The Signal, 1898-3-25, Page 2air era, 4�t , • Yr �r-� . „. a., . ` .,stvwa• is ' r b r' .�.�■ �__— --- -.__ _ --- ------ .___— ... - _ _ _ ' -- rad I,Woefa" tiI_- _) 6"it 60 d, And. lost la ees he did trot bear !ar N. Wiaa [ acts "" neat tter wy+th•r the mLllta.rl The Best I'latch maker. •t Last a >>, prebrded; th.r•upos the notary lavilis hon t. oak, Leh. iBOU? OUB1 l�D 8P1IU, for .nnth.r scene pr. THE Cl1011 1901TIl Ne � la �a �- tit �bla launching fo b upon the oast eztrava- Pon and alta the contract in his tarn. tdd*al McKinley will „4o everything �` slots center science finlat _ ,r. yr ft•Ad w)sleb ,tr/fetih ddldEll i� 's�ht9ll �i�rt wrwoon) acs lbs world o! tur jy g]l thou"" from ttilme o trmw wag oyer, w la �F'�'lliH ' �!Ai�'� +-' -- ymrMltrl tt•riw •t to oust respectfully as the two friends be ventured to lead in favor of rest the vill pa M -~r p ago maleic, only •bac hatadred OST[! ABOUT THZ>r. States a reyiolub dsbtmttatiorp taint loll D!►klICE1t �• y t of "raatsat tnb �� CAkPTER LIL ir*aterdd- rad clasp. But Ferdinand had at- yards distaat•. Hector offered hb _ Ibe vow, /sic the earth, only ods T,he vebiele rovored the ground at s "My tallor," exclaimed Ferdinand, ways something more t.o say, and it arm to old U*Aemaimallo Aubsool, and, 0-6— dr ram TIME jt VIP.N(iUNCli -Oil mlio its ken, to �' •1081 "be has arrtMd from Parts with tbess was alread five.o'clook when. spri quite regardless of her rad infirm- st'� -tar ar- IM rryy rmsvlBR ri s for a a• Ti ahWMUy y> wltbio jog -trot. The driver dosed un the hoz two oases full of clothes. During the Ing out of lues atmtast at m tae. A*66mu-cats aromeard a wwr-Mew whacks*~a:reel that war will etertslt Rew•rtypr war lac 7lsrr er recce, cllit fly to Its own t oly*rRr•■ �. Hector was at vast ab a itlea, drew bora tae manna. Prabt pent W o! the to rad Hwtor, Ironing back Inside and on- I pant month he has only beoa working to got rid of bis friend by the em- for ha was no aaxiou• to overtakt the wban the Board of Inquiry have sivoa The Losdsu Daily Mall bas bean pub flan i , citcsen but only t" dyed, no to say, by the monotonous ma I for me." ployawat of a little personal violence. beautiful girl with the golden MJr. Mr. •Alexander Patterson, wbo for their verdkt. wDiop le exported la esti Ilabl•g A Nrlos of articles ma "krt� of tape ,ppsr0, •s dreamil at "\t hat! ate you meso b try oa all It was buw�wr, too lab to think of Wbea he rad Ferdinand'• •fnat'tsach- pprriaer at en days. liven i< an indemnity i 8a- Reform." Lr sae writ by glr Charly wolf st rertccdly ° flan• o[ the ratings, a ed ! eighteen years has been a jrapi uite 'there ousse 1" raPova, for the rest of the h0aca w u ed tore tnairie she was alydady there. fiats P d tpd coo the tranquil aaenery oi Tourrine, q I ..« scwsrsm 1 do. rad mind you, 1 want already astir. }A sour oarrit"goe--to ba kwein oa the old oowip'• arm Le as the Toromto Ctiista,m $otos, returned marded epaie cannot pay lt, for aha ;�� rvabtetaa is • riglaw telae L, thews tisaea of rapt uncoasrlous whether he were traveling i your advsos. AMa't you one of the used at the wedI flat ole ao-t c be ea• s the other da after can ezbnsivo tri has sunk bet treasure in the costly tee [act. w ki • o[ ce. Aal" °t y. ti�bl manner, and'evideatly J p revotutioe. I formed acquaintance- °t Cs'•ada' 8evoral los wain vel ble tray*' obs loll0wers 0f fast or slow. Tye lsodsoaps utas piell � -had Just arrived. sari the stable men quit unconscious u[ Iter own fasrina` through Florida and Cuba. ship with the remaining office" of the and all •re publitrbod in the astatpcab [ort+ aickl egnoe0tr&ta wherever 6 uresquely divrrelfied. At times the \\'bile speaking, Ferdinand divested ewotremrt7 n ing And siloYRlRg crus esu oma kilosaand she •I%& ld cou Ilateaed Havana ie • wnodsrful city is many hialse. 'tiro officers only lost their here given. Sir Chart" Dilke writes: sea& cos t be conducted C road skirted the brow of • wooded hill himself of his coat and waistcoat sad n" prepared far the ordeal, kh, Lt was aelattaiing of woedrft DI Innoceat mrliotouaaesa te•peots-sums uI them ut as uaenvi- live•, a°d strange to wry ths7 uPlad "Wblb wo ba» In inion recti Ise, J 22 I� veers allgpt and overlooked the Loire, rad at otbora x si ular the aria- to m, "wbtaun LDirtesn to the ill-fated' vee /Wag t tboy Dg arght, fele Aulsel was ever nary servant girt having- best nit- sparkled In her lei blas • rad •t able nature," maid he (o as inter- •t ia••L out present wU4 tor•• l• � of the total wit tt wound, with serpentine curves, does n compluining. Nothing seemed to wit forced for the occasion b all the avail- some remark inure amusi than tb* I sol •' slpOg trttok into come cool valley, girt roundabout him, and he did not merely complain able peasant women living on the othtan, she burst out laugh' so that plow. "The architthe pl Lam men, rad for sd lhilemsir =qac of m ralir ng "How about the [ililouaterltteg erne- 11 rn utd ale Dow m•kle" D with sloping vineyards. At length of the clothes, but also of his own Ph7- •state Then the glacier end poetry iter rosy lips parted and disclosed bar Placa, the , of l o[ the people tad di..%Ie wale oKlosn sad while will drGyo„ In 1 oomp&tlwa o[ °obs• Tb* ler ver coD+iderutel woke u and steel imperfections. lie wished to look cook arrived from Tours with bis tin glistening pearly Leath. Tbat sight, th*ir modes o! Ifvitg differ ana, And t% «°ami,okib ruin i°s the may easily •rise vvhscb will drtr• us Lary � ai thoroughly• *galYp olTt* T P diwtinguleheed and in lei■ vverwlelmipg red Dopper molds. pans and psile, and all W Bpsaalob orulssn and Ytt ! t reia[uroe our isdlet arm evon most r+ it0ursh $•Dior was rot dlaturb@d by from Lehr otstoms of the Canadian rad Imadtna targoe@ of powder and les!! gar J weOt to ladle. it•v1 [tyfh nQ b' tin°ry b0rsss i to r side anxiety he fancied that he Mrokecf "rot- r,iawr sonorous uteneile. wrier clang- Ferdinand, lets had same dtfflculty in Amariosa ls. 