The Signal, 1898-3-4, Page 81NE hT�+S OF 1NE W!FK
aterustlag Items About Oar Owe Ceuat-v.
Great Brtatn, tar Uelt.d -hole*. sad
.:u Marta e4 the (lobs. Gestletm.e W
Assured ear easy keen -4.
!leeway traffic in Winnipeg is seri-
ously Impeded by snow iterate.
The final dividend to Commercial
Bane of Itlanitol a creditors teas paid
.n 'rues' !ay.
The t acartu :tolling Mills Corneae,'
ii ill erect anew steel bttjlding in Ham -
11 ton. '
Frederick Waketin, an std pensioner,
who !teed alone in Hamilton, lost his
lite in a firs.
The Kingston Locomotive Works has
received an order to build three loco-
motives for the Intercolonisl Railway.
Wm. M. Ogilvie. son of the se,plorer.
hes resigned bis connection with the
Interior Departpment to go to the
kit is reported that Governor Va11e%
of the Montreal jail. into be epeeistsi
warden of St. Vineent ds Poll Pole
The secretary -treasurer -of the mune
clpeety of -St. Bonuses. Man., is short
to hu acoouattf. sa-Wjgitegtipralion
is being held.
The fisheries of the Dominion yield-
ed over 820,000,000 last year and em -
•i oyed T.,(10,1 teen.
Add Britain.
E. P. Jennings. an expert, hat arriv-
ed at Sault Ste. Marie from the Michi-
pia,tei gold fields. He says.that the
. e_nre looks vest ;- •--.
Those persona who wish to prospect
for coal must now-, according to an Or-
der -in -Council, passed at Cttawa on
Saturday, ray a fee of ten dollars.
A 'seaman. named Adolph Carlson,
umeed overboard from the lumber ship
Magellan, in Vancouver Harbor, on
.;aturd,r and was drowned.
..-f3averal .,ittJaatic .atearnara.. are 4s,.
tained at St. Juan, N.B., unable to get
their cargoes or mails on account of the
railways being blocked by 'snow,
Mrs. John :thaw, to inFane woman of
Pierson. Eastern Absinihoia, commit-
ted suicide there on Tuesday. She had
previously tried poison and a rope.
At a byealeedoa la the Crickda`e Di-
vision of North Wiltshire, la 'oose-
ifttence of hue reslanation ut the inlun-
1st member of the Hous. of Commons
Ur. Alfred Hopklnsuu, Q.C., Lord Ed-
mund George Fitamauri'e, Lieera! Vii••
elected le a majority of Ole.
The carpenters in the large ahjp-
buing yard at Sunderland were sud-
denly called upcm to defend the most
.acr•ied prarugv.LiaL..ut tygjifitlrh work-
inemaa Last week. The buss IASI
same of them to ' hurry y ani •Il
the carpenters went on strati at once.
In Birmingham a valuable piece of
ground to over a railway tunnel. welch
will not bear the weight of a bonelet,
An arobitect bas delisted a house Na Lich
project over the tunnel ou 1'antl!event,
sed is held up by an apparatus like a
hutober's steelyard. It oonaista of steel
bars, with the bnuae on the Ione ends.
and a huge block of cnnorete hung at
tbe short ends. to balance the Luikling.
Roe, Renl James is as indeeendent
candidate for Governor of Georgia.
,Norman McI.•chlaa, one of Queen
Victoria's pipers is on a visit to lis
sister, in Marquette. Mich.
W. M. Boggs paying teller of the
First National blank of Dover, Del., has
been arrest*•( can a charge of embezzle
bog over $1' 0 000.
ens motion for-w-nwr--trial in the
CSS) cif Adolph Luetgert, ebb Ch,cago
wife -murderer, has been refused and
the sentence of life -imprisonment cop -
Jahn Mulligan, president of the Con-
netticnt River Ra lroe3 and one of the
beet known railroti men of New Eng-
Laa''ie dead at Springfield, Maas.
The Supreme Court of the U( i`e
State's has begun its hearing
joint traffic GLIM in while is coocerned
31 of the leading roads of the country.
Morris V. Bancroft, an American Ex-
press Cbrnpany meraeenger, received a
bullet wound fror- he own revolver,
which &ramped from be pouch and die-
ieete.Near York.
will probably die.
Two passenger trains collided in a
blinding snow storm on Saturday night
at the crossing of the Chicago, Milwau-
kee and St. Pao: and l3url,ngton roads,
near Rockford, 1bL, killing two train-
men and 'tearing &clout twenty -fire
11,8 Oleet,COel Xe,ptspl,,j�aa rote** feet
ed under tela usYne"iit t'entr•] C�'all
Coke Company. Itis incorporated nn.l-
er the laws of Ob:a and its headquart-
ers will be Columbus. Its capital stock
is $200 000. It is understood that prices
are to be raised.
