The Signal, 1898-2-18, Page 4E.B. & M.N. HOME COMFORTS Are Dot oomplata les retloed families with - cut a 151.444..2.0 It keeps O. Rich •t hotnt. It provideseater- taiomeut for friends bud visitor.. It 1• both • nsefel and ornamental puns of furatturo. You osn buy one almost u .kuowo to yourself by dotting with us. $25 Cash and $10 a Month well buy the best is our oarsman', and that mseos the best in taws. Come and etocee your instrument. EMERSON'S BICYCLE and MUBIC HOUSE RLFRE.EN' NA A. & S. NORDHEIMER, THOMAS TORONTO. ORGAN CO. I u roses . EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ns a. 1♦.ttisaasaiM: OODERICR. P'RIOIT, FIjFB. 81, 1118. • WEST HURON RLBCTICN ! MR. CARROW'S MEETINGS. lfeet.n i in the interest of Mr. t:irrow, the Liberal a•ndid•t. for West Huron, will be hip. nie KINTAIL-Fri.. " 18, at 2:30 r.31. oRANT'SSCHOOL-F,i . a., se 7:30 ., KINGS BR! ItisB-=9at,,Fob. IF.etlhEl Nomination. Tuttsday, Feb. 92 COURT HOUSE, ..obltiO n. FINLAY'S-W.ds.s., Feb. 23, at 7:30 r.si. iRz>r-1/11_ -.,ser-77-- PORTLtt'slllLi-Fel.,» 25, " LEEBQRN- $,ttir.. F.6. 96. at $:30 r.n made a strong inroad at the last elec- tion. Now, suppose Mr. (JARROW pleads guilty to the Impeachment of being s lawyer, and suppose he goes farther, and adritita that he has been fairly successful as a lawyer, what then 1 Are we to understand that our Con- servative friends depre late the placing of lawyers in the Legislature, and if that is their contention, why are they eternally boasting of the time when JOHN i AIDr1;LD MAC DONALD ruled the roost and piled up a surplus, to the starving of the municipalities and the public works of the Provinee 1 Are we to believe that when MATTHRN CROOKS C.tia Olt led on the Conservative cohorts in the Local House the good old Tori.. had con- ioientious scruples against having lawyer.' in the House Was it a high crime and misde- meanor to be a lawyer when the name of WILLIAM RALPH MIIKDIT)t Was used to conjure with, after the passing of MA9TH14w Ciooas and practically to the advent of WHITNEY and that later apostle of Tory light and leading' BT. JOHN, of porcine fame 1 Whore would all of these gifted leaders of the Conservative party be had lawyers been debarred from as stating in making the laws of this Provinos Or is It that the cry is raised now merely is. the hope of bolstering up the cause of a nominee whish our good Conserva:i.ye friends very much fear is badly out of }sear 1 The cry Is a;weak one, at best As the late JOHN HSNRT Foes would say, "There's nothin' to it ;" and if our( frieuda cannot find snythits better to ase, we would arivise them to raise as their_thibbQleth, " There's pothing fibs Iloctber P' The cry isn't a new one, but as tho old song says, "WVith the wooer side lint and the fleetly side in, 1Srvi-h-trryii6-" -6* THE CAMPAIG'• • THE election contest is now within ten or twelve tiara of the end, and except in one or two of the cities, lite apathy does ot appear to have lifted. In this Western section • more quiet uampaign has never been in evidence and the interest that fort- erly attached to wiut shouts be without oubt the moot important event in four tiro, d0.3+ not show on the .urtaoe. afro (iaaeow, on the other hand, has ONE of the arguments &dvslnosd f it against the eaadi• lacy of Mr. GARRow L chat tis u a lawyer. m This argument is trotted out its the all hope that it may be effective in quart- y ere where the Patron sentiment bad THE SIGNAL : OODERICH ONTARIO been putting his trust, to • oonsidersbl• ex- tent In oho holding 61 pnbliu meeteig. which be has. in the majority of iuetause., uuil- duotad singly and alone. He is thoroughly ported ort the public issuers, liar esu time