The Signal, 1898-3-25, Page 5t HARDWARE 1 THE SIGNAL t : hiODERICR ONTARIO.. ,,; ►,r. = RSI cosi aro OUR NSW SPRING STOOK lurO GENERAL DRY GOODS, RNISHINa8,8FREADY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING, MEN'S TWEEDS, ETC. haYe nearly all arrived, which for quantity, quality and value are the icon in the country, and we cordially invite every man, woman and give nen a call and investigate the truth of this statement. No boomd ch dto s bankrupt stocks, no bargain days, no bean guessing competition et our money to get your dollars, but anything you buy here you g y back if the goods aLe not as represented to you. Come in and see ut we will uee yon right, and won't urge you to buy if we can't please and satisfy you. EsT.JAS.A.REID 9 S. 3. REID, Mier. BORN. C1 >i dleof WWept/mid, es . H. Campbell. ••i.afsst . the ARNOLD. R. D. '' hof hit Merck 1S,_the wifeI sea' DIED. 111.1.1R -is Ma et jdoQoek Tuesday. less widow of the late Robert Blair. rHE TALK OF THE TOWN. r -- 1H the tbl eaNotoboolc fir wvw i iiilii a!y Meths s OM, lb NMI Se a dhlilre Way ie -1151-11.0111114.- he Mem* f>r.° sees M pre w•ia•a.•A7 ss ietas=. asEmwst raked yeti !et *et, make .0 . • w .la- ude pease a sad vlawe la FINE SHOES SPRING WEAR. SOME WINTER NEEDS. 10 CENTS MOO U( Y OUR THROAT 3• , 1 AAAT1l,tK WITCH HAUM AND GLT =>=E l0e JELLY. feetemp,.[\ With the advent of Spring the thought of New Footweat will suggest itself. Associated with it the fact that here at this store can be secured the best in Shoes for the least money, and at the same time a selection from the Largest and Beet Assorted Shoe Stock in Town. If we are aders in the Shoe Trade, and prices like these confirm anything, leadership more than anything we can say: Ladles' (i.saln Dossels EM mattes Boob. McKay stews. eke' 24 te 7,111-* Ladies' Hid Oxford., Tossed Belie, Patent Tip, size. 24 to 7, 86 oasts. Men's Glove Calf Imes Beate. M.Eay sewn. • 26. .. 0.e to wheel wes Ithe work d tl••om the stook book AEW ap . yet .$ was k. sad why millers is tis went .ad of W Provisos Gave yNtebeeees. HOIra.T Peen& -The following wain trout show the Mall ..d Empire of • r in ot shows Mo- vers.sr old awesome dA b o- ters Add , Thomas M.OWiee y, Ostark) D.p•rtmwt of £tUi..ltar.. le again ea the I.oturt0R pl•tiorm, after ea stetson of *bent two years. Oa Thursday swam be delivered se iatere.tur leisure c• tie Pads -Ow well knows soollitHelen, male a strias .1 perch w Marley. brae tM IM reeekt by rod •ad We this masa ST. GEO. PRICE We do Reseir.na West side of Square, THE PERFECT EMULSION Of COD LIVEN OILOIWITH A ..thm iia LOS AUQ3aD1 COLD CREAM •. WS- .,a dna oars 00 per cess .sou 4Aa. Just the Wag to ao\r1sh aria ♦MONDOM CREAM. Ise else shay -10. sstrene.,,.t hen ter `te; he lags. 0.0 $a.lO. COLD IN TOUR HEAD- 10. doe are advised to take It la taw W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. Est./aw's Red bleed PW. -Teale sed Bleed DetYk a- ealy s6..; 6 fes 400. and all Ends d Goderich, Ordered work. "finny ?thole." in the 0ielsatoo .yes. IS tenant. t1:.:g. and *rime:alio asdysee. all beteg delighted with the u• trieaffe es sehjaat the of every description. 