The Signal, 1898-3-25, Page 1T AN on SED. LEK AST sddk. t 7$. t • Ips he tu- be a TH B SIGNAL Fos 1894 t waniellewo 10114 TH33 T, ADINQ NEWBPAP37R OP HURON OOTJNTY_ WiLL PAT FOR 'Fii SIGNAL Fort OM Yin*. FIFTY-FIRST YEAR. ---2666 NEW ADVERTISEMENTH.-MAR• 2i Hew and Lot tar 8•lo-P. Lyes MorW555 Bale of F.rm-OtsiSI s & Booby gaster B.rfnlas--lslih are. s 0o Hardware for Evstybody -D.viso&CS Haros's Oreeteet there -R. B 5.ith.. . Croda I Carpet. 1-W. *theses A Soo. Hoare for Mle-Yr. Joseph Williams. 8.. Oar Display of Wheel, - Lee Sad Sheppard Yes SMSId Reed --Gee. Porter Creseiint BM) o:.--41 W. Tkomp,os A Sp.mtlatts - it. B. Smith . • Qil,riett Berta. Others -Ja. Rob8.s • 4 Baps /Nods foe 13.1e-bitho linage Wasted -John Km:ke. 1 8 8 4 5 4 a Wanted UTANTID-AT TOE HAMILTON ST. 1Y Pnda•e Stan• Os. Oar .f Potatoes. WJ. r at Bator sed Twat, Oar of irons. P or Rale Or 'h Rent. FOR SACS OR TO RENT FOR • TERM d year ,That moat deslrsble sad pretty residence os d,,,Owg,,• t moon', now oeca- Dy the undersigned. There are Pour S d room. ,Intut dlninpeg out drawing re6mr. psrlar, blithe*. g.wd cellar and .11 other Istat ces. including bath room o t•D4 and 'nothing • std ohm& °beet. Thetis mid carr *bed pump, and soh w.Mr°ts- trn, and . e 1° Ie planted wh8 t►a Met of fruit tuts to fai?irmitiaV Torss..8 mil.. mart 0.58 end batence . t rev -casinos ot parohaser Amply ma the premien to P. Iona. 1 mo. FOR BALK -THE NEW TWO-STORY hrtak cottages Ins earner of Waterloo Surer and 8:1 r tur,ker tlen1a-s apply to attt nX1aWil A.t_ pre: otee.. Iss 11. GOOD FARM FON SALE. CHEAP. two ml's.t•om Oo'rioh. Per parties - Ors addreee ERNEST HEATON. J v15.r. Oodertch. .Ma-st8 pA8TUBJL..T0 RES T. -TSE ALF da s. knows as the kis meadow, le reit for ft • mania, memos ter 0.51515 /! - Tor pariculttrs sooty to lobar T.att BiLgw wood Perm. or to Sarno* Hs.toe, aerefatsr. ooderteb. LI OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO 11 ,em.--alereal... to asst. Lail rwrd dwelling es St Andrew's street, at present oocupled by Yea O •adry There le • good osIlar, we.dehod. Mick smoke now and • ems hobs• Pnase,uus will b•b ivea on May tai. For ma rrlbol.ra •p ly 1^ Mr. JOSIP WILLI t119. Bt. George's Crescent. FOR BAWL t.R TO RENT -FOR 8AL8 or be feed the d weet0S en ire1on-st. at t M/misd_ W r. iambs* It costar ar; ort dnwtmk ream, dials, ► lase. sad has a library, • maims• said • realer. Then alt erre of laud tet.ietully pleated with tied trait fret ted go egie1.et Iowa. Apply to V SNZLTH, ea the pro- misee. 10-)0 FOR SALE. -ONE OF TH8 BEST fans. la Wasters Ontario Let Lessem- son 5, township of Colborne, iia.. Ooasty, 100 sore. Hood ..7soil. Boris, wets. Hos been coot .00u.ty ID pastes for 13 1st class Wee frame barn to byIf. r loose and kitrbe. Store *ad P.. ea the premtee. titoeilaot gravel roads g1.o50 cosh. balsam. at e.e gr meet mmimost. Lppir te 0' W. MC DONAOlf Carlow P.O.. Oat . or to i. A. Mo- DONau fee 05 W sillagtoo At. East. Toronto. tt. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALL Part d Lot 5 Cooee@sio. C, eedwIob Town. oonWntau 1j 14 soaves of laud. Theron situated on Use property • good 1u1 story briar dwelling. with 81.08.. • tasbsd, and INh collier under the whole loos. T88 4 • redly tint clam else, mrd w111 its odd as morsoolele term. es psatioalsrw apply to P HOLT. Minn.( Godetiob. D ated 1tb It t .16E. L'0R RALII-WTtl bit AND 70 FOR a .hfa5tro * Survey t u ties Tows of God.rlek. Nom which Y erected • ales d waU- Lilted w 5.ttosebr,1115 A.ety to OAM$RON. HOLT 8 HOLM ES. 0=006t• edeeteb es u VALU ABLE TOW h PROPERTY FOR BALL -T . brick reddeess me the rives .tried l@M fere, tysr, ties ate A. 18. isl ani gSS55MS P'n• =min Mtwe•wwrey fr= itihilir Kb o= rme'at ret* ettheototal mg 1 . o 4well ihau sad iii 1Ma/Md near the O. T Mw NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. Prom our own OorreepondIM$ piers Y tafee•.atsen Mee That Cannot be remad Laywbsre glee -news of Le new •'y .pedal Ii Soperied fey The Ngaal. CARLOW. Wood bees are the order d ft. day J.m« Maaoiag has Nem blest .1th' ld*jr Varese Net .5.s m..8. • Thai. MItshsll h.. Sanded db services ot J•ly W111im.. tar the sntWRMM•fb- Jobs A. ♦awtons, of OY15as0. le hems deities has mother, and mowing .oquain- Wshf ass. Roth. Bean bit purohased Mr. Howell's farm for a good thane. He takes poem's. los sex t