The Signal, 1898-3-25, Page 3r
! - . .......
Wo *0o'wbetboy the military
Worm center Is OB the coast of Chios
. Oryistra
If world of Wiener naiad-
vaseelea_Wtertea at the
fillet of greatcoat inteAk :: "e• meat
sed allow, the earth, wily Me object
of ,ifedy -fritter) its koll. to was Weal
politically la its own Weldon. Every
man is • elitism of the waivers" se
well as of this oPbsge. bet oaly the
eriestists practically recognizes the
fact. la them times of Mirth sod com-
fortable travel the followers of sob.
on quickly nonoent rata wherever db.
"nation can beat be conducted. On
lower, 1:1 last they were aligned
&lose the kook of the total solar
red's', and are now making a prelim -
leery comarleon of motes. The larg-
ot womb*/ st thoroushly• equipped
parties went W India. Many remota"
loot pass before they can work mat
the malberootkal part of their task
•r examine all that WIN attroopted
with tbe aid of apparatus. But enough
is knee,* to leisure that tbe receat
scam, was followed and recorded with
i completeness hit he rtn not reached.
The cinematograph *as red W as-
sure moving pictures ol the siiipse.
84r Norman Lockley devised • pris-
matic camera, • telescope aud OM -
Ira porvided with • train el pf.s.
mato prisms before the object glees.
In two of them comlanation Matra -
wrote the number of spectra photo-
graphed' amounted to eiaty, rob plate
giving an image of dee visible solar
atmosphere for ton eseoada, ead din
Macs mach about. chemical consti-
tuents Lockyor sari these photo-
graph& increase the knowledge of the
corona and driaSstrate again the
t of pliegical eglinsotices between
the 'materials of ths moo,d. and of i sewn to nine feet deep,
served moms gisknown tool, between Yellin
•••••,,,e ••ge"- • ••rus, s..;1.• •
Skireitteg limas Moos Out Owe Cesstry.
Great Uel. the United Modee. and
All Parts ell Me Olsee. CesejlOoll ase
Asserted ter Sam Illeadleoo
Seeding is &bout to begin in Mani -
Ea -Mayor Little has presented a
new mulalanco to the City of London.
TM Grand Opera House at St.
Thomas was gutted by flaw, believed to
be imendlary.
The Grand Thank is moving its au-
ditor's and paymasters offices from
Detroit to Montreal.
Merchants of western Ontario be"i
complained tc Ottawa of tbe Great io-
crease of smuggling from Detrot.
Jobe Glassford, a prisoner at the
London wil. woe shot and seriously
wounded by a turnkey whale trying to
Tlte Manitoba public accounts were
brought don in tire Legislature on
Tuesiay Leo- is a cash faience 00
bend $546,4118.
Frank Clark, son of D. W. Clark. of
St. John, West Side. mining at DAMNS'S
City, write" that tie has &old one claim
for twenty thouaand dollars.
The C. P. R. will erect a thirty thous-
and dollar atom and brick station at
MacAdem Junetion. &ad *111lob
work shops and yard .by electricity. ing of the Pluton. Terror, Furor, r.
Arista+ end Ray°, and two transports,
Capt. Bernier, governor of tha jail ha,. arrived at Lao px
ot Quebec, has been diagnaged. mad A despatch trona Cairo mys a de -
will likely be succeeded by Mr. Hermit-
tachment of friendly natives from Kr -
chez, exonember for hfontniago7• gala has captured another Dervish post
At Wobraley Jaarracks, London. Drill killing twenty of the enemy.
Seeger& Moth la giving • course of
The Trammel Government has is-
inetruetioa in the handling of • Maxim
sued a green hook relating to tbe Su-
ratIdllrieg gun received from Ottawa. •
prams Court difficulty. The dismiseed
8now la the wooda at Madawaska .• Chief Justice is appealing to the poo-
h. B., aad Aroostook, hiaine, was from hi,
i tor's
fall being the greatest known In St
thromoopiless. Bleekett otal
coTbe act of the Masker Legislature
Venue and Man. ------ rty se --
impelling all cog/psalm theorporstat
Parry Gardiner enticed Will Rogers
Leto en unomupted buildiog at Ru‘sa.
ki. iii,and best his br•ine out with •
clob. Gardiner and Rogers were play-
mate', aged 16.
The pronot for the oonetrucGon of
• Mem itatier moat between the Groat
Lahr sod the Hudson River was be-
fore thszjioues River road Harbor Corn-
inalail us. serianitheofillii-Jor
A fins auroral display was whaler
ed Bottom an Tupaday night. Great
eaves of swept over tEs heaver
for more than so boor. It was also
seen throughout New England.
