The Signal, 1898-3-25, Page 7a iz1VR/AL NOTSS.
A. notftisg is more certain tine that
rt•lic reseeroh will pot M abandoned
Zoog as the pole r*meiw uadleoov-
d, ennoweos sect that name aspsdl-
ioss wilt sot out during the coming
mimeo, all with the pole as their oe-
tive point. la not stutter for 'or-
ris- Tbe tint and meet Important
these is that of Lieutenant Peary,
rations for wtlob have been prao-
liy oumpleted by the gift to the
later of the ship Windward, epee -
designed tor Arctic cruising, end
by Mr. Jsokaoo in his work in
tzberltea. Mr. Peery's plan la to
in July. and proceeding by the
wed ooset of Greenland as tar as pue-
blo by ship. to load with his two
Mons and provides' tor,*ve
years.8izteen Eskimos. with their
dep, sledges and equipment, will than
be added to the party. aad advent.
(Made by Iasi to Ma northernmost
point of Greenland, whence as soon am
favorable opportunity occurs. • dash
willies made across the ion tor the pole.
f'soleie of pre -widow will be left along
tee land routs for nee on the return
trip. end the vessel which carries the
party north/ward will visit the toast
every year until it finds the explorers
wince it BMW tem.
•...,+Rr ...ya,...... ...
I .4itt A COCHRAr "
�� ter two evils ot, you roast
t the two evils ot Ptak and
deet, 1 first by •nferuing tub. laws,
aad the a.eead be putting a stop to
the woklesseales et the lawn broker-
ing system Tis' Monte de Pieta, et
Pasts, is a bsttsr system than •ay�-
thiag we lows lute. The free tateni-
gsnos offices se conducted la sons s1
the western states are • stop le the
sleet met dir .tloa of putting • *toe, W
hipsa psrth, The Society to Prevent
Pauperism in Boston works oa this sye-
lee•Yng seat with the question of
poverty Dr. Bale said that wbat.ver
relief la extended so good is done •
man unless sometbing is dose at the
mine time to make him better. The
speaker declared that everything de -
panda upon tbe spirit of sympathy with
which it is done. "Oppose your wis-
dom to Us folly; your strength to
his weakness, and year lite to his de-
spendeacyJ' mid Dr. Hale. "Seriously
oonalder whether you are here simply
to neve your own soul or to Wilt to
save others. Tbe troth b, you
find. that the bemoan raoe is the indi-
vidual. and. If we live in that common
life which 1 have indicated, we shall
kelp each other and shall b neutaally
belied •"
During the reign of James II. then
were many leatanoes of devotion te
ttr oases of political and rellgli„1i
faltb, but the dartag deed el QtIssU
Coobrsa beers the palm for romantic'
sdveature, deeperlte overage aad fil-
let lore. air James (boleros, an salter -
oat of the Pretender, was captured,
lodged In the Tolhootb, the chief prise
ea of Edinburgh, on the third of July,
1E16, and condemned to die. Ile was
allowed to .see no member of hta tam-
lly exoept his daughter, Grtsell, •
delicate girl of eighteen.
A abort time before the death -war-
rent was expected by the privy coun-
cil of the city, Griaell informed her
tallest that she should not see him
for several days, is .0. had seine im-
portant matters in hand. Klsing her
father, she lett the cell with these sig-
nificant words: "U,eneember, 1 ton •
At that Uma tt took the London mail
two weeks to reach Edinburgh, and
Grisell had determined to lat.rcept the
post -bearer on the border. With this
daring intent and • pair of smell pis-
tols, the brave girl set out. dressed as
1 servant girl, to Halt the home of
her old aurae, who lived at Belford.
clone te- be,ksed.r.
This faithful woman gave her the cos-
tume of a young man, which the girl
pot on and crowd the border. Just
beyond Belford, Oriee11 stopped at as
inn to await the arrival of the MaII-
carrier from London, who was then due
at the place. .Calling the boaters, the
girl asked for a glass of water, to the
surprise of the berthas, who wished her
to take ale.
