The Signal, 1898-2-18, Page 6a ' flCr fiver ,
111 WAN
Iaterestls.g It•a,e asset O.r Owe Country.
Great brttala. tae Utensil !Status, sad
An Parts et tae AINw Cordoned ave
Asserted ter May resines.
The New Brunewiak Legulatur..V
le mission.
Tbe' Hamilton Horticultural Society
Ma hien incorporated
It is reported that the G.T.R. will
build a mammoth hotel at Quebec.
Caneiderhbte Improvements are to be
affected it the Royal Military College
Mr. G. M. Rose, the well-known To -
{onto publisher, died Thursday, aged
8i yearn
Mr. R. K. Hope hes reoeived his coin -
mission as Registrar of Wentworth
The Manitoba Legislature will meet
0o March 10. . The session will prob-
ably be short.
Imports from Canals during luau
ary increased $147,582, compared with
January, 18VT.
The Of. insuranoe wnpanios doing
busloeee in Montreal are accepting
risks oa Kletrdlbrs.
An electric railway between Cttaws
and Metcalfe is proposed. The dis-
tance is 20 mules
Hamilton temperance people are pe-
titioning the City Council to reduee
the number of liquor licenses.
The C. P. R. Telegraph Company will
string a large copper' wire between
Montreal and Vancouver.
The Toronto City Council hw ap-
pointed Mr. Chas. II. Rust am City En-
`ineer in succession to Mr. E. H.
The fancy and staple dry goods firm
.t 13oisse•u Freres, Montreal, lss s la-
pended payment. The liabilities are
American secret sorties) dst.otives
ars still at Muontrisat hunting for
counterfeiters. with the aid of the
local for<+e, •
News has come to Edmonton that In:
- specter -all od f party .trees*
the Peace River Paseo( the Rockies on
Peeeml or J2.--- ---
Reports received at -Victoria from
Dawson state that five axon have leen
frozen to death sear 8bgusy. and
Uwe. near 1)ysa.
There. u a prolu6ility of the Mont-
real Perk and Leland Railway tieing
consolidated with the Montreal. Street
Railway Company.
The Chairman of the !Anencs.C.t*-
mit tee of cereal start a
huge civic Thtt'ry for the paspeM t1f
paying the city's dolt �r
Loot. Mare who bad the base et
hie ekull fractured by falling from big
ele..ah while tandem driving at Kiel'
eon. died tram his. injuries.- _ - ._ -
A syndicate la being formed In Que-
bec to hurcbaas lord Mount Stephen's
property oppoelte the Governor's gar-
dens, to I,u(Id a large block there.
By the treaty with Abyssinia Great
Britain secures another open door and
the most -favored -nation treatment in
respect to imports and local taxation.
Th. M1 ntresJ• Cotton Company in -
Weide to extend its plant by the eree-
Oren of a spinning mill for the menu- of goods which are now im-
Evangelist Moody, who 1s addressing
large meetings in Montreal has re-
ceived a letter enclosing $305 from a
man who had defrauded the Customs
of that asnouot.
Hon. C. H. Menkintoeh will leave
shortly for England, and during his
absence will arrange for the develop-
ment of properties purrbased by the
British American Corporation.
The Lang Tann ag Company will
shortly begin the erection of a tannery
In Berlin, wtlnb will he the largest
in Canada. Three hundred hands will
be employed.
A welionade one -dollar American
certifirate was discovered in Montreal.
There iq reason to behoove that a clever
gang of enoaterfeitere is working in
the district.
Mr. H. J. Bee for has sated the Hull
City Gosnell for & bonus of 670.000 for
the iaterprovinrial bridge and the Tor-
onto Rubber Co. neke 640.1100 as a bonus
frig eetahl shinty Its rubber factory he
Je1441 a gritting to invade tne Klon-
dike. it ie stated that on 'deny of 5.000
ablabodi.d is Ming prat Io -
ether for the gold fields and im a
month it will make • descent an New-
son City.
A landslide oxwurred five mild he_
low the Town of Que-nelle, R. C., and
hurled three miners named 1Vm. Allen,
Joe Rich, 'snd Alexan,ier McLean- The
alhds le 1,,195 test wtde. ane feet losg ask
25 feet high.
It is'stated that the Lloini
Mrua w werlr}r r wrote.
'v , steam,
tween cmtreatla andt Liverpool. b.-
penl, and
will plate a new 'steamer. the Domtn-
tes. w the ear -vice.
City Clerk Hender.,n, of Ottawa. has
tAlosived a cheque for 113.000 from the
Prwvielrial Treasurer of Ontario, for
N. Caeselmen fire relief fund, The
Ontario Government atm aedt •eh
*sr LOOM! lawt *0tnnrn. Mee
A froca Quebec says 'that It
le rumored that a cable has joat teen
received there (bat the Meyers. Peter-
y° have enomed.d In their negotia-
tions, assuring the euereaa of the fast
Atlantie st ea.sah'Ipe.
The Cuetnene
to wad two fficeer% to Sdecidedent ham
Skagway and
Dy.a to farsiah information to Can-
adians faint through to the Yukon by
that route, and to a*eist in the carry -
leg oet of ttm et■atoma lwgohtioss
Ilse Dominks financial statement
for the month of Jannary Mows the
total revenue for the month as
63 512,000, an i nrrea,e over the same
mnet.h law( year •,f half • million dol-
lars. „bite the expenditure for the
month hat dosnsts.d ler • Qaartdr of
a million
Mr Eternises, the unsorreaafui Lilo
are( conelidate is the recent Paella -
nehn ary election Is York Ms p tltba
ed tat a .rs-F ou qt of the votes.
