi. Ii° y / thirty star- frbasmis. St tach last /ew !ty■ of vScot orf
e the twaab&ts-♦00 to X100 befa� a Ors tee�aa cad araMsgae* Ol for stent itwfardlmQ tact►'oda of lrestmest.
►hws found oaf them Prussian's counter- Down beim► in the sgnaro the PAll to ul ism. h higher Wkwatl.m f)Irah In may& fstsppw lift one .at of thw g the(ttS ipper ba er alit of lhrmoti ► guD ff khg s VIOS ill 'ey from oak q� war. &,t, ^t
v t hallvves of Istat. we ata to arms wan Sinndad, end a regiment sot babUAband. Rhe has too targe as Prot. Smith saakwa Lhe ItidMrons ,tib- ing thv gllpPerr attar a bride, erermM ward "tire " Se �►eti etN that' [roto tts IKaaLezn States
Osp/avr that cnrstwA Bearthat!' was• ferrnteg to mareb to the sense of I reTwitlM. emrrslet •a ssrollment of ntfetoenth evebary end starry .urs ,, m and b dra°Ib dtrwn froom vettt'y afcieat tim", 1I.,�on�� tae tort" o■t 61i eaab otber. �iM _� - N era from tbLoil. They
TMO fnllnwvA ms wrtplerlde til bra the itch ft wan • tsattlw, thee; Ihe [wit ass tike toss when waf is t3pels De •*Sam hetofe the C'hristLan era, & Infante sI Is[ 6t asafitl ssagsass r4aldw in Temowto of otht
st. IO,iM1 ,tudemb, wa,aet locos, v&1et soy gloms. &reit, 31t:d alt! silidl ,! .mond
vfm mead shoats. T'!e sOlAlere danced miavralrle boy meld an longer res"& tbpSts pb Ib re•eAM f • gstsrm _ nirtrut to tUli all tba regOtr•wftr Calot wedd tette dt Ma obeys end wvtld 7 Outsrlo daunt fila war,
era ffewd,lbod th+ir bayonets. Taking bins eche. ad direct tad indirect taxation. stamp at aesnotas &adisarability." Tt to Pula itsltd aleft to the victor, b whew t►wt Is Monett Mary. as! atMw*UsR C. W. gtweM caa"sa s
tdyRrfage of lbw temwlt the troy. clip• "What G the osatfarr' aetai Pwro A WRAN SWTNINA thaw r tutr+rl l
ped awns. On le t mr the a buy they Ntestew, tgntsRR Ietw ike rnorst. Tiro cbiN duttaa Oover■ment serlflohiea, etc. loan tL eonle►xt til•! Poly the the lesar et the ig sin seed rd Ty all 8ad�u i � Ila*I fr,lnt tra l �llt a
�'., naw way. n to v pills. btr*ucwd ries •la sed of 6sI and threw blot e W Dfra+t taxes are imS en landed pro Mistress - Did you ask for milk �Y Semen la to he nailed wit Aatbnrlei Ole by arabjwete 'Chsra- y. rag
Ilve stock. oo■tmeree brandI f1 tuft aline-sailk, while the sewspSOstn fan wMm the fsraily n[ a irticM'thr°b lived fit Saoagl M� t, star• or Av"t of � G t Net
sIM 1►y •helot, whites nail, btsto•d by bU fatiery ttN i� t ten the perrtionuotlola li ill oc of fleshy, �atk-Tea mile. amottlet . sr/arsM p�twssriytir0: trot slippers after hem ther ■nose t1Mt /18th) stra wts ease om is t� 'efW.. way, with besdaflt�tMA at
Ilatpeto. it vtom toward this tiled lacy erswso rolled ese�OR thw d �ptigages, stn - Isdlreat Janes What a miserable little leaf they tills sfafisOaaft la ta►ti er Startling a rembuM all Authority meet kwv. Us .". I �s t Tl I'm pnmih!os for py Infill ►�
1AhKAmS tAdr foeW eptt, 0oWlas aft- Lgsd roe asauvt&si 1 b11N L os. Bel of tbt t.awm,
j 1�t� "Qfat U thief fi&ti yar ast0 atatal- solo/ freta terve ■Imports art{oles of Sava>re1. �s brad lbs
k Gt 1% tin Aitc a w++ fist fn tbn r' said tea old wan 1s a t mbling etsrS■rsptb0, to le, bridge and ferry Yes, g0_fs l It9 agy opbTee moat, iia tr in A Ing q)O to keep ree Amall au lippm - , they d to titres Sdher. o t ��o* tiro st /hr Gr,st tfis►tbOra
.; IAol[ hili/ Stetiaus. voi0e. dos. iter revenue for 1[N and iMP tbat ti" _ higher W tatting eosdensed wv tram �yhat 1.11 etf� as' tea tr.e bar the allpPwrtt tbev used to spao[r t*L Monklieads a,ias _ 41MAT .BRPf All
► 9'11& letlisr 4.,y taaly rirft}fusd Hd Ilton• la t fvResttl, little bt&1-' wM tl'11,7TI,4 Mr ex ----- t>r>� gel trfib 1n, glia tgafl■B, baba's trLg kat vrith tta0 Tke loath steanovr irela
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