' Have you • well sear t I will pay
for water as for ale," said ,went Grisell, andnd
the wotnss eat out to get her w
she v, Shed, first striae. "Be pie
to keep as quiet as you can, for there
is poe askep in yonder room whom I
would 111 like to waken. Mind you, my
pretty lad, do not touch the postman's
pistols there„ pointing to the table
where they 1•y. With this warning the
woman went out. Grisell's heart gave
a great throb. Through f
ugh th� iif-ophe eo
door she caught • glimpse
ed mail -bags
A se.ond eepeditioa will leanre the
Casted States al aLeut the same time
%Leder the lead of Mr. Wafter Wellman
wb several SIM limbed to push
pdeeerd from 8titakeziaa, but will
lave Frans Joest Lasater its base of
oper•Gots. Landed -tame me tzOm -]Nor-
way. the wooers& plea of advance will
resemble that upon wbloh Lieutenant
Peary will proceed u Greenland. Mr.
Jackson's odd quarter at Cape Flora
bong Deed as • base. end Mr Wellman
dal five coml'an►es-Nor tmeal
seed walrus hunters -pushing
on .
dogs and dodge, to Cape Fligely. There
ohrwanstereedibiserrewt. and the rush
yolemard made. It towable. during the
following spring. under, sus tar as
known. practically the mime condi-
tions as that. ot Mr. Peery. though tb.
Tame* -11r he teeetwsed wilt be one
bullied MING longer. or five hundred
as' fifty WOW as Sealant four hun-
dred and fifty.
The third expedition. that of M. God-
erd the well -knower French aeronaut.
• a anew al et M. Andree's attempt
4t toter discovery through aerial nav-
igation. and hsn as one of its objects nay °�
genal, for sad lbs possible, rescue of j aV.r., talking tenenntly. At length
entree and hie two companions. His Orissll felt it wan time to act.
•My 1.4.nd." ab. III", taming ssd-
rol.,-t continues that of Hyrialte and kep11 1 have takes those
mos. fixed for 1892. but *tendon-
111 have
ed and contemplates the addition to
1 11 a of • number of email-
erhaeh he hopes,
Sprmg is Here
Are Tea Beady far the °hangs te warmer
11.N'e ys•eeoAsla sem Meow Pill Voss
In glees Or.M•
It is ditti tilt for tae eyeteen to ad-
just itself to the change from cold to
warmer weather. That is why Hood's
BareeparUla la model ,new. 1t is
wonderful to see what this `rent tar
dicta. can .000mpliah at this mo-
tion It expels all impurities
A Crippled Shadow.
glA..e■ wua sbewsatt.r M clseed N
s rats •lr*eY.w Yeetew - greeters lid
■e.Nutl Treatment retied le R.Ip air
- ay. Williams' Flak P111s sealers
Malin aad strewslb.
Stepping softly to -tee Motels, els
quietly uncharged them. Then She
crept Into the room where the deeper
lay, and tried to move the leathern
hags without arousing dm.0.could t be ldo
heavily across
nothing. She decided to follow timon
the road. Paying the hostess
letreobinent, Grisell left tbe inn and
west forward on the post route. Be-
tween Belford and Berwick the mail-
.arrier came up with her, and loth
ed on t ether for eons dir
from the blood, I5S' i it rtcb, pure
and nourtrhing. It over comes the an Eden. Muob of the nursery of
languor and deprassloa so gen • cal muton married life V due to Corns. Putnam•e
appetite, then sad comes. 11t °ren os ad the Extractor is cure. painless. and prompt.
stomach and digests* erases aad pre- I CrOOD OLD 'f1SIF:S.
vents fevers and other serious diseases TtHT
to which • weak sad debilitated eye,
tam 1e ao Itabl. in spring. It.
t.roful groat
oozes of all Wood disease*,
salt rheum. bolls, mores and humors
prove it to be the best blood purifier
and spring aedkins.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
J 0 satiee Greaten. Mediates Gell
druggists. It : sin for M• Qet
y esti
NEW UDE FOR LAWYERS. IYou are wooed better by • specialist tbaa
Etlevant, the A,nservhist, who recent- a jacket ail trades -
17 murdered p.Paris policeman mad ONSOON.wonadd two others, lima found out • stiO/S
um for lawyers. Having refused to de
tend hlmeelt or employ a lawyer, the IVI 1101111 .11111LOrl VIIIA.