'Lha cit ilaelf b a from homy It mstl be adalttsd that LKrtleo oma work 0 P poop 7 fur the Cabana. dVhen 1 esu iD Jack- as before tha7 read uclaitned; - emque. The tal ar. of course, was all ad sad jingled like the cracked chimes getting to •lamp, for do whet he would ter mDdeat one end nigh tln,ttgD- soavflle, •vasal »forced there aftei the case oaf our other great L•he fro•- pat p rt oat thole ta satisfaction. He answered each fresh of the village obureb. The old stair- 1 is mind arts haunted by a celestial y � the mathematical ys t\'d are getting tater, dr." complaint by declaring that the din- once groaned under the weight o! an vision, oat. The wealthier famines instead of au°°systally making the den"erous tier -tint o[ CmDt►d•-is aegaabls. It all cant was attempt There were indeed ampi signs of Leh* paraged garment fitted bas customer arm of wort- le; a holst.eren trip' u probe"" tbat iD •sy.getawpl pro- or eratntna t encu y prop p "Ab" les murmured, "it Mademd- living in urban rwsldatcee. as sun du, gave the Cute°• ntoaey r' antes. Bn +rotcimity o[ some manorial dwelling- to a 'r, and whenever Ferdinand quem- were banging velvet-bwked benches @site Aurelio could only he like her." ac be outskirts o[ the cit reatde over "Tba derive is a rums from their Penn war is which we ra with the aid oI al P tioned bis own g- round an improvised ball -room. and To lie Continued. tnwn that Lebo ecce buma. The hedger were well trimmed, physique, be (latterin y • t6lsen in America. [bon in Key ga"ai rgaiost • rombiM • Upip cs kno•sD b ly proclaimed that he had never before there was a din of ammering As they _`__ the dawD tvwa ■torts Their building Veef w.,, followed and recorded wl obs liLches properly banked up. end the a Li'est entertainments an held nightly W States will ►s nwtrrl. ill Iced rrllYar teas pruned w ss to afford shade with hacl the borwuu o[ dressing soca &e ad railed tae l•nainas to the walls. an large god mawivs and Leh• ate.lel- and the groomed@ devoted to . tbeir w. It i obable that led v comYletrnmr pritherta not rearlr, miralify proportioned gentleman a M. Soon` &bows the tamatt Ferdinand's PRINC1t ARD OFFIClt facture very ornamental; the doo»-"ems.- Dr eCan da out fostering dampness an the road- Aubanel. lieEtor was of course appeal- loud voice could be heard. calling --. ars generally douhle t"s dee of ants► "How ars the revolutloalrta [grins t' attention to tae ddtence of Canada cJotmataer•Db esu awed �^ acs Two bans bidden like Deets sin- 04 to by either side. but as he wished everybody at ones, men end women Mew a tawaewe tirrw►aa ueaerall was carN l "The fi ht a guerilla warfare ex- might tend to Prodaeo a @tat• o[ tool. The Ler ec�ip C y' sed to let the bunion" over, he almost in- alike, so that well nigh every Sanaa is er wmWt� and the windows are correspondingly lolnaive3, rad o[toa ambtrn ds the aa" less favorable to psaom than y acro m°'jag Picture• •L t b Dug copttes o[ young elm• wen W variably decided Ln the tailor's favor. the calendar Ln turn asn&pod his lip•. I• . The climate le tropical. no alar the bili .n tutu. and further off above the tree At lost the latter was free to retire His sant, old ydademeamelfe Aubsnel, Ia Austria sad Germaay the trey they n v scan feet en. Lae existing 000dltion of rtlatrn., Nr carman I.. & k devised • p P.- __=nee tbq_oo•Dioal too! o[ a pceeoD-house sod then it became necessary for Ho%ct- had just arrived. and Hector now took Lriwe against gaming wen, and still I is erccl is their windows: which •re they Dever rs toe beaten. \Chep toe tau h even Mr. ria Blake, M. P., sstic camas, • biesepe and pl Dever clomad; instead ►roe ben which Spaalards pvonw them, tea of their Wi ass with s train d PI 4. or "' ire bin aiom os the mart as ed, h +til drisse H• aPravg put aoldWr, die in battle to one slaiD o! ten lrih Netioaalist Isadeta 4 rs pr ided ftonld be dlsoseatd�~._'dome mowan we» g nW '� -rar7 •tri=. M'>ssa iM �11aab7 nL _ rorbeille which stood on the fable to o[ lewd, hastil� dressed. ,nd went down fare lifted and locked •t evening. gave ra red [or additional debate ez - . da 1 Let wash ie ae[aDlariDg meadow, end the grand drawing -room. The car- stairs. For mond waa decidedly los- BaBe'a was 000npisd by Prta•saaa troupe I their her a build( s r ruesome up. among the Cuban+ if felt •loot, to p W Par, llc Priem° � of ml,iaataopatia t abs alt craw balmy with the scent of heille. so called by ctatcxn was out in las lei wile aDd sadly needed a sub- alter their spppresscng the tnmurreo-I g s� g would be a herculean undertaking diture by t►e Domlataa. !t laesrtaig' Ip two o[ LhsM c aew made bay. A little beyund, @ever- this car a basket, but r su rb rose- atitute, so that Hector offered to act tion ei 180 the offices uartered at'Panrance, and t"e city after nightbll whine them, and Spain will never do that no British Oeveremset will Bests tble Dumber of spectra ph pa q looks like • ► it. tom inion." Pts- - emanated to GWY, emob p1 wood chant, adorned with incrustations M Madsmoloelle Aahmael's aide ds- �stadt weer warned nitut l• i I uge wllectioa o[ priaoa J oP to k a 1a arivab fora L -it thorouabbreds were grazunc in • a8 P T eg "L Havana