The Tempas Magazine publiabes an in-
. Lady- ALhstte-widow of the Mate Sir tivi* ii' with Bisi* , V biRp s. 01 Mian
John_ Abbate. Prime Minisla'r of Can- sots, who says he owe :eft his things
oda, died gaddenly at the house of her
son, Mr. J. B, Abbott, Montreal, on
we'u %-.....,y,._..r.,,.-..'w0.",
Tree Iro'.ale$ nleeprrs - law •rrssgrmerl
rrr(eeled Illlh 1 e Norther. .ad Ib.
bread Traria Liar* be the We*1.
Tlie'Gfknd 'Teta El Iiji'rway geode** -0
makes the important announce'uent
that it will shortly inaugurate • less -
eager service' between Portland. Iifun-
treal, and Toronto to Winnipeg The
leading features of this important move
'on this part of the Grand Trunk are
as follows: -Free colount sleepers will
be run from Portland. Montreal and
Toronto to Watnipeg. Special train"
will be run for settlers who m.y wish
to accompany their line stook. fee
Nortlt•rn Pacitio extends from t t. Paul
to \Vinni4eg and other pride 1psi`placs.
in Manitohe. Dy an arrangesneat with
the great trunk lines between Chicago
and Bt. Paul the d,stauce of *beset 100
miles has been bridged, and the Grand
Trunk lestem in the east joined with
the NeeLb.rn Pacific system in the
-West, and asters competition at Qfl O
4t.aguratsd with the ('suedlan Padre-.
1'ruat Outar:o the situation is L
and the Grand Trunk *Sian to !else not
only UI' advantage alluded to in tLe
way of varsty en route, but also effect
cons cdelabie saving in distance, :tad, 't
s saki. in 11110 es well. It is under-
stood the isew .ad equal twos Dear
Grand Trunk will become effective al-
most immediately, grid the new through
car service will follow early iD March.
Customs drawbacks have been remov-
ed by the *hackies, Oil ing, and One -
ling of baggage. etc., through the United
States to Man:toba. The tbrougb cars,
pass ng as th y wi.L tie St. Piaui on
Coir way to Winnipeg, will, it els
�aterflttty-vete _.the_. .
Trunk in competing with the Canadian
Peelle throu;h cars to 8t. Paul from
Montreal and other eastern points.
The War Offer scheme for the re-
form of the British army adds
e3,000 men to the army, the !serest
Increase ever proposed in Great Britain
In time of peace.
An Order -in -Council has been rimed
giving effect to M,yor WIse's order
increasing the dues to be paid former -
mita to sell liquor in the Yukon dis-
trict from 25 vests a gallon to 12 ua-
deA deputation from the northwest
wilted on the Government at Ottaws
IMeteitte the opening up of the Ed-
enonton mute to the Yukon. Sir Wil -
.rid Lau.rier promised that an explo-
ration trued be made.
At Canmore, Alberta, lire destroy-
ed the Pullman and Waverley Hotels
and *number of other Luildinl(s. Forty
Inmates of the Pullman Hotel escaped
in their night clotbr6,1ot Clara Chris-
tenson, the tea-year-old--dsaghter of
the proprietor, was horned to death.
Trade returns show exports for Janu-
ary increased by 34,0(0,000 over Janu-
ary last year, and imports increased
$2.400,000. Imports for past seven
months have been !72,588,599, com-
pared with $85,583,811 a year ago, and
exports $111,274,813 against $Wt,tIO2,009
a year ago.
Sir George and Lady Kirkpatrick
were the recipient•, at their home, in
Toronto, on Tuesday, of two handsome
silver punch bowls and an addrese, by
a number of gentlemen, in appreciation
.. of the hospitalities and cearlesies of
' the tamely daring their stay at Gov-
ernment House. Miss Kirkpatrick was
*,membered with • bracelet and
The Ontario Agricultural Depart-
ment have just issued the 23rd annual
report of the Ontario Agriculture! Col-
lege and Experimental Farm. Presi-
dent Mille says that the past year has
been one of bard work.and satisfactory
progress. There were 275 students on
the roll during the peat year, 83 of
these taking a epeeist dairy roume.
In addition to equipping the system
with extra sixty -thousand -pound
freight cars, the Grand Trunk author-
ities are making errangemeatn to have
their roadbed, locomotives, etc., be-
tween Toronto and Portland, put to
condition to haul thirty-five cars to
• train -load from the ormer to the
latter city, withoat having t6 Mt
QM train.
Relies! Stapleton -Cotton, V
CrnmTieipsra. la dead, et Loneele----=-
Two Government cutters lisle bks
esp,ised in • gale off Wells. Norfolk,
drowning sixteen persgps.
A reheiver has been appointed for the'
estate of Sir Robert Peel. whom Ha-
* ; • blahs are estimated at L100,t100.
The Britian Board of Agriculture is
• e; introduce
steps to prevent the introdu
tion of San Jose scale into Great Bre
etc taln.
"'' Mr. Glsdaterne will shortly undergo
7 so operation to alleviate the pain oilse-
ansed by necrosis of the bone of the nose.
There Ice great activity in the Clyde
abiebuilding tndnnt.ry; II0,000 toss bee-
t:sb,eea ordered In February agatniit
00 tons in January.