Inuit, anti being phyei.wlly iu gooti shape, is taking uoarly all of the work of Ice own meetings upon hihuelf, tied ss there has been uo opposition speaker up to ,late, has ha l sveythiug his own way at the public gath- erings lneideut•lly, he has how„ getting in his personal work between npeoches, end when last even iu Uoelerich was in good fettle and full of uon8denue. • • • ---The meeting at Clinton Moeday et on nig. addressed by Premier HARRY, Wes a field eight for the Literals in the three ridings of Huron, for there were many elec- tors prase at from all three of the co istitu- •ociea. The puhlic issues were press ted by Mr. HARDY in • clear a •d lucid way, ail the meeting throughout wax evideotaly • vote maker for thei Liberal caldidatee. The urging of the Laurier quartette was e feature of the meeting. e is • -In Walt Huron the quietness may be partly due to the fact that no open meet- ings have been held by the Opputitiou eau• didate, and up to the present it would ap- pear that, except it be at the nomination, few if any public meetings will be held iu hie intere.L-Ffekertbeles, the ()ppisitiou candidat•.ie neither dead nor sleeping, and it will not do for the Liberal, to fold Meir arini and become overconfident. The Con- servative candidate is pursuing what iseom- morily known as a still-h:;at campaign. He in visiting every point of importance in the riding, and is martinet with the workers of hie party at every place wenn a pthering may be secured. He is by personal appeal W workers and voters, endeavoring to make himself solid in the riding, and whether his line of action will be successful or other- wise, time alone can tell. -On our first page we publish the gourd report of the North American Life Amuranoe Company, which shows 000clus- itejy that that ieetitVtioe Lea become Ase of the most progressive of iia kind is Cana- da The careful and co ,servative ma -age - me ,t of the oompsey has gai•.ed for it an e.iviab'c position amo get the life comp•oies of the Domioioi. aid the f idefatigehle push a id energy of its fie dretaff have proved oo..- entenay shaR-/iay--ars-del$f-s-tverta the fact that tfny-u.-warltirgtorts i-stitut- to . that has few erns s ail no auperiers oe the uo )tiwst 7.3. 1. Nan*. M the loco( age .t COMING AND GOING. Beason Guest was la Leokaow last week. A. Bolos, of Stratford, was in t•wi last -weak. Mir Yates la to 'furoate tel spring geode. 1. L. Killorsi. of-eat...b, was baa lisitiday. _ Efirridingy 8•ittsW-.w.:w. las relatives t• it. neighborhood o1 tltr t- toed UM week Mr. H. Hayden M ou • business trip to Trouts. (1. W hltely, .f Seefurtit, was to tows o. Saturday. W. T. Bu lbs, of Bruases. was la tows this week. Miss Btretto°, o1 Brussels, epeal Saotf.y 1. Codrioh. Jo.. !).anal, of Ktoo.rdise, was 10 nod• 'doh this weak. W. H. Reed. of Luckuow, was is (lode. rich Wt Ja.urday. Rev. 1. B. Wallwin, of Luoknow, was in Oodrloh this week Mir Komi, of Herlook, .pus the past Friday la God•rloh. Meas L Halley, of Stratford, is vbitiog Mn. Egeser, Borth -St. W. R. Make., of Toronto, was re -visiting t►e old teem the past walk, Kube. Smith, of Wiaulp.g, spent a tow day. in Colonel this west. R S. Hay., barrister, tiseforth, was 1a Mb• oouoty town oo Tuesday. License Iaspeoter Paisley, of Clinton. was lo tb• Cu town ors Wednesday. Mr. and Mn. H. 1t'•Iker, of Ingersoll, wrs visiting at Mr. Warpath's. Mir McCrea was sisal'', Mlw Mabel Meredith, 1a Seafarth, the put week, Mir Beattie* McCarthy, of Ktogsbridgs, is the guest of Mrs. M.buoey, East street. Mir Potter white Oaten* to Luokaew last week, was the guest of her brother, (Georg.. H. H. Willta•ne, of the Bank of Com metes, $e.feeth, spent