The Signal, 1898-3-25, Page 4r sae AWAY, Mere► 26, 1x98. M. A Few Snaps Left in CLEVELAND BICYCLES - el - $40 and $45 Mr. &nesse_ is in Tomato tale week bashing gesda11 will pay you to await Mardi= te- em ng your T1 *1'441. EMERSON'S BICYCLE and MUSIC HOUSE REPRESENTING A. & S. NOROHEIMER THOMAS TORONTO. ORGAN CO. S►kt Oi sttai, EVESY THu'It8DJ Y MORNING walk a.SlLI NRR T GOD/RIOS. TRiIDAT. MAROS S. int• SNAP SHOTS. -This ought to be GARDOw'. weak for election -but it isn't. 4g. T gIGNAL : GODERICII ONTARIO NEM AND TfIgaE. ea_ indioaties is for Mem as that • odd amp is just now'reMb- ist over the Northwest, and before Nis tease meats ssw+sid•rs ws may he in the beet- of • good, old Canadian winter, which, after all, is not • bad kind d $ winter. la 1886, the writer was .need ap twice in railway blockades in Ontario in the month d March, although today there is note Bake lying in this earner of the vineyard, but the Laurier Administration was not then in power, and then was no hot time in the tkn•t• over the Yukon Railway. r • • -Speaking of railways, did it ever strike you, gentle reader, that when • rate war ii o1' between the two groat railways that the drip -In the Dost of transportation always gives an impetus to travel, which practical- ly oompeneates for the reduction in rate made by the communes. Such being the owe, would not • uniform rate of two mote • mile instead of three, he the means of making travel more general, so that present- ly the passenger oars would bs 8 led to over- 8owi.g, !named of running nearly empty more than half d tM time. The people have got into the fashion of looking for bar- gain days, and if every day were • bargain day on the railroads, many there are who would ride in the care . • • -And as with railway rates, why not with our postal service. A two Dent letter postage rat. should be the high notch in a country like Canada at the end oii8js nine- teenth century. Some time ago, a goed deal of talk was indulged in about a reduction of letter pottage to the Old Country. It didn't come to anything finally, and the proposition did not deserve to come to any- thing. if there is to be any reduction in postage, it should be so that the greatest good should be given to the greatest possible number, and no we will be fool enough to adarft thet,00san poetess redaction would do that. The scheme was a fluke, and died the death, as it deserved to do. But a two oent Canadian rate is a different thing, and should command itself to the serious •►ten• Ulm d the powers that be. 14 has been found to work well iu other progressive eeuntri.s, and one of these days a _progres- sive Postmaster may find it very suitable to the conditions that exist in (Leads. • -The recent frosta bevel cut the comb on the Ceioserietive rooster. -Jos Back, if not rich, is evident - 1, in luck, when it comes to reooants. -" Four Years More " is now the popular air with the Liberal oieoe holder. -Old Franchise Bill is about to get Ins quietus, and he should have company. that gent eniw, • meseher el P.rii..«.a Women em owvewtioe .ad dented by the people, is merely the TepesenteaN:- tM people, and lhouM te all timeselmisse bigle chutqia ttepe�f w chum Ido Mr. Bao>taao, or any other IRewber, has no right to get hatted and than hurried- ly write out his resytwtiwt, without first eoosulting with the executive of his oouven- tioo and Boding out J suck action would meet the dears of his 000strtuenb. 1t un- fortunately happens, too often, that when • mac is eMoted member d Parliament he is seined of the emotion that be is the bead, Mil, backbone and abdomen et the party in kis locality, sad d everything is not duos to suit him, and him done, he will do the steer act dud kick. For the benefit of all such it Weald be known that b is only the mouthpiece of the ounatitoeucy. and the part that does the thinking. and which does the voting at election time, is at home, and is represented by the executive committee of the eoeventioo th.t named and elected the member. • • - • -Mr. Batman is met the only an who has endeavored bo work the resigned= racket to further his per'.onel ends. There are others. They are not., as • rule, the better element of the genus politician, and it is to bs hoped that, as the years peas by, they will bs weeded out end become been- tifutly leen. Throe are two wave of giving this clam the quietus. One is, by the Gov- ernment recognising the fact, as they did in the Bauittau wee, that the patronage of a constituency ,. not the perquisite of the sitting member, but belongs to the ooastitu- ency at large ; the other is, that the electors, in otnvention assembled, should put them- selves on record, and declare that the pat- ronage shall be dispensed by the executive of the convention, the member to have • voice oat the executive. The latter is the plan that m followed in many constituencies in Ontario, and should be adopted m every riding where it does not at present exist D. would make rough places smooth lar tthe honest members, end would ala bath • tendency to keep crooked men straight Many a politician has been killed by the temptation offered in the disposal of pst- ,ronase, and many a good man in Parlia- ment has wished is bis heart of be•rta that -If Russell be an iodioatie•, the bye -elections will take the form of •Barry- .• ..-411.1ie.64• .-'+r--., '_ �.,,"_ - t _ ...W IIOtiee ast ssaad Con- satvativs eo.Mmpor rias that HAazn lie. a majority. •• fit. 1 r ..,yen"fr -A healthy crop of protesta is like- ly to be sown this Sprang. What will the harvest be ! • -What would the American pen- elan list amount to thirty yearn after a war between the United States and Hpain? -The elevator project is in a state of suspended animation, do t• speak. Some people think it is " in the air," although not erected. -It is now some days since the esteemed World, of Toronto ceased to claim that the Hawse -Ross Government is defeat• ed. Why is this thus ! -What the Government at Ottawa wants now in • eompiler of the Year Book, who won't turn that volume into • compile- -MIR t p partisan .tatistics for election pur- pose. ..-The members of the town council t8at'initiated the water supply from the lake trout, ought to take credit to them. selves for furnishing the electors, with both eating and drinking. ' -Twenty New Englant. widows have sailed for the Yukon. It isn't stated whether they intend to mice or to angle, but they evidently prefer the duet of the Klondike to the menet deet at home. i"--Tbe vote on the Opposition amendment to the Yukon Railway motion brought out the fact that there were quite a number of Conservative members who were not bound to their party on faetifnal linea. • If your children are well but not robust, they need Scott's Emulsion of Cod- t:.sea We arc constantly In re- ceipt of reports from par- ents who give their children the emulsion every fall for a month or two. It keeps them well and strong all winter. It prevents their taking cold. Your doctor will confirm this. The oil combined with the hypophosphites is splen- did food tonic. -Recently, returning from a trip Fist, we had the pleasnre of meeting Dr. WELL', who is now ix Ontario after a service of three years in the Yukon, in connection with the Mounted Police. Fe has resigned from the force, end is interested in placer and other mining properties, std is thoroughly posted upon the Klondike country and its requirements. He believes that a large member of those who are now endeavoring to reach the mining region, have no ooaoeption ot what they are unner- taking, and, incidentally, he does not favor the MA*•Ks. zII-MAN' Railway ae the best and easiest route to the Yukon. But what he maid on that scbeme is not the poi' t to be taken up, just now. On the question of the kind of men that were likely to cone oat ahead in the new auntry, he said that too many counter -jumpers, hank clerks, amateur athletes, and such were ntshing to the Klondike. It was .0 right to be ethic - tie, hat the Lot that a young fellow oould train down to do s mi e, oc half mile, or ev.n.a quarter mi: in • given time, was no guarantee that nc could do what might be required of hint in a rough mining country. He had been three years in the region and was fairly athletic, but he would not•t'rndertake work at plaeer mining, along - aide of the double -doted