7 a large,bright show room -the entire ancon :.-. figs .--. -T0,t .142'a ed before brought to (lodericb, and ig BraclsL S-Speciil sale of over 9001 k1 ed bow ® 66 eta. oe Tuesday. The balsam will be sold tbIfollewbg days for 46 sad 36 00 . K. B. 8.itk. Lamm Osarros.-Oet ear eaters the Phials r.atsar•sWo s rasa, where yes as always rely apse M them frisk ; we M the envie Wigs& C. 00.btesa. Ea 0000** Dy. -Theme 0M tiwY wheel 10 sew es the gad slreh*th el market, ulro.k't sad pedal •r. segs. -bo .ao\Id give it the Ent Se waft whim's. CARPETS! CARPETS ! WETS! ! ntsal, Marsh 36, 1698• - We have peeved that ADVERTISING PAY! for the last two wears we have teen calling special attention to our OPTIGIL DBPLB` semi air et.soG 4,-. a'•. " Mart wit__ glasses in that time than in all *Moth mora Where the eyes are diseased, Spec- tacles cannot be properly fitted. We have special facilities for de- termining whether the trouble arises from disease or from defective vision. In the latter case we guarantee to fit you perfectly ; while if there be disease, we will advise you, that yogi may have the eyes properly treated be- fore buying glasses, that would be oi little, if any use. Remember, we guarantee satiafs - or refund your money. The Best Spring Medicine and Tonic c ■001 OOMPOUND Excyr of -SARSAPARILLA. LARGE BOTTLES - 50 CENTS. stats ONLY DT F. M. DUNHAM, - Chemist & Druggist. The question of Carpets and Cartaine is of uppermost importance in al most all households, hurried a little, perhaps, by the unusually early heralds of Spring and Summer. BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, AXMINSTER and WOOL CARPETS. ase au manner la which it I B three es the largest choice of Carpets eve ...t Bet the Hang BuyeM club was bolo floor. hMa .•ealsr. [tee •tte\dener b•taR es y innat necessitate Large Salsa, Ys After the meal formal bonnier W bees kas5act.d, the elation of officers 1.r the year 1808 woe proown:d with, the Wowing boar dented for the present terms. D. McGUlicudd president, Oliver Myna, vice peva; D anatas secy. ; G. Mororb, treas. ; D. Mo011lbaddy, D Mynas, 1) Johan's. 0. M.Cenk, H. Smith, W. Mc- Cready, 0. F. lbmeresa.ezeesaye commutes. D, D. Great. J. Oaths, P. Welters, Bathos Lar e Buyin Dna rs W w tee .mar olid Ind bets Leaksresi dist.,, Mr. sad era 18. Class sol lost leis gob d•.aggmter. seed a years,• as steak a dlpbtksri$.fter • Mann Ilr Wu Bovis. -M the time the sea eased the Use ad hteedbthd *prima. the wad waBoa so armada, to old belief, we shah have wade through spring and shwa.., mod hat should not hart frau or [rat tress is ooze Too lea Eamees.-Oa TWO - My and W ds.day. Metre\ 99, 30 sed sol Mwhg &Far the ladies a 0ed.rte0 sad vi - Many are large/ to .Ned the millinery opami sed the the grand dbsplay et geed. st the Mi.. Yen'. ?hoc 01110A050. -Mentes H. Martha and J. H. Dawes, el Mimeo, who were In bows lrrHe sad Saterdey, were here It le ru- mored. h areae iIoa with • big sy.dl••te, test r trying be bey a all the tugs and beats suse.std with the halting t.duatry se both edge el the Urn. Raw. Janet Sa11Aem AND tnseam>te.