well fotlltiedr' Daae mop rp g graphed !n rare woods o[ the Indies. and having camp. sod under bar orders proceed- boom". In the hotels men do the ebam- of the visible r . d6re[ully secured loclosurs, and by and a rich w t y at Baden Baden. One •ammer evening j "Fort Morro swede e e harbor es• the od onei f h tires a Peet• wkils "icing aD imus• by at too cad st •len ion •venue eu! � rovssht aline lock sed ed to roatrol the utd4ci mined rem her work. Their culinar hab.iu differ I e, g handles. loector greatly admired it, of servants and work -people. A■ [or King, then prince, Wilhelm. strolled 7 trsnoe. \V hen aces teen three Span- etmoWbrte for tea chemic, •Dai , ,heatnut tree•, M. Aub•nel's house; ap- and mentati.t deciderd to buy something M. Auban•1, his aunt suggested that intothe gaming rooms and noticed as radically fru n ours. almost every Sigh cab men -0f war rode ll anchor. The to meted ons of these across the esu is tom@ of war i• motr� • tnestioe closing macs afoot chemical use of the same kind fur Mademoiselle hay bad better go and visit his intend- officrer in civilian's clothes sittin at Iprepar•ed tbere is mixed with stela.Icily suss overrun with tbarstwe of of I,ockyor e•7e thMe ph pea rod to view. It esu nut properly Blaadureau but Ferdinand declared ad, and he did not ask her tore t g soldiers. Beery hotel hu from twenty- oammand o[ azo oma . fr •a ares ter°u akin a chateau. but sae of toes Pee rad cell. The normae ars vine nsrnnv, ncmtioD• Apart. thdD, from IDdi spa g that he was not satisfied, for he found bar advice• At le th. under the Play. He bad won [wise on the rod. l f five to fitly colleen. Tbs reeulan q • Oraphw increase obs t ate aga °[ cnpretonfbus though inanely* conn- it a steal deal too •mall At [int Joint control o[ taw ol�lady and Hec- and was about to pick np bis money. I s" much w that when the awnimge ,r .red their time in smoking. eating, propose to argue the need of •n at�y p 1e fc Dr aDd damanatrste renin a ,�•.r1tP: Ywfrses, formed of a eche-&I build- Hector started beck in surpr}rpy t. tor, all the preparations were complete when be caught sight of the prince (the storekespen •re let dawn the' �dtaokins, carousing end touagine, and rather cesD oiesit a and ime tied cgs. sical connection bets Ion glancing round the room he reaffsed•' Rd: and, then it was 868Ds mr for them watchi him Terrot-stricken, he meat overhead. The vemenRa ere •Lel Arlll but little. On ever block then tar Dwetsit/es than nhse tae Cee wast of pay tog wish advanced wings. and which t the truth of hie lrianA'■ statement. F'or to burr in their turn to Cy'ormea-Ec- I are eight or ten policemen, who carry ad date•" tpe mstrrlals of tM IoM*► enc • seem to "ave "hoe italil written y intone and waggon traffic multes a rifles pistols and be o°ata In cos rhrumcahbers• Lleot. Blackstt P y Ion every ride tJwm was some marvel IDam, where the "contract dinner" esu rat quiet, not dariee to reach cut for 7 Il3CANADA PROPERLY DEFE\UBLf the above their gates; on satire •tory Ire- to admire -cashmere shawls end yards waiting. - hu winnings. The red turned up a�de,tedne Doise. The rddtwttta like- o[ war with the States, the Spanish hod? btu welter, Mir. G. H. Hbud� rued soma unknown _� ;__jgt 11raj.tilttzsgyytµr�a. salaly devoted to u o yards of lace silk• and rtatia. it wad one of those copious ++pads third and thea a fourth Lima- As the wire stone Paved ars M Barrow tart float might bar••• the eo&nt towns ♦•other 4 �o y tin3 mazimam acre insgalmo& ebo tuna ^� bat America .would coca drive the pyn: "It must bo reallatd that 1 t'pcua and Man. ♦bother Wtt7 jbire jsvvel cawtpta, �iviAlt' dhtl for w'hic]t Tarains le so tattlalLOii:= ?let � i5' 1•+TesrA as q•"" " - ` v1t� ,orcd Pao b CA tea Woraas e _-.forest chambers. A servant stood at�Store boxes lana and opera glasses. ev- table+ almost staggered under the Prince toaahed the oflioar on tet dawn ing out of Cute. wh*n tar groper' thee! has Al1twM, le tit lograp a a y rr kind of knic•k-knock that a woman we ht of the dishes, bottles and lase- y. p RCA1tCELY R ALH A1lIiP.ABT. dawnin et a new rad het ter order ul DrcpoerlT dele0d tte i• our tart M y y�. orale, Soots of tat pbotoer the ln>D oto. end ehirldd hu e es yy yu.ulmo earl said, gena eTake u a -from the sue with his hand. watched i misht take a fancy to. and the whole es.� T'here were thirty-eight diners lour ttaoney •sd d y o bo ." your and oD others there is ouly room for tunste would break over t o y min- mauda nstsat pectedoa. Thttueh tacit � tys �•, los/a are pearly ! . the approachiaa vehicle as it it con- representiD a ver considerable attm ran round the board, and full obtain sloald find you Den." O[ tuDsr island, so dwar." Dow b' min sea coact u val fore Let r deco Let y„. of mono Indeed. J sixt�Lshes we» served. Ever any roe, the soldier did sot require the yore street, Ohised rtreet, Generrl covorDmett •Dai war.” y mon by • Dawl fotbm ohne Iasi cls to diameter fife oxpea � a - -eyed some expected visitor. J f y _ - [ the vast'nue datstretoh,t - hist =@www es c ' ' M auol and I nt s forts t know each other. and indeed -ever one tt'•yler street and O Neill) atre•4.ibe seas date _ _7• - -- --i p T>�.Il10NA8LF. SRAp>I< - - uc \i'hul • n Dcq" tDo- Dt'geector: y alb LOId-facies. fls.t{!h ltuitattsdi- tenet yl 0ammetciml 4>1�Ci�. °f - rent �__,_ 7 �R�! esTOeaTi6rmRttreyouD }_ ear,.-_ ttyty xp hudiDw.all these- " aasd.3rsretia- o� emtosrraDosr` but tberwas i dead bad rt Rastadt, da ng whip` t4he out atter the costae oaf tJM nava► 'A-.