The Signal, 1898-2-18, Page 31)IAL PO1NYER5
ea aawat Name at mem*
tet ilie Weald.
rvivor ut Waterloo ill
Irish workhouse% Mold
M 116 years. we eo
1 of the battle, an weii
V watimied. •
ci Harr Krupp. tte tele
er, is said to hare tees
in s material for Wa
The reale wee relhe
most daiaty eardlenre
r01 ebe otype ea.
Mergecteeler, le alline
at Deming, N.31., *tore
from comumptkost. old
will nut ilve term*
ilengton Stevens.
4:as as a aowapaper roi.
the recent Gre.o.Turk-
mite twunty-eiehe yea,
lirs4tuate oe 1lltl Coe
dal Campbelles deugetw
is sa expert pleyer er
ad bee made to metre-
eopie moss faeourame
fashionable seuersitneie
myth& the chief of tee
▪ at Cauelhinewags Can,
ir to visit femme V irtorie
lta a remewiel of the L.
187*. heeler which kie
n e the border withom
Vatic ma.nufacteteo.
Sweden has bestowed as
in suttee/on Clara Ire
for art sod science,
t time test Scandise
Mut received this home
'• works bevel Orme;
1 into O•finaa, and an
tor ical subject&
nehmeent has Just ewe
Weigh music.. fer A lee
in and air Arthur Sae
n o sleeted =Moire le o
&decay cd Itu, «1 e big
Oc• is President, under
g the sleotine. el a lee
.1 foreign celleposers g
ro he no prettier or better -kept
use -place" ia the tem Lengdeles
as esi MIWEI11111Fillis
an sachet 'tithed se
& token of her after -
lather, the late Great
ot Rusks and Mt
ame.r Denumrk, wth
ea of King Celeste's. h
fasietm A**
c▪ reme
Blunter. niece 01 Ifir Wit
hea base appealit
▪ of the Wealth mead
to *omelet the Magee e
or wee until lately, ti
of bar wiz who bolds
diploma. of public Melte
he medical cores are es-
leprais maths
rd, a feeidnot of Berle,
CO Wm Frames irillart,
•n expedition to Bet-
tie Ramis tor the pet -
eat the babies of creole
sta. The Rienian Gee
'urniebed him with free
tkroughoet tbe 1.
Inenian neesigapers reo•
gifts being taken tote
Leceatief lotted. *pr.
de of Halal George the
tined for • oew Abp.
to be built on the mew
Allow& and a very hued-
. Rai Makonnen at Har-
dee.). before being seat
d aod seactlied by the
mature* priest Fatal
ry Good. LL.B., for fifty-
* vicar ot Wind:one.
d, died alt Westmeneper-
✓ day, aged ninety -Mae
teased the whale of hO
very recently, wben bs
n the tad lo wan of a
disposition, end his es -
his earl/ 111. Oa a mid.
t the Peninsula war wen
penerally supposed that
the Kling of Sam would
edmation ia Revised.
bowecrert that the second
ths rowel al
at his father wishes hiss
hues lensuege. Ar-
ea from Openburg, the
le to ester owe of ths
rolleges. Meese hi I e the
viM remahi in England.
lefeen. Deo* veto te-
ring from Central Am
fit out • new expedi-
lair regions. in order to
him1 and etbriograrbe
▪ Ira the northern part
The expeaktie
Led by the Naha Gov-
' Ute Camber' fund ant
for two years. Ilo
.lude two scientific PI-
eery is so mettlemiamic
t a related that Mme-
s. ocaninatios in Decree
candidata tor Dahlia
retired trunk the scene
in the examination tall
11,ge to a WIIII-keran
rR eatabliabeentt ehero
tlitorbed le the porches
'a Purgatory," a %sort
Asperities:4=60nm no
vrith eharm.
scratiniiiag cheek)
01 pay this allies ois
to ilentify yos
tip -1 &Mold like to
Flocatiee we don't know
tw, don't he slily I 1
you beard that horrible
i Stiffs beteg buried
tily-Beried alint lon-
be was NM of M.1
hold. The new shepherd was youth,.
and though well recommended by hie
regarding the reenoastriboes of his
former otaatat. WAN from darn PestielO.,
dale way and had to learn tbe Fella, ate
easy teak io hate autumn. with Its short
days and tr tient Wats. Old Moiling&
that at Bischthwalte Farm, whom impatient a his ignorance. did the
nt owner. Jobe Hollings, lost his lareater pert of the work hiaaelf. die -
• mime four years Geo; her piece at theniftli'rotafill esitii jhtiLitvler: .ttstifisabd ip
head of his boueshold haviag sines sharp attack a lumbago Which ;obliga-
oo Leen occupied by the elder of his eil hen to remota within doors a psis -
o daughters, Mary. whose qualities ewer to ha bee„
On the fou.rth day of hie Mikan. Mary
a howeee aro famed throughout I
mime to hen announcing with someex-
• dale. citement, "Father, tsnaw's miming."