faU. Walter Allis lett for Doloraine last week. 1f the oemouy proves to his Eking he may loo•te out West. Chea. TrsU. M housed to have his sod mind over early He started to plough on Marsh 14th. Who eau beat thus! Joseph Fowler bad the misfortune to get his loges badly jammed last week. We Po" be will epos Ls able to attend to hu work -1401: terprtro p871. i * ( t►1MOtad.w as M O8AAHOvr a S5 BuaI . GQDERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : MARCH 25, 1898 eeaa.s5oa with the saloottos of ted npply of Clow spring good. Bawieo list. -Wood -sawing thee are Ms odor of ohs day ; John Bower, ex dopy novo, al West Wawa ooh had • eaoewful sawing bas w Monday last. rho yo1Nr 'Ina worked like Trojans, and out • large supply hM oordwosd. OXOatd.SNT Msutcs.-Tits ffw.wAL is ea •.•sheat medium fa whob to pus .o ad. for loco or found goods. In • remiss b- eth oa .d. of lost goods appeared, the find- er having sera *8..d. restored the goods to the •weer Beet d.y after the IoM. BENMILLER. MONDIT, Marsh 21. Tgs CORDWOOD 'las D■ -If you wish to eon r pih d oerdereod..e thus 7OA4•esdn.lr. • heap, joet go down to Alton Ghdhltl'. !arm on the M•ttland. There is lore of bush op this way yet, and most of the aims straight wend that oomes to Oodenoh mom« from that memos of tits township. KiotrDtttc - That's the 8irb'ousdlag. the sow. portable sew bill diet h•m boss,je Sing all Winter m Michael Schw•oi besj w the Maitland Coseeesisa, by the so- Surpr4ia, «w mill men from Auburn, Maws. Houston & Dimon. Aa Immo... impost of maple logs bars been out ap for ro/lers for the Old C.i.tatry marks{, besides • largo Isobar trade for the neighbor.. Feta SOLD -The old historical Rbody Slattery farm has Das• s.,ld to astride* Use for the gum of 81The property oom- pries • treat of toed of 130 three ser the BeemUler bridge, and is very sheep .t the purchase figure, having boon booths by Jobe Roeder • few years ago tor 83500. We bear that Mr. Oke Ise sold 15 •ores fronting the boor at • god odysseys par ars on the par• ohms prism. MISS RJI'TE CHUTE. 05.45et. mM 1t14aM55 aMbabd8 f yrlo mods Tooled ▪ tetT.Ys 1 lb fltrest. At hems Gila 110 T ld Aieste The spring frosts/ this year, owieg to the sodden rise in the river nand by the rapid thaw of lest S•tprdty, o•a.ed some unseat ads lees the Beomiller bridge should bays bees washed sway As it was, the turbid waters rose to sum bin s twit or two of the roadway, goodies the fiats os the !"tooth side nedsrtog trafo almost impossible tor some time but no harm was done to the Midge. A rise ,o rapid bee not boss assn for taw last forty year., that's the tent - n osy of the " oldest inhabitant." Sroaa U*.ixo --That old time eeeo- es p11ea of the early tho settlers of l8.still frmwo I who fa • .mall way byour w lanky enough to bows • few maple from b/8 in their wood lob, but la fast beneedag dM of las lost arts for the present rioers- 155.. However, is p•dise sear W. B Fedor's taros, ami Holmesvtlle beldam. we saw ..gar.aklag *Sag on in what migh8 be sallied • big improvement apes the old• ?sedated 8581805, whom leaves, urea ted other /r..IM millirem' .et*red tato the d Nape gyrate of beg ago. had sheat 300 trees tapped. said 8s0 001 evaporated upon a bag pan, bdsg IN by • tap over the foresee, mid 0.«1)18 est at the end of the ten feet of ov&p rdiag brownpeurf . is►e gleet sad sanest ted so r•• good,^ s.d No 8pr.priMor expiates run was rto mak. sissy galleys. and, of soars,.. big haadtol d Minae. from his syrup harvest elm 555105. somas, sod recitations. and refreshments were served during the e.eeu,. All retun- ed to their bathes south pleased with the sseetmg. Rev. Messrs. Fairbairn and Hem dam were presms% wed took part is tits pro- ceeding. 80LQ F.a1i Piorsayr.-Dame Ramer has it Not Mr. Olen, relict ot the tate 17Villum filo, of West W•waoosk, recently sold to her res Hugh, rho south quarter of lot Ne. 13, sea. 6 Woo W.waa3sh and that s8e intends to loom* in Duagagaoo. err.-Dortao Leet weak, your humble morrow admit looked In to w the esrgista and popular principal of Belfast wheel, and found him as usual diligently engaged at work. There were about torty pupils pre - seat, loeki.g ob.rful and happy, Mao otlsLtntag the best ot order. `l... Boyd still keeps up his re,.at•tion as an excellent teacher, and is giving general s•t8fastioo. Sammie or C00 o IL. -Tho municipal fathers of the mnoioipaltty, of W. Wawa n osh, in pursuance of adjournment met in the tp. hall on Monday the `21st. All the members please". Alter the tranesotion of the munioipl bootee.