Mr. John H. Parnell, brother of the
late Charles Stewart Parnell, ix a tan-
didats for tbe poet of City Marshal of
Dublin. He argils his *poverty as a rea-
see for his appolat meet.
Jwdgmeat was rwudered in London,
Ilaglated. of Toby in a gambling
camel favor of the defendant, who had 1.0.11'.'s to the extent of /11,010.
wells playing at benearat.
Owe continues rallies la the sooth-
ers and wasters dietrtnts of Ensiled.
Merry roma mut 1•&i 1 roads are Honk-
ed sem wp4oughe are working at duffs
fres tares to twelve t.•4•daep, s d
to1=119ili easesouniaisties 1e sweea.
re ere,,.. • . tr
scattered about in as Indus tepee, ani
asked the c.lI.f if they were safe.
"Yes," said the chief, "perfectly safe.
There is not a white man within e
hundred miles."
At Philadelphia, William M. Sing-
erle, proprietor of The Record' Pub-
lishing Company, President of the
Chestnut Street National Bank and
the CI.estnut Savings Fund i Trust
Company, which recently collapeed,
and President of the Singerly Pu.p &
Paper Mill, died suddenly from heart
An insurrection is imminent in Bul-
War tS imminent between Costa Rica
and Nicaragua.
Berlin, Germany, is tel hers aa.Int-
derground railway.
The Czarina is /tottering from a
mild attack of measles.
Fire has destroyed a plague boeptt-
el at Bombay. The patients were sated.
The roast ut Newfoundland contlibes
to be blocked with Ice aid shipping
is helpless.
Col. Pirgnart, who testified for the
defence im the Zola trial at Paris, has
leen retired from tl,e army without a
There are, it Le said. 14.000 people
•beolutely without food and clothing
within the limits of the city of Me-
tanzas. in Cubs.
The British lsttlesbip Victorious,
which was ashore for some time oft
Port Field. necesaltating ber Leing
ltghterel, Las safely traversed the
Suez canal.
The Zola trial has closed. at Paris.
M. Zola wan found guilty on all counts
and was sentenced to use year's im-
prisonment and fined 3.000 francs.
The 200 fishermen who were carried
into the Gulf of Finland by the break-
ing loose of Ice base all been saved.
according to reports from St. Peters-
In tbe German Reichstag on Tues-
day General Von Gossler, Minister of
War, accused Herr Betel, the Scotia --
int. of appealing to revolution. and
therefore of teing a national enemy.
"Should thew Socialists enemies," said
General Von Geissler, "some day pro-
ceed to action we would advance
against them with the -'line sang
trold as %es would againnt • foreign
pMgas- iriaseas ji rMg to
. kr seas*, So F.d.
A dllptah front Rome says: -(!rave
disturbances bates occurred at Med-
ea. Sicily, where • crowd of a thous-
and or more workingmen and penannt*
organised a dernonat ration, parading
the streets clamouring for bread or
work. The crowd attacked the quer-
term of the gendarmes and broke the
window) of many house, in the town.
The troop* were called out and charged
upon the gens, kllliag two and injuring
several others The disturbances grew
out of the scarcity of food and employ-
ment which prevails in Sicily. and sim-
ilar fosenttraUoas have oosprr.d 1.
varloue other place* in that Wend.
Tata .rift* Army'e ss' be •Mal
MOWS 11es.
A deepatet (rum Luu.toa says:-Tbe
War Otfioe abeam for the reform of
the British army, which was ezplslned
to the House ut Commoa, on /ridgy
by Mr. W. St. J. Broderivis. Parliameo-
tory- Reatt,ta1y --at teas War--- 0414..,
seems to have greatly saliefied the
various faction's. The scheme adds lek-
ted nen to the army, the largest in
crease Bear proposed in Great Britain
to time of peace.
tic, great is the Empire's demand
that one in every +sixteen able-bodied
men in the country is serving either in
the army or navy, and one in every four
youths reacting the age ul 18 years
bas joined up3 of the two sex -rices.
Tbe great drawback of the pre:oat
system. 1!(r. Broderick said, was to pro-
vide for sudden small wars, sad it
was proposed to meet this situation by
allowing 5000 infantry to go on the
Tee- Manuaefname alHet PIS Wawa Wtt
e•...- - 4 Oresd amiss... •
A despatch from Vienna aayse---
Withia a few weeks of tbe.xdate en
which.-ccording to official announce -
anent. the Czarina is about once again
.to ,beech* a mother,-- she hal been
rickets with smallpox._ and, although
the !Sant strenuous efforts have been
made at 6L Petersburg to conceal the
tact measles being given out as the
cause .1 her seclusion, Jet the true
nature of her malady. is the esti et
of conversation in all the court cir-
clea, news having been reoelvel
Isere therof by letter, ss of course the
manor would not permit any informa-
tion of ibis kind to leave the Russian
capital by wire. The announcement is
net altogether unexpected. Instead it
has been anticipated for ten days past.