The September Dio. streaming lo "Nay lass. nay. East over sews gnaw
rough the window, Illuminated • won- fall we t' glass sal high an' thermomet-
th .ertic;rifteYat'heiMa 1 1111 ' It wilted cumwii
rfully attractiee picture. On the nrir .ce
ght loomed the grest, open fireplace two days hard frost YI phould all
rred by • stereog steel crane, from naught.'
hob hung a kettle, singing plemantly °Thotell see t' anew will be here be-
er tbe deer fire. Opposite It stood the for. t' day is out for &w t' glees is so
high. I heart the most uashumaneet
11 clock med. sit Peariele over • bun- wind last night, and saw Oxenfoll all
red years ago for Marro great grand- whit* we gnawand grandmother leiter
recite, whose names are engraved on 'eta t• it on a &paw ewe we ked„se
long as my arm hanging from t' top.
brazen If") aad ranged alaeg ,),,, - Thou knaves 1 dre.jn true (sneer."
all& filling every vacant ewe with ..So thou says. my lass, but till I hese
heir high beta.. were rush-bottemed thy wind I'll test trust t' glans."
hairs, moot a them comet with their At dimmer time the winter sky was
°mat owner, and like bine showing •ttliallicsleare,rthe ?SU IRMA; 6:if:I:et:neer. rasni!
ow traces of their &ritual age. 1LJader iii,d bin thi:nrettel-Tr IL
a t hwnoredly on
he window warn • long oatk table with a her superstitious belled In visions.
• rail to keep the feet off the cold ' "Joeeph's dre•cns came true and thou
ass. &an upwind,. it, &wallet the c1. test ns forgotten ,I'll be bound, t' day
er wall, • corn/sortable mottle, while hi:ilea:167 Zilwdrrtileted tI.'maheeporn. li1*4
n t'
the hearth the fanner'etallesuse -sem t' old ewe I,ing on t' ground; wr
hair walk elseepieu.ous. &ad near U.Ag.Au throat ail torn, and thou ',idiot
und table on three Iry from which /three' thou toned her fa."
ear the taw her face and hair aglow 1 "It'll he too late to MeV* te sheep I
cored drap date, and the same meter;
The skirt of this gown is et beige-ool-
the 'weight, sat Mary in her low than. father. Can't t' shepherd gather
chair. eri.eitig busily. bie one them off Bleke Rigg before t• wiad ial is used for the blouse part of the
owns r waist which shows just above the belt.:
Id call her beautiful. ler faco se too. "Nay. Mary, I docile, if t' lad could The upper part of the waist sod the
len Id her chearkbooes too heels; but end them before dark. I The.1-11 be
'Aye, well Maw wbsa 1 t' snow
he tea -things bed juat been cleared. pi; whew, .
she sits at tier wbeel io her derk meetly between Black Crag *04 t' Red
roes and brightly striped apron of her , Tara. too far t' more this way."
, His daughter sighed &nd went tack crossed the bridge by the rord, lt, was at
her back and helped her on. Here.
o wea•letil. 1,1. "ma". aghtiag uP ' to ber work. 13/ two o'clock the sky
✓ muses of soft hair sod glancing was lurid, there was not • breath ot however. the moat diffloult part of her
1 Ole well -shaped hands which hold air, and winter day thougb it was, the Lesalkniehogan.aand by10.tines stearerhaexd
wu 11 f rnesighearyt, wet 0,eniack. a-
thPunder0iun euturnethart.50 °I"D lei': bei oo
filer. !emoted. it was
he flax; he would be bard to please ?ie
ho could not find muchto admire and ber baking to make up the' fire, leery walk she abould hare done easily la
die in • face end tigers whose every found her father somewhat &exams. an, hour. having taken ber throe.
' i Y • ' II e ' t
za aad.,rwuratoeut cheacen strength of 1, "Thou'rt right, my hen, t' storm is
a -
sleeves are of mahogany -colored velvet.
Tim baok edge of the jacket is straight,
the front curves upward. and it is bor-
13ered with • bead and stones trim-
ming which forma a fringeO ornament
on the front.
At • ~mat meeting of the British
Dairy Asiociation, Mr. Primrose peo-
teennell had the following' to say about
the two woes of roliking-stripping and
squeezing: In the stripping method the
down the twit and the milk squirted
fingers and thumb are forcibly drawn
Out; but the operator resembles amen
at the pump from the way in which
his arms, elbows and shoulders are
miring. and lie sometimes gives one
the kies that he is drawing the milk
, doe n from the very borne of the oow.
1 The wars. to stand this sort of work
!continually, would require to be made
of India rubber, and not living theme.
and there is no wonder that where
. there is a scratch or a chap. or any
freight eoreneas on them, it is tore oe-,
len every time of milking, and tile ani-
mal goes down in yield, and has to have
the bind legs strapped together to pre-
• _ _
Mg wild; t' het' hides.' OULU hones
and be lost on t' Fell -maybe
dead after ouch a night. I fetched t'
lads here and wet af to find him, and
• .prietty hunt we had. No signs o'
him sere here oa Dawson's fells, but
we thousla maybe he had gone after
some straye. Pike o' Blisco way and
got caught by t' storm. So we tried
rutin% and a seuskuientas to ()eau_ oweitig, thrieg / trieldeost thy anew. ewe. foresch a alight &sleeked thesell ..eosituarey abore,TheeleMeireelltotke
There'll be a big wind but wt' out maw never believe. T' wall o' my roots se ilbly abetter, andlMte sure en -
Y end power of producing it, not toe it'll na hurt t• sheep mucb."„tant Mewed right he and there we' I in bed.. osigh we found him, nigh Med; would
'''on among Englieh peasants. The As he spoke tbe low growl of die
just covered we slaw. 1 were thet ha' been quite dead. I reckon. if Spring
many expression in the eyes which thunder was beard and the sudden frightened at first I thoughtfor.sure t' there ahadnie kept him warm. for a dbe-
ould cum ilonaw:" sides f.' cold teed had no too!! sin' yes -
treated so oddly with the deter- banging 01oor on the oppomite side w., la
I saidwile wI dthee MI terday morning. We juet perked him
'of the house annouoced the first gust
Wed mouth. aad was only to be_ SO.._
.1 such a gale fr the nortb-west bed on 't Fell. and t' icicles all hanging upend brought him down here. Scale
tot foe ley the etrougauparatitittita Md_not. been Wire_ within Uto rreln t' tel)." Clone iti ower far end t' road ower
ietuaot to the ammeter. a eo sumo ory of man. For omen bourn its fury " A oda moo they1 are freers Cessna ; just ; rouge to- mere • aka ilballi bellidek 4b•
see. couldne get • light, t' moat vropaierfte bit of it all is, that
wadi unstated. the thunder and lightn- cern ad .
