The Signal, 1898-2-18, Page 7aye
asd New World Events of Intemot Came.
Briefly -Interesting Kappealsgs el
Comae Dote
The Croon Prince of Denmark and
the Queen of Italy are the twO tallest
prin exedra in Europe
The Duke of Norfolk ia said to have
anent more money amongst the build-
ing trade than any Englishman sow
Queen Victoria tiaa eccentric tastes
in the arrangement of her led, accord-
ing to the Whitehall Review. At 01m -
biz she used, two mattresses. the one
with the &prises on top.
The eighty years of Mr. Justice Haw-
kin'o shoulders have not yet robbed
that judge of hie energy. At Bristol
Altstaes recently be sat from tea in the
morning until eleven at night.
Scares. County Down, boasts of •
114 -year-old postmaster in R. Taylor.
who. besides being the oldest active
postal mervant in the United Kingdom.
is aleo the oldest country storekeeper.
l'wenty-two businemi men who acted
aa it* coroner's Jury in the investi-
gation of the recent great firs Lon-
don and Nerved tor fourteen working
itays, received four pence. eight mots,
each an compensation.
There are at the present time only
six aurvivore of those who were mem-
bers of the Houma of Commons In 1837.
Timm are Lord Maaslield. Lard Mau -
borough. Lord Tankerellie, Lord Fitz-
willlam, Mr. Gladokams and Sir Those
Many yacht -await, hold the Board
of Trade's master* certificate, but Lord
Dunraven is Ube first who has ever ob-
tained that ot extra master, for which
he has just passed the necessary axed
nation This examination lasts five
,eys. aud la the stiffest which la held
un ler ths Board of Trade rules.
French railroad rules are strict. A
bad accident. in witkb several_ Item
ware lout, took place r n the line ft,*
Paris to Marseilles recently. Whe11-1E
lady, who escaped utainjured from the
wreck. applied for her baggage the
day after her arrival in Parit the waa
charged 10 centimes fcr her del*Y-
The Pope does his private writiag
with • gold pen. but him Pontifical sig-
nature. is always with a white-Ifeather-
. al quill. which la believed to come from
- the wiag of a dove. although persona
1 117 1 : V P 1
-who have seen i• It must have COMO
from • larger bird. The same quill
has beet use for more than forty
years. It meves oaly for important
signatures. and le kept la an ivory
Ilsoy years ago the daughter of ao
artist who wee painting the Queen was
discovered to be eo exactly of the mune
__stature of her Majesty tbat she eat
14 her father for the Queen'e figure.
thereby relieving her Majesty of many
tedious hours This lady, whom name
la Mies Blanche Sully. now lives i•
America. to which country the meat
leak from this toe 'ed with exquisite
presents from her Majesty.
Marriage. aceordlog to Dr. Schwartz
of Berlin. le the most important factor
in longevity. Of every WO persons
who reach the age of 40 years 1115 are
marriol and 75 unmarried. At 0/years
the proportions are 4.11 to 22; at 70 years
17 to Mend at 00 years, 9 to 3. Fifty
ceatenariana had all been married. The
eloctor asserts that the rata of mor-
tality for bastion.* and wive& between
the agree of 103 mad 45 years is 18 per
cent., while that for unraa -i•el mar-
oons la per cent.
tutelY how to know a lady in a casual
encounter. -Yon must tall her." said
pow "by her boots, gloves. and hand-
kerchiefs." Another thought ber
akirt-bioding told a story. and a third
declared that her language would be-
tray ber. "and ita word*. not Ideas.
_hat aware this particular teat," the
patter added. It ta oadoubtedly true
_hat while tbe nicety ol tbe email ea-
• certain degree of refinement and
tante at Inst. It is mot the unmistak-
able hail -mark a birth end breeding.
Mairty would much more quickly give
the preference to the iatonation of the
voice sad the tree of words as a mire
lige. A fins detail In clothes Is now
uomelble to almost any observing per -
o n; aa unmistakably coarse. not to
riooking woman, Is often ir-
is the matter ot boots,
V eto. The charm
of a well-modulaW voice. wing good
hInglinh, undefiled by slang or provin-
staibtmot-this is not often acquired
without the right ol culture.