It seems that about a fortnight ego
Count Muravietf, the Muscovite Min-
ister of Foretell Atfatrrs,'leave iSeIrslfe
nificent concert and 'supper, in honour
of the Czar and Czarina all the otter
members of tbe Imperial family who
happened to be in St. Petersburg being
present. The Count complained of
feeling i11 ou the night of tbe enter-
tainment. his looks corroborating his
words and be was forced to take to hie
,bed on the 'following dear. Forty-eight
Lours later the physicians finally diag-
nosed his came as a very severe attack
of smallpox. It was therefore taken
for granted that he had already been
in tbe first stage* of that horrible mal-
ady at a moment when he was doing
the honours of thin official residence
to the Emperor earl Empress. Since
then the utmost uneasiness has pre-
vailed at the Rusaisn court, and -both
Nicholas and his beautiful consort may
be said to have been under continual
and close supervision of their medical
•tteodanta, on the lookout for any
symptolna of smallpox.
Lard emlht•sry n eelres ea •asarasse
From That she Was 5. fr.oe*
1a Ib. neglaa.
3rd Edltioss
A despatch from London says:-Tbe
Marquis of Salisbury. to the House of
Lords on Tuesday, said: -"My Lords -
Before moving the adjournment per-
haps it. would be convenient that I
should read a telegram received from
Sir Edmund Monica, the British Am -
raeerve, and draw a shillln; instead of
sixpence. per day. these men to be sub-
ject to call et say emergency.
Mr. Broderick outlined • scheme of
War O_fioe reforms 'conferee; larger
powers'ef -initiative snd-finewci•l ooa
trol upon g. onus, and putting en end
to the system of constant reference to
the Wtlr- O'fio,, of minor matters.
It was proposed. he seid, to create
three effective army corps. of which
two would take the field immediately
tress. of war, and 13,040 man would be
as naitfifor minor emergesrtes
witboateatline spa the reser'es. No
battalion of ief entry would have fewer
teen 8.i0 me* no cavalry regiment low-
er than $i0, ani no artillery flattery
fewer than NO. -
NOT Alt XiCilLOD1KG 1011.11.
\es•AINOrareara of the yroaeh L1■er 1..
I*saap .. e'a.-lag Alarm.
!'7ialay despatch from Nei. York,
says:-Tbe overtime Fre ser Line steam-
er La Champagne. from Havre, Lee not
been sighted yet, nor bas aoyth,ng been
heard of Lor. La Champagne should
have-.,rrived-•last tiondey. -Tee' Y-ese k
La uftatals,
however, dewier, they en -
t steel no sppraheution art serine
Ten Dutab te,nk steamer Bremer
Efeven, wh:rb arrived bele I iidey eft-
rfuoon fromAntwerp, reports that on
Vvbruary 1), in .atitude 43, knagitude
44, she passed a steelier. It was tip-
pareantty a S'renciluuau, almost stopped
and h $dins tike had two
'iltaas and two funnels. Regulation
kslhts weirs bur,(, ag, but no signals
were desp:wyed. 'tee tepeesn ut the
Bremer Haves, who wee to.rl La Cham-
pagne was overdue, seed there was no
doubt au his mind but that it wee the
mei vtaiet.
La C'Lat otegro sailed with 48 first
ceb,U i &O.cngers. 53 wooed cabin, and
Yta3 steerage easseugers. tAhe tarries a
crew 0117*, Ca;.taca Peirce commands
our. Hz: alum esaitineer is M. Valais.
Nonce of tete nau5l of 4heein eepgetls
a.r knows in tine office In 1low.tser
Gr en. She br.uya 234 pouches of roar.
n;.,. a carder worth more than •3100,090.
'ii'o' .Sia other voyages -ars meting; ID
greater =tuber* et tis pier. t et
Morton str_et, ath>i at tiar'itt+oc..
grains of 'sneaky AM aV
ralst;vea. -rs•
fele le CsibMtld *ices *Metre Iewerl►
nese .r the Mahar W ireh.
A despatch from Washington. D.C..
say.:-Tbe arrival of mail in \Weah-
ington tromehey \Seat on Wednesday
attempts. bringing several private let-
ters from naval offuors lately attacb-
tn the Moine. reused a we're -et co-
citement to run ov'er the departments
ani the Capitol, for there were all
4!0!11* of rummers as to the contents of
these letters. very few of whigle turn-
outs it point of fact ha 1 Say mound
basis. Tbe only feature so tar ea *mold
be discovered of real importasee as
throwing any light on the cause albs
explosion contained in the letters was
the statement that the two after boil-
ers is the after boiler -seem were all
of the eight boilers of the Maine that
were under steam at tbe time of the
ezpksion. This tact hal • negative
value, for it disposed of the theory
that an ezplodtng 1 oiler h&1 caused
the wreck. Tbe experts all say that
by no possibility could the atter boilers'
explosion have wrecked the forepart of
tbe lea ne. ami lett the atter part al -
meet unharmed. - _
Evidently the president of the court
®bt enquiry is tearful of the effect upon
the public of ill-judged attempts to ac-
count for the destruction of the Maine.
for be telegraphed Secretary Long.
doubtless having in mind certain pnb-
licat-loaa of this morning. as follows:-
" Any reported interview with divers
untrue. Every Precaution bas besa tak-
en. Officer always present."
