The Signal, 1898-3-4, Page 5- q • Sise ail _.. _ WellealleTM r- o �I+,..R .. `. �.. t,..iS`r ,.. ^��7�.,•.^Tit@»• �.w�r.,...--•-•�I�r,.a .•.....,.,.a• 'tires"' ,-. e-------eile' ^i�M• • p soil. Another, and perhaps a great- FATHER'S.' reat- Y BURDEN." to tle5 oil,, ala' I sales �hh1 tens- Ors�ortor .e that h. might return to` AO RICO LTURAL reason for this poor growth, is that FATHER`S Lhle wUl soup blow u.er." h4 father. The mea turned about. 1 " Vurryy well, dem; users welt. W. hors e^ agreed that you wasn't meant. 1'r .a t form til b a fanner afore you went t' --- so it's $ eiimb.rvalu o ea ao use talktn' It all over agstn• Try use was busily getting supper. •A t' feel eu0teated while y'u have t' toe tit Meted (row the Plko IooyiDg here. We'll let y'u dope as yet please.' hese of the hill, stud a b•refoet.etI lie hong his straw hat upon a hook I ran from the win-h•rrnl to the and lighted a candle. His hand trem- to tell her mother that bled warniw io doing both, but ugly a door the mother w this as ase roes Imo' ve ass at the gate holding up •5 the Werth sod put the wing upon the :tr. She put her gourd dipper on mantel. a,ll ant butes 1 down. Tice matter was not again discuses,' a•I no one interfere 1 with Lemuel's It's from Lem." she said, return- freedom. Be rtmble.t about the ccwo • to lie r mother. Igniting upon tits try, sometime* fishing, sometimes !tomt- it, " an' It must' 0• -an awful little i told an sf dhl light hwork, buthe show into from tL' feel ' Ied no interest in the harvest or in the lnote deepens* son's nodeedeepens*1 the berme:, welfare of the tarm. Icor that often comes to the fares He renewed his acquaiut$acw with farm wires et the close of is busy :to be the Martin, tltkeliest was of tbeecom- 1 h I 1 y 81» gave 1t to Fele who whipping the hoe Rs urniog home Lemuel found bis mother bewildered sad he assumed the care of hie father. Daniel Mattla and Cicely, who bed been told off Judd's illness by Steve, casae in to assist. The daughter .was t1t ty,teal Cumbervale girl and she tuo'c charge of Mes. Judd wiles the steadiness ot a matron. The doctor who cams with Steve was noted throughout the whole section of Use valley for his tonrue ss well as his trest meat. When he had brought Judd to consciousness and had .given' directions for the night. Lemuel dis- covered that he was skilful is diagno*- ing other than physical troubles. You are young Judd. aren't your be asked bluntly. ' Yee, I am" " Well. I want to tell you that this stta'k is not very serious, but it's s waro•ng. I'll expect you to see that your father doesn't do a stroke of work une tall. If he does. you will be re- •y-oable foe the eoneequencen." With a sucoession of characterlatie sniffs he was off as busily u he had r rlv► 7 munity. 11.11. Judd farm adjoined her idled it out with her forefinger," father's. Itis ca'lr,however, ceased ate icing the words. I ruptly. sad, he found some altraction Steve Lad put his horse away andin the county town three miles away. rw came through the side gate. Mrs. ( Steve watched him sharply. He was a talkatl+e fellow, and epjoyed a joker's id inquired whetber tbe letter had ticensa of 1 -bunt .each. it cotes to the poet office .that wens-, •' l'm mighty glad y'u've came hum. g. and when tie hal answered "yes." item," era one of his eharacterietic .ked him to fetch hep huahanl from Prods at the table. " Y'n kin rioters th' improvement in th' farm a mile ,e field. The farmer soon cams and `s v.ay• ibis was {,noel- hereabout as ,e honied hem the note, shrine " k aid th' Jud4 Rarm•waa pia' doers. -: � but they int no danger ranee r'o've ,min hem•••.- .. CM. haat, it'll .coo beth' i.ragfarm •alio M is." bis-a�OMI. alter reketiC uv th' vnity. But there's one thing >e note. "It ain't bis •vr.sk's . I'm mid ty concerned •t.put, m. I'm et, . it?" afeared y'u'll over 'o y'urself a' then -No, be trate he'd he herr tatbceli,J1nr.-I:E1l99..11 =- , of Steve's duties was to rider eek in August. it be came *p on kb'town late it flee afternoon for the vening train ball be here before ;mail and necessary ■umgilies. Il jun hes .ng „ I upon the tense looking for him way leek be often found Lemuel sit - vibe shaded her and looked a1easj w [fully. One evening when he ask hs visible stretch of 1 Ike. lei it a lefts: hal come for him instead "I do b'lieve he's eomin' now," re( answering "Xs'come. ureal, Steve tis t d -"There's einem* welkin, -Mit•-t *need, ll horns to the fence, Aplt tl hese r walk it be tits t get and wee-. No,ao letter bas came an' I bone lilt" none ever well. I've gouged y'n at the Ell.' ran down to the road and the table •tore all th' to'ts .n' y'ti've 'ether limped after her. H• seemed scowled. lint it don't make no dfCr- b ds A glen •e at 'nee t' me." o be use ng a burden. - Lemuel .