fellows who were accustomed to that kind of work. One hard -landed Norwegian would do mere work in placer mining than half a dozen of the amateur athletic variety. What the country wanted' rem an easy way in frsuit- able mon and an easy way out for the other follows. -Alice Plats, the defeated Lib- eral candidate in Wentworth, wbo was knifed by the former member, John Ina Pi,arr, soy. that he " came out of the con- test with an old pair of trowsers and hii .elf respect." He ran a good clean fight, and easily proved that a former member oould be a traitor to the party. ALact has not neer Flattened out, even if defeat had been his portion. -That story about the enthusiasm evoked in a New York theatre by the audi• sale when the ercheetra played "Ood Save the Queen " *iiia have the gilt rubbed off it wide one rea.snbrs that " Oed Have the gam " and " America" are both "et to the gee music. The gushing correspondent who ootid detect one from the other while an orchestra was grinding out the tune would have to be blessed with an ear like • -One of the meanest combines in Owed• today, is the leather combine. Every effort iP being pat forth Ie errwwd out the _mailer manufacturer*. so that the blit sharks should reap • harvest. The com- hin.s are doini their Mat to prove that even i. ann000lies. " There's nothing like leath- er." There is a flue opening here for the Gievernrment to do good work- Putting Speniak sole leather on the free list would Mint ties eoesbinesters to their sense& Rob► Wilma shipped • oar lead .f hrss. Sur tits gilt .,.ssley. via M.streal, se Tem. deg. ase Jim 1N. Tees returned es lei. 111E two woo tMsses aim r tat soothers sells, of Ide t, • gbtwo sen of hasher es alai r orders f« 9 es e sod 6 tr Tarsals. es • 5 5 * -What in known as " BRr'eAn's resigna- tion " has been musing quite a sensation in Ottawa for the past week or two. Mr. Btevx1Au is the member for Richelieu, in the Provinee of Quebec. Then was a differ- ence of opinion between him and some at the tcembers of the Government regarding the matter of local patronage, and as thine. didn't go his way sufficiently to it him, Mr. Bsnvtav got hot ender the eloper end wrote out hot resignation and sent it to the Speaker of the Howse. When he had time to resect, Mr. Benseso concluded that it wasn't good politics to get w vexed at the condition of things as to throw his indem- nity to the bowwows, and be thought that . stroll over to the Speaker's quarters would not be out of order. When he got there he stated that he had written • letter to the Speaker that he desired to recall, and if that gentleman hart not beacons officially cognizant of its nntitenta, be (BanwLi) would be pleased to get the missive book. A pile of unopened lettere were lying on the Rpeaker'i desk, and one bearing Mr. Ban- shee's frank was in the nnmhr, and was recognised by that gentleman es being the identical one which he desired to remit Such being the ease, Speaker KO*AN allowed him to take it bank. And now the Onnserv- &tive party are in a date of mind bemuse the Speaker lua not ita liered the seat fee Richelieu vacant and issued a writ for • new election, which would put the country to non.iderable smnnyartes aol expense. the card Yui Moo tired tram Yds isal- den• fee dui CA" .s•iyjre. wart a eow)m. n.••••1', 7resse& Ing �d disL/S:y.r b• end The regatta Hs *wooing the Assembly hall of the O.tMg •ten oar mw.hs at 6 :slosh sharp premMas to be sad .l esasu•l properties& Resides the seal rood prowess presented b, the stad- ium, wase of lac hese "Wide latest k*. Mss secured. sea dl wields, te ashy • great is the way of • literary evening. wield de will te ahead. Then win be se 8xed adesiWsu fee, bat • silver oolleoties wlU be sakes at the deet. The hn.whig it the progress. ea V will be resiasei : -The Clinton New Fzs bits Uis nail es the head When it says : - " W. are sorry that the Ontario Gov- ernment has appointed JAoos Baxtmt to the position of itogstrsr for Haldimard, not because he lacks qualification, but be- cause he was the 114.. repreeentative d that constituency in the House. Too man) members have stepped into berths of this kind, and the very best Liberals