ani maitre folk, both n and w so bigh, and I just fell to all thy father's sheep which were up
ing a ths firot hour adding to its end @Muted. but it never did • bit o' on t' high Fell were rale in t' owd
. sudderly vanished as • shadow fell horror. Still, however, no snow fell
rues the wiseow and • steer resounded and the master of Birchthwaite allowed red ..f„.....,.
eic;theven t' owd dog couldna boar mo quarry! He and spring must ha' just
°weed to get In slaved to gather both Daweon's and V
the porta. Before she could site, her himitelf . to be. put to biod. fairly bappy ta• bouse-pl- --seenel Iwilawh and t' dram others. Meister Hollins knees it's no
Mg wbeel iind lay down the flax ni bia a Not so Marv.
citcler [loth in ber d . was too great , times to gather
- myself, but I was fairly from by morn. easy job t' best o'
bee heed.. • Young mail wait • &beef te allow her any pesos, and besides her ` c" 1611 ye' Berwicks were vary' 111"" & t15"1"Lnd sheep! ilawayar•
at law hula entered the house and thoughts would busy themselves with good sad wantednios. to go tbere bat I', there tbey are safe' enough and near
use, so long SS t roof would stand enough for one owe to get bay to,
up to Mr. ;Jim.. Had he read tbe signs a tbe sky
I would bide under it, wail or no wall."
- Thou'rt early. Jae ,,..; better than ber tether and got hie ..Father war thou could cern to
- - Yikkileril "e sheep ther in Um or warn he too.
tbie hour; thou knee's be is allus sharing ber unhappy efOrebodings. end Dir'hum`it• r Ulm la"at a inind'"
way t' Cognate& Meedays." ammo, a poweriresnone I Bed seem, "Maori! just bide. Fie means kiadiy
end Pia much obliged, beaten him Ns
' Aye. I know. hut Mary, Mos .1 'a unbearable when sleep in this hubbub bardy; y, a little add won't kill me. an
out of t be quoit -ton. so *UDE LLO pen' mu. mot me met, %tome
to talk we thee and I goosed 1 wt ea
he fae, she and Alice est down their about the sheep; are they all safe r
vent kicking.
The squeezing method. or " nievling"
as it is called in Scotism". le infInILLI-
ly superior. In it the monatur grasps , in Travel. of how Ali Slahomed. who
the teat and squeezes it only, o about was the king of elephant catchers in
any pulling -the arms and elbows new- Ceylon. boo-awls:shed the teat of mo-
or moving. There is no jerking and wring a young elephant.- It was be-
nt) oematian, of the sound, for the Isom the existence ef the present laws
etream sterteet fromothe one teat which Protect game.
before it is stopped to take a new hold The tamer had discovered a herd of
at the other. elephaata. and had orept up near en -
Tim prencipal superio! ity of this milli to main choice of sin animal
method lies en the faot that it deals that suiretedhixixa.41 eaTttirnpro
hi:returned 10
• that where guakeady
with ie Muth. Badding is dome la the
following manses Fromm some good
buds or variety %anted, from tanner,
well -ripened shoots of this season's
erowth. With a sharp knife make a
T shape rut la a *trona young shoot
of this year's growth; cecumence at the
upper of out arcintly force tbe bud
into plata See that all fits saugly,
then tie with • °arrow strip of cloth
or string to hold parts firmly and to
exclude air - when the young bud
starts to grow, which is usually from
four to six weeks, the handle:A), should
be removed, as it will not rot away as
an root grafting. The time to bad will
depend ooniewhat ea the season end the
kind of trees budded, but the season is
meetly front July to Heptemher. The
most of your suooms will depend on
the sap, which should be flowing freely
enough, in the letter part of summer,
to allow of lifting the bark without
injuring the wood.
. I !We
4. IlwalAus Is tee Lire of All
WI* Was as teepee' at sae Ilealmems.
TM life of a professional elephant
tracker and tamer callor a fno little
exercise of skill. patience and oeurage.
