The Signal, 1898-2-18, Page 8tri FlUDAtt Feb. 11, 1898. THE SIGNAL : GIODERIOH ONTARIO. or Evening Wear - a Light Colored Silks for Waists or Trimmings. Cream and Colored Silk Lanes. Every color in 6 inch Chiffon for Trimmings. Ladies' Ties, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Yeilings, Gloves, etc. A Special Line of White Oottont 36 -in.. Soft Finish, T g lar IOa for 8c. Have you seen our range of Embroideries at lc. per yd. ? Have you seen our new Prim regular 12}c lines for 10e. A splendid range of Prints d Qinghams at 5s. per yd. CASH AND ONE PRICE is the Only basis that can save you money. We are Moir!1 every day. and are giving great satisfaction in CLOTHING,_DRY GOODS and STAPLES, GENTS' FURNISHING, MILLINERY and MANTLES. - SMITH BROS. & CO ■ NEWS of THE isp RC1'e action la the summer. Tenders for the bo- Dual supply of wood, was received from J. Mosier, A. McNeil, and F. tluat.l, the l.t- ter'. being tha lowest it was Aceepted, Front our own Correspondents Sawing the last year's wood was let, and • several minor matters in the way of repaint were disoused, the I,ord then •ljoursed. There la Infora.Ues Mere That Cannot be poaad Anywhere Lyse -)tows. of Ike Coev'lapeetalU tetertes for Tae Mast. DUNLOP. MONDAY. Feb 14. Mia Mary McCarthy. of Godertoh, was the guest of Mrs. James Young, for several day. la.t week. Friday afternoon of last week, James Young with bis two esters, were present at • dawning party at Henry Young . near Porter's Hill. The firer pair of lambs for 1898 came on Friday, the 11th inst., Dear the North end of our burg, and so far are doing well. Our canny mamas In L .burn, or up the batter. n ae row, hayeu't own any yet, and Dunlop lards as to dile past. ' Rrruass.-Tbureday of last week, Mile Hato Mallonsld wend back to Detroit after _ - m #!la'!rad i4 -_'t -e,aoatb. limbs( "-tat •o1-u.n, the led. tow many of her old friends here and about Oodericb. On her homeward journey she visited et Clinton. It is not with plosion, our residents bail +"""•%e toronai tetnrn of grip. Both old and , rang fours aro In its toile, and are htlytag s rather serious time of it. The sick com- mittee @teff ore on the move Hong after the sufferer, and we hope by next wank grip may be ba5lehed from our flourishing burg. Thursday of last week, our respected townsman, Kobt Fulford, reeeived tiding. that Isis mon, Horace, had met with an aooi- den% and from It results died. On Satur- day. b VM burled in the Maitland armee tory, quite • number of our residents being precept. We, with • large sired• of triende Lorre, convey our deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Fulford on the sad lees sustained. Hb dater, Mrs. Hookine, of Wood,took, was present at the funeral. Otis BOARD or EDCCATION.-Colh,rDe N.. 9, 8. S., met Monday night of last week, all its members presses. The In. e report of hu lest visit ,bows that e.h fare were making substantial pro- gram. Re•p•loting the sobool house was also m..tieasd is title ; the board will lake KINTAIL. TILIw&T, Feb. 15. W. Jamieson, of the 10th coo., purob•ad lace week, • handsome ebortbore oow and f1 lean, freta 8: -CevgItt rel Seto; -'toe noted short born breeders of Walkerton, paying therefore the handsome sum of $150. The rni.nal is registered in the herd book as " Edna Karl," and will be a valooble •o- gai.ittoo not only to his now vary firm herd, bat to the neighbors nest -shy who wish to improve their stock. The adjourned meeting of the A.hbeld Presbyterian ohuroh woe held on \iouday, for the purpose of devia.ng means tor pay - log off eernain outstanding debts and other matters oonneoted with the chur3h. The whole sum amounting to nearly $500 was eubsoribed, the greater pert, of which was takeu in oath at the mcethlg, thus leaving the Ashfield 000gregation io the enviable position that their oharsh, manse, and all buildings. are now free from debt Rev. Alex. Millar was chairman mad D. Mo- Mercky saor.taeyit swN.R. AN OLD 9srrt,ta CoNs.