ere dissatisfied with the Government's course in this direction. If mon of it is done there will be such • protest from the people that will bring the Government to Its senses." There ham then too much of this compacting with members in years past. It was the weak point in the MowaT Government, and and has been the means of .baking up the HAnnT-Roes Administntior. by causing the loss of sesta in Hamilton, Wentworth, the two Waterloo", the two Outarios, and dee- where. The eyes of the Government have been opened to the fact, audit is to be hoped that hereafter the intercai5 of the people, and not the convenience and personal de. sires of men who are merely political backs oro the Boor ot the House will be ob"rved. The candidate who puts.birppelf on record straight against the eontinu•tion of this folly will poll a larger vote in his constitu- ency than the one who condones IL - We take this opportunity to mntrrats- Lte our contemporary, The Chatham Planet, on the successful issue of the libel suit re- cently brought against it by the City Solici- tor of Chatham. Tbe Planet, in the inter- est of the town, end without malice, had called upon the solicitor to give better ser vice to the town in the year of oar Lord 1898 than had been given in 1897, and cited one or tiro canes in which the pub- lic had got very little pork for the shil- ling, and poor pork et that. The law- yer, instead of taking good advice for which be was charged no fee, tried to jump upon the proprietor of the planet with spiked shoes, through the medium of the courts. The ease went to tnel during the present week, and the jury, after an hour's deliber- ation brought in • verdict for l w defendant The resat► of the trial isa oomplste vindi- estion of the course pursued by The Planet, and looking at it from our point of the view, and at this distance from the Poen» o f skit., we cannot Mit agree with the ver- dict A good Lwyer s bat qualification, eo we have beets told, 1s to endeavor to avoid needles litigatiaa, and if a lati has no more gumption them to advise iiaadf that be must appeal to the courts to get, even with a newspaper item, said then ie simple another lagond money to• �holster him up in his theory, and than geta ' trail down " by the j1' the old Webb verdin►, " Serve him is the only thing left for a to rya r esu• grstnlatkris go to The newt. Instrumental Mae Marna." De They MIAsImams:" Reading •c•5 rites cLsLL& . Vocal Solo.." Por All Etretty." .•. llin. R, Srsain. - Recitation " T1s• W `tlTMs.Ra�iemest." Mies Vend 8do " 78. Mlgbty Deep." W. W. WroDDART. Qassttos Droner • e -And while .paaki*g em this question, we might bay that w saloon of 1M. Bao. glue hs getting w wrought up stet le .ant in a r.signatiea without eensdtirrg his ecs- Wiseesa, relied. mighty Webb area epos a ( 44 Alike • ,', H L Srwane B.A. vocal Sole. " The Carnival" •••-...�..•...• Mee Apataanoo• Recited°... •• The bt'. Starr." MIM Ws -Mutat -a ♦oral Sob ."&ummThou Art Mae." Mona Passoas, Jesoal 1(<a. iioieu'uusrt><: uAr Selection . CF0=1141.C1, NZ . . Nast to CI For Extra Value in Dress Goods -` For Extra Value in Dress Trimmings For Extra Value in Kid Gloves For Extra Value in Ladies' Belts - For Extra Value in Ladies Ouffs and Oollars For Extra Value is Ladies' Capes For Extra Value in Veiling For Extra Value i ' Cotton Hose Men Pat brif PO' 11". Priem and Quality. JAMESRoBIN8ON Curtains, compare our address ." MrMRet•.d 1JMtp.'.-.-- Ma GRANT, VocalSolo,." L Touch oorarassiaany." mme Gnome Instrumental Dust " C," "Yob tarn ?HI QUgum• EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA Possesses the tonowine distinctive rosette s DELICACY OF FLAVOR. BIIPERIORITY IN QUALITY. Q2ATZT L and 00110OitTIX0 to the r3l71F02,$ .at DTSPIPTIO. 11UTRITIvs QUALIT'EE8 UNRIVALLED. In Quarter -Pound Tins rely, 1'ren.red by Jamas 8PPS & Oo., Ltd., omemopatklo Obemiate, London- sns1and. NOTICE TO CUSTOM S. 1 have decided to discontinue on and after May 1st the giving of Hilver- ware as Premiums on caab purchases of GROCERIES I will oot.tinue to sell .11 gooda at the lowest pordltle margin of profit. We buy for cash, keep our stock fresh and pure, and will give you the beet possible value for your money. A sample order will convince you of this. REJOICED OVER VICTORY. 