At least. so op tray judge from the
story told by Mr. F. Fitzroy Dixon
And if you never saw a hero
before. you do now. aod the best
shepherd and cleverest dog between
here and Carlisle.. and that's my
opinion. -
By thin time Mary who had been feed-
ing the said hero. had the satisfaction
ire y .
there is • tendency to soreness the amnia fmourtritnvest"smimatedadie4aintowthliatengd.nidoe: peti:;:astt.,04.0/ 31)
tepetotr earlatreVieerallec4e, till:
sores ari; "eot continually being reop- 1
hide. strong and elastic arsugh to per cow.. and Germany 111-2 per cent..
weed, and thus the aniuzial stands more 1
his &roe and his son Hassan and it le 1,11 these countries that the
quietly during the operation. Sores heal I stand a great etrain. With two of those
1 ""ted Yverw it h the others. Ali trarefulty ; eetWinWUW., ,eeteaeneotodrintc,°°.sotslueZeill wrip6:ars'argto-
up more quickly, new ones are not
the herd.
formed. and, consequently, the anima 1 afurvil:a.obadtag
will be a better maker.
Aa soon as be came in, eight of the f epeedve" iftwitheapsetheity potrospea nriattyio:ad; butthes
I have nem a cow stand quite quiet -1
ly to • " nievling" milker. V. hen she 61.1)12"wnt:ilehehelnC4hinwse""171f. t(Pwitirigoonitin tate PairtiamenlarY ecielmi-"'n teeteale eee
the stripping method.
_1.meg .nosa Lek. usheharkle theli.fa" ea lbw &Demme .
., crept upbetffm3W14,44Ataikithin twe Jamtaza...4.winty feet misted in Frtini• has .untended that
no iacreatie .n.the amount of
would get wild with oue emploeine ,I, caraetut:
oral treetment of the cove in tenenee:••1 ' -
Every movement , WOWS aow me in , eiwitteeto---
tioa with the operation of milking. The 1 - _o_ _. 11 'Mee 1.1a effete ist• peveseseatir • -• -.. -....
sound ; %Val few exceptionas. each country
Gg the cousemption.
two main points to be attended to are danger. Neither by rant nor
gentleness and quieknese ; indeed. of meet, the elephant be alarmed. ar the Prodium moot a the d..riak which it
tbe two quickness is the chief. for a ' delicate .,,,4,4, oy toe catcher would most largely omaitmes, so that the im-
quick milker can seldom be a bee one.
never be aecompliehed. To tie a wide- portatioa of its favorite beverage is
Where mWring is done by piece work. tteuperstively unimportant.
and the tough cows are eliminate4. it seeks elephant to a tree Ity ite hind France iti the country where the coo -
II4R•stimpIlliie of Beer, Wine •isd eperits 55
155 1.11*1 Zureeser l'eu• 101.4011W GIMP
Vaned *talcs.
Tho Britiela Board ot Trade bee cue -
malted the puedicatios of • aeries or
useful official reports showing the pro-
ductioa sad cooeuniption of alcohol'o
liquors. chiefly Leer, wine and spirits,
la the chief European ousuntriets and
the Ucdted Stater. ways the Loedion
Daily Mall.
The first striking feet is the geo-
graphed' distribOtion of aloohollo
beverages. &morally speaking, spirits
arspoorausiked in the north, where add
azienstee prevail, and wine in
this south. In Russia spirits are almost
thie only driet. In Germany. the Baltic,
provinces drink Little or no wine. but
prefer spirits with some beer; while
tho aouthern provinow-Alsoke-Lor-
nelos Bavaria and ilailen--coneume •
masiderable quantity tor wine as well
sa much beer. to Frames Um staple
beverage ot the province* leorderine
!on the Mediterranean Ls *ins, which
IIS e.11.04.113 there, but the colder depart-
ne?n.ts of norttern France drink ter
more %Arita'. -2beeilleaue difference ot
mete dietinguesbee laortheru and
southern. Itatetiteree, the
(staple drink la England. and epIrita
10 Soetlane and Ireland.
From the tax•tiou of iiiciibutic boa-
' eratres the attire Kingdom derives III
ould fad thee alt' spinning about irona and proceeded to attack the o ot seeing him slowly revive. A bot flush
Nae. tether's that bothered. there's mime into him ebeeles at them last words.
down. Here's a hie pink dog-rou pilm of clothes ready folded for the no soothing him. He cant walk scrods accompanied as they were by murmurs
✓ ye. 1 toned C t' bodge by t' pool. arb°rIrVw.• izonkar• t' kitchen wi'out help and t' sbeep are 01heerty assent from all the men pros-
aic -sous t' lila thing should be out mid- preeently. canning in from the back
°Mary. t' snawe eum," said the girl
dead. I reckon. for no one's men after , the pillow Lizzie pushed down behind
all up oct. t' high Fell. and by now all eat. and beset up. thankfully accepting
41. o' September wt ' t' busier red kitchen, "it's lying thick on t' sill und- him. but staying Mary's attempt to
WI ! "Aye that's bad. la Joe no good r I prevecit speakiag.
bips 1" Steadlog lin frost 01 ber as sr t' broken pees."
she leased back in ber chair and look- 'Her enistress pat down leer iron end ' "He's rut enough. but he's new t 'Nae, 'nee, doe't ye make se toueh o'
ground. sad Cebeep hardly know him it. Theron &aught t' matter me.
et Jim oostinned:- without a word went to the door.
nor doss. neither. Father's been doing thaaks to you and Spring." and he
'Thy father wa' at me again, 'ester- "1 shall go off t' grandmother's t'
; paused to pat the black head, which.
day whoa tboo west at Sunday &boot minute t' work Is done t' morn; it ono nest ort wort elmself lately."