The big double turreted monitor Ter-
ror remains under orders to stay in
Hampton Roads until further notice.
It is likely that the will be eent to take
the place of the Mane in the North
Atlantic squadron if not needed else-
where immediately.
.4 despatch to the New York World
from Havens say.: -The situation in
Havana is more grave than it was •
week ago. Although the officers of the
Naval Board of Eneuiry preserve an
impenetrable reserve. it is learned
that some of the beet naval experts now
believe that the expiate°. was the r.-
wlt of treachery.
They do not Believe tbat Spanish
officials were part of the conspiracy.
From evidence now in their poesessio*
they believe the Spanish Government
General Bisnoo. and •11 his military
subordinates were guiltless alike of
knowledge of or participation in the
oriole. It is believed is bave ber est
oft by • fanatic.
Consul -General Lee, has infiorwally
schemed Americans sot necessarily de-
tained here to leave for home at Dace.
This is an indication theb those on the
ground realise the passibility of trou-
ble arising suddenly. and their inabil-
ity to protect women and children it
sa outbreak occurs.
ha,sador, at Paris. with reference to
matters which have excited some at-
tention. Ser Edmund eays:-''I placed
in the bands of M. Hanotaui, the
Preece Mini.,ter for Foreign . Affairs.
es soon as I could obtain an Interview
a note drawing attention to the re-
port. published this morning of +a
"'esell sem:Loa into Sokoto. I.jial
that it the report was °arrest the aaev1
must he regarded as of a very seri-
ous character. M. elanotaux replied
that he had no knowledge of an suck
prueedlaga. Sad 'that it anything
ong of
the kind had occurred it must have
been done not only without the orders
ce the French Government, but sealant
their wishes and instruction•, as they
bad no desire to approach Sokoto. Hs
1 said he did - nest believe the sews was
i true. and he han since communicated to
me the *((ranee that there are no
Freach troops du that region." The
rraditig of the de.pateh sass received
with cheers.
seism /ales, Leave ..alas for Weal
MOWS Well DaaelppM.
A Liverpool deepetok says: -111.
Brittah ateataer Bonny started on get-
urdey for the Niger with • party of
elt{eerw, 11 ennexemmimioned otfioere
three - breis, ♦ number of
beta 4 quantity of yet 'eery atoms, and
a railer* rewash of ams•u.itlen The
stores and the party are 450(1 sed for
~eine Mg0WIe.5e !*cowed Nth. *Ter -
Owe Washer *salsa Castle.
A despatch frame PDyanonthl Ragland,
says: -TN steamer Pf 'yn Castle, from
Table Bey, 'arrived bete on Wednesday,
two days overdue. She reports that on
Fehrusry 14th she encountered whet
seemed tin be • fog. but which proved
to he • ssndetorm. The air watt per-
forated w,th red sand, and for 010 miles
the Biwa end stars were ievidble Ob -
.time were impossible until the
ship rvrrb.d Meole rs. and for tee en-
er. Matson* the v.ea•I worked her way
kp dead reelorsillt.
The nose Sole* Were seer la eiersaa.y
Oaring the t'ar•Iv.t•
A despatch frum Berlin *aya:-A Lie
clop of Ieee majeate euavietions wsn
harvested during the c.r.ivai ce:.trre-
trons last weak. The first inclination
of the German peasant trb.e be Set'
-tie ay le 4e -
alantt the Kaiser, and the tIr.'tlanUas-
twn of the oeiniprreaent-poifee spy is
to; land the Utley pea`apt- in gaol. As
a resaIt, presents all Over the country
have been gives a couple of swaths ie
gaol to solver u,r eau lee to res Ise
that tee Emperor must be spoken of
with respect.
A "deepat,'a (run He...fax, N. S., says:
Pray.rr of thaektusneis rose Iron lite
lips of the nearly five bsan'.dred passeng-
ers oo board the overdue Frenee Lae
steamer La Champagne w'beu at day-
eght on teulay morning, in tont of
tts. ereM-.t sews* •Ismiaan. thaj
tghtxl the shores of Nov. Scotia, and
veer promised before night tell again
they woad be safely a.t.coiored wdhen
tee abetter of Halifax harbour. It had
been an an: true tea says on board the
At.awt` eases tiger knee, for halt of
that fosse they kai drifted helplessly
on the Iewfouawand tank, Lbw': an -
ghee agee
eheeagt".1 :,a. Utz been Mt. tall
, mtncry Bing useless as So -
count of the Usreaktng of Lee to:1 shalt,
w,b:oh it via 1nrycasib.e to repair at
see. The story of the accident trod
(ilea sever ewes on beard up to tea
tam the boat'. ease left is seenth of
help, on tis 18th, has already leen
tad by that crow, moo. ween. pirkied
tip end taken to New York. - _-- -
when tits to boat lett the eteaether - 7res
et anchor cm the Lankra. That night
s gale raged, and blas Ofg was tarn
frau her aaahorqgee and she tegan to
dell for live days. the wee trustee to
do areytning except keep her head to
the wood. oast. Wednesday night two
steamers. the test seen since tee dis-
aster come into eget. immediately
'emirate were discharged and coloured
lose burned, and the ettenerin of both
was attracted. The nearest me, *bleb
proved to be tLe Roman. bore down
coo La alsanaegne, wheel' the other
wh:nh is eupposod to have been •
Sege passenger stammer bound to New
York. proceeded on Eta way, enevimg it
a thought. aeon that aeslatanoe was
weer to ten vend in distress.