•rang angrily from the M house and over the farm would 1 eer- pave shown what the harden was. The mother waited in the doorway. ber thin fees changing from expecte- tine t9,ei tJ 'WPn- TOO tbyet pet e nter came up the path. carrying a 6e1 d several tercels Lemuel "Oh, y'u needn't get huffy. I can't hold in no longer, an' i ain't gore' to. You •think ne fo'ks don' know w'•t trouble y'n got into in th' olty.. Ittpme -as doeat curt d'r -sines." "You know it r -•-0-I es. •n' so does v'nifstber__la' ---•- the buildings keep away the rain from BCJURW IN CALVES. certain quarters, caning the soil to In m7 tvylsnod It was my sluts to, become so dry that nothing cat grow snood and teed the calves. At 00e in it. When this u the trouble It can be remedied to a great extent by pro- tium we had a colt that was thought ring vines of come length of item, to` lye ea valuable one, and nal lnstrur that shy malt -ha assess sttnl9 caidas••e Lions were to teed it well. i It wee kept away from the wall. Let It be a Viir- ln its stall day after day, while 1 tried ginia oree:'er, for in ace. Get 'keine with a stem two feet. more In length. to Barry but this hit of instruction. Plant iL two feet fro$$$ the wa'l, apen- Pretty soon it took scours, and I put Ing a trench from it to the wall to wheat flour in its milk and anything which th3 ahoeta are to be 'aid and else that was thought W be eonrtlpat- covered over with earth. This will bring the point of the vine close to the Ing, but the trouble continued. Une wall, up whirl] it will soon run. Thi moralag it refused to take its teed of roots, being two feet away from the milk aad looked sick. Tbe attention wail, will meet with more moisture then it closer to 1t end he which hive been carried aloe under called to it. Tbe different euthorlt- ground will make roots in time, push - fee kept in the house were consulted. ing along growth fart. in this way, writer,d b t met to be with the roots in goat soil, many a Dome. See hers, Tem" Steve said, when he came in after helping the doctor start. "Here's th' mis'ahle letter. It eons. this evenin'. If 1'd c'arrt I'd a trim' it. Things always does come at tb wo'st time,' . Lemuel read the few tyi,ewrittea lines and cruml-led the raper nervously, " Are they still aitgi'i0 y'Lyat.. Lemr' Steve asked. " No; they have discovered who gave away the figures of the bid ani want Le come Lack to my place at o�ioq.'_, "Tm-rim grid" ri 7 a Lem s ti(�8 father feebly said from bis pillow. "Me an' mother has never h'Iieved you done It. Now, y'u e'n go back t' tb' city an' be o'ntented. Y'u'd better write y'ur answer at mace ao nobody else gets y'ur place. Lemuel walked slowly toward the had. fits bands were shaking Y&-h1a face was set. Ido you want me to go away, fath- er Y' he caked. Judd turned from him and pat his arm over his eyes. "Y'u know, Lem. bow much y'a are t' me an' mother," he answered. "a= • that y'u're welcome t' stay as long as y'u want. But y'u can't be c'ntented at th' old home any more. aa' I won't say a word t' get you t' stay. I c'n be up workin' around t'morruh s nab - gal --eco Jen a'a g{u. trithpnt. 4rarrsin' Me and mother'll get along somehow, Lem-" Mrs. Judd and Cicely Martin came in- to the room from the hallway. Ella. who had been standing near, caught the corner of Lemuel's coat, and. look- ing- asps into -bis asst . rated: Are you Vitt' away again, Lem?" He took ber head, walked to the bed, and asked, " w li you trust the farm in my hued•• father 1" • The farmer could not .-*$wet. tat his look was all that was required. " i'11 do my heat with it. All you need do is to give me direction' and try to get well. We won't mention the city again." In 'ening the other " hands" about it, Steve declared that " keepin a tight rein on • hurror was wo'se'n hreakin' • odd; and wen Lem's mother cried •a' Judd himself !desired his face with the bed kivers, i took an' run. An' • I Martin shake Lem s ban' Cicely l[ar o I seen 7 aa' tell him that it ever he dose • right thing he done it thea." Those who now drive around the base of the hill and look up to the left, see oae of the fine farms that have made CumbervaJe famous. When Cicely Mar- tin came over to help Lemnel it took a spurt forward and not • farmer in the vicinity thinka of it now in con- nection with s sale bill or an auction - MIC an • •'&least. baadsome fellow. He had nlgfiter an' th' Martins. A ms• t♦ towel told ter th contractors in dsear�igi tb5 slouch hair shirting, buses y'n Cr trivia' the' riggers uv ?Paas sad sewbiJe Loots. usually worn a hid t' another c'ntrartor so's he by the farmers. for more iasnionable'a'n'd gree $ tower 144 as get th:-job. clothes and a new look substitute 1 the •n' that y'u got big money Cr It." wholesome one which had shone upon " Ani you believe I did it," Lemuel his face when he left home the nut- erld, striding toward him with white ams nelosa : '•4a I'tea'[ 131111 -rate-- 11.4'dere 1 Seeing poly little it in ins i above. i don' Weise- y'n'd do •ich a thing. But ueturn, the little girl ,'steed street•ithings loots ag'ie y'u an f don' expect lagunmindfulthat his halt -bashful greet- 'n'll ever get that letter." fea gave substance father to the m°ther'e�1 A wagon rattled toward them. Den - tears. The father leaned against the lel Martin ane Cicely were nerve the win -1 earn el, as Ube kept himself agile! and the. 