- /z. pow of Nona B& MethodW 'earth will 1r••.0..pnolal bermes to the milsn bed Ata.rsss. Sunday wreaths eat. Sate will be reserved for time sed their M. is the bedv et the thumb. AU Ore essl1EY limited to be presoak. Etta llaasrWATes,-Wtta a the seise are r M • .t raters, the tbe%he sta- le may retain. .t 1 seew ppyyw r »ot '• R.tisYy, teetr$SlS ltsil"as sees u Otbowa. Mt Bas R W. Leese. ,.p•, B• D. Gant. lslg. pesteeeet, J. b. PI•N, Sad. Ueat a Then. Baa, egkw adjourning. Symonds, a setr«d bearer. Before Mr have • weekly rag, the slab aas soonlie will be ea th.mead'a hg of the list Mealy h each .s.th -O. flats fi•y. Terry Was Neale. Possess, sad Nor - uses Pear, of Exeter. who bad *leaded guilty t. theme .f robbery sad b.ri0r7, wore bn.akt before !hair is Heater Judge was tint Judge Ramos ler eoates.e up tor wt5.1s The seat7 atter0.7 ask- ed the iedo• to be lesions as the primmer was y 13 years wMm the ori.e •wed we mined. oe.. four years .h older comp••• had ice. Id ate it after eremitism out the ion. Judge ,.rt...r eta of tM offence released r on snepseded Mt..... N.ises Petor•oo, .p- parestly sheet 16. wee .at esUed oe to en why the .wteses of the wart ebeald nee be pease ea hr., mid be was sorry and is would never toter •Rai.. Mr. Holt. who was present, spoke fa favor of the hey, sad pre.e.tcd • largely sicced petition from lead's( mw a Exeter, •.ales the mercy e the overt. Hie Hear said that be Rodd net lot the pressor go en seeps.d.d the tam, .. the .rime wen • arias ee. sod be ether b s. He riedsea Peewees to Die sou boys The county jail for 3 months at hard labor_ Heather then stood •D. zed is reply to the ...tom.r7 question, made • lams exam for Ws wady. The judge gave him a good 1..L.re sad soot hue to Central prison tor 23 months with • ?r1 Lied to beat. wid-to sat each our pri0tll ° gag patterns and -actors, Tapestry Carpet. well wend, sad __ 2bc. at S6c. a yard, formerly so gigged hype, and 5 , Superior best 9 and 10 wire English TsyselF QN regular 68c. and 70c. adae Brussels, and Tapestry Brussels, at 75c. to $100. Wa W Union Carp.ta at from 22,-. to 48c. All -Wool Carpet from 50u. to 80c. fa wide. An 'pedal. Scotch and Englisn Linoleum', up to d reds Inspection invited. Delia& the Iowa le • g to delegates days. whoWaded the mgetieg is Toresto • short use dace pm - mooted . 1.0Rtbv report. FARIERS WANTEB! r d - I WILL PAY - $1to$2a ay for good men to purchase Harvesting Machinery at my Warerooms. As it costs money to travel, I propose to give the benefit to the purchasers, and at the same time save time and money for both parties by calling .t my ware- eooms and examining the Stock. NOXON Seed Drills, Mowers, gorse Bak ., tinders, Disk Harrows and Spring Tooth Cultivators. OOOKSHII T Hlgh Grade Plows of every description. ADAMS Wagon, Pariu, the.tayot- BUCHANAN Hey