The Romeo took the Champagne lap
tow Thursday coaching A eotscriptiod
was male up on board for the man who
so bravely manned Cite lifeboat and
left in search of help amid the awn of
five frames was quickly
Tea aceiadent to La Champagne is a
neat serious ons, and whirl necessitate
the nhip "algia into dry-dock. When
the to lend Abaft snapped the engines
commeaesd to mos nits a teart'0: rate.
and this caused the rod to
break. The work ce towing the big
vessel to Halifax was not a very easy
task' for the Warren Liner Roman, not
wed staseiteg test the is aro of ho-
lmium proporteene. Three times the
towing *able" were parted by the
Mary pitctbbng of the ship., and each
time it took considersbie trouble to
pp.asse °ti os. Fatally two berg* steel
limp( and • massive Mani1L one were
"connected. and with tdlsem the helpless
ship eras brought saheb into port.
♦ aarpIu. .f Mm,SSS Mee tar ?otos Taws
.f me � PNrblrs Tei'.
Mooed 1 tag Int- 41tle Vi beries report
'tut bused, telt vatue Of the Cansidian
fistoriws lase year wan over $20.400.000
Than amnmot divided by provinces is
as follows :-Nova Scotia. 38,070,1186;
Nevi• flruoswick. $4,799,433; British Col-
ombia, 34.1143,990; Quebec, $2,026.75 ;
Ontario. $1.805.874; Prince Edward Is-
land. 3$78.12$; Mapttobe and Nortb-
W eat. $744643. The provinces of New
Brunswick. Quebec, and Ontario give
an aggregate increase in 1)01 of $576,-
310. and tow other provisoes whoa ■
determine el $367.224, snaking a surplus
of $200.000 over the total value of the
previous year.
About MINT Taws or the Obese* tits
Developed AlSoag too ■MMM&
A despatch from 'Dawson. N.W.T.,
via Victoria. B C . say•: -$curvy has
developed among the Millen to ewe
an tb•t there are now mesa -
teen came in the public hospital. it is
eetimated that there are from twelve
to fifteen rases in prtvate rabinaawel-
Iing the whole number to thirty. Per
raetionary meaeuree •re being taken
to prevent lbs spread el the malady.
ilia odd Infraction of the leas maje,te
laws has jest cone to light. A lost
lusineaa douse received ainetal card
from a mau in Wales. Just over the
address some one wrote in Fnresh
a`:orthand,wlii)3 the card wad lu tran-
sit, ",D- the Epgp,eror." The card
pealed through the postedti,e •II
riight,lut the German who rereive't it
was pealed to know wt ee the marks
meant. He kept the teed until he
found an kngaaemaa who cou d r al
• ,orthand and to- netted the card to
film, and &seed the translation, whirb
*8*- , proesptly a.nd joy fit' I ' elven.
Tbereupon the German wrote to hie
Welsh correaportdent demendine tbat
the man who ma le the offensive re-
marks be 4ound and puni Led, and
test if be were not the matter would
be referre- to tee Prus=hn Minister
t0 idgland for investiettlon. Thus
tiler -iia eeipelt baa sot Leen located.
n ew They n..se11■tei Bade Tee •t. the Rlg
Giraffe a. • Walyl.g fint•tatt
eSometimea," said the old circus man.
+*we used to-belet a flag as
giraffe and mike • walking flaws/aft of
him. We never did this unless there
wee a pretty fair breeze blowin', and in
tberigbt direction and never except
In street parades. Stalling, as be did.
eightese feet high, Ise made • pretty
dui te41119gi It t. flagstaff, sad 14,
treed to please the people mightily to
see the flag flying from him. And you
can net It down with entire safety that
we always made the most we could of it
when we did hist the flex.
"If the morwkitg was right we used to
pt a bee Mkaq SO lila w4 a "halt
block attached, and flag halliard rove
through that and carried down and
mads faat arousal one of bis tore legs'
it was sumetheng tits the arrangement
we had for Wieling his medicine up
to bion that tome whin he bad is stilt
neck ; is fact, I think it was that that
suggested the idea of Elating tbe flag
on tem.