Thomas Young, manager of the M.
A. Hanna C001 Company, is quoted as
follows regarding the possibility of an-
other strike: "A strike involving Mout
20.008 miners will probably soon be in
full swing in Central Pennsylvania.
operators dipolar" they will not pay
the Chicago rale, and tbe miner. an-
nounce their intention to strike."
Yellow fever is epidemic In Rio Jan-
Ezaetoe has adopted the postal ar-
rangements signed last June at Wash-
Troops have been ordered•to the
scene of the rioting among the miners
et Somorrostru, near Bina°, Spain.
The Portuguese War Department has
decided to complete the defences of the
port of Lisbon as speedily as possible.
Italy has sold to Spain the armour-
ed cruiser Verese and the cruiser Car-
lo Alberto, ht is said, to the United
Spain has requested the United States
to transfer the United States fleet
to • greater distance from the Cuban
The Spailish torpedo flotilla, consist-
Bi1.L8 READ.
Atte..1......""iorataidkip end Hod- .
110* Railway Co.-ME.blaclettielWa: iltr.7141..Vaat. NIWP
• ."
bee tem allowed the insolvent to move NUS OF LORD SALISBURY.
"ail be IPP°Intaa at the first "et' ra. reedlike er sae scream 'wooer neer
lag of creditors, and inspectors May be Sartain Thais afinettiva.
appointia st any eneetiog, obar shell
superintend tise proceedings of the A deepatch from Lonchni says :-Lord
liquidator. The inaulveut. until be oto Siilbibury's Mora le more serious than
"Linn his is rlajtirtal t° al- is officially admitted, but how serious
such acts and duties as the liquidetore uluallcu be known until tha effect of
aut.. at the expenota ot the estate.
his rest la noted. --OooarsionaL but, not
ilia/ to medical laormation, manifested
themselves for Dearly two years. Theme
have been seriously aggravated by re-
cent illness rind overwork, and hew,'
the peremptory orders of Dr. Broad-
bent that ho drop every tIsiag, notwith-
standing tEis gravity of the °stimuli
crinis and reek rest. It vim only by
pointing out the hopeless result of die-
regardiog this advioe that the emin-
ent phyoician succeeded In inducing his
patient to obey ids orders.
Medical authorities who have been
consulted in lord Salisbury's case em-
phasise the fact that diabetic syrup -
total -are an ontty too common oomph..
oration of influenza this season, but
they add that careful treatment to
most cases results their 'complete
diaappea reface. Moreover. die he tee is
by es comes the hopelem disease I
to sot &mode the conk., •-tiquadaton
Mr. Clarke.)
Respecting the St. John's Bridge 504
Railway Extension Co. -Mr. Ellis.
Resvectizig the Windsort and Detroit
River Bridge Co. -Mr. (Alison.
Respecting the Ottawa and New
York Railway Co. -Mr fielrourt.
Respecting the Montreal and South-
ern Counties Railway Co. -Mr. Guay.
Conoul-General Kleckwcoki has in-
formed this Premier that. the French
deed of tamp -motion an
executed by creditors rem -renting at
least three-fourths of the value of the
cleinia, and • imairity in- number of
the creditors having claims of 'IOU and
upwards, be may be discharged,
The effect of a discharge is to tree
the icisolivent from all debts .nd lia-
bilities except the followiug, outran
with the consent of the oreditors:--
Claims of • nou-conamercial nature dun
to a non -trader. privileged claimer un-
der the Act, judgment debts due by
insolvent as damages for &smolt. *e-
duction, sander or malicious arrest,
debts due fer the nutintenance of
Government is ready to grant an all- parent. wife or child, or as penalty for
Goal subvention of ;80,0061or tbra MI- any offence' of which he has been con'
tabliehment of the proposed steamship rioted, &pit darer assirgnoere, stdumtiorn.„
line between France and Canada on t cirruatsnovr'. tru Ainaer ecanuyt
°Order of the
condition that Canada. grant • similar
Mr. Penny proposes to introduce • promine, or breach o
hill provident for the appointment of tesprtsovittebt under thuvis fill itsgeinr•Qtvithe
fruit inspectors to guard against the that in Ontario the je:dges of tbe Court
importation of diseased fruit, as re- of Appel' or any three of them. of
quested by the Montreal grocers. "thorn the Chief Justice shall be one,
SAN JOSE SCAI.E. shall forthwith mate regulations to
,,__ be observed in that province. and shall
The hill Passed on Wednesday in Li" fix costs, fees and charges that shall
Commons to protect C&nada against ths or mei be paid. A large number of
iatroduction of this tpasct post knows tbs chore in the bill relate to Ma-
as the Ban Jose wale was .it through rhfurrY for 11. Waalati°a•
and has received royal assent. ANOBJECT LESSON.