* before them, they decided to moot again et • court of rs.tstoa of `«•,amen/ roll, on Monday, the 30th of Nay Next. Further p•rtltul•rr et session will be given in peblicetion of minutes of w eeder Con too .ND 001110. -Mia Fru•ee Evans, of Ud.rlab, who has bven the guest et Wes Tato 8hslatt Ned Mao ilttvidaee,', left here alter • few day's plo`w's visit for her home renetl► Hugh Davidson, son of the late Robt. 1J'avldeeo, of Ashfield, formerly of Dusguno., and now of Hills- boro, Dakota, arrived Mrs last week on a visit to bus mother, e4tdn, and broth.rs, sip deo to is about eaves - teen yetis s 0_ M__ Ira 8 b.mo to provide • boom for himself. f. --,.ports that he is derive well and b 000fortably located, •I- so that Dungannon has so maob grown and extended, sod that the surroandtag eoantry ►•a nor ao moth changed by improvements, that he s.roely knew the place in .8fo8 he was brought up Mum Mary Pent - lend, who hu been on a extended slats to relatives, at Toronto. retuned home on Tue.d.y of teat week highly ',lewd with the visit, sad also with the beautiful capital of Ontario DUNGANNON. Novr1a.-TM' lose! mosey m Duwsas tor T1s flaw.t rat the o5Sos edJ. 4._ Iw, J. P., osuvgaseer, e. who ',al nstavo sr• dam for 11 i001 ady..ttwag and Jobi- work. Nweb 1M5f+adbortsst ea o give ..501/5 CItaaDST. FM. 12. Puerto's' -Imam p , d has purdissd limo tars ea Oas. 7, West Wawmi..8, knows s 88o Stamm farm, at . r.asoaabb figura C..troa nor Stems To Wnrru.-ls ssssegasasm 5f • ohmage et the mild aeries nil weather we had West wok, we aro sew bawling • Mars of sss.wbat whitey weath- er. Wm. Ma1Msgb, jr., loft bore loot week ler Almg.• B. J. Or wlerd, was is bks ee. Hwa it two gar ea imeleme. 1s 7ttITZIILY TO$lMRI*L ABTLT. Mertgaire Sala Doteutilitiving been made he the Wm. Rogge, here. Plot.lag sod Marsh 22nd. Mn Gro. Hawkins, of P t Albert, epees Saturiav bait bre, the I,u«t of Mr. and Mr. Aeon. Mrs. Thod. Vldeao, ted daughter, B:aoobe, of Ooderiob, were traoaieot.1lt- rs here, Thursday of last week. Uwe Lydia Tobbourne, of Uodrioh, en- joyed • pe•ssnt week'..I.it here. the guest of Mr. sod Mn Thos. Tiobhobros. BovnnT A Fssr.--Orr former resident, Robt. Bete, bas purchased the farm ot Wm, Howell, near Carlow, for the amu of 44,x. Mn. Book, she popular hostage of the Bt. Lawrence, of Oodari°b, gave our burg • transient .tail, Thorsday of last week. Several viers ago the lady w« • resident here, conductive our store and post oflim. The citizens of our burg were rather dombfoaoded oo Sunday, seeing two Jorge boats drown by on. horse power from God- iriol, p..eing here en route for that quiet little burg, Auburn, to be reedy to time for the Doming fishing oo the river then. In the arty dawn of the morning Gedsrioh 0111.5as wars selee9 whse t ba theta DUNLOP. MoNDST, Marsh 21. ot Carlow, stent Sunday for 1898 started here on BLUEVALE. Mr. and Mi. Evan, of Gerrie. Saad•) d at the Manse. , 8r„t3Jsa ,.]lassies, of Mpleswortb, tut - rod Geo. MoDonald.l&et week. Mr. Mitchell. of Liverpool, F.egl.nd, Is shipping maple Weeks from Duff& Stewart's mill this week. Mr. A. McRwes is awry es • nate to Tor- onto this week. He will *madam bashers with pleasure. Hs plasm le brad Slid by E. Bailey, of H,yrwttb OODkHICH TOWNSHIP Wt1DNaapar, March 23 ►Ir. Tames bee parobaeed from 0i•.leg Macintosh part of the bush land adjoining his brick y.rd. Lou Tebbutt, of Holmesville, spent son- des with friends Sed relatives in the viotatty of Zion church. Bernie Wilson has rested from E. Cam• plea the property known u the Collins farm, sad will am it for grs:og purposes. Mrs. 8. L. and Nits Liars Soots. of Clio - toe, formerly of this township bays been visiting old revues, and renewing old .cgealntaslbip, around their old home, the past week. EITtaTAINrxlrT - 1'M po.tpoaei enter- *.rouse►, wbieb w&e to have bees held to Zion obaroh os the 10th last., will sow be bold on the evening of Maroh 28th. A largo tanoat le expected. P.aTT.