Court aeigued one to take cbarge of to pet up by *racialists, 35, 35. leo, so rod
tb 401SDOil. $Hoven t would bawl „jo Araoari. he kid Pio halo, Only*
tape to do with him, declaring -- ` --�'
he wished to be condemned to dee LeHurls
tilt the lawyers explained that no
jug could bring In • verdict involyi•sg
capital paniahunent unlearn • defense
was made; whereapou Etisvant accept-
ed this services.
IN Tour Wife Ill -Tempered
Examine her feet. and It she hon
coma buy her Putnatn's Painless Corn
Extractor •t Nome ,.ill ►hen become
Proof upon proof accnmuiafee that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pim is the
est -
medical diaoov.ry told con-
trary. and the tol'owing story
the grateful patient's owe words again
int ntlatee time dabs that they curs
when otber medicines fail. monu-
that I am a living proper-
tiesof the wonderful curing 1 -
ties of Ur. Williams' Pink Pills,
deem it my duty Sts a grateful man to
give my tuttimooy for the aid of such
es are •ftlioted as i was. I aur � idept
of the village of Vittoria,
have lived in the town or neighbor-
hood all my lite and am therefore
known and wbat I say can he easily I rattled Wiwi Meeh Nairly
proved Rtrr yearn 540 twee dvioi- Manes t a os si, termist, wads
- at . t�aiig�ltec'
Hood's Phis elutes 4.
a fannyto
bags of yours, end I mast ° w
"If you mean to make merry net my
expense," said the astonished carrier,
u are welcome , but you
WU* (looking tip from a book'
What do you think of thief In the lirae
of this Ptolemies a wlta was always
given full control of her huatand's
ifu.bend-Y-e-e; but In those days
the fashions never changed.
" Qulckcure " w armed and dropped
from a spoon into the ear. will cure
earache. It acts like • charm.
An !eland, 1t is antsasnaTM Paris.
brie enddeoly **,peered on the sortie -
west coact of Borneo, opposite the
town of LI ova. Its appears.aoe apo
years to be due to Ithe earthquake
which happened in Septembeerr near
dat, In Br(tleh Borneo
composed of slay and rusk. It meas-
ures WO yards la length by 60 in
width, and It. has gone on increasing
alaaa-ftp ii�anre.
Mr. James PaddoU, Viciously, As -
faulted by a ?lame Assailant
Yilur- Buys -
jo f.
W�M,eta Termite. Mono OW -
Ugliest Market Valle
r.Ie 7.0
RAW Wee and SIM,
oft Seen' Wax. linew.e. ee►
W,'edeeemPs" . IiOses
e.e. new • reldtp.
Wisteule renew
SW et. ool
elesu.a. Nos.
Why do you permeet in calling Mtge
er, the Lawyer, Old Necessity I - .
Beeman he knot., no law.
-..,Meenkeeles mads with " QN Cure "
spread over the nose. will suppress col
Ln the t�dreducing n a surprising
the mucottr membrane. .y
Ssster, OW. Arrive. Pigott, ditto to
s tWSW
MtMW-Domini o.uoo.00e
r 11.400.000
Haan Orrtcs-aTOMOWITO ST.. TO toNTO
Beseee Oaloe-Wiewirsu, Kos.. ger
Ver 000vea, B.O.
The ample nsourese of tale ('.moan
Its Utreotare to make.dt•.o0e so I1.s1 K
without dela,. at low rata of interest. sad ea
we meat tavo,abl• terms et rep�a-yment. Louie
rim. and •ed L15t7 roperUsa rovaid rams n Morort°°ges and
Munteipal Debeotiree 1'uroheeed.
epotoeiloos mull be received at the onions of
the t ompme r.