all its stages in the Senate on Thursday
rur; debts or liabilities incurred by
moons of any fraud or fraudulent
breach of trust, etc. Demands 'arising
otherwise than by reason of • eontract,
CHEESE SPECULATION. KIWI* Jana, Verret Knssla to Move Oat
sif Ceres - The tl.ars Strength Meg
Mr. Parmelee reintroduced his bill an.
ot last wasioa to pruhibit improper
The London Times Inthlishas a mili-
speculation in the sale of butter and
Lary article shoving *It Rusidau
theme. TIN evil which he proposed to
etrength on the Manchurian frontier
remedy was, he said, the practice which
Continental nee 'papers generally had green up within the last three or
regard Germane's withdrawal from
root, hoiroldhog the joat000ti„ of four years of selling butter and cheese
Priem George of Greece as Governor in England long In advaive of its
of tbe Won .
wed paotogyroom of tits earies alt olooteato Ohe Xravince o corl A .flataibua bee broken C sit jot -
ter irk
I- . acale. Some of the photographs Manitobs bee been disall ler' taanbong, where the people
taws. ed to pay texas. A Snares" WNW
WPM Coate and Letonisine, of the tion haii defeated the rebe1s. hie ft.t-
ak Works Department. Ottawa. Mg continues. • -
hem heft on as •sporation tour l• The agrarian revolt in Nungary is
Northers Beitiali Columbia, sad may spreadiag
Is a centlia betawea the
go to Damon City. peeaakte apt gendarmerie on Sunday
Ths talentntion of 8i- Alm flupflaf. at nom Foldvar two peasants were
day in Quebec this year, will be Pee" killed &Aid forty wounded.
poned wail September, in order to
Senor Sandoval. the aiWi- Agent
tth the unveiling eit thn Ln Berlin. is negotiiting for the pus
chase of • number of old and slaw
steamers of the North German Lloyd
Steamship Company.
Mme. Dreyfue. wife of ex -Captain
Of the ma's image are nearly 4 in.
Is diameter, end ere expected to re-
veal something concerning character -
:We essreasrfoims. fatreotrrooMc sts8-
seta alga ars kistriaag for developments
van's- gems.
WM as was the time of the eclipse. co ne
the differ's& partite managed to so Champlain Monument -.
fix it by plitstegraphy that they are I The opinion of Hon. 8. II. Blake, Q.
esabled. is a eertain seam. to bold it C.. that the Legislature him; not Jur.
indiction to prohibit the importation.
Pro -
manufacture in this country, and the
bill proposes to prohibit not only the
setting at (Mores, bot to prohibici..a-49,
offers to sell futures. The. measure.
lie s3id, had the support not only of
the butter and cheese trade, but ot the
dairymen of Canada. Prof. Robert-
son was also quoted as in favour of it.
The bill was read a first time.
Ontario and Rainy River bill was
amended in committee to provide that
the railway must he commenced by
Auugat lat. that eighty miles must be
completed within two years from that
date. and the line finished %Ohio four
seder investigatios for years. manufacture and sale wDreyfus. bas potitioarad M. . Mr Blair it as asked to embody a
mune the apeetacle. viewed merely as viore of intoxicating liquors hes bees the line to the Grand Trunk and any
clause securing running powers over
wan had Many elements of impressive received by the IlLanitote Legislature. French Minister of the Colonies,. for
permission to Mere her husband's He replied that the
beauty. "la the undid of the dutl blue M. Raoul Rhaffet. C.E., of Montreal, exilee The permission was refried. other company.
raiment would certainly propose •
sky." my, mes spectator, "stood out who leaves shortly for the sYukon with Tim Italian Government has sold the railway commission neat motion. which
We inky backers of the moon with its; the Slavin-80Y* p!irty, ha n coot- armored cruiser Varese to Spain. Ad- would render such a clause unneces-
VII ON I Wilt 10
The Largest Seasarti ilet Takeo by IIKII
V. a. War noportomeat TO. Illtresioill og
Me Army to be Italsod to WOWS Wes -
Playa/ rrelearsdletlas
The event of the day io official eludes
was the aortae of an order for the for- •
maths° of a new squadron of David
',easels to be stationed at Hampton
node. The 'squadron in tbe begin-
ning will consist of five ships, all tho
best of their types. Two of them,
ties battleships hisanachmetts and
Tele& are withdrawn from the present
North Atlantic float at Key west and
Tortugas. 11 wonkt be • mistake tie
suppose, the officials ef the Navy De
partmeet my, that in ordering thin
movement the department is animated
by any pus pose of yielding to represen-
tations or imitations that may ham
come from the Spanieb Minister as to
the mischief caused by the withering of
so large a naval force as Admiral St -
card's fleet in the vicinity of Cute.