pa t t' dreamSus
' t . roam: men "Aye, be shoo:liana& ha'wi* at the mention of Ms name. Spring
about t' baptise -Yen BaPaiata a" lig" rimemokething,"
abesaid brushing the Jim. Sheep doa't ask 'whether t'sheP- rubbed against the settle. " You would
herd. baptised or nee so long SS he all 0' you ha' dom Vaseus thing it ye
down good folk, and no vroader t' snow flan bar shoulders.
understands thane"
meeting thinks such a dui Uky ; had known t' sheep were out on V Yell
er; he Ma • gran poorer o' speech awl
knew. law Bible well. net as I ha' told
hem times. I wa' brought up a Quaker
and *II my Milo are Quakers. and 1
ha' no Wadies to c.hange. Now, thou
kaliWa. lass. I ha' stood a good dee1
from thy father for ak knew be imam
well, but whoa be WU to ebtkaieg t'
*lent meetias that were too meth. I
wouldna' sit teem to bear my folk mice
Oe'd (old jaiet got up Ited went emir los
t' Veil. And Dow thou imam why I
didna am to meet thee atter moieties.
This moralise; t' master called nee
told me, late weitidee' allow him daughter
t' marry meth & beretles. ea I might gie
thee up."
•'01a, ke aides mesa ILI"
"He did !Mesh aed I mean it, toe.
I'll not go We coeviction for say
man. Bo we roma e'en hide, lassie. It
'ud break my heart to stay bore and
oot have ye. so I ha' maths op my mind
to leave at lifartiumse. Damao° o'
Scale Clone is weather • shepherd and 1
know Rai How and Crinkle Creels as
well as t' Pell yaw*"
Mary's fate bed gradually grows pale.
and noir her lips quivered and the tears
gathered in her eyes. Was she really
togim him op tble lover of hers. Nev-
er see kink my more, n bear lake
whistle to his thug se it ranged on the
Fell behind the ham never agein list-
e n for Ws step amine through the
poreb to her githe or match a
moment's tilt Wiles the day's work derromi of the ston°
was done t Ated yet bow meld the Part- softened the anise ceased toad ail made
ea he left MarY aPPeared ready for wit for bier. ,
'Fatber won't aese that, so We nous. aad t' farmer boo ill to gather them
Mae in its white mantle. but the Mau-
i, 01.the eoene ow:ow no annommemoe talkieg." eighed. Mary, rising to go. ' idnear. and atom corning."
ias allsotiell in the Werke of Gille Mese- The Nest half et the way was tairle; "How delta know father was lie
bold le Biliehthweite. for. alien Misr ease. for the steady frost badhitrdeoed' :liar 'asked Sim,.
that sitaricess "merles lay hidden. pro- ,the maw ,iiiiii sande Walkial Pessible : 1 'Trots Joe, there I had to have
eile dead their most valuable stook. .01 beeteelletbe ford theenow lar In eta news o' ye all." he continued shyly. "too
Jelaa Hollin execrathis the evil tate drifts.. most diffiesult te wade through.1 Idea sad ma made frienda."
elapple him with lusehage. initiated up- rig.t7 robed bridge she' stash; Moly, and ia the midst ot tbe silence
WWI hod &omen such amomsot to abs etrojclioe lentil keit oPPoilite the Tbe tem round him nodded sleprov-
on getting up and coming doors -stairs Era' le • 1. from which eoefforte of that tollow-ed cams old Holliage voice
though groaning and swearing at the , her own availed to axtrieste ber. Ref', from behind them:
pain every movement leaieed him and Amer fortunately attracted a quarry -1 " Here. help we up some o' ye.**
repulses( ail Lissites welloneant et- Mem who. having pulled leer oat. de- Several strong arms offered" them -
forts to make him comfortable in his tailed to her e wMtul story of NI* selves, sad by their ael the old man
his chair. Witat did be want we eusb- ravages wronged by tbe storm- I reached the tattle, and aeizing Jlm's
toes whoa kis sham everw maybe. blur- "Tiny he la • laisbLy way at licais outstretched head shook it warenly.
iike isk a snow drift, Cgaidna Ate ketch Chu ewer C shepherd. lee went out "Thou mita have Clans. lad. Baptism
Joe arid not stage lotteries there es oft t' BMW yeeterday moratag. sad nee- i or as baptism. Mee but a Christian
feed themselves ia. a aterrat " Jim I t" I t' *ben! this night. Ay . and ahdon•
though sheep east naught. &ad could bosifivtie ems l= e' ben sia'.- w d ise• dose what thonst do fo
Poor Joe arrived MasWebie sadersee. "For Gum t' Mae u was el' the despair o learning such as thee reel
fallen. He was thormsW, frightened father ea low. Hs would go after V' doctrine neither,'
ot tbe imperious. irrithele old maa, shellit sad Daween he that grieved;
tbough Mies a strong Baptist himself oafs he'd rathor Imo • thousand sheep
be lied not to fear theologies' diatom- thall1 elitchershe
Moo. such as bad embittered Jim's lei- Mary waited to hear so more, tmt
arm niniennota. fin bed idraidy been with a hurt issevy with its burden a
HI -tidings made the beat a her way
tattier, bay, aad was Mat preparing
to start with it for much sheep as were homeher shiteopaunenerrentedd the hosoetwonedoogrree.
gathered in tbe big intake on Orem-
room was toll of men. dirty. wet, emit -
burn; but Ms wiry easter cut short
ed. and ell talking at ones. Sheep
hie explasaticias, bade him leave such
work to women, and go busmen es ter dogs. the snow dripping from their
um,'w as bo mold get to me 11 backs andetakiag little poela all over
6. anntdr-bii:nr ut ,ew.„( tee mein the Gags, atood close at their masters'
body of the flock. who would. of tbeir
hewle'resseretm. wiriTtrontot r*.wwof tbet ewsehtt°1ethawrils;
own sword. make for the sheltered 1P
ground, if sot. overtaken by the sod- Mira &silk( a men who La, PrepPsd
up with cushioos alma IL As Mary
be reventedt Fiat fattier wee • xpedition to Chreafell.