Mes•aled Dieeetor, Tenwb.
"etbetWILLAnu, i
/OANOee a.
1 •11122.12. nordoo who was ter tl y1ew he, pt,VW
V ...rly ready. niroaotwn by ' talc
�, a0eararf. a. ee14
tit wll.n i! t lru•. and n•■tte-r
1116 IIiCa. Outfit w J
N tHeam.n argregaga,
81.000 Tons.
Qj, • , 500 tray w tib
mule .h4 to
• w..a w leo
ea with as lartt•lly rarely sed �7
rheumatism, rind after
the care of two ply
tuui�, to die. I wasted to shaman sl-el-
eWa ; nothing more than a crippled ne of our well-
.badow. 1' loot the sr et my limbs sank. was made -ae.,P_.
entirely and food was given me by • known citizens heretreeeteII6.'i'litt7fer
spoon. Life was not worth living and tim to Mr. James Psddon. and the at-
sarb an oilstones was Indeed miser- tack was very
n� determined
eotan staunch
able. Thais I seated the end to come , oma. B,y
--an end of bninin suffering too awful `and true friend. however. he manag-
to depict. As a last resort I was
p1T I d to el de ict hbeton heh of
Ms sustained
goaded by my tdends to try i
treatment in the General Hospital La i serious injuries, that caused him great
Toronto, sad alter spending several , suffering. Mr. Psddon's assailant utas
weeks there castle home disheartened that bans of the age Kidney Disease.
and even worse than before. While aad the friend that rendered such val-
wttthi la the Innes of in. dts- `wit's help is Podd's Kidney Pills.
minx and ready to died llleard afL-,Mr. Paddon suffered for a long time.
Dr. !Mains' Pink Pills and et the with severe backache and pain in his
effected Wblls stomaoh sad k(dsMpa. There were otb-
marvellous cares they 1 er toms of Edney Disease pre -
wise prevented
that thele would care paist an
tuns prevailed upon to take them. The ..ant and knowing' what the end would
Is unless the complaint
otteot was marvelous. onloou ' sines nighFor two t's s 1.y °bucked. he began to Meere prompt-
Dodd's Kid -
the main .a oo yuan I had not eejo7 Pills.
rwr•oir. hsllonas. w 1t era la rust and I then slept a sweet nleep,syy
o 0. med like haven to ms- 1 rs5 i He used two bozo. le all and they
.til enable Min to remain afloat for earnest Ism ready for you. And which see
vlyd, could est and gradually grow Aired him completely. Fie a naw en-
eomV•oton. Griesll did not know stcoa�or and as I gained .trengtb m7 joaink as good health u be ever did,
too s questmenthe or more. and so to polar took out a pistol and levelled 1t at his strong tiring increased 1 have takes thanks to Dodd'■ Kidney Pills alone.
le hu great. s large arra of the polar I whether the pistols had been recharged,1 seem • are no' Dull Times" for disease
is tar enough forty-one boxes, width may There are s" f a bus
1 sen ed t ballooning tint she Vat 14 y u t front large qusntity to some. but be It re- and death. They 1 y.
of saoo.sil W I I have told yon the troth -i must inhered I had taken many times They never want for victims. But
•Lanced u glue' invasion.
has given man • way et
you wilt not its p•rra•ded, what ran their value (pother medicines � doctors -
soother such invasion. of the Breed I have that of Mail.. She said .toady. "If been declared thenincubed by
banishing the most dealt. forma of dig
yolynla is doubtful, but this general ehpnep and abs present. is I now able to undergo ease -Kidney troubles -and of resisting
de 1 know the tate of Andrew, and {
tlldser p%11 . West to a1. Assist
anew - gew We is as Rett u
Ryer Me Wee.
Mount Forest -A most daring as-
insigneanmmMMsara tMMmim
••ti MmaMMMeammem umm
sense mstarrsrawsammmmme
Ask Somebody.