nes -considered a few years .go. On the. contrary. the formation o
Lord Salisbury's chief point of, re- new squadron was brought about by
gret for his compuleory retirement at ci
• rategic considerations, •I -
the present moment is the feat. that Pur 3' -t
difficulties Lissa arise in the plans though it appears frouilihe nature of
which tie has bean carefully develop- the forme now wider orders to rendezing for a better understanding with vous •t Hampton Roads that this
Germany. especially in far Eastern strategy le of tto defensive nature.
matters. The negotiations have made THE NEW SQUADRON
some progress, and it is understood
that the Premier has set Ws heart up- Cannot be called a "flying aquadroo"
cut interposiug a check of this nature because the association of heavy battle -
to the rranco-ituasian piens. This shim with fleet cruisers like the Brook -
move. if auccessful, will not prove pop- lyn. Columbia. and Minneapolis, ro-
uter in Engtand. for the anti -German duoes the livailable speed of the wbots
sentiment here is stronger than any to the. mood of the lowest •essel, and
other foreign prejodice, but Lord Sal- the squadron could not do much "fly -
"'bury is convinoed that it is the tug" In the naval sense. The indications
strongest card to play. rather are that then reinforced by
Rumours of a reconstruction of the some smaller cruisers the squadron
Cabinet are freely bruited. but there will constitute as ideal neva' (tetanal,.
hi definite et on which to •Ithough the other ships to be added
to the squadron have Dot yet been de-
finitely selected it is surmised that
they will include' some of the battle -
rips at Key Weat and the armed
cringer New York, In which case Ad-
miral Sirard, it is believed, will com-
mand the new force. In place of the
cruiser New York the people of Key
West will look upon the grim outlines
of the Lig monitor Purita-o *cite -.vitt
have to assist her on guard the double
turreted monitor Miant000mati and the
monitor Amphitrite. So the order will
in Oa end result in the gathering of
the pick of the North Atlantic squad
ron st Hampton Regols.-The point le
said to be this best, strategically, o*
(10 Atlantic coast. It is almost cen- -
trally located and the shim from that
point can reach eny portion of the
coast in short order. -
is cocusiderably less than is generally I base these reports. t is the impress -
abila°1"Id l'"ft°11 to urirsufre miral Ran in the Charnher of Daps-
Ilightif nage" wits' Eucirc"" tha ellatanyologleal service in the Yukon gave
ties the impreasion that the Unit- --••
atoos-Wie the elereills4 Meat Cam g.enerntry, as midi as to make eertaia ' nd States had purchased tbe Armand SAFIFTY OF EMPLOYES.
f the Interior Dem:tweet. cruiser Carlo Alberto. Mr. Cam 'a bill requiring railway
ream " At the moment of totality M. Kleczkowski. Consul -General for &wake has amino,' china that t
purest and Most brilliant intender int
nce to China/la, has officially inform" i batter's delay be retying to the BMW
t ed as an
'.,ar extensions "leapt from the corona
ell Sir Wilfrid Laurier that tbe Frenc Man demands s
'Moths surrounding darkness. teeth- Government is ready to vote an thou-
. acquiescence in the Russian occupation
ed its mood reading. The same mem-
000 to a lino of steam- of Port Arthur. The British Ministe.
bees bill to facilitate drainage on and
companies n Cased& to prov e o
the safety of their employe& and pas-
te:igen by equipping cars with auto-
matic coupler* and air -brakes reoeiv-
&opposed and IN certainly inadequate !aiorirci,o Parhliiiiiuentetary criarcilles ituticabtaMrare.
to meet a owl -equipped adversary.
of theirroreign801112,17 %Glib. subject
Commenting editorially upon the to Colonial Secretary Chambertain's in -
conclusions drawn by its con u
The Times say.: -"Japan evidently
10. .thkan the measure of Russia's
strength and the result -is ieltos-
sia's withdrawal from Corea, Japan
baa made no files. hut she has acted,
and she has acted so quietly that her
action stands • revealed for the find
time by its results. It forms an ado
mirable object lesson for -the -Be
Government." -- —
A despatch from Seoul says :-Rus-
sia. it la reported here. moments to
the recall at 14. Kuril Alexeieff. the
Rualean representative lit the custonis
department. sad the Russian drill In-
etructors. It is also reported that
Cores .has offered to and an envoy, te
thank Russia for her kindness. but
that Russia bas replied that such a
step would be profitless.