'clog bed was filled with with an effort. mels Irons the town stores. The fath- Cuti oing . folks aare backward i - er beds the "time." but the dengb- questioning ti al a member of the fam- ter, who wan di'tviam kept her eyes sly upon critical matters. At the sap- • on the horses. for table no one hilted at the reason •.I know now why she isn't friendly car a Steve retort. This was not bo do ear mord" Lemuel said. bitter - cause Steve and two rather "hauls" She believes I'm guilty." Ste with them. for family affairs are II.- " re ten recast- a Tran or woman is all this part ur Neve the ops " ion. ou 'eketo d mos am ,d en 'lab a thing, an' least UV all how the crolr' was rood slant q t •cleverest t shoots of the older members of the family was girl 1 It ain't thatatall. lemur The ain't of d' i beforeth5 "help " The former made several attemptsk re- th' valley -Abet 'd b'lieve Es. Judd's d Lemuel and getting an unwillingreply venter- Ctc ly Martin. . ,sea h F ed an inquiry as to wther he " had in all Cnmberva'.e. an' aye's ag'in r'a saw Sam Dowj'a few red agues in 'cause r'a've no thoughts Cr anything his barn road." Receiving only a brief but -. Lookabere. Lem. This farm er dot I ho;ie the confounded letter has Wen th' Judd Farm ever since th' negative he relsised into • silent sad' first deed were wrote on it, an' every vigorous use of bis knife. -venin' u've dawdled on this fence. Leter in the evening when Judd went waitio' r -r a letter that'll never coma. out for a last look at the stock. Leas -I It's goin' down as fast as • farm kin, uel stood at the kiteben door while bL 1 an' it won't be w'orth raisin' mullet mother wearily performed the closing,stooks on in • month 'r two. Were tasks of the day. Amid the noises of aro y'nr eyes, Lem Jndil t Jes' un - the cit be had often thought of the hitch 'em fmorrub from , an' look rasp of tbe crickets wed the gurgle of at th' house ass th' horn an' th' land. the frogs as music, but then was Dow Get that letter out ay y'ur head an' • diacord in the summer nectars. He r'il'l' gee w'y it's going' down. turned around, and said, " I'm in tree-. He caught Lemuel by the shoulder. bk. mother." turned him around with an easy move- " i knowed it, Lem. You're face told merit of his brswey arm• and point- ing, said. - The coatreetors in blame bale It ain't to °dark yet t' see them for dishonesty, but I'm not guilty, wrte stoma over there on rte hill. if mother." y'n don' take ort y'ur city coat, Lem "1 knowed that, too, leen--I mean Jaddo an' help to run this fangs, there'll I knowed you aint viie00. Leet." be soother stone over there afore long. "There's no use worrying you or an, tie name on it will be Ezra Judd. father with any more of the facts. P'r'ate 7'u9. be In then, an' They're hard eeoegh for me to ieer. strangers will have t' go onto th' Judd k that I've Farm, an' what in nation II y'ur moth - you awhile They'll write me • letter it fe leaped oo his horse and clattered away. Lemuel turned and crossed bis arms on the top fence rail. The house and barn were sharply ontt ned against the evening sl;y. He had not noticed before that the left gable of the form- er had sagged and that the latter tirade/ reahin ling. The decay that was now visible al over e P says a an w a ser vane has been glue* • cod start,whi h the proper remedy was procured acid otherwise would have grown but lit- adminkstered. it had the desisild of- tie or have died out completely. It tact, and snore ;-1t nut uuly is an excellent plain, and one not often the scours, but also the breath "Oi thought ot. calf Inside of a few hours. 4' -slur think of this, and always conclude it PARE KEROSENE FOR SPRAYING. was lot so much the fault of tbe rem- Prof. Smith calls attention to the edy as we supposed. but more the want (act that if properly used pure kero- of 4edgneent In administering. 10 1st- sane may be applied to spp'es, pears, STORIES OF HER MAJESTY. afOTPSY FORTUNE TELLER'S PRE- DICTION OF HER DEATH. 1111160:1•1:164516:16's eaaseir ♦►eat Mr. abed wat a 5ertaae 'Utter Told leer ..� ., The Queen, it �s rip ?t anxious about Mr. Gladat . e co .- clition, end telegrams fruw Cannes are sent to ber twits daily, writes a cor- neemelent. Her venerable bL jeaty -.woh is tbe story -bas auwe ides nett Mr. Gladstuoos death will, be but a brief forerunner of her own. becau.e of a prediction once made to ber by a fortune teller. Many years ago the Queen ant the late Prince Albert wt;re ass "[AIM WHAT 1S OOINO ON IN THE PIRA- CORNERS ''HU --` CORNERS OP THE °LOBE. er-yarawhen larch* ant zuttna1; — --Orem.