�.Jm� q„ � at C a a OAR b� {ems M oi�, - - - - for develops i'+s•ga o da rater tbsrt tots a n few y '� Nta alas ears "come one {• oy►iduetly exp@etad end and. DergtJoor. Hector was indeed the >• the at • ul thlp tats sup._ ..ttea:h perhaps 1 shall be cn obit. way "What tae toot a hand in such pro J tie helm aigitod the cul r1 ������su But as the fly drew nea»r`to the diga!it.y f Have you become A king, sounded tis praises so highly, their Len- j�o D t and rnt for mud of obs •reragm wooer St • Dates would send to rav8de Ca timac ossa an a rept, aged the old him. " tsaent —" he said, "atter install century. rvaent is the new s tri frba4. will C acro obs tlmm o[ the eel Leben, or do you mean to ruin your- 7 PW D L •t In the curet of a war breaklD house be rocogrtrsed the manant u the malt 1" aunt darted her side-de-Mmp •gob lou sup! &e. tit red tarred ap [our •'The I�leterrw and the Plsaooee sn ;t ba beoto i or on's slow . he am- ' oa acme wbu had ac•om vied Ain friend ,. ateful looks. that he ossa at cart limos mon. i pteventtsd yob from I e II lve@. the Cleated dirties and Ley, iifferent parolee maeagtd 1 T_�,-, W "Ionia mysslf L ,ad, that'@ impoasibie. fit ! winnan tont nimms the ma:'mum. the principal hole' at the plods. They woman who u tashioe'e slave. the sp- sshee. Though it V uphersally h Ferdinand when the latter visited Bar- Before I know Herminie I tried to do treated as one of the family. -Aa, o d a b that they @o three times. but on each oecadon cousin parodLed the Count d'Ari6h- ;bleb ou would eertaioly hav* staked. ass maaive btsitd/0ga paetarsptrely I,wer to this gaestioa u a vital ave; that meed lith Ay nlet*lid will ez it by PbAt•rtai 1 Beaux. And the servant seemed to re [am,wa q iD std a:claitne,d, 'TDwrp You will draw on toe for that amount. located opposite Cent.rai Park, when to the woman monsiblo enough to get they mig with America, tad per saablld• in • ss sing sear• ea s s+gsl�hi-• in tura. 4os..Ae bad AM as soon as 1 aegsn ttiflcDg with my 7 "' But take m advice, do not lel• I the m let tate tat n theatag can. capital. •-relative died and left me a is only a relative the more." wAwrs 7 foam the volunteers red 3p•ncah @oldaera'u star as pos•chole t the faahtonable theyhouetlary as • saliva o! aecllr► ardor ln,erti"aUoe for y •eady taken off his cap, and was tele- fresh fortune. The exons I've nt upon everybody laughed. That even- ngsin•" The mltmoir• of an old Ger- drill ever morn' not exec ti onUm the apestacle. vie%ed mere y ape jai, indeed, the }east thing seemed to man froneral who lived to w+e his last 7 •i, P ea mice and yet have [t lomcwmits it fe cion on our part sad sight sate tka _ graphing ineamprehensibit @cgnala. At 4n thtae peasants acct me Dothitg; iL &ts many *lemerts o[ impr* came from one of m uncles. It's true Provoke ns•rritnert. Hector was stetory st Swdan Dave sited as follows errday. Havant Dae a poprulatioD 0f Dat of so mach importance. wAlle to fact ep�irii in b%L It such A, couAa boo", -els the midst of the dull length the vehicle drew up in therourt- 7 I Witt or •t Ipaet Ise a •red so, which "I waa the kindness o[ the lesson that Il60,OW people, bot k coven no mo» the woman who wean the color whirl i fact Canada, sort, to Lbs'' , Doe ipeotator, "ato«1 I've spent the whole of what by left y pox ca d me Let amip For me it was •dOPi•d Lek]. r7 yard. and the valet eagerly diclaimed: u the more important poiltt, rad ar ff g ,,paea than on"Itarter of the extent suits bar beat, irres Live of the rel me buG• Lkat'c afot ten.otah to repay b t than a ear's im riaanment.^ Par gII" overt d wEar, tall a vietLm to A>oerin• b►sckpeo e[ tea moos wi "Ah ! sir, ou've come it last. M contrived to keep •very o e Ln such 7 P t{bolaky 7 ! one of HermiDie'@ amflr. ffiy Qtly _ o[ Toronto. Tam people are all huddled I i� mods, it is a ocrttttset of aadUfor- ♦ MI,CHI1LVOiri lOIJCt. $eciroltn �- master waa expecting you most imps- wort is that the corboille will be too good humor that Ferdinand at times tagethew. The poorer classes towards dWly raga•d edge y turned bis eyes away from his tea- Jf1KIN0 HOTEL-KEEPRR. room. Mr. Rabsrt Duke writes asdeNowec tient' @mall. IArt alter •14 that'• my aant'a ole outsklrta. you might say, @leap tsagA••!�ic oho •ytarks'KnassA o' 7•' morata to smile his thanks ■cross the As the ma rig of women do adhere "That Sir Charles Dilke le riche it •[lair. t13be wiM he len early to -mor- .� with their ca+ttla, [a there the cow- p J Mst and tarot brilliut lace tiector won about to expre@s law won- rff ronin"; for in the atteraeoD 1 table. At the end of the repast., two rwrwed ■sr rmtae twits a aorto t• Rr"fvo shod Ln located when our oummst• to the fashion of the moment, it is p1t•- opposing a poliry of tttrspeasioe. *Odra- re der chess words ceases him wren be elderly gentlemen, solemnly attired in D ant to bs •life to relive their minds estio° and fortification in Camels •@ race" At the moment of to must send it to Herminie. Now let's rrb,r tet creat kitchens •n laced.' slack. and with very stiff @hitt collas. ••\t'hat an their traseli faoilt• against Lao ('DiL•d Stater apprears to •„er pxtensioes "leapt from the c fe:l himself taugbt by the arm. and ' go to dimer." abruptly room to their test, pad with- Artor�g t.o Le Journal der De ab ng of the strain Let uncertainty. Up to Imo b be rlactl olwious. Anyl:wi " "i wasn't mistaken." tl ht Hoot- cwt •word rased (oto fM dnwtn ties#•' --- y 1&oaths wrrounding durkter. nD tarnin round found hlmsslf lac- °� ei or: "the poor lgtlow haw fairly lost his P g- o[ Paris. lbw most prosp,orous hotel- •Itailro*da are almost unknown Ia 'the