01 quints pearly lumicoity." Tare who , ships between Frsoce and Canada on ' at Priklin is said to be urging r
sty, ethereal streams olf the most ex- a au y
doubt the world Maws/ onward sad up- condition that Canada does the same. 10rooloo
The Canadian Pacific Rainey tax- Th. Premier of New South Walesa
ward. and rapidly at that. have ooly 10 pacts st an early date to build three states tbat he will at the next g I
compare Ow modern treatment a, Ng n Whirs about the size of the electiohe ns introduco treferrennt
tato Australian ,politire After the
Swiss faabloo, all important questions
will be referred tack to the people la
110 for* of plebiscites.
eclipses with that 01 former centuries.
Uhl true that they are still an object
of dread to the superstitious in sore
suntries; bat When the Turks fire
gene as a Maw egslast them they
merely show their stainless to keep
step with the "earth of enlightened
1150.104.1Vim In Way Fatting Me
a illiro•
A new fireestisguishiagolanillier is
co t10we rket, of which greet things
ars promised. It is said that • plooh
51 111. pointer wild isliteetly sitinguish
a large volume of flame erasing from
burning naphtha, kerosene or other
highly inflmaMsble liquid, which may
be rither 'floating or diffused state.
It IS stated that the manufacturers of
the powder have takes it out of the
incipient fire -extinguishing class. This
step would appear to have ample juati-
fi:atioo, for an official record of the
New York City Firs cestaansisser• meta
Teutonic and place them on the route
between Vancouver and Toni:amnia. Tim
Empress Troia will the. be used for
the purpose of a passenger and freight
service between Vancouver and Aus-
The Minister of Customs oo Saturday
night received a telegram asking him
to authorise th• paring in of several
car boade of noreary stork that had ar-
rived at the border just after tbe sigp-
hag of the act exestuding American
nursery stock from Canada because of
the San Jar male As the set is in
force the stock said not be &Omitted.
forth that 70 cubic 10.106 01 the powd-
fame In *menthe& •"`" '—
or killed over 2.914111.00:t that
without s partkhi o.4315$g*. outside
of the fire loss. The reenter is per -
ferny harmless to the penal% or fato
tk. and can be swept cip and red over
'gni& if areaway be fought. A heed-
ful throwo in any slog beneath the
fire in a burning fins or chimney *111
kill it in/it/tatty, which is a manifest
advantage over the avatar, method
a fighting the =this top. N-
eill keep foe as time in an
etiolate without *gooier of effietwooy•
Its use does not neoseettate any naiecb-
onkel appiiance, se it is put tip la a
lin tube, open se ons sod, 28 Iiii'bSS
long, snit 2 holies Mr diameter. wafflh-
lag about 11 pomade. 3t hes hem 44-
104 ray poblie hatless. for Ws
sztinction of incipient fires.
Lord fiallaisry ass gem to die Mutt
et Wysmos for s obit.
Right Hon Thomas Bali. LordChan-
ostler of Ireland from UM to 111113, is
dead at Dahlia.
4./ord Beliabury's brother, Lord Sack -
will* Cecil left £256,600, almost entire-
), of hie own earnings.
The Landon Daly Mail is publishing
letters from women, demanding la-
dies' smoking carriages.
Cabal's from Loudon advise Engliste
tobacco merchants in H to leave
Cubs as war is inevitable.
The Birmingham Gazette states that
• Russian spy in tbe guise ot a footless
has been dhoovered at the Montt&
of Salisbury', residence.
Author -I am troubled with insom-
nia 1 lie awake at niglit boor lifter
hour, thinking about go literary work.
Ha retied -How fasUsh of you Why
don't you get up aad read portions
a it,
Storni a1 8.s. -11 w00 terrible. The
tempest beat the sea iato a horrid
fare the waves were moo/ibis high.
eat' they ...apt ever the frail graft
"k, flesh elver." be
erwii• rata' ehtilik,
01s. par ib kg Of women to
offer mesa
a .2 s
. -
Karr* sad 50a Malta VIM 511144 - 1111n0
of Me Attaeliing early 11111tes Web
A demob -A from Muskogee, I. T.,
says :-The house of FA. Chalmers, •
negro, who recently married a white
woman, was attacked at Wybark, five
miles from hero, en blowier night, try
six white mem who had evidently de -
Bishop Hartsell, of the Methodist
Episcopal Church of Africa. has reach-
ed London twinging letters from Pres-
ident Coleman. of Liberia, to Lord
Selienury and President McKinley, re-
questing closer relations with Great
Britain and the United States. It is
understood that this step is prompted
by tear of Trench and Chstlean en-
croachments threatening the integrity
.6 112. Repablic.,_ _
The Aesociatioilhf Chambers-4)(We').
tneros or the United Kingdom have
palmed this resolution at their
arestlag la London :-"That thins
Chambers regard the absorption of
Chimes territory by Ramie. Frame,
or Genaany with great concern. as ts-
jerboa 40 the Incomes 01 British MM.