Seeds] 41 the family re.idonoe. ears. MoKlasan, and das hiler--Osrtia, of thiderioh, are visiting Mrs. It J. Mo - Math, in tVingham. idiom Eva Acheson, our charming soprano, has goes to Detroit, so study with, and fill nation engagements with the oelebrsted Moor, Harold Jarvis. BUSINESS NOTICES. Coll at Cattle Brae. atter Monday, and to• their complete line of gr•ntteware, Smith Brea. & Co. are opening another store directly behind their Dry lsoods er tablMbm.nl to carry on • produce business. W. undrssand A. J. Cooper is about to open a flour and teed stare in 8. Sloan's old stead, earner Victoria sad Hamilton street.. Chace A. Nairn is wilier his lug* stook of well 5.1.1.d.bius eta. et • nannies el 20 per cent, sad wJl continue the tale us - til farther notice, thus giving the tot op- portunity for the parchese of artid.e for hour adornment and use, our people have had for roomy years. LOOAL NEWS IN BRIEF. The trade( March remember. The big egg should soon be in svidenoe, Neat Wednesday will be " Ash Wed• sudsy, Pannakee will be a fatiestlte Mob !seal Tuesday. bay a iloket for the lfiaetrelathis PM - log and t.lp the band. Wm. M.cI o. is taking the Ontario to , tnlsadt$R ro pot In two new aids.. f be skatigg rink was re-npenei on Mon- d •y atter a how days rest through the thaw. A" t6- meeting o' the Horticultural sae alley nett Thur.dsy ev.ainq, •' Spray's/ sod 1''ungioidas," will be the sabieol, dis- .nesse, lir. A. M.D. Aliso bee/ oho les - der. Throe eats of timber for nle. sad .trla.ere were r.o.tved at the br.ak•w.Ir works olds brook, thee May Peale, of 81,.tIerdi was visit.' lug Miss Ethel Vewttr defier tee p..$ week. nodular meeting of the Woodmen of Hai World, to th. O:antt. Hall ucx. WuJoesday eyraag. Ouuuty auditors, Morrw,a of hloKillop, sod Utgskart of Hewitt), otmmaao.d their ditties os Tuesday. Andrews limes. k Co. shipped s or -load ot Yoga to Cullioswood en Mo•day, •ad tats of oettls to Torouto the same day. W. aro glad to sou that the tbr.e child. dres.ol A. Lse.abaw, who hove b..n suger- Ilvoutlet Ionstor , e almost wotirely renewed. Mre. Althea wt.has to impress Int heartfelt Lb.uke to the many tr.audator their kinduase shown during the llloe•s a her sister. Two new Isy.n have boon added to the brs•kw•ter t6e pest to bye, but whether they will prove goad sitters. the spring freshet will determine. -------- W. C. T. U. After coughs and colds the germs of consumption often gain- * foothold. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypophos- phitcs will not cure every case; but, if taken in time, it will cure many. Even when the disease is farther advanced, some re- markable cures are effected. In the most advanced stages it prolongs life, and makes the days far more comfort- able. Everyone suffering from consumption needs this food tonic. - vac. and ('.al, .II iteregIsw, SCOTT a 6OWNI, Owosso, Tereus deet be Cleared Ont **tom MADE OLOTHIN .•-MY OWN MAKE...... a'arterwitI dg,.sd wW made up. • 0.1 OILet t'essariabiy low safes. w Clear y A Sae essarta.st of New Ooode kr IN and 'Mater wear, CALA £Rib SRti E. H. DUNLOP Westet't1.11r. neat Hank Mestr.at eellir STi and Cray's - 0f IS PROHIBITION RIGHT 4 Weal Noted batoswas and etre. Illy About Aleer.t. " Who ever sounds the highest metal note does the moat for his oonatiy," L wee ate •ed you proteol stood dols/ by alio arson arm of the lair. L:oenw the Ugiliiit-fialso and .you maks It lswtally eight to mak. drtukard. Sir HenryTaompson, serene to the Klug of the Balgtans, and one of the mast lemon@ medical unto of Europe : •• I have loan had the eonvtotfoa that there M .o greater ore.s of evil morally and physically is this ooua:i y than the w of esotsoll. beverages." 