-Os Friday iysnisg last • large gathering of the youth sad busty of 181 township moo N the hose of ( Iu Soba• sten, tad ..s...ad enjoyed tWlfaMfsmaa's hospitality tripping tM lig S 8.tto. ROB ROY Tu aT. lutea ffi. W. Howell, the 0o8Mrae assessor, es oro• tag bk roods. Mn. Hstb.isgI•a. of 5h. Nile, was vlsi- ting Moab bare the past week. W. ars plao.ii say that Charlie Haugh. boa who has boas Mk 5M peel weak i. het. tor. The node Moe played Woos with boo bridges mid ..heels la this Maria* bat 88. .s. pal read oommkstoo.ra Ise this dbt,tot ware 55on at bead mid made trim aoasBib o for traveller After • visit o1 ovoid moats Is our MAO, Yr. Will Johnston ntarmad M lila hams. sear M•aobss*.r. Though sly for a shore limo horn. 8Y mesial swears mad. kiss • goods! favr1M with all who kanr him, set tergeeMso She fair sax who aro b000s.olabls at his departure. rg, e psw Da w bit Ori fer sit SSM. w ike Migi solei Sir of ifteMw. w seri msetdeest, at 1 *flT$H EXOSA1.li SWIM Yi ? U sworn Or ertDaOOlt. OR MOAT. mu MST or APIIIL.1111E at 11 Mesa d_1>161: pri Ariel= =WA tNs' mien «aM s. m w Y»O/SAits and Percy Walton were to Ilfi•noh«ter as 8u day. Yr. and Mrs. Corkin., of Uetroi8, aro vWtiag the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 5 •ransom. H. Parsecs. of the Bank of Commerce, Stratford, spent `Sunday .t tle leanly resi- dence, W eel -,t. James Munroe, of town, left lastTutedsy for Redfield, 8. D•ko*., probably en route for the Klondike. Joseph Beak, repreeeated the legal ledge C QC. F. at the Grand Common insetting to Toronto this week. Miss Stewart, who has been ill the past two weeks, is expected to retoro to her ole in the Central on Monday. Jos Garrick and Lester Robertson wheeled to 5.t18's Hill on Sunday, and report the roads is Try dos oonditloa. R. 9 Chilton lef, town on Wedosdey for the Sanitarium, Danseville. N Y. Tits. American Commit was •000mpamed by Ur. 'Taylor. Mrs. Grant. who had been the guest ot Mr. U Crabb, the peat week, tett on Tues- day, on a vsis to her daughter, in Canning - too. Oot. Tom Fino, a well koowo former ree.deat, la spending • few days to the old town while on his way Irom Australia to the Klondike. M. McBrteo, • C.P R. employee and • former resident of town, to spending a 1011 - day with his brother, Jobostone MoIfrieli. ` aterloo street. - . Afton Joni• ll, lt a units rilstri Buri ant was called to Exeter la -t . wk, owing to the death of • relative. He has resumed hie studies this w: ek David Wttsoo, of the firm of Kerry, Watson d. Cb., wirkeale dr.r.atw, Moo. tree!, spent Suoday last to GoJertoh, and was the guest of hi. uncle, Capt. _Minion. Mr. sed Mrs. Aliso, mostly of the res teras*, ..tact of Kingston street sad Square bit -tor Oslgary, N. W. T , tble week. They took. foil ear load of stook, stn. with them. WINGHAM. Fen Lodge, L T. B. A., held • .5aia1 41 their lodge room last Emits)/ evening. The next meeting of the Maitland Pres- bytery will b. held to Windburn ne -May 10,h. J. B. Swartz has entered his running hone, Springbok, for the Queen's Owe oom- petiNee. Muted in Wfogham, on Wedotd.y, 16 inst., by Re.. Dr. Paseo., Miss `Sarah Green to 14 Darling. T8s bride reoeimed • birth number of elegant presents, many of them frog• distance. Oa Wednesday •ftenoor. one of the leis jbon of Mn. Kate Farley, of Lawr Wiegbam, not nottofog bore around her home, went over and foetid tht old lady lying on the Boor cold in death. All srraoromesta have been oompletd by the e'unberry and Rut Huron Agriealtr al moieties for the running of • *Ion sx- ourioo to the Model Farm. at Guelph, °vet 8be G. T R. The .xoarslou will be nn o.June 20h. A meeting of the direotera of the Ton - berry Agricultural So*uty will be held at Kings hotel, (tomorrow) Saturday, Maroh 26. A11 the direeton are urgently request- ed to be present, as important mitten will be brought up for dt.cnsoon. LEEBURN. Moloy, Mash 21. lir. and Mrs. Robert Calliope from asst 8emillr visited hers this weak. Gown to MONTawa.