0. M.C.msel Tells hew Dead's Elds.y P11le Card Itis Kelsey*. ATM's. Marsh 81. - ureas sea We're were the isityp1. Aylmer. whoa sews of the ter is laver of 1)edd'% !Classy 1!Uls, at Moroi* wen reserved here. 1► moil set be .therwi.r. D.44'. Kid - soy Pols be _larse many thee here, MN M woad 9s see,illiat N people &diet bellses li th*et. .• Whin the hos el tledd'. .Kitteny Di ana seines op berth tes- tify s- Es will give stress wi- dows nooney. 11aOcemsll refired ter years whit BRION BICYCLE C�. LTiIsa s*d kNeys.ho Aftr i real s.1 eliasy eesw- . easly b Dade t1'.: Pills. 04:1D1113111011111. - O T. 0.C.WIIL,- 1 Dora from East Street >r Oa &coNal A asfavorsbls weedier, the 000wrt and limr•ry enter•siamer.s which bad b.n previousiy eoaous.ded for icea Methodist obureb, by tbs etude of Vtotorle Street eb.rsh, Oodencb, was postponed, and will be held next Id.nd•y, oommenclag alT'30 r e. Tbu ostrtatnmeat will con- sist of sachems. quartettes, tyle.. duets, .o- leo, rounds, recitations, and as address 1 Rev. Joseph Edge, of Godr.oh. All will be widow ed. BBB�IILL�B NURSlRIES- Ohosoe Prait and Ornamental Treat at Initis Pries. EVEBOREEN4 A SPECIALTY. Oar Kook of !tony[ Treed being we will be • to a to Ali covers M wetted, as we have the Beet and V•rle*L. of Apple. Pear. ►leen. tbervr. ud rea.4 Treed. • 14. a Large Meek el small Wryest. 01'11 and sxamfs@ Meek and be ons Lorne Stook of Choice Spring Bed Plants. Pries Llet mailed en epplleatlea. Andreas JOHN STEWART ESTATE IRfarLLEN P. O. THE WORLD'S�� BEST BIC`CLE e . . THE.. M'CREADY • Is now made at our town fac- tory. This popular wheel is bound to become a favorite with the Goderieh wheeling fraternity. Ranges will he ready in a taw days. What's left of the ° Oma. - mon Renee and " Heron " bikes we are offering for little w e • The WHITE BICYCLE FOR 1898 ill the very highest type of the cycle maker's art, and will stand the test of com- parison with any other high grade wheel in the market. All the very •e test c ' mprove ment are in the '96 pattern- Easy waning, elegant appearance, lovely finish. J. H. WORSELL, Acton. I1 1� 011! READY MADE CLOTHING .. .,,... .. w 94094. ,neve . - b �i.11 •t rw•rka Nw DAe.s ooae0.leawr k1p N► ewe ami W15 •yrs t ssrwenea$ of New Gents ter Pu ,sane CAM, Ann NW *N. H. DUNLOP Wool -el Taller. set Beek Mestsedl Give The way fond the that will build p Baby up a weak cons- * titution (T$44 - Chance ally but =rely is Martin's ' Cardinal Food a simple, scientific and hisailp nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. 1t.aev wanton • Ito.. oeewcsr+.e. Ineertillt fa71MFFiY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN!S INPOWDERTHELassmantmandir • --THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF GOLDEN TARTARIAN SIDE COAL ._ ATS The moat productive on the Continent.. We have procured our seed from the originator, where they have homegrown from their infancy. Tbeee t rue to name. - WM. BURROWS, SLKDSMLN, HL1*ILTO'd-BT. CARTAE.&FUEL CO. GOAL WE wish to announce to the publics that we are still headquarters for the beet HARD, SOFT and,BIACI(SMITH COAL in the market. ..on: delivered in any quantity. WOOD Special &Cc -Titian is given t0 (UT and SPLIT W000. We .ell l:8 teat of wood for a cord, making three single cords of 16 in. wood, ready for the smallest cook stove. Kindling and summer wood o. Lena ARTAC3'E3 We handle Baggage and Freight to and from all trains and boats. We move pianos acd organs and household effects, and do it well. C. & F. Co, IND. B. PLATT, ]Langer. Phone SPRING MS SPRING 1898 HURON'S GREATEST STORE. __*LDY WITH _Millinery Reception - AND -- Spring Spring Opening The mere announcement of our (band iti11inrry display tar TUESDAY, MARCH 29th, - -- and following days, will *taste • lively WINOS among those who recognise our supremacy in the Millinery business. You are Cordially Invited 1 to visit our Millinery Elbow Rooms, which are yours 4. INOI,to year heart's eontest on Tuesday, 29th inst., and Movies days. R_ B_ SMITH s•. • e...1'.•••••• • lee., .•a..-,.1011i-4.:;..�10i!'