-e-berries, Pe•eilet end g all to raise calves. scours oonatansn a large variety of other trees for kill- •ly gave us troabie. Upon iagnlrtan the San Joss scale. He shows that Alt old gentleman told me recite- woe sa sag excellent remedy, and we at ones ad- pear trees were sprayed in Feerusry o•ited its use, but not as a drench. Of and no scales were visible until the foe' *Vega 1 refer 63 -41,116 -fed saws•, ay i lowing September. _ - t*tt-itt hal) never bad any trouble whin they were came from neighboring trees. The allowed the mother's a.ilk. We mix it eawentisl point and the one that must in each dfeed of milk, redui ing the em- le observed carefully, is the use of the ount of milk to the -amount of finest spray passible that will apply • coffee added, which may 11e very thin coating at a time when w•ea- from • pint to a quart of strong cof- ther conditions are favorable fur rap - fee, s cording to the age of the calf id evaporation. The trees themselves and severity of the trouble. This hes should he dry when the kerosene is always given good reetets. And applied. Any departure from these ones cogs the same results seemed to ylggasUone may prove injurious. At follow mixing the feed ut a full groba present there is no perfect sprayer or cow with strong coffee. K e still resort atomizer on the market. If this s to It when necessary. But from el- secured the kerosene can be app ed lenience we have learned to get at the without much danger of lad results. root of the matter. We feed young -_ calves on skim milk (I don't think l t- CARE OF THE DAIRY HEIFER• termilk fit), and when the -cream is removed we have • ration that the dor for would say "is not 1 a'anoed," and The young dairy heifer ought to be we must try to h•lance it with the best sa well fed and cared for as the milk substitute we can get, and I have cow, because her future usefulness de- test:M i -noise batter t8ten-sil,•meal<-. tieties"bn be1T'"rUnaRAlien Qrier -Vo beet bran, or both. Skim milk alone bas pp _ a tendency to constit ate, and when first food either for milk aproductiondostnon forr the bowels become sluggish everything fate -but ought to be in strong goes wrong, and 1f nature did not come i �1t1 b7 (=that makes to its retie[ and rid the ystena, &dead calf would be the result. But the or- gelfbrtn -ot-s yowler that care must be observed. or this rid- ding of the system will -assn° a chronic nature before we are Swart and when scours become cbroideIhave no faith In a ruts. Heeterennim/eat' •nos of keeping the bowers active. And when constipation is noticed so time should be lost in regulating it. For a very young calf we have found Or- leans mo asses good; but better is • feed or twoorerhole milk from the row. It is important to make the skim milk about the same temperature as ellen drawn from the row. Too cold or too bot Is very injurious. Since we bare learned to give more attention trou- ble to little ,'stalls we have had less from scours among calves. A safe rale for • farmer when an animal Is sick is to inquire what be would do for himself under like circumstan- ces, whether dieting, • simple aid to nature, or the doctor would be test. But withal it we think to he $nredis- tub ever time we are doomed to disap- pointment. aaitairm Wsrtd Busses se bat..5.1 Clove. Wed Briery-latsrsetleg t.appsetns• ol aceet Date - Beards are taxed 10 yen a year in a Japanese village in Awa county, Chiba Ken. A little bot sealing wax dropped on biz hand has just killed tee Fart of Clonmell, bluo,l poisoning Lavine ret' in. George Frederick Watt's colossal equ- estrian statue ot "Force" e ell be cwt i in browse at the expense o! Ont walking All I weal ns to now to • never doss come. That's all i got to lost my plane and will be borne for •a •n' 1 dun' cars 1'r th' 0112.' they Lind out i wasn't to blame. and they will fiat 1t out before long." " 1 hope they will." looking up wear- ily from the hearth, from which she Was eweepiag dust with a turkey wing !nth a pan. Thea she rose painfully, end continued. "Lem. love you noticed t tier. TURNED OUT WELL tugfthig l Iia ]seer, .° hey fish Government and belt up in Hyde carat t. i thele ealed.n 1 pulsus. They 1 Park. on the terrace at the end cit the weri dr¢te attattealed. sad were pass Serpentine. ed elm the high road by a gypsy care- Victor libelee who fought at Water - v Albert hailed the gyp ie. and intimited • 22 years as a oonsumttsve that he "and hi* wile" would lieu I oenlly at I.a ltocuti sur -Yon, aged 105 years an l 10 tmnathe. their fortunes told. A to h gaunt- Empress Augusta Victoria of Ger- looki•n, mother of the tribe approach- many fount 144 Cermcn servant girls. Gor- ed as ,loo spat was subsequently discharged Acting op • sudden impulse, Prince from tide French Aruty at bbs age co - them sad, it i. suplsu. with no last year to whom she could give Um Idea of their