To dress according to the seasons is
limp,* matter and one Me lie grasped
)3' lhe average woman. But to dream
.-orrectly, accateliag to the rules at
street etiquette, ia ist itself a flue art.
'and demands toot, observation, good
taet• and judgment. The Pariaienne,
from the aristocrat to the bourgeois.
is mistress a it and hen won the en-
treemel woman la the world. A costly
,f worn on On occasion tint demands
einrolietty. Janda. In the/amino
things of beauty. otton bonier on the
rolitor. (knee aeon oyes mar streets
in the morning are maltietinima of shades
ani materiels rich enough tor dinner
nr evening wear. Extravagant and
comtly gowns are intended for the
hair*. to Oases oar friendi and to give
rotor to onr homer. fraying Om Qui•tor
shades in wool tor this street. Our
graesiroothers wane* Notelet to this re-
gard that the saynkg was sosepted
ea the *tree. id 013 nee
yeomen* e roam es Shad ewe et she Wise
Wan Save Obries.
The 8th of January was • marked day
in the calendar of mediaeval times, for
upon it foil the beet of the Epiphany
--the moat popular Of Christian. featly-
ale-Chriatmea day only excepted. All
good churchmen know that the word
Epiphany -meaning the " appearing "-
bag reference to the etar which guided
the '' three wiee"men" to the caveetio
tile at Bethlehem twelve day& after the
birth of tbe holy child.
Tradition &aye that they oere three
Kinge-their names, Malebo*, Balthe-
yer, and Gaspar -the one an Arabian,
• descendant of afhem ; the second. an
Egyptian, of the race of R&M, and the
Japhate representative -typical
of the world-wide homage to be Paid t°
the in ornate Jehovah.
" Three Kings the King of kings three
gift* did bring." Melohoir presented
gold in recognition of the movereignty
of the babe ; Gamper, frankincense, in
acknowledgment of hie divinity, and
idalthayar. myrrh, aa typical of hie hu-
man life--dentinod to bat so full of
Of tbe gold offered by Melchoir, there
la. according to ancient legend. • very
mations history, Originally coined by
Tereb.,3)* father of Abraham. the mon-
ey was oiven by him to hie eon, upon
hie •leparture from the land of the
Chaldeee. Ilt, is stated in the Koran
--adopted from Meeopotamean tradi-
tiona-that the petriarch Was forced
Leto exile on account of Ida montheii--
tic couvictiona. and because he would
not engage in his father's business,
which was the manufacture of idols,
of gold and silver. These Idols were
of the moon -god. " Sin." -whence the
n ame of the highest mountain of that
region -Sinal. The money given hy Ter -
ail to Abraham is as next oast for the
pinball. of the Cave of bleepelah of
lephron the Hittite.
When Joseph's brethren sold him to
the lehmaelites they received them id -
tical pieties ot gold in physiewert-ao
runs the legend -which they afterward
Wad to Joseph. when driven.
bu.y oorn in Egypt. Upon the death
of Jacob. Joseph sent the money to
the hurl at Olean to buyepeeem where-
with to embalm the hotly of his father.
ant tiny remeined in the royal trea-
sury until the Queen of Sheba male
her famous visit to Solomon, vi hen. am-
ong otber gifta. ato presented the coins
to that opulent monarch.
During the reign of Rheboboam. Sol-
omon'a eon. Shishak. King of Egypt,
made • successful invasion into Judea.
and despoiled the temple, whereupon
be ores -Wei to his elly and compan-
ion in armas-the King of Arabia -the
famous pieces of gold as the &here of
the plunder.