-Yk. ()anis Rye. of Oli.t.s. weld knows hw, has Rase M re- side at BE Timber. Ma roe. W., with • largo sleds rel friends, wish lot ovary sew sem b her now boom Th1 anetb mail d tits Ws.0 e IBMs. Aid 8.si.ty, d ties P esbyt rfia aura Mew Weds.sby e1 lest week, saw liato quilt did • mat. Wag ood attiodanse, sIu 1a 8 s Nails Wal. limy bars will tarot 80 beta Mae ear Wow reddest, Arthur H.ete,., now .f Easbety M..kska, has suffered .h. lam y Math of Ms yssa«est sus, Arthur, who was dews here soma) deaths mos as • wide M Mattoon cad frMsds. Tis wase d Ms 4s b was tit steer sasses ate swore bold. W., wt8 .lima. 51551 our bgae sym- pathy M Mr. mod Mrs. Horton la the loss Nay have est with. ,A49ax SEAFORTH A social was given la the Methodist oharsh on Friday events, by 18e men of the ooegrogttio&. Arraogemests ire Wag mad• for an "16 Home" in the Y. Y. Q A. parlors on flat• urday, April Had, under N. ammo= el t8. W. 0 T.0 Frill right weather el hit week pay - Para Anima al Ow C. S. ILLIes do thole know widows nom ask Wm. ralaurd sid B. Oattentforig. Oa Maeda, the eirobfq oat *a ftee ear" wee with eillawor ernowee nava bibs Part Al- Osame took piles abed Ms hose mesas in lid ailsossuirst of lisaliaber work la tiadr waymeales Ida et labor. Manton TOWN COUNCI - fitantu of the newsier Nestles e1 that edy. The regale .amt -monthly meeting ot 18. town domed was held OD Friday evenigg, present; Mayor Thompson presiding, re..., deputy reeve, oounuillors Goode, Colwell, Tweedy, Martin, Ntobolsoou•top, Colin Caml bell, Redid 1.. CrZir Cobtelob. Minutes of t.,t regular meeting reed. Pp - proved, and signed A communication Irom Mayor Show, of Torouw, eae)osiog papers regarding the bill ot the Bell Telephone Go. now before parliament, and asking the loon) prom to take ao the matter and die toes it, was read, and on motion of onuuoil- ior Goode ted the ,e+vin, referred to Special Committee with power to oat in oonjuno- tion with the M yor. L communisation was read from 1)r. D Witt Martyr), &eking the oo-oprotten of the eouooll to gel ung • suitable eteembbat servioe along the Rut shore of Leith Huron, and regoestiug shot deleest« be sent b a meeting to be bald in K o..rdme on Mon- day On motion of oonnoillors Radcliffe. and Goode, reeve Cempbell, was appointed to attend tea meeting. A oommunisation from the Canadian `Summer Retort Automation, asking t its low. to advertise in the wooiotioe's pamphlet and Innm.tiog that the oounoil man legally .pend Irom ore hundred to five hundred dollars for this purpo« 00 motion of reeve, sec- onded by 2.d. deputy, the motion was re- ferred to Speoiel Committee to report. A oommunleatioo from W G. Hardy, .5mpl.ioiog that his son. Hurh, had beta gajpeated in • haute' et by the watch MO, rod asking that the oath be invwtl• SOW was read, and on motion of the 2od and oounoillor Goode, she matter r4Slred to Special Committee to in• ..5ttasM. Several ooeottots were read and tent to Tisanes (Kminitter. Movd by ooueotllor Goode. seeosded by .eaneillor Tweed), that the rawhides passed re. 0000uot of Kirkbride sad Graham 8e resotndd, and the bill pawed. Carried. Moved by the reeve, emended by eosooll- lor Niobolsoo, that the Clerk, immediately .iter earth cenooil meeting. ootlfy °h•irmu of theta oemmitt a of all mothers referred so them by the oouneil, and that the ohatr- rago of tush oommlttes cell oommittes te- acher at Lout two *ventage before souse,! meeting for einaideration of matters re- ferred to them. Carried. Moved by reeve, stoou'.od by ooabotllor Fidget'. that treasurer furnish this mason .t next meeting, • statement of all moulds paid him th. treasury from 1887 to 1897, i..elaslve, as poll tax Carried. Moved by Had deputy reeve, teeoad.d by ooaseillr Colwell, that the rears god a0uneiltor Martin totrytew Yr. 8e•ger, the P M., sad see if he will sot remit the doe .o4 ooste imposed bb Yr. Btaoom, provided the gravel is retuned. Curried. Report of Ashman of Psbito Works Committee Attr bstag Informed of t8o flooding of the °snare In a large portion of tit Bone• West port of the town I as toes galled the Pottle Works Committee together to dis- ease the situation Ws omo to the son - elusion that Mr. Brough bad made • mis- take to set patbisg in overflow drains when .Isaehhag the old sewerage drains to the sew syssem, as Mr. MoDoogoU In his report re ssmmsadod. It b dearly shown. that f8 was sever Weeded ter surface drainage of tie etwa5M. r M take all the water from t8s .14 drakes ' with.eh overflew Edam to sorry Gm watts sway is time of • freebie. Yr. M.Doapll is his r.por 8.. gives s Wes plat of the surhe. sass of No oboes .Nd 8 varies but lists from our old sewerage system. Ws will have to b up She old surfed drains .t sass, r pus la what Yr. M.Deogod two..5oab. The .sen. .lit.. Sorts .resod 885 arra 50550555 sys- tem, sad tray r.sem..d their go .eerlow drab' be dosed at 88s