forks and Slings. McLAUGHLIN H 1 g h Grade Carriages and Baggies. All Goods Warranted. JOHN SNOB, Agent, Opposite Buxton's H otel, Godetieh. per yard, special. _ -- `-e colorings, Heavy Tapestry Ca , , 1 .t Wc. bc. W. ACEIESON & BON everting, including *bolos frith sirs sed .el- ected .sore. from Plosion. The playful" of the band on this antes= was worthy of • large att.0danc., for o, v -r have we Mud mon inepiring memo, or mune men arrest- ly rendered The Bee somber • deet by Meean. Rewards and Tr rte rem t,.•u u, good .tyle, sad " Ta. Swallows,' by Madame Wall. of Clinton, farmed. It was she in exoellest tors. the lady'. sweet as/ loaltered wows beine beard to t.d0•s- tag•• As might be ezp.oted Madame Web Ted a eath\d.stic mare. , homier - whether Lis Oa W aythiag se de with tics My .t W sot nese .de pablie. Orr EAgn Erna Saoar.-The (N Mad RIM Cub sed • thee se 10. CIO'.. reap se ErMay .passer. the followise ..Int lac 900 teeth De. J. R. ELsergr 44 36 - 00. _. W. Rause 43 36 - 71. E. !sated. 34 94 - MI 0. Peeeh1t.e..•••••40 16 - 66. he. Adrww s33 19 - 59. Ise w Eats Hnaism-H. &earn. el Limbs. r the psoases el • bald boded Adis that . w....rse .lebt Hoot tee r+ hoda Se wiss pent. n ie sllp}we6 teepee ever eves is this path el the orrery. sad is • Ane MAW[ Mei. MY L set k ea the lake, •...1 its fes Mese bees sad as Me lass - .mit . Arras le iriet'• M e n the Mrd ear Ley llsesess by •idMbM their* el >a &Miser. Lowers. Re. Pazwioi's Dar 0o'sc ar.-B.. Pas - rick'. 1107 wen .debrate4 is nederiek by • nano% is VMterta Opera ..be the . hat P ✓ Pat - risk's day esu net . The program wag di- r!ek'. day etdtheal.E. 'mod lata tee eerie. • 1551.r1, sad • . e.tdy, the (tatter Wog O. Eu Lazo Lem," Owes es the bills es The IPiebesnee,Wr." The speathe plan miens by the tows 010d payed se bwell as be lea ead gave .g ..4 Ylapplasee. The lena d.ri.g Mi. 1a1 at their alarmed particularly by 001e 1001.051. The performance .onolsded with Oa Save the Oath. Geey 0. Stat sed so address the meeting la the Ta.pareeee .=f Hall next •iad.y after. h M noon •t 4:16 e'doek. AU are eordially in- vited to be present. Goes wo Dwrsorr.-Mr. and Mn. lanta- na Reid. and their tone. James and Chas., are f\ Dooms the week. e ofset the faculty nding the oh - Boal a Miehi.em College of Medicine ad of the Miehil"an Surgery. We notice by the programme that Waley J. Reid, wbo has graduated as M. D., from the College,will make his sion. We es - airily address on the airily osugr•talate him se s suoowtal • .\lahatlos of his past Awe •earl studies. .d," by Mr. 70110 lila well nag and heartily encored. s0 was the old Irish rlo dy ''Come beak 10 Eris." by Mr. Edwards. Madame Wall them say Mena," he a- goras, cad iter rendering of the sw.ber dia sot lames her roputaaon as • .esgatr.., Mr. Forte .ori gave " r Tse• Matador," miserly, sad Madeall, " en M•ve\rnsse. Mien Mtteh•U wee aa ad- mirable •ewmpsetot On His La Legs," tautened gn sad Lana Oren. •.d Mogen. 