8igkt+es dead bodies and IB mlasl
in now the record of the Pittsburg tire.
The population of Greater New York
is 6,439,896, socordiag to an ottMW
During the last fetal year the Unit-
ed State. ezpurted domestic merohan
due to the value of over 61.032,000,000
The Luetgert jury at Chicago
brought in • verdict of guilty fixing
the penalty at hie imprisonment.
The Si &nide Minister et Washing-
ton is likely to be recalled for having
i a letter savagely attacked President
Kae Gaseett, mho was arrested is
Toronto. uhrtrgeft with retailing a silk
a convicted at It
sent to s retsruu-
retie. Railway 11111.
t Mr. Blair iutruduoed the subject b
moving the first reading of "A bill
ouafirm the agreement with McKeusi
• and Mann, &ad to inuurpurate theCen
W ino Yukon railway." Al. the oulre
• enlarged larged opon the import/owe
°peroepg up • route to the gold fields
and of promptly ptuvidino tranepurta
taus facillUes. The Government. h
said. bad beet assured by the ages
of trans
� purtstiun tv.mWnies that prat
ably 250,000, and at the lowest esti
mate 100,000, persons would go int,
tng that territory this year. 1t was sat
Trades to assume that the number would not
be lass than 50,000 persons. each u
whom w-uuld require et least one tun
of provisions and supplies. This
meant providing facilities for the
prompt transportation of 50.000 tone of
supplies of all kinds. The Govern-
ment had therefore telt that no time
•bould be lost in arranging for
• communication. Moreover, if
gold to the awoont supposed existed in
the Yukon. it meant the creation of
an enormous trade. and it behoved till. -R
Government -to take eon •tapsitt.�
out loss of time as *01114 *court. 1111
large a share of that trade as was po•-
rible for Canada. Toe gwestlos -that
preented itself to the Guverament
wa., should it ait•t promptly lathe mat-
ter. or wait till it possessed further
knowledge. It decided to act. end he
believed Parliament would endorse t he,
action which' had been resolved uponnd
La uer to oht•is accurate knowledge
of the Yukon 'Country. the Meister of
the Interior had made a personal trip
to the coast, and engineers were de-
spatched to survey the territory and
determine the beat routes for railway
communication into the interior.
Mr. George I' tor, M. P. for South
Leeds. int rki3d. ': E +Alai(+(' lbs
,1 r
law the statute books lest
..ion, an hisk be chants is inop-
rative, and .to substitute a osasurei-
mbodying word for word the pros
ions of the United States' law now
etorted against Canada --.1 treeuind-
ed the Premier that in 1896 the promise
ease given that if the United States
did not repeal its obnoxious law the
Government would carll upon arlia-
ment to pe. an Act identical 1* every
particular with that in force on the
other aide. A bill was reseed last sea-
}dua which had prevew.inoperative. He
proposed to supplant it by one which
would be effective.
-A l,iJJ ..toamend mend the. Criminal Cede..
which was introdnced by Mr. Britton,
M.P. for Kingston, u evidently design-
ed to prevent a repetition of the pro -
ordure in the Sternaman case. 1t seeks
to repeal the section permitting the
Minister of Justis' to -grant a sew trial
in criminal eases. Another provision u
of the hillto allow an accused per-
sonto make application for an appeal.
where the trial judge has reserved •
case, without tbe consent of the At-
torney -General. A third provision is
Lo exemtp trials for the seduction of
girls over 14 std under 16 yearn of
age. ant other eases, from the section
requiring corroborative seldo .e for
the prosecution.
drew, foto.. ha.
theater, N.Y., a
Edward Hodgman, the •lecond'
treasurer of the Chicago Building
Council, has been arrested in '
remote part of the North-West and
will be taken hack to Chicago.
A court at Topeka. Kea., has (kidd-
ed that a bicycle %%ae exempt from ex-
ecution under a judgment, being
''tool " essential to a man's professiono0
or oopatioa.
The New York Municipal Council and
Board of Aldermen hake pasted a reso-
lution condemning the expenditure of
69.000.000 on State canals, and,calling
for an investigation.
The Treasury Department et Wash-
ington have given • ruling on the im-
portation of furs as wearing apparel.
Hereafter muffs. boas. etc., will be dut-
iahta"'i1 s
out of asort:
Edward Bellamy. author of ' Looking
Backward." and Eugenei"V. Delis. late
bead of the American Radio ay Inion,
and leader of the Social Ikrmocracy,
Wive united to launch a new politi-
cal [arty.
A boat containing five mea went over
the falls at Oregon City, Ors„ o
Thure•Iay, George Freeman, ares ,, his sons
George and Jam. and L. J. Shannon,
were drowned. Harry Freeman held to
the boat and reached shore.
Four (5 -asand overhead wires in Chi-
ng* hel•.nging to the tclegr•I,h tele-
pohdae and ether cx,enpanvli in the
down -town districts will be cut down
by the city unless steps be taken to
place third underground Let re Mar. 1.
Mrs. William W. -Pia -a. %wife of an
_insurance aiek r . ak. New l'ecl.-b
charged there with the murder of her
mut her-in-iaw. The. father-in-law may
die from the injuriao the caused to
bim. Her /subsequent attempt to com-
mit suicide failed.