a{atteJ- runt. The road golden servants' crow for t;ae tog liv- of the Print* ,Ivas the first offered. but with • hurried glaiue the gypsy dropped it, •tui then for a.tgw minty stared into lbe. tees of the -Cpassz' . oh rue fortune," like -at last muttered. "You live with the sea. but the dark Gray soon deepen." THE FALTJNG STONE. The Queen ant the Prince laughed. and then her Majesty's palm was 01 - The Seed 514 Lady was Cradled by n1er 5,pbew'a hear. •a After the good old lady had laid aside her glasses, wiped the mist from ber eyes and carefully folded the letter she had been reading, she followed the hab- it of many old people std talked to herself. "I've often heard," she paid, "that the wildeat oolta make the best horses. When I took Robby ae an orphan. and my own nephew. he was as wild as a Meroh hare. That boy was never still a mute while he was awake. and he wed to thrash around g, good deal in hes sleep. for that matter. I really despaired of getting him trained down to the requirements of civilisation. But look at him now. That letter's a re- vel•tlasii to me. I feel like telling my friends. but I suppose it's wiser to wait and let them see for themselves. Some of them showed pretty plainly that father 1s---". n by their rammer that they thought be Judd's heavy step sounded upon the th lace was not would never mets a enemas at ool- sill. and the little woman knelt quick- an illusion of the twilight. lege. ,y loon He remembered cow that he had of- 'Hat that letter shows that they are We faprmers look up he rdetatew H u the brinks. ten seen t hill e gays he's in the pink "Father,' said Lemuel. when he Dame amt shake their heads as they drove -)[ condition. I can remember when my in. 'I've u h mother that 1 lost , He knew now that it must be brothers had to be conditioned before will through to [tort of mins. and b7 ' will stay at bane for a e/hils." "oommoa talk," throughout the err- they could even eater oollegs. He''s The father slowlyotened the Ian- tion that the old Judd place was going a full track, and 1 noticed in the paper cert door bre'. outhe flame, and set down. In fancy he saw large hill•. I the other day that 11(x. Smiler's son di 1 line "The Judd era cony a quarter hack. There's not • SUMMER PRUNING OF THE PEAR. r - Some years ago I came into poesee- sion of s pear orchard of about five - eights of an acre , says • writer. It had been badly neglected, and I took it in hand to make it produce an in- come. My knowledge of the subject was gained from books, and I made some blunders. Among other things, I pruned the trees heavily and man - tired them, "not wisely, but too well." As a composure, they were thrown strongly into wood growth. Several An- jou treee stout nine inches in diame- ter took on a temendoos wood grow- th, bat yielded very few pears, hard - 1y a freetton of a bushel arab. ('asting shout for a remedy, l ran across an account of a Frenchman's method of promoting the growth of (,loom buds and adopted it. It ronaiet- ed 1n breaking off, early in July,about two-thirds of each newly grown shoot of all trees that were making too much wood growtb. The method was very snrcesatul. I recollect that two trees which never yielded more than a bushel ea^.h of peers, after three years of this treatment produced be- tween six and seven bushels each o[ pears of the highest quality. In Its17 1 had between thirty and the lantern upon the (leer. He roes, with s a7 preesiag his side se it be list a stitch. ]'arm for Sale' fo rued by the pi - Then he walked over to the blue man- tare stf • farm -hones. and an esumer- tel, hang • key upon a nail driven in- *UM of the carriage and plow borsee, to it, welt to the sink, took a drink miteh cows and farm tnpdementa. He from a tin bucket, pat the dipper hack could almost [sear the sale crier upon into it; then teemed to his son. Cam- the covet house pavement on • Rater- hervale folks approsoh an important Ela alts ri0llnit his ball an discnasiou by timid stages. the "We'll be sorry glad t' have y'a home again. Lem. but -but I'm steered rr0* wont feel et home. ft &let *Hy - fed here, an' it asst a bit like it used t' be We're"--ort--tort Or played out. Lem -me an' mother. We're workiq Los hard. I but ev'e, We ill fbs11p �,. Ilse farm, but w'e0 I say tlui ji toren that you'll le sabred t` 16 say work. Du meths' be afetred'e that. Y'n Dever did like tannin', aa' got more above, it. is tb' elty. Well get slog somehow. I reekba'•� A erase- of hes insntfloteet stleagtb seemed to fall swlAenly goon Mm and he caught the metier a the sink and welted, while the another stopped her tired wbaping with the turkey wing end loet5ad up at her son Hw kowee+r. had his eras ail thoughts far Pm, is --- and did mit. one hie fatbir weakness Dor think of his Wettest to it. ' Yoe're eight. fettle'. 