Nearly 1000 yearn later Melchoir. the
monarch, brought them aa • gift to
" him. that wee called the King of the
Jews "
It would seem thet the ingenuity of
our •laionary archeologists might be
overtaxei to further colineet the itin-
erant coins with the subsequent ev-
en* of the New Teatament-whe
money plays & part -but they stum-
ble at nothing. The story goes on to
say that in the burry of the flight into
Egypt the Virgin mother dropped the
gold pieces In a field. where they were
afterward found by • shepherd. Not
daring to din:lose hie good fortune. lest
he he suspected of diaboneety and the
money be takeo from him. b• kept it
by him for maay years. In him old
sin. being afflicted by an incurable dis-
e ase. be besought the aid of the Christ,
shot healed him. Am a thank -offering
be carried his treasure to the temple
an 1 laid it uron the high altar Thus
falling Into the hands of the high prieat
tbe money wee paid to Judas as tbe
price of hie treachery in the betrayal
of his Master.
Tbe fact that the reward agreed up-
on to, be paid to Judea, ia spoken of aa
thirta„pieeee or silver seems th offer
etc difficulty. It *explained upon the
/round that in the translation "silver"
la uaed aa the generic term for money
-like "argent" in France.
When. tortured by remoree. Judas
returned the money to the priests.
they need it for the purchase of the
" potter's field, to bury stranger', In"
-orinre which time all trace oi the much
traveled money has been lost
le reseratied Willi Poems* Ey • ilselety et
Illsodurt Ratio=
In Europe, as well known, the prin-
eiPia co-otearation has been incorporat-
ed in many forma as yet untrW in
this country. A late -Momper of the
perticulareeoseerning *French society
ot basket makers, which has flourished
at Villainee for about 46 years. Tbe
worlrers, about 150 in number, work at
their own bosses, and supply themsel-
ves with alien st their diva coat. The
society exists for the purpom of find-
ing a !market, and is ao successful that
the demand *greater than the supply.
The society dome not concern Itself with
the delivery of goods Oneetompre must
make their own arrangementa to aend
for them. The monlety le managed by
vex on the President and on tbe See-
retary, who are the only paid mem-
bers. The society is reported to be sae -
°awful and polar sad its members
prosperous. Instances such as this
we may nee an Indication of tbe Vona
oe co-operation which is mare to become
popular *along as In the sear future.
A fihrolut preparation of Moil, made
In tho same manner a* the eo-erilled
-mineral wool." iv poseing an air -blast
through the molten steel. ie coming In-
to ens for Gleaning. pollobbeg. Mb,
g oad of madpaper.
She -And do you Ion roe for w-
e ld! stone
*sot joist soother with yea.
Saab to Cut • ewe.
The Tamerack Copper Mialall Com-
pany, of hflohigan, Ls sinking a *heft,
which when completed will be over
a000 feat deep, making it the deapeat
ahaft In the world. The rhaft le being
sunk on land adjoining the Calunset
and Heals mines, and, not far from it
la one 3000 feet deep. These two shafts
will tap the vein ol the Calumet and
Hecht company at point off their
*Ad. The land belonging to the Cal -
rime and Hecia comoeny was original -
1.1 Patented under the timber set. That
woos before the copper wan known to
exist there. The land once being pat-
ented aa timber land could not be pat-
ented aa a mineral olaim The result
la that the copper company can not
follow the vein beyond. the aide nolo° or
the timber claim The company did not
purchases all the surrounding land, pot
thinking any oise would &ink for the
vela at such a distance, he it dipped
at such an angle. But the Tamerack
company did purchase the surrounding
land, and is sinking for the vein. Their
',arches, limita the future operations
of the Calumet and Heels Mining Com_
pany, as the ore In eight can he ex-
hausted in about fifty yeara, and then
it will have to auapeOM oPsfations• a°
It oan not go beyond its aide lines'
as the lead adjoining is owned by oth-
er peep*:
Health Lost and Found.
Was ineowing Tee 111•51417 said Ms Wealth
Old Ulm Ile &es. - aft Porous'
From the Napanee Beaver.