11' V.Asdrow', Alex. McDonald, O'OoeseU, gees% E. B. Tat, said Frank dl• ox. T y theme to My base mimes to give e oee armor promineaSS. ad C. W.se O'C•1la00ma was these est. He wet es the tyo nearly •U the tins. sad kept Mee •udfnos is geed knner fres the Hang ei the tartans until the owl el as 10• M.Dosld wRood Kt vers, see the other male aerators were ably ems - rained. The awash= e by ythe ladies fer 0rkhtit.'. 80. hose eel the sister - GRAND SWIM ILAILWAT. Marla it E. DAVIS, > DRIIGKOBTi OP1104AN ..... 1WY •.m. 1 V.L.N ICHOLSON, L. D.S. • .reset SLainger. a seesz+er• . "Rooms opposite the Pat 0600',.t:.«,,....«..-7.10 p.m. 1w p.m. ILL 10.6• P.m. Hold ruling, Crowns andBride; Work a l pwtaltr. fa fears Ysperi ii.....,. M M i'; p g D D.81,...0.8. ..seg 'approved - Le BUug,O`a•-I.•1.O arl = liiiata. .1., 7.15 a.m 1 30 p.m sa6 am ♦YeffOse e 11HOMA8 OUNDRY. AuOrtONETA and L.rur•0ot Agent. Ooderie,, 0.8. agent London and Iaooaahlr• lrt" a 00.. 00.. Ogre Dlst;lot Mutual Ins Op. 0..1...t - end d b L Gar part of the %O55ty, 00-17 JOHN 1LNOZ, OENKRAL AUO- llavtne ', .sad Tabled Gad/rich .d eos.ldenN• experience In 11s•se4140ee', trade. hs 1s in • position to isobars,'Ate ttaeoogh satisfaction •11 oom- &Brew. entrusted to him. Orden lett at 80x10'4'5 Hotel. or .eat b, man b kis address Got'.theta P.O...•rsl 111 *100oded 1 Mitt neer. OOKS -"moor YOU SHOULD READ ILL ON SILK 1? PORTER'S Bags Natl.-Organization meeting of the Goderich Bas. Ball Club tot the seance of 1898 was held in the Social Club rooms on Tuesday cowling of this week, 5 wbve ,s the general dtsoussles took place work to be done by, ad h.es5Thiw l the olob, the amissbo seams. aTows Lewes .0 fimpour ionclubs s ed Sea- lerjour clue la adlitles bo the regular ser ter, .a..0 be formed, and thea bring oat new blood. The 51.0 ben bad .nee first *1•yen added to in.umhen late- sad ata saadwill without doubt be • strong or. g rin ttoh this mason. The ranter business e l elastics el officer, ad appointment_ ues- dadei tog. wtheas wee hoa otver sail iei gen.bsrs .ill be pleased bo ase every parses. who takes a Wane ` d•..u4 *Rete h our sewn, present. THE WEEKLY MAK REPORT e fi, March f6. telt ren Maud .,,,....... ; el to 81 ifle01 ser 60 b 6e row,.l Der .zee ,..,., S 00 b 00 aorta ei toe Oats., .......:'::.: r Poe.. • bush.........« -,..... 54 nay. atoe -,e. 1i 00 b1 00 Bron. naso..- --.mow I a bl 00 17 to 011 110ttoo is ttoo eb DO to ce 60 b e0 to 15 to 11 te idto to 60 to 00 to 00 to 40 Butter rmivoik wed. 10 60 00mais. ..Lain. ... 70 y nose ........r. 40 DronedDresad n • cwt' _ 11 Drooped Hamid. Mae w Berle,. per butt 1e to •, , , • d, moth►'u tog all dental operations. Preserve -d of the nature! t!.. 0 ot h • algttyrse O rtrer James Robins 8aaare. ds oe R 000* of Wese no t St a____ T M. TURN i JLL, D.D.B.. ► tJ • Dental Sure eon. +Ihutll aseciaistied with Dr. Dixon. of Neutral. Boll arra porce- lain. artinolal teeth msdn' gold w La bson spats" attention' es to t• pte.r0•tlon oc the 'laurel teal.OffiOeis 1695-0 1[ol.eao's new tricot. 