1 never 414 Ilk- fats 4r�lgery, std es'er will. [ `•d't IS ooa&eetacl fa it. I must pt r d as - !biting bkn from c•loulatiagcrOwd hes done the faculty should attend to and cent of how the farmers farm had omen under the ham- e another my fortune, R He Rays be is thall have o be rain - mer. He tore s sliver from lbs rail sated. I venture to say that there is and went honor chewing it. not saotber boy it the country that Twos vexing• later be returned from has the name prospects. I will legroom the creak with blk rod sad lie• The I b a allogene- and i win •end K > "oaa do Ma alt it noon, torbellied �hieet had I iterate thatill the' a little lonal poker club. at He says that floated lire it in the cermet of his • full head would have saved him • tbouehts. His motber ran from the , greet deal the other night.. He shall s yoa•tg men in the lnatitution that can Mead before Rnlby with the gloves on. Just think what he would be if be handled them without gloves. He mast have • kind heart. He helped to haze the freshmen. duet like him. My own opinion Is that 1f hazing had 1° ed forty years with 005 fan►tly• one err found in Berlin. Three travelled WelahWe& pro a borsefleeh tanquet at s Rhondda V bots t recently, to which they -- - en, however, presented tbsvaaelver t•4 feast cm a "ri,rloin ut four-year-old horse." A CORM of leprosy, in its worst form has been discovered in London. No hos- pital or home for incurable$ will take isulat- ,Only the jattent in and no mesas tented The gypsy w >nnaq rooked and 1 is him Yromj contest a ittr.other per then fell on her knees. " am in the • suns has been fount yet. presenile of cue w' r Is great in this-. For preventing a railroad disaster world," age murmured, "and notstet.hew I bythe timet discovery ut • broken you homage though 1 know wool-_ y of an approach - butmay b4; your teras may be loc{. , rail ant the stopping ser, at but borrow will not spare you, and ' ing train a lucomotire-J;,ggeol when your end cusnes there will be a Valle on the Seale redeye,' a reward fallir-g stens." No explanation was of a marks• 50 cents, from the railroad f h e y, an r'.;t of the caravi1nos ineshitents were vol. IbMtauu, who die r beginning to gather around them. • England, was thm itipeo of the last ecn- liberal dole was bestowed, wad lbs 1Is�attwn•I elopement . tO Gretna Green. taboan sad ]'.rine. 1CWt111ted.i1tSir. II• Se ran crone _one nave_!le WW1 Probably the gypsy s words vsei'e'J Lady Adela Vipers, daupateF ole-,_ gotten until recalled by the allusion of 1~:arl of Jersey :ohs diad ss y• vouches ed th gyps d as the eomjuay y d ewently in the Prince Cee1sort Thea its e o •• they were marched. faIHna et, n+' remained a problem: but whether " Hock 1" or " Hurrah 14'` bouw oa It might bel 1 1 flsifgb sad` gives new m Yb w as baneee z♦ [neat tb --'-lei*-the Proper ejsrral�+en -setae a - bone and musFI �r (erector to a gaiting • s ne. Igoe of a- constitution. Ffir The seller should a pro is no hatter or worse; propose 1 is a question Unit u disturbs - kept •more a`i;[ttie'Itt�b•a the nous of r uttrritYpa of OMNI. It Germany. Prince Ludwig of Bav" *then ani� rept for milk, but requires lust as t:e fet+'sa,d to curve right in the Prince aero at the Munich hanqueavotdsd honor tb.'- much care In feeding and just as rat- Consort'- case; it cannot verywell lot the $a3pry birthday ticient shelter from inclement weather. come r o6 Has point by shouting. "Hoch hurrah!"`5 lifOlb SPRAYING PEACH TREES. Prot. Stedman recommends the fol- lowing mixture: Four oz arsenite of soda, 11 oz acetate of lead, 1 gal of glucose, thoroughly mixed and lidded to 100 gain of wa r. Pea: h growers kitob•s dear to meet him. She was wry pate sad woe twisting her apron helplessly im her hands. bran fath- erLess Lir' meta ber jus g 1 • trees lit' a Mrd. He related lasers. Hey telt tb' bed Sm' delta' know may of as. Would ou rare t' table et tit' horsed ea'ride t' towel t t vs It." (l&&IID OLD MSN. Oladetnne 1a !•11. a year older' than pap Leo and Lord Uwydyr. aad three years -elder than Sir George Only. Dr. tb dtsetsu' Means& Sallee. aad Mr. Hearst Rae - Be ran to the barn amt bridled • MH, Sir Henry tlastazner and Verdi horns. Hie mother's hint est wawtfi0gelelle Mi Lady Bardstt-4batta sad lord new to help in this a srgener made I Cr.abrook, ld ; !floweret is 81. aad Fit him urge the animal to its ntmnd A ilialt15.0avaa Duffy, M. Mr. Nledstone stile from the hones be Stove eons` la the oldest of Rritatn'a Prime Min- ing horn.. He rapidly tall Wm what later! for tem 'w°te rlss. aad the dd•d hag hsppo.l sod meow, sit!