preseet momtnt Let bas town ditfi- I more mar levans tarn saroh • noel r haN- ad by hie friend in person. room. V hid to ooecsive. "If I wen cry. ethanal stn.ms of the ma Mad•• keeper ie the world i the King of C\rhs. Thete i out a street car in cult W st&ta with any degree of oar- isPesaf ' "Alt, thanks, thanks," exclaimed Fat- 'Whother this was true or not. Ferdl- Thos , gentlemen are the votaries," Wrlrtrmisrg He rune two large bo► Havana, bust there are thousands of tainty just what color would' -be LM the Pnsidett oI the Unload let"Ler"." teieite psarly luminadty." These dinand Aubanel. "Tou are a true Imnd'a stomach certainly seamed to he said a lady, seated beside Hector, in carriages rad you eon go to eDy part . proper thing this spring, but It in as the aid sora mays. I would doclare douhtthe world moves, toward u answer to his is uirie•. Latrine is Stuttgart. Them hotel■ acre y pmwtawhia real' war the moment the first stone o[ • ' 'riend. I knew you would come, and I Ln the right place. lost ate enough, for q of ole cit fora y learned that first in preference stands ward, red rapidly st that. IImve o [our men o[ decent appetites, and con- Every one &t once followed the re vlattod by the best of the mpreAast equals fifteen cents in our mony." blue. fortress was Isid 0s l`aaadlen soil. re the modern treatmal few that oo recalwing my letter you trived to talk the whole while. But prematative@ ot'thw law. A number I ci,iot an Germany sad enrich the ^le then much blame lite among the The aid saying that " Thera i notb- i That oar brothers in the Matesso°Id eomPa • must have started, immedistelv." snarcel bad he sN*Ilowed hi last of chairs bad already been disposed in les so abort -a hted as to emit the ro!, with that of former can' "N hyo my dear fellow, i Ittt Bar- Kung's private purse to the tune of People r' Ina raw under the wa " i■ certaiDly Ig s Ler tnouthl'ul than he precipitately arose a circle round the reception -room. t�sr 'H*rdly may. In the eweniasa, ev- verified ss one locks over and examines introduetkm into America o[ European u V frac th&t thq ars still sn deaux two mantbe ago. and I haven't 'rum tab4 std drag�ad Hecfaraway. wbore on the central table stood a $"�{`rW a year. Hotpl keeping has been , erybody pfbmenadss or drives. Thos•- the different nbsides o! the now spring , motbods in the form at fortress build- of drerd to tat superstitious it received any letter at all from you. •'1 ata ging to v r t my inlend*d,' heavy silver gilt inkstand, flanked by (copwrd for nearly 800 years by the I,ad, aid wom@u delve record ie tM Poheur, sad of the [illy rix shades of-' Ing• it i difficult to believe. foie" ('bane al°°e--- Da acid. Tlis wi!1 make my third vas several immaculate quill -pens. The r*ys ai Wurtemher". It i recorded cheap carriages. They wear no bats, water blue, that ranks as second fav- we strpprss them to Mere eatlrmly sonDtrles; tart vrbse tM Tarl '•Chane, eh i Well, lot oo bless it I it said. You woe 1 most dtrodacw I older of tn• two notatries who had a 9 g y y , taken IeaTo of their mato*&. the first gams as a dtlesrr against the° y tQ t the ire inning of the ei Ateenth ' and onl a dark veil coven their beads. orite, was immeasel popular about int &t the netiesbde the ut And "asides chance will be st my ori- I you -yea are my twat friend. and 1've "rumwd lis hold spectacles. remained The people in the theatres are sever twolve years ago under the name of tempt tap p merely chow their ltn(ILa*ss 4 aro Ln future. Ah, you don't knee► yet, I standing hold ng the. ma•rrthse cont raet ry Petr tat Great paid a visit a � p oebeur, end ofthe fifty-six shades of- fortifying the CattaAla° Itoatier world step with the march of calla but let me tell you-[ am the happiest spoken of yon so often that they are I in his ba ed. The silence was an pro- t0 be reigning Duke of Stuttgart, and, °!1Oy be les co glen." b all &D:iety fn mac yea. Let'■ toly halt Are th* law cantos purer' lerwd to us from whcch ww take e>ar be "alb oertalo load to war• ma° os earth' You indeed' so happy' a league off and it ou like we'll walk. towed that on listening sttpnti�ely one tlr ovoid the pomp and ceremony of i "Everythl is ration. I[ w mea choice only eight are now. and mix of "Qtr itw policy with the Amari- bwroanity. that I fear i shall go mad with joy. I might have board the bridegroom's tDs court, be sent word to the Duke ' once intto it hu innoomwe i a them are blue ; so it can easily be la- tans N to patiaetly, steadily• pwdiiat To tell the truth. I tail I need teMi F•la ja ---_-, __-. -___Blot Dome. Dome, 1 mwla't leave you heart heating. At Jast when everyone tka� ler would put np at an rnn. The r matte, and he will rately � !erred tram this that bine L galea to eptly »gas@ t Ngard them as m torr air and locomotion._ _ y nasi tell The future our FIRR-RILLINO pOwD[R. niitiaeTisg hard. Corns {ndobrs. Ahi I w --- - --- '-' oat awaked the pwrnwal of oleo ceatrsct I]dha, wasbaAg t gratify the Rurian's • of As they followed the road whftb lasda begaD in a monotonous voice {ji oId lot flat agaln- '!!►8panisrds a» sea { be the pri®s favorite. oLra op at Dowd your advice. Coma Mtt first rtt6s whim. rad at lbw samw time do him toes cow to tomprism foreigners, •ed I Though decidedly a abash of IMg 6mDin °� fnm Ipclhufiona of our from La Freenaie to Cormee-F.elttia f la d humanit itself. d otL would you lite to take some refresh- I notary w0umerated the •urn■ }nd r"yal Acerata Prompt) Wined hi pal- , look utpon them VAU snspieion. Jt esu i std IB97 the colon shows [or oho ng••ta y w* s.