It is truly pitiable to see ooys just
beginning to realise the possibilities of
lib stricken down with disease, the
escape from which le sometimes
tilnflat_, to be little short of a miracle.
of mach core.a.rajifilit4it
:raindr. J. .1. Smith, lising near
Fredericketaurg Station in Lennox CO ,
and interviewed him regarding the
cure of hie eon who was in bat health
and regained it hy tbe use of Dr. Wil -
'buns' Pink PHIL Mr. Smith is one of
Um oiling residents ie the locality,
direct IT. E. Loyalist descent, and has
resided all his life on the farm on
ia-hish be lives. He is consequently
well knoern throughout the district.
ha reply to the scribe's query he gave
the details of tbe cane. "My eon. Stan-
ley, was taken sick about the first of
February, Ina. He became very deaf
and had a dull oonatent pain in hi'
bead. He grew very weak, auch a
conditioq being more properly describ-
weakness." Ile e as troubled with se-
vere pain in the I a •k and had no ap-
petite, continuing to ateadily grow
weakier and finally lost all ambition
He had Uttle more color in him than
a bit of white paper. A phyaician was
consulted on tbe first appearance of
the trouble. lie carefully examin-
ed the ease &tattoo that th-
'marina was affected try catarrhal
deafness. the paths in the back origin-
ating from mnacular rheumatism and
the constant Aired feeling and general -
weakness was caused by over growth.
Them difficulties together with tbe
after effects of la grippe left him a phy-
sical wreck. Ale bad the benefit a
careful medical attentios tor four
months The doctor bad carefully
treated him for the deafness and sue-
oeeded la restoring hls hearing. bath
other respects was no better. lie
ordered that be should be carefully
nursed otichoaa about all that oould
be done. To make thioosmore clearly
time past twelve years of age. having
grown very fast, was large enough for
OM az yearn his illettior. The doctor
said medicine could' not benefit him
and all that could be dome must come
by boning. We nataraliy felt greatly
4.00ouraged at the prospect, not know-
ing what comae to pursue In the
future At thie junoture one of the
drogeriate of Rapines who had pre-
viously compounded many prescrip-
time, recommended a trial of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. It VMS then the
first of June when we Intrchasied three
boxes Rad onconmnoed the treatment.
Wheel he had fininhed the second box
Ma appetite. previously fickle and un-
steady, bad wonderfolly Improved.
Fie eontInued taking tha pit* until
+even boxes had been seed. His
strength returned with renewed vig-
or and all dyne of romocular rheuma-
tism had vanished and he steadily re-
gained a strong healthy color. and was
aide to do considerable light work in
the harvent field such as riding the
mower, reaper or horee-rake He hes
Masi attended school regnIarly and
though a year haa elapsed, hp has had
00 symptoma." Mrs, SMIth spoken to
all that bad h. en said relative to' her
eon's case, and wan very decided in her
views regarding the health giving pro-
grties rontained in Dr 'Williams'
Diar. WPillitgliams' Pink Pills are a blood
builder and nerve reetorer. They sup-
ply the blood with its life and health -
flying p-opertien, thee driving disease
rom the system. There are numerous
pink colored imitations, against which
the public le maimed. " The genuine
Pink Pills can be had only in boxes the
wrapper around whieh hears the frail
trade mei*, "Dr. William*. Pink Pills
for Pale People." Refuse all others,
"'Mingo in gesieral." said the pees-
hoistio Thnomphist. "are very, very
"Clb. well." replied the optimistic
Illsosophist. cheerfully. "it's all is a
aod besides. theirs will I*
other lifetimes"
The World's Great
Blood Purifier is
Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Which absolutely
Cures evely form of
Impure blood, from
The pimple on your
Face to the great
Scrofula sore which
Drains your system.
Thouaands of people
Testify that Hood's
Sarsaparilla cures
Scrofula. Salt Rheum.
Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Catarrh, Rheumatism,
And That Tired
Feeling. Remember this
And get Hood's,
And only Hood's.