-There died ab his residebos of pneumonia after a few days illness, on Friday, the Ilth inn„ Robert Farrah, aged 7,3 year.. The deoeased was one of the ooaneotiog licks between Ube present g ion and the early pioneers who Ent settled on the lake shore in Ash- field township, whose numbers alas 1 are =PRIMA A. MoLENNAN'S LINIMENT. !08 EZTE3t174L 17111 OEfLT. le • positive care for Spinal Disease, Hip Dis- ease, Inflammatory Rheumatl.m Lame Back, Lumbago, Hors Throat. Weak aad Sore Lungs. Brehm, Hppt.rslns, Stiff Joints. Rupture, and all kind ed deaaes. It has also been found a cure for throat of factions to hones. None genuine without having the trade mark on tabula and wrappers. and " L A, Mo- Lea•an's Liniment. Ooderlob. Ont.." .tamped on wax seal on each bottle. Manufactured only by &wheelie A. Ye- Mesaa, age Weston and peoprtser••. Now - gate Street, Wderseh, Mat. HURON'S CREATEST STORE. *Ming out every year. He saran to Casa• oda from D.aM Soothed, la the year 11151, sad toiler a few yesn' .ojenra war H.annlltog remevd with other aeabars of hie family, early to the Shwa, be the farm where be died. For malty years he ran a eaw x111 on Kerry creek whish pores through the farm, assisted by hie nephew, John Hnbhuoo, but tater, owing to the sup- ply of Haber kiwis/ beoome mires, the was not the bas place a was ia days of yore. The dens , who bad never bees married, was a Sas old geatimum .f She old school, Iborsugbiy S.otoh as hie ways and hospitable to a degree. The funeral wkt b took plass on Saturday was largely aNesd- ed. and bb. remains were interred la the oemetery near Htat•iI, where hie father, mother and .embers of his family have preceded him The Rev. M. Millar. Prw- bytoelao minister of the parish, performed site tua.ral rites. `The house -worming at Tom O'Reilly'. last Friday was • gorgeous affair, sad rirbt roy- everybody disposed to seek &owletg• could ally did be entertain the two wore or more find is, sad those who wished be help know - of guests wbo arrived, hent upon baying a ledge could de so. good time. After rlogtns the belt .t tht " big front door," the visitors were intro• CARLOW duoed into the spacious dioiog•room, where an extension table many feet long occupied the whole length of the room, and over whiob an elaborate banginy lamp shed a soft and plesainr light, in rediae." for the euchre portion that formed the priuoip.l en j yment of the .y.irg. Rrfres`lments, both 1.o old and otherwise. were served with no unstinted 1 h.relity until away up into the small hour., when the delighted guea(,t took their departure. Naturally, Tom O'Rielly, that they .peak of ie big 1r • Is proud of his new house, for whea*5 of his friends asked him where he got the'i plans for .soh a floe budding, has en*•i' was : " Why a oiald could ask such a y question. By jammer. cape.." I got my planeirom here, polo, tug with bis finger to his forehead, "sad 1 planed, desirocd, .ad organized the whate_thim!myself." Well may he Le proud_ etet-eery Greek beau•.". for it is rosily a handsome beading ap prowhed by a btrk---ant twlte.t.. PIM"! On the Altar of Diabetes, Saved with Corin'hl.o ordvatne, with lefty and well ventilated rooms sad saraomted by a lookout from which he cstrview the ooun•ry for miles around. The windows are large and glared with &adored glass. that oast a soft light oyer his bsndeome turn' tare whcn the sun is shisiuc. But enough ' The nen house is a dandy, o Bich cannot he deacril r It must be seen to be appreciated. 