- to go for as -Prime tMiniteler i* Rung*. have found this valueble and it may a M the he wed mach stronger than the above I dared for some distgnes beyond a peculiar ejiidemic of hysteria that has with no harmful results. The one great woods of Claremont, lad were over- broken out in one of the girls' schools. advanatge over Paris Green is that 1 tat by a tbundentorsL They took room, started the this poison remains suspended in the water with very little motion. wrong in the Queen's case. Majesty is well stricken with. age. a so see cai:not long survive -litr. (iii stone, prophecy or no prophecy. STOitY OF THE l'MBRELLA. Coomeasio is to be cobnected wi the coast of Tmcoli►dv lis? by road. Engineers an l material have bora sent out already from Liverpool. The 1 moat tell you another story of the Us. mill run un tarst es the of forty atnuah and .. Queen_ Like the root of her submits, possible to the Ashanti she has borrowed en old umbrella in then s$ soon as pons her time. On cue °evasion.. the story :cepa'''. she and the Prias Consort wan- , itrunawick. Germany. is troubled over THE CZAR'S LOVE AFFAIR. The Czar Nicholas, who died in 1856, r o5•e sovereigtn who made a love match- He courted Princess Charlotte of Pnnsia, the eldest daughter of Fred - Brick William III., when be was • Grand Duke. and not the Heir ex- pectant to the Ruasinn Crown. The Princess, when it was considered that her education was completed, re- oeived from her old governess • small antique ring and at once began to wear it habitually. About a year after the gift was made Grand Duke Nicholas came to visit at her father's court. He tell in love with[ her. lila,' with charac- teristic impetusxeity and firmness, be thea and there determined she should be his wife. Or day as he sat by her at dimer, be apoke to her of his•ap- proacbing departure, end then de- clared It depended on her whether or not be prolonged hie stay at Berlin. ",end. wtiat can I do to influence youf'said the royal young lady, smil- ing, just as any other young lady would to like case. "You must not rehire to receive my addresses." So spoke the lover, with- out beating shout the beau, "You ask too much." was the° reply. "I ask more then that. Give me some encouragement in my efforts to please Ton „ "Ah, that is st411 more ditticult," said Princess Cberlotte. "The moment is ill-chosessa" ,But tbs Grand Dake Iechoisa wpm not easily cut off; it be did not win a fir lady it should not he because his heart was taint, "I beg" be silt, "that your Royal Highness give me • sign that I'm slot totally indifferent to you. There Iva te ring on your anger, To pongees that would mal%, I.baig you give me that ring f" "What, give a ring at a disaster tablet Before all these peopis?" I "Let me see --press it into that piece °t breed add give it to me." of bread sed give it to me." leatlafactory gain in product. lmt It Gallant persistence bad its reward - was not nearly equal to that of the press it i*to the bread and give it to Amines. Notal varieties were equal- trim ase did. And now comes an odd L salted to this treatment, notably tomb In the story. The lover examined forty bushels of Apjous, which was an average crop. Thi quantity 'steadily increased till 1884, when I bad over 130 htnthists of first quality Anjou'. The, Anjoas were the only trees I sys- tematically yr tematically treated to thin summer pruning, and the licrease in their pro - deist was ver,' into% greater than that of varieties not so treated. There• were Bartlett*, Clapps, Clairge•wi Shot - dons, Deese s L•wieslee, and Seek - els la the orchard.' They received the same oars as the Annexe, but got very little rammer-pruning; they made a em A taw ger in one and. see-, ing there the a, ii a llcottage. o others, hysterics spread to alt thecless- ing o.wasthe l' likelihood df the storm esand within three days the school abating. thus Price. 1 alt.hevouid had W he closed. When they got 110015 woman at ,the cottages ell the girls seemed to recover. kindly lend them an umbrella. The old , g been obliged dams, who, like the gypsy in the other. Oxford University has story, was also unaware of the rank ` EO j ap the boob in the Rsdatitte of her visitor. at first strongly pro- owlets, whets the reterenre hooks of tasted agaiest lending her precious the library are kept. owing to so maw "garnp" to ettangers• Her objectless volumes being stolen. The worst were fleetly overcome. but the old (enders are said to be undergraduates of - woman followed. the Prince and Queen � preparing for examination, and the wars little way along the road, re- i greatest sufferer the department of iterating many time' that they were history, to he mire to 1st her have the um- Lawyers in England have no legal hrella bank in alt hour's time, or eine "ebe would let them know the con- i right to " get their mama in the pap .equear•ea." Within an hour a royal ' according to a recent decision of Mr. footman arrived at the cottage with Justine Hawkins. The suit of s Birm- the precious umbrella sed a rood Ingham lawyer, who had sued two piece from the Queen. The {sunt of ', pipers of that city tor conspiracy in the story is, -the umbrella was return-' purposely leaving out hia name whon- ed, and here, as usual, the Queen'. con- I ever he tried came, was disuaiseed bee duct is an exemplary end much-needed fore it went to the jury. Iselin to her people. to Berkel, Iavereace, and 8bildon Some did not need it, as they sat more pears than they Istaist carr7 proper- ly, and teee,dsd to Ince the erop thin- ned- - VINES NEAR DWELLINGS. it 1a often • diftioult task to get ism started which bars plants been stand still emir dwelling. The for • long time in many eases. It is fremeintly the came the[ the roil is poor In Barb locations. Excavallo•s for the railer have been placed there, lite* of seed or cisy,in ivhleb an pleat win thrive This newt hr made right by digging eat a b errowful or two of this rubbish sad filling la with good r ,. 