«tfasa u.w a w sup st thou where Mademoiselle Hprm{nie's family Christian namws of the affianced sir, into a hotel, and apnt a secret mss I all E Ibh- oent r' pa •� say in British pomport that preteeted I @Pring certainly ars. eitlrr lakta sip N the "tenet" •ares •e .fns.. reaiAed.11er.tor noticed that his friend's And then in the same incoherent sod Leh• varionw clauses and coedit oto. to Petar's pestilianw to bring fire camas of •n imyrxgnable aDd taabiou>. Ferdinand, whom Hwtor tar- gayety srrdtully waned. and w'heD nt ,lutein aver the tarhnical twruns, and rot the» without tstrayase IDs Leta• T • Govel7oms8t otficiaM are car- j aratdy or in combdatioa. very arta♦ Laasg A new fire-ezt{sguWMag Pee Last they entered the drawing -roam hos I a a to a man, and the custom• of- tie is their eonapti•n. The shade, of Leviecibta anion. In ib" union ted self fanieA iD ria @wnmas. wmraoeed lowing himswlt at times in the midlat o[ Idnatity of the "cure. To make the ds � �V ambessle all the mono the van I yellow romise to is ver lar this Uaitad States owl foe ireladtd. An o@ the srket, of whieh groat hed becomne all a°.xiety and nervous 7 y D 1 Pah all Gla @ervaerta lD tun. emus them I the intwrmin&ble phrases. The old capt;ep oosspoleta, be stook up asagn- tieeurte Cuba, Y a rewalt o[ to wan )eine, oar all the wa from the oro to remain divided bec•ww Gobrge are promined. IR le scold that + With flushed cheeks and a nay 7u+8 J twenty rontt•MirUory order•, and set °Me ouusiD, who waa of &o apopiotio tem- Foat•d over the grand entrance and of myerays i• [D • iti&hle stats. For I shade kntnrn as mule. tan the dlt- LII• esu • m&ncaa, std bin Minittn pov►der wily iarttaatly cit wavering glance he just managed I P P sl eM the whole house in motion. 'But in the pwrament, srnmbled hetweeD his tenth. received Ftter aceta many how• in taw vert radation, vice and dine farent topes which we» teMatd to crimfsals anA [Doi t find forbid. Tls alar a vohrme o[ [lame ,rirLnt meaan►hilo, ha never let eo of A*otor's to stlimmer out- an introduction, Such an ordeal after a dinner nn, .,Ol- cap and Apron o[ a maitro d'botol at H y pp citizens of the States are our hrolbers, g end Hector could not help mutteriug to gacs the pe riod. The Wurtemboreere were Hsvmns @nrpassma drrriptaon. Ian. I us last fall. only under ditf*rfgt panes ! burnin n ba, keromaae o arm. which he pressed against hie own tali a 1•erorious di icon acre hnrA cut owe flesh and "load. tVe will cret s aPbrt himself, "The deuce I it wefps to bear indeed. Hector on bis side al- women and children cripples and the deepest bring a Gant oranges fief, es it be were afraid that his friend ee pleased with the experiment newt i wounded soldiorw with stoned coos- (styled coq de tache. [t is probable that • ao [ortif{rationt agsitat them till octr highly ID(laemahl* 1{Qni4 wti that it'd serious." At oke same lima most dosed off to sleep, wbilst Ferdin- � the have continued ie tbo hnsiness might escape him. Arai now dragging ) him across the hall, a the stairs and be glanced in the direction of )Rade- rad twitched and turned on his chair Leatna.. end .o wretchedly poor that tle,eporaDge tiRjs wall les treed cn plaid ibptoi as aD empire Asa tone till cls teinrither atloating or diffuse P ever siren 'the bepw trot wfficieot row to rover I Ltd stripe effactr for the aew apriaa'spfrit of ear North is Ovae more tet It is stated that the manatactt along the passages, he resumed, still as re lac Htne(my. who, user turning 1[ Gaatimosal ca ata Aran end \t - - _ _ _- I g loofas to dextro ua" In the same singular, hroken [amhion: as red as • peony..htaf rose from Ger las the perusal came to an end. Lehr ( tbptr peked0eea daily display obit silks mead ribbons. y the powder haw takas it out "i[ i wrote It Iw Iwoarae (want yet neat to nt;eke a timid little courtowy. eotkry laid tam rn0lract oa the table. CONDOM CLihBS: misery Ln the streets d the city, yet The others have something of a ill CANADItIN BACRIRICEB. and then prsleodmd t.o flava" &ll her I ng t Mr. T. Harbert Marsh, after quoting Ince iipnt fire-extiD uishing cla to ° m oontrwct. i wast ou to a the, interested parties room to their Dot hi i ever dune for them. Yellin► csh cad, than b by ao mamas nD the t a osis r y attention to some embroidery She held °� A stud al clubs brings to light nom• favor, small z and leprosy are proval. turquoise order, bearing rather mors at v► be my best man. L am going to he few ready to elan it. J po Sir Charles Irlte Ess this t ray:- !a ls, f aPpsmr fi bays amp _ married. my dear fellow; yeas, married) sn'ber hand. However. Hector noticed Hextor w•ho acre tint hall awakes,"fol-Icnrbus taste. Thera are Dow dndr 14b eat. All tAb esiatw fn o°e o! the bit- toward sea "lace Thema are prohasnd ••Yr. Edward Blake. H.P., b a�Caa- ficatioq tot an ot[fcial record A ybueg girl enae [ mean at Bagel, *b that her hands trembled so scutply ctuha le Leredna, o[ which only thirty est climates in the world. The @oil to Mrs • oomhiestioa with tbto fasb- lowed the ho w its ut ha f Hw was b adian born. and t think that ms a Cao- New York Cky Fire Commismia A youfni it bssutI I Yon ange sea that she could scarcely direct bet ezl•lwd Dslt m Dentary sac, while weer- roli(ir, the inlarxi aaeablw el lows, *nd t taw aew ver waiting for hb tarn, elaDrieg cars V I J J J adi&n who hes lived over forty years k+rfA that 70 cuMo IpahM d Lel t her -I leve her -I worship her. And Dwdle, and then altAowgh she had "rent Iwertfy trend the room, wawa all of • owty-five have boon founded daring the heromias