"We used to set the halliards all
ready before we Iened up in the street ;
but we never bent on the flag till just
before we were ready to *tart. The
big giraffe need to nils ob et-tbe head
of the procession; the band wagon was
up pretty near the head, with just a
few !meioses sbsad of it, between it
and the giraffe. A man would walk
up to the giraffe and osat the halliards
loose and bend on the flag. and yoe
can bet It was always a bright sad
handsome one. There used to he about
s million people standing looking on
at this. and when everything was all
ready the old man would give the
ai"�{stltsti'1at was also tbe sig-
nal for the band to play. The leader of
the band was always standing up in
the band wagon ready. The minute
the eternal Dame. and the man started
the flag. down Dame the leader's pato.
asci the bele drummer's drumstick
with it, and every born came in on
time. Aa the flag soared up the gi-
raffe's Geek to tbe head yod could bear
the calliope coming in, down the Ilse.
The flag would always float out gayly.
and that was inspiring; and tben away
we'd go, witb the flag a-tlyin', the band
a-playta' and the calliope e-ecrreobin'
and all the people os the sidewalk hoe
Ieria' like mad 1
hear the ! I'd like to ase the old
times back again r
Bast BMWs .ear the ..dl .f Rho Willard
at avaa.see.
A despeteb•from Stanton. ell.. says:
-The leaf rite. over the body of Miss
Frances E. Willard, president of the
W. C. T. U., were performed here on
Thursday. The city wax in mourning,
schools and business houses being clos-
ed, and flags at halt -Meat. Private
services were first held at "Rest C'ot-
'tage," Miss Willatd's home. A prayer
woe offend by Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens.
acting president of the W. C. T. U.,
and altar the hym8, elitism. LoYp&.4
My Beni," bad been' sung by' those
eat. the casket was conveyed to the
First M. R. ohureh. which was filled to
the doors. Addresses were made by
President Henry Wade Rogers, of the
North -Waiters University ; Rev. Dr.
Charles Little, Mrs. Louisa Rounds,
Mrs. John 8. Dotter, of Iceland ; Mrs.
Katherine L. Steves+nn, and Mrs. Clara
Ieloffinen. The racket was literally
covered with flowers. almost every
country and State ,keing represented
by • floral piece.
Services 1a memory of Miro Frances
Willard were said in Kt. John's church.
Westminster, London, on Wednesday
svaiag. The edifice was crowded
with repre/eeatatives of the W. C. T. U.,
among tboste hriag Lady Henry Somer-
set, the Duchess of Sutherland, the
Duchess' of Bedford, end Antoinette
8terliag, Candles Were burned on the
altar wbioh was decorated with im-
mortelleL Times wee a temple burial
service, width ineluded the singing of
Um hymns. "The Labeursr's Tee* is
der," sad "Rock of Ages afwa
Wllleirfotee made en address. in which
be exhorted his hearers to enrnlwte
Mae W Illerd's work. The services
ooneineed with ea Irepmrnpfn prayer•
entnmesdi*g the erree of the deceased
enemas to find.
aniseed bam- Vert.tu Pollees kali Ike
•asset!( to Ow PastlMc_.
Tlnn Sqvatluu Army use opened
soup kite leo in Yarmouth, N.B.
A mining School 1e to be added to
Rat Portage's institutions of kerning, ,,
St. Catharines' recent lames of 4 pee
Dent. debentures sold sligLtly sboss
Oyer a hundred miners' licenses tot
the Ynkon were issued in one day is
The Verity Plow Company have
made arrangements to rebuild is
Bran teord. .
Henry Height, ,of Melford, Nage was
killed by being run over by a rue.
sissy team.
Two parties Lave already left Wood-
stock for the Klondike, and still there
err inure to follow.
The Aged Pro;,de's Home and th.
Home for Incurables in. London are be-
coming overcrowded.
H,inl i ton temperance workers are pe-
titioning for a reduction la the num-
ber of liquor licenses.
Malsaoneuve, Que., has granted
dynamos of 810.0(1 web to two shoe
factories to lo-ste thntw.�
Tbe L -*ng Tensing Com any will
enact a tannery in Berlin that will
give work to 300 Banda.
Hamilton phologrs;cbers ere saki n
the Council for protection against phi
togra;.b enlarging agents.
Tbe company wti-h le building the -
'peen bridge over the Ottawa.Maak,
ing flull'for • 473,000 gr -alt,
1t is estimated that stoat 7l:er cent
of tee people who went into the Klon-
dike last ammo made • living.
Th. Canadian Pacific Railway Co ,'
erecting • saw sell at Elk River.
where there is a fine body of Umber.
lheadea.Ctty Ceneen Mr'4Jed Selene
bakers to use a gum label on fano
broad, instead of the .temp hither ,
Tobacco raising In Poutb-western en
tario le growls* 1. teeonr. Oma >♦g•ez
tanner Sold gg worth frma'd'ileld
--The long premleed Midland Tdtw..
from Winding. XB. to Truro, will be
commenced within tea days and Doti
pitted neat IMI.
People in the Klondike ere plekin,t
up coarse gold through six eat .,f
snow. They are leaving the tine kine
till the thew sets in.