We don't send out a lot of cut and
dried '•te.timoniale." Such things are
trot proof. But If you went to learn
wkstt -Is thaasbt K the Page fencing,
friends lel
ask lour nefg�bord. your
other countries, everywhere. Some
them will have used or seen the Pegg
--it la the universal fence.
you want some illustrated advert•
Nig matter. aod a tisarriptive pricer
(fat, apply to our local dealers, or 14
tea direct.
Loyd Fair -Steamship G.;. , u
Montreal to Liverpool.
Steamer, will eve y Saturday G-" ordeal 1.
trains from Toronto eel tee wee .ba
tot ook.
______._- .._
sterna or rAOO'AO>•
casts nem and upwards. Second Cabin
156 -arid satTIM ltr Weems* w L IT...pool.
1o.4• , the gew Belfast, Londonderry or
Q,ssa.Wwe Otto and Tat&
A rsdueticS of fro• per oen. to allowed to
round tr, I1r.r send moose oabta tickete. For
snoopof s�•.mes or ether Information apply
to eaautho ised agent.
E. learitet. 1 Ltag et Dr. Toronto.
er i . dt A. alms. woatreml.
Fattier -You know that my daughter
le e finiersed elocutionist i
Sul tor -Yea. I'm -nor foolish sn-
ttugh to expect perfection.
TOAD, r.aa.
I. . to !Suet now owl c
wyr.nud t. POWs t►Mr leant T�n-
avd.e. tbli aan0lees ewe. wo will wed row ret to
pe ,.iet.ut1.l rot/ all .000•.1.1. tattoo iso AM&
IIIn. Proo.m'0 Larf.r. oe recdJJrt �, fD411o1. yAMy
ywnslI vlkls sa.a•yea .Y It emM im
r. ,ewes tlr..y a w. efts
`tlk1I.71ro• TACT.
And so Arizona Ibe allot lbw phren-
plogtst f
Yep. When the performs was (sel-
ln' of hoe's bumps, the'stoathad no
stwra sense ' S- 1i1;.h__,
'-p 0912
r -
dot So now, 'n result am
ed s idstot at bis bead. hard Physical exercise. All m1 larg. the attacks of death sueceeufully. Dodd's
"Tyre blood be on year own head!" ole of friends and acquaintances
Kidney Pills positively care all types
n o
Mauro tM aeronaut
cls of Kidney Dimities. and his rogspanlon the good wishes of cried the min N he fired. Thos dr w welcomed me beck in their midst and This has been p
fldtssh in the yo ! in a rage life seems real again• The fact La he- ed tboassnds of times, and is now un-
iversally all question that Dr. Williams'
hersally admitsted. Rheumatism. Luca -
Pink Pills u • last and only mod D4betea. Dropsy,
in coaching tbu o, Female Obtuse., etc., speedily
0w , emradoe will
Oil for his undertaking. It is Do
nearly eight months since Audrey set
aid in his balloon from Dane's island
to Ind for the pole, rid the land on
t0 other dids of the polar testa. but
since be passeAf,yyond the horizon out
of the eight of men nothing has been
heard of ben. Me airship was suppoe-
i,d"td ie capable et thatietiior omouth
be bad tour m't..
oattUilit pltll of provi-
*0n. a hoe., wgs and firearms,
end mesas. he tell from mid air upon
the iso er cpm .ea.. hs should bave •
te•eeliiMe obance of persnnal safety.
"1 happen to know how closely pity
b akin to love," declared the prosper-
ous merchant to some of bin cronies
who were enjoying his hospitality is
the library. " I can draw upon per-
sonal experience and am not left to
the uncertainties of theory.
"At 22 1 was as trove -lora a youth
as ever heaved a sigh or wrote dog-
gerel ditties. 8be edict pretty" end
limpet and smart, and all that. i wan
big and awkward and undeveloped.
But no one was ever hit harder. 1
monied, was never happy out of her
sight sad robbed my sleep to tulle
"rustles in the air with berm the pre-
siding princess. Girls are always more
mature and wirer iet that time of life.
ant she was toieraet and coasider•te.
for blind devotion from any man is
flattering to any W0011111 -
the other pistolanresame d fired again, with
the me resremelt. Throwing hl
the ground. he tried to drag the sup-
posed youth from the horse. but Gets -
ll was too quick. She seised the ase
and putting spare to her bores, d
eel forward. When • safe distaaos had
been pseud, she oyeeed the hags and
destroyed the fateful document.