GF_YF.RAL• -__ - r
Excellent ranee un Northern and C"o- i
tray Ind a have ensured successful
spring crops.
British trope Beregou.
rem and Heahere, in thilRifigt oodltry
of West Africa.
Tore: result of the Transvaal elections
wa, the return of President Kruger
by a big majority.
A telegram from San Jose. GuMt.m-
ala. announces the aeaassinatiou of
Pre.ideat Bermes. - -- - The Spanish Government has decided
to send the Spanieh crosier Almlr•nt.
Ognendo to Havana and thence to New
Despatches received front Manilla•
capital of the Philippine Inland., an -
nowise! that .200 I.0 ldinga. gime of
them of impotence. ha.e leen destroy-
ed by hre.
■ i race urea haemes et a mala Rea, Nlamra
A despatch from Oho:Ira Falls say:
-Panerilpers on the Neo York Central
train, of the Lewiston hranoh, which
leaves here at 9.45 n'cl,.•k. had a mir-
aculous escape on Monday morning.
About two and one-half miler up the
mountain a hogs pile of rock became
'mooned from the cliff and camecrash-
lng down upon the track in front of
the train- Before the engineer could
etnp the train it had -dashed upon the
pile of rocks and the engine was de-
.Fu)rtunktely the engine coos* to w
dead «lulu. 1 !brad it gone a few feet
further it would have dashed river th.
bank and into (hie river, meny fret
below. If the nock had fallen a mo-
ment later it would have struck the
trait, and Its living fright would have
been swept into the river. 'rhe train
was in charge of Conductor Jam..
Welker: the engineer was B. C. Stan-
Maskers sand N Save povowed N NesbN
Creek -Will .peed *Ira,.".
A despatch from V&°eouver,• B. Cs
soya :-The Rothschilds, of London have
acquired from &gouts in Va*couver hy-
draulic gold (labile es Raster
• Yukon, Tks-dgieekt is said
hoe 120 fest thick, and eiotroor'1y rich.
Aa a rule, hydrauilcing for gold does
not pay, ae avail/11,1e and Irizlftcbe.t
water pressure can only be., secured for
such a short season, but the Husker
creek claim is so esperiall7 rich (hist
the Rothschild then( cabled to accept
it at onee. 'rhe lease will W for twenty
The original oweer, a Swede named
Andersen retains an interest. The
Rothschilds will spend 11541,000 at ones
in developing the property, and if it
is profttal.le will invest a few millions
in the. country
teralo*•wrd dellem•eila.e. ter Is brood
le erayelWral (1eM„
♦ desp•teh'from Ruffs!., N.Y.: ism
-The foilo•lug resolution, *bleb is
'elf -explanatory, passed the board of
Couneilm.n usanimcnuly, on hVednee-
day:-"Reaotsed, that the corporation
iotas.( le, aid be M berth)J direet.d
to prepare and to tole hoard,
at. .as early a data w pordielit •h or -
45.500s providing for Igo Moaning of
atoms, commonly known ea 'detert-
ment stores,' sod stores to 147 a 14-
retee for every brattish of (meioses ear,
MOM rte by them, escorting their erre
legitiae.ta Midterm"
Dr. Reid of Grenville, reintroduced
bis bill art last session for the regula-
tion of freight rare 00 rail'waey.. The
hill provides for bee appointment of
a permanent Government commission
which shall have power to adjust dis-
putes hetweeo railway tampeaaies and
B loopers, sod too regulate freight and
passenger with a view to smear-
ing uniformity and preve•ting ,roar
hunation's ori raLway companies he
th kse matters.
lir. McMillen introduced • bill for
*5' appointment of a Beard of Soper -
visors to-xamsoe into and regulate the
Civil Berrie..
Mr..Plmny. M. P., for the 8t. Law-
rew,m divisions of Montreal. brought. in
• measure to make the day of potties
in Federal elections • public holiday.
M• •dao iultred*aed another bill to in-
crease the penalties im Use Date d per-
son. (*evicted of cruelty to ardenals.
Mr. Dario. o[ Saskatnhww•an, brought
is a hill which Ms for its object a re-
duction in the period of service of
members of the force, before they ran
qualify for • pardon from (2 to 20
Mr. Richardson introduced a hill to
permit the attachment oa salaries and
moneys in tate kende of the Govern -
_ Mk the foregoing measures received
.Fondle(. Renee of them may
go ao further.
In the senate on Friday Rowse stated
by the Government that arrangements
had leen made .vh.rehy the Canadian
tariff is a preferential one within the
empire only. Fenalor Scott, who made
the announcement. denied that Sir
Wilfrid Laurier had sacrificed Can-
ada's w*Hare when he was In England.
Re added that an the 1st of Autsat
next. England will he the only mon-
try having preference in Canedla°
In &newer to Mr. Davin. Sir Wilfrid
Laurier said :-Informal nesgotiatioaa
have liken phut between the Hrltlab and the Rsit•d State* su-
thnrltlea, n,d with • of reci-
procity door but with • view of set-
teB. If pormll.te, all matter's now la
di.pot. between Canada and the hatt-
ed Mates. 11 the hos gentlemen will
mem for the ^nrrespondesre f will he
Very girl to plat. it (se the table of
the House.
Mr. Reader*** Baked what was the
acme( emonat of iatatent paid by IoM
'k.lninion Covers/sent to Quebec sad
Ontario, reeect.iveir. during l89'/.