Michael Dillon,an old employee of the
O.T.R. oboes in Stratford, ha, •^eept-
ed *position ae lead msebinist is tee
Merrttton paper mills.
The Kamloops Standard, tomato
British (olumlla's dry climate. I'
aleo suggests that the teen affords
good opening for a brewery.
Dunamuirs, the British Columbia roe
barons, have raised the wages of thou
employee snd advanced the prim o'
coal fifty cents per ton.
More mining than ever before is be
Ing done in the 8locaa,-yet bnsiasse u,
the town is as quiet •a a country tome
tory. Country was overt/Mt
ierveraseeet WIII ahead 81111.■• erer1tar.
se t*MaaIve Impr.veme.ta.
Rztenaive plans for the heantifica-
tloo of London have been derided on
by the Government. No annunnee-
ment yet ha, been made, but an ex-
penditure of more than 310,003.000
upon the approaches to the Ilouten of
Parliament is among On. probai;ilitien,
loclnding splendid new Wine 'Moe.
really worthy O
I the English metro-
- 4 Mae
W ere tux teinees et a fere - and
Rosas.■ a.rled he Mhe5.
A"despatch from Kalamazoo, ]Lich-.,
says: -Fire on Saturday night parti-
ally destroyed the Hall rhemlrnl
works. Dnrtns the progress of the
fire two terrific explosions ocnerred.
blowing one of the huiidinge to pieets
and burying • hires number of r-oople
in the ruins. Sir firemen ant tone
spectators were killed sad right others
badly injured.
11101Iit THE RECORD.
t. 0. B. Taboo /Meige! Tem Taeewy.r to
Row Tern la Sema slrvs.'
Tbe C.P.R. hasi broken the world's re-
oord for a tranar'nntinental freight
ran. Oa lelxwary 11 a large quaatfty
of silk was landed at Vtanouver be
the steaasklp Empress of Chow, sill
os the 11th it wan landed in New York
tee trip orcupJ ing seven days There
warm four (orb
s& valued at MOAN
One of a party of llowtonbsn Klee -
dhows whew he reached Ashcroft etre
el•teme "Thank God 1 the were. of the
joertvey le over." There are Sime
{Maga to he leal'sed esthete of Restos.
Tbe Canadian Pacific have a rope.
sentaUve in St. John's, Nfld., trying
to hire 1,300 men at $1.50 s day to
work on the Craw's Nest Railway.
Aid. Wilkey, of London, has gine. ,
noUee of motion to take steps to re
scind the agresmeat with the street
railway if better service is sot. given
The canning factory to in estab-
lished by Hamilton gardeners is esti-
mated to cost $36,000,of which the Bank
of Hamilton offers to advance 75 per
Ed. MrGe.gaa, an inmate of the
Hamilton Mayhem. escaped Sad tried to
throw himself in front of s Grand
Trunk train. He came f rom St. Thome,
A mouse got into a Chatham, N. B..
church choir. Two ladies shrieked and
clutched their skirts, the congregation
grinned, the pastor frowned and went
on with his diwsrse.
Patrick Kelly, of Hamilton, received
• tad gash in the head at a peter
party,hut retnses to divulge the pare
where the affair took pars or the
names of bis assailants.
The Kootenay output of ore for Jae
nary amounted to nearly •million one
• quarter dollars' wortb,or neerly hell
as much al.•II that Ilaa romp from
the Klondike up to date.
A Chicago man hes a project to rue
a stage service I -atrium Ashcroft Sad
Lake Tesl l n, a d istg es of 100 miles,
Old .steers don't L ew W>WLbiber -_
donut his insanity or honesty.
Racine Industrial School will entad
out thirty graduates this apring,who
will art se interpreters ma the re•
I serves, and proceed to forget all .the
civilisation they twee imldl.ed.
Mr.. A Melesehren, of fleabane
N.B., wee &deer/ in her burning home,
when the family dog, tai ing to awklles
ber by barkint. jumped on the bed
well, be desired effete. She. got mat
in t.iles,�
Gds. Ails 'started to walk on the 1M
from Cbekleurn Island to TMesses' on. Ile
get lad- in the ntnrm, and whoa he
filially reached hes destination visa •e
badly frozen that hie life waI despaired
of. He is recovering now
The present season hes spoiled 1 te
Mftenese of the ground bog ss •
oast bier p het, rrtnnrks • Ierel1l rf
ez&11meg.. Other weather prophets are
fade of sterner stuff ant refute to
spoil in any kind of weather,
The eoroaer's Joey that cognised into
the death of 'little Ethyl Cosk,ln !.m-
dse, fogad that She diel of te'clne •
dors of Onsair 1n mistake kir mete -
Mae. They shun ezprwraad as mens
tibat it (• toe assay to purchase swell/
'-1515 sed i1asece0eetts.
slot tsetse Mt*
vett art
ether tilt es
Ans tet we here
✓ ite, .seeke.!
yil'eeteUeee eel+
F• ee tee
WWI w---
sfirlif+fa er