111edioal. • DR. HUNTER, PHYBIOIdN. SUR- lJ Re R.0. Moe -Bruce street.10._!' i dines 7 cancer sampled by Or. J6.lw•s -waxer . calls from residence.- Teleohetto65 Leiria NOTTOB, tiff G. CAMERON, BARRISTOQ SOLI - I\ 0%. dear, /7tn Berenice street.f ton wt df 31lyraw gree.' dry deeds store. E ,VEST HELATON - BARRISTER, [ j Saari._ Publics. Canadian N.7 ('kambere. the Satter. Bank of d(;omme+, sew- y ' Uodortoh [ CAMPION Q.C., BARRISTEI BOL (+,. !tints. Notary, ]Oat A. W. CORNELL Jndertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR TO A. B. CORNELL _N. 1. -Orr Marnoed in order ra boa ban 0:vat(y demand for Moderate Priced frerrerala.ttteyt r Mt ant S' MAMMA., (GODEIUGH MECHANICS' Men - TOTE LIBRARY AND RIADUOY total. tier. of East erne and Scare NV Ow. ne from1btr.m..and from 1b10Ear. &BOUT 2000 VOL'i IN LIBRARY. Leading Darty, Weekly toed Iii ulrsw Paper, Ma9ae►wu, Btu, oa iii.. MENBERBHIP TICKET. ONLY *1.00. .mattes free we and Reading awalketioes tow 101100.15010 received by 75 ubratss. la roam 00 • H. OOLBORNE. 11, HAML f0 Yed.A.k Yanh'lftk 150i. Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada, by J. W. Tyrrell, Cloth, $1.60. 76c. Cloth, 91.96. Paris, by Smile Zola. Popes, Simon Dale, by Anthony Hope. Papas, 76c, Cloth. 71st..• fib• =1.ti. The Tragedy of aorosko, by Conan Doyle. Paper, Shrewsbury, by Stanley Weyman Paper, 76a, Cloth, SLIM Quo Vadi4,W_jlenryk Sienkiewier. Paper, 75e. The Beth 'Boot, by Sarah Grand, author of " The Heavenly Titins." Nis &i rs P by g M. Oroker. Paper. 70e Beyond the !Jr, " Tow.noo El ial"e.-%r Nes ins last 1 Ihs a.the vides ban hese aware that eerie - Meth el teethes. dears gad eMe11 wee Wag se pled •testiss the hedge. Essrttt that esah pease he StraMaee keno sere tense they segs M shoes *1s. a ewes W- IMPS e5lear. la W parese d m. nue then Mem Tenets. Mr. sir - dead Is that fatty Mwd•v. bel swede* A+ arra.. el the Mtal nein. slam. thole a ars ase el .bate $116 worth d Ma.w ssi es' ..moss. Ta Elswawn--As eeedbeef .eptert• w IONSINkrial the greeed mead the iikweese ori Whet* es Tapley. sera wow, Wawa Mae A. Ma11. Alis was a tet slate le e.tg,wwwtw Wath w Q til Mr a Neer d a tlhOr.riJ-- Tee Lams Magi. -"The Mae 1s the boa Mak." as put es the Viands stage, es •y swt0R. wee see ef the bent play, we bays led i. Gwd rtes for some Ha.. TO rat ew of the dn.a was noel - lest. tag drawee superb. sad tene nese el the Weeps aU that amid he desired. Des - .N Robsta.., who rewreseeded the doable tabu woe prat applause by his .x'Usu%I sonde. axed Mw Bin!.. Dieeles. es Merle d• pQonwMag th. was equally Mnorel anally ...camfuL All the orb were re- esarkaby wall played I la het. we de set re- ae.Ltr ay ew.la s pretested00. ppooetlow wise sash T twmss hers played a seises• a eagle sewp'''lise is node& orl •ab wade test til tw potion 05a pesewag set p.h . liteineM atlssae. The loan sees not peek s the Mown se ,10.4 wwf fits setea dtnew ler Edd hes "Yew %ewes to set Mugs SSA II is Lest." Ta Osauw, Nowa Wnermn.