Marra seeing these pitmen eret the
prohibitive Outlet tbeir respeetive
countries In all thole Detentes and de-
terroined to warder both the negro and
hie wife, both of wbom had been threat-
ened by white men who disliked the un-
ion. The door of their cabin was brok-
en in, and both the negro and his wife
were shot down, but not before Chal-
mers had mule fight against his as-
e ailanta. The wornain was killed out-
right. and though Chalmers succeeded
in driving off the attacking party,
they loft hien north% ti
wounded, an
scrolls the lands of railway companies
was also given • second reading and
referred to a committee consisting of
Messrs. Casey. Bain. Semple. Hender-
son. Monk. McGregor. and Tolmie.
To the mane committee also went
Mr. Campbell's hill prohibiting the use
of railway engines emitting sparks.
and providing for compensation in case
of damage to property of farmers
from this cause.
Meanirted te Mare Simla Ma Midge
After Me V *0 101.
The Montreal limald to -day publish-
es a special dated New York, which
says: -"In view of the repeated denials
which have been made by Sir William
Van tfort;etilt ay intention of retir-
ing from the presidency of the C. P. R..
it in interesting to note a st•tement
made by bins to the Washington for-
resPoodent of • leading New York
paper on Monday. announcing his
intention of laying aside the reins of
power after the year 1900, and 041t -
Limnos to a greater degree tba
Salisbury, which will mean a bolder
and more impressive foreign poliey.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:-
Tbe emery found on the east shore of
Lake Winnipeg has been pronounced
by experts to be of the very finest
itilalltio The deposits are lemon to ex-
tend over an area -61 twenty-five
square miles. About SO Oahe, have
been taken up. principally\ by Winni-
peg parties. Deposita of aluminum
and quicksilver have also been found.
A despatch from Melbourne, Victoria,
says: -The etaionial convention has
adopted the Federation' bill. and dis-
solved. The bill sow goes to the var-
ious Legislatures of Australia.
Mr. Davis' bill allowing • pension
to members of the Mounted Police
form after 20 years' service, instead ot
25 years as forroarly. was read a sec-
ond time, and, put through committee.
Mr. Penny's till to make ink'
holiday of Federal election days was
read a second time and referred to
the Committee no Agriculture.
Mr. Richardson's Lill to garnishee
the sidaries of public servants obtain-
ed a second reading.
he died before daylig t. Next morn-
ing the body of aim Matthews. an &god
white rim was found near the Chal-
mers cabin, pierced with a bullet.
Tito first altigaient 1114poriod to Mee
Nees Fovoarably neeeivea.
A clespateb from Ottawa says :-Tbe
Micister of Agriouiture ban been in-
formed that the first shipment of
Hoe Blanche K. Braes, registrar of
the U.S. Treaoary, la deed st Wash-
The prim paid by the United Shama
for the two saw Brasil warships was
The 'United States GovernIneut is
being urged to peas $ hill to deepen
Mris easel.
Speaker Reed is quoted by the New
York BliseIng World as stung neat
Obeirrone will complete It. work meg
eidjourn is April.
la introducing the Insolvency Bill
Mr. Fortin spoke at length After re-
viewing the legislation which had teen
passed upon this matter by the prov-
isoes, be mid that the principal defect
in the old Act was the power with
which official assignees were clothed,
which mule it to their interest at all
times to obtain aosignmenta, and it
was found that this power Was some-
times abused. Se proposed to remedy
that condition by requiring tbe sheriff
of the county or district I which the
insolvent lives to take the initiative
in proceedings which may le institut-
ed by s creditor who applies to the
court for what itt called • "receiving
order." The bill applies only to persona
engaged is trade. incorporated mom-
panien being exempt under pro-
visions of the Winiting-np Act.
limn application being made for
this order the assets of the
debtor are taken possession of by the
sheriff or his deputy. who is styled
Canadian butter to 'Japan has been
most favourably recrived,and realized
t thirty meta per pound. This waa
1. this city of Kobe. A similar ship -
rent vow sent to Yokoheand, and it
would mipser from the report that
theme In • good opening there for this
product, if placed Io proper hands.