''Thou'll never get th re, t' maw will herd se eke mined bun. ..don.t.iben be
he filled u t' road. Israides what's t'
nee& Oran other waa quite well o Auoose brow' boob sham
ng its posie
This perteet semeprebemene of Me Sunday ant lierwieka oat' farm will tion at tbe sanw moment. Marra
kept her idlest for wane nee. take rare of hif she'ser frightened--
feel i &armed eyes realised that the man
manta. witU the Strong Mission whke "Grandmother's sever frightesed, on the settle vies nose attar time Jim
etialle seated bellied the habitual het 1 mast am after her now rest ei• t' kim'elf. who smiled et her and held
quietness at both, burst ita leads ead ; dreseren come tree. Thou knew& I pro- out a mod. -
letting basalt le in her grief.; Mary ' mined mother I'd sever let her went ...r. shem, ex. nnin insian... be ma
sobbed out her misery osher lover's *0(64.'Liembettving Mr ems again from 'betook -
&boulder; he la Ma tare formattlas prin. 'Aye. gm then. my him and loins
aphis end anger sfike in the exquisite bar hero it she will- I wish I could gas ,
delight el ter eau Molding ber ia hW Ian 7061Wila' a hard Joh, hut not bard-
' What dose be metier' *be demanded
sane. A abarp hark from pring.whosa sr than mine to sit Moo anlookieg trona bim to the men.d ant go
tisk* Girl bad heard the farmer's cart after the &top. We're fairly ruined ff 'Veen? Why, that he's nigh titled
aPProle.hiess. Mosel1 them back to tbe , they're killed.' hirneelf to save thy father's sheep." an -
mall ties of Net, gad white Karr berried EFor father was right In deo-tibia/ tbs; swered Use wan whom narrative her
to meet ber fattest, Jim, with one last ' walk as •hant. job Any women notentreat* bad interrupted with •
4°•41111 wor& celled hie dog to hisel and made of the atontatt stuff would Mee Gerosly indignant glance at old Holl-
dtiaPPeared id Ma dirretien oi the thought twice before gadertsking it on hale. who sat aiholt In his chair. "AA
orter's cottage in which be lodged. Us slight authority a *Arum. liot to 1 ea' toying." he nonfinite& "yester-
Martinmas say • new sliepherd la- Mery, melt a dream we. • ockemage day Jiro told Dawson anew ova' aiming;
;tailed at Birobtlaraitti, while The from above, which the would has die." Diressio mitildna believe him. but Mitt
Irvine and his few belongings *ere; stayed at ber peril. SO ite nor the 411(1-1 be might gather t' sheep from 1. hide
saltier of tbe waye"M to North la Fell if be had • mind Off went Jiro
toes long fillet with meth 4 live.
11* wino Mill blew smash to make
welting ageheat it trutilleuera. hut
most un Moly to relent and ble,ry knew
her lover toe well to smut him, eves
for her oaks. to sive up principles he
valued so 11.14.
Ivan oval' Ar ft/NW Pose to EMI"
Clop. its master beteg only teer pleased
to Pet the services of a sheebtati. sea -
mai ons the beet south et Peeritb.
•flor this (Otsego time I4.8 some during ten greater pert a her way
h "I 11e'117 i" the benne. through the stele, ANA till the hari Craglemma anis to me tem mora
gatberest all laminae sheep into
cfe.mhs helms itert. HOW. &Pet t' lad
hems to tell t• meoter they viers wife,
lead went off himeelf tewarde Week
O rs. eittoseo trier Clemeaimet ..dRe. 5111
top's Illleboyelle
"Dellet you suppoes it's tbe weather,
Ezra seJd Mrs Billtope, looking up
from her sewing at Mr. Hilltops, who
had just Related up the clock that stood
se the nesatelpiece, and who heti won-
dered se hi shook it why it bad atop -
reed. TM iiiiiiitie *es spoke Mr. Hill-
tops wondered why he hadn't thought
of that bineeelf. and he prnceeded to
may that he thought It was vary like-
ly ; that the clock needed oiling any-
way • that it had got kind o' gummy
and atiaky, and the feel te the taus-
persture was Met enough to harden
that gummy *tett around tne bearings
and stop It.
Mrs. Bititope (Whet say anything to
thin; she eicet let him go on and MI6;
in tate, she rather Heed to hear him
talk ; sad as for lwareelf, she was sat-
isfied to he one that made the wheels
go 'round without Insetting on being
seen at the swank.
But. after the talk was all over she
wouad the otook.
is eintomwr, • for -ewer passes to- do_tano,leasisesuka li111.141 laws& ispezir lariplieti end alto.