sod of Weed Mod from tis std drake. sad 'ors .t ll dth's tmaasry. is M pat b .t sea. Abs raises - load tilt new. gambit A Oswsy M ashes4 r• ..i*lst. 85.1r ...8r.M b W ..tYdseis of see simmtiss Wore flsol palms, le .d1 N Moa 10. CAwt5sos. Ohmfrmma. Os sadist of the dolmas sad .. UM Oolwell, the Nag" was aitgML A. Bh.rkeo ooMm Milwaukee. ., who tam beta spend g God.rlob, spent • fiew days with friends in 8«dorth previous to retuning to his hoed William (homage, • pr&ottosl Soviet, of London. will Ors • lemon in 18e town hall as Friday eveetar, April lst, under the ons• piens of the Hortio.btural Somety. His sh- leo will he "The Flower Garden." Evey b,dy is invited and an admission fee will bo dtarged. Bsatorth has had her minus! good, '.1 though it has not bees • vey merlons 000 Asa remelt, the sellar* mid bask yards ot assay of our oitivao won flooded, while the 1tw-lying toads looked like oo many inland lakes. 8s.e sellers were flooded b the depth et about pro feet. DOMING AND GOING. E. Monroe w. la Globs an the 17th. Jas. Stotkan. of Blyth, was in town o0 friday. Dan Molvor rNuroed from Detroit en Saturday. J. Y. Deed*, of Cleveland, spent Sunday la (,♦•drink. Jt. Irving. of Ssafrtb, was le lod.rick Moday. A T. Bowlers. of Southampton, was la town Tt«gday. Mrs. Fr*. .ad gas Maned to Toronto the asst woos. J. L Stiletto, .f Sssf.rth, was is tows the peat week. Mr. sad Mrs. D. T. H..ldnk r..rasd to tows this week. Thos. Noire hes M far •••sand am *. M dais b geeee Mora. Oohed mold YM A. Y. Rem r.Mre d be Tomato the past *sok. H. N. Vaasa,of the Sepoy Village, was is Ood.d.k wFrwy. Witt lowness. of lesk..w, spas • few days is town bat work. M8ss Vivra. who w baa smrbidy 111. le reported to be imerevt . A emodin. d the Egos history, Mune- from itis Seaboard Wilt es Seboldsy. A. A. L•wr.Sr, of Iwukalw, wog is Eames musty boa the pose week. Md. (Dr l J vers isi Nes a Q ss C. of the Sim TIs85r, who bed bras la taws the; pot di ..asL. deursd to Tomato Wed - Gorky. W. W. Maedwv, 0. llbmaaos. lL 11, TIM D. MCG I LLIC Y . EDITOR. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND E. L. ;;; werod u t. The Honorary Freud of the League la the principal ell- eer, u shoaled M oousulted in p.r- Buooeealful Mooting' In Olitsllon• Hcular by the Leegn.. Pr«tdeats should do ootbing they ooe get someone use to do, bat should be on need pasutoally to take the week of an sb•ents.. The oorr«poodtog seoret.ry should pub - Heti the worktuvs of the league. keep the League posted on any information received through oorrespoodeaoe sod 000duoo the oorre.poodenos of the League. The mi«tooary department should be thoroughly worked. Missionary literature should be largely used. A mt.tooary liter- ary would be b•oetlotel. Mwtonary meet- ings should be held on,o • month. Money raised by this oommtttee should be handed over to the church mis.iooary authontie. The vimi-president of the literary depart- ment should be to sympathy with the spirit- ual interests of the League. This depp.•rrt- meot s toteoded to develop the mes(aitand spiritual paters, The reading amuse out be oarried on in any 91.ae, though only one Mike It up. The literary vioe•preted.at should try to interest the young people it oburoh history end sot w agent tor the Guardian. The Methodist Catechism should be studied carefully. The oomin•tlnv oommittee reoomended the following as officers for the spelling year and they were elected :- President, Mr A T. Cooper, CUnlo.: let Vioe President, Christian I.nde.yor d.- partmeot) Mr F. Elford, Hulmesville 2.d Vtoe President, Mtesioner department, lAtw i. Aebeeoa, Lr -'r _Y tens - Meat, ns - Meat, Literary department, Mr: A P. Sheppard, Nile ; 4th Vase Preside: •. Soolal department, Mies M Andrews, Lo .• •oboro; 5th Vto. President, Juotor department, Miss M. Wa hingtop. Chalon ; Seoret•ra. Mies Clement, Clinton, who shall also be .eoretary of the Sunday School portion of the 000veotion ; Treasurer, Mr E Wattles' Varna ; Repro«niative to Confsreoos League, Rev. J Edge, Ooderiob. It was resolved that the next meeting be held in North St. Methodist Church, 0odfQriot, is &boat 1 -year, the date to -bet •gala& thts- exsootive committee. - __.-- tteports were given by ,0,50.1 d 881 re - tido( ofosn. 