-0e AMR. gravy showman the th • 't p« - 010 r [.sew.. ethslase the i am ,Nes teae eft.. musk y . em g the pia ' y gsedle- eel as the we -•- Bak. Volition wee belt eerriVarbMy beet, 90e. eel tese tee r E teweRfe se, by M a sen - aa, TM ss s.,tgt.etwwpt•• a tis. A. D, Aaiwiatw aid w. PORTER'S -w Y1dwrl.«hi the Ogees Dasse. he sew iOOuTO*a, SODUT . 111.1"11 Antes= r id .ata!'"`A ii+g>r I don't have to advertise a Sacrifice Sale of " " 601• David L all's Love Story. Paper, 75e. d f.0. toe over .. hall. Sea.re. °oder / 0. JOHNSTON, BARKISTER, MO - 11. Bolter, oommlmioner. etc Money M Y__ rc r. muton and et. Andrew's Gedertok. Oat. (r) gO.. HAYS, BARRISTER, BOLICII• [L. on, Roo. Once North -et.. next duet Magni, vino,. 5rl rate bunds to lea •• ,tweet taw of tater est. '1 ARRO W PROD DitIOT, BAR' 1N Asters. Astons" !Wolters. 0.e.. code; tea J T. (arrow. 110.. W Proadtoot. CIA/MON, HOLT dr HOLMES. %J B•rr*ten. SoUoito4a ace a tod.rich. M. 0, Cameron. Dudley Holmes. O. WARD, CONVEYANCER, J. Roo. and oommisd.ser for takingand re .5101115 reo0Rnle•noes of ball. affidavits os ,5frmatlone. depostttose oo eolems deol•ra- doru to er o0noerLtflttt an7 .0110.1. u1$05 050- ,e.dlns 1• tae High Court of Justice, the Oourto1 Appeal tor: Nit, or In any nowt? 1)1,1.100 Court. All trio. or i ose .rad promptly' sgestis i. Reside00s 4 ,ddrose--I)umpa0no0 001.. My Goods are So well Purchased and Selected, I can Sell at a Profit at Others Sacrifice Prices. 1 In SL Steps, by Sheldon. Paper, !6a wires rauA.ws. diving" prose was Nese Presbyterian Book of Praise. Cloth, 001•, mater at the hgl"w.wtse. Me pros last 1.1101 ,lad 111111111,1111111111 ase N - LoatfMa ass InsuraUOe. \A GREY TO LOAN. .x.00 yl pri .t Pleads to isle at 64 pee cwt. •s .55117• 1!. G. CAMERON Ho . 1••fr• rpp..lse 00100th. Hotel Goderich. 107-00 - MONEY TO ROAN. -FIVE PaR CEN'D pwty to loan. p110hte Hitter; • 'gad 11151 late 0 1 farms to le. E ,N.I.L WIS hrr0Mhr. Gedeerish. tor salty S ,Nj (1 ONAGER, CONNEYAN Cyd `,n . h..eOen.eep.d 0» . Y14 TO LEND ON MORTGAGE 0. iLQER..o.pythtte essays Hain Mann Q J. T.NAITIL, VIRE, LINN AND Osildr: 1'nt.h4.'°hhd iva.r.F4• • OII1Y TO 1.11111). -A L A li d l bootsd 01ven mads ter tam= aPApp eARRO k PROUD pp RADourri, 2ENESAL w• toss. st ,Rte. levees set -rate s1seg. ht ay tries Macro. Wo1A have no Surplus Damaged Stock to Give Away. seam can continue in business and sell Moods for less than he pays for them. I j propose deceit you in that way. I carry an Up -to -Date Stock of Hardware. ][y prices are Right. you here are and to please you rat from me. .. R. W. M°KENZIE Olt Ili Oscar sLSDWAss STOYS• •=111iifi3T4r"=1:50640t r 4 ,<.'+t+K.."--.,q,. .,,' .r_ •.+7. t}i .:. ..L ;nee. Jen. ,air..-.._.....+.r'"»:... .. ..,.*write ._ .. ... mats wanted. W1IiTED-4AR.M.rBoRorB,« fair .4 ether l.dategnat petoato he an resw tsoa to wko. gnates- ewes Aowns-- wow AM"MMTDHla'TTITTLE ret new yf.. " 7'b. Las of limsse *ora.- over 1 ma wend fel t* d tht .11'L . MPAIIT, .eimM ",A *PINY eitememier PURE., BASING .e ..POWDER f re -. 0UARAET1*D FOR 25c. A POUND J. WILSON'S - lf DUO STOi UL Taghees m :nwsatr,rt. 1,•ttti, , •