011 the occesion- Of his golden eed-
figured up from his carefully -kept ao-
counts what hie wife h&d cost him. lie
bad an assured inoome ot $2,i4/0 a year
thrteolhout hie life. Wioning his
wife, what with presents. engagement
sing. and extra expenditure on his own
personal edornroent, coat him 5500; her
abate ot the household expenses woe
062.5 a year ; her cluthiong and linen
coot $250 yearly; presents, medical at-
tendance, ainusernento and summer ex-
cursions amounted for her share to
$450 aninually. lie therefore vent for
her in fifty years $86,750.
IMPOSSIBLE to adulterats if fi`,71."4" mitir "'I '11"1"
MONSOON °---t.wamo
It being packed in sealed lead paCk.
ets.—Black and mixed. All grocers.
tor. re Mat SWIM am/
Do pm think Grimly, that you tio
what you should to brighten your
home t
I've pet im gas, eleotric lights and
lamps. If there's anything ebbe to makel
it brighter I'm ready to invest.
Tie giesseat samodeit .r WOrellsna Fey Ow
7lis peasantry have a strong
belief 11 'the ned.:red properties of the
waters of Jordan. says the London
Graphic, Nothing but Jordan water
moat be uaed for baption, and t) be
buried la shroud& which have been
made from linen whish have been dip-
ped in the Jordan, or, still better, in
which the wearer has bathed ino the
Jordon, is extremely desirable.
So strong is this feeling that au ah-
n.ual exodus of plgrinic seta out for
Palestine. Hospices have been 'built
where the pilgrims have free accummo-
detion for period not exceeding
twelve ',soothe. They walk from all
surto at lbsunimeesui as
far a.s the Waite Woo. to Odegita, where
they take attamer for Jaffa. 'Thence
on to Jerusalem. where they watt Un-
til the Elatu.rday before Epiphany.
On that Ala; both men and women
walk in thouaande dimn the twenty
to Jerioo. where they enoamp for the
Os the Sande, the whoie troop. bead-
ed hg the Bishop gizmo to the Jordan,
sod after the &abet_ issa blessed the
waters May fill bottles, tin kettles,
and. in fazt, any available visual with
Jordan water, and roost of them. men
and women alike. taking n ) notice
whatever of thi th moan& et Arabs,
Jews, Greeks. Mohammedans. and even
cameras Wile ins calmly divest
themaelvee a clothing and putting
on their shrouds and crossing them -
ashes three tunes. stumble placidly
down the muddy river banks in the
cold waters of the Jordes.
There is a strong oontrast between
the broad. simple. honest -looking coun-
tenances of this Roomier* and the keen
and crafty faces ot the wily Arabia by
whom they are surrounded. There ia
a surprise and a pleasure in bearing
for the first time the sweet and tune-
fo.1 voices with which tbe pilgrims rev-
erently chant their service. each taking
hie or her awn part, end producing
a weird and beautiful melody which
will long dwell in the memory of than
who beer It
At the Brook Cherith, memorable aa
the spot ober* Elijah wae fed by
ravens, an Arab. with a view to the
mein ohence has provided a plank. for
the tine of which be demands toll. Mach
to bia disgust. In meteor. tbe pilgrims
prefer to wade the stream.
Foot, Panay and Fable
Have convinoed people that Putnam's
Painleow Corn Extract ir should be
given the preference. Get rid ot your
corns; get rid of them without pain ;
use Putname Extractor and no other.
Mins Sharp -Before I gave you that
pie vet said my sidewalk needed
Hungry Bohy-Yea. 'Loth I reiterate
Aon' ef I Weis you 1.4 keep me eye peel-
ed for soma laborer and fie' him de
job. Heroin', lady.
There never was such a bargain of-
fered in seeds am that net forth in
Rennie's advertisement in this paper.
Users are offered seed' in 25c. pack-
ages at leas than wholesale rates. Thia
la no fake bargairtobut something gilt-
edged ; in fact the pales at which needs
are offered apeak for thentaelvea More-
over in dealing with Mr. Rennie peo-
ple are sleeting with a marrwatee sum
hes been a household sesta In Cana&
for probity And honor for a genera-
tion poet We Lave no hesitation in
recommending our readers to order
freely at the prices offered. Do not
wait until the offer la withdrawn, hut
order sow.