4 aro-- .:: . REVENGE Have y >u' Keen reading about the spots on the nun' asked rho young L'russele is having an unpleasant so- eery scandal. A handsome Spanish adventuress, who kept a her and gamb- ling house frequented by the most fashionable set in the city, having bees arrested for usury made • coefeesioa man. to the police. As a result seven di, - No reviled the ez-.nlmmer girl. but °roe suits were begun the day theedi- I'm Bled the old thing hu a few frock- voree rourt opened, and the Belgsaa leshiwisel[ and ran see bow be iikes it. Attorney G 1 has free* forced b resign. U'NIXIUBTEDLY. Scratch whiskey keeps on booming .Jasper -What do you think Howells There are 15P distilleries at work in e about that tin4 it difficult to keep his characters being $ "bell -minded ' up with orders, an4 more Government woman? inspectors are railed for. The output J umpuPpe-tyh, i guess he meant that last year was 28,500.009 gallons, an in - crenae of 30 per cent. over the year before. There are T7.000.000 gallons stored anay maturing. The increase in Irish whiskey last year. was l3. and Sehriris-I shall never marry- that in Fnglisb whkey 10 per cent. Mrs Castes -Hush I You must not Ex -King Milan's appointment asGen- speak like that. It is so arryunfimine• eras -,a Cast of the 8.rvian Army V tubed s --Unless 1 can marry Hector Meek swirl t° be due to • domestic revolptlion Mrs C•ldes-You shock me I To ,.In Belgrade. King Alexander's mother, think of say marl h that way i• NO 101010 eat] .. « •t the ring with as attention the Princess had never given it. and found what el* had saver 5550 -an inacriptioe oe the other aide Jan Frena ,rioa.h that de Ros- ie: ot in- scription ran: "L'imis t ie." Tb. Prince's had leen wearing sornetbing that looked like a propbecy. bat eggs became a wile surd • mother before she was an empress. The Em- peror Niebolas wore the little ring on a chain about him seek as kohl' as be lived. - meant 'then he spot 1 t one of she 1 ever thought shout anything ex- eept her own set. ITER MALADY. IUANGJLRH OF MATRIMONY. Mus De Peek -Ram 1 married you 1 ads losing all my good inter. • Mrs. De Ps011-i)oetoes agree that nothing will spoil a woman's beauty quieter tbaa frequent ebtttlitlon• or temper. • _4111rawr The Arehhieh„p of l'anfltrbdry, Dr. Te°sple, ie maid to he unexcelled in Chdreh of •F ngtand se a lest ton slum France has a curious custom of die - da T(lovernment Offices, to the wid°ws end makes it his beet thathe elves 00 his other needy relatives of iter distin- own enclesisstical buttons and once quashed. Among the recipients of the deatercw5ly mended • lady glove. 261 given lest year are Mme. Jules Si. •x -Queen Natalie, stet such a pace in armsdrs and court festivities that the pockets of the Relgrwle husbands could keep up with it. They remonstrat- ed with the King. and. as the surest way to keep Natalie nut of Servia, her spendthrift husband war invited beet ami stocking ewer. Itlm successor la tributing the totems shops. which are the See of London. Hubei, Creighton; mon widow cit the A cademb•ian, Sen. OiTT OF SMUT OF LAND,ator sad Minster; the widows ot • ijassi--•WefNn'l you awfully afraid General of division, of font deneral+ of the fires time ye* crewed the orison 1 brigade. end of a Rear Admiral and Nutbr-Weller-for a, time l did the daughters of a professor at the feel a sort of gresniodles• apprehension.' Sorhonne. Two strange tales come from the an- ARBOREAL dipodia. On Nen 19. the Catbollo There's one good thing ►-*tut a gene- tehnroh at Mioyip. Victoria, was partl d cal tree. blown Durr by • stores. and propped Wstores.hat's !bail I up by heavy timbers. spiked toiih It doesn't have to 1r trimmed every ground. A few Nays later another opting ' sitarist arose and blew the March plumb on it. founder Dr. 8chw•wninger. Bismarrk'e phy'st- tion Again. The ship Nalrnn •r - clan, is going to lecture at Vienne as , rived at R'elllagton, hiving /struck o• • novel plan. He will smear on the • rocky point. and hail maveret holes ha stage with • Aerlls editor, who will ` ber bottom. Divers toured one of hole stop.lt m ewtgwatiribt which the doctor will an- I ped aaaother tole oinked a larva piece fish 61st ase ewer. v.