The researches of Professor Mi.rne on
the mum of the breaking of telegraph -
le edibles have remelted the tact that
there are parte nf the mean -bed. par-
fleellarly an steep elopes sloe, Ma
edges of :_*ta. lettere great
changfreise Meer. The Import-
ance of properly selecting the Iciaatlos
that "
by Professor Ilibrek tbtimear4
et • sable 1. *COM by the
e la saes. marve' were &1s4gat Is
Aratrattuk is $M wakes tint iatItan-
eoxim=ton of tore cables eat off
with tb• Vest of the
world feit siseteen days. sad vivo( rho
to the fear that war bee broken out
10 Eurapt
neasseimmeas et semi win mesas seat.
saes ereeasesem.
A despatch from Bombay says: -
Two hundred and fifty new cases and
216 deaths from the plague were re-
ported Friday. Five Europeans have
been attacked. The Mohammedans at
Hub14. on the south Mabratta railway.
hearing of the riots in this city. have
decided to realist the plague promotions
lining plans for improving tbe facili-
ties of the transcontinental lice before
making way for his successor. He
said:- 'The C. P. R. expects at an early
date to build three big ocean liners,
shout the size of the Teutonic, and
piece them on the route between Van-
eouver and Yokohama, when tbey are
ready. It is their intention to utilize
the boats now running between those
porta for paseenger and freight ser-
vice between Vanoouver and Austra-
lia. When this la done a fast line will
be established between Quebec and
Halifax and Liverpool, reducing the
time 01 passage' to three and a half
days. The C. P. R. will then be able to
take a passenger at Euston and land
him at Yokohama *it bout transferring
him to any other line.' This, Sir Wil-
liam says, it will be able to do by 1900".
and operations tie Thfraot-
uotosra have been mobilised and the
infantry has been summoned. hut as
yet there has been no conflict.
Edna Wallsoe Hopper has brought
gait in San Francisco for a divorce
from De Wolf Hopper, the well-known
opera star. She has atm begun similar
proceedings in New York. Her attor-
neys say the rause& of action are wit-
hal desertion and failure to provide.
The largest (manure of preparation
yet made by the War Department to
meet the contingencies of the future
probably has just been completed. •
is the preparation of a bill providingo.
among other sections, for the pia in.
of the regular army on • war footing
with the full strength of 104,000 men.
The till has been carefully gone over
by the War Devartment and will be in-
troduced in the Home by Mr. Hull,
Chairman of the Committee on Mili-
tary Affairs.
As 7•1741 t7reeteteag 055. 1"111
The law as to umbrellas was settled
once for all by Lord Coleridge in a
leading English case. His lordship
"Umbrellas, properly considered, are
a part of the atmospheric or metero
logical condition. and, as such. there
can *ono Individual property right in
thorn. In gammon vs. 'Thompson de-
fendant was charged with standing oo
plaintiff's frost steps during • storm
and thereby soaking up a. large quan-
tity of rain to which plaintiff was on -
titled. Rut the court held that
the rain was any man's rain. no mat-
ted when it tell. It follows, there-
Irreparailleas /or ties Myeellittoa deign WI
Apure58 Kingstoa:
A dispatch from Kingston, Ont..
says -11 is generally expected that
"A" Battery will provide tbe artillery-
men for tbe Klondike expedition. The
men are all anxious to go. Likely two
of the new twelve -pounders will he tak-
en from here. and tour or more light
guns for manning the mountain bat-
tery, and located at Sault Ste. Maria,
will complete the equipment. Surgeon -
Lieut. Foster, 60th King's Couoty Bet -
talion of infantry. of which Hon. Dr.
"guardian." A rensiving..orde! i to fors. that the _umbrella, la 5.501
ha granted if the creditor making ap- umbra/Ia. in au air, „in 504um.
'Otranto% can astisfy His court that it hrellits have gone together, and tbers
should he made ff this order is grant-.
sd without previews antics to the in-
solvent of the application he stsy.
within three days afterwards. apply
to the court to have tbe order an-
nulled. 11120 effect of a receiving order
tO vest is the liquidator all rights
powertitle, and interest which the
haeolveat iras In and to any real on
personal property of whatever kind of
Wore, and guardian and lienidatos
shall take possession. and hold the
slams subject to this instructions of
creditors immediately after the ser-
vice of the reoeivisio order the mum) -
hat shell prepare sod fursials to
guardiee en liquidator a statement of
all Ms Habilitim Onset and indirect.