to women they ptocfma to In Canada. i am kin withie RHOUI.D BR A GARDEN. aPe• a er killed over L bar head over bar work. he waa able twenty years. dividing between be very popular. "tannin whin I ss that all Cavadia°s Y•�•w the da attar to -morrow she will he snddon his eyes lighted oD the orale. Pali Tamarinds limes, arrowroot, in e y with@ t tuned le • r to surprism the glance slip darted at t m res loss than 100,00(1 members. At " ga • Gwrmsta t reds are tow ahand in thio whether of Ken ILsh SoatcD, Irish, mine. At times i almost fancy it'll s I rad t started with as, he Id , for the ¢• tier anA a ar Mere rodurod almond- I g at h e a ngs, he powder Rerdinnnd. All her wool bad passed n wt last moment waa helA b sunt" a taw hwgymthting n[ the eeottuy there ug P color. starting will coral and "crab- 11•elah, French CletmaD, haniaA, Var- 9r• bream. Yes, the day aftel to-morrowl IIs 7 anti but aft i masted 1 tbo war." Q w inn Swedish or sun other descent. lbw fin boss, fl hs t Ah. bow lo0g to welt. I And rhe loves in that soft, mciat glance, full of Ln- beaetifnl, daint , feminine hand that were probably art gore tb&e 1,609 moo l 7• 7 loin ,rad next Domes an ex uisitp dark �►ds eonent confessions and candid prorD he ttloaght he +d asset reD such a who had secured election to • London ">� do they keop Sunday r' shade known as penrpre. Watprmelnp I are %illi and Anzimi to hear their fart!y larmlee, to t"s preop •me, yea, old chap; she ass told Ina •o, I,,. "9unda afternoon is ke t an • Loll- k rico and coon be swe t n and a and tree will repeat it to you, it you -She lo7e him," said Hector to hire- perfect one before. It www so admit- duh• end sow there are tante that L00: J D un -u and nae as Ore ala° quite prom- sharp of 1 ftp enact of pustiing the Do- _ D V da and at iv even over /o trail [i h si inept, as well as a couple of rich t:ur• minion in witch a state of Aotrn-F that y a0r� vnl ask her. 'for name in f[orminte. •lily witpxrrtioped. thin tiny white 000. (X ebur*• ra distinction now at- inland arnk-main. The cocker is moa In! Ibi'owy min sa b• 1 bell 7 salt; "well, sb mncb the better. lot band. will ta rin fi n and rosy tachewt to lrelrtg • "oath man." Met it fi T plih rods god tires or tour nc�rry In cast of an attack t ma bre abh y •P� By sad by we'll climb to the loll, sed We • fellow and he domierves g vee irtsta0ce• an carried devout wet- y` y fin it • bort( wire or cilia - ren shall see where ahw lives•. ear [t.. a°� °ails, sod heaeath the traart%annt fA curlers• to obrmrve tent the nvolD- bJ flats. Reins std J•rgnwmin�f Iwley tc halA CanwAa se4 m&tataiA it Y °e ! skin. of the finest texture, one could tleo. as ta[stda clubs in London, only sh{ppsrs to masa, and afterwards the probably the two hest whadew for rom- kill n ge aver he or ie s shall roe her, herself, this evening, but And thea, whilst Ferdinand ap fi hts Ln. 1 waw a La(I t bixin ivith and Marie. •Wet w taw nod 01d Bt o 1,8 R vDtpe, �`., f td low tb• routes of the 1e blw vele. exrmmwncwd jest twenty yea•» ago, and an o Ronda •ftarnooa &t th�whtEli on- g g� re, to vvhirh the "ata tvstd to belt w•dtaga ovwr the ordieaty W pl D o[ ( t i the n t* gram the proeehsd hb lady love, be eagPgad n Hector was an struck that be lnstiae- less rained wkh unatsfed enerp over J PI Purple ofwpa aew prominently efor- latae rlsarl shows tem aacri[' "It' quits AD epidemic.•' t.ha ht Hose* imine. Maratansa. otos o[ tapir "real ;e wAmoles ivf n, 3 1 will itesp for sa any ieke Leta � � oopversatios with host tatter mod sat"- tivwly elbowed airs wty past the pteopls since. Doll fi "terse bPd tbrbs "brutes killed P• 1 and dahlia, the [or- 'bat. Cartwdw hat seise &ad k i feet dinute witboat ae�y leas of e tor; "every one wnwta to get marriod. or, talking of all kinds of Indifferent is front of him so me to serarWa who - g mer know• as elontatite and iris and Well. I've does right to warn my to- things. of Switzerland, which be had Lt w•as that pensioned this admirable OLD AGF, OF FISH. under blo-gored by the bull -before the latter as otehidew, aU out and out acre. of willing n With o, a main- Its al does not Ds it i p a1 tare father-in-law. Perhaps there eoorwoly aeon, and of Bordeaux. wlth Asad• he dempatchod the furious animal opho s and dahlia. Win her roaoea•lioe with Great Itri• anical • li wouldn't have been a wife lett for M • mauves. •Dai H PP waa, as it i prat eta, whibh o[ eoar•sw ht woo wwll acQuaitlwd. ••[fre[brtneatwly." hs sntLettd,"oely Prof Rawtsn Sava that the age tK orklltnt cpaar th�tnat thorough the appwr T1s gray@ laawn u ateett, alum- laic." Iln tnha apwa at caw end, 1 If i had wafted. Ah,. my dead father, At tltnre wee° be psttsed mc his talk • "Unfo of thirty-five could hav*eucb fish i almost unlimited. As to the Part of the sect to the heart. 'the° 1^wg, and 4 hock In diseNte inuCr and pintids are @hewn still, hot. iscvw I admJre fear foMsle"t." De cmuld 'war the obis n of i}i@ lhwwe "tell fighters mita their tem t.lrw as i as n>nnsnsll ElitiHRiNED iN CRYATAI, Mpg abeot It ""seeks Let tree ]n taw meaewhlle Aght. anA litd tN • 00o me that.." length of the life of fish it Is said that intake rall rants them their "� r likely tolbr, Meal is.••aay public ha{ldieg lovers, seated near the work table, s0 But he wen mistalren, for It biota T "ass ! their popularity i* not likely to Fre bo.intenn- did oe bove sew' the door e! a room on the first olom to oath other that at mute nb wi . would carp, it not interlereob ces. Cir thin, a tt ahs thew• aures ver e0aold•rable. Whty y trtlnctiofp of I_40 -t !lees. op•vad •d to s yanns girt. baMly efshtaen 1 cue u"ly-lo0yintcural►Cl►iteht}edand _ --- -- r. their hair mi led. The %boles boar d beautiful vrct6• %cold live about 600 yeah Hw Ditched to rartes attached to Ebe bores _ _ Da goats ctrl, a° ma peetk+ally pbUxd trader •glass eves%f READY RTs1tSDY. 