ID an hour; a little longer time beielie• Oriel feat, but tt was just this that weeenaly -W15ara -
full yield in the beginning of summer.
and the ooes are of all sorts, it may the ropes -each of whieh had been pre -
required e hen all oome together in Ali
Nehere it is not done by piece -work. Hu' first step was to fasten ene of enth"Iuilltablyaho.late
take half an hour longer ; betel,e more ea* bent on scoomplialzing. the production • is .largest too. al
yearn the prodieduiettiolan
"Leete:vely 11111.
PiLred with h nuinina n'cLA.---t° 616666 tbstaaa.ljbuillttsd-thisK"winvroag.dijul
tree. His next was to creep. inch bY wive weareeted eite "sat year's 000-
oe wise la 1996 reeobed 15.776.U00 gat -
the consumption
Men over the spaces that intervened be- ;stunption of beer. whioh exceeded 1.-
tween him and the elephant, which be 200000,000(5.110454, or thirty ealions for
quickly it is done. the more will the
milk -yielding power of the animals be
stimulated. if the milk is frothed in
the pail, it may be taken for granted
that the @peed is all right; but. if it /very Me
wait approaching -teem embrace --
is not frothed. then the milker ix doing , leriaejeople of HaveOlia &realm workile
an injury to the cows, and. 1.1 kept to
the one lot, he would put them prema-
turely dry.
But the quality of the milk. as well
as the quantity. GI Influenced by the
milking of the rows and the manner
thereof. Dr Bah000k found. in some
experimenta he tried regarding this
matter. that slow milking Ilse a very
decided effect in reducing the butter
fat in Um milk. there being an aver-
age deoliue of over II per cent in his
triala am • result of slow milking. while
there wee also a decided diminution
in the quantity; though • prolonged
trial with cows naturally going dry.
the differences tended to disappear.
The total result over a season. bow -
ever. is beneficial to the milk yield in
the ease of quick mllking. not to speak
of the 11•ItifIlt of time.
To TIMNIOVII milder*. trove white roam
materials diseolve woe and one-half
ounces a chloride of lime in me quart
of bailee water. Senile the liquid
tbrough a (leek cloth sad soak the mil-
dewed spots In this liquid for leveret
bonne and then rinse thoroirghly in
ehuin weter. Wet tbe 1004a before
them to seek
vitt eg
f 1 tit Imoet teen
At last he sy at u eng . a oha ou drinkers. the r coasump
touching tbe etephant. the two nooses a beer senouate to fifty gallons per
eg Giving • final glance to make MISS for
nk ranks seined, where more than
of the population in • year. Bel-
ying open. one behind each pillar -like hi"adg'i.
ty-three felons of boor per head are
that the rope be lied fastened wee otessunked. t is the proud privilege a
clear, be took the noom and pushed it the United Kingdom to occupy third
forward till it touched the foot. place. With over thirty gallons per
His object was to get it on tbe leg. hired. relatively to population'. we Mat
but before thei meld tie done the e'eph- (Jemmy at the game, and drink more
ant must tas induced to raise bis foot.
For thin emergency All was prepared. '""''' tx" to Lba tutal• 11"114 Pnr nenn•
With a long th on. he gently pricked tnea Frenrinnen drink win..
To give each natio& its proper statute
tbs other I. just sos.rly might sting in the legion a drinkers, we compile
It. from this official return.' the consume-
toSisersureawlY tbwroael7it rib; rwutt:dadethat:ctsrpoll time per Mad of beer. wine. and %Write
be bad pricked. As it lett the ground ; 10 re" nnuatriani
it. so se to encircle Use foot when it
the eau was slipped open beneath um PlOnio
Ofdloup. 1.1•11com
nme down. The foot descended. and Coated Kingdom . 10.7 .40 1.01
after a moment's pause the noose was Frame) . . . 5.2 29 50 LS
rsieed with • steady hand and tight- Oenomay . . . 264
United States . 12.1 0.1111
r did the elephant feel the
touch of the rope than he attempted I
to push lt down to the ground with
the other foot. The Action allowed Ali
to slip the second norms ice place. Both
drawlegs ram% nowao aarteiverw!L and Ali gently
The elephant at once moved forward.
but before he could feel the check of
the tree to which he was tied. Ali glid-
ed away. and tork a turn &Mut an-
other tree with the mooed rope. Fie
was not a moment too soon. for. sus-
pecting danger, the elephant made •
nub forward, only to have his hind legs
palled from under him. and he thrown
to Des gramme when he reached the
end of kis tether.
Hie scream of rage set all the herd
in motion, and All had • dangerouls
time of it during tbe next few nein-
eta's. He came off with nothing worm
bhen a broken arm however, arid when
the herd wee tired of raging and gone
away. he , descended from his place of
refuge in a tree, and with the aid of
ble sop surervoled in getting the two
other Ppm about the front legs of the
.sow exhaneted captive.
TM elephant war Dole held by four
rarut ptitling powIn del:Iremer.12Ttodtialwmettel'himill.
was only a work of time. &nal event -
Wally he wee ledodt -the aid of a
trained eleithaiK7 _ _
There is hardly one farmer in fifty
that has • fic11 mut ply of fruit for Ws
family during the yeerencluding small
truIts,sad ret there can *carroty be Piny
excum except negligence in providing
them, Perhaps there is not ()no in ten,
that has a full eursseaelon of apple*,
leaches pears, plUtlIffl, grapes. .to.