- ..y.,•�r..rt4'.s. ALWAYS ON HAND CI!alltOliScralljoi llar Coal serOat weighed' the you si sou lka tea. Market Sodden wi WM. LET. 04. t.Rt.s cif at L $ Owe p ramped) asessiei ten GODWSTO8 STEAM BOILER WOREB. A. 8. OHRYSTAL, aro slsr a oarws.t mei. saaula.tOw it an idols et BOIL1CR8e a Smoke Elbe 6M Yilr- AIM Imo Wedgy alai atm, Asa Dear I .- Sagfsss. M.ahhesy C•.ttay. Ike. - All sins of Pipes bad Pipe ThNktss, attars and Waw Gasses Olehe. Valves, (Leda Valves. Ia.pir+tor., kj.et had Ia- }towes Oisstaubly ea Hand at Lewes A .pedal Use of Oteet Water had Hay Troughs for one of farmers end ethers. R.p.t las promptly et,wded te. L S. OUKTSTAL. P, O. les IC ►tet est5. tr►1r Have You Seen = LEE & SHEPI4ARD'8 •Fine Display of Wheels E&D.G' $55 Cleveland' $75 F., Pilot =,;' bee a Having jest realised a large No Bicycle Sundries we w hilly equipped for doing in kinds of repairing. Oell rad ase our sada ' sa'u LEE1 SHEPHIRD Ane t, Alta Irkwi a 41$1.11401111,0, iist7M .,t 'wtPt of rf.. ifyr;ttlhfii'"rfri' 4 �'' -st 4111110010. Warn 1 VG -••••„ RSI • 11101011w_1.1.1 a , OUR NEW SP GENERAL 'DRY GO( CLOTHING, MEI TWEE' have nearly all arrived, whiek 1 best in the country, and we tart child to give usacall and investi bogus bankrupt stocks, no burgs to get your dollars, but anythin back it the goods are not as rep: We will use you right, and won and satisfy you. t.,.":"-""' Ear. JA a-lram, manager. BORN. caitenitU,'-t1' weeteehl. os tis lata the wife of W. H. Campbell. et td en ARNOLD.sifRA wood Mardi oof he G. N. T. sea. DIED. Tuesday, BLAl LMatirirargaet jhirtieth, w►8ow late heart Weir, ISE TALI OF THE TON )hem the R•portees Noteb If were •LTi ig wen imam. 1 1p ane ase a Awl's Lessee 1 asses• au' sawn aril Hess u." base ra"'ei se ant. s Ress stir ratted yea lett 11 est. make as early TIMID Ws le =wile Tea perch oo. Malloy. beteg the Seel OSA rod and the this mama 8yeC1AL 8ai.s.-8M°im( sale of oar trimmed her,® 66 ow. es Tuesday. bases will he old *elfe11owb1 do 46 sad 36 de. K. 8. Smith. Liomut /Moos .-04t year Yye.rta restaaraat,, West street, ass always rely apes baying them we de the news Wines. C. Blew in Meehan. -The idwomal h sew ea the market, sad the sia dead strewth of lea egreeket sad r•.ssaesee Weald give le wen .mems wheal., Dun ver l.owoow.-Naw was from Leaden last Mweekrs. ,t at ear Clamsi Mohr wry dausgghter. meed aears, attack d deer r • sheet IV 1, Wad Sorra.-•s the Use mesad the lime a.4 owl winda iatsea�la E wwas Sukme , ..rdies 1 sumer, a. d add « eel trait trees. le Gooa Tina r day and Weduesday.Y areh 29, 30 i whg day*.the ladies of Goderiei malty are mvtld to attend the epwly .•a . the tread display at the M e ires Yates'. Yaw Owosso. -Mown H. Ms J. H. Dawes, et lineage, wise wet Yriday and Saturday, were atm a . b ec.sossio. with anal Wet that is byte' to buy pp beidecaseated with the fishing V itwb ides ef the use. 8a.aow Awa rsaeawat.-Ren Ldp. paean of Nerds 86. blether vn preaoh •'pmel•i bermes is 1 aed arbersees. Sande; as win he reserved forthembed 48 a the lied" a the diva. All r Melted te M present. Quo d] taeAa*r•smam,-Work en water le M • .tasdsttll. sad tk 1'M essay rewire, the mese }}y�/s�� lead% karma. Rewtdy. Mdlaw was es Ottawa, bat Wei► W anything se de with i has asst bees made piddle. On NAND Rau 8uoor.-TI Rile Club hal a skeet w „ ea Frisky .isaassa. with emit 1 n iib artist*.he ea&eel t pewees ve ► psaos. -par well Hassles, made • err 100 9 De. J. It. aiseeea 43 W. Reuse _. Raises. . iK ihlseheess 40 arae.. e... • , 3b Is a Los Ita.slm-11. AthaeNrsers.ei�� test M* Isomet eve, seen hli M Woo1ss% II tie u awl is a Ilse 5 est tutn tM lake. a ed Imes 'seem between • lag gas meek. mire* Issiriaires )hies tbet pleasure by R viitla Zesllosr. Lahore. Tawas /1annC.-*)les the dstberll8M Mere bean IMO MON of to moss. slow Red amuse the bee being wesa dpoise to Steeslse this they eeeht M abase Oda she iasr, is W mimes si 11 Nee then* freed Tweet*. b dwelt" that dry il*s as. sad teMu aegis tN wwataIdw i .taller. Thal itlavavea-•elee lbws. card( as. eallhoNi saw 1W erestati woos end bather w Tuesday. read' tihM A. adieu . Alla. was* eimatenteMies wills the G.9 wllr•IWOofpaMaganes q„ •,, '11.