1 tires Session* bell. ipw.rtb Lenore and Saadar school Work dismissed by prem/neat workers. The •/sers f r 11Mt, REPORT of Sabbath School and Ep- worth Lemmas ('ooteuuoo held at Clinton on Month 15.h. The morrow; se«tos devoted le -8• work, °pawed with d.vouunal a , by tier. J. Edge, of JodrwD. _ )IST, 8. Bond, of 4e.lorth, took the,oh.lr, sad Mr. G. Aoheso.t, of Uoderich, gave an address on, "'1 he ',Amines of a teacher with the Masa in end out of the school." We o.000t lire to oueselvr. W. unoon- sotoualy wield an ►ufu.uou either for good or ova. The object of S. S. work being to semi souls and glorify God, tt us oe.e.s ry that teacher* should be truly spiritual ebtsu.os with wisdom sod ptud.no. in Oressatta/ the froth te the scholar. The vote* and meaner of • t.auber hu • @trope tn8uauoe to .Mottoes downtime. Neatness and judgment 10 dress have an 'influence over untidily dressed scholars. A teacher's responeibtlity and io8uence does not end on the SeLh.th Out ot school the Jammu. cumeb a In ouch little thing. as •miles, kind words, and sou By .trn- iog to uplift others we rise to • higher 5ptr• ileal piths. Poachers should be punctual, true and oonsoientlous and not easily dis- couraged. Poi sevre.od leave result. with God. Meow -mon -''•asters should bi a living embedimens of -whet they math. -- 'Fbey should consider the surround logo . t the pu- DIIo. It u somyuo« s000ssery to appoint teachers s ho aro uulooyrted. 1t may b. • great benefit to the individual hat is not to hI generally onsaittd. 17e should h.v• ideal teachers. Rev. 8. Bond, of Bsafortb, intg,odaoed the subject, " The personal and collective n latioo.hip of the teacher, to ..ub other and to the School." Teachers should 000- . d.r themselves • corporate body united w¢etber with common feeling., alms and methods. Eycty t.00hor, thou*h t.•ohing hu own else, mould h. interested In the classes of other. T...h.rs should .peak loud enough to be beard distinctly by all the tnomt»n of .8.1, own oleases but not loud enough to interfere with the work ot their neighbors. One teacher's 50000.5 will be iofu.noed by that of totbr. Person- al Interests sod -opinions should o.vr pre. dominate to the different teachers. Tsoh• ors to be .uoo.esful should be in nutty and harmony with one another and loyal b the beet intereet• of the sohool. Mr. Lough introduosd t8. subject. "How • teacher should get ready for his lesion." He should pray over It, have an aim in view, study systematically, teach by obj.ot lessons, olwdy the ma rul, propere the 000neoting links, study the persons named in the )...on, mak• an onthme plm of it, think and read ab,u1 It, ooedemas the in- 1- rm.tioo thus obtained, arrange the parts in reenter order as link. in • ohain, teach the pupils to yawn, teach the lesson, apply P., and emphasize it, proosed from the koowo to the unknown. Make the hest possible nee of rimo and resoarose available. Discussion :-Study the Mama having the ole In mind. Outline l s tea s. be as or - ono! as possible. •rraallooN thset'oo. w few The afternoon gesdoo, devoted to Ep- worth League work, wee opened bydevo- tional exerein«, lead by Re.. Mr. odwtn, This being e000loded, the president of the Meet took the ohur ted the aomlns8- feg 5iihmltt a was appointed. A P. 8hop- pied them red a paper oq "What the mem- her of the !.segue should be as an individ- ual. " He sboald he • oersted and ooaet1t modest of the Bible, prayerful, ooaeeeneU•, ooneletene, sympathetic, pastusl, wotohfal, eara«t, pleasant, natural, temperate, selt- oontrolled, busy, faithful, deem but not ob .8io•te j..loo. but not fanatical, teorless but oorfoolh•rdy, free but not, forward, he should be • model •4ter the patten of Jhrbt, who s the robot patters. Dteous- .los :-To peeses@ them qualities • person should be baptised with the Holy Spirit. Epwertk leaguers should attend alms meet keg regularly. Mr. Vs..ttor fokoduoed the subject, "What should a member of the League do to He should mask to know God's will, study the Bible, be diligent In •11 hie business, whether 'maim or spiritual. He should timer allow emaesmea5 to interfere w11h atbedanee s the means ot grew. Bo ami fel la the eeleetbes of hit s.eo1l•tee and amusement. 