Grisell Cochr•n's brava deed was moos
tho re-
suultvnwaslloverth Scotland.
para n�was granted
to her father. Her only explanation
of her courageous conduct wan the
simple .tatemest, "i am a Cochran!"
provedsuety disease
t G sad saved me
ti m7
yield to them.
from a lite ot misery and pain. Again Dodd's Kid•ey Pills aro sold by all
I say r a g»reeconmmeend man that. I thl remarot k-- -bxegiets 50. for /will be sencents t on receipt
box. six
too strongly of pr e2••
•.' • tp •Il tallow beings who o[ price. by The Dodds Medicine Co.,
able medkln
ars afflicted with this terrible DAVIS.
_ 1• United Toronto, Ont.
The above tertissos7 is signed in
,lir. Gadd -I sawr husband oat the
street yesterday. He looked very
emn, I thought. Has be got religion?
Mrs.; it's only dywpepnia.
TepioM of ttteCm or 1bta0O. i r
ris flstT. M sus of Oslo.
Every cars is surprised at the rapid Luau o(IN so
t and et[ieacy will which NervillDe- , INANE J. Deux! T makes oath that N t. the
l C s�gv a
Rev. IM. Seward Everett Rate MT. lbw
loner u a 101.ea...
In a moot paper Edward Everett
Hale declared that pauperism is &dis-
ease, and tbat it can be abolished as
slavery was •boliehed, or as diphtheria
is going to be abolished.
There is an aleolate dl%tinfliOn, be
paid, between 1.•aperl.m and pover-
ty. In general terms, he claimed, we
are all poor, all dependent. more
lees, e on the other,
t. civilised oommnrtity, he said, there
should is no pauperism
of Jesus glut the poor shall not re
from the land Means that we shall
hear pante other's burden and bslp one
Taking up the sel.jeot of pauperism,
he claimed that by properly organised
effort pauperism as a etat0 class con
he rotted, In part, be said that to this
end there should he a department of
city government alw•y at work to
" Time sad again 1 bad flied a time
for proposing, but mr courage would
Dose as fog yields to the 5110. aad ebo
a to-tful w*y of c g the sub-
Met whenever my )*as head -
toter! the tatefnl gawtttion. But
evening. the crisis "came with en
resistible rush. I bane no idea of
hat 1 amid, bit I p'ropo.ed end
toed earl ewers that my 'lite wee
the balsam. 80. refused 111 41516"
ay women tem ender such ermine
&Does. 1 visa egesta11y wrecked for
he time. ltushi.g lath the isalt 1 boat-
(' into the old geatleman'r hat, her
roth.r't ovsreeet, and her so.ber's
,shots, sM..d her to abrelle aad
acted, as fumy a booking abject al
made up for the stage.
Pit* leak, laughing tbtorltl
r■. beipeg me to rapiers toe a1ol-
pro catty, flUed me a deer: lentil&
y and mai ale Sete tbss parlor
"Rhe a *sow In tbo Peet erp,a p1a7-
w Ith the eLlldtars "
Dutiful Daughter -Pa; may I marry
Mr. Clinks f
Pa -What Cliokel That young ban-
aweejt clerk who iae-
DaugNter--No. pa. I mean Mr. Clinks.
this only eon of Ranker Clinks
Pa -Mercy, yes l Marry him at oars.
Don't let him escape.
P. B. Bee out • •d" in neat issue.
rd Tires..:.�_:
Vim Tires...
.RANCI4U t -
wlaeser Motel Steck -Moment
Wiselpen Robber Co. -Winnipeg.
oats Ops.. mat Menet Ile IIsi.
UR factories are first-class.