Mr. t'ieldltg replied :-41, utmost of no balance of common erhoel
(hoed. 98.000. the cheque for this e .
:rat ret sternad toy tine interest
eratr.nt, revs Peer cant. iaterr° txs
$9,314,D00, lbs amount of capital on so
court of Nurtk Shore r.4ray mttrld7.
` per Aot 47 Viet., C. 8, 6119,700; rive per
Dart. interest on thl amount of ca21-
MI, 62,549.213.80, granted to the Pro-
cloth of Quebeo in L984 -LW. •mount.
6127,480.80. was entered by the Dtxnin-
1 ion Government tinier the heading
to " Subsidies toProvinen ;" on a000unt
of interest un Common school and utb-
' er trust finds, 670,000; five per Beet.
- interest on 62,848,209.53, 11,e amount of
( capital greatest to the province of On-
d tariu is 1884 --this amount, 9142.414,48,
was entered by the Dominion Govern- under the beading " gu►rjdiw to
e Provisoes." I
Replying to Mr. Charlton, Sir Wil-
frl■,d Laurer said that the total area
, (!Wass n granted to Moniteen and! the Peadasa
Notch -West '[brritortes up to the Lt
oof January the ural t was area earned 12 acres.
f atruction was 28,406,1190 acres.
Ilia. 6 u00 .
Mr. Fielding ERstaTd, I.ianswer to Mr.
Taylor's question: -,'rhe (loverameot
was asked to [moose a duty on kinder
twine. An in the ca -.e of other tariff
deputations, tie parties who made the
request wore informed (bot the Gov-
«rnment wasq-
apnrrared to mak. •
atlteq.ent as to ,iet•Ila of the tariff in
advaans of the budget.
Mr. Fisher informed Mr. Lemieux
that 800,WJ yuan feet had been re-
served for the British Emtpire at tins
Paris Exposition of HMS Canada had
,bed for 80.000 pwre [set, and the
Government appointed Lord Piths-
throne, high had appointediths
_toner, as the re-
Presentative for Cansia Bron the Ink-
pedal Commission at the Bxpereition.
� Amodio Mar Alarmed Over IUs Arced
w. Kts•dllte I@atiedla•s- 1. moat.
b sellae. -geared tnsraa.err t1.Mr,
A despatch from London nays:-Tbe
Star of Tuesday, under the heading of
"fled oo the Kloodibqquoan la-
" ted
onym"w American correspondent, who
rgoently arrived in Kirtland as 557114
with referents to the relief expditiolu
to the Klondike, that those who are
familiar with the facts "know that this
ezcuw is ea tidmay as Jame'oo'a de
sire to relieve the woatsa sad children
Jehanmestan■g." Contwuisg, the aa-
omlmous correspondent remarks: "Ev-
ery American knows this to be enoth-
ew Janer•uo raid' and that the Amer-
cane intend to keep 000trol of the Kite-
dike. The Kkrndikers have already
y *0-
outlawed that the Stara and Stripes will
be [lying at Dodson City by July 4.
It would please a large of Amer -
jeajf t` lomdioonld bs mads •
pretext for war betew•n England and
the Uoited States, which would result
is the aanezation et Canada." There
1 much motets the game strain,
The Dai[ y )heti, .mak on January
L r►,un / sd fig~ ` t of Yr.
LurarY%e Irvitoti, apt p(ea Hoary lr_ mos Eta Basrlmwe, the
macteat now awe (drat she e•og•N-
meat has been cancelled- There bee
lire! o t>o sort art between 'Mr,
TgB 1,81111111 11RBOIBD,
roti Iliad • . raeebed 1e1. ter
tail i 800RB MLLE
Gees Ne
a•eNee• WMtrg Md In cwt
led - Mem 1f.saarl Marl
w4at.y twlr•yM-Llitns walb 1
A dssptob from Pittsburg, Ps., a
-A Urns of myeteri u "'right was
covered alottt 8 oatnok oo Wadne
ays■IMS in the six -storey cold atm
Plata of tiro Chautauqua Lab
Ctt•Losa7. The satins build(
Probably b• destroyed. together a
amt a rdUlun dollars worth of o
basdtes ot all kind,, stored within
Aa ex rred
MLli, which blew out the alley
cm one. side with terrible remits,
the time the alley wan filled with L
osse 17olice aswlapapar mea
ot1.7a Many were caught by
faUicg walls.
There are rumours that at least
or 30 still are mid the deb.
have been taken vat am,
(bum Polite Capt. MA murg.rry. The otl
five b are at morgueone«
reread so 7.t• Man people ware
jur+sd by ((stat bricks and tom{ ■
all the &nibu1&&,*. aadp•tntl w .
of tlie oily are in o,o,tpM T1s■
The loss of life and destru; tied
property by the fire at lith and P1
&trots on Wednesday night. was t
gro,ataat 1* the history of Pittsburg
At least fifteen were ki
.d over a score injured dad propel
valued at one and oo.-half Will
dollars was destrined,
&suede of the leakiest individual ti
ars ars: The Roomy Pistilli*/ Co
piny. 8.000 barrel, of whisks war
07SO,00J; Mosombegals Textile Cu
pony. wool dealers. 125,000 pouade
wool- Collies Cigar Conivaay. LS r
lands totems; W M. Williams. co
s7 Sim
et+raed wresa•ae sad taiddly Moa.
M „ilk.