8tady the .1.0iewry 1.15reets of the obaroh, .oatribats to all its fonds and help ►4 aaseor. Mrs. P.hpa.d's sub see was "What .beaid • member el the s do to shed* the ideal of a worker 1" Remy member of th. Leapt* should be • worker willies so glue est the very hest that la in him, .1111.g M be good sad to do good. oldish M look up sad to lih up. An 1dee1 worker 4 an la - spired world, *as who receives tram Heaven ha snmmlwlea, " Go, amid I wi11 be with Mos," ems who will volunteer for DWI, Ir the M.5Nr. Samosa doo..ds as min- .wtnMw .f Utast aid rowan la one dir..d.s. Lok after the mfauto details of work, Uva most to God sad wiz the way also 5 mea The ideal worker N s ammo - Mod week . sash 1a ideal la possible. Pray fee the baptises et the Hely Bp1r1/. Dber- doa:-Vee hairs plat of .se8iaery bat see easy!• dovs8mo. 11..asla*. mr.b.s sr* ad holes hroue rs t1 Christ bis or rather homelier Bees herdenod, it i. be- waN Naas .•016.5 ars sss Isaiah ,hitt los •l.. Arfptkas iekwe She ata.tb/i asobere' p .d«reee plwtgih..- ts11oes h. • fb8. pedalos. Aa dad works* Y • waease works, always wing M bed mwis,, L. ries C. Orme Mak the .ljeot. LV SNIxU ele5tox. Alar • hymn and a Newton of prayer Mr. Bond, who again meowed the chair, intro. Mooed the new Iy el.oted President, Mr. A. T. Cooper, who gave • brief hut very point- ed address. 11,er. •+R. Rig.h`v, of -Rfyth;'Vpote on " Loyalty to the S.bb.th Sobool and the Epworth League." Loyalty u the religion of our phystoal agitate, C'f.ti.1 was loyal. Those who teach loyalty should practise it. We should show our loyalty first to Christ and then W the obaroh. Obey our rulers. They must rive *omitted of how they govern. The world is divided into three clases, the with, the happy and the foolish. The wise learn by their own experienee, the happy learn by the experience of others and the foolish never levo. We should never be ashamed of iaocenoe and lgnorwno of tin. Loyal work and oo-operation is due fro. the league to the ohurob. Loyal Christiane are always io their places to the ohurob. the oleo' and the prayer -meeting R.y. A C. Crews when `gale Celled oo gave an address on " Elements of Sumas iu Suoday School and Epworth League work " Suooese 15 the favorahle trmin• •tion of anything attempted The first ele- ment is to have a definite aim. The aim of Sunday Sohools is to save souls aid develop Christian ihrsotr. That of the Epworth League is in addtuoa to titan the young for work - A euooeasful element is industry, those - orated hands and Inmate mutt be enlisted. Aotiye members should sot. Many ars ready b work 11 some one will lend. Th. pastor 1• the general and the League alma are his Cabinet. Loaders should say "Como oo" rather than "Go on." Some who think more meanly of themselves than they should ought to believe is themselves, and their ability teeth something. They should the the talents that God has given them or they will be token from t8..,. An*t8r element of socoos. la *1e nee of new and improved methods of work. No Epwortb [Anglin has yet felled that has worked the four department,. Ratt8wf•m s another element of .umoe5. Religious eothuetam is oontagione. Perseverance is ....muni to samosa. All ebetas1.. will yield to persbtent °outfaced effort. Exoellent mucin was supplied by the choir at intervals daring the evening .salon. Votes of thanks ware tendered to those to whites homes delegates were sent and wed - posed, to the trustees ot ebe Oaterlo 9t. °harsh, to the ebnir, and to Rev. A. C. Crewe, and the meeting wee brought to • dose in time for delegat @ to oak& the (trains for their homes. A P. SHEPPARD, Soo. of Osv. tis, pro tem. Oerr551505. To the Editor 5f Tnn B1.wst. Dana 8n :-I .ettood In lye week'. Std - NAL, that your Nile oorrespoedent says, " the friend. of Nile Methodist ohurob lath week pris.5Nd Rae, J. W. Pring with over 60 bobeb of oats. Yr. Editor, we bag 8o Worm you that Mr. Prier has no aas- aeetls with the Nile church, only as • am- ppaseeddod ISM for oo.daoI Immoral god us- Chrktioa, .ted w• don't believe is white- washlsg him. 1t la • dowr right I1b.1 M say "t8s friends of Nile Methodist °berek." Plead say " 5h. friends of Prima." 84 ,1111. The Borer promotion examination emu - woad on there's?, 94th feel Thai Nis* Mil* River waa higher dubs. No late frailest than it hits beim fat • king already arrived, did AIM Ile WM *sic starlet Messrs. Jobs MASA sad Joke Gard- ner ham gems to Ilasitsba. We whh Mous ovary susiess. sew kis. W. T Oddest harestril hi • lame amain, for the rolatildtsa of Ms Pam - moat Mesas foamy.