Jane, mid the newly -married lady of
the horses, want you to flute Peels
silos of bread we inure for dirtmre.
Fluted. ie it f I'm not the mewin' we -
MAR, mum.
Jone, you are not keeping up with
your baldpate What did I get, You that
law -edged broad knife fort
Two Hundred and Seventy- re
&elates asd Stier Rectal Trembled
wrisirkable Number of Cures name
About cue person b every four suffers
Crum soul • form of rectal disease. rhit
most common and •nnoying Is Itching plies,
Intense, uncontrollable licking la the parts
The usual treatment has been eome simple
ointment or salve, which sometimes gives
temporary relief. hot nothing like a perma-
nent cure can be expected from such super-
ficial treatment •
The only permanent cure for itching plies
yet dlacorered is Trask's Magnetic Oint-
ment, not ouly tor Itching plioa, buit for
*very other tonal of piles, blind, bleedIng
or protruding. The drat •pplication glee,
instant relief and the t'ontluued tow fur ri
short Aline valise, a permanent removal of
the tumors or the small mime/tea widen
cause the lutenist Itching and discomfort of
!tellies piles.
Many physicians for a long time &opposed
that thr remarkable relief afforded lut,
Trask's Magnetic Ointment was because II
es• 8,19posed to contain cocaine, opium of
similar drugs, but such Is not the case. •
recent careful analysts the remedy show;
ed It to be aboulutely free from any co.1
MIAMI, opium or in fact any polsoaous,
Airbus drugs whatever.
Yoe thla reason Traak's Magnetic Oint-
ment Is probably the only plle cure ex-
terielvely recommended by physicians, bet
cause it is so safe, so prompt In the relief
•fforded and so far as known the only pool
Cie cure for pile* except a surgical opera-
your druggist for • 23c or 40c package or
Trinik'a Magnetic Ointment and try It to
nigh t.
FRA.NOIS KAHLE, 127 Bay- street,
First Patient (moiiiiifully)-Go on I
YOU have %heels in your bead.
Second Patient (proudly) -Of course
I have I and they're chainleaa wheels
at that.
111-111 leArase.
&chins of nerve or muscle. or the
&cuter pangs of aeuralgia, toothache.
or lin:tithe, makes life a mieery. But
Nerviline-nerve-paIn cure -will re-
lieve all these Nervilioe is powerful,
penetrating. and effectual.
nR. SPROULE. B. A.. tamadoiato of Dahlia
•-• Cul vomit lir•load1 Bimetallist chroeio
og in. ;ma, Oonsittotosid Allman*
WMalls & mate,.
to Wesley Ridge. Rich
'Monte Cutting School.
VOUNG )4 Icis. Loma at. No better tra&
• or prolossioa. Write (or particulars,
III Yong* SS, Toronto.
"" WANT Y 0 U gum"
plied with goatee' and very PRO I •
latolligeet ladles and dentlemesi gam
AR Y to moor* GOOD WI LW
who banjoist abated Sill la It DAYS. SI fed
be made riga. a,T yew taws HoMIL
FISHING Tack ?Ciro. Send for Isloodik•
The Wightman Sporting Goods
—66. Mete P aut. fie; IlLON'TRICal., QUE.
KING oF 575
Moen widely Attended In Amortise. Pal
Illustrated Catalogue moth year), • entiell—
Red or Orem. LATI 1114LCICBO•R (W• supply
Coal Tat, etc ROOFING 711.5 (Kee taas Our Belli
iota Poroido. ,Lolue by our Grua 0110.
=merlon 61.41,4 to bay port a the. oroary
C. DUTlitf • SONS, rosettes* NSA
Adelaide and Widmer Sta., Toronto. int.