♦ despatch from Ne w Tort ley:-
On the evening of February 8th the
Holland -American ateamar Vosedaw,
Capt• (!(+ager, from Rotterdam for
Now York 'truth submerged wreckage
which tore a bole in the •hip's bottom,
and broke her propeller shaft. Despite
hard w00% at the pumps alms began to
sink rapidly. At 1.80 a.m. the steam-
1§t. Luis was hailed, and the work
transferring the
psaeengen sad
crew was done in three Lours, • ver
high sea running at the time. The
wrack w•a than wt fire to and abaa-
none& Tho Veendaa oat formerly the
White Star steamer Baltic. L787 net
The St. Louis arrived in dock on Sat-
urday and ber ooen were loudly
cheered. Thomas B. rave, the first
officer of the St. Lou is who conducted=dead
fithe re@O in ea interview said: -"'1'h+
b. taken from tbe Veeadam
rst to t,rdies
was a nix -old be 1. Following
-this about twentymorsoletdrsa.
Ing in age from the 'waddling clothes
period to tea east twelve stere were
!swayed to our !+oat, a.d we took theta
to the 81. Louts. Th. Cees faro waa lab -
ouring in a Levy sea. and the work
of reacts* was difficult. Tim pasmegers
were lowered from the ship's sides by
means of lite slings. Thm excitement
on board the V.endam •sa intense.
but Catpain Stenger and hu crew man-
&Sod to keep Lae [•mangers is sort111
kind of diacipline. After all the chit-
dyes had leen taken from the Veendam
the women were transferred to the
lifeboats, Neat came the mea, and,
lost of all, the ship's crew. Many of
the women were so overcome that they
had to he picked up and dropped over-
board into the arms of the lifeboat
TM second boat to be lowered from
St. Lem.* ,re aegoatamisd tits
Irving and Miss Barrymota, but they
hare recognised that tie engagement
wee entered into is a rom•uticalty
hasty mauodr, and are mutually con-
rioted that their happiness will be best
consulted by regarding it as prime-
An aeronaut named Bpenc.r, who
started 1111s balloon from the Crystal
Pala/. an Tuesday morning for France,
acccxiipanied by a newspaper man,
passed Boulogpe-Sur-Mer at 2.30 p.m.,
1°"V in • southeasterly direction.
The Daily Telegraph says it under-
stands the Government's scheme is to
separate civil eutJnority from lbs trod-
. slog rondo of the Widish, &Deep -*Maine
Chartered Cnpipany, and to govern
llhode�e by • Gorernor sad Oonncil.
The paper hears that Mr. Cecil Rhodes
and Mr. Alfred Reit will rejoin the
directorate of the oompasoy
It it reported plat Bir Robert Peel.
t ecm of g° Const Prim. Minta:
ter, the young Earths( whoa. financial
and other troubles have attracted mucb
attention. is to adopt the .Cage as •
The Daily News publish.. • detail-
ed statement slowing that three-
fourths of the satire British naval pro-
gramme has bees thrown track 94
weeks by the engineers' strike.
At the sale on Tuesday at Ediabargh
of Burns' works a ooD7 of the first
Kilmarnock .dittos is the oz task
paper to.era uncut, brought tF
Canadian Cas/• Admitted I. the takes
sublet new Wbe■ Carried 1. tar
"Mi.. Teasel*.
♦ despatch from Ottawa says: -New
Customs regulations issued on Friday
for the Yukon country shut American
neweIs out of the Klondike transports-
tion business. The
regnlatiosa enact
that goods purchased in Canada, duty
paid, or the prod/Joe of f`aaads._noir
be admitted into the Yukon district
or Rtick.em [res of duty, when tM
transportation of such goods by water
from say port in British Columbia di-
reef or •4_11 core'
foreign Port_ wholly
in vesesla entitled to participate in the
roasting trade of the Dominion of
(Made; provided, however, that the
geed, are itlentifled to tle.�otidaction
merchant. 60 car loads sign
Them losses
are covers& by iasuraas
a It ear put T:96 arutrafk is m. orte
rag when •make wa+'wa issuipg
-the -5y
sensor seeoad otfiepr. No soom.r had
thu host settled into the sea than •e
immense swell smashed it against the
ship's side and crushed it. Another
boat was quickly lowered and into
this Offioar Beckwith his new
were hoot f theerreif rn the mean-
tune two of the t'eeadasn's lifeboats
had been lowered,. manned by the first
and ascend officers. The second boat
foundered before any reasengers had
been taken aboard. The ar.w. bow-
ewer. was quickly rescued.
The (� men to learn the Veeadas
caw Captain Stenger. H• bed to be
called several times before M awes(
himself over the tile, after setting fin
to various parts of the cretin. By this
times the stern of the Vseadam had
settled perceptibly, sad her how was
almost entirely clear of the Inter.
Though tbe sea was running very high
the in little
the tour(! flour of the Union Store,
Conipea7's building in fine atm
tear lith_ The buittling wan adz start
id height sad occupied almost the •
ti Wilk
r!_, Pike stn 13th-..Malbe3'
street' asst P45. abet( sad Mtalbari
Immediately upon the discovery
the fire lir alarm was sent in at
was responder! to promptly. bet or
rag to the conseneotios of the- buil
rag it was practically impossible
tight tine [ire from without. while ll
unties of sowk• is tis din
■f-tbs Customs offioer•af the port of
entry in the T ukon or Stiokeea, ani
that the regslations and conditions
prescribed for the transportation of
goods from ports in British Columbia
are duly observed. Except as above pro-
eider& sell -goads trrtving in the Yu-
koa district or Stick.en from or
through Alaska, or via the Yukon or
Stit'keeo rivers, will be treated w to
liability to duty as ordinary impurta-
Dome. Goods imported into the Rion-
dike region. Yukon distr•hit, milittckeen
are subject to the tenet donee and az
emotions as it imported into any otherdrenched
part of Canada.