113.AJBY TO OF,D31111R LADK Don't CEYLON TEA. no Aka 1*N re. -+teen Me. aid ..o eighb years Nie woe dM,....d..nd 1. .1.. tug Mlles we. made .bat the Iwo esadl- tates spsab ei tale .ubj.el on nomne ttion day is Ci.d risb. A Bio Lar. -Wednesday of ibis wee was 'narked by two .nein.s of the Fenner's loutltute, .ttsreoon and •v.ing, al the t.mp.ra.oe ball bees. A trattoria( el the M•e.ies Auxiliary of the cherub at H. H. Cluttons in the afo.tamen. at night there was two medal demotion parties as 13. Zellnor'. sad .I. lin So`ft's. All and Towa•Her Col's, YL -Owing to the hitch weather on N edn.dsy weak Ube township 'emelt did not trews, but adjourned the sit- ting till Wdaeday next, the 23rd last. ANatraL idsarINO.-The Annual !fasting of the oongregauon of the Presbyterian church, Carlow, was held the Ions week in January. Alto. paylsr miaMlar'e stipend asdall, r aw other ezpe..In oo.tfon with t ^hurob, a bslsxs of 12 was suit in iha-tj,ggpror', hands. which was oopsidered a very .ati.factury sipwtarf for %ha year. -Onr.t►nt epilog vyiwrs, lir. apl_. Grew, arriteo m tows the past week. WE ARE BELLING OUT, AND MUST GET RID OF THE STOCK AT SOME PRICE. We have Great Bargains to offer you, as we firs still reducing prices to hasten closing -up time. HUHAN SACRIFICES by Dodd's Kidgey Pills, Only. Hardly a family in the country is free from Diabetes. Great thirst, failing sight, numbness in the thighs, bleeding gums, swollen ankles, ema- ciation, nervousness, pale or turbid 4:A48URH. • ...t .pIiLtev 1035 of Aeyts.l foam., Lietrajriog ?ce+nor, Feb. 15th. teeth, pains in the loins or small of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mower went to (iod• the back, are all positive signs that eriob township to a 'octal dancing party at Diabetes :s in the system. Henry young's neer Porter'' Ii 11, Fnday Do you know how it ends r Ili of last week. C'hshalm was down Oar Portersf fh*TN. A premature, horrible, agon- f/lll to a daooiog party that was held at T> pitiful death' The victim -has no Henry l'oung'e, on the 11th lost , and did peace, no ease in hie.His gags ars not cease dancing till 9 a.m., bete, a oon- filled with tortures. .His nights are ttououe ten bourn at it. waking dreams of agony. He longs GxrrIN . READY. -The Reformers in this to die, yet fears the terrors of his end. ward, No. 4, Golumrne, met for • oommitt•e H& dies, a bloated, fetid, repulsive meetiog at the hall on Na'nrday night. D. mass of corruption. That is the only Commior the veteran leader and obalrtps5P of the division oonduotiog the proosedhigs, end of unchecked Diabetes. Dodd's assisted by L. E. Dano•y, of Goienott. Kidney Pills will cure it. They drive Several gseetlone of the day were explain- it out of the system thoroughly, create d. Another well known .ubjeot of deep tatateol ie Colb)rae rslgpsyert only, whioa new, clean blood, rebuild the diseased redeem to a perobaa• the township made' Ttidneys, iii�re ae,fobust health. O€EA.RtN SALE OF WE recognize the responsibility of years and the expectations of emcees. There is a wide difference between the business known as R B. SMITH of today and the Estate of 15 or 20 years ago. There were doubts then in the minds of our friends as to the ultimate success of the business. There are none now. Hence our care for every promise made, and determination to measure up to your highest expectations, The purchases made during the past few weeks will enable us to doable our lead for the early Spring Trade. These prices will very likely prove what we say : All Wool, Double Fold Serges 15e. a yard 88 -in. Tweed Dress Goods 15c. " I show case of Ribbons ,. Half Price 1000 yards English Fast Color Prints............ e. s yard and 1.lase Tweeds, direct from the mill 25e. Double Fold Tweeds, regular $1.00 goods, for 50e. " All Wool Flannels, Scarlet and Pink 10e. " 10 dozen Heavy Wool °verbose, worth 65e, for 35c. a pair 10 dozen Heavy Ribbed Hose 20e. " Vary special purchase Veilings, All Colors and Black, 16 and 20e, a yd R. B. SMITH • C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. Ask yaw Wreak* • 0511 rondeiirl Toils and , fig Remedy tar tIASweak and Impure Mesh Kidney and Liver TwMilre 1wseweweess es 4. N. NMLIOD. Y•11MMI. ow. EVERYTHING MUST GO ! 9 • COLBORNE EROS.,.__ -Purl: H. - ©OI U1. For 1898 In buying GROCERIES you want the Best and the Freshest, particularly when you canIget them at STURDY BROS. at the same prise that goorer goods cost you elsewhere. If you want to buy a useful,, present, vee the aide things we have in CHINA and OLASS .....".m.. STURDY BROS -RUBBERS a OVERSHOES • • ::: VERDICT: All the dealers In the 1se�diiig prilitl>41s1 bums d the Dominion agree that THE CANADIAN RUBBER CO.'s RUBBERS .. 1 AMR TRit NEST IN TRI MAAIIT.• Ali ... M••s•,ianeft STANDARD MIR LOWERED. SHOESAT MUNRO'S. We have decided to place on sale our Surplus Stock during the - loon relieve' ever .f M a$ .T11. est Jo ,NO.a*., or NEXT 30 DAYS Space will not allow us to give yon a full lista 'tic different linea in our large Stock. Here are a fine, - and you can judge by them that We Mean Business. 60 pairs Lady's Buttoned Boots, were $2.60 and $3.00, 70 " " • 2.00, 1 50 43 " " '. " 1.75, 1 20 25 " " If ll 1.25 and 1.50, " 95 - for $2 00 85 " Misses' Buttoned and Bale, " 1.00, 75 24 " Lady's Oxford Ties, " 85, $1 and $1.25, " 60 A few pairs Misses' Oxford Ties and Buttoned Blots " 50 A line of Men's Felt Lined Bala, were $1.26, .1 75 Call and see these goods, and if you need them, you will find it to your advantage to BZT''1"' NOS' 1 I W. SHARMAN, Jr THE OLD STAND. 1pa amt Msmseksetts,' t rap raat.l Mloll - 5sae ball hot n,Lltr Itsff' al► 'eons alive 5 Anal 7't we roll lel Was. 1.. ti STAPLE AND FANCY DRY C000S 1 ALL SEASONABLE. Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Goods, Linen Department, -well assorted. emall.warea Complete. A largo stock of Underwear at popular prices. Scarlet, Grey, Navy, White and Grey Flannels. Inspection kindly solicited. No one will be importuned to purchase. A. MUrao. nraPer. SIIver Plating PRICE LIST Spoons per dos Knives 1 75c $1.50 Pahl* Orset, each 75e Pickle " " 50c Butter Knife " lbc Candle Sticks " 45o Sad Irons " 15c Scissors, per pair 10 and 15c We can Plate anything in Brass, Iran, Copper, or Steel. Cal and see samples of our work. HINDIEON BICYCLE CO. Lapsed, Osdsrteh EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA POrneeess the °Bowleg diettacitive merles , DaLIOAOY OF FLAVOR SUPERIORiT7 IN QUALITY to tan 1IONo. N1rrnrrrva QUALIVEIS UirRIVALL&D. In t;tOattsr-P and Tins only. PreHo*' obi tQ Ob tPPO Ce., r.td„ nom 4 Cb.ty.4, oo. • WHOLESOME. --AND-- Thep.taeno or she eta a •onemitemea1 flewleo. 