1)r. Job. Warn. (fan MWLaren): " With reseed to those parts of t►. oosntry (America) where there M Pro►tbt• nos, 1 6•d se opportunity for pero,ul ex• ami,atioa tub the sueew of the result, of the working of the meamare•, but 1 made la - guinea 1 was enured by sosa of their ab- solute spoof= ; I was assured by some Gist they could be essi!y evaded.' But every- thing two be 'graded 1f people set their minds to evade. There 1. no doubt that the prob, bit.ao measures have ben a Resat bxiii to Amortise., and I do not see why Ib.y 'Mould no% be of •s groat value to this country." Bit Andrew Clark : "1 o.D imagine no service which son at this moment b• rendered to the Suite approaching to magnitude and importance that which would be repaered by tial establl,hniint at Iola inane a ooze pall lag them son to be takes in and treated • • 1 would Gov• the drsskard'a Absrt• seem flood for the good ot 6a fatn,ly, and the State, and the community : I would bav• hin pea talo as inetitutien and kept there seal be was oared. "1 repeet to yon, as • reau:t of long -cow Untied and carstul thought, that health is not • Kat• which can in soy sense be b.negtted by alcohol. It an bear is new. thew without -obvious Injury, tut be bene - Maud by i, neo -r." Bit William Gull, Physician to Her M.. icy, Queen Votor• : '• I shoed joh hesu. at o. 'e with time. people who believe that latallw tual work asset be does so well without wise or al - *obit. I should deny Mai pr peolai s and hold she very opposite. All iisald, end all Wogs of ea eleobelte there! Ware W. ave tissues pro temper*. It sof yea may plaksn Il. operation. WM tends .et improve them. I t Maus et the ese mau- e.t things la Regime, sootet7 that people are ainjured ty drink wilboto betag bosh - Leda. It goes ea so quietly that 11 u dllfl- salt to ebony* ; • isea'a aearesl triads instantly will net observe il" Lr. J. W. Grammer. of Buffalo, N. Y. : " The Amerioan saloon is sot only • grime producer. but •disease breeder. The person who drinks la the al.obel a salons will ofteatime• drink aeold.at, uloids, mur- der, epilepsy, insanity,diens*, degss.r.ey, death. If t1 M • Rood Lw to olds• 1841 shop that bells diseased sae( or poisoned cheese , or decay •g vegetables, is it not good law to.ioee ib. s•loos that sena the pompon of •100101 ? II is net only end law but Defa- mes esmea mom. A. • s•eit•ty ss•amre the drink tog ..1.c. .61.14 be 'oppressed." lli,Tit or Mos. C. Rotttsrsois.-Mn. Charlotte Robertson dun at the reatdesee of her son !slaw. Mr. .11 R. Lag. atty Dark, church sI , at b ; 30 o'oloek Weber - day afternoon. She was bora 66 years ago, in the Geisty of Waterloo. and some years later removed with her permits to Oed•ma:a where .8. lived until • few yam ago, whoa •h• ome to this oily to reside with ber d.agktau fir Me past Mg tsars ahs had Deme fonts/ in health, hat Mr oosditlou was net eon•idertd serious outtl abeu'i a week tee. ween .6e oentrao'.d *tlas,matios of hek luso. end died. Her husband died • .umber of years e/. is Vi.torla, B O. There marriage woo bies.sd with eery ems and -Mrs. R R Lug. who Ci.d about 11w veers •g•. Tareeieno.t hoer Ries. Mrs. Robertoos bore her sufferings with mash fnrutsd., navies 'olden been heard Se complain. The follow*; br.Nmrs end *eon are Isis to mount her demise : Fred- a ick, rt Indi•a.p.Ba, Ind.: 8amoel, of Ewen, 1/fel. ; Hrs. Ass. CLmsrna, of Hosting., Nob. ; sad Miss lle.pmlli.r or this oily The rem.j.s were taken to tiod- .et,h so the Rea train us S.iurday for la manes!.