We cannot afford to pay
feemoil•se Moen fust -claps
wages to make second or
third class goods, We won't make
• cheap, inferior product. We have
competition enough now from unre-
liable tires without adding to it our -
A a1rt wa1 brio roue .nr r!W
7rtMM► luau. �iilwortb .rftteaS.F
read toes guaranteed and repaired free.
TORONTO TON 00., atW.. roseate
Magnetic Ointment.
t;siInsares i SW =law
Ie•sf.�Mi Wised•yw• golf
Dealers at SS ase 40 easel.
Dominion lino Steamships
Montreal aad frisbee to LiveF11* se
Perused to Liverpool In . Lire jY
twin ecnw stearniOSN La
eeever,' ' Ibmteten '0
' ootnm•e. Yorkshire:
s. r ►ocommot1aUos for First CsbIn. Sao
on i Oabin sod Storage p; 5. cs n4 Osble. 041 ol
-glue andble, a�
oerarn �!. and upws,ds mosoralsy to
steamer a Meth. For all t.torinattoe apy
b Loral or DAVID Ton; neo. r. CO..
Q151 Agnate. 17 56. Sacrament s0. Montreal
Nas. 'feu Seen It 1 1 I Cas You so tt t 111
The New e. N. Puzzle 1111 I
10. now faselsrMi wm..1lb. /ay. K ION YYK t
How To 515.0•
Goldpie T
ywhere.Agents wasted. hind 504
ea Cside
olaOers ht.. - Mestresl. goo.
C. P. R. has cat the railroad
•••,t•0. We have nuttbp prkee
of our %lid Mills, Pumpy.s,,
,Aewtng Moohpinp . Gunn. 81.
eyelee end Hardware. Seel
for pt lean before purcbsene and says
TIN Mari lr r M Ce.,
I y nerve -pain rare -relieves neural;ta •rotor p,rteer of the arm of fie
W't1fT3Q71 tesusoRT_ -
Florida of the North --Rist from snow and the Cold North..
Atlantic City, N. J. ``'�••t.
nasal Oagamspimi/.. 10 l,�se>w7 D.•aviae.
�► ---
1 iii 1�'
ROOF 1 N C atalsd�ylRel CELT*. Werke.I. Sista
F. x
t5. send that old arm aOd or dke.n a .4T0, n1.A•'hPOAR1,11 Ise. wgelse
for rhettmst pains
s and ins is a seek pt Coast, and State eeressla• ,,4 ( of dd dem Nieto .w tile. v.+nri• T'?' "-' n,..hni rdt r�•eb.
toe all pains and ebould W key
will tar the eel .� ON1R t1UNDREO DOG coo T.r to tR O N. eTTrlo1i1, �t.. o y 112,14
0o bund by every family. of CATAwaw Isamu T 4,4.1 sent. e
relit the use K Seto* t t••• .( ta. o.,rn ser Pena.
and LAWS ter emelt ase every ase enn .,. • . „r
eaneoe be cu h N.. ttko.te, Orsi+ for 17th
Sot I
Loma al wee, a t mnameeei.=*erem•e•
Osvassa Costa rRANY J CRO�TIT -._
How ran a ms. t.11 when be le real-
ly la love.t
Well -a man i.. eal in or sleep,
hs thinks he doesn't
Swore to before ms and w MLed a
pr•se.ue. this nth day of L) ests0er A. u. Itgg
so .e (rotary nettle
il.d'sOatmrrb pars le tskeet Ie0r°alb. sad
YOU OWE IT eats y os tie lite,( sad re e•s
reel( end your Creator to keep_ Ktb°q°tei' Piing ys
F. J. ing f o DT ti 00.olids.e. 0
1'O ou
well. In many
excellent enlightened
with so many
our command, no man can be exeuled
leering to raaiatain his systema
H•tn 7bama1l pl9e •[e Ibeb.R
for a.g word. are More la the
1 perfect uoaditi»R -Year M asst•. How teas!
twat regulatorsnd ton btit'.t I dont know, 7 •
stomach, liver Med kidneys tela 8EflV01) COLD.
ever used. Note the 1 relreMRr I r;
your what
refunded if Celery ging is not tfM > horeaee• teat
is for the � i�: sat your mother.
see that l;sailterhm ht being suggested the
derress•,d, One of merle first tbisgr to {will create in 7 IS mita 1 Baleful -1 wonder ba
rd over tie sensitiveness that it 1.5 days' ass• Lame name of 1M S•ndr w Islands?
do is she is of children011*. tram at all k br sending
sddrwia topackage
ootid-' Doleful -Probably the tate of the
"rhe NQ mothers, gt•iRgi seat Ifo is sending Teroat°. Canada.. missionaries who were sent there.