Well. sir, said the chief of police to
one of hisshrevrderreaterttrecliiiir
one succeeded in deciphering. that mys-
terious paper you found oa that sus-
pect 1
Yee. It was • doctor's preacription.
with 1.0CAI, APPLICATIONS, sa they aim
la ▪ a blood or eoustitutional disease, and in
order to care 16 you inlet tak• Intotnal
remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure la tak-
en lw email, and acts directly on
Ouse 4 am a quack medially& It woe prop
embed by rpm of this beet pgyslohna in (hie
woustry foe year; awl ie e:igular presurlo-
Gee. It le eempeoed of limbos testae kimws,
arcing directly eta the mimosa surfaces. The
omit produces mach wonderful rc.olts In cur -
I'M catarrh Rend fir ttr3t/monlrls, free
gold by Druggists. pries 76e.
Haiti Family Ms •re the beet.
First Nut -We shall be eatin mon I
Tbe thought's enough to drive ua naiad I
Second Ditto (brokenlyi-Yee; Fro
'cracked' already!
See here, you infernal youngster,
what did you menet me in the neck with
that apple for f
It vraan't any good. dr
‘bi NIS
W. O. HARRIS, ralguaT.
( Lk
aroma argraele.
[Ft FROrifilSUSE
Our Motto HAS BEEN
The Best Coeds at
Lowest Possible Prices
and consequently our low priced machines
resume Than miiny machine* bring
ing $23 highm prices.
Every Cycle Fully Guaranteed
°sad Buoinees Men, Insurance Agents
er ethers, wanted In eaoh town mi
Otago as Agents.
ris poem San he -
Mr. Jacob Fisher, who is employed by
the Niagara Falls Paper Co., uf Niagare
Falls, N.Y., suffered for a long time froth
order. He took Kootenay Cure, and now
la perfectly froe from disease. Fie has
been examined by Dr. J. H. Sutherland,
who declares him in "a perfect state of
health, and free from any disease." Mr.
Fisher hinmelf made a sworn declaration
•s follows : " I am the same person ix.
&mined by Dr. J. H. Sutherland. For
over a year I was a sufferer from Rheu.
commenced taking Ryckman's Kootenay
Cure, and now I am free from all blood
disorder, Rheumatism. Scrofula and skit)
diseases, and my cure was effected solely
by the use of the above named rem -17."
Chart Book mailed free on application'
buy Ms Met -ea • good lavseissest
and • wale return is dm JOT nif DMZ
ars 5 wr5 Wien for 'nue ronser. Oro
muse thi/l.r.s esoetrooted yo, to
it104 awl UN lUng Illt. W., Tweets
Over 300 are bele° It te
Otter 1000 Termite awl Loqiloe.
Removes Dandruff in One Week.
Cures Itching of the Scalp.
Prevents Breaking of liair.
Stops Falling Out.
" MIL411101C141. la IR CP IDLY C331311E11
OSA* 1114ottle from Druggist's. sr ea -
receipt of price to
ky number. Bay what you want.
Esi&se, meal
Thl• ri BONA FIDE offer inside to introdwce mar Vegetable mid Flower
Softie to new csotomers sod which we gwerentim to please yew or Mee
amouat paid ',fended and thr Seeds elven se a present.
At thews price. we eon mats offer the 'warlock= named below. Order
They are sent by mall poet paid. Select from t he following list :-
1 Onion. Iona roiwashanasill
Oulo Tallow Mobs Dome=
r...a �r
Cups in each pound of Aoc umiLLA Ceylon Tao.
Do you realim ths value this contains—eleven /tips for Cone cent. Try it.
IL N. la aid Oita as taw Pagearqa. ewe walla, aroma
Presidia. Ms efeeprm
is OUT OCT and rrou to sr with
55 ord.r tor If fteltr44, we mil
Of TO 011/11,101.1111111b
lenisifitoeida prior v.,
4111ell May
We will NOT AECEPT_AN ORIBER ist Home posse where
essosts see NOT selestad free tloa obey* HA.
Cosy flea Saadi