Goode purchased ts Canada. duty
paid, or the produce of Canada,
(lite ks wt ick ocearred. ma
it impossible to t' in
ib oat ni tight It from .. fl
7 skip ba S:M tlrw ft.
Nelle diriditeidF- tkte grsat is4ldise h7
sad t em e•weeos4.•ked.
Fur three lours the fireman work@
war•oe(7 kaowla( what they were d
ing. The iron abutters were impree
sable to their attacks. Finally. 1
11 o'clock the flame. bard of
N,itMs aid mews., ort Mist TM;
Woo i ie salsa
A amp• Peke). Peksay: China
bee 0th
O°eated to e British demand
for • railway from Burma to Yunnan,
and the alagree. to indemnify the
kidnapped Frenchman, M Ld.t.
roman were daapr of
beim( ■warped, except wben close to
the •etp• �side. The
passengers were
to the skim. Whoa the work
of noose was over, the St. Louie had
drifted until she was • mile and a
quarter from all that remained above
avatar of the V.wndam.
through the roof and /bot upward
hundred het, making that part of 0
city as tight ae day.
8uddsmly, above the roar of the idem
esti the patting d the fire engine
ease the first explosion. Those wit
witted free of duty Into the Yukon
district or Stickers. are subject to the
following regulations for the traaspor-
tation then. from porta in British Col-
umbra: -A manifest or Invoice de.-
eribing and values to be pre-
minted to the Curtains officer at the
Canadian frontier port in the Yukon
district or Slickest'. The certificate of
a Canadian Customs officer is required
to be stationed on the manifest or in-
vole to the effect that the goods de-
@riled therein harm been shipped
duty free from a port is British Col-
umbia." ("teatime officer. shall not
grant Hew certificate stave -mentioned
when the shipment from a port is
British Columbia is not made by a
wisest astitl.d to engage is the Cana-
dlaa coasting trade
e.« gy1di
bm...cored a ^oane.•;oe for
a rasiway from Kim -Oben to ices» as
the price of lbs murdered sentry. and
is now casting bloat, for sametbing else
to dammed.
in be firs Iles. were .e.• to fall 1
all direetow. Thom altdds the lin
were •ot beyomd the reaor d chaste
. first bla
the not rated by
were knot ed by the reactive
ary waves of air, aa the tailing wed
crested • vacuum that to drs
a radei h limn
•.d now.
7bbuild carry a tbuildamtsedAed lei the
centre of the besot end t; be In the ea-
joym ret of g. od health. notwitbntaod-
ing, is es experience which make. ow"
wi.titer nay Wont of the !amen
body is socessarily
.Next. month mowth thMinnieBoard
o[ Rs
venue will pay hull is eyrie* and halt
is dollars, mem( to the scarcity of cop-
per coin. This is for first occasion of
payment is dollars. Haat the precedent
i. likely to be tot/owed, aid will intro-
duce an extensive um o[ coined money.
A decree has Lissa issued lstrodso.
ie( political eoosomy sad practical
adenm into the Chinese competitive
Herr Mote ne`, the OummLeaioser of
Mimes Customs 5..,
Ill everythjag.
It was on Cho Mulberry Alley sir
where the least danger
was expert.
that the force of UM explosion wee tl
most severe. and there the great..
somber o[ fatalities took place.
followed fa
Oa Only 1 !pets a youni. mac named
Nelms. of .ores (puts m • eyelid,
aDoat 1•M an hoar between 12 and
,vas .hint. To the lobar astorliehasat
of the s■spcw. wise made as soma-
isatin* .1 tbs victim by mesas of tbe
Rosettes* ray., the bullet was found
embedded is the reptant. the musnular
willies whisfrom h divides the right f
the lett auricles sod ventrtell'ee of the
heart. TO r.a^h this Aitlo. It had
tetra a PI
way through one and • half
Loeb of the fibre, of the. heart; and
seeordio( t•. all Issas extent atioa
tin' man l.4 hositee.
*Week. Walls beret toppling stows
end fir•mse.
Policemen lied Wart -atm
ware remolded atmoet powerless' to r
by the sense of awe mid terror caste
the areas inspired_ ' _
Woytaln Hueter -Lt you think sin
ils•tioo a taltmre. tad want QBeim
entered the Gov-
trate( mereit+l to alletegt-Tara( pre
nessme Aleelralt7 raid Mee e.►sas
Tbe Leer r•a•try Sold t. wave Applied t•
tie Webb\ far • Loom
it is understood that 9p•la recent(
applied to Greed miaow,for mango *os
im raising 1oa4 to whish the Kar-
gni' o[ Salisbury >a Lord at the ossa.
it,( of •the House of Lords on Tuesday
last. he said that China was not
the only Gowernma.t wool mi(ht wast
.f f.•.1 fever MIIvved_
a Meslatoh to the Condom Dolly N.■v.
from Odessa nay that a seer.( police
!inquiry uoderta.kbn st ube iostigathoo
of thew Mmdotry of Marino ore reveal-
red a huge and serret:kmal scandal ie
connect Son with the .y.uliu�gg o/ tbe Blank
sea fleet. nh. Rime an Admiralty paid
for fel 0000 tone of nod whit* was never
delivered. The contractor. who is a
Jew, together with several neval t)t-
freers at Seh•atapol, one of thane bei
the senior nes
admire/I, hos Isere arrested.
from di Ise.,
all modal restraint Men
with to the M;y had 1
me aecamt rete•
art hxig a, t°9 tate! • Mx, and my ebai
Pkx•ialist-Dat wit me. BDat salt In,
Ven yen get se beer. shf
coater -It is not • beer k but
weeder --
-socia ker.