Naw► I
ward IisANrtne Co..
titest'Inelbeld tbs privileges of orphans.
"Ile provide se much better for the
orphan," said Dr. Dale, "than for these
loot waits who oigbt to be horn to
aometblag hotter thea their pare ate
ever knew Or experienced:'
"Deddies earstnr►rg for� rim he•ltb of the
ehlldres," cost Dr. Hale, "you
rust teach t00ea t toss of their beads,
aad, la oddities to ties trsi D Lt to
destry in an e ;wisest" am
of 'artist cIre dose by prope of orO.-
'Weed-effort, be rite* the f►•
010 of the Jewish inssaigrests landed
is the NOM England agates shortly
after 1115 * .lsI n of. the two from
Rawl*. 'rnwy Iwo* un51le to sj*sk
tiM�iy. and ..Ulla u le to m.iOtsis
tlw. s•Tvo' for • tlerN, Mot Owe of Ow=
got into he jour house during the two
year* fel tmr1tyt light arrival bete.
Aoattnsi iR, i5r. Hale. r onti need : "He.
Plow deep and stir up the selsotl to!
let in air and water aod to amble that:
trete to get hold .t the plant food
whkeh lies deep la the mutt. Practice
dblellew oultiv°tipa so astoretitle
re rettitler
water y the e adl
lakMr o1 the soli treatise roar or
Nese OUSriess
saga* vows w..
No.waae recta oo., te.asre. emu?
Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service.
The TIIAYMORE is one of the longest established beech front hotels
r Atlantic City. t and refined class ofevisilto s. Write for all informatys the continued ion.
D. S. WHITE. Jr., Owner & Proprietor.
rmisl, R1ISS.-Wer111 out claire
tenon agcollot Net In half . we li nos a•
hove lb best end moot pnetloat f.
earth. r mil s Of it 1. as ions Itzperl-
Addt•1 G°elQh RptKiss aw' .
IllBrew . ��
Agastd waslWd 1• iatr.dp" .007
MUSIC 1 °• eel tori"'
WOW WNW MST, es Aloft St moors&
in tnp.tA .• I)•r11 a w lgrer
I Aganb mimed* lasrsdeee
csuWae ••4 t W
mail prepaid lg.r• "••e S
Tewa - with reale, for, t estu. r air.
ppslM Mash Nret, r slogs.
a.a 1NW-Steel. (VALI f Rebel
set a Il rad y1 u'sa rig
Megye+ring. theMs4:III wesn.ea.
�p pe his:a tl.gslea Nil ieem writ. ter
saseheree- rower Ord.1e. lw.Wanpell., Intl r e A
enk °.piper. hm at potatoes - Accept No Substitute tor ea otter file erop hoe sat. Dont coati-
deep manure
so a. toe lead t�t••
Got M.naft onto the lead es edea t I& L'_DBLLA
are amt after IL is mad*. 161mst rosette
are lead. It i attained easier
spreading kill
a grarstt CEYLON 'TEAe
le the field ~Use by o f the
menace in tial yard and lean fertility V gM tltreer elEs armee .allmfs/t/aL la Lama Postage& S M M see ata
OVmr SOO arm Nat as it le iNarptlto1.
Over 1000 ho Torogto ■44 Logaoge
Removes Dandruff in One Week.
Cures Itching of the Scalp.
Prevents Breaking of Hair.
Stops Falling Out.
.. .sen 4: , ' lam'
.._ y. Pd.--�,-