all of Ms esosta. The penalty for dis-
obedience to the order of the mart le
traprteneutint for not more than obi
most*. A 'nestleg et the credIteri
'WI la called within 10 days of the
Waft of the artier. after dee MOO
• -101.11.1. *6 "
is no reason why they shoo
*rated in law. An umbrella mayun
ited cortai* eircunotanose-the chief or
which is possession -take on the attri-
butes' of personal property. ;he
as if
s mein set • toh and oatoh • cluentIt1
of rain water. that rain water will be
considered as his personal belonging
ohne It is in his tub. But if tbe sun
evaporate the water and It la rained
down again, or 11 1.10 tub la upset end
Use water spilled, them the attribute of
personal ownership blatantly disap-
pears. So If • mas bold his umbrella
In bla hand it may be mesidered a Per-
sonal belonging, hut the moment it
leaves his band it returns to tbe great.
general. Indivisible Comm= stock of
umbrellas, *hither the law will aot
attempt to purses It."
So far as we knew there hoe never
been a surceesful appeal from this de-
AdVIIIMIISI In retro e.f earner -- Mae to War
reanibilltien - reeled'* Ilan In the
nommese - A Sig aiirplo• - Mallard,/
A despatch from London says :-Ther.
extreordinary activity in 910 cop-
per me tet, tarporliiqy at Ili rm I ne-
ham. Authorities agree that the
up -
plies are manifestly scarce, and that
the stocks are unprecedentedly
Good brands have advanced L2 per
ton since January 1. The activity is
largely attributed to the projected ez-
penditure of the United States for oar
material, and a poised ble rupture with
the priscimal copper eountries.
John Meakin, an old weaver of Der-
by, is the proudest man in the King,-
dom. He has Jura received from Queen
Victoria oer autograph portrait, In re-
cognition of the fact that be has made
Mr Majesty's stockings for forty years.
She desired him to send her his port-
rait In returu.
The huge surplus of the present fi-
nancial year and the high price of osm-
osis find this Government of Great
Britain with more money on its hands
than it needs, and It has been decided •
to spend 412,1500,000 In buyhig sites and
erecting buildings for the great public
departments, inflecting • new War
On the Cork, Raidon & South Coast
Railway, where a strike is in progress
the line patrol discovered on rtunday
evening that the rails had beers torn
up at the approach to a viaduct storene
ty feet high, a fee miles from Cork.
The patrol was just able to atop the
Borden is surgeon -major, has been call-
ed upon to look after the medical equip-
ment. Me is at present. attached to
"A" Field Battery, performing the
medical duties in connection with that
corm and the Royal Military College
in tbe Miencs of Surgeon -Major Neil-
son, who is now ad. Ottawa. Dr. Foster
is a tall. well-built, able-bodied young
man. enthuniastic over his duties, and
one likely to do himself credit and his
calling honour and possessing a consti-
tution likely to withstand the rigours
of the Klondike. Ile is busily engaged
in making preparations for the trip
northward. and finde bis time fully m-
1Plitin the teak.
tior Evan*. commanding "
Squedroel. Royal Canadian Dragoons,
Winsipag. will cornered the corps.
Be will be assistad by Captain Bur-
" A" Field bittery. Them three
officers. Intended for this duty were
aummoneA to attend last week for con-
sultation with the Minister of Militia.
and, returning to their posts. at once
began active preparatlorue for the voy-
age, which is sei gond as sasounced for
the second week in April.
Boort men esteem the value of not h
Ig so mach in this world as a real
friend. Such a one la as it were, an-
other self. to whore we impart our
rot artoret thoughts, wbo partakes of
our joy and eomforts us is our afflic-
time; add to this, that his company iv
an everbetleg pleasure to
TOMO/ of Timm Leave to a eater fee lbo
Load of tioldl
A despatch from San Trio:mime
says: -The little fisting steistrier Weir --
England put into this port for a supply
of coal and provisions sufficient to
carry her to Veric,olaver. Captain
Small says he passed the steamship
City if Columbia She had on board
twenty New England widows and six
Male peseeniera. The widows are
bounti for Alaska. whorl it is thole
intention to oyes shops ton the sate
of groceries. dry good*. and hardware.
Slaty widows were to have sailed ha
the steamer, but all but twenty lost
courage at the last merneet.
GREEK LOAN OF 1130.000.000.
It Is announced 10 London that a
tireek loan of 11110.0110.000will be Mired
within a few days. The loan will be
floated simultaneously in St. Peter. -
berg. Loodon mid Perla
- •-i . troosecesedorreetwolleaseso ificeaw • •
• ' •
ii/N, •