-9trstfasd H•r+:M. IODEIWIH BARGAIN CENTRE For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BE8T FRIEND LANocaT SAi.! IN CAIIADA. HELLO ! • THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF as the ROO SINCLA tete rim From 11 Nero COAL ALWAYS ON HAND ?HI /EMT Scrailtoll 6arV Coal Ail ::e•I welghod O. the Parket Scalae whose you /et =a lbs. for • ton. litZNI. LEE. Orders w1 at gams a Iai'!i Ston promptly stranded to. GODERIOH STEAM BOILEE WORKS. GLORIES IN GIVING BARGAINS, AND WILL HOLD A. S. CH RY A ST Li TWO MONSTER BARGAIN DAYS 'FEBRUARY 24 AND 25No time like the present ; no time like this. For your mousy buys more here than elsewhere wheth:r you spend dollars or hundreds of dollars. Whether you spend much or little, an honest, careful comparison of Qualities and Prices leaves no room for doubt. Of course, the first days choice will be beat, but we will try to have enough of everything to last both days. manufacturer 01 all klad. of BOILERS. Stooks Stacks, Balt Pen, Sheet I:ot Works, etc., Edo., Disler la - t1 BEng YaeA*.ry rasher, to DRESS (GOODS. OASHiERE HOSE, Blsok Reseed.., 25e., for 19e 50o.apads Ise . 35c ,, for... . 830 Blase Bern , 225.., fit.. 19, Tweed ERoot.. 25e., far... - A lot of 50e tieod. fere LACE CURTAINS. 260. BM ter 190 504 e'gt ter 400 76.. 8.e for 60s 00 Set for ISS 26ANfor 96. BLAOK SILKS, $140 he 1.00 sew SI oho $1 26 Peer fee f§ for 60 100 Pastsfar 60 seer 60 49. 26e 16. 6 gebe ter 26.3 120. pelf, 3 plebs for 26e REMNANTS. • tot ef1a4h$ Mesh. for • let el Oartabo Reda The, fer CLOAKING. M EN'S CAPS. at 00 par yard for 66 60a Cope fey 1.06 par yard for 1 op 200 pew yard for FLANNELETTE. - irLANNELETTE BLANKETS. (1/1411Y AND WRITE. 7e. BIM wide for ge SI.00 for 76e 60. Heavy Twill tot fie 75 fee 60a FACTORY OOTTON. 110 7s. sae yard wide. ha Ge.. eons lorevy, fee MEN'S PAg'FS Wes. per yard for lb. per yard fer 16e. per yard for alle per rod for 116e. par yard f ot LADIES' JACKET& be 6 Labile' Jahns lee 112 00 sash 4 Ladies' Jaokees, $6.60, for. 3 76 sash 25o. for 100 LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ma. for lie ladies' Yeses. 15a, for 26e • 16e. for WNW Drowors, 96a, fee WHITE COTTON. MEN'S UNDERWEAR 16 Wok fee ' 36 ink este* vales. tor fis 46e. Shirts or Drawer. far 26e Ss Me. Shirts or Drayton fee 40e el LIS pee psis he at 00 at so for UMBRELLAS. too TrUbv fee 76 10026 fierr%rev- . TABLE 1.1NEN. 36a " fee 25e 50a. Ifieseheff, br 38e All tines of Pips" end Pipe illtinge, Stowe end Warne Gawps, Globe Valves, Casslaably on Read Laval A line of Steel Web& sad gel les nee of fanners and eldises. 51 90 1 00 79 The Impression seams to be that reedy known as Hamm a Las, now 1.99 & illsairsasa dropped. This Ie TOWELS. Osamu Towels fer . Is 190. Osumi Towels's., LINEN TOWELS. 16s. fer 20e. for Sbe. foe fla Towelling far ?a Towelling for 10e. Towelling for a. a. MEN'S UNLAUNDERED 410s. Shim tar 60a 81:rime for 75e. Lander* Mires for 50e. Colored :Airs: for A RARE CHANCE TO SECURE THE LATEST FOR A LITTLE MONEY. JAMES ROBINSON. Remember the Date. .11110", arTptalm.- A Mistake. 4 + We are in a Better Position than ever to do Plumbing. Steam, Hot Water. Hot Air or Combination Heating and Gas Fitt ing, baying ebtsiaoci the servioas of Glum LEE a SHEPHARD It to steels wi strength ham's ste role ape se • eons the list, Mrs. WI held trot pineal a aed Min erten, cr sears me Square e they wil Sturdy welcome bath 1 audience tisanes Leckie, 4 log oast TTILM ale* bbi lays he their eert costa • dross sks Brass lb awe the o nset * sad Mee Leal& el g▪ lees is fai eireies died efts Ills was s OWN ✓ isk end hi he. Litt 1 assillar day atso made : IL It. II 0. Pool mom ef el by Oho Imeabt IMPleala 41.1111.110 ra":"11111.11 01111 taw map alma the fig frft sad Usiteselmfretts, Ape yrs w• here t erre tabs istrir nines. .toos half -.-etie spill