17. The Vegaabla garden ; leader, Jas. Wilkinson. Web. St, Brayton sad fnegtolde. ; lead - or, A. Mob. Al. Marsh 3, tlaall traits ; loader, Al... Mae* 10, Y.riilf..rs t leader, Wm. War - seek. March 17, Row Wake a garde. pey ; lamer, 8. Morningstar. March I14, Poultry is ooaneotlos with lie orobard sad garden I leader, C. Wella March 31, A. apple orsimelt for edt t Mader, A. MoD. Alla C. P. R. The C. P. R. Ticket Office is again open in Goderioh, for the sale of Tickets to all parts of the world, over the C. P. R. and its connections. The C. P. R. is the ' Shortest and 1` Ch€apest' ..,.._... Route to the - Klondike British Columbia and the North Shore Gold Fields. R. RADCLIFFE, AWENT. WB MAke Sewer and Calve._ Pipes Y sella beimIaWYfa tar Abb IWPITA POW *iOea. • THE ONTARIO SEWERPE CO Soli AOlLAIOs Si.. I.. aaevowv AT,1i.0o : et 1OMTC Seasonable flds We have a fine assortment of =BM Quadruple Plate, manufactured by the Melidan-Britannia Company, of Ham- ilton, whose goods are known the world over for high Grade. Also a full line of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY of best makers. Don't fail to see our handsome CARVERS IN SETS - lg - SKATES we have the finest line and best assort - wont outside the cities. We kindly ask your inspection of these goods. You will find our prices right. DAVISON & 00. a TRH UP-TO-DA?Z HAEDWABL ..TOOTHYOME -1 OALL AT - D. C 1I'S end mob*amttlbstwor Fruit Cakes Marla frog the best ORA?fl ne tIs'Al�g[gam>5e<50lfy�ttfl.lT1t�Ny eIrGbAbWNAY�Dd ND ICINU. Leave leer e=fr•IN ter agtbIag la the flw of Pastry, Puff Paste, Tarts, and Oyster Patties or Off Rolls with Ultimata dslleNs whipped cream Mag. the latest out in poetry. Short Bread sad MIs.. P1•. and Cakes all kinds kkredpt es headers hi . Leave need be filled ..d delivers d the neo ' day. they wt PLA2MTO MILL. UTAIUSIMS 1$$L llllchaualls&_Rflyiias SASH, DOOR and BLIND brio s In W Medi et LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES Aad h.os.II mablei.1 st snug, I-14lAl.. Sikeel Ftriitur s *hitt -5- er Mellen. The Lentingao11 Feature Co, Limited. have made 5rraammesses wllY J. BROPHEY & 80N, w west•.t. to carry a fail Hoe of bib eat 'rite public can trot Furniture at Factor Pt$ois ossa him mpg bp dein op keep 5�5.th sew .,11.2 .,%:: qtr Hoe' g..r..tsod be donee •',woke t.. fsdlr CATTLE BIIO& Plumbers . . Tinsmiths mum oN4r Clodlexich eheest Ballo wll!t the tont of shot, I 414. t loners . t at tote i not het eon■^ Iter matt .Meat roam aid alto AVE Y° SUBS1 THE re e FIFTY -F. 0011 INC Hy. Rethw.11 w. Mia Thompson, days in sewn the MM riss.s s d for a mesth•. visit Min Malls of .f the Misses W tl Ms. Cidallaa•e at that lir..+.+ '4.e A. S 8mit4.re Ayer sad Co , of Iowa this week. Manager M.Crt Boyds 0••., awl. Qosse City this w Jao . 8.ikeid, ji visa tine theft' fla/ss's, the past ANTED - remise, or dr aeeoma.daii n fe wlth's' bo• rd. T' WILDA 5 minutes' DICES Address. W WAN I'LD-A for tea Pro W isgbaa. WANTED -AT Prods . e. One our of 9~1 W. J. MORROW. Pubil OTIC: TO N maw yet .w ,not Mia b1 will be ol or.d b tarred of. By •n Committee. W L 'T O 110E -I B ,missal pito tweed J. 4. P net ti that ism sat .raw a sad Fuel Co . ane on or owe .0555■ wallas' Coal a da °epeete Berm ti- mbre acv^w,in Is. 1'. BT1)4CEAN. For IMAM loon, ()R ' or Semi tie esewPfal 1s roeass. heeked room, teerierr gadnumber Thers, with /r its as lawn. A 'ytets I MUMS. FOR BALs. -a farms 1e Wats Non 5. tewwwsbw Alp of WO aortic Geed di bees cost numbly clam large frame b and kitchen. Ston Repellent arravel re eve Der cwt late' DONAOH ow DONAUH. o eui VALUABLE PI • Part of Lot s. Town. 000Wnina situated os the pre dwelling. with ki canal' under the wl first clew p1ses sad term& o- mat HOLT. Bassein, Dated Irk Jt i .1 FOR SALT-. 1� Hotobinaoni (Ioderich, apes whl lag hods.. Dated Ith Demon lit deerieb to CAMS]y ALUABLE TI aAL&•-Tktt D the river end ata ate A. Maelbrmal! One of She M towmeet • two.M.sq L M stew des& ISS RETIE Graduate omelet ltd Chi p`�i! TMs be ribitemoV lbeeest to New *1 MW M�S5ALLIi Priest lhsirtts& 1 A°IIMTS-" T ilan abut' t VI OMPAN of. A°KNT:l-st stlt.g raw. wbo 771 Toronto AUsi<19--a (i OAR Irl 11411111131 Lloomni