-social -- stay nae here.
no whatever to
be alive. He is, however, "alit Heine
and is excellent health; and is making
• large income by
exhibiting Lima!(
•t a ' dila. mtuetta.'
As equally mysterioalt raw ie (bat
of • French officer who woe shot In
the head dungy tb. Franco .armee
war. The pullet entered lM left
Masers. i*
AeOordii,W to ek.b tM
i heard It all, weir( tis father to his
daugb Ler at ate breakfast table. Yes
!rased that beau foo u
these the
t ((dial to 16tiP trail tyy the Crag*. Y,'
1 am,u.tlf1M Indio He d.olares the
every hes 1 `iv. Lim makes kis • Mt
tar man and 1 purpose working hi
thorough reform.
gossip, span
i� I�e(erten! i@ Landon and awe; here
are sslfer' from
hiring hear( Mltig of their
resaitt•a(as, and the diplomates Ian.
hese forced to dears! Ohs es'eneee of
their own .stabliehe seta
w.11 be s.vhed 1. ahs .slg\
east. •Pits et'UM Prab-
- twit- act- le (gaud. L. e office! ,
7 neo ovary, and tor
Seventy -eaves year' felt no in. oven.
lease whatever from tM bullet. w•bicl
het a mods lodging awns bens in
his bead. At the end of thin time the
bullet began to change lits Prions,
and theagonies
again r suffered
ten and caused him no tnrthrr im• a-
A vetarinar7 sur oe by nears yo-
wit, & , tares! alit Tit tole. 'bead I,y lis
s red th a row.yearaerrs.
15. bullet
The huller entered the droll jrr+t altos*.
the ear, anal lodged in Umbrella. With-
dal a few hour • 5 „tom.. the ballet was
r��. and M.Me h.» NJ meteredThe
so tvn.gaent injury from thin awm-
wiry fatal wtwand.
mother rave of eves y
m e
tory dstorecorded.A young torn, him_ fcYes.
tsbO1� b "omit hr ing ,.het him
sell. M be thott(ht, through tl • bead, week
Ttlr h(gMt in its moose /esti- -pot the
optic nerves of Kett oyes, and. singular-
ly enough. hie mese ,rf melt at the
seine time Thr Millet baa never reveal-
ed its hiding play• and the young mom. wife.
although mired of auleidal 15p�glt.,
r.aannably rnmplaMa that be •1�way.
"a weight on AM mind." it
huger.( -Sir. Pati &meter poetical-
desrrjbea Edna and Torn Adiallovr es
lark 'soulssislg�a t a
tiab e�rt and
A despatch tram Va.rrrogver say:-
Bate are crowding north to Dyes,
Skagway and W eragel, crammed with
KNiedlhetea Oo Monday the Thi.--
loft Vaaoouver and ware allowed Tues-
Danube. The Thistle oar- -
rblsyd �y party
y «otos in h Stikeee River
to Teali* Lake. The byteak a q
•sew spill to Is snorted at I.•k. Le.
bergs- lbs hal to nu0e• two bra-
dread t.r@s of freight. isciediag three
carload* el iacos from Omaha, for the
Udtad stabs relief ezp.Aitioe. Hoa.
G• H• B. Bulyea. Commiss1o•sr of tM
Goveram est et the Northwest Terri-
(Dries wee ern board. He dpti•• to look(,water
into t55 quieting ting of the liquor traffic
chiefly.Most o[ the Kloadike pawn-
rev* iesored their outfits.
A.HaIN. w Nay vet Ont.
A despateh from New York, says:-
9adtnnet Ooetp.ra president of Use Am-
?Vireo 'Federation of Iaboar, la. been
for two days. is pt the miens
of this di to .ester into a (teat move-
meet for an eight-hour work day. Ac-
cording to the present Plana of lefwwr
ieiMrs. • dernwd her ds eight-hour
day will be made on May 1 mist that
will imvolve rely a million me*.
American Federatbo of Labour
will make this demand fere one (rad. at
a trans, sod, easerdi•a r to tb. larders.
`feat strike. are expected tefur. tM
battle likely to follow is decided.
Sunday (shoo.! toewriao% tel Ole Cas
any little lay in tlw. Flaw. loll me nal
thin about 1* r.1
Little to7- y I sir: 1 can. Mist
boater! ue,. .lay last rummer when 1
wan out on my Dike and 1 Fad to hoof
it home.
Iiwve yon brrelen se of
! !oar g
.Free yet. f
1'.e. l always *.. n (boort all tie f est
-so as to have it over with.
Rotenone ire wert4.d about his (few
What's t}* t"'"4"1
8M Les bnwsght k.r t'iN•oj swtanA'g
down Meer of the en sad bung
In the tlrerhr.