There are generally some farmers who
feet satiefied in saying that tbey can
buy mull fruits and vegetables nheapo
or than they can afford to raise them:,
but the poor wife knows about how;
much is bought, the smount depending
boo often upon her own want supply
of pocket money. Now. does any of thia.
strike you! if it done this winter is
a good time to plan and arrange to
have awls things. Go to work in ear-
nest, make out a hill of what you need,
set out a few strawberries, currants,
gooseberries, blackberries., raspberries,
grapearhularb,eio ,thbo coming &primer.
Have you a few worthier,' trees, seek
as apple+ ,pear, peash, rte.. or trees
whose fruit is not'astisfactory or net
eroittle semegb 1 Tee caa
by graitheitme-hedittag; you osa make
a eorthlesis tree become one of profit
and &Bight. Grafting la ueually con -
shirred the bettor way, a. we gale
time. Suppose you *lab to introduce
mew kinds of epplea on trees already
in bearing. Protium your wines. of
&aired variety, the latter part a win-
ter, white the buds are yet dormant,
and stow them away in ;moist worth lp
a 000l cellar; there to remain until
ready for tato. Whom (tering commethe
ahaiiriwaartarneawattpisi.nlrea yhuoatiemonaytheivraaaadtreee
ahtoaagirdacto „atTriaof f amadtlimii alseaugaramadafted
through the centre with a Merl( knife
aro ave wedged shape seem ineertee
Teens in not. much to do with the seton,
*inept to eut it, to allow of ae many
es two second buds. The scion need pot
be as large as the stook --seldom so
large; Mit the bark on one ad. should
he errata. Often when the elm is la-
serted the miring of the Mock in suffi-
cient to hold it in place: lot to maks
sure of it you had latter with a
string. The parte is eontart should he
waxed over, to exclude air and mobs-
ter,. A good grafttng wax is ins& ea
follows: Take six pounds( of resin. two
rounds of beeswax and one precise of
melt torsther wet apply warm
76. owieuxept ion of spirit.. It appears.
hen not veriest greetly is the United
Kingdom tiering the last ten roars.
hen been on the increase.
Meet of the spirits d.ruak la the Uni-
ted; Kluselom are made here; thus out
at a total cooeutuptioa of 40.000.006
gallows Mat year only 8,200.000 gallons
were imported.
Mambo) mete Frence from wise
or fruit has buil almost replaced by
alcohol made froin other vegetable nub-
sta.noes ; Fleece French brandy has aut-
hored enueli in public estimation. The
Frieneb divide their Werrhol Into four
elansees-alcobol ethylique. made from
bla5 grape; alcohol prophylique. made
froah the refine of wine or from other
fruit; aleulhol butylique. from molasses"
or beet root; sad alcohol amylique,
from potatoes or core. All except the
first are progreesively noxious In the
order seamed. indeed. poisonous to some
degree. thro lest waned Miter meet so.
Thu Itnegesticin Is mule that these var
eines of brandy abould be stampeao-
labelled for export. an as taome of
guiesh them. a -ad thus morn brandies
the reputatim *bleb '
at me time eajesst to relatisis tons
'The facts &thee somewhat remark-
Ualted Stibsot be coonidered. the re-
_ _ able. Hee, large beer drinking na-
Porieny more than limn be tanedered
liege eine drinking natios. The pro-
ms climbed upon my willing knee, duction awl coneemption of spirits bee
Aad softly whiespervel unto me , been for isome yearn paat decreasing:
"I love yon." In fact. it may te laid generally that
, my mice; ot the three alcoholic beverages. Us
Her dainty arms were reii miceitunptioe of wine and spirits is dis-
Her semi curie / win tenictly diminishing. while the consume -
The soul of 1,° and gra"' Um lawman, of population.
And la her tentliejnnJen tools beer bee oftie 'met pace
ebe o that hide the skies of blue, worth ioverotigating, too aa tei discover
And dinv Album gliding through, These oircunestanoes are certainly
Her ro. toned amens to my heert orbsuier, they are dim to the spread of
erseperatire principles or to the trails
Ape um the shadows eli elepart.
dePression 'Width, has existed for some
0. nioussn* time. The United State% fiscal author-
bieheretielbl.salewelltiatP°°.tdait&Y".ariYay fahromiP.nais skeet littetteributhtitt tilestby 11oheokl&trie.rwr aerad"eTbst te;
improved receipts if the Promised its -
0°41.1 wouldyonnsibseghke rataertrara ath6nd stay ; provesnent in insineas ansiitiotts 1.
Within my lowsly beart alway. eve. partially realized.
God bless the (Melee little ohild
Who loolood up In my tam and smiled.
ADA wrought into my heart a well
Mors sweet then songs a/ Israel.
0, sepia listen. while I prey
That yeti will make Mr life se sense
Azi that brief Morass.. was to me.
Wheue•er I heard her Ups repose
"I love yola.”
Mrs. Hrown -Dr. Rohn hecomies
dreadfully aliapat minded
Mrs. Jonea-ledised t
Mrs Brown -Yes; when Mrs. earth
'eked Ma whim shout ber al tononthe-
old lab, be said he al •uglat it would
do it ekott ta ride a vritea.
.0e:tar. •
a anguales. 1ai lathe