'K'atpe In" es{fl he; "thaw Iw my Mch- wear in metiaD. In ap adjoining rntrm Aat even a prosy stook brolter tlblgbt ssy@ that aria are row loving ca the at the slain animal tainmed its carcase IN GREAT LIrCR p+ad elor's room. it won't long he tonant- several seamstresses• wen completing have devel lyiric taoaltim at Saar* Royal AQnarta a it B e a v r ON carp away, and the setertsinrlopOL wwr ov- UptoD, with etntttidrer--That Ant ed t toes ars to bavw a recon at ant own tJlb trtiaa•tesu. sed Ig the knnrhoo mod right Let he d Rer Mir suss bf fief at* b b@ wtu �0 Yeats tree" I never lave mp) luck like ere. 1'00 lsf^ Author -i sin f at ni A wit bard by. The upholsterers are Just tlr poetry preparations were bei0g ware luminous lden hue which the old. and that be has sscortsised, to • "How about the Maine r' dirk, •aid Mn. Gass,ra. �cvmet-owt-welt 1 w%l1 t Hew P iia 1 Ike awake at nlsbt he ftI the flnhshln tcueAws. ft wI11 a° What luck ban she rapt withf makod Upfost-Whoa we gob),trek from oar boar, thinkingsboat my liber pD nngg a made fox the great dinner, to Lew+ gas- '1 ime bad so marvelously tendered In somber of esw. fast p►bmles lire b '•1 was there when tis expinaibD or weddbn tout, wife baked a cab His irHead--How tooi{ab of he parforL quite a owwt in lilac rola l en on the following day. prior to the M, rdralts of Vea@tfaw bsaaties. Lip- ►e over 900 Jean aid. The ordinary +Furred. It suss terrific and @hook taw Mr. Gaxzam. s �T ]Aft stenion ow, welt -takes can-[ most starting of the onatract. y ldfish bee a1 y g pm Her husband took oat one of those, for me and the dog at it. td itfyaa fK np and rod finA m chair •' DreteatlNuly esutrbt tap. tad soatreel to p been known to I've cit to its ma9tM. ,A rest nio wn- you Wben Hector and Ferdinand return- secured at all by a simple tertsbs- ever 109 years. wood• sad the people thought the city rolicion which lays 1100 s week when He had wwtaw dUfleu►ty Is doing so wd to La Frommie that *wool"", tbs shell numb, them wavy, gesldoa look• was being bombarded. Nearly every. he b laid ap filo accident. and thl,n JUST THS UTHRR WAY. Storm int Sae. -It wet tart for this beabelor'a room waa in estate ftormer was utheved LssLo ons of these were so nexild* tad so abundant. that wp�Rg Cyn S1MNCE. hod rem•i°wd np throughout tet he get bis leg broke and Mn. Iresdiek of owerw%ohmtng r ut ation: every- lofty. apwiows c+oontry bedrem""be" at oa*h s�sset It seamed as It they nig�I." - Is dsltlpg mil •ilia pretty eistball she Adonis--•Tbeh's ase thing I cOuldt'1 trvnpwwt treat obs ewe foto Leh! was aeatmhered-the led, the A man are breathe and move. Atter would trod tbeasslvo•, ttueeil end rat"-Dt ou taka Instantaneous "Did Ll occur th h tresober r w• b• stead, and that's a wife wba wotdd a fury: the warns wwr@ inoual ai.. The, t J i be eternally putting bar hair np fp .' and tyy hes ova! tM Let drswor t,Irt-table and tba chain. Two living Nor a couple of mo8tha In un- up 4 106 soars Borgae+us mast's tdpau4tda atsly d*ny 1t, 1 flwsh era bugle casts wbkb had just boon 0908- bomtottabee hotels. he was naturally ever their • sYoglNrs-shogL �r}P6et-YM madam : i ase but 1 wear' Dtat se Acerbas who did HK WAy RZAL (ALAR eaN ireu Thad -Han of (war, lir. cr�ied� W) • die Tula ad, d five peg 0eutI1y dolig%ted with the changt and pram- diem, thin at canna of whbb eoa11 pMOa— oft a habmiat-MM on the not behove It was prearranged, There x�riu� Wt bbl° remainder bwJwc ikbr- [rad blarg�Jf t paid sigbt'i est : hot ba elivl8sd ua a Pr@tty �ulurPe a ivift, 40 s swallow 1° Its flight. are diagrams of the barbbar mbawing L°Agwrt7 ]t dtw Olbm said to •ea Adorn. B tLdon't sD to nor each teen ted sb R -tjj, of sd with the ftr•trrda which had covered be bed het tl;esight ort $etdlaatd. 1a Tiara*•" tlebwd rated tat► Mick I/►dy-1 want my bshy'a picture oak- its mitres. &ad underneath the Ldestir•1 aid D•7Antw hack hb 4,0 attar his til •tom 1Ras gpt Opttivd' �9V � the waw and the toom which Md wrv- guaranty Res A• between tie wDwte with • rush* of lana. e� spot %her* fbr Mkine vias atw•bnreA long fllens. ad ba dps lift• Maar the wtedow than 1K_ Aubaest a nd (11 a If "Why, what* cos I have had my Photagnpher --Yow. madam trot, the one woo bcsbd," Hilfilrlrou * I! 0afts-I was afraid Rsturai i t",,-.rooebor Let het w • . M t wltrtrsP*wd sus w1u► A*Id • r R n. aa� a•p�n �� eta , es" outbr*d Hwpbr...pot to Mae little alloy► remdy. and 1 will prwpan tVar is Isovita¢IQ.. TM flpgpiml'�i 't vitt! apotbr�eapa'ss fwd 11►ts ail Ley• sewn irlt acs• aLmpt the nbbit r v later via .isir7 .'1 t.re...wwy +ov r m esu wvm as +eeww sift" swwie :r.ru+s. upa-r Ilk luau• y -- , ' . ' vat' !tract ae wee told a t cru l o, arta: uracil • fa�j*osas crag' • sbtisasvutg .lady+ M x1q� 1 1.12 ILl t(stt itietb!!Mllb . _; b . .a: _ __. µms .. .. -_. _ �. .fie. - - . , . - - er an.maa • .a..ra., I, ,r -•n. say: ,�.. ,.c .K.:a . ,:� . • -e- cam. .w. - ..ate �.�•.._,v»bl`er •. c.,., - .y,.. _ '��,!'9„.+w--,.. - u _ . .:'rt , Y7e ' .ae, . _ T w -.- . - &...y ,��i„yh,/ww�f..-. y, "- . ._ i:T temlrr';,^•- "swa'welrwrwt!'w7a�erM�+. .v..w+,•w•+.,.+Mr. •eaYG. rM......-. ...._. _. ..�I , y , i -----.•w--•'1 �.-"'--"-'•��,ealr�ase�e�.�..�� yy ii, � :i-�� , .. -. ..- . . - y._a- y...,..-.,... . •a •'."�' t. ,* 1...s a'th"�i,_ai " iA� .lac Aw?t