The Yeebtty a Francs recently in-
diluted ser 'enquiry b tears the sen-
rtes% tet 'rid Ai encore tloa. It les
•.0S/• Smarm
A..t\ee *mu mod t\e,
Newreviler"sales rrwaltaew■.
A d.•patoh has Loudon sy':�Tf■e Ie.
psbliratinm d for treaty with Abyssinia
will prom se estboal. The
sseart.4ied t.bmt there Is VOA,-
t90A80 wart! ber'
+•r. the preach
rt•••P dm e' aea4a.tku,, It is adeert.In-
ed that this ie. • nixed •seonlet. end
thaBrett the sod tweets se1f inns, Germs/d Beton has fovea or mini
%neared mei . tit nalkers. eodrirest
Britain 7
Penhand %eels sir 1lsiadrerl mi114.rn
minors of
or,,,,at wham as are (
stq•er.e armoth.r open ly
door. lad • moo f vtoured nationWow
dreat.ment •io rote.,( to imt..rt, nr t
Oral tarsier. tholrrht.
Iitit't_ysc enjoy Elplurger's charming
A to ate. Lille -ti 9(1id't.11
Not 1 tree tA'.rkin(d WO 6fml be hw
IMO be tee years
re -
lid ave New World events of It
Wed ereeny-latersstiug 11 Data
Tim ("roes Prince of 1
(bo Queen of Italy are the
primeness In Europe.
'rhe Duke of Norfolk la 1
is; int more money emotive
ing trade than any Engli
Queen Victoria has erne
In the arrangement of Ler
In( to the Whitehall Reeler
lea elks used two mattress
with the springs on top.
The eighty years of Mr..1
kin's shoulders bane not ;
that judge of his energy.
Anises reoently be .at from
morning until eleven at ni
Scans, County Down, t
114-year-ol•i postmaster in
who, besides being the oh
postal servant In the (nits
is also the oldest country t
Twenty-two busloads mea
as the coroner's Jury in t
gation of the recent great t
don and served for toartee
mays, received four pence,
each as compecsatloo.
Then are at the present
six survivor' of those who
hers of the Hoes of Comm(
Them are Lord Ma*afield,
borough, Lord Tankerville,
w Illlam, Mr. Gladstone and
Many yacht -owners hold
of Trade's master's oertitloat
Dunraven is the first who hi
tainted that of extra Master,
he has just pasted the nests
nation This examination
oar,. and Is the stiffest wit
ua ler the Board of Trade n
Flesch railroad rules are
W occident, da Which se
were lost, took place r n the
Paris to Marseilles recently
lady, who escaped uninjured
wreck, applied for Ler bat
day atter her arrival in Par
charged 10 centime@ fcr hot
The Pope doss bis privai
with a gold pen. but his Pon
nature, is always with $ whi
reI quill, which 1s believed to
the wing of • dove. althea'
,, ho have seen 1• ear It must
from a larger bird. The s
haw been In use for mon 1
,"ears. it selves only for
signatures, and is kept In
Many years ago the daugl
artist who waa painting the t
diaoovered to Le so exactly of
etstere of her Majesty tbe
t., ber father for the Qnw1
thereby relieving her Rapist,
tedious hours. This lady, w
Is Mise Bleach. Sully. now
America, to which country
hack from this Ice led with
presents from ber Majesty.
Marriage, according to Dr.
of Berlin. is the most import
in longevity. Of every 900
who reach the age of 40 yes
married and 75 unmarried. A
the proportions are 48 to 92 ;
27 to Marl at 90 yearn. 9 t
centenarians had all been rete
doctor asserts that the rata
tality for husbands and wive
tM age. of /0 end 45 years
cent., while that for unma
sons la 211 per cent.
A company of woman was ,
tate!! bas' to know a lady le
encounter. "You must tall i
one. "by ber boots. gloves, a
karchis1 ," Another thin
skirt -binding told a story. as
declared that her language ,
tray her. "and Its words. a
.bat concern this partioular
pester added. It la modoebt
hat, while the nicety of the
sea.Gills of a woman's toilet
• certain degree of ration
taste at least. It is not the u
able ball -mark d birth east
Many would much more qul
the prof r.nes to the iatonatf
voice sad the Ms of words t
dge• A dM detail In clothe
ooedtrl. to •itlest any °leen
on; am unmistakably coarse
,loot is
hi nil >
slo+wt ii rtobindlisps..te. T
at a well-eaodui•ted voice, as
I'%nglllab, undefiled by slang a
aalieto*-this is sot often
without the right of culture
To dress scoording to the .
@imp,' matter and one ren 'ill
'7 the average woman. But
:orrectly, seoottling to the
street etiquette, is la itself a
'and demands toot. oba•rvli
trate and judgment. The 1'e
fess the aristocrat to the M
M mi.treaa of it, and has woe
viable reputation of being t
!rested woman la the world.
and Manatee gown he000ses o
,f worn oe' so occasion that
simplicity. Jewels, fs tl
things of beauty. often horde(
vulgar. Gowan aria a[on onl
in (5e morning are sometime• r
and materials rich enough fm
or evening wear. Rztnevag
• •til (owes are imtead.d
home. to ghost oar friend* ant
color to our homer. lesving the
• bade• in wool for the stress
gree.! mothers weenies *tried lo
geed that the say'iet was air
act that women vibe appeared
rireloed cm the street did 00
hey had fr1 other prams to alt
(dot